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C H A P T E R 5


This chapter discusses formulas in script processing. It includes:

• An introduction to ICM formulas and script processing
• Instructions on how to use the Script Editor’s Formula Editor
• A discussion of variables you can use within formulas (Call Control,
Expanded Call Context (ECC), and User variables)
• Descriptions and examples for using operators, built-in functions, and custom
functions in expressions

Introducing Formulas
A formula consists of one or more expressions that ICM software evaluates to
produce a value which it can use for subsequent script processing. You define an
expression, which is made up of variables, constants, operators, and functions, to
set up custom selection rules or distribution criteria in scripts.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Introducing Formulas

A formula can take many forms, as shown in the examples in Figure 5-1.

Figure 5-1 Sample Formula Formats

Example 1: Right-value

Example 2: Operator Right-value

Example 3: Left-value Operator Right-value

In each of the examples in Figure 5-1:

• The Left-value or Right-value is a number, string, variable, function, or
other expression.
• The Operator is a symbol that compares the Left-value to the Right-value.
Variables are discussed in detail beginning on page 5-3 of this chapter; operators
and functions beginning on 5-12.
Figure 5-2 shows a simple formula that evaluates the value of CallerEnteredDigit

Figure 5-2 Simple Formula

Left-value: A variable (in this Operator: The "Equal To"

case, a call control variable) equality operator

CallerEnteredDigits == 1

Right-value: The number 1

In Figure 5-2, if the CallerEnteredDigit value is equal to 1, the formula returns a

value of true; if the CallerEnteredDigit value is not equal to 1, the formula returns
a value of false.

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Introducing Variables

The Formula Editor

Many Script Editor node fields require a formula. In some cases, you can simply
key the formula into this field. In most cases, however, you will need to click an
Edit Formula button to access the Script Editor’s Formula Editor, shown in
Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3 Formula Editor

There are two ways to use the Formula Editor to create or modify a formula:
• Enter an expression directly in the Formula field.
• Use the tab lists at the bottom of the Formula Editor dialog box to choose
variables and functions and place them in the Formula field.

Introducing Variables
You use variables, which are named objects that can hold a value, in formulas to:
• Determine the best target for each call
• Help in call tracking
This section describes how to use variables in a formula and the different types of
variables that are available.
To see all available categories and the specific variables in each category, see the
Variables tab in the Formula Editor dialog box.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Introducing Variables

Note For information on a specific real-time variable, see the description of the
appropriate table in the Cisco ICM Software Database Schema Handbook or
the online ICM Schema Help.

How to Use Variables in a Formula

The syntax for using a variable in a formula is as follows:
• The object-type is an object category, for example, Service.
• The object-name is the name of an object contained in the ICM database, for
example, the name of a Service (for example, BosSales).
• The variable-name is a named object that can hold a value, for example, a
call control variable (for example, CallerEnteredDigits).
• Each component in the variable is separated by a period (.).

A Single-Target Variable
Figure 5-4 shows an example of a formula that examines the ExpectedDelay
variable for a Service, BosSales.

Figure 5-4 A Variable Examining a Single Target

Object-type Object-name Variable



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Chapter 5 Formulas
Introducing Variables

A Multiple-Target Variable
To use a variable to examine multiple targets of a node, use an asterisk (∗) as the
object-name value. When ICM software executes a variable with an asterisk, it
replaces the asterisk by each target in turn.
For example, you could include the formula in Figure 5-5 in a Select node to find
the skill group with the maximum value of the variable LongestAvailable.

Figure 5-5 A Variable Examining Multiple Targets

Object-type Variable


Built-in function 36933

Call Control Variables

The call control variables provide information about the current call request. They
include information about where the request came from, call classification data,
and information to be passed to the peripheral that receives the call.
You can set the values with some call variables with the Set Variable node. To
reference a call control variable in a script, the syntax is Call.variable.

Note For more information on the Set Variable node, see Script Editor Language

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Introducing Variables

Table 5-1 summarizes the call control variables.

