Present Simple Questions

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4 Match the questions with the short answers.

1 Choose the correct answers. 1 Do you ride your bike to school? C

2 Do you and yourfamilygo bowlingtogether? A
1 1~ / goes to school on the bus.
3 Does he go to football rnatches with his dad? E
2 My sister don't have 1@,~sn1t have)Music lessons on
4 Do l buythetickets online? B
5 Do Miranda and Jane go to thegyrn on Fridays? O
3 Pau~ play games online.
4 Atthe weekend,~ doesn'tget up early. A Yes,wedo.
5 On Sunday afternoons, we sornetimes has ~a B No, you don't,
picnic in the park. e Yes, 1 do.
6 Hannah watchesl(w'a'iCfü1V everyday afterschool. D Yes, they do.
E No, he doesn't.
2 Change the affirmative present simple sentences to
negative. S Putthe words in or~rto make questions.

1 We play basketball in the park. 1 does/which /play/ musical/ sister /your / instrument/?
We don't play basketbaii in the pare. Which musical mstrument doesyoursister playi
2 Laura and Markstudy at university. 2 does /when / start/ karate / the / class /?
)Ql)l0 oraMal~ oom 5'00'\ o-:l Un\\)tJ$\r:\ _wHi s:toi:t dot~ ;tt\t \'\a'ln:\e, t\~f,S
3 \Ne have breakfast in the dining room. 3 you / run /why / do /for /a/ in /the / go / morning /
we áosci't tlo\Jl bJroJim» 1n :\Re dsro~ Jror\ early /? ·
4 Adrian walks to school in the rnornings. ~H'1 ~. ti:\e t\010,~ tnl\j
00.l>\OCl 002Stii UJQ\$ 10 ~\\ro\ 1() t~ (Jo'Mll\~5 4 much/how/cost/it/does/?
5 My rnurn works all day. t\Q'N onc.\\ doe.;!) u»:\ 1+ · I
1:1~ Clut1 doeM} wolt.~ ro\ ~ 5 Michael / does / live /where /? ~
6 jack gets up at 7am on school days. w~e h'>e aoef> mc..\\oe.\
Jo<,I doo't ~r~ u? Q'i :1 on aD ~t-co\ 6 for / do /you / go /who / with / a /walk /?
~\\O W1iH a:> "!o\l ,, fo~ W9\\\
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe
verbs in brackets. 6 Write the questions. Then write affirmative (J') or
negative (JC) answers.
1 On Friday rnornings, 1 haue (have) Music lessons.
2 My brother r' ?lo1 (play) football on 1 Doesshelikecomputergames?
Saturdays. boes stie like computer games?
3 Mydad doesdt ~E _ (not work) at No, sbe doesn't. (JC)
weekend s.
4 Tom ........!>....
~~ ,..:,__ t
, g.....
-~~~~~---(watch) 1V on Friday
(stay) at home and
2 Doyouhaveapicnicwhentheweatherisnice?
oo 'tau \\Que ?,e r\\c,, w\\e.c,
'te!> .:'10\) \:\®e. (./)
'"'° Wto\<."tJ \J l\\l~ ?
evenings. 3 Dotheycolfectvinylrecords?
5 On school days, rny sister and 1 9<a:l: · \ \ oo 1t1e.'1 CO\\tc..-\ ,, '"'1\ lero§o5 ?
(get) up at zam. '12~,ttte (d\o(,\ (./)
6 On Wednesdays, my mum j tenu\ {teach) 4 Doyouwatchmanyfilmsatthecinema?
Dance and Drama. Do 'tou wQ:\c,\\ ruuq Hu, ~ t\\e ,.1nena ?
00 '1á.) dool (JC)

Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

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