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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

Preface and Acknowledgments

5. Abbreviations and Symbols:
The Dictionary of the Dwarves, though written by myself, represents the direct and indirect efforts For the sake of clarity full linguistical and grammatical descriptions have been used, these are always displayed between [].
of a number of people. The books of J.R.R. Tolkien, created a profound love in me for his secondary world known as Middle-Earth, a world that has enchanted me since childhood. The words of Professor Tolkien have planted both a seed of interest for the In select instances abbreviations have been used, mainly concerning the origin of the word, or to emphasise the form of the word with such entries that have a double meaning in English.
dwarves, as for languages in my heart. It is thus as a humble tribute to the genius of Professor Tolkien I have endeavoured to map and expand the existing Khuzdul, resulting in these Neo-Khuzdul dictionaries. • Mas. - Masculine
• Fem. - Feminine
• pl. - Plural (mainly used with uncountable nouns in English that are countable in Khuzdul)
• adj. - Adjective (mainly used with words that have identical noun and adjective forms in English, example: "cold", yet do not in Khuzdul)
• Ereb. - Ereborism: A word that originated with the dwarves of the Lonely Mountain. Though chiefly used in this region gradually its meaning spread and is now considered classical khuzdul. May have links with elvish or the tongues of men.
A grand thank should also go to the tremendously kind and supportive people at Legendarium Media who have continued to support me in my Dwarven endeavours. I also wish to express my appreciation to linguist David Salo (responsible for the Neo-
• Occi. - Occidentalism: A word that originated with the dwarves of the Blue Mountains and the lands to the West of the Misty Mountains. Though chiefly used in this region gradually its meaning spread and is now considered classical khuzdul. May have
Khuzdul as used in the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit movies) for taking the time to answer my many emails, for making available his website, respectively, and for his time to discuss with me his views on the dwarvish language.
links with elvish or the tongues of men.
• Oroc. - Orocanism: A word that originated with the dwarves of the Red Mountains and the lands to the East of Middle Earth. Though chiefly used in this region gradually its meaning spread and is now considered classical khuzdul. May have links with elvish
or the tongues of men.
• EredM. - Eredmithrinism: A word that originated with the dwarves of the Grey Mountains. Though chiefly used in this region gradually its meaning spread and is now considered classical khuzdul. May have links with elvish or the tongues of men.
• Anc. - Of ancient/unknown origins: A word with unknown or ancient origins. May have links with elvish or the tongues of men.
I wish to thank my wife, my family, my friends and the academic community, as well as the many visitors of The Dwarrow Scholar blog who have continuously encouraged me throughout this long project and expressed a keen interest in the dictionary and • (con.) - contemptuous
support documentation. • DMC - Doubled Medial Consonant
• MV - Moria Variant - (LoTRO reason) With the arrival of several colonists from the Blue Mountains, the influence of Blue Mountain Khuzdul (BMK) has been quite prominent among the brave new settlers of Moria. Especially on newly made maps (often
made by Firebeard colonists skilled in map making). As such place names found on maps in Moria are often a Moria Variant (MV) (original BMK or a mixture of Classical Khuzdul (CK) and BMK). In the dictionaries both the CK and MV versions have been
listed. MV is used for place-names mainly and as such cannot be seen as an independent dialect. (actual reason): Some of the words used for place-names in LoTRO either did not fit my internal language structure for neo-khuzdul, or broke one (or more)
rules of the language as J.R.R. Tolkien had devised. Hence these needed to altered to still fit with the rest of this neo-khuzdul version.
• ❷ - Secondary Meaning
Introduction to the Dictionary • ❸ - Tertiary Meaning
• ...* / *.... Indicates a plural meaning (Example: 'ukhzar = greater fury, greatest anger, greater rage... - has been noted in this dictionary as "greater / greatest anger* (*fury, rage)"

6. About the Dwarrow Scholar:

1. Purpose. Roy first experienced the brilliance of Tolkien when he received a copy of The Hobbit from his uncle as a kid, reading it feverishly again and again. When Roy isn’t delving into neo-khuzdul or searching for lost dwarven treasures on the net he’s enjoying time
The Dictionary of the Dwarves is the first full dictionary of Neo-Khuzdul by The Dwarrow Scholar, a dictionary intended as a resource for the Fantasy-RP community, as for fans and enthusiasts of the dwarves of J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium. The rather with his wife and son, re-reading his tormented Tolkien paperbacks, watching a good movie or playing a game of LoTRO on Laurelin as the dwarf named Kandral Strongbeard.
technical linguistic details common in mondern day dictionaries have been kept to a minimum. The dictionary is provided in two versions; English/Neo-Khuzdul and Neo-Khuzdul/English.
The dictionary is viewed as a companion to other Neo-Khuzdul support documents, that can be found via The Dwarrow Scholar blog. The grammatical descriptions given in this dictionary are brief and limited to that necessary to use the dictionary.

2. General organization of the dictionary and support documents.

7 . Questions, Support and Suggestions:
The accompanying support documents provide a general introduction to the alphabet and pronunciation of Neo-Khuzdul, in addition to a closer look at the grammatical constructions of the language. The dictionary has been sorted on the alphabet as used
You can contact the Dwarrow Scholar via email on kstrongbeard[at], via twitter (@KStrongbeard) or by leaving a post via the Dwarrow Scholar blog or DS YouTube page.
in most Western countries, such as England and the United States. The support documents are numbered in order of finalization, which results in a somewhat random final order.

8 . Donate:
3. Information on phonetics.
If you have enjoyed these or other documents made available by the Dwarrow Scholar and would like to help me continue this and other dwarven related projects, please make a donation through The DS site, by going to
No dictionary can record all possible ways people may pronounce words.
Dictionaries may attempt to give the most common pronunciations, but this certainly does not mean that other pronunciations by others are wrong. Phonetic transcriptions are in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), these are a guide. The phonetics
Thank you.
used in this dictionary are a personal interpretation of what I believe Khuzdul would sound like, chiefly based on the limited original Tolkien documentation concerning Khuzdul pronunciation. Even though the speakers of Khuzdul in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle
Earth represent a small speech community, there are variations in the pronunciation of some words among the seven clans. Of course, as we all know about English dialects, people in one region of the country speak differently from people elsewhere,
younger people may speak differently from older people, and sometimes even men and women speak differently. Though the dictionary offers phonetic pronunciations per entry, it only shows the Longbeard pronunciation, as opposed to other variants of
Eastern and Western Clans. Yet, I have attempted to record the variant pronunciations of Khuzdul in the support documentation.

4. Sources of the data. Roy – The Dwarrow Scholar

Although the primary source of information on the language of the Dwarves is Professor J.R.R Tolkien, a number of linguists, linguistic amateurs and enthusiasts have directly or indirectly contributed extensively to the vocabulary of this neo-khuzdul
dictionary. Though I have used all canon resources available to me I must emphasise that a very small portion of this dictionary is Tolkien original Khuzdul, while the vast majority is not, hence the usage of the term "Neo-Khuzdul".

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 3 The Dwarrow Scholar 4

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

absolutions* that are young/new/fresh (*pardons) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [LTN] [lɑtni:tʰ] latnîth ac8,"0 ac8,"0
English / Neo-Khuzdul absolve (forgive / pardon) with each other / absolve (forgive / pardon) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form /
English [grammatical information] [radicals] Phonetics Neo-Khuzdul Angerthas Moria Angerthas Erebor [nɑɪltɪnɪ] nailtini ,cla8l,l ,cla8l,l
General Imperative] [LTN]
a little (little bit) [Adverb indicating Degree (haCuCul) / Adverb ] [MM] [hɑmʊmʊl] hamumul fc6S6Sa fc6S6Sa absolve (forgive / pardon)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LTN] [ɪltɪni:] iltinî la8l," la8l,"
aah! (expression of fright or shock) [Interjection TYPE 6 (Irregular) / INTERJECTION] [irr.] [ɑ:] â v v absolve (forgive / pardon)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LTN] [ɪltɪn] iltin la8l, la8l,
aargh (expression of anguish, horror, rage, or other strong emotion, often with humorous intent) [Interjection TYPE 3 gv@@c gv@@c absolve (to forgive / to pardon) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form]
[ʔɑ:r.rɑ] 'ârra [ɑltʊn] altun ca8S, ca8S,
abdicate [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NKhR] [ɑnkʰʊrɪk] ankhurik c,eVS@le c,tS@le absolver (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LTN] [ɑltɑn] altan ca8c, ca8c,
abdicate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKhR] [ɪnkʰɪrɪki:] inkhirikî l,eVl@le" l,tl@le" absolver (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LTN] [ʊltɑn] ultan Sa8c, Sa8c,
abdicate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKhR] [ɪnkʰɪrɪk] inkhirik l,eVl@le l,tl@le absolver of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LTN] [ɑltɑnʊ] altanu ca8c,S ca8c,S
abdicating (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [NKhR] [ɪnkʰe:rɪk] inkhêrik l,eVx@le l,tx@le absolver of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LTN] [ʊltɑnʊ] ultanu Sa8c,S Sa8c,S
abdication (abandonment) [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊ] nukhru ,SeV@S ,St@S absolver-like / from absolvers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LTN] [ɑltɑnʊl] altanul ca8c,Sa ca8c,Sa
abdication (abandonment) of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NKhR] [nʊkʰru:] nukhrû ,SeV@D ,St@G absolver-like / from absolvers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LTN] [ʊltɑnʊl] ultanul Sa8c,Sa Sa8c,Sa

abdication (abandonment)-like / from (the) abdications (abandonments) [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊl] nukhrul ,SeV@Sa ,St@Sa absolvers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LTN] [ɑlɑ:tɑn] alâtan cav8c, cav8c,

absolvers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LTN] [ʊltɑ:n] ultân Sa8v, Sa8v,
abdications (abandonments) [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NKhR] [nʊkʰu:r] nukhûr ,SeVD@ ,StG@
absolvers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LTN] [ɑlɑ:tʊn] alâtun cav8S, cav8S,
abdications (abandonments) of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NKhR] [nʊkʰu:rʊ] nukhûru ,SeVD@S ,StG@S
absolvers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LTN] [ʊltʊn] ultun Sa8S, Sa8S,
abilities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BLR] [ɑbɑlɑ:r] abalâr c2cav@ c2cav@
absurdism [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LSD] [ɑlsɑ:d] alsâd ca.v9 ca.v9
abilities of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BLR] [ɑbɑlʊr] abalur c2caS@ c2caS@
absurdism of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LSD] [ɑlsɑ:dʊ] alsâdu ca.v9S ca.v9S
abilities of all abilities* (*flairs, talents) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BLR] [bʊlre:l] bulrêl 2Sa@xa 2Sa@xa
absurdism of all absurdisms [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [LSD] [lʌsdɛl] lasdel ac.9za ac.9za
abilities* that are young/new/fresh (*flairs, talents) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BLR] [bɑlri:tʰ] balrîth 2ca@"0 2ca@"0
absurdism that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [LSD] [lʌsdɪtʰ] lasdith ac.9l0 ac.9l0

ability [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BLR] [ɑblɑ:r] ablâr c2av@ c2av@ absurdism-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [LSD] [lɑsdɑ:nɑ] lasdâna ac.9v,c ac.9v,c

ability of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BLR] [ɑblɑ:rʊ] ablâru c2av@S c2av@S absurdism-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [LSD] [lʌsdu:nɑ] lasdûna ac.9D,c ac.9G,c

ability of all abilities* (*flairs, talents) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BLR] [bʊlrɛl] bulrel 2Sa@za 2Sa@za absurdismless / without absurdism [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LSD] [bɪnɑlsɑ:d] binalsâd 2l,ca.v9 2l,ca.v9

ability* that is young/new/fresh (*flair, talent) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BLR] [bɑlrɪtʰ] balrith 2ca@l0 2ca@l0 absurdism-like / from (the) absurdisms [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LSD] [ɑlsɑ:dʊl] alsâdul ca.v9Sa ca.v9Sa

ability*-ladies (*flair, talent) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BLR] [bɑlrɑ:nɑ] balrâna 2ca@v,c 2ca@v,c absurdism-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [LSD] [lʌsdu:n] lasdûn ac.9D, ac.9G,

ability*-lady (*flair, talent) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BLR] [bɑlru:nɑ] balrûna 2ca@D,c 2ca@G,c absurdism-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [LSD] [lɑsdɑ:n] lasdân ac.9v, ac.9v,

ability*-man (*flair, talent) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BLR] [bɑlru:n] balrûn 2ca@D, 2ca@G, absurdism-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [LSD] [lɪsdi:n] lisdîn al.9", al.9",

ability*-men (*flair, talent) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BLR] [bɑlrɑ:n] balrân 2ca@v, 2ca@v, absurdisms [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LSD] [ɑlɑsɑ:d] alasâd cac.v9 cac.v9

ability-*place (*flair, talent) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BLR] [bɪlri:n] bilrîn 2la@", 2la@", absurdisms of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LSD] [ɑlɑsʊd] alasud cac.S9 cac.S9

abilityless / without ability [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLR] [bɪnɑblɑ:r] binablâr 2l,c2av@ 2l,c2av@ absurdisms of all absurdisms [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [LSD] [lɑsde:l] lasdêl ac.9xa ac.9xa

able / ability-like / from (the) abilities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLR] [ɑblɑ:rʊl] ablârul c2av@Sa c2av@Sa absurdisms that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [LSD] [lɑsdi:tʰ] lasdîth ac.9"0 ac.9"0

ably [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [BLR] [ɪblʊrʊl] iblurul l2aS@Sa l2aS@Sa abundance [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SLM] [ʌslɑ:m] aslâm c.av6 c.av6

ably [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [BLR] [bɪlrɑl] bilral 2la@ca 2la@ca abundance of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SLM] [ʌslɑ:mʊ] aslâmu c.av6S c.av6S

above [Adverb of Place (niCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ZDR] [nɪzdʊrʊl] nizdurul ,lw9S@Sa ,lD9S@Sa abundance of all abundances [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [SLM] [sɑlmɛl] salmel .ca6za .ca6za

abreast (side-by-side) [Singular Compound Noun] [jɑnzɑdəkʰ] yanzadkh ;c,wc9eV ;c,Dc9t abundance that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [SLM] [sɑlmɪtʰ] salmith .ca6l0 .ca6l0

absolution (forgiveness) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LTN] [ɑltɑ:n] altân ca8v, ca8v, abundance-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [SLM] [sɑlmɑ:nɑ] salmâna .ca6v,c .ca6v,c

absolution (forgiveness) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LTN] [ɑltɑ:nʊ] altânu ca8v,S ca8v,S abundance-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [SLM] [sɑlmu:nɑ] salmûna .ca6D,c .ca6G,c
absolution (forgiveness) of all absolutions* (*pardons) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] abundanceless / without abundance [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLM] [bɪnʌslɑ:m] binaslâm 2l,c.av6 2l,c.av6
[lʊtnɛl] lutnel aS8,za aS8,za
[LTN] abundance-like / from (the) abundances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLM] [ʌslɑ:mʊl] aslâmul c.av6Sa c.av6Sa
absolution (forgiveness)* that is young/new/fresh (*pardon) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] ac8,l0 ac8,l0
[lɑtnɪtʰ] latnith abundance-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [SLM] [sɑlmu:n] salmûn .ca6D, .ca6G,
ac8,v,c ac8,v,c abundance-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [SLM] [sɑlmɑ:n] salmân .ca6v, .ca6v,
absolution (forgiveness)*-ladies (*pardon) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [LTN] [lɑtnɑ:nɑ] latnâna
ac8,D,c ac8,G,c abundance-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [SLM] [sɪlmi:n] silmîn .la6", .la6",
absolution (forgiveness)*-lady (*pardon) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [LTN] [lɑtnu:nɑ] latnûna
ac8,D, ac8,G, abundances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SLM] [ɑsɑlɑ:m] asalâm c.cav6 c.cav6
absolution (forgiveness)*-man (*pardon) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [LTN] [lɑtnu:n] latnûn
ac8,v, ac8,v, abundances of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SLM] [ɑsɑlʊm] asalum c.caS6 c.caS6
absolution (forgiveness)*-men (*pardon) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [LTN] [lɑtnɑ:n] latnân
al8,", al8,", abundances of all abundances [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [SLM] [sɑlme:l] salmêl .ca6xa .ca6xa
absolution (forgiveness)*-place (*pardon) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [LTN] [lɪtni:n] litnîn
ca8v,Sa ca8v,Sa abundances that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [SLM] [sɑlmi:tʰ] salmîth .ca6"0 .ca6"0
absolution (forgiveness)-like / from (the) absolutions [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LTN] [ɑltɑ:nʊl] altânul
cac8v, cac8v, abuse [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [RNL] [ɑrnʊl] arnul c@,Sa c@,Sa
absolutions [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LTN] [ɑlɑtɑ:n] alatân
cac8S, cac8S, abuse [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RNL] [ɑrnɑ:l] arnâl c@,va c@,va
absolutions of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LTN] [ɑlɑtʊn] alatun
abuse of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RNL] [ɑrnɑ:lʊ] arnâlu c@,vaS c@,vaS
absolutions of all absolutions* (*pardons) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [LTN] [lʊtne:l] lutnêl aS8,xa aS8,xa
abuse of all abuses* (*wrongdoings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [RNL] [rʊnlɛl] runlel @S,aza @S,aza

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 5 The Dwarrow Scholar 6
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

abuse with each other / abuse together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [nɑɪrnɪlɪ] nairnili ,cl@,lal ,cl@,lal acceleration-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HFT] [hɑftɑ:n] haftân fc38v, fc38v,

abuse! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [ɪrnɪli:] irnilî l@,la" l@,la" acceleration-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HFT] [hɪfti:n] hiftîn fl38", fl38",

abuse! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [ɪrnɪl] irnil l@,la l@,la accelerations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HFT] [ɑhɑfɑ:t] ahafât cfc3v8 cfc3v8

abuse* that is young/new/fresh (*wrongdoing) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RNL] [rɑnlɪtʰ] ranlith @c,al0 @c,al0 accelerations of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HFT] [ɑhɑfʊt] ahafut cfc3S8 cfc3S8

abuse*-ladies (*wrongdoing) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [RNL] [rɑnlɑ:nɑ] ranlâna @c,av,c @c,av,c accelerations of all accelerations [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HFT] [hɑfte:l] haftêl fc38xa fc38xa

abuse*-lady (*wrongdoing) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [RNL] [rɑnlu:nɑ] ranlûna @c,aD,c @c,aG,c accelerations that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HFT] [hɑfti:tʰ] haftîth fc38"0 fc38"0

abuse*-man (*wrongdoing) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [RNL] [rɑnlu:n] ranlûn @c,aD, @c,aG, accept [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KN] [bɪrɑ:kʊn] birâkun 2l@veS, 2l@veS,

abuse*-men (*wrongdoing) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [RNL] [rɑnlɑ:n] ranlân @c,av, @c,av, accept something that is given (take) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute
[ɑʔkʰʊf] a'khuf cgeVS3 cgtS3
abuse*-place (*wrongdoing) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [RNL] [rɪnli:n] rinlîn @l,a", @l,a", Form] [ʔKhF]
accept something that is given (take) with each other / accept something that is given (take) together! [Interactive Verb - ,clgeVl3l ,clgtl3l
abuseless / without abuse [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNL] [bɪnɑrnɑ:l] binarnâl 2l,c@,va 2l,c@,va [nɑɪʔkʰɪfɪ] nai'khifi
Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhF]
abuse-like / from (the) abuses [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNL] [ɑrnɑ:lʊl] arnâlul c@,vaSa c@,vaSa lgeVl3" lgtl3"
accept something that is given (take)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhF] [ɪʔkʰɪfi:] i'khifî
abuser (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RNL] [ɑrnɑl] arnal c@,ca c@,ca lgeVl3 lgtl3
accept something that is given (take)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhF] [ɪʔkʰɪf] i'khif
abuser (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RNL] [ʊrnɑl] urnal S@,ca S@,ca 2l@cle," 2l@cle,"
accept! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KN] [bɪrɑɪkni:] biraiknî
abuser of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RNL] [ɑrnɑlʊ] arnalu c@,caS c@,caS 2l@cle,l 2l@cle,l
accept! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KN] [bɪrɑɪknɪ] biraikni
abuser of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RNL] [ʊrnɑlʊ] urnalu S@,caS S@,caS gceV3 gct3
accepted (given) object or action [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰf] 'akhf
abuser-like / from abusers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNL] [ɑrnɑlʊl] arnalul c@,caSa c@,caSa gceV3S gct3S
accepted (given) object or action of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfʊ] 'akhfu
abuser-like / from abusers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNL] [ʊrnɑlʊl] urnalul S@,caSa S@,caSa accepted (given) object or action of all accepted (given) objects or actions [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) /
[ʔɑkʰfɛl] 'akhfel gceV3za gct3za
abusers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RNL] [ɑrɑ:nɑl] arânal c@v,ca c@v,ca SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔKhF]
abusers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RNL] [ʊrnɑ:l] urnâl S@,va S@,va accepted (given) object or action that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɪtʰ] 'akhfith gceV3l0 gct3l0
abusers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RNL] [ɑrɑ:nʊl] arânul c@v,Sa c@v,Sa
accepted (given) object or action-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑ:nɑ] 'akhfâna gceV3v,c gct3v,c
abusers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RNL] [ʊrnʊl] urnul S@,Sa S@,Sa
accepted (given) object or action-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfu:nɑ] 'akhfûna gceV3D,c gct3G,c
abuses [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RNL] [ɑrɑnɑ:l] aranâl c@c,va c@c,va
accepted (given) object or action-like / from (the) accepted (given) objects or actions [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] gceV3Sa gct3Sa
abuses of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RNL] [ɑrɑnʊl] aranul c@c,Sa c@c,Sa [ʔɑkʰfʊl] 'akhful
abuses of all abuses* (*wrongdoings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [RNL] [rʊnle:l] runlêl @S,axa @S,axa accepted (given) object or action-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfu:n] 'akhfûn gceV3D, gct3G,

abuses* that are young/new/fresh (*wrongdoings) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RNL] [rɑnli:tʰ] ranlîth @c,a"0 @c,a"0 accepted (given) object or action-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑ:n] 'akhfân gceV3v, gct3v,

abusing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [RNL] [ɪrne:l] irnêl l@,xa l@,xa accepted (given) object or action-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɪkʰfi:n] 'ikhfîn gleV3", glt3",

accelerate [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HFT] [ʌhfʊt] ahfut cf3S8 cf3S8 accepted (given) objects or actions [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰɑ:f] 'akhâf gceVv3 gctv3

accepted (given) objects or actions of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰʊf] 'akhuf gceVS3 gctS3
accelerate with each other / accelerate together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [nɑɪhfɪtɪ] naihfiti ,clf3l8l ,clf3l8l
accepted (given) objects or actions of all accepted (given) objects or actions [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / gceV3xa gct3xa
accelerate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [ɪhfɪti:] ihfitî lf3l8" lf3l8" [ʔɑkʰfe:l] 'akhfêl
accelerate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [ɪhfɪt] ihfit lf3l8 lf3l8
accepted (given) objects or actions that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfi:tʰ] 'akhfîth gceV3"0 gct3"0
accelerater (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HFT] [ʌhfɑt] ahfat cf3c8 cf3c8
accepting (a given) object (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ʔKhF] [ɪʔkʰe:f] i'khêf lgeVx3 lgtx3
accelerater (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HFT] [ʊhfɑt] uhfat Sf3c8 Sf3c8
accepting (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KN] [bɪrɑɪkən] biraikn 2l@cle, 2l@cle,
accelerater of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HFT] [ʌhfɑtʊ] ahfatu cf3c8S cf3c8S
accessibilities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [JND] [ɑd͡ʒɑnɑ:d] ajanâd cRc,v9 c$c,v9
accelerater of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HFT] [ʊhfɑtʊ] uhfatu Sf3c8S Sf3c8S
accessibilities of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [JND] [ɑd͡ʒɑnʊd] ajanud cRc,S9 c$c,S9
accelerater-like / from acceleraters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFT] [ʌhfɑtʊl] ahfatul cf3c8Sa cf3c8Sa

accelerater-like / from acceleraters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFT] [ʊhfɑtʊl] uhfatul Sf3c8Sa Sf3c8Sa accessibilities of all accessibilities* (*openings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [JND] [d͡ʒʊnde:l] jundêl RSdxa $Sdxa

acceleraters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HFT] [ɑhɑ:fɑt] ahâfat cfv3c8 cfv3c8
accessibilities* that are young/new/fresh (*openings) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [JND] [d͡ʒɑndi:tʰ] jandîth Rcd"0 $cd"0
acceleraters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HFT] [ʊhfɑ:t] uhfât Sf3v8 Sf3v8

acceleraters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HFT] [ɑhɑ:fʊt] ahâfut cfv3S8 cfv3S8 accessibility [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [JND] [ʌd͡ʒnɑ:d] ajnâd cR,v9 c$,v9

acceleraters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HFT] [ʊhfʊt] uhfut Sf3S8 Sf3S8 accessibility of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [JND] [ʌd͡ʒnɑ:dʊ] ajnâdu cR,v9S c$,v9S

acceleration [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HFT] [ʌhfɑ:t] ahfât cf3v8 cf3v8 accessibility of all accessibilities* (*openings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [JND] [d͡ʒʊndɛl] jundel RSdza $Sdza
acceleration of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HFT] [ʌhfɑ:tʊ] ahfâtu cf3v8S cf3v8S
accessibility* that is young/new/fresh (*opening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [JND] [d͡ʒɑndɪtʰ] jandith Rcdl0 $cdl0
acceleration of all accelerations [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HFT] [hʌftɛl] haftel fc38za fc38za

acceleration that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HFT] [hʌftɪtʰ] haftith fc38l0 fc38l0 accessibility*-ladies (*opening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [JND] [d͡ʒɑndɑ:nɑ] jandâna Rcdv,c $cdv,c
acceleration-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HFT] [hɑftɑ:nɑ] haftâna fc38v,c fc38v,c accessibility*-lady (*opening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [JND] [d͡ʒɑndu:nɑ] jandûna RcdD,c $cdG,c
acceleration-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HFT] [hʌftu:nɑ] haftûna fc38D,c fc38G,c accessibility*-man (*opening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [JND] [d͡ʒɑndu:n] jandûn RcdD, $cdG,
accelerationless / without acceleration [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFT] [bɪnʌhfɑ:t] binahfât 2l,cf3v8 2l,cf3v8 accessibility*-men (*opening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [JND] [d͡ʒɑndɑ:n] jandân Rcdv, $cdv,

acceleration-like / from (the) accelerations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFT] [ʌhfɑ:tʊl] ahfâtul cf3v8Sa cf3v8Sa accessibility*-place (*opening) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [JND] [d͡ʒɪndi:n] jindîn Rld", $ld",
acceleration-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HFT] [hʌftu:n] haftûn fc38D, fc38G, accessibilityless / without accessibility [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [JND] [bɪnʌd͡ʒnɑ:d] binajnâd 2l,cR,v9 2l,c$,v9

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

accessibility-like / from (the) accessibilities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [JND] [ʌd͡ʒnɑ:dʊl] ajnâdul cR,v9Sa c$,v9Sa
acclaims of all acclaims* (*commendations, medals) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NRB] [nʊrbe:l] nurbêl ,S@2xa ,S@2xa
accident [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRY] [ɡɑrɑj] garay rc@c; Rc@c;
acclaims* that are young/new/fresh (*commendations, medals) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] ,c@2"0 ,c@2"0
accident of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRY] [ɡɑrɑjʊ] garayu rc@c;S Rc@c;S [nɑrbi:tʰ] narbîth
accident of all accidents* (*disasters, calamities) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [GRY] [ɡʊrjɛl] guryel rS@;za RS@;za acclimate [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [DBT] [ɑdbʊtɪk] adbutik c92S8le c92S8le

acclimate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [ɪdbɪtɪki:] idbitikî l92l8le" l92l8le"
accident* that is young/new/fresh (*disaster, calamity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRY] [ɡɑrjɪtʰ] garyith rc@;l0 Rc@;l0
acclimate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [ɪdbɪtɪk] idbitik l92l8le l92l8le

accident*-ladies (*disaster, calamity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GRY] [ɡɑrjɑ:nɑ] garyâna rc@;v,c Rc@;v,c acclimation [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DBT] [dʊbtʊ] dubtu 9S28S 9S28S

accident*-lady (*disaster, calamity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GRY] [ɡɑrju:nɑ] garyûna rc@;D,c Rc@;G,c acclimation of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DBT] [dʊbtu:] dubtû 9S28D 9S28G

accident*-man (*disaster, calamity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GRY] [ɡɑrju:n] garyûn rc@;D, Rc@;G, acclimationless / without acclimation [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBT] [bɪndʊbtʊ] bindubtu 2ldS28S 2ldS28S

accident*-men (*disaster, calamity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GRY] [ɡɑrjɑ:n] garyân rc@;v, Rc@;v, acclimation-like / from (the) acclimations [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBT] [dʊbtʊl] dubtul 9S28Sa 9S28Sa

accident-*place (*disaster, calamity) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GRY] [ɡɪrji:n] giryîn rl@;", Rl@;", acclimations [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DBT] [dʊbu:t] dubût 9S2D8 9S2G8

accidentally [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [GRY] [ɪɡrʊjʊl] igruyul lr@S;Sa lR@S;Sa acclimations of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DBT] [dʊbu:tʊ] dubûtu 9S2D8S 9S2G8S

accidentally [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [GRY] [ɡɪrjɑl] giryal rl@;ca Rl@;ca accompaniment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DMY] [ɑdmɑ:j] admây c96v; c96v;

accidentless / without accident [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRY] [bɪngɑrɑj] bingaray 2ljc@c; 2ljc@c; accompaniment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DMY] [ɑdmɑ:jʊ] admâyu c96v;S c96v;S

accident-like / from (the) accidents [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRY] [ɡɑrjʊl] garyul rc@;Sa Rc@;Sa
accompaniment of all accompaniments [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [DMY] [dɑmjɛl] damyel 9c6;za 9c6;za
accidents [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRY] [ɡɑr.rɑj] garray rc@@c; Rc@@c;
accompaniment that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DMY] [dɑmjɪtʰ] damyith 9c6;l0 9c6;l0
accidents of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRY] [ɡɑr.rʊj] garruy rc@@S; Rc@@S;
accompaniment-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [DMY] [dɑmjɑ:nɑ] damyâna 9c6;v,c 9c6;v,c
accidents of all accidents* (*disasters, calamities) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [GRY] [ɡʊrje:l] guryêl rS@;xa RS@;xa
accompaniment-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [DMY] [dɑmju:nɑ] damyûna 9c6;D,c 9c6;G,c

accompanimentless / without accompaniment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [DMY] [bɪnɑdmɑ:j] binadmây 2l,c96v; 2l,c96v;
accidents* that are young/new/fresh (*disasters, calamities) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRY] [ɡɑrji:tʰ] garyîth rc@;"0 Rc@;"0
accompaniment-like / from (the) accompaniments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DMY] [ɑdmɑ:jʊl] admâyul c96v;Sa c96v;Sa
acclaim [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NRB] [ɑnrʊb] anrub c,@S2 c,@S2
accompaniment-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [DMY] [dɑmju:n] damyûn 9c6;D, 9c6;G,
acclaim [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRB] [nʊrbʊ] nurbu ,S@2S ,S@2S
accompaniment-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [DMY] [dɑmjɑ:n] damyân 9c6;v, 9c6;v,
acclaim of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRB] [nʊrbu:] nurbû ,S@2D ,S@2G
accompaniment-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [DMY] [dɪmji:n] dimyîn 9l6;", 9l6;",
acclaim of all acclaims* (*commendations, medals) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NRB] [nʊrbɛl] nurbel ,S@2za ,S@2za accompaniments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DMY] [ɑdɑmɑ:j] adamây c9c6v; c9c6v;

,cl,@l2l ,cl,@l2l accompaniments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DMY] [ɑdɑmʊj] adamuy c9c6S; c9c6S;
acclaim with each other / acclaim together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [nɑɪnrɪbɪ] nainribi
l,@l2" l,@l2" accompaniments of all accompaniments [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [DMY] [dɑmje:l] damyêl 9c6;xa 9c6;xa
acclaim! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [ɪnrɪbi:] inribî
l,@l2 l,@l2 accompaniments that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DMY] [dɑmji:tʰ] damyîth 9c6;"0 9c6;"0
acclaim! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [ɪnrɪb] inrib
accomplish (do / act / perform) with each other / accomplish (do / act / perform) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative ,clgrl@l ,clgRl@l
acclaim* that is young/new/fresh (*commendation, medal) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NRB] [nɑrbɪtʰ] narbith ,c@2l0 ,c@2l0 [nɑɪʔɡɪrɪ] nai'giri
Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR]
,c@2v,c ,c@2v,c accomplish (do / act / perform)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR] [ɪʔɡɪri:] i'girî lgrl@" lgRl@"
acclaim*-ladies (*commendation, medal) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NRB] [nɑrbɑ:nɑ] narbâna
,c@2D,c ,c@2G,c accomplish (do / act / perform)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR] [ɪʔɡɪr] i'gir lgrl@ lgRl@
acclaim*-lady (*commendation, medal) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NRB] [nɑrbu:nɑ] narbûna
acclaim*-man (*commendation, medal) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NRB] [nɑrbu:n] narbûn ,c@2D, ,c@2G, accomplish (to do / to act / to perform) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive cgrS@ cgRS@
[ɑʔɡʊr] a'gur
Absolute Form] [ʔGR]
acclaim*-men (*commendation, medal) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NRB] [nɑrbɑ:n] narbân ,c@2v, ,c@2v,
accomplisher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɑr] a'gar cgrc@ cgRc@
acclaim-*place (*commendation, medal) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NRB] [nɪrbi:n] nirbîn ,l@2", ,l@2",
accomplisher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔGR] [ʊʔɡɑr] u'gar Sgrc@ SgRc@
acclaimer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRB] [ɑnrɑb] anrab c,@c2 c,@c2
accomplisher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɑrʊ] a'garu cgrc@S cgRc@S
acclaimer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRB] [ʊnrɑb] unrab S,@c2 S,@c2
accomplisher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔGR] [ʊʔɡɑrʊ] u'garu Sgrc@S SgRc@S
acclaimer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRB] [ɑnrɑbʊ] anrabu c,@c2S c,@c2S
accomplisher-like / from accomplishers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɑrʊl] a'garul cgrc@Sa cgRc@Sa
acclaimer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRB] [ʊnrɑbʊ] unrabu S,@c2S S,@c2S
accomplisher-like / from accomplishers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔGR] [ʊʔɡɑrʊl] u'garul Sgrc@Sa SgRc@Sa
acclaimer-like / from acclaimers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRB] [ɑnrɑbʊl] anrabul c,@c2Sa c,@c2Sa
accomplishers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔGR] [ɑ:ɡɑr] âgar vrc@ vRc@
acclaimer-like / from acclaimers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRB] [ʊnrɑbʊl] unrabul S,@c2Sa S,@c2Sa
accomplishers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔGR] [ʊʔɡɑ:r] u'gâr Sgrv@ SgRv@
acclaimers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRB] [ɑnɑ:rɑb] anârab c,v@c2 c,v@c2
accomplishers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔGR] [ɑ:ɡʊr] âgur vrS@ vRS@
acclaimers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRB] [ʊnrɑ:b] unrâb S,@v2 S,@v2
accomplishers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔGR] [ʊʔɡʊr] u'gur SgrS@ SgRS@
acclaimers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRB] [ɑnɑ:rʊb] anârub c,v@S2 c,v@S2
accomplishing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ʔGR] [ɪʔɡe:r] i'gêr lgrx@ lgRx@
acclaimers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRB] [ʊnrʊb] unrub S,@S2 S,@S2
accomplishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɑ:r] a'gâr cgrv@ cgRv@
acclaiming (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NRB] [ɪnre:b] inrêb l,@x2 l,@x2
accomplishment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɑ:rʊ] a'gâru cgrv@S cgRv@S
acclaimless / without acclaim [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRB] [bɪn.nʊrbʊ] binnurbu 2luS@2S 2luS@2S
accomplishment of all accomplishments [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɛl] 'agrel gcr@za gcR@za
acclaim-like / from (the) acclaims [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRB] [nʊrbʊl] nurbul ,S@2Sa ,S@2Sa

acclaims [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRB] [nʊru:b] nurûb ,S@D2 ,S@G2 accomplishment that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɪtʰ] 'agrith gcr@l0 gcR@l0

acclaims of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRB] [nʊru:bʊ] nurûbu ,S@D2S ,S@G2S accomplishment-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑ:nɑ] 'agrâna gcr@v,c gcR@v,c

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 9 The Dwarrow Scholar 10
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

accomplishment-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡru:nɑ] 'agrûna gcr@D,c gcR@G,c accusation*-ladies (*charge, criticism) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HKR] [hɑkrɑ:nɑ] hakrâna fce@v,c fce@v,c

accomplishmentless / without accomplishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔGR] [bɪnɑʔɡɑ:r] bina'gâr 2l,cgrv@ 2l,cgRv@ accusation*-lady (*charge, criticism) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HKR] [hɑkru:nɑ] hakrûna fce@D,c fce@G,c

accomplishment-like / from (the) accomplishments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɑ:rʊl] a'gârul cgrv@Sa cgRv@Sa accusation*-man (*charge, criticism) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HKR] [hɑkru:n] hakrûn fce@D, fce@G,

accomplishment-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡru:n] 'agrûn gcr@D, gcR@G, accusation*-men (*charge, criticism) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HKR] [hɑkrɑ:n] hakrân fce@v, fce@v,

accomplishment-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑ:n] 'agrân gcr@v, gcR@v, accusation-*place (*charge, criticism) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HKR] [hɪkri:n] hikrîn fle@", fle@",

accomplishment-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ʔGR] [ʔɪɡri:n] 'igrîn glr@", glR@", accusationless / without accusation [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKR] [bɪnhɑkər] binhakr 2l,fce@ 2l,fce@

accomplishments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔGR] [ɑɡɑ:r] agâr crv@ cRv@ accusation-like / from (the) accusations [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKR] [hɑkrʊl] hakrul fce@Sa fce@Sa

accomplishments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔGR] [ɑɡʊr] agur crS@ cRS@ accusations [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HKR] [hɑkɑ:r] hakâr fcev@ fcev@

accomplishments of all accomplishments [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡre:l] 'agrêl gcr@xa gcR@xa accusations of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HKR] [hɑkʊr] hakur fceS@ fceS@

accomplishments that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡri:tʰ] 'agrîth gcr@"0 gcR@"0
accusations of all accusations* (*charges, criticisms) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HKR] [hɑkre:l] hakrêl fce@xa fce@xa
accordance [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KN] [kʊn] kun eS, eS,

accordance of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KN] [kʊnʊ] kunu eS,S eS,S accusations* that are young/new/fresh (*charges, criticisms) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HKR] [hɑkri:tʰ] hakrîth fce@"0 fce@"0

accordanceless / without accordance [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KN] [bɪnkʊn] binkun 2l,eS, 2l,eS, cfeS@ cfeS@
accuse [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HKR] [ʌhkʊr] ahkur
accordance-like / from (the) accordances [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KN] [kʊnʊl] kunul eS,Sa eS,Sa ,clfel@l ,clfel@l
accuse with each other / accuse together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [nɑɪhkɪrɪ] naihkiri
accordances [NOUN TYPE 4 (CûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KN] [ku:n] kûn eD, eG, lfel@" lfel@"
accuse! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [ɪhkɪri:] ihkirî
accordances of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KN] [ku:nʊ] kûnu eD,S eG,S lfel@ lfel@
accuse! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [ɪhkɪr] ihkir
according to [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [kɑnɪ] kani ec,l ec,l cfec@ cfec@
accuser (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HKR] [ʌhkɑr] ahkar
accordingly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCuCul) / Adverb ] [KN] [ɪkʊnʊl] ikunul leS,Sa leS,Sa Sfec@ Sfec@
accuser (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HKR] [ʊhkɑr] uhkar
accordingly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCal) / Adverb ] [KN] [kɪnɑl] kinal el,ca el,ca cfec@S cfec@S
accuser of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HKR] [ʌhkɑrʊ] ahkaru
account [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KhSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:kʰʊʃ] jalâkhush RcaveVS% $cavtS% Sfec@S Sfec@S
accuser of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HKR] [ʊhkɑrʊ] uhkaru
account! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkʰʃi:] jalaikhshî RcacleV%" $caclt%" cfec@Sa cfec@Sa
accuser-like / from accusers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKR] [ʌhkɑrʊl] ahkarul
account! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkʰʃɪ] jalaikhshi RcacleV%l $caclt%l Sfec@Sa Sfec@Sa
accuser-like / from accusers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKR] [ʊhkɑrʊl] uhkarul
accounting for (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KhSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkʰʃ] jalaikhsh RcacleV% $caclt% cfvec@ cfvec@
accusers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HKR] [ɑhɑ:kɑr] ahâkar
accumulate [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [STB] [ʌstʊb] astub c.8S2 c.8S2 accusers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HKR] [ʊhkɑ:r] uhkâr Sfev@ Sfev@

accusers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HKR] [ɑhɑ:kʊr] ahâkur cfveS@ cfveS@
accumulate with each other / accumulate together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [STB] [nɑɪstɪbɪ] naistibi ,cl.8l2l ,cl.8l2l
accusers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HKR] [ʊhkʊr] uhkur SfeS@ SfeS@

accumulate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STB] [ɪstɪbi:] istibî l.8l2" l.8l2" accusing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [HKR] [ɪhke:r] ihkêr lfex@ lfex@

accumulate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STB] [ɪstɪb] istib l.8l2 l.8l2 accustom [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BNH] [ɑbnʊh] abnuh c2,Sf c2,Sf

accumulater (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STB] [ʌstɑb] astab c.8c2 c.8c2
accustom with each other / accustom together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [nɑɪbnɪhɪ] naibnihi ,cl2,lfl ,cl2,lfl
accumulater (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STB] [ʊstɑb] ustab S.8c2 S.8c2
accustom! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [ɪbnɪhi:] ibnihî l2,lf" l2,lf"
accumulater of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STB] [ʌstɑbʊ] astabu c.8c2S c.8c2S
accustom! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [ɪbnɪh] ibnih l2,lf l2,lf
accumulater of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STB] [ʊstɑbʊ] ustabu S.8c2S S.8c2S
accustoming (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BNH] [ɪbne:h] ibnêh l2,xf l2,xf
accumulater-like / from accumulaters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STB] [ʌstɑbʊl] astabul c.8c2Sa c.8c2Sa
achieve [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [RKR] [mʌhɑrkʊr] maharkur 6cfc@eS@ 6cfc@eS@
accumulater-like / from accumulaters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STB] [ʊstɑbʊl] ustabul S.8c2Sa S.8c2Sa
achieve! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKR] [mɑhɪrkɪri:] mahirkirî 6cfl@el@" 6cfl@el@"
accumulaters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STB] [ɑsɑ:tɑb] asâtab c.v8c2 c.v8c2
achieve! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKR] [mʌhɪrkɪr] mahirkir 6cfl@el@ 6cfl@el@
accumulaters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STB] [ʊstɑ:b] ustâb S.8v2 S.8v2
achiever (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RKR] [ɑrkɑr] arkar c@ec@ c@ec@
accumulaters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STB] [ɑsɑ:tʊb] asâtub c.v8S2 c.v8S2
achiever (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RKR] [ʊrkɑr] urkar S@ec@ S@ec@
accumulaters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STB] [ʊstʊb] ustub S.8S2 S.8S2
achiever of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RKR] [ɑrkɑrʊ] arkaru c@ec@S c@ec@S
accumulating (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [STB] [ɪste:b] istêb l.8x2 l.8x2
achiever of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RKR] [ʊrkɑrʊ] urkaru S@ec@S S@ec@S
accumulation [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STB] [ʌstɑ:b] astâb c.8v2 c.8v2
achiever-like / from achievers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RKR] [ɑrkɑrʊl] arkarul c@ec@Sa c@ec@Sa
accumulation of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STB] [ʌstɑ:bʊ] astâbu c.8v2S c.8v2S
achiever-like / from achievers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RKR] [ʊrkɑrʊl] urkarul S@ec@Sa S@ec@Sa
accumulationless / without accumulation [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [STB] [bɪnʌstɑ:b] binastâb 2l,c.8v2 2l,c.8v2
achievers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RKR] [ɑrɑ:kɑr] arâkar c@vec@ c@vec@
accumulation-like / from (the) accumulations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STB] [ʌstɑ:bʊl] astâbul c.8v2Sa c.8v2Sa
achievers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RKR] [ʊrkɑ:r] urkâr S@ev@ S@ev@
accumulations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STB] [ɑsɑtɑ:b] asatâb c.c8v2 c.c8v2
achievers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RKR] [ɑrɑ:kʊr] arâkur c@veS@ c@veS@
accumulations of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STB] [ɑsɑtʊb] asatub c.c8S2 c.c8S2
achievers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RKR] [ʊrkʊr] urkur S@eS@ S@eS@
accusation [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HKR] [hɑkər] hakr fce@ fce@
acid [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SR] [sɑɪrʊ] sairu .cl@S .cl@S
accusation of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HKR] [hɑkrʊ] hakru fce@S fce@S
acid of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SR] [sɑɪru:] sairû .cl@D .cl@G
accusation of all accusations* (*charges, criticisms) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HKR] [hɑkrɛl] hakrel fce@za fce@za
acid of all acids [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [SR] [sɑrɛl] sarel .c@za .c@za

acid that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [SR] [sɑrɪtʰ] sarith .c@l0 .c@l0
accusation* that is young/new/fresh (*charge, criticism) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HKR] [hɑkrɪtʰ] hakrith fce@l0 fce@l0

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The Dwarrow Scholar 11 The Dwarrow Scholar 12

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

acid-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [SR] [sɑrɑ:nɑ] sarâna .c@v,c .c@v,c acting strange (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [DRJ] [ɪdre:d͡ʒ] idrêj l9@xR l9@x$

acid-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [SR] [sɑru:nɑ] sarûna .c@D,c .c@G,c action of breaking in a new sword by attacking a stray orc [Singular Compound Noun] [rʊkʰsfɑrf] rukhsfarf @SeV.3c@3 @St.3c@3

acidless / without acid [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaiCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [SR] [bɪnsɑɪrʊ] binsairu 2l,.cl@S 2l,.cl@S actual (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [KST] [kɑstɑ:] kastâ ec.8v ec.8v

acid-like / from (the) acids [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SR] [sɑɪrʊl] sairul .cl@Sa .cl@Sa actual [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KST] [kʌst] kast ec.8 ec.8

acid-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [SR] [sɑru:n] sarûn .c@D, .c@G, adapt [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [DBT] [ɑdbʊt] adbut c92S8 c92S8

acid-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [SR] [sɑrɑ:n] sarân .c@v, .c@v, adapt with each other / adapt together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [nɑɪdbɪtɪ] naidbiti ,cl92l8l ,cl92l8l

acid-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [SR] [sɪri:n] sirîn .l@", .l@", adapt! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [ɪdbɪti:] idbitî l92l8" l92l8"

acids [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SR] [ɑsɑ:r] asâr c.v@ c.v@ adapt! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [ɪdbɪt] idbit l92l8 l92l8

acids of [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SR] [ɑsʊr] asur c.S@ c.S@ adaptation [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DBT] [ɑdbɑ:t] adbât c92v8 c92v8

acids of all acids [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [SR] [sɑre:l] sarêl .c@xa .c@xa adaptation of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DBT] [ɑdbɑ:tʊ] adbâtu c92v8S c92v8S

acids that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [SR] [sɑri:tʰ] sarîth .c@"0 .c@"0
adaptation of all adaptations* (*acclimations) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [DBT] [dʊbtɛl] dubtel 9S28za 9S28za
acorn [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌzgʰzɑrslɑ:z] 'azghzarslâz gcwywc@.avw gcDTDc@.avD

acorns [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑzgʰzɑrslɑwɑ:z] 'azghzarslawâz gcwywc@.acFvw gcDTDc@.acFvD adaptation* that is young/new/fresh (*acclimation) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DBT] [dɑbtɪtʰ] dabtith 9c28l0 9c28l0

acquaintance [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KNG] [kɑnɑɡ] kanag ec,cr ec,cR 9c28v,c 9c28v,c
adaptation*-ladies (*acclimation) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [DBT] [dɑbtɑ:nɑ] dabtâna
acquaintance maker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KNG] [ɑknɑɡ] aknag ce,cr ce,cR 9c28D,c 9c28G,c
adaptation*-lady (*acclimation) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [DBT] [dɑbtu:nɑ] dabtûna
acquaintance maker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KNG] [ʊknɑɡ] uknag Se,cr Se,cR 9c28D, 9c28G,
adaptation*-man (*acclimation) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [DBT] [dɑbtu:n] dabtûn
acquaintance maker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KNG] [ɑknɑɡʊ] aknagu ce,crS ce,cRS 9c28v, 9c28v,
adaptation*-men (*acclimation) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [DBT] [dɑbtɑ:n] dabtân
acquaintance maker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KNG] [ʊknɑɡʊ] uknagu Se,crS Se,cRS 9l28", 9l28",
adaptation*-place (*acclimation) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [DBT] [dɪbti:n] dibtîn
acquaintance maker-like / from acquaintance makers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNG] [ɑknɑɡʊl] aknagul ce,crSa ce,cRSa adaptationless / without adaptation [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBT] [bɪnɑdbɑ:t] binadbât 2l,c92v8 2l,c92v8

adaptation-like / from (the) adaptations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBT] [ɑdbɑ:tʊl] adbâtul c92v8Sa c92v8Sa
acquaintance maker-like / from acquaintance makers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNG] [ʊknɑɡʊl] uknagul Se,crSa Se,cRSa
adaptations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DBT] [ɑdɑbɑ:t] adabât c9c2v8 c9c2v8

acquaintance makers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KNG] [ɑkɑ:nɑɡ] akânag cev,cr cev,cR adaptations of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DBT] [ɑdɑbʊt] adabut c9c2S8 c9c2S8

acquaintance makers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KNG] [ʊknɑ:ɡ] uknâg Se,vr Se,vR
adaptations of all adaptations* (*acclimations) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [DBT] [dʊbte:l] dubtêl 9S28xa 9S28xa
acquaintance makers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KNG] [ɑkɑ:nʊɡ] akânug cev,Sr cev,SR

acquaintance makers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KNG] [ʊknʊɡ] uknug Se,Sr Se,SR adaptations* that are young/new/fresh (*acclimations) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DBT] [dɑbti:tʰ] dabtîth 9c28"0 9c28"0

acquaintance of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KNG] [kɑnɑɡʊ] kanagu ec,crS ec,cRS c92c8 c92c8
adapter (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DBT] [ɑdbɑt] adbat
acquaintanceless / without acquaintance [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNG] [bɪnkɑnɑɡ] binkanag 2l,ec,cr 2l,ec,cR S92c8 S92c8
adapter (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DBT] [ʊdbɑt] udbat
acquaintance-like / from (the) acquaintances [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNG] [kɑngʊl] kangul ecjSa ecjSa c92c8S c92c8S
adapter of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DBT] [ɑdbɑtʊ] adbatu
acquaintances [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KNG] [kɑn.nɑɡ] kannag ecucr ecucR S92c8S S92c8S
adapter of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DBT] [ʊdbɑtʊ] udbatu
acquaintances of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KNG] [kɑn.nʊɡ] kannug ecuSr ecuSR c92c8Sa c92c8Sa
adapter-like / from adapters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBT] [ɑdbɑtʊl] adbatul
acquire [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GNR] [mʌhɑɡnʊr] mahagnur 6cfcr,S@ 6cfcR,S@ S92c8Sa S92c8Sa
adapter-like / from adapters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBT] [ʊdbɑtʊl] udbatul
acquire! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNR] [mɑhɪɡnɪri:] mahignirî 6cflr,l@" 6cflR,l@" c9v2c8 c9v2c8
adapters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DBT] [ɑdɑ:bɑt] adâbat
acquire! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNR] [mʌhɪɡnɪr] mahignir 6cflr,l@ 6cflR,l@ S92v8 S92v8
adapters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DBT] [ʊdbɑ:t] udbât
acquiring (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [GNR] [mʌhɪɡne:r] mahignêr 6cflr,x@ 6cflR,x@ c9v2S8 c9v2S8
adapters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DBT] [ɑdɑ:bʊt] adâbut
across [Compound Preposition] [ʊrʊnʊnʊr] urununur S@S,S,S@ S@S,S,S@ S92S8 S92S8
adapters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DBT] [ʊdbʊt] udbut
act cowardly [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShK] [ʌʃʊk] ashuk c%Se c%Se adapting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [DBT] [ɪdbe:t] idbêt l92x8 l92x8

add [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FThK] [ʌftʰʊk] afthuk c30Se c30Se
act cowardly with each other / act cowardly together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [nɑɪʃki:] naishkî ,cl%e" ,cl%e"
add spice [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [SBS] [ʌsbʊs] asbus c.2S. c.2S.

act cowardly! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [ɪʃki:] ishkî l%e" l%e"
add spice with each other / add spice together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [nɑɪsbɪsɪ] naisbisi ,cl.2l.l ,cl.2l.l
act cowardly! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [ɪʃkɪ] ishki l%el l%el
add spice! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [ɪsbɪsi:] isbisî l.2l." l.2l."
act promiscuous [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LSZ] [ɑlsʊzɪk] alsuzik ca.Swle ca.SDle
add spice! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [ɪsbɪs] isbis l.2l. l.2l.
act promiscuous! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LSZ] [ɪlsɪzɪki:] ilsizikî la.lwle" la.lDle"
add with each other / add together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [nɑɪftʰɪkɪ] naifthiki ,cl30lel ,cl30lel
act promiscuous! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LSZ] [ɪlsɪzɪk] ilsizik la.lwle la.lDle
add! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [ɪftʰɪki:] ifthikî l30le" l30le"
act strange [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [DRJ] [ɑdrʊd͡ʒ] adruj c9@SR c9@S$
add! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [ɪftʰɪk] ifthik l30le l30le

adding (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FThK] [ɪftʰe:k] ifthêk l30xe l30xe
act strange with each other / act strange together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [DRJ] [nɑɪdrɪd͡ʒɪ] naidriji ,cl9@lRl ,cl9@l$l
addition [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FThK] [ʌftʰɑ:k] afthâk c30ve c30ve
act strange! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRJ] [ɪdrɪd͡ʒi:] idrijî l9@lR" l9@l$"
addition of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FThK] [ʌftʰɑ:kʊ] afthâku c30veS c30veS
act strange! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRJ] [ɪdrɪd͡ʒ] idrij l9@lR l9@l$
addition of all additions* (*supplements) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɛl] fathkel 3c0eza 3c0eza
acting cowardly (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [ShK] [ɪʃk] ishk l%e l%e

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 13 The Dwarrow Scholar 14
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

3c0el0 3c0el0
adjustment of all adjustments* (*spanners (wrenches)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] .z8aza .z8aza
addition* that is young/new/fresh (*supplement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɪtʰ] fathkith [sɛtlɛl] setlel
addition*-ladies (*supplement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑ:nɑ] fathkâna 3c0ev,c 3c0ev,c
adjustment* that is young/new/fresh (*spanner (wrench)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [STL] [sɑtlɪtʰ] satlith .c8al0 .c8al0
addition*-lady (*supplement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [FThK] [fɑtʰku:nɑ] fathkûna 3c0eD,c 3c0eG,c
adjustment*-ladies (*spanner (wrench)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [STL] [sɑtlɑ:nɑ] satlâna .c8av,c .c8av,c
addition*-man (*supplement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [FThK] [fɑtʰku:n] fathkûn 3c0eD, 3c0eG,
adjustment*-lady (*spanner (wrench)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [STL] [sɑtlu:nɑ] satlûna .c8aD,c .c8aG,c
addition*-men (*supplement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑ:n] fathkân 3c0ev, 3c0ev,
adjustment*-man (*spanner (wrench)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [STL] [sɑtlu:n] satlûn .c8aD, .c8aG,
addition*-place (*supplement) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [FThK] [fɪtʰki:n] fithkîn 3l0e", 3l0e",
adjustment*-men (*spanner (wrench)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [STL] [sɑtlɑ:n] satlân .c8av, .c8av,
additionless / without addition [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FThK] [bɪnʌftʰɑ:k] binafthâk 2l,c30ve 2l,c30ve
adjustment*-place (*spanner (wrench)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [STL] [sɪtli:n] sitlîn .l8a", .l8a",
addition-like / from (the) additions [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FThK] [ʌftʰɑ:kʊl] afthâkul c30veSa c30veSa
adjustmentless / without adjustment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [STL] [bɪnʌstɑ:l] binastâl 2l,c.8va 2l,c.8va
additions [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FThK] [ɑfɑtʰɑ:k] afathâk c3c0ve c3c0ve
adjustment-like / from (the) adjustments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STL] [ʌstɑ:lʊl] astâlul c.8vaSa c.8vaSa
additions of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FThK] [ɑfɑtʰʊk] afathuk c3c0Se c3c0Se
adjustments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STL] [ɑsɑtɑ:l] asatâl c.c8va c.c8va
additions of all additions* (*supplements) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [FThK] [fɑtʰke:l] fathkêl 3c0exa 3c0exa
adjustments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STL] [ɑsɑtʊl] asatul c.c8Sa c.c8Sa

3c0e"0 3c0e"0
adjustments of all adjustments* (*spanners (wrenches)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] .z8axa .z8axa
additions* that are young/new/fresh (*supplements) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FThK] [fɑtʰki:tʰ] fathkîth [sɛtle:l] setlêl
c6Se c6Se
adjustments* that are young/new/fresh (*spanners (wrenches)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] .c8a"0 .c8a"0
address all [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MK] [ɑmʊk] amuk [sɑtli:tʰ] satlîth
administrative division of lands in the Red Mountains [Singular Compound Noun] [dɑmɑ:mzʊrlʊ] damâmzurlu 9c6v6wS@aS 9c6v6DS@aS
address all with each other / address all together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MK] [nɑɪmki:] naimkî ,cl6e" ,cl6e"
administrative divisions of lands in the Red Mountains [Plural Compound Noun] [dɑmɑmzʊru:l] damamzurûl 9c6c6wS@Da 9c6c6DS@Ga
address all! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MK] [ɪmki:] imkî l6e" l6e"
admit [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KN] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:kʊn] jalâkun RcaveS, $caveS,
address all! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MK] [ɪmkɪ] imki l6el l6el
admit! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkni:] jalaiknî Rcacle," $cacle,"
addresser (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MK] [ɑmɑk] amak c6ce c6ce
admit! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪknɪ] jalaikni Rcacle,l $cacle,l
addresser (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MK] [ʊmɑk] umak S6ce S6ce
admitter (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KN] [ɑkɑn] akan cec, cec,
addresser of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MK] [ɑmɑkʊ] amaku c6ceS c6ceS
admitter (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KN] [ʊkɑn] ukan Sec, Sec,
addresser of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MK] [ʊmɑkʊ] umaku S6ceS S6ceS
admitter of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KN] [ɑkɑnʊ] akanu cec,S cec,S
addresser-like / from addressers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MK] [ɑmkʊl] amkul c6eSa c6eSa
admitter of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KN] [ʊkɑnʊ] ukanu Sec,S Sec,S
addresser-like / from addressers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MK] [ʊmkʊl] umkul S6eSa S6eSa
admitter-like / from admitters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KN] [ɑknʊl] aknul ce,Sa ce,Sa
addressers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MK] [ɑmɑ:k] amâk c6ve c6ve
admitter-like / from admitters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KN] [ʊknʊl] uknul Se,Sa Se,Sa
addressers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MK] [ʊmɑ:k] umâk S6ve S6ve
admitters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KN] [ɑkɑ:n] akân cev, cev,
addressers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MK] [ɑmʊk] amuk c6Se c6Se
admitters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KN] [ʊkɑ:n] ukân Sev, Sev,
addressers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MK] [ʊmʊk] umuk S6Se S6Se
admitters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KN] [ɑkʊn] akun ceS, ceS,
addressing all (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [MK] [ɪmk] imk l6e l6e
admitters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KN] [ʊkʊn] ukun SeS, SeS,
adjective [Singular Compound Noun] [ʌftʰɑ:kɡɑlɑbɪ] afthâkgalabi c30vercac2l c30veRcac2l
adoration [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LBTh] [ɑlbɑ:tʰ] albâth ca2v0 ca2v0
adjectives [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑftʰɑkɡɑlɑbi:] afthakgalabî c30cercac2" c30ceRcac2"
adoration of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LBTh] [ɑlbɑ:tʰʊ] albâthu ca2v0S ca2v0S
adjust [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [STL] [ʌstʊl] astul c.8Sa c.8Sa
adoration of all adorations [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɛl] labthel ac20za ac20za
adjust with each other / adjust together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [STL] [nɑɪstɪlɪ] naistili ,cl.8lal ,cl.8lal
adoration that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɪtʰ] labthith ac20l0 ac20l0
adjust! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STL] [ɪstɪli:] istilî l.8la" l.8la"
adoration-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑ:nɑ] labthâna ac20v,c ac20v,c
adjust! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STL] [ɪstɪl] istil l.8la l.8la
adoration-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰu:nɑ] labthûna ac20D,c ac20G,c
adjuster (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STL] [ʌstɑl] astal c.8ca c.8ca
adorationless / without adoration [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LBTh] [bɪnɑlbɑ:tʰ] binalbâth 2l,ca2v0 2l,ca2v0
adjuster (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STL] [ʊstɑl] ustal S.8ca S.8ca
adoration-like / from (the) adorations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LBTh] [ɑlbɑ:tʰʊl] albâthul ca2v0Sa ca2v0Sa
adjuster of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STL] [ʌstɑlʊ] astalu c.8caS c.8caS
adoration-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰu:n] labthûn ac20D, ac20G,
adjuster of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STL] [ʊstɑlʊ] ustalu S.8caS S.8caS
adoration-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑ:n] labthân ac20v, ac20v,
adjuster-like / from adjusters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STL] [ʌstɑlʊl] astalul c.8caSa c.8caSa
adoration-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [LBTh] ❷ - location of a spire of worship [lɪbtʰi:n] libthîn al20", al20",
adjuster-like / from adjusters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STL] [ʊstɑlʊl] ustalul S.8caSa S.8caSa

adjusters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STL] [ɑsɑ:tɑl] asâtal c.v8ca c.v8ca adorations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LBTh] [ɑlɑbɑ:tʰ] alabâth cac2v0 cac2v0

adjusters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STL] [ʊstɑ:l] ustâl S.8va S.8va adorations of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LBTh] [ɑlɑbʊtʰ] alabuth cac2S0 cac2S0

adjusters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STL] [ɑsɑ:tʊl] asâtul c.v8Sa c.v8Sa adorations of all adorations [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰe:l] labthêl ac20xa ac20xa

adjusters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STL] [ʊstʊl] ustul S.8Sa S.8Sa adorations that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰi:tʰ] labthîth ac20"0 ac20"0

adjusting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [STL] [ɪste:l] istêl l.8xa l.8xa adore [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [LBTh] [ɑlbʊtʰ] albuth ca2S0 ca2S0

adjustment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STL] [ʌstɑ:l] astâl c.8va c.8va adore with each other / adore together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [nɑɪlbɪtʰɪ] nailbithi ,cla2l0l ,cla2l0l

adjustment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STL] [ʌstɑ:lʊ] astâlu c.8vaS c.8vaS adore! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [ɪlbɪtʰi:] ilbithî la2l0" la2l0"

adore! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [ɪlbɪtʰ] ilbith la2l0 la2l0

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 15 The Dwarrow Scholar 16

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

adorer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LBTh] [ɑlbɑtʰ] albath ca2c0 ca2c0 advancers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰɑ:rɑkʰ] athârakh c0v@ceV c0v@ct

adorer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LBTh] [ʊlbɑtʰ] ulbath Sa2c0 Sa2c0 advancers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRKh] [ʊtʰrɑ:kʰ] uthrâkh S0@veV S0@vt

adorer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LBTh] [ɑlbɑtʰʊ] albathu ca2c0S ca2c0S advancers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰɑ:rʊkʰ] athârukh c0v@SeV c0v@St

adorer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LBTh] [ʊlbɑtʰʊ] ulbathu Sa2c0S Sa2c0S advancers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRKh] [ʊtʰrʊkʰ] uthrukh S0@SeV S0@St

adorer-like / from adorers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LBTh] [ɑlbɑtʰʊl] albathul ca2c0Sa ca2c0Sa advances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRKh] ❷ - Initial clearings or delvings made in rock that
[ɑtʰɑrɑ:kʰ] atharâkh c0c@veV c0c@vt
adorer-like / from adorers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LBTh] [ʊlbɑtʰʊl] ulbathul Sa2c0Sa Sa2c0Sa will serve the further delving of a hall, mine or tunnel.
advances of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰɑrʊkʰ] atharukh c0c@SeV c0c@St
adorers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LBTh] [ɑlɑ:bɑtʰ] alâbath cav2c0 cav2c0
advancing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ThRKh] [ɪtʰre:kʰ] ithrêkh l0@xeV l0@xt
adorers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LBTh] [ʊlbɑ:tʰ] ulbâth Sa2v0 Sa2v0
advantage [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RFR] [rʌfɑr] rafar @c3c@ @c3c@
adorers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LBTh] [ɑlɑ:bʊtʰ] alâbuth cav2S0 cav2S0
advantage of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RFR] [rʌfɑrʊ] rafaru @c3c@S @c3c@S
adorers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LBTh] [ʊlbʊtʰ] ulbuth Sa2S0 Sa2S0

adoring (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [LBTh] [ɪlbe:tʰ] ilbêth la2x0 la2x0 advantage of all advantages* (*experiences) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [RFR] [rʌfrɛl] rafrel @c3@za @c3@za

adorn [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [SKT] [ʌskʊt] askut c.eS8 c.eS8
advantage* that is young/new/fresh (*experience) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RFR] [rʌfrɪtʰ] rafrith @c3@l0 @c3@l0
adorn with each other / adorn together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [nɑɪskɪtɪ] naiskiti ,cl.el8l ,cl.el8l
l.el8" l.el8" advantage*-ladies (*experience) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [RFR] [rɑfrɑ:nɑ] rafrâna @c3@v,c @c3@v,c
adorn! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [ɪskɪti:] iskitî
l.el8 l.el8 advantage*-lady (*experience) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [RFR] [rʌfru:nɑ] rafrûna @c3@D,c @c3@G,c
adorn! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [ɪskɪt] iskit
c.ec8 c.ec8 advantage*-man (*experience) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [RFR] [rʌfru:n] rafrûn @c3@D, @c3@G,
adorner (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SKT] [ʌskɑt] askat
S.ec8 S.ec8 advantage*-men (*experience) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [RFR] [rɑfrɑ:n] rafrân @c3@v, @c3@v,
adorner (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SKT] [ʊskɑt] uskat
c.ec8S c.ec8S advantage*-place (*experience) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [RFR] [rɪfri:n] rifrîn @l3@", @l3@",
adorner of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SKT] [ʌskɑtʊ] askatu
S.ec8S S.ec8S advantageless / without advantage [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RFR] ❷ - disadvantage [bɪnrʌfɑr] binrafar 2l,@c3c@ 2l,@c3c@
adorner of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SKT] [ʊskɑtʊ] uskatu
c.ec8Sa c.ec8Sa advantage-like / from (the) advantages [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RFR] [rʌfrʊl] rafrul @c3@Sa @c3@Sa
adorner-like / from adorners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKT] [ʌskɑtʊl] askatul
S.ec8Sa S.ec8Sa advantages [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RFR] [rɑf.fɑr] raffar @c33c@ @c33c@
adorner-like / from adorners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKT] [ʊskɑtʊl] uskatul
c.vec8 c.vec8 advantages of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RFR] [rɑf.fʊr] raffur @c33S@ @c33S@
adorners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SKT] [ɑsɑ:kɑt] asâkat
adorners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SKT] [ʊskɑ:t] uskât S.ev8 S.ev8 advantages of all advantages* (*experiences) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [RFR] [rɑfre:l] rafrêl @c3@xa @c3@xa
adorners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SKT] [ɑsɑ:kʊt] asâkut c.veS8 c.veS8
advantages* that are young/new/fresh (*experiences) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RFR] [rɑfri:tʰ] rafrîth @c3@"0 @c3@"0
adorners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SKT] [ʊskʊt] uskut S.eS8 S.eS8

adorning (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [SKT] [ɪske:t] iskêt l.ex8 l.ex8 adventure [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KDM] [ɑkdɑ:m] akdâm ce9v6 ce9v6

adornment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SKT] [ʌskɑ:t] askât c.ev8 c.ev8 adventure of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KDM] [ɑkdɑ:mʊ] akdâmu ce9v6S ce9v6S

adornment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SKT] [ʌskɑ:tʊ] askâtu c.ev8S c.ev8S adventureless / without adventure [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KDM] [bɪnɑkdɑ:m] binakdâm 2l,ce9v6 2l,ce9v6

adornmentless / without adornment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKT] [bɪnʌskɑ:t] binaskât 2l,c.ev8 2l,c.ev8 adventure-like / from (the) adventures [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KDM] [ɑkdɑ:mʊl] akdâmul ce9v6Sa ce9v6Sa

adornment-like / from (the) adornments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKT] [ʌskɑ:tʊl] askâtul c.ev8Sa c.ev8Sa adventures [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KDM] [ɑkɑdɑ:m] akadâm cec9v6 cec9v6

adornments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SKT] [ɑsɑkɑ:t] asakât c.cev8 c.cev8 adventures of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KDM] [ɑkɑdʊm] akadum cec9S6 cec9S6

adornments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SKT] [ɑsɑkʊt] asakut c.ceS8 c.ceS8 adverb [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑbɑlɡɑlɑbɪ] abalgalabi c2carcac2l c2caRcac2l

adultery [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑmrɑlbɪnɑkrɑ:ɡ] amralbinakrâg c6@ca2l,ce@vr c6@ca2l,ce@vR adverbs [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑbɑlɡɑlɑbi:] abalgalabî c2carcac2" c2caRcac2"

Adûnaic [Singular Compound Noun] [ɡʊzjʊlɑɡb] guzyulagb rSw;Sacr2 RSD;SacR2 advice (more than one) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RYT] [ɑrɑjɑ:t] arayât c@c;v8 c@c;v8

advice (more than one) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RYT] [ɑrɑjʊt] arayut c@c;S8 c@c;S8
advance [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrʊkʰ] athrukh c0@SeV c0@St
advice (more than one) of all advice (more than one)* (*counsels, suggestions) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / @S;8xa @S;8xa
advance [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRKh] ❷ - Initial clearing or delving made in rock that will [rʊjte:l] ruytêl
[ɑtʰrɑ:kʰ] athrâkh c0@veV c0@vt PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [RYT]
serve the further delving of a hall, mine or tunnel. advice (more than one)* that are young/new/fresh (*counsels, suggestions) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE
[rɑjti:tʰ] raytîth @c;8"0 @c;8"0
advance of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrɑ:kʰʊ] athrâkhu c0@veVS c0@vtS DIMINUTIVE ] [RYT]
advice (one) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RYT] [ɑrjɑ:t] aryât c@;v8 c@;v8
advance with each other / advance together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [nɑɪtʰrɪkʰɪ] naithrikhi ,cl0@leVl ,cl0@ltl
advice (one) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RYT] [ɑrjɑ:tʊ] aryâtu c@;v8S c@;v8S
advance! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [ɪtʰrɪkʰi:] ithrikhî l0@leV" l0@lt"
advice (one) of all advice (more than one)* (*counsels, suggestions) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR @S;8za @S;8za
advance! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [ɪtʰrɪkʰ] ithrikh l0@leV l0@lt [rʊjtɛl] ruytel
advanceless / without advance [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRKh] [bɪnɑtʰrɑ:kʰ] binathrâkh 2l,c0@veV 2l,c0@vt advice (one)* that is young/new/fresh (*counsel, suggestion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ]
[re:tɪtʰ] rêtith @x8l0 @x8l0
advance-like / from (the) advances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrɑ:kʰʊl] athrâkhul c0@veVSa c0@vtSa [RYT]
advice (one)*-ladies (*counsel, suggestion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [RYT] [re:tɑ:nɑ] rêtâna @x8v,c @x8v,c
advancer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrɑkʰ] athrakh c0@ceV c0@ct
advice (one)*-lady (*counsel, suggestion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [RYT] [re:tu:nɑ] rêtûna @x8D,c @x8G,c
advancer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRKh] [ʊtʰrɑkʰ] uthrakh S0@ceV S0@ct
advice (one)*-man (*counsel, suggestion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [RYT] [re:tu:n] rêtûn @x8D, @x8G,
advancer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrɑkʰʊ] athrakhu c0@ceVS c0@ctS
advice (one)*-men (*counsel, suggestion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [RYT] [re:tɑ:n] rêtân @x8v, @x8v,
advancer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRKh] [ʊtʰrɑkʰʊ] uthrakhu S0@ceVS S0@ctS
advice (one)-*place (*counsel, suggestion) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [RYT] [ri:ti:n] rîtîn @"8", @"8",
advancer-like / from advancers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrɑkʰʊl] athrakhul c0@ceVSa c0@ctSa
advice (one)-like / from (the) advice (more than one) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RYT] [ɑrjɑ:tʊl] aryâtul c@;v8Sa c@;v8Sa
advancer-like / from advancers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRKh] [ʊtʰrɑkʰʊl] uthrakhul S0@ceVSa S0@ctSa
advise [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [RYT] [ɑrjʊt] aryut c@;S8 c@;S8

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 17 The Dwarrow Scholar 18
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

advise with each other / advise together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [nɑɪrjɪtɪ] nairyiti ,cl@;l8l ,cl@;l8l afford! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZZ] [ɪz.zɪrʊk] izziruk lwwl@Se lDDl@Se

advise! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [ɪrjɪti:] iryitî l@;l8" l@;l8" affording (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ZZ] [ɪz.zrʊk] izzruk lww@Se lDD@Se

advise! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [ɪrjɪt] iryit l@;l8 l@;l8 after [Irregular Adverb (Irregular) / Adverb] [irr.] [ɑktʊ] aktu ce8S ce8S

adviser (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RYT] [ɑrjɑt] aryat c@;c8 c@;c8 after all [Compound Adverb] [ɑktʊsʊl.lʊ] aktusullu ce8S.SaaS ce8S.SaaS

adviser (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RYT] [ʊrjɑt] uryat S@;c8 S@;c8 again (anew) [Irregular Adverb (Irregular) / Adverb] [irr.] [ɡɑɡɪn] gagin rcrl, RcRl,

adviser of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RYT] [ɑrjɑtʊ] aryatu c@;c8S c@;c8S against [Irregular (Irregular) / SINGULAR] [irr.] [ɡɑdrɑ] gadra rc9@c Rc9@c

adviser of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RYT] [ʊrjɑtʊ] uryatu S@;c8S S@;c8S agate [Singular Compound Noun] [nʌzɡʔɑbɑn] nazg'aban ,cwrgc2c, ,cDRgc2c,

adviser-like / from advisers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RYT] [ɑrjɑtʊl] aryatul c@;c8Sa c@;c8Sa agates [Plural Compound Noun] [nɑzɡʔɑb.bɑn] nazg'abban ,cwrgc22c, ,cDRgc22c,

adviser-like / from advisers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RYT] [ʊrjɑtʊl] uryatul S@;c8Sa S@;c8Sa age (era) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GML] [ɑɡmɑ:l] agmâl cr6va cR6va

advisers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RYT] [ɑrɑ:jɑt] arâyat c@v;c8 c@v;c8 age (era) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GML] [ɑɡmɑ:lʊ] agmâlu cr6vaS cR6vaS

advisers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RYT] [ʊrjɑ:t] uryât S@;v8 S@;v8 age (era) of all ages (eras) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [GML] [ɡɑmlɛl] gamlel rc6aza Rc6aza

advisers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RYT] [ɑrɑ:jʊt] arâyut c@v;S8 c@v;S8 age (era) that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GML] [ɡɑmlɪtʰ] gamlith rc6al0 Rc6al0

advisers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RYT] [ʊrjʊt] uryut S@;S8 S@;S8 age (era)-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑ:nɑ] gamlâna rc6av,c Rc6av,c

advising (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [RYT] [ɪrje:t] iryêt l@;x8 l@;x8 age (era)-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GML] [ɡɑmlu:nɑ] gamlûna rc6aD,c Rc6aG,c

adze [Singular Compound Noun] [fɑkɑkzɛɡɑr] fakakzegar 3cecewzrc@ 3ceceDzRc@ age (era)-like / from (the) ages (eras) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GML] [ɑɡmɑ:lʊl] agmâlul cr6vaSa cR6vaSa

adzes [Plural Compound Noun] [fɑkɑkzɛɡɑ:r] fakakzegâr 3cecewzrv@ 3ceceDzRv@ age (era)-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GML] [ɡɑmlu:n] gamlûn rc6aD, Rc6aG,

aeglos shrub [Singular Compound Noun] [lɑbɑmrʌzkʰmʌd͡ʒt] labamrazkhmajt ac2c6@cweV6cR8 ac2c6@cDt6c$8 age (era)-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑ:n] gamlân rc6av, Rc6av,

aeglos shrubs [Plural Compound Noun] [lɑbɑmrɑzkʰmɑd͡ʒɑ:t] labamrazkhmajât ac2c6@cweV6cRv8 ac2c6@cDt6c$v8 age (era)-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GML] [ɡɪmli:n] gimlîn rl6a", Rl6a",

affect [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NDD] [mʌhɑndʊd] mahandud 6cfcdS9 6cfcdS9 age [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GML] [ɑɡmʊl] agmul cr6Sa cR6Sa

affect! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [mɑhɪndɪdi:] mahindidî 6cfldl9" 6cfldl9" age with each other / age together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GML] [nɑɪɡmɪlɪ] naigmili ,clr6lal ,clR6lal

affect! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [mʌhɪndɪd] mahindid 6cfldl9 6cfldl9 age! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GML] [ɪɡmɪli:] igmilî lr6la" lR6la"

affecting (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [NDD] [mʌhɪnde:d] mahindêd 6cfldx9 6cfldx9 age! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GML] [ɪɡmɪl] igmil lr6la lR6la

affection [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [STD] [sʊtdʊ] sutdu .S89S .S89S ager (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GML] [ɑɡmɑl] agmal cr6ca cR6ca

affection of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [STD] [sʊtdu:] sutdû .S89D .S89G ager (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GML] [ʊɡmɑl] ugmal Sr6ca SR6ca

affectionless / without affection [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [STD] [bɪnsʊtdʊ] binsutdu 2l,.S89S 2l,.S89S ager of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GML] [ɑɡmɑlʊ] agmalu cr6caS cR6caS

affection-like / from (the) affections [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [STD] [sʊtdʊl] sutdul .S89Sa .S89Sa ager of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GML] [ʊɡmɑlʊ] ugmalu Sr6caS SR6caS

affections [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [STD] [sʊtu:d] sutûd .S8D9 .S8G9 ager-like / from agers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GML] [ɑɡmɑlʊl] agmalul cr6caSa cR6caSa

affections of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [STD] [sʊtu:dʊ] sutûdu .S8D9S .S8G9S ager-like / from agers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GML] [ʊɡmɑlʊl] ugmalul Sr6caSa SR6caSa

affinities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRR] [ɑhɑrɑ:r] aharâr cfc@v@ cfc@v@ agers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GML] [ɑɡɑ:mɑl] agâmal crv6ca cRv6ca

affinities of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRR] [ɑhɑrʊr] aharur cfc@S@ cfc@S@ agers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GML] [ʊɡmɑ:l] ugmâl Sr6va SR6va

affinities of all affinities* (*belongings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HRR] [hɑ] harrêl fc@@xa fc@@xa agers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GML] [ɑɡɑ:mʊl] agâmul crv6Sa cRv6Sa

agers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GML] [ʊɡmʊl] ugmul Sr6Sa SR6Sa
affinities* that are young/new/fresh (*belongings) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HRR] [hɑr.ri:tʰ] harrîth fc@@"0 fc@@"0
ages (eras) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GML] [ɑɡɑmɑ:l] agamâl crc6va cRc6va
affinity [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRR] [ʌhrɑ:r] ahrâr cf@v@ cf@v@
ages (eras) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GML] [ɑɡɑmʊl] agamul crc6Sa cRc6Sa
affinity of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRR] [ʌhrɑ:rʊ] ahrâru cf@v@S cf@v@S
ages (eras) of all ages (eras) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [GML] [ɡɑmle:l] gamlêl rc6axa Rc6axa
affinity of all affinities* (*belongings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HRR] [hɑr.rɛl] harrel fc@@za fc@@za
ages (eras) that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GML] [ɡɑmli:tʰ] gamlîth rc6a"0 Rc6a"0
affinity* that is young/new/fresh (*belonging (noun)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HRR] [hɑr.rɪtʰ] harrith fc@@l0 fc@@l0 aggression [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKhʔ] [ɑbkʰɑ:ʔ] abkhâ' c2eVvg c2tvg

fc@@v,c fc@@v,c aggression of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKhʔ] [ɑbkʰʊ] abkhu c2eVS c2tS
affinity*-ladies (*belonging (noun)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑ:nɑ] harrâna
fc@@D,c fc@@G,c aggressionless / without aggression [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKhʔ] [bɪnɑbkʰɑ:ʔ] binabkhâ' 2l,c2eVvg 2l,c2tvg
affinity*-lady (*belonging (noun)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HRR] [hɑɑ] harrûna
fc@@D, fc@@G, aggression-like / from (the) aggression [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKhʔ] [ɑbkʰʊl] abkhul c2eVSa c2tSa
affinity*-man (*belonging (noun)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HRR] [hɑ] harrûn
fc@@v, fc@@v, aging (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GML] [ɪɡme:l] igmêl lr6xa lR6xa
affinity*-men (*belonging (noun)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑ:n] harrân
fl@@", fl@@", agitate [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [TRTh] [ɑtrʊtʰ] atruth c8@S0 c8@S0
affinity*-place (*belonging (noun)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HRR] [hɪr.ri:n] hirrîn
2l,cf@v@ 2l,cf@v@ agitate with each other / agitate together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [nɑɪtrɪtʰɪ] naitrithi ,cl8@l0l ,cl8@l0l
affinityless / without affinity [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRR] [bɪnʌhrɑ:r] binahrâr
cf@v@Sa cf@v@Sa agitate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [ɪtrɪtʰi:] itrithî l8@l0" l8@l0"
affinity-like / from (the) affinities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRR] [ʌhrɑ:rʊl] ahrârul
RcavarS2 $cavaRS2 agitate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [ɪtrɪtʰ] itrith l8@l0 l8@l0
affirm [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LGB] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:lɡʊb] jalâlgub
Rcaclarl2" $caclaRl2" agitater (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑtʰ] atrath c8@c0 c8@c0
affirm! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪlɡɪbi:] jalailgibî
Rcaclarl2 $caclaRl2 agitater (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TRTh] [ʊtrɑtʰ] utrath S8@c0 S8@c0
affirm! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪlɡɪb] jalailgib
Rcaclarx2 $caclaRx2 agitater of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑtʰʊ] atrathu c8@c0S c8@c0S
affirming (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [LGB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪlɡe:b] jalailgêb
cwSw@Se cDSD@Se agitater of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TRTh] [ʊtrɑtʰʊ] utrathu S8@c0S S8@c0S
afford [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZZ] [ʌzʊzrʊk] azuzruk
lwwl@Se" lDDl@Se" agitater-like / from agitaters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑtʰʊl] atrathul c8@c0Sa c8@c0Sa
afford! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZZ] [ɪz.zɪrʊki:] izzirukî

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 19 The Dwarrow Scholar 20

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

agitater-like / from agitaters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRTh] [ʊtrɑtʰʊl] utrathul S8@c0Sa S8@c0Sa aim [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [TLZ] [ɑtlʊz] atluz c8aSw c8aSD

agitaters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TRTh] [ɑtɑ:rɑtʰ] atârath c8v@c0 c8v@c0 aim [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʊz] utluz S8aSw S8aSD

agitaters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TRTh] [ʊtrɑ:tʰ] utrâth S8@v0 S8@v0 aim of [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʊzʊ] utluzu S8aSwS S8aSDS

agitaters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TRTh] [ɑtɑ:rʊtʰ] atâruth c8v@S0 c8v@S0 aim of all aims* (*targets) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [TLZ] [tʊlzɛl] tulzel 8Sawza 8SaDza

agitaters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TRTh] [ʊtrʊtʰ] utruth S8@S0 S8@S0 aim with each other / aim together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [TLZ] [nɑɪtlɪzɪ] naitlizi ,cl8alwl ,cl8alDl

agitation [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑ:tʰ] atrâth c8@v0 c8@v0 aim! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TLZ] [ɪtlɪzi:] itlizî l8alw" l8alD"

agitation of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑ:tʰʊ] atrâthu c8@v0S c8@v0S aim! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TLZ] [ɪtlɪz] itliz l8alw l8alD

aim* that is young/new/fresh (*target) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TLZ] [tɑlzɪtʰ] talzith 8cawl0 8caDl0
agitation of all agitations* (*stirs, turbulences) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰɛl] turthel 8S@0za 8S@0za
aim*-ladies (*target) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [TLZ] [tɑlzɑ:nɑ] talzâna 8cawv,c 8caDv,c
agitation* that is young/new/fresh (*stir, turbulence) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TRTh] [tɑrtʰɪtʰ] tarthith 8c@0l0 8c@0l0 aim*-lady (*target) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [TLZ] [tɑlzu:nɑ] talzûna 8cawD,c 8caDG,c

8c@0v,c 8c@0v,c aim*-man (*target) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [TLZ] [tɑlzu:n] talzûn 8cawD, 8caDG,
agitation*-ladies (*stir, turbulence) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [TRTh] [tɑrtʰɑ:nɑ] tarthâna
8c@0D,c 8c@0G,c aim*-men (*target) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [TLZ] [tɑlzɑ:n] talzân 8cawv, 8caDv,
agitation*-lady (*stir, turbulence) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [TRTh] [tɑrtʰu:nɑ] tarthûna
8c@0D, 8c@0G, aim*-place (*target) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [TLZ] [tɪlzi:n] tilzîn 8law", 8laD",
agitation*-man (*stir, turbulence) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [TRTh] [tɑrtʰu:n] tarthûn
8c@0v, 8c@0v, aimer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TLZ] [ɑtlʌz] atlaz c8acw c8acD
agitation*-men (*stir, turbulence) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [TRTh] [tɑrtʰɑ:n] tarthân
8l@0", 8l@0", aimer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʌz] utlaz S8acw S8acD
agitation-*place (*stir, turbulence) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [TRTh] [tɪrtʰi:n] tirthîn
2l,c8@v0 2l,c8@v0 aimer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TLZ] [ɑtlʌzʊ] atlazu c8acwS c8acDS
agitationless / without agitation [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRTh] [bɪnɑtrɑ:tʰ] binatrâth
c8@v0Sa c8@v0Sa aimer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʌzʊ] utlazu S8acwS S8acDS
agitation-like / from (the) agitations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑ:tʰʊl] atrâthul
c8c@v0 c8c@v0 aimer-like / from aimers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TLZ] [ɑtlʌzʊl] atlazul c8acwSa c8acDSa
agitations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TRTh] [ɑtɑrɑ:tʰ] atarâth
c8c@S0 c8c@S0 aimer-like / from aimers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʌzʊl] utlazul S8acwSa S8acDSa
agitations of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TRTh] [ɑtɑrʊtʰ] ataruth
aimers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TLZ] [ɑtɑ:lɑz] atâlaz c8vacw c8vacD
agitations of all agitations* (*stirs, turbulences) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰe:l] turthêl 8S@0xa 8S@0xa
aimers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TLZ] [ʊtlɑ:z] utlâz S8avw S8avD

agitations* that are young/new/fresh (*stirs, turbulences) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TRTh] [tɑrtʰi:tʰ] tarthîth 8c@0"0 8c@0"0 aimers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TLZ] [ɑtɑ:lʊz] atâluz c8vaSw c8vaSD

aimers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʊz] utluz S8aSw S8aSD
agonies [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRD] [hʊru:d] hurûd fS@D9 fS@G9
aiming (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [TLZ] [ɪtle:z] itlêz l8axw l8axD
agonies of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRD] [hʊru:dʊ] hurûdu fS@D9S fS@G9S
aimless / without aim [NOUN TYPE 14 (bin-uCCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TLZ] [bɪnʊtlʊz] binutluz 2l,S8aSw 2l,S8aSD
agony [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRD] [hʊrdʊ] hurdu fS@9S fS@9S
aim-like / from (the) aims [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TLZ] [ʊtlʊzʊl] utluzul S8aSwSa S8aSDSa
agony of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRD] [hʊrdu:] hurdû fS@9D fS@9G
aims [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TLZ] [tʊlu:z] tulûz 8SaDw 8SaGD
agonyless / without agony [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRD] [bɪnhʊrdʊ] binhurdu 2l,fS@9S 2l,fS@9S
aims of [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TLZ] [tʊlu:zʊ] tulûzu 8SaDwS 8SaGDS
agony-like / from (the) agonies [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRD] [hʊrdʊl] hurdul fS@9Sa fS@9Sa
aims of all aims* (*targets) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [TLZ] [tʊlze:l] tulzêl 8Sawxa 8SaDxa
agree [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [JBL] [ʌd͡ʒbʊlɑb] ajbulab cR2Sac2 c$2Sac2
aims* that are young/new/fresh (*targets) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TLZ] [tɑlzi:tʰ] talzîth 8caw"0 8caD"0
agree! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JBL] [ɪd͡ʒbɪlɑbi:] ijbilabî lR2lac2" l$2lac2"
air [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LFT] [ɑlfɑ:t] alfât ca3v8 ca3v8
agree! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JBL] [ɪd͡ʒbɪlɑb] ijbilab lR2lac2 l$2lac2
air of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LFT] [ɑlfɑ:tʊ] alfâtu ca3v8S ca3v8S
agreeing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [JBL] [ɪd͡ʒbe:lɑb] ijbêlab lR2xac2 l$2xac2
air of all air* (*burps) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [LFT] [lʌftɛl] laftel ac38za ac38za
agreement [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KN] [ɑkɑn] akan cec, cec,
air* that is young/new/fresh (*burp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [LFT] [lʌftɪtʰ] laftith ac38l0 ac38l0
agreement of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KN] [ɑkɑnʊ] akanu cec,S cec,S
air*-ladies (*burp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [LFT] [lɑftɑ:nɑ] laftâna ac38v,c ac38v,c
agreementless / without agreement [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KN] [bɪnɑkɑn] binakan 2l,cec, 2l,cec,
air*-lady (*burp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [LFT] [lʌftu:nɑ] laftûna ac38D,c ac38G,c
agreement-like / from (the) agreements [NOUN TYPE 10 (CaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KN] [ɑkɑnʊl] akanul cec,Sa cec,Sa
air*-man (*burp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [LFT] [lʌftu:n] laftûn ac38D, ac38G,
agreements [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KN] [ɑkɑ:n] akân cev, cev,
air*-men (*burp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [LFT] [lɑftɑ:n] laftân ac38v, ac38v,
agreements of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KN] [ɑkʊn] akun ceS, ceS,
air*-place (*burp) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [LFT] [lɪfti:n] liftîn al38", al38",
Ahem (expression of doubt or warning) [Interjection TYPE 5 (CuCiC) / INTERJECTION ] [MHM] [mʊhɪm] muhim 6Sfl6 6Sfl6
airless / without air [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LFT] [bɪnɑlfɑ:t] binalfât 2l,ca3v8 2l,ca3v8
ahh (expression of realisation or understanding) [Interjection TYPE 3 (CâC) / INTERJECTION ] [NM] [nɑ:m] nâm ,v6 ,v6
airy / air-like / from (the) air [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LFT] [ɑlfɑ:tʊl] alfâtul ca3v8Sa ca3v8Sa
aider (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HS] [ʌhʌs] ahas cfc. cfc.
alarm (feeling) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhRK] [kʰɑrɑk] kharak eVc@ce tc@ce
aider (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HS] [ʊhʌs] uhas Sfc. Sfc.
alarm (feeling) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhRK] [kʰɑrɑkʊ] kharaku eVc@ceS tc@ceS
aider of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HS] [ʌhʌsʊ] ahasu cfc.S cfc.S
alarm (feeling)-like / from (the) alarm (feeling) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkʊl] kharkul eVc@eSa tc@eSa
aider of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HS] [ʊhʌsʊ] uhasu Sfc.S Sfc.S
alarm [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KhRK] [ɑkʰrʊkɑb] akhrukab ceV@Sec2 ct@Sec2
aider-like / from aiders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HS] [ʌhsʊl] ahsul cf.Sa cf.Sa
alarm [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKN] [bɛkɑn] bekan 2zec, 2zec,
aider-like / from aiders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HS] [ʊhsʊl] uhsul Sf.Sa Sf.Sa
alarm of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKN] [bɛkɑnʊ] bekanu 2zec,S 2zec,S
aiders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HS] [ɑhɑ:s] ahâs cfv. cfv.
alarm! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRK] [ɪkʰrɪkɑbi:] ikhrikabî leV@lec2" lt@lec2"
aiders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HS] [ʊhɑ:s] uhâs Sfv. Sfv.
alarm! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRK] [ɪkʰrɪkɑb] ikhrikab leV@lec2 lt@lec2
aiders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HS] [ɑhʊs] ahus cfS. cfS.
alarming (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KhRK] [ɪkʰre:kɑb] ikhrêkab leV@xec2 lt@xec2
aiders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HS] [ʊhʊs] uhus SfS. SfS.

