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Quinn Hecker

IST 195


IST 195 Final Study Guide - Lecture

1. MOOC - (massive open online course) ex: coursera, khan academy,


2. Show rooming - Retail & IT - the practice of visiting a store or

stores in order to examine a product before buying it online at a

lower price

3. Howard Aiken - Harvard professor - Original conceptual designer for

the Mark 1

4. 305 RAMAC - The second computer in 1956

5. Moore’s law - The number of transistors on a chip doubles every 24

months while increasing computing power and while cost stays the


6. Types of Computers

• PC – Small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an

individual user.

• Server – Computer program that provides to other computer

programs (and their users) in the same or other computers.

• Mainframes – Used in 87% of the world’s financial transactions

• Super Computers – NASA, NSA

• Embedded – Computer system with a dedicated function within a

larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real time

computer constraints.

7. Client vs. Server Side vs. Mobile Languages

Client Side (Scripting) Server Side (Programming) Mobile Development



8. Structure of a Document









break = <br /> (open and close it in one statement)

paragraph = <p /> (open and close it in one statement)

number list = <ol>

bullet list = <ul>

9. Title Tag - see above

10. Heading Tags - see above

11. Image Types

• GIF - graphics interchange format

• JPEG - joint photographic experts group

• PNG - portable network graphics

12. CSS - Cascading Style Sheet, every professional website uses

CSS, separating content from your style, complete control over

every pixel on the screen, Padding (Inside of box) vs Margin

(Outside of box)

13. Div vs. Span

• DIV:

• Block element

• Change style of set of characters or region

• Allows you to control every pixel within the box

• Margin

• Padding

• Span:
• Inline element

• Change style of set of characters within the line

14. Operator precedence - PEMDAS

15. Formulas vs. Functions – Formulas =5-10*(-5), Functions are built

in formulas ex: SUM, COUNT

16. Pivot Tables – Allows you to extract the significance from a

large, detailed data set

17. Delimited Files – Separated by characters

18. The four V’s of Big Data

• Volume – Scale of data

• Velocity – Speed of data

• Variety – Different forms of data

• Veracity – How accurate is this data

19. 4 Types of Data

• Unstructured – Not formerly defined or formatted

• Semi-Structured – Emails because of the subject, but the body in


• Structured – Highly organized and manageable

• Geospatial – Position of geographical info, foursquare Parallel

20. ParallelComputing - All the data is chopped up into smaller

chunks and mapped to many computers

21. Hadoop/MapReduce

• Hadoop – Open source project that uses MapReduce

• MapReduce – Data is chopped into smaller and smaller chunks then

brought back together to produce reports.

22. Steganography - Hiding a message in something else

23. Substitution vs. Transformation Cipher - Substitution uses plain

text are replaced with cipher text, Transformation: Shifts plaintext


24. Encryption/Decryption – Creating ciphertext and turning

ciphertext into plaintext

25. Multi Factor Authentication – Something you know, something

you have, and something you are

26. Malware – Malicious software that infiltrates your computer

27. Virus vs. Worm – A worm crawls across the network and infects

all devices on the network without downloading anything. A virus is

actually installed on your device because something you did.

28. Ransomware – Software that encrypts all of your files and

hardware and holds it ransom until you pay.

29. Blockchain

• Generic name for the database and transaction processing

capabilities that power digital transactions (i.e., Bitcoin)

• Blockchain uses cryptography allowing each participant on the

network to manipulate the ledger in a secure way without the need

for a central authority

• Once a block of data is recorded on the blockchain ledger, it’s

extremely difficult to change or remove

30. Distributed Ledger - instead of one book, tens of thousands of

books; harder to hack

31. Public vs. Private Blockchains

• Public - this is what bitcoin uses. A public Blockchain is

permissionless, meaning anyone can participate and contribute to

the ledger.