Table 5-1 Call Control Variables

Variable Data Type Description Settable

CallerEnteredDigits String Digits caller entered in response to prompts. Yes
CallingLineID String Billing telephone number of the caller. No
CLIDRestricted Integer If 1, CLID presentation should be restricted. If No
0, CLID presentation should not be restricted.
CustomerProvidedDigits String Digits to be passed to the routing client for Yes
forwarding to the call recipient.
DialedNumberString String Telephone number dialed by the caller. No
ExpCallVarName String Expanded Call Context (ECC) variable value Yes
assigned in scripts and passed with call.
NetworkTransferEnabled Integer If 1, network transfer is enabled. If 0, network Yes
transfer is not enabled.
PeripheralVariable1–Perip String Values passed to and from the peripheral. Yes
RequeryStatus Integer Provides the ability to test the error path of the No
Label, Queue, RouteSelect, and Select script
nodes to determine the specific network cause
of failure and conditionally retry the attempt as
RouterCallDay Integer An encoded value that indicates the date on No
which ICM software processes the call.
RouterCallKey Integer A value that is unique among all calls ICM No
software has processed since midnight.
RouterCallDay and RouterCallKey combine to
form a unique call identifier.
RoutingClient String Name of the routing client that made the route No
TimeInQueue Integer Number of seconds a call has been queued. No

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Introducing Variables

Table 5-1 Call Control Variables (continued)

Variable Data Type Description Settable

UserToUserInfo String ISDN private network User to User Yes
VruStatus Integer Indicates the result of a previous VRU node. Yes

Note For a Post-Routing® request from an Aspect ACD, PeripheralVariable1

through PeripheralVariable5 map to the Aspect variables A through E. The
Aspect routing client passes these variables to ICM software as part of the
request and ICM software returns them with the response. Other routing
clients might use some of these variables for other purposes. The values of
these variables are also stored in the Route_Call_Detail table of the ICM

Expanded Call Context (ECC) Variables

Expanded Call Context (ECC) variables are variables that you define and enable
in the Configuration Manager to store values associated with the call. You can
specify the variable name and data type. The name must begin with the string user.
These are in addition to the variables the ICM software defines for each call
(PeripheralVariable1 through PeripheralVariable10, CallerEnteredDigits,
CallingLineID, etc.).
An ECC variable name can be up to 33 bytes long (1-32 usable characters + a null
terminator). In addition, it is highly recommended that you use the following
naming convention when creating an ECC variable:
In this syntax:
• <CompanyName> is the name of your company
• <VariableDescription> is a descriptive tag for the variable.
For example, you could use the following name for an ECC variable created for
Cisco account numbers:

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Introducing Variables

Using this naming convention will prevent naming conflicts with any third-party
applications that interface with ICM software.

Note If your corporation is large, you may even want to break

<VariableDescription> down to include the Business Unit, Division, or other
organizational entity that exists in your company.

An ECC variable can be either a scalar variable or an array.

The maximum length of a scalar variable or array element can be 1 to 210 bytes.
The maximum number of elements in an array can be 1 to 255.
The maximum buffer size for each scalar variable = 5 + the maximum length of
the variable where the 5 bytes includes 4 bytes to tag the variable and 1 byte for
the null terminator.
The maximum buffer size for each array = 5 + (1 + the maximum length of array
element) * (the maximum number of elements in the array). There is a null
terminator for each element, as well as a null terminator for the array as a whole.
Since the total size of the buffer used to store the variables internally is 2000
bytes, the total sum of all the maximum buffer sizes for each variable and each
array must be no greater than 2000.
For example, if you intended to use one scalar ECC variable with a maximum
length of 100 bytes, one scalar ECC variable with a maximum length of 80 bytes,
and an ECC array with a maximum of 9 elements with each element having a
maximum length of 200 bytes, the buffer size would be:
(5+100) + (5+80) + (5 + (1+200)*9) = 2004
This is too large so the length of one of the scalar ECC variables or the length of
the array ECC variable needs to be adjusted.
Expanded call variable configuration consists of two steps:
• Setting the Enable Expanded Call Context option in the System Information
dialog box
• Defining the variable through the Expanded Call Variable List in the
Configuration Manager

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Introducing Variables

How to set the Enable Expanded Call Context option

Step 1 Within the Configuration Manager, select Tools > Miscellaneous Tools > System
Information. The System Information window appears.