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alarmless / without alarm [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKN] [bɪnbɛkɑn] binbekan 2l,2zec, 2l,2zec, ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) of all ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)* (*ales (amber / pale ales), drunkennesses) [Inflection:
[zʊl.le:l] zullêl wSaaxa DSaaxa
alarm-like / from (the) alarms [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKN] [bɛknʊl] beknul 2ze,Sa 2ze,Sa Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ZLL]
ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)* that are young/new/fresh (*ales (amber / pale ales), drunkennesses) [DERIVED FORM wcaa"0 Dcaa"0
alarms [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKN] [bɛkɑ:n] bekân 2zev, 2zev, [zɑʰ] zallîth
alarms of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKN] [bɛkʊn] bekun 2zeS, 2zeS, rc@vr Rc@vR
ales (porter / dark ale) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɑ:ɡ] garâg
Alatar (one of the Blue Wizards) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [ɑbzɑɡʌznɑ:n] Abzagaznân c2wcrcw,v, c2DcRcD,v, rc@Sr Rc@SR
ales (porter / dark ale) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRG] [ɡɑrʊɡ] garug
Aldburg [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [ɡɑmɪlɡɑtʰɔl] Gamilgathol rc6larc0ba Rc6laRc0ba ales (porter / dark ale) of all ales (porter / dark ale)* (*mead (pl.)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL
[ɡɛrɡe:l] gergêl rz@rxa Rz@Rxa
ale (amber / pale ale) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [zɑləl] zall wcaa Dcaa ULTIMATIVE ] [GRG]
ale (amber / pale ale) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZLL] [zɑl.lʊ] zallu wcaaS DcaaS ales (porter / dark ale)* that are young/new/fresh (*mead (pl.)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] rc@r"0 Rc@R"0
[ɡɑrɡi:tʰ] gargîth
ale (amber / pale ale)-like / from (the) ales (amber / pale ales) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZLL] [zɑl.lʊl] zallul wcaaSa DcaaSa
all [Irregular (Irregular) / SINGULAR] [irr.] ❷ - everything [sʊl.lʊ] sullu .SaaS .SaaS
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) [NOUN TYPE 16 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [zʊləl] zull wSaa DSaa
alleviation [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShF] [ʌʃʌf] ashaf c%c3 c%c3
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) of [NOUN TYPE 16 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊ] zullu wSaaS DSaaS
alleviation of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShF] [ʌʃʌfʊ] ashafu c%c3S c%c3S
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) of all ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)* (*ales (amber / pale ales), drunkennesses) [Inflection: wSaaza DSaaza
[zʊl.lɛl] zullel alleviationless / without alleviation [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShF] [bɪnʌʃʌf] binashaf 2l,c%c3 2l,c%c3
Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ZLL]
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)* that is young/new/fresh (*ale (amber / pale ale), drunkenness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / alleviation-like / from (the) alleviation [NOUN TYPE 10 (CaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShF] [ʌʃʌfʊl] ashaful c%c3Sa c%c3Sa
[zɑl.lɪtʰ] zallith wcaal0 Dcaal0
SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZLL] alley (aisle) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NFKh] [nʌfɑkʰ] nafakh ,c3ceV ,c3ct
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)*-ladies (*ale (amber / pale ale), drunkenness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM wcaav,c Dcaav,c alley (aisle) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NFKh] [nʌfɑkʰʊ] nafakhu ,c3ceVS ,c3ctS
[zɑl.lɑ:nɑ] zallâna
] [ZLL]
alley (aisle) of all alleys (aisles)* (*arteries, hallways) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] ,z3eVza ,z3tza
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)*-lady (*ale (amber / pale ale), drunkenness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. wcaaD,c DcaaG,c
[nɛfkʰɛl] nefkhel
[zɑɑ] zallûna [NFKh]
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)*-man (*ale (amber / pale ale), drunkenness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. alley (aisle)* that is young/new/fresh (*artery, hallway) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰɪtʰ] nafkhith ,c3eVl0 ,c3tl0
[zɑ] zallûn wcaaD, DcaaG,
alley (aisle)*-ladies (*artery, hallway) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NFKh] [nɑfkʰɑ:nɑ] nafkhâna ,c3eVv,c ,c3tv,c
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)*-men (*ale (amber / pale ale), drunkenness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] wcaav, Dcaav,
[zɑl.lɑ:n] zallân alley (aisle)*-lady (*artery, hallway) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰu:nɑ] nafkhûna ,c3eVD,c ,c3tG,c
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)-*place (*ale (amber / pale ale), drunkenness) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR alley (aisle)*-man (*artery, hallway) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰu:n] nafkhûn ,c3eVD, ,c3tG,
[zɪ] zillîn wlaa", Dlaa",
POSITIONAL FORM ] [ZLL] alley (aisle)*-men (*artery, hallway) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NFKh] [nɑfkʰɑ:n] nafkhân ,c3eVv, ,c3tv,
ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.)-like / from (the) ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) [NOUN TYPE 16 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊl] zullul wSaaSa DSaaSa alley (aisle)-*place (*artery, hallway) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NFKh] [nɪfkʰi:n] nifkhîn ,l3eV", ,l3t",

rc@r Rc@R alley (aisle)-like / from (the) alleys (aisles) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰʊl] nafkhul ,c3eVSa ,c3tSa
ale (porter / dark ale) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡ] garg
rc@rS Rc@RS alleys (aisles) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NFKh] [nɑf.fɑkʰ] naffakh ,c33ceV ,c33ct
ale (porter / dark ale) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡʊ] gargu
ale (porter / dark ale) of all ales (porter / dark ale)* (*mead (pl.)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR alleys (aisles) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NFKh] [nɑf.fʊkʰ] naffukh ,c33SeV ,c33St
[ɡɛrɡɛl] gergel rz@rza Rz@Rza
ULTIMATIVE ] [GRG] alleys (aisles) of all alleys (aisles)* (*arteries, hallways) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] ,z3eVxa ,z3txa
[nɛfkʰe:l] nefkhêl
rc@rl0 Rc@Rl0
ale (porter / dark ale)* that is young/new/fresh (*mead) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡɪtʰ] gargith
alleys (aisles)* that are young/new/fresh (*arteries, hallways) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] ,c3eV"0 ,c3t"0
[nɑfkʰi:tʰ] nafkhîth
ale (porter / dark ale)*-ladies (*mead) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡɑ:nɑ] gargâna rc@rv,c Rc@Rv,c [NFKh]
rc@rD,c Rc@RG,c alliance [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑkʰdɑ:ʃtʰʊhrʊ] akhdâshthuhru ceV9v%0Sf@S ct9v%0Sf@S
ale (porter / dark ale)*-lady (*mead) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡu:nɑ] gargûna
rc@rD, Rc@RG, alliances [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑkʰdɑʃtʰʊhu:r] akhdashthuhûr ceV9c%0SfD@ ct9c%0SfG@
ale (porter / dark ale)*-man (*mead) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡu:n] gargûn
rc@rv, Rc@Rv, allies [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhDSh] [kʰɑdɑ:ʃ] khadâsh eVc9v% tc9v%
ale (porter / dark ale)*-men (*mead) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡɑ:n] gargân
allies of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhDSh] [kʰɑdʊʃ] khadush eVc9S% tc9S%
ale (porter / dark ale)*-place (*mead) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GRG] ❷ - tavern [ɡɪrɡi:n] girgîn rl@r", Rl@R",
allow [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [YFL] [e:fʊl] êful x3Sa x3Sa
ale (porter / dark ale)-like / from (the) ales (porter / dark ale) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRG] [ɡɑrɡʊl] gargul rc@rSa Rc@RSa ,cl3lal ,cl3lal
allow with each other / allow together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [nɑɪfɪlɪ] naifili
ale drinker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [ʌzlɑl] azlal cwaca cDaca "3la" "3la"
allow! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [i:fɪli:] îfilî
ale drinker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [ʊzlɑl] uzlal Swaca SDaca "3la "3la
allow! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [i:fɪl] îfil
ale drinker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZLL] [ʌzlɑlʊ] azlalu cwacaS cDacaS ;c3ca ;c3ca
allowance [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [YFL] [jʌfɑl] yafal
ale drinker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZLL] [ʊzlɑlʊ] uzlalu SwacaS SDacaS ;c3caS ;c3caS
allowance of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [YFL] [jʌfɑlʊ] yafalu
ale drinker-like / from ale drinkers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZLL] [ʌzlɑlʊl] azlalul cwacaSa cDacaSa allowance of all allowances* (*permissions, permits) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ]
[jʌflɛl] yaflel ;c3aza ;c3aza
ale drinker-like / from ale drinkers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZLL] [ʊzlɑlʊl] uzlalul SwacaSa SDacaSa [YFL]
ale drinkers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [ɑzɑ:lɑl] azâlal cwvaca cDvaca allowance* that is young/new/fresh (*permission, permit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [YFL] [jʌflɪtʰ] yaflith ;c3al0 ;c3al0
ale drinkers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [ʊzlɑ:l] uzlâl Swava SDava
allowance*-ladies (*permission, permit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [YFL] [jɑflɑ:nɑ] yaflâna ;c3av,c ;c3av,c
ale drinkers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZLL] [ɑzɑ:lʊl] azâlul cwvaSa cDvaSa
allowance*-lady (*permission, permit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [YFL] [jʌflu:nɑ] yaflûna ;c3aD,c ;c3aG,c
ale drinkers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZLL] [ʊzlʊl] uzlul SwaSa SDaSa
allowance*-man (*permission, permit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [YFL] [jʌflu:n] yaflûn ;c3aD, ;c3aG,
ales (amber / pale ales) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [zɑlɑ:l] zalâl wcava Dcava
allowance*-men (*permission, permit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [YFL] [jɑflɑ:n] yaflân ;c3av, ;c3av,
ales (amber / pale ales) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZLL] [zɑlʊl] zalul wcaSa DcaSa
allowance-*place (*permission, permit) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [YFL] [jɪfli:n] yiflîn ;l3a", ;l3a",
ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) [NOUN TYPE 16 (CuCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZLL] [zʊlɑ:l] zulâl wSava DSava
allowanceless / without allowance [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [YFL] [bɪnjʌfɑl] binyafal 2l,;c3ca 2l,;c3ca
ales (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) of [NOUN TYPE 16 (CuCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZLL] [zʊlʊl] zulul wSaSa DSaSa
allowance-like / from (the) allowances [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [YFL] [jʌflʊl] yaflul ;c3aSa ;c3aSa

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

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allowances [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [YFL] [jɑf.fɑl] yaffal ;c33ca ;c33ca alternate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [ɪn.nɪr] innir lul@ lul@

allowances of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [YFL] [jɑf.fʊl] yafful ;c33Sa ;c33Sa alternating (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NNR] [ɪ] innêr lux@ lux@

alternative [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NNR] [ɑn.nɑ:r] annâr cuv@ cuv@
allowances of all allowances* (*permissions, permits) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [YFL] [jɑfle:l] yaflêl ;c3axa ;c3axa
alternative of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NNR] [ɑn.nɑ:rʊ] annâru cuv@S cuv@S
allowances* that are young/new/fresh (*permissions, permits) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [YFL] [jɑfli:tʰ] yaflîth ;c3a"0 ;c3a"0 alternative of all alternatives* (*other (more than one)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ]
[nɑnrɛl] nanrel ,c,@za ,c,@za
allower (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [YFL] [e:fɑl] êfal x3ca x3ca
alternative* that is young/new/fresh (*one other (another)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] ,c,@l0 ,c,@l0
allower (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [YFL] [ʊjfɑl] uyfal S;3ca S;3ca [nɑnrɪtʰ] nanrith
allower of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [YFL] [e:fɑlʊ] êfalu x3caS x3caS alternative*-ladies (*one other (another)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NNR] [nɑnrɑ:nɑ] nanrâna ,c,@v,c ,c,@v,c

allower of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [YFL] [ʊjfɑlʊ] uyfalu S;3caS S;3caS alternative*-lady (*one other (another)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NNR] [nɑnru:nɑ] nanrûna ,c,@D,c ,c,@G,c

allower-like / from allowers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [YFL] [e:fɑlʊl] êfalul x3caSa x3caSa alternative*-man (*one other (another)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NNR] [nɑnru:n] nanrûn ,c,@D, ,c,@G,

allower-like / from allowers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [YFL] [ʊjfɑlʊl] uyfalul S;3caSa S;3caSa alternative*-men (*one other (another)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NNR] [nɑnrɑ:n] nanrân ,c,@v, ,c,@v,

allowers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [YFL] [ɑjɑ:fɑl] ayâfal c;v3ca c;v3ca alternative*-place (*one other (another)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NNR] [nɪnri:n] ninrîn ,l,@", ,l,@",

allowers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [YFL] [ʊjfɑ:l] uyfâl S;3va S;3va alternativeless / without alternative [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNR] [bɪnɑn.nɑ:r] binannâr 2l,cuv@ 2l,cuv@

allowers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [YFL] [ɑjɑ:fʊl] ayâful c;v3Sa c;v3Sa alternative-like / from (the) alternatives [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNR] [ɑn.nɑ:rʊl] annârul cuv@Sa cuv@Sa

allowers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [YFL] [ʊjfʊl] uyful S;3Sa S;3Sa alternatives [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NNR] [ɑnɑnɑ:r] ananâr c,c,v@ c,c,v@

allowing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [YFL] [i:fe:l] îfêl "3xa "3xa alternatives of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NNR] [ɑnɑnʊr] ananur c,c,S@ c,c,S@

ally [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhDSh] [kʰʊdʃ] khudsh eVS9% tS9% alternatives of all alternatives* (*other (more than one)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ]
[nɑnre:l] nanrêl ,c,@xa ,c,@xa
ally of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhDSh] [kʰʊdʃʊ] khudshu eVS9%S tS9%S [NNR]
alternatives* that are young/new/fresh (*other (more than one)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] ,c,@"0 ,c,@"0
allyless / without ally [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhDSh] [bɪnkʰʊdʃ] binkhudsh 2l,eVS9% 2l,tS9% [nɑnri:tʰ] nanrîth
ally-like / from (the) allies [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhDSh] [kʰʊdʃʊl] khudshul eVS9%Sa tS9%Sa %c3le %c3le
although [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ʃʌfɪk] shafik
alm [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NTH] [nɑtʰ] nath ,c0 ,c0 fleV0SwSa flt0SDSa
always [Adverb of Time (hiCCuCul) / Adverb ] [KhThZ] [hɪkʰtʰʊzʊl] hikhthuzul
alm of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NTH] [nɑtʰʊ] nathu ,c0S ,c0S Rcav6fSf $cav6fSf
amaze [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [MHH] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:mhʊh] jalâmhuh
almless / without alm [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NTH] [bɪn.nɑtʰ] binnath 2luc0 2luc0 Rcacl6flf" $cacl6flf"
amaze! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHH] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪmhɪhi:] jalaimhihî
alm-like / from (the) alms [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NTH] [nɑtʰʊl] nathul ,c0Sa ,c0Sa Rcacl6flf $cacl6flf
amaze! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHH] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪmhɪh] jalaimhih
alms [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NTH] [nɑtɑ:h] natâh ,c8vf ,c8vf c6fvf c6fvf
amazement [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MHH] [ɑmhɑ:h] amhâh
alms of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NTH] [nɑtʊh] natuh ,c8Sf ,c8Sf c6fvfS c6fvfS
amazement of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MHH] [ɑmhɑ:hʊ] amhâhu
alone (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [ZSL] [zʊslɑ:] zuslâ wS.av DS.av 2l,c6fvf 2l,c6fvf
amazementless / without amazement [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MHH] [bɪnɑmhɑ:h] binamhâh
alone [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZSL] [zʊsʊl] zusul wS.Sa DS.Sa c6cfvf c6cfvf
amazements [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MHH] [ɑmɑhɑ:h] amahâh
along (over the lenght of) [Irregular (Irregular) / SINGULAR] [irr.] [sʊɡnʊ] sugnu .Sr,S .SR,S c6cfSf c6cfSf
amazements of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MHH] [ɑmɑhʊh] amahuh
also (with, too) [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [jɑ] ya ;c ;c Rcacl6fxf $cacl6fxf
amazing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [MHH] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪmhe:h] jalaimhêh
altar [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRF] [ɡɛrʌf] geraf rz@c3 Rz@c3 c6fvfSa c6fvfSa
amazing / amazement-like / from (the) amazements [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MHH] [ɑmhɑ:hʊl] amhâhul
altar of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRF] [ɡɛrʌfʊ] gerafu rz@c3S Rz@c3S l6fSfSa l6fSfSa
amazingly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [MHH] [ɪmhʊhʊl] imhuhul
altar of all altars* (*prayers (acts), worship) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [GRF] [ɡɛrfɛl] gerfel rz@3za Rz@3za amazingly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [MHH] [mɪh.hɑl] mihhal 6lffca 6lffca

ambition [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊ] gurthu rS@0S RS@0S
altar* that is young/new/fresh (*prayer (act), worship) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRF] [ɡɑrfɪtʰ] garfith rc@3l0 Rc@3l0
ambition of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰu:] gurthû rS@0D RS@0G

altar*-ladies (*prayer (act), worship) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GRF] [ɡɑrfɑ:nɑ] garfâna rc@3v,c Rc@3v,c ambitionless / without ambition [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRTh] [bɪngʊrtʰʊ] bingurthu 2ljS@0S 2ljS@0S

altar*-lady (*prayer (act), worship) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GRF] [ɡɑrfu:nɑ] garfûna rc@3D,c Rc@3G,c ambition-like / from (the) ambitions [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊl] gurthul rS@0Sa RS@0Sa

altar*-man (*prayer (act), worship) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GRF] [ɡɑrfu:n] garfûn rc@3D, Rc@3G, ambitions [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRTh] [ɡʊru:tʰ] gurûth rS@D0 RS@G0

altar*-men (*prayer (act), worship) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GRF] [ɡɑrfɑ:n] garfân rc@3v, Rc@3v, ambitions of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRTh] [ɡʊru:tʰʊ] gurûthu rS@D0S RS@G0S

altar-*place (*prayer (act), worship) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GRF] [ɡɪrfi:n] girfîn rl@3", Rl@3", ambush [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NBZ] [ɑnbʊz] anbuz c,2Sw c,2SD

altarless / without altar [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRF] [bɪngɛrʌf] bingeraf 2ljz@c3 2ljz@c3 ambush [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBZ] [ɑnbɑ:z] anbâz c,2vw c,2vD

altar-like / from (the) altars [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRF] [ɡɛrfʊl] gerful rz@3Sa Rz@3Sa ambush of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBZ] [ɑnbɑ:zʊ] anbâzu c,2vwS c,2vDS

altars [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRF] [ɡɛrɑ:f] gerâf rz@v3 Rz@v3 ambush of all ambushes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NBZ] [nɑbzɛl] nabzel ,c2wza ,c2Dza

altars of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRF] [ɡɛrʊf] geruf rz@S3 Rz@S3 ambush that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NBZ] [nɑbzɪtʰ] nabzith ,c2wl0 ,c2Dl0

ambush with each other / ambush together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [nɑɪnbɪzɪ] nainbizi ,cl,2lwl ,cl,2lDl
altars of all altars* (*prayers (acts), worship) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [GRF] [ɡɛrfe:l] gerfêl rz@3xa Rz@3xa
ambush! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [ɪnbɪzi:] inbizî l,2lw" l,2lD"
altars* that are young/new/fresh (*prayers (acts)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRF] [ɡɑrfi:tʰ] garfîth rc@3"0 Rc@3"0
ambush! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [ɪnbɪz] inbiz l,2lw l,2lD
alternate [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NNR] [ɑn.nʊr] annur cuS@ cuS@
ambusher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBZ] [ɑnbʌz] anbaz c,2cw c,2cD
alternate with each other / alternate together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [nɑɪn.nɪrɪ] nainniri ,clul@l ,clul@l
ambusher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBZ] [ʊnbʌz] unbaz S,2cw S,2cD
alternate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [ɪn.nɪri:] innirî lul@" lul@"
ambusher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBZ] [ɑnbʌzʊ] anbazu c,2cwS c,2cDS

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The Dwarrow Scholar 25 The Dwarrow Scholar 26
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

ambusher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBZ] [ʊnbʌzʊ] unbazu S,2cwS S,2cDS ancestor of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRF] [bʊrfʊ] burfu 2S@3S 2S@3S

ambusher-like / from ambushers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBZ] [ɑnbʌzʊl] anbazul c,2cwSa c,2cDSa ancestorless / without ancestor [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRF] [bɪnbʊrf] binburf 2l,2S@3 2l,2S@3

ambusher-like / from ambushers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBZ] [ʊnbʌzʊl] unbazul S,2cwSa S,2cDSa ancestor-like / from (the) ancestors [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRF] [bʊrfʊl] burful 2S@3Sa 2S@3Sa

ambushers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBZ] [ɑnɑ:bɑz] anâbaz c,v2cw c,v2cD ancestors [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRF] [bɑrɑ:f] barâf 2c@v3 2c@v3

ambushers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBZ] [ʊnbɑ:z] unbâz S,2vw S,2vD ancestors of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRF] [bɑrʊf] baruf 2c@S3 2c@S3

ambushers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBZ] [ɑnɑ:bʊz] anâbuz c,v2Sw c,v2SD anchor [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShLN] [ʃɑln] shaln %ca, %ca,

ambushers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBZ] [ʊnbʊz] unbuz S,2Sw S,2SD anchor of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShLN] [ʃɑlnʊ] shalnu %ca,S %ca,S

ambushes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBZ] [ɑnɑbɑ:z] anabâz c,c2vw c,c2vD anchorless / without anchor [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLN] [bɪnʃɑln] binshaln 2l,%ca, 2l,%ca,

ambushes of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBZ] [ɑnɑbʊz] anabuz c,c2Sw c,c2SD anchor-like / from (the) anchors [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLN] [ʃɑlnʊl] shalnul %ca,Sa %ca,Sa

ambushes of all ambushes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NBZ] [nɑbze:l] nabzêl ,c2wxa ,c2Dxa anchors [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShLN] [ʃɑlɑ:n] shalân %cav, %cav,

ambushes that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NBZ] [nɑbzi:tʰ] nabzîth ,c2w"0 ,c2D"0 anchors of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShLN] [ʃɑlʊn] shalun %caS, %caS,

ambushing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NBZ] [ɪnbe:z] inbêz l,2xw l,2xD ancient (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [FRN] [fɑrnɑ:] farnâ 3c@,v 3c@,v

ambush-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑ:nɑ] nabzâna ,c2wv,c ,c2Dv,c ancient [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRN] [fɑrɪn] farin 3c@l, 3c@l,

ambush-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NBZ] [nɑbzu:nɑ] nabzûna ,c2wD,c ,c2DG,c ancient iron (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCîC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FKhB] [fɪkʰi:b] fikhîb 3leV"2 3lt"2

ambushless / without ambush [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBZ] [bɪnɑnbɑ:z] binanbâz 2l,c,2vw 2l,c,2vD ancient iron (pl.) of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FKhB] [fɪkʰʊb] fikhub 3leVS2 3ltS2

ambush-like / from (the) ambushes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBZ] [ɑnbɑ:zʊl] anbâzul c,2vwSa c,2vDSa ancient iron (pl.) of all ancient iron (pl.) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbe:l] fekhbêl 3zeV2xa 3zt2xa

ambush-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NBZ] [nɑbzu:n] nabzûn ,c2wD, ,c2DG, ancient iron (pl.) that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FKhB] [fɑkʰbi:tʰ] fakhbîth 3ceV2"0 3ct2"0

ambush-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑ:n] nabzân ,c2wv, ,c2Dv, ancient iron [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FKhB] [fɪkʰɪb] fikhib 3leVl2 3ltl2

ambush-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NBZ] [nɪbzi:n] nibzîn ,l2w", ,l2D", ancient iron of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FKhB] [fɪkʰɪbʊ] fikhibu 3leVl2S 3ltl2S

amethyst [Singular Compound Noun] [nʊkʰdɑbɑn] nukhdaban ,SeV9c2c, ,St9c2c, ancient iron of all ancient iron (pl.) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛl] fekhbel 3zeV2za 3zt2za

amethysts [Plural Compound Noun] [nʊkʰdɑb.bɑn] nukhdabban ,SeV9c22c, ,St9c22c, ancient iron that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FKhB] [fɑkʰbɪtʰ] fakhbith 3ceV2l0 3ct2l0

amity [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BH] [ɑbʌh] abah c2cf c2cf ancient iron-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [FKhB] [fɑkʰbɑ:nɑ] fakhbâna 3ceV2v,c 3ct2v,c

amity of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BH] [ɑbʌhʊ] abahu c2cfS c2cfS ancient iron-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [FKhB] [fɑkʰbu:nɑ] fakhbûna 3ceV2D,c 3ct2G,c

amityless / without amity [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BH] [bɪnɑbʌh] binabah 2l,c2cf 2l,c2cf ancient iron-like / from (the) ancient iron (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FKhB] [fɪkʰbʊl] fikhbul 3leV2Sa 3lt2Sa

amity-like / from (the) amity [NOUN TYPE 10 (CaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BH] [ɑbʌhʊl] abahul c2cfSa c2cfSa ancient iron-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [FKhB] [fɑkʰbu:n] fakhbûn 3ceV2D, 3ct2G,

Amon Anwar (Eilenaer / Halifirien) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [ɑlɡɑ:nhʊnd] Algânhund carv,fSd caRv,fSd ancient iron-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [FKhB] [fɑkʰbɑ:n] fakhbân 3ceV2v, 3ct2v,

Amon Hen [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪskʰhʊnd] Iskh-hund l.eVfSd l.tfSd ancient iron-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [FKhB] [fɪkʰbi:n] fikhbîn 3leV2", 3lt2",

Amon Lhaw [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [ɪkle:tʰʊnd] Iklêthund leax0Sd leax0Sd ancient maker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FRN] [ʌfrɑn] afran c3@c, c3@c,

amount [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔRN] [ʔɪrɑn] 'iran gl@c, gl@c, ancient maker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FRN] [ʊfrɑn] ufran S3@c, S3@c,

amount of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔRN] [ʔɪrɑnʊ] 'iranu gl@c,S gl@c,S ancient maker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FRN] [ʌfrɑnʊ] afranu c3@c,S c3@c,S

amountless / without amount [NOUN TYPE 9 (bin-CiCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔRN] [bɪnʔɪrɑn] bin'iran 2l,gl@c, 2l,gl@c, ancient maker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FRN] [ʊfrɑnʊ] ufranu S3@c,S S3@c,S

amount-like / from (the) amounts [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔRN] [ʔɪrnʊl] 'irnul gl@,Sa gl@,Sa ancient maker-like / from ancient makers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRN] [ʌfrɑnʊl] afranul c3@c,Sa c3@c,Sa

amounts [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔRN] [ʔɪrɑ:n] 'irân gl@v, gl@v, ancient maker-like / from ancient makers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRN] [ʊfrɑnʊl] ufranul S3@c,Sa S3@c,Sa

amounts of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔRN] [ʔɪrʊn] 'irun gl@S, gl@S, ancient makers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FRN] [ɑfɑ:rɑn] afâran c3v@c, c3v@c,

amphibolite (rock-type) [Singular Compound Noun] [mʊrdʊltʰɑrər] murdultharr 6S@9Sa0c@@ 6S@9Sa0c@@ ancient makers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FRN] [ʊfrɑ:n] ufrân S3@v, S3@v,

amulet [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MMSh] [mɑmʃ] mamsh 6c6% 6c6% ancient makers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FRN] [ɑfɑ:rʊn] afârun c3v@S, c3v@S,

amulet of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MMSh] [mɑmʃʊ] mamshu 6c6%S 6c6%S ancient makers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FRN] [ʊfrʊn] ufrun S3@S, S3@S,

amuletless / without amulet [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MMSh] [bɪnmɑmʃ] binmamsh 2l,6c6% 2l,6c6% ancient silver (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCîC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BTSh] [bɪti:ʃ] bitîsh 2l8"% 2l8"%

amulet-like / from (the) amulets [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MMSh] [mɑmʃʊl] mamshul 6c6%Sa 6c6%Sa ancient silver (pl.) of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BTSh] [bɪtʊʃ] bitush 2l8S% 2l8S%

amulets [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MMSh] [mɑmɑ:ʃ] mamâsh 6c6v% 6c6v%
ancient silver (pl.) of all ancient silver (pl.) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BTSh] [bɛtshe:l] betshêl 2z8.fxa 2zCfxa
amulets of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MMSh] [mɑmʊʃ] mamush 6c6S% 6c6S%
ancient silver (pl.) that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BTSh] [bɑtshi:tʰ] batshîth 2c8.f"0 2cCf"0
amuse [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [TH] [mʌhɑtʊh] mahatuh 6cfc8Sf 6cfc8Sf
ancient silver [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BTSh] [bɪtɪʃ] bitish 2l8l% 2l8l%
amuse! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TH] [mɑhɪtʰi:] mahithî 6cfl0" 6cfl0"
ancient silver of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BTSh] [bɪtɪʃʊ] bitishu 2l8l%S 2l8l%S
amuse! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TH] [mʌhɪtʰɪ] mahithi 6cfl0l 6cfl0l
ancient silver of all ancient silver (pl.) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛl] betshel 2z8.fza 2zCfza
amusement (fun) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GMK] [ɑɡmɑ:k] agmâk cr6ve cR6ve
ancient silver that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BTSh] [bɑtshɪtʰ] batshith 2c8.fl0 2cCfl0
amusement (fun) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GMK] [ɑɡmɑ:kʊ] agmâku cr6veS cR6veS
ancient silver-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BTSh] [bɑtshɑ:nɑ] batshâna 2c8.fv,c 2cCfv,c
amusements [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GMK] [ɑɡɑmɑ:k] agamâk crc6ve cRc6ve
ancient silver-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BTSh] [bɑtshu:nɑ] batshûna 2c8.fD,c 2cCfG,c
amusements of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GMK] [ɑɡɑmʊk] agamuk crc6Se cRc6Se
ancient silver-like / from (the) ancient silver (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BTSh] [bɪtshʊl] bitshul 2l8.fSa 2lCfSa
amusing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [TH] [mʌhɪtʰ] mahith 6cfl0 6cfl0
ancient silver-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BTSh] [bɑtshu:n] batshûn 2c8.fD, 2cCfG,
ancestor [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRF] [bʊrf] burf 2S@3 2S@3

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ancient silver-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BTSh] [bɑtshɑ:n] batshân 2c8.fv, 2cCfv, annex of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RNN] [rʊ] runnû @SuD @SuG

ancient silver-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BTSh] [bɪtshi:n] bitshîn 2l8.f", 2lCf", annexes [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RNN] [rʊnu:n] runûn @S,D, @S,G,

anciently [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [FRN] [ɪfrʊnʊl] ifrunul l3@S,Sa l3@S,Sa annexes of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RNN] [rʊnu:nʊ] runûnu @S,D,S @S,G,S

anciently [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [FRN] [fɪrnɑl] firnal 3l@,ca 3l@,ca annexless / without annex [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNN] [bɪnrʊn.nʊ] binrunnu 2l,@SuS 2l,@SuS

and [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [rɑ] ra @c @c annex-like / from (the) annexes [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNN] [rʊn.nʊl] runnul @SuSa @SuSa

Andrath [Singular Compound Noun] [sɪɡɪnɪʔbe:d] Sigini'bêd .lrl,lg2x9 .lRl,lg2x9 annoy [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [TNZ] [ɑtnʊz] atnuz c8,Sw c8,SD

Anduin [Singular Compound Noun] [fɑntʔɑ:n] Fant'ân 3c,8gv, 3c,8gv, annoy with each other / annoy together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [nɑɪtnɪzɪ] naitnizi ,cl8,lwl ,cl8,lDl

anger [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzʊr] akhzur ceVwS@ ctDS@ annoy! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [ɪtnɪzi:] itnizî l8,lw" l8,lD"

anger [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɑ:r] akhzâr ceVwv@ ctDv@ annoy! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [ɪtnɪz] itniz l8,lw l8,lD

anger of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɑ:rʊ] akhzâru ceVwv@S ctDv@S annoyance [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [ɑtnɑ:z] atnâz c8,vw c8,vD

anger of all anger* (*furies, rages) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrɛl] khuzrel eVSw@za tSD@za annoyance of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TNZ] [ɑtnɑ:zʊ] atnâzu c8,vwS c8,vDS

anger with each other / anger together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [nɑɪkʰzɪrɪ] naikhziri ,cleVwl@l ,cltDl@l annoyanceless / without annoyance [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TNZ] [bɪnɑtnɑ:z] binatnâz 2l,c8,vw 2l,c8,vD

anger! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [ɪkʰzɪri:] ikhzirî leVwl@" ltDl@" annoyance-like / from (the) annoyances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TNZ] [ɑtnɑ:zʊl] atnâzul c8,vwSa c8,vDSa

anger! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [ɪkʰzɪr] ikhzir leVwl@ ltDl@ annoyances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [ɑtɑnɑ:z] atanâz c8c,vw c8c,vD

anger* that is young/new/fresh (*fury, rage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhZR] [kʰʌzrɪtʰ] khazrith eVcw@l0 tcD@l0 annoyances of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TNZ] [ɑtɑnʊz] atanuz c8c,Sw c8c,SD

anger*-ladies (*fury, rage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhZR] [kʰɑzrɑ:nɑ] khazrâna eVcw@v,c tcD@v,c annoyer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [ɑtnʌz] atnaz c8,cw c8,cD

anger*-lady (*fury, rage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhZR] [kʰʌzru:nɑ] khazrûna eVcw@D,c tcD@G,c annoyer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [ʊtnʌz] utnaz S8,cw S8,cD

anger*-man (*fury, rage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhZR] [kʰʌzru:n] khazrûn eVcw@D, tcD@G, annoyer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TNZ] [ɑtnʌzʊ] atnazu c8,cwS c8,cDS

anger*-men (*fury, rage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhZR] [kʰɑzrɑ:n] khazrân eVcw@v, tcD@v, annoyer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TNZ] [ʊtnʌzʊ] utnazu S8,cwS S8,cDS

anger-*place (*fury, rage) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhZR] [kʰɪzri:n] khizrîn eVlw@", tlD@", annoyer-like / from annoyers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TNZ] [ɑtnʌzʊl] atnazul c8,cwSa c8,cDSa

angerer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɑr] akhzar ceVwc@ ctDc@ annoyer-like / from annoyers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TNZ] [ʊtnʌzʊl] utnazul S8,cwSa S8,cDSa

angerer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhZR] [ʊkʰzɑr] ukhzar SeVwc@ StDc@ annoyers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [ɑtɑ:nɑz] atânaz c8v,cw c8v,cD

angerer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɑrʊ] akhzaru ceVwc@S ctDc@S annoyers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [ʊtnɑ:z] utnâz S8,vw S8,vD

angerer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhZR] [ʊkʰzɑrʊ] ukhzaru SeVwc@S StDc@S annoyers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TNZ] [ɑtɑ:nʊz] atânuz c8v,Sw c8v,SD

angerer-like / from angerers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɑrʊl] akhzarul ceVwc@Sa ctDc@Sa annoyers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TNZ] [ʊtnʊz] utnuz S8,Sw S8,SD

angerer-like / from angerers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhZR] [ʊkʰzɑrʊl] ukhzarul SeVwc@Sa StDc@Sa annoying (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [TNZ] [ɪtne:z] itnêz l8,xw l8,xD

angerers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰɑ:zɑr] akhâzar ceVvwc@ ctvDc@ answer [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [SBR] [ʌsbʊr] asbur c.2S@ c.2S@

angerers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhZR] [ʊkʰzɑ:r] ukhzâr SeVwv@ StDv@ answer [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SBR] [sɑbər] sabr .c2@ .c2@

angerers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰɑ:zʊr] akhâzur ceVvwS@ ctvDS@ answer of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SBR] [sɑbrʊ] sabru .c2@S .c2@S

angerers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhZR] [ʊkʰzʊr] ukhzur SeVwS@ StDS@
answer of all answers* (*replies, justification) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [SBR] [sɑbrɛl] sabrel .c2@za .c2@za
angering (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KhZR] [ɪkʰze:r] ikhzêr leVwx@ ltDx@
answer with each other / answer together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [nɑɪsbɪrɪ] naisbiri ,cl.2l@l ,cl.2l@l
angerless / without anger [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhZR] [bɪnɑkʰzɑ:r] binakhzâr 2l,ceVwv@ 2l,ctDv@
answer! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [ɪsbɪri:] isbirî l.2l@" l.2l@"
anger-like / from (the) anger [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɑ:rʊl] akhzârul ceVwv@Sa ctDv@Sa
answer! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [ɪsbɪr] isbir l.2l@ l.2l@
angler [Singular Compound Noun] [dɑɪɡʊtʌs] daigutas 9clrS8c. 9clRS8c.

anglers [Plural Compound Noun] [dɑɪɡʊtɑ:s] daigutâs 9clrS8v. 9clRS8v. answer* that is young/new/fresh (*reply, justification) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [SBR] [sɑbrɪtʰ] sabrith .c2@l0 .c2@l0

anguish [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRD] [ʊhrʊd] uhrud Sf@S9 Sf@S9 .c2@v,c .c2@v,c
answer*-ladies (*reply, justification) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [SBR] [sɑbrɑ:nɑ] sabrâna
anguish of [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRD] [ʊhrʊdʊ] uhrudu Sf@S9S Sf@S9S .c2@D,c .c2@G,c
answer*-lady (*reply, justification) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [SBR] [sɑbru:nɑ] sabrûna
anguishless / without anguish [NOUN TYPE 14 (bin-uCCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRD] [bɪnʊhrʊd] binuhrud 2l,Sf@S9 2l,Sf@S9 .c2@D, .c2@G,
answer*-man (*reply, justification) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [SBR] [sɑbru:n] sabrûn
anguish-like / from (the) anguish [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRD] [ʊhrʊdʊl] uhrudul Sf@S9Sa Sf@S9Sa .c2@v, .c2@v,
answer*-men (*reply, justification) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [SBR] [sɑbrɑ:n] sabrân
animosities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KB] [ɑkɑ:b] akâb cev2 cev2
answer-*place (*reply, justification) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [SBR] ❷ - court room [sɪbri:n] sibrîn .l2@", .l2@",
animosities of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KB] [ɑkʊb] akub ceS2 ceS2
cec2 cec2 answerer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SBR] [ʌsbɑr] asbar c.2c@ c.2c@
animosity [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KB] [ɑkɑb] akab
cec2S cec2S answerer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SBR] [ʊsbɑr] usbar S.2c@ S.2c@
animosity of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KB] [ɑkɑbʊ] akabu
2l,cec2 2l,cec2 answerer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SBR] [ʌsbɑrʊ] asbaru c.2c@S c.2c@S
animosityless / without animosity [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KB] [bɪnɑkɑb] binakab
cec2Sa cec2Sa answerer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SBR] [ʊsbɑrʊ] usbaru S.2c@S S.2c@S
animosity-like / from (the) animosities [NOUN TYPE 10 (CaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KB] [ɑkɑbʊl] akabul
2c.,ec@. 2c.,ec@. answerer-like / from answerers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SBR] [ʌsbɑrʊl] asbarul c.2c@Sa c.2c@Sa
ankle [Singular Compound Noun] [bʌsnkɑrs] basnkars
2c.,ec@v. 2c.,ec@v. answerer-like / from answerers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SBR] [ʊsbɑrʊl] usbarul S.2c@Sa S.2c@Sa
ankles [Plural Compound Noun] [bɑsnkɑrɑ:s] basnkarâs
x@v.ec9. x@v.ec9. answerers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SBR] [ɑsɑ:bɑr] asâbar c.v2c@ c.v2c@
annal [Singular Compound Noun] [e:rɑ:skɑds] êrâskads
z@c.ec9v. z@c.ec9v. answerers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SBR] [ʊsbɑ:r] usbâr S.2v@ S.2v@
annals [Plural Compound Noun] [ɛrɑskɑdɑ:s] eraskadâs
@SuS @SuS answerers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SBR] [ɑsɑ:bʊr] asâbur c.v2S@ c.v2S@
annex [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RNN] [rʊn.nʊ] runnu

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answerers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SBR] [ʊsbʊr] usbur S.2S@ S.2S@ anybodyless / without anybody [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CaiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MK] [bɪnmɑɪk] binmaik 2l,6cle 2l,6cle

answering (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [SBR] [ɪsbe:r] isbêr l.2x@ l.2x@ anybody-like / from (the) anybody [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MK] [mɑɪkʊl] maikul 6cleSa 6cleSa

answerless / without answer [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SBR] [bɪnsɑbər] binsabr 2l,.c2@ 2l,.c2@ anyone [Personal Pronouns (Irregular) / Plural - Accusative] [irr.] [mɑku:] makû 6ceD 6ceG

answer-like / from (the) answers [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SBR] [sɑbrʊl] sabrul .c2@Sa .c2@Sa anyone [Personal Pronouns (Irregular) / Plural - Nominative] [irr.] [mɑkʊ] maku 6ceS 6ceS

answers [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SBR] [sɑbɑ:r] sabâr .c2v@ .c2v@ anyone's [Personal Pronouns (Irregular) / Plural - Genitive Determiner] [irr.] [mɑku:] -makû 6ceD 6ceG

answers of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SBR] [sɑbʊr] sabur .c2S@ .c2S@ anyone's [Personal Pronouns (Irregular) / Plural - Genitive Pronoun] [irr.] [ɑmɑkʊ] amaku c6ceS c6ceS

anything [NOUN TYPE 11 (eCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MK] [ɛmɑk] emak z6ce z6ce
answers of all answers* (*replies, justification) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [SBR] [sɑbre:l] sabrêl .c2@xa .c2@xa
anything of [NOUN TYPE 11 (eCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MK] [ɛmɑkʊ] emaku z6ceS z6ceS
answers* that are young/new/fresh (*replies) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [SBR] [sɑbri:tʰ] sabrîth .c2@"0 .c2@"0
anythingless / without anything [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-eCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MK] [bɪnɛmɑk] binemak 2l,z6ce 2l,z6ce
ant [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪmze:rtʊnz] imzêrtunz l6wx@8S,w l6Dx@8S,D
anything-like / from (the) anything [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MK] [mɛkʊl] mekul 6zeSa 6zeSa
anticipate [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [DJN] [mʌhɑd.d͡ʒʊn] mahadjun 6cfc9RS, 6cfc9$S,
anyway [Compound Adverb] [zu:rsʊl.lʊ] zûrsullu wD@.SaaS DG@.SaaS
anticipate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DJN] [mɑhɪd.d͡ʒɪni:] mahidjinî 6cfl9Rl," 6cfl9$l,"
apologise [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShGM] [ʌʃɡʊmrʊk] ashgumruk c%rS6@Se c%RS6@Se
anticipate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DJN] [mʌhɪd.d͡ʒɪn] mahidjin 6cfl9Rl, 6cfl9$l,
apologise! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡɪmrʊki:] ishgimrukî l%rl6@Se" l%Rl6@Se"
anticipating (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [DJN] [mʌhɪd.d͡ʒe:n] mahidjên 6cfl9Rx, 6cfl9$x,
apologise! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡɪmrʊk] ishgimruk l%rl6@Se l%Rl6@Se
antique [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FRN] [fɑrɑn] faran 3c@c, 3c@c,
apologising (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡe:mrʊk] ishgêmruk l%rx6@Se l%Rx6@Se
antique of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FRN] [fɑrɑnʊ] faranu 3c@c,S 3c@c,S
appaller (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRTh] [ʌhrɑtʰ] ahrath cf@c0 cf@c0
antique of all antiques* (*traditions) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [FRN] [fɑrnɛl] farnel 3c@,za 3c@,za
appaller (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRTh] [ʊhrɑtʰ] uhrath Sf@c0 Sf@c0
antique* that is young/new/fresh (*tradition) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FRN] [fɑrnɪtʰ] farnith 3c@,l0 3c@,l0
appaller of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRTh] [ʌhrɑtʰʊ] ahrathu cf@c0S cf@c0S
antique*-ladies (*tradition) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [FRN] [fɑrnɑ:nɑ] farnâna 3c@,v,c 3c@,v,c
appaller of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRTh] [ʊhrɑtʰʊ] uhrathu Sf@c0S Sf@c0S
antique*-lady (*tradition) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [FRN] [fɑrnu:nɑ] farnûna 3c@,D,c 3c@,G,c
appaller-like / from appallers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRTh] [ʌhrɑtʰʊl] ahrathul cf@c0Sa cf@c0Sa
antique*-man (*tradition) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [FRN] [fɑrnu:n] farnûn 3c@,D, 3c@,G,
appaller-like / from appallers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRTh] [ʊhrɑtʰʊl] uhrathul Sf@c0Sa Sf@c0Sa
antique*-men (*tradition) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [FRN] [fɑrnɑ:n] farnân 3c@,v, 3c@,v,
appallers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRTh] [ɑhɑ:rɑtʰ] ahârath cfv@c0 cfv@c0
antique*-place (*tradition) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [FRN] [fɪrni:n] firnîn 3l@,", 3l@,",
appallers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRTh] [ʊhrɑ:tʰ] uhrâth Sf@v0 Sf@v0
antiqueless / without antique [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRN] [bɪnfɑrɑn] binfaran 2l,3c@c, 2l,3c@c,
appallers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRTh] [ɑhɑ:rʊtʰ] ahâruth cfv@S0 cfv@S0
antique-like / from (the) antiques [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRN] [fɑrnʊl] farnul 3c@,Sa 3c@,Sa
appallers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRTh] [ʊhrʊtʰ] uhruth Sf@S0 Sf@S0
antiques [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FRN] [fɑr.rɑn] farran 3c@@c, 3c@@c,
appear [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [DRZ] [mʌhɑdrʊz] mahadruz 6cfc9@Sw 6cfc9@SD
antiques of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FRN] [fɑr.rʊn] farrun 3c@@S, 3c@@S,
appear! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRZ] [mɑhɪdrɪzi:] mahidrizî 6cfl9@lw" 6cfl9@lD"
antiques of all antiques* (*traditions) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [FRN] [fɑrne:l] farnêl 3c@,xa 3c@,xa
appear! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRZ] [mʌhɪdrɪz] mahidriz 6cfl9@lw 6cfl9@lD
antiques* that are young/new/fresh (*traditions) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FRN] [fɑrni:tʰ] farnîth 3c@,"0 3c@,"0
appearance [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DRZ] [ɑdrɑ:z] adrâz c9@vw c9@vD
antler [Singular Compound Noun] [mʊkʰʌsɪnbɑr] mukhasinbar 6SeVc.l,2c@ 6Stc.l,2c@
appearance of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DRZ] [ɑdrɑ:zʊ] adrâzu c9@vwS c9@vDS
antlers [Plural Compound Noun] [mʊkʰɑsnɪbɑ:r] mukhasnibâr 6SeVc.,l2v@ 6Stc.,l2v@
appearanceless / without appearance [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [DRZ] [bɪnɑdrɑ:z] binadrâz 2l,c9@vw 2l,c9@vD
ants [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪmzɛrtɑnɑ:z] imzertanâz l6wz@8c,vw l6Dz@8c,vD
appearance-like / from (the) appearances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DRZ] [ɑdrɑ:zʊl] adrâzul c9@vwSa c9@vDSa
anvil [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DHR] [dɛhɑr] dehar 9zfc@ 9zfc@
appearances [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DRZ] [ɑdɑrɑ:z] adarâz c9c@vw c9c@vD
Anvil Month (1st month) [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌfdɛhɑr] 'afdehar gc39zfc@ gc39zfc@
appearances of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DRZ] [ɑdɑrʊz] adaruz c9c@Sw c9c@SD
anvil of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DHR] [dɛhɑrʊ] deharu 9zfc@S 9zfc@S
appearer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DRZ] [ɑdrʌz] adraz c9@cw c9@cD
anvil of all anvils* (*strikes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [DHR] [dɛhrɛl] dehrel 9zf@za 9zf@za
appearer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DRZ] [ʊdrʌz] udraz S9@cw S9@cD
anvil* that is young/new/fresh (*strike) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DHR] [dʌhrɪtʰ] dahrith 9cf@l0 9cf@l0
appearer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DRZ] [ɑdrʌzʊ] adrazu c9@cwS c9@cDS
anvil*-ladies (*strike) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [DHR] [dɑhrɑ:nɑ] dahrâna 9cf@v,c 9cf@v,c
appearer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DRZ] [ʊdrʌzʊ] udrazu S9@cwS S9@cDS
anvil*-lady (*strike) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [DHR] [dʌhru:nɑ] dahrûna 9cf@D,c 9cf@G,c
appearer-like / from appearers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DRZ] [ɑdrʌzʊl] adrazul c9@cwSa c9@cDSa
anvil*-man (*strike) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [DHR] [dʌhru:n] dahrûn 9cf@D, 9cf@G,
appearer-like / from appearers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DRZ] [ʊdrʌzʊl] udrazul S9@cwSa S9@cDSa
anvil*-men (*strike) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [DHR] [dɑhrɑ:n] dahrân 9cf@v, 9cf@v,
appearers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DRZ] [ɑdɑ:rɑz] adâraz c9v@cw c9v@cD
anvil*-place (*strike) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [DHR] ❷ - smithy [dɪhri:n] dihrîn 9lf@", 9lf@",
appearers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DRZ] [ʊdrɑ:z] udrâz S9@vw S9@vD
anvilless / without anvil [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [DHR] [bɪndɛhɑr] bindehar 2ldzfc@ 2ldzfc@
appearers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DRZ] [ɑdɑ:rʊz] adâruz c9v@Sw c9v@SD
anvil-like / from (the) anvils [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DHR] [dɛhrʊl] dehrul 9zf@Sa 9zf@Sa
appearers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DRZ] [ʊdrʊz] udruz S9@Sw S9@SD
anvils [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DHR] [dɛhɑ:r] dehâr 9zfv@ 9zfv@
appearing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [DRZ] [mʌhɪdre:z] mahidrêz 6cfl9@xw 6cfl9@xD
anvils of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DHR] [dɛhʊr] dehur 9zfS@ 9zfS@
appease [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [STL] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:stʊl] jalâstul Rcav.8Sa $cav.8Sa
anvils of all anvils* (*strikes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [DHR] [dɛhre:l] dehrêl 9zf@xa 9zf@xa
appease! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STL] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪstɪli:] jalaistilî Rcacl.8la" $cacl.8la"
anvils* that are young/new/fresh (*strikes) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DHR] [dɑhri:tʰ] dahrîth 9cf@"0 9cf@"0
appease! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STL] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪstɪl] jalaistil Rcacl.8la $cacl.8la
anybody [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MK] [mɑɪk] maik 6cle 6cle
appeasing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [STL] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪste:l] jalaistêl Rcacl.8xa $cacl.8xa
anybody of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MK] [mɑɪkʊ] maiku 6cleS 6cleS

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 31 The Dwarrow Scholar 32

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

appointer-like / from appointers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MDKh] [ɑmdɑkʰʊl] amdakhul c69ceVSa c69ctSa
applaud [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [RThKh] [ɑrtʰʊkʰ] arthukh c@0SeV c@0St
appointer-like / from appointers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MDKh] [ʊmdɑkʰʊl] umdakhul S69ceVSa S69ctSa
applaud loudly [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [RThKh] [mʌhɑrtʰʊkʰ] maharthukh 6cfc@0SeV 6cfc@0St
appointers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MDKh] [ɑmɑ:dɑkʰ] amâdakh c6v9ceV c6v9ct
applaud loudly! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [mɑhɪrtʰɪkʰi:] mahirthikhî 6cfl@0leV" 6cfl@0lt"
appointers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MDKh] [ʊmdɑ:kʰ] umdâkh S69veV S69vt
applaud loudly! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [mʌhɪrtʰɪkʰ] mahirthikh 6cfl@0leV 6cfl@0lt
appointers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MDKh] [ɑmɑ:dʊkʰ] amâdukh c6v9SeV c6v9St
applaud with each other / applaud together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [nɑɪrtʰɪkʰɪ] nairthikhi ,cl@0leVl ,cl@0ltl appointers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MDKh] [ʊmdʊkʰ] umdukh S69SeV S69St

l@0leV" l@0lt" appointment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MDKh] [ɑmdɑ:kʰ] amdâkh c69veV c69vt
applaud! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [ɪrtʰɪkʰi:] irthikhî
l@0leV l@0lt appointment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MDKh] [ɑmdɑ:kʰʊ] amdâkhu c69veVS c69vtS
applaud! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [ɪrtʰɪkʰ] irthikh
c@0ceV c@0ct appointmentless / without appointment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MDKh] [bɪnɑmdɑ:kʰ] binamdâkh 2l,c69veV 2l,c69vt
applauder (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RThKh] [ɑrtʰɑkʰ] arthakh
S@0ceV S@0ct appointment-like / from (the) appointments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MDKh] [ɑmdɑ:kʰʊl] amdâkhul c69veVSa c69vtSa
applauder (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RThKh] [ʊrtʰɑkʰ] urthakh
c@0ceVS c@0ctS appointments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MDKh] [ɑmɑdɑ:kʰ] amadâkh c6c9veV c6c9vt
applauder of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RThKh] [ɑrtʰɑkʰʊ] arthakhu
S@0ceVS S@0ctS appointments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MDKh] [ɑmɑdʊkʰ] amadukh c6c9SeV c6c9St
applauder of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RThKh] [ʊrtʰɑkʰʊ] urthakhu
c@0ceVSa c@0ctSa approval [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZRR] [ʌzrɑ:r] azrâr cw@v@ cD@v@
applauder-like / from applauders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RThKh] [ɑrtʰɑkʰʊl] arthakhul
S@0ceVSa S@0ctSa approval of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZRR] [ʌzrɑ:rʊ] azrâru cw@v@S cD@v@S
applauder-like / from applauders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RThKh] [ʊrtʰɑkʰʊl] urthakhul
c@v0ceV c@v0ct approvalless / without approval [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZRR] [bɪnʌzrɑ:r] binazrâr 2l,cw@v@ 2l,cD@v@
applauders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RThKh] [ɑrɑ:tʰɑkʰ] arâthakh
S@0veV S@0vt approval-like / from (the) approvals [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZRR] [ʌzrɑ:rʊl] azrârul cw@v@Sa cD@v@Sa
applauders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RThKh] [ʊrtʰɑ:kʰ] urthâkh
c@v0SeV c@v0St approvals [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZRR] [ɑzɑrɑ:r] azarâr cwc@v@ cDc@v@
applauders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RThKh] [ɑrɑ:tʰʊkʰ] arâthukh
S@0SeV S@0St approvals of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZRR] [ɑzɑrʊr] azarur cwc@S@ cDc@S@
applauders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RThKh] [ʊrtʰʊkʰ] urthukh
l@0xeV l@0xt approve [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KN] [ɑkʊn] akun ceS, ceS,
applauding (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [RThKh] [ɪrtʰe:kʰ] irthêkh
6cfl@0xeV 6cfl@0xt approve with each other / approve together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KN] [nɑɪkni:] naiknî ,cle," ,cle,"
applauding loudly (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [RThKh] [mʌhɪrtʰe:kʰ] mahirthêkh
8c2a 8c2a approve! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KN] [ɪkni:] iknî le," le,"
apple [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TBL] [tɑbəl] tabl
8c2aS 8c2aS approve! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KN] [ɪknɪ] ikni le,l le,l
apple of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TBL] [tɑblʊ] tablu
8c2aza 8c2aza approving (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [KN] [ɪkən] ikn le, le,
apple of all apples [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [TBL] [tɑblɛl] tablel
8c2al0 8c2al0 approving of (favoring) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [HRM] [ɪhre:mɑb] ihrêmab lf@x6c2 lf@x6c2
apple that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TBL] [tɑblɪtʰ] tablith
8c2awc@. 8c2aDc@. aquamarine [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔɑ:zʌhbɪlɪs] 'âzahbilis gvwcf2lal. gvDcf2lal.
apple tree [Singular Compound Noun] [tɑbəlzɑrs] tablzars
8c2awc@v. 8c2aDc@v. aquamarines [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑzɑhbɪli:s] 'azahbilîs gcwcf2la". gcDcf2la".
apple trees [Plural Compound Noun] [tɑbəlzɑrɑ:s] tablzarâs
8c2av,c 8c2av,c arch [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FKK] [ʌfkʊk] afkuk c3eSe c3eSe
apple-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [TBL] [tɑblɑ:nɑ] tablâna
8c2aD,c 8c2aG,c arch [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FKK] [fɑkɑk] fakak 3cece 3cece
apple-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [TBL] [tɑblu:nɑ] tablûna
2l,8c2a 2l,8c2a arch of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FKK] [fɑkɑkʊ] fakaku 3ceceS 3ceceS
appleless / without apple [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBL] [bɪntɑbəl] bintabl
8c2aSa 8c2aSa arch of all arches* (*overpasses) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [FKK] [fɑk.kɛl] fakkel 3ceeza 3ceeza
apple-like / from (the) apples [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBL] [tɑblʊl] tablul
8c2aD, 8c2aG, arch with each other / arch together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [nɑɪfkɪkɪ] naifkiki ,cl3elel ,cl3elel
apple-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [TBL] [tɑblu:n] tablûn
8c2av, 8c2av, arch! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [ɪfkɪki:] ifkikî l3ele" l3ele"
apple-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [TBL] [tɑblɑ:n] tablân
8c2aec.c2 8c2aec.c2 arch! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [ɪfkɪk] ifkik l3ele l3ele
apple-pie [Singular Compound Noun] [tɑbəlkʌsɑb] tablkasab
8c2aec..c2 8c2aec..c2 arch* that is young/new/fresh (*overpass) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FKK] [fɑk.kɪtʰ] fakkith 3ceel0 3ceel0
apple-pies [Plural Compound Noun] [tɑbəlkɑs.sɑb] tablkassab
8l2a", 8l2a", arch*-ladies (*overpass) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑ:nɑ] fakkâna 3ceev,c 3ceev,c
apple-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [TBL] [tɪbli:n] tiblîn
8c2va 8c2va arch*-lady (*overpass) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [FKK] [fɑk.ku:nɑ] fakkûna 3ceeD,c 3ceeG,c
apples [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TBL] [tɑbɑ:l] tabâl
8c2Sa 8c2Sa arch*-man (*overpass) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [FKK] [fɑk.ku:n] fakkûn 3ceeD, 3ceeG,
apples of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TBL] [tɑbʊl] tabul
8c2axa 8c2axa arch*-men (*overpass) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑ:n] fakkân 3ceev, 3ceev,
apples of all apples [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [TBL] [tɑble:l] tablêl
8c2a"0 8c2a"0 arch*-place (*overpass) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [FKK] [fɪ] fikkîn 3lee", 3lee",
apples that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TBL] [tɑbli:tʰ] tablîth
6cfceV.Sr 6cfct.SR archer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FKK] [ʌfkɑk] afkak c3ece c3ece
apply [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KhSG] [mʌhɑkʰsʊɡ] mahakhsug" 6cflt.lR" archer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FKK] [ʊfkɑk] ufkak S3ece S3ece
apply! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhSG] [mɑhɪkʰsɪɡi:] mahikhsigî 6cflt.lR archer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FKK] [ʌfkɑkʊ] afkaku c3eceS c3eceS
apply! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhSG] [mʌhɪkʰsɪɡ] mahikhsig
6cfleV.xr 6cflt.xR archer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FKK] [ʊfkɑkʊ] ufkaku S3eceS S3eceS
applying (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KhSG] [mʌhɪkʰse:ɡ] mahikhsêg
6cfc69SeV 6cfc69St archer-like / from archers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FKK] [ʌfkɑkʊl] afkakul c3eceSa c3eceSa
appoint [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [MDKh] [mʌhɑmdʊkʰ] mahamdukh
6cfl69leV" 6cfl69lt" archer-like / from archers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FKK] [ʊfkɑkʊl] ufkakul S3eceSa S3eceSa
appoint! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDKh] [mɑhɪmdɪkʰi:] mahimdikhî
6cfl69leV 6cfl69lt archers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FKK] [ɑfɑ:kɑk] afâkak c3vece c3vece
appoint! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDKh] [mʌhɪmdɪkʰ] mahimdikh
c69ceV c69ct archers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FKK] [ʊfkɑ:k] ufkâk S3eve S3eve
appointer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MDKh] [ɑmdɑkʰ] amdakh
S69ceV S69ct archers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FKK] [ɑfɑ:kʊk] afâkuk c3veSe c3veSe
appointer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MDKh] [ʊmdɑkʰ] umdakh
c69ceVS c69ctS archers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FKK] [ʊfkʊk] ufkuk S3eSe S3eSe
appointer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MDKh] [ɑmdɑkʰʊ] amdakhu
S69ceVS S69ctS arches [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑk] fakkak 3ceece 3ceece
appointer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MDKh] [ʊmdɑkʰʊ] umdakhu

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 33 The Dwarrow Scholar 34
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

arches of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FKK] [fɑk.kʊk] fakkuk 3ceeSe 3ceeSe arm*-man (*crane, embrace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ThND] [tʰɑndu:n] thandûn 0cdD, 0cdG,

arches of all arches* (*overpasses) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [FKK] [fɑ] fakkêl 3ceexa 3ceexa arm*-men (*crane, embrace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ThND] [tʰɑndɑ:n] thandân 0cdv, 0cdv,

arches* that are young/new/fresh (*overpasses) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FKK] [fɑʰ] fakkîth 3cee"0 3cee"0 arm-*place (*crane, embrace) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ThND] [tʰɪndi:n] thindîn 0ld", 0ld",

arching (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FKK] [ɪfke:k] ifkêk l3exe l3exe armer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKR] [ɑbkɑr] abkar c2ec@ c2ec@

archless / without arch [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FKK] [bɪnfɑkɑk] binfakak 2l,3cece 2l,3cece armer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKR] [ʊbkɑr] ubkar S2ec@ S2ec@

arch-like / from (the) arches [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FKK] [fɑk.kʊl] fakkul 3ceeSa 3ceeSa armer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKR] [ɑbkɑrʊ] abkaru c2ec@S c2ec@S

Argonath [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [ʊzbɑdtʰɑrɑ:ɡ] Uzbadtharâg Sw2c90c@vr SD2c90c@vR armer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKR] [ʊbkɑrʊ] ubkaru S2ec@S S2ec@S

arguably / argument-like / from (the) arguments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZDG] [ʌzdɑ:ɡʊl] azdâgul cw9vrSa cD9vRSa armer-like / from armers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKR] [ɑbkɑrʊl] abkarul c2ec@Sa c2ec@Sa

argue [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ZDG] [ʌzdʊɡ] azdug cw9Sr cD9SR armer-like / from armers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKR] [ʊbkɑrʊl] ubkarul S2ec@Sa S2ec@Sa

argue with each other / argue together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [nɑɪzdɪɡɪ] naizdigi ,clw9lrl ,clD9lRl armers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKR] [ɑbɑ:kɑr] abâkar c2vec@ c2vec@

argue! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [ɪzdɪɡi:] izdigî lw9lr" lD9lR" armers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKR] [ʊbkɑ:r] ubkâr S2ev@ S2ev@

argue! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [ɪzdɪɡ] izdig lw9lr lD9lR armers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKR] [ɑbɑ:kʊr] abâkur c2veS@ c2veS@

arguing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ZDG] [ɪzde:ɡ] izdêg lw9xr lD9xR armers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKR] [ʊbkʊr] ubkur S2eS@ S2eS@

argument [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZDG] [ʌzdɑ:ɡ] azdâg cw9vr cD9vR armies [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑzgʰɑkɑkɑ:ʔ] 'azghakakâ' gcwycecevg gcDTcecevg

argument of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZDG] [ʌzdɑ:ɡʊ] azdâgu cw9vrS cD9vRS arming (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BKR] [ɪbke:r] ibkêr l2ex@ l2ex@

armless / without arm [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThND] [bɪntʰɑnd] binthand 2l,0cd 2l,0cd
argument of all arguments* (*disputes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɛl] zadgel wc9rza Dc9Rza
arm-like / from (the) arms [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThND] [tʰɑndʊl] thandul 0cdSa 0cdSa
argument* that is young/new/fresh (*dispute) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɪtʰ] zadgith wc9rl0 Dc9Rl0
armor (one piece of heavy war armor) [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌzgʰʃʊmər] 'azghshumr gcwy%S6@ gcDT%S6@
argument*-ladies (*dispute) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑ:nɑ] zadgâna wc9rv,c Dc9Rv,c
armor (several pieces of heavy war armor) [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑzgʰʃɑmɑ:r] 'azghshamâr gcwy%c6v@ gcDT%c6v@
argument*-lady (*dispute) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡu:nɑ] zadgûna wc9rD,c Dc9RG,c
armor piece covering the shoulder, often in light material and made of layered laminations (espalier). [Singular Compound SaeVS9wc6eV%S6@ SatS9Dc6t%S6@
argument*-man (*dispute) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡu:n] zadgûn wc9rD, Dc9RG, [ʊlkʰʊdzɑmkʰʃʊmər] ulkhudzamkhshumr
argument*-men (*dispute) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑ:n] zadgân wc9rv, Dc9Rv, armor piece made of small overlapping scales or plates (scale armor piece). [Singular Compound Noun] [kʰʌsɡʃʊmər] khasgshumr eVc.r%S6@ tc.R%S6@

argument*-place (*dispute) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ZDG] [zɪdɡi:n] zidgîn wl9r", Dl9R", armor pieces covering the shoulders, often in light materials and made of layered laminations (espaliers). [Plural Compound
[ʊlkʰʊdzɑmkʰʃɑmɑ:r] ulkhudzamkhshamâr SaeVS9wc6eV%c6v@ SatS9Dc6t%c6v@
argumentless / without argument [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZDG] [bɪnʌzdɑ:ɡ] binazdâg 2l,cw9vr 2l,cD9vR Noun]
armor pieces made of small overlapping scales or plates (scale armor piece). [Plural Compound Noun] [kʰɑsɡʃɑmɑ:r] khasgshamâr eVc.r%c6v@ tc.R%c6v@
arguments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZDG] [ɑzɑdɑ:ɡ] azadâg cwc9vr cDc9vR
arm-pit [Singular Compound Noun] [tʰɑndbɪzɑr] thandbizar 0cd2lwc@ 0cd2lDc@
arguments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZDG] [ɑzɑdʊɡ] azadug cwc9Sr cDc9SR
arm-pits [Plural Compound Noun] [tʰɑndbɪzɑ:r] thandbizâr 0cd2lwv@ 0cd2lDv@
arguments of all arguments* (*disputes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡe:l] zadgêl wc9rxa Dc9Rxa
arms (weapons) [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKR] [bɛkɑ:r] bekâr 2zev@ 2zev@
arguments* that are young/new/fresh (*disputes) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZDG] [zɑdɡi:tʰ] zadgîth wc9r"0 Dc9R"0
arms (weapons) of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKR] [bɛkʊr] bekur 2zeS@ 2zeS@
arid [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [MNT] [ʔʊmnɑt] 'umnat(ul) gS6,c8 gS6,c8
arms (weapons) of all arms (weapons) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BKR] [bɛkre:l] bekrêl 2ze@xa 2ze@xa
Arkenstone [Singular Compound Noun] [rɑkəlʔɑbɑn] Rakl'aban @ceagc2c, @ceagc2c,
arms (weapons) that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BKR] [bɑkri:tʰ] bakrîth 2ce@"0 2ce@"0
arm (weapon) [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKR] [bɛkɑr] bekar 2zec@ 2zec@
arms [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThND] [tʰɑnɑ:d] thanâd 0c,v9 0c,v9
arm (weapon) of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKR] [bɛkɑrʊ] bekaru 2zec@S 2zec@S
arms of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThND] [tʰɑnʊd] thanud 0c,S9 0c,S9
arm (weapon) of all arms (weapons) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BKR] [bɛkrɛl] bekrel 2ze@za 2ze@za
arms of all arms* (*cranes, embraces) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ThND] [tʰɛnde:l] thendêl 0zdxa 0zdxa
arm (weapon) that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BKR] [bɑkrɪtʰ] bakrith 2ce@l0 2ce@l0

arm (weapon)-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BKR] [bɑkrɑ:nɑ] bakrâna 2ce@v,c 2ce@v,c arms* that are young/new/fresh (*cranes, embraces) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ThND] [tʰɑndi:tʰ] thandîth 0cd"0 0cd"0

arm (weapon)-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BKR] [bɑkru:nɑ] bakrûna 2ce@D,c 2ce@G,c gcwyceevg gcDTceevg
army [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌzgʰɑk.kɑ:ʔ] 'azghakkâ'
arm (weapon)-like / from (the) arms (weapons) [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKR] [bɛkrʊl] bekrul 2ze@Sa 2ze@Sa SeVrS@ StRS@
aroma [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhGR] [ʊkʰɡʊr] ukhgur
arm (weapon)-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BKR] [bɑkru:n] bakrûn 2ce@D, 2ce@G, SeVrS@S StRS@S
aroma of [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhGR] [ʊkʰɡʊrʊ] ukhguru
arm (weapon)-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BKR] [bɑkrɑ:n] bakrân 2ce@v, 2ce@v, 2l,SeVrS@ 2l,StRS@
aromaless / without aroma [NOUN TYPE 14 (bin-uCCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhGR] [bɪnʊkʰɡʊr] binukhgur
arm (weapon)-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BKR] ❷ - armory [bɪkri:n] bikrîn 2le@", 2le@", SeVrS@Sa StRS@Sa
aroma-like / from (the) aromas [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhGR] [ʊkʰɡʊrʊl] ukhgurul
arm [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BKR] [ɑbkʊr] abkur c2eS@ c2eS@ eVSrD@ tSRG@
aromas [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhGR] [kʰʊɡu:r] khugûr
arm [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThND] [tʰɑnd] thand 0cd 0cd eVSrD@S tSRG@S
aromas of [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhGR] [kʰʊɡu:rʊ] khugûru
arm of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThND] [tʰɑndʊ] thandu 0cdS 0cdS ,l6rS6Sa ,l6RS6Sa
around [Adverb of Place (niCCuCul) / Adverb ] [MGM] [nɪmɡʊmʊl] nimgumul
arm of all arms* (*cranes, embraces) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛl] thendel 0zdza 0zdza 6cfcreSeV 6cfcReSt
arrange [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GKKh] [mʌhɑɡkʊkʰ] mahagkukh
arm with each other / arm together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [nɑɪbkɪrɪ] naibkiri ,cl2el@l ,cl2el@l 6cflreleV" 6cflRelt"
arrange! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GKKh] [mɑhɪɡkɪkʰi:] mahigkikhî
arm! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [ɪbkɪri:] ibkirî l2el@" l2el@" 6cflreleV 6cflRelt
arrange! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GKKh] [mʌhɪɡkɪkʰ] mahigkikh
arm! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [ɪbkɪr] ibkir l2el@ l2el@ 6cflrexeV 6cflRext
arranging (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [GKKh] [mʌhɪɡke:kʰ] mahigkêkh
arm* that is young/new/fresh (*crane, embrace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ThND] [tʰɑndɪtʰ] thandith 0cdl0 0cdl0 arrival [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NKh] [nɪkʰ] nikh ,leV ,lt

Arrival Month (5th month) [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌfnɪkʰ] 'afnikh gc3,leV gc3,lt
arm*-ladies (*crane, embrace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ThND] [tʰɑndɑ:nɑ] thandâna 0cdv,c 0cdv,c
arrival of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NKh] [nɪkʰʊ] nikhu ,leVS ,ltS
arm*-lady (*crane, embrace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ThND] [tʰɑndu:nɑ] thandûna 0cdD,c 0cdG,c

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

arrival of all arrivals* (*happenings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NKh] [nɛkʰɛl] nekhel ,zeVza ,ztza art (skill, or ability) of (the) acid [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SR] [ʌsɪr] osir b.l@ b.l@

arrival* that is young/new/fresh (*happening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NKh] [nɑkʰɪtʰ] nakhith ,ceVl0 ,ctl0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) adaptation (acclimation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DBT] [ɔdbɪt] odbit b92l8 b92l8

arrival*-ladies (*happening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NKh] [nɑkʰɑ:nɑ] nakhâna ,ceVv,c ,ctv,c art (skill, or ability) of (the) addition (supplement) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FThK] [ʌftʰɪk] ofthik b30le b30le

arrival*-lady (*happening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NKh] [nɑkʰu:nɑ] nakhûna ,ceVD,c ,ctG,c
art (skill, or ability) of (the) adjustment (spanner (wrench)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [STL] [ʌstɪl] ostil b.8la b.8la
arrival*-man (*happening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NKh] [nɑkʰu:n] nakhûn ,ceVD, ,ctG,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) adoration [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LBTh] [ɔlbɪtʰ] olbith ba2l0 ba2l0
arrival*-men (*happening) [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NKh] [nɑkʰɑ:n] nakhân ,ceVv, ,ctv,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) advantage (experience) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RFR] [ɔrfɪr] orfir b@3l@ b@3l@
arrival*-place (*happening) [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NKh] [nɪkʰi:n] nikhîn ,leV", ,lt",

arrivalless / without arrival [NOUN TYPE 9 (bin-CiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NKh] [bɪn.nɪkʰ] binnikh 2luleV 2lult art (skill, or ability) of (the) advice (one) (counsel / suggestion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RYT] [ɔrjɪt] oryit b@;l8 b@;l8

arrival-like / from (the) arrivals [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NKh] [nɪkʰʊl] nikhul ,leVSa ,ltSa bf@l@ bf@l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) affinity (belonging (noun)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRR] [ʌhrɪr] ohrir
arrivals [NOUN TYPE 9 (CîC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NKh] [ni:kʰ] nîkh ,"eV ,"t br6la bR6la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) age (era) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GML] [ɔɡmɪl] ogmil
arrivals of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NKh] [nʊkʰ] nukh ,SeV ,St
art (skill, or ability) of (the) agitation (stir / turbulence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRTh] [ɔtrɪtʰ] otrith b8@l0 b8@l0
arrivals of all arrivals* (*happenings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NKh] [nɛkʰe:l] nekhêl ,zeVxa ,ztxa

arrivals* that are young/new/fresh (*happenings) [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NKh] [nɑkʰi:tʰ] nakhîth ,ceV"0 ,ct"0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) agreement (consent / accordance) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KN] [ɔkɪn] okin bel, bel,
arriving (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [NKh] [ɪnkʰ] inkh l,eV l,t
art (skill, or ability) of (the) aim (target) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TLZ] [ɔtlɪz] otliz b8alw b8alD
arrogance [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRK] [ʌhrɑ:k] ahrâk cf@ve cf@ve
art (skill, or ability) of (the) air (burp) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LFT] [ɔlfɪt] olfit ba3l8 ba3l8
arrogance of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRK] [ʌhrɑ:kʊ] ahrâku cf@veS cf@veS
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ale (lager / clear ale) (Ereb.) (ale (amber / pale ale) / drunkenness) [Construction of Capability bwala bDala
[ʌzlɪl] ozlil
arrogance of all arrogance* (*pretension (vanity)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HRK] [hʊrkɛl] hurkel fS@eza fS@eza (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZLL]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ale (porter / dark ale) (mead) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRG] [ɔɡrɪɡ] ogrig br@lr bR@lR
arrogance* that is young/new/fresh (*pretension (vanity)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HRK] [hɑrkɪtʰ] harkith fc@el0 fc@el0

art (skill, or ability) of (the) alley (aisle) (artery / hallway) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NFKh] [ɔnfɪkʰ] onfikh b,3leV b,3lt
arrogance*-ladies (*pretension (vanity)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HRK] [hɑrkɑ:nɑ] harkâna fc@ev,c fc@ev,c

arrogance*-lady (*pretension (vanity)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HRK] [hɑrku:nɑ] harkûna fc@eD,c fc@eG,c
art (skill, or ability) of (the) altar (prayer (act) / worship) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRF] [ɔɡrɪf] ogrif br@l3 bR@l3
arrogance*-man (*pretension (vanity)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HRK] [hɑrku:n] harkûn fc@eD, fc@eG,

arrogance*-men (*pretension (vanity)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HRK] [hɑrkɑ:n] harkân fc@ev, fc@ev, art (skill, or ability) of (the) alternative (one other (another)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NNR] [ɔn.nɪr] onnir bul@ bul@

arrogance*-place (*pretension (vanity)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HRK] [hɪrki:n] hirkîn fl@e", fl@e", b,2lw b,2lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ambush [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NBZ] [ɔnbɪz] onbiz
arroganceless / without arrogance [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRK] [bɪnʌhrɑ:k] binahrâk 2l,cf@ve 2l,cf@ve b3eVl2 b3tl2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ancient iron [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FKhB] [ʌfkʰɪb] ofkhib
arrogant / arrogance-like / from (the) arrogance [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRK] [ʌhrɑ:kʊl] ahrâkul cf@veSa cf@veSa b28l% b28l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ancient silver [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BTSh] [ɔbtɪʃ] obtish
arrogantly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [HRK] [ɪhrʊkʊl] ihrukul lf@SeSa lf@SeSa beVwl@ btDl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) anger (fury / rage) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhZR] [ɔkʰzɪr] okhzir
arrogantly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [HRK] [hɪrkɑl] hirkal fl@eca fl@eca
art (skill, or ability) of (the) answer (reply / justification) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SBR] [ʌsbɪr] osbir b.2l@ b.2l@
arrow [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BDK] [bɛdɑk] bedak 2z9ce 2z9ce

arrow of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BDK] [bɛdɑkʊ] bedaku 2z9ceS 2z9ceS art (skill, or ability) of (the) antique (tradition) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRN] [ʌfrɪn] ofrin b3@l, b3@l,

arrowless / without arrow [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDK] [bɪnbɛdɑk] binbedak 2l,2z9ce 2l,2z9ce art (skill, or ability) of (the) anvil (strike) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DHR] [ɔdʰɪr] odhir b!l@ b!l@

arrow-like / from (the) arrows [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDK] [bɛdkʊl] bedkul 2z9eSa 2z9eSa art (skill, or ability) of (the) anything (anybody) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MK] [ɔmɪk] omik b6le b6le

arrows [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BDK] [bɛdɑ:k] bedâk 2z9ve 2z9ve art (skill, or ability) of (the) apple [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TBL] [ɔtbɪl] otbil b82la b82la

arrows of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BDK] [bɛdʊk] beduk 2z9Se 2z9Se art (skill, or ability) of (the) argument (dispute) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZDG] [ʌzdɪɡ] ozdig bw9lr bD9lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) ability (flair / talent) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLR] [ɔblɪr] oblir b2al@ b2al@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) arm (crane / embrace) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThND] [ɔtʰnɪd] othnid b0,l9 b0,l9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) arm (weapon) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKR] [ɔbkɪr] obkir b2el@ b2el@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) absolution (forgiveness) (pardon) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LTN] [ɔltɪn] oltin ba8l, ba8l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) arrival (happening) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NKh] [ɔnɪkʰ] onikh b,leV b,lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) absurdism [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LSD] [ɔlsɪd] olsid ba.l9 ba.l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) arrogance (pretension (vanity)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRK] [ʌhrɪk] ohrik bf@le bf@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) abundance [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLM] [ʌslɪm] oslim b.al6 b.al6

art (skill, or ability) of (the) abuse (wrongdoing) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RNL] [ɔrnɪl] ornil b@,la b@,la art (skill, or ability) of (the) art (brush / painting) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NBG] [ɔnbɪɡ] onbig b,2lr b,2lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) acceleration [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HFT] [ʌhfɪt] ohfit bf3l8 bf3l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) assailment (attack / invasion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRB] [ɔɡrɪb] ogrib br@l2 bR@l2

art (skill, or ability) of (the) accepted (given) object or action [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔKhF] [ɔʔkʰɪf] o'khif bgeVl3 bgtl3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) asset [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLM] [ɔkʰlɪm] okhlim beVal6 btal6

art (skill, or ability) of (the) accessibility (opening) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JND] [ʌd͡ʒnɪd] ojnid bR,l9 b$,l9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) attempt (difficulty / plight) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLK] [ɔkʰlɪk] okhlik beVale btale

art (skill, or ability) of (the) accident (disaster / calamity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRY] [ɔɡrɪj] ogriy br@l; bR@l; art (skill, or ability) of (the) awareness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [WDR] ❷ - warrior technique of
hightened focus mastered by berserkers, which (through a trance-like fury) provides strength and courage beyond reason, [oːdɪr] ôdir n9l@ M9l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) acclaim (commendation / medal) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRB] [ɔnrɪb] onrib b,@l2 b,@l2 rendering the warrior fearless and deadlier than ever.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) axe (hatchet) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRK] [ɔbrɪk] obrik b2@le b2@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) accompaniment [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DMY] [ɔdmɪj] odmiy b96l; b96l;
art (skill, or ability) of (the) back (body part) (back (direction) / pommel) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] b@l6 b@l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) accomplishment [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔGR] [ɔʔɡɪr] o'gir bgrl@ bgRl@ [ɔrɪm] orim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) accusation (charge / criticism) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HKR] [ʌhkɪr] ohkir bfel@ bfel@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) bag [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZSh] [ʌzɪʃ] ozish bwl% bDl%

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The Dwarrow Scholar 37 The Dwarrow Scholar 38
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

art (skill, or ability) of (the) ball (globe / sphere) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MGN] [ɔmɡɪn] omgin b6rl, b6Rl, art (skill, or ability) of (the) brew (broth) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRS] [ʌʃrɪs] oshris b%@l. b%@l.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) ban (banishment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɪn] oshkin b%el, b%el,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bridge (connection (concept)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhR] [ɔkʰɪr] okhir beVl@ btl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bane [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BZG] [ɔbzɪɡ] obzig b2wlr b2DlR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bronze (bronze coin) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BBL] [ɔb.bɪl] obbil b22la b22la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) banter (amusement (fun) / joke) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GMK] [ɔɡmɪk] ogmik br6le bR6le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) brother (relative) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NDD] [ɔndɪd] ondid bdl9 bdl9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) barrack (garrison) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DH] [ɔdɪh] odih b9lf b9lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bug (insect) (annoyance / prick) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TNZ] [ɔtnɪz] otniz b8,lw b8,lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) barrel (box / encasement) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HDR] [ʌhdɪr] ohdir bf9l@ bf9l@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) barrow-iron [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhDM] [ɔkʰdɪm] okhdim beV9l6 bt9l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) building (house) (sculpture / home) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZHR] [ʌzʰɪr] ozhir bTl@ bql@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) bat (animal) (snout) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhFSh] [ɔkʰfɪʃ] okhfish beV3l% bt3l% b6lw b6lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) burden (load / tax) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MZ] [ɔmɪz] omiz
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beach (shore) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShKL] [ʌʃkɪl] oshkil b%ela b%ela
art (skill, or ability) of (the) burn (torch / tinder (one amount)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RSR] [ɔrsɪr] orsir b@.l@ b@.l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beaken [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRN] [ɔtrɪn] otrin b8@l, b8@l,
b6rl@ b6Rl@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) bush [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MJT] [ɔmd͡ʒɪt] omjit b6Rl8 b6$l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bear [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MGR] [ɔmɡɪr] omgir
b8@lr b8@lR art (skill, or ability) of (the) candle (chandelier) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DNK] [ɔdnɪk] odnik b9,le b9,le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beard (stubble) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRG] [ɔtrɪɡ] otrig
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beast (brute / rudeness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MZM] [ɔmzɪm] omzim b6wl6 b6Dl6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) caper (prance / high spirit) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShKB] [ʌʃkɪb] oshkib b%el2 b%el2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beast (EredM.) (creature (savage) / savagery) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] be2l@ be2l@
[ɔkbɪr] okbir art (skill, or ability) of (the) captive (captivity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FNG] [ʌfnɪɡ] ofnig b3,lr b3,lR
be@l8 be@l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) care [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRD] [ɔnrɪd] onrid b,@l9 b,@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beat (drum) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRT] [ɔkrɪt] okrit
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beauty (grace) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNM] [ɔbnɪm] obnim b2,l6 b2,l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) carnage (slaughter) (butcher knife / slaughterhouse) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / b3al9 b3al9
[ʌflɪd] oflid
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beginning (start) (outset / commencement) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] br,l, bR,l,
[ɔɡnɪn] ognin art (skill, or ability) of (the) carrot [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhTD] [ɔkʰtɪd] okhtid beV8l9 bt8l9
l8 l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) carving (carving knife) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KFN] [ɔkfɪn] okfin be3l, be3l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) being [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔT] [ɪt] it
b@wl6 b@Dl6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) cat [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNT] [ɔbnɪt] obnit b2,l8 b2,l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) belief (faith) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RZM] [ɔrzɪm] orzim
b2al. b2al. art (skill, or ability) of (the) caution [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MHM] [ɔmhɪm] omhim b6fl6 b6fl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) beryl [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLS] [ɔblɪs] oblis
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cave (cavern) (shelter) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GR] [ɔɡɪr] ogir brl@ bRl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) betrayal (treason) (revolt (rebellion)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShNKh] [ʌʃnɪkʰ] oshnikh b%,leV b%,lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) center (average) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KTN] [ɔktɪn] oktin be8l, be8l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bind (chackle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLL] [ɔblɪl] oblil b2ala b2ala bgrl6 bgRl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) chair (bench) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔGM] [ɔʔɡɪm] o'gim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bird (fowl / flight) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZNSh] [ʌznɪʃ] oznish bw,l% bD,l% b9al, b9al,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) challenge [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DLN] [ɔdlɪn] odlin
art (skill, or ability) of (the) birth [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [YND] [ɔjnɪd] oynid b;,l9 b;,l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) change (difference / conversion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRT] [ɔbrɪt] obrit b2@l8 b2@l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blame [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HFS] [ʌhfɪs] ohfis bf3l. bf3l.

b.l, b.l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) character (will (mental power)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MND] [ɔmnɪd] omnid b6,l9 b6,l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blank (piece of soap / purity (perfection)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SN] [ʌsɪn] osin
b26l2 b26l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) charm (enchantment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLB] [ɔklɪb] oklib beal2 beal2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blanket (wrapper) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BMB] [ɔbmɪb] obmib
b6eVl9 b6tl9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) cheek (shame) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔLJ] [ɔʔlɪd͡ʒ] o'lij bgalR bgal$
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blend (harmony) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKhD] [ɔmkʰɪd] omkhid
b6fl9 b6fl9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) cheer (toast) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNTh] [ɔmnɪtʰ] omnith b6,l0 b6,l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blessing [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MHD] [ɔmhɪd] omhid
b0l3 b0l3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) chin (pride) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RGN] [ɔrɡɪn] orgin b@rl, b@Rl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blonde (sulfur) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [THF] [ɔtʰɪf] othif
b96l6 b96l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) chisel (hewer) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLK] [ʌflɪk] oflik b3ale b3ale
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blood (one drop) (race) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DMM] [ɔdmɪm] odmim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) chitter (peep (chirp)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JT] [ʌd͡ʒɪt] ojit bRl8 b$l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) blunder (inaccuracy / wrong) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HHD] [ʌh.hɪd] ohhid bffl9 bffl9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) choice (selection) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BJB] [ɔbd͡ʒɪb] objib b2Rl2 b2$l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) boar (rampage) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLT] [ɔɡlɪt] oglit bral8 bRal8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) circle (round) (orbit / curl) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MGM] [ɔmɡɪm] omgim b6rl6 b6Rl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bog [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShLT] [ʌʃlɪt] oshlit b%al8 b%al8
b6el@ b6el@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) cirth (rune) (mistery) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRTh] [ɔkrɪtʰ] okrith be@l0 be@l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bolt [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKR] [ɔmkɪr] omkir
b2%le b2%le art (skill, or ability) of (the) clay (mud) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRB] [ʌhrɪb] ohrib bf@l2 bf@l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bone (cartilage / thin) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BShK] [ɔbʃɪk] obshik
art (skill, or ability) of (the) boredom [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThFR] [ɔtʰfɪr] othfir b03l@ b03l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) cleanliness (purge / dislodgment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LBM] [ɔlbɪm] olbim ba2l6 ba2l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bottom (body part) (fecal matter (excrement) / latrine) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / beeVl3 betl3
[ɔk.kʰɪf] okkhif art (skill, or ability) of (the) cleft (rupture / chink) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRM] [ɔbrɪm] obrim b2@l6 b2@l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bow (arrow / bee) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BDK] [ɔbdɪk] obdik b29le b29le art (skill, or ability) of (the) clothing piece (thread (lace) / fabric) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NKD] [ɔnkɪd] onkid b,el9 b,el9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) boy (child) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NDN] ❷ - pregnancy [ɔndɪn] ondin bdl, bdl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cloud (haze / veil) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShThR] [ʌʃtʰɪr] oshthir b%0l@ b%0l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) brain (vision / forsight) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JBL] [ʌd͡ʒbɪl] ojbil bR2la b$2la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) club (tool) (mace) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZBSh] [ʌzbɪʃ] ozbish bw2l% bD2l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bramble [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JNM] [ʌd͡ʒnɪm] ojnim bR,l6 b$,l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) clutch (possession) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRZ] [ɔmrɪz] omriz b6@lw b6@lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) breach (fracture) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRKh] [ɔbrɪkʰ] obrikh b2@leV b2@lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) coffee (bitterness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KFH] [ɔkfɪh] okfih be3lf be3lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) bread (sustenance / loaf) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HMD] [ʌhmɪd] ohmid bf6l9 bf6l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) coin (cost / expense) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZZ] [ʌzɪz] oziz bwlw bDlD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) breath (gasp) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔTM] [ɔʔtɪm] o'tim bg8l6 bg8l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cold [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLL] [ɔklɪl] oklil beala beala
art (skill, or ability) of (the) breeze [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BHD] [ɔbhɪd] obhid b2fl9 b2fl9

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

art (skill, or ability) of (the) collision (crash) (thunder / skirmish) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThNB] [ɔtʰnɪb] othnib b0,l2 b0,l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) day (from morning till evening) (noon) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLZ] [ɔɡlɪz] ogliz bralw bRalD

art (skill, or ability) of (the) death (dead (one person)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRD] [ɔmrɪd] omrid b6@l9 b6@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) color (shade / paint (dye)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NKhD] [ɔnkʰɪd] onkhid b,eVl9 b,tl9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) decoration (ornament / adornment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKT] [ʌskɪt] oskit b.el8 b.el8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) comfort [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MDM] [ɔmdɪm] omdim b69l6 b69l6

art (skill, or ability) of (the) decorousness (prudery) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SRB] [ʌsrɪb] osrib b.@l2 b.@l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) complaint (grievance / protest) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HFN] [ʌhfɪn] ohfin bf3l, bf3l,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) deed (event / performance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MHL] [ɔmhɪl] omhil b6fla b6fla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) compliment (flattery / tribute) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShMZ] [ʌʃmɪz] oshmiz b%6lw b%6lD

art (skill, or ability) of (the) deer (Oroc.) (hoofed animal (ungulate)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKhS] [ɔmkʰɪs] omkhis b6eVl. b6tl.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) concealment [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLN] [ʌflɪn] oflin b3al, b3al,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) concern (interest) (stake) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRG] [ɔkʰrɪɡ] okhrig beV@lr bt@lR art (skill, or ability) of (the) defeat (collapse / beating) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SGR] [ʌsɡɪr] osgir b.rl@ b.Rl@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) defiance [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔMKh] [ɔʔmɪkʰ] o'mikh bg6leV bg6lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) conclusion (full stop (punctuation mark)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔKhZ] [ɔʔkʰɪz] o'khiz bgeVlw bgtlD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) delay (lateness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BDZ] [ɔbdɪz] obdiz b29lw b29lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) confinement (limit / prison (dungeon)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhFD] [ɔkʰfɪd] okhfid beV3l9 bt3l9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) delight (fruition) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLTh] [ɔɡlɪtʰ] oglith bral0 bRal0

art (skill, or ability) of (the) demand (expectation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GBK] [ɔɡbɪk] ogbik br2le bR2le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) confusement (amazement) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MHH] [ɔmhɪh] omhih b6flf b6flf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) demon (villain / fiend) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RKhZ] [ɔrkʰɪz] orkhiz b@eVlw b@tlD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) conquest [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BShG] [ɔbʃɪɡ] obshig b2%lr b2%lR b22l0 b22l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) denial [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BBTh] [ɔb.bɪtʰ] obbith
art (skill, or ability) of (the) consequence (echo / ripple) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRR] [ɔɡrɪr] ogrir br@l@ bR@l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) departure (exit) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [YMR] [ɔjmɪr] oymir b;6l@ b;6l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) descent (a way down, drop to a lower status) (waterfall / fall) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC),,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) contract [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GThR] [ɔɡtʰɪr] ogthir br0l@ bR0l@ [ʌslɪn] oslin
art (skill, or ability) of (the) conversation (talk) (declamation / speech) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔGL] [ɔʔɡɪl] o'gil bgrla bgRla art (skill, or ability) of (the) desistance (abdication (abandonment) / surrender) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / b,eVl@ b,tl@
[ɔnkʰɪr] onkhir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cookie (biscuit) (cake) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KSB] [ɔksɪb] oksib be.l2 bwl2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) desolation (massacre / dragon) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLKh] [ʌslɪkʰ] oslikh b.aleV b.alt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) copper (copper coin) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKL] [ɔmkɪl] omkil b6ela b6ela

art (skill, or ability) of (the) core (essence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔKhT] [ɔʔkʰɪt] o'khit bgeVl8 bgtl8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) diamond (shape) (diamond (stone)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DZB] [ɔdzɪb] odzib b9wl2 b9Dl2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cough (hint) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NGZ] [ɔngɪz] ongiz bjlw bjlD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) disagreement (incident) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BTKh] [ɔbtɪkʰ] obtikh b28leV b28lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) council (language / dictation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLB] [ɔɡlɪb] oglib bral2 bRal2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) disappointment [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BN] [ɔbɪn] obin b2l, b2l,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) disfigurement (stigma) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [STG] [ʌstɪɡ] ostig b.8lr b.8lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) courage (chest (body part) / breast) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZNG] [ʌznɪɡ] oznig bw,lr bD,lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) displeasure [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔSh] [ɪʃ] ish l% l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) crack (explosion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRʔ] [ɔbrɪʔ] obri' b2@lg b2@lg
art (skill, or ability) of (the) distance (dismissal / exile) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DLG] [ɔdlɪɡ] odlig b9alr b9alR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) craft (skill) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRB] [ɔtrɪb] otrib b8@l2 b8@l2
b%le b%le art (skill, or ability) of (the) distantness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThYR] [ɔtʰjɪr] othyir b0;l@ b0;l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) craven (coward) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShK] [ʌʃɪk] oshik
b;;l2 b;;l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) divine strength [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HLTh] [ʌhlɪtʰ] ohlith bfal0 bfal0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) crawl (very slow speed) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [YYB] [ɔjjɪb] oyyib
b6lf b6lf art (skill, or ability) of (the) dock (anchor) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShLN] [ʌʃlɪn] oshlin b%al, b%al,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) creation (establishment) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MH] [ɔmɪh] omih
b%el9 b%el9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) dog (bellow) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KNB] [ɔknɪb] oknib be,l2 be,l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) credit (debt) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShKD] [ʌʃkɪd] oshkid
b62l@ b62l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) door (entry / threshold) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MDN] [ɔmdɪn] omdin b69l, b69l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) crib (cradle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MBR] [ɔmbɪr] ombir
b6eVla b6tla art (skill, or ability) of (the) dotage (dotard / slug) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DLT] [ɔdlɪt] odlit b9al8 b9al8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) crime (offence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKhL] [ɔmkʰɪl] omkhil
b29leV b29lt art (skill, or ability) of (the) doubt (hesitation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShFKh] [ʌʃfɪkʰ] oshfikh b%3leV b%3lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cross (mixture) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BDKh] [ɔbdɪkʰ] obdikh
beal6 beal6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) dove (wing) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GH] [ɔɡɪh] ogih brlf bRlf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) crown [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLM] [ɔklɪm] oklim
b2al2 b2al2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) drainage (deluge) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRK] [ʌʃrɪk] oshrik b%@le b%@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) crystal (ice) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLB] [ɔblɪb] oblib
beal3 beal3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) drake (EredM.) (monster) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GZG] [ɔɡzɪɡ] ogzig brwlr bRDlR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) curse (swearing remark) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLF] [ɔklɪf] oklif
b,wl@ b,Dl@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) drawing (map / plan (plot)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TSR] [ɔtsɪr] otsir b8.l@ bCl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) custodian (stewardship) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NZR] [ɔnzɪr] onzir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) cut (seperation / shear) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRSh] [ɔkʰrɪʃ] okhrish beV@l% bt@l% art (skill, or ability) of (the) dread (terror) (fear / dismay) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRD] [ɔɡrɪd] ogrid br@l9 bR@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) dale (plain / descent (downward inclination)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] b2wl@ b2Dl@
[ɔbzɪr] obzir art (skill, or ability) of (the) dream (illusion (phantasm)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DL] [ɔdɪl] odil b9la b9la
bfla bfla art (skill, or ability) of (the) drop (dew / bead) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔFH] [ɔʔfɪh] o'fih bg3lf bg3lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) dam (dike (Occi.)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HL] [ʌhɪl] ohil
b.el0 b.el0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) duct (conduit / tube) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HZR] [ʌhzɪr] ohzir bfwl@ bfDl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) damage (bruise) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKTh] [ʌskɪtʰ] oskith
art (skill, or ability) of (the) dance (ballad) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SRN] [ʌsrɪn] osrin b.@l, b.@l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) dust (one amount) (powder) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNT] [ɔmnɪt] omnit b6,l8 b6,l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) danger [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SD] [ʌsɪd] osid b.l9 b.l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) duty (homage) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MShM] [ɔmʃɪm] omshim b6%l6 b6%l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) dare (risk / venture) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThRN] [ɔtʰrɪn] othrin b0@l, b0@l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) dwarf [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhZD] [ɔkʰzɪd] okhzid beVwl9 btDl9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) darkness (night) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZNN] [ʌznɪn] oznin bw,l, bD,l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) dwarf-iron [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DHN] [ɔdʰɪn] odhin b!l, b!l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) day (24-hour day) (turn (cycle)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRT] [ɔnrɪt] onrit b,@l8 b,@l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) dwelling [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TMN] [ɔtmɪn] otmin b86l, b86l,