• Private - companies are experimenting with this type of permission

based Blockchain, where the network is mad cup of only known


32. 4 main computing functions

• Accept input

• Process input
• Produce output

• Storage (this one is changing)

33. Motherboard - The motherboard is the main circuit board of the

system unit

34. CPU

• Different types/brands of CPUs (chips)

• Intel/AMD the main makers

• Rated by number of “cores”

• Rated by clock speed (MHz)

• measured in Hertz (1Hz = 1 cycle/signal per second)

• Benchmark – software used to test and evaluate CPUs

• Overclocking – pushing it beyond rated speeds

35. 3 parts of the CPU

• Control unit – fetches & interprets instructions from RAM

• ALU – Executes instructions

• Registers – Fast accessing storage inside the CPU

36. Transistors/Nanotechnology

• is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic or molecular level

• this chip’s transistors are 14nm (nanometers)

• A nanometer is so small that it takes a billion of them to make a


37. RAM

• Open large files quickly

• Have more programs open at once

38. CPU Memory Cache

• holds data and instructions waiting for processing by the CPU

• Temporary storage

• Contents are deleted when computer is powered down

39. Traditional Hard Drives vs. SSD

• Traditional Hard Drives

• How does a 7200 RPM Compare to a

5400 RPM hard drive

• Avg. Seek Time 10ms vs. 12 ms

• SATA – 150 MB per second (7 wires)…

• SATAII – 300 MB per second – big increase in price

• Solid State Drives (SSD)

• Uses Flash Memory Technology

• No Moving Parts

• Less susceptible to shock

• No Noise

• Reduced Access Time

• More Expensive

40. USB-C (USB 3.1) vs. USB 2.0 and USB 3.0

• USB - Universal (not proprietary). Used by Android

• USB-C - new standard which uses USB 3.1

• smaller and thinner; carries 100 Watts; speeds up to 10 Gbits;


• USB-C can be used in laptops; computers; phones; tablets;


• New Macbook uses USB-C (only one port)!

41. Bit vs. Byte

• Bit - binary digit: the “bit”

• 1 bit = 2 values (1 or 0)

• 2 bits = 4 values (10 01 11 00)

• 3 bits = 8 values

• 4 bits = 16 values

• 5 bits = 32 values

• 6 bits = 64 values

• 7 bits = 128 bits

• 8 bits = 256 values - also known as a byte

42. Decimal vs. Binary

• Decimal is base 10 (probably because we have 10 fingers)

• Binary is base 2

43. Storage Capacities - the amount of stuff it can store

44. Binary Arithmetic

• pick a number between 0 and 255 - tell me the binary equivalent

• start from left…and figure out which #’s we need to add up to 238

(or said number)

• 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

•0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

• remove any leading zeros (start with your first “1”)

• 238 = 11101110



• ASCII is 7 bit (or 128 values)

• This takes care of 0-9, A-Z, a-z and punctuation…

• What about other languages and their character sets?


• more than 100,000 characters

• universal character set

• Includes ASCII

46. Passive vs. Active Tags

• Passive Tags (commonly used)

• Does not need battery power

• Activates itself and transmits data

using power generated by the radio

waves from the RFID reader

• Usually less than 3 meters

• Active Tags

• It is battery powered

• It has an improved operating range

• Costs more than passive tags

• Ranger is greater than 100 meters and 100 MPH

47. RFID vs. Barcode

• Barcode

• Require line of sight to be read

• can only be read individually

• cannot be read if damaged or dirty

• can only identify the type of item

• cannot be updated

• require manual tracking and therefore are susceptible to human



• can be read without line of sight

• multiple tags can be read simultaneously

• can cope with harsh or dirty environments

• can identify a specific item

• new information can be over-written

• can be automatically tracked removing human error

48. BTLE/Beacons


• Bluetooth Low Energy

• continuous low power connection

• indoor GPS alternative

• your phone is currently constantly connected to satellites and

cell towers. But what if your phone could talk to your laptop,

your TV, your lights, your home?

