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C H A P T E R 2

Call Types

This chapter describes how to use call types to categorize incoming calls. It
• An introduction to defining call types and setting a default call type
• Information about geographical regions and prefixes (for example, area
• Instructions on how to use the region tools: the Region Editor and the Region
• A discussion on how to schedule scripts by call type

Introducing Call Type Qualifiers

Before ICM software executes a routing script, it classifies each call into a call
type that you have defined. ICM software then determines the script to execute
based on the call type schedule.
A call type is described in terms of three call qualifiers:
• Dialed Number (DN). The number that the caller dialed.
• Calling Line ID (CLID). The caller’s own billing phone number. This can be
expressed as a complete phone number, a prefix (such as an area code or an
area code with local exchange), or a region composed of several prefixes.
(The caller’s number is also referred to as Automatic Number Identification
or ANI.)

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Introducing Call Type Qualifiers

• Caller-Entered Digits (CED). Additional digits entered by the caller in

response to prompts.
Each call type is associated with one or more dialed numbers. For each dialed
number, you can limit the call type to only those calls with specific CLID values
and with specific CEDs.

Note Using call types to categorize incoming calls is just one segmentation method
the Script Editor provide. For information on further refining call
categorization, see Chapter 3, “Segmentation” and Chapter 4, “Target

Figure 2-1 shows how ICM software might determine the call type of calls to a
specific dialed number. After classifying the call by dialed number (DN), ICM
software then further classifies it by CLID, and then by CED.

Figure 2-1 Call Type Resolution Example

First, the ICM examines

DN = NICClient1.8005551234
the dialed number value.

Next, the ICM evaluates

the CLID value. Since
the CLID begins with 508, CLID = 5086631234
the call is from

Finally, the ICM looks at

the CED value. In this
case, the CED is 1, which CED = 1
furthur classifies it as a

Sales call.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Introducing Call Type Qualifiers

You can further refine call types by combining CLID and CED qualifiers. For
example, you could have separate call types called Massachusetts_Sales,
Massachusetts_Support, etc.
As shown in Figure 2-2, to set up call types you need to do some work in the
Configuration Manager and some work in the Script Editor. Use the Configuration
Manager to create dialed numbers, call types, and regions. Use the Script Editor
to create the mappings among call qualifier values and specific call types.

Note For added information about creating dialed numbers, call types, and regions,
see the Configuration Manager online help.

Figure 2-2 Call Type Subsystem

Call Type Region

Configure ICM

Dialed Number Region Prefix

Calling Line ID Caller-Entered Digits

Script Editor

Call Type Manager


Within the Script Editor, you associate call types with specific combinations of
DNs, CLIDs, and CEDs through the Script Editor’s Call Type Manager dialog
The following sections describe how to define your call types and how to set up
the associations between call types and specific call qualifiers.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Introducing Call Type Qualifiers

Dialed Number
A dialed number (DN) is a string that represents the telephone number dialed by
the caller. For example, 8005551212 might be a dialed number. The enterprise
name of a dialed number is composed of a routing client name and the dialed

Note For information on configuring dialed numbers, see the Cisco ICM Software
Configuration Guide.

Typically, every dialed number is associated with one or more call types. Use
CLID and CED values to refine the call segmentation.

Calling Line IDs

The calling line ID (CLID) is the caller’s billing telephone number: the telephone
number of the phone from which a call originates. The CLID is sometimes
referred to as the ANI (for Automatic Number Identification).
By default, ICM software compares the list of values against the calling line ID
of the call. In practice, however, you’re more likely to define a call type that
applies to one or more entire area codes or local exchanges.