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art (skill, or ability) of (the) ear (attention) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HBR] [ʌhbɪr] ohbir bf2l@ bf2l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) fire (heat (warmth)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔRS] [ɔʔrɪs] o'ris bg@l. bg@l.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) east [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ND] [ɔnɪd] onid b,l9 b,l9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) firmness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KShKh] [ɔkshɪkʰ] okshikh be.fleV bwflt

art (skill, or ability) of (the) edge [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLKh] [ʌflɪkʰ] oflikh b3aleV b3alt art (skill, or ability) of (the) fish [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DG] [ɔdɪɡ] odig b9lr b9lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) egg [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRH] [ɔkʰrɪh] okhrih beV@lf bt@lf art (skill, or ability) of (the) fist (punch) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MZN] [ɔmzɪn] omzin b6wl, b6Dl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) eighth (an equal eight part of a whole) (eight) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] art (skill, or ability) of (the) fixation (fix / stability) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [STM] [ʌstɪm] ostim b.8l6 b.8l6
[ɔɡmɪn] ogmin br6l, bR6l,
[GMN] art (skill, or ability) of (the) flag (standard) (banner) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BShD] [ɔbʃɪd] obshid b2%l9 b2%l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) eightieth (an equal eightieth part of a whole) (eighty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / br6l6 bR6l6
[ɔɡmɪm] ogmim art (skill, or ability) of (the) flame (ash) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRS] [ʌhrɪs] ohris bf@l. bf@l.
bw2la bD2la art (skill, or ability) of (the) floor (carpet) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRJ] [ɔbrɪd͡ʒ] obrij b2@lR b2@l$
art (skill, or ability) of (the) elaborateness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZBL] [ʌzbɪl] ozbil
beV0lw bt0lD art (skill, or ability) of (the) food (meal / pot) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLG] [ɔblɪɡ] oblig b2alr b2alR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) elf (Oroc.) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhThZ] [ɔkʰtʰɪz] okhthiz
art (skill, or ability) of (the) foot (bottom / run) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BSN] [ɔbsɪn] obsin b2.l, b2.l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) elf (polite form) (boast / boastfulness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FND] [ʌfnɪd] ofnid b3,l9 b3,l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) foot (Ereb.) (tramp / shoe) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FTh] [ʌfɪtʰ] ofith b3l0 b3l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) empire (dominion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZLD] [ʌzlɪd] ozlid bwal9 bDal9 beelg beelg
art (skill, or ability) of (the) force (military strength) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KKʔ] [ɔk.kɪʔ] okki'
art (skill, or ability) of (the) emptyness (space (punctuation mark) / space (area / room)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / b.@lR b.@l$ art (skill, or ability) of (the) forge (furnace / oven) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhBB] [ɔkʰbɪb] okhbib beV2l2 bt2l2
[ʌsrɪd͡ʒ] osrij
art (skill, or ability) of (the) forgetfulness (oblivion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NThR] [ɔntʰɪr] onthir b,0l@ b,0l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) enamourment (affection) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [STD] [ʌstɪd] ostid b.8l9 b.8l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fortieth (an equal fortieth part of a whole) (forty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR bweVl6 bDtl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) enclosure (shutter) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhYJ] [ɔkʰjɪd͡ʒ] okhyij beV;lR bt;l$ [ʌzkʰɪm] ozkhim
] [ZKhM]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) encounter (confrontation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BZL] [ɔbzɪl] obzil b2wla b2Dla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fortress (EredM.) (citadel / fortification) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GThL] [ɔɡtʰɪl] ogthil br0la bR0la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) end (confine / ceiling) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NT] [ɔnɪt] onit b,l8 b,l8
bg,lr bg,lR art (skill, or ability) of (the) foulness (bad) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZZN] [ʌz.zɪn] ozzin bwwl, bDDl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) enemy [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔNG] [ɔʔnɪɡ] o'nig
bfale bfale art (skill, or ability) of (the) foundation (base) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhTR] [ɔkʰtɪr] okhtir beV8l@ bt8l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) equal (equality) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HLK] [ʌhlɪk] ohlik
b@9l, b@9l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) freedom [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HBK] [ʌhbɪk] ohbik bf2le bf2le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) errand (assignment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RDN] [ɔrdɪn] ordin
art (skill, or ability) of (the) friend (company / amity) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BH] [ɔbɪh] obih b2lf b2lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) escape (flight (hasty departure)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLT] [ʌflɪt] oflit b3al8 b3al8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fright (alarm (feeling)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRK] [ɔkʰrɪk] okhrik beV@le bt@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) evening (dusk) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LNZ] [ɔlnɪz] olniz ba,lw ba,lD b32l@ b32l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) front (forehead) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FBR] [ʌfbɪr] ofbir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) exception (oddity / privilege) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FKL] [ʌfkɪl] ofkil b3ela b3ela b,wl% b,Dl%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fungus (dampness / mold) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NZSh] [ɔnzɪʃ] onzish
art (skill, or ability) of (the) excitement (enthusiasm) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SBN] [ʌsbɪn] osbin b.2l, b.2l, b8.le bCle
art (skill, or ability) of (the) game (toy) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TSK] [ɔtsɪk] otsik
art (skill, or ability) of (the) exertion (stretch (strain)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKhB] [ɔbkʰɪb] obkhib b2eVl2 b2tl2 b2wl, b2Dl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) garden (oasis) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BZN] [ɔbzɪn] obzin
art (skill, or ability) of (the) existence (reality) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KST] [ɔksɪt] oksit be.l8 bwl8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) gas (fume (vapor) / evaporation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GFR] [ɔɡfɪr] ogfir br3l@ bR3l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) eye (opinion / gaze (stare)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔZG] [ɔʔzɪɡ] o'zig bgwlr bgDlR
b9@lw b9@lD art (skill, or ability) of (the) gate (barrier) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKhM] [ɔmkʰɪm] omkhim b6eVl6 b6tl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) face (appearance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRZ] [ɔdrɪz] odriz
b2el8 b2el8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) gesture (expression) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShMK] [ʌʃmɪk] oshmik b%6le b%6le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fact (truth) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKT] [ɔbkɪt] obkit
b2al, b2al, art (skill, or ability) of (the) giant (enormity / size) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZND] [ʌznɪd] oznid bw,l9 bD,l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) failure (state) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLN] [ɔblɪn] oblin
b3@lr b3@lR art (skill, or ability) of (the) gift (parcel (container)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhJM] [ɔkʰd͡ʒɪm] okhjim beVRl6 bt$l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fame (reputation / rumor) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRG] [ʌfrɪɡ] ofrig
art (skill, or ability) of (the) family (clan) (ancestor / descent (ancestral derivation)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / art (skill, or ability) of (the) girl (daughter / giggle) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NTh] [ɔnɪtʰ] onith b,l0 b,l0
[ɔbrɪf] obrif b2@l3 b2@l3
SINGULAR ] [BRF] art (skill, or ability) of (the) glass (one piece) (bottle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLD] [ɔkʰlɪd] okhlid beVal9 btal9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) farm (farmland / farm tool) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BJTh] [ɔbd͡ʒɪtʰ] objith b2Rl0 b2$l0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) glimpse (peek (look)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NKK] [ɔnkɪk] onkik b,ele b,ele

art (skill, or ability) of (the) fat (butter) (oil / grease) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DFT] [ɔdfɪt] odfit b93l8 b93l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) glint (gleam, reflection) (speck / sparkle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLM] [ɔɡlɪm] oglim bral6 bRal6

art (skill, or ability) of (the) father (patron / invention) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔDD] [ɔʔdɪd] o'did bg9l9 bg9l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) gloom (mourning / desperation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRTh] [ɔdrɪtʰ] odrith b9@l0 b9@l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fatigue (tension / hardship) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThRT] [ɔtʰrɪt] othrit b0@l8 b0@l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) glory [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRZ] [ɔkrɪz] okriz be@lw be@lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) favor (praise) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRM] [ʌhrɪm] ohrim bf@l6 bf@l6 be9lw be9lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) gold (gold coin) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KDZ] [ɔkdɪz] okdiz
art (skill, or ability) of (the) feast (celebration) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRG] [ɔmrɪɡ] omrig b6@lr b6@lR b9aleV b9alt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) grass [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DLKh] [ɔdlɪkʰ] odlikh
art (skill, or ability) of (the) female (fertility) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZN] [ʌzɪn] ozin bwl, bDl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) grave (Occi.) (crypt / tomb) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRG] [ɔdrɪɡ] odrig b9@lr b9@lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) few (reduction) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔZ] [ɪz] iz lw lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fifth (an equal fifth part of a whole) (five) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] art (skill, or ability) of (the) greed (ambition) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRTh] [ɔɡrɪtʰ] ogrith br@l0 bR@l0
[ɔɡmɪkʰ] ogmikh br6leV bR6lt
[GMKh] art (skill, or ability) of (the) ground (soil) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShML] [ʌʃmɪl] oshmil b%6la b%6la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fiftieth (an equal fiftieth part of a whole) (fifty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] br,l6 bR,l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) growth [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔBR] [ɔʔbɪr] o'bir bg2l@ bg2l@
[ɔɡnɪm] ognim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) guide (instruction (guidance)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DNN] [ɔdnɪn] odnin b9,l, b9,l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) fight (aggression / assault) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKhʔ] [ɔbkʰɪʔ] obkhi' b2eVlg b2tlg
art (skill, or ability) of (the) habit (custom) (pattern) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNH] [ɔbnɪh] obnih b2,lf b2,lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) finger (nail (finger) / appointment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MDKh] [ɔmdɪkʰ] omdikh b69leV b69lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hail (salute / greeting) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShMKh] [ʌʃmɪkʰ] oshmikh b%6leV b%6lt

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The Dwarrow Scholar 43 The Dwarrow Scholar 44

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

art (skill, or ability) of (the) iris (flower / blossom) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NNG] [ɔn.nɪɡ] onnig bulr bulR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hair (one hair) (fiber / comb) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZNT] [ʌznɪt] oznit bw,l8 bD,l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) iron (cast (mold)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRN] [ʌzrɪn] ozrin bw@l, bD@l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) half (saprolite rock (half / putrid / weathered rock) / divide) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / b6ale b6ale
[ɔmlɪk] omlik art (skill, or ability) of (the) island (isolation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GZY] [ɔɡzɪj] ogziy brwl; bRDl;
art (skill, or ability) of (the) itch [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLTh] [ɔblɪtʰ] oblith b2al0 b2al0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hall (mansion) (shovel / welcome) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DM] [ɔdɪm] odim b9l6 b9l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) jewel (showpiece / jewelry tool) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MSM] [ɔmsɪm] omsim b6.l6 b6.l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hammer (impact / war hammer) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKhZ] [ɔbkʰɪz] obkhiz b2eVlw b2tlD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) joy (happiness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GYD] [ɔɡjɪd] ogyid br;l9 bR;l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hand (direction) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RThKh] [ɔrtʰɪkʰ] orthikh b@0leV b@0lt bg2leV bg2lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) juncture (seam) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔBKh] [ɔʔbɪkʰ] o'bikh
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hate [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DSh] [ɔdɪʃ] odish b9l% b9l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) kettle (upheaval / boil (skin swelling)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SDN] [ʌsdɪn] osdin b.9l, b.9l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) head (summit) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BND] [ɔbnɪd] obnid b2,l9 b2,l9
b2.l8 b2.l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) kick (jolt) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNZ] [ɔbnɪz] obniz b2,lw b2,lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) health (healing) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BST] [ɔbsɪt] obsit
beal8 beal8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) kill [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRF] [ɔdrɪf] odrif b9@l3 b9@l3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hearing (ear trumpet) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLT] [ɔklɪt] oklit
b69l8 b69l8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) kin (kinship (relation) / tribe) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShKT] [ʌʃkɪt] oshkit b%el8 b%el8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) heart (morale sense) (emotion / valour) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MDT] [ɔmdɪt] omdit

be@l9 be@l9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) kindness (good / improvement) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLKh] [ɔɡlɪkʰ] oglikh braleV bRalt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) heart (physical sense) (trust (belief)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRD] [ɔkrɪd] okrid
beVal0 btal0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) knife (stab) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HNF] [ʌhnɪf] ohnif bf,l3 bf,l3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) heaven [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLTh] [ɔkʰlɪtʰ] okhlith
art (skill, or ability) of (the) heel (nadir) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔBF] [ɔʔbɪf] o'bif bg2l3 bg2l3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) knowledge (reasoning power) (wit (clever remark)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / be8l2 be8l2
[ɔktɪb] oktib
art (skill, or ability) of (the) heir [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RYD] [ɔrjɪd] oryid b@;l9 b@;l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lake (resevoir / swim) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRM] [ʌzrɪm] ozrim bw@l6 bD@l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) help [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HS] [ʌhɪs] ohis bfl. bfl.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) laugh (smile / humor) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TH] [ɔtɪh] otih b8lf b8lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hill (elevation / ridge) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HND] [ʌhnɪd] ohnid bf,l9 bf,l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) law (judgment (doom) / judge) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DMS] [ɔdmɪs] odmis b96l. b96l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hinge (attachment / connection (connecting piece)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / be@l. be@l.
[ɔkrɪs] okris
art (skill, or ability) of (the) layer (form (shape) / cover) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhSG] [ɔkʰsɪɡ] okhsig bt.lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hiss (contempt / scorn) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HBS] [ʌhbɪs] ohbis bf2l. bf2l.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) hold (grip) (vault / grasp) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLT] [ɔkʰlɪt] okhlit beVal8 btal8 art (skill, or ability) of (the) lead (metal) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZFR] [ʌzfɪr] ozfir bw3l@ bD3l@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) honor [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRG] [ɔkrɪɡ] okrig be@lr be@lR art (skill, or ability) of (the) ledge (sill / shelf) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FST] [ʌfsɪt] ofsit b3.l8 b3.l8

art (skill, or ability) of (the) hope [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DJN] [ɔd.d͡ʒɪn] odjin b9Rl, b9$l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) left [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNS] [ɔbnɪs] obnis b2,l. b2,l.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) horizon [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRGh] [ʌʃrɪgʰ] oshrigh b%@ly b%@lT art (skill, or ability) of (the) leg (jump / limb) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KNN] [ɔknɪn] oknin be,l, be,l,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) horn (warning) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NBR] [ɔnbɪr] onbir b,2l@ b,2l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) library (study (room)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKB] [ɔmkɪb] omkib b6el2 b6el2

art (skill, or ability) of (the) horror (revulsion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔRR] [ɔʔrɪr] o'rir bg@l@ bg@l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) lick (trace) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LBB] [ɔlbɪb] olbib ba2l2 ba2l2

art (skill, or ability) of (the) horse (steed) (gallop) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRB] [ɔkʰrɪb] okhrib beV@l2 bt@l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) lie (deception) (knave) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRG] [ʌʃrɪɡ] oshrig b%@lr b%@lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) hot oil (frizzle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRB] [ɔkrɪb] okrib be@l2 be@l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) lieutenant [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZKhS] [ʌzkʰɪs] ozkhis bweVl. bDtl.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) hour (daylight hour) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRM] [ɔdrɪm] odrim b9@l6 b9@l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) life (a life) (lineage / life) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KYL] [ɔkjɪl] okyil be;la be;la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hundredth (an equal hundredth part of a whole) (hundred) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / art (skill, or ability) of (the) likeness (model) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRF] [ʌzrɪf] ozrif bw@l3 bD@l3
[ɔmhɪkʰ] omhikh b6fleV b6flt
SINGULAR ] [MHKh] art (skill, or ability) of (the) line (border / row) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZDKh] [ʌzdɪkʰ] ozdikh bw9leV bD9lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hunger (famine) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLT] [ʌslɪt] oslit b.al8 b.al8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) link (bond) (Ereb.) (component) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZZZ] [ʌz.zɪz] ozziz bwwlw bDDlD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) hunt (game (hunted wild food)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TS] [ɔtɪs] otis b8l. b8l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lip (kiss) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NM] [ɔnɪm] onim b,l6 b,l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) idea (notion) (concept) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HKT] [ʌhkɪt] ohkit bfel8 bfel8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) liquid (melt (material in molten state) / crucible) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] br2l@ bR2l@
[ɔɡbɪr] ogbir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) importance (altitude, height) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZDR] [ʌzdɪr] ozdir bw9l@ bD9l@ [GBR]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) loan (interest (loan)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FBK] [ʌfbɪk] ofbik b32le b32le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) inactivity (idleness / laziness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LTR] [ɔltɪr] oltir ba8l@ ba8l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lock (security) (key hole / key) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HDN] [ʌhdɪn] ohdin bf9l, bf9l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) inferiority [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKL] [ɔbkɪl] obkil b2ela b2ela
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lodge (camp) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRF] [ɔkʰrɪf] okhrif beV@l3 bt@l3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) inheritance (testament) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZBH] [ʌzbɪh] ozbih bw2lf bD2lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lonelyness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZSL] [ʌzsɪl] ozsil
art (skill, or ability) of (the) insanity (madness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MShG] [ɔmʃɪɡ] omshig b6%lr b6%lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lord (commandment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZBD] [ʌzbɪd] ozbid bw2l9 bD2l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) instant (moment) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JL] [ʌd͡ʒɪl] ojil bRla b$la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) lore / study (knowledge (familiarity of skill) / perusal) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / b3fl, b3fl,
[ʌfhɪn] ofhin
art (skill, or ability) of (the) instrument (music) (music) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LFM] [ɔlfɪm] olfim ba3l6 ba3l6 SINGULAR ] [FHN]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) loss [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LZN] [ɔlzɪn] olzin bawl, baDl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) integrity (moral (ethic)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShLS] [ʌʃlɪs] oshlis b%al. b%al.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) love (passion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRL] [ɔmrɪl] omril b6@la b6@la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) intensity [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TNS] [ɔtnɪs] otnis b8,l. b8,l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) loyalty (fealty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNS] [ɔmnɪs] omnis b6,l. b6,l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) introduction (presentation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FBS] [ʌfbɪs] ofbis b32l. b32l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) luck (chance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MSL] [ɔmsɪl] omsil
art (skill, or ability) of (the) intrusion (interference (disturbance) / obstacle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] b.8l@ b.8l@
[ʌstɪr] ostir art (skill, or ability) of (the) lust (promiscuity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LSZ] [ɔlsɪz] olsiz ba.lw ba.lD

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art (skill, or ability) of (the) magic (spell) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRD] [ʌzrɪd] ozrid bw@l9 bD@l9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) nineth (an equal nineth part of a whole) (nine) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ]
[ɔtɡɪr] otgir b8rl@ b8Rl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) male [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLZ] [ɔkʰlɪz] okhliz beValw btalD [TGR]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ninetieth (an equal ninetieth part of a whole) (ninety) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / b8rl6 b8Rl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) man (influence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔTN] [ɔʔtɪn] o'tin bg8l, bg8l, [ɔtɡɪm] otgim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mange (skin disease) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRKh] [ɔdrɪkʰ] odrikh b9@leV b9@lt b3fl6 b3fl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) north [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FHM] [ʌfhɪm] ofhim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) manifestation [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZYR] [ʌzjɪr] ozyir bw;l@ bD;l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) nose (smell (scents) / aroma) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhGR] [ɔkʰɡɪr] okhgir beVrl@ btRl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) manuscript (parchment / paper) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KDS] [ɔkdɪs] okdis be9l. be9l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) nothing (naught) (zero) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MBKh] [ɔmbɪkʰ] ombikh b62leV b62lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) march (route) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GNG] [ɔɡnɪɡ] ognig br,lr bR,lR b,l@ b,l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) novelty [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NR] [ɔnɪr] onir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) market (exchange) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNR] [ɔmnɪr] omnir b6,l@ b6,l@ b9l@ b9l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) nudity (nude person) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DR] [ɔdɪr] odir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) marriage (wedding) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShHN] [ʌʃhɪn] oshhin b%fl, b%fl, beVl% btl%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) number (calculation) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhSh] [ɔkʰɪʃ] okhish
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mash (brewing mixture) (pulp / puree) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MShB] [ɔmʃɪb] omshib b6%l2 b6%l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) nut (coal) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LWZ] [ɔlwɪz] olwiz baFlw baFlD

art (skill, or ability) of (the) oath (pledge / solemn promise) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNTh] [ɔbnɪtʰ] obnith b2,l0 b2,l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) meaning (intention / significance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MLN] [ɔmlɪn] omlin b6al, b6al,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) object (article / device) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HLT] [ʌhlɪt] ohlit bfal8 bfal8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) measurement (amount / degree) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔRN] [ɔʔrɪn] o'rin bg@l, bg@l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) obscurity (difficult to understand) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZKN] [ʌzkɪn] ozkin bwel, bDel,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) measuring unit [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RNG] [ɔrnɪɡ] ornig b@,lr b@,lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) meat (meat knife / flesh) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HSS] [ʌhsɪs] ohsis bf.l. bf.l. art (skill, or ability) of (the) obstruction (clog / barricade) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TSM] [ɔtsɪm] otsim b8.l6 bCl6

art (skill, or ability) of (the) melody [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KML] [ɔkmɪl] okmil be6la be6la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) occasion (time) (instant in time) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLK] [ɔɡlɪk] oglik brale bRale
art (skill, or ability) of (the) memory (past / mind) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZL] [ʌzɪl] ozil bwla bDla
b6,l, b6,l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) offering (approval) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRR] [ʌzrɪr] ozrir bw@l@ bD@l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) message (letter) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNN] [ɔmnɪn] omnin
b@8lf b@8lf art (skill, or ability) of (the) office (chamber) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MZL] [ɔmzɪl] omzil b6wla b6Dla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) metal [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RTH] [ɔrtɪh] ortih
art (skill, or ability) of (the) omen (portent / augury) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NThN] [ɔntʰɪn] onthin b,0l, b,0l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) might (force (vigour / mettle) / authority) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLK] [ɔblɪk] oblik b2ale b2ale
art (skill, or ability) of (the) one full pace (patrol) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RNR] [ɔrnɪr] ornir b@,l@ b@,l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) millionth (an equal millionth part of a whole) (million) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / beVal@ btal@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) orc (disgust / loathing) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RKhS] [ɔrkʰɪs] orkhis b@eVl. b@tl.
[ɔkʰlɪr] okhlir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) order (sort (kind) / style) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GKKh] [ɔɡkɪkʰ] ogkikh breleV bRelt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mine (operational) (cart (mining)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThK] [ɔtʰɪk] othik b0le b0le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) pack (item) (package / packaging) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FKT] [ʌfkɪt] ofkit b3el8 b3el8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mist [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MLS] [ɔmlɪs] omlis b6al. b6al.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) parent (caretaker) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LShR] [ɔlʃɪr] olshir ba%l@ ba%l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mistake (regret (rue)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShGM] [ʌʃɡɪm] oshgim b%rl6 b%Rl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) part (ingredient) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔKR] [ɔʔkɪr] o'kir bgel@ bgel@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) moan (sadness (grief) / lamentation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRN] [ɔnrɪn] onrin b,@l, b,@l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) partner (spouse, mate) (bride) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [YSTh] [ɔjsɪtʰ] oysith b;.l0 b;.l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) moon [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZGL] [ʌzɡɪl] ozgil bwrla bDRla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) passage (voyage) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔM] [ɪm] im l6 l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) moon (Oroc.) (orb / shine) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NLKh] [ɔnlɪkʰ] onlikh b,aleV b,alt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) patch (small area (plot)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LBR] [ɔlbɪr] olbir ba2l@ ba2l@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) moon cycle (month) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔF] [ɪf] if l3 l3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) path (street / track) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NL] [ɔnɪl] onil b,la b,la

art (skill, or ability) of (the) morning (dawn) (alarm / awakening) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKN] [ɔbkɪn] obkin b2el, b2el, art (skill, or ability) of (the) patience (long-suffering / forbearance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TLM] [ɔtlɪm] otlim b8al6 b8al6

art (skill, or ability) of (the) peace (truce) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhL] [ɔkʰɪl] okhil beVla btla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mother (well (spa) / nurishment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔMD] [ɔʔmɪd] o'mid bg6l9 bg6l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) peat (turf) (heath) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FNJ] [ʌfnɪd͡ʒ] ofnij b3,lR b3,l$
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mountain (Ereb.) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔRD] [ɔʔrɪd] o'rid bg@l9 bg@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) perception [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKN] [ʌskɪn] oskin b.el, b.el,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mountain (mass / body) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔBD] [ɔʔbɪd] o'bid bg2l9 bg2l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) person (acquaintance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KNG] [ɔknɪɡ] oknig be,lr be,lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) mouth (shout) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLʔ] [ɔɡlɪʔ] ogli' bralg bRalg
art (skill, or ability) of (the) petal (leaf) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NJM] [ɔnd͡ʒɪm] onjim bKl6 bKl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) move (shift / movement) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShFT] [ʌʃfɪt] oshfit b%3l8 b%3l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) piece (particle / vulcano) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRF] [ɔkrɪf] okrif be@l3 be@l3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) multitude (high value (high esteem)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RKL] [ɔrkɪl] orkil b@ela b@ela art (skill, or ability) of (the) pillar (trestle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThRG] [ɔtʰrɪɡ] othrig b0@lr b0@lR

b0fl@ b0fl@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) pillow [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLM] [ɔblɪm] oblim b2al6 b2al6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) muster (group) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThHR] [ɔtʰhɪr] othhir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) pit (crater) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNM] [ɔmnɪm] omnim b6,l6 b6,l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) name (Ereb.) (nickname / term (name)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MN] [ɔmɪn] omin b6l, b6l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) pitch (tar distillation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRG] [ɔnrɪɡ] onrig b,@lr b,@lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) name (label / brother (kinsman)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRM] [ɔkʰrɪm] okhrim beV@l6 bt@l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) plant (herb) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MJD] [ɔmd͡ʒɪd] omjid b6Rl9 b6$l9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) plate (platter / plateau) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TLR] [ɔtlɪr] otlir b8al@ b8al@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) nature [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DNKh] [ɔdnɪkʰ] odnikh b9,leV b9,lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) platinum [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JBSh] [ʌd͡ʒbɪʃ] ojbish bR2l% b$2l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) neck (raft / throat) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhGS] [ɔkʰɡɪs] okhgis beVrl. btRl.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) pleasure (enjoyment) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ML] [ɔmɪl] omil b6la b6la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) need (urgency / desire) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔRKh] [ɔʔrɪkʰ] o'rikh bg@leV bg@lt

art (skill, or ability) of (the) net (mesh) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NTJ] [ɔntɪd͡ʒ] ontij b,8lR b,8l$ art (skill, or ability) of (the) polish (smoothness / polishing tool) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BTS] [ɔbtɪs] obtis b28l. b28l.

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art (skill, or ability) of (the) pose (facade) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NShR] [ɔnʃɪr] onshir b,%l@ b,%l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) resin (amber) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhMR] [ɔkʰmɪr] okhmir beV6l@ bt6l@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) pour [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SH] [ʌsɪh] osih b.lf b.lf art (skill, or ability) of (the) respect [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZHD] [ʌzʰɪd] ozhid bTl9 bql9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) poverty (alm) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NTH] [ɔntɪh] ontih b,8lf b,8lf art (skill, or ability) of (the) rest (pause) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DKhT] [ɔdkʰɪt] odkhit b9eVl8 b9tl8

art (skill, or ability) of (the) result (score) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKR] [ʌskɪr] oskir b.el@ b.el@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) power (potential / muscle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLKh] [ɔblɪkʰ] oblikh b2aleV b2alt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) retreat (evacuation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThMR] [ɔtʰmɪr] othmir b06l@ b06l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) precipice (crag (rugged rock or cliff)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MKhF] [ɔmkʰɪf] omkhif b6eVl3 b6tl3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) return [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NNK] [ɔn.nɪk] onnik bule bule

b86l. b86l. art (skill, or ability) of (the) revenge (retaliation / vindication) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HBN] [ʌhbɪn] ohbin bf2l, bf2l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) preference (favorite (person)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TMS] [ɔtmɪs] otmis
b@6l% b@6l% art (skill, or ability) of (the) reward (donation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RDM] [ɔrdɪm] ordim b@9l6 b@9l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) preparation [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RMSh] [ɔrmɪʃ] ormish
beVl9 btl9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) rich-iron [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DFN] [ɔdfɪn] odfin b93l, b93l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) present (time) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhD] [ɔkʰɪd] okhid
ba8l. ba8l. art (skill, or ability) of (the) riddle (complexity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔGT] [ɔʔɡɪt] o'git bgrl8 bgRl8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) prey (singular) (cry / tear) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LTS] [ɔltɪs] oltis
b3@l0 b3@l0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) right [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HGR] [ʌhɡɪr] ohgir bfrl@ bfRl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) price (sum / bribe) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRTh] [ʌfrɪtʰ] ofrith
b2,la b2,la art (skill, or ability) of (the) ring (band) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NZG] [ɔnzɪɡ] onzig b,wlr b,DlR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) problem (issue / dilemma) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNL] [ɔbnɪl] obnil
bf,l0 bf,l0 art (skill, or ability) of (the) rip (laceration / tatter (shred)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShNK] [ʌʃnɪk] oshnik b%,le b%,le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) profit (yield) (benefit / profitability) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HNTh] [ʌhnɪtʰ] ohnith
b2@l, b2@l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) rise [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔLZ] [ɔʔlɪz] o'liz bgalw bgalD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) progress (development) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRN] [ɔbrɪn] obrin
b.,l, b.,l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) rite [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JZN] [ʌd͡ʒzɪn] ojzin bRwl, b$Dl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) proof (material evidence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SNN] [ʌsnɪn] osnin
art (skill, or ability) of (the) property (ownership) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GNR] [ɔɡnɪr] ognir br,l@ bR,l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) river (brook / flow (rate of fluid movement)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔN] [ɪn] in l, l,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) prosperity (welfare / prosperous person) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLZ] [ʌflɪz] ofliz b3alw b3alD art (skill, or ability) of (the) road (way / advance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThRKh] [ɔtʰrɪkʰ] othrikh b0@leV b0@lt

art (skill, or ability) of (the) protection (guard) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShMR] [ʌʃmɪr] oshmir b%6l@ b%6l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) roast (grill / broil (brawl)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShYN] [ʌʃjɪn] oshyin b%;l, b%;l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) proximity (vicinity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NGT] [ɔngɪt] ongit bjl8 bjl8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) rock (boulder / bump) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThRR] [ɔtʰrɪr] othrir b0@l@ b0@l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) prudence (frugality / discretion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SBZ] [ʌsbɪz] osbiz b.2lw b.2lD art (skill, or ability) of (the) rodent (erosion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MShZ] [ɔmʃɪz] omshiz b6%lw b6%lD

bg9la bg9la art (skill, or ability) of (the) roof (dome) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNZ] [ɔmnɪz] omniz b6,lw b6,lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) pump [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔDL] [ɔʔdɪl] o'dil
art (skill, or ability) of (the) root (stem) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLF] [ɔkʰlɪf] okhlif beVal3 btal3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) punishment (penalty / sanction) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRF] [ʌʃrɪf] oshrif b%@l3 b%@l3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) rope (chain / knot) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [JZR] [ʌd͡ʒzɪr] ojzir bRwl@ b$Dl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) push (thrust / button) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRK] [ɔtrɪk] otrik b8@le b8@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) rose [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LSL] [ɔlsɪl] olsil
art (skill, or ability) of (the) quality (feature) (symptom) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GNL] [ɔɡnɪl] ognil br,la bR,la art (skill, or ability) of (the) rotation (wheel) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MMG] [ɔm.mɪɡ] ommig b66lr b66lR

art (skill, or ability) of (the) ruin (ravage / wreck) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZShR] [ʌzʃɪr] ozshir bw%l@ bD%l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) quarter (an equal quarter of a whole) (four) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] b@6leV b@6lt
[ɔrmɪkʰ] ormikh art (skill, or ability) of (the) rust (corrosion / decay) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BGL] [ɔbɡɪl] obgil b2rla b2Rla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) question [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SGL] [ʌsɡɪl] osgil b.rla b.Rla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) safety (deliverance / delivery) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NSS] [ɔnsɪs] onsis b,.l. b,.l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) rain (a drop) (flood) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RZKh] [ɔrzɪkʰ] orzikh b@wleV b@Dlt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sand [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RFSh] [ɔrfɪʃ] orfish b@3l% b@3l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ranger [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRZ] [ʌhrɪz] ohriz bf@lw bf@lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sausage [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRL] [ɔkrɪl] okril be@la be@la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) rank (uniform) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GSh] [ɔɡɪʃ] ogish brl% bRl%

art (skill, or ability) of (the) rarity [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HDKh] [ʌhdɪkʰ] ohdikh bf9leV bf9lt art (skill, or ability) of (the) scabbard (sheath / female genital organ) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRH] [ɔkrɪh] okrih be@lf be@lf

art (skill, or ability) of (the) raven (Ereb.) (caw) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRK] [ɔkrɪk] okrik be@le be@le bgwl6 bgDl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) scale (of animal) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔZM] [ɔʔzɪm] o'zim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ravine (gorge) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HMT] [ʌhmɪt] ohmit bf6l8 bf6l8 b%@l6 b%@l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) scar (scratch / blemish) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRM] [ʌʃrɪm] oshrim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) reach [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RKR] [ɔrkɪr] orkir b@el@ b@el@ b.3l. b.3l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) scissor (snip) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SFS] [ʌsfɪs] osfis
art (skill, or ability) of (the) realm (land) (monarchy / quarry) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZDN] [ʌzdɪn] ozdin bw9l, bD9l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) scout (spy) (exploration) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SBJ] [ʌsbɪd͡ʒ] osbij b.2lR b.2l$

art (skill, or ability) of (the) scream (yell / howl) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RKhSh] [ɔrkʰɪʃ] orkhish b@eVl% b@tl%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) reason (purpose, object) (cause / motivation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] beV6lg bt6lg
[ɔkʰmɪʔ] okhmi' art (skill, or ability) of (the) scrutiny (inspection) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ST] [ʌsɪt] osit b.l8 b.l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) refusal [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [Lʔ] [ɔlɪʔ] oli' balg balg art (skill, or ability) of (the) sea (salt) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔZH] [ɔʔzɪh] o'zih bgwlf bgDlf

art (skill, or ability) of (the) regard [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LYʔ] [ɔljɪʔ] olyi' ba;lg ba;lg art (skill, or ability) of (the) seal (airtight closure) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZHK] [ʌzʰɪk] ozhik bTle bqle

art (skill, or ability) of (the) release (discharge) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhRY] [ɔkʰrɪj] okhriy beV@l; bt@l; art (skill, or ability) of (the) search (quest / rummage) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NShT] [ɔnʃɪt] onshit b,%l8 b,%l8

art (skill, or ability) of (the) relevance [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔKS] [ɔʔkɪs] o'kis bgel. bgel. art (skill, or ability) of (the) seat (seating) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NSD] [ɔnsɪd] onsid b,.l9 b,.l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) relevance (pertinence) (ratio / proportion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] art (skill, or ability) of (the) second (an equal second part of a whole) (two) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] b,lg b,lg
[ɔnlɪd] onlid b,al9 b,al9 [ɔnɪʔ] oni'
[NLD] [Nʔ]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) relief (alleviation / remedy) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShF] [ʌʃɪf] oshif b%l3 b%l3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) secret (Oroc.) (hidden thing (secret) / hiding) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ]
[ɔr.rɪk] orrik b@@le b@@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) repair (repair tool / compensation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DZR] [ɔdzɪr] odzir b9wl@ b9Dl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) seed (offspring (semen) / grain) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SDZ] [ʌsdɪz] osdiz b.9lw b.9lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) repeat (frequency) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GGN] [ɔɡɡɪn] oggin brrl, bRRl,

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

art (skill, or ability) of (the) snap [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NZF] [ɔnzɪf] onzif b,wl3 b,Dl3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sense (sensation / sensitivity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KNS] [ɔknɪs] oknis be,l. be,l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) snore [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SNK] [ʌsnɪk] osnik b.,le b.,le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) service (employment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DShN] [ɔdʃɪn] odshin b9%l, b9%l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sobriety (overcast) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DLZ] [ɔdlɪz] odliz b9alw b9alD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) settlement (colony (establishment) / colonisation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / bCla
[ɔtsɪl] otsil
SINGULAR ] [TSL] art (skill, or ability) of (the) society (social (festive gathering)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLS] [ʌslɪs] oslis
art (skill, or ability) of (the) seventh (an equal seventh parth of a whole) (seven) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / bf9l9 bf9l9
[ʌhdɪd] ohdid art (skill, or ability) of (the) soft flesh [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRTh] [ɔbrɪtʰ] obrith b2@l0 b2@l0
art (skill, or ability) of (the) seventieth (an equal seventieth part of a whole) (seventy) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / art (skill, or ability) of (the) solitude (Ereb.) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔYK] [ɔʔjɪk] o'yik bg;le bg;le
[ʌhdɪm] ohdim bf9l6 bf9l6
SINGULAR ] [HDM] art (skill, or ability) of (the) son (fellow) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DShT] [ɔdʃɪt] odshit b9%l8 b9%l8

art (skill, or ability) of (the) sexuality (male genital organ) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FSL] [ʌfsɪl] ofsil art (skill, or ability) of (the) song (note (song) / voice) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KMTh] [ɔkmɪtʰ] okmith be6l0 be6l0

art (skill, or ability) of (the) sorrow (catastrophe) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NKhSh] [ɔnkʰɪʃ] onkhish b,eVl% b,tl%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shackle (impediment (hindrance)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BDR] [ɔbdɪr] obdir b29l@ b29l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sound (noise) (owl (EredM.)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZMR] [ʌzmɪr] ozmir bw6l@ bD6l@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) shadow (actual) (obscurity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKD] [ʌskɪd] oskid b.el9 b.el9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) source (origin / spring (water)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLH] [ɔklɪh] oklih bealf bealf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shadow (evil) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔZN] [ɔʔzɪn] o'zin bgwl, bgDl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) south [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRK] [ʌfrɪk] ofrik b3@le b3@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shaft (for air) (vent) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhLB] [ɔkʰlɪb] okhlib beVal2 btal2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) span (spread) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MMKh] [ɔm.mɪkʰ] ommikh b66leV b66lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shaft (mining) (pipe (tube)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RKT] [ɔrkɪt] orkit b@el8 b@el8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spear (tip (point)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NB] [ɔnɪb] onib b,l2 b,l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shake (tremble, shudder) (shiver) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLD] [ɔklɪd] oklid beal9 beal9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spice (seasoning) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SBS] [ʌsbɪs] osbis b.2l. b.2l.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) shard (stub) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KFK] [ɔkfɪk] okfik be3le be3le art (skill, or ability) of (the) spider (web / loom) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BBN] [ɔb.bɪn] obbin b22l, b22l,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) spike (sharpness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRK] [ʌzrɪk] ozrik bw@le bD@le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shield (defense / resistance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRKh] [ɔmrɪkʰ] omrikh b6@leV b6@lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spire (tower) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRKh] [ʌzrɪkʰ] ozrikh bw@leV bD@lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ship (boat) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLF] [ʌslɪf] oslif b.al3 b.al3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spirit (ghost) (soul) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRB] [ɔmrɪb] omrib b6@l2 b6@l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shop (payment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKM] [ɔbkɪm] obkim b2el6 b2el6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spit [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShKhK] [ʌʃkʰɪk] oshkhik b%eVle b%tle
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shortage [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HMR] [ʌhmɪr] ohmir bf6l@ bf6l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spoon (wedge) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LBL] [ɔlbɪl] olbil ba2la ba2la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) shoulder (responsibility) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZMKh] [ʌzmɪkʰ] ozmikh bw6leV bD6lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) spot (exact location) (haunt (habitually frequented place)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / b;l9 b;l9
[ɔjɪd] oyid
art (skill, or ability) of (the) side (facet / temple (side of forehead)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RK] [ɔrɪk] orik b@le b@le SINGULAR ] [YD]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) square (focus) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BL] [ɔbɪl] obil b2la b2la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) siege (plague) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔMG] [ɔʔmɪɡ] o'mig bg6lr bg6lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stack (pile (heap) / accumulation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [STB] [ʌstɪb] ostib b.8l2 b.8l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sight (notice) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKh] [ʌsɪkʰ] osikh b.leV

art (skill, or ability) of (the) sign (nod / signature) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GL] [ɔɡɪl] ogil brla bRla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stain (smear (tarnish) / discoloration) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LKS] [ɔlkɪs] olkis bael. bael.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) silence [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TKT] [ɔtkɪt] otkit b8el8 b8el8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stairway [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZLG] [ʌzlɪɡ] ozlig bwalr bDalR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) simplicity [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DBL] [ɔdbɪl] odbil b92la b92la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stand (station (place or post occupied by a person) / stall (booth)) [Construction of Capability b8,l@ b8,l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sin (highly reprehensible action) (fault (serious shortcoming) / flaw (defect in physical structure)) b3;la b3;la
[ɔtnɪr] otnir
[ʌfjɪl] ofyil (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TNR]
[Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FYL]
art (skill, or ability) of (the) star (glare) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThTR] [ɔtʰtɪr] othtir b08l@ b08l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sister (twin / similarity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NNʔ] [ɔn.nɪʔ] onni' bulg bulg
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stealth (cunning) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LST] [ɔlsɪt] olsit ba.l8 ba.l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sixth (an equal sixth part of a whole) (six) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GS] [ɔɡɪs] ogis brl. bRl.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) steel (one piece) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThKL] [ɔtʰkɪl] othkil b0ela b0ela
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sixtieth (an equal sixtieth part of a whole) (sixty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] art (skill, or ability) of (the) stench (cheese) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhG] [ɔkʰɪɡ] okhig beVlr btlR
[ɔɡʃɪm] ogshim br%l6 bR%l6
[GShM] art (skill, or ability) of (the) step (stride / ladder) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [STF] [ʌstɪf] ostif b.8l3 b.8l3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) skin (coat (layer) / skinning knife) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLL] [ʌflɪl] oflil b3ala b3ala art (skill, or ability) of (the) stiffness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MBL] [ɔmbɪl] ombil b62la b62la

art (skill, or ability) of (the) skull (razor / shave) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRB] [ʌʃrɪb] oshrib b%@l2 b%@l2 art (skill, or ability) of (the) stolen land (stolen object / theft) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThRB] [ɔtʰrɪb] othrib b0@l2 b0@l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sky [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNL] [ɔmnɪl] omnil b6,la b6,la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stomach (belly) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FHL] [ʌfhɪl] ofhil b3fla b3fla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) slave (slavery / bondage) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLR] [ʌslɪr] oslir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stone (gem) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔBN] [ɔʔbɪn] o'bin bg2l, bg2l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sleep (bed) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZLF] [ʌzlɪf] ozlif bwal3 bDal3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stop (standstill) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRB] [ɔdrɪb] odrib b9@l2 b9@l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) slime (muck / goo) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShLM] [ʌʃlɪm] oshlim b%al6 b%al6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stopper (cork) (blockade / blockage) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TBD] [ɔtbɪd] otbid b82l9 b82l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) slope (inclination / bow (stoop)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SKB] [ʌskɪb] oskib b.el2 b.el2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) store (inventory) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KR] [ɔkɪr] okir bel@ bel@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) slow movement (limp / feebleness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SBK] [ʌsbɪk] osbik b.2le b.2le art (skill, or ability) of (the) stranger [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRJ] [ɔdrɪd͡ʒ] odrij b9@lR b9@l$

b6l6 b6l6 art (skill, or ability) of (the) strife (squabble (quarrel) / animosity) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KB] [ɔkɪb] okib bel2 bel2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) smallness (inexpensive item) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MM] [ɔmɪm] omim
art (skill, or ability) of (the) struggle (agony / anguish) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRD] [ʌhrɪd] ohrid bf@l9 bf@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) smith (artisan / smith-hammer) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TLKh] [ɔtlɪkʰ] otlikh b8aleV b8alt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) stumble (slip / falter) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SNB] [ʌsnɪb] osnib b.,l2 b.,l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) smoke [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShR] [ʌʃɪr] oshir b%l@ b%l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) submergence (drowning) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRH] [ʌzrɪh] ozrih bw@lf bD@lf

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

art (skill, or ability) of (the) translation (dictionary) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLF] [ɔɡlɪf] oglif bral3 bRal3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sugar (honey (one drop/one amount)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HLW] [ʌhli:] ohlî bfa" bfa"
art (skill, or ability) of (the) travel (adventure) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KDM] [ɔkdɪm] okdim be9l6 be9l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) suitability (fit (noun)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRD] [ʌfrɪd] ofrid b3@l9 b3@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) treachery [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KLK] [ɔklɪk] oklik beale beale
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sun (gold (metal)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRZ] [ɔbrɪz] obriz b2@lw b2@lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) treasure (Ereb.) (hidden wealth) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNN] [ɔbnɪn] obnin b2,l, b2,l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sun (Oroc.) (blaze) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RZD] [ɔrzɪd] orzid b@wl9 b@Dl9

art (skill, or ability) of (the) superior [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRR] [ɔnrɪr] onrir b,@l@ b,@l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) treasure (store) (fortune (wealth)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GBSh] [ɔɡbɪʃ] ogbish br2l% bR2l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) surety (guarantee) (surety (certainty) / bond (binding agreement)) [Construction of Capability b2.l. b2.l.
[ɔbsɪs] obsis art (skill, or ability) of (the) tree [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRS] [ʌzrɪs] ozris bw@l. bD@l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) triangle (fork) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FKhM] [ʌfkʰɪm] ofkhim b3eVl6 b3tl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) surprise (astonishment / shock) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔKSh] [ɔʔkɪʃ] o'kish bgel% bgel%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) trinket (amulet) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MMSh] [ɔm.mɪʃ] ommish b66l% b66l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) survival [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BNR] [ɔbnɪr] obnir b2,l@ b2,l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) troll [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRH] [ɔdrɪh] odrih b9@lf b9@lf
art (skill, or ability) of (the) swathe (expanse / expansion) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GBL] [ɔɡbɪl] ogbil br2la bR2la art (skill, or ability) of (the) trumpet [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MLKh] [ɔmlɪkʰ] omlikh b6aleV b6alt

b%@l9 b%@l9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) turn (angle, bend) (corner) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BB] [ɔbɪb] obib b2l2 b2l2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) swing [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShRD] [ʌʃrɪd] oshrid
art (skill, or ability) of (the) twentieth (an equal twentieth part of a whole) (twenty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / bsl6 bsl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) swoon (droop / unconsciousness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRD] [ɔdrɪd] odrid b9@l9 b9@l9 [ɔlʰɪm] olhim
bwrl@ bDRl@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) twine (twist) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SFR] [ʌsfɪr] osfir b.3l@ b.3l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) sword (blade / slice) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZGR] [ʌzɡɪr] ozgir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) twirl (whirl) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhBN] [ɔkʰbɪn] okhbin beV2l, bt2l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) symbol (badge) (pin / mark (brand)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KRSh] [ɔkrɪʃ] okrish be@l% be@l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tyrant (oppression) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BGR] [ɔbɡɪr] obgir b2rl@ b2Rl@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) syrup [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HLN] [ʌhlɪn] ohlin bfal, bfal, b6.le b6.le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ugliness [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MSK] [ɔmsɪk] omsik
art (skill, or ability) of (the) table [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RBN] [ɔrbɪn] orbin b@2l, b@2l, b,8l8 b,8l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) ultimatum [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NTT] [ɔntɪt] ontit
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tankard (pint) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HM] [ʌhɪm] ohim bfl6 bfl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) understanding (intelligence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShBT] [ʌʃbɪt] oshbit b%2l8 b%2l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) task [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZTK] [ʌztɪk] oztik bw8le bD8le
b.6le b.6le art (skill, or ability) of (the) union (ally) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhDSh] [ɔkʰdɪʃ] okhdish beV9l% bt9l%
art (skill, or ability) of (the) taste (flavour) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SMK] [ʌsmɪk] osmik
art (skill, or ability) of (the) teaching [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GShR] [ɔɡʃɪr] ogshir br%l@ bR%l@ art (skill, or ability) of (the) unnecessary ornamentation [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRZ] [ʌzrɪz] ozriz bw@lw bD@lD
art (skill, or ability) of (the) temptation (bait / trap) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NSKh] [ɔnsɪkʰ] onsikh b,.leV b,.lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) unprocessed mineral or ore (crudeness) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GRGh] [ɔɡrɪgʰ] ogrigh br@ly bR@lT
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tenth (an equal tenth part of a whole) (ten) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] b..leV
[ʌs.sɪkʰ] ossikh
[SSKh] art (skill, or ability) of (the) usage (use) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SLB] [ʌslɪb] oslib b.al2 b.al2
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tepidity (indifference) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [LYM] [ɔljɪm] olyim ba;l6 ba;l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) usurpation (confiscated item / annex) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RNN] [ɔrnɪn] ornin b@,l, b@,l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) terribleness (gruel) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HRTh] [ʌhrɪtʰ] ohrith bf@l0 bf@l0

art (skill, or ability) of (the) test (investigation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRF] [ʌfrɪf] ofrif b3@l3 b3@l3 art (skill, or ability) of (the) valley (Oroc.) (bowl) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DBN] [ɔdbɪn] odbin b92l, b92l,

art (skill, or ability) of (the) thanks (gratitude) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhMN] [ɔkʰmɪn] okhmin beV6l, bt6l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) value (worth (merit) / validity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GLD] [ɔɡlɪd] oglid bral9 bRal9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) thickness (fuller) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FNT] [ʌfnɪt] ofnit b3,l8 b3,l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) third (an equal third part of a whole) (three) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] art (skill, or ability) of (the) variety (diversity / assortment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MNG] [ɔmnɪɡ] omnig b6,lr b6,lR
[ɔɡɪm] ogim brl6 bRl6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) vaunt (insult) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MThG] [ɔmtʰɪɡ] omthig b60lr b60lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) thirst [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRS] [ɔdrɪs] odris b9@l. b9@l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) thirtieth (an equal thirtieth part of a whole) (thirty) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / art (skill, or ability) of (the) vein (lode) (deposit / ore (one chunk)) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KK] [ɔkɪk] okik bele bele
[ɔtrɪm] otrim b8@l6 b8@l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) vermin (one animal) (pest / brat) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRG] [ɔbrɪɡ] obrig b2@lr b2@lR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) thought (heed / assumption) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [RNK] [ɔrnɪk] ornik b@,le b@,le

art (skill, or ability) of (the) thousandth (an equal thousandth part of a whole) (thousand) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) art (skill, or ability) of (the) view (composition / design) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BKhN] [ɔbkʰɪn] obkhin b2eVl, b2tl,
[ɔlbɪkʰ] olbikh ba2leV ba2lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) vigil (vigilance) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRT] [ɔtrɪt] otrit b8@l8 b8@l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) throb (pulse) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FLS] [ʌflɪs] oflis b3al. b3al.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) violence [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NRKh] [ɔnrɪkʰ] onrikh b,@leV b,@lt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) time (clock / term (time)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [DRN] [ɔdrɪn] odrin b9@l, b9@l,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) voracity (gluttony) (maw) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRS] [ʌfrɪs] ofris b3@l. b3@l.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tin [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZML] [ʌzmɪl] ozmil bw6la bD6la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) vote (bell) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KThM] [ɔktʰɪm] okthim be0l6 be0l6
art (skill, or ability) of (the) toe (extremity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔNJ] [ɔʔnɪd͡ʒ] o'nij bg,lR bg,l$
art (skill, or ability) of (the) vow (promise) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GNT] [ɔɡnɪt] ognit br,l8 bR,l8
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tongue (speech (by speaker before audience)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] barl2 baRl2
[ɔlɡɪb] olgib art (skill, or ability) of (the) vulgarity [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhGL] [ɔkʰɡɪl] okhgil beVrla btRla
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tooth (bite / snarl) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [HKhD] [ʌhkʰɪd] ohkhid bfeVl9 bftl9 art (skill, or ability) of (the) wall (fence) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhDR] [ɔkʰdɪr] okhdir beV9l@ bt9l@
art (skill, or ability) of (the) torture (torture instrument / harm (hurt, suffering)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / art (skill, or ability) of (the) war (hostility / battle) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔZGh] [ɔʔzɪgʰ] o'zigh bgwly bgDlT
[ɔkʰrɪkʰ] okhrikh beV@leV bt@lt
SINGULAR ] [KhRKh] art (skill, or ability) of (the) wash (washbasin / bath) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BSK] [ɔbsɪk] obsik b2.le b2.le
art (skill, or ability) of (the) touch (feeling) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhF] [ɔkʰɪf] okhif beVl3 btl3
art (skill, or ability) of (the) waste (piece of rubbish (tailing) / spill) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FBL] [ʌfbɪl] ofbil b32la b32la
art (skill, or ability) of (the) trade (lure / caravan) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [SJR] [ʌsd͡ʒɪr] osjir b.Rl@ b.$l@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) training (practice / drill) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ThFN] [ɔtʰfɪn] othfin b03l, b03l, art (skill, or ability) of (the) watch [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TRD] [ɔtrɪd] otrid b8@l9 b8@l9
art (skill, or ability) of (the) tranquility (chill / cooling tool (water container for blacksmithing)) [Construction of Capability art (skill, or ability) of (the) water (draft (drink) / cup) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ShLK] [ʌʃlɪk] oshlik b%ale b%ale
[ɔmɡɪl] omgil b6rla b6Rla

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The Dwarrow Scholar 53 The Dwarrow Scholar 54
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

art (skill, or ability) of (the) weight (pressure) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FRKh] [ʌfrɪkʰ] ofrikh b3@leV b3@lt articles of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HLT] [hɑl.lʊt] hallut fcaaS8 fcaaS8

art (skill, or ability) of (the) whisper [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [FSK] [ʌfsɪk] ofsik b3.le b3.le artisan [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TLKh] [tɑlɑkʰ] talakh 8caceV 8cact

art (skill, or ability) of (the) whistle (tune) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TMM] [ɔtmɪm] otmim b86l6 b86l6 artisan of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TLKh] [tɑlɑkʰʊ] talakhu 8caceVS 8cactS

artisanless / without artisan [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TLKh] [bɪntɑlɑkʰ] bintalakh 2l,8caceV 2l,8cact
art (skill, or ability) of (the) whittled shape (whittling knife / trimming) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TLG] [ɔtlɪɡ] otlig b8alr b8alR
artisan-like / from (the) artisans [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TLKh] [tɑlkʰʊl] talkhul 8caeVSa 8catSa
art (skill, or ability) of (the) whole piece (one) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [Zʔ] [ʌzɪʔ] ozi' bwlg bDlg
artisans [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TLKh] [tɑl.lɑkʰ] tallakh 8caaceV 8caact
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wild (ferocity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GMZ] [ɔɡmɪz] ogmiz br6lw bR6lD
artisans of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TLKh] [tɑl.lʊkʰ] tallukh 8caaSeV 8caaSt
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wilt (sag) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TN] [ɔtɪn] otin b8l, b8l,
artless / without art [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBG] [bɪnɑnbɑ:ɡ] binanbâg 2l,c,2vr 2l,c,2vR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) win (triumph (victory) / prize) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZKF] [ʌzkɪf] ozkif bwel3 bDel3 art-like / from (the) arts [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBG] [ɑnbɑ:ɡʊl] anbâgul c,2vrSa c,2vRSa

b2rl9 b2Rl9 arts [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBG] [ɑnɑbɑ:ɡ] anabâg c,c2vr c,c2vR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wind (flutter) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BGD] [ɔbɡɪd] obgid
b6@l, b6@l, arts of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBG] [ɑnɑbʊɡ] anabug c,c2Sr c,c2SR
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wine (cup of) (berry) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MRN] [ɔmrɪn] omrin
b,al8 b,al8 arts of all arts* (*brushes, paintings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NBG] [nɛbɡe:l] nebgêl ,z2rxa ,z2Rxa
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wink (blink) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [NLT] [ɔnlɪt] onlit
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wisdom [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BHR] [ɔbhɪr] obhir b2fl@ b2fl@ arts* that are young/new/fresh (*brushes, paintings) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NBG] [nɑbɡi:tʰ] nabgîth ,c2r"0 ,c2R"0

art (skill, or ability) of (the) wish (longing (desire) / claim) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRL] [ʌzrɪl] ozril bw@la bD@la as [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ɪns] ins l,. l,.

b88l@ b88l@ as a result [Compound Adverb] [ɪnsʌskɑ:rʊ] insaskâru l,.c.ev@S l,.c.ev@S

art (skill, or ability) of (the) wobble (variation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [TTR] [ɔt.tɪr] ottir
be,l9 be,l9 as if [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ɪnsʊne:] insunê l,.S,x l,.S,x
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wolf (warg (EredM.)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KND] [ɔknɪd] oknid
b69l@ b69l@ as long as [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ɪnsɪɡɪn] insigin l,.lrl, l,.lRl,
art (skill, or ability) of (the) womb (mercy / pity) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MDR] [ɔmdɪr] omdir
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wood (one plank) (lumber (one amount) / furniture (one piece)) [Construction of Capability as though [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ɪndɑ] inda ldc ldc
[ɔblɪt] oblit b2al8 b2al8
(oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BLT] ash [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRS] [hɑrs] hars fc@. fc@.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) workshop (worktool / effort (toil, labour)) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [MZR] [ɔmzɪr] omzir b6wl@ b6Dl@ Ash Mountains (Ered Lithui) [Plural Compound Noun] [hɑrsʔɑb.bɑd] Hars'abbad fc@.gc22c9 fc@.gc22c9

ash of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRS] [hɑrsʊ] harsu fc@.S fc@.S
art (skill, or ability) of (the) worm (slide) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ʔRM] [ɔʔrɪm] o'rim bg@l6 bg@l6
ash tree [Singular Compound Noun] [hʊləwzɑrs] hulwzars fSaFwc@. fSaFDc@.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) worry (trouble) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhShM] [ɔkʰʃɪm] okhshim beV%l6 bt%l6
ash trees [Plural Compound Noun] [hʊləwzɑrɑ:s] hulwzarâs fSaFwc@v. fSaFDc@v.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) wound (pain / torment) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [BRSh] [ɔbrɪʃ] obrish b2@l% b2@l%
ashes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRS] [hɑrɑ:s] harâs fc@v. fc@v.
art (skill, or ability) of (the) writing (manuscript) (marriage contract) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [ZRB] [ʌzrɪb] ozrib bw@l2 bD@l2
ashes of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRS] [hɑrʊs] harus fc@S. fc@S.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) yawn (pandiculation) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [GSB] [ɔɡsɪb] ogsib br.l2 bR.l2 ashless / without ash [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRS] [bɪnhɑrs] binhars 2l,fc@. 2l,fc@.

art (skill, or ability) of (the) year (lunar) [Construction of Capability (oCCiC) / SINGULAR ] [YRS] [ɔjrɪs] oyris b;@l. b;@l. ash-like / from (the) ashes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRS] [hɑrsʊl] harsul fc@.Sa fc@.Sa

art (skill, or ability) of (the) yonder place [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [YM] [ɔjɪm] oyim b;l6 b;l6 ask [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ZR] [ʌzʊr] azur cwS@ cDS@

art (skill, or ability) of (the) youth (youngster) [Construction of Capability (oCiC) / SINGULAR ] [KhM] [ɔkʰɪm] okhim beVl6 btl6 ask with each other / ask together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [nɑɪzri:] naizrî ,clw@" ,clD@"

art [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBG] [ɑnbɑ:ɡ] anbâg c,2vr c,2vR ask! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [ɪzri:] izrî lw@" lD@"

art of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBG] [ɑnbɑ:ɡʊ] anbâgu c,2vrS c,2vRS ask! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [ɪzrɪ] izri lw@l lD@l

art of all arts* (*brushes, paintings) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛl] nebgel ,z2rza ,z2Rza asker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZR] [ʌzɑr] azar cwc@ cDc@

art* that is young/new/fresh (*brush, painting) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NBG] [nɑbɡɪtʰ] nabgith ,c2rl0 ,c2Rl0 asker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZR] [ʊzɑr] uzar Swc@ SDc@

art*-ladies (*brush, painting) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NBG] [nɑbɡɑ:nɑ] nabgâna ,c2rv,c ,c2Rv,c asker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZR] [ʌzɑrʊ] azaru cwc@S cDc@S

art*-lady (*brush, painting) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NBG] [nɑbɡu:nɑ] nabgûna ,c2rD,c ,c2RG,c asker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZR] [ʊzɑrʊ] uzaru Swc@S SDc@S

art*-man (*brush, painting) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NBG] ❷ - artist [nɑbɡu:n] nabgûn ,c2rD, ,c2RG, asker-like / from askers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZR] [ʌzrʊl] azrul cw@Sa cD@Sa

art*-men (*brush, painting) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NBG] ❷ - artists [nɑbɡɑ:n] nabgân ,c2rv, ,c2Rv, asker-like / from askers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZR] [ʊzrʊl] uzrul Sw@Sa SD@Sa

art-*place (*brush, painting) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NBG] ❷ - gallery [nɪbɡi:n] nibgîn ,l2r", ,l2R", askers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZR] [ɑzɑ:r] azâr cwv@ cDv@

arteries [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NFKh] [nɑfɑ:kʰ] nafâkh ,c3veV ,c3vt askers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZR] [ʊzɑ:r] uzâr Swv@ SDv@

arteries of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NFKh] [nɑfʊkʰ] nafukh ,c3SeV ,c3St askers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZR] [ɑzʊr] azur cwS@ cDS@

artery [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰ] nafkh ,c3eV ,c3t askers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZR] [ʊzʊr] uzur SwS@ SDS@

artery of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰʊ] nafkhu ,c3eVS ,c3tS asking (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [ZR] [ɪzr] izr lw@ lD@

arteryless / without artery [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NFKh] [bɪn.nʌfkʰ] binnafkh 2luc3eV 2luc3t assail [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GRB] [bɪrɑ:ɡrʊb] birâgrub 2l@vr@S2 2l@vR@S2

artery-like / from (the) arteries [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NFKh] [nʌfkʰʊl] nafkhul ,c3eVSa ,c3tSa assail! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [bɪrɑɪɡrɪbi:] biraigribî 2l@clr@l2" 2l@clR@l2"

article [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HLT] [hɑlɑt] halat fcac8 fcac8 assail! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [bɪrɑɪɡrɪb] biraigrib 2l@clr@l2 2l@clR@l2

article of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HLT] [hɑlɑtʊ] halatu fcac8S fcac8S assailable / assailment-like / from (the) assailments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑ:bʊl] agrâbul cr@v2Sa cR@v2Sa

articleless / without article [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HLT] [bɪnhɑlɑt] binhalat 2l,fcac8 2l,fcac8 assailing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [GRB] [bɪrɑɪɡre:b] biraigrêb 2l@clr@x2 2l@clR@x2

article-like / from (the) articles [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HLT] [hɑltʊl] haltul fca8Sa fca8Sa assailment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑ:b] agrâb cr@v2 cR@v2

articles [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HLT] [hɑl.lɑt] hallat fcaac8 fcaac8 assailment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑ:bʊ] agrâbu cr@v2S cR@v2S

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

assigner-like / from assigners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RDN] [ʊrdɑnʊl] urdanul S@9c,Sa S@9c,Sa
assailment of all assailments* (*attacks, invasions) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [GRB] [ɡʊrbɛl] gurbel rS@2za RS@2za
assigners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RDN] [ɑrɑ:dɑn] arâdan c@v9c, c@v9c,
assailment* that is young/new/fresh (*attack, invasion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbɪtʰ] garbith rc@2l0 Rc@2l0 assigners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RDN] [ʊrdɑ:n] urdân S@9v, S@9v,

rc@2v,c Rc@2v,c assigners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RDN] [ɑrɑ:dʊn] arâdun c@v9S, c@v9S,
assailment*-ladies (*attack, invasion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbɑ:nɑ] garbâna
rc@2D,c Rc@2G,c assigners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RDN] [ʊrdʊn] urdun S@9S, S@9S,
assailment*-lady (*attack, invasion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbu:nɑ] garbûna
rc@2D, Rc@2G, assigning (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [RDN] [ɪrde:n] irdên l@9x, l@9x,
assailment*-man (*attack, invasion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbu:n] garbûn
rc@2v, Rc@2v, assignment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RDN] [ɑrdɑ:n] ardân c@9v, c@9v,
assailment*-men (*attack, invasion) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbɑ:n] garbân
rl@2", Rl@2", assignment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RDN] [ɑrdɑ:nʊ] ardânu c@9v,S c@9v,S
assailment-*place (*attack, invasion) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GRB] [ɡɪrbi:n] girbîn
2l,cr@v2 2l,cR@v2 assignmentless / without assignment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RDN] [bɪnɑrdɑ:n] binardân 2l,c@9v, 2l,c@9v,
assailmentless / without assailment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRB] [bɪnɑɡrɑ:b] binagrâb
crc@v2 cRc@v2 assignment-like / from (the) assignments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RDN] [ɑrdɑ:nʊl] ardânul c@9v,Sa c@9v,Sa
assailments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ɑɡɑrɑ:b] agarâb
crc@S2 cRc@S2 assignments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RDN] [ɑrɑdɑ:n] aradân c@c9v, c@c9v,
assailments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRB] [ɑɡɑrʊb] agarub
assignments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RDN] [ɑrɑdʊn] aradun c@c9S, c@c9S,
assailments of all assailments* (*attacks, invasions) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [GRB] [ɡʊrbe:l] gurbêl rS@2xa RS@2xa
associate (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NDD] [ɑndɑd] andad cdc9 cdc9

assailments* that are young/new/fresh (*attacks, invasions) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbi:tʰ] garbîth rc@2"0 Rc@2"0 associate (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NDD] [ʊndɑd] undad Sdc9 Sdc9

associate [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NDD] [ɑndʊd] andud cdS9 cdS9
assault [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BKhʔ] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:bkʰʊʔ] jalâbkhu' Rcav2eVSg $cav2tSg
associate of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NDD] [ɑndɑdʊ] andadu cdc9S cdc9S
assault [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊ] bukh'u 2SeVgS 2StgS
associate of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NDD] [ʊndɑdʊ] undadu Sdc9S Sdc9S
assault ladder [Singular Compound Noun] [bʊkʰʔʊsɛtɛf] bukh'usetef 2SeVgS.z8z3 2StgS.z8z3

assault ladders [Plural Compound Noun] [bʊkʰʔʊsɛte:f] bukh'usetêf 2SeVgS.z8x3 2StgS.z8x3 associate with each other / associate together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [nɑɪndɪdɪ] naindidi ,cldl9l ,cldl9l

assault of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔu:] bukh'û 2SeVgD 2StgG ldl9" ldl9"
associate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [ɪndɪdi:] indidî
assault! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKhʔ] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbkʰi:] jalaibkhî Rcacl2eV" $cacl2t" ldl9 ldl9
associate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [ɪndɪd] indid
assault! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKhʔ] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbkʰɪʔ] jalaibkhi' Rcacl2eVlg $cacl2tlg cdc9Sa cdc9Sa
associate-like / from associates (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NDD] [ɑndɑdʊl] andadul
assaulting (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BKhʔ] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbkʰe:ʔ] jalaibkhê' Rcacl2eVxg $cacl2txg Sdc9Sa Sdc9Sa
associate-like / from associates (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NDD] [ʊndɑdʊl] undadul
assaultless / without assault [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKhʔ] [bɪnbʊkʰʔʊ] binbukh'u 2l,2SeVgS 2l,2StgS c,v9c9 c,v9c9
associates (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NDD] [ɑnɑ:dɑd] anâdad
assault-like / from (the) assaults [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊl] bukh'ul 2SeVgSa 2StgSa Sdv9 Sdv9
associates (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NDD] [ʊndɑ:d] undâd
assaults [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰu:ʔ] bukhû' 2SeVDg 2StGg c,v9S9 c,v9S9
associates of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NDD] [ɑnɑ:dʊd] anâdud
assaults of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʊ] bukhu 2SeVS 2StS SdS9 SdS9
associates of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NDD] [ʊndʊd] undud
asset [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhLM] [ɑkʰlɑ:m] akhlâm ceVav6 ctav6 ldx9 ldx9
associating (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NDD] [ɪnde:d] indêd
asset of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhLM] [ɑkʰlɑ:mʊ] akhlâmu ceVav6S ctav6S 6c,cr 6c,cR
assortment [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MNG] [mɑnɑɡ] manag
asset of all assets [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɛl] khalmel eVca6za tca6za 6c,crS 6c,cRS
assortment of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MNG] [mɑnɑɡʊ] managu
asset that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɪtʰ] khalmith eVca6l0 tca6l0 2l,6c,cr 2l,6c,cR
assortmentless / without assortment [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MNG] [bɪnmɑnɑɡ] binmanag
asset-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑ:nɑ] khalmâna eVca6v,c tca6v,c 6cjSa 6cjSa
assortment-like / from (the) assortments [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MNG] [mɑngʊl] mangul
asset-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmu:nɑ] khalmûna eVca6D,c tca6G,c 6cucr 6cucR
assortments [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MNG] [mɑn.nɑɡ] mannag
assetless / without asset [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLM] [bɪnɑkʰlɑ:m] binakhlâm 2l,ceVav6 2l,ctav6 6cuSr 6cuSR
assortments of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MNG] [mɑn.nʊɡ] mannug
asset-like / from (the) assets [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLM] [ɑkʰlɑ:mʊl] akhlâmul ceVav6Sa ctav6Sa @c,ce @c,ce
assumption [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RNK] [rɑnɑk] ranak
asset-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmu:n] khalmûn eVca6D, tca6G, @c,ceS @c,ceS
assumption of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RNK] [rɑnɑkʊ] ranaku
asset-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑ:n] khalmân eVca6v, tca6v, 2l,@c,ce 2l,@c,ce
assumptionless / without assumption [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNK] [bɪnrɑnɑk] binranak
asset-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhLM] [kʰɪlmi:n] khilmîn eVla6", tla6", @c,eSa @c,eSa
assumption-like / from (the) assumptions [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RNK] [rɑnkʊl] rankul
assets [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhLM] [ɑkʰɑlɑ:m] akhalâm ceVcav6 ctcav6 @cuce @cuce
assumptions [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RNK] [rɑn.nɑk] rannak
assets of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhLM] [ɑkʰɑlʊm] akhalum ceVcaS6 ctcaS6 @cuSe @cuSe
assumptions of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RNK] [rɑn.nʊk] rannuk
assets of all assets [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlme:l] khalmêl eVca6xa tca6xa l2.S.Sa l2.S.Sa
assuredly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [BSS] [ɪbsʊsʊl] ibsusul
assets that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmi:tʰ] khalmîth eVca6"0 tca6"0
assuredly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [BSS] [bɪs.sɑl] bissal
assign [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [RDN] [ɑrdʊn] ardun c@9S, c@9S, cgeS%@Se cgeS%@Se
astonish [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ʔKSh] [ɑʔkʊʃrʊk] a'kushruk
assign with each other / assign together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [nɑɪrdɪnɪ] nairdini ,cl@9l,l ,cl@9l,l lgel%@Se" lgel%@Se"
astonish! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKSh] [ɪʔkɪʃrʊki:] i'kishrukî
assign! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [ɪrdɪni:] irdinî l@9l," l@9l," lgel%@Se lgel%@Se
astonish! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKSh] [ɪʔkɪʃrʊk] i'kishruk
assign! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [ɪrdɪn] irdin l@9l, l@9l, lgex%@Se lgex%@Se
astonishing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ʔKSh] [ɪʔke:ʃrʊk] i'kêshruk
assigner (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RDN] [ɑrdɑn] ardan c@9c, c@9c, cgev% cgev%
astonishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔKSh] [ɑʔkɑ:ʃ] a'kâsh
assigner (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RDN] [ʊrdɑn] urdan S@9c, S@9c, cgev%S cgev%S
astonishment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔKSh] [ɑʔkɑ:ʃʊ] a'kâshu
assigner of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RDN] [ɑrdɑnʊ] ardanu c@9c,S c@9c,S 2l,cgev% 2l,cgev%
astonishmentless / without astonishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔKSh] [bɪnɑʔkɑ:ʃ] bina'kâsh
assigner of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RDN] [ʊrdɑnʊ] urdanu S@9c,S S@9c,S cgev%Sa cgev%Sa
astonishment-like / from (the) astonishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔKSh] [ɑʔkɑ:ʃʊl] a'kâshul
assigner-like / from assigners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RDN] [ɑrdɑnʊl] ardanul c@9c,Sa c@9c,Sa

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The Dwarrow Scholar 57 The Dwarrow Scholar 58
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astound [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BRJ] [ɑbrʊd͡ʒ] abruj c2@SR c2@S$ attacker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRB] [ʊɡrɑbʊ] ugrabu Sr@c2S SR@c2S

astound with each other / astound together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [nɑɪbrɪd͡ʒɪ] naibriji ,cl2@lRl ,cl2@l$l attacker-like / from attackers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑbʊl] agrabul cr@c2Sa cR@c2Sa

astound! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [ɪbrɪd͡ʒi:] ibrijî l2@lR" l2@l$" attacker-like / from attackers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRB] [ʊɡrɑbʊl] ugrabul Sr@c2Sa SR@c2Sa

astound! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [ɪbrɪd͡ʒ] ibrij l2@lR l2@l$ attackers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ɑɡɑ:rɑb] agârab crv@c2 cRv@c2

astounder (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRJ] [ɑbrʌd͡ʒ] abraj c2@cR c2@c$ attackers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ʊɡrɑ:b] ugrâb Sr@v2 SR@v2

astounder (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRJ] [ʊbrʌd͡ʒ] ubraj S2@cR S2@c$ attackers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRB] [ɑɡɑ:rʊb] agârub crv@S2 cRv@S2

astounder of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRJ] [ɑbrʌd͡ʒʊ] abraju c2@cRS c2@c$S attackers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRB] [ʊɡrʊb] ugrub Sr@S2 SR@S2

astounder of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRJ] [ʊbrʌd͡ʒʊ] ubraju S2@cRS S2@c$S attacking (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GRB] [ɪɡre:b] igrêb lr@x2 lR@x2

astounder-like / from astounders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRJ] [ɑbrʌd͡ʒʊl] abrajul c2@cRSa c2@c$Sa attackless / without attack [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRB] [bɪngɑrb] bingarb 2ljc@2 2ljc@2

astounder-like / from astounders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRJ] [ʊbrʌd͡ʒʊl] ubrajul S2@cRSa S2@c$Sa attack-like / from (the) attacks [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbʊl] garbul rc@2Sa Rc@2Sa

astounders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRJ] [ɑbɑ:rɑd͡ʒ] abâraj c2v@cR c2v@c$ attacks [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ɡɑrɑ:b] garâb rc@v2 Rc@v2

astounders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRJ] [ʊbrɑ:d͡ʒ] ubrâj S2@vR S2@v$ attacks of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRB] [ɡɑrʊb] garub rc@S2 Rc@S2

astounders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRJ] [ɑbɑ:rʊd͡ʒ] abâruj c2v@SR c2v@S$ attempt [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰlɑ:k] akhlâk ceVave ctave

astounders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRJ] [ʊbrʊd͡ʒ] ubruj S2@SR S2@S$ attempt of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰlɑ:kʊ] akhlâku ceVaveS ctaveS

astounding (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BRJ] [ɪbre:d͡ʒ] ibrêj l2@xR l2@x$
attempt of all attempts* (*difficulties, plights) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlkɛl] khalkel eVcaeza tcaeza
at (with) [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [zɑɪ] zai wcl Dcl

at last (finally) [Singular Compound Noun] [nʊtʊtɑnɑt] nututanat ,S8S8c,c8 ,S8S8c,c8 attempt* that is young/new/fresh (*difficulty, plight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlkɪtʰ] khalkith eVcael0 tcael0

Athelas (more than one plant) [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪbsɛtmɑd͡ʒɑ:d] ibsetmajâd l2.z86cRv9 l2.z86c$v9 eVcaev,c tcaev,c
attempt*-ladies (*difficulty, plight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlkɑ:nɑ] khalkâna
Athelas (one plant) [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪbse:tmʌd͡ʒd] ibsêtmajd l2.x86cR9 l2.x86c$9 eVcaeD,c tcaeG,c
attempt*-lady (*difficulty, plight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlku:nɑ] khalkûna
attach (connect) with each other / attach (connect) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cle@l.l ,cle@l.l attempt*-man (*difficulty, plight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlku:n] khalkûn eVcaeD, tcaeG,
[nɑɪkrɪsɪ] naikrisi
attempt*-men (*difficulty, plight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlkɑ:n] khalkân eVcaev, tcaev,
attach (connect)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRS] [ɪkrɪsi:] ikrisî le@l." le@l."
attempt-*place (*difficulty, plight) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhLK] [kʰɪlki:n] khilkîn eVlae", tlae",
attach (connect)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRS] [ɪkrɪs] ikris le@l. le@l.
attempter (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰlɑk] akhlak ceVace ctace
attach (to connect) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KRS] [ɑkrʊs] akrus ce@S. ce@S.
attempter (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhLK] [ʊkʰlɑk] ukhlak SeVace Stace

attacher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRS] [ɑkrʌs] akras ce@c. ce@c. attempter of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰlɑkʊ] akhlaku ceVaceS ctaceS

attacher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRS] [ʊkrʌs] ukras Se@c. Se@c. attempter of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhLK] [ʊkʰlɑkʊ] ukhlaku SeVaceS StaceS

attacher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRS] [ɑkrʌsʊ] akrasu ce@c.S ce@c.S attempter-like / from attempters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰlɑkʊl] akhlakul ceVaceSa ctaceSa

attacher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRS] [ʊkrʌsʊ] ukrasu Se@c.S Se@c.S attempter-like / from attempters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLK] [ʊkʰlɑkʊl] ukhlakul SeVaceSa StaceSa

attacher-like / from attachers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRS] [ɑkrʌsʊl] akrasul ce@c.Sa ce@c.Sa attempters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰɑ:lɑk] akhâlak ceVvace ctvace

attacher-like / from attachers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRS] [ʊkrʌsʊl] ukrasul Se@c.Sa Se@c.Sa attempters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhLK] [ʊkʰlɑ:k] ukhlâk SeVave Stave

attachers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRS] [ɑkɑ:rɑs] akâras cev@c. cev@c. attempters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰɑ:lʊk] akhâluk ceVvaSe ctvaSe

attachers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRS] [ʊkrɑ:s] ukrâs Se@v. Se@v. attempters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhLK] [ʊkʰlʊk] ukhluk SeVaSe StaSe

attachers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRS] [ɑkɑ:rʊs] akârus cev@S. cev@S. attempting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KhLK] [ɪkʰle:k] ikhlêk leVaxe ltaxe

attachers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRS] [ʊkrʊs] ukrus Se@S. Se@S. attemptless / without attempt [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLK] [bɪnɑkʰlɑ:k] binakhlâk 2l,ceVave 2l,ctave

attaching (connecting) (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KRS] [ɪkre:s] ikrês le@x. le@x. attempt-like / from (the) attempts [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰlɑ:kʊl] akhlâkul ceVaveSa ctaveSa

attachment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRS] [ɑkrɑ:s] akrâs ce@v. ce@v. attempts [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰɑlɑ:k] akhalâk ceVcave ctcave

attachment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRS] [ɑkrɑ:sʊ] akrâsu ce@v.S ce@v.S attempts of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhLK] [ɑkʰɑlʊk] akhaluk ceVcaSe ctcaSe

attachmentless / without attachment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRS] [bɪnɑkrɑ:s] binakrâs 2l,ce@v. 2l,ce@v.
attempts of all attempts* (*difficulties, plights) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlke:l] khalkêl eVcaexa tcaexa
attachment-like / from (the) attachments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRS] [ɑkrɑ:sʊl] akrâsul ce@v.Sa ce@v.Sa

attachments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRS] [ɑkɑrɑ:s] akarâs cec@v. cec@v. attempts* that are young/new/fresh (*difficulties, plights) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhLK] [kʰɑlki:tʰ] khalkîth eVcae"0 tcae"0

attachments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRS] [ɑkɑrʊs] akarus cec@S. cec@S. c,SeVc2 c,Stc2
attend [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NKh] [ɑnʊkʰɑb] anukhab
attack [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GRB] [ɑɡrʊb] agrub cr@S2 cR@S2 l,eVc2" l,tc2"
attend! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKh] [ɪnkʰɑbi:] inkhabî
attack [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ɡɑrb] garb rc@2 Rc@2 l,eVc2 l,tc2
attend! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKh] [ɪnkʰɑb] inkhab
attack of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRB] [ɡɑrbʊ] garbu rc@2S Rc@2S l,eVc2 l,tc2
attending (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [NKh] [ɪnkʰɑb] inkhab
attack with each other / attack together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [nɑɪɡrɪbɪ] naigribi ,clr@l2l ,clR@l2l cf2v@ cf2v@
attention [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HBR] [ʌhbɑ:r] ahbâr
attack! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [ɪɡrɪbi:] igribî lr@l2" lR@l2" cf2v@S cf2v@S
attention of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HBR] [ʌhbɑ:rʊ] ahbâru
attack! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [ɪɡrɪb] igrib lr@l2 lR@l2 2l,cf2v@ 2l,cf2v@
attentionless / without attention [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HBR] [bɪnʌhbɑ:r] binahbâr
attacker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑb] agrab cr@c2 cR@c2 cf2v@Sa cf2v@Sa
attention-like / from (the) attentions [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HBR] [ʌhbɑ:rʊl] ahbârul
attacker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRB] [ʊɡrɑb] ugrab Sr@c2 SR@c2 cfc2v@ cfc2v@
attentions [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HBR] [ɑhɑbɑ:r] ahabâr
attacker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑbʊ] agrabu cr@c2S cR@c2S cfc2S@ cfc2S@
attentions of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HBR] [ɑhɑbʊr] ahabur

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The Dwarrow Scholar 59 The Dwarrow Scholar 60

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auction [Singular Compound Noun] [mɑmɑnrʊlɡʊnrʊ] mamanrulgunru 6c6c,@SarS,@S 6c6c,@SaRS,@S awakenings [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKN] [ɑbɑkɑ:n] abakân c2cev, c2cev,

auctioneer [Singular Compound Noun] [mɑmɑnrʊlʊzrɑk] mamanruluzrak 6c6c,@SaSw@ce 6c6c,@SaSD@ce awakenings of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKN] [ɑbɑkʊn] abakun c2ceS, c2ceS,

auctioneers [Plural Compound Noun] [mɑmɑnrʊlʊzrɑ:k] mamanruluzrâk 6c6c,@SaSw@ve 6c6c,@SaSD@ve award a medal [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NRB] [ɑnrʊbɑb] anrubab c,@S2c2 c,@S2c2

auctions [Plural Compound Noun] [mɑmɑnrʊlɡʊnu:r] mamanrulgunûr 6c6c,@SarS,D@ 6c6c,@SaRS,G@ award a medal! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [ɪnrɪbɑbi:] inribabî l,@l2c2" l,@l2c2"

auger [Singular Compound Noun] [zɪrɪkmɛzɑr] zirikmezar wl@le6zwc@ Dl@le6zDc@ award a medal! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [ɪnrɪbɑb] inribab l,@l2c2 l,@l2c2

augers [Plural Compound Noun] [zɪrɪkmɛzɑ:r] zirikmezâr wl@le6zwv@ Dl@le6zDv@ awarding a medal (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [NRB] [ɪnre:bɑb] inrêbab l,@x2c2 l,@x2c2

auguries [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NThN] [nʊtʰu:n] nuthûn ,S0D, ,S0G, awareness [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [WDR] [ɑ:dɑ:r] âdâr v9v@ v9v@

auguries of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NThN] [nʊtʰu:nʊ] nuthûnu ,S0D,S ,S0G,S awareness of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [WDR] [ɑ:dɑ:rʊ] âdâru v9v@S v9v@S

augury [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NThN] [nʊtʰnʊ] nuthnu ,S0,S ,S0,S awareness of all awareness [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [WDR] [wɑdrɛl] wadrel Fc9@za Fc9@za

augury of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NThN] [nʊtʰnu:] nuthnû ,S0,D ,S0,G awareness that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [WDR] [wɑdrɪtʰ] wadrith Fc9@l0 Fc9@l0

auguryless / without augury [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [NThN] [bɪn.nʊtʰnʊ] binnuthnu 2luS0,S 2luS0,S awareness-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [WDR] [wɑdrɑ:nɑ] wadrâna Fc9@v,c Fc9@v,c

augury-like / from (the) auguries [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NThN] [nʊtʰnʊl] nuthnul ,S0,Sa ,S0,Sa awareness-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [WDR] [wɑdru:nɑ] wadrûna Fc9@D,c Fc9@G,c

Aulë (The Great Smith, Shaper of the Dwarves, The Creator) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [mɑhɑl] Mahal 6cfca 6cfca awarenessless / without awareness [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [WDR] [bɪnɑ:dɑ:r] binâdâr 2l,v9v@ 2l,v9v@

aunt [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪrɑkʔɑmɑd] irak'amad l@cegc6c9 l@cegc6c9 awareness-like / from (the) awareness [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [WDR] [ɑ:dɑ:rʊl] âdârul v9v@Sa v9v@Sa

aunts [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪrɑkʔɑm.mɑd] irak'ammad l@cegc66c9 l@cegc66c9 awareness-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [WDR] [wɑdru:n] wadrûn Fc9@D, Fc9@G,

auroch [Singular Compound Noun] [ɡɑbɪlɪnbɑrmʊzm] gabilinbarmuzm rc2lal,2c@6Sw6 Rc2lal,2c@6SD6 awareness-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [WDR] [wɑdrɑ:n] wadrân Fc9@v, Fc9@v,

aurochs [Plural Compound Noun] [ɡɑbɪlɪnbɑrmɑzɑ:m] gabilinbarmazâm rc2lal,2c@6cwv6 Rc2lal,2c@6cDv6 awareness-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [WDR] [wɪdri:n] widrîn Fl9@", Fl9@",

authorities [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BLK] [bʊlu:k] bulûk 2SaDe 2SaGe away [Adverb of Place (niCCuCul) / Adverb ] [DLG] [nɪdlʊɡʊl] nidlugul ,l9aSrSa ,l9aSRSa

authorities of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BLK] [bʊlu:kʊ] bulûku 2SaDeS 2SaGeS awful (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑ:] harthâ fc@0v fc@0v

authority [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BLK] [bʊlkʊ] bulku 2SaeS 2SaeS awful [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰ] harth fc@0 fc@0

authority of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BLK] [bʊlku:] bulkû 2SaeD 2SaeG
awkward apologetic statement made after having embarrassed oneself or one's family [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪklɑlɑlfɑ:tɑkʰʌf] iklalalfâtakhaf leacaca3v8ceVc3 leacaca3v8ctc3
authorityless / without authority [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLK] [bɪnbʊlkʊ] binbulku 2l,2SaeS 2l,2SaeS

authority-like / from (the) authorities [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLK] [bʊlkʊl] bulkul 2SaeSa 2SaeSa awkward apologetic statements made after having embarrassed oneself or one's family [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪklɑlɑlfɑtɑkʰɑ:f] iklalalfatakhâf leacaca3c8ceVv3 leacaca3c8ctv3

autumn [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪnd͡ʒɑmɑdrɑ:n] injamadrân lKc6c9@v, lKc6c9@v, 6cwc@@ceSa6zwc@ 6cDc@@ceSa6zDc@
awl [Singular Compound Noun] [mʌzɑr.rɑkʊlmɛzɑr] mazarrakulmezar
autumns [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪnd͡ʒɑmɑdɑrɑ:n] injamadarân lKc6c9c@v, lKc6c9c@v, 6cwc@@ceSa6zwv@ 6cDc@@ceSa6zDv@
awls [Plural Compound Noun] [mɑzɑr.rɑkʊlmɛzɑ:r] mazarrakulmezâr
average [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KTN] [mʌhɑktʊn] mahaktun 6cfce8S, 6cfce8S, Awww ( expression of endearment, response to compliment or expression of appreciation) [Interjection TYPE 3 (CâC) /
[bɑ:h] bâh 2vf 2vf
average [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KTN] [ɑktɑ:n] aktân ce8v, ce8v, INTERJECTION ] [BH]
ce8v,S ce8v,S axe (with extended cutting edge) [Singular Compound Noun] [tɑrɑ:ɡbɑrk] tarâgbark 8c@vr2c@e 8c@vR2c@e
average of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KTN] [ɑktɑ:nʊ] aktânu
6cfle8l," 6cfle8l," axe [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRK] [bɑrk] bark 2c@e 2c@e
average! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KTN] [mɑhɪktɪni:] mahiktinî
6cfle8l, 6cfle8l, axe of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRK] [bɑrkʊ] barku 2c@eS 2c@eS
average! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KTN] [mʌhɪktɪn] mahiktin
2l,ce8v, 2l,ce8v, axe of all axes* (*hatchets) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BRK] [bɛrkɛl] berkel 2z@eza 2z@eza
averageless / without average [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KTN] [bɪnɑktɑ:n] binaktân
average-like / from (the) averages [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KTN] [ɑktɑ:nʊl] aktânul ce8v,Sa ce8v,Sa axe or hammer with the back side having a long fluke curved to a sharp point in the form of a falcon's beak (similar to a bec- wS,%2c@e DS,%2c@e
[zʊnʃbɑrk] zunshbark
de-faucon). [Singular Compound Noun]
averages [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KTN] [ɑkɑtɑ:n] akatân cec8v, cec8v,
axe* that is young/new/fresh (*hatchet) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BRK] [bɑrkɪtʰ] barkith 2c@el0 2c@el0
averages of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KTN] [ɑkɑtʊn] akatun cec8S, cec8S,
axe*-ladies (*hatchet) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BRK] [bɑrkɑ:nɑ] barkâna 2c@ev,c 2c@ev,c
averaging (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KTN] [mʌhɪkte:n] mahiktên 6cfle8x, 6cfle8x,
axe*-lady (*hatchet) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BRK] [bɑrku:nɑ] barkûna 2c@eD,c 2c@eG,c
avoid [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BZL] [bɪnɑbzʊl] binabzul 2l,c2wSa 2l,c2DSa
axe*-man (*hatchet) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BRK] [bɑrku:n] barkûn 2c@eD, 2c@eG,
avoid! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZL] [bɪnɪbzɪli:] binibzilî 2l,l2wla" 2l,l2Dla"
axe*-men (*hatchet) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BRK] [bɑrkɑ:n] barkân 2c@ev, 2c@ev,
avoid! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZL] [bɪnɪbzɪl] binibzil 2l,l2wla 2l,l2Dla
axe*-place (*hatchet) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BRK] [bɪrki:n] birkîn 2l@e", 2l@e",
avoiding (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BZL] [bɪnɪbze:l] binibzêl 2l,l2wxa 2l,l2Dxa
axe-hilt [Singular Compound Noun] [bɑrkɑnɑt] barkanat 2c@ec,c8 2c@ec,c8
awake [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BKN] [ɑbkʊn] abkun c2eS, c2eS,
axe-hilts [Plural Compound Noun] [bɑrkɑnɑ:t] barkanât 2c@ec,v8 2c@ec,v8
awake with each other / awake together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [nɑɪbkɪnɪ] naibkini ,cl2el,l ,cl2el,l
axeless / without axe [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRK] [bɪnbɑrk] binbark 2l,2c@e 2l,2c@e
awake! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [ɪbkɪni:] ibkinî l2el," l2el,"
axe-like / from (the) axes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRK] [bɑrkʊl] barkul 2c@eSa 2c@eSa
awake! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [ɪbkɪn] ibkin l2el, l2el,
axes (with extended cutting edge) [Plural Compound Noun] [tɑrɑɡbɑrɑ:k] taragbarâk 8c@cr2c@ve 8c@cR2c@ve
awakening [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKN] ❷ - period which ends the engagement, prior to c2ev, c2ev,
[ɑbkɑ:n] abkân axes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRK] [bɑrɑ:k] barâk 2c@ve 2c@ve
the wedding
c2ev,S c2ev,S axes of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRK] [bɑrʊk] baruk 2c@Se 2c@Se
awakening of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKN] [ɑbkɑ:nʊ] abkânu
c2evuS@8 c2evuS@8 axes of all axes* (*hatchets) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BRK] [bɛrke:l] berkêl 2z@exa 2z@exa
awakening-day (Friday - first day of the week) [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑbkɑ:n.nʊrt] abkân-nurt
awakening-days (Friday - first days of the week) [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑbkɑn.nɑrɑ:t] abkan-narât c2ecuc@v8 c2ecuc@v8 axes or hammers with the back sides having long flukes curved to sharp points in the form of falcon's beaks (similar to bec- wS,%2c@ve DS,%2c@ve
[zʊnʃbɑrɑ:k] zunshbarâk
de-faucons). [Plural Compound Noun]
awakeningless / without awakening [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKN] [bɪnɑbkɑ:n] binabkân 2l,c2ev, 2l,c2ev,
axes* that are young/new/fresh (*hatchets) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BRK] [bɑrki:tʰ] barkîth 2c@e"0 2c@e"0
awakening-like / from (the) awakenings [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKN] [ɑbkɑ:nʊl] abkânul c2ev,Sa c2ev,Sa
back (body part) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RM] [rɑɪmʊ] raimu @cl6S @cl6S

