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Valentina Nirean Draft


Professor Cole Wahab

RC 1000

31 January 2020

A Place Like No Other

The idea of spatial investigation or understanding is a complex thought to process or

even to achieve but through careful analysis, I hope to understand space and the mood

surrounding it. I have traveled a lot in my lifetime visiting many states and many places that

mean so much to me. The places that I have chosen to write about are The Chapel in Divide

Colorado, Beavertown in Pennsylvania, and The Marketplace in Downtown Charlotte. These

places all hold such a dear place in my heart and I have visited them so many times it almost

makes my heart jump every time I think about it. If there was one location that that to this day

makes the most happiest and memorable Beavertown, Pennsylvania.

Selecting these locations was a conflicting argument because I really would love any

place that is different from home, and visiting so many states and countries makes it even

harder. At the moment I chose to focus on the locations which changed my state of mind the

most. I struggled a lot with anxiety and worry it’s so constant that sometimes there seems no

escape for me but when I visited Beavertown, Pennsylvania my mind seemed to stop.

Everything at that moment from when you enter the town to arriving at the location is at ease,

almost as if the confusing, conflict-filled world seemed to halt and your mind just admires the

beauty within the peaceful town. To this very day, I await returning back to that place, a place so

wholesome and peaceful that even the most troubled person would feel peace.

Returning to this place would be a blessing even if it is out of town and far away.

Beavertown is located on the border of Pennsylvania and Tennesee. Distance has nothing in
Valentina Nirean Draft


Professor Cole Wahab

RC 1000

31 January 2020

this town, to go back there I would walk just to experience it again. The beauty of this town is

that it is away from home and it so new, almost untouchable by the capitalist world. The town

stands gracefully at the elevation of 710 feet and it is about 0.77 square miles with a population

count of 870 people.

The people in is this town remind me of the people in my country Moldova. The most

respectful, innovative, kind, and hardcore indivduals I will ever meet. Everyone in the town knew

of each other and it was like being apart of a super large family. They all woke up greeting each

other wither at the store, outside while walking, and even as they passed houses. The best part

of this place is how unmodern it was. This town is composed of one small gas station that was

also a grocery store, one fire department, one small hospital, and one mail place the rest of the

buildings were either abandoned or small local businesses. The business was some places that

I don’t get to see anymore these days, odd repair shops, a sowing place, ceramic place, and

there was even a place where people came to use computers because not many people had

internet there.

The environment was more amazing than ever it seemed so pure with nothing but trees,

old buildings and tall grass and bushes everywhere. The place is so mountainous that when the

fog settles down it covers the top of the mountains and it should just slight peaks. When the sun

goes down the cold is like the North Pole but the stars light up the sky. The stars were so clear

to see you did not even need to squint even if you had the worst vision ever.

This paper I would like to be informative with a journalistic twist. I would like to describe

the history, people, environment and life but through my perspective, not the internet. I have
Valentina Nirean Draft


Professor Cole Wahab

RC 1000

31 January 2020

hopes to return to this place very soon but even if I don’t, it was unforgettable to me so I vividly

remember everything about it even if I was there for a short time.

Questions for me for this assignment

1. What can I learn about spatial understanding through this assignment?

2. Can I apply what I learn to further improve my writing skills?

3. What can hinder me from seeing the truth or the beauty in a place that I visit for

the first time?

4. How can I improve my overall writing style?

5. Would I ever find a place like this again and be able to apply all these amazing

things to it?

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