CLID Prefixes
Use a CLID prefix to specify the leading digits of a telephone number (such as an
area code or an area code and local exchange code).
For example, you might want to define a call type for all calls from the 508 area
code. In that case, specify 508 as the CLID prefix. If you want to limit the call
type to only calls from the 486 exchange within the 508 area code, specify 508486
as the CLID prefix.
Using a CLID prefix in a call type association limits you to a single prefix.
Regions provide a way to associate a call type with more than one prefix.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Defining Call Types

CLID Regions
Sometimes you might want to associate a call type with CLIDs with more than
one prefix. To do this, define a geographical region with the Configuration
Manager. For example, if you want a call type to apply to any call originating from
Massachusetts, you can configure a region called “Massachusetts” and assign it
prefixes for the Massachusetts area codes: 978, 781, 617, 508, and 413.

Note A set of geographical regions for different countries, states, etc. are predefined
during ICM installation. You can also create custom regions. For more
information, see the Configuration Manager’s online help.

Caller-Entered Digits
Caller-entered digits (CEDs) are values entered by a caller in response to prompts.
For example, the caller can be prompted to enter a digit to indicate the type of
service desired. The caller can also be prompted for an account number or other
The prompt might occur in the long distance carrier network or at a call center to
which the call is routed. Regardless of where the prompt occurs, you can use this
information to classify the call.
You can differentiate between the case where the caller is not prompted for digits
(that is, None Required) and the case where the caller is prompted, but enters
nothing (None Entered). If you choose None, you can choose to apply the call type
for either or both of these cases.

Defining Call Types

You must create a call type and associate it with the appropriate dialed number
information before you can schedule a script that references that call type. Use the
Configuration Manager to define this information.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Defining Call Types

How to create a call type

Step 1 In the Configuration Manager’s menu, select Configure ICM > Calls > Call Type
> Call Type List. The Call Type List window appears.
Step 2 Click Retrieve to enable the add button. Then click Add.
Step 3 In the Attributes tab, enter the following:
• Name. An enterprise name for the call type. This name must be unique among
all call types in the system.
• Customer. (selection list.) The customer to be associated with the call type.
• Service level threshold.
• Service level type.
• Description. Additional information about the call type.
Step 4 If the Security tab is enabled, click it and enter the access rights you want
associated with this call type. See the online help if you have questions.
Step 5 When finished, click Save.
Step 6 Click Close to close the Call Type List tool.

Before you use the call type you’ve defined, you must associate it with a specific
dialed number and with the CLID and CED values that you want.

Note The following procedure shows how to use the Configuration Manager to
associate a dialed number with a call type. You can also use the Script Editor’s
Call Type Manager to do the same thing.

How to associate a dialed number, CLID, and CED with a call type

Step 1 In the Script Editor, select Script > Call Type Manager. The Call Type Manager
dialog box appears.
Step 2 Click the Call Type Mapping tab, choose the dialed number from the drop-down
list, and click the Add button. The Add Dialed Number Entry dialog box appears.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Defining Call Types

Step 3 Enter values for the following:

• Calling Line ID. (Radio buttons.) Specify whether all CLID values are valid
for this call type or limit values to a predefined region, a CLID prefix, or a
specific CLID value.
• Caller-Entered Digits. (Radio buttons.) Specify whether all CED values are
valid for the call type or limit the call type to cases where no CEDs are
entered, no CEDs are required, or a specific CED value occurs.
• Call Type. (Selection list.) Choose the name of the call type.
Step 4 Click OK to return to the Call Type Mapping tab. The Script Editor inserts the
new value at the end of the list. To sort the list from the most specific to the most
general, click Sort. To customize the list order, use the Up and Down buttons.

Note ICM software does not save the new call type association until you
click OK in the Call Type Manager.

Default Call Types

If the specific call qualifiers of a route request do not map to a call type, ICM
software can use a default call type. You can define a default call type for each
routing client. You can also define a general default call type.
When ICM software receives a route request it tries to map it to a call type, as
1. If the call qualifiers map to a specific call type, it uses that call type.
2. If no specific mapping has been defined, it uses the default call type for the
routing client.
3. If no default call type is associated with the routing client, it uses the general
default call type.
4. If no general default call type has been defined, it uses the default label
defined for the dialed number.
5. If no default label is defined for the dialed number, it returns an error to the
routing client.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Defining Call Types

Use the Configuration Manager to set up general and specific default call types.

