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Midterm Assessment (Assignment) Spring 2020

Name:_______________________________ Registration #:____________________________

Program: MBA Evening (36-Credit Hours) Class & Section: MBA EVE 60-A
Course Code & Name: BA5123 Consumer Total Marks: 15 Marks
Instructors Name: Zeeshan M. Aslam Submission Deadline: 2nd Apr 20 9:30 P.M.
Date: 2nd April 2020 Email ID for Submission:

Important Instructions:

- Total allowed time: 24 hours 00 Mins

- Solved Assignment must be mailed to the respective faculty by the due date and time.
- Non-submissions of the assignments will be considered as absence.
- Attempt all questions on the A4 Paper/Properly detached papers or lose journal papers as available to
student. Student may also use MS Word as per faculty’s permission for solving assignment (save word
file in pdf format for submission).
- Please do not use pencils except for underlining or drawing diagrams, if handwritten assignment is
being submitted.
- Any attempt to use unfair means will lead to disqualification i.e. plagiarism will be checked for copying
material from internet or other sources (student may use any resources but exact copying or copied
material from any source is not acceptable).
- Marks and limit of each question is mentioned at the end of the question.
- Submission Format: : PDF for Handwritten/Typed assignment
- Plagiarism policy: SZABIST Plagiarism policy is to be followed.
- Submission guidelines: Email pdf file to max by 9:30
p.m 2nd April 2020
- No submission will be accepted after 9:35 p.m 2nd April 2020
- Name and reg# should be mentioned on top of the page and on the scanned file
- For non-submissions “0” marks will be awarded.
- You must comply with instructions, written or oral, given by the instructor in the question paper
Attempt all questions. (Max Marks:15 Marks)

Q.1 Is your parent’s lifestyle different from your lifestyle? If so, how are the two lifestyles different?
What factors cause these difference keeping in view our society where we live in joint family system?
(4 Marks) (Length of answer: Max 500 words)

Q.2 Many of us perceive that needs are dormant most of the time. What factors do you think cause
their arousal? Recall two ads that you think were designed to arouse latent need and discuss its
effectiveness. (4 Marks) (Length of answer: Max 500 words)

Q.3 Make a list of three products you enjoyed when you were a child. Do those products appear to
be of same size and have the same value? How would you apply weber’s law to this comparison?
(4 Marks) (Length of answer: Max 500 words)

Q.4 If you have consumers who are flipping various channels with less amount of time, how would
you get your message across? (3 Marks) (Length of answer Max 250 words)

The End

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