Step 2 Select Enable Expanded Call Context.

Note For additional information refer to the online Help.

Step 3 Click Save to apply your changes.

How to define an Expanded Call Context (ECC) variable

Step 1 Within the Configuration Manager, select Tools > List Tools > Expanded Call
Variable List. The Expanded Call Variable List window appears.
Step 2 In the Expanded Call Variable List window, enable Add by clicking Retrieve.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Introducing Variables

Step 3 Click Add. The Attributes property tab appears.

Step 4 Complete the Attributes property tab.

Note The Name and Maximum Length fields are required. All other fields are
optional. The Name must begin with “user” and cannot exceed 32 characters.
The recommended syntax is: user.<CompanyName>.<VariableDescription>.
For additional information refer to the online Help.

Step 5 Click Save to apply your changes.

User Variables
You can also create global user variables. For example, you could create a user
variable called usertemp to serve as a temporary storage area for a string value
used by an If node.
Each user variable must:
• Have a name that begins with user.
• Be associated with an object type, for example, Service. (This enables ICM
software to maintain an instance of that variable for each object of that type
in the system.)
• Be identified as a persistent (retains value across CallRouter restarts) or
non-persistent (does not retain value across CallRouter restarts) variable.

Note A user variable can store a value up to 40 characters long.

After you have defined a variable, you can then use the Script Editor’s Formula
Editor to access the variable and reference it in expressions, just as you would
with a “built-in” variable

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Introducing Variables

Figure 5-6 Formula Editor Dialog Box

How to define a user variable

Step 1 Within the Configuration Manager, select Tools > List Tools > User Variable
List. The User Variable List window appears.
Step 2 In the User Variable List window, enable Add by clicking Retrieve.
Step 3 Click Add. The Attributes property tab appears.
Step 4 Complete the Attributes property tab.

Note The Variable name, Object type, and Data type fields are required. All other
fields are optional. For additional information refer to the online Help.

Step 5 Click Save to apply your changes.

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Chapter 5 Formulas

ICM software supports a large number of operators. Some operators have one
operand; others have more than one. This section contains tables describing the
various operators supported by ICM. Most of the table entries include examples.

Prefix Operators
Prefix operators, listed in Table 5-2, take a single operand.

Table 5-2 Prefix Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

+ Positive Numeric values are positive by default, so the positive operator (+) is
Example: 2 and +2 represent the same value.
- Negative The negative operator (-) changes the sign of a value.
Example: 2 represents a positive value; -2 represents a negative value.
! Logical A logical expression is any expression that evaluates to true or false. The
negation logical negation operator (!) changes the value of a logical expression.
Note Numerically, a false value equates to 0 and a true value equates
to a non-zero value.

Example: If the current value of SkillGroup.Sales.Avail is 3, then

SkillGroup.Sales.Avail > 0 is true (because 3 is greater than 0) and
!(SkillGroup.Sales.Avail > 0) is false (because 3 is not greater than 0).
~ One’s Operates on a bit value, changing each 1 bit to a 0 and each 0 bit to a 1.
complement Note This operator is rarely used.

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Arithmetic Operators
The arithmetic operators, listed in Table 5-3, take two operands.

Table 5-3 Arithmetic Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

* Multiplication Arithmetic operators perform the basic operations of addition,
/ Division subtraction, multiplication, and division. You can use them in making
calculations for a skill group, service, or route.
+ Addition
Note Multiplication (∗) and division (/) operators are evaluated
- Subtraction before addition (+) and subtraction (-) operators.

• Service.Order.AgentsLoggedOn -
Service.Order.AgentsAvailable returns the number of agents who
are logged on to the service but not currently available.
• 2 + 3 * 4 evaluates to 14 because the multiplication is performed

Note For further information on the order of evaluation, see the “Operator
Precedence” section on page 5-18.

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Equality Operators
The equality operators, listed in Table 5-4, take two operands.