• No need to “pair” with a device. Does not waste your battery

• Beacons
• Protocol introduced by Apple and now supposed by iOS 7, Android,


• Let’s developers take advantage of BTLE

• Your phone listens for a signal and “wake up” when one is


• in order to take advantage

• you have to have the app downloaded and installed

• you have to have bluetooth on

• the app must be able to access location data

• the app must be able to receive notifications

49. Internet of Things

• smart home

• devices talking to devices

• nest

• philips lightbulbs

50. Mesh Network vs. Star Network

• Mesh Network - each node cooperates and relays data through the

network regardless if its directly connected. Mesh Network has no

standard connection
• Star Network - a star network consists of one central node,

typically a switch or hub, which acts as a conduit to transmit


51. Cloud Computing - ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared

pool of configurable computing resources, which can be rapidly

provisioned and released with minimal management effort

52. IAAS vs. SAAS

• Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

• Platform as a service (PaaS)

• Software as a service (Saas)

53. Amazon EC2 and S3

• Over 50 different cloud offerings

• popular one’s include:

• amazon $3 - simple storage service (SaaS)

• amazon EC2 - Elastic compute Cloud (IaaS or PaaS)

• Amazon’s cloud business is nearly a $10B annual business

• Larger than was at 10 years old and growing at a

faster rate

54. People behind Operating Systems

• Bill Gates - Microsoft

• Ken Thompson - Unix

• Steve Jobs - Apple

• Linus Torvalds - Linux

55. Functions of Operating systems

• Operating System manage hardware and software resources

• acts as an intermediary between the two

• The kernel is the central component of an OS and manages

memory, order of processes are executed, and how information is

received and sent to devices (i.e. keyboard)

• The GUI - Graphical user interface

• User ←→ Application ←→ Operating ←→ System ←→ Hardware

• An operating system (OS) is a set of programs containing

instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities

among computer hardware resources

56. Types of OS’s

• Single User - Stand-Alone Operating System - a stand alone

operating system is a complete operating system that works on a

desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing device

• Multi-user - Server Operating System - A server operating system

manages multiple users access with varying levels of security.

Typically allows virtualization

• Embedded Operating System - an embedded operating system

resides on a ROM chip on a mobile device or consumer electronic


• Real-Time Operating System - a real-time operating system can

have no latency. Measured in tenths of seconds or shorter

57. Open source - Source code is published and made available to

the public who can copy, modify, and redistribute without paying

royalties or fees.

58. LINUX vs. UNIX

• Unix

• Operating system developed in the late 1960s for servers

• Multiuser, multitasking operating system

• More expensive, requires high level of technical knowledge;

harder to install, maintain, and upgrade

• Linux: The most successful open source project

• Developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991—resembles UNIX but was

developed independently
• Is open-source software; has been collaboratively modified by

volunteer programmers all over the world

• Originally used a command line interface, most recent versions

use a GUI

• Individuals and organizations are switching to Linux and other

open source software because of cost

• Android is built on top of Linux; so are DVR’s, TV’s, game

consoles, routers, etc.

• Ubuntu

• Most popular Linux version

• Main goal is security

• Makes money off support


• the department of defense first network

• early packet switching network and the first network to implement

the protocol suite TCP/IP

60. Packets and Protocols (HTTP,SMTP, SSL, TCP / IP)

• communication protocol

• Rules of communication

• Includes syntax and semantics

• Consists of small acts

• Protocols can relate to other protocols in terms of layers

• additional internet protocols

• sample common protocols

• HTTP – Hypertext Transfer Protocol

• SSL – Secure Sockets Layer

• FTP – File Transfer Protocol

• POP – Post Office Protocol

• IMAP – Internet Message Access Protocol

• SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

• parent protocols

• TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

• IP – Internet Protocol

61. Domain Names (alias for an IP Addresses)

• Applicable Disputes

1. your domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a

trademark or service mark in which the complainant has

rights; and

2. you have no rights or legitimate interests in respect of the

domain name; and

3. your domain name has been registered and is being used in

bad faith.