How to associate a default call type with a routing client

Step 1 In the Configuration Manager, select Configure ICM > Requesters > NIC
Explorer (if the routing client is associated with a NIC) or PG Explorer (if the
routing client is associated with a peripheral. The appropriate explorer window
Step 2 In the Select filter data box, select the filters you want and click Retrieve. The
retrieved NICs or PGs appear in the tree list box.
Step 3 In the NIC Explorer, expand the tree list to display the routing client you want and
then select the routing client. In the PG Explorer, expand the tree list to display
the peripheral you want and then select the peripheral.
Step 4 In the Routing Client tab, select a value from the Default call type field’s
selection list. The list contains all call types that have been defined in the system.
Step 5 Click the Save to save the change in the database and then click Close to close the
configuration window.

The default call type is used for any call from the routing client that does not map
to another call type. You can also define a general default call type. The general
default is used as the default call type for any routing client that does not have a
specific default call type.

How to define a general default call type

Step 1 In the Configuration Manager’s menu, select Miscellaneous Tools > System
Information >. The System Information window appears.
Step 2 Choose a value from the Default Call Type field’s drop-down list.
Step 3 Click Save to save your changes and Close to close the window.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Geographical Regions

Geographical Regions
A region is a collection of calling line ID prefixes. A simple region has one or
more member prefixes. For example, ICM software might predefine a region for
each state in a country. Each of these contains one or more prefixes (or area

Figure 2-3 Simple Region and Prefixes


Prefix Prefix Prefix

For convenience, you can make one region a member of a larger region. The
sub-region’s prefixes are effectively added to the parent region. For example, you
might define a region that contains the southeastern states.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Geographical Regions

Figure 2-4 Parent Region with Child Region (Sub-Region)




Prefix Prefix Prefix

A parent region may contain one or more child regions plus one or more
additional prefixes. A parent region may also be a child region of a still greater
region. In this way, you can create many layers of nested regions.

Region Views
A view is a collection of regions that encompass the entire call-origination
territory without overlapping each other. A view is sometimes called a map. ICM
software predefines a simple template view. You can define additional custom

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Geographical Regions

Figure 2-5 Views, Regions, and Prefixes

Default Custom
View View

Default Custom
Region Region
Group Group



Several special rules apply to views and their regions:

• A view always contains exactly two levels of regions: region groups, which
can be thought of as parent regions (for example, a collection of states) and
regions, which can be thought of as child regions (for example, the predefined
state regions).
• Region groups in a view contain only regions. They do not contain any
additional prefixes.
• All views share the same regions. You must use the regions predefined by
ICM software (the state regions). You can optionally add your own regions.
• Every view contains a special region group called UNASSIGNED. Any
regions that are not members of another region group within the view are
members of UNASSIGNED.
If you define your own custom views, you can create your own region groups.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Geographical Regions

The Configuration Manager provides two tools for managing regions:

• Region Explorer. Lets you define views and parent regions for views. It also
lets you change the assignments of sub-regions to parent regions in region
• Region Editor. Lets you define prefixes, sub-regions, and regions that are not
used in views.

Region Explorer
Use the Region Explorer to manage region views. The Region Explorer lets you
view, and (if you have maintenance privileges) create, delete, or modify custom
region views.
In the Region Explorer:
• You can create and view custom region views and custom region groups, but
you cannot create or delete regions and prefixes.
• You can also move regions between groups in a view. However, you cannot
include sub-regions in a region. The Region Explorer has only three levels:
Region View, Region Group, and Region.
In summary, in the Region Explorer, you cannot create new regions, though can
create different groups of regions. The number of default regions is always the
same, but the groups you put them in can be different.

How to see the currently defined region views

Step 1 In the Configuration Manager menu, select Tools > Explorer Tools > Region
Explorer. The Region Explorer window appears.
Step 2 In the Select filter data box, select the filter options you want and click Retrieve.
If no filters are selected, all the currently defined views are displayed. See
Figure 2-6. The left side of the Region Explorer window contains a tree of the
views and their regions. The right side of the window displays information about
the current selection.