Table 5-4 Equality Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

== Equal To Equality operators allow you to determine whether two values are
!= Not Equal To equivalent or not.
Note The Equal To operator can also be written as a single equal
sign (=).

• Service.Sales.CallsQNow != 0 is true if any calls are currently
queued for the service.
• Service.Sales.AgentsLoggedOn == Service.Sales is true if all
agents logged on to the service are currently available.

Relational Operators
The relational operators, listed in Table 5-5, take two operands.

Table 5-5 Relational Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

> Greater than Relational operators allow you to perform a more sophisticated
< Less than comparison than the equality operators.

>= Greater than Example:

or equal to • SkillGroup.Sales.Ready < SkillGroup.Sales.NotReady is true if
<= Less than or most members of the skill group are in the Not Ready state.
equal to • SkillGroup.Sales.Ready >= SkillGroup.Sales.NotReady is true if
at least as many agents are Ready as Not Ready.

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Logical Operators
Logical operators, listed in Table 5-6, take two operands. Logical operators
examine the values of different logical expressions.

Table 5-6 Logical Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

&& And The expression is true if both of the operands are true. If either operand is
false, the overall expression is false.
Example: The following is true if the skill group has at least one agent
logged on, but no agents currently available:
SkillGroup.Sales.LoggedOn > 0 && SkillGroup.Sales.Avail == 0
|| Or The expression is true if either or both of the operands is true. If both
operands are false, then the overall expression is false.
Example: The following expression is true if the skill group has at least five
agents logged on or no agents are currently available:
SkillGroup.Sales.LoggedOn > 5 || SkillGroup.Sales.Avail == 0
However, the expression is false if less than five agents are logged on and
there is an agent available (SkillGroup.Sales.Avail does not equal 0).

Note The equality (==) and relational (<) operators are evaluated before the logical
operators (&& and ||). (For more information about the order of evaluation, see
the “Operator Precedence” section on page 5-18.)

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Chapter 5 Formulas

Bitwise Operators
The bitwise operators, listed in Table 5-7, take two integer operands.

Table 5-7 Bitwise Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

& And Use the bitwise operators to turn specific bits in a value on or off.
Example: Service.Sales.AvgTalkTimeTo5 & ~63 turns off (that is, sets to
0) the six low-order bits of AvgTalkTimeTo5.
(Note the use of the one’s complement operator (~) with the constant) This
is equivalent to rounding the value down to the next multiple of 64.)
| Inclusive Inclusive Or and Exclusive Or differ in the way they handle the case where
Or bits in both values are 1:
^ Exclusive • Inclusive Or evaluates the result as true and sets a 1 bit in the result.
• Exclusive Or evaluates the result as false and sets a 0 bit in the result.
(An Exclusive Or applies the rule “one or the other, but not both.”)

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Miscellaneous Operators
The miscellaneous operators, which don’t fit in any of the preceding categories,
are listed in Table 5-8.

Table 5-8 Miscellaneous Operators

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

? Conditional The conditional operator (?) takes three operands. Its syntax is as
condition ? true-result : false-result

ICM software evaluates the expression by first examining the logical

expression condition and then doing the following:
• If the result is true, then the overall expression evaluates to the value
of the expression true-result.
• If the result is false, then the overall expression evaluates to the
expression false-result.
Example: The following expression determines whether the number of
agents available for skill group S1 is even or odd:
(SkillGroup.S1.Avail & ~01) ? “even” : “odd”

Note You can achieve the same result by using the If function. See
the description of the If function in Table 5-12 on page 5-23.
& Concatenation The concatenation operator (&) joins two strings end-to-end.
Example: “abc” & “def” returns the value “abcdef”.
, Sequential The sequential or comma operator (,) takes two operands, each of which
is an expression. ICM software evaluates the left expression first and
then the right expression. The value of the overall expression is the value
of the right expression. The first expression typically affects the
valuation of the second.
Call.CallEnteredDigits = 99, Valid(Call.CallerEnteredDigits) ? 1 : 0

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Table 5-8 Miscellaneous Operators (continued)

Operator Meaning Comments / Examples

<< Shift left The shift left (<<) and shift right (>>) operators shift the bits within a
>> Shift right value.
The following example shifts the bits in Avail two places to the left. The
two rightmost positions are filled with zeroes:
Avail << 2
The following example shifts the bits in Avail two places to the right. In
this case, the positions are filled with sign bits (0 if the original value is
positive or zero; 1 if the original value is negative).
Avail >> 2

Operator Precedence
To write expressions correctly, you must understand the order in which ICM
software evaluates each operator. Table 5-9 lists the levels of operator priority.