• IP Addresses

• every node on the internet has an ip Address to communicate

• Syracuse IP address begins with 128

• set of four byte

62. IPv6 - know the importance of more addresses, IPV4 ran out


• ICANN - responsible for managing and coordinating the domain

name system

• WIPO - handles all domain name disputes

64. DB Terminology (schema, tables, records, primary key, foreign


• Why use one

• manage vast amounts of data

• perform quick queries

• make quick decisions about information

• Terminology

• database schema: how a database is organized/constructed

• database: set of tables

• table: collection of records

• record (rows): collection of related fields in a database

• fields (columns): every table consists of fields

• primary key: a unique attribute of each table

• foreign key: the heart of the “relation”

65. Functions of an RDBMS

• Data organized in tables related by common fields

• most weirdly used today

• Functions of an RDBMS

• data dictionary: definitions of data

• data transformation: transforms data to correct structure

• security management: who has access to the data

• multi-user access control: many users access to data

• backup and recovery management

• Common data types

• VarChar: variable character (up to 8000)

• Integer up to 11 digits

• Date: If you want to perform calculations

• Text: Unlimited text

• Bit: Yes/No (1 or 0)
• Currency

66. Data Dictionary’s - see above

67. eCommerce/eBusiness

• eCommerce - infrastructure and data that allow one or more types

of online or electronic transactions

• eBusiness - a business activity that creates value with the

assistance of networking and telecommunications technologies

68. B2C, B2B, C2C, C2B, B2E, G2B

• B2C - business to consumer

• B2B - business to business

• C2C - consumer to consumer

• C2B - consumer to business

• B2E - business to employee

• G2B - government to business

69. Venture Capital

• Venture capitalists start with big pools of money they have

obtained from owners, investors or shareholders

• They look for promising start-up companies that are likely to be

profitable and/or go public in < 3 years

• They buy a partial ownership stake in the young company with $$$

from their pool of money

• When the company makes a profit, they sell their stake, sometimes

in an initial public offering (IPO) of stock on the stock market

• The sell price is (hopefully) at a large multiple of the venture

capitalist’s total investment

70. Pipeline/DueDiligence

• 1200 - VC Reviews companies

• 500 - Face to Face Meetings

• 50 - Due Diligence

• 10 - Investment

71. Stereotypes of IT jobs / Activities of an IT job

• IT people work alone in a cubicle

• WRONG - Interpersonal skills were the highest rated non-

technology skill

• Working with information technology requires writing lots of code

• WRONG - Most IT people do planning, architecture, and

configuration, but little coding

• I can’t get a job other than in an IT company

• WRONG - IT is a big thing at Microsoft, but it is an even bigger

thing at GM; Tell me an industry not affected by Information


• Only IT people have to know how to deal with IT

• WRONG - IT tasks are distributed through every department of

organizations in every sector: Sales, Marketing, Engineering,

Logistics, Government, Nonprofit

72. Careers in IT / Quadrants of Jobs

• Careers in IT

• Information Systems

• Systems Administrator

• Network Engineer

• Security Specialist

• Systems Programmer

• Systems Architect

• Applications/Production

• Applications Developer

• Applications Architect

• Web Content

• Manager/Producer
• Graphic Designer

• QA Tester

• Technical Writer

• Technical Trainer

• IT Management

• Operations Manager

• Applications Project Manager

• Product Management

• Systems/Support Manager

• CIO/CTO/Director

• New Product Development

• Operations and Support

• Help Desk

• Tech Sales / Acct. Mgmt

• Support Engineer

• Business Dev. Specialist

• I.T. Recruiter

• Install/Support Engineer

• I.T. Architect

• Four Quadrants of Information Jobs

• Technical - Have one or more specialty areas such as distributed

databases, web applications, or network security

• Managerial - People, planning, budgetary components

• Production - Create, make, engineer, or build something new:

chips, software, devices, products, etc.

• Operations - Keep processes running, make them efficient,

and productive

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