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The Dwarrow Scholar 61 The Dwarrow Scholar 62
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

back (body part) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RM] [rɑɪmu:] raimû @cl6D @cl6G bag-like / from (the) bags [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZSh] [zɛʃʊl] zeshul wz%Sa Dz%Sa
back (body part) of all backs (body parts)* (*back (direction), pommels) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR bag-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ZSh] [zʌʃu:n] zashûn wc%D, Dc%G,
[rɛmɛl] remel @z6za @z6za
ULTIMATIVE ] [RM] bag-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ZSh] [zɑʃɑ:n] zashân wc%v, Dc%v,
back (body part)* that is young/new/fresh (*back (direction), pommel) [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE @c6l0 @c6l0
[rɑmɪtʰ] ramith bagpipe [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑlfɑ:tkʰɑlblɛfɑm] alfâtkhalblefam ca3v8eVca2az3c6 ca3v8tca2az3c6
@c6v,c @c6v,c bagpipes [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑlfɑtkʰɑlblɛfɑ:m] alfatkhalblefâm ca3c8eVca2az3v6 ca3c8tca2az3v6
back (body part)*-ladies (*back (direction), pommel) [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [RM] [rɑmɑ:nɑ] ramâna
@c6D,c @c6G,c bag-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ZSh] [zɪʃi:n] zishîn wl%", Dl%",
back (body part)*-lady (*back (direction), pommel) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [RM] [rɑmu:nɑ] ramûna
@c6D, @c6G, bags [NOUN TYPE 11 (CêC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZSh] [ze:ʃ] zêsh wx% Dx%
back (body part)*-man (*back (direction), pommel) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [RM] [rɑmu:n] ramûn
@c6v, @c6v, bags of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZSh] [zʊʃ] zush wS% DS%
back (body part)*-men (*back (direction), pommel) [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [RM] [rɑmɑ:n] ramân
bags of all bags [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ZSh] [zɛʃe:l] zeshêl wz%xa Dz%xa
back (body part)-*place (*back (direction), pommel) [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [RM] [rɪmi:n] rimîn @l6", @l6",
bags that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZSh] [zɑʃi:tʰ] zashîth wc%"0 Dc%"0
back (body part)-like / from (the) backs (body parts) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RM] [rɑɪmʊl] raimul @cl6Sa @cl6Sa ;lg ;lg
bah (expression of annoyance or dismissal) [Interjection TYPE 6 (Irregular) / INTERJECTION] [irr.] [jɪʔ] yi'
back (direction) [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RM] [rʊm] rum @S6 @S6 Rcav,.SeV $cav,.St
bait [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NSKh] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:nsʊkʰ] jalânsukh
back (direction) of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RM] [rʊmʊ] rumu @S6S @S6S ,c.eV ,c.t
bait [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NSKh] [nʌskʰ] naskh
back (direction)-like / from (the) back (direction) [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RM] [rʊmʊl] rumul @S6Sa @S6Sa ,c.eVS ,c.tS
bait of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NSKh] [nʌskʰʊ] naskhu
backpack [Singular Compound Noun] [rɑɪmɛzʌʃ] raimezash @cl6zwc% @cl6zDc% Rcacl,.leV" $cacl,.lt"
bait! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NSKh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪnsɪkʰi:] jalainsikhî
backpacks [Plural Compound Noun] [rɑɪmʊze:ʃ] raimuzêsh @cl6Swx% @cl6SDx% Rcacl,.leV $cacl,.lt
bait! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NSKh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪnsɪkʰ] jalainsikh
backs (body parts) [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RM] [ɑrɑ:m] arâm c@v6 c@v6 Rcacl,.xeV $cacl,.xt
baiting (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [NSKh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪnse:kʰ] jalainsêkh
backs (body parts) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RM] [ɑrʊm] arum c@S6 c@S6 2luc.eV 2luc.t
baitless / without bait [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NSKh] [bɪn.nʌskʰ] binnaskh
backs (body parts) of all backs (body parts)* (*back (direction), pommels) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL @z6xa @z6xa bait-like / from (the) baits [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NSKh] [nʌskʰʊl] naskhul ,c.eVSa ,c.tSa
[rɛme:l] remêl
baits [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NSKh] [nɑsɑ:kʰ] nasâkh ,c.veV ,c.vt
backs (body parts) that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RM] [rɑmi:tʰ] ramîth @c6"0 @c6"0
baits of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NSKh] [nɑsʊkʰ] nasukh ,c.SeV ,c.St
bacon [Singular Compound Noun] [bɑrɑtʰɡɑltzɑɡɡɑr] barathgaltzaggar 2c@c0rca8wcrrc@ 2c@c0Rca8DcRRc@
bake [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HMD] [ʌhmʊd] ahmud cf6S9 cf6S9
bacon that has lines of fat in it [Singular Compound Noun] [dʌftzɑɡɑr] daftzagar 9c38wcrc@ 9c38DcRc@
bake with each other / bake together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [nɑɪhmɪdɪ] naihmidi ,clf6l9l ,clf6l9l
bad (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [ZZN] [zɑznɑ:] zaznâ wcw,v DcD,v
bake! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [ɪhmɪdi:] ihmidî lf6l9" lf6l9"
bad [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZZN] [zʌzɪn] zazin wcwl, DcDl,
bake! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [ɪhmɪd] ihmid lf6l9 lf6l9
bad [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZZN] [zʌzn] zazn wcw, DcD,
baker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HMD] [ʌhmɑd] ahmad cf6c9 cf6c9
bad of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZZN] [zʌznʊ] zaznu wcw,S DcD,S
baker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HMD] [ʊhmɑd] uhmad Sf6c9 Sf6c9
badder, fouler (baddest, foulest) [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [ZZN] [ʔʊz.zɑn] 'uzzan(ul) gSwwc, gSDDc,
baker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HMD] [ʌhmɑdʊ] ahmadu cf6c9S cf6c9S
badger [Singular Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡlɑbɑm.mʊzm] narag-labam-muzm ,c@crac2c66Sw6 ,c@cRac2c66SD6
baker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HMD] [ʊhmɑdʊ] uhmadu Sf6c9S Sf6c9S
badgers [Plural Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡlɑbɑm.mɑzɑ:m] narag-labam-mazâm ,c@crac2c66cwv6 ,c@cRac2c66cDv6
bakeries [Plural Compound Noun] [hɑmdzɑh.hɑr] hamdzahhar fc69wcffc@ fc69Dcffc@
badless / without bad [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZZN] [bɪnzʌzn] binzazn 2l,wcw, 2l,DcD,
baker-like / from bakers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HMD] [ʌhmɑdʊl] ahmadul cf6c9Sa cf6c9Sa
bad-like / from (the) bad [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZZN] [zʌznʊl] zaznul wcw,Sa DcD,Sa
baker-like / from bakers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HMD] [ʊhmɑdʊl] uhmadul Sf6c9Sa Sf6c9Sa
badly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ZZN] [ɪz.zʊnʊl] izzunul lwwS,Sa lDDS,Sa
bakers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HMD] [ɑhɑ:mɑd] ahâmad cfv6c9 cfv6c9
badly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [ZZN] [zɪznɑl] ziznal wlw,ca DlD,ca
bakers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HMD] [ʊhmɑ:d] uhmâd Sf6v9 Sf6v9
bag [NOUN TYPE 11 (eCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZSh] [ɛzʌʃ] ezash zwc% zDc%
bakers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HMD] [ɑhɑ:mʊd] ahâmud cfv6S9 cfv6S9
bag of [NOUN TYPE 11 (eCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZSh] [ɛzʌʃʊ] ezashu zwc%S zDc%S
bakers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HMD] [ʊhmʊd] uhmud Sf6S9 Sf6S9
bag of all bags [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ZSh] [zɛʃɛl] zeshel wz%za Dz%za
bakery [Singular Compound Noun] [hɑmdzʌhɑr] hamdzahar fc69wcfc@ fc69Dcfc@
bag that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZSh] [zʌʃɪtʰ] zashith wc%l0 Dc%l0
baking (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [HMD] [ɪhme:d] ihmêd lf6x9 lf6x9
bagger (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZSh] [ʌzʌʃ] azash cwc% cDc%
baking-oven [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪhme:dkʰɑbəb] ihmêdkhabb lf6x9eVc22 lf6x9tc22
bagger (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZSh] [ʊzʌʃ] uzash Swc% SDc%
baking-ovens [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪhmɛdkʰɑbɑ:b] ihmedkhabâb lf6z9eVc2v2 lf6z9tc2v2
bagger of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZSh] [ʌzʌʃʊ] azashu cwc%S cDc%S
bald (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [ShRB] [ʃɑrbɑ:] sharbâ %c@2v %c@2v
bagger of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZSh] [ʊzʌʃʊ] uzashu Swc%S SDc%S
bald [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRB] [ʃɑrb] sharb %c@2 %c@2
bagger-like / from baggers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZSh] [ʌzʃʊl] azshul cw%Sa cD%Sa
baldly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ShRB] [ɪʃrʊbʊl] ishrubul l%@S2Sa l%@S2Sa
bagger-like / from baggers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZSh] [ʊzʃʊl] uzshul Sw%Sa SD%Sa
baldly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [ShRB] [ʃɪrbɑl] shirbal %l@2ca %l@2ca
baggers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZSh] [ɑzɑ:ʃ] azâsh cwv% cDv%
ball [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MGN] [mɑɡn] magn 6cr, 6cR,
baggers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZSh] [ʊzɑ:ʃ] uzâsh Swv% SDv%
ball of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MGN] [mɑɡnʊ] magnu 6cr,S 6cR,S
baggers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZSh] [ɑzʊʃ] azush cwS% cDS%
ball of all balls* (*globes, spheres) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MGN] [mɛɡnɛl] megnel 6zr,za 6zR,za
baggers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZSh] [ʊzʊʃ] uzush SwS% SDS%
ball* that is young/new/fresh (*globe, sphere) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MGN] [mɑɡnɪtʰ] magnith 6cr,l0 6cR,l0
bag-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ZSh] [zɑʃɑ:nɑ] zashâna wc%v,c Dc%v,c
ball*-ladies (*globe, sphere) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MGN] [mɑɡnɑ:nɑ] magnâna 6cr,v,c 6cR,v,c
bag-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ZSh] [zʌʃu:nɑ] zashûna wc%D,c Dc%G,c
ball*-lady (*globe, sphere) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MGN] [mɑɡnu:nɑ] magnûna 6cr,D,c 6cR,G,c
bagless / without bag [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-eCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZSh] [bɪnɛzʌʃ] binezash 2l,zwc% 2l,zDc%

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The Dwarrow Scholar 63 The Dwarrow Scholar 64

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

ball*-man (*globe, sphere) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MGN] [mɑɡnu:n] magnûn 6cr,D, 6cR,G, baner (executioner) (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BZG] [ʊbzɑɡ] ubzag S2wcr S2DcR

ball*-men (*globe, sphere) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MGN] [mɑɡnɑ:n] magnân 6cr,v, 6cR,v, baner (executioner) of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BZG] [ɑbzɑɡʊ] abzagu c2wcrS c2DcRS

ball-*place (*globe, sphere) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MGN] [mɪɡni:n] mignîn 6lr,", 6lR,", baner (executioner) of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BZG] [ʊbzɑɡʊ] ubzagu S2wcrS S2DcRS

ballad [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SRN] [ʌsrɑ:n] asrân c.@v, c.@v,
baner (executioner)-like / from baners (executioners) (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BZG] [ɑbzɑɡʊl] abzagul c2wcrSa c2DcRSa
ballad of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SRN] [ʌsrɑ:nʊ] asrânu c.@v,S c.@v,S

balladless / without ballad [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SRN] [bɪnʌsrɑ:n] binasrân 2l,c.@v, 2l,c.@v, baner (executioner)-like / from baners (executioners) (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BZG] [ʊbzɑɡʊl] ubzagul S2wcrSa S2DcRSa

ballad-like / from (the) ballads [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SRN] [ʌsrɑ:nʊl] asrânul c.@v,Sa c.@v,Sa c2vwcr c2vDcR
baners (executioners) (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BZG] [ɑbɑ:zɑɡ] abâzag
ballads [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SRN] [ɑsɑrɑ:n] asarân c.c@v, c.c@v, S2wvr S2DvR
baners (executioners) (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BZG] [ʊbzɑ:ɡ] ubzâg
ballads of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SRN] [ɑsɑrʊn] asarun c.c@S, c.c@S, c2vwSr c2vDSR
baners (executioners) of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BZG] [ɑbɑ:zʊɡ] abâzug
ballista [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑblɑ:kʰbɛdɑk] ablâkhbedak c2aveV2z9ce c2avt2z9ce S2wSr S2DSR
baners (executioners) of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BZG] [ʊbzʊɡ] ubzug
ballistas [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑblɑkʰbɛdɑ:k] ablakhbedâk c2aceV2z9ve c2act2z9ve c2cwvr c2cDvR
banes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BZG] [ɑbɑzɑ:ɡ] abazâg
ball-less / without ball [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MGN] [bɪnmɑɡn] binmagn 2l,6cr, 2l,6cR, c2cwSr c2cDSR
banes of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BZG] [ɑbɑzʊɡ] abazug
ball-like / from (the) balls [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MGN] [mɑɡnʊl] magnul 6cr,Sa 6cR,Sa 2cwrxa 2cDRxa
banes of all banes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BZG] [bɑzɡe:l] bazgêl
balls [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MGN] [mɑɡɑ:n] magân 6crv, 6cRv, 2cwr"0 2cDR"0
banes that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BZG] [bɑzɡi:tʰ] bazgîth
balls of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MGN] [mɑɡʊn] magun 6crS, 6cRS, l2wxr l2DxR
baning (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BZG] [ɪbze:ɡ] ibzêg
balls of all balls* (*globes, spheres) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MGN] [mɛɡne:l] megnêl 6zr,xa 6zR,xa c%eS, c%eS,
banish [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShKN] [ʌʃkʊn] ashkun
balls* that are young/new/fresh (*globes, spheres) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MGN] [mɑɡni:tʰ] magnîth 6cr,"0 6cR,"0 banish with each other / banish together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ShKN] [nɑɪʃkɪnɪ] naishkini ,cl%el,l ,cl%el,l

banish! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKN] [ɪʃkɪni:] ishkinî l%el," l%el,"
Bam! (to indicate a sudden impact) [Interjection TYPE 3 (CâCCa) / INTERJECTION ] [BKhZ] [bɑ:kʰzɑ] bâkhza 2veVwc 2vtDc
banish! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKN] [ɪʃkɪn] ishkin l%el, l%el,
ban [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ʃɑkən] shakn %ce, %ce,
banisher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɑn] ashkan c%ec, c%ec,
ban of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknʊ] shaknu %ce,S %ce,S
banisher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ʊʃkɑn] ushkan S%ec, S%ec,
ban of all bans* (*banishments) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknɛl] shaknel %ce,za %ce,za
banisher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɑnʊ] ashkanu c%ec,S c%ec,S
ban* that is young/new/fresh (*banishment) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknɪtʰ] shaknith %ce,l0 %ce,l0
banisher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ʊʃkɑnʊ] ushkanu S%ec,S S%ec,S
ban*-ladies (*banishment) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknɑ:nɑ] shaknâna %ce,v,c %ce,v,c
banisher-like / from banishers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɑnʊl] ashkanul c%ec,Sa c%ec,Sa
ban*-lady (*banishment) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknu:nɑ] shaknûna %ce,D,c %ce,G,c
banisher-like / from banishers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKN] [ʊʃkɑnʊl] ushkanul S%ec,Sa S%ec,Sa
ban*-man (*banishment) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknu:n] shaknûn %ce,D, %ce,G,
banishers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ɑʃɑ:kɑn] ashâkan c%vec, c%vec,
ban*-men (*banishment) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknɑ:n] shaknân %ce,v, %ce,v,
banishers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ʊʃkɑ:n] ushkân S%ev, S%ev,
ban*-place (*banishment) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ShKN] [ʃɪkni:n] shiknîn %le,", %le,",
banishers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ɑʃɑ:kʊn] ashâkun c%veS, c%veS,
band [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NZG] [ɑnzɑ:ɡ] anzâg c,wvr c,DvR
banishers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ʊʃkʊn] ushkun S%eS, S%eS,
band of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NZG] [ɑnzɑ:ɡʊ] anzâgu c,wvrS c,DvRS
banishing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShKN] [ɪʃke:n] ishkên l%ex, l%ex,
bandless / without band [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NZG] [bɪnɑnzɑ:ɡ] binanzâg 2l,c,wvr 2l,c,DvR
banishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɑ:n] ashkân c%ev, c%ev,
band-like / from (the) bands [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NZG] [ɑnzɑ:ɡʊl] anzâgul c,wvrSa c,DvRSa
banishment of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɑ:nʊ] ashkânu c%ev,S c%ev,S
bands [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NZG] [ɑnɑzɑ:ɡ] anazâg c,cwvr c,cDvR
banishmentless / without banishment [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKN] [bɪnʌʃkɑ:n] binashkân 2l,c%ev, 2l,c%ev,
bands of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NZG] [ɑnɑzʊɡ] anazug c,cwSr c,cDSR
banishment-like / from (the) banishments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKN] [ʌʃkɑ:nʊl] ashkânul c%ev,Sa c%ev,Sa
bane [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BZG] [ɑbzʊɡ] abzug c2wSr c2DSR
banishments [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ɑʃɑkɑ:n] ashakân c%cev, c%cev,
bane [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BZG] [ɑbzɑ:ɡ] abzâg c2wvr c2DvR
banishments of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ɑʃɑkʊn] ashakun c%ceS, c%ceS,
bane of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BZG] [ɑbzɑ:ɡʊ] abzâgu c2wvrS c2DvRS
banless / without ban [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKN] [bɪnʃɑkən] binshakn 2l,%ce, 2l,%ce,
bane of all banes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BZG] [bʌzɡɛl] bazgel 2cwrza 2cDRza
ban-like / from (the) bans [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKN] [ʃɑknʊl] shaknul %ce,Sa %ce,Sa
bane that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BZG] [bʌzɡɪtʰ] bazgith 2cwrl0 2cDRl0
banner [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BShD] [ɑbʃɑ:d] abshâd c2%v9 c2%v9
bane with each other / bane together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [nɑɪbzɪɡɪ] naibzigi ,cl2wlrl ,cl2DlRl
banner of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BShD] [ɑbʃɑ:dʊ] abshâdu c2%v9S c2%v9S
bane! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [ɪbzɪɡi:] ibzigî l2wlr" l2DlR"
bannerless / without banner [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShD] [bɪnɑbʃɑ:d] binabshâd 2l,c2%v9 2l,c2%v9
bane! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [ɪbzɪɡ] ibzig l2wlr l2DlR
banner-like / from (the) banners [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShD] [ɑbʃɑ:dʊl] abshâdul c2%v9Sa c2%v9Sa
bane-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑ:nɑ] bazgâna 2cwrv,c 2cDRv,c
banners [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BShD] [ɑbɑʃɑ:d] abashâd c2c%v9 c2c%v9
bane-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BZG] [bʌzɡu:nɑ] bazgûna 2cwrD,c 2cDRG,c
banners of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BShD] [ɑbɑʃʊd] abashud c2c%S9 c2c%S9
baneless / without bane [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BZG] [bɪnɑbzɑ:ɡ] binabzâg 2l,c2wvr 2l,c2DvR
bans [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShKN] [ʃɑkɑ:n] shakân %cev, %cev,
bane-like / from (the) banes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BZG] [ɑbzɑ:ɡʊl] abzâgul c2wvrSa c2DvRSa
bans of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShKN] [ʃɑkʊn] shakun %ceS, %ceS,
bane-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BZG] [bʌzɡu:n] bazgûn 2cwrD, 2cDRG,
bans of all bans* (*banishments) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ShKN] [ʃɑkne:l] shaknêl %ce,xa %ce,xa
bane-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑ:n] bazgân 2cwrv, 2cDRv,
bans* that are young/new/fresh (*banishments) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShKN] [ʃɑkni:tʰ] shaknîth %ce,"0 %ce,"0
bane-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BZG] [bɪzɡi:n] bizgîn 2lwr", 2lDR",
banter [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GMK] [mʌhɑɡmʊk] mahagmuk 6cfcr6Se 6cfcR6Se
baner (executioner) (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BZG] [ɑbzɑɡ] abzag c2wcr c2DcR
banter [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GMK] [ɡɑmɑk] gamak rc6ce Rc6ce

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 65 The Dwarrow Scholar 66
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

banter of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GMK] [ɡɑmɑkʊ] gamaku rc6ceS Rc6ceS barrel*-man (*box, encasement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HDR] [hɑdru:n] hadrûn fc9@D, fc9@G,

barrel*-men (*box, encasement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HDR] [hɑdrɑ:n] hadrân fc9@v, fc9@v,
banter of all banter* (*amusements, jokes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [GMK] [ɡɑmkɛl] gamkel rc6eza Rc6eza
barrel-*place (*box, encasement) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HDR] [hɪdri:n] hidrîn fl9@", fl9@",
banter! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMK] [mɑhɪɡmɪki:] mahigmikî 6cflr6le" 6cflR6le"
barrelless / without barrel [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HDR] [bɪnhɑdɑr] binhadar 2l,fc9c@ 2l,fc9c@
banter! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMK] [mʌhɪɡmɪk] mahigmik 6cflr6le 6cflR6le
barrel-like / from (the) barrels [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HDR] [hɑdrʊl] hadrul fc9@Sa fc9@Sa
banter* that is young/new/fresh (*amusement (fun), joke) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GMK] [ɡɑmkɪtʰ] gamkith rc6el0 Rc6el0 barrels [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HDR] ❷ - dwarvish units of volume measurement, equivalent
[hɑd.dɑr] haddar fc99c@ fc99c@
to nearly 66 litre each (14,5 imperial gallon each, equal to 248 "shelâk" each)
banter*-ladies (*amusement (fun), joke) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GMK] [ɡɑmkɑ:nɑ] gamkâna rc6ev,c Rc6ev,c
barrels of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HDR] [hɑd.dʊr] haddur fc99S@ fc99S@
banter*-lady (*amusement (fun), joke) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GMK] [ɡɑmku:nɑ] gamkûna rc6eD,c Rc6eG,c
barrels of all barrels* (*boxes, encasements) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HDR] [hɑdre:l] hadrêl fc9@xa fc9@xa
banter*-man (*amusement (fun), joke) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GMK] [ɡɑmku:n] gamkûn rc6eD, Rc6eG,

banter*-men (*amusement (fun), joke) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GMK] [ɡɑmkɑ:n] gamkân rc6ev, Rc6ev,
barrels* that are young/new/fresh (*boxes, encasements) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HDR] [hɑdri:tʰ] hadrîth fc9@"0 fc9@"0
banter-*place (*amusement (fun), joke) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GMK] [ɡɪmki:n] gimkîn rl6e", Rl6e",
barren (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [SRJ] [sɑrd͡ʒɑ:] sarjâ .c@Rv .c@$v
banterless / without banter [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GMK] [bɪngɑmɑk] bingamak 2ljc6ce 2ljc6ce
barren [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SRJ] [sɑrɪd͡ʒ] sarij .c@lR .c@l$
banter-like / from (the) banter [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GMK] [ɡɑmkʊl] gamkul rc6eSa Rc6eSa
barricade [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TSM] [tʌsm] tasm 8c.6 8c.6
barbel [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔɑbɑndɑɪɡ] 'abandaig gc2cdclr gc2cdclR
barricade of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TSM] [tʌsmʊ] tasmu 8c.6S 8c.6S
barbels [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑbɑnɑɪdɑ:ɡ] 'abanaidâg gc2c,cl9vr gc2c,cl9vR
barricadeless / without barricade [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TSM] [bɪntʌsm] bintasm 2l,8c.6 2l,8c.6
barber shop [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪkʰrɛʃtɪrɡi:n] ikhreshtirgîn leV@z%8l@r", lt@z%8l@R",
barricade-like / from (the) barricades [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TSM] [tʌsmʊl] tasmul 8c.6Sa 8c.6Sa
barber shops [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪkʰrɛʃtɪrɑɡi:n] ikhreshtiragîn leV@z%8l@cr", lt@z%8l@cR",
barricades [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TSM] [tɑsɑ:m] tasâm 8c.v6 8c.v6
bare (empty) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [SRJ] [sʊrd͡ʒɑ:] surjâ .S@Rv .S@$v
barricades of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TSM] [tɑsʊm] tasum 8c.S6 8c.S6
bare (empty) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SRJ] [sʊrʊd͡ʒ] suruj .S@SR .S@S$
barrier [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKhM] [mʊkʰmʊ] mukhmu 6SeV6S 6St6S
barely [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [SRJ] [ɪsrʊd͡ʒʊl] isrujul l.@SRSa l.@S$Sa
barrier of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKhM] [mʊkʰmu:] mukhmû 6SeV6D 6St6G
barely [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [SRJ] [sɪrd͡ʒɑl] sirjal .l@Rca .l@$ca
barrierless / without barrier [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKhM] [bɪnmʊkʰmʊ] binmukhmu 2l,6SeV6S 2l,6St6S
barghest [Singular Compound Noun] [rʊkʰzkʊnd] rukhzkund @SeVweSd @StDeSd
barrier-like / from (the) barriers [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKhM] [mʊkʰmʊl] mukhmul 6SeV6Sa 6St6Sa
barghests [Plural Compound Noun] [rʊkʰzkɑnɑ:d] rukhzkanâd @SeVwec,v9 @StDec,v9
barriers [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKhM] [mʊkʰu:m] mukhûm 6SeVD6 6StG6
barn [Singular Compound Noun] [mʊzmzʌhɑr] muzmzahar 6Sw6wcfc@ 6SD6Dcfc@
barriers of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKhM] [mʊkʰu:mʊ] mukhûmu 6SeVD6S 6StG6S
barn owl [Singular Compound Noun] [lɑbɑmbʊnd] labambund ac2c62Sd ac2c62Sd
barrow [Singular Compound Noun] [mɪrdi:nhʊnd] mirdînhund 6l@9",fSd 6l@9",fSd
barn owls [Plural Compound Noun] [lɑbɑmbɑnɑ:d] labambanâd ac2c62c,v9 ac2c62c,v9
Barrow Downs [Plural Compound Proper Noun] [mɪrdɪnhɑnɑdlɪbri:n] Mirdinhanadlibrîn 6l@9l,fc,c9al2@", 6l@9l,fc,c9al2@",
barns [Plural Compound Noun] [mʊzmzɑh.hɑr] muzmzahhar 6Sw6wcffc@ 6SD6Dcffc@
barrow-iron (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCîC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhDM] [kʰɪdi:m] khidîm eVl9"6 tl9"6
barrack [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DH] [dɑɪhʊ] daihu 9clfS 9clfS
barrow-iron (pl.) of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhDM] [kʰɪdʊm] khidum eVl9S6 tl9S6
barrack of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DH] [dɑɪhu:] daihû 9clfD 9clfG

barrack of all barracks* (*garrisons) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [DH] [dʊhɛl] duhel 9Sfza 9Sfza barrow-iron (pl.) of all barrow-iron (pl.) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KhDM] [kʰɛdme:l] khedmêl eVz96xa tz96xa

barrack* that is young/new/fresh (*garrison) [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DH] [dʌhɪtʰ] dahith 9cfl0 9cfl0 eVc96"0 tc96"0
barrow-iron (pl.) that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhDM] [kʰɑdmi:tʰ] khadmîth
barrack*-ladies (*garrison) [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [DH] [dɑhɑ:nɑ] dahâna 9cfv,c 9cfv,c eVl9l6 tl9l6
barrow-iron [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhDM] [kʰɪdɪm] khidim
barrack*-lady (*garrison) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [DH] [dʌhu:nɑ] dahûna 9cfD,c 9cfG,c eVl9l6S tl9l6S
barrow-iron of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhDM] [kʰɪdɪmʊ] khidimu
barrack*-man (*garrison) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [DH] [dʌhu:n] dahûn 9cfD, 9cfG, eVz96za tz96za
barrow-iron of all barrow-iron (pl.) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛl] khedmel
barrack*-men (*garrison) [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [DH] [dɑhɑ:n] dahân 9cfv, 9cfv, eVc96l0 tc96l0
barrow-iron that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhDM] [kʰɑdmɪtʰ] khadmith
barrack*-place (*garrison) [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [DH] [dɪhi:n] dihîn 9lf", 9lf", eVc96v,c tc96v,c
barrow-iron-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhDM] [kʰɑdmɑ:nɑ] khadmâna
barrackless / without barrack [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaiCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [DH] [bɪndɑɪhʊ] bindaihu 2ldclfS 2ldclfS eVc96D,c tc96G,c
barrow-iron-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhDM] [kʰɑdmu:nɑ] khadmûna
barrack-like / from (the) barracks [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DH] [dɑɪhʊl] daihul 9clfSa 9clfSa 2l,eVl9l6 2l,tl9l6
barrow-ironless / without barrow-iron [NOUN TYPE 7 (bin-CiCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhDM] [bɪnkʰɪdɪm] binkhidim
barracks [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DH] [ɑdɑ:h] adâh c9vf c9vf eVl96Sa tl96Sa
barrow-iron-like / from (the) barrow-iron (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhDM] [kʰɪdmʊl] khidmul
barracks of [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DH] [ɑdʊh] aduh c9Sf c9Sf eVc96D, tc96G,
barrow-iron-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhDM] [kʰɑdmu:n] khadmûn
barracks of all barracks* (*garrisons) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [DH] [dʊhe:l] duhêl 9Sfxa 9Sfxa eVc96v, tc96v,
barrow-iron-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhDM] [kʰɑdmɑ:n] khadmân
barracks* that are young/new/fresh (*garrisons) [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DH] [dɑhi:tʰ] dahîth 9cf"0 9cf"0 eVl96", tl96",
barrow-iron-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhDM] [kʰɪdmi:n] khidmîn
barrel [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HDR] ❷ - dwarvish unit of volume measurement, equivalent fc9c@ fc9c@ barrows [Plural Compound Noun] [mɪrdɪnhɑnɑ:d] mirdinhanâd 6l@9l,fc,v9 6l@9l,fc,v9
[hɑdɑr] hadar
to nearly 66 litre (14,5 imperial gallon, equal to 248 "shelâk")
barter [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SJR] [mʌhʌsd͡ʒʊr] mahasjur 6cfc.RS@ 6cfc.$S@
barrel of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HDR] [hɑdɑrʊ] hadaru fc9c@S fc9c@S
barter! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SJR] [mɑhɪsd͡ʒɪri:] mahisjirî 6cfl.Rl@" 6cfl.$l@"
barrel of all barrels* (*boxes, encasements) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HDR] [hɑdrɛl] hadrel fc9@za fc9@za
barter! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SJR] [mʌhɪsd͡ʒɪr] mahisjir 6cfl.Rl@ 6cfl.$l@

bartering (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [SJR] [mʌhɪsd͡ʒe:r] mahisjêr 6cfl.Rx@ 6cfl.$x@
barrel* that is young/new/fresh (*box, encasement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HDR] [hɑdrɪtʰ] hadrith fc9@l0 fc9@l0
basalt (rock-type) [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔɑmɑdtʰɑrər] 'amadtharr gc6c90c@@ gc6c90c@@
barrel*-ladies (*box, encasement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HDR] [hɑdrɑ:nɑ] hadrâna fc9@v,c fc9@v,c
base (place)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSN] [mɑhɪbsɪni:] mahibsinî 6cfl2.l," 6cfl2.l,"
barrel*-lady (*box, encasement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HDR] [hɑdru:nɑ] hadrûna fc9@D,c fc9@G,c
base (place)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSN] [mʌhɪbsɪn] mahibsin 6cfl2.l, 6cfl2.l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 67 The Dwarrow Scholar 68

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

base (to place) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BSN] [mʌhɑbsʊn] mahabsun 6cfc2.S, 6cfc2.S, be (explicit or emphasized)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔT] [ɪʔti:] i'tî lg8" lg8"

base [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KhTR] [ɑkʰtʊrɑb] akhturab ceV8S@c2 ct8S@c2 be (explicit or emphasized)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔT] [ɪʔtɪ] i'ti lg8l lg8l

base [NOUN TYPE 5 (iCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɑr] ikhtar leV8c@ lt8c@ be absolved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LTN] [mɑɪltɪni:] mailtinî 6cla8l," 6cla8l,"

base of [NOUN TYPE 5 (iCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɑrʊ] ikhtaru leV8c@S lt8c@S be absolved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LTN] [mɑɪltɪn] mailtin 6cla8l, 6cla8l,

base! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɪrɑbi:] ikhtirabî leV8l@c2" lt8l@c2" be abused! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [mɑɪrnɪli:] mairnilî 6cl@,la" 6cl@,la"

base! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɪrɑb] ikhtirab leV8l@c2 lt8l@c2 be abused! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [mɑɪrnɪl] mairnil 6cl@,la 6cl@,la

baseless / without base [NOUN TYPE 5 (bin-iCCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhTR] [bɪnɪkʰtɑr] binikhtar 2l,leV8c@ 2l,lt8c@ be accelerated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [mɑɪhfɪti:] maihfitî 6clf3l8" 6clf3l8"

base-like / from (the) bases [NOUN TYPE 5 (iCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɑrʊl] ikhtarul leV8c@Sa lt8c@Sa be accelerated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [mɑɪhfɪt] maihfit 6clf3l8 6clf3l8

bases [NOUN TYPE 5 (CiCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhTR] [kʰɪtɑ:r] khitâr eVl8v@ tl8v@ be acclaimed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [mɑɪnrɪbi:] mainribî 6cl,@l2" 6cl,@l2"

bases of [NOUN TYPE 5 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhTR] [kʰɪtʊr] khitur eVl8S@ tl8S@ be acclaimed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [mɑɪnrɪb] mainrib 6cl,@l2 6cl,@l2

basing (placing) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BSN] [mʌhɪbse:n] mahibsên 6cfl2.x, 6cfl2.x, be accompanied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DMY] [mɑɪdmi:wi:] maidmîwî 6cl96"F" 6cl96"F"

basing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KhTR] [ɪkʰte:rɑb] ikhtêrab leV8x@c2 lt8x@c2 be accompanied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DMY] [mɑɪdmi:] maidmî 6cl96" 6cl96"

bat (animal) [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhFSh] [kʰʊfʃ] khufsh eVS3% tS3% be accomplished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR] [mɑɪʔɡɪri:] mai'girî 6clgrl@" 6clgRl@"

bat (animal) of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhFSh] [kʰʊfʃʊ] khufshu eVS3%S tS3%S be accomplished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR] [mɑɪʔɡɪr] mai'gir 6clgrl@ 6clgRl@

be accumulated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STB] [mɑɪstɪbi:] maistibî 6cl.8l2" 6cl.8l2"
bat (animal) of all bats (animals)* (*snouts) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhFSh] [kʰʊfʃɛl] khufshel eVS3%za tS3%za
be accumulated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STB] [mɑɪstɪb] maistib 6cl.8l2 6cl.8l2
bat (animal)* that is young/new/fresh (*snout) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhFSh] [kʰʌfʃɪtʰ] khafshith eVc3%l0 tc3%l0 be accused! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [mɑɪhkɪri:] maihkirî 6clfel@" 6clfel@"

eVc3%v,c tc3%v,c be accused! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [mɑɪhkɪr] maihkir 6clfel@ 6clfel@
bat (animal)*-ladies (*snout) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhFSh] [kʰɑfʃɑ:nɑ] khafshâna
eVc3%D,c tc3%G,c be accustomed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [mɑɪbnɪhi:] maibnihî 6cl2,lf" 6cl2,lf"
bat (animal)*-lady (*snout) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhFSh] [kʰʌfʃu:nɑ] khafshûna
eVc3%D, tc3%G, be accustomed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [mɑɪbnɪh] maibnih 6cl2,lf 6cl2,lf
bat (animal)*-man (*snout) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhFSh] [kʰʌfʃu:n] khafshûn
eVc3%v, tc3%v, be achieved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKR] [mɑɪrkɪri:] mairkirî 6cl@el@" 6cl@el@"
bat (animal)*-men (*snout) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhFSh] [kʰɑfʃɑ:n] khafshân
eVl3%", tl3%", be achieved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKR] [mɑɪrkɪr] mairkir 6cl@el@ 6cl@el@
bat (animal)*-place (*snout) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhFSh] ❷ - bat cave [kʰɪfʃi:n] khifshîn
eVS3%Sa tS3%Sa be adapted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [mɑɪdbɪti:] maidbitî 6cl92l8" 6cl92l8"
bat (animal)-like / from (the) bats (animals) [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhFSh] [kʰʊfʃʊl] khufshul
2c.e 2c.e be adapted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [mɑɪdbɪt] maidbit 6cl92l8 6cl92l8
bath [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BSK] [bʌsk] bask
2c.eS 2c.eS be added! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [mɑɪftʰɪki:] maifthikî 6cl30le" 6cl30le"
bath of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BSK] [bʌskʊ] basku
Rcav2.Se $cav2.Se be added! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [mɑɪftʰɪk] maifthik 6cl30le 6cl30le
bathe [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BSK] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:bsʊk] jalâbsuk
Rcacl2.le" $cacl2.le" be addressed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MK] [mɑɪmki:] maimkî 6cl6e" 6cl6e"
bathe! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSK] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbsɪki:] jalaibsikî
Rcacl2.le $cacl2.le be addressed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MK] [mɑɪmkɪ] maimki 6cl6el 6cl6el
bathe! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSK] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbsɪk] jalaibsik
Rcacl2.xe $cacl2.xe be adjusted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STL] [mɑɪstɪli:] maistilî 6cl.8la" 6cl.8la"
bathing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BSK] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbse:k] jalaibsêk
2l,2c.e 2l,2c.e be adjusted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STL] [mɑɪstɪl] maistil 6cl.8la 6cl.8la
bathless / without bath [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BSK] [bɪnbʌsk] binbask
2c.eSa 2c.eSa be admitted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KN] [mɑɪkni:] maiknî 6cle," 6cle,"
bath-like / from (the) baths [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BSK] [bʌskʊl] baskul be admitted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KN] [mɑɪknɪ] maikni 6cle,l 6cle,l
baths [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BSK] [bɑsɑ:k] basâk
2c.Se 2c.Se be adored! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [mɑɪlbɪtʰi:] mailbithî 6cla2l0" 6cla2l0"
baths of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BSK] [bɑsʊk] basuk
eVc3v% tc3v% be adored! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [mɑɪlbɪtʰ] mailbith 6cla2l0 6cla2l0
bats (animals) [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhFSh] [kʰɑfɑ:ʃ] khafâsh
eVc3S% tc3S% be adorned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [mɑɪskɪti:] maiskitî 6cl.el8" 6cl.el8"
bats (animals) of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhFSh] [kʰɑfʊʃ] khafush
be adorned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [mɑɪskɪt] maiskit 6cl.el8 6cl.el8
bats (animals) of all bats (animals)* (*snouts) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KhFSh] [kʰʊfʃe:l] khufshêl eVS3%xa tS3%xa
be advanced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [mɑɪtʰrɪkʰi:] maithrikhî 6cl0@leV" 6cl0@lt"

bats (animals)* that are young/new/fresh (*snouts) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhFSh] [kʰɑfʃi:tʰ] khafshîth eVc3%"0 tc3%"0 be advanced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [mɑɪtʰrɪkʰ] maithrikh 6cl0@leV 6cl0@lt

be advised! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [mɑɪrjɪti:] mairyitî 6cl@;l8" 6cl@;l8"
bat-sausage (traditional Grey Mountain sausage made of bat meat) [Singular Compound Noun] [kʰʊfʃkɑrəl] khufshkarl eVS3%ec@a tS3%ec@a
be advised! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [mɑɪrjɪt] mairyit 6cl@;l8 6cl@;l8
bat-sausages (traditional Grey Mountain sausage made of bat meat) [Plural Compound Noun] [kʰʊfʃkɑrɑ:l] khufshkarâl eVS3%ec@va tS3%ec@va
be aged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GML] [mɑɪɡmɪli:] maigmilî 6clr6la" 6clR6la"
battle [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔZGh] [ʔʊzgʰʊ] 'uzghu gSwyS gSDTS
be aged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GML] [mɑɪɡmɪl] maigmil 6clr6la 6clR6la
battle of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔZGh] [ʔʊzgʰu:] 'uzghû gSwyD gSDTG
be aided! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HS] [mɑɪhsi:] maihsî 6clf." 6clf."
battleless / without battle [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔZGh] [bɪnʔʊzgʰʊ] bin'uzghu 2l,gSwyS 2l,gSDTS
be aided! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HS] [mɑɪhsɪ] maihsi 6clf.l 6clf.l
battle-like / from (the) battles [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔZGh] [ʔʊzgʰʊl] 'uzghul gSwySa gSDTSa
be aimed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TLZ] [mɑɪtlɪzi:] maitlizî 6cl8alw" 6cl8alD"
battles [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔZGh] [ʔʊzu:gʰ] 'uzûgh gSwDy gSDGT
be aimed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TLZ] [mɑɪtlɪz] maitliz 6cl8alw 6cl8alD
battles of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔZGh] [ʔʊzu:gʰʊ] 'uzûghu gSwDyS gSDGTS
be allowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [mɑi:fɪli:] maîfilî 6c"3la" 6c"3la"
be (explicit or emphasized) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ʔT] [ʊt] ut S8 S8
be allowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [mɑi:fɪl] maîfil 6c"3la 6c"3la
be (explicit or emphasized) with each other / be (explicit or emphasized) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / be alternated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [mɑɪn.nɪri:] mainnirî 6clul@" 6clul@"
[nɑɪʔti:] nai'tî ,clg8" ,clg8"
General Imperative] [ʔT] be alternated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [mɑɪn.nɪr] mainnir 6clul@ 6clul@

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The Dwarrow Scholar 69 The Dwarrow Scholar 70
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be ambushed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [mɑɪnbɪzi:] mainbizî 6cl,2lw" 6cl,2lD" be belated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BDZ] [mɑɪbdɪzi:] maibdizî 6cl29lw" 6cl29lD"

be ambushed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [mɑɪnbɪz] mainbiz 6cl,2lw 6cl,2lD be belated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BDZ] [mɑɪbdɪz] maibdiz 6cl29lw 6cl29lD

be angered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [mɑɪkʰzɪri:] maikhzirî 6cleVwl@" 6cltDl@" be believed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [mɑɪrzɪmi:] mairzimî 6cl@wl6" 6cl@Dl6"

be angered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [mɑɪkʰzɪr] maikhzir 6cleVwl@ 6cltDl@ be believed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [mɑɪrzɪm] mairzim 6cl@wl6 6cl@Dl6

be annoyed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [mɑɪtnɪzi:] maitnizî 6cl8,lw" 6cl8,lD" be bellowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [mɑɪknɪbi:] maiknibî 6cle,l2" 6cle,l2"

be annoyed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [mɑɪtnɪz] maitniz 6cl8,lw 6cl8,lD be bellowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [mɑɪknɪb] maiknib 6cle,l2 6cle,l2

be answered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [mɑɪsbɪri:] maisbirî 6cl.2l@" 6cl.2l@" be belonged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [mɑɪhrɪri:] maihrirî 6clf@l@" 6clf@l@"

be answered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [mɑɪsbɪr] maisbir 6cl.2l@ 6cl.2l@ be belonged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [mɑɪhrɪr] maihrir 6clf@l@ 6clf@l@

be appalled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRTh] [mɑɪhrɪtʰi:] maihrithî 6clf@l0" 6clf@l0" be bended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BB] [mɑɪ] maibbî 6cl22" 6cl22"

be appalled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRTh] [mɑɪhrɪtʰ] maihrith 6clf@l0 6clf@l0 be bended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BB] [mɑɪb.bɪ] maibbi 6cl22l 6cl22l

be appeared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRZ] [mɑɪdrɪzi:] maidrizî 6cl9@lw" 6cl9@lD" be bested! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [mɑɪɡlɪkʰi:] maiglikhî 6clraleV" 6clRalt"

be appeared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRZ] [mɑɪdrɪz] maidriz 6cl9@lw 6cl9@lD be bested! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [mɑɪɡlɪkʰ] maiglikh 6clraleV 6clRalt

be applauded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [mɑɪrtʰɪkʰi:] mairthikhî 6cl@0leV" 6cl@0lt" be betrayed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [mɑɪʃnɪkʰi:] maishnikhî 6cl%,leV" 6cl%,lt"

be applauded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [mɑɪrtʰɪkʰ] mairthikh 6cl@0leV 6cl@0lt be betrayed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [mɑɪʃnɪkʰ] maishnikh 6cl%,leV 6cl%,lt

be appointed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDKh] [mɑɪmdɪkʰi:] maimdikhî 6cl69leV" 6cl69lt" be bewildered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [mɑɪɡmɪzi:] maigmizî 6clr6lw" 6clR6lD"

be appointed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDKh] [mɑɪmdɪkʰ] maimdikh 6cl69leV 6cl69lt be bewildered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [mɑɪɡmɪz] maigmiz 6clr6lw 6clR6lD

be arched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [mɑɪfkɪki:] maifkikî 6cl3ele" 6cl3ele" be bitten! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [mɑɪhkʰɪdi:] maihkhidî 6clfeVl9" 6clftl9"

be arched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [mɑɪfkɪk] maifkik 6cl3ele 6cl3ele be bitten! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [mɑɪhkʰɪd] maihkhid 6clfeVl9 6clftl9

be armed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [mɑɪbkɪri:] maibkirî 6cl2el@" 6cl2el@" be blackened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [mɑɪnrɪɡi:] mainrigî 6cl,@lr" 6cl,@lR"

be armed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [mɑɪbkɪr] maibkir 6cl2el@ 6cl2el@ be blackened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [mɑɪnrɪɡ] mainrig 6cl,@lr 6cl,@lR

be asked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [mɑɪzri:] maizrî 6clw@" 6clD@" be blamed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [mɑɪhfɪsi:] maihfisî 6clf3l." 6clf3l."

be asked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [mɑɪzrɪ] maizri 6clw@l 6clD@l be blamed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [mɑɪhfɪs] maihfis 6clf3l. 6clf3l.

be assigned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [mɑɪrdɪni:] mairdinî 6cl@9l," 6cl@9l," be blanketed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [mɑɪbmɪbi:] maibmibî 6cl26l2" 6cl26l2"

be assigned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [mɑɪrdɪn] mairdin 6cl@9l, 6cl@9l, be blanketed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [mɑɪbmɪb] maibmib 6cl26l2 6cl26l2

be associated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [mɑɪndɪdi:] maindidî 6cldl9" 6cldl9" be blazed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZD] [mɑɪrzɪdi:] mairzidî 6cl@wl9" 6cl@Dl9"

be associated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [mɑɪndɪd] maindid 6cldl9 6cldl9 be blazed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZD] [mɑɪrzɪd] mairzid 6cl@wl9 6cl@Dl9

be astounded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [mɑɪbrɪd͡ʒi:] maibrijî 6cl2@lR" 6cl2@l$" be blended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [mɑɪmkʰɪdi:] maimkhidî 6cl6eVl9" 6cl6tl9"

be astounded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [mɑɪbrɪd͡ʒ] maibrij 6cl2@lR 6cl2@l$ be blended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [mɑɪmkʰɪd] maimkhid 6cl6eVl9 6cl6tl9

be attached! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRS] [mɑɪkrɪsi:] maikrisî 6cle@l." 6cle@l." be blessed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [mɑɪmhɪdi:] maimhidî 6cl6fl9" 6cl6fl9"

be attached! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRS] [mɑɪkrɪs] maikris 6cle@l. 6cle@l. be blessed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [mɑɪmhɪd] maimhid 6cl6fl9 6cl6fl9

be attacked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [mɑɪɡrɪbi:] maigribî 6clr@l2" 6clR@l2" be blocked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [mɑɪtbɪdi:] maitbidî 6cl82l9" 6cl82l9"

be attacked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [mɑɪɡrɪb] maigrib 6clr@l2 6clR@l2 be blocked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [mɑɪtbɪd] maitbid 6cl82l9 6cl82l9

be attempted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLK] [mɑɪkʰlɪki:] maikhlikî 6cleVale" 6cltale" be bloomed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNG] [mɑɪn.nɪɡi:] mainnigî 6clulr" 6clulR"

be attempted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLK] [mɑɪkʰlɪk] maikhlik 6cleVale 6cltale be bloomed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNG] [mɑɪn.nɪɡ] mainnig 6clulr 6clulR

be bagged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZSh] [mɑɪzʃi:] maizshî 6clw%" 6clD%" be blundered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HHD] [mɑɪh.hɪdi:] maihhidî 6clffl9" 6clffl9"

be bagged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZSh] [mɑɪzʃɪ] maizshi 6clw%l 6clD%l be blundered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HHD] [mɑɪh.hɪd] maihhid 6clffl9 6clffl9

be baked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [mɑɪhmɪdi:] maihmidî 6clf6l9" 6clf6l9" be boasted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FND] [mɑɪfnɪdi:] maifnidî 6cl3,l9" 6cl3,l9"

be baked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [mɑɪhmɪd] maihmid 6clf6l9 6clf6l9 be boasted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FND] [mɑɪfnɪd] maifnid 6cl3,l9 6cl3,l9

be baned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [mɑɪbzɪɡi:] maibzigî 6cl2wlr" 6cl2DlR" be bogged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] [mɑɪʃlɪti:] maishlitî 6cl%al8" 6cl%al8"

be baned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [mɑɪbzɪɡ] maibzig 6cl2wlr 6cl2DlR be bogged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] [mɑɪʃlɪt] maishlit 6cl%al8 6cl%al8

be banished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKN] [mɑɪʃkɪni:] maishkinî 6cl%el," 6cl%el," be boiled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [mɑɪsdɪni:] maisdinî 6cl.9l," 6cl.9l,"

be banished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKN] [mɑɪʃkɪn] maishkin 6cl%el, 6cl%el, be boiled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [mɑɪsdɪn] maisdin 6cl.9l, 6cl.9l,

be battled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZGh] [mɑɪʔzɪgʰi:] mai'zighî 6clgwly" 6clgDlT" be bolted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [mɑɪmkɪri:] maimkirî 6cl6el@" 6cl6el@"

be battled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZGh] [mɑɪʔzɪgʰ] mai'zigh 6clgwly 6clgDlT be bolted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [mɑɪmkɪr] maimkir 6cl6el@ 6cl6el@

be beated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [mɑɪkrɪti:] maikritî 6cle@l8" 6cle@l8" be boned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BShK] [mɑɪbʃɪki:] maibshikî 6cl2%le" 6cl2%le"

be beated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [mɑɪkrɪt] maikrit 6cle@l8 6cle@l8 be boned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BShK] [mɑɪbʃɪk] maibshik 6cl2%le 6cl2%le

be befriended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BH] [mɑɪbhi:] maibhî 6cl2f" 6cl2f" be bored! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [mɑɪtʰfɪri:] maithfirî 6cl03l@" 6cl03l@"

be befriended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BH] [mɑɪbhɪ] maibhi 6cl2fl 6cl2fl be bored! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [mɑɪtʰfɪr] maithfir 6cl03l@ 6cl03l@

be begged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [mɑɪntɪhi:] maintihî 6cl,8lf" 6cl,8lf" be born [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KYL] [mʌhɑkjʊl] mahakyul 6cfce;Sa 6cfce;Sa

be begged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [mɑɪntɪh] maintih 6cl,8lf 6cl,8lf be born! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KYL] [mɑhɪkjɪli:] mahikyilî 6cfle;la" 6cfle;la"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 71 The Dwarrow Scholar 72

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be born! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KYL] [mʌhɪkjɪl] mahikyil 6cfle;la 6cfle;la be championed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRR] [mɑɪnrɪr] mainrir 6cl,@l@ 6cl,@l@

be born! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YND] [mɑi:nɪdi:] maînidî 6c",l9" 6c",l9" be changed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRT] [mɑɪbrɪti:] maibritî 6cl2@l8" 6cl2@l8"

be born! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YND] [mɑi:nɪd] maînid 6c",l9 6c",l9 be changed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRT] [mɑɪbrɪt] maibrit 6cl2@l8 6cl2@l8

be bought! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [mɑɪbkɪmi:] maibkimî 6cl2el6" 6cl2el6" be channeled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LMB] [mɑɪlmɪbi:] mailmibî 6cla6l2" 6cla6l2"

be bought! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [mɑɪbkɪm] maibkim 6cl2el6 6cl2el6 be channeled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LMB] [mɑɪlmɪb] mailmib 6cla6l2 6cla6l2

be bound! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [mɑɪblɪli:] maiblilî 6cl2ala" 6cl2ala" be charmed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLB] [mɑɪklɪbi:] maiklibî 6cleal2" 6cleal2"

be bound! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [mɑɪblɪl] maiblil 6cl2ala 6cl2ala be charmed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLB] [mɑɪklɪb] maiklib 6cleal2 6cleal2

be braced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [mɑɪnhɪbi:] mainhibî 6cl,fl2" 6cl,fl2" be cheered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNTh] [mɑɪmnɪtʰi:] maimnithî 6cl6,l0" 6cl6,l0"

be braced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [mɑɪnhɪb] mainhib 6cl,fl2 6cl,fl2 be cheered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNTh] [mɑɪmnɪtʰ] maimnith 6cl6,l0 6cl6,l0

be branched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [mɑɪzrɪsi:] maizrisî 6clw@l." 6clD@l." be chirped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JT] [mɑɪd͡ʒti:] maijtî 6clR8" 6cl$8"

be branched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [mɑɪzrɪs] maizris 6clw@l. 6clD@l. be chirped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JT] [mɑɪd͡ʒtɪ] maijti 6clR8l 6cl$8l

be breached! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [mɑɪbrɪkʰi:] maibrikhî 6cl2@leV" 6cl2@lt" be chopped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLT] [mɑɪblɪti:] maiblitî 6cl2al8" 6cl2al8"

be breached! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [mɑɪbrɪkʰ] maibrikh 6cl2@leV 6cl2@lt be chopped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLT] [mɑɪblɪt] maiblit 6cl2al8 6cl2al8

be brewed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [mɑɪʃrɪsi:] maishrisî 6cl%@l." 6cl%@l." be chosen! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BJB] [mɑɪbd͡ʒɪbi:] maibjibî 6cl2Rl2" 6cl2$l2"

be brewed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [mɑɪʃrɪs] maishris 6cl%@l. 6cl%@l. be chosen! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BJB] [mɑɪbd͡ʒɪb] maibjib 6cl2Rl2 6cl2$l2

be bridged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [mɑɪkʰri:] maikhrî 6cleV@" 6clt@" be circled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MGM] [mɑɪmɡɪmi:] maimgimî 6cl6rl6" 6cl6Rl6"

be bridged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [mɑɪkʰrɪ] maikhri 6cleV@l 6clt@l be circled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MGM] [mɑɪmɡɪm] maimgim 6cl6rl6 6cl6Rl6

be broadened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [mɑɪfnɪti:] maifnitî 6cl3,l8" 6cl3,l8" be claimed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRL] [mɑɪzrɪli:] maizrilî 6clw@la" 6clD@la"

be broadened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [mɑɪfnɪt] maifnit 6cl3,l8 6cl3,l8 be claimed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRL] [mɑɪzrɪl] maizril 6clw@la 6clD@la

be broken! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [mɑɪkrɪfi:] maikrifî 6cle@l3" 6cle@l3" be cleaned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBM] [mɑɪlbɪmi:] mailbimî 6cla2l6" 6cla2l6"

be broken! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [mɑɪkrɪf] maikrif 6cle@l3 6cle@l3 be cleaned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBM] [mɑɪlbɪm] mailbim 6cla2l6 6cla2l6

be brushed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [mɑɪnbɪɡi:] mainbigî 6cl,2lr" 6cl,2lR" be cleared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BR] [mɑɪbri:] maibrî 6cl2@" 6cl2@"

be brushed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [mɑɪnbɪɡ] mainbig 6cl,2lr 6cl,2lR be cleared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BR] [mɑɪbrɪ] maibri 6cl2@l 6cl2@l

be built! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [mɑɪzʰɪri:] maizhirî 6clTl@" 6clql@" be cleaved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRK] [mɑɪbrɪki:] maibrikî 6cl2@le" 6cl2@le"

be built! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [mɑɪzʰɪr] maizhir 6clTl@ 6clql@ be cleaved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRK] [mɑɪbrɪk] maibrik 6cl2@le 6cl2@le

be bumped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRR] [mɑɪtʰrɪri:] maithrirî 6cl0@l@" 6cl0@l@" be climbed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBD] [mɑɪʔbɪdi:] mai'bidî 6clg2l9" 6clg2l9"

be bumped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRR] [mɑɪtʰrɪr] maithrir 6cl0@l@ 6cl0@l@ be climbed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBD] [mɑɪʔbɪd] mai'bid 6clg2l9 6clg2l9

be burdened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [mɑɪmzi:] maimzî 6cl6w" 6cl6D" be closed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhYJ] [mɑɪkʰjɪd͡ʒi:] maikhyijî 6cleV;lR" 6clt;l$"

be burdened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [mɑɪmzɪ] maimzi 6cl6wl 6cl6Dl be closed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhYJ] [mɑɪkʰjɪd͡ʒ] maikhyij 6cleV;lR 6clt;l$

be burned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [mɑɪrsɪri:] mairsirî 6cl@.l@" 6cl@.l@" be clouded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShThR] [mɑɪʃtʰɪri:] maishthirî 6cl%0l@" 6cl%0l@"

be burned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [mɑɪrsɪr] mairsir 6cl@.l@ 6cl@.l@ be clouded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShThR] [mɑɪʃtʰɪr] maishthir 6cl%0l@ 6cl%0l@

be burped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LFT] [mɑɪlfɪti:] mailfitî 6cla3l8" 6cla3l8" be clubbed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZBSh] [mɑɪzbɪʃi:] maizbishî 6clw2l%" 6clD2l%"

be burped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LFT] [mɑɪlfɪt] mailfit 6cla3l8 6cla3l8 be clubbed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZBSh] [mɑɪzbɪʃ] maizbish 6clw2l% 6clD2l%

be captured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [mɑɪfnɪɡi:] maifnigî 6cl3,lr" 6cl3,lR" be coated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZM] [mɑɪʔzɪmi:] mai'zimî 6clgwl6" 6clgDl6"

be captured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [mɑɪfnɪɡ] maifnig 6cl3,lr 6cl3,lR be coated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZM] [mɑɪʔzɪm] mai'zim 6clgwl6 6clgDl6

be cared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [mɑɪnrɪdi:] mainridî 6cl,@l9" 6cl,@l9" be collided! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThNB] [mɑɪtʰnɪbi:] maithnibî 6cl0,l2" 6cl0,l2"

be cared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [mɑɪnrɪd] mainrid 6cl,@l9 6cl,@l9 be collided! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThNB] [mɑɪtʰnɪb] maithnib 6cl0,l2 6cl0,l2

be carried! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [mɑɪtʰrɪɡi:] maithrigî 6cl0@lr" 6cl0@lR" be combed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNT] [mɑɪznɪti:] maiznitî 6clw,l8" 6clD,l8"

be carried! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [mɑɪtʰrɪɡ] maithrig 6cl0@lr 6cl0@lR be combed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNT] [mɑɪznɪt] maiznit 6clw,l8 6clD,l8

be carved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [mɑɪkfɪni:] maikfinî 6cle3l," 6cle3l," be comforted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDM] [mɑɪmdɪmi:] maimdimî 6cl69l6" 6cl69l6"

be carved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [mɑɪkfɪn] maikfin 6cle3l, 6cle3l, be comforted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDM] [mɑɪmdɪm] maimdim 6cl69l6 6cl69l6

be caused! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhMʔ] [mɑɪkʰmi:] maikhmî 6cleV6" 6clt6" be commanded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZBD] [mɑɪzbɪdi:] maizbidî 6clw2l9" 6clD2l9"

be caused! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhMʔ] [mɑɪkʰmɪʔ] maikhmi' 6cleV6lg 6clt6lg be commanded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZBD] [mɑɪzbɪd] maizbid 6clw2l9 6clD2l9

be cautioned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHM] [mɑɪmhɪmi:] maimhimî 6cl6fl6" 6cl6fl6" be commited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [mɑɪdmɪmi:] maidmimî 6cl96l6" 6cl96l6"

be cautioned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHM] [mɑɪmhɪm] maimhim 6cl6fl6 6cl6fl6 be commited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [mɑɪdmɪm] maidmim 6cl96l6 6cl96l6

be cawed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRK] [mɑɪkrɪki:] maikrikî 6cle@le" 6cle@le" be complained! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFN] [mɑɪhfɪni:] maihfinî 6clf3l," 6clf3l,"

be cawed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRK] [mɑɪkrɪk] maikrik 6cle@le 6cle@le be complained! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFN] [mɑɪhfɪn] maihfin 6clf3l, 6clf3l,

be challenged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DLN] [mɑɪdlɪni:] maidlinî 6cl9al," 6cl9al," be concealed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLN] [mɑɪflɪni:] maiflinî 6cl3al," 6cl3al,"

be challenged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DLN] [mɑɪdlɪn] maidlin 6cl9al, 6cl9al, be concealed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLN] [mɑɪflɪn] maiflin 6cl3al, 6cl3al,

be championed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRR] [mɑɪnrɪri:] mainrirî 6cl,@l@" 6cl,@l@" be concerned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRG] [mɑɪkʰrɪɡi:] maikhrigî 6cleV@lr" 6clt@lR"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 73 The Dwarrow Scholar 74
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be concerned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRG] [mɑɪkʰrɪɡ] maikhrig 6cleV@lr 6clt@lR be cursed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLF] [mɑɪklɪf] maiklif 6cleal3 6cleal3

be concluded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhZ] [mɑɪʔkʰɪzi:] mai'khizî 6clgeVlw" 6clgtlD" be cut! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRSh] [mɑɪkʰrɪʃi:] maikhrishî 6cleV@l%" 6clt@l%"

be concluded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhZ] [mɑɪʔkʰɪz] mai'khiz 6clgeVlw 6clgtlD be cut! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRSh] [mɑɪkʰrɪʃ] maikhrish 6cleV@l% 6clt@l%

be confined! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhFD] [mɑɪkʰfɪdi:] maikhfidî 6cleV3l9" 6clt3l9" be damaged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKTh] [mɑɪskɪtʰi:] maiskithî 6cl.el0" 6cl.el0"

be confined! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhFD] [mɑɪkʰfɪd] maikhfid 6cleV3l9 6clt3l9 be damaged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKTh] [mɑɪskɪtʰ] maiskith 6cl.el0 6cl.el0

be confused! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHH] [mɑɪmhɪhi:] maimhihî 6cl6flf" 6cl6flf" be dammed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HL] [mɑɪhli:] maihlî 6clfa" 6clfa"

be confused! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHH] [mɑɪmhɪh] maimhih 6cl6flf 6cl6flf be dammed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HL] [mɑɪhlɪ] maihli 6clfal 6clfal

be conquered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BShG] [mɑɪbʃɪɡi:] maibshigî 6cl2%lr" 6cl2%lR" be dampened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NZSh] [mɑɪnzɪʃi:] mainzishî 6cl,wl%" 6cl,Dl%"

be conquered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BShG] [mɑɪbʃɪɡ] maibshig 6cl2%lr 6cl2%lR be dampened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NZSh] [mɑɪnzɪʃ] mainzish 6cl,wl% 6cl,Dl%

be considered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RNK] [mɑɪrnɪki:] mairnikî 6cl@,le" 6cl@,le" be danced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SRN] [mɑɪsrɪni:] maisrinî 6cl.@l," 6cl.@l,"

be considered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RNK] [mɑɪrnɪk] mairnik 6cl@,le 6cl@,le be danced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SRN] [mɑɪsrɪn] maisrin 6cl.@l, 6cl.@l,

be contained! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDR] [mɑɪhdɪri:] maihdirî 6clf9l@" 6clf9l@" be dared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRN] [mɑɪtʰrɪni:] maithrinî 6cl0@l," 6cl0@l,"

be contained! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDR] [mɑɪhdɪr] maihdir 6clf9l@ 6clf9l@ be dared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRN] [mɑɪtʰrɪn] maithrin 6cl0@l, 6cl0@l,

be contended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [mɑɪzdɪɡi:] maizdigî 6clw9lr" 6clD9lR" be darkened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DSh] [mɑɪdʃi:] maidshî 6cl9%" 6cl9%"

be contended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [mɑɪzdɪɡ] maizdig 6clw9lr 6clD9lR be darkened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DSh] [mɑɪdʃɪ] maidshi 6cl9%l 6cl9%l

be contracted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GThR] [mɑɪɡtʰɪri:] maigthirî 6clr0l@" 6clR0l@" be dead set on [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ʔRS] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:ʔrʊs] jalâ'rus Rcavg@S. $cavg@S.

be contracted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GThR] [mɑɪɡtʰɪr] maigthir 6clr0l@ 6clR0l@ be dead set on! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔRS] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʔrɪsi:] jalai'risî Rcaclg@l." $caclg@l."

be convinced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [mɑɪʔbɪni:] mai'binî 6clg2l," 6clg2l," be dead set on! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔRS] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʔrɪs] jalai'ris Rcaclg@l. $caclg@l.

be convinced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [mɑɪʔbɪn] mai'bin 6clg2l, 6clg2l, be deciphered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRTh] [mɑɪkrɪtʰi:] maikrithî 6cle@l0" 6cle@l0"

be cooed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GH] [mɑɪgʰi:] maighî 6cly" 6clT" be deciphered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRTh] [mɑɪkrɪtʰ] maikrith 6cle@l0 6cle@l0

be cooed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GH] [mɑɪgʰɪ] maighi 6clyl 6clTl be declared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [mɑɪlɡɪbi:] mailgibî 6clarl2" 6claRl2"

be cooled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MGL] [mɑɪmɡɪli:] maimgilî 6cl6rla" 6cl6Rla" be declared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [mɑɪlɡɪb] mailgib 6clarl2 6claRl2

be cooled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MGL] [mɑɪmɡɪl] maimgil 6cl6rla 6cl6Rla be defeated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SGR] [mɑɪsɡɪri:] maisgirî 6cl.rl@" 6cl.Rl@"

be corroded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BGL] [mɑɪbɡɪli:] maibgilî 6cl2rla" 6cl2Rla" be defeated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SGR] [mɑɪsɡɪr] maisgir 6cl.rl@ 6cl.Rl@

be corroded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BGL] [mɑɪbɡɪl] maibgil 6cl2rla 6cl2Rla be defecated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KKhF] [mɑɪk.kʰɪfi:] maikkhifî 6cleeVl3" 6cletl3"

be coughed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NGZ] [mɑɪngɪzi:] maingizî 6cljlw" 6cljlD" be defecated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KKhF] [mɑɪk.kʰɪf] maikkhif 6cleeVl3 6cletl3

be coughed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NGZ] [mɑɪngɪz] maingiz 6cljlw 6cljlD be defied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔMKh] [mɑɪʔmɪkʰi:] mai'mikhî 6clg6leV" 6clg6lt"

be counted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhSh] [mɑɪkʰʃi:] maikhshî 6cleV%" 6clt%" be defied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔMKh] [mɑɪʔmɪkʰ] mai'mikh 6clg6leV 6clg6lt

be counted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhSh] [mɑɪkʰʃɪ] maikhshi 6cleV%l 6clt%l be delighted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLTh] [mɑɪɡlɪtʰi:] maiglithî 6clral0" 6clRal0"

be covered in lead! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZFR] [mɑɪzfɪri:] maizfirî 6clw3l@" 6clD3l@" be delighted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLTh] [mɑɪɡlɪtʰ] maiglith 6clral0 6clRal0

be covered in lead! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZFR] [mɑɪzfɪr] maizfir 6clw3l@ 6clD3l@ be demanded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBK] [mɑɪɡbɪki:] maigbikî 6clr2le" 6clR2le"

be covered in syrup! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HLN] [mɑɪhlɪni:] maihlinî 6clfal," 6clfal," be demanded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBK] [mɑɪɡbɪk] maigbik 6clr2le 6clR2le

be covered in syrup! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HLN] [mɑɪhlɪn] maihlin 6clfal, 6clfal, be denied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BBTh] [mɑɪb.bɪtʰi:] maibbithî 6cl22l0" 6cl22l0"

be covered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhSG] [mɑɪkʰsɪɡi:] maikhsigî" 6clt.lR" be denied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BBTh] [mɑɪb.bɪtʰ] maibbith 6cl22l0 6cl22l0

be covered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhSG] [mɑɪkʰsɪɡ] maikhsig 6clt.lR be departed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YMR] [mɑi:mɪri:] maîmirî 6c"6l@" 6c"6l@"

be cracked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRʔ] [mɑɪbri:] maibrî 6cl2@" 6cl2@" be departed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YMR] [mɑi:mɪr] maîmir 6c"6l@ 6c"6l@

be cracked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRʔ] [mɑɪbrɪʔ] maibri' 6cl2@lg 6cl2@lg be descended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [mɑɪbrɪfi:] maibrifî 6cl2@l3" 6cl2@l3"

be cradled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MBR] [mɑɪmbɪri:] maimbirî 6cl62l@" 6cl62l@" be descended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [mɑɪbrɪf] maibrif 6cl2@l3 6cl2@l3

be cradled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MBR] [mɑɪmbɪr] maimbir 6cl62l@ 6cl62l@ be deserted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [mɑɪʃkɪli:] maishkilî 6cl%ela" 6cl%ela"

be crafted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRB] [mɑɪtrɪbi:] maitribî 6cl8@l2" 6cl8@l2" be deserted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [mɑɪʃkɪl] maishkil 6cl%ela 6cl%ela

be crafted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRB] [mɑɪtrɪb] maitrib 6cl8@l2 6cl8@l2 be desired! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔRKh] [mɑɪʔrɪkʰi:] mai'rikhî 6clg@leV" 6clg@lt"

be crawled upon! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YYB] [mɑi:jɪbi:] maîyibî 6c";l2" 6c";l2" be desired! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔRKh] [mɑɪʔrɪkʰ] mai'rikh 6clg@leV 6clg@lt

be crawled upon! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YYB] [mɑi:jɪb] maîyib 6c";l2 6c";l2 be desolated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLKh] [mɑɪslɪkʰi:] maislikhî 6cl.aleV" 6cl.alt"

be created! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MH] [mɑɪmhi:] maimhî 6cl6f" 6cl6f" be desolated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLKh] [mɑɪslɪkʰ] maislikh 6cl.aleV 6cl.alt

be created! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MH] [mɑɪmhɪ] maimhi 6cl6fl 6cl6fl be destroyed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MBKh] [mɑɪmbɪkʰi:] maimbikhî 6cl62leV" 6cl62lt"

be crossed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BDKh] [mɑɪbdɪkʰi:] maibdikhî 6cl29leV" 6cl29lt" be destroyed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MBKh] [mɑɪmbɪkʰ] maimbikh 6cl62leV 6cl62lt

be crossed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BDKh] [mɑɪbdɪkʰ] maibdikh 6cl29leV 6cl29lt be destructed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZN] [mɑɪʔzɪni:] mai'zinî 6clgwl," 6clgDl,"

be crowned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLM] [mɑɪklɪmi:] maiklimî 6cleal6" 6cleal6" be destructed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZN] [mɑɪʔzɪn] mai'zin 6clgwl, 6clgDl,

be crowned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLM] [mɑɪklɪm] maiklim 6cleal6 6cleal6 be died! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRD] [mɑɪmrɪdi:] maimridî 6cl6@l9" 6cl6@l9"

be cursed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLF] [mɑɪklɪfi:] maiklifî 6cleal3" 6cleal3" be died! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRD] [mɑɪmrɪd] maimrid 6cl6@l9 6cl6@l9

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

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be dimmed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZKN] [mɑɪzkɪni:] maizkinî 6clwel," 6clDel," be divided in three pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GM] [mɑɪɡmi:] maigmî 6clr6" 6clR6"

be dimmed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZKN] [mɑɪzkɪn] maizkin 6clwel, 6clDel, be divided in three pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GM] [mɑɪɡmɪ] maigmi 6clr6l 6clR6l

be disagreed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BTKh] [mɑɪbtɪkʰi:] maibtikhî 6cl28leV" 6cl28lt" be divided in twenty pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LHM] [mɑɪlʰɪmi:] mailhimî 6clsl6" 6clsl6"

be disagreed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BTKh] [mɑɪbtɪkʰ] maibtikh 6cl28leV 6cl28lt be divided in twenty pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LHM] [mɑɪlʰɪm] mailhim 6clsl6 6clsl6

be disappointed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BN] [mɑɪbni:] maibnî 6cl2," 6cl2," be divided in two pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [Nʔ] [mɑɪnʔi:] main'î 6cl,g" 6cl,g"

be disappointed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BN] [mɑɪbnɪ] maibni 6cl2,l 6cl2,l be divided in two pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [Nʔ] [mɑɪnʔɪ] main'i 6cl,gl 6cl,gl

be disfigured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STG] [mɑɪstɪɡi:] maistigî 6cl.8lr" 6cl.8lR" be divided! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLK] [mɑɪmlɪki:] maimlikî 6cl6ale" 6cl6ale"

be disfigured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STG] [mɑɪstɪɡ] maistig 6cl.8lr 6cl.8lR be divided! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLK] [mɑɪmlɪk] maimlik 6cl6ale 6cl6ale

be disgusted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKhS] [mɑɪrkʰɪsi:] mairkhisî 6cl@eVl." 6cl@tl." be docked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLN] [mɑɪʃlɪni:] maishlinî 6cl%al," 6cl%al,"

be disgusted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKhS] [mɑɪrkʰɪs] mairkhis 6cl@eVl. 6cl@tl. be docked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLN] [mɑɪʃlɪn] maishlin 6cl%al, 6cl%al,

be displeased! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔSh] [mɑɪʔʃi:] mai'shî 6clg%" 6clg%" be doubted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShFKh] [mɑɪʃfɪkʰi:] maishfikhî 6cl%3leV" 6cl%3lt"

be displeased! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔSh] [mɑɪʔʃɪ] mai'shi 6clg%l 6clg%l be doubted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShFKh] [mɑɪʃfɪkʰ] maishfikh 6cl%3leV 6cl%3lt

be disposed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STD] [mɑɪstɪdi:] maistidî 6cl.8l9" 6cl.8l9" be dragged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBK] [mɑɪsbɪki:] maisbikî 6cl.2le" 6cl.2le"

be disposed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STD] [mɑɪstɪd] maistid 6cl.8l9 6cl.8l9 be dragged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBK] [mɑɪsbɪk] maisbik 6cl.2le 6cl.2le

be distanced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThYR] [mɑɪtʰjɪri:] maithyirî 6cl0;l@" 6cl0;l@" be drank! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLK] [mɑɪʃlɪki:] maishlikî 6cl%ale" 6cl%ale"

be distanced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThYR] [mɑɪtʰjɪr] maithyir 6cl0;l@ 6cl0;l@ be drank! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLK] [mɑɪʃlɪk] maishlik 6cl%ale 6cl%ale

be diversified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNG] [mɑɪmnɪɡi:] maimnigî 6cl6,lr" 6cl6,lR" be drawn upon! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TSR] [mɑɪtsɪri:] maitsirî 6cl8.l@" 6clCl@"

be diversified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNG] [mɑɪmnɪɡ] maimnig 6cl6,lr 6cl6,lR be drawn upon! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TSR] [mɑɪtsɪr] maitsir 6cl8.l@ 6clCl@

be divided in a hundred pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHKh] [mɑɪmhɪkʰi:] maimhikhî 6cl6fleV" 6cl6flt" be dreamt! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DL] [mɑɪdli:] maidlî 6cl9a" 6cl9a"

be divided in a hundred pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHKh] [mɑɪmhɪkʰ] maimhikh 6cl6fleV 6cl6flt be dreamt! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DL] [mɑɪdlɪ] maidli 6cl9al 6cl9al

be divided in a million pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLR] [mɑɪkʰlɪri:] maikhlirî 6cleVal@" 6cltal@" be dried! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNT] [mɑɪmnɪti:] maimnitî 6cl6,l8" 6cl6,l8"

be divided in a million pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLR] [mɑɪkʰlɪr] maikhlir 6cleVal@ 6cltal@ be dried! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNT] [mɑɪmnɪt] maimnit 6cl6,l8 6cl6,l8

be divided in a thousand pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBKh] [mɑɪlbɪkʰi:] mailbikhî 6cla2leV" 6cla2lt" be dripped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔFH] [mɑɪʔfɪhi:] mai'fihî 6clg3lf" 6clg3lf"

be divided in a thousand pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBKh] [mɑɪlbɪkʰ] mailbikh 6cla2leV 6cla2lt be dripped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔFH] [mɑɪʔfɪh] mai'fih 6clg3lf 6clg3lf

be divided in eight pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMN] [mɑɪɡmɪni:] maigminî 6clr6l," 6clR6l," be dropped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLB] [mɑɪkʰlɪbi:] maikhlibî 6cleVal2" 6cltal2"

be divided in eight pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMN] [mɑɪɡmɪn] maigmin 6clr6l, 6clR6l, be dropped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLB] [mɑɪkʰlɪb] maikhlib 6cleVal2 6cltal2

be divided in eighty pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMM] [mɑɪɡmɪmi:] maigmimî 6clr6l6" 6clR6l6" be drowned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRH] [mɑɪzrɪhi:] maizrihî 6clw@lf" 6clD@lf"

be divided in eighty pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMM] [mɑɪɡmɪm] maigmim 6clr6l6 6clR6l6 be drowned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRH] [mɑɪzrɪh] maizrih 6clw@lf 6clD@lf

be divided in fifty pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNM] [mɑɪɡnɪmi:] maignimî 6clr,l6" 6clR,l6" be drunk! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZLL] [mɑɪzlɪli:] maizlilî 6clwala" 6clDala"

be divided in fifty pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNM] [mɑɪɡnɪm] maignim 6clr,l6 6clR,l6 be drunk! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZLL] [mɑɪzlɪl] maizlil 6clwala 6clDala

be divided in five pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMKh] [mɑɪɡmɪkʰi:] maigmikhî 6clr6leV" 6clR6lt" be dusked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LNZ] [mɑɪlnɪzi:] mailnizî 6cla,lw" 6cla,lD"

be divided in five pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMKh] [mɑɪɡmɪkʰ] maigmikh 6clr6leV 6clR6lt be dusked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LNZ] [mɑɪlnɪz] mailniz 6cla,lw 6cla,lD

be divided in forty pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZKhM] [mɑɪzkʰɪmi:] maizkhimî 6clweVl6" 6clDtl6" be dwarfed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhZD] [mɑɪkʰzɪdi:] maikhzidî 6cleVwl9" 6cltDl9"

be divided in forty pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZKhM] [mɑɪzkʰɪm] maizkhim 6clweVl6 6clDtl6 be dwarfed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhZD] [mɑɪkʰzɪd] maikhzid 6cleVwl9 6cltDl9

be divided in nine pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TGR] [mɑɪtɡɪri:] maitgirî 6cl8rl@" 6cl8Rl@" be dwelled (animal)! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GR] [mɑɪɡri:] maigrî 6clr@" 6clR@"

be divided in nine pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TGR] [mɑɪtɡɪr] maitgir 6cl8rl@ 6cl8Rl@ be dwelled (animal)! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GR] [mɑɪɡrɪ] maigri 6clr@l 6clR@l

be divided in ninety pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TGM] [mɑɪtɡɪmi:] maitgimî 6cl8rl6" 6cl8Rl6" be dwelled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TMN] [mɑɪtmɪni:] maitminî 6cl86l," 6cl86l,"

be divided in ninety pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TGM] [mɑɪtɡɪm] maitgim 6cl8rl6 6cl8Rl6 be dwelled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TMN] [mɑɪtmɪn] maitmin 6cl86l, 6cl86l,

be divided in seven pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDD] [mɑɪhdɪdi:] maihdidî 6clf9l9" 6clf9l9" be eaten! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLG] [mɑɪblɪɡi:] maibligî 6cl2alr" 6cl2alR"

be divided in seven pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDD] [mɑɪhdɪd] maihdid 6clf9l9 6clf9l9 be eaten! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLG] [mɑɪblɪɡ] maiblig 6cl2alr 6cl2alR

be divided in seventy pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDM] [mɑɪhdɪmi:] maihdimî 6clf9l6" 6clf9l6" be edged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLKh] [mɑɪflɪkʰi:] maiflikhî 6cl3aleV" 6cl3alt"

be divided in seventy pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDM] [mɑɪhdɪm] maihdim 6clf9l6 6clf9l6 be edged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLKh] [mɑɪflɪkʰ] maiflikh 6cl3aleV 6cl3alt

be divided in six pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GS] [mɑɪɡsi:] maigsî 6clr." 6clR." be elaborated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZBL] [mɑɪzbɪli:] maizbilî 6clw2la" 6clD2la"

be divided in six pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GS] [mɑɪɡsɪ] maigsi 6clr.l 6clR.l be elaborated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZBL] [mɑɪzbɪl] maizbil 6clw2la 6clD2la

be divided in sixty pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GShM] [mɑɪɡʃɪmi:] maigshimî 6clr%l6" 6clR%l6" be elevated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HND] [mɑɪhnɪdi:] maihnidî 6clf,l9" 6clf,l9"

be divided in sixty pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GShM] [mɑɪɡʃɪm] maigshim 6clr%l6 6clR%l6 be elevated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HND] [mɑɪhnɪd] maihnid 6clf,l9 6clf,l9

be divided in ten pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SSKh] [mɑɪs.sɪkʰi:] maissikhî 6cl..leV"" be embarked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLF] [mɑɪslɪfi:] maislifî 6cl.al3" 6cl.al3"

be divided in ten pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SSKh] [mɑɪs.sɪkʰ] maissikh 6cl..leV be embarked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLF] [mɑɪslɪf] maislif 6cl.al3 6cl.al3

be divided in thirty pieces! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRM] [mɑɪtrɪmi:] maitrimî 6cl8@l6" 6cl8@l6" be embraced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThND] [mɑɪtʰnɪdi:] maithnidî 6cl0,l9" 6cl0,l9"

be divided in thirty pieces! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRM] [mɑɪtrɪm] maitrim 6cl8@l6 6cl8@l6 be embraced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThND] [mɑɪtʰnɪd] maithnid 6cl0,l9 6cl0,l9

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 77 The Dwarrow Scholar 78
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be emptied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SRJ] [mɑɪsrɪd͡ʒi:] maisrijî 6cl.@lR" 6cl.@l$" be fattened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [mɑɪdfɪt] maidfit 6cl93l8 6cl93l8

be emptied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SRJ] [mɑɪsrɪd͡ʒ] maisrij 6cl.@lR 6cl.@l$ be faulted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FYL] [mɑɪfjɪli:] maifyilî 6cl3;la" 6cl3;la"

be enabled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [mɑɪblɪri:] maiblirî 6cl2al@" 6cl2al@" be faulted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FYL] [mɑɪfjɪl] maifyil 6cl3;la 6cl3;la

be enabled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [mɑɪblɪr] maiblir 6cl2al@ 6cl2al@ be feared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRD] [mɑɪɡrɪdi:] maigridî 6clr@l9" 6clR@l9"

be encountered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZL] [mɑɪbzɪli:] maibzilî 6cl2wla" 6cl2Dla" be feared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRD] [mɑɪɡrɪd] maigrid 6clr@l9 6clR@l9

be encountered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZL] [mɑɪbzɪl] maibzil 6cl2wla 6cl2Dla be feasted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRG] [mɑɪmrɪɡi:] maimrigî 6cl6@lr" 6cl6@lR"

be encouraged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNG] [mɑɪznɪɡi:] maiznigî 6clw,lr" 6clD,lR" be feasted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRG] [mɑɪmrɪɡ] maimrig 6cl6@lr 6cl6@lR

be encouraged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNG] [mɑɪznɪɡ] maiznig 6clw,lr 6clD,lR be fed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KND] [mɑɪknɪdi:] maiknidî 6cle,l9" 6cle,l9"

be endured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhThZ] [mɑɪkʰtʰɪzi:] maikhthizî 6cleV0lw" 6clt0lD" be fed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KND] [mɑɪknɪd] maiknid 6cle,l9 6cle,l9

be endured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhThZ] [mɑɪkʰtʰɪz] maikhthiz 6cleV0lw 6clt0lD be felt! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhF] [mɑɪkʰfi:] maikhfî 6cleV3" 6clt3"

be ensured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSS] [mɑɪbsɪsi:] maibsisî 6cl2.l." 6cl2.l." be felt! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhF] [mɑɪkʰfɪ] maikhfi 6cleV3l 6clt3l

be ensured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSS] [mɑɪbsɪs] maibsis 6cl2.l. 6cl2.l. be filled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLM] [mɑɪslɪmi:] maislimî 6cl.al6" 6cl.al6"

be entered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDN] [mɑɪmdɪni:] maimdinî 6cl69l," 6cl69l," be filled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLM] [mɑɪslɪm] maislim 6cl.al6 6cl.al6

be entered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDN] [mɑɪmdɪn] maimdin 6cl69l, 6cl69l, be finalized! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTT] [mɑɪntɪti:] maintitî 6cl,8l8" 6cl,8l8"

be enthusiastic [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SBN] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:sbʊn] jalâsbun Rcav.2S, $cav.2S, be finalized! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTT] [mɑɪntɪt] maintit 6cl,8l8 6cl,8l8

be enthusiastic! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪsbɪni:] jalaisbinî Rcacl.2l," $cacl.2l," be finished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NT] [mɑɪnti:] maintî 6cl,8" 6cl,8"

be enthusiastic! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪsbɪn] jalaisbin Rcacl.2l, $cacl.2l, be finished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NT] [mɑɪntɪ] mainti 6cl,8l 6cl,8l

be entombed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRG] [mɑɪdrɪɡi:] maidrigî 6cl9@lr" 6cl9@lR" be fished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DG] [mɑɪdɡi:] maidgî 6cl9r" 6cl9R"

be entombed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRG] [mɑɪdrɪɡ] maidrig 6cl9@lr 6cl9@lR be fished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DG] [mɑɪdɡɪ] maidgi 6cl9rl 6cl9Rl

be envisioned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JBL] [mɑɪd͡ʒbɪli:] maijbilî 6clR2la" 6cl$2la" be fixed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STM] [mɑɪstɪmi:] maistimî 6cl.8l6" 6cl.8l6"

be envisioned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JBL] [mɑɪd͡ʒbɪl] maijbil 6clR2la 6cl$2la be fixed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STM] [mɑɪstɪm] maistim 6cl.8l6 6cl.8l6

be equalized! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HLK] [mɑɪhlɪki:] maihlikî 6clfale" 6clfale" be flattened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRGh] [mɑɪʃrɪgʰi:] maishrighî 6cl%@ly" 6cl%@lT"

be equalized! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HLK] [mɑɪhlɪk] maihlik 6clfale 6clfale be flattened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRGh] [mɑɪʃrɪgʰ] maishrigh 6cl%@ly 6cl%@lT

be escaped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLT] [mɑɪflɪti:] maiflitî 6cl3al8" 6cl3al8" be flattered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShMZ] [mɑɪʃmɪzi:] maishmizî 6cl%6lw" 6cl%6lD"

be escaped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLT] [mɑɪflɪt] maiflit 6cl3al8 6cl3al8 be flattered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShMZ] [mɑɪʃmɪz] maishmiz 6cl%6lw 6cl%6lD

be excited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBN] [mɑɪsbɪni:] maisbinî 6cl.2l," 6cl.2l," be fled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [mɑɪʃki:] maishkî 6cl%e" 6cl%e"

be excited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBN] [mɑɪsbɪn] maisbin 6cl.2l, 6cl.2l, be fled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [mɑɪʃkɪ] maishki 6cl%el 6cl%el

be excivated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GND] [mɑɪɡnɪdi:] maignidî 6clr,l9" 6clR,l9" be floated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRM] [mɑɪzrɪmi:] maizrimî 6clw@l6" 6clD@l6"

be excivated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GND] [mɑɪɡnɪd] maignid 6clr,l9 6clR,l9 be floated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRM] [mɑɪzrɪm] maizrim 6clw@l6 6clD@l6

be excluded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKL] [mɑɪfkɪli:] maifkilî 6cl3ela" 6cl3ela" be flooded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZKh] [mɑɪrzɪkʰi:] mairzikhî 6cl@wleV" 6cl@Dlt"

be excluded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKL] [mɑɪfkɪl] maifkil 6cl3ela 6cl3ela be flooded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZKh] [mɑɪrzɪkʰ] mairzikh 6cl@wleV 6cl@Dlt

be exiled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DLG] [mɑɪdlɪɡi:] maidligî 6cl9alr" 6cl9alR" be flowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔN] [mɑɪʔni:] mai'nî 6clg," 6clg,"

be exiled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DLG] [mɑɪdlɪɡ] maidlig 6cl9alr 6cl9alR be flowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔN] [mɑɪʔnɪ] mai'ni 6clg,l 6clg,l

be existed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KST] [mɑɪksɪti:] maiksitî 6cle.l8" 6clwl8" be flown! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNSh] [mɑɪznɪʃi:] maiznishî 6clw,l%" 6clD,l%"

be existed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KST] [mɑɪksɪt] maiksit 6cle.l8 6clwl8 be flown! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNSh] [mɑɪznɪʃ] maiznish 6clw,l% 6clD,l%

be expanded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [mɑɪɡbɪli:] maigbilî 6clr2la" 6clR2la" be focused! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BL] [mɑɪbli:] maiblî 6cl2a" 6cl2a"

be expanded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [mɑɪɡbɪl] maigbil 6clr2la 6clR2la be focused! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BL] [mɑɪblɪ] maibli 6cl2al 6cl2al

be experienced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RFR] [mɑɪrfɪri:] mairfirî 6cl@3l@" 6cl@3l@" be folded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YN] [mɑi:ni:] maînî 6c"," 6c","

be experienced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RFR] [mɑɪrfɪr] mairfir 6cl@3l@ 6cl@3l@ be folded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YN] [mɑi:nɪ] maîni 6c",l 6c",l

be explored! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBJ] [mɑɪsbɪd͡ʒi:] maisbijî 6cl.2lR" 6cl.2l$" be followed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GJJ] [mɑɪɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒi:] maigjijî 6clrRlR" 6clR$l$"

be explored! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBJ] [mɑɪsbɪd͡ʒ] maisbij 6cl.2lR 6cl.2l$ be followed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GJJ] [mɑɪɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒ] maigjij 6clrRlR 6clR$l$

be failed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLN] [mɑɪblɪni:] maiblinî 6cl2al," 6cl2al," be forced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLK] [mɑɪblɪki:] maiblikî 6cl2ale" 6cl2ale"

be failed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLN] [mɑɪblɪn] maiblin 6cl2al, 6cl2al, be forced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLK] [mɑɪblɪk] maiblik 6cl2ale 6cl2ale

be fallen! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLN] [mɑɪslɪni:] maislinî,"," be forged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhBB] [mɑɪkʰbɪbi:] maikhbibî 6cleV2l2" 6clt2l2"

be fallen! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLN] [mɑɪslɪn] maislin,, be forged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhBB] [mɑɪkʰbɪb] maikhbib 6cleV2l2 6clt2l2

be famed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRG] [mɑɪfrɪɡi:] maifrigî 6cl3@lr" 6cl3@lR" be forgotten! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NThR] [mɑɪntʰɪri:] mainthirî 6cl,0l@" 6cl,0l@"

be famed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRG] [mɑɪfrɪɡ] maifrig 6cl3@lr 6cl3@lR be forgotten! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NThR] [mɑɪntʰɪr] mainthir 6cl,0l@ 6cl,0l@

be farmed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BJTh] [mɑɪbd͡ʒɪtʰi:] maibjithî 6cl2Rl0" 6cl2$l0" be forked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKhM] [mɑɪfkʰɪmi:] maifkhimî 6cl3eVl6" 6cl3tl6"

be farmed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BJTh] [mɑɪbd͡ʒɪtʰ] maibjith 6cl2Rl0 6cl2$l0 be forked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKhM] [mɑɪfkʰɪm] maifkhim 6cl3eVl6 6cl3tl6

be fattened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [mɑɪdfɪti:] maidfitî 6cl93l8" 6cl93l8" be forsaken! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZSL] [mɑɪzsɪli:] maizsilî""