Note The operators with priority 1 are evaluated first, then those with priority 2, and
so on. The order of evaluation within each priority level can also be important.
Prefix operators are evaluated from right-to-left in an expression. Assignment
operators are also evaluated from right-to-left. In all other cases where
operators have equal priority, they are evaluated left-to-right.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Built-in Functions

Table 5-9 Operator Precedence

Priority Operator Type Operators

1 Prefix (unary) +-!~
2 Multiplication and division */
3 Addition and subtraction +-
4 Shift right and shift left >> <<
5 Relational < > <= >=
6 Equality == !=
7 Bitwise And &
8 Bitwise exclusive Or ^
9 Bitwise inclusive Or |
10 And &&
11 Or ||
12 Conditional ?
13 Sequential ,

Built-in Functions
ICM software provides a number of built-in functions that you can use in
formulas. These functions allow you to manipulate dates and times, perform
several standard mathematical operations, and so forth.
The tables in this section summarize the functions according to category.
Table 5-10 lists the functions that manipulate dates and times.

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Built-in Functions

Table 5-10 Date and Time Functions

Function Data Type Return Value / Examples

date [ ( date ) ] Integer Returns the current system date or the date portion of a given
date-time value. The given date can be a floating point value (as
returned by the now function), a string of the form mm/dd/yy, or
three integers: yyyy, mm, dd.
• date (with no arguments) returns the current date.
• date() = date(2001, 7, 15) tests whether the current date is
July 15, 2001.
Note It is recommended that you not use the slash (/)
character in defining a date function because it is the
division operator. For this reason, the function
date(7/15/01) would not return the results you’d be
looking for. You could enclose the argument within a
string--date(“7/15/01”)--but the preferred format is:
day [ ( date ) ] Integer Returns the day of month (1–31) for the current date or a given
date. The given date must be an integer or a floating-point value,
as returned by the date or now function.
Example: day(now+1) = 1 tests whether tomorrow is the first of
the month.
hour [ ( time ) ] Integer Returns the hour (0-23) of the current time or a given time. The
given time must be a floating-point value, as returned by the now
Example: hour() < 12 tests whether the current time is before
minute [ ( time ) ] Integer Returns the minutes (0–59) of the current time or a given time. The
given time must be a floating-point value as returned by the time
Example: (minute() >= 15) && (minute() < 30) tests whether the
current time is in the second fifteen-minute interval after an hour.

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Built-in Functions

Table 5-10 Date and Time Functions (continued)

Function Data Type Return Value / Examples

month [ ( date ) ] Integer Returns the month (1–12) of the current month or a given date.
The given date must be a floating-point value, as returned by the
date or now function.
Example: month() = 6 tests whether the current month is June.
now Float Returns the current date and time, with the date represented as an
integer and the time represented as a fraction.
Note You can use the date or time functions without any
arguments to return just the current date or time.

This function is useful for comparing the current date and time to
a specific point in time. Example: to test whether the current date
and time is later than 10 p.m., December 24, 2001, use the
expression now() > date(2001,12,24) + time(22,0).
second [ ( time ) ] Integer Returns the seconds (0-59) of the current time or a given time.
The given time must be a floating-point value, as returned by the
time function.
Example: second() >= 50 tests whether the current time is within
the last ten seconds of a minute.
time [ ( time ) ] Float Returns the current system time or the time portion of a date-time
value. The given time can be a floating point value, a string of the
form “hh:mm:ss”, or two or three numeric values: hh, mm [, ss ].
• time (with no arguments) returns the current time.
• time() > time(“14:00:00”) tests whether the current time is
after 2:00 PM.