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Geographical Regions

Figure 2-6 Example Region Explorer Window

Note To expand an element in the tree, click the plus sign (+) next to it. (The plus
sign changes to a minus sign (-) when the branch is expanded.) To collapse the
branch, click the minus sign.

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Geographical Regions

Each view consists of one or more group regions. Each group region contains
zero, one, or more regions. You cannot modify the regions within the Region
Explorer. You can define new group regions (defined as a set of regions) and move
regions (defined as a set of prefixes) among group regions.
ICM software predefines a region for each U.S. state. In the following example,
the NorthEast USA region contains six states.

Figure 2-7 Region Explorer - NorthEast USA

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Geographical Regions

Each state contains one or more prefixes. For example, in Figure 2-7,
Massachusetts contains five prefixes.
The Def_North_America view is predefined by ICM software. It contains only
one parent region: UNASSIGNED. All of the U.S. states, Canadian provinces,
and so on are members of this region. You can use this view as a template for
creating new views.
You can right-click at any level of the Region Explorer’s tree to see an associated
options menu. These menus let you manipulate views and their associated

Rules for Using the Region Explorer

You should be aware of the following when using the Region Explorer:
• Types of regions handled by the Region Explorer
The Region Explorer manages default type (predefined) region view, region
group, CSG region, and region prefix records. It does NOT manage custom
type region records. Default type records are those defined by ICM when the
software is installed. Custom type records are those defined by a user.
Use the Region Editor to define, edit, and delete custom type region records.
• Read-only default view
During ICM database installation, a set of default region-related records is
installed. In the Region Explorer, these records are displayed as the default
records. The default region view, along with all its child records (region
groups, CSG regions, and associated prefixes) is read only.
• Region group naming convention
The system appends the region group name to the region view name (the
name prefix) and this entire name cannot be more than 32 characters. For
example, if the region view were US and the region group were MA, then the
system would create the combined name of US.MA.
• Autogenerated region groups
When you add a new region view, the Region Explorer automatically includes
in that view an auto-generated region group. This group includes all CSG
regions defined for that country or geographic region. The enterprise name of
this group is A.B where A is the enterprise name of the region view and B is
the prefix, .UNASSIGNED.

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Geographical Regions

The .UNASSIGNED region group contains all the default regions which you
can assign to the new region groups you create.
• Restrictions on moving an item in the region view tree list box
A region can be moved to another region group within the same region view.
However, a region cannot be moved to a different region view.
• Duplicating a region view
A region view can be duplicated to generate a new region view copy that has
the same region-group/region layout as the original. The enterprise name for
the duplicated region view is A_Copy where A is the name of the original
region view.
• Deletion
A region belonging to a region group cannot be deleted. However, it can be
moved from a region group to the .UNASSIGNED group or to another region
group within the same view.
A region group that includes regions cannot be deleted. However, it can be
deleted after all its sub regions are moved to the .UNASSIGNED group.
A region view can always be deleted unless it is the default region view,
which is read-only.
• Performance constraints
Due to performance constraints of the underlying library, you can only create
a region view or delete an existing region view, one at a time. After you create
a view, click Save.
• Read-only prefix(es)
The prefixes associated with each region are read only.
See the Region Explorer online help for procedures using this tool and for screen
field and button descriptions.

Region Editor
Use the Region Editor to view all regions and to view, update, and define custom
type regions. Custom type regions are user-defined regions. Default regions are
ICM pre-defined ones.

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Geographical Regions

How to view currently defined regions

Step 1 In the Configuration Manager menu, select Tools > Miscellaneous Tools >
Region Editor. The Region Editor window appears.

Figure 2-8 Region Editor

The left side of the Region Editor window contains a graphical list of regions
which shows how individual regions are related to one another.
Step 2 Select a region in the graph to display its properties in the property tab on the right
side of the window.