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 79 The Dwarrow Scholar 80

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be forsaken! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZSL] [mɑɪzsɪl] maizsil be grown! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBR] [mɑɪʔbɪr] mai'bir 6clg2l@ 6clg2l@

be fortified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GThL] [mɑɪɡtʰɪli:] maigthilî 6clr0la" 6clR0la" be guarded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShMR] [mɑɪʃmɪri:] maishmirî 6cl%6l@" 6cl%6l@"

be fortified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GThL] [mɑɪɡtʰɪl] maigthil 6clr0la 6clR0la be guarded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShMR] [mɑɪʃmɪr] maishmir 6cl%6l@ 6cl%6l@

be fought! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKhʔ] [mɑɪbkʰi:] maibkhî 6cl2eV" 6cl2t" be guided! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DNN] [mɑɪdnɪni:] maidninî 6cl9,l," 6cl9,l,"

be fought! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKhʔ] [mɑɪbkʰɪʔ] maibkhi' 6cl2eVlg 6cl2tlg be guided! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DNN] [mɑɪdnɪn] maidnin 6cl9,l, 6cl9,l,

be found! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhH] [mɑɪmkʰɪhi:] maimkhihî 6cl6eVlf" 6cl6tlf" be hailed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShMKh] [mɑɪʃmɪkʰi:] maishmikhî 6cl%6leV" 6cl%6lt"

be found! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhH] [mɑɪmkʰɪh] maimkhih 6cl6eVlf 6cl6tlf be hailed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShMKh] [mɑɪʃmɪkʰ] maishmikh 6cl%6leV 6cl%6lt

be founded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhTR] [mɑɪkʰtɪri:] maikhtirî 6cleV8l@" 6clt8l@" be hallowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LGN] [mɑɪlɡɪni:] mailginî 6clarl," 6claRl,"

be founded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhTR] [mɑɪkʰtɪr] maikhtir 6cleV8l@ 6clt8l@ be hallowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LGN] [mɑɪlɡɪn] mailgin 6clarl, 6claRl,

be fragmented! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KFK] [mɑɪkfɪki:] maikfikî 6cle3le" 6cle3le" be halted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TDN] [mɑɪtdɪni:] maitdinî 6cl89l," 6cl89l,"

be fragmented! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KFK] [mɑɪkfɪk] maikfik 6cle3le 6cle3le be halted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TDN] [mɑɪtdɪn] maitdin 6cl89l, 6cl89l,

be fried! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRB] [mɑɪkrɪbi:] maikribî 6cle@l2" 6cle@l2" be hammered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKhZ] [mɑɪbkʰɪzi:] maibkhizî 6cl2eVlw" 6cl2tlD"

be fried! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRB] [mɑɪkrɪb] maikrib 6cle@l2 6cle@l2 be hammered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKhZ] [mɑɪbkʰɪz] maibkhiz 6cl2eVlw 6cl2tlD

be frightened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRK] [mɑɪkʰrɪki:] maikhrikî 6cleV@le" 6clt@le" be handled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNR] [mɑɪknɪri:] maiknirî 6cle,l@" 6cle,l@"

be frightened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRK] [mɑɪkʰrɪk] maikhrik 6cleV@le 6clt@le be handled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNR] [mɑɪknɪr] maiknir 6cle,l@ 6cle,l@

be frozen! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLL] [mɑɪklɪli:] maiklilî 6cleala" 6cleala" be handwritten! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KDS] [mɑɪkdɪsi:] maikdisî 6cle9l." 6cle9l."

be frozen! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLL] [mɑɪklɪl] maiklil 6cleala 6cleala be handwritten! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KDS] [mɑɪkdɪs] maikdis 6cle9l. 6cle9l.

be fumed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GFR] [mɑɪɡfɪri:] maigfirî 6clr3l@" 6clR3l@" be harmed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRKh] [mɑɪkʰrɪkʰi:] maikhrikhî 6cleV@leV" 6clt@lt"

be fumed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GFR] [mɑɪɡfɪr] maigfir 6clr3l@ 6clR3l@ be harmed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRKh] [mɑɪkʰrɪkʰ] maikhrikh 6cleV@leV 6clt@lt

be gardened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZN] [mɑɪbzɪni:] maibzinî 6cl2wl," 6cl2Dl," be hastened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLM] [mɑɪmlɪmi:] maimlimî 6cl6al6" 6cl6al6"

be gardened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZN] [mɑɪbzɪn] maibzin 6cl2wl, 6cl2Dl, be hastened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLM] [mɑɪmlɪm] maimlim 6cl6al6 6cl6al6

be garrisoned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DH] [mɑɪdʰi:] maidhî 6cl!" 6cl!" be headed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BND] [mɑɪbnɪdi:] maibnidî 6cl2,l9" 6cl2,l9"

be garrisoned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DH] [mɑɪdʰɪ] maidhi 6cl!l 6cl!l be headed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BND] [mɑɪbnɪd] maibnid 6cl2,l9 6cl2,l9

be gasped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [mɑɪʔtɪmi:] mai'timî 6clg8l6" 6clg8l6" be healed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BST] [mɑɪbsɪti:] maibsitî 6cl2.l8" 6cl2.l8"

be gasped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [mɑɪʔtɪm] mai'tim 6clg8l6 6clg8l6 be healed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BST] [mɑɪbsɪt] maibsit 6cl2.l8 6cl2.l8

be gazed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZG] [mɑɪʔzɪɡi:] mai'zigî 6clgwlr" 6clgDlR" be heard! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLT] [mɑɪklɪti:] maiklitî 6cleal8" 6cleal8"

be gazed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZG] [mɑɪʔzɪɡ] mai'zig 6clgwlr 6clgDlR be heard! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLT] [mɑɪklɪt] maiklit 6cleal8 6cleal8

be gestured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShMK] [mɑɪʃmɪki:] maishmikî 6cl%6le" 6cl%6le" be heated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRZ] [mɑɪbrɪzi:] maibrizî 6cl2@lw" 6cl2@lD"

be gestured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShMK] [mɑɪʃmɪk] maishmik 6cl%6le 6cl%6le be heated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRZ] [mɑɪbrɪz] maibriz 6cl2@lw 6cl2@lD

be giggled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTh] [mɑɪntʰi:] mainthî 6cl,0" 6cl,0" be heeled (tilted)! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBF] [mɑɪʔbɪfi:] mai'bifî 6clg2l3" 6clg2l3"

be giggled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTh] [mɑɪntʰɪ] mainthi 6cl,0l 6cl,0l be heeled (tilted)! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBF] [mɑɪʔbɪf] mai'bif 6clg2l3 6clg2l3

be gilded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRZ] [mɑɪzrɪzi:] maizrizî 6clw@lw" 6clD@lD" be hewed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLK] [mɑɪflɪki:] maiflikî 6cl3ale" 6cl3ale"

be gilded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRZ] [mɑɪzrɪz] maizriz 6clw@lw 6clD@lD be hewed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLK] [mɑɪflɪk] maiflik 6cl3ale 6cl3ale

be given! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhJM] [mɑɪkʰd͡ʒɪmi:] maikhjimî 6cleVRl6" 6clt$l6" be hidden! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RRK] [mɑɪr.rɪki:] mairrikî 6cl@@le" 6cl@@le"

be given! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhJM] [mɑɪkʰd͡ʒɪm] maikhjim 6cleVRl6 6clt$l6 be hidden! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RRK] [mɑɪr.rɪk] mairrik 6cl@@le 6cl@@le

be glared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThTR] [mɑɪtʰtɪri:] maithtirî 6cl08l@" 6cl08l@" be high spirited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKB] [mɑɪʃkɪbi:] maishkibî 6cl%el2" 6cl%el2"

be glared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThTR] [mɑɪtʰtɪr] maithtir 6cl08l@ 6cl08l@ be high spirited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKB] [mɑɪʃkɪb] maishkib 6cl%el2 6cl%el2

be glorified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRZ] [mɑɪkrɪzi:] maikrizî 6cle@lw" 6cle@lD" be hiked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNL] [mɑɪmnɪli:] maimnilî 6cl6,la" 6cl6,la"

be glorified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRZ] [mɑɪkrɪz] maikriz 6cle@lw 6cle@lD be hiked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNL] [mɑɪmnɪl] maimnil 6cl6,la 6cl6,la

be gnawed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MShZ] [mɑɪmʃɪzi:] maimshizî 6cl6%lw" 6cl6%lD" be hoarded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MMSh] [mɑɪm.mɪʃi:] maimmishî 6cl66l%" 6cl66l%"

be gnawed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MShZ] [mɑɪmʃɪz] maimshiz 6cl6%lw 6cl6%lD be hoarded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MMSh] [mɑɪm.mɪʃ] maimmish 6cl66l% 6cl66l%

be gold plated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KDZ] [mɑɪkdɪzi:] maikdizî 6cle9lw" 6cle9lD" be honored! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRG] [mɑɪkrɪɡi:] maikrigî 6cle@lr" 6cle@lR"

be gold plated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KDZ] [mɑɪkdɪz] maikdiz 6cle9lw 6cle9lD be honored! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRG] [mɑɪkrɪɡ] maikrig 6cle@lr 6cle@lR

be grasped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLT] [mɑɪkʰlɪti:] maikhlitî 6cleVal8" 6cltal8" be hoped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DJN] [mɑɪd.d͡ʒɪni:] maidjinî 6cl9Rl," 6cl9$l,"

be grasped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLT] [mɑɪkʰlɪt] maikhlit 6cleVal8 6cltal8 be hoped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DJN] [mɑɪd.d͡ʒɪn] maidjin 6cl9Rl, 6cl9$l,

be grazed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DLKh] [mɑɪdlɪkʰi:] maidlikhî 6cl9aleV" 6cl9alt" be horrified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔRR] [mɑɪʔrɪri:] mai'rirî 6clg@l@" 6clg@l@"

be grazed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DLKh] [mɑɪdlɪkʰ] maidlikh 6cl9aleV 6cl9alt be horrified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔRR] [mɑɪʔrɪr] mai'rir 6clg@l@ 6clg@l@

be grounded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShML] [mɑɪʃmɪli:] maishmilî 6cl%6la" 6cl%6la" be hung! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhFSh] [mɑɪkʰfɪʃi:] maikhfishî 6cleV3l%" 6clt3l%"

be grounded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShML] [mɑɪʃmɪl] maishmil 6cl%6la 6cl%6la be hung! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhFSh] [mɑɪkʰfɪʃ] maikhfish 6cleV3l% 6clt3l%

be grown! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBR] [mɑɪʔbɪri:] mai'birî 6clg2l@" 6clg2l@" be hunted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TS] [mɑɪtsi:] maitsî 6cl8." 6clC"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 81 The Dwarrow Scholar 82
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be hunted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TS] [mɑɪtsɪ] maitsi 6cl8.l 6clCl be judged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DMS] [mɑɪdmɪs] maidmis 6cl96l. 6cl96l.

be ill bread! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZM] [mɑɪmzɪmi:] maimzimî 6cl6wl6" 6cl6Dl6" be jumped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNN] [mɑɪknɪni:] maikninî 6cle,l," 6cle,l,"

be ill bread! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZM] [mɑɪmzɪm] maimzim 6cl6wl6 6cl6Dl6 be jumped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNN] [mɑɪknɪn] maiknin 6cle,l, 6cle,l,

be impeded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BDR] [mɑɪbdɪri:] maibdirî 6cl29l@" 6cl29l@" be junctured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBKh] [mɑɪʔbɪkʰi:] mai'bikhî 6clg2leV" 6clg2lt"

be impeded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BDR] [mɑɪbdɪr] maibdir 6cl29l@ 6cl29l@ be junctured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBKh] [mɑɪʔbɪkʰ] mai'bikh 6clg2leV 6clg2lt

be impressed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KZR] [mɑɪkzɪri:] maikzirî 6clewl@" 6cleDl@" be kept dry! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNZ] [mɑɪmnɪzi:] maimnizî 6cl6,lw" 6cl6,lD"

be impressed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KZR] [mɑɪkzɪr] maikzir 6clewl@ 6cleDl@ be kept dry! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNZ] [mɑɪmnɪz] maimniz 6cl6,lw 6cl6,lD

be in pain [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BRSh] [ɑbrʊʃrʊk] abrushruk c2@S%@Se c2@S%@Se be kept in one piece! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [Zʔ] [mɑɪzʔi:] maiz'î 6clwg" 6clDg"

be in pain! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRSh] [ɪbrɪʃrʊki:] ibrishrukî l2@l%@Se" l2@l%@Se" be kept in one piece! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [Zʔ] [mɑɪzʔɪ] maiz'i 6clwgl 6clDgl

be in pain! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRSh] [ɪbrɪʃrʊk] ibrishruk l2@l%@Se l2@l%@Se be kept! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRZ] [mɑɪmrɪzi:] maimrizî 6cl6@lw" 6cl6@lD"

be included! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SL] [mɑɪsli:] maislî 6cl.a" 6cl.a" be kept! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRZ] [mɑɪmrɪz] maimriz 6cl6@lw 6cl6@lD

be included! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SL] [mɑɪslɪ] maisli be kicked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNZ] [mɑɪbnɪzi:] maibnizî 6cl2,lw" 6cl2,lD"

be increased! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YThR] [mɑi:tʰɪri:] maîthirî 6c"0l@" 6c"0l@" be kicked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNZ] [mɑɪbnɪz] maibniz 6cl2,lw 6cl2,lD

be increased! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YThR] [mɑi:tʰɪr] maîthir 6c"0l@ 6c"0l@ be killed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRF] [mɑɪdrɪfi:] maidrifî 6cl9@l3" 6cl9@l3"

be indebted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKD] [mɑɪʃkɪdi:] maishkidî 6cl%el9" 6cl%el9" be killed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRF] [mɑɪdrɪf] maidrif 6cl9@l3 6cl9@l3

be indebted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKD] [mɑɪʃkɪd] maishkid 6cl%el9 6cl%el9 be kindled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔRS] [mɑɪʔrɪsi:] mai'risî 6clg@l." 6clg@l."

be indicated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔLH] [mɑɪʔlɪhi:] mai'lihî 6clgalf" 6clgalf" be kindled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔRS] [mɑɪʔrɪs] mai'ris 6clg@l. 6clg@l.

be indicated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔLH] [mɑɪʔlɪh] mai'lih 6clgalf 6clgalf be kissed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NM] [mɑɪnmi:] mainmî 6cl,6" 6cl,6"

be influenced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔTN] [mɑɪʔtɪni:] mai'tinî 6clg8l," 6clg8l," be kissed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NM] [mɑɪnmɪ] mainmi 6cl,6l 6cl,6l

be influenced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔTN] [mɑɪʔtɪn] mai'tin 6clg8l, 6clg8l, be knifed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HNF] [mɑɪhnɪfi:] maihnifî 6clf,l3" 6clf,l3"

be inherited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZBH] [mɑɪzbɪhi:] maizbihî 6clw2lf" 6clD2lf" be knifed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HNF] [mɑɪhnɪf] maihnif 6clf,l3 6clf,l3

be inherited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZBH] [mɑɪzbɪh] maizbih 6clw2lf 6clD2lf be knotted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JZR] [mɑɪd͡ʒzɪri:] maijzirî 6clRwl@" 6cl$Dl@"

be knotted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JZR] [mɑɪd͡ʒzɪr] maijzir 6clRwl@ 6cl$Dl@
be insane [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MShG] [ɑmʃʊɡ] amshug c6%Sr c6%SR
be known! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KTB] [mɑɪktɪbi:] maiktibî 6cle8l2" 6cle8l2"
be insane with each other / be insane together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MShG] [nɑɪmʃɪɡɪ] naimshigi ,cl6%lrl ,cl6%lRl be known! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KTB] [mɑɪktɪb] maiktib 6cle8l2 6cle8l2

l6%lr" l6%lR" be lamented! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRN] [mɑɪnrɪni:] mainrinî 6cl,@l," 6cl,@l,"
be insane! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MShG] [ɪmʃɪɡi:] imshigî
l6%lr l6%lR be lamented! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRN] [mɑɪnrɪn] mainrin 6cl,@l, 6cl,@l,
be insane! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MShG] [ɪmʃɪɡ] imshig
6clweVl." 6clDtl." be late [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BDZ] [ɑbdʊzrʊk] abduzruk c29Sw@Se c29SD@Se
be instructed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZKhS] [mɑɪzkʰɪsi:] maizkhisî
6clweVl. 6clDtl. be late! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BDZ] [ɪbdɪzrʊki:] ibdizrukî l29lw@Se" l29lD@Se"
be instructed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZKhS] [mɑɪzkʰɪs] maizkhis
6cl60lr" 6cl60lR" be late! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BDZ] [ɪbdɪzrʊk] ibdizruk l29lw@Se l29lD@Se
be insulted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MThG] [mɑɪmtʰɪɡi:] maimthigî
6cl60lr 6cl60lR be laughed at! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TH] [mɑɪtʰi:] maithî 6cl0" 6cl0"
be insulted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MThG] [mɑɪmtʰɪɡ] maimthig
6cl6al," 6cl6al," be laughed at! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TH] [mɑɪtʰɪ] maithi 6cl0l 6cl0l
be intended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLN] [mɑɪmlɪni:] maimlinî
6cl6al, 6cl6al, be learned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BHR] [mɑɪbhɪri:] maibhirî 6cl2fl@" 6cl2fl@"
be intended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLN] [mɑɪmlɪn] maimlin
6cl8,l." 6cl8,l." be learned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BHR] [mɑɪbhɪr] maibhir 6cl2fl@ 6cl2fl@
be intensified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TNS] [mɑɪtnɪsi:] maitnisî
6cl8,l. 6cl8,l. be lengthened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SGN] [mɑɪsɡɪni:] maisginî 6cl.rl," 6cl.Rl,"
be intensified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TNS] [mɑɪtnɪs] maitnis
6cl.8l@" 6cl.8l@" be lengthened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SGN] [mɑɪsɡɪn] maisgin 6cl.rl, 6cl.Rl,
be interfered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STR] [mɑɪstɪri:] maistirî
6cl.8l@ 6cl.8l@ be lessened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKL] [mɑɪbkɪli:] maibkilî 6cl2ela" 6cl2ela"
be interfered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STR] [mɑɪstɪr] maistir
6cl32l." 6cl32l." be lessened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKL] [mɑɪbkɪl] maibkil 6cl2ela 6cl2ela
be introduced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FBS] [mɑɪfbɪsi:] maifbisî
6cl32l. 6cl32l. be liberated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HBK] [mɑɪhbɪki:] maihbikî 6clf2le" 6clf2le"
be introduced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FBS] [mɑɪfbɪs] maifbis
6clg9l9" 6clg9l9" be liberated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HBK] [mɑɪhbɪk] maihbik 6clf2le 6clf2le
be invented! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔDD] [mɑɪʔdɪdi:] mai'didî
6clg9l9 6clg9l9 be licked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBB] [mɑɪlbɪbi:] mailbibî 6cla2l2" 6cla2l2"
be invented! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔDD] [mɑɪʔdɪd] mai'did
6clrw"F" 6clRD"F" be licked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBB] [mɑɪlbɪb] mailbib 6cla2l2 6cla2l2
be isolated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GZY] [mɑɪɡzi:wi:] maigzîwî
6clrw" 6clRD" be lied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRG] [mɑɪʃrɪɡi:] maishrigî 6cl%@lr" 6cl%@lR"
be isolated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GZY] [mɑɪɡzi:] maigzî
6cl2al0" 6cl2al0" be lied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRG] [mɑɪʃrɪɡ] maishrig 6cl%@lr 6cl%@lR
be itched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLTh] [mɑɪblɪtʰi:] maiblithî
6cl2al0 6cl2al0 be lighted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LKhD] [mɑɪlkʰɪdi:] mailkhidî 6claeVl9" 6clatl9"
be itched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLTh] [mɑɪblɪtʰ] maiblith
6claaleV" 6claalt" be lighted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LKhD] [mɑɪlkʰɪd] mailkhid 6claeVl9 6clatl9
be jested! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LLKh] [mɑɪl.lɪkʰi:] maillikhî
6claaleV 6claalt be linked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZZZ] [mɑɪz.zɪzi:] maizzizî 6clwwlw" 6clDDlD"
be jested! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LLKh] [mɑɪl.lɪkʰ] maillikh
6clr6le" 6clR6le" be linked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZZZ] [mɑɪz.zɪz] maizziz 6clwwlw 6clDDlD
be joked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMK] [mɑɪɡmɪki:] maigmikî
6clr6le 6clR6le be listened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HBR] [mɑɪhbɪri:] maihbirî 6clf2l@" 6clf2l@"
be joked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMK] [mɑɪɡmɪk] maigmik
6cl96l." 6cl96l." be listened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HBR] [mɑɪhbɪr] maihbir 6clf2l@ 6clf2l@
be judged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DMS] [mɑɪdmɪsi:] maidmisî

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 83 The Dwarrow Scholar 84

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be lived! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KYL] [mɑɪkjɪli:] maikyilî 6cle;la" 6cle;la" be mist formed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLS] [mɑɪmlɪsi:] maimlisî 6cl6al." 6cl6al."

be lived! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KYL] [mɑɪkjɪl] maikyil 6cle;la 6cle;la be mist formed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLS] [mɑɪmlɪs] maimlis 6cl6al. 6cl6al.

be loafed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LTR] [mɑɪltɪri:] mailtirî 6cla8l@" 6cla8l@"
be mistaken [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShGM] [ʌʃɡʊm] ashgum c%rS6 c%RS6
be loafed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LTR] [mɑɪltɪr] mailtir 6cla8l@ 6cla8l@

be loaned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FBK] [mɑɪfbɪki:] maifbikî 6cl32le" 6cl32le" be mistaken with each other / be mistaken together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [nɑɪʃɡɪmɪ] naishgimi ,cl%rl6l ,cl%Rl6l

be loaned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FBK] [mɑɪfbɪk] maifbik 6cl32le 6cl32le l%rl6" l%Rl6"
be mistaken! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡɪmi:] ishgimî
be locked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDN] [mɑɪhdɪni:] maihdinî 6clf9l," 6clf9l," l%rl6 l%Rl6
be mistaken! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡɪm] ishgim
be locked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDN] [mɑɪhdɪn] maihdin 6clf9l, 6clf9l, 6cl%rl6" 6cl%Rl6"
be mistaken! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [mɑɪʃɡɪmi:] maishgimî
be lodged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRF] [mɑɪkʰrɪfi:] maikhrifî 6cleV@l3" 6clt@l3" 6cl%rl6 6cl%Rl6
be mistaken! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [mɑɪʃɡɪm] maishgim
be lodged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRF] [mɑɪkʰrɪf] maikhrif 6cleV@l3 6clt@l3 6cl9@l0" 6cl9@l0"
be mourned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRTh] [mɑɪdrɪtʰi:] maidrithî
be looked at! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKK] [mɑɪnkɪki:] mainkikî 6cl,ele" 6cl,ele" 6cl9@l0 6cl9@l0
be mourned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRTh] [mɑɪdrɪtʰ] maidrith
be looked at! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKK] [mɑɪnkɪk] mainkik 6cl,ele 6cl,ele 6cl32l@" 6cl32l@"
be moved forward! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FBR] [mɑɪfbɪri:] maifbirî
be lost! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LZN] [mɑɪlzɪni:] mailzinî 6clawl," 6claDl," 6cl32l@ 6cl32l@
be moved forward! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FBR] [mɑɪfbɪr] maifbir
be lost! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LZN] [mɑɪlzɪn] mailzin 6clawl, 6claDl, 6cl%3l8" 6cl%3l8"
be moved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShFT] [mɑɪʃfɪti:] maishfitî
be loved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRL] [mɑɪmrɪli:] maimrilî 6cl6@la" 6cl6@la" 6cl%3l8 6cl%3l8
be moved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShFT] [mɑɪʃfɪt] maishfit
be loved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRL] [mɑɪmrɪl] maimril 6cl6@la 6cl6@la 6cl%al6" 6cl%al6"
be mucked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLM] [mɑɪʃlɪmi:] maishlimî
be lusted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LSZ] [mɑɪlsɪzi:] mailsizî 6cla.lw" 6cla.lD" 6cl%al6 6cl%al6
be mucked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLM] [mɑɪʃlɪm] maishlim
be lusted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LSZ] [mɑɪlsɪz] mailsiz 6cla.lw 6cla.lD 6clf@l2" 6clf@l2"
be mudded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRB] [mɑɪhrɪbi:] maihribî
be made acquaintance! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNG] [mɑɪknɪɡi:] maiknigî 6cle,lr" 6cle,lR" 6clf@l2 6clf@l2
be mudded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRB] [mɑɪhrɪb] maihrib
be made acquaintance! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNG] [mɑɪknɪɡ] maiknig 6cle,lr 6cle,lR 6cl0fl@" 6cl0fl@"
be mustered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThHR] [mɑɪtʰhɪri:] maithhirî
be made ancient! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRN] [mɑɪfrɪni:] maifrinî 6cl3@l," 6cl3@l," 6cl0fl@ 6cl0fl@
be mustered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThHR] [mɑɪtʰhɪr] maithhir
be made ancient! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRN] [mɑɪfrɪn] maifrin 6cl3@l, 6cl3@l, 6cleV@l6" 6clt@l6"
be named! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRM] [mɑɪkʰrɪmi:] maikhrimî
be made dark! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNN] [mɑɪznɪni:] maizninî 6clw,l," 6clD,l," 6cleV@l6 6clt@l6
be named! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRM] [mɑɪkʰrɪm] maikhrim
be made dark! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNN] [mɑɪznɪn] maiznin 6clw,l, 6clD,l, 6cl9,leV" 6cl9,lt"
be natured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DNKh] [mɑɪdnɪkʰi:] maidnikhî
be made small! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MM] [mɑɪm.mi:] maimmî 6cl66" 6cl66" 6cl9,leV 6cl9,lt
be natured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DNKh] [mɑɪdnɪkʰ] maidnikh
be made small! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MM] [mɑɪm.mɪ] maimmi 6cl66l 6cl66l 6cl,8lR" 6cl,8l$"
be netted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTJ] [mɑɪntɪd͡ʒi:] maintijî
be manifested! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZYR] [mɑɪzjɪri:] maizyirî 6clw;l@" 6clD;l@" 6cl,8lR 6cl,8l$
be netted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTJ] [mɑɪntɪd͡ʒ] maintij
be manifested! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZYR] [mɑɪzjɪr] maizyir 6clw;l@ 6clD;l@ 6clg6l9" 6clg6l9"
be nurished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔMD] [mɑɪʔmɪdi:] mai'midî
be married! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShHN] [mɑɪʃhɪni:] maishhinî 6cl%fl," 6cl%fl," 6clg6l9 6clg6l9
be nurished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔMD] [mɑɪʔmɪd] mai'mid
be married! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShHN] [mɑɪʃhɪn] maishhin 6cl%fl, 6cl%fl, 6cl69" 6cl69"
be obliged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MD] [mɑɪmdi:] maimdî
be marveled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MSM] [mɑɪmsɪmi:] maimsimî 6cl6.l6" 6cl6.l6" 6cl69l 6cl69l
be obliged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MD] [mɑɪmdɪ] maimdi
be marveled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MSM] [mɑɪmsɪm] maimsim 6cl6.l6 6cl6.l6 6cl.el9" 6cl.el9"
be obscured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKD] [mɑɪskɪdi:] maiskidî
be mashed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MShB] [mɑɪmʃɪbi:] maimshibî 6cl6%l2" 6cl6%l2" 6cl.el9 6cl.el9
be obscured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKD] [mɑɪskɪd] maiskid
be mashed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MShB] [mɑɪmʃɪb] maimshib 6cl6%l2 6cl6%l2 6cl8.l6" 6clCl6"
be obstructed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TSM] [mɑɪtsɪmi:] maitsimî
be mastered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRK] [mɑɪzrɪki:] maizrikî 6clw@le" 6clD@le" 6cl8.l6 6clCl6
be obstructed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TSM] [mɑɪtsɪm] maitsim
be mastered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRK] [mɑɪzrɪk] maizrik 6clw@le 6clD@le 6clw@l@" 6clD@l@"
be offered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRR] [mɑɪzrɪri:] maizrirî
be measured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔRN] [mɑɪʔrɪni:] mai'rinî 6clg@l," 6clg@l," 6clw@l@ 6clD@l@
be offered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRR] [mɑɪzrɪr] maizrir
be measured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔRN] [mɑɪʔrɪn] mai'rin 6clg@l, 6clg@l, 6clR,l9" 6cl$,l9"
be opened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JND] [mɑɪd͡ʒnɪdi:] maijnidî
be melted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBR] [mɑɪɡbɪri:] maigbirî 6clr2l@" 6clR2l@" 6clR,l9 6cl$,l9
be opened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JND] [mɑɪd͡ʒnɪd] maijnid
be melted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBR] [mɑɪɡbɪr] maigbir 6clr2l@ 6clR2l@ 6clr9l@" 6clR9l@"
be opposed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GDR] [mɑɪɡdɪri:] maigdirî
be memorized! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZL] [mɑɪzli:] maizlî 6clwa" 6clDa" 6clr9l@ 6clR9l@
be opposed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GDR] [mɑɪɡdɪr] maigdir
be memorized! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZL] [mɑɪzlɪ] maizli 6clwal 6clDal 6cl2rl@" 6cl2Rl@"
be oppressed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BGR] [mɑɪbɡɪri:] maibgirî
be messaged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNN] [mɑɪmnɪni:] maimninî 6cl6,l," 6cl6,l," 6cl2rl@ 6cl2Rl@
be oppressed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BGR] [mɑɪbɡɪr] maibgir
be messaged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNN] [mɑɪmnɪn] maimnin 6cl6,l, 6cl6,l, 6clreleV" 6clRelt"
be ordered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GKKh] [mɑɪɡkɪkʰi:] maigkikhî
be metalled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RTH] [mɑɪrtɪhi:] mairtihî 6cl@8lf" 6cl@8lf" 6clreleV 6clRelt
be ordered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GKKh] [mɑɪɡkɪkʰ] maigkikh
be metalled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RTH] [mɑɪrtɪh] mairtih 6cl@8lf 6cl@8lf 6cl%@le" 6cl%@le"
be overflowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRK] [mɑɪʃrɪki:] maishrikî
be minced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRL] [mɑɪkrɪli:] maikrilî 6cle@la" 6cle@la" 6cl%@le 6cl%@le
be overflowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRK] [mɑɪʃrɪk] maishrik
be minced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRL] [mɑɪkrɪl] maikril 6cle@la 6cle@la 6cl2aleV" 6cl2alt"
be overpowered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLKh] [mɑɪblɪkʰi:] maiblikhî
be mined! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThK] [mɑɪtʰki:] maithkî 6cl0e" 6cl0e" 6cl2aleV 6cl2alt
be overpowered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLKh] [mɑɪblɪkʰ] maiblikh
be mined! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThK] [mɑɪtʰkɪ] maithki 6cl0el 6cl0el 6clr,l@" 6clR,l@"
be owned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNR] [mɑɪɡnɪri:] maignirî

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 85 The Dwarrow Scholar 86
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be owned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNR] [mɑɪɡnɪr] maignir 6clr,l@ 6clR,l@ be praised! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRM] [mɑɪhrɪmi:] maihrimî 6clf@l6" 6clf@l6"

be packed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKT] [mɑɪfkɪti:] maifkitî 6cl3el8" 6cl3el8" be praised! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRM] [mɑɪhrɪm] maihrim 6clf@l6 6clf@l6

be packed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKT] [mɑɪfkɪt] maifkit 6cl3el8 6cl3el8 be pranked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NDN] [mɑɪndɪni:] maindinî 6cldl," 6cldl,"

be painted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKhD] [mɑɪnkʰɪdi:] mainkhidî 6cl,eVl9" 6cl,tl9" be pranked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NDN] [mɑɪndɪn] maindin 6cldl, 6cldl,

be painted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKhD] [mɑɪnkʰɪd] mainkhid 6cl,eVl9 6cl,tl9 be preferred! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TMS] [mɑɪtmɪsi:] maitmisî 6cl86l." 6cl86l."

be parceled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LKhM] [mɑɪlkʰɪmi:] mailkhimî 6claeVl6" 6clatl6" be preferred! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TMS] [mɑɪtmɪs] maitmis 6cl86l. 6cl86l.

be parceled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LKhM] [mɑɪlkʰɪm] mailkhim 6claeVl6 6clatl6 be prepared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RMSh] [mɑɪrmɪʃi:] mairmishî 6cl@6l%" 6cl@6l%"

be parented! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LShR] [mɑɪlʃɪri:] mailshirî 6cla%l@" 6cla%l@" be prepared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RMSh] [mɑɪrmɪʃ] mairmish 6cl@6l% 6cl@6l%

be parented! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LShR] [mɑɪlʃɪr] mailshir 6cla%l@ 6cla%l@ be present (be here / manifest) with each other / be present (be here / manifest) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative
[nɑɪzjɪrɪ] naizyiri ,clw;l@l ,clD;l@l
be parted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKR] [mɑɪʔkɪri:] mai'kirî 6clgel@" 6clgel@" Form / General Imperative] [ZYR]
be present (be here / manifest)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZYR] [ɪzjɪri:] izyirî lw;l@" lD;l@"
be parted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKR] [mɑɪʔkɪr] mai'kir 6clgel@ 6clgel@
be present (be here / manifest)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZYR] [ɪzjɪr] izyir lw;l@ lD;l@
be partnered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YSTh] [mɑi:sɪtʰi:] maîsithî 6c".l0" 6c".l0"
be present (to be here / to manifest) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute cw;S@ cD;S@
be partnered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YSTh] [mɑi:sɪtʰ] maîsith 6c".l0 6c".l0 [ʌzjʊr] azyur
Form] [ZYR]
be passaged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔM] [mɑɪʔmi:] mai'mî 6clg6" 6clg6" 6cla8l." 6cla8l."
be preyed upon! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LTS] [mɑɪltɪsi:] mailtisî
be passaged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔM] [mɑɪʔmɪ] mai'mi 6clg6l 6clg6l 6cla8l. 6cla8l.
be preyed upon! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LTS] [mɑɪltɪs] mailtis
be passionate [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [MRL] [bɪrɑ:mrʊl] birâmrul 2l@v6@Sa 2l@v6@Sa 6cl3@l0" 6cl3@l0"
be priced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRTh] [mɑɪfrɪtʰi:] maifrithî
be passionate! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRL] [bɪrɑɪmrɪli:] biraimrilî 2l@cl6@la" 2l@cl6@la" 6cl3@l0 6cl3@l0
be priced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRTh] [mɑɪfrɪtʰ] maifrith
be passionate! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRL] [bɪrɑɪmrɪl] biraimril 2l@cl6@la 2l@cl6@la 6cl.@l2" 6cl.@l2"
be primmed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SRB] [mɑɪsrɪbi:] maisribî
be patched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBR] [mɑɪlbɪri:] mailbirî 6cla2l@" 6cla2l@" 6cl.@l2 6cl.@l2
be primmed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SRB] [mɑɪsrɪb] maisrib
be patched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBR] [mɑɪlbɪr] mailbir 6cla2l@ 6cla2l@ 6clf,l0" 6clf,l0"
be profited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HNTh] [mɑɪhnɪtʰi:] maihnithî
be perceived! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKN] [mɑɪskɪni:] maiskinî 6cl.el," 6cl.el," 6clf,l0 6clf,l0
be profited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HNTh] [mɑɪhnɪtʰ] maihnith
be perceived! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKN] [mɑɪskɪn] maiskin 6cl.el, 6cl.el, 6cl2@l," 6cl2@l,"
be progressed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRN] [mɑɪbrɪni:] maibrinî
be performed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHL] [mɑɪmhɪli:] maimhilî 6cl6fla" 6cl6fla" 6cl2@l, 6cl2@l,
be progressed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRN] [mɑɪbrɪn] maibrin
be performed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHL] [mɑɪmhɪl] maimhil 6cl6fla 6cl6fla 6clRa" 6cl$a"
be prompted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JL] [mɑɪd͡ʒli:] maijlî
be perverted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZZN] [mɑɪz.zɪni:] maizzinî 6clwwl," 6clDDl," 6clRal 6cl$al
be prompted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JL] [mɑɪd͡ʒlɪ] maijli
be perverted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZZN] [mɑɪz.zɪn] maizzin 6clwwl, 6clDDl, 6cl,al9" 6cl,al9"
be proportioned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NLD] [mɑɪnlɪdi:] mainlidî
be pinned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRSh] [mɑɪkrɪʃi:] maikrishî 6cle@l%" 6cle@l%" 6cl,al9 6cl,al9
be proportioned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NLD] [mɑɪnlɪd] mainlid
be pinned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRSh] [mɑɪkrɪʃ] maikrish 6cle@l% 6cle@l% 6cl3alw" 6cl3alD"
be prospered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLZ] [mɑɪflɪzi:] maiflizî
be pitied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDR] [mɑɪmdɪri:] maimdirî 6cl69l@" 6cl69l@" 6cl3alw 6cl3alD
be prospered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLZ] [mɑɪflɪz] maifliz
be pitied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDR] [mɑɪmdɪr] maimdir 6cl69l@ 6cl69l@ 6cl.,l," 6cl.,l,"
be proved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SNN] [mɑɪsnɪni:] maisninî
be placed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YD] [mɑi:di:] maîdî 6c"9" 6c"9" 6cl.,l, 6cl.,l,
be proved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SNN] [mɑɪsnɪn] maisnin
be placed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YD] [mɑi:dɪ] maîdi 6c"9l 6c"9l 6clg9la" 6clg9la"
be pumped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔDL] [mɑɪʔdɪli:] mai'dilî
be planted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MJD] [mɑɪmd͡ʒɪdi:] maimjidî 6cl6Rl9" 6cl6$l9" 6clg9la 6clg9la
be pumped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔDL] [mɑɪʔdɪl] mai'dil
be planted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MJD] [mɑɪmd͡ʒɪd] maimjid 6cl6Rl9 6cl6$l9 6cl6wl," 6cl6Dl,"
be punched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZN] [mɑɪmzɪni:] maimzinî
be plated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TLR] [mɑɪtlɪri:] maitlirî 6cl8al@" 6cl8al@" 6cl6wl, 6cl6Dl,
be punched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZN] [mɑɪmzɪn] maimzin
be plated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TLR] [mɑɪtlɪr] maitlir 6cl8al@ 6cl8al@ 6cl%@l3" 6cl%@l3"
be punished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRF] [mɑɪʃrɪfi:] maishrifî
be pleasured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ML] [mɑɪmli:] maimlî 6cl6a" 6cl6a" 6cl%@l3 6cl%@l3
be punished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRF] [mɑɪʃrɪf] maishrif
be pleasured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ML] [mɑɪmlɪ] maimli 6cl6al 6cl6al 6cl.," 6cl.,"
be purified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SN] [mɑɪsni:] maisnî
be pointed out! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NThN] [mɑɪntʰɪni:] mainthinî 6cl,0l," 6cl,0l," 6cl.,l 6cl.,l
be purified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SN] [mɑɪsnɪ] maisni
be pointed out! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NThN] [mɑɪntʰɪn] mainthin 6cl,0l, 6cl,0l, 6cl2,l8" 6cl2,l8"
be purred! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNT] [mɑɪbnɪti:] maibnitî
be pointed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NB] [mɑɪnbi:] mainbî 6cl,2" 6cl,2" 6cl2,l8 6cl2,l8
be purred! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNT] [mɑɪbnɪt] maibnit
be pointed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NB] [mɑɪnbɪ] mainbi 6cl,2l 6cl,2l 6cl8@le" 6cl8@le"
be pushed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRK] [mɑɪtrɪki:] maitrikî
be polished! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BTS] [mɑɪbtɪsi:] maibtisî 6cl28l." 6cl28l." 6cl8@le 6cl8@le
be pushed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRK] [mɑɪtrɪk] maitrik
be polished! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BTS] [mɑɪbtɪs] maibtis 6cl28l. 6cl28l. 6cle2" 6cle2"
be quarreled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KB] [mɑɪkbi:] maikbî
be posed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NShR] [mɑɪnʃɪri:] mainshirî 6cl,%l@" 6cl,%l@" 6cle2l 6cle2l
be quarreled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KB] [mɑɪkbɪ] maikbi
be posed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NShR] [mɑɪnʃɪr] mainshir 6cl,%l@ 6cl,%l@ 6cl@6leV" 6cl@6lt"
be quartered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RMKh] [mɑɪrmɪkʰi:] mairmikhî
be posted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZL] [mɑɪmzɪli:] maimzilî 6cl6wla" 6cl6Dla" 6cl@6leV 6cl@6lt
be quartered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RMKh] [mɑɪrmɪkʰ] mairmikh
be posted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZL] [mɑɪmzɪl] maimzil 6cl6wla 6cl6Dla 6cl.rla" 6cl.Rla"
be questioned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SGL] [mɑɪsɡɪli:] maisgilî
be poured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SH] [mɑɪʃi:] maishî 6cl%" 6cl%" 6cl.rla 6cl.Rla
be questioned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SGL] [mɑɪsɡɪl] maisgil
be poured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SH] [mɑɪʃɪ] maishi 6cl%l 6cl%l 6clral8" 6clRal8"
be rampaged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLT] [mɑɪɡlɪti:] maiglitî

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 87 The Dwarrow Scholar 88

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be rampaged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLT] [mɑɪɡlɪt] maiglit 6clral8 6clRal8 be riddled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔGT] [mɑɪʔɡɪt] mai'git 6clgrl8 6clgRl8

be ranked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GSh] [mɑɪɡʃi:] maigshî 6clr%" 6clR%" be ringed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NZG] [mɑɪnzɪɡi:] mainzigî 6cl,wlr" 6cl,DlR"

be ranked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GSh] [mɑɪɡʃɪ] maigshi 6clr%l 6clR%l be ringed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NZG] [mɑɪnzɪɡ] mainzig 6cl,wlr 6cl,DlR

be rationed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HMR] [mɑɪhmɪri:] maihmirî 6clf6l@" 6clf6l@" be ripped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShNK] [mɑɪʃnɪki:] maishnikî 6cl%,le" 6cl%,le"

be rationed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HMR] [mɑɪhmɪr] maihmir 6clf6l@ 6clf6l@ be ripped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShNK] [mɑɪʃnɪk] maishnik 6cl%,le 6cl%,le

be read! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKB] [mɑɪmkɪbi:] maimkibî 6cl6el2" 6cl6el2" be rippled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRR] [mɑɪɡrɪri:] maigrirî 6clr@l@" 6clR@l@"

be read! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKB] [mɑɪmkɪb] maimkib 6cl6el2 6cl6el2 be rippled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRR] [mɑɪɡrɪr] maigrir 6clr@l@ 6clR@l@

be recorded (written)! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRB] [mɑɪzrɪbi:] maizribî 6clw@l2" 6clD@l2" be risen! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔLZ] [mɑɪʔlɪzi:] mai'lizî 6clgalw" 6clgalD"

be recorded (written)! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRB] [mɑɪzrɪb] maizrib 6clw@l2 6clD@l2 be risen! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔLZ] [mɑɪʔlɪz] mai'liz 6clgalw 6clgalD

be reduced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZ] [mɑɪʔzi:] mai'zî 6clgw" 6clgD" be risked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SD] [mɑɪsdi:] maisdî 6cl.9" 6cl.9"

be reduced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZ] [mɑɪʔzɪ] mai'zi 6clgwl 6clgDl be risked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SD] [mɑɪsdɪ] maisdi 6cl.9l 6cl.9l

be reflected! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLD] [mɑɪkʰlɪdi:] maikhlidî 6cleVal9" 6cltal9" be roared! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MGR] [mɑɪmɡɪri:] maimgirî 6cl6rl@" 6cl6Rl@"

be reflected! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLD] [mɑɪkʰlɪd] maikhlid 6cleVal9 6cltal9 be roared! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MGR] [mɑɪmɡɪr] maimgir 6cl6rl@ 6cl6Rl@

be refused! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [Lʔ] [mɑɪlʔi:] mail'î 6clag" 6clag" be roasted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShYN] [mɑɪʃjɪni:] maishyinî 6cl%;l," 6cl%;l,"

be refused! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [Lʔ] [mɑɪlʔɪ] mail'i 6clagl 6clagl be roasted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShYN] [mɑɪʃjɪn] maishyin 6cl%;l, 6cl%;l,

be rejoiced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GYD] [mɑɪɡjɪdi:] maigyidî 6clr;l9" 6clR;l9" be rooted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLF] [mɑɪkʰlɪfi:] maikhlifî 6cleVal3" 6cltal3"

be rejoiced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GYD] [mɑɪɡjɪd] maigyid 6clr;l9 6clR;l9 be rooted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLF] [mɑɪkʰlɪf] maikhlif 6cleVal3 6cltal3

be released! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRY] [mɑɪkʰri:wi:] maikhrîwî 6cleV@"F" 6clt@"F" be rotated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MMG] [mɑɪm.mɪɡi:] maimmigî 6cl66lr" 6cl66lR"

be released! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRY] [mɑɪkʰri:] maikhrî 6cleV@" 6clt@" be rotated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MMG] [mɑɪm.mɪɡ] maimmig 6cl66lr 6cl66lR

be relieved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShF] [mɑɪʃfi:] maishfî 6cl%3" 6cl%3" be ruined! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZShR] [mɑɪzʃɪri:] maizshirî 6clw%l@" 6clD%l@"

be relieved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShF] [mɑɪʃfɪ] maishfi 6cl%3l 6cl%3l be ruined! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZShR] [mɑɪzʃɪr] maizshir 6clw%l@ 6clD%l@

be rendered dull! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DLZ] [mɑɪdlɪzi:] maidlizî 6cl9alw" 6cl9alD" be ruled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZDN] [mɑɪzdɪni:] maizdinî 6clw9l," 6clD9l,"

be rendered dull! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DLZ] [mɑɪdlɪz] maidliz 6cl9alw 6cl9alD be ruled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZDN] [mɑɪzdɪn] maizdin 6clw9l, 6clD9l,

be renewed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NR] [mɑɪnri:] mainrî 6cl,@" 6cl,@" be saddened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZR] [mɑɪbzɪri:] maibzirî 6cl2wl@" 6cl2Dl@"

be renewed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NR] [mɑɪnrɪ] mainri 6cl,@l 6cl,@l be saddened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZR] [mɑɪbzɪr] maibzir 6cl2wl@ 6cl2Dl@

be repaired (mended)! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DZR] [mɑɪdzɪri:] maidzirî 6cl9wl@" 6cl9Dl@" be sailed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZH] [mɑɪʔzɪhi:] mai'zihî 6clgwlf" 6clgDlf"

be repaired (mended)! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DZR] [mɑɪdzɪr] maidzir 6cl9wl@ 6cl9Dl@ be sailed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZH] [mɑɪʔzɪh] mai'zih 6clgwlf 6clgDlf

be repeated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GGN] [mɑɪɡɡɪni:] maigginî 6clrrl," 6clRRl," be sanded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RFSh] [mɑɪrfɪʃi:] mairfishî 6cl@3l%" 6cl@3l%"

be repeated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GGN] [mɑɪɡɡɪn] maiggin 6clrrl, 6clRRl, be sanded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RFSh] [mɑɪrfɪʃ] mairfish 6cl@3l% 6cl@3l%

be represented! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLZ] [mɑɪkʰlɪzi:] maikhlizî 6cleValw" 6cltalD" be saved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [mɑɪnsɪsi:] mainsisî 6cl,.l." 6cl,.l."

be represented! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLZ] [mɑɪkʰlɪz] maikhliz 6cleValw 6cltalD be saved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [mɑɪnsɪs] mainsis 6cl,.l. 6cl,.l.

be requested! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KF] [mɑɪkfi:] maikfî 6cle3" 6cle3" be scarred! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRM] [mɑɪʃrɪmi:] maishrimî 6cl%@l6" 6cl%@l6"

be requested! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KF] [mɑɪkfɪ] maikfi 6cle3l 6cle3l be scarred! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRM] [mɑɪʃrɪm] maishrim 6cl%@l6 6cl%@l6

be resembled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRF] [mɑɪzrɪfi:] maizrifî 6clw@l3" 6clD@l3" be scorched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRS] [mɑɪhrɪsi:] maihrisî 6clf@l." 6clf@l."

be resembled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRF] [mɑɪzrɪf] maizrif 6clw@l3 6clD@l3 be scorched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRS] [mɑɪhrɪs] maihris 6clf@l. 6clf@l.

be respected! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZHD] [mɑɪzʰɪdi:] maizhidî 6clTl9" 6clql9" be scored! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKR] [mɑɪskɪri:] maiskirî 6cl.el@" 6cl.el@"

be respected! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZHD] [mɑɪzʰɪd] maizhid 6clTl9 6clql9 be scored! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKR] [mɑɪskɪr] maiskir 6cl.el@ 6cl.el@

be rested! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DKhT] [mɑɪdkʰɪti:] maidkhitî 6cl9eVl8" 6cl9tl8" be scorned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HBS] [mɑɪhbɪsi:] maihbisî 6clf2l." 6clf2l."

be rested! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DKhT] [mɑɪdkʰɪt] maidkhit 6cl9eVl8 6cl9tl8 be scorned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HBS] [mɑɪhbɪs] maihbis 6clf2l. 6clf2l.

be retreated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThMR] [mɑɪtʰmɪri:] maithmirî 6cl06l@" 6cl06l@" be screamed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKhSh] [mɑɪrkʰɪʃi:] mairkhishî 6cl@eVl%" 6cl@tl%"

be retreated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThMR] [mɑɪtʰmɪr] maithmir 6cl06l@ 6cl06l@ be screamed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKhSh] [mɑɪrkʰɪʃ] mairkhish 6cl@eVl% 6cl@tl%

be returned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNK] [mɑɪn.nɪki:] mainnikî 6clule" 6clule" be scrutinized! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ST] [mɑɪsti:] maistî 6cl.8" 6cl.8"

be returned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNK] [mɑɪn.nɪk] mainnik 6clule 6clule be scrutinized! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ST] [mɑɪstɪ] maisti 6cl.8l 6cl.8l

be revenged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HBN] [mɑɪhbɪni:] maihbinî 6clf2l," 6clf2l," be sealed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZHK] [mɑɪzʰɪki:] maizhikî 6clTle" 6clqle"

be revenged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HBN] [mɑɪhbɪn] maihbin 6clf2l, 6clf2l, be sealed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZHK] [mɑɪzʰɪk] maizhik 6clTle 6clqle

be rewarded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RDM] [mɑɪrdɪmi:] mairdimî 6cl@9l6" 6cl@9l6" be searched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NShT] [mɑɪnʃɪti:] mainshitî 6cl,%l8" 6cl,%l8"

be rewarded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RDM] [mɑɪrdɪm] mairdim 6cl@9l6 6cl@9l6 be searched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NShT] [mɑɪnʃɪt] mainshit 6cl,%l8 6cl,%l8

be ridden! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRB] [mɑɪkʰrɪbi:] maikhribî 6cleV@l2" 6clt@l2" be seated down! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NSD] [mɑɪnsɪdi:] mainsidî 6cl,.l9" 6cl,.l9"

be ridden! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRB] [mɑɪkʰrɪb] maikhrib 6cleV@l2 6clt@l2 be seated down! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NSD] [mɑɪnsɪd] mainsid 6cl,.l9 6cl,.l9

be riddled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔGT] [mɑɪʔɡɪti:] mai'gitî 6clgrl8" 6clgRl8" be seated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔGM] [mɑɪʔɡɪmi:] mai'gimî 6clgrl6" 6clgRl6"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 89 The Dwarrow Scholar 90
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be seated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔGM] [mɑɪʔɡɪm] mai'gim 6clgrl6 6clgRl6 be sloped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKB] [mɑɪskɪb] maiskib 6cl.el2 6cl.el2

be seeded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SDZ] [mɑɪsdɪzi:] maisdizî 6cl.9lw" 6cl.9lD" be slotted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRH] [mɑɪkrɪhi:] maikrihî 6cle@lf" 6cle@lf"

be seeded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SDZ] [mɑɪsdɪz] maisdiz 6cl.9lw 6cl.9lD be slotted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRH] [mɑɪkrɪh] maikrih 6cle@lf 6cle@lf

be seen! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKh] [mɑɪskʰi:] maiskhî 6cl.eV" 6cl.t" be smelled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhGR] [mɑɪkʰɡɪri:] maikhgirî 6cleVrl@" 6cltRl@"

be seen! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKh] [mɑɪskʰɪ] maiskhi 6cl.eVl be smelled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhGR] [mɑɪkʰɡɪr] maikhgir 6cleVrl@ 6cltRl@

be sensed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNS] [mɑɪknɪsi:] maiknisî 6cle,l." 6cle,l." be smoked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShR] [mɑɪʃri:] maishrî 6cl%@" 6cl%@"

be sensed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNS] [mɑɪknɪs] maiknis 6cle,l. 6cle,l. be smoked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShR] [mɑɪʃrɪ] maishri 6cl%@l 6cl%@l

be served! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DShN] [mɑɪdʃɪni:] maidshinî 6cl9%l," 6cl9%l," be smooth talked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KBL] [mɑɪkbɪli:] maikbilî 6cle2la" 6cle2la"

be served! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DShN] [mɑɪdʃɪn] maidshin 6cl9%l, 6cl9%l, be smooth talked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KBL] [mɑɪkbɪl] maikbil 6cle2la 6cle2la

be settled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TSL] [mɑɪtsɪli:] maitsilî" 6clCla" be snapped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NZF] [mɑɪnzɪfi:] mainzifî 6cl,wl3" 6cl,Dl3"

be settled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TSL] [mɑɪtsɪl] maitsil 6clCla be snapped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NZF] [mɑɪnzɪf] mainzif 6cl,wl3 6cl,Dl3

be shaken! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLD] [mɑɪklɪdi:] maiklidî 6cleal9" 6cleal9" be sneaked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LST] [mɑɪlsɪti:] mailsitî 6cla.l8" 6cla.l8"

be shaken! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLD] [mɑɪklɪd] maiklid 6cleal9 6cleal9 be sneaked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LST] [mɑɪlsɪt] mailsit 6cla.l8 6cla.l8

be shamed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔLJ] [mɑɪʔlɪd͡ʒi:] mai'lijî 6clgalR" 6clgal$" be snipped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SFS] [mɑɪsfɪsi:] maisfisî 6cl.3l." 6cl.3l."

be shamed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔLJ] [mɑɪʔlɪd͡ʒ] mai'lij 6clgalR 6clgal$ be snipped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SFS] [mɑɪsfɪs] maisfis 6cl.3l. 6cl.3l.

be shaven! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRB] [mɑɪʃrɪbi:] maishribî 6cl%@l2" 6cl%@l2" be snored at! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SNK] [mɑɪsnɪki:] maisnikî 6cl.,le" 6cl.,le"

be shaven! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRB] [mɑɪʃrɪb] maishrib 6cl%@l2 6cl%@l2 be snored at! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SNK] [mɑɪsnɪk] maisnik 6cl.,le 6cl.,le

be shelved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FST] [mɑɪfsɪti:] maifsitî 6cl3.l8" 6cl3.l8" be socialized! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLS] [mɑɪslɪsi:] maislisî""

be shelved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FST] [mɑɪfsɪt] maifsit 6cl3.l8 6cl3.l8 be socialized! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLS] [mɑɪslɪs] maislis

be shielded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRKh] [mɑɪmrɪkʰi:] maimrikhî 6cl6@leV" 6cl6@lt" be sold! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNR] [mɑɪmnɪri:] maimnirî 6cl6,l@" 6cl6,l@"

be shielded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRKh] [mɑɪmrɪkʰ] maimrikh 6cl6@leV 6cl6@lt be sold! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNR] [mɑɪmnɪr] maimnir 6cl6,l@ 6cl6,l@

be shined! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NLKh] [mɑɪnlɪkʰi:] mainlikhî 6cl,aleV" 6cl,alt" be solidified! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThKL] [mɑɪtʰkɪli:] maithkilî 6cl0ela" 6cl0ela"

be shined! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NLKh] [mɑɪnlɪkʰ] mainlikh 6cl,aleV 6cl,alt be solidified! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThKL] [mɑɪtʰkɪl] maithkil 6cl0ela 6cl0ela

be shot! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BDK] [mɑɪbdɪki:] maibdikî 6cl29le" 6cl29le" be soothed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DBL] [mɑɪdbɪli:] maidbilî 6cl92la" 6cl92la"

be shot! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BDK] [mɑɪbdɪk] maibdik 6cl29le 6cl29le be soothed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DBL] [mɑɪdbɪl] maidbil 6cl92la 6cl92la

be shouted at! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLʔ] [mɑɪɡli:] maiglî 6clra" 6clRa" be sorrowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKhSh] [mɑɪnkʰɪʃi:] mainkhishî 6cl,eVl%" 6cl,tl%"

be shouted at! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLʔ] [mɑɪɡlɪʔ] maigli' 6clralg 6clRalg be sorrowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKhSh] [mɑɪnkʰɪʃ] mainkhish 6cl,eVl% 6cl,tl%

be sided! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RK] [mɑɪrki:] mairkî 6cl@e" 6cl@e" be sounded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZMR] [mɑɪzmɪri:] maizmirî 6clw6l@" 6clD6l@"

be sided! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RK] [mɑɪrkɪ] mairki 6cl@el 6cl@el be sounded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZMR] [mɑɪzmɪr] maizmir 6clw6l@ 6clD6l@

be sieged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔMG] [mɑɪʔmɪɡi:] mai'migî 6clg6lr" 6clg6lR" be sourced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLH] [mɑɪklɪhi:] maiklihî 6clealf" 6clealf"

be sieged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔMG] [mɑɪʔmɪɡ] mai'mig 6clg6lr 6clg6lR be sourced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLH] [mɑɪklɪh] maiklih 6clealf 6clealf

be signed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GL] [mɑɪɡli:] maiglî 6clra" 6clRa" be soured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SR] [mɑɪsri:] maisrî 6cl.@" 6cl.@"

be signed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GL] [mɑɪɡlɪ] maigli 6clral 6clRal be soured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SR] [mɑɪsrɪ] maisri 6cl.@l 6cl.@l

be silenced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TKT] [mɑɪtkɪti:] maitkitî 6cl8el8" 6cl8el8" be spanned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MMKh] [mɑɪm.mɪkʰi:] maimmikhî 6cl66leV" 6cl66lt"

be silenced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TKT] [mɑɪtkɪt] maitkit 6cl8el8 6cl8el8 be spanned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MMKh] [mɑɪm.mɪkʰ] maimmikh 6cl66leV 6cl66lt

be sparkled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [mɑɪɡlɪmi:] maiglimî 6clral6" 6clRal6"
be skilled at (be skilled in) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [TRB] [bɪrɑ:trʊb] birâtrub 2l@v8@S2 2l@v8@S2
be sparkled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [mɑɪɡlɪm] maiglim 6clral6 6clRal6
be skilled at (be skilled in)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRB] [bɪrɑɪtrɪbi:] biraitribî 2l@cl8@l2" 2l@cl8@l2"
be spat! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKhK] [mɑɪʃkʰɪki:] maishkhikî 6cl%eVle" 6cl%tle"
be skilled at (be skilled in)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRB] [bɪrɑɪtrɪb] biraitrib 2l@cl8@l2 2l@cl8@l2
be spat! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKhK] [mɑɪʃkʰɪk] maishkhik 6cl%eVle 6cl%tle
be skinned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLL] [mɑɪflɪli:] maiflilî 6cl3ala" 6cl3ala"
be spended! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZZ] [mɑɪz.zi:] maizzî 6clww" 6clDD"
be skinned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLL] [mɑɪflɪl] maiflil 6cl3ala 6cl3ala
be spended! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZZ] [mɑɪz.zɪ] maizzi 6clwwl 6clDDl
be slaughtered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLD] [mɑɪflɪdi:] maiflidî 6cl3al9" 6cl3al9"
be spiced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [mɑɪsbɪsi:] maisbisî 6cl.2l." 6cl.2l."
be slaughtered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLD] [mɑɪflɪd] maiflid 6cl3al9 6cl3al9
be spiced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [mɑɪsbɪs] maisbis 6cl.2l. 6cl.2l.
be slaved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLR] [mɑɪslɪri:] maislirî""
be spirited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRB] [mɑɪmrɪbi:] maimribî 6cl6@l2" 6cl6@l2"
be slaved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLR] [mɑɪslɪr] maislir
be spirited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRB] [mɑɪmrɪb] maimrib 6cl6@l2 6cl6@l2
be slept! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZLF] [mɑɪzlɪfi:] maizlifî 6clwal3" 6clDal3"
be spoken! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLB] [mɑɪɡlɪbi:] maiglibî 6clral2" 6clRal2"
be slept! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZLF] [mɑɪzlɪf] maizlif 6clwal3 6clDal3
be spoken! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLB] [mɑɪɡlɪb] maiglib 6clral2 6clRal2
be sliced! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZGR] [mɑɪzɡɪri:] maizgirî 6clwrl@" 6clDRl@"
be stained! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LKS] [mɑɪlkɪsi:] mailkisî 6clael." 6clael."
be sliced! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZGR] [mɑɪzɡɪr] maizgir 6clwrl@ 6clDRl@
be stained! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LKS] [mɑɪlkɪs] mailkis 6clael. 6clael.
be sloped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKB] [mɑɪskɪbi:] maiskibî 6cl.el2" 6cl.el2"
be started! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNN] [mɑɪɡnɪni:] maigninî 6clr,l," 6clR,l,"

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be started! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNN] [mɑɪɡnɪn] maignin 6clr,l, 6clR,l, be surprised! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKSh] [mɑɪʔkɪʃ] mai'kish 6clgel% 6clgel%

be stayed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNG] [mɑɪɡnɪɡi:] maignigî 6clr,lr" 6clR,lR" be survived! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNR] [mɑɪbnɪri:] maibnirî 6cl2,l@" 6cl2,l@"

be stayed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNG] [mɑɪɡnɪɡ] maignig 6clr,lr 6clR,lR be survived! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNR] [mɑɪbnɪr] maibnir 6cl2,l@ 6cl2,l@

be stewarded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NZR] [mɑɪnzɪri:] mainzirî 6cl,wl@" 6cl,Dl@" be sustained! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RM] [mɑɪrmi:] mairmî 6cl@6" 6cl@6"

be stewarded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NZR] [mɑɪnzɪr] mainzir 6cl,wl@ 6cl,Dl@ be sustained! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RM] [mɑɪrmɪ] mairmi 6cl@6l 6cl@6l

be stiffened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MBL] [mɑɪmbɪli:] maimbilî 6cl62la" 6cl62la" be sweetened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HLW] [mɑɪhli:wi:] maihlîwî 6clfa"F" 6clfa"F"

be stiffened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MBL] [mɑɪmbɪl] maimbil 6cl62la 6cl62la be sweetened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HLW] [mɑɪhli:] maihlî 6clfa" 6clfa"

be stinted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBZ] [mɑɪsbɪzi:] maisbizî 6cl.2lw" 6cl.2lD" be swooned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRD] [mɑɪdrɪdi:] maidridî 6cl9@l9" 6cl9@l9"

be stinted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBZ] [mɑɪsbɪz] maisbiz 6cl.2lw 6cl.2lD be swooned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRD] [mɑɪdrɪd] maidrid 6cl9@l9 6cl9@l9

be stirred! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [mɑɪtrɪtʰi:] maitrithî 6cl8@l0" 6cl8@l0" be sworn! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNTh] [mɑɪbnɪtʰi:] maibnithî 6cl2,l0" 6cl2,l0"

be stirred! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [mɑɪtrɪtʰ] maitrith 6cl8@l0 6cl8@l0 be sworn! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNTh] [mɑɪbnɪtʰ] maibnith 6cl2,l0 6cl2,l0

be stolen! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRB] [mɑɪtʰrɪbi:] maithribî 6cl0@l2" 6cl0@l2" be swung! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRD] [mɑɪʃrɪdi:] maishridî 6cl%@l9" 6cl%@l9"

be stolen! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRB] [mɑɪtʰrɪb] maithrib 6cl0@l2 6cl0@l2 be swung! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRD] [mɑɪʃrɪd] maishrid 6cl%@l9 6cl%@l9

be stomached! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FHL] [mɑɪfhɪli:] maifhilî 6cl3fla" 6cl3fla" be taken on! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZMKh] [mɑɪzmɪkʰi:] maizmikhî 6clw6leV" 6clD6lt"

be stomached! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FHL] [mɑɪfhɪl] maifhil 6cl3fla 6cl3fla be taken on! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZMKh] [mɑɪzmɪkʰ] maizmikh 6clw6leV 6clD6lt

be stood! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TNR] [mɑɪtnɪri:] maitnirî 6cl8,l@" 6cl8,l@" be taken! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HLT] [mɑɪhlɪti:] maihlitî 6clfal8" 6clfal8"

be stood! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TNR] [mɑɪtnɪr] maitnir 6cl8,l@ 6cl8,l@ be taken! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HLT] [mɑɪhlɪt] maihlit 6clfal8 6clfal8

be stopped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRB] [mɑɪdrɪbi:] maidribî 6cl9@l2" 6cl9@l2" be talked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔGL] [mɑɪʔɡɪli:] mai'gilî 6clgrla" 6clgRla"

be stopped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRB] [mɑɪdrɪb] maidrib 6cl9@l2 6cl9@l2 be talked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔGL] [mɑɪʔɡɪl] mai'gil 6clgrla 6clgRla

be stored! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KR] [mɑɪkri:] maikrî 6cle@" 6cle@" be tasked [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZTK] [ʌztʊkʊmʊn] aztukumun cw8SeS6S, cD8SeS6S,

be stored! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KR] [mɑɪkrɪ] maikri 6cle@l 6cle@l be tasked! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZTK] [ɪztɪkʊmʊni:] iztikumunî lw8leS6S," lD8leS6S,"

be straightened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZDKh] [mɑɪzdɪkʰi:] maizdikhî 6clw9leV" 6clD9lt" be tasked! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZTK] [ɪztɪkʊmʊn] iztikumun lw8leS6S, lD8leS6S,

be straightened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZDKh] [mɑɪzdɪkʰ] maizdikh 6clw9leV 6clD9lt be tasked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZTK] [mɑɪztɪki:] maiztikî 6clw8le" 6clD8le"

be streaked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKT] [mɑɪrkɪti:] mairkitî 6cl@el8" 6cl@el8" be tasked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZTK] [mɑɪztɪk] maiztik 6clw8le 6clD8le

be streaked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKT] [mɑɪrkɪt] mairkit 6cl@el8 6cl@el8 be tasted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SMK] [mɑɪsmɪki:] maismikî 6cl.6le" 6cl.6le"

be streched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKhB] [mɑɪbkʰɪbi:] maibkhibî 6cl2eVl2" 6cl2tl2" be tasted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SMK] [mɑɪsmɪk] maismik 6cl.6le 6cl.6le

be streched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKhB] [mɑɪbkʰɪb] maibkhib 6cl2eVl2 6cl2tl2 be taught! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GShR] [mɑɪɡʃɪri:] maigshirî 6clr%l@" 6clR%l@"

be strengthened! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNʔ] [mɑɪ] mainnî 6clu" 6clu" be taught! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GShR] [mɑɪɡʃɪr] maigshir 6clr%l@ 6clR%l@

be strengthened! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNʔ] [mɑɪn.nɪʔ] mainni' 6clulg 6clulg be tempted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NSKh] [mɑɪnsɪkʰi:] mainsikhî 6cl,.leV" 6cl,.lt"

be strided! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STF] [mɑɪstɪfi:] maistifî 6cl.8l3" 6cl.8l3" be tempted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NSKh] [mɑɪnsɪkʰ] mainsikh 6cl,.leV 6cl,.lt

be strided! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STF] [mɑɪstɪf] maistif 6cl.8l3 6cl.8l3 be termed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MN] [mɑɪmni:] maimnî 6cl6," 6cl6,"

be struck! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DHR] [mɑɪdʰɪri:] maidhirî 6cl!l@" 6cl!l@" be termed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MN] [mɑɪmnɪ] maimni 6cl6,l 6cl6,l

be struck! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DHR] [mɑɪdʰɪr] maidhir 6cl!l@ 6cl!l@ be tested! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRF] [mɑɪfrɪfi:] maifrifî 6cl3@l3" 6cl3@l3"

be struggled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRD] [mɑɪhrɪdi:] maihridî 6clf@l9" 6clf@l9" be tested! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRF] [mɑɪfrɪf] maifrif 6cl3@l3 6cl3@l3

be struggled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRD] [mɑɪhrɪd] maihrid 6clf@l9 6clf@l9 be thanked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhMN] [mɑɪkʰmɪni:] maikhminî 6cleV6l," 6clt6l,"

be studied! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FHN] [mɑɪfhɪni:] maifhinî 6cl3fl," 6cl3fl," be thanked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhMN] [mɑɪkʰmɪn] maikhmin 6cleV6l, 6clt6l,

be studied! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FHN] [mɑɪfhɪn] maifhin 6cl3fl, 6cl3fl, be thirsted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRS] [mɑɪdrɪsi:] maidrisî 6cl9@l." 6cl9@l."

be stumbled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SNB] [mɑɪsnɪbi:] maisnibî 6cl.,l2" 6cl.,l2" be thirsted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRS] [mɑɪdrɪs] maidris 6cl9@l. 6cl9@l.

be stumbled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SNB] [mɑɪsnɪb] maisnib 6cl.,l2 6cl.,l2 be throbbed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLS] [mɑɪflɪsi:] maiflisî 6cl3al." 6cl3al."

be succeeded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RYD] [mɑɪrjɪdi:] mairyidî 6cl@;l9" 6cl@;l9" be throbbed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLS] [mɑɪflɪs] maiflis 6cl3al. 6cl3al.

be succeeded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RYD] [mɑɪrjɪd] mairyid 6cl@;l9 6cl@;l9 be thumped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔNJ] [mɑɪʔnɪd͡ʒi:] mai'nijî 6clg,lR" 6clg,l$"

be suited (fitted)! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRD] [mɑɪfrɪdi:] maifridî 6cl3@l9" 6cl3@l9" be thumped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔNJ] [mɑɪʔnɪd͡ʒ] mai'nij 6clg,lR 6clg,l$

be suited (fitted)! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRD] [mɑɪfrɪd] maifrid 6cl3@l9 6cl3@l9 be timed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRN] [mɑɪdrɪni:] maidrinî 6cl9@l," 6cl9@l,"

be sundered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRM] [mɑɪbrɪmi:] maibrimî 6cl2@l6" 6cl2@l6" be timed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRN] [mɑɪdrɪn] maidrin 6cl9@l, 6cl9@l,

be sundered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRM] [mɑɪbrɪm] maibrim 6cl2@l6 6cl2@l6 be tired! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRT] [mɑɪtʰrɪti:] maithritî 6cl0@l8" 6cl0@l8"

be sung! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KMTh] [mɑɪkmɪtʰi:] maikmithî 6cle6l0" 6cle6l0" be tired! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRT] [mɑɪtʰrɪt] maithrit 6cl0@l8 6cl0@l8

be sung! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KMTh] [mɑɪkmɪtʰ] maikmith 6cle6l0 6cle6l0 be towered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRKh] [mɑɪzrɪkʰi:] maizrikhî 6clw@leV" 6clD@lt"

be supported! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRK] [mɑɪtʰrɪki:] maithrikî 6cl0@le" 6cl0@le" be towered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRKh] [mɑɪzrɪkʰ] maizrikh 6clw@leV 6clD@lt

be supported! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRK] [mɑɪtʰrɪk] maithrik 6cl0@le 6cl0@le be tracked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NL] [mɑɪnli:] mainlî 6cl,a" 6cl,a"

be surprised! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKSh] [mɑɪʔkɪʃi:] mai'kishî 6clgel%" 6clgel%" be tracked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NL] [mɑɪnlɪ] mainli 6cl,al 6cl,al

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
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be traded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SJR] [mɑɪsd͡ʒɪri:] maisjirî 6cl.Rl@" 6cl.$l@" be vowed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNT] [mɑɪɡnɪt] maignit 6clr,l8 6clR,l8

be traded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SJR] [mɑɪsd͡ʒɪr] maisjir 6cl.Rl@ 6cl.$l@ be vulgarized! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhGL] [mɑɪkʰɡɪli:] maikhgilî 6cleVrla" 6cltRla"

be trained! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThFN] [mɑɪtʰfɪni:] maithfinî 6cl03l," 6cl03l," be vulgarized! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhGL] [mɑɪkʰɡɪl] maikhgil 6cleVrla 6cltRla

be trained! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThFN] [mɑɪtʰfɪn] maithfin 6cl03l, 6cl03l, be waked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [mɑɪbkɪni:] maibkinî 6cl2el," 6cl2el,"

be trampled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FTh] [mɑɪftʰi:] maifthî 6cl30" 6cl30" be waked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [mɑɪbkɪn] maibkin 6cl2el, 6cl2el,

be trampled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FTh] [mɑɪftʰɪ] maifthi 6cl30l 6cl30l be walked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSN] [mɑɪbsɪni:] maibsinî 6cl2.l," 6cl2.l,"

be translated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLF] [mɑɪɡlɪfi:] maiglifî 6clral3" 6clRal3" be walked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSN] [mɑɪbsɪn] maibsin 6cl2.l, 6cl2.l,

be translated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLF] [mɑɪɡlɪf] maiglif 6clral3 6clRal3 be walled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhDR] [mɑɪkʰdɪri:] maikhdirî 6cleV9l@" 6clt9l@"

be travelled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KDM] [mɑɪkdɪmi:] maikdimî 6cle9l6" 6cle9l6" be walled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhDR] [mɑɪkʰdɪr] maikhdir 6cleV9l@ 6clt9l@

be travelled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KDM] [mɑɪkdɪm] maikdim 6cle9l6 6cle9l6 be warned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBR] [mɑɪnbɪri:] mainbirî 6cl,2l@" 6cl,2l@"

be treasured! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBSh] [mɑɪɡbɪʃi:] maigbishî 6clr2l%" 6clR2l%" be warned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBR] [mɑɪnbɪr] mainbir 6cl,2l@ 6cl,2l@

be treasured! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBSh] [mɑɪɡbɪʃ] maigbish 6clr2l% 6clR2l% be washed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSK] [mɑɪbsɪki:] maibsikî 6cl2.le" 6cl2.le"

be tricked! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLK] [mɑɪklɪki:] maiklikî 6cleale" 6cleale" be washed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSK] [mɑɪbsɪk] maibsik 6cl2.le 6cl2.le

be tricked! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLK] [mɑɪklɪk] maiklik 6cleale 6cleale be wasted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FBL] [mɑɪfbɪli:] maifbilî 6cl32la" 6cl32la"

be trumpeted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLKh] [mɑɪmlɪkʰi:] maimlikhî 6cl6aleV" 6cl6alt" be wasted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FBL] [mɑɪfbɪl] maifbil 6cl32la 6cl32la

be trumpeted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLKh] [mɑɪmlɪkʰ] maimlikh 6cl6aleV 6cl6alt be watched! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRD] [mɑɪtrɪdi:] maitridî 6cl8@l9" 6cl8@l9"

be trusted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRD] [mɑɪkrɪdi:] maikridî 6cle@l9" 6cle@l9" be watched! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRD] [mɑɪtrɪd] maitrid 6cl8@l9 6cl8@l9

be trusted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRD] [mɑɪkrɪd] maikrid 6cle@l9 6cle@l9 be waved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BShD] [mɑɪbʃɪdi:] maibshidî 6cl2%l9" 6cl2%l9"

be turned! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRT] [mɑɪnrɪti:] mainritî 6cl,@l8" 6cl,@l8" be waved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BShD] [mɑɪbʃɪd] maibshid 6cl2%l9 6cl2%l9

be turned! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRT] [mɑɪnrɪt] mainrit 6cl,@l8 6cl,@l8 be weaved! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BBN] [mɑɪb.bɪni:] maibbinî 6cl22l," 6cl22l,"

be twirled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhBN] [mɑɪkʰbɪni:] maikhbinî 6cleV2l," 6clt2l," be weaved! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BBN] [mɑɪb.bɪn] maibbin 6cl22l, 6cl22l,

be twirled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhBN] [mɑɪkʰbɪn] maikhbin 6cleV2l, 6clt2l, be wedged! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBL] [mɑɪlbɪli:] mailbilî 6cla2la" 6cla2la"

be twisted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SFR] [mɑɪsfɪri:] maisfirî 6cl.3l@" 6cl.3l@" be wedged! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBL] [mɑɪlbɪl] mailbil 6cla2la 6cla2la

be twisted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SFR] [mɑɪsfɪr] maisfir 6cl.3l@ 6cl.3l@ be weighted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRKh] [mɑɪfrɪkʰi:] maifrikhî 6cl3@leV" 6cl3@lt"

be understood! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShBT] [mɑɪʃbɪti:] maishbitî 6cl%2l8" 6cl%2l8" be weighted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRKh] [mɑɪfrɪkʰ] maifrikh 6cl3@leV 6cl3@lt

be understood! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShBT] [mɑɪʃbɪt] maishbit 6cl%2l8 6cl%2l8 be welcomed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DM] [mɑɪdmi:] maidmî 6cl96" 6cl96"

be unearthed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNM] [mɑɪmnɪmi:] maimnimî 6cl6,l6" 6cl6,l6" be welcomed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DM] [mɑɪdmɪ] maidmi 6cl96l 6cl96l

be unearthed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNM] [mɑɪmnɪm] maimnim 6cl6,l6 6cl6,l6 be whispered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FSK] [mɑɪfsɪki:] maifsikî 6cl3.le" 6cl3.le"

be united! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhDSh] [mɑɪkʰdɪʃi:] maikhdishî 6cleV9l%" 6clt9l%" be whispered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FSK] [mɑɪfsɪk] maifsik 6cl3.le 6cl3.le

be united! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhDSh] [mɑɪkʰdɪʃ] maikhdish 6cleV9l% 6clt9l% be whistled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TMM] [mɑɪtmɪmi:] maitmimî 6cl86l6" 6cl86l6"

be unmoved [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShFT] [bɪnʌʃfʊt] binashfut 2l,c%3S8 2l,c%3S8 be whistled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TMM] [mɑɪtmɪm] maitmim 6cl86l6 6cl86l6

be unmoved! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShFT] [bɪnɪʃfɪti:] binishfitî 2l,l%3l8" 2l,l%3l8" be whittled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TLG] [mɑɪtlɪɡi:] maitligî 6cl8alr" 6cl8alR"

be unmoved! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShFT] [bɪnɪʃfɪt] binishfit 2l,l%3l8 2l,l%3l8 be whittled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TLG] [mɑɪtlɪɡ] maitlig 6cl8alr 6cl8alR

be unyielded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRN] [mɑɪzrɪni:] maizrinî 6clw@l," 6clD@l," be winked at! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NLT] [mɑɪnlɪti:] mainlitî 6cl,al8" 6cl,al8"

be unyielded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRN] [mɑɪzrɪn] maizrin 6clw@l, 6clD@l, be winked at! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NLT] [mɑɪnlɪt] mainlit 6cl,al8 6cl,al8

be used! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLB] [mɑɪslɪbi:] maislibî 6cl.al2" 6cl.al2" be withered! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TN] [mɑɪtni:] maitnî 6cl8," 6cl8,"

be used! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLB] [mɑɪslɪb] maislib 6cl.al2 6cl.al2 be withered! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TN] [mɑɪtnɪ] maitni 6cl8,l 6cl8,l

be usurped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RNN] [mɑɪrnɪni:] mairninî 6cl@,l," 6cl@,l," be wobbled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TTR] [mɑɪt.tɪri:] maittirî 6cl88l@" 6cl88l@"

be usurped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RNN] [mɑɪrnɪn] mairnin 6cl@,l, 6cl@,l, be wobbled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TTR] [mɑɪt.tɪr] maittir 6cl88l@ 6cl88l@

be valued! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLD] [mɑɪɡlɪdi:] maiglidî 6clral9" 6clRal9" be won! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZKF] [mɑɪzkɪfi:] maizkifî 6clwel3" 6clDel3"

be valued! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLD] [mɑɪɡlɪd] maiglid 6clral9 6clRal9 be won! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZKF] [mɑɪzkɪf] maizkif 6clwel3 6clDel3

be viewed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKhN] [mɑɪbkʰɪni:] maibkhinî 6cl2eVl," 6cl2tl," be worked (wrought)! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZR] [mɑɪmzɪri:] maimzirî 6cl6wl@" 6cl6Dl@"

be viewed! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKhN] [mɑɪbkʰɪn] maibkhin 6cl2eVl, 6cl2tl, be worked (wrought)! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZR] [mɑɪmzɪr] maimzir 6cl6wl@ 6cl6Dl@

be violated! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRKh] [mɑɪnrɪkʰi:] mainrikhî 6cl,@leV" 6cl,@lt" be worn! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKD] [mɑɪnkɪdi:] mainkidî 6cl,el9" 6cl,el9"

be violated! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRKh] [mɑɪnrɪkʰ] mainrikh 6cl,@leV 6cl,@lt be worn! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKD] [mɑɪnkɪd] mainkid 6cl,el9 6cl,el9

be visited! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKh] [mɑɪnkʰi:] mainkhî 6cl,eV" 6cl,t" be worried! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhShM] [mɑɪkʰʃɪmi:] maikhshimî 6cleV%l6" 6clt%l6"

be visited! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKh] [mɑɪnkʰɪ] mainkhi 6cl,eVl 6cl,tl be worried! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhShM] [mɑɪkʰʃɪm] maikhshim 6cleV%l6 6clt%l6

be voted! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KThM] [mɑɪktʰɪmi:] maikthimî 6cle0l6" 6cle0l6" be worshiped! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRF] [mɑɪɡrɪfi:] maigrifî 6clr@l3" 6clR@l3"

be voted! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KThM] [mɑɪktʰɪm] maikthim 6cle0l6 6cle0l6 be worshiped! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRF] [mɑɪɡrɪf] maigrif 6clr@l3 6clR@l3

be vowed! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNT] [mɑɪɡnɪti:] maignitî 6clr,l8" 6clR,l8" be wounded! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRSh] [mɑɪbrɪʃi:] maibrishî 6cl2@l%" 6cl2@l%"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 95 The Dwarrow Scholar 96

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

be wounded! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRSh] [mɑɪbrɪʃ] maibrish 6cl2@l% 6cl2@l%
be(come) damp [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NZSh] [ɑnzʊʃ] anzush c,wS% c,DS%
be wriggled! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔRM] [mɑɪʔrɪmi:] mai'rimî 6clg@l6" 6clg@l6"
be(come) damp with each other / be(come) damp together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cl,wl%l ,cl,Dl%l
be wriggled! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔRM] [mɑɪʔrɪm] mai'rim 6clg@l6 6clg@l6 [nɑɪnzɪʃɪ] nainzishi
be yawned at! [Passive Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GSB] [mɑɪɡsɪbi:] maigsibî 6clr.l2" 6clR.l2" l,wl%" l,Dl%"
be(come) damp! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NZSh] [ɪnzɪʃi:] inzishî
be yawned at! [Passive Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GSB] [mɑɪɡsɪb] maigsib 6clr.l2 6clR.l2 l,wl% l,Dl%
be(come) damp! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NZSh] [ɪnzɪʃ] inzish
be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MRB] [ɑmrʊb] amrub c6@S2 c6@S2 be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute c,@Sr c,@SR
[ɑnrʊɡ] anrug
Form] [NRG]
be(come) a spirit (ghost) with each other / be(come) a spirit (ghost) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General ,cl6@l2l ,cl6@l2l be(come) dark (filled with shadow) with each other / be(come) dark (filled with shadow) together! [Interactive Verb -
[nɑɪmrɪbɪ] naimribi [nɑɪnrɪɡɪ] nainrigi ,cl,@lrl ,cl,@lRl
Imperative] [MRB] Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NRG]
be(come) a spirit (ghost)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRB] [ɪmrɪbi:] imribî l6@l2" l6@l2" l,@lr" l,@lR"
be(come) dark (filled with shadow)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [ɪnrɪɡi:] inrigî
be(come) a spirit (ghost)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRB] [ɪmrɪb] imrib l6@l2 l6@l2 l,@lr l,@lR
be(come) dark (filled with shadow)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [ɪnrɪɡ] inrig
be(come) able [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BLR] [ɑblʊr] ablur c2aS@ c2aS@ be(come) deserted [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShKL] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:ʃkʊl] jalâshkul Rcav%eSa $cav%eSa

be(come) deserted! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃkɪli:] jalaishkilî Rcacl%ela" $cacl%ela"
be(come) able with each other / be(come) able together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [nɑɪblɪrɪ] naibliri ,cl2al@l ,cl2al@l
be(come) deserted! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃkɪl] jalaishkil Rcacl%ela $cacl%ela

be(come) able! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [ɪblɪri:] iblirî l2al@" l2al@"
be(come) difficult to understand [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZKN] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:zkʊn] jalâzkun RcavweS, $cavDeS,
be(come) able! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [ɪblɪr] iblir l2al@ l2al@
be(come) difficult to understand! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZKN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪzkɪni:] jalaizkinî Rcaclwel," $caclDel,"
be(come) ambitious [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GRTh] [ɑɡrʊtʰ] agruth cr@S0 cR@S0
be(come) difficult to understand! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZKN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪzkɪn] jalaizkin Rcaclwel, $caclDel,
be(come) ambitious with each other / be(come) ambitious together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General ,clr@l0l ,clR@l0l c0;S@ c0;S@
[nɑɪɡrɪtʰɪ] naigrithi be(come) distant [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ThYR] [ɑtʰjʊr] athyur
Imperative] [GRTh]
be(come) ambitious! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRTh] [ɪɡrɪtʰi:] igrithî lr@l0" lR@l0" be(come) distant with each other / be(come) distant together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative]
[nɑɪtʰjɪrɪ] naithyiri ,cl0;l@l ,cl0;l@l
be(come) ambitious! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRTh] [ɪɡrɪtʰ] igrith lr@l0 lR@l0 [ThYR]
be(come) distant! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThYR] [ɪtʰjɪri:] ithyirî l0;l@" l0;l@"
be(come) ancient [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FRN] [ʌfrʊn] afrun c3@S, c3@S,
be(come) distant! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThYR] [ɪtʰjɪr] ithyir l0;l@ l0;l@
be(come) ancient with each other / be(come) ancient together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] be(come) divine [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LGN] [mʌhɑlɡʊn] mahalgun 6cfcarS, 6cfcaRS,
[nɑɪfrɪnɪ] naifrini ,cl3@l,l ,cl3@l,l
[FRN] be(come) divine! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LGN] [mɑhɪlɡɪni:] mahilginî 6cflarl," 6cflaRl,"
be(come) ancient! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRN] [ɪfrɪni:] ifrinî l3@l," l3@l,"
be(come) divine! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LGN] [mʌhɪlɡɪn] mahilgin 6cflarl, 6cflaRl,
be(come) ancient! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRN] [ɪfrɪn] ifrin l3@l, l3@l,
be(come) drunk [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GRG] [ɑɡrʊɡ] agrug cr@Sr cR@SR
be(come) appalled [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HRTh] [ʌhrʊtʰ] ahruth cf@S0 cf@S0
be(come) drunk with each other / be(come) drunk together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,clr@lrl ,clR@lRl
be(come) appalled with each other / be(come) appalled together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General [nɑɪɡrɪɡɪ] naigrigi
[nɑɪhrɪtʰɪ] naihrithi ,clf@l0l ,clf@l0l [GRG]
Imperative] [HRTh] be(come) drunk! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRG] [ɪɡrɪɡi:] igrigî lr@lr" lR@lR"
be(come) appalled! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRTh] [ɪhrɪtʰi:] ihrithî lf@l0" lf@l0"
be(come) drunk! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRG] [ɪɡrɪɡ] igrig lr@lr lR@lR
be(come) appalled! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRTh] [ɪhrɪtʰ] ihrith lf@l0 lf@l0
be(come) dusty [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [MNT] [mʌhɑmnʊt] mahamnut 6cfc6,S8 6cfc6,S8
be(come) beautiful/graceful [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] c2,S6 c2,S6
[ɑbnʊm] abnum be(come) dusty! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNT] [mɑhɪmnɪti:] mahimnitî 6cfl6,l8" 6cfl6,l8"
be(come) beautiful/graceful with each other / be(come) beautiful/graceful together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / be(come) dusty! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNT] [mʌhɪmnɪt] mahimnit 6cfl6,l8 6cfl6,l8
[nɑɪbnɪmɪ] naibnimi ,cl2,l6l ,cl2,l6l
General Imperative] [BNM] be(come) familiar [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BRF] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:brʊf] jalâbruf Rcav2@S3 $cav2@S3
be(come) beautiful/graceful! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNM] [ɪbnɪmi:] ibnimî l2,l6" l2,l6" Rcacl2@l3" $cacl2@l3"
be(come) familiar! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbrɪfi:] jalaibrifî
be(come) beautiful/graceful! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNM] [ɪbnɪm] ibnim l2,l6 l2,l6 Rcacl2@l3 $cacl2@l3
be(come) familiar! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbrɪf] jalaibrif
be(come) brave [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZNG] [mʌhʌznʊɡ] mahaznug 6cfcw,Sr 6cfcD,SR
be(come) famous [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FRG] [ʌfrʊɡ] afrug c3@Sr c3@SR
be(come) brave! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNG] [mɑhɪznɪɡi:] mahiznigî 6cflw,lr" 6cflD,lR"

be(come) brave! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNG] [mʌhɪznɪɡ] mahiznig 6cflw,lr 6cflD,lR be(come) famous with each other / be(come) famous together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cl3@lrl ,cl3@lRl
[nɑɪfrɪɡɪ] naifrigi
be(come) certain [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BSS] [bɪrɑ:bsʊs] birâbsus 2l@v2.S. 2l@v2.S.
be(come) famous! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRG] [ɪfrɪɡi:] ifrigî l3@lr" l3@lR"
be(come) certain! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSS] [bɪrɑɪbsɪsi:] biraibsisî 2l@cl2.l." 2l@cl2.l."
be(come) famous! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRG] [ɪfrɪɡ] ifrig l3@lr l3@lR
be(come) certain! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSS] [bɪrɑɪbsɪs] biraibsis 2l@cl2.l. 2l@cl2.l.
be(come) fat [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [DFT] [ɑdfʊt] adfut c93S8 c93S8
be(come) comfortable [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MDM] [ɑmdʊm] amdum c69S6 c69S6

be(come) fat with each other / be(come) fat together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [nɑɪdfɪtɪ] naidfiti ,cl93l8l ,cl93l8l
be(come) comfortable with each other / be(come) comfortable together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General ,cl69l6l ,cl69l6l
[nɑɪmdɪmɪ] naimdimi
Imperative] [MDM] be(come) fat! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [ɪdfɪti:] idfitî l93l8" l93l8"
be(come) comfortable! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDM] [ɪmdɪmi:] imdimî l69l6" l69l6"
be(come) fat! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [ɪdfɪt] idfit l93l8 l93l8
be(come) comfortable! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDM] [ɪmdɪm] imdim l69l6 l69l6
be(come) frail (about a person) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZMKh] [bɪnʌzmʊkʰ] binazmukh 2l,cw6SeV 2l,cD6St
be(come) convince [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ʔBN] [mʌhɑʔbʊn] maha'bun 6cfcg2S, 6cfcg2S,

be(come) convince! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [mɑhɪʔbɪni:] mahi'binî 6cflg2l," 6cflg2l," be(come) frail (about a person)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZMKh] [bɪnɪzmɪkʰi:] binizmikhî 2l,lw6leV" 2l,lD6lt"

be(come) convince! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [mʌhɪʔbɪn] mahi'bin 6cflg2l, 6cflg2l, be(come) frail (about a person)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZMKh] [bɪnɪzmɪkʰ] binizmikh 2l,lw6leV 2l,lD6lt

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be(come) frugal [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SBZ] [ʌsbʊzrʊk] asbuzruk c.2Sw@Se c.2SD@Se be(come) loyal! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNS] [ɪmnɪsi:] imnisî l6,l." l6,l."