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Built-in Functions

Table 5-10 Date and Time Functions (continued)

Function Data Type Return Value / Examples

weekday [ ( date ) ] Integer Returns the current day of week (Sunday=1, Monday=2, etc.) of
the current date or given date. The given date must be an integer
or floating-point value, as returned by the date or now function.
Example: weekday() = 3 tests whether today is Tuesday.
year [ ( date ) ] Integer Returns the year of the current year or given date. The given date
must be a floating-point value, as returned by the date or now
Example: year() >= 2001 tests whether the millennium has

Table 5-11 lists the mathematical functions.

Table 5-11 Mathematical Functions

Function Data Type Return Value

abs(n) Numeric Returns the absolute value of n (the number with no sign).
Example: abs(-15) returns the value 15.
max(n1, n2 [ , n3 ] . . .) Numeric Returns the largest of the operands. Each operand must be
Example: max(0, -2, 3) returns the value 3.
min(n1, n2 [ , n3 ] . . .) Numeric Returns the smallest of the operands. Each operand must be
Example: min(0, -2, 3) returns the value -2.
mod(n1, n2) Numeric Returns the integer remainder of n1 divided by n2.
Example: mod(1999, 100) returns the value 99.
random() Numeric Returns a random value between 0 and 1.

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Built-in Functions

Table 5-11 Mathematical Functions (continued)

Function Data Type Return Value

sqrt(n) Numeric Returns the square root of n. (The operand n must be numeric
and non-negative.)
Example: sqrt(49) returns the value 7.
trunc(n) Numeric Returns the value of n truncated to an integer.
Example: trunc(28.35) returns the value 28.

Table 5-12 lists the other built-in functions that are available.

Table 5-12 Miscellaneous Functions

Function Data Type Return Value

after(string1, string2) String That portion of string2 following the first
occurrence of string1.
If string1 does not occur in string2, the null string
is returned. If string1 is the null string, string2 is
Example: after(“bc”, “abcdefg”) returns the
value “defg”.
before(string1, string2) String That portion of string2 that precedes the first
occurrence of string1.
If string1 does not occur in string2, string2 is
returned. If string1 is the null string, the null
string is returned.
Example: before(“de”, “abcdef”) returns the
value “abc”.

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Built-in Functions

Table 5-12 Miscellaneous Functions (continued)

Function Data Type Return Value

ClidInRegion(string) Logical Indicates whether the CLID for the current call is
in the geographical region specified by string.
The value string must be the name of a defined
region. You can use the Name variable of a region
to avoid entering a literal value.
Example: CLIDInRegion(“Maryland”) tests
whether the CLID is from the Maryland region.
concatenate(string1, string2, ...) String Returns the concatenation of the arguments. The
function takes up to eight arguments.
Example: concatenate(“ab”, “cde”) returns the
value “abcde”.
find(string1, string2 [ , index ]) Integer Returns the starting location of string1 within
If you specify an index value, searching starts with
the specified character of string2.
Example: find(“cd”, “abcabcde”) returns the
value 6.
if(condition, true-value, false-value) Logical Returns a value of true-value if the condition is
true; false-value if the condition is false.
if(hour()>12, hour()-12, hour()) returns the
current hour in 12-hour format rather than 24-hour
left(string, n) String Returns leftmost n characters of string.
Example: left(“abcde”, 3) returns the value
len(string) Integer Returns the number of characters in string.
Example: len(“six”) returns the value 3.

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Built-in Functions

Table 5-12 Miscellaneous Functions (continued)