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Geographical Regions

Region Graph
The Region Editor displays a tree graph to show the database collection of regions
and their relationships. Table 2-1explains the meaning of the graph symbols.

Table 2-1 Region Graph Symbols

Symbol Description
Parent regions are indicated by a box with a plus icon (if the tree is
contracted) or a minus icon (if the tree is expanded). When a parent
region is expanded, its sub-regions are displayed beneath it, as
branches within the tree.
Sub-regions are indicated by the icon of an oval within an oval.

Shared sub-regions are indicated by an icon of intersecting ovals.

Note The Region Explorer displays a limited number of tree levels (region groups
and regions).

In the Region Editor, the number of tree levels is not limited. That is why the
add buttons are named Add Region (to the selected region) and Add
sub-Region (to the selected region).

The following two diagrams illustrate how the same data is both stored in the
database and displayed in the Region Graph.

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Geographical Regions

Figure 2-9 Data as stored in the database


New England Maine

MA (shared) Boston
East Coast
New York

Figure 2-10 Data as displayed in the Region Graph


New England Maine

MA (shared) Boston

MA (shared) Boston
East Coast

New York

Editing Options
When you select a region in the Region Graph, its corresponding record is
displayed in the Selected Region section of the Region Editor window. The
buttons and edit fields are enabled and disabled based on the operations available
for the given record.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Scheduling Scripts

Right clicking on a region in the Region Graph opens an options menu listing all
that you can do with that region.
You can add, cut, copy, and paste one region or multiple regions at a time. You
can also edit a custom region's data, including prefix entries.
Edits are not saved to the database until you click Save. By clicking Revert you
can undo any changes you have made if you have not yet saved them.
See the Region Editor online help for procedures using this tool and for screen
field and button descriptions.

Scheduling Scripts
For each call type, you must specify the scripts to execute for that call type and
when each script should be enabled. Some scripts might be enabled at all times;
others might be enabled only during certain hours of the day or certain days of the
week, month, or year. You might even define a script to run only on a specific date
during a specific period of time.
You can schedule a script to be enabled during a specific time period every day or
only on certain days. You can specify days of the week, days of the month, days
of the year, or specific dates on which the script becomes enabled. You can also
specify days within each two week period.

Creating a Call Type Schedule

To specify when each script is enabled, you set up a schedule for the call type
through the Script Editor’s Call Type Manager.

How to add a call type schedule

Step 1 Within Script Editor, select Script > Call Type Manager. The Call Type Manager
dialog box opens.
Step 2 To see the scripts scheduled for a call type, click the Schedules tab and select the
Call Type from the drop-down list.
Step 3 Click the Add button. The Add Call Type Schedule dialog box appears.
Step 4 Optionally, select a Business Entity.

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Scheduling Scripts

Step 5 Select a Script name.

Step 6 Select the Period tab and enter the following:
• Date Range. Set the dates for which you want the schedule to be in effect.
The start date defaults to the current date. The end date defaults to none (the
schedule continues indefinitely).
• Recurrence Pattern. Specify exactly which days the script becomes enabled.
For example, if you want the script to be enabled only on weekdays (Monday
through Friday), choose Daily and Every Weekday. The value you select from
the first column (Daily, Weekly, etc.) changes the choices in the second
column. (See the following section for details about the recurrence pattern
• Duration. Specify the period of the day during which you want the script to
be active. The default, 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM, indicates that the script is
active all day.
Step 7 Click the Description tab. The top of the dialog box contains text describing the
Period tab. Check the text to be sure the schedule is set as you want.
Step 8 Optionally, add a comment in the Description field.
Step 9 When finished, click OK. (Changes you have made to the call type schedule do
not take effect until you click OK in Call Type Manager.)

Recurrence Patterns
You can choose the granularity of the schedule by selecting from the left column
of the Recurrence Pattern list. When you change this selection, the day
specifications to the right of that section also change. Table 2-2 lists the
recurrence pattern options and the days that you can specify for each.