be(come) frugal! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBZ] [ɪsbɪzrʊki:] isbizrukî l.2lw@Se" l.2lD@Se" be(come) loyal! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNS] [ɪmnɪs] imnis l6,l. l6,l.

be(come) frugal! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBZ] [ɪsbɪzrʊk] isbizruk l.2lw@Se l.2lD@Se
be(come) lucky [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MSL] [ɑmsʊl] amsul c6.Sa c6.Sa
be(come) gracious [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GLKh] [bɪrɑ:ɡlʊkʰ] birâglukh 2l@vraSeV 2l@vRaSt

be(come) gracious! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [bɪrɑɪɡlɪkʰi:] biraiglikhî 2l@clraleV" 2l@clRalt" be(come) lucky with each other / be(come) lucky together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MSL] [nɑɪmsɪlɪ] naimsili ,cl6.lal ,cl6.lal

be(come) gracious! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [bɪrɑɪɡlɪkʰ] biraiglikh 2l@clraleV 2l@clRalt""
be(come) lucky! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MSL] [ɪmsɪli:] imsilî
be(come) great [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GBL] [ɑɡbʊl] agbul cr2Sa cR2Sa be(come) lucky! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MSL] [ɪmsɪl] imsil

be(come) melancholic [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [DRTh] [bɪrɑ:drʊtʰ] birâdruth 2l@v9@S0 2l@v9@S0
be(come) great with each other / be(come) great together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [nɑɪɡbɪlɪ] naigbili ,clr2lal ,clR2lal
be(come) melancholic! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRTh] [bɪrɑɪdrɪtʰi:] biraidrithî 2l@cl9@l0" 2l@cl9@l0"

be(come) great! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [ɪɡbɪli:] igbilî lr2la" lR2la" be(come) melancholic! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRTh] [bɪrɑɪdrɪtʰ] biraidrith 2l@cl9@l0 2l@cl9@l0

be(come) great! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [ɪɡbɪl] igbil lr2la lR2la
be(come) nude [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [DR] [ɑdʊr] adur c9S@ c9S@
be(come) greedy [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GRTh] [ɑɡrʊtʰrʊk] agruthruk cr@S0@Se cR@S0@Se

be(come) greedy! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRTh] [ɪɡrɪtʰrʊki:] igrithrukî lr@l0@Se" lR@l0@Se" be(come) nude with each other / be(come) nude together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [DR] [nɑɪdri:] naidrî ,cl9@" ,cl9@"

be(come) greedy! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRTh] [ɪɡrɪtʰrʊk] igrithruk lr@l0@Se lR@l0@Se l9@" l9@"
be(come) nude! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DR] [ɪdri:] idrî
be(come) hard [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KShKh] [ɑkshʊkʰ] akshukh ce.fSeV cwfSt be(come) nude! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DR] [ɪdrɪ] idri l9@l l9@l
be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute c2@Sr c2@SR
be(come) hard with each other / be(come) hard together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cle.fleVl ,clwfltl
[ɑbrʊɡ] abrug
[nɑɪkshɪkʰɪ] naikshikhi Form] [BRG]
be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant with each other / be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant together! [Interactive Verb - ,cl2@lrl ,cl2@lRl
be(come) hard! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KShKh] [ɪkshɪkʰi:] ikshikhî le.fleV" lwflt" [nɑɪbrɪɡɪ] naibrigi
Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BRG]
be(come) hard! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KShKh] [ɪkshɪkʰ] ikshikh le.fleV lwflt l2@lr" l2@lR"
be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRG] [ɪbrɪɡi:] ibrigî
be(come) healthy [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BST] [ɑbsʊt] absut c2.S8 c2.S8 be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRG] [ɪbrɪɡ] ibrig l2@lr l2@lR

be(come) healthy with each other / be(come) healthy together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] be(come) outcast [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShKL] [ʌʃkʊl] ashkul c%eSa c%eSa
[nɑɪbsɪtɪ] naibsiti ,cl2.l8l ,cl2.l8l
be(come) outcast with each other / be(come) outcast together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cl%elal ,cl%elal
be(come) healthy! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BST] [ɪbsɪti:] ibsitî l2.l8" l2.l8" [nɑɪʃkɪlɪ] naishkili
be(come) healthy! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BST] [ɪbsɪt] ibsit l2.l8 l2.l8 l%ela" l%ela"
be(come) outcast! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [ɪʃkɪli:] ishkilî
be(come) high-spirited [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:ʃkʊb] jalâshkub Rcav%eS2 $cav%eS2 l%ela l%ela
be(come) outcast! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [ɪʃkɪl] ishkil
be(come) high-spirited! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃkɪbi:] jalaishkibî Rcacl%el2" $cacl%el2" c3@SeV@Se c3@St@Se
be(come) overweight [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [FRKh] [ʌfrʊkʰrʊk] afrukhruk
be(come) high-spirited! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃkɪb] jalaishkib Rcacl%el2 $cacl%el2 l3@leV@Se" l3@lt@Se"
be(come) overweight! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRKh] [ɪfrɪkʰrʊki:] ifrikhrukî
be(come) hostile [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GMZ] [bɪrɑ:ɡmʊz] birâgmuz 2l@vr6Sw 2l@vR6SD l3@leV@Se l3@lt@Se
be(come) overweight! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRKh] [ɪfrɪkʰrʊk] ifrikhruk
be(come) hostile! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [bɪrɑɪɡmɪzi:] biraigmizî 2l@clr6lw" 2l@clR6lD"
be(come) poor [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NTH] [ɑntʊh] antuh c,8Sf c,8Sf
be(come) hostile! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [bɪrɑɪɡmɪz] biraigmiz 2l@clr6lw 2l@clR6lD

be(come) ill [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ʔTN] [mʌhɑʔtʊn] maha'tun 6cfcg8S, 6cfcg8S, be(come) poor with each other / be(come) poor together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [nɑɪntɪhɪ] naintihi ,cl,8lfl ,cl,8lfl
be(come) ill! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔTN] [mɑhɪʔtɪni:] mahi'tinî 6cflg8l," 6cflg8l,"
be(come) poor! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [ɪntɪhi:] intihî l,8lf" l,8lf"
be(come) ill! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔTN] [mʌhɪʔtɪn] mahi'tin 6cflg8l, 6cflg8l,
be(come) poor! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [ɪntɪh] intih l,8lf l,8lf
be(come) illogical [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [LSD] [ɑlsʊd] alsud ca.S9 ca.S9
be(come) probable [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [LKN] [ɑlkʊn] alkun caeS, caeS,
be(come) illogical with each other / be(come) illogical together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cla.l9l ,cla.l9l
[nɑɪlsɪdɪ] nailsidi be(come) probable with each other / be(come) probable together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General ,clael,l ,clael,l
[LSD] [nɑɪlkɪnɪ] nailkini
Imperative] [LKN]
be(come) illogical! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LSD] [ɪlsɪdi:] ilsidî la.l9" la.l9"
be(come) probable! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LKN] [ɪlkɪni:] ilkinî lael," lael,"
be(come) illogical! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LSD] [ɪlsɪd] ilsid la.l9 la.l9
be(come) probable! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LKN] [ɪlkɪn] ilkin lael, lael,
be(come) indifferent [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LYM] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:ljʊm] jalâlyum Rcava;S6 $cava;S6
be(come) responsible for [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZMKh] [mʌhʌzmʊkʰ] mahazmukh 6cfcw6SeV 6cfcD6St
be(come) indifferent! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪljɪmi:] jalailyimî Rcacla;l6" $cacla;l6"

be(come) indifferent! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪljɪm] jalailyim Rcacla;l6 $cacla;l6 be(come) responsible for! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZMKh] [mɑhɪzmɪkʰi:] mahizmikhî 6cflw6leV" 6cflD6lt"

be(come) responsible for! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZMKh] [mʌhɪzmɪkʰ] mahizmikh 6cflw6leV 6cflD6lt
be(come) kind [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GLKh] [ɑɡlʊkʰ] aglukh craSeV cRaSt
be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] c6wS6 c6DS6
[ɑmzʊm] amzum
be(come) kind with each other / be(come) kind together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [nɑɪɡlɪkʰɪ] naiglikhi ,clraleVl ,clRaltl [MZM]
be(come) rude (ill-bread) with each other / be(come) rude (ill-bread) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / ,cl6wl6l ,cl6Dl6l
be(come) kind! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [ɪɡlɪkʰi:] iglikhî lraleV" lRalt" [nɑɪmzɪmɪ] naimzimi
General Imperative] [MZM]
be(come) kind! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [ɪɡlɪkʰ] iglikh lraleV lRalt be(come) rude (ill-bread)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZM] [ɪmzɪmi:] imzimî l6wl6" l6Dl6"

be(come) rude (ill-bread)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZM] [ɪmzɪm] imzim l6wl6 l6Dl6
be(come) loyal [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MNS] [ɑmnʊs] amnus c6,S. c6,S.

be(come) safe [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NSS] [ɑnsʊs] ansus c,.S. c,.S.
be(come) loyal with each other / be(come) loyal together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MNS] [nɑɪmnɪsɪ] naimnisi ,cl6,l.l ,cl6,l.l

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beach [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊ] shuklu %SeaS %SeaS
be(come) safe with each other / be(come) safe together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [nɑɪnsɪsɪ] nainsisi ,cl,.l.l ,cl,.l.l
beach of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShKL] [ʃʊklu:] shuklû %SeaD %SeaG
be(come) safe! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [ɪnsɪsi:] insisî l,.l." l,.l."
beach of all beaches* (*shores) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ShKL] [ʃʊklɛl] shuklel %Seaza %Seaza
be(come) safe! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [ɪnsɪs] insis l,.l. l,.l.
beach* that is young/new/fresh (*shore) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShKL] [ʃɑklɪtʰ] shaklith %ceal0 %ceal0
be(come) soft [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BLM] [ɑblʊm] ablum c2aS6 c2aS6 beach*-ladies (*shore) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ShKL] [ʃɑklɑ:nɑ] shaklâna %ceav,c %ceav,c

beach*-lady (*shore) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ShKL] [ʃɑklu:nɑ] shaklûna %ceaD,c %ceaG,c
be(come) soft with each other / be(come) soft together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BLM] [nɑɪblɪmɪ] naiblimi ,cl2al6l ,cl2al6l
beach*-man (*shore) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ShKL] [ʃɑklu:n] shaklûn %ceaD, %ceaG,
be(come) soft! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLM] [ɪblɪmi:] iblimî l2al6" l2al6" %ceav, %ceav,
beach*-men (*shore) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ShKL] [ʃɑklɑ:n] shaklân
be(come) soft! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLM] [ɪblɪm] iblim l2al6 l2al6 %lea", %lea",
beach*-place (*shore) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ShKL] [ʃɪkli:n] shiklîn
be(come) speechless [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LGB] [bɪnɑlɡʊb] binalgub 2l,carS2 2l,caRS2 %SeDa %SeGa
beaches [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShKL] [ʃʊku:l] shukûl
be(come) speechless! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [bɪnɪlɡɪbi:] binilgibî 2l,larl2" 2l,laRl2" %SeDaS %SeGaS
beaches of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShKL] [ʃʊku:lʊ] shukûlu
be(come) speechless! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [bɪnɪlɡɪb] binilgib 2l,larl2 2l,laRl2 %Seaxa %Seaxa
beaches of all beaches* (*shores) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ShKL] [ʃʊkle:l] shuklêl
be(come) stuck [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [STM] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:stʊm] jalâstum Rcav.8S6 $cav.8S6 %cea"0 %cea"0
beaches* that are young/new/fresh (*shores) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShKL] [ʃɑkli:tʰ] shaklîth
be(come) stuck! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪstɪmi:] jalaistimî Rcacl.8l6" $cacl.8l6" 2l,%SeaS 2l,%SeaS
beachless / without beach [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKL] [bɪnʃʊklʊ] binshuklu
be(come) stuck! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪstɪm] jalaistim Rcacl.8l6 $cacl.8l6 %SeaSa %SeaSa
beach-like / from (the) beaches [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊl] shuklul
be(come) tepid [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [LYM] [ɑljʊm] alyum ca;S6 ca;S6 bead [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔFH] [ʔʌfh] 'afh gc3f gc3f

bead of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔFH] [ʔʌfhʊ] 'afhu gc3fS gc3fS
be(come) tepid with each other / be(come) tepid together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [nɑɪljɪmɪ] nailyimi ,cla;l6l ,cla;l6l
beadless / without bead [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔFH] [bɪnʔʌfh] bin'afh 2l,gc3f 2l,gc3f

be(come) tepid! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [ɪljɪmi:] ilyimî la;l6" la;l6" bead-like / from (the) beads [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔFH] [ʔʌfhʊl] 'afhul gc3fSa gc3fSa

be(come) tepid! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [ɪljɪm] ilyim la;l6 la;l6 beads [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔFH] [ʔɑfɑ:h] 'afâh gc3vf gc3vf

be(come) tranquil [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [MGL] [ɑmɡʊlrʊk] amgulruk c6rSa@Se c6RSa@Se beads of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔFH] [ʔɑfʊh] 'afuh gc3Sf gc3Sf

be(come) tranquil! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MGL] [ɪmɡɪlrʊki:] imgilrukî l6rla@Se" l6Rla@Se" beak [Singular Compound Noun] [zʊnʃɡɑlʔ] zunshgal' wS,%rcag DS,%Rcag

be(come) tranquil! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MGL] [ɪmɡɪlrʊk] imgilruk l6rla@Se l6Rla@Se beaken [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TRN] [tɑrn] tarn 8c@, 8c@,

beaken of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TRN] [tɑrnʊ] tarnu 8c@,S 8c@,S
be(come) ugly [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MSK] [ɑmsʊk] amsuk c6.Se c6.Se
beaken of all beakens [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [TRN] [tɑrnɛl] tarnel 8c@,za 8c@,za
be(come) ugly with each other / be(come) ugly together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MSK] [nɑɪmsɪkɪ] naimsiki ,cl6.lel ,cl6.lel beaken that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TRN] [tɑrnɪtʰ] tarnith 8c@,l0 8c@,l0

l6.le" l6.le" beaken-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [TRN] [tɑrnɑ:nɑ] tarnâna 8c@,v,c 8c@,v,c
be(come) ugly! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MSK] [ɪmsɪki:] imsikî
l6.le l6.le beaken-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [TRN] [tɑrnu:nɑ] tarnûna 8c@,D,c 8c@,G,c
be(come) ugly! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MSK] [ɪmsɪk] imsik
beakenless / without beaken [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRN] [bɪntɑrn] bintarn 2l,8c@, 2l,8c@,
be(come) vigilant [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [TRT] [ɑtrʊt] atrut c8@S8 c8@S8
beaken-like / from (the) beakens [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRN] [tɑrnʊl] tarnul 8c@,Sa 8c@,Sa
be(come) vigilant with each other / be(come) vigilant together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] ,cl8@l8l ,cl8@l8l beaken-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [TRN] [tɑrnu:n] tarnûn 8c@,D, 8c@,G,
[nɑɪtrɪtɪ] naitriti
beaken-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [TRN] [tɑrnɑ:n] tarnân 8c@,v, 8c@,v,
be(come) vigilant! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRT] [ɪtrɪti:] itritî l8@l8" l8@l8"
beaken-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [TRN] [tɪrni:n] tirnîn 8l@,", 8l@,",
be(come) vigilant! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRT] [ɪtrɪt] itrit l8@l8 l8@l8
beakens [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TRN] [tɑrɑ:n] tarân 8c@v, 8c@v,
be(come) voracious [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FRS] [ʌfrʊs] afrus c3@S. c3@S.
beakens of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TRN] [tɑrʊn] tarun 8c@S, 8c@S,
be(come) voracious with each other / be(come) voracious together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General beakens of all beakens [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [TRN] [tɑrne:l] tarnêl 8c@,xa 8c@,xa
[nɑɪfrɪsɪ] naifrisi ,cl3@l.l ,cl3@l.l
Imperative] [FRS] beakens that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TRN] [tɑrni:tʰ] tarnîth 8c@,"0 8c@,"0
be(come) voracious! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRS] [ɪfrɪsi:] ifrisî l3@l." l3@l."
beaks [Plural Compound Noun] [zʊnʃɡɑlɑ:ʔ] zunshgalâ' wS,%rcavg DS,%Rcavg
be(come) voracious! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRS] [ɪfrɪs] ifris l3@l. l3@l.
beam [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NHB] [nʊhbʊ] nuhbu ,Sf2S ,Sf2S
be(come) wild [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GMZ] [ɑɡmʊz] agmuz cr6Sw cR6SD beam of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NHB] [nʊhbu:] nuhbû ,Sf2D ,Sf2G

beam of all beams* (*rails) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NHB] [nɛhbɛl] nehbel ,zf2za ,zf2za
be(come) wild with each other / be(come) wild together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [nɑɪɡmɪzɪ] naigmizi ,clr6lwl ,clR6lDl
beam* that is young/new/fresh (*rail) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NHB] [nʌhbɪtʰ] nahbith ,cf2l0 ,cf2l0
be(come) wild! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [ɪɡmɪzi:] igmizî lr6lw" lR6lD" beam*-ladies (*rail) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NHB] [nɑhbɑ:nɑ] nahbâna ,cf2v,c ,cf2v,c
be(come) wild! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [ɪɡmɪz] igmiz lr6lw lR6lD beam*-lady (*rail) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NHB] [nʌhbu:nɑ] nahbûna ,cf2D,c ,cf2G,c
be(come) wise [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BHR] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:bhʊr] jalâbhur Rcav2fS@ $cav2fS@ beam*-man (*rail) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NHB] [nʌhbu:n] nahbûn ,cf2D, ,cf2G,
be(come) wise! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BHR] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbhɪri:] jalaibhirî Rcacl2fl@" $cacl2fl@" beam*-men (*rail) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NHB] [nɑhbɑ:n] nahbân ,cf2v, ,cf2v,
be(come) wise! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BHR] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪbhɪr] jalaibhir Rcacl2fl@ $cacl2fl@ beam*-place (*rail) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NHB] [nɪhbi:n] nihbîn ,lf2", ,lf2",
be(come) witless [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KTB] [bɪnɑktʊb] binaktub 2l,ce8S2 2l,ce8S2 beamless / without beam [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [NHB] [bɪn.nʊhbʊ] binnuhbu 2luSf2S 2luSf2S
be(come) witless! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KTB] [bɪnɪktɪbi:] biniktibî 2l,le8l2" 2l,le8l2" beam-like / from (the) beams [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NHB] [nʊhbʊl] nuhbul ,Sf2Sa ,Sf2Sa
be(come) witless! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KTB] [bɪnɪktɪb] biniktib 2l,le8l2 2l,le8l2 beams [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NHB] [nʊhu:b] nuhûb ,SfD2 ,SfG2

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

beams of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NHB] [nʊhu:bʊ] nuhûbu ,SfD2S ,SfG2S
beast (EredM.)-*place (*creature (savage), savagery) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KBR] [kɪbri:n] kibrîn el2@", el2@",
beams of all beams* (*rails) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NHB] [nɛhbe:l] nehbêl ,zf2xa ,zf2xa
beast (EredM.)-less / without beast (EredM.) [NOUN TYPE 26 (bin-CoCoC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KBR] [bɪnkɔbɔr] binkobor 2l,eb2b@ 2l,eb2b@
beams* that are young/new/fresh (*rails) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NHB] [nɑhbi:tʰ] nahbîth ,cf2"0 ,cf2"0
beast (EredM.)-like / from (the) beasts (EredM.) [NOUN TYPE 26 (CoCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KBR] [kɔbrʊl] kobrul eb2@Sa eb2@Sa
bean [Singular Compound Noun] [fɑntsɑdz] fantsadz 3c,8.c9w 3c,Cc9D
beast [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MZM] [mʊzm] muzm 6Sw6 6SD6
beans [Plural Compound Noun] [fɑntsɑdɑ:z] fantsadâz 3c,8.c9vw 3c,Cc9vD
beast of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MZM] [mʊzmʊ] muzmu 6Sw6S 6SD6S
bear [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MGR] [mʊɡr] mugr 6Sr@ 6SR@

bear of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MGR] [mʊɡrʊ] mugru 6Sr@S 6SR@S beast of all beasts* (*brutes, rudeness) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MZM] [mʊzmɛl] muzmel 6Sw6za 6SD6za

bear of all bears [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MGR] [mʊɡrɛl] mugrel 6Sr@za 6SR@za
beast* that is young/new/fresh (*brute, rudeness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MZM] [mʌzmɪtʰ] mazmith 6cw6l0 6cD6l0
bear that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MGR] [mɑɡrɪtʰ] magrith 6cr@l0 6cR@l0
8c@r 8c@R beast*-ladies (*brute, rudeness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MZM] [mɑzmɑ:nɑ] mazmâna 6cw6v,c 6cD6v,c
beard [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TRG] [tɑrɡ] targ
8c@rwz,c8 8c@RDz,c8 beast*-lady (*brute, rudeness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MZM] [mʌzmu:nɑ] mazmûna 6cw6D,c 6cD6G,c
beard comb [Singular Compound Noun] [tɑrɡzɛnɑt] targzenat
8c@rwz,v8 8c@RDz,v8 beast*-man (*brute, rudeness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MZM] [mʌzmu:n] mazmûn 6cw6D, 6cD6G,
beard combs [Plural Compound Noun] [tɑrɡzɛnɑ:t] targzenât
8c@rS 8c@RS beast*-men (*brute, rudeness) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MZM] [mɑzmɑ:n] mazmân 6cw6v, 6cD6v,
beard of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TRG] [tɑrɡʊ] targu
8z@rza 8z@Rza beast-*place (*brute, rudeness) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MZM] [mɪzmi:n] mizmîn 6lw6", 6lD6",
beard of all beards* (*stubbles) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [TRG] [tɛrɡɛl] tergel
8c@r2c.ce 8c@R2c.ce beastless / without beast [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZM] [bɪnmʊzm] binmuzm 2l,6Sw6 2l,6SD6
beard wash [Singular Compound Noun] [tɑrɡbʌsɑk] targbasak
8c@r2c..ce 8c@R2c..ce beast-like / from (the) beasts [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZM] [mʊzmʊl] muzmul 6Sw6Sa 6SD6Sa
beard washes [Plural Compound Noun] [tɑrɡbɑs.sɑk] targbassak
8c@rl0 8c@Rl0 beasts (EredM.) [NOUN TYPE 26 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KBR] [kɑbɑ:r] kabâr ec2v@ ec2v@
beard* that is young/new/fresh (*stubble) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TRG] [tɑrɡɪtʰ] targith
8c@rv,c 8c@Rv,c beasts (EredM.) of [NOUN TYPE 26 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KBR] [kɑbʊr] kabur ec2S@ ec2S@
beard*-ladies (*stubble) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [TRG] [tɑrɡɑ:nɑ] targâna
beard*-lady (*stubble) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [TRG] [tɑrɡu:nɑ] targûna 8c@rD,c 8c@RG,c beasts (EredM.) of all beasts (EredM.)* (*creatures (savages), savagery) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL eS2@xa eS2@xa
[kʊbre:l] kubrêl
beard*-man (*stubble) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [TRG] [tɑrɡu:n] targûn 8c@rD, 8c@RG,
beasts (EredM.)* that are young/new/fresh (*creatures (savages)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] ec2@"0 ec2@"0
beard*-men (*stubble) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [TRG] [tɑrɡɑ:n] targân 8c@rv, 8c@Rv, [kɑbri:tʰ] kabrîth
beard*-place (*stubble) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [TRG] [tɪrɡi:n] tirgîn 8l@r", 8l@R", beasts [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MZM] [mɑzɑ:m] mazâm 6cwv6 6cDv6

beard-envy [Singular Compound Noun] [tɑrɡdʊʃʔɑrkʰ] targdush'arkh 8c@r9S%gc@eV 8c@R9S%gc@t beasts of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MZM] [mɑzʊm] mazum 6cwS6 6cDS6

beardish / beard-like / from (the) beards [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRG] [tɑrɡʊl] targul 8c@rSa 8c@RSa beasts of all beasts* (*brutes, rudeness) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MZM] [mʊzme:l] muzmêl 6Sw6xa 6SD6xa

beardless / without beard [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRG] [bɪntɑrɡ] bintarg 2l,8c@r 2l,8c@R beasts* that are young/new/fresh (*brutes) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MZM] [mɑzmi:tʰ] mazmîth 6cw6"0 6cD6"0

beards [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TRG] [tɑrɑ:ɡ] tarâg 8c@vr 8c@vR beat [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KRT] [ɑkrʊt] akrut ce@S8 ce@S8

beards of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TRG] [tɑrʊɡ] tarug 8c@Sr 8c@SR beat [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRT] [kɑrt] kart ec@8 ec@8

beards of all beards* (*stubbles) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [TRG] [tɛrɡe:l] tergêl 8z@rxa 8z@Rxa beat of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRT] [kɑrtʊ] kartu ec@8S ec@8S

beards* that are young/new/fresh (*stubbles) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TRG] [tɑrɡi:tʰ] targîth 8c@r"0 8c@R"0 beat of all beats* (*drums) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KRT] [kɛrtɛl] kertel ez@8za ez@8za

bear-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MGR] [mɑɡrɑ:nɑ] magrâna 6cr@v,c 6cR@v,c beat with each other / beat together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [nɑɪkrɪtɪ] naikriti ,cle@l8l ,cle@l8l

bear-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MGR] [mɑɡru:nɑ] magrûna 6cr@D,c 6cR@G,c beat! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [ɪkrɪti:] ikritî le@l8" le@l8"

bearless / without bear [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MGR] [bɪnmʊɡr] binmugr 2l,6Sr@ 2l,6SR@ beat! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [ɪkrɪt] ikrit le@l8 le@l8

bear-like / from (the) bears [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MGR] [mʊɡrʊl] mugrul 6Sr@Sa 6SR@Sa beat* that is young/new/fresh (*drum) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KRT] [kɑrtɪtʰ] kartith ec@8l0 ec@8l0

bear-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MGR] ❷ - Beorning [mɑɡru:n] magrûn 6cr@D, 6cR@G, beat*-ladies (*drum) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KRT] [kɑrtɑ:nɑ] kartâna ec@8v,c ec@8v,c

bear-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MGR] ❷ - Beornings [mɑɡrɑ:n] magrân 6cr@v, 6cR@v, beat*-lady (*drum) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KRT] [kɑrtu:nɑ] kartûna ec@8D,c ec@8G,c

bear-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MGR] [mɪɡri:n] migrîn 6lr@", 6lR@", beat*-man (*drum) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KRT] [kɑrtu:n] kartûn ec@8D, ec@8G,

bears [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MGR] [mɑɡɑ:r] magâr 6crv@ 6cRv@ beat*-men (*drum) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KRT] [kɑrtɑ:n] kartân ec@8v, ec@8v,

bears of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MGR] [mɑɡʊr] magur 6crS@ 6cRS@ beat*-place (*drum) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KRT] [kɪrti:n] kirtîn el@8", el@8",

bears of all bears [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MGR] [mʊɡre:l] mugrêl 6Sr@xa 6SR@xa beater (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRT] [ɑkrɑt] akrat ce@c8 ce@c8

bears that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MGR] [mɑɡri:tʰ] magrîth 6cr@"0 6cR@"0 beater (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRT] [ʊkrɑt] ukrat Se@c8 Se@c8

beast (EredM.) [NOUN TYPE 26 (CoCoC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KBR] [kɔbɔr] kobor eb2b@ eb2b@ beater of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRT] [ɑkrɑtʊ] akratu ce@c8S ce@c8S

beast (EredM.) of [NOUN TYPE 26 (CoCoCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KBR] [kɔbɔrʊ] koboru eb2b@S eb2b@S beater of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRT] [ʊkrɑtʊ] ukratu Se@c8S Se@c8S
beast (EredM.) of all beasts (EredM.)* (*creatures (savages), savagery) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR beater-like / from beaters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRT] [ɑkrɑtʊl] akratul ce@c8Sa ce@c8Sa
[kʊbrɛl] kubrel eS2@za eS2@za
ULTIMATIVE ] [KBR] beater-like / from beaters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRT] [ʊkrɑtʊl] ukratul Se@c8Sa Se@c8Sa
beast (EredM.)* that is young/new/fresh (*creature (savage), savagery) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE ec2@l0 ec2@l0
[kɑbrɪtʰ] kabrith beaters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRT] [ɑkɑ:rɑt] akârat cev@c8 cev@c8
ec2@v,c ec2@v,c beaters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRT] [ʊkrɑ:t] ukrât Se@v8 Se@v8
beast (EredM.)*-ladies (*creature (savage), savagery) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KBR] [kɑbrɑ:nɑ] kabrâna
ec2@D,c ec2@G,c beaters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRT] [ɑkɑ:rʊt] akârut cev@S8 cev@S8
beast (EredM.)*-lady (*creature (savage), savagery) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KBR] [kɑbru:nɑ] kabrûna
ec2@D, ec2@G, beaters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRT] [ʊkrʊt] ukrut Se@S8 Se@S8
beast (EredM.)*-man (*creature (savage), savagery) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KBR] [kɑbru:n] kabrûn
ec2@v, ec2@v, beating (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KRT] [ɪkre:t] ikrêt le@x8 le@x8
beast (EredM.)*-men (*creature (savage), savagery) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KBR] [kɑbrɑ:n] kabrân
beating [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SGR] [ʌsɡɑ:r] asgâr c.rv@ c.Rv@

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beating of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SGR] [ʌsɡɑ:rʊ] asgâru c.rv@S c.Rv@S befriend with each other / befriend together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BH] [nɑɪbhi:] naibhî ,cl2f" ,cl2f"

beatingless / without beating [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SGR] [bɪnʌsɡɑ:r] binasgâr 2l,c.rv@ 2l,c.Rv@ befriend! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BH] [ɪbhi:] ibhî l2f" l2f"

beating-like / from (the) beatings [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SGR] [ʌsɡɑ:rʊl] asgârul c.rv@Sa c.Rv@Sa befriend! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BH] [ɪbhɪ] ibhi l2fl l2fl

beatings [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SGR] [ɑsɑɡɑ:r] asagâr c.crv@ c.cRv@ befriender (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BH] [ɑbʌh] abah c2cf c2cf

beatings of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SGR] [ɑsɑɡʊr] asagur c.crS@ c.cRS@ befriender (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BH] [ʊbʌh] ubah S2cf S2cf

beatless / without beat [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRT] [bɪnkɑrt] binkart 2l,ec@8 2l,ec@8 befriender of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BH] [ɑbʌhʊ] abahu c2cfS c2cfS

beat-like / from (the) beats [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRT] [kɑrtʊl] kartul ec@8Sa ec@8Sa befriender of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BH] [ʊbʌhʊ] ubahu S2cfS S2cfS

beats [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRT] [kɑrɑ:t] karât ec@v8 ec@v8 befriender-like / from befrienders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BH] [ɑbhʊl] abhul c2fSa c2fSa

beats of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRT] [kɑrʊt] karut ec@S8 ec@S8 befriender-like / from befrienders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BH] [ʊbhʊl] ubhul S2fSa S2fSa

beats of all beats* (*drums) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KRT] [kɛrte:l] kertêl ez@8xa ez@8xa befrienders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BH] [ɑbɑ:h] abâh c2vf c2vf

beats* that are young/new/fresh (*drums) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KRT] [kɑrti:tʰ] kartîth ec@8"0 ec@8"0 befrienders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BH] [ʊbɑ:h] ubâh S2vf S2vf

beautifully [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [BNM] [ɪbnʊmʊl] ibnumul l2,S6Sa l2,S6Sa befrienders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BH] [ɑbʊh] abuh c2Sf c2Sf

beautifully [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [BNM] [bɪnmɑl] binmal 2l,6ca 2l,6ca befrienders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BH] [ʊbʊh] ubuh S2Sf S2Sf

beauty [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BNM] [ɑbnɑ:m] abnâm c2,v6 c2,v6 befriending (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [BH] [ɪbh] ibh l2f l2f

beauty of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BNM] [ɑbnɑ:mʊ] abnâmu c2,v6S c2,v6S beg [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NTH] [ɑntʊhɪf] antuhif c,8Sfl3 c,8Sfl3

beauty of all beauty* (*grace) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BNM] [bʊnmɛl] bunmel 2S,6za 2S,6za beg! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [ɪntɪhɪfi:] intihifî l,8lfl3" l,8lfl3"

beauty* that is young/new/fresh (*grace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BNM] [bɑnmɪtʰ] banmith 2c,6l0 2c,6l0 beg! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [ɪntɪhɪf] intihif l,8lfl3 l,8lfl3

beauty*-ladies (*grace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BNM] [bɑnmɑ:nɑ] banmâna 2c,6v,c 2c,6v,c begger (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NTH] [ɑntʌh] antah c,8cf c,8cf

beauty*-lady (*grace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BNM] [bɑnmu:nɑ] banmûna 2c,6D,c 2c,6G,c begger (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NTH] [ʊntʌh] untah S,8cf S,8cf

beauty*-man (*grace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BNM] [bɑnmu:n] banmûn 2c,6D, 2c,6G, begger of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NTH] [ɑntʌhʊ] antahu c,8cfS c,8cfS

beauty*-men (*grace) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BNM] [bɑnmɑ:n] banmân 2c,6v, 2c,6v, begger of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NTH] [ʊntʌhʊ] untahu S,8cfS S,8cfS

beauty*-place (*grace) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BNM] [bɪnmi:n] binmîn 2l,6", 2l,6", begger-like / from beggers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NTH] [ɑntʌhʊl] antahul c,8cfSa c,8cfSa

beautyless / without beauty [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BNM] [bɪnɑbnɑ:m] binabnâm 2l,c2,v6 2l,c2,v6 begger-like / from beggers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NTH] [ʊntʌhʊl] untahul S,8cfSa S,8cfSa

because (for) [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [kʰɑmɑ] khama eVc6c tc6c beggers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NTH] [ɑnɑ:tɑh] anâtah c,v8cf c,v8cf
become aware (know) with each other / become aware (know) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General beggers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NTH] [ʊntɑ:h] untâh S,8vf S,8vf
[nɑɪdɪrɪ] naidiri ,cl9l@l ,cl9l@l
Imperative] [WDR] beggers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NTH] [ɑnɑ:tʊh] anâtuh c,v8Sf c,v8Sf
become aware (know)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [WDR] [i:dɪri:] îdirî "9l@" "9l@"
beggers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NTH] [ʊntʊh] untuh S,8Sf S,8Sf
become aware (know)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [WDR] [i:dɪr] îdir "9l@ "9l@
begin [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GNN] [mʌhɑɡnʊn] mahagnun 6cfcr,S, 6cfcR,S,
become aware (to know) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] v9S@ v9S@
[ɑ:dʊr] âdur begin! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNN] [mɑhɪɡnɪni:] mahigninî 6cflr,l," 6cflR,l,"
lr@x0 lR@x0 begin! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNN] [mʌhɪɡnɪn] mahignin 6cflr,l, 6cflR,l,
becoming ambitious (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GRTh] [ɪɡre:tʰ] igrêth
2l,le8x2 2l,le8x2 beginning (start) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GNN] [ɡɑn.n] gann rcu Rcu
becoming witless (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KTB] [bɪnɪkte:b] biniktêb
wzac3 Dzac3 beginning (start) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GNN] [ɡɑn.nʊ] gannu rcuS RcuS
bed [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZLF] [zɛlʌf] zelaf
bed of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZLF] [zɛlʌfʊ] zelafu wzac3S Dzac3S beginning (start) of all beginnings (starts)* (*outsets, commencements) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR rSuza RSuza
[ɡʊn.nɛl] gunnel
bedless / without bed [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZLF] [bɪnzɛlʌf] binzelaf 2l,wzac3 2l,Dzac3
beginning (start)* that is young/new/fresh (*outset, commencement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE rcul0 Rcul0
bed-like / from (the) beds [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZLF] [zɛlfʊl] zelful wza3Sa Dza3Sa [ɡɑn.nɪtʰ] gannith
beds [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZLF] [zɛlɑ:f] zelâf wzav3 Dzav3 beginning (start)*-ladies (*outset, commencement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GNN] [ɡɑn.nɑ:nɑ] gannâna rcuv,c Rcuv,c

beds of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZLF] [zɛlʊf] zeluf wzaS3 DzaS3 beginning (start)*-lady (*outset, commencement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GNN] [ɡɑɑ] gannûna rcuD,c RcuG,c

bee (honeybee) [Singular Compound Noun] [hɑlɑ:tʊnz] halâtunz fcav8S,w fcav8S,D beginning (start)*-man (*outset, commencement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GNN] [ɡɑ] gannûn rcuD, RcuG,

bee [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BDK] [bʊdək] budk 2S9e 2S9e beginning (start)*-men (*outset, commencement) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GNN] [ɡɑn.nɑ:n] gannân rcuv, Rcuv,

bee of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BDK] [bʊdkʊ] budku 2S9eS 2S9eS
beginning (start)-*place (*outset, commencement) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GNN] [ɡɪ] ginnîn rlu", Rlu",
beech tree [Singular Compound Noun] [kɑrtʰzɑrs] karthzars ec@0wc@. ec@0Dc@.
beginning (start)-like / from (the) beginnings (starts) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GNN] [ɡɑn.nʊl] gannul rcuSa RcuSa
beech trees [Plural Compound Noun] [kɑrtʰzɑrɑ:s] karthzarâs ec@0wc@v. ec@0Dc@v.
beginning (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GNN] [ɪɡne:n] ignên lr,x, lR,x,
beef [Singular Compound Noun] [dɑlkʰmʊzmhʌsʌs] dalkhmuzmhasas 9caeV6Sw6fc.c. 9cat6SD6fc.c.
beginnings (starts) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GNN] [ɡɑnɑ:n] ganân rc,v, Rc,v,
beeless / without bee [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDK] [bɪnbʊdək] binbudk 2l,2S9e 2l,2S9e
beginnings (starts) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GNN] [ɡɑnʊn] ganun rc,S, Rc,S,
bee-like / from (the) bees [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDK] [bʊdkʊl] budkul 2S9eSa 2S9eSa
beginnings (starts) of all beginnings (starts)* (*outsets, commencements) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL rSuxa RSuxa
bees (honeybees) [Plural Compound Noun] [hɑlɑtɑnɑ:z] halatanâz fcac8c,vw fcac8c,vD [ɡʊ] gunnêl
bees [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BDK] [bɑdɑ:k] badâk 2c9ve 2c9ve beginnings (starts)* that are young/new/fresh (*outsets, commencements) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE
[ɡɑʰ] gannîth rcu"0 Rcu"0
bees of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BDK] [bɑdʊk] baduk 2c9Se 2c9Se DIMINUTIVE ] [GNN]
before [Irregular Adverb (Irregular) / Adverb] [irr.] [tɑbɪ] tabi 8c2l 8c2l behave savagely [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KBR] [ɑkbʊr] akbur ce2S@ ce2S@
befriend [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BH] [ɑbʊh] abuh c2Sf c2Sf

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The Dwarrow Scholar 105 The Dwarrow Scholar 106
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

behave savagely with each other / behave savagely together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] being insane (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MShG] [ɪmʃe:ɡ] imshêg l6%xr l6%xR
[nɑɪkbɪrɪ] naikbiri ,cle2l@l ,cle2l@l
[KBR] being mistaken (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡe:m] ishgêm l%rx6 l%Rx6
behave savagely! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KBR] [ɪkbɪri:] ikbirî le2l@" le2l@"
being nude (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [DR] [ɪdər] idr l9@ l9@
behave savagely! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KBR] [ɪkbɪr] ikbir le2l@ le2l@
being obnoxiously unpleasant (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BRG] [ɪbre:ɡ] ibrêg l2@xr l2@xR
behave with integrity [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShLS] [ʌʃlʊs] ashlus c%aS. c%aS. being of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔT] [ʔɑɪtu:] 'aitû gcl8D gcl8G

behave with integrity with each other / behave with integrity together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General being of all beings [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɛl] 'atel gc8za gc8za
[nɑɪʃlɪsɪ] naishlisi ,cl%al.l ,cl%al.l
Imperative] [ShLS] being probable (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [LKN] [ɪlke:n] ilkên laex, laex,
behave with integrity! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLS] [ɪʃlɪsi:] ishlisî l%al." l%al." l,.x. l,.x.
being safe (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NSS] [ɪnse:s] insês
behave with integrity! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLS] [ɪʃlɪs] ishlis l%al. l%al. gc8l0 gc8l0
being that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɪtʰ] 'atith
behaving savagely (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KBR] [ɪkbe:r] ikbêr le2x@ le2x@ l8@x8 l8@x8
being vigilant (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [TRT] [ɪtre:t] itrêt
behaving with integrity (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShLS] [ɪʃle:s] ishlês l%ax. l%ax. lwwx, lDDx,
being wrong (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ZZN] [ɪz.ze:n] izzên
behind [Irregular Adverb (Irregular) / Adverb] [irr.] [oːrɑ] ôra n@c M@c gc8v,c gc8v,c
being-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑ:nɑ] 'atâna
behold [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [LYʔ] [ɑljʊʔ] alyu' ca;Sg ca;Sg gc8D,c gc8G,c
being-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ʔT] [ʔɑtu:nɑ] 'atûna
behold with each other / behold together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [LYʔ] [nɑɪlji:] nailyî ,cla;" ,cla;" 2l,gcl8S 2l,gcl8S
beingless / without being [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaiCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔT] [bɪnʔɑɪtʊ] bin'aitu
beholder (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LYʔ] [ɑljɑʔ] alya' ca;cg ca;cg gcl8Sa gcl8Sa
being-like / from (the) beings [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔT] [ʔɑɪtʊl] 'aitul
beholder (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LYʔ] [ʊljɑʔ] ulya' Sa;cg Sa;cg gc8D, gc8G,
being-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ʔT] [ʔɑtu:n] 'atûn
beholder of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LYʔ] [ɑljʊ] alyu ca;S ca;S gc8v, gc8v,
being-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑ:n] 'atân
beholder of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LYʔ] [ʊljʊ] ulyu Sa;S Sa;S gl8", gl8",
being-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ʔT] [ʔɪti:n] 'itîn
beholder-like / from beholders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LYʔ] [ɑljʊl] alyul ca;Sa ca;Sa v8 v8
beings [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔT] [ɑ:t] ât
beholder-like / from beholders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LYʔ] [ʊljʊl] ulyul Sa;Sa Sa;Sa S8 S8
beings of [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔT] [ʊt] ut
beholders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LYʔ] [ɑlɑ:jɑʔ] alâya' cav;cg cav;cg gc8xa gc8xa
beings of all beings [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔT] [ʔɑte:l] 'atêl
beholders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LYʔ] [ʊljɑ:ʔ] ulyâ' Sa;vg Sa;vg gc8"0 gc8"0
beings that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔT] [ʔɑti:tʰ] 'atîth
beholders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LYʔ] [ɑlɑ:jʊʔ] alâyu' cav;Sg cav;Sg c9@S,le c9@S,le
belabor (dwell on) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [DRN] [ɑdrʊnɪk] adrunik
beholders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LYʔ] [ʊljʊʔ] ulyu' Sa;Sg Sa;Sg l9@l,le" l9@l,le"
belabor (dwell on)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRN] [ɪdrɪnɪki:] idrinikî
beholding (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [LYʔ] [ɪlje:ʔ] ilyê' la;xg la;xg l9@l,le l9@l,le
belabor (dwell on)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRN] [ɪdrɪnɪk] idrinik
being (existing) (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KST] [ɪkse:t] iksêt le.x8 lwx8 l9@x,le l9@x,le
belaboring (dwelling on) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [DRN] [ɪdre:nɪk] idrênik
being (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [ʔT] [ɪʔət] i't lg8 lg8 c29cw c29cD
belater (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BDZ] [ɑbdʌz] abdaz
being / becoming a spirit (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MRB] [ɪmre:b] imrêb l6@x2 l6@x2 S29cw S29cD
belater (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BDZ] [ʊbdʌz] ubdaz
being / becoming ancient (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FRN] [ɪfre:n] ifrên l3@x, l3@x, c29cwS c29cDS
belater of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BDZ] [ɑbdʌzʊ] abdazu
being / becoming beautiful (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BNM] [ɪbne:m] ibnêm l2,x6 l2,x6 S29cwS S29cDS
belater of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BDZ] [ʊbdʌzʊ] ubdazu
being / becoming bewildered (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GMZ] [ɪɡme:z] igmêz lr6xw lR6xD c29cwSa c29cDSa
belater-like / from belaters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDZ] [ɑbdʌzʊl] abdazul
being / becoming comfortable (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MDM] [ɪmde:m] imdêm l69x6 l69x6 S29cwSa S29cDSa
belater-like / from belaters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDZ] [ʊbdʌzʊl] ubdazul
being / becoming darker (being / becoming filled with shadow) (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NRG] [ɪnre:ɡ] inrêg l,@xr l,@xR belaters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BDZ] [ɑbɑ:dɑz] abâdaz c2v9cw c2v9cD

belaters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BDZ] [ʊbdɑ:z] ubdâz S29vw S29vD
being / becoming devine (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [LGN] [ɪlɡe:n] ilgên larx, laRx,
belaters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BDZ] [ɑbɑ:dʊz] abâduz c2v9Sw c2v9SD
being / becoming drunk (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GRG] [ɪɡre:ɡ] igrêg lr@xr lR@xR
belaters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BDZ] [ʊbdʊz] ubduz S29Sw S29SD
being / becoming great (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GBL] [ɪɡbe:l] igbêl lr2xa lR2xa
belching (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [LFT] [ɪlfe:t] ilfêt la3x8 la3x8
being / becoming hard (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KShKh] [ɪkshe:kʰ] ikshêkh le.fxeV lwfxt
Belegaer [Singular Compound Noun] [ɡɑbɪlʔɑ:zʌh] Gabil'âzah rc2lagvwcf Rc2lagvDcf
being / becoming healthy (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BST] [ɪbse:t] ibsêt l2.x8 l2.x8
Belegost [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [ɡɑbɪlɡɑtʰɔl] Gabilgathol rc2larc0ba Rc2laRc0ba
being / becoming loyal (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MNS] [ɪmne:s] imnês l6,x. l6,x.
belief [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RZM] [rʌzm] razm @cw6 @cD6
being / becoming lucky (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MSL] [ɪmse:l] imsêl l6.xa l6.xa
belief of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RZM] [rʌzmʊ] razmu @cw6S @cD6S
being / becoming outcast (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShKL] [ɪʃke:l] ishkêl l%exa l%exa
belief of all beliefs* (*faiths) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [RZM] [rʌzmɛl] razmel @cw6za @cD6za
being / becoming poor (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NTH] [ɪnte:h] intêh l,8xf l,8xf
belief* that is young/new/fresh (*faith) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RZM] [rʌzmɪtʰ] razmith @cw6l0 @cD6l0
being / becoming rude (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MZM] [ɪmze:m] imzêm l6wx6 l6Dx6
belief*-ladies (*faith) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [RZM] [rɑzmɑ:nɑ] razmâna @cw6v,c @cD6v,c
being / becoming soft (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BLM] [ɪble:m] iblêm l2ax6 l2ax6
belief*-lady (*faith) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [RZM] [rʌzmu:nɑ] razmûna @cw6D,c @cD6G,c
being / becoming ugly (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MSK] [ɪmse:k] imsêk l6.xe l6.xe
belief*-man (*faith) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [RZM] [rʌzmu:n] razmûn @cw6D, @cD6G,
being [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔT] [ʔɑɪtʊ] 'aitu gcl8S gcl8S
belief*-men (*faith) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [RZM] [rɑzmɑ:n] razmân @cw6v, @cD6v,
being born (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KYL] [mʌhɪkje:l] mahikyêl 6cfle;xa 6cfle;xa
belief*-place (*faith) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [RZM] [rɪzmi:n] rizmîn @lw6", @lD6",
being dead set on (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ʔRS] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʔre:s] jalai'rês Rcaclg@x. $caclg@x.
beliefless / without belief [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZM] [bɪnrʌzm] binrazm 2l,@cw6 2l,@cD6
being famous (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FRG] [ɪfre:ɡ] ifrêg l3@xr l3@xR
belief-like / from (the) beliefs [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZM] [rʌzmʊl] razmul @cw6Sa @cD6Sa
being in pain (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KhRKh] [ɪkʰre:kʰ] ikhrêkh leV@xeV lt@xt

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The Dwarrow Scholar 107 The Dwarrow Scholar 108

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

beliefs [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RZM] [rɑzɑ:m] razâm @cwv6 @cDv6 bells of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KThM] [kɛtʰʊm] kethum ez0S6 ez0S6

beliefs of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RZM] [rɑzʊm] razum @cwS6 @cDS6 belly [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FHL] [fʌhɑl] fahal 3cfca 3cfca

beliefs of all beliefs* (*faiths) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [RZM] [rɑzme:l] razmêl @cw6xa @cD6xa belly of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FHL] [fʌhɑlʊ] fahalu 3cfcaS 3cfcaS

beliefs* that are young/new/fresh (*faiths) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [RZM] [rɑzmi:tʰ] razmîth @cw6"0 @cD6"0 bellyless / without belly [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FHL] [bɪnfʌhɑl] binfahal 2l,3cfca 2l,3cfca

believe [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [RZM] [ɑrzʊm] arzum c@wS6 c@DS6 belly-like / from (the) bellies [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FHL] [fʌhlʊl] fahlul 3cfaSa 3cfaSa

believe in someone [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [RZM] [ɑrzʊmɑb] arzumab c@wS6c2 c@DS6c2 belong [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HRR] [ʌhrʊr] ahrur cf@S@ cf@S@

believe in someone! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [ɪrzɪmɑbi:] irzimabî l@wl6c2" l@Dl6c2" belong with each other / belong together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [nɑɪhrɪrɪ] naihriri ,clf@l@l ,clf@l@l

believe in someone! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [ɪrzɪmɑb] irzimab l@wl6c2 l@Dl6c2 belong! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [ɪhrɪri:] ihrirî lf@l@" lf@l@"

believe with each other / believe together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [nɑɪrzɪmɪ] nairzimi ,cl@wl6l ,cl@Dl6l belong! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [ɪhrɪr] ihrir lf@l@ lf@l@

believe! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [ɪrzɪmi:] irzimî l@wl6" l@Dl6" belonger (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRR] [ʌhrɑr] ahrar cf@c@ cf@c@

believe! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [ɪrzɪm] irzim l@wl6 l@Dl6 belonger (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRR] [ʊhrɑr] uhrar Sf@c@ Sf@c@

believer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RZM] [ɑrzɑm] arzam c@wc6 c@Dc6 belonger of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRR] [ʌhrɑrʊ] ahraru cf@c@S cf@c@S

believer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RZM] [ʊrzɑm] urzam S@wc6 S@Dc6 belonger of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRR] [ʊhrɑrʊ] uhraru Sf@c@S Sf@c@S

believer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RZM] [ɑrzɑmʊ] arzamu c@wc6S c@Dc6S belonger-like / from belongers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRR] [ʌhrɑrʊl] ahrarul cf@c@Sa cf@c@Sa

believer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RZM] [ʊrzɑmʊ] urzamu S@wc6S S@Dc6S belonger-like / from belongers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRR] [ʊhrɑrʊl] uhrarul Sf@c@Sa Sf@c@Sa

believer-like / from believers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZM] [ɑrzɑmʊl] arzamul c@wc6Sa c@Dc6Sa belongers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRR] [ɑhɑ:rɑr] ahârar cfv@c@ cfv@c@

believer-like / from believers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZM] [ʊrzɑmʊl] urzamul S@wc6Sa S@Dc6Sa belongers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRR] [ʊhrɑ:r] uhrâr Sf@v@ Sf@v@

believers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RZM] [ɑrɑ:zɑm] arâzam c@vwc6 c@vDc6 belongers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRR] [ɑhɑ:rʊr] ahârur cfv@S@ cfv@S@

believers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RZM] [ʊrzɑ:m] urzâm S@wv6 S@Dv6 belongers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRR] [ʊhrʊr] uhrur Sf@S@ Sf@S@

believers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RZM] [ɑrɑ:zʊm] arâzum c@vwS6 c@vDS6 belonging (noun) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HRR] [hɑrɑr] harar fc@c@ fc@c@

believers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RZM] [ʊrzʊm] urzum S@wS6 S@DS6 belonging (noun) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HRR] [hɑrɑrʊ] hararu fc@c@S fc@c@S

believing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [RZM] [ɪrze:m] irzêm l@wx6 l@Dx6 belonging (noun)-like / from (the) belongings [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HRR] [hɑr.rʊl] harrul fc@@Sa fc@@Sa

bell [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KThM] [kɛtʰɑm] ketham ez0c6 ez0c6 belonging (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [HRR] [ɪhre:r] ihrêr lf@x@ lf@x@

bell of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KThM] [kɛtʰɑmʊ] kethamu ez0c6S ez0c6S belongings [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑr] harrar fc@@c@ fc@@c@

bellies [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FHL] [fɑh.hɑl] fahhal 3cffca 3cffca belongings of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HRR] [hɑr.rʊr] harrur fc@@S@ fc@@S@

bellies of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FHL] [fɑh.hʊl] fahhul 3cffSa 3cffSa below [Adverb of Place (niCCuCul) / Adverb ] [BZR] [nɪbzʊrʊl] nibzurul ,l2wS@Sa ,l2DS@Sa

bell-less / without bell [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KThM] [bɪnkɛtʰɑm] binketham 2l,ez0c6 2l,ez0c6 belt [Singular Compound Noun] [kʊtnɑnzɑ:ɡ] kutnanzâg eS8,c,wvr eS8,c,DvR

bell-like / from (the) bells [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KThM] [kɛtʰmʊl] kethmul ez06Sa ez06Sa belts [Plural Compound Noun] [kʊtnɑnɑzɑ:ɡ] kutnanazâg eS8,c,cwvr eS8,c,cDvR

bellow [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KNB] [ɑknʊb] aknub ce,S2 ce,S2 bench [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔGM] [ʔɑɡɑm] 'agam gcrc6 gcRc6

bellow [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KNB] [ɑknɑ:b] aknâb ce,v2 ce,v2 bench of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔGM] [ʔɑɡɑmʊ] 'agamu gcrc6S gcRc6S

bellow of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KNB] [ɑknɑ:bʊ] aknâbu ce,v2S ce,v2S benches [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔGM] [ʔɑɡɡɑm] 'aggam gcrrc6 gcRRc6

bellow with each other / bellow together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [nɑɪknɪbɪ] naiknibi ,cle,l2l ,cle,l2l benches of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔGM] [ʔɑɡɡʊm] 'aggum gcrrS6 gcRRS6

bellow! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [ɪknɪbi:] iknibî le,l2" le,l2" benchless / without bench [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔGM] [bɪnʔɑɡɑm] bin'agam 2l,gcrc6 2l,gcRc6

bellow! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [ɪknɪb] iknib le,l2 le,l2 bench-like / from (the) benches [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔGM] [ʔɑɡmʊl] 'agmul gcr6Sa gcR6Sa

bellower (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KNB] [ɑknɑb] aknab ce,c2 ce,c2 bend [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BB] [ɑbʊb] abub c2S2 c2S2

bellower (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KNB] [ʊknɑb] uknab Se,c2 Se,c2 bend with each other / bend together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BB] [nɑɪ] naibbî ,cl22" ,cl22"

bellower of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KNB] [ɑknɑbʊ] aknabu ce,c2S ce,c2S bend! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BB] [ɪ] ibbî l22" l22"

bellower of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KNB] [ʊknɑbʊ] uknabu Se,c2S Se,c2S bend! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BB] [ɪb.bɪ] ibbi l22l l22l

bellower-like / from bellowers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNB] [ɑknɑbʊl] aknabul ce,c2Sa ce,c2Sa bender (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BB] [ɑbɑb] abab c2c2 c2c2

bellower-like / from bellowers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNB] [ʊknɑbʊl] uknabul Se,c2Sa Se,c2Sa bender (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BB] [ʊbɑb] ubab S2c2 S2c2

bellowers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KNB] [ɑkɑ:nɑb] akânab cev,c2 cev,c2 bender of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BB] [ɑbɑbʊ] ababu c2c2S c2c2S

bellowers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KNB] [ʊknɑ:b] uknâb Se,v2 Se,v2 bender of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BB] [ʊbɑbʊ] ubabu S2c2S S2c2S

bellowers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KNB] [ɑkɑ:nʊb] akânub cev,S2 cev,S2 bender-like / from benders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BB] [ɑb.bʊl] abbul c22Sa c22Sa

bellowers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KNB] [ʊknʊb] uknub Se,S2 Se,S2 bender-like / from benders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BB] [ʊb.bʊl] ubbul S22Sa S22Sa

bellowing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KNB] [ɪkne:b] iknêb le,x2 le,x2 benders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BB] [ɑbɑ:b] abâb c2v2 c2v2

bellowless / without bellow [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNB] [bɪnɑknɑ:b] binaknâb 2l,ce,v2 2l,ce,v2 benders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BB] [ʊbɑ:b] ubâb S2v2 S2v2

bellow-like / from (the) bellows [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KNB] [ɑknɑ:bʊl] aknâbul ce,v2Sa ce,v2Sa benders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BB] [ɑbʊb] abub c2S2 c2S2

bellows [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KNB] [ɑkɑnɑ:b] akanâb cec,v2 cec,v2 benders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BB] [ʊbʊb] ubub S2S2 S2S2

bellows of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KNB] [ɑkɑnʊb] akanub cec,S2 cec,S2 bending (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [BB] [ɪbəb] ibb l22 l22

bells [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KThM] [kɛtʰɑ:m] kethâm ez0v6 ez0v6 benefit [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [FLZ] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:flʊz] jalâfluz Rcav3aSw $cav3aSD

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benefit [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HNTh] [hɑnɑtʰ] hanath fc,c0 fc,c0 betray with each other / betray together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [nɑɪʃnɪkʰɪ] naishnikhi ,cl%,leVl ,cl%,ltl

benefit of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HNTh] [hɑnɑtʰʊ] hanathu fc,c0S fc,c0S betray! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [ɪʃnɪkʰi:] ishnikhî l%,leV" l%,lt"

benefit! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLZ] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪflɪzi:] jalaiflizî Rcacl3alw" $cacl3alD" betray! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [ɪʃnɪkʰ] ishnikh l%,leV l%,lt

benefit! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLZ] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪflɪz] jalaifliz Rcacl3alw $cacl3alD betrayal (treason) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShNKh] [ʌʃnɑ:kʰ] ashnâkh c%,veV c%,vt

benefiting (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [FLZ] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪfle:z] jalaiflêz Rcacl3axw $cacl3axD betrayal (treason) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShNKh] [ʌʃnɑ:kʰʊ] ashnâkhu c%,veVS c%,vtS

benefitless / without benefit [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HNTh] [bɪnhɑnɑtʰ] binhanath 2l,fc,c0 2l,fc,c0 betrayal (treason) of all betrayals (treasons)* (*revolts (rebellions)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR
[ʃʊnkʰɛl] shunkhel %S,eVza %S,tza
benefit-like / from (the) benefits [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HNTh] [hɑntʰʊl] hanthul fc,0Sa fc,0Sa ULTIMATIVE ] [ShNKh]
betrayal (treason)* that is young/new/fresh (*revolt (rebellion)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] %c,eVl0 %c,tl0
benefits [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HNTh] [hɑn.nɑtʰ] hannath fcuc0 fcuc0 [ʃɑnkʰɪtʰ] shankhith
benefits of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HNTh] [hɑn.nʊtʰ] hannuth fcuS0 fcuS0 %c,eVv,c %c,tv,c
betrayal (treason)*-ladies (*revolt (rebellion)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ShNKh] [ʃɑnkʰɑ:nɑ] shankhâna
berries [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MRN] [mɑrɑ:n] marân 6c@v, 6c@v, %c,eVD,c %c,tG,c
betrayal (treason)*-lady (*revolt (rebellion)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ShNKh] [ʃɑnkʰu:nɑ] shankhûna
berries of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MRN] [mɑrʊn] marun 6c@S, 6c@S, %c,eVD, %c,tG,
betrayal (treason)*-man (*revolt (rebellion)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ShNKh] [ʃɑnkʰu:n] shankhûn
berry [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MRN] [mʊrn] murn 6S@, 6S@, %c,eVv, %c,tv,
betrayal (treason)*-men (*revolt (rebellion)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ShNKh] [ʃɑnkʰɑ:n] shankhân
berry of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MRN] [mʊrnʊ] murnu 6S@,S 6S@,S
betrayal (treason)*-place (*revolt (rebellion)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ShNKh] [ʃɪnkʰi:n] shinkhîn %l,eV", %l,t",
berryless / without berry [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MRN] [bɪnmʊrn] binmurn 2l,6S@, 2l,6S@,
6S@,Sa 6S@,Sa betrayal (treason)-like / from (the) betrayals (treasons) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShNKh] [ʌʃnɑ:kʰʊl] ashnâkhul c%,veVSa c%,vtSa
berry-like / from (the) berries [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MRN] [mʊrnʊl] murnul
2lal. 2lal. betrayals (treasons) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShNKh] [ɑʃɑnɑ:kʰ] ashanâkh c%c,veV c%c,vt
beryl [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BLS] [bɪlɪs] bilis
2lal.S 2lal.S betrayals (treasons) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShNKh] [ɑʃɑnʊkʰ] ashanukh c%c,SeV c%c,St
beryl of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BLS] [bɪlɪsʊ] bilisu
beryl of all beryls [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BLS] [bɛlsɛl] belsel betrayals (treasons) of all betrayals (treasons)* (*revolts (rebellions)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL %S,eVxa %S,txa
[ʃʊnkʰe:l] shunkhêl
beryl that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BLS] [bɑlsɪtʰ] balsith 2ca.l0 2ca.l0
betrayals (treasons)* that are young/new/fresh (*revolts (rebellions)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE %c,eV"0 %c,t"0
beryl-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BLS] [bɑlsɑ:nɑ] balsâna 2ca.v,c 2ca.v,c [ʃɑnkʰi:tʰ] shankhîth
] [ShNKh]
beryl-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BLS] [bɑlsu:nɑ] balsûna 2ca.D,c 2ca.G,c betraying (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShNKh] [ɪʃne:kʰ] ishnêkh l%,xeV l%,xt

berylless / without beryl [NOUN TYPE 7 (bin-CiCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLS] [bɪnbɪlɪs] binbilis 2l,2lal. 2l,2lal. better, kinder (best, kindest) [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [GLKh] [ʔʊɡlɑkʰ] 'uglakh(ul) gSraceV gSRact

beryl-like / from (the) beryls [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLS] [bɪlsʊl] bilsul 2la.Sa 2la.Sa between (among) [Adverb of Place (niCCuCul) / Adverb ] [KTN] [nɪktʊnʊl] niktunul ,le8S,Sa ,le8S,Sa

beryl-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BLS] [bɑlsu:n] balsûn 2ca.D, 2ca.G, beware [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NRD] [mʌhɑnrʊd] mahanrud 6cfc,@S9 6cfc,@S9

beryl-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BLS] [bɑlsɑ:n] balsân 2ca.v, 2ca.v, beware! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [mɑhɪnrɪdi:] mahinridî 6cfl,@l9" 6cfl,@l9"

beryl-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BLS] [bɪlsi:n] bilsîn 2la.", 2la.", beware! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [mʌhɪnrɪd] mahinrid 6cfl,@l9 6cfl,@l9

beryls [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCîC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BLS] [bɪli:s] bilîs 2la". 2la". bewilderer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GMZ] [ɑɡmʌz] agmaz cr6cw cR6cD

beryls of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BLS] [bɪlʊs] bilus 2laS. 2laS. bewilderer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GMZ] [ʊɡmʌz] ugmaz Sr6cw SR6cD

beryls of all beryls [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BLS] [bɛlse:l] belsêl 2za.xa 2za.xa bewilderer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GMZ] [ɑɡmʌzʊ] agmazu cr6cwS cR6cDS

beryls that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BLS] [bɑlsi:tʰ] balsîth 2ca."0 2ca."0 bewilderer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GMZ] [ʊɡmʌzʊ] ugmazu Sr6cwS SR6cDS

besides [Compound Adverb] [rɑmɪ] rami @c6l @c6l bewilderer-like / from bewilderers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GMZ] [ɑɡmʌzʊl] agmazul cr6cwSa cR6cDSa

besot [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LLKh] [ɑl.lʊkʰrʊk] allukhruk caaSeV@Se caaSt@Se bewilderer-like / from bewilderers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GMZ] [ʊɡmʌzʊl] ugmazul Sr6cwSa SR6cDSa

besot! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LLKh] [ɪl.lɪkʰrʊki:] illikhrukî laaleV@Se" laalt@Se" bewilderers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GMZ] [ɑɡɑ:mɑz] agâmaz crv6cw cRv6cD

besot! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LLKh] [ɪl.lɪkʰrʊk] illikhruk laaleV@Se laalt@Se bewilderers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GMZ] [ʊɡmɑ:z] ugmâz Sr6vw SR6vD

besotting (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [LLKh] [ɪl.le:kʰrʊk] illêkhruk laaxeV@Se laaxt@Se bewilderers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GMZ] [ɑɡɑ:mʊz] agâmuz crv6Sw cRv6SD

best [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [GLKh] [mʌhɑɡlʊkʰ] mahaglukh 6cfcraSeV 6cfcRaSt bewilderers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GMZ] [ʊɡmʊz] ugmuz Sr6Sw SR6SD

best! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [mɑhɪɡlɪkʰi:] mahiglikhî 6cflraleV" 6cflRalt" beyond (in relation to place) [Adverb of Place (niCuCul) / Adverb ] [YM] [nɪjʊmʊl] niyumul ,l;S6Sa ,l;S6Sa

best! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [mʌhɪɡlɪkʰ] mahiglikh 6cflraleV 6cflRalt beyond (in relation to time) [Adverb of Time (hiCuCul) / Adverb ] [YM] [hɪjʊmʊl] hiyumul fl;S6Sa fl;S6Sa

bester (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GLKh] [ɑɡlɑkʰ] aglakh craceV cRact bibulously (drunkenly) [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ZLL] [ɪzlʊlʊl] izlulul lwaSaSa lDaSaSa

bester (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GLKh] [ʊɡlɑkʰ] uglakh SraceV SRact bibulously (drunkenly) [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [ZLL] [zɪl.lɑl] zillal wlaaca Dlaaca

bester of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GLKh] [ɑɡlɑkʰʊ] aglakhu craceVS cRactS big (large) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [ZND] [zɑndɑ:] zandâ wcdv Dcdv

bester of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GLKh] [ʊɡlɑkʰʊ] uglakhu SraceVS SRactS big (large) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZND] [zɑnɪd] zanid wc,l9 Dc,l9

bester-like / from besters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GLKh] [ɑɡlɑkʰʊl] aglakhul craceVSa cRactSa big mouth bass [Singular Compound Noun] [fɑntɡɑlʔdɑɪɡ] fantgal'daig 3c,8rcag9clr 3c,8Rcag9clR

bester-like / from besters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GLKh] [ʊɡlɑkʰʊl] uglakhul SraceVSa SRactSa big mouth basses [Plural Compound Noun] [fɑntɡɑlʔɑɪdɑ:ɡ] fantgal'aidâg 3c,8rcagcl9vr 3c,8Rcagcl9vR

besters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GLKh] [ɑɡɑ:lɑkʰ] agâlakh crvaceV cRvact bigger, larger (biggest, largest) [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [ZND] [ʔʊznɑd] 'uznad(ul) gSw,c9 gSD,c9

besters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GLKh] [ʊɡlɑ:kʰ] uglâkh SraveV SRavt bigly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ZND] [ɪznʊdʊl] iznudul lw,S9Sa lD,S9Sa

besters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GLKh] [ɑɡɑ:lʊkʰ] agâlukh crvaSeV cRvaSt bigly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [ZND] [zɪndɑl] zindal wldca Dldca

besters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GLKh] [ʊɡlʊkʰ] uglukh SraSeV SRaSt bind [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BLL] [ɑblʊl] ablul c2aSa c2aSa

besting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GLKh] [ɪɡle:kʰ] iglêkh lraxeV lRaxt bind [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BLL] [bɑləl] ball 2caa 2caa

betray [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShNKh] [ʌʃnʊkʰ] ashnukh c%,SeV c%,St bind of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BLL] [bɑl.lʊ] ballu 2caaS 2caaS

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bind of all binds* (*chackles) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛl] bellel 2zaaza 2zaaza birth that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [YND] [jɑndɪtʰ] yandith ;cdl0 ;cdl0

bind with each other / bind together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [nɑɪblɪlɪ] naiblili ,cl2alal ,cl2alal birth-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [YND] [jɑndɑ:nɑ] yandâna ;cdv,c ;cdv,c

bind! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [ɪblɪli:] iblilî l2ala" l2ala" birth-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [YND] [jɑndu:nɑ] yandûna ;cdD,c ;cdG,c

bind! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [ɪblɪl] iblil l2ala l2ala birthless / without birth [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [YND] [bɪne:nɑ:d] binênâd 2l,x,v9 2l,x,v9

bind* that is young/new/fresh (*chackle) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BLL] [bɑl.lɪtʰ] ballith 2caal0 2caal0 birth-like / from (the) births [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [YND] [e:nɑ:dʊl] ênâdul x,v9Sa x,v9Sa

bind*-ladies (*chackle) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BLL] [bɑl.lɑ:nɑ] ballâna 2caav,c 2caav,c birth-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [YND] [jɑndu:n] yandûn ;cdD, ;cdG,

bind*-lady (*chackle) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BLL] [bɑɑ] ballûna 2caaD,c 2caaG,c birth-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [YND] [jɑndɑ:n] yandân ;cdv, ;cdv,

bind*-man (*chackle) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BLL] [bɑ] ballûn 2caaD, 2caaG, birth-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [YND] [jɪndi:n] yindîn ;ld", ;ld",

bind*-men (*chackle) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BLL] [bɑl.lɑ:n] ballân 2caav, 2caav, births [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [YND] [ɑjɑnɑ:d] ayanâd c;c,v9 c;c,v9

bind*-place (*chackle) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BLL] [bɪ] billîn 2laa", 2laa", births of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [YND] [ɑjɑnʊd] ayanud c;c,S9 c;c,S9

binder (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BLL] [ɑblɑl] ablal c2aca c2aca births of all births [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [YND] [jɑnde:l] yandêl ;cdxa ;cdxa

binder (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BLL] [ʊblɑl] ublal S2aca S2aca births that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [YND] [jɑndi:tʰ] yandîth ;cd"0 ;cd"0

binder of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BLL] [ɑblɑlʊ] ablalu c2acaS c2acaS bit [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LKhM] [lɑkʰɑm] lakham aceVc6 actc6

binder of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BLL] [ʊblɑlʊ] ublalu S2acaS S2acaS bit of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LKhM] [lɑkʰɑmʊ] lakhamu aceVc6S actc6S

binder-like / from binders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLL] [ɑblɑlʊl] ablalul c2acaSa c2acaSa bite [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HKhD] [ʌhkʰʊd] ahkhud cfeVS9 cftS9

binder-like / from binders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLL] [ʊblɑlʊl] ublalul S2acaSa S2acaSa bite [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰʊd] uhkhud SfeVS9 SftS9

binders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BLL] [ɑbɑ:lɑl] abâlal c2vaca c2vaca bite of [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰʊdʊ] uhkhudu SfeVS9S SftS9S

binders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BLL] [ʊblɑ:l] ublâl S2ava S2ava bite with each other / bite together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [nɑɪhkʰɪdɪ] naihkhidi ,clfeVl9l ,clftl9l

binders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BLL] [ɑbɑ:lʊl] abâlul c2vaSa c2vaSa bite! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [ɪhkʰɪdi:] ihkhidî lfeVl9" lftl9"

binders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BLL] [ʊblʊl] ublul S2aSa S2aSa bite! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [ɪhkʰɪd] ihkhid lfeVl9 lftl9

binding (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BLL] [ɪble:l] iblêl l2axa l2axa biteless / without bite [NOUN TYPE 14 (bin-uCCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKhD] [bɪnʊhkʰʊd] binuhkhud 2l,SfeVS9 2l,SftS9

bindless / without bind [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLL] [bɪnbɑləl] binball 2l,2caa 2l,2caa bite-like / from (the) bites [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰʊdʊl] uhkhudul SfeVS9Sa SftS9Sa

bind-like / from (the) binds [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BLL] [bɑl.lʊl] ballul 2caaSa 2caaSa biter (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HKhD] [ʌhkʰɑd] ahkhad cfeVc9 cftc9

binds [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BLL] [bɑlɑ:l] balâl 2cava 2cava biter (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰɑd] uhkhad SfeVc9 Sftc9

binds of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BLL] [bɑlʊl] balul 2caSa 2caSa biter of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HKhD] [ʌhkʰɑdʊ] ahkhadu cfeVc9S cftc9S

binds of all binds* (*chackles) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BLL] [bɛl.le:l] bellêl 2zaaxa 2zaaxa biter of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰɑdʊ] uhkhadu SfeVc9S Sftc9S

binds* that are young/new/fresh (*chackles) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BLL] [bɑʰ] ballîth 2caa"0 2caa"0 biter-like / from biters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKhD] [ʌhkʰɑdʊl] ahkhadul cfeVc9Sa cftc9Sa

bi-radical, a root word made from a sequence of two consonants (linguistics) [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪʔɡe:mɡɑlɑbɪ] i'gêmgalabi lgrx6rcac2l lgRx6Rcac2l biter-like / from biters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰɑdʊl] uhkhadul SfeVc9Sa Sftc9Sa

birch tree [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪkfe:nzɑrs] ikfênzars le3x,wc@. le3x,Dc@. biters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HKhD] [ɑhɑ:kʰɑd] ahâkhad cfveVc9 cfvtc9

birch trees [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪkfɛnzɑrɑ:s] ikfenzarâs le3z,wc@v. le3z,Dc@v. biters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰɑ:d] uhkhâd SfeVv9 Sftv9

bird [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃ] zunsh wS,% DS,% biters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HKhD] [ɑhɑ:kʰʊd] ahâkhud cfveVS9 cfvtS9

bird call [Singular Compound Noun] [zʊnʃʌzmɑ:r] zunshazmâr wS,%cw6v@ DS,%cD6v@ biters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HKhD] [ʊhkʰʊd] uhkhud SfeVS9 SftS9

bird calls [Plural Compound Noun] [zʊnʃɑzɑmɑ:r] zunshazamâr wS,%cwc6v@ DS,%cDc6v@ bites [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HKhD] [hʊkʰu:d] hukhûd fSeVD9 fStG9

bird of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊ] zunshu wS,%S DS,%S bites of [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HKhD] [hʊkʰu:dʊ] hukhûdu fSeVD9S fStG9S

bird of all birds* (*fowls, flight) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃɛl] zunshel wS,%za DS,%za biting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [HKhD] [ɪhkʰe:d] ihkhêd lfeVx9 lftx9

bird* that is young/new/fresh (*fowl, flight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʃɪtʰ] zanshith wc,%l0 Dc,%l0 bitless / without bit [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LKhM] [bɪnlɑkʰɑm] binlakham 2l,aceVc6 2l,actc6

bird*-ladies (*fowl, flight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʃɑ:nɑ] zanshâna wc,%v,c Dc,%v,c bit-like / from (the) bits [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LKhM] [lɑkʰmʊl] lakhmul aceV6Sa act6Sa

bird*-lady (*fowl, flight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʃu:nɑ] zanshûna wc,%D,c Dc,%G,c bits [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LKhM] [lɑkʰ.kʰɑm] lakhkham aceVeVc6 acttc6

bird*-man (*fowl, flight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʃu:n] zanshûn wc,%D, Dc,%G, bits of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LKhM] [lɑkʰ.kʰʊm] lakhkhum aceVeVS6 acttS6

bird*-men (*fowl, flight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʃɑ:n] zanshân wc,%v, Dc,%v, bitter (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [KFH] [kɑfhɑ:] kafhâ ec3fv ec3fv

bird-*place (*fowl, flight) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ZNSh] [zɪnʃi:n] zinshîn wl,%", Dl,%", bitter [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFH] [kʌfh] kafh ec3f ec3f

birdless / without bird [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZNSh] [bɪnzʊnʃ] binzunsh 2l,wS,% 2l,DS,% bitterling [Singular Compound Noun] [bɑrɑtʰdɑɪɡ] barathdaig 2c@c09clr 2c@c09clR

bird-like / from (the) birds [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊl] zunshul wS,%Sa DS,%Sa bitterlings [Plural Compound Noun] [bɑrɑtʰɑɪdɑ:ɡ] barathaidâg 2c@c0cl9vr 2c@c0cl9vR

birds [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZNSh] [zɑnɑ:ʃ] zanâsh wc,v% Dc,v% bitterly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [KFH] [ɪkfʊhʊl] ikfuhul le3SfSa le3SfSa

birds of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʊʃ] zanush wc,S% Dc,S% bitterly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [KFH] [kɪfhɑl] kifhal el3fca el3fca

birds of all birds* (*fowls, flight) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃe:l] zunshêl wS,%xa DS,%xa bitterness [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KFH] [ɑkfɑ:h] akfâh ce3vf ce3vf

birds* that are young/new/fresh (*fowls) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ZNSh] [zɑnʃi:tʰ] zanshîth wc,%"0 Dc,%"0 bitterness of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KFH] [ɑkfɑ:hʊ] akfâhu ce3vfS ce3vfS

birth [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [YND] [e:nɑ:d] ênâd x,v9 x,v9 bitternesses [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KFH] [ɑkɑfɑ:h] akafâh cec3vf cec3vf

birth of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [YND] [e:nɑ:dʊ] ênâdu x,v9S x,v9S bitternesses of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KFH] [ɑkɑfʊh] akafuh cec3Sf cec3Sf

birth of all births [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [YND] [jɑndɛl] yandel ;cdza ;cdza bitternessless / without bitterness [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFH] [bɪnɑkfɑ:h] binakfâh 2l,ce3vf 2l,ce3vf

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

bitterness-like / from (the) bitternesses [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFH] [ɑkfɑ:hʊl] akfâhul ce3vfSa ce3vfSa blame-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HFS] [hɑfsɑ:n] hafsân fc3.v, fc3.v,
bitweight, small dwarvish unit of weight measurement, roughly 27 gram, equivalent to 100 Farikhî (chipweights) [Singular blame-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HFS] [hɪfsi:n] hifsîn fl3.", fl3.",
[lɑkʰɑmfɑrkʰ] Lakhamfarkh aceVc63c@eV actc63c@t
Compound Proper Noun] blamer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HFS] [ʌhfʌs] ahfas cf3c. cf3c.
bitweights, small dwarvish units of weight measurement, roughly 27 gram each, equivalent to 100 Farikhî each aceVc63c@veV actc63c@vt
[lɑkʰɑmfɑrɑ:kʰ] Lakhamfarâkh blamer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HFS] [ʊhfʌs] uhfas Sf3c. Sf3c.
(chipweights) [Plural Compound Proper Noun]
,c@rv ,c@Rv blamer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HFS] [ʌhfʌsʊ] ahfasu cf3c.S cf3c.S
black (color or evil) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑ:] nargâ
,c@cr ,c@cR blamer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HFS] [ʊhfʌsʊ] uhfasu Sf3c.S Sf3c.S
black (color or evil) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRG] [nɑrɑɡ] narag
,c@cr2Sw@c2c, ,c@cR2SD@c2c, blamer-like / from blamers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFS] [ʌhfʌsʊl] ahfasul cf3c.Sa cf3c.Sa
black onyx [Singular Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡbʊzrɑbɑn] naragbuzraban
,c@cr2Sw@c22c, ,c@cR2SD@c22c, blamer-like / from blamers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFS] [ʊhfʌsʊl] uhfasul Sf3c.Sa Sf3c.Sa
black onyxes [Plural Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡbʊzrɑb.bɑn] naragbuzrabban
,c@crcw,v,acr2 ,c@cRcD,v,acR2 blamers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HFS] [ɑhɑ:fɑs] ahâfas cfv3c. cfv3c.
Black Speech [Singular Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡʌznɑ:nlɑɡb] naragaznânlagb
,c@crwl@.", ,c@cRDl@.", blamers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HFS] [ʊhfɑ:s] uhfâs Sf3v. Sf3v.
Black Wood (Eryn Vorn) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [nɑrɑɡzɪrsi:n] Naragzirsîn
,c@cr6c@v, ,c@cR6c@v, blamers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HFS] [ɑhɑ:fʊs] ahâfus cfv3S. cfv3S.
blackberries [Plural Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡmɑrɑ:n] naragmarân
,c@cr6S@, ,c@cR6S@, blamers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HFS] [ʊhfʊs] uhfus Sf3S. Sf3S.
blackberry [Singular Compound Noun] [nɑrɑɡmʊrn] naragmurn
6cfc,@Sr 6cfc,@SR blames [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HFS] [ɑhɑfɑ:s] ahafâs cfc3v. cfc3v.
blacken [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NRG] [mʌhɑnrʊɡ] mahanrug
6cfl,@lr" 6cfl,@lR" blames of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HFS] [ɑhɑfʊs] ahafus cfc3S. cfc3S.
blacken! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [mɑhɪnrɪɡi:] mahinrigî
6cfl,@lr 6cfl,@lR blames of all blames [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HFS] [hɑfse:l] hafsêl fc3.xa fc3.xa
blacken! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [mʌhɪnrɪɡ] mahinrig
c,@cr c,@cR blames that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HFS] [hɑfsi:tʰ] hafsîth fc3."0 fc3."0
blackener (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRG] [ɑnrɑɡ] anrag
S,@cr S,@cR blaming (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [HFS] [ɪhfe:s] ihfês lf3x. lf3x.
blackener (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRG] [ʊnrɑɡ] unrag
c,@crS c,@cRS blank [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SN] [sɑɪnʊ] sainu .cl,S .cl,S
blackener of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRG] [ɑnrɑɡʊ] anragu
S,@crS S,@cRS blank of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SN] [sɑɪnu:] sainû .cl,D .cl,G
blackener of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRG] [ʊnrɑɡʊ] unragu
blackener-like / from blackeners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRG] [ɑnrɑɡʊl] anragul c,@crSa c,@cRSa blank of all blanks* (*pieces of soap, purities (perfections)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] .z,za .z,za
[sɛnɛl] senel
blackener-like / from blackeners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRG] [ʊnrɑɡʊl] unragul S,@crSa S,@cRSa
blank* that is young/new/fresh (*piece of soap, purity (perfection)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE .c,l0 .c,l0
blackeners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRG] [ɑnɑ:rɑɡ] anârag c,v@cr c,v@cR [sɑnɪtʰ] sanith
] [SN]
blackeners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRG] [ʊnrɑ:ɡ] unrâg S,@vr S,@vR blank*-ladies (*piece of soap, purity (perfection)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [SN] [sɑnɑ:nɑ] sanâna .c,v,c .c,v,c

blackeners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRG] [ɑnɑ:rʊɡ] anârug c,v@Sr c,v@SR blank*-lady (*piece of soap, purity (perfection)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [SN] [sɑnu:nɑ] sanûna .c,D,c .c,G,c

blackeners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRG] [ʊnrʊɡ] unrug S,@Sr S,@SR blank*-man (*piece of soap, purity (perfection)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [SN] [sɑnu:n] sanûn .c,D, .c,G,

blank*-men (*piece of soap, purity (perfection)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [SN] [sɑnɑ:n] sanân .c,v, .c,v,
blackish / black (color or evil)-like / from the black (color or evil) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4b (CaCCul) / DERIVED ADJECTIVE ] [NRG] [nɑrɡʊl] nargul ,c@rSa ,c@RSa
blank-*place (*piece of soap, purity (perfection)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [SN] [sɪni:n] sinîn .l,", .l,",
Blacklock [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [nɑrɑɡzɑnt] Naragzant ,c@crwc,8 ,c@cRDc,8
blanket (to wrap) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BMB] [ɑbmʊb] abmub c26S2 c26S2
Blacklocks [Plural Compound Proper Noun] [nɑrɑɡzɑnɑ:t] Naragzanât ,c@crwc,v8 ,c@cRDc,v8

blackly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [NRG] [ɪnrʊɡʊl] inrugul l,@SrSa l,@SRSa
blanket (wrap) with each other / blanket (wrap) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [nɑɪbmɪbɪ] naibmibi ,cl26l2l ,cl26l2l
blackly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [NRG] [nɪrɡɑl] nirgal ,l@rca ,l@Rca
blanket (wrap)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [ɪbmɪbi:] ibmibî l26l2" l26l2"
blade [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZGR] [zɛɡɑr] zegar wzrc@ DzRc@
blanket (wrap)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [ɪbmɪb] ibmib l26l2 l26l2
blade of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZGR] [zɛɡɑrʊ] zegaru wzrc@S DzRc@S
blanket [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BMB] [bɛmɑb] bemab 2z6c2 2z6c2
bladeless / without blade [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZGR] [bɪnzɛɡɑr] binzegar 2l,wzrc@ 2l,DzRc@
blanket of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BMB] [bɛmɑbʊ] bemabu 2z6c2S 2z6c2S
blade-like / from (the) blades [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZGR] [zɛɡrʊl] zegrul wzr@Sa DzR@Sa
blanket of all blankets* (*wrappers) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BMB] [bɛmbɛl] bembel 2z62za 2z62za
blades [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZGR] [zɛɡɑ:r] zegâr wzrv@ DzRv@
blanket* that is young/new/fresh (*wrapper) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BMB] [bɑmbɪtʰ] bambith 2c62l0 2c62l0
blades of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZGR] [zɛɡʊr] zegur wzrS@ DzRS@
blanket*-ladies (*wrapper) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BMB] [bɑmbɑ:nɑ] bambâna 2c62v,c 2c62v,c
blame [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [HFS] [ʌhfʊs] ahfus cf3S. cf3S.
blanket*-lady (*wrapper) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BMB] [bɑmbu:nɑ] bambûna 2c62D,c 2c62G,c
blame [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HFS] [ʌhfɑ:s] ahfâs cf3v. cf3v.
blanket*-man (*wrapper) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BMB] [bɑmbu:n] bambûn 2c62D, 2c62G,
blame of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HFS] [ʌhfɑ:sʊ] ahfâsu cf3v.S cf3v.S
blanket*-men (*wrapper) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BMB] [bɑmbɑ:n] bambân 2c62v, 2c62v,
blame of all blames [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HFS] [hʌfsɛl] hafsel
blanket*-place (*wrapper) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BMB] [bɪmbi:n] bimbîn 2l62", 2l62",
blame that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HFS] [hʌfsɪtʰ] hafsith fc3.l0 fc3.l0
blanketer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BMB] [ɑbmɑb] abmab c26c2 c26c2
blame with each other / blame together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [nɑɪhfɪsɪ] naihfisi ,clf3l.l ,clf3l.l
blanketer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BMB] [ʊbmɑb] ubmab S26c2 S26c2
blame! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [ɪhfɪsi:] ihfisî lf3l." lf3l."
blanketer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BMB] [ɑbmɑbʊ] abmabu c26c2S c26c2S
blame! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [ɪhfɪs] ihfis lf3l. lf3l.
blanketer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BMB] [ʊbmɑbʊ] ubmabu S26c2S S26c2S
blame-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HFS] [hɑfsɑ:nɑ] hafsâna fc3.v,c fc3.v,c
blanketer-like / from blanketers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BMB] [ɑbmɑbʊl] abmabul c26c2Sa c26c2Sa
blame-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HFS] [hʌfsu:nɑ] hafsûna fc3.D,c fc3.G,c
blanketer-like / from blanketers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BMB] [ʊbmɑbʊl] ubmabul S26c2Sa S26c2Sa
blameless / without blame [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFS] [bɪnʌhfɑ:s] binahfâs 2l,cf3v. 2l,cf3v.
blanketers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BMB] [ɑbɑ:mɑb] abâmab c2v6c2 c2v6c2
blame-like / from (the) blames [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HFS] [ʌhfɑ:sʊl] ahfâsul cf3v.Sa cf3v.Sa
blanketers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BMB] [ʊbmɑ:b] ubmâb S26v2 S26v2
blame-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HFS] [hʌfsu:n] hafsûn fc3.D, fc3.G,
blanketers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BMB] [ɑbɑ:mʊb] abâmub c2v6S2 c2v6S2

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

blanketers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BMB] [ʊbmʊb] ubmub S26S2 S26S2 blemishing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ShRM] [ɪʃre:mɑb] ishrêmab l%@x6c2 l%@x6c2

blanketless / without blanket [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BMB] [bɪnbɛmɑb] binbemab 2l,2z6c2 2l,2z6c2 blemishless / without blemish [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRM] [bɪnʌʃrɑ:m] binashrâm 2l,c%@v6 2l,c%@v6

blanket-like / from (the) blankets [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BMB] [bɛmbʊl] bembul 2z62Sa 2z62Sa blemish-like / from (the) blemishes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRM] [ʌʃrɑ:mʊl] ashrâmul c%@v6Sa c%@v6Sa

blankets [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BMB] [bɛmɑ:b] bemâb 2z6v2 2z6v2
blend (mix) with each other / blend (mix) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [nɑɪmkʰɪdɪ] naimkhidi ,cl6eVl9l ,cl6tl9l
blankets of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BMB] [bɛmʊb] bemub 2z6S2 2z6S2
blend (mix)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [ɪmkʰɪdi:] imkhidî l6eVl9" l6tl9"
blankets of all blankets* (*wrappers) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BMB] [bɛmbe:l] bembêl 2z62xa 2z62xa
blend (mix)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [ɪmkʰɪd] imkhid l6eVl9 l6tl9
blankets* that are young/new/fresh (*wrappers) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BMB] [bɑmbi:tʰ] bambîth 2c62"0 2c62"0

blankless / without blank [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaiCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [SN] [bɪnsɑɪnʊ] binsainu 2l,.cl,S 2l,.cl,S blend (to mix) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MKhD] [ɑmkʰʊd] amkhud c6eVS9 c6tS9

blank-like / from (the) blanks [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaiCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SN] [sɑɪnʊl] sainul .cl,Sa .cl,Sa 6ceV9 6ct9
blend [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰəd] makhd
blanks [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SN] [ɑsɑ:n] asân c.v, c.v, 6ceV9S 6ct9S
blend of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdʊ] makhdu
blanks of [NOUN TYPE 2 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SN] [ɑsʊn] asun c.S, c.S, 6ceV9za 6ct9za
blend of all blends* (*harmony) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɛl] makhdel
blanks of all blanks* (*pieces of soap, purities (perfections)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] .z,xa .z,xa blend* that is young/new/fresh (*harmony) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɪtʰ] makhdith 6ceV9l0 6ct9l0
[sɛne:l] senêl
blend*-ladies (*harmony) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑ:nɑ] makhdâna 6ceV9v,c 6ct9v,c
blanks* that are young/new/fresh (*pieces of soap, purities (perfections)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE .c,"0 .c,"0
[sɑni:tʰ] sanîth blend*-lady (*harmony) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdu:nɑ] makhdûna 6ceV9D,c 6ct9G,c
blaze [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [RZD] [bɪrɑ:rzʊd] birârzud 2l@v@wS9 2l@v@DS9 blend*-man (*harmony) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdu:n] makhdûn 6ceV9D, 6ct9G,

blaze [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RZD] [ɑrzɑ:d] arzâd c@wv9 c@Dv9 blend*-men (*harmony) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑ:n] makhdân 6ceV9v, 6ct9v,

blaze of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RZD] [ɑrzɑ:dʊ] arzâdu c@wv9S c@Dv9S blend*-place (*harmony) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MKhD] [mɪkʰdi:n] mikhdîn 6leV9", 6lt9",

blaze! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZD] [bɪrɑɪrzɪdi:] birairzidî 2l@cl@wl9" 2l@cl@Dl9" blender (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKhD] [ɑmkʰɑd] amkhad c6eVc9 c6tc9

blaze! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZD] [bɪrɑɪrzɪd] birairzid 2l@cl@wl9 2l@cl@Dl9 blender (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKhD] [ʊmkʰɑd] umkhad S6eVc9 S6tc9

blazeless / without blaze [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZD] [bɪnɑrzɑ:d] binarzâd 2l,c@wv9 2l,c@Dv9 blender of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKhD] [ɑmkʰɑdʊ] amkhadu c6eVc9S c6tc9S

blaze-like / from (the) blazes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZD] [ɑrzɑ:dʊl] arzâdul c@wv9Sa c@Dv9Sa blender of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKhD] [ʊmkʰɑdʊ] umkhadu S6eVc9S S6tc9S

blazer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RZD] [ɑrzɑd] arzad c@wc9 c@Dc9 blender-like / from blenders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKhD] [ɑmkʰɑdʊl] amkhadul c6eVc9Sa c6tc9Sa

blazer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RZD] [ʊrzɑd] urzad S@wc9 S@Dc9 blender-like / from blenders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKhD] [ʊmkʰɑdʊl] umkhadul S6eVc9Sa S6tc9Sa

blazer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RZD] [ɑrzɑdʊ] arzadu c@wc9S c@Dc9S blenders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKhD] [ɑmɑ:kʰɑd] amâkhad c6veVc9 c6vtc9

blazer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RZD] [ʊrzɑdʊ] urzadu S@wc9S S@Dc9S blenders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKhD] [ʊmkʰɑ:d] umkhâd S6eVv9 S6tv9

blazer-like / from blazers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZD] [ɑrzɑdʊl] arzadul c@wc9Sa c@Dc9Sa blenders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKhD] [ɑmɑ:kʰʊd] amâkhud c6veVS9 c6vtS9

blazer-like / from blazers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RZD] [ʊrzɑdʊl] urzadul S@wc9Sa S@Dc9Sa blenders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKhD] [ʊmkʰʊd] umkhud S6eVS9 S6tS9

blazers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RZD] [ɑrɑ:zɑd] arâzad c@vwc9 c@vDc9 blending (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MKhD] [ɪmkʰe:d] imkhêd l6eVx9 l6tx9

blazers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RZD] [ʊrzɑ:d] urzâd S@wv9 S@Dv9 blendless / without blend [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKhD] [bɪnmɑkʰəd] binmakhd 2l,6ceV9 2l,6ct9

blazers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RZD] [ɑrɑ:zʊd] arâzud c@vwS9 c@vDS9 blend-like / from (the) blends [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdʊl] makhdul 6ceV9Sa 6ct9Sa

blazers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RZD] [ʊrzʊd] urzud S@wS9 S@DS9 blends [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰɑ:d] makhâd 6ceVv9 6ctv9

blazes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RZD] [ɑrɑzɑ:d] arazâd c@cwv9 c@cDv9 blends of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰʊd] makhud 6ceVS9 6ctS9

blazes of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RZD] [ɑrɑzʊd] arazud c@cwS9 c@cDS9 blends of all blends* (*harmony) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰde:l] makhdêl 6ceV9xa 6ct9xa

bleak (grim) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [SLKh] [sʊlkʰɑ:] sulkhâ .SaeVv .Satv blends that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdi:tʰ] makhdîth 6ceV9"0 6ct9"0

bleak (grim) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLKh] [sʊlʊkʰ] sulukh .SaSeV .SaSt bless [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MHD] [ɑmhʊd] amhud c6fS9 c6fS9

bleaker (bleakest) [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [SLKh] [ʔʊslɑkʰ] 'uslakh(ul) gS.aceV gS.act bless with each other / bless together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [nɑɪmhɪdɪ] naimhidi ,cl6fl9l ,cl6fl9l

bleakly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [SLKh] [ɪslʊkʰʊl] islukhul l.aSeVSa l.aStSa bless! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [ɪmhɪdi:] imhidî l6fl9" l6fl9"

bleakly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [SLKh] [sɪlkʰɑl] silkhal .laeVca .latca bless! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [ɪmhɪd] imhid l6fl9 l6fl9

bleed [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [DMM] [ɑdmʊm] admum c96S6 c96S6 Blessed Green Fest (spring festival) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [mɑmʌhdʊldɑnɑkʰɑmrɑ:ɡ] Mamahduldanakhamrâg 6c6cf9Sa9c,ceVc6@vr 6c6cf9Sa9c,ctc6@vR

bleed with each other / bleed together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [nɑɪdmɪmɪ] naidmimi ,cl96l6l ,cl96l6l blesser (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MHD] [ɑmhɑd] amhad c6fc9 c6fc9

bleed! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [ɪdmɪmi:] idmimî l96l6" l96l6" blesser (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MHD] [ʊmhɑd] umhad S6fc9 S6fc9

bleed! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [ɪdmɪm] idmim l96l6 l96l6 blesser of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MHD] [ɑmhɑdʊ] amhadu c6fc9S c6fc9S

bleeding (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [DMM] [ɪdme:m] idmêm l96x6 l96x6 blesser of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MHD] [ʊmhɑdʊ] umhadu S6fc9S S6fc9S

blemish [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShRM] [ʌʃrʊmɑb] ashrumab c%@S6c2 c%@S6c2 blesser-like / from blessers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MHD] [ɑmhɑdʊl] amhadul c6fc9Sa c6fc9Sa

blemish [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShRM] [ʌʃrɑ:m] ashrâm c%@v6 c%@v6 blesser-like / from blessers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MHD] [ʊmhɑdʊl] umhadul S6fc9Sa S6fc9Sa

blemish of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShRM] [ʌʃrɑ:mʊ] ashrâmu c%@v6S c%@v6S blessers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MHD] [ɑmɑ:hɑd] amâhad c6vfc9 c6vfc9

blemish! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRM] [ɪʃrɪmɑbi:] ishrimabî l%@l6c2" l%@l6c2" blessers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MHD] [ʊmhɑ:d] umhâd S6fv9 S6fv9

blemish! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRM] [ɪʃrɪmɑb] ishrimab l%@l6c2 l%@l6c2 blessers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MHD] [ɑmɑ:hʊd] amâhud c6vfS9 c6vfS9

blemishes [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShRM] [ɑʃɑrɑ:m] asharâm c%c@v6 c%c@v6 blessers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MHD] [ʊmhʊd] umhud S6fS9 S6fS9

blemishes of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShRM] [ɑʃɑrʊm] asharum c%c@S6 c%c@S6 blessing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MHD] [ɪmhe:d] imhêd l6fx9 l6fx9