Function Data Type Return Value

mid(string, start, length) String Returns a substring of string beginning with the
start character and continuing for length
Example: mid(“abcde”, 2, 3) returns the value
result Numeric Returns the result of the current Select node. (This
function is valid only in a Select node.)
Example: If you are using the LAA rule in the
Select node, result returns the number of seconds
the selected agent has been available.
right(string, n) String Returns the rightmost n characters of string.
Example: right(“abcde”, 3) returns the value
substr(string, start [ , length ] ) String Returns a substring of string beginning with start
character and continuing for length characters.
Example: substr(“01851-1234”,1,5) returns the
value 01851.
text(n) String Converts a numeric value to a string.
Example: text(5) returns the value “5”.
valid(variable) Logical Returns whether variable has a valid value.
For example, valid(Database.C.Name) tests
whether this is a valid value.
ValidValue(variable, value) String If variable has a valid value, returns that value;
otherwise, returns value.
Example: ValidValue(Database.C.Name,
“None”) returns either a name from the database
or the string value “None”.
value(string) Numeric Converts a string to a numeric value.
Example: value(“5”) returns the value 5.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Custom Functions

Custom Functions
You can create custom functions for use within scripts. A custom function
represents an expression. Optionally, the expression can contain parameters that
receive values when the function is called.
You can also import or export a custom function from one system to another.

How to add a custom function

Step 1 Within Script Editor, select Script > Custom Functions. The Custom Functions
dialog box appears, listing all the custom functions currently defined.
Step 2 Click the Add button to open the Add Custom Function dialog box.
Step 3 Specify the following:
• Function name. All custom function names must begin with user.
• Number of Parameters. The number of parameters to be passed to the
function. A function may take 0, 1, or more parameters.
• Function definition. The expression to be evaluated when the function is
called. When entering the function definition, keep the following in mind:
– The parameters to a function are numbered beginning with 1.
To reference a parameter within the expression, surround it with percent
signs (%). For example, %3% is a reference to the third parameter.
– The lower portion of the dialog box is just like the Formula Editor. You
can use it to help build the expression.
Step 4 When done, click the Test button. The Test Function dialog box appears.
Step 5 Test the function by entering an example of how you might reference the function.
Include a specific value for each parameter.
Step 6 Click the Evaluate button to see how the Script Editor interprets the function call
and click Close to return to the Add Custom Function dialog box.
Step 7 Use one of the Validate buttons to validate the scripts that reference a selection
function. (The Validate All button lets you validate all the scripts that reference
any custom function.)
Step 8 When finished, click OK to apply changes and to close the dialog box.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Custom Functions

How to import a custom function

Step 1 Within Script Editor, select Script > Custom Functions to open the Custom
Functions dialog box.
Step 2 Click Import. The Import Custom Function dialog box appears.
Step 3 Choose a file name with an ICMF extension (.ICMF) and click Open. The Script
Editor examines the file for naming conflicts. If a conflict is found, a dialog box
appears listing options for resolving the conflict.
Step 4 Choose one of the options and click OK.

Note If you choose to rename the function, the new name must begin with

Step 5 The Script Editor performs automapping and the following happens:
• If all imported objects were successfully auto-mapped, a message window
appears prompting you to review the mappings. Click OK to access the
Object Mapping dialog box.
• If some imported objects were not successfully auto-mapped, the Object
Mapping dialog box appears, with all unmapped objects labeled
The Object Mapping dialog box contains three columns:
• Object Types. The type of imported objects.
• Imported Object. Name of imported object.
• Mapped To. What this imported object will be mapped to.
Step 6 (Optional.) Click an Imported Object value. The Mapped To column displays all
the valid objects on the target system.
Step 7 (Optional.) Select an object from the Mapped To column’s drop-down list on the
target system that you want to map the imported object to.

Note Multiple objects may be mapped to the same target. Objects may be
left unmapped; however, the resulting custom function will not be
valid until all objects are mapped.

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Chapter 5 Formulas
Custom Functions

Step 8 When the mapping is complete, click Apply and Finish.

How to export a custom function

Step 1 Within Script Editor, select Script > Custom Functions to open the Custom
Functions dialog box.
Step 2 Select the custom function(s) from the list and click Export. The Export Custom
Function dialog box appears.

Note If you selected a single function, that function’s name appears in the
File Name field. If you selected more than one function, the File Name
field is blank.

Step 3 (Optional.) Change the File Name.

Note You cannot change the file type; the script can only be saved in .ICMF

Step 4 Click Save. If the file name already exists, the system prompts you to confirm the
Step 5 If prompted, click OK. The custom function(s) are saved to the specified file in
text format.

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