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Scheduling Scripts

Table 2-2 Recurrence Patterns for Scheduling

Pattern Days Comments

Daily Every day, every weekday, or Example: A script that is activated Monday through
every weekend day Friday every week.
Weekly Specific days of the week Example: A script that is activated on Tuesday and
Thursday every week.
Biweekly Specific days of alternating In a biweekly pattern, the script is activated during the
weeks week following the start date you specify.
Example: If you set up a script to run biweekly on
Monday, it is activated on the first Monday that falls on
or after the start date. Thereafter, it is activated on
every-other Monday.
Monthly Specific days of the month You can choose one of two options:
• An ordinal and day of the week, for example, the
third Sunday of each month.
• A numeric day of the month, for example, day 1 of
each month.
For more information, see “Defining Monthly
Patterns” section on page 2-23.
Yearly Specific days of the year This pattern is similar to Monthly, except that you can
specify the month to which it applies. Example: A
script that is active on the last Tuesday of October.
For more information, see “Defining Yearly Patterns”
section on page 2-24.
Range Specific starting and ending When you choose this option, the Date Range and
dates and times Time Range fields are disabled and any values you
entered there are ignored. The script becomes active at
the starting date and time you specify and remains
active until the ending date and time you specify.

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Scheduling Scripts

Defining Monthly Patterns

You can choose to specify either an ordinal and day of the week or numeric day
of the month. If you choose the first option, you can choose any ordinal and day
of week value as shown in Table 2-3.

Table 2-3 Monthly Scheduling Choices

Ordinal Day of Week

Every Sunday
The first Monday
The second Tuesday
The third Wednesday
The fourth Thursday
The last Friday
weekend day

For example, if many agents attend a regular meeting on the second Wednesday
of each month, you might want to schedule different scripts to be active during
that time.
If you want to specify that a script is active on specific days of a specific month
(for example, the second Sunday in February), choose Yearly scheduling.
You can also use the Monthly option to specify a specific day of every month. If
you choose the second radio item, you can specify the ordinal day of the month.

Figure 2-11 Sample Monthly Option

In this example, the script is active on the 12th of each month.

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Scheduling Scripts

Defining Yearly Patterns

You can specify that a script runs on one or more specific days of the year. You
can specify the days in either of two ways:
• If you choose the first radio set item, you can specify an ordinal, day
descriptor, and month descriptor. The possible values for each are shown in
Table 2-4.
Table 2-4 Yearly Scheduling Choices

Ordinal Day Month

Every Sunday Every month
The first Monday January
The second Tuesday February
The third Wednesday March
The fourth Thursday April
The last Friday May
Saturday June
Day July
Weekday August
Weekend day September

• If you choose the second radio set item, you can specify a specific day of the
year. In that case, the script is active on only that day.

Figure 2-12 Sample Yearly Option

If you want the script to be active on several specific dates of the year, you can
enter a separate schedule entry for each date.

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Scheduling Scripts

Overlapping Schedules
Only one script is enabled for a call type at any time. However, more than one
script might be scheduled for a specific time period. For example, you might have
a script scheduled to run between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM every day and a second
script scheduled to run between those same hours every December 25. When an
overlap of this kind occurs, ICM software chooses the first of the overlapping
scripts listed in the Call Type Manager’s Schedule tab. For example, in the
following case, the Christmas script would be used on December 25.

Figure 2-13 Call Type Manager’s Schedules Tab

You can rearrange the order of the scripts by using the up and down arrow
buttons. If you click the Sort button, ICM software arranges the scripts so that the
most specific schedules appear first. Table 2-5 lists the types of schedules and the
sorting priority ICM software gives to each.

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Chapter 2 Call Types
Scheduling Scripts

Table 2-5 Default Schedule Priorities

Priority Schedule Recurrence

1 Range
2 Yearly
3 Monthly
4 Biweekly
5 Weekly
6 Daily

To ensure that the script you want is enabled when you want it enabled, adjust the
schedule accordingly.

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