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 117 The Dwarrow Scholar 118
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

blessing [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MHD] [mʌhd] mahd 6cf9 6cf9 blockers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TBD] [ʊtbʊd] utbud S82S9 S82S9

blessing of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MHD] [mʌhdʊ] mahdu 6cf9S 6cf9S blocking (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [TBD] [ɪtbe:d] itbêd l82x9 l82x9

blessing of all blessings [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MHD] [mʌhdɛl] mahdel 6cf9za 6cf9za blonde (adj.) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 2 (CiCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [THF] [tɪhfɑ:] tihfâ 8lf3v 8lf3v

blessing that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MHD] [mʌhdɪtʰ] mahdith 6cf9l0 6cf9l0 blonde (adj.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 2 (CiCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [THF] [tɪhɪf] tihif 8lfl3 8lfl3

blessing-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MHD] [mɑhdɑ:nɑ] mahdâna 6cf9v,c 6cf9v,c blonde [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [THF] [tʊhf] tuhf 8Sf3 8Sf3

blessing-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MHD] [mʌhdu:nɑ] mahdûna 6cf9D,c 6cf9G,c blonde of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [THF] [tʊhfʊ] tuhfu 8Sf3S 8Sf3S

blessingless / without blessing [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MHD] [bɪnmʌhd] binmahd 2l,6cf9 2l,6cf9 blonde of all blondes* (*sulfur) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [THF] [tɛhfɛl] tehfel 8zf3za 8zf3za

blessing-like / from (the) blessings [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MHD] [mʌhdʊl] mahdul 6cf9Sa 6cf9Sa blonde* that is young/new/fresh (*sulfur) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [THF] [tʌhfɪtʰ] tahfith 8cf3l0 8cf3l0

blessing-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MHD] [mʌhdu:n] mahdûn 6cf9D, 6cf9G, blonde*-ladies (*sulfur) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [THF] [tɑhfɑ:nɑ] tahfâna 8cf3v,c 8cf3v,c

blessing-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MHD] [mɑhdɑ:n] mahdân 6cf9v, 6cf9v, blonde*-lady (*sulfur) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [THF] [tʌhfu:nɑ] tahfûna 8cf3D,c 8cf3G,c

blessing-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MHD] [mɪhdi:n] mihdîn 6lf9", 6lf9", blonde*-man (*sulfur) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [THF] [tʌhfu:n] tahfûn 8cf3D, 8cf3G,

blessings [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MHD] [mɑhɑ:d] mahâd 6cfv9 6cfv9 blonde*-men (*sulfur) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [THF] [tɑhfɑ:n] tahfân 8cf3v, 8cf3v,

blessings of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MHD] [mɑhʊd] mahud 6cfS9 6cfS9 blonde*-place (*sulfur) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [THF] [tɪhfi:n] tihfîn 8lf3", 8lf3",

blessings of all blessings [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MHD] [mɑhde:l] mahdêl 6cf9xa 6cf9xa blondeless / without blonde [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [THF] [bɪntʊhf] bintuhf 2l,8Sf3 2l,8Sf3

blessings that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MHD] [mɑhdi:tʰ] mahdîth 6cf9"0 6cf9"0 blonde-like / from (the) blondes [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [THF] [tʊhfʊl] tuhful 8Sf3Sa 8Sf3Sa

blink [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [NLT] [ɑnlʊtɑt] anlutat c,aS8c8 c,aS8c8 blondes [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [THF] [tɑhɑ:f] tahâf 8cfv3 8cfv3

blink [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NLT] [ʊnlʊt] unlut S,aS8 S,aS8 blondes of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [THF] [tɑhʊf] tahuf 8cfS3 8cfS3

blink of [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NLT] [ʊnlʊtʊ] unlutu S,aS8S S,aS8S blondes of all blondes* (*sulfur) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [THF] [tɛhfe:l] tehfêl 8zf3xa 8zf3xa

blink! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NLT] [ɪnlɪtɑti:] inlitatî l,al8c8" l,al8c8" blondes that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [THF] [tɑhfi:tʰ] tahfîth 8cf3"0 8cf3"0

blink! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NLT] [ɪnlɪtɑt] inlitat l,al8c8 l,al8c8 blood (one drop) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DMM] [dɑm.m] damm 9c66 9c66

blinkless / without blink [NOUN TYPE 14 (bin-uCCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NLT] [bɪnʊnlʊt] binunlut 2l,S,aS8 2l,S,aS8 blood (one drop) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DMM] [dɑm.mʊ] dammu 9c66S 9c66S

blink-like / from (the) blinks [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NLT] [ʊnlʊtʊl] unlutul S,aS8Sa S,aS8Sa
blood (one drop) of all blood* (*races) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [DMM] [dɑm.mɛl] dammel 9c66za 9c66za
blinks [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NLT] [nʊlu:t] nulût ,SaD8 ,SaG8

blinks of [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NLT] [nʊlu:tʊ] nulûtu ,SaD8S ,SaG8S blood (one drop)* that is young/new/fresh (*race) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DMM] [dɑm.mɪtʰ] dammith 9c66l0 9c66l0

block (stop up) with each other / block (stop up) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [nɑɪtbɪdɪ] naitbidi ,cl82l9l ,cl82l9l blood (one drop)*-ladies (*race) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑ:nɑ] dammâna 9c66v,c 9c66v,c

blood (one drop)*-lady (*race) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [DMM] [dɑɑ] dammûna 9c66D,c 9c66G,c
block (stop up)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [ɪtbɪdi:] itbidî l82l9" l82l9"
blood (one drop)*-man (*race) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [DMM] [dɑ] dammûn 9c66D, 9c66G,
block (stop up)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [ɪtbɪd] itbid l82l9 l82l9
blood (one drop)*-men (*race) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑ:n] dammân 9c66v, 9c66v,
block (to stop up) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [TBD] [ɑtbʊd] atbud c82S9 c82S9
blood (one drop)*-place (*race) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [DMM] [dɪm.mi:n] dimmîn 9l66", 9l66",

blockade [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TBD] [tʊbdʊ] tubdu 8S29S 8S29S blood (one drop)-like / from (the) blood [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DMM] [dɑm.mʊl] dammul 9c66Sa 9c66Sa

blockade of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TBD] [tʊbdu:] tubdû 8S29D 8S29G blood [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DMM] [dɑmɑ:m] damâm 9c6v6 9c6v6

blockadeless / without blockade [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBD] [bɪntʊbdʊ] bintubdu 2l,8S29S 2l,8S29S blood of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DMM] [dɑmʊm] damum 9c6S6 9c6S6

blockade-like / from (the) blockades [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBD] [tʊbdʊl] tubdul 8S29Sa 8S29Sa blood of all blood* (*races) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [DMM] [dɑ] dammêl 9c66xa 9c66xa

blockades [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TBD] [tʊbu:d] tubûd 8S2D9 8S2G9 blood sausage [Singular Compound Noun] [dɑmɑ:mkɑrəl] damâmkarl 9c6v6ec@a 9c6v6ec@a

blockades of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TBD] [tʊbu:dʊ] tubûdu 8S2D9S 8S2G9S blood sausages [Plural Compound Noun] [dɑmɑmkɑrɑ:l] damamkarâl 9c6c6ec@va 9c6c6ec@va

blockage [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TBD] [ɑtbɑ:d] atbâd c82v9 c82v9 blood* that are young/new/fresh (*races) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DMM] [dɑm.mi:tʰ] dammîth 9c66"0 9c66"0

blockage of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TBD] [ɑtbɑ:dʊ] atbâdu c82v9S c82v9S bloomer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NNG] [ɑn.nɑɡ] annag cucr cucR

blockageless / without blockage [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBD] [bɪnɑtbɑ:d] binatbâd 2l,c82v9 2l,c82v9 bloomer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NNG] [ʊn.nɑɡ] unnag Sucr SucR

blockage-like / from (the) blockages [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBD] [ɑtbɑ:dʊl] atbâdul c82v9Sa c82v9Sa bloomer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NNG] [ɑn.nɑɡʊ] annagu cucrS cucRS

blockages [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TBD] [ɑtɑbɑ:d] atabâd c8c2v9 c8c2v9 bloomer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NNG] [ʊn.nɑɡʊ] unnagu SucrS SucRS

blockages of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TBD] [ɑtɑbʊd] atabud c8c2S9 c8c2S9 bloomer-like / from bloomers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNG] [ɑn.nɑɡʊl] annagul cucrSa cucRSa

blocker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TBD] [ɑtbɑd] atbad c82c9 c82c9 bloomer-like / from bloomers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNG] [ʊn.nɑɡʊl] unnagul SucrSa SucRSa

blocker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TBD] [ʊtbɑd] utbad S82c9 S82c9 bloomers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NNG] [ɑnɑ:nɑɡ] anânag c,v,cr c,v,cR

blocker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TBD] [ɑtbɑdʊ] atbadu c82c9S c82c9S bloomers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NNG] [ʊn.nɑ:ɡ] unnâg Suvr SuvR

blocker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TBD] [ʊtbɑdʊ] utbadu S82c9S S82c9S bloomers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NNG] [ɑnɑ:nʊɡ] anânug c,v,Sr c,v,SR

blocker-like / from blockers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBD] [ɑtbɑdʊl] atbadul c82c9Sa c82c9Sa bloomers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NNG] [ʊn.nʊɡ] unnug SuSr SuSR

blocker-like / from blockers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TBD] [ʊtbɑdʊl] utbadul S82c9Sa S82c9Sa blossom (flower / bloom) with each other / blossom (flower / bloom) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form /
[nɑɪn.nɪɡɪ] nainnigi ,clulrl ,clulRl
blockers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TBD] [ɑtɑ:bɑd] atâbad c8v2c9 c8v2c9 General Imperative] [NNG]
blossom (flower / bloom)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNG] [ɪn.nɪɡi:] innigî lulr" lulR"
blockers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TBD] [ʊtbɑ:d] utbâd S82v9 S82v9
blossom (flower / bloom)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNG] [ɪn.nɪɡ] innig lulr lulR
blockers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TBD] [ɑtɑ:bʊd] atâbud c8v2S9 c8v2S9

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

blossom (to flower / to bloom) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] blunderers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HHD] [ɑhɑ:hɑd] ahâhad cfvfc9 cfvfc9
[ɑn.nʊɡ] annug cuSr cuSR
[NNG] blunderers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HHD] [ʊh.hɑ:d] uhhâd Sffv9 Sffv9
blossom [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NNG] [nɑnɑɡ] nanag ,c,cr ,c,cR
blunderers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HHD] [ɑhɑ:hʊd] ahâhud cfvfS9 cfvfS9
blossom [Singular Compound Noun] [mʊd͡ʒdnʊng] mujdnung 6SR9,Sj 6S$9,Sj
blunderers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HHD] [ʊh.hʊd] uhhud SffS9 SffS9
blossom of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NNG] [nɑnɑɡʊ] nanagu ,c,crS ,c,cRS
blundering (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [HHD] [ɪh.he:d] ihhêd lffx9 lffx9
blossoming (flowering / blooming) (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NNG] [ɪɡ] innêg luxr luxR
blunderless / without blunder [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HHD] [bɪnhʌhd] binhahd 2l,fcf9 2l,fcf9
blossomless / without blossom [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNG] [bɪn.nɑnɑɡ] binnanag 2luc,cr 2luc,cR
blunder-like / from (the) blunders [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HHD] [hʌhdʊl] hahdul fcf9Sa fcf9Sa
blossom-like / from (the) blossoms [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNG] [nɑngʊl] nangul ,cjSa ,cjSa
blunders [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HHD] [hɑhɑ:d] hahâd fcfv9 fcfv9
blossoms [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NNG] [nɑn.nɑɡ] nannag ,cucr ,cucR
blunders of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HHD] [hɑhʊd] hahud fcfS9 fcfS9
blossoms [Plural Compound Noun] [mʊd͡ʒdnɑnɑ:ɡ] mujdnanâg 6SR9,c,vr 6S$9,c,vR
blunders of all blunders* (*inaccuracy, wrongs) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HHD] [hʊhde:l] huhdêl fSf9xa fSf9xa
blossoms of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NNG] [nɑn.nʊɡ] nannug ,cuSr ,cuSR

blossomy (flowering) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [NNG] [nɑngɑ:] nangâ ,cjv ,cjv blunders that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HHD] [hɑhdi:tʰ] hahdîth fcf9"0 fcf9"0

blossomy (flowering) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NNG] [nɑng] nang ,cj ,cj boar (meat) [Singular Compound Noun] [ɡɑltʰʌsʌs] galthasas rca0c.c. Rca0c.c.
blow (person blowing air) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] boar [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GLT] [ɡɑlt] galt rca8 Rca8
[ɑnbʊr] anbur c,2S@ c,2S@
[NBR] boar of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GLT] [ɡɑltʊ] galtu rca8S Rca8S
blow (person blowing air) with each other / blow (person blowing air) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / ,cl,2l@l ,cl,2l@l
[nɑɪnbɪrɪ] nainbiri boar of all boars* (*rampages) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [GLT] [ɡɑltɛl] galtel rca8za Rca8za
General Imperative] [NBR]
l,2l@" l,2l@" boar* that is young/new/fresh (*rampage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GLT] [ɡɑltɪtʰ] galtith rca8l0 Rca8l0
blow (person blowing air)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBR] [ɪnbɪri:] inbirî
l,2l@ l,2l@ boar*-ladies (*rampage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [GLT] [ɡɑltɑ:nɑ] galtâna rca8v,c Rca8v,c
blow (person blowing air)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBR] [ɪnbɪr] inbir
boar*-lady (*rampage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [GLT] [ɡɑltu:nɑ] galtûna rca8D,c Rca8G,c
blow (wind) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BGD] [ɑbɡʊd] abgud c2rS9 c2RS9
boar*-man (*rampage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [GLT] [ɡɑltu:n] galtûn rca8D, Rca8G,

blow (wind) with each other / blow (wind) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BGD] [nɑɪbɡɪdɪ] naibgidi ,cl2rl9l ,cl2Rl9l boar*-men (*rampage) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [GLT] [ɡɑltɑ:n] galtân rca8v, Rca8v,

boar*-place (*rampage) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [GLT] [ɡɪlti:n] giltîn rla8", Rla8",
blow (wind)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BGD] [ɪbɡɪdi:] ibgidî l2rl9" l2Rl9"
boarless / without boar [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GLT] [bɪngɑlt] bingalt 2ljca8 2ljca8
blow (wind)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BGD] [ɪbɡɪd] ibgid l2rl9 l2Rl9
boar-like / from (the) boars [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GLT] [ɡɑltʊl] galtul rca8Sa Rca8Sa
blowing (person blowing air) (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NBR] [ɪnbe:r] inbêr l,2x@ l,2x@
boars [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GLT] [ɡɑlɑ:t] galât rcav8 Rcav8
blowing wind (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BGD] [ɪbɡe:d] ibgêd l2rx9 l2Rx9
boars of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GLT] [ɡɑlʊt] galut rcaS8 RcaS8
blue (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [KhGL] [kʰɑɡlɑ:] khaglâ eVcrav tcRav
boars of all boars* (*rampages) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [GLT] [ɡɑlte:l] galtêl rca8xa Rca8xa
blue [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhGL] [kʰɑɡɑl] khagal eVcrca tcRca
boars* that are young/new/fresh (*rampages) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [GLT] [ɡɑlti:tʰ] galtîth rca8"0 Rca8"0
Blue Mountains (Ered Luin) [Plural Compound Noun] [kʰɑɡɑlʔɑb.bɑd] Khagal'abbad eVcrcagc22c9 tcRcagc22c9
boast [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FND] [ʌfnʊd] afnud c3,S9 c3,S9
blueberries [Plural Compound Noun] [kʰɑɡɑlmɑrɑ:n] khagalmarân eVcrca6c@v, tcRca6c@v,
boast [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FND] [fɑnd] fand 3cd 3cd
blueberry [Singular Compound Noun] [kʰɑɡɑlmʊrn] khagalmurn eVcrca6S@, tcRca6S@,
boast of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FND] [fɑndʊ] fandu 3cdS 3cdS
blueish / blue-like / from the blue [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4b (CaCCul) / DERIVED ADJECTIVE ] [KhGL] [kʰɑɡlʊl] khaglul eVcraSa tcRaSa
boast with each other / boast together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [FND] [nɑɪfnɪdɪ] naifnidi ,cl3,l9l ,cl3,l9l
blunder [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [HHD] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:h.hʊd] jalâhhud RcavffS9 $cavffS9
boast! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FND] [ɪfnɪdi:] ifnidî l3,l9" l3,l9"
blunder [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HHD] [hʌhd] hahd fcf9 fcf9
boast! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FND] [ɪfnɪd] ifnid l3,l9 l3,l9
blunder of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HHD] [hʌhdʊ] hahdu fcf9S fcf9S
boaster (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FND] [ʌfnɑd] afnad c3,c9 c3,c9
blunder of all blunders* (*inaccuracy, wrongs) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HHD] [hʊhdɛl] huhdel fSf9za fSf9za
boaster (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FND] ❷ - braggart [ʊfnɑd] ufnad S3,c9 S3,c9

blunder! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HHD] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪh.hɪdi:] jalaihhidî Rcaclffl9" $caclffl9" boaster of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FND] [ʌfnɑdʊ] afnadu c3,c9S c3,c9S

blunder! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HHD] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪh.hɪd] jalaihhid Rcaclffl9 $caclffl9 boaster of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FND] [ʊfnɑdʊ] ufnadu S3,c9S S3,c9S

boaster-like / from boasters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [ʌfnɑdʊl] afnadul c3,c9Sa c3,c9Sa
blunder* that is young/new/fresh (*inaccuracy, wrong) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HHD] [hʌhdɪtʰ] hahdith fcf9l0 fcf9l0
boaster-like / from boasters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [ʊfnɑdʊl] ufnadul S3,c9Sa S3,c9Sa
blunder*-ladies (*inaccuracy, wrong) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HHD] [hɑhdɑ:nɑ] hahdâna fcf9v,c fcf9v,c
boasters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FND] [ɑfɑ:nɑd] afânad c3v,c9 c3v,c9
blunder*-lady (*inaccuracy, wrong) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HHD] [hʌhdu:nɑ] hahdûna fcf9D,c fcf9G,c
boasters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FND] ❷ - braggarts [ʊfnɑ:d] ufnâd S3,v9 S3,v9
blunder*-man (*inaccuracy, wrong) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HHD] [hʌhdu:n] hahdûn fcf9D, fcf9G,
boasters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FND] [ɑfɑ:nʊd] afânud c3v,S9 c3v,S9
blunder*-men (*inaccuracy, wrong) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HHD] [hɑhdɑ:n] hahdân fcf9v, fcf9v,
boasters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FND] [ʊfnʊd] ufnud S3,S9 S3,S9
blunder-*place (*inaccuracy, wrong) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HHD] [hɪhdi:n] hihdîn flf9", flf9",
boastfulness [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FND] [ʌfnɑ:d] afnâd c3,v9 c3,v9
blunderer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HHD] [ʌh.hɑd] ahhad cffc9 cffc9
boastfulness of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FND] [ʌfnɑ:dʊ] afnâdu c3,v9S c3,v9S
blunderer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HHD] [ʊh.hɑd] uhhad Sffc9 Sffc9
boastfulnessless / without boastfulness [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [bɪnʌfnɑ:d] binafnâd 2l,c3,v9 2l,c3,v9
blunderer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HHD] [ʌh.hɑdʊ] ahhadu cffc9S cffc9S
boastfulness-like / from (the) boastfulness [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [ʌfnɑ:dʊl] afnâdul c3,v9Sa c3,v9Sa
blunderer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HHD] [ʊh.hɑdʊ] uhhadu Sffc9S Sffc9S
boasting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FND] [ɪfne:d] ifnêd l3,x9 l3,x9
blunderer-like / from blunderers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HHD] [ʌh.hɑdʊl] ahhadul cffc9Sa cffc9Sa
boastless / without boast [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [bɪnfɑnd] binfand 2l,3cd 2l,3cd
blunderer-like / from blunderers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HHD] [ʊh.hɑdʊl] uhhadul Sffc9Sa Sffc9Sa

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

boast-like / from (the) boasts [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [fɑndʊl] fandul 3cdSa 3cdSa bog-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ShLT] [ʃɪlti:n] shiltîn %la8", %la8",

boasts [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FND] [fɑnɑ:d] fanâd 3c,v9 3c,v9 bogs [NOUN TYPE 3 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShLT] [ʃɑlɑ:t] shalât %cav8 %cav8

boasts of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FND] [fɑnʊd] fanud 3c,S9 3c,S9 bogs of [NOUN TYPE 3 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShLT] [ʃɑlʊt] shalut %caS8 %caS8

boat [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SLF] [sɛlʌf] selaf .zac3 .zac3 bogs of all bogs [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ShLT] [ʃɑlte:l] shaltêl %ca8xa %ca8xa

boat of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SLF] [sɛlʌfʊ] selafu .zac3S .zac3S bogs that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShLT] [ʃɑlti:tʰ] shaltîth %ca8"0 %ca8"0

boatless / without boat [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLF] [bɪnsɛlʌf] binselaf 2l,.zac3 2l,.zac3 boil (skin swelling) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SDN] [sɑdən] sadn .c9, .c9,

boat-like / from (the) boats [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLF] [sɛlfʊl] selful .za3Sa .za3Sa boil (skin swelling) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SDN] [sɑdnʊ] sadnu .c9,S .c9,S

boats [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SLF] [sɛlɑ:f] selâf .zav3 .zav3 boil (skin swelling)-like / from (the) boils (skin swellings) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SDN] [sɑdnʊl] sadnul .c9,Sa .c9,Sa

boats of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SLF] [sɛlʊf] seluf .zaS3 .zaS3 boil [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [SDN] [ʌsdʊn] asdun c.9S, c.9S,

bodies [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔBD] [ʔɑbɑ:d] 'abâd gc2v9 gc2v9 boil with each other / boil together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [nɑɪsdɪnɪ] naisdini ,cl.9l,l ,cl.9l,l

bodies of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔBD] [ʔɑbʊd] 'abud gc2S9 gc2S9 boil! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [ɪsdɪni:] isdinî l.9l," l.9l,"

bodily (in person) [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ʔBD] [ɪʔbʊdʊl] i'budul lg2S9Sa lg2S9Sa boil! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [ɪsdɪn] isdin l.9l, l.9l,

bodily (in person) [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [ʔBD] [ʔɪbdɑl] 'ibdal gl29ca gl29ca boiler (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SDN] [ʌsdɑn] asdan c.9c, c.9c,

bodily (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 11 (CeCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [ʔBD] [ʔɛbdɑ:] 'ebdâ gz29v gz29v boiler (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SDN] [ʊsdɑn] usdan S.9c, S.9c,

bodily [ADJECTIVE TYPE 11 (CeCeC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔBD] [ʔɛbɛd] 'ebed gz2z9 gz2z9 boiler of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SDN] [ʌsdɑnʊ] asdanu c.9c,S c.9c,S

body [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbəd] 'ubd gS29 gS29 boiler of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SDN] [ʊsdɑnʊ] usdanu S.9c,S S.9c,S

boiler-like / from boilers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SDN] [ʌsdɑnʊl] asdanul c.9c,Sa c.9c,Sa
body armor composed of plates or iron hammered and shaped (a piece of plate mail). [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌzmʔʊbədʃʊmər] 'azm'ubdshumr gcw6gS29%S6@ gcD6gS29%S6@
boiler-like / from boilers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SDN] [ʊsdɑnʊl] usdanul S.9c,Sa S.9c,Sa
body armor pieces composed of plates or iron hammered and shaped (several pieces of plate mail). [Plural Compound gcw6gS29%c6v@ gcD6gS29%c6v@
[ʔɑzmʔʊbədʃɑmɑ:r] 'azm'ubdshamâr boilers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SDN] [ɑsɑ:dɑn] asâdan c.v9c, c.v9c,
gS29S gS29S boilers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SDN] [ʊsdɑ:n] usdân S.9v, S.9v,
body of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊ] 'ubdu
2l,gS29 2l,gS29 boilers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SDN] [ɑsɑ:dʊn] asâdun c.v9S, c.v9S,
bodyless / without body [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔBD] [bɪnʔʊbəd] bin'ubd
gS29Sa gS29Sa boilers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SDN] [ʊsdʊn] usdun S.9S, S.9S,
body-like / from (the) bodies [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊl] 'ubdul
bog (be(come) impeded or stuck) with each other / bog (be(come) impeded or stuck) together! [Interactive Verb - boiling (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [SDN] [sʊdnɑ:] sudnâ .S9,v .S9,v
[nɑɪʃlɪtɪ] naishliti ,cl%al8l ,cl%al8l
Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] boiling (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [SDN] [ɪsde:n] isdên l.9x, l.9x,
bog (be(come) impeded or stuck)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] [ɪʃlɪti:] ishlitî l%al8" l%al8" .S9S, .S9S,
boiling [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SDN] [sʊdʊn] sudun
bog (be(come) impeded or stuck)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] [ɪʃlɪt] ishlit l%al8 l%al8 l.9S,Sa l.9S,Sa
boilingly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [SDN] [ɪsdʊnʊl] isdunul
bog (to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute c%aS8 c%aS8 boilingly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [SDN] [sɪdnɑl] sidnal .l9,ca .l9,ca
[ʌʃlʊt] ashlut
Form] [ShLT]
boils (skin swellings) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SDN] [sɑdɑ:n] sadân .c9v, .c9v,
bog [NOUN TYPE 3 (CâCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShLT] [ʃɑ:lɑt] shâlat %vac8 %vac8
boils (skin swellings) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SDN] [sɑdʊn] sadun .c9S, .c9S,
bog of [NOUN TYPE 3 (CâCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShLT] [ʃɑ:lɑtʊ] shâlatu %vac8S %vac8S
bolt [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MKR] [ɑmkʊr] amkur c6eS@ c6eS@
bog of all bogs [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɛl] shaltel %ca8za %ca8za
bolt [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKR] [mɑkər] makr 6ce@ 6ce@
bog that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɪtʰ] shaltith %ca8l0 %ca8l0
bolt of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKR] [mɑkrʊ] makru 6ce@S 6ce@S
bogger (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShLT] [ʌʃlɑt] ashlat c%ac8 c%ac8
bolt of all bolts [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MKR] [mɑkrɛl] makrel 6ce@za 6ce@za
bogger (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShLT] [ʊʃlɑt] ushlat S%ac8 S%ac8
bolt that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MKR] [mɑkrɪtʰ] makrith 6ce@l0 6ce@l0
bogger of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShLT] [ʌʃlɑtʊ] ashlatu c%ac8S c%ac8S
bolt with each other / bolt together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [nɑɪmkɪrɪ] naimkiri ,cl6el@l ,cl6el@l
bogger of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShLT] [ʊʃlɑtʊ] ushlatu S%ac8S S%ac8S
bolt! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [ɪmkɪri:] imkirî l6el@" l6el@"
bogger-like / from boggers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLT] [ʌʃlɑtʊl] ashlatul c%ac8Sa c%ac8Sa
bolt! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [ɪmkɪr] imkir l6el@ l6el@
bogger-like / from boggers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLT] [ʊʃlɑtʊl] ushlatul S%ac8Sa S%ac8Sa
bolter (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKR] [ɑmkɑr] amkar c6ec@ c6ec@
boggers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShLT] [ɑʃɑ:lɑt] ashâlat c%vac8 c%vac8
bolter (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MKR] [ʊmkɑr] umkar S6ec@ S6ec@
boggers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShLT] [ʊʃlɑ:t] ushlât S%av8 S%av8
bolter of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKR] [ɑmkɑrʊ] amkaru c6ec@S c6ec@S
boggers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShLT] [ɑʃɑ:lʊt] ashâlut c%vaS8 c%vaS8
bolter of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MKR] [ʊmkɑrʊ] umkaru S6ec@S S6ec@S
boggers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShLT] [ʊʃlʊt] ushlut S%aS8 S%aS8
bolter-like / from bolters (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKR] [ɑmkɑrʊl] amkarul c6ec@Sa c6ec@Sa
bogging (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShLT] [ɪʃle:t] ishlêt l%ax8 l%ax8
bolter-like / from bolters (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKR] [ʊmkɑrʊl] umkarul S6ec@Sa S6ec@Sa
boggy (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑ:] shaltâ %ca8v %ca8v
bolters (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKR] [ɑmɑ:kɑr] amâkar c6vec@ c6vec@
boggy [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLT] [ʃɑlt] shalt %ca8 %ca8
bolters (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKR] [ʊmkɑ:r] umkâr S6ev@ S6ev@
bog-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑ:nɑ] shaltâna %ca8v,c %ca8v,c
bolters of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKR] [ɑmɑ:kʊr] amâkur c6veS@ c6veS@
bog-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltu:nɑ] shaltûna %ca8D,c %ca8G,c
bolters of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKR] [ʊmkʊr] umkur S6eS@ S6eS@
bogless / without bog [NOUN TYPE 3 (bin-CâCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLT] [bɪnʃɑ:lɑt] binshâlat 2l,%vac8 2l,%vac8
bolting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [MKR] [ɪmke:r] imkêr l6ex@ l6ex@
bog-like / from (the) bogs [NOUN TYPE 3 (CâCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShLT] [ʃɑ:ltʊl] shâltul %va8Sa %va8Sa
bolt-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MKR] [mɑkrɑ:nɑ] makrâna 6ce@v,c 6ce@v,c
bog-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltu:n] shaltûn %ca8D, %ca8G,
bolt-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MKR] [mɑkru:nɑ] makrûna 6ce@D,c 6ce@G,c
bog-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑ:n] shaltân %ca8v, %ca8v,

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The Dwarrow Scholar 123 The Dwarrow Scholar 124

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

boltless / without bolt [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKR] [bɪnmɑkər] binmakr 2l,6ce@ 2l,6ce@ boney / bone-like / from (the) bones [NOUN TYPE 6 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShK] [bɛʃkʊl] beshkul 2z%eSa 2z%eSa

bolt-like / from (the) bolts [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MKR] [mɑkrʊl] makrul 6ce@Sa 6ce@Sa boning (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BShK] [ɪbʃe:k] ibshêk l2%xe l2%xe

bolt-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MKR] [mɑkru:n] makrûn 6ce@D, 6ce@G, book [element (part) of (the) lore / study (knowledge (familiarity of skill) / perusal)] [Elemental Contruction (CaCaCi) /
[fʌhɑnɪ] fahani 3cfc,l 3cfc,l
bolt-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MKR] [mɑkrɑ:n] makrân 6ce@v, 6ce@v, SINGULAR ] [FHN]
books [elements (parts) of (the) lore / study (knowledge (familiarity of skill) / perusal)] [Elemental Contruction (CaCaCî) / 3cfc," 3cfc,"
bolt-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MKR] [mɪkri:n] mikrîn 6le@", 6le@", [fɑhɑni:] fahanî
bolts [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MKR] [mɑkɑ:r] makâr 6cev@ 6cev@ .lrl,2c.uzec9 .lRl,2c.uzec9
boot [Singular Compound Noun] [sɪɡɪnbʌsn.nɛkɑd] sigin-basn-nekad
bolts of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MKR] [mɑkʊr] makur 6ceS@ 6ceS@ .lrl,2c.uzev9 .lRl,2c.uzev9
boots [Plural Compound Noun] [sɪɡɪnbɑsn.nɛkɑ:d] sigin-basn-nekâd
bolts of all bolts [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MKR] [mɑkre:l] makrêl 6ce@xa 6ce@xa wS9eVS DS9tS
border [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZDKh] [zʊdkʰʊ] zudkhu
bolts that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MKR] [mɑkri:tʰ] makrîth 6ce@"0 6ce@"0 wS9eVD DS9tG
border of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZDKh] [zʊdkʰu:] zudkhû
bond (binding agreement) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BSS] [bʌs.s] bass 2c.. 2c.. 2l,wS9eVS 2l,DS9tS
borderless / without border [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZDKh] [bɪnzʊdkʰʊ] binzudkhu
bond (binding agreement) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BSS] [bʌs.sʊ] bassu 2c..S 2c..S wS9eVSa DS9tSa
border-like / from (the) borders [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZDKh] [zʊdkʰʊl] zudkhul
bond (binding agreement)-like / from (the) bonds (binding agreements) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BSS] [bʌs.sʊl] bassul 2c..Sa 2c..Sa borders [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZDKh] [zʊdu:kʰ] zudûkh wS9DeV DS9Gt

borders of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZDKh] [zʊdu:kʰʊ] zudûkhu wS9DeVS DS9GtS
bondage [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SLR] [sɑlər] salr .ca@ .ca@
bore [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfʊr] athfur c03S@ c03S@
bondage of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SLR] [sɑlrʊ] salru .ca@S .ca@S
bore with each other / bore together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [nɑɪtʰfɪrɪ] naithfiri ,cl03l@l ,cl03l@l
bondageless / without bondage [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLR] [bɪnsɑlər] binsalr 2l,.ca@ 2l,.ca@
bore! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [ɪtʰfɪri:] ithfirî l03l@" l03l@"
bondage-like / from (the) bondages [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLR] [sɑlrʊl] salrul .ca@Sa .ca@Sa
bore! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [ɪtʰfɪr] ithfir l03l@ l03l@
bondages [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SLR] [sɑlɑ:r] salâr .cav@ .cav@
boredom [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɑ:r] athfâr c03v@ c03v@
bondages of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SLR] [sɑlʊr] salur .caS@ .caS@
boredom of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɑ:rʊ] athfâru c03v@S c03v@S
bonds (binding agreements) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BSS] [bɑsɑ:s] basâs 2c.v. 2c.v.
boredom of all boredoms [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɛl] thafrel 0c3@za 0c3@za
bonds (binding agreements) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BSS] [bɑsʊs] basus 2c.S. 2c.S.
boredom that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɪtʰ] thafrith 0c3@l0 0c3@l0
bone (remove bones) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BShK] [ɑbʃʊk] abshuk c2%Se c2%Se
boredom-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑ:nɑ] thafrâna 0c3@v,c 0c3@v,c
bone (remove bones) with each other / bone (remove bones) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General boredom-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ThFR] [tʰʌfru:nɑ] thafrûna 0c3@D,c 0c3@G,c
[nɑɪbʃɪkɪ] naibshiki ,cl2%lel ,cl2%lel
Imperative] [BShK] boredomless / without boredom [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThFR] [bɪnɑtʰfɑ:r] binathfâr 2l,c03v@ 2l,c03v@
bone (remove bones)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BShK] [ɪbʃɪki:] ibshikî l2%le" l2%le"
boredom-like / from (the) boredoms [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɑ:rʊl] athfârul c03v@Sa c03v@Sa
bone (remove bones)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BShK] [ɪbʃɪk] ibshik l2%le l2%le
boredom-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ThFR] [tʰʌfru:n] thafrûn 0c3@D, 0c3@G,
bone [NOUN TYPE 6 (CeCeC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BShK] [bɛʃɛk] beshek 2z%ze 2z%ze
boredom-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑ:n] thafrân 0c3@v, 0c3@v,
bone of [NOUN TYPE 6 (CeCeCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BShK] [bɛʃɛkʊ] besheku 2z%zeS 2z%zeS
boredom-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ThFR] [tʰɪfri:n] thifrîn 0l3@", 0l3@",
bone of all bones* (*cartilages, thin) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛl] beshkel 2z%eza 2z%eza
boredoms [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰɑfɑ:r] athafâr c0c3v@ c0c3v@
bone* that is young/new/fresh (*cartilage, thin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BShK] [bʌʃkɪtʰ] bashkith 2c%el0 2c%el0 boredoms of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰɑfʊr] athafur c0c3S@ c0c3S@

2c%ev,c 2c%ev,c boredoms of all boredoms [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ThFR] [tʰɑfre:l] thafrêl 0c3@xa 0c3@xa
bone*-ladies (*cartilage, thin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BShK] [bɑʃkɑ:nɑ] bashkâna
2c%eD,c 2c%eG,c boredoms that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ThFR] [tʰɑfri:tʰ] thafrîth 0c3@"0 0c3@"0
bone*-lady (*cartilage, thin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BShK] [bʌʃku:nɑ] bashkûna
2c%eD, 2c%eG, borer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɑr] athfar c03c@ c03c@
bone*-man (*cartilage, thin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BShK] [bʌʃku:n] bashkûn
2c%ev, 2c%ev, borer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThFR] [ʊtʰfɑr] uthfar S03c@ S03c@
bone*-men (*cartilage, thin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BShK] [bɑʃkɑ:n] bashkân
2l%e", 2l%e", borer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɑrʊ] athfaru c03c@S c03c@S
bone-*place (*cartilage, thin) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BShK] [bɪʃki:n] bishkîn
2l,2z%ze 2l,2z%ze borer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThFR] [ʊtʰfɑrʊ] uthfaru S03c@S S03c@S
boneless / without bone [NOUN TYPE 6 (bin-CeCeC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShK] [bɪnbɛʃɛk] binbeshek
c2%ce c2%ce borer-like / from borers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɑrʊl] athfarul c03c@Sa c03c@Sa
boner (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BShK] [ɑbʃɑk] abshak
S2%ce S2%ce borer-like / from borers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThFR] [ʊtʰfɑrʊl] uthfarul S03c@Sa S03c@Sa
boner (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BShK] [ʊbʃɑk] ubshak
c2%ceS c2%ceS borers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰɑ:fɑr] athâfar c0v3c@ c0v3c@
boner of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BShK] [ɑbʃɑkʊ] abshaku
S2%ceS S2%ceS borers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThFR] [ʊtʰfɑ:r] uthfâr S03v@ S03v@
boner of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BShK] [ʊbʃɑkʊ] ubshaku
c2%ceSa c2%ceSa borers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThFR] [ɑtʰɑ:fʊr] athâfur c0v3S@ c0v3S@
boner-like / from boners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShK] [ɑbʃɑkʊl] abshakul
S2%ceSa S2%ceSa borers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThFR] [ʊtʰfʊr] uthfur S03S@ S03S@
boner-like / from boners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShK] [ʊbʃɑkʊl] ubshakul
c2v%ce c2v%ce bother [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BZR] [bɪrɑ:bzʊr] birâbzur 2l@v2wS@ 2l@v2DS@
boners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BShK] [ɑbɑ:ʃɑk] abâshak
S2%ve S2%ve bother! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZR] [bɪrɑɪbzɪri:] biraibzirî 2l@cl2wl@" 2l@cl2Dl@"
boners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BShK] [ʊbʃɑ:k] ubshâk
c2v%Se c2v%Se bother! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZR] [bɪrɑɪbzɪr] biraibzir 2l@cl2wl@ 2l@cl2Dl@
boners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BShK] [ɑbɑ:ʃʊk] abâshuk
S2%Se S2%Se bothering (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BZR] [bɪrɑɪbze:r] biraibzêr 2l@cl2wx@ 2l@cl2Dx@
boners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BShK] [ʊbʃʊk] ubshuk
2z%xe 2z%xe bottle [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhLD] [kʰɑld] khald eVca9 tca9
bones [NOUN TYPE 6 (CeCêC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BShK] [bɛʃe:k] beshêk
2z%Se 2z%Se bottle emptied of beer, wine, or liquor [Singular Compound Noun] [sʊrʊd͡ʒɑbzɑr] surujabzar .S@SRc2wc@ .S@S$c2Dc@
bones of [NOUN TYPE 6 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BShK] [bɛʃʊk] beshuk
2z%exa 2z%exa bottle of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhLD] [kʰɑldʊ] khaldu eVca9S tca9S
bones of all bones* (*cartilages, thin) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BShK] [bɛʃke:l] beshkêl
2c%e"0 2c%e"0 bottleless / without bottle [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLD] [bɪnkʰɑld] binkhald 2l,eVca9 2l,tca9
bones* that are young/new/fresh (*cartilages) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BShK] [bɑʃki:tʰ] bashkîth

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 125 The Dwarrow Scholar 126
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

bottle-like / from (the) bottles [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhLD] [kʰɑldʊl] khaldul eVca9Sa tca9Sa bow*-man (*arrow, bee) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BDK] [bɑdku:n] badkûn 2c9eD, 2c9eG,

bottles [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhLD] [kʰɑlɑ:d] khalâd eVcav9 tcav9 bow*-men (*arrow, bee) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BDK] [bɑdkɑ:n] badkân 2c9ev, 2c9ev,

bottles emptied of beer, wine, or liquor [Plural Compound Noun] [sʊrʊd͡ʒɑbɑ:zɑr] surujabâzar .S@SRc2vwc@ .S@S$c2vDc@ bow-*place (*arrow, bee) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BDK] [bɪdki:n] bidkîn 2l9e", 2l9e",

bottles of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhLD] [kʰɑlʊd] khalud eVcaS9 tcaS9 bowing before (stooping before) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [SKB] [mʌhɪske:b] mahiskêb 6cfl.ex2 6cfl.ex2

bottom (body part) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰʌf] kakhaf eceVc3 ectc3 bowing low before (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [SKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪske:b] jalaiskêb Rcacl.ex2 $cacl.ex2

bottom (body part) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰʌfʊ] kakhafu eceVc3S ectc3S bowl [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DBN] [dɛbɑn] deban 9z2c, 9z2c,
bottom (body part) of all bottom (body parts)* (*fecal matters (excrements), latrines) [Inflection: Comperative Form bowl of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DBN] [dɛbɑnʊ] debanu 9z2c,S 9z2c,S
[kɛkʰfɛl] kekhfel ezeV3za ezt3za
(CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KKhF] bowless / without bow [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDK] [bɪnbɑdək] binbadk 2l,2c9e 2l,2c9e
bottom (body part)* that is young/new/fresh (*fecal matter (excrement), latrine) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR eceV3l0 ect3l0
[kɑkʰfɪtʰ] kakhfith bow-like / from (the) bows [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BDK] [bɑdkʊl] badkul 2c9eSa 2c9eSa
bowlless / without bowl [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBN] [bɪndɛbɑn] bindeban 2ldz2c, 2ldz2c,
bottom (body part)*-ladies (*fecal matter (excrement), latrine) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰfɑ:nɑ] kakhfâna eceV3v,c ect3v,c
bowl-like / from (the) bowls [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DBN] [dɛbnʊl] debnul 9z2,Sa 9z2,Sa

bottom (body part)*-lady (*fecal matter (excrement), latrine) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰfu:nɑ] kakhfûna eceV3D,c ect3G,c bowls [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DBN] [dɛbɑ:n] debân 9z2v, 9z2v,

bowls of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DBN] [dɛbʊn] debun 9z2S, 9z2S,
bottom (body part)*-man (*fecal matter (excrement), latrine) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰfu:n] kakhfûn eceV3D, ect3G,
bows (stoops) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SKB] [sɑkɑ:b] sakâb .cev2 .cev2

bows (stoops) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SKB] [sɑkʊb] sakub .ceS2 .ceS2
bottom (body part)*-men (*fecal matter (excrement), latrine) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰfɑ:n] kakhfân eceV3v, ect3v,
bows [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BDK] [bɑdɑ:k] badâk 2c9ve 2c9ve
bottom (body part)-*place (*fecal matter (excrement), latrine) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] eleV3", elt3",
[kɪkʰfi:n] kikhfîn bows of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BDK] [bɑdʊk] baduk 2c9Se 2c9Se
eceV3Sa ect3Sa bows of all bows* (*arrows, bees) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BDK] [bɛdke:l] bedkêl 2z9exa 2z9exa
bottom (body part)-like / from (the) bottom (body parts) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰfʊl] kakhful
eceVeVc3 ecttc3 bows* that are young/new/fresh (*arrows, bees) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BDK] [bɑdki:tʰ] badkîth 2c9e"0 2c9e"0
bottom (body parts) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰ.kʰɑf] kakhkhaf
eceVeVS3 ecttS3 box [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HDR] [hɑdər] hadr fc9@ fc9@
bottom (body parts) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KKhF] [kɑkʰ.kʰʊf] kakhkhuf
bottom (body parts) of all bottom (body parts)* (*fecal matters (excrements), latrines) [Inflection: Comperative Form box of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HDR] [hɑdrʊ] hadru fc9@S fc9@S
[kɛkʰfe:l] kekhfêl ezeV3xa ezt3xa
(CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KKhF] boxes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HDR] [hɑdɑ:r] hadâr fc9v@ fc9v@
bottom (body parts)* that are young/new/fresh (*fecal matters (excrements), latrines) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL eceV3"0 ect3"0 boxes of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HDR] [hɑdʊr] hadur fc9S@ fc9S@
[kɑkʰfi:tʰ] kakhfîth
boxless / without box [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HDR] [bɪnhɑdər] binhadr 2l,fc9@ 2l,fc9@
bottom [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BSN] [bɪsɑn] bisan 2l.c, 2l.c,
box-like / from (the) boxes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HDR] [hɑdrʊl] hadrul fc9@Sa fc9@Sa
bottom of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BSN] [bɪsɑnʊ] bisanu 2l.c,S 2l.c,S
boy [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NDN] [nʊdən] nudn ,S9, ,S9,
bottomless / without bottom [NOUN TYPE 9 (bin-CiCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BSN] [bɪnbɪsɑn] binbisan 2l,2l.c, 2l,2l.c,
boy of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NDN] [nʊdnʊ] nudnu ,S9,S ,S9,S
bottom-like / from (the) bottoms [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BSN] [bɪsnʊl] bisnul 2l.,Sa 2l.,Sa
boy of all boys* (*children) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NDN] [nʊdnɛl] nudnel ,S9,za ,S9,za
bottoms [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BSN] [bɪsɑ:n] bisân 2l.v, 2l.v,
boy* that is young/new/fresh (*child) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NDN] [nɑdnɪtʰ] nadnith ,c9,l0 ,c9,l0
bottoms of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BSN] [bɪsʊn] bisun 2l.S, 2l.S,
boy*-ladies (*child) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NDN] [nɑdnɑ:nɑ] nadnâna ,c9,v,c ,c9,v,c
boulder [NOUN TYPE 5 (iCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRR] [ɪtʰrɑr] ithrar l0@c@ l0@c@
boy*-lady (*child) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NDN] [nɑdnu:nɑ] nadnûna ,c9,D,c ,c9,G,c
boulder of [NOUN TYPE 5 (iCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRR] [ɪtʰrɑrʊ] ithraru l0@c@S l0@c@S
boy*-man (*child) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NDN] [nɑdnu:n] nadnûn ,c9,D, ,c9,G,
boulderless / without boulder [NOUN TYPE 5 (bin-iCCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRR] [bɪnɪtʰrɑr] binithrar 2l,l0@c@ 2l,l0@c@
boy*-men (*child) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NDN] [nɑdnɑ:n] nadnân ,c9,v, ,c9,v,
boulder-like / from (the) boulders [NOUN TYPE 5 (iCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRR] [ɪtʰrɑrʊl] ithrarul l0@c@Sa l0@c@Sa
boy*-place (*child) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NDN] [nɪdni:n] nidnîn ,l9,", ,l9,",
boulders [NOUN TYPE 5 (CiCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRR] [tʰɪrɑ:r] thirâr 0l@v@ 0l@v@
boyish / boy-like / from (the) boys [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NDN] [nʊdnʊl] nudnul ,S9,Sa ,S9,Sa
boulders of [NOUN TYPE 5 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRR] [tʰɪrʊr] thirur 0l@S@ 0l@S@
boyishly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [NDN] [ɪndʊnʊl] indunul ldS,Sa ldS,Sa
bow (stoop) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SKB] [sɑkəb] sakb .ce2 .ce2
boyishly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [NDN] [nɪdnɑl] nidnal ,l9,ca ,l9,ca
bow (stoop) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SKB] [sɑkbʊ] sakbu .ce2S .ce2S
boyless / without boy [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NDN] [bɪn.nʊdən] binnudn 2luS9, 2luS9,
bow (stoop)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKB] [mɑhɪskɪbi:] mahiskibî 6cfl.el2" 6cfl.el2"
boys [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NDN] [nɑdɑ:n] nadân ,c9v, ,c9v,
bow (stoop)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKB] [mʌhɪskɪb] mahiskib 6cfl.el2 6cfl.el2
boys of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NDN] [nɑdʊn] nadun ,c9S, ,c9S,
bow (stoop)-like / from (the) bows (stoops) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKB] [sɑkbʊl] sakbul .ce2Sa .ce2Sa
boys of all boys* (*children) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NDN] [nʊdne:l] nudnêl ,S9,xa ,S9,xa
bow (to stoop) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SKB] [mʌhʌskʊb] mahaskub 6cfc.eS2 6cfc.eS2
boys* that are young/new/fresh (*children) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NDN] [nɑdni:tʰ] nadnîth ,c9,"0 ,c9,"0
bow [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BDK] [bɑdək] badk 2c9e 2c9e
brace (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NHB] [ɑnhɑb] anhab c,fc2 c,fc2
bow low [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:skʊb] jalâskub Rcav.eS2 $cav.eS2
brace (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NHB] [ʊnhɑb] unhab S,fc2 S,fc2
bow low! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪskɪbi:] jalaiskibî Rcacl.el2" $cacl.el2"
brace [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NHB] [ɑnhʊb] anhub c,fS2 c,fS2
bow low! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKB] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪskɪb] jalaiskib Rcacl.el2 $cacl.el2
brace of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NHB] [ɑnhɑbʊ] anhabu c,fc2S c,fc2S
bow of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BDK] [bɑdkʊ] badku 2c9eS 2c9eS
brace of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NHB] [ʊnhɑbʊ] unhabu S,fc2S S,fc2S
bow of all bows* (*arrows, bees) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BDK] [bɛdkɛl] bedkel 2z9eza 2z9eza
brace with each other / brace together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [nɑɪnhɪbɪ] nainhibi ,cl,fl2l ,cl,fl2l
bow* that is young/new/fresh (*arrow, bee) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BDK] [bɑdkɪtʰ] badkith 2c9el0 2c9el0
brace! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [ɪnhɪbi:] inhibî l,fl2" l,fl2"
bow*-ladies (*arrow, bee) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BDK] [bɑdkɑ:nɑ] badkâna 2c9ev,c 2c9ev,c
brace! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [ɪnhɪb] inhib l,fl2 l,fl2
bow*-lady (*arrow, bee) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BDK] [bɑdku:nɑ] badkûna 2c9eD,c 2c9eG,c

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bracelet [Singular Compound Noun] [tʰɑndmɛsɛm] thandmesem 0cd6z.z6 0cd6z.z6 brancher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZRS] [ʌzrʌs] azras cw@c. cD@c.

bracelets [Plural Compound Noun] [tʰɑndmɛse:m] thandmesêm 0cd6z.x6 0cd6z.x6 brancher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZRS] [ʊzrʌs] uzras Sw@c. SD@c.

brace-like / from braces (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NHB] [ɑnhɑbʊl] anhabul c,fc2Sa c,fc2Sa brancher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZRS] [ʌzrʌsʊ] azrasu cw@c.S cD@c.S

brace-like / from braces (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NHB] [ʊnhɑbʊl] unhabul S,fc2Sa S,fc2Sa brancher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZRS] [ʊzrʌsʊ] uzrasu Sw@c.S SD@c.S

braces (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NHB] [ɑnɑ:hɑb] anâhab c,vfc2 c,vfc2 brancher-like / from branchers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZRS] [ʌzrʌsʊl] azrasul cw@c.Sa cD@c.Sa

braces (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NHB] [ʊnhɑ:b] unhâb S,fv2 S,fv2 brancher-like / from branchers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZRS] [ʊzrʌsʊl] uzrasul Sw@c.Sa SD@c.Sa

braces of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NHB] [ɑnɑ:hʊb] anâhub c,vfS2 c,vfS2 branchers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZRS] [ɑzɑ:rɑs] azâras cwv@c. cDv@c.

braces of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NHB] [ʊnhʊb] unhub S,fS2 S,fS2 branchers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZRS] [ʊzrɑ:s] uzrâs Sw@v. SD@v.

bracing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NHB] [ɪnhe:b] inhêb l,fx2 l,fx2 branchers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZRS] [ɑzɑ:rʊs] azârus cwv@S. cDv@S.

braggart (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [FND] [fʊndɑ:] fundâ 3Sdv 3Sdv branchers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZRS] [ʊzrʊs] uzrus Sw@S. SD@S.

braggart [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FND] [fʊnʊd] funud 3S,S9 3S,S9 branches [elements (parts) of (the) tree ] [Elemental Contruction (CaCaCî) / PLURAL ] [ZRS] [zɑrɑsi:] zarasî wc@c." Dc@c."

braid [Singular Compound Noun] [mɑbɑbnʊlzɑnt] mababnulzant 6c2c2,Sawc,8 6c2c2,SaDc,8 branches [Plural Compound Noun] [zɑrstʰɑnɑ:d] zarsthanâd wc@.0c,v9 Dc@.0c,v9

braids [Plural Compound Noun] [mɑbɑbnʊlzɑnɑ:t] mababnulzanât 6c2c2,Sawc,v8 6c2c2,SaDc,v8 branching (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ZRS] [ɪzre:s] izrês lw@x. lD@x.

brain [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑbəl] jabl Rc2a $c2a brand (mark)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkrɪʃi:] jalaikrishî Rcacle@l%" $cacle@l%"

brain of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblʊ] jablu Rc2aS $c2aS brand (mark)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkrɪʃ] jalaikrish Rcacle@l% $cacle@l%

brain of all brains* (*visions, forsights) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblɛl] jublel RS2aza $S2aza brand (to mark) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KRSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:krʊʃ] jalâkrush Rcave@S% $cave@S%

branding (marking) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KRSh] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkre:ʃ] jalaikrêsh Rcacle@x% $cacle@x%
brain* that is young/new/fresh (*vision, forsight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblɪtʰ] jablith Rc2al0 $c2al0
brat [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRG] [bʊrɡ] burg 2S@r 2S@R
brain*-ladies (*vision, forsight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblɑ:nɑ] jablâna Rc2av,c $c2av,c
brat of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊ] burgu 2S@rS 2S@RS
brain*-lady (*vision, forsight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblu:nɑ] jablûna Rc2aD,c $c2aG,c
bratless / without brat [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRG] [bɪnbʊrɡ] binburg 2l,2S@r 2l,2S@R
brain*-man (*vision, forsight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblu:n] jablûn Rc2aD, $c2aG,
brat-like / from (the) brats [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊl] burgul 2S@rSa 2S@RSa
brain*-men (*vision, forsight) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblɑ:n] jablân Rc2av, $c2av,
brats [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRG] [bɑrɑ:ɡ] barâg 2c@vr 2c@vR
brain-*place (*vision, forsight) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɪbli:n] jiblîn Rl2a", $l2a",
brats of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRG] [bɑrʊɡ] barug 2c@Sr 2c@SR
brainless / without brain [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [JBL] [bɪnd͡ʒɑbəl] binjabl 2lKc2a 2lKc2a
bravery [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪmhʌznɑ:ɡ] imhaznâg l6fcw,vr l6fcD,vR
brain-like / from (the) brains [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑblʊl] jablul Rc2aSa $c2aSa
breach [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BRKh] [ɑbrʊkʰ] abrukh c2@SeV c2@St
brains [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑbɑ:l] jabâl Rc2va $c2va
breach [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑ:kʰ] abrâkh c2@veV c2@vt
brains of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑbʊl] jabul Rc2Sa $c2Sa
breach of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑ:kʰʊ] abrâkhu c2@veVS c2@vtS
brains of all brains* (*visions, forsights) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊble:l] jublêl RS2axa $S2axa
breach of all breaches* (*fractures) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɛl] barkhel 2c@eVza 2c@tza
brains* that are young/new/fresh (*visions, forsights) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [JBL] [d͡ʒɑbli:tʰ] jablîth Rc2a"0 $c2a"0 breach through [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BRKh] [bɪrɑ:brʊkʰ] birâbrukh 2l@v2@SeV 2l@v2@St

Rc,6 $c,6 breach through! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [bɪrɑɪbrɪkʰi:] biraibrikhî 2l@cl2@leV" 2l@cl2@lt"
bramble [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnm] janm
Rc,6S $c,6S breach through! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [bɪrɑɪbrɪkʰ] biraibrikh 2l@cl2@leV 2l@cl2@lt
bramble of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmʊ] janmu
Rc,6za $c,6za breach with each other / breach together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [nɑɪbrɪkʰɪ] naibrikhi ,cl2@leVl ,cl2@ltl
bramble of all brambles [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmɛl] janmel
Rc,6l0 $c,6l0 breach! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [ɪbrɪkʰi:] ibrikhî l2@leV" l2@lt"
bramble that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmɪtʰ] janmith
Rc,6v,c $c,6v,c breach! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [ɪbrɪkʰ] ibrikh l2@leV l2@lt
bramble-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmɑ:nɑ] janmâna
Rc,6D,c $c,6G,c breach* that is young/new/fresh (*fracture) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɪtʰ] barkhith 2c@eVl0 2c@tl0
bramble-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmu:nɑ] janmûna
2lKc,6 2lKc,6 breach*-ladies (*fracture) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑ:nɑ] barkhâna 2c@eVv,c 2c@tv,c
brambleless / without bramble [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [JNM] [bɪnd͡ʒɑnm] binjanm
Rc,6Sa $c,6Sa breach*-lady (*fracture) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰu:nɑ] barkhûna 2c@eVD,c 2c@tG,c
bramble-like / from (the) brambles [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmʊl] janmul
Rc,6D, $c,6G, breach*-man (*fracture) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰu:n] barkhûn 2c@eVD, 2c@tG,
bramble-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmu:n] janmûn
Rc,6v, $c,6v, breach*-men (*fracture) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑ:n] barkhân 2c@eVv, 2c@tv,
bramble-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmɑ:n] janmân
Rl,6", $l,6", breach*-place (*fracture) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BRKh] [bɪrkʰi:n] birkhîn 2l@eV", 2l@t",
bramble-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɪnmi:n] jinmîn
Rc,v6 $c,v6 breacher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑkʰ] abrakh c2@ceV c2@ct
brambles [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnɑ:m] janâm
Rc,S6 $c,S6 breacher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRKh] [ʊbrɑkʰ] ubrakh S2@ceV S2@ct
brambles of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnʊm] janum
Rc,6xa $c,6xa breacher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑkʰʊ] abrakhu c2@ceVS c2@ctS
brambles of all brambles [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnme:l] janmêl
Rc,6"0 $c,6"0 breacher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRKh] [ʊbrɑkʰʊ] ubrakhu S2@ceVS S2@ctS
brambles that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [JNM] [d͡ʒɑnmi:tʰ] janmîth
wc@c.l Dc@c.l breacher-like / from breachers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑkʰʊl] abrakhul c2@ceVSa c2@ctSa
branch [element (part) of (the) tree ] [Elemental Contruction (CaCaCi) / SINGULAR ] [ZRS] [zɑrʌsɪ] zarasi
cw@S. cD@S. breacher-like / from breachers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRKh] [ʊbrɑkʰʊl] ubrakhul S2@ceVSa S2@ctSa
branch [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ZRS] [ʌzrʊs] azrus
wc@.0cd Dc@.0cd breachers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRKh] [ɑbɑ:rɑkʰ] abârakh c2v@ceV c2v@ct
branch [Singular Compound Noun] [zɑrstʰɑnd] zarsthand
,clw@l.l ,clD@l.l breachers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRKh] [ʊbrɑ:kʰ] ubrâkh S2@veV S2@vt
branch with each other / branch together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [nɑɪzrɪsɪ] naizrisi
lw@l." lD@l." breachers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRKh] [ɑbɑ:rʊkʰ] abârukh c2v@SeV c2v@St
branch! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [ɪzrɪsi:] izrisî
lw@l. lD@l. breachers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRKh] [ʊbrʊkʰ] ubrukh S2@SeV S2@St
branch! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [ɪzrɪs] izris

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 129 The Dwarrow Scholar 130
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

breaches [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRKh] [ɑbɑrɑ:kʰ] abarâkh c2c@veV c2c@vt breaking (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KRF] [ɪkre:f] ikrêf le@x3 le@x3

breaches of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRKh] [ɑbɑrʊkʰ] abarukh c2c@SeV c2c@St breaking easily (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KhRH] [ɪkʰre:h] ikhrêh leV@xf lt@xf

breaches of all breaches* (*fractures) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰe:l] barkhêl 2c@eVxa 2c@txa breast [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZNG] [zɑnɑɡ] zanag wc,cr Dc,cR

breaches* that are young/new/fresh (*fractures) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰi:tʰ] barkhîth 2c@eV"0 2c@t"0 breast of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZNG] [zɑnɑɡʊ] zanagu wc,crS Dc,cRS

breaching (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BRKh] [ɪbre:kʰ] ibrêkh l2@xeV l2@xt breastless / without breast [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZNG] [bɪnzɑnɑɡ] binzanag 2l,wc,cr 2l,Dc,cR

breaching through (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BRKh] [bɪrɑɪbre:kʰ] biraibrêkh 2l@cl2@xeV 2l@cl2@xt breast-like / from (the) breasts (bosom) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZNG] [zɑngʊl] zangul wcjSa DcjSa

breachless / without breach [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRKh] [bɪnɑbrɑ:kʰ] binabrâkh 2l,c2@veV 2l,c2@vt breasts (bosom) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZNG] [zɑn.nɑɡ] zannag wcucr DcucR

breach-like / from (the) breaches [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑ:kʰʊl] abrâkhul c2@veVSa c2@vtSa breasts (bosom) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZNG] [zɑn.nʊɡ] zannug wcuSr DcuSR

bread [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [HMD] [hɑmd] hamd fc69 fc69 breath [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ʔTM] [ɑʔtʊm] a'tum cg8S6 cg8S6

bread of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [HMD] [hɑmdʊ] hamdu fc69S fc69S breath [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtɑm] 'atam gc8c6 gc8c6

bread of all breads* (*sustenances, loafs) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [HMD] [hɑmdɛl] hamdel fc69za fc69za breath fire [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GZG] [ɑɡzʊɡ] agzug crwSr cRDSR

bread* that is young/new/fresh (*sustenance, loaf) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HMD] [hɑmdɪtʰ] hamdith fc69l0 fc69l0 breath fire with each other / breath fire together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GZG] [nɑɪɡzɪɡɪ] naigzigi ,clrwlrl ,clRDlRl

bread*-ladies (*sustenance, loaf) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [HMD] [hɑmdɑ:nɑ] hamdâna fc69v,c fc69v,c breath fire! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GZG] [ɪɡzɪɡi:] igzigî lrwlr" lRDlR"

bread*-lady (*sustenance, loaf) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [HMD] [hɑmdu:nɑ] hamdûna fc69D,c fc69G,c breath fire! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GZG] [ɪɡzɪɡ] igzig lrwlr lRDlR

bread*-man (*sustenance, loaf) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [HMD] [hɑmdu:n] hamdûn fc69D, fc69G, breath of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtɑmʊ] 'atamu gc8c6S gc8c6S

bread*-men (*sustenance, loaf) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [HMD] [hɑmdɑ:n] hamdân fc69v, fc69v, breath of all breaths* (*gasps) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɛl] 'atmel gc86za gc86za

bread-*place (*sustenance, loaf) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [HMD] [hɪmdi:n] himdîn fl69", fl69", breath with each other / breath together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [nɑɪʔtɪmɪ] nai'timi ,clg8l6l ,clg8l6l

breadless / without bread [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [HMD] [bɪnhɑmd] binhamd 2l,fc69 2l,fc69 breath! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [ɪʔtɪmi:] i'timî lg8l6" lg8l6"

bread-like / from (the) breads [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [HMD] [hɑmdʊl] hamdul fc69Sa fc69Sa breath! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [ɪʔtɪm] i'tim lg8l6 lg8l6

breads [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [HMD] [hɑmɑ:d] hamâd fc6v9 fc6v9 breath* that is young/new/fresh (*gasp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɪtʰ] 'atmith gc86l0 gc86l0

breads of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [HMD] [hɑmʊd] hamud fc6S9 fc6S9 breath*-ladies (*gasp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑ:nɑ] 'atmâna gc86v,c gc86v,c

breath*-lady (*gasp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmu:nɑ] 'atmûna gc86D,c gc86G,c
breads of all breads* (*sustenances, loafs) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [HMD] [hɑmde:l] hamdêl fc69xa fc69xa
breath*-man (*gasp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmu:n] 'atmûn gc86D, gc86G,
breads* that are young/new/fresh (*sustenances, loafs) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [HMD] [hɑmdi:tʰ] hamdîth fc69"0 fc69"0 breath*-men (*gasp) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑ:n] 'atmân gc86v, gc86v,

ce@S3 ce@S3 breath*-place (*gasp) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ʔTM] [ʔɪtmi:n] 'itmîn gl86", gl86",
break [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KRF] [ɑkrʊf] akruf
2ve@S3 2ve@S3 breathing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ʔTM] [ɪʔte:m] i'têm lg8x6 lg8x6
break away [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KRF] [bɑ:krʊf] bâkruf
2cle@l3" 2cle@l3" breathing fire (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GZG] [ɪɡze:ɡ] igzêg lrwxr lRDxR
break away! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [bɑɪkrɪfi:] baikrifî
2cle@l3 2cle@l3 breathless / without breath [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔTM] [bɪnʔɑtɑm] bin'atam 2l,gc8c6 2l,gc8c6
break away! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [bɑɪkrɪf] baikrif
breath-like / from (the) breaths [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmʊl] 'atmul gc86Sa gc86Sa
break easily [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KhRH] [ɑkʰrʊh] akhruh ceV@Sf ct@Sf
breaths [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑt.tɑm] 'attam gc88c6 gc88c6

break easily with each other / break easily together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KhRH] [nɑɪkʰrɪhɪ] naikhrihi ,cleV@lfl ,clt@lfl breaths of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑt.tʊm] 'attum gc88S6 gc88S6

breaths of all breaths* (*gasps) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtme:l] 'atmêl gc86xa gc86xa
break easily! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRH] [ɪkʰrɪhi:] ikhrihî leV@lf" lt@lf"
breaths* that are young/new/fresh (*gasps) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmi:tʰ] 'atmîth gc86"0 gc86"0
break easily! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRH] [ɪkʰrɪh] ikhrih leV@lf lt@lf
breed [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BRF] [mʌhɑbrʊf] mahabruf 6cfc2@S3 6cfc2@S3
break with each other / break together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [nɑɪkrɪfɪ] naikrifi ,cle@l3l ,cle@l3l
breed! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [mɑhɪbrɪfi:] mahibrifî 6cfl2@l3" 6cfl2@l3"
break! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [ɪkrɪfi:] ikrifî le@l3" le@l3"
breed! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [mʌhɪbrɪf] mahibrif 6cfl2@l3 6cfl2@l3
break! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRF] [ɪkrɪf] ikrif le@l3 le@l3
breeding (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [BRF] [mʌhɪbre:f] mahibrêf 6cfl2@x3 6cfl2@x3
breaker (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRF] [ɑkrʌf] akraf ce@c3 ce@c3
breeze [NOUN TYPE 13 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BHD] [bʌhd] bahd 2cf9 2cf9
breaker (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KRF] [ʊkrʌf] ukraf Se@c3 Se@c3
breeze of [NOUN TYPE 13 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BHD] [bʌhdʊ] bahdu 2cf9S 2cf9S
breaker of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRF] [ɑkrʌfʊ] akrafu ce@c3S ce@c3S
breeze of all breezes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BHD] [bʊhdɛl] buhdel 2Sf9za 2Sf9za
breaker of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KRF] [ʊkrʌfʊ] ukrafu Se@c3S Se@c3S
breeze that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BHD] [bʌhdɪtʰ] bahdith 2cf9l0 2cf9l0
breaker-like / from breakers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRF] [ɑkrʌfʊl] akraful ce@c3Sa ce@c3Sa
breeze-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BHD] [bɑhdɑ:nɑ] bahdâna 2cf9v,c 2cf9v,c
breaker-like / from breakers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KRF] [ʊkrʌfʊl] ukraful Se@c3Sa Se@c3Sa
breeze-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BHD] [bʌhdu:nɑ] bahdûna 2cf9D,c 2cf9G,c
breakers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRF] [ɑkɑ:rɑf] akâraf cev@c3 cev@c3
breezeless / without breeze [NOUN TYPE 13 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BHD] [bɪnbʌhd] binbahd 2l,2cf9 2l,2cf9
breakers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KRF] [ʊkrɑ:f] ukrâf Se@v3 Se@v3
breeze-like / from (the) breezes [NOUN TYPE 13 (CaCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BHD] [bʌhɑdʊl] bahadul 2cfc9Sa 2cfc9Sa
breakers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRF] [ɑkɑ:rʊf] akâruf cev@S3 cev@S3
breeze-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BHD] [bʌhdu:n] bahdûn 2cf9D, 2cf9G,
breakers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KRF] [ʊkrʊf] ukruf Se@S3 Se@S3
breeze-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BHD] [bɑhdɑ:n] bahdân 2cf9v, 2cf9v,
breakfast [Singular Compound Noun] [bɑknɑblɑ:ɡ] baknablâg 2ce,c2avr 2ce,c2avR
breeze-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BHD] [bɪhdi:n] bihdîn 2lf9", 2lf9",
breakfasts [Plural Compound Noun] [bɑknɑbɑlɑ:ɡ] baknabalâg 2ce,c2cavr 2ce,c2cavR
breezes [NOUN TYPE 13 (CaCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BHD] [bɑhu:d] bahûd 2cfD9 2cfG9

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

breezes of [NOUN TYPE 13 (CaCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BHD] [bɑhu:dʊ] bahûdu 2cfD9S 2cfG9S bridge [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KhR] [ɑkʰʊr] akhur ceVS@ ctS@

breezes of all breezes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BHD] [bʊhde:l] buhdêl 2Sf9xa 2Sf9xa bridge [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhR] [kʰʊr] khur eVS@ tS@

breezes that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BHD] [bɑhdi:tʰ] bahdîth 2cf9"0 2cf9"0 bridge of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊ] khuru eVS@S tS@S

brew (potions) [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ShRS] [ʌʃrʊs] ashrus c%@S. c%@S. bridge of all bridges* (*connections (concept)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhR] [kʰʊrɛl] khurel eVS@za tS@za

bridge with each other / bridge together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [nɑɪkʰri:] naikhrî ,cleV@" ,clt@"
brew (potions) with each other / brew (potions) together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [nɑɪʃrɪsɪ] naishrisi ,cl%@l.l ,cl%@l.l
bridge! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [ɪkʰri:] ikhrî leV@" lt@"
brew (potions)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [ɪʃrɪsi:] ishrisî l%@l." l%@l."
bridge! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [ɪkʰrɪ] ikhri leV@l lt@l
brew (potions)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [ɪʃrɪs] ishris l%@l. l%@l.
bridge* that is young/new/fresh (*connection (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhR] [kʰɑrɪtʰ] kharith eVc@l0 tc@l0
brew [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrs] shars %c@. %c@.

brew of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsʊ] sharsu %c@.S %c@.S bridge*-ladies (*connection (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhR] [kʰɑrɑ:nɑ] kharâna eVc@v,c tc@v,c

brew of all brews* (*broths) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɛl] sharsel bridge*-lady (*connection (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhR] [kʰɑru:nɑ] kharûna eVc@D,c tc@G,c

brew* that is young/new/fresh (*broth) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɪtʰ] sharsith %c@.l0 %c@.l0 bridge*-man (*connection (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhR] [kʰɑru:n] kharûn eVc@D, tc@G,

brew*-ladies (*broth) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑ:nɑ] sharsâna %c@.v,c %c@.v,c bridge*-men (*connection (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhR] [kʰɑrɑ:n] kharân eVc@v, tc@v,

brew*-lady (*broth) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsu:nɑ] sharsûna %c@.D,c %c@.G,c bridge*-place (*connection (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhR] [kʰɪri:n] khirîn eVl@", tl@",

brew*-man (*broth) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsu:n] sharsûn %c@.D, %c@.G, bridgeless / without bridge [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhR] [bɪnkʰʊr] binkhur 2l,eVS@ 2l,tS@

brew*-men (*broth) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑ:n] sharsân %c@.v, %c@.v, bridge-like / from (the) bridges [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊl] khurul eVS@Sa tS@Sa

brew*-place (*broth) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ShRS] [ʃɪrsi:n] shirsîn %l@.", %l@.", bridger (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhR] [ɑkʰɑr] akhar ceVc@ ctc@

brewer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʌʃrʌs] ashras c%@c. c%@c. bridger (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhR] [ʊkʰɑr] ukhar SeVc@ Stc@

brewer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʊʃrʌs] ushras S%@c. S%@c. bridger of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhR] [ɑkʰɑrʊ] akharu ceVc@S ctc@S

brewer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʌʃrʌsʊ] ashrasu c%@c.S c%@c.S bridger of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhR] [ʊkʰɑrʊ] ukharu SeVc@S Stc@S

brewer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʊʃrʌsʊ] ushrasu S%@c.S S%@c.S bridger-like / from bridgers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhR] [ɑkʰrʊl] akhrul ceV@Sa ct@Sa

brewer-like / from brewers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRS] [ʌʃrʌsʊl] ashrasul c%@c.Sa c%@c.Sa bridger-like / from bridgers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhR] [ʊkʰrʊl] ukhrul SeV@Sa St@Sa

brewer-like / from brewers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRS] [ʊʃrʌsʊl] ushrasul S%@c.Sa S%@c.Sa bridgers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhR] [ɑkʰɑ:r] akhâr ceVv@ ctv@

brewers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ɑʃɑ:rɑs] ashâras c%v@c. c%v@c. bridgers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhR] [ʊkʰɑ:r] ukhâr SeVv@ Stv@

brewers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʊʃrɑ:s] ushrâs S%@v. S%@v. bridgers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhR] [ɑkʰʊr] akhur ceVS@ ctS@

brewers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ɑʃɑ:rʊs] ashârus c%v@S. c%v@S. bridgers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhR] [ʊkʰʊr] ukhur SeVS@ StS@

brewers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʊʃrʊs] ushrus S%@S. S%@S. bridges [NOUN TYPE 4 (CûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhR] [kʰu:r] khûr eVD@ tG@

brewing (potions) (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ShRS] [ɪʃre:s] ishrês l%@x. l%@x. bridges of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhR] [kʰu:rʊ] khûru eVD@S tG@S

brewless / without brew [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRS] [bɪnʃɑrs] binshars 2l,%c@. 2l,%c@.
bridges of all bridges* (*connections (concept)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KhR] [kʰʊre:l] khurêl eVS@xa tS@xa
brew-like / from (the) brews [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsʊl] sharsul %c@.Sa %c@.Sa

brews [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrɑ:s] sharâs %c@v. %c@v. bridges* that are young/new/fresh (*connections (concept)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhR] [kʰɑri:tʰ] kharîth eVc@"0 tc@"0

brews of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrʊs] sharus %c@S. %c@S. leV@ lt@
bridging (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [KhR] [ɪkʰər] ikhr
brews of all brews* (*broths) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrse:l] sharsêl %c@.xa %c@.xa aceV9v act9v
bright (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [LKhD] [lɑkʰdɑ:] lakhdâ
brews* that are young/new/fresh (*broths) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsi:tʰ] sharsîth %c@."0 %c@."0 aceVc9 actc9
bright [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LKhD] [lɑkʰɑd] lakhad
bribe [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [FRTh] [ʌfrʊtʰrʊk] afruthruk c3@S0@Se c3@S0@Se gSaeVc9 gSatc9
brighter (brightest) [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [LKhD] [ʔʊlkʰɑd] 'ulkhad(ul)
bribe [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FRTh] [fʊrtʰʊ] furthu 3S@0S 3S@0S aceV9Sa act9Sa
bright-like / from the bright [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4b (CaCCul) / DERIVED ADJECTIVE ] [LKhD] [lɑkʰdʊl] lakhdul
bribe of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FRTh] [fʊrtʰu:] furthû 3S@0D 3S@0G laeVS9Sa latS9Sa
brightly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [LKhD] [ɪlkʰʊdʊl] ilkhudul
bribe! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRTh] [ɪfrɪtʰrʊki:] ifrithrukî l3@l0@Se" l3@l0@Se" aleV9ca alt9ca
brightly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [LKhD] [lɪkʰdɑl] likhdal
bribe! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRTh] [ɪfrɪtʰrʊk] ifrithruk l3@l0@Se l3@l0@Se caeVv9 catv9
brightness [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LKhD] [ɑlkʰɑ:d] alkhâd
bribeless / without bribe [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRTh] [bɪnfʊrtʰʊ] binfurthu 2l,3S@0S 2l,3S@0S caeVv9S catv9S
brightness of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LKhD] [ɑlkʰɑ:dʊ] alkhâdu
bribe-like / from (the) bribes [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FRTh] [fʊrtʰʊl] furthul 3S@0Sa 3S@0Sa caceVv9 cactv9
brightnesses [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LKhD] [ɑlɑkʰɑ:d] alakhâd
bribes [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FRTh] [fʊru:tʰ] furûth 3S@D0 3S@G0 caceVS9 cactS9
brightnesses of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LKhD] [ɑlɑkʰʊd] alakhud
bribes of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FRTh] [fʊru:tʰʊ] furûthu 3S@D0S 3S@G0S 2l,caeVv9 2l,catv9
brightnessless / without brightness [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LKhD] [bɪnɑlkʰɑ:d] binalkhâd
bribing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [FRTh] [ɪfre:tʰrʊk] ifrêthruk l3@x0@Se l3@x0@Se caeVv9Sa catv9Sa
brightness-like / from (the) brightnesses [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LKhD] [ɑlkʰɑ:dʊl] alkhâdul
bride [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [YSTh] [jʌsɑtʰ] yasath ;c.c0 ;c.c0 c%3S8S6S, c%3S8S6S,
bring [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShFT] [ʌʃfʊtʊmʊn] ashfutumun
bride of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [YSTh] [jʌsɑtʰʊ] yasathu ;c.c0S ;c.c0S 6cfcgaSR 6cfcgaS$
bring shame upon [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ʔLJ] [mʌhɑʔlʊd͡ʒ] maha'luj
brideless / without bride [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [YSTh] [bɪnjʌsɑtʰ] binyasath 2l,;c.c0 2l,;c.c0 6cflgalR" 6cflgal$"
bring shame upon! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔLJ] [mɑhɪʔlɪd͡ʒi:] mahi'lijî
bride-like / from (the) brides [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [YSTh] [jʌstʰʊl] yasthul ;c.0Sa ;c.0Sa 6cflgalR 6cflgal$
bring shame upon! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔLJ] [mʌhɪʔlɪd͡ʒ] mahi'lij
brides [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [YSTh] [jɑs.sɑtʰ] yassath ;c..c0 ;c..c0 l%3l8S6S," l%3l8S6S,"
bring! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShFT] [ɪʃfɪtʊmʊni:] ishfitumunî
brides of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [YSTh] [jɑs.sʊtʰ] yassuth ;c..S0 ;c..S0 l%3l8S6S, l%3l8S6S,
bring! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShFT] [ɪʃfɪtʊmʊn] ishfitumun

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bringing (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ShFT] [ɪʃfe:tʊmʊn] ishfêtumun l%3x8S6S, l%3x8S6S,
bronze of all bronze (pl.)* (*bronze coins) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BBL] [bɛblɛl] beblel 2z2aza 2z2aza
bringing shame upon (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ʔLJ] [mʌhɪʔle:d͡ʒ] mahi'lêj 6cflgaxR 6cflgax$
bronze* that is young/new/fresh (*bronze coin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BBL] [bɑblɪtʰ] bablith 2c2al0 2c2al0
broad (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [FNT] [fɑntɑ:] fantâ 3c,8v 3c,8v
bronze*-ladies (*bronze coin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BBL] [bɑblɑ:nɑ] bablâna 2c2av,c 2c2av,c
broad [ADJECTIVE TYPE 5 (CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNT] [fɑnt] fant 3c,8 3c,8
bronze*-lady (*bronze coin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BBL] [bɑblu:nɑ] bablûna 2c2aD,c 2c2aG,c
broad and straight sword with a star-shaped three-pointed expansion at the sword's tip. [Singular Compound Noun] [tʰɑtərzɑɡr] thatrzagr 0c8@wcr@ 0c8@DcR@
bronze*-man (*bronze coin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BBL] [bɑblu:n] bablûn 2c2aD, 2c2aG,

bronze*-men (*bronze coin) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BBL] [bɑblɑ:n] bablân 2c2av, 2c2av,
broad and straight swords with star-shaped three-pointed expansions at the sword's tip. [Plural Compound Noun] [tʰɑtərzɑɡɑ:r] thatrzagâr 0c8@wcrv@ 0c8@DcRv@
bronze*-place (*bronze coin) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BBL] [bɪbli:n] biblîn 2l2a", 2l2a",
Broadbeam [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [fɑntnʊhbʊ] Fantnuhbu 3c,8,Sf2S 3c,8,Sf2S
bronze-coloured (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 2 (CiCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [BBL] [bɪblɑ:] biblâ 2l2av 2l2av
Broadbeams [Plural Compound Proper Noun] [fɑntnʊhu:b] Fantnuhûb 3c,8,SfD2 3c,8,SfG2
bronze-coloured [ADJECTIVE TYPE 2 (CiCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BBL] [bɪbɪl] bibil 2l2la 2l2la
broaden [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FNT] [ʌfnʊt] afnut c3,S8 c3,S8
bronzeless / without bronze [NOUN TYPE 7 (bin-CiCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BBL] [bɪnbɪbɪl] binbibil 2l,2l2la 2l,2l2la
broaden with each other / broaden together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [nɑɪfnɪtɪ] naifniti ,cl3,l8l ,cl3,l8l
bronze-like / from (the) bronze (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BBL] [bɪblʊl] biblul 2l2aSa 2l2aSa
broaden! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [ɪfnɪti:] ifnitî l3,l8" l3,l8"
brook [NOUN TYPE 8 (CâCa) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ʔN] [ʔɑ:nɑ] 'âna gv,c gv,c
broaden! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [ɪfnɪt] ifnit l3,l8 l3,l8
brook of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ʔN] [ʔɑ:nʊ] 'ânu gv,S gv,S
broadener (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FNT] [ʌfnɑt] afnat c3,c8 c3,c8
brookless / without brook [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CâCa) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔN] [bɪnʔɑ:nɑ] bin'âna 2l,gv,c 2l,gv,c
broadener (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FNT] [ʊfnɑt] ufnat S3,c8 S3,c8
brook-like / from (the) brooks [NOUN TYPE 8 (CâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ʔN] [ʔɑ:nʊl] 'ânul gv,Sa gv,Sa
broadener of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FNT] [ʌfnɑtʊ] afnatu c3,c8S c3,c8S
brooks [NOUN TYPE 8 (CuCâ) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ʔN] [ʔʊnɑ:] 'unâ gS,v gS,v
broadener of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FNT] [ʊfnɑtʊ] ufnatu S3,c8S S3,c8S
brooks of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CuCû) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ʔN] [ʔʊnu:] 'unû gS,D gS,G
broadener-like / from broadeners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNT] [ʌfnɑtʊl] afnatul c3,c8Sa c3,c8Sa
broth [NOUN TYPE 3 (CâCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑ:rʌs] shâras %v@c. %v@c.
broadener-like / from broadeners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNT] [ʊfnɑtʊl] ufnatul S3,c8Sa S3,c8Sa
broth of [NOUN TYPE 3 (CâCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑ:rʌsʊ] shârasu %v@c.S %v@c.S
broadeners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FNT] [ɑfɑ:nɑt] afânat c3v,c8 c3v,c8
brother (kinsman) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhRM] [kʰɑrm] kharm eVc@6 tc@6
broadeners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FNT] [ʊfnɑ:t] ufnât S3,v8 S3,v8
brother (kinsman) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhRM] [kʰɑrmʊ] kharmu eVc@6S tc@6S
broadeners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FNT] [ɑfɑ:nʊt] afânut c3v,S8 c3v,S8
brother (kinsman)-like / from (the) brothers (kinsmen) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhRM] [kʰɑrmʊl] kharmul eVc@6Sa tc@6Sa
broadeners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FNT] [ʊfnʊt] ufnut S3,S8 S3,S8
brother [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NDD] ❷ - male who shares a common lineage or clan origin ,c9c9 ,c9c9
broadening (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FNT] [ɪfne:t] ifnêt l3,x8 l3,x8 [nɑdɑd] nadad
with others; especially a male member of a group, order or kinship
broadly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [FNT] [ɪfnʊtʊl] ifnutul l3,S8Sa l3,S8Sa brother of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NDD] [nɑdɑdʊ] nadadu ,c9c9S ,c9c9S

broadly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [FNT] [fɪntɑl] fintal 3l,8ca 3l,8ca brother of all brothers* (*relatives) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NDD] [nʊd.dɛl] nuddel ,S99za ,S99za

broil (brawl) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShYN] [ʌʃjɑ:n] ashyân c%;v, c%;v, brother* that is young/new/fresh (*relative) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NDD] [nɑd.dɪtʰ] naddith ,c99l0 ,c99l0

broil (brawl) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShYN] [ʌʃjɑ:nʊ] ashyânu c%;v,S c%;v,S brother*-ladies (*relative) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NDD] [nɑd.dɑ:nɑ] naddâna ,c99v,c ,c99v,c

broil (brawl)-like / from (the) broils (brawls) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShYN] [ʌʃjɑ:nʊl] ashyânul c%;v,Sa c%;v,Sa brother*-lady (*relative) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NDD] [nɑd.du:nɑ] naddûna ,c99D,c ,c99G,c

broil [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShYN] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:ʃjʊn] jalâshyun Rcav%;S, $cav%;S, brother*-man (*relative) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NDD] [nɑd.du:n] naddûn ,c99D, ,c99G,

broil! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShYN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃjɪni:] jalaishyinî Rcacl%;l," $cacl%;l," brother*-men (*relative) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NDD] [nɑd.dɑ:n] naddân ,c99v, ,c99v,

broil! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShYN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃjɪn] jalaishyin Rcacl%;l, $cacl%;l, brother*-place (*relative) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NDD] [nɪd.di:n] niddîn ,l99", ,l99",

broiling (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ShYN] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪʃje:n] jalaishyên Rcacl%;x, $cacl%;x,
Brotherhood of Stone (an exclusive guild-like organization for dwarven engineers) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [nɪd.di:nɑbɑn] Niddînaban ,l99",c2c, ,l99",c2c,
broilingly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [ShYN] [ɪʃjʊnʊl] ishyunul l%;S,Sa l%;S,Sa
brotherless / without brother [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NDD] [bɪn.nɑdɑd] binnadad 2luc9c9 2luc9c9
broilingly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [ShYN] [ʃi:nɑl] shînal %",ca %",ca
brother-like / from (the) brothers [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NDD] [nɑd.dʊl] naddul ,c99Sa ,c99Sa
broils (brawls) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShYN] [ɑʃɑjɑ:n] ashayân c%c;v, c%c;v,
brothers (kinsmen) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhRM] [kʰɑrɑ:m] kharâm eVc@v6 tc@v6
broils (brawls) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShYN] [ɑʃɑjʊn] ashayun c%c;S, c%c;S,
brothers (kinsmen) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhRM] [kʰɑrʊm] kharum eVc@S6 tc@S6
bronze (pl.) [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCîC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BBL] [bɪbi:l] bibîl 2l2"a 2l2"a

bronze (pl.) of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BBL] [bɪbʊl] bibul 2l2Sa 2l2Sa brothers [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NDD] ❷ - males who shares a common lineage or clan
[nɑd.dɑd] naddad ,c99c9 ,c99c9
origin; especially a male member of a group, order or kinship ;colloquial version: "nudud" (of Blue Mountain origins)
bronze (pl.) of all bronze (pl.)* (*bronze coins) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BBL] [bɛble:l] beblêl 2z2axa 2z2axa
brothers of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NDD] [nɑd.dʊd] naddud ,c99S9 ,c99S9
bronze (pl.)* that are young/new/fresh (*bronze coins) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BBL] [bɑbli:tʰ] bablîth 2c2a"0 2c2a"0 brothers of all brothers* (*relatives) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NDD] [nʊ] nuddêl ,S99xa ,S99xa

2l2la 2l2la brothers* that are young/new/fresh (*relatives) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NDD] [nɑd.di:tʰ] naddîth ,c99"0 ,c99"0
bronze [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BBL] [bɪbɪl] bibil
2c2a 2c2a brothless / without broth [NOUN TYPE 3 (bin-CâCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRS] [bɪnʃɑ:rʌs] binshâras 2l,%v@c. 2l,%v@c.
bronze coin [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BBL] [bɑbəl] babl
2c2aS 2c2aS broth-like / from (the) broths [NOUN TYPE 3 (CâCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShRS] [ʃɑ:rsʊl] shârsul %v@.Sa %v@.Sa
bronze coin of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BBL] [bɑblʊ] bablu
2c2aSa 2c2aSa broths [NOUN TYPE 3 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrɑ:s] sharâs %c@v. %c@v.
bronze coin-like / from (the) bronze coins [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BBL] [bɑblʊl] bablul
2c2va 2c2va broths of [NOUN TYPE 3 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShRS] [ʃɑrʊs] sharus %c@S. %c@S.
bronze coins [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BBL] [bɑbɑ:l] babâl
2c2Sa 2c2Sa brow ridge [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔʌzgʰʊndʊ] 'azghundu gcwySdS gcDTSdS
bronze coins of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BBL] [bɑbʊl] babul
2l2laS 2l2laS brow ridges [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑzgʰʊnu:d] 'azghunûd gcwyS,D9 gcDTS,G9
bronze of [NOUN TYPE 7 (CiCiCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BBL] [bɪbɪlʊ] bibilu
brown (hair) (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 2 (CiCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [KhMR] [kʰɪmrɑ:] khimrâ eVl6@v tl6@v

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The Dwarrow Scholar 135 The Dwarrow Scholar 136

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brown (hair) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 2 (CiCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhMR] [kʰɪmɪr] khimir eVl6l@ tl6l@ bug (insect) of all bugs (insects)* (*annoyances, pricks) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ]
[tʊnzɛl] tunzel 8S,wza 8S,Dza
brown (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [KhMR] [kʰɑmrɑ:] khamrâ eVc6@v tc6@v [TNZ]
brown [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4 (CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhMR] [kʰɑmɑr] khamar eVc6c@ tc6c@ bug (insect)* that is young/new/fresh (*annoyance, prick) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [TNZ] [tɑnzɪtʰ] tanzith 8c,wl0 8c,Dl0

Brown Lands [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [kʰɑmɑrzʊdu:n] Khamarzudûn eVc6c@wS9D, tc6c@DS9G, 8c,wv,c 8c,Dv,c
bug (insect)*-ladies (*annoyance, prick) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [TNZ] [tɑnzɑ:nɑ] tanzâna
brownish / brown-like / from the brown [ADJECTIVE TYPE 4b (CaCCul) / DERIVED ADJECTIVE ] [KhMR] [kʰɑmrʊl] khamrul eVc6@Sa tc6@Sa 8c,wD,c 8c,DG,c
bug (insect)*-lady (*annoyance, prick) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [TNZ] [tɑnzu:nɑ] tanzûna
brownly [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [KhMR] [ɪkʰmʊrʊl] ikhmurul leV6S@Sa lt6S@Sa 8c,wD, 8c,DG,
bug (insect)*-man (*annoyance, prick) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [TNZ] [tɑnzu:n] tanzûn
brownly [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [KhMR] [kʰɪmrɑl] khimral eVl6@ca tl6@ca 8c,wv, 8c,Dv,
bug (insect)*-men (*annoyance, prick) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [TNZ] [tɑnzɑ:n] tanzân
bruise [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SKTh] [ʌskʊtʰɑb] askuthab c.eS0c2 c.eS0c2 8l,w", 8l,D",
bug (insect)-*place (*annoyance, prick) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [TNZ] [tɪnzi:n] tinzîn
bruise [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [SKTh] [sɑkɑtʰ] sakath .cec0 .cec0 8S,wSa 8S,DSa
bug (insect)-like / from (the) bugs (insects) [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊl] tunzul
bruise of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [SKTh] [sɑkɑtʰʊ] sakathu .cec0S .cec0S 8c,vw 8c,vD
bugs (insects) [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [tɑnɑ:z] tanâz
bruise! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKTh] [ɪskɪtʰɑbi:] iskithabî l.el0c2" l.el0c2" 8c,Sw 8c,SD
bugs (insects) of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TNZ] [tɑnʊz] tanuz
bruise! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKTh] [ɪskɪtʰɑb] iskithab l.el0c2 l.el0c2 bugs (insects) of all bugs (insects)* (*annoyances, pricks) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ]
[tʊnze:l] tunzêl 8S,wxa 8S,Dxa
bruiseless / without bruise [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKTh] [bɪnsɑkɑtʰ] binsakath 2l,.cec0 2l,.cec0 [TNZ]
bruise-like / from (the) bruises [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SKTh] [sɑktʰʊl] sakthul .ce0Sa .ce0Sa bugs (insects)* that are young/new/fresh (*annoyances, pricks) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] 8c,w"0 8c,D"0
[tɑnzi:tʰ] tanzîth
bruises [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [SKTh] [sɑk.kɑtʰ] sakkath .ceec0 .ceec0
build [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ZHR] [ʌzʰʊr] azhur cTS@ cqS@
bruises of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [SKTh] [sɑk.kʊtʰ] sakkuth .ceeS0 .ceeS0
build with each other / build together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [nɑɪzʰɪrɪ] naizhiri ,clTl@l ,clql@l
bruising (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [SKTh] [ɪske:tʰɑb] iskêthab l.ex0c2 l.ex0c2
build! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [ɪzʰɪri:] izhirî lTl@" lql@"
brush [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NBG] [ɑnbʊɡ] anbug c,2Sr c,2SR
build! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [ɪzʰɪr] izhir lTl@ lql@
brush [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBG] [nɛbɑɡ] nebag ,z2cr ,z2cR
builder (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZHR] [ʌzʰɑr] azhar cTc@ cqc@
brush of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBG] [nɛbɑɡʊ] nebagu ,z2crS ,z2cRS
builder (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZHR] [ʊzʰɑr] uzhar STc@ Sqc@
brush with each other / brush together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [nɑɪnbɪɡɪ] nainbigi ,cl,2lrl ,cl,2lRl
builder of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZHR] [ʌzʰɑrʊ] azharu cTc@S cqc@S
brush! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [ɪnbɪɡi:] inbigî l,2lr" l,2lR"
builder of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZHR] [ʊzʰɑrʊ] uzharu STc@S Sqc@S
brush! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [ɪnbɪɡ] inbig l,2lr l,2lR
builder-like / from builders (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZHR] [ʌzʰɑrʊl] azharul cTc@Sa cqc@Sa
brusher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBG] [ɑnbɑɡ] anbag c,2cr c,2cR
builder-like / from builders (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZHR] [ʊzʰɑrʊl] uzharul STc@Sa Sqc@Sa
brusher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NBG] [ʊnbɑɡ] unbag S,2cr S,2cR
builders (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZHR] [ɑzɑ:hɑr] azâhar cwvfc@ cDvfc@
brusher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBG] [ɑnbɑɡʊ] anbagu c,2crS c,2cRS
builders (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZHR] [ʊzʰɑ:r] uzhâr STv@ Sqv@
brusher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NBG] [ʊnbɑɡʊ] unbagu S,2crS S,2cRS
builders of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZHR] [ɑzɑ:hʊr] azâhur cwvfS@ cDvfS@
brusher-like / from brushers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBG] [ɑnbɑɡʊl] anbagul c,2crSa c,2cRSa
builders of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZHR] [ʊzʰʊr] uzhur STS@ SqS@
brusher-like / from brushers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBG] [ʊnbɑɡʊl] unbagul S,2crSa S,2cRSa
building (house) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZHR] [zʌhɑr] zahar wcfc@ Dcfc@
brushers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBG] [ɑnɑ:bɑɡ] anâbag c,v2cr c,v2cR
building (house) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZHR] [zʌhɑrʊ] zaharu wcfc@S Dcfc@S
brushers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBG] [ʊnbɑ:ɡ] unbâg S,2vr S,2vR
building (house) of all buildings (houses)* (*sculptures, homes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR wcf@za Dcf@za
brushers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBG] [ɑnɑ:bʊɡ] anâbug c,v2Sr c,v2SR [zʌhrɛl] zahrel
brushers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBG] [ʊnbʊɡ] unbug S,2Sr S,2SR building (house)* that is young/new/fresh (*sculpture, home) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ]
[zʌhrɪtʰ] zahrith wcf@l0 Dcf@l0
brushes [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NBG] [nɛbɑ:ɡ] nebâg ,z2vr ,z2vR [ZHR]
building (house)*-ladies (*sculpture, home) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑ:nɑ] zahrâna wcf@v,c Dcf@v,c
brushes of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NBG] [nɛbʊɡ] nebug ,z2Sr ,z2SR
building (house)*-lady (*sculpture, home) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ZHR] [zʌhru:nɑ] zahrûna wcf@D,c Dcf@G,c
brushing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NBG] [ɪnbe:ɡ] inbêg l,2xr l,2xR
building (house)*-man (*sculpture, home) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ZHR] [zʌhru:n] zahrûn wcf@D, Dcf@G,
brushless / without brush [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBG] [bɪn.nɛbɑɡ] binnebag 2luz2cr 2luz2cR
building (house)*-men (*sculpture, home) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑ:n] zahrân wcf@v, Dcf@v,
brush-like / from (the) brushes [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NBG] [nɛbɡʊl] nebgul ,z2rSa ,z2RSa
building (house)-*place (*sculpture, home) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ZHR] [zɪhri:n] zihrîn wlf@", Dlf@",
brute [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MZM] [mʌzɑm] mazam 6cwc6 6cDc6
building (house)-like / from (the) buildings (houses) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZHR] [zʌhrʊl] zahrul wcf@Sa Dcf@Sa
brute of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MZM] [mʌzɑmʊ] mazamu 6cwc6S 6cDc6S
building (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ZHR] [ɪzʰe:r] izhêr lTx@ lqx@
bruteless / without brute [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZM] [bɪnmʌzɑm] binmazam 2l,6cwc6 2l,6cDc6
buildings (houses) [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZHR] [zɑh.hɑr] zahhar wcffc@ Dcffc@
brute-like / from (the) brutes [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZM] [mʌzmʊl] mazmul 6cw6Sa 6cD6Sa
buildings (houses) of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZHR] [zɑh.hʊr] zahhur wcffS@ DcffS@
brutes [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MZM] [mɑz.zɑm] mazzam 6cwwc6 6cDDc6
buildings (houses) of all buildings (houses)* (*sculptures, homes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL wcf@xa Dcf@xa
brutes of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MZM] [mɑz.zʊm] mazzum 6cwwS6 6cDDS6 [zɑhre:l] zahrêl
bubble [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑlfɑ:tmɑɡn] alfâtmagn ca3v86cr, ca3v86cR, buildings (houses)* that are young/new/fresh (*sculptures, homes) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ]
[zɑhri:tʰ] zahrîth wcf@"0 Dcf@"0
bubbles [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑlfɑtmɑɡɑ:n] alfatmagân ca3c86crv, ca3c86cRv, [ZHR]
buck [Singular Compound Noun] [kʰʊlzmʊkʰʌs] khulzmukhas eVSaw6SeVc. tSaD6Stc. bull [Singular Compound Noun] [kʰʊlzdɑlkʰmʊzm] khulzdalkhmuzm eVSaw9caeV6Sw6 tSaD9cat6SD6

bucks [Plural Compound Noun] [kʰʊlzmʊkʰɑ:s] khulzmukhâs eVSaw6SeVv. tSaD6Stv. bullhead [Singular Compound Noun] [fɑntbʊnd.dɑɪɡ] fant-bund-daig 3c,82Sd9clr 3c,82Sd9clR

bug (insect) [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TNZ] [tʊnz] tunz 8S,w 8S,D bullheads [Plural Compound Noun] [fɑntbʊndɑɪdɑ:ɡ] fantbundaidâg 3c,82Sdcl9vr 3c,82Sdcl9vR

bug (insect) of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊ] tunzu 8S,wS 8S,DS bulls [Plural Compound Noun] [kʰʊlzdɑlkʰmɑzɑ:m] khulzdalkhmazâm eVSaw9caeV6cwv6 tSaD9cat6cDv6

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

bumblebee [Singular Compound Noun] [fʌhɑmhɑlɑ:tʊnz] fahamhalâtunz 3cfc6fcav8S,w 3cfc6fcav8S,D burn of all burns* (*torches, tinder (several amounts)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ]
[rɛsrɛl] resrel @z.@za @z.@za
bumblebees [Plural Compound Noun] [fɑhɑmhɑlɑtɑnɑ:z] fahamhalatanâz 3cfc6fcac8c,vw 3cfc6fcac8c,vD [RSR]
burn with each other / burn together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [nɑɪrsɪrɪ] nairsiri ,cl@.l@l ,cl@.l@l
bump [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ThRR] [ɑtʰrʊrɑb] athrurab c0@S@c2 c0@S@c2
burn! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [ɪrsɪri:] irsirî l@.l@" l@.l@"
bump [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRR] [tʰɪrɑr] thirar 0l@c@ 0l@c@
burn! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [ɪrsɪr] irsir l@.l@ l@.l@
bump of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRR] [tʰɪrɑrʊ] thiraru 0l@c@S 0l@c@S
burn* that is young/new/fresh (*torch, tinder (one amount)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] @c.@l0 @c.@l0
bump! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRR] [ɪtʰrɪrɑbi:] ithrirabî l0@l@c2" l0@l@c2" [rʌsrɪtʰ] rasrith
bump! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRR] [ɪtʰrɪrɑb] ithrirab l0@l@c2 l0@l@c2 @c.@v,c @c.@v,c
burn*-ladies (*torch, tinder (one amount)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [RSR] [rɑsrɑ:nɑ] rasrâna
bumpless / without bump [NOUN TYPE 9 (bin-CiCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRR] [bɪntʰɪrɑr] binthirar 2l,0l@c@ 2l,0l@c@ @c.@D,c @c.@G,c
burn*-lady (*torch, tinder (one amount)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [RSR] [rʌsru:nɑ] rasrûna
bump-like / from (the) bumps [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRR] [tʰɪr.rʊl] thirrul 0l@@Sa 0l@@Sa @c.@D, @c.@G,
burn*-man (*torch, tinder (one amount)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [RSR] [rʌsru:n] rasrûn
bumps [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRR] [tʰɪrɑ:r] thirâr 0l@v@ 0l@v@ @c.@v, @c.@v,
burn*-men (*torch, tinder (one amount)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [RSR] [rɑsrɑ:n] rasrân
bumps of [NOUN TYPE 9 (CiCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRR] [tʰɪrʊr] thirur 0l@S@ 0l@S@ @l.@", @l.@",
burn-*place (*torch, tinder (one amount)) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [RSR] [rɪsri:n] risrîn
bunker [Singular Compound Noun] [mɑnɑnʔʊlɡʊndʊ] manan'ulgundu 6c,c,gSarSdS 6c,c,gSaRSdS c@.c@ c@.c@
burner (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RSR] [ɑrsɑr] arsar
bunkers [Plural Compound Noun] [mɑnɑnʔʊlɡʊnu:d] manan'ulgunûd 6c,c,gSarS,D9 6c,c,gSaRS,G9 S@.c@ S@.c@
burner (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RSR] [ʊrsɑr] ursar
burden [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [MZ] [ɑmʊz] amuz c6Sw c6SD c@.c@S c@.c@S
burner of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RSR] [ɑrsɑrʊ] arsaru
burden [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MZ] [ɑmʌz] amaz c6cw c6cD S@.c@S S@.c@S
burner of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RSR] [ʊrsɑrʊ] ursaru
burden of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MZ] [ɑmʌzʊ] amazu c6cwS c6cDS c@.c@Sa c@.c@Sa
burner-like / from burners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RSR] [ɑrsɑrʊl] arsarul
burden of all burdens* (*loads, taxes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MZ] [mʊzɛl] muzel 6Swza 6SDza S@.c@Sa S@.c@Sa
burner-like / from burners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RSR] [ʊrsɑrʊl] ursarul
burden with each other / burden together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [nɑɪmzi:] naimzî ,cl6w" ,cl6D" c@v.c@ c@v.c@
burners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RSR] [ɑrɑ:sɑr] arâsar
burden! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [ɪmzi:] imzî l6w" l6D" S@.v@ S@.v@
burners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RSR] [ʊrsɑ:r] ursâr
burden! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [ɪmzɪ] imzi l6wl l6Dl c@v.S@ c@v.S@
burners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RSR] [ɑrɑ:sʊr] arâsur
burden* that is young/new/fresh (*load, tax) [DERIVED FORM (CaCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MZ] [mʌzɪtʰ] mazith 6cwl0 6cDl0 S@.S@ S@.S@
burners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RSR] [ʊrsʊr] ursur
burden*-ladies (*load, tax) [DERIVED FORM (CaCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MZ] [mɑzɑ:nɑ] mazâna 6cwv,c 6cDv,c l@.x@ l@.x@
burning (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [RSR] [ɪrse:r] irsêr
burden*-lady (*load, tax) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MZ] [mʌzu:nɑ] mazûna 6cwD,c 6cDG,c 2l,@c.@ 2l,@c.@
burnless / without burn [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [RSR] [bɪnrʌsr] binrasr
burden*-man (*load, tax) [DERIVED FORM (CaCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MZ] [mʌzu:n] mazûn 6cwD, 6cDG, @c.@Sa @c.@Sa
burn-like / from (the) burns [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [RSR] [rʌsrʊl] rasrul
burden*-men (*load, tax) [DERIVED FORM (CaCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MZ] [mɑzɑ:n] mazân 6cwv, 6cDv, @c.v@ @c.v@
burns [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [RSR] [rɑsɑ:r] rasâr
burden-*place (*load, tax) [DERIVED FORM (CiCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MZ] [mɪzi:n] mizîn 6lw", 6lD", @c.S@ @c.S@
burns of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [RSR] [rɑsʊr] rasur
burdener (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MZ] [ɑmʌz] amaz c6cw c6cD burns of all burns* (*torches, tinder (several amounts)) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ]
[rɛsre:l] resrêl @z.@xa @z.@xa
burdener (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MZ] [ʊmʌz] umaz S6cw S6cD [RSR]
burdener of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MZ] [ɑmʌzʊ] amazu c6cwS c6cDS burns* that are young/new/fresh (*torches, tinder (several amounts)) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE @c.@"0 @c.@"0
[rɑsri:tʰ] rasrîth
burdener of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MZ] [ʊmʌzʊ] umazu S6cwS S6cDS
burp (belch) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [LFT] [mʌhɑlfʊt] mahalfut 6cfca3S8 6cfca3S8
burdener-like / from burdeners (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZ] [ɑmzʊl] amzul c6wSa c6DSa
burp (belch)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LFT] [mɑhɪlfɪti:] mahilfitî 6cfla3l8" 6cfla3l8"
burdener-like / from burdeners (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZ] [ʊmzʊl] umzul S6wSa S6DSa
burp (belch)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LFT] [mʌhɪlfɪt] mahilfit 6cfla3l8 6cfla3l8
burdeners (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MZ] [ɑmɑ:z] amâz c6vw c6vD
burp [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LFT] [lʌft] laft ac38 ac38
burdeners (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MZ] [ʊmɑ:z] umâz S6vw S6vD
burp of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LFT] [lʌftʊ] laftu ac38S ac38S
burdeners of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MZ] [ɑmʊz] amuz c6Sw c6SD
burper (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LFT] [ɑlfɑt] alfat ca3c8 ca3c8
burdeners of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MZ] [ʊmʊz] umuz S6Sw S6SD
burper (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LFT] [ʊlfɑt] ulfat Sa3c8 Sa3c8
burdening (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCC) / verbal noun ] [MZ] [ɪmz] imz l6w l6D
burper of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LFT] [ɑlfɑtʊ] alfatu ca3c8S ca3c8S
burdenless / without burden [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZ] [bɪnɑmʌz] binamaz 2l,c6cw 2l,c6cD
burper of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LFT] [ʊlfɑtʊ] ulfatu Sa3c8S Sa3c8S
burden-like / from (the) burdens [NOUN TYPE 10 (CaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MZ] [ɑmʌzʊl] amazul c6cwSa c6cDSa
burper-like / from burpers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LFT] [ɑlfɑtʊl] alfatul ca3c8Sa ca3c8Sa
burdens [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MZ] [ɑmɑ:z] amâz c6vw c6vD
burper-like / from burpers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LFT] [ʊlfɑtʊl] ulfatul Sa3c8Sa Sa3c8Sa
burdens of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MZ] [ɑmʊz] amuz c6Sw c6SD
burpers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LFT] [ɑlɑ:fɑt] alâfat cav3c8 cav3c8
burdens of all burdens* (*loads, taxes) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MZ] [mʊze:l] muzêl 6Swxa 6SDxa
burpers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LFT] [ʊlfɑ:t] ulfât Sa3v8 Sa3v8
burdens* that are young/new/fresh (*loads, taxes) [DERIVED FORM (CaCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MZ] [mɑzi:tʰ] mazîth 6cw"0 6cD"0
burpers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LFT] [ɑlɑ:fʊt] alâfut cav3S8 cav3S8
burglar [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑkdɑ:mʊtʰrɑb] akdâmuthrab ce9v6S0@c2 ce9v6S0@c2
burpers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LFT] [ʊlfʊt] ulfut Sa3S8 Sa3S8
burglars [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑkdɑmʊtʰrɑ:b] akdamuthrâb ce9c6S0@v2 ce9c6S0@v2
burping at (belching at) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [LFT] [mʌhɪlfe:t] mahilfêt 6cfla3x8 6cfla3x8
burglary [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪtʰrɛbɑnbɑ:ɡ] ithrebanbâg l0@z2c,2vr l0@z2c,2vR
burpless / without burp [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LFT] [bɪnlʌft] binlaft 2l,ac38 2l,ac38
burgundy red [Singular Compound Noun] [ʊzbɑdbɑrʌz] uzbadbaraz Sw2c92c@cw SD2c92c@cD
burp-like / from (the) burps [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LFT] [lʌftʊl] laftul ac38Sa ac38Sa
burn [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [RSR] [ɑrsʊr] arsur c@.S@ c@.S@
burps [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LFT] [lɑfɑ:t] lafât ac3v8 ac3v8
burn [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [RSR] [rʌsr] rasr @c.@ @c.@
burps of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LFT] [lɑfʊt] lafut ac3S8 ac3S8
burn of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [RSR] [rʌsrʊ] rasru @c.@S @c.@S
burst [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [GLM] [ɑɡlʊm] aglum craS6 cRaS6

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burst with each other / burst together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [nɑɪɡlɪmɪ] naiglimi ,clral6l ,clRal6l butchers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FLD] [ɑfɑ:lʊd] afâlud c3vaS9 c3vaS9

burst! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [ɪɡlɪmi:] iglimî lral6" lRal6" butchers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FLD] [ʊflʊd] uflud S3aS9 S3aS9

burst! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [ɪɡlɪm] iglim lral6 lRal6 butt or pipe (large barrel that contains three times the volume of a normal barrel, also used as a dwarvish unit of volume
[ɡɑbɪlfɑləl] Gabilfall rc2la3caa Rc2la3caa
bursting (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [GLM] [ɪɡle:m] iglêm lrax6 lRax6 measurement) [Singular Compound Proper Noun]
butt or pipe (large barrels that contain three times the volume of normal barrels, also used as a dwarvish unit of volume rc2la3cava Rc2la3cava
bury [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [FLN] [ʌflʊnrʊk] aflunruk c3aS,@Se c3aS,@Se [ɡɑbɪlfɑlɑ:l] Gabilfalâl
measurement) [Plural Compound Proper Noun]
bury! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLN] [ɪflɪnrʊki:] iflinrukî l3al,@Se" l3al,@Se" ca3c8c.v@c, ca3c8c.v@c,
butterflies [Plural Compound Noun] [ɑlfɑtɑsɑ:rɑn] alfatasâran
bury! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLN] [ɪflɪnrʊk] iflinruk l3al,@Se l3al,@Se ca3v8c.@c, ca3v8c.@c,
butterfly [Singular Compound Noun] [ɑlfɑ:tʌsrɑn] alfâtasran
burying (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [FLN] [ɪfle:nrʊk] iflênruk l3ax,@Se l3ax,@Se 8c@e 8c@e
button [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [TRK] [tɑrk] tark
bush [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒt] majt 6cR8 6c$8 8c@eS 8c@eS
button of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [TRK] [tɑrkʊ] tarku
bush of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒtʊ] majtu 6cR8S 6c$8S 2l,8c@e 2l,8c@e
buttonless / without button [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRK] [bɪntɑrk] bintark
bush of all bushes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒtɛl] majtel 6cR8za 6c$8za 8c@eSa 8c@eSa
button-like / from (the) buttons [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [TRK] [tɑrkʊl] tarkul
bush that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒtɪtʰ] majtith 6cR8l0 6c$8l0 8c@ve 8c@ve
buttons [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [TRK] [tɑrɑ:k] tarâk
bushes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [MJT] [mɑd͡ʒɑ:t] majât 6cRv8 6c$v8 8c@Se 8c@Se
buttons of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [TRK] [tɑrʊk] taruk
bushes of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [MJT] [mɑd͡ʒʊt] majut 6cRS8 6c$S8 l0@xe,Sf2S l0@xe,Sf2S
buttress [Singular Compound Noun] [ɪtʰre:knʊhbʊ] ithrêknuhbu
bushes of all bushes [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [MJT] [mɑd͡ʒte:l] majtêl 6cR8xa 6c$8xa l0@ze,SfD2 l0@ze,SfG2
buttresses [Plural Compound Noun] [ɪtʰrɛknʊhu:b] ithreknuhûb
bushes that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [MJT] [mɑd͡ʒti:tʰ] majtîth 6cR8"0 6c$8"0 c2eS6 c2eS6
buy [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [BKM] [ɑbkʊm] abkum
bush-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [MJT] [mɑd͡ʒtɑ:nɑ] majtâna 6cR8v,c 6c$8v,c ,cl2el6l ,cl2el6l
buy with each other / buy together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [nɑɪbkɪmɪ] naibkimi
bush-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒtu:nɑ] majtûna 6cR8D,c 6c$8G,c l2el6" l2el6"
buy! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [ɪbkɪmi:] ibkimî
bushless / without bush [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [MJT] [bɪnmʌd͡ʒt] binmajt 2l,6cR8 2l,6c$8 l2el6 l2el6
buy! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [ɪbkɪm] ibkim
bush-like / from (the) bushes [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒtʊl] majtul 6cR8Sa 6c$8Sa c2ec6 c2ec6
buyer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKM] [ɑbkɑm] abkam
bush-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [MJT] [mʌd͡ʒtu:n] majtûn 6cR8D, 6c$8G, S2ec6 S2ec6
buyer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BKM] [ʊbkɑm] ubkam
bushmeat, the meat of wild animals that have been killed for food [Singular Compound Noun] [ɡʊmzɑblɑ:ɡ] gumzablâg rS6wc2avr RS6Dc2avR c2ec6S c2ec6S
buyer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKM] [ɑbkɑmʊ] abkamu
bush-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [MJT] [mɑd͡ʒtɑ:n] majtân 6cR8v, 6c$8v, S2ec6S S2ec6S
buyer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BKM] [ʊbkɑmʊ] ubkamu
bush-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [MJT] [mɪd͡ʒti:n] mijtîn 6lR8", 6l$8", c2ec6Sa c2ec6Sa
buyer-like / from buyers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKM] [ɑbkɑmʊl] abkamul
busier (busiest) [Inflection: Comperative Form ('uCCaC(ul)) / ELATIVE ADJECTIVE ] [SLB] [ʔʊslɑb] 'uslab(ul) gS.ac2 gS.ac2 S2ec6Sa S2ec6Sa
buyer-like / from buyers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BKM] [ʊbkɑmʊl] ubkamul
busily [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [SLB] [ɪslʊbʊl] islubul l.aS2Sa l.aS2Sa c2vec6 c2vec6
buyers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKM] [ɑbɑ:kɑm] abâkam
busily [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [SLB] [sɪlbɑl] silbal .la2ca .la2ca S2ev6 S2ev6
buyers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BKM] [ʊbkɑ:m] ubkâm
busy (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [SLB] [sɑlbɑ:] salbâ .ca2v .ca2v c2veS6 c2veS6
buyers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKM] [ɑbɑ:kʊm] abâkum
busy [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SLB] [sɑlɪb] salib .cal2 .cal2 S2eS6 S2eS6
buyers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BKM] [ʊbkʊm] ubkum
busybodies or gossips [Plural Compound Noun] [mɛlɑkʰɡɑlɑ:ʔ] melakhgalâ' 6zaceVrcavg 6zactRcavg l2ex6 l2ex6
buying (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [BKM] [ɪbke:m] ibkêm
busybody or gossip [Singular Compound Noun] [mɛlɑkʰɡɑlʔ] melakhgal' 6zaceVrcag 6zactRcag
by, on behalf of, in conformity with, according to, with (some instrument) [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [mɪ] mi 6l 6l
but (yet) [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ɑk] ak ce ce
l,l l,l cabinet [Singular Compound Noun] [kɑ:rɑbɛlɑt] kârabelat ev@c2zac8 ev@c2zac8
but [Conjunction (Irregular) / Conjunction] [irr.] [ɪnɪ] ini
c3ac9 c3ac9 cabinets [Plural Compound Noun] [kɑrɑbɛlɑ:t] karabelât ec@c2zav8 ec@c2zav8
butcher (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FLD] [ʌflɑd] aflad
S3ac9 S3ac9 cairn [Singular Compound Noun] [ʔɑbɑnsʊtbʊ] 'abansutbu gc2c,.S82S gc2c,.S82S
butcher (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FLD] [ʊflɑd] uflad
2l@v.aSeV 2l@v.aSt cairns [Plural Compound Noun] [ʔɑbɑnsʊtu:b] 'abansutûb gc2c,.S8D2 gc2c,.S8G2
butcher [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [SLKh] [bɪrɑ:slʊkʰ] birâslukh
3zac9 3zac9 cake [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KSB] [kʌsɑb] kasab ec.c2 ec.c2
butcher knife [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FLD] [fɛlɑd] felad
3zac9S 3zac9S cake of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KSB] [kʌsɑbʊ] kasabu ec.c2S ec.c2S
butcher knife of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FLD] [fɛlɑdʊ] feladu
3za9Sa 3za9Sa cakeless / without cake [NOUN TYPE 8 (bin-CaCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KSB] [bɪnkʌsɑb] binkasab 2l,ec.c2 2l,ec.c2
butcher knife-like / from (the) butcher knives [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FLD] [fɛldʊl] feldul
3zav9 3zav9 cake-like / from (the) cakes [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KSB] [kʌsbʊl] kasbul ec.2Sa ec.2Sa
butcher knives [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FLD] [fɛlɑ:d] felâd
3zaS9 3zaS9 cakes [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KSB] [kɑs.sɑb] kassab ec..c2 ec..c2
butcher knives of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FLD] [fɛlʊd] felud
c3ac9S c3ac9S cakes of [NOUN TYPE 8 (CaCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KSB] [kɑs.sʊb] kassub ec..S2 ec..S2
butcher of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FLD] [ʌflɑdʊ] afladu
S3ac9S S3ac9S calamities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [GRY] [ɑɡɑrɑ:j] agarây crc@v; cRc@v;
butcher of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FLD] [ʊflɑdʊ] ufladu
2l@cl.aleV" 2l@cl.alt" calamities of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [GRY] [ɑɡɑrʊj] agaruy crc@S; cRc@S;
butcher! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLKh] [bɪrɑɪslɪkʰi:] biraislikhî
2l@cl.aleV 2l@cl.alt calamity [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [GRY] [ɑɡrɑ:j] agrây cr@v; cR@v;
butcher! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLKh] [bɪrɑɪslɪkʰ] biraislikh
2l@cl.axeV 2l@cl.axt calamity of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [GRY] [ɑɡrɑ:jʊ] agrâyu cr@v;S cR@v;S
butchering (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [SLKh] [bɪrɑɪsle:kʰ] biraislêkh
c3ac9Sa c3ac9Sa calamityless / without calamity [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRY] [bɪnɑɡrɑ:j] binagrây 2l,cr@v; 2l,cR@v;
butcher-like / from butchers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FLD] [ʌflɑdʊl] afladul
S3ac9Sa S3ac9Sa calamity-like / from (the) calamities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [GRY] [ɑɡrɑ:jʊl] agrâyul cr@v;Sa cR@v;Sa
butcher-like / from butchers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FLD] [ʊflɑdʊl] ufladul
c3vac9 c3vac9 calculation [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhSh] [ɑkʰʌʃ] akhash ceVc% ctc%
butchers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FLD] [ɑfɑ:lɑd] afâlad
S3av9 S3av9 calculation of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhSh] [ɑkʰʌʃʊ] akhashu ceVc%S ctc%S
butchers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FLD] [ʊflɑ:d] uflâd

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calculationless / without calculation [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhSh] [bɪnɑkʰʌʃ] binakhash 2l,ceVc% 2l,ctc% caper*-men (*prance, high spirit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [ShKB] [ʃɑkbɑ:n] shakbân %ce2v, %ce2v,

calculation-like / from (the) calculations [NOUN TYPE 10 (CaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhSh] [ɑkʰʌʃʊl] akhashul ceVc%Sa ctc%Sa caper-*place (*prance, high spirit) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [ShKB] [ʃɪkbi:n] shikbîn %le2", %le2",

calculations [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhSh] [ɑkʰɑ:ʃ] akhâsh ceVv% ctv% caperless / without caper [NOUN TYPE 14 (bin-uCCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKB] [bɪnʊʃkʊb] binushkub 2l,S%eS2 2l,S%eS2

calculations of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhSh] [ɑkʰʊʃ] akhush ceVS% ctS% caper-like / from (the) capers [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ShKB] [ʊʃkʊbʊl] ushkubul S%eS2Sa S%eS2Sa

calendar [Singular Compound Noun] [nʊrtfʌhɑnɪ] nurtfahani ,S@83cfc,l ,S@83cfc,l capers [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ShKB] [ʃʊku:b] shukûb %SeD2 %SeG2

calendars [Plural Compound Noun] [nʊrtfɑhɑni:] nurtfahanî ,S@83cfc," ,S@83cfc," capers of [NOUN TYPE 14 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ShKB] [ʃʊku:bʊ] shukûbu %SeD2S %SeG2S

calf (body part) [Singular Compound Noun] [ʊndoːrɑkɑn.n] undôrakann Sdn@cecu SdM@cecu
capers of all capers* (*prances, high spirits) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [ShKB] [ʃʊkbe:l] shukbêl %Se2xa %Se2xa
calf [Singular Compound Noun] [dɑlkʰmʌzmɪtʰ] dalkhmazmith 9caeV6cw6l0 9cat6cD6l0

call [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KhRM] [d͡ʒɑlɑ:kʰrʊm] jalâkhrum RcaveV@S6 $cavt@S6 capers* that are young/new/fresh (*prances, high spirits) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShKB] [ʃɑkbi:tʰ] shakbîth %ce2"0 %ce2"0

call! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkʰrɪmi:] jalaikhrimî RcacleV@l6" $caclt@l6" 3Sj 3Sj
captive [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FNG] [fʊng] fung
call! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkʰrɪm] jalaikhrim RcacleV@l6 $caclt@l6 3SjS 3SjS
captive of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FNG] [fʊngʊ] fungu
calling (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [KhRM] [d͡ʒɑlɑɪkʰre:m] jalaikhrêm RcacleV@x6 $caclt@x6 3Sjza 3Sjza
captive of all captives* (*captivities) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [FNG] [fʊngɛl] fungel
calves [Plural Compound Noun] [dɑlkʰmɑzmi:tʰ] dalkhmazmîth 9caeV6cw6"0 9cat6cD6"0 3cjl0 3cjl0
captive* that is young/new/fresh (*captivity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FNG] [fɑngɪtʰ] fangith
camp [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhRF] [kʰʊrfʊ] khurfu eVS@3S tS@3S 3cjv,c 3cjv,c
captive*-ladies (*captivity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [FNG] [fɑngɑ:nɑ] fangâna
camp fire [Singular Compound Noun] [ʃɑmɑlʔʊrs] shamal'urs %c6cagS@. %c6cagS@. 3cjD,c 3cjG,c
captive*-lady (*captivity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [FNG] [fɑngu:nɑ] fangûna
camp fires [Plural Compound Noun] [ʃɑmɑlʔɑrɑ:s] shamal'arâs %c6cagc@v. %c6cagc@v. 3cjD, 3cjG,
captive*-man (*captivity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [FNG] [fɑngu:n] fangûn
camp of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhRF] [kʰʊrfu:] khurfû eVS@3D tS@3G 3cjv, 3cjv,
captive*-men (*captivity) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [FNG] [fɑngɑ:n] fangân
campless / without camp [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhRF] [bɪnkʰʊrfʊ] binkhurfu 2l,eVS@3S 2l,tS@3S 3lj", 3lj",
captive*-place (*captivity) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [FNG] [fɪngi:n] fingîn
camp-like / from (the) camps [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhRF] [kʰʊrfʊl] khurful eVS@3Sa tS@3Sa 2l,3Sj 2l,3Sj
captiveless / without captive [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNG] [bɪnfʊng] binfung
camps [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhRF] [kʰʊru:f] khurûf eVS@D3 tS@G3 3SjSa 3SjSa
captive-like / from (the) captives [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNG] [fʊngʊl] fungul
camps of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhRF] [kʰʊru:fʊ] khurûfu eVS@D3S tS@G3S 3c,vr 3c,vR
captives [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FNG] [fɑnɑ:ɡ] fanâg
can (could) (reduced auxiliary verb, capable) [Irregular (Irregular) / SINGULAR] [irr.] [kɑ] ka- ec ec 3c,Sr 3c,SR
captives of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FNG] [fɑnʊɡ] fanug
candle [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [DNK] [dɛnɑk] denak 9z,ce 9z,ce 3Sjxa 3Sjxa
captives of all captives* (*captivities) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [FNG] [fʊnge:l] fungêl
candle of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [DNK] [dɛnɑkʊ] denaku 9z,ceS 9z,ceS 3cj"0 3cj"0
captives* that are young/new/fresh (*captivities) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [FNG] [fɑngi:tʰ] fangîth
candle of all candles* (*chandeliers) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [DNK] [dɛnkɛl] denkel 9z,eza 9z,eza c3c,vr c3c,vR
captivities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FNG] [ɑfɑnɑ:ɡ] afanâg
candle* that is young/new/fresh (*chandelier) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DNK] [dɑnkɪtʰ] dankith 9c,el0 9c,el0 c3c,Sr c3c,SR
captivities of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FNG] [ɑfɑnʊɡ] afanug
candle*-ladies (*chandelier) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [DNK] [dɑnkɑ:nɑ] dankâna 9c,ev,c 9c,ev,c c3,vr c3,vR
captivity [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FNG] [ʌfnɑ:ɡ] afnâg
candle*-lady (*chandelier) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [DNK] [dɑnku:nɑ] dankûna 9c,eD,c 9c,eG,c c3,vrS c3,vRS
captivity of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FNG] [ʌfnɑ:ɡʊ] afnâgu
candle*-man (*chandelier) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [DNK] [dɑnku:n] dankûn 9c,eD, 9c,eG, 2l,c3,vr 2l,c3,vR
captivityless / without captivity [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNG] [bɪnʌfnɑ:ɡ] binafnâg
candle*-men (*chandelier) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [DNK] [dɑnkɑ:n] dankân 9c,ev, 9c,ev, c3,vrSa c3,vRSa
captivity-like / from (the) captivities [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNG] [ʌfnɑ:ɡʊl] afnâgul
candle*-place (*chandelier) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [DNK] [dɪnki:n] dinkîn 9l,e", 9l,e", c3,Sr c3,SR
capture [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [FNG] [ʌfnʊɡ] afnug
candleless / without candle [NOUN TYPE 11 (bin-CeCaC) / ADJECTIVE ] [DNK] [bɪndɛnɑk] bindenak 2ldz,ce 2ldz,ce ,cl3,lrl ,cl3,lRl
capture with each other / capture together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [nɑɪfnɪɡɪ] naifnigi
candle-like / from (the) candles [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [DNK] [dɛnkʊl] denkul 9z,eSa 9z,eSa l3,lr" l3,lR"
capture! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [ɪfnɪɡi:] ifnigî
candles [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [DNK] [dɛnɑ:k] denâk 9z,ve 9z,ve l3,lr l3,lR
capture! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [ɪfnɪɡ] ifnig
candles of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [DNK] [dɛnʊk] denuk 9z,Se 9z,Se c3,cr c3,cR
capturer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FNG] [ʌfnɑɡ] afnag
candles of all candles* (*chandeliers) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [DNK] [dɛnke:l] denkêl 9z,exa 9z,exa S3,cr S3,cR
capturer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FNG] [ʊfnɑɡ] ufnag
candles* that are young/new/fresh (*chandeliers) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [DNK] [dɑnki:tʰ] dankîth 9c,e"0 9c,e"0 c3,crS c3,cRS
capturer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FNG] [ʌfnɑɡʊ] afnagu
canny (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [KTB] [kʊtbɑ:] kutbâ eS82v eS82v S3,crS S3,cRS
capturer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FNG] [ʊfnɑɡʊ] ufnagu
canny [ADJECTIVE TYPE 3 (CuCuC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KTB] [kʊtʊb] kutub eS8S2 eS8S2 c3,crSa c3,cRSa
capturer-like / from capturers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNG] [ʌfnɑɡʊl] afnagul
caper [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ShKB] [ʊʃkʊb] ushkub S%eS2 S%eS2 S3,crSa S3,cRSa
capturer-like / from capturers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FNG] [ʊfnɑɡʊl] ufnagul
caper about [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShKB] [ʌʃkʊbɪk] ashkubik c%eS2le c%eS2le c3v,cr c3v,cR
capturers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FNG] [ɑfɑ:nɑɡ] afânag
caper about! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKB] [ɪʃkɪbɪki:] ishkibikî l%el2le" l%el2le" S3,vr S3,vR
capturers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [FNG] [ʊfnɑ:ɡ] ufnâg
caper about! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKB] [ɪʃkɪbɪk] ishkibik l%el2le l%el2le c3v,Sr c3v,SR
capturers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FNG] [ɑfɑ:nʊɡ] afânug
caper of [NOUN TYPE 14 (uCCuCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ShKB] [ʊʃkʊbʊ] ushkubu S%eS2S S%eS2S S3,Sr S3,SR
capturers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [FNG] [ʊfnʊɡ] ufnug
caper of all capers* (*prances, high spirits) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [ShKB] [ʃʊkbɛl] shukbel %Se2za %Se2za capturing (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [FNG] [ɪfne:ɡ] ifnêg l3,xr l3,xR

Caradhras (Redhorn) [Singular Compound Proper Noun] [bɑrʌzɪnbɑr] Barazinbar 2c@cwl,2c@ 2c@cDl,2c@
caper* that is young/new/fresh (*prance, high spirit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [ShKB] [ʃɑkbɪtʰ] shakbith %ce2l0 %ce2l0
caravan [NOUN TYPE 11b (CeCeC) / SINGULAR ] [SJR] ❷ - very large dwarvish unit of weight measurement, equivalent to .zRz@ .z$z@
[sɛd͡ʒɛr] sejer
caper*-ladies (*prance, high spirit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [ShKB] [ʃɑkbɑ:nɑ] shakbâna %ce2v,c %ce2v,c 50 thêk (carts), about 34 metric ton (about 75701 lbs)
caravanless / without caravan [NOUN TYPE 11b (bin-CeCeC) / ADJECTIVE ] [SJR] [bɪnsɛd͡ʒɛr] binsejer 2l,.zRz@ 2l,.z$z@
caper*-lady (*prance, high spirit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [ShKB] [ʃɑkbu:nɑ] shakbûna %ce2D,c %ce2G,c
caravan-like / from (the) caravans [NOUN TYPE 11b (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [SJR] [sɛd͡ʒrʊl] sejrul .zR@Sa .z$@Sa
caper*-man (*prance, high spirit) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [ShKB] [ʃɑkbu:n] shakbûn %ce2D, %ce2G,

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

caravans [NOUN TYPE 11b (CeCêC) / PLURAL ] [SJR] ❷ - very large dwarvish units of weight measurement, equivalent to 50 .zRx@ .z$x@ 3ca9D, 3ca9G,
[sɛd͡ʒe:r] sejêr carnage (slaughter)*-man (*butcher knife, slaughterhouse) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [FLD] [fɑldu:n] faldûn
thêk (carts) each, about 34 metric ton (about 75701 lbs) each
care [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [NRD] [ɑnrʊd] anrud c,@S9 c,@S9
carnage (slaughter)*-men (*butcher knife, slaughterhouse) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [FLD] [fɑldɑ:n] faldân 3ca9v, 3ca9v,
care [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRD] [ɑnrɑ:d] anrâd c,@v9 c,@v9
carnage (slaughter)-*place (*butcher knife, slaughterhouse) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] 3la9", 3la9",
care of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRD] [ɑnrɑ:dʊ] anrâdu c,@v9S c,@v9S [fɪldi:n] fildîn
care of all cares [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [NRD] [nɑrdɛl] nardel ,c@9za ,c@9za c3av9Sa c3av9Sa
carnage (slaughter)-like / from (the) carnage (slaughter) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [FLD] [ʌflɑ:dʊl] aflâdul
care that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NRD] [nɑrdɪtʰ] nardith ,c@9l0 ,c@9l0 wlrla9clr DlRla9clR
carp [Singular Compound Noun] [zɪɡɪldɑɪɡ] zigildaig
care with each other / care together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [nɑɪnrɪdɪ] nainridi ,cl,@l9l ,cl,@l9l 2c@R 2c@$
carpet [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒ] barj
care! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [ɪnrɪdi:] inridî l,@l9" l,@l9" 2c@RS 2c@$S
carpet of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒʊ] barju
care! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [ɪnrɪd] inrid l,@l9 l,@l9 2l,2c@R 2l,2c@$
carpetless / without carpet [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRJ] [bɪnbɑrd͡ʒ] binbarj
careful (pl.) [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCCâ) / Adjectival Plural ] [NRD] [nɑrdɑ:] nardâ ,c@9v ,c@9v 2c@RSa 2c@$Sa
carpet-like / from (the) carpets [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒʊl] barjul
careful [ADJECTIVE TYPE 1 (CaCiC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRD] [nɑrɪd] narid ,c@l9 ,c@l9 2c@vR 2c@v$
carpets [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BRJ] [bɑrɑ:d͡ʒ] barâj
carefully [Archaic Adverb of Manner (iCCuCul) / Adverb ] [NRD] [ɪnrʊdʊl] inrudul l,@S9Sa l,@S9Sa 2c@SR 2c@S$
carpets of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BRJ] [bɑrʊd͡ʒ] baruj
carefully [Contemporary Adverb of Manner (CiCCal) / Adverb ] [NRD] [nɪrdɑl] nirdal ,l@9ca ,l@9ca wlrlacl9vr DlRlacl9vR
carps [Plural Compound Noun] [zɪɡɪlɑɪdɑ:ɡ] zigilaidâg
care-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [NRD] [nɑrdɑ:nɑ] nardâna ,c@9v,c ,c@9v,c c0@cr c0@cR
carrier (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRG] [ɑtʰrɑɡ] athrag
care-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [NRD] [nɑrdu:nɑ] nardûna ,c@9D,c ,c@9G,c S0@cr S0@cR
carrier (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThRG] [ʊtʰrɑɡ] uthrag
careless / without care [NOUN TYPE 10 (bin-aCCâC) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRD] [bɪnɑnrɑ:d] binanrâd 2l,c,@v9 2l,c,@v9 c0@crS c0@cRS
carrier of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRG] [ɑtʰrɑɡʊ] athragu
care-like / from (the) cares [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRD] [ɑnrɑ:dʊl] anrâdul c,@v9Sa c,@v9Sa S0@crS S0@cRS
carrier of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThRG] [ʊtʰrɑɡʊ] uthragu
care-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [NRD] [nɑrdu:n] nardûn ,c@9D, ,c@9G, c0@crSa c0@cRSa
carrier-like / from carriers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRG] [ɑtʰrɑɡʊl] athragul
care-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [NRD] [nɑrdɑ:n] nardân ,c@9v, ,c@9v, S0@crSa S0@cRSa
carrier-like / from carriers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThRG] [ʊtʰrɑɡʊl] uthragul
care-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [NRD] [nɪrdi:n] nirdîn ,l@9", ,l@9", c0v@cr c0v@cR
carriers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRG] [ɑtʰɑ:rɑɡ] athârag
carer (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRD] [ɑnrɑd] anrad c,@c9 c,@c9 S0@vr S0@vR
carriers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThRG] [ʊtʰrɑ:ɡ] uthrâg
carer (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NRD] [ʊnrɑd] unrad S,@c9 S,@c9 c0v@Sr c0v@SR
carriers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRG] [ɑtʰɑ:rʊɡ] athârug
carer of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRD] [ɑnrɑdʊ] anradu c,@c9S c,@c9S S0@Sr S0@SR
carriers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThRG] [ʊtʰrʊɡ] uthrug
carer of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NRD] [ʊnrɑdʊ] unradu S,@c9S S,@c9S eVc89 tc89
carrot [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtəd] khatd
carer-like / from carers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRD] [ɑnrɑdʊl] anradul c,@c9Sa c,@c9Sa eVc89S tc89S
carrot of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdʊ] khatdu
carer-like / from carers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NRD] [ʊnrɑdʊl] unradul S,@c9Sa S,@c9Sa eVc89za tc89za
carrot of all carrots [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdɛl] khatdel
carers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRD] [ɑnɑ:rɑd] anârad c,v@c9 c,v@c9 eVc89l0 tc89l0
carrot that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdɪtʰ] khatdith
carers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRD] [ʊnrɑ:d] unrâd S,@v9 S,@v9 eVc89v,c tc89v,c
carrot-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdɑ:nɑ] khatdâna
carers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRD] [ɑnɑ:rʊd] anârud c,v@S9 c,v@S9 eVc89D,c tc89G,c
carrot-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdu:nɑ] khatdûna
carers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRD] [ʊnrʊd] unrud S,@S9 S,@S9 2l,eVc89 2l,tc89
carrotless / without carrot [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhTD] [bɪnkʰɑtəd] binkhatd
cares [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NRD] [ɑnɑrɑ:d] anarâd c,c@v9 c,c@v9 eVc89Sa tc89Sa
carrot-like / from (the) carrots [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdʊl] khatdul
cares of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NRD] [ɑnɑrʊd] anarud c,c@S9 c,c@S9 eVc89D, tc89G,
carrot-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdu:n] khatdûn
cares of all cares [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [NRD] [nɑrde:l] nardêl ,c@9xa ,c@9xa eVc89v, tc89v,
carrot-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdɑ:n] khatdân
cares that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [NRD] [nɑrdi:tʰ] nardîth ,c@9"0 ,c@9"0 eVl89", tl89",
carrot-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KhTD] [kʰɪtdi:n] khitdîn
caretaker [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [LShR] [lʊʃr] lushr aS%@ aS%@ eVc8v9 tc8v9
carrots [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtɑ:d] khatâd
caretaker of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [LShR] [lʊʃrʊ] lushru aS%@S aS%@S eVc8S9 tc8S9
carrots of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtʊd] khatud
caretakerless / without caretaker [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [LShR] [bɪnlʊʃr] binlushr 2l,aS%@ 2l,aS%@ eVc89xa tc89xa
carrots of all carrots [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtde:l] khatdêl
caretaker-like / from (the) caretakers [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [LShR] [lʊʃrʊl] lushrul aS%@Sa aS%@Sa eVc89"0 tc89"0
carrots that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KhTD] [kʰɑtdi:tʰ] khatdîth
caretakers [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [LShR] [lɑʃɑ:r] lashâr ac%v@ ac%v@ c0@Sr c0@SR
carry [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [ThRG] [ɑtʰrʊɡ] athrug
caretakers of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [LShR] [lɑʃʊr] lashur ac%S@ ac%S@ ,cl0@lrl ,cl0@lRl
carry with each other / carry together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [nɑɪtʰrɪɡɪ] naithrigi
caring (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [NRD] [ɪnre:d] inrêd l,@x9 l,@x9 l0@lr" l0@lR"
carry! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [ɪtʰrɪɡi:] ithrigî
carnage (slaughter) [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [FLD] [ʌflɑ:d] aflâd c3av9 c3av9 l0@lr l0@lR
carry! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [ɪtʰrɪɡ] ithrig
carnage (slaughter) of [NOUN TYPE 10 (aCCâCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [FLD] [ʌflɑ:dʊ] aflâdu c3av9S c3av9S l0@xr l0@xR
carrying (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [ThRG] [ɪtʰre:ɡ] ithrêg
carnage (slaughter) of all carnage (slaughter)* (*butcher knives, slaughterhouses) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / 3za9za 3za9za cart (mining) [NOUN TYPE 11 (eCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ThK] ❷ - large dwarvish unit of weight measurement,
[fɛldɛl] feldel [ɛtʰɑk] ethak z0ce z0ce
SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [FLD] equivalent to 50 'abban (stones), nearly 689 kilograms (about 1514 lbs)
carnage (slaughter)* that is young/new/fresh (*butcher knife, slaughterhouse) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE 3ca9l0 3ca9l0 cart (mining) of [NOUN TYPE 11 (eCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ThK] [ɛtʰɑkʊ] ethaku z0ceS z0ceS
[fɑldɪtʰ] faldith
cart (mining)-like / from (the) carts (mining) [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ThK] [tʰɛkʊl] thekul 0zeSa 0zeSa
carnage (slaughter)*-ladies (*butcher knife, slaughterhouse) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [FLD] [fɑldɑ:nɑ] faldâna 3ca9v,c 3ca9v,c
cart [Singular Compound Noun] [fɑrkʰtʰʊhrʊ] farkhthuhru 3c@eV0Sf@S 3c@t0Sf@S

cartilage [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BShK] [bʌʃk] bashk 2c%e 2c%e
carnage (slaughter)*-lady (*butcher knife, slaughterhouse) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [FLD] [fɑldu:nɑ] faldûna 3ca9D,c 3ca9G,c
cartilage of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BShK] [bʌʃkʊ] bashku 2c%eS 2c%eS

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cartilageless / without cartilage [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShK] [bɪnbʌʃk] binbashk 2l,2c%e 2l,2c%e cast (iron)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRN] [mɑhɪzrɪni:] mahizrinî 6cflw@l," 6cflD@l,"

cartilage-like / from (the) cartilages [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BShK] [bʌʃkʊl] bashkul 2c%eSa 2c%eSa cast (iron)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRN] [mʌhɪzrɪn] mahizrin 6cflw@l, 6cflD@l,

cartilages [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BShK] [bɑʃɑ:k] bashâk 2c%ve 2c%ve cast (mold) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [ZRN] [zɑrn] zarn wc@, Dc@,

cartilages of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BShK] [bɑʃʊk] bashuk 2c%Se 2c%Se cast (mold) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [ZRN] [zɑrnʊ] zarnu wc@,S Dc@,S
carts (mining) [NOUN TYPE 11 (CêC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ThK] ❷ - large dwarvish units of weight measurement, cast (mold)-like / from (the) casts (molds) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [ZRN] [zɑrnʊl] zarnul wc@,Sa Dc@,Sa
[tʰe:k] thêk 0xe 0xe
equivalent to 50 'abban (stones) each, nearly 689 kilograms (about 1514 lbs) each cast out [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ShK] [bɪnʌʃʊk] binashuk 2l,c%Se 2l,c%Se
carts (mining) of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ThK] [tʰʊk] thuk 0Se 0Se
cast out! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [bɪnɪʃki:] binishkî 2l,l%e" 2l,l%e"
carts [Plural Compound Noun] [fɑrkʰtʰʊhu:r] farkhthuhûr 3c@eV0SfD@ 3c@t0SfG@
cast out! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [bɪnɪʃkɪ] binishki 2l,l%el 2l,l%el
carve [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KFN] [ɑkfʊn] akfun ce3S, ce3S,
casting (hurling) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ʔBN] [bɪrɑɪʔbe:n] birai'bên 2l@clg2x, 2l@clg2x,
carve with each other / carve together! [Interactive Verb - Imperative Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [nɑɪkfɪnɪ] naikfini ,cle3l,l ,cle3l,l
casting (iron) (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCCêC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ZRN] [mʌhɪzre:n] mahizrên 6cflw@x, 6cflD@x,
carve! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [ɪkfɪni:] ikfinî le3l," le3l,"
casting out (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [ShK] [bɪnɪʃk] binishk 2l,l%e 2l,l%e
carve! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [ɪkfɪn] ikfin le3l, le3l,
castle (Occi.) [NOUN TYPE 23 (CaCoC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KZR] [kʌzɔr] kazor ecwb@ ecDb@
carver (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KFN] [ɑkfɑn] akfan ce3c, ce3c,
castle (Occi.) of [NOUN TYPE 23 (CaCoCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KZR] [kʌzɔrʊ] kazoru ecwb@S ecDb@S
carver (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KFN] [ʊkfɑn] ukfan Se3c, Se3c,
castle (Occi.)-like / from (the) castles (Occi.) [NOUN TYPE 23 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KZR] [kʌzrʊl] kazrul ecw@Sa ecD@Sa
carver of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KFN] [ɑkfɑnʊ] akfanu ce3c,S ce3c,S
castles (Occi.) [NOUN TYPE 23 (CaCôC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KZR] [kɑzoːr] kazôr ecwn@ ecDM@
carver of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KFN] [ʊkfɑnʊ] ukfanu Se3c,S Se3c,S
castles (Occi.) of [NOUN TYPE 23 (CaCûC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KZR] [kɑzu:r] kazûr ecwD@ ecDG@
carver-like / from carvers (non-person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFN] [ɑkfɑnʊl] akfanul ce3c,Sa ce3c,Sa
casts (molds) [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [ZRN] [zɑrɑ:n] zarân wc@v, Dc@v,
carver-like / from carvers (person-forms) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCaCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFN] [ʊkfɑnʊl] ukfanul Se3c,Sa Se3c,Sa
casts (molds) of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [ZRN] [zɑrʊn] zarun wc@S, Dc@S,
carvers (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCaC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KFN] [ɑkɑ:fɑn] akâfan cev3c, cev3c,
cat [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [BNT] [bʊnt] bunt 2S,8 2S,8
carvers (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KFN] [ʊkfɑ:n] ukfân Se3v, Se3v,
cat of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [BNT] [bʊntʊ] buntu 2S,8S 2S,8S
carvers of (non-person-form) [NOUN TYPE 15 (aCâCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KFN] [ɑkɑ:fʊn] akâfun cev3S, cev3S,
cat of all cats [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [BNT] [bʊntɛl] buntel 2S,8za 2S,8za
carvers of (person-form) [NOUN TYPE 12 (uCCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KFN] [ʊkfʊn] ukfun Se3S, Se3S,
cat that is young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BNT] [bɑntɪtʰ] bantith 2c,8l0 2c,8l0
carving (the act of) [Gerund Form (iCCêC) / verbal noun ] [KFN] [ɪkfe:n] ikfên le3x, le3x,
catapult [Singular Compound Noun] [sɪɡɪnmʌzn] siginmazn .lrl,6cw, .lRl,6cD,
carving [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KFN] [kʌfn] kafn ec3, ec3,
catapults [Plural Compound Noun] [sɪɡɪnmɑzɑ:n] siginmazân .lrl,6cwv, .lRl,6cDv,
carving knife [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KFN] [kɛfɑn] kefan ez3c, ez3c,
catastrophe [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCu) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [NKhSh] [nʊkʰʃʊ] nukhshu ,SeV%S ,St%S
carving knife of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCaCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KFN] [kɛfɑnʊ] kefanu ez3c,S ez3c,S
catastrophe of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCû) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [NKhSh] [nʊkʰʃu:] nukhshû ,SeV%D ,St%G
carving knife-like / from (the) carving knives [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFN] [kɛfnʊl] kefnul ez3,Sa ez3,Sa
catastropheless / without catastrophe [NOUN TYPE 4 (bin-CuCCu) / ADJECTIVE ] [NKhSh] [bɪn.nʊkʰʃʊ] binnukhshu 2luSeV%S 2luSt%S
carving knives [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KFN] [kɛfɑ:n] kefân ez3v, ez3v,
catastrophe-like / from (the) catastrophes [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [NKhSh] [nʊkʰʃʊl] nukhshul ,SeV%Sa ,St%Sa
carving knives of [NOUN TYPE 11 (CeCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KFN] [kɛfʊn] kefun ez3S, ez3S,
catastrophes [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [NKhSh] [nʊkʰu:ʃ] nukhûsh ,SeVD% ,StG%
carving of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KFN] [kʌfnʊ] kafnu ec3,S ec3,S
catastrophes of [NOUN TYPE 4 (CuCûCu) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [NKhSh] [nʊkʰu:ʃʊ] nukhûshu ,SeVD%S ,StG%S
carving of all carvings* (*carving knives) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCel) / SINGULAR ULTIMATIVE ] [KFN] [kɛfnɛl] kefnel ez3,za ez3,za catch [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [TS] [mʌhɑtʊs] mahatus 6cfc8S. 6cfc8S.

catch fish [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [DG] [bɪrɑ:dʊɡ] birâdug 2l@v9Sr 2l@v9SR
carving* that is young/new/fresh (*carving knife) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCith) / SINGULAR AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KFN] [kʌfnɪtʰ] kafnith ec3,l0 ec3,l0
catch fish! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DG] [bɪrɑɪdɡi:] biraidgî 2l@cl9r" 2l@cl9R"
carving*-ladies (*carving knife) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [KFN] [kɑfnɑ:nɑ] kafnâna ec3,v,c ec3,v,c 2l@cl9rl 2l@cl9Rl
catch fish! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DG] [bɪrɑɪdɡɪ] biraidgi
carving*-lady (*carving knife) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [KFN] [kʌfnu:nɑ] kafnûna ec3,D,c ec3,G,c 6cfl8." 6cflC"
catch! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TS] [mɑhɪtsi:] mahitsî
carving*-man (*carving knife) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [KFN] [kʌfnu:n] kafnûn ec3,D, ec3,G, 6cfl8.l 6cflCl
catch! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TS] [mʌhɪtsɪ] mahitsi
carving*-men (*carving knife) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [KFN] [kɑfnɑ:n] kafnân ec3,v, ec3,v, 6cfl8. 6cflC
catching (the act of) [Gerund Form (+AV) ((x)iCC(x)) / verbal noun ] [TS] [mʌhɪts] mahits
carving*-place (*carving knife) [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [KFN] [kɪfni:n] kifnîn el3,", el3,", ,cl6S8c@r9clr ,cl6S8c@R9clR
catfish [Singular Compound Noun] [nɑɪmʊtɑrɡdɑɪɡ] naimutargdaig
carvingless / without carving [NOUN TYPE 2 (bin-CaCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFN] [bɪnkʌfn] binkafn 2l,ec3, 2l,ec3, ,cl6S8c@rcl9vr ,cl6S8c@Rcl9vR
catfishes [Plural Compound Noun] [nɑɪmʊtɑrɡɑɪdɑ:ɡ] naimutargaidâg
carving-like / from (the) carvings [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [KFN] [kʌfnʊl] kafnul ec3,Sa ec3,Sa 2c,8v,c 2c,8v,c
cat-ladies [DERIVED FORM (CaCCâna) / PLURAL Fem. FORM ] [BNT] [bɑntɑ:nɑ] bantâna
carvings [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [KFN] [kɑfɑ:n] kafân ec3v, ec3v, 2c,8D,c 2c,8G,c
cat-lady [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûna) / SINGULAR Fem. FORM ] [BNT] [bɑntu:nɑ] bantûna
carvings of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [KFN] [kɑfʊn] kafun ec3S, ec3S, 2l,2S,8 2l,2S,8
catless / without cat [NOUN TYPE 1 (bin-CuCC) / ADJECTIVE ] [BNT] [bɪnbʊnt] binbunt
carvings of all carvings* (*carving knives) [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [KFN] [kɛfne:l] kefnêl ez3,xa ez3,xa cat-like / from (the) cats [NOUN TYPE 1 (CuCCul) / ADJECTIVE ] [BNT] [bʊntʊl] buntul 2S,8Sa 2S,8Sa

cat-man [DERIVED FORM (CaCCûn) / SINGULAR Mas. FORM ] [BNT] [bɑntu:n] bantûn 2c,8D, 2c,8G,
carvings* that are young/new/fresh (*carving knives) [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [KFN] [kɑfni:tʰ] kafnîth ec3,"0 ec3,"0
cat-men [DERIVED FORM (CaCCân) / PLURAL Mas. FORM ] [BNT] [bɑntɑ:n] bantân 2c,8v, 2c,8v,

cat-place [DERIVED FORM (CiCCîn) / SINGULAR POSITIONAL FORM ] [BNT] [bɪnti:n] bintîn 2l,8", 2l,8",
cast ( a violent throw / hurl) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ʔBN] [bɪrɑ:ʔbʊn] birâ'bun 2l@vg2S, 2l@vg2S,
cats [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCâC) / PLURAL - Absolute State ] [BNT] [bɑnɑ:t] banât 2c,v8 2c,v8
cast (a violent throw / hurl)! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [bɪrɑɪʔbɪni:] birai'binî 2l@clg2l," 2l@clg2l,"
cats of [NOUN TYPE 1 (CaCuC) / PLURAL - Construct State ] [BNT] [bɑnʊt] banut 2c,S8 2c,S8
cast (a violent throw / hurl)! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [bɪrɑɪʔbɪn] birai'bin 2l@clg2l, 2l@clg2l,
cats of all cats [Inflection: Comperative Form (CvCCêl) / PLURAL ULTIMATIVE ] [BNT] [bʊnte:l] buntêl 2S,8xa 2S,8xa
cast (iron) [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [ZRN] [mʌhʌzrʊn] mahazrun 6cfcw@S, 6cfcD@S,
cats that are young/new/fresh [DERIVED FORM (CaCCîth) / PLURAL AGE DIMINUTIVE ] [BNT] [bɑnti:tʰ] bantîth 2c,8"0 2c,8"0

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causative imperative (grammar) [Singular Compound Noun] [mʌzɑkʰsʊlnɪkʰɑmʔ] mazakhsulnikham' 6cwceV.Sa,leVc6g 6cDct.Sa,ltc6g
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰɑ] lutnutha aS8,S0c aS8,S0c
causative imperfect (grammar) [Singular Compound Noun] [mɑɡɑlbʊlnɪkʰɑmʔ] magalbulnikham' 6crca2Sa,leVc6g 6cRca2Sa,ltc6g

causative perfect (grammar) [Singular Compound Noun] [mʌfɑlkʊlnɪkʰɑmʔ] mafalkulnikham' 6c3caeSa,leVc6g 6c3caeSa,ltc6g cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LTN] [ɪltɪnɪtʰi:] iltinithî la8l,l0" la8l,l0"

cause [Infinitive Absolute / Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form] [KhMʔ] [ɑkʰmʊʔ] akhmu' ceV6Sg ct6Sg
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LTN] [ɪltɪnɪtʰ] iltinith la8l,l0 la8l,l0
cause [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCC) / SINGULAR - Absolute State ] [KhMʔ] [kʰɑmʔ] kham' eVc6g tc6g
eVc6gS tc6gS cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RNL] [mɑrnɑltʰɪ] marnalthi 6c@,ca0l 6c@,ca0l
cause of [NOUN TYPE 2 (CaCCu) / SINGULAR - Construct State ] [KhMʔ] [kʰɑmʔʊ] kham'u
6cfc2,Sa 6cfc2,Sa cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RNL] [ɑrnɑltʰɪ] arnalthi c@,ca0l c@,ca0l
cause problems [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [BNL] [mʌhɑbnʊl] mahabnul
6cfl2,la" 6cfl2,la" cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰmɑjɑn] sarnalthmayan .c@,ca06c;c, .c@,ca06c;c,
cause problems! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNL] [mɑhɪbnɪli:] mahibnilî
6cfl2,la 6cfl2,la cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰɪjɑn] sarnalthiyan .c@,ca0l;c, .c@,ca0l;c,
cause problems! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNL] [mʌhɪbnɪl] mahibnil
cause strife [Intensifying Infinitive Absolute / Subjunctive / Infinitive Absolute Form (+AV)] [KB] [mʌhɑkʊb] mahakub 6cfceS2 6cfceS2 cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰmi:n] sarnalthmîn .c@,ca06", .c@,ca06",
cause strife! [Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KB] [mɑhɪkbi:] mahikbî 6cfle2" 6cfle2"
cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰi:n] sarnalthîn .c@,ca0", .c@,ca0",
cause strife! [Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KB] [mʌhɪkbɪ] mahikbi 6cfle2l 6cfle2l
cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰmɑjɑ] sarnalthmaya .c@,ca06c;c .c@,ca06c;c
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LTN] [mɑltɪntʰɪ] maltinthi 6ca8l,0l 6ca8l,0l

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LTN] [ɑltɪntʰɪ] altinthi ca8l,0l ca8l,0l cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰɪjɑ] sarnalthiya .c@,ca0l;c .c@,ca0l;c
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .ca8l,06c;c, .ca8l,06c;c,
[sɑltɪntʰmɑjɑn] saltinthmayan cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰmi:] sarnalthmî .c@,ca06" .c@,ca06"
(contemptuous)] [LTN]
cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RNL] [sɑrnɑltʰɪ] sarnalthi .c@,ca0l .c@,ca0l
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LTN] [sɑltɪntʰɪjɑn] saltinthiyan .ca8l,0l;c, .ca8l,0l;c,
cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RNL] [tɑrnɑltʰɪjɑn] tarnalthiyan 8c@,ca0l;c, 8c@,ca0l;c,
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .ca8l,06", .ca8l,06",
[sɑltɪntʰmi:n] saltinthmîn cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RNL] [tɑrnɑltʰi:n] tarnalthîn 8c@,ca0", 8c@,ca0",
(contemptuous)] [LTN]
cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RNL] [tɑrnɑltʰɪjɑ] tarnalthiya 8c@,ca0l;c 8c@,ca0l;c
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LTN] [sɑltɪntʰi:n] saltinthîn .ca8l,0", .ca8l,0",
cause to abuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RNL] [tɑrnɑltʰɪ] tarnalthi 8c@,ca0l 8c@,ca0l
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .ca8l,06c;c .ca8l,06c;c cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰmɑ:] runluthmâ @S,aS06v @S,aS06v
[sɑltɪntʰmɑjɑ] saltinthmaya
(contemptuous)] [LTN]
cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰmɪ] runluthmi @S,aS06l @S,aS06l
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LTN] [sɑltɪntʰɪjɑ] saltinthiya .ca8l,0l;c .ca8l,0l;c
cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰmɛnɪn] runluthmenin @S,aS06z,l, @S,aS06z,l,
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰsɪn] runluthsin @S,aS0.l, @S,aS0.l,
[sɑltɪntʰmi:] saltinthmî .ca8l,06" .ca8l,06"
(contemptuous)] [LTN] cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰme:n] runluthmên @S,aS06x, @S,aS06x,
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LTN] [sɑltɪntʰɪ] saltinthi .ca8l,0l .ca8l,0l cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰsʊn] runluthsun @S,aS0.S, @S,aS0.S,

8ca8l,0l;c, 8ca8l,0l;c, cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰmɛnɪ] runluthmeni @S,aS06z,l @S,aS06z,l
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LTN] [tɑltɪntʰɪjɑn] taltinthiyan
cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰsɪ] runluthsi @S,aS0.l @S,aS0.l
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LTN] [tɑltɪntʰi:n] taltinthîn 8ca8l,0", 8ca8l,0",
cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰme:] runluthmê @S,aS06x @S,aS06x

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LTN] [tɑltɪntʰɪjɑ] taltinthiya 8ca8l,0l;c 8ca8l,0l;c cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰsʊ] runluthsu @S,aS0.S @S,aS0.S

cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰe:n] runluthên @S,aS0x, @S,aS0x,
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LTN] [tɑltɪntʰɪ] taltinthi 8ca8l,0l 8ca8l,0l
cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰoːn] runluthôn @S,aS0n, @S,aS0M,

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰmɑ:] lutnuthmâ aS8,S06v aS8,S06v cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰɑɪ] runluthai @S,aS0cl @S,aS0cl

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰmɪ] lutnuthmi aS8,S06l aS8,S06l cause to abuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RNL] [rʊnlʊtʰɑ] runlutha @S,aS0c @S,aS0c
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful cause to abuse! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [ɪrnɪlɪtʰi:] irnilithî l@,lal0" l@,lal0"
[lʊtnʊtʰmɛnɪn] lutnuthmenin aS8,S06z,l, aS8,S06z,l,
(contemptuous)] [LTN] cause to abuse! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RNL] [ɪrnɪlɪtʰ] irnilith l@,lal0 l@,lal0
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰsɪn] lutnuthsin aS8,S0.l, aS8,S0.l, cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HFT] [mɑhfɑt.tʰɪ] mahfatthi 6cf3c80l 6cf3c80l

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HFT] [ʌhfɑt.tʰɪ] ahfatthi cf3c80l cf3c80l
[lʊtnʊtʰme:n] lutnuthmên aS8,S06x, aS8,S06x,
(contemptuous)] [LTN] cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [sɑhfɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sahfatthmayan .cf3c806c;c, .cf3c806c;c,
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰsʊn] lutnuthsun aS8,S0.S, aS8,S0.S,
cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HFT] [sɑhfɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sahfatthiyan .cf3c80l;c, .cf3c80l;c,
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful aS8,S06z,l aS8,S06z,l
[lʊtnʊtʰmɛnɪ] lutnuthmeni cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [sɑhfɑtətʰmi:n] sahfatthmîn .cf3c806", .cf3c806",
(contemptuous)] [LTN]
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰsɪ] lutnuthsi aS8,S0.l aS8,S0.l cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HFT] [sɑhfɑt.tʰi:n] sahfatthîn .cf3c80", .cf3c80",
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful aS8,S06x aS8,S06x
[lʊtnʊtʰme:] lutnuthmê cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [sʌhfɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sahfatthmaya .cf3c806c;c .cf3c806c;c
(contemptuous)] [LTN]
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰsʊ] lutnuthsu aS8,S0.S aS8,S0.S cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HFT] [sʌhfɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sahfatthiya .cf3c80l;c .cf3c80l;c

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰe:n] lutnuthên aS8,S0x, aS8,S0x, cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [sʌhfɑtətʰmi:] sahfatthmî .cf3c806" .cf3c806"

cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰoːn] lutnuthôn aS8,S0n, aS8,S0M, cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HFT] [sʌhfɑt.tʰɪ] sahfatthi .cf3c80l .cf3c80l
cause to absolve (cause to forgive / to pardon) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LTN] [lʊtnʊtʰɑɪ] lutnuthai aS8,S0cl aS8,S0cl cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HFT] [tɑhfɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tahfatthiyan 8cf3c80l;c, 8cf3c80l;c,

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The Dwarrow Scholar 149 The Dwarrow Scholar 150
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cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HFT] [tɑhfɑt.tʰi:n] tahfatthîn 8cf3c80", 8cf3c80", cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[ʔɑkʰfɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'akhfathmeni gceV3c06z,l gct3c06z,l
cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HFT] [tʌhfɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tahfatthiya 8cf3c80l;c 8cf3c80l;c (contemptuous)] [ʔKhF]
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰsɪ] 'akhfathsi gceV3c0.l gct3c0.l
cause to accelerate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HFT] [tʌhfɑt.tʰɪ] tahfatthi 8cf3c80l 8cf3c80l
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful gceV3c06x gct3c06x
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰmɑ:] haftathmâ fc38c06v fc38c06v [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰme:] 'akhfathmê
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF]
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰmɪ] haftathmi fc38c06l fc38c06l
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰsʊ] 'akhfathsu gceV3c0.S gct3c0.S
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰmɛnɪn] haftathmenin fc38c06z,l, fc38c06z,l,
fc38c0.l, fc38c0.l, cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰe:n] 'akhfathên gceV3c0x, gct3c0x,
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰsɪn] haftathsin
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰoːn] 'akhfathôn gceV3c0n, gct3c0M,
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰme:n] haftathmên fc38c06x, fc38c06x,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰɑɪ] 'akhfathai gceV3c0cl gct3c0cl
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰsʊn] haftathsun fc38c0.S, fc38c0.S,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰɑ] 'akhfatha gceV3c0c gct3c0c
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰmɛnɪ] haftathmeni fc38c06z,l fc38c06z,l
cause to accept something that is given (take)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhF] [ɪʔkʰɪfɪtʰi:] i'khifithî lgeVl3l0" lgtl3l0"
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰsɪ] haftathsi fc38c0.l fc38c0.l

fc38c06x fc38c06x cause to accept something that is given (take)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhF] [ɪʔkʰɪfɪtʰ] i'khifith lgeVl3l0 lgtl3l0
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰme:] haftathmê
fc38c0.S fc38c0.S cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRB] [mɑnrɪbtʰɪ] manribthi 6c,@l20l 6c,@l20l
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰsʊ] haftathsu
fc38c0x, fc38c0x, cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRB] [ɑnrɪbtʰɪ] anribthi c,@l20l c,@l20l
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰe:n] haftathên
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HFT] [hɑftɑtʰoːn] haftathôn fc38c0n, fc38c0M, cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbətʰmɑjɑn] sanribthmayan .c,@l206c;c, .c,@l206c;c,
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰɑɪ] haftathai fc38c0cl fc38c0cl
cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbtʰɪjɑn] sanribthiyan .c,@l20l;c, .c,@l20l;c,
cause to accelerate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HFT] [hʌftɑtʰɑ] haftatha fc38c0c fc38c0c
cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbətʰmi:n] sanribthmîn .c,@l206", .c,@l206",
cause to accelerate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [ɪhfɪtɪtʰi:] ihfitithî lf3l8l0" lf3l8l0"

cause to accelerate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFT] [ɪhfɪtɪtʰ] ihfitith lf3l8l0 lf3l8l0 cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbtʰi:n] sanribthîn .c,@l20", .c,@l20",

cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔKhF] [mɑʔkʰɑftʰɪ] ma'khafthi 6cgeVc30l 6cgtc30l
cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbətʰmɑjɑ] sanribthmaya .c,@l206c;c .c,@l206c;c
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔKhF] [ɑʔkʰʌftʰɪ] a'khafthi cgeVc30l cgtc30l
cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbtʰɪjɑ] sanribthiya .c,@l20l;c .c,@l20l;c
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .cgeVc306c;c, .cgtc306c;c,
[sɑʔkʰɑftʰmɑjɑn] sa'khafthmayan
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF] cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbətʰmi:] sanribthmî .c,@l206" .c,@l206"

cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔKhF] [sɑʔkʰɑftʰɪjɑn] sa'khafthiyan .cgeVc30l;c, .cgtc30l;c,
cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRB] [sɑnrɪbtʰɪ] sanribthi .c,@l20l .c,@l20l
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRB] [tɑnrɪbtʰɪjɑn] tanribthiyan 8c,@l20l;c, 8c,@l20l;c,
[sɑʔkʰɑftʰmi:n] sa'khafthmîn .cgeVc306", .cgtc306",
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF] cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRB] [tɑnrɪbtʰi:n] tanribthîn 8c,@l20", 8c,@l20",
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔKhF] [sɑʔkʰɑftʰi:n] sa'khafthîn .cgeVc30", .cgtc30", cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRB] [tɑnrɪbtʰɪjɑ] tanribthiya 8c,@l20l;c 8c,@l20l;c

cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to acclaim [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRB] [tɑnrɪbtʰɪ] tanribthi 8c,@l20l 8c,@l20l
[sɑʔkʰʌftʰmɑjɑ] sa'khafthmaya .cgeVc306c;c .cgtc306c;c
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF] cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰmɑ:] nurbuthmâ ,S@2S06v ,S@2S06v

cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔKhF] [sɑʔkʰʌftʰɪjɑ] sa'khafthiya .cgeVc30l;c .cgtc30l;c cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰmɪ] nurbuthmi ,S@2S06l ,S@2S06l

cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰmɛnɪn] nurbuthmenin ,S@2S06z,l, ,S@2S06z,l,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .cgeVc306" .cgtc306"
[sɑʔkʰʌftʰmi:] sa'khafthmî cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰsɪn] nurbuthsin ,S@2S0.l, ,S@2S0.l,
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF]
cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰme:n] nurbuthmên ,S@2S06x, ,S@2S06x,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔKhF] [sɑʔkʰʌftʰɪ] sa'khafthi .cgeVc30l .cgtc30l
cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰsʊn] nurbuthsun ,S@2S0.S, ,S@2S0.S,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔKhF] [tɑʔkʰɑftʰɪjɑn] ta'khafthiyan 8cgeVc30l;c, 8cgtc30l;c,
cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰmɛnɪ] nurbuthmeni ,S@2S06z,l ,S@2S06z,l
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔKhF] [tɑʔkʰɑftʰi:n] ta'khafthîn 8cgeVc30", 8cgtc30",
cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰsɪ] nurbuthsi ,S@2S0.l ,S@2S0.l
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔKhF] [tɑʔkʰʌftʰɪjɑ] ta'khafthiya 8cgeVc30l;c 8cgtc30l;c
cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰme:] nurbuthmê ,S@2S06x ,S@2S06x

cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔKhF] [tɑʔkʰʌftʰɪ] ta'khafthi 8cgeVc30l 8cgtc30l cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰsʊ] nurbuthsu ,S@2S0.S ,S@2S0.S

gceV3c06v gct3c06v cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰe:n] nurbuthên ,S@2S0x, ,S@2S0x,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰmɑ:] 'akhfathmâ
gceV3c06l gct3c06l cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰoːn] nurbuthôn ,S@2S0n, ,S@2S0M,
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰmɪ] 'akhfathmi
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰɑɪ] nurbuthai ,S@2S0cl ,S@2S0cl
[ʔɑkʰfɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'akhfathmenin gceV3c06z,l, gct3c06z,l,
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF] cause to acclaim [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRB] [nʊrbʊtʰɑ] nurbutha ,S@2S0c ,S@2S0c

cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰsɪn] 'akhfathsin gceV3c0.l, gct3c0.l, cause to acclaim! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [ɪnrɪbɪtʰi:] inribithî l,@l2l0" l,@l2l0"

cause to acclaim! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRB] [ɪnrɪbɪtʰ] inribith l,@l2l0 l,@l2l0
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful gceV3c06x, gct3c06x,
[ʔɑkʰfɑtʰme:n] 'akhfathmên cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔGR] [mɑʔɡɪrtʰɪ] ma'girthi 6cgrl@0l 6cgRl@0l
(contemptuous)] [ʔKhF]
cause to accept something that is given (take) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔKhF] [ʔɑkʰfɑtʰsʊn] 'akhfathsun gceV3c0.S, gct3c0.S, cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔGR] [ɑʔɡɪrtʰɪ] a'girthi cgrl@0l cgRl@0l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 151 The Dwarrow Scholar 152

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STB] [sɑstɑbtʰi:n] sastabthîn .c.8c20", .c.8c20",
[sɑʔɡɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sa'girthmayan .cgrl@06c;c, .cgRl@06c;c,
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔGR]
cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sʌstɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sastabthmaya .c.8c206c;c .c.8c206c;c
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] .cgrl@0l;c, .cgRl@0l;c,
[sɑʔɡɪrtʰɪjɑn] sa'girthiyan
[ʔGR] cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STB] [sʌstɑbtʰɪjɑ] sastabthiya .c.8c20l;c .c.8c20l;c
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine .cgrl@06", .cgRl@06",
[sɑʔɡɪrtʰmi:n] sa'girthmîn .c.8c206" .c.8c206"
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔGR] cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sʌstɑbətʰmi:] sastabthmî
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] .cgrl@0", .cgRl@0",
[sɑʔɡɪrtʰi:n] sa'girthîn cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STB] [sʌstɑbtʰɪ] sastabthi .c.8c20l .c.8c20l
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STB] [tɑstɑbtʰɪjɑn] tastabthiyan 8c.8c20l;c, 8c.8c20l;c,
[sɑʔɡɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sa'girthmaya .cgrl@06c;c .cgRl@06c;c
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔGR] cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STB] [tɑstɑbtʰi:n] tastabthîn 8c.8c20", 8c.8c20",

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔGR] [sɑʔɡɪrtʰɪjɑ] sa'girthiya .cgrl@0l;c .cgRl@0l;c cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STB] [tʌstɑbtʰɪjɑ] tastabthiya 8c.8c20l;c 8c.8c20l;c

cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STB] [tʌstɑbtʰɪ] tastabthi 8c.8c20l 8c.8c20l
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine .cgrl@06" .cgRl@06"
[sɑʔɡɪrtʰmi:] sa'girthmî cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰmɑ:] sutbuthmâ .S82S06v .S82S06v
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔGR]
cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰmɪ] sutbuthmi .S82S06l .S82S06l
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔGR] [sɑʔɡɪrtʰɪ] sa'girthi .cgrl@0l .cgRl@0l

cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰmɛnɪn] sutbuthmenin .S82S06z,l, .S82S06z,l,
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔGR] [tɑʔɡɪrtʰɪjɑn] ta'girthiyan 8cgrl@0l;c, 8cgRl@0l;c,
cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰsɪn] sutbuthsin .S82S0.l, .S82S0.l,
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔGR] [tɑʔɡɪrtʰi:n] ta'girthîn 8cgrl@0", 8cgRl@0",
cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰme:n] sutbuthmên .S82S06x, .S82S06x,

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔGR] [tɑʔɡɪrtʰɪjɑ] ta'girthiya 8cgrl@0l;c 8cgRl@0l;c cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰsʊn] sutbuthsun .S82S0.S, .S82S0.S,

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] 8cgrl@0l 8cgRl@0l cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰmɛnɪ] sutbuthmeni .S82S06z,l .S82S06z,l
[tɑʔɡɪrtʰɪ] ta'girthi
gcr@c06v gcR@c06v cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰsɪ] sutbuthsi .S82S0.l .S82S0.l
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰmɑ:] 'agrathmâ
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰmɪ] 'agrathmi gcr@c06l gcR@c06l cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰme:] sutbuthmê .S82S06x .S82S06x
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful gcr@c06z,l, gcR@c06z,l,
[ʔɑɡrɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'agrathmenin cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰsʊ] sutbuthsu .S82S0.S .S82S0.S
(contemptuous)] [ʔGR]
cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰe:n] sutbuthên .S82S0x, .S82S0x,
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰsɪn] 'agrathsin gcr@c0.l, gcR@c0.l,
cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰoːn] sutbuthôn .S82S0n, .S82S0M,
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful gcr@c06x, gcR@c06x, cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰɑɪ] sutbuthai .S82S0cl .S82S0cl
[ʔɑɡrɑtʰme:n] 'agrathmên
(contemptuous)] [ʔGR]
cause to accumulate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STB] [sʊtbʊtʰɑ] sutbutha .S82S0c .S82S0c
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰsʊn] 'agrathsun gcr@c0.S, gcR@c0.S,
cause to accumulate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STB] [ɪstɪbɪtʰi:] istibithî l.8l2l0" l.8l2l0"
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to accumulate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STB] [ɪstɪbɪtʰ] istibith l.8l2l0 l.8l2l0
[ʔɑɡrɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'agrathmeni gcr@c06z,l gcR@c06z,l
(contemptuous)] [ʔGR] cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HKR] [mɑhkɪrtʰɪ] mahkirthi 6cfel@0l 6cfel@0l
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰsɪ] 'agrathsi gcr@c0.l gcR@c0.l cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HKR] [ʌhkɪrtʰɪ] ahkirthi cfel@0l cfel@0l

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [sɑhkɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sahkirthmayan .cfel@06c;c, .cfel@06c;c,
[ʔɑɡrɑtʰme:] 'agrathmê gcr@c06x gcR@c06x
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔGR] cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HKR] [sɑhkɪrtʰɪjɑn] sahkirthiyan .cfel@0l;c, .cfel@0l;c,

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰsʊ] 'agrathsu gcr@c0.S gcR@c0.S cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [sɑhkɪrtʰmi:n] sahkirthmîn .cfel@06", .cfel@06",

cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰe:n] 'agrathên gcr@c0x, gcR@c0x, cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HKR] [sɑhkɪrtʰi:n] sahkirthîn .cfel@0", .cfel@0",

cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [sʌhkɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sahkirthmaya .cfel@06c;c .cfel@06c;c
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰoːn] 'agrathôn gcr@c0n, gcR@c0M,
cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HKR] [sʌhkɪrtʰɪjɑ] sahkirthiya .cfel@0l;c .cfel@0l;c
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔGR] [ʔɑɡrɑtʰɑɪ] 'agrathai gcr@c0cl gcR@c0cl
cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [sʌhkɪrtʰmi:] sahkirthmî .cfel@06" .cfel@06"
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] gcr@c0c gcR@c0c
[ʔɑɡrɑtʰɑ] 'agratha cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HKR] [sʌhkɪrtʰɪ] sahkirthi .cfel@0l .cfel@0l
cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HKR] [tɑhkɪrtʰɪjɑn] tahkirthiyan 8cfel@0l;c, 8cfel@0l;c,
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR] [ɪʔɡɪrɪtʰi:] i'girithî lgrl@l0" lgRl@l0"
cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HKR] [tɑhkɪrtʰi:n] tahkirthîn 8cfel@0", 8cfel@0",
cause to accomplish (cause to do / to act / to perform)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔGR] [ɪʔɡɪrɪtʰ] i'girith lgrl@l0 lgRl@l0 cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HKR] [tʌhkɪrtʰɪjɑ] tahkirthiya 8cfel@0l;c 8cfel@0l;c

6c.8c20l 6c.8c20l cause to accuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HKR] [tʌhkɪrtʰɪ] tahkirthi 8cfel@0l 8cfel@0l
cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [STB] [mɑstɑbtʰɪ] mastabthi
c.8c20l c.8c20l cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰmɑ:] hakrathmâ fce@c06v fce@c06v
cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [STB] [ʌstɑbtʰɪ] astabthi
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰmɪ] hakrathmi fce@c06l fce@c06l
cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sɑstɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sastabthmayan .c.8c206c;c, .c.8c206c;c,
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰmɛnɪn] hakrathmenin fce@c06z,l, fce@c06z,l,
cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STB] [sɑstɑbtʰɪjɑn] sastabthiyan .c.8c20l;c, .c.8c20l;c, cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰsɪn] hakrathsin fce@c0.l, fce@c0.l,

cause to accumulate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STB] [sɑstɑbətʰmi:n] sastabthmîn .c.8c206", .c.8c206", cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰme:n] hakrathmên fce@c06x, fce@c06x,

cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰsʊn] hakrathsun fce@c0.S, fce@c0.S,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 153 The Dwarrow Scholar 154
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰmɛnɪ] hakrathmeni fce@c06z,l fce@c06z,l
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [sɑʃɪkətʰmi:n] sashikthmîn .c%le06", .c%le06",
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰsɪ] hakrathsi fce@c0.l fce@c0.l
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShK] [sɑʃɪktʰi:n] sashikthîn .c%le0", .c%le0",
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰme:] hakrathmê fce@c06x fce@c06x
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [sʌʃɪkətʰmɑjɑ] sashikthmaya .c%le06c;c .c%le06c;c
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰsʊ] hakrathsu fce@c0.S fce@c0.S
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShK] [sʌʃɪktʰɪjɑ] sashikthiya .c%le0l;c .c%le0l;c
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰe:n] hakrathên fce@c0x, fce@c0x,

cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰoːn] hakrathôn fce@c0n, fce@c0M, cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [sʌʃɪkətʰmi:] sashikthmî .c%le06" .c%le06"

cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰɑɪ] hakrathai fce@c0cl fce@c0cl .c%le0l .c%le0l
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShK] [sʌʃɪktʰɪ] sashikthi
cause to accuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HKR] [hɑkrɑtʰɑ] hakratha fce@c0c fce@c0c 8c%le0l;c, 8c%le0l;c,
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShK] [tɑʃɪktʰɪjɑn] tashikthiyan
cause to accuse! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [ɪhkɪrɪtʰi:] ihkirithî lfel@l0" lfel@l0" 8c%le0", 8c%le0",
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShK] [tɑʃɪktʰi:n] tashikthîn
cause to accuse! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKR] [ɪhkɪrɪtʰ] ihkirith lfel@l0 lfel@l0 8c%le0l;c 8c%le0l;c
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShK] [tʌʃɪktʰɪjɑ] tashikthiya
cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BNH] [mɑbnɑhtʰɪ] mabnahthi 6c2,cf0l 6c2,cf0l 8c%le0l 8c%le0l
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShK] [tʌʃɪktʰɪ] tashikthi
cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BNH] [ɑbnʌhtʰɪ] abnahthi c2,cf0l c2,cf0l %SeS06v %SeS06v
cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰmɑ:] shukuthmâ
cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [sɑbnɑhtʰmɑjɑn] sabnahthmayan .c2,cf06c;c, .c2,cf06c;c, cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰmɪ] shukuthmi %SeS06l %SeS06l

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BNH] [sɑbnɑhtʰɪjɑn] sabnahthiyan .c2,cf0l;c, .c2,cf0l;c, cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰmɛnɪn] shukuthmenin %SeS06z,l, %SeS06z,l,

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [sɑbnɑhtʰmi:n] sabnahthmîn .c2,cf06", .c2,cf06", cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰsɪn] shukuthsin %SeS0.l, %SeS0.l,

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BNH] [sɑbnɑhtʰi:n] sabnahthîn .c2,cf0", .c2,cf0", cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰme:n] shukuthmên %SeS06x, %SeS06x,

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [sɑbnʌhtʰmɑjɑ] sabnahthmaya .c2,cf06c;c .c2,cf06c;c cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰsʊn] shukuthsun %SeS0.S, %SeS0.S,

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BNH] [sɑbnʌhtʰɪjɑ] sabnahthiya .c2,cf0l;c .c2,cf0l;c cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰmɛnɪ] shukuthmeni %SeS06z,l %SeS06z,l

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [sɑbnʌhtʰmi:] sabnahthmî .c2,cf06" .c2,cf06" cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰsɪ] shukuthsi %SeS0.l %SeS0.l

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BNH] [sɑbnʌhtʰɪ] sabnahthi .c2,cf0l .c2,cf0l cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰme:] shukuthmê %SeS06x %SeS06x

cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BNH] [tɑbnɑhtʰɪjɑn] tabnahthiyan 8c2,cf0l;c, 8c2,cf0l;c, %SeS0.S %SeS0.S
cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰsʊ] shukuthsu
cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BNH] [tɑbnɑhtʰi:n] tabnahthîn 8c2,cf0", 8c2,cf0", %SeS0x, %SeS0x,
cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰe:n] shukuthên
cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BNH] [tɑbnʌhtʰɪjɑ] tabnahthiya 8c2,cf0l;c 8c2,cf0l;c %SeS0n, %SeS0M,
cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰoːn] shukuthôn
cause to accustom [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BNH] [tɑbnʌhtʰɪ] tabnahthi 8c2,cf0l 8c2,cf0l %SeS0cl %SeS0cl
cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰɑɪ] shukuthai
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰmɑ:] bunhuthmâ 2S,fS06v 2S,fS06v %SeS0c %SeS0c
cause to act cowardly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShK] [ʃʊkʊtʰɑ] shukutha
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰmɪ] bunhuthmi 2S,fS06l 2S,fS06l l%el0" l%el0"
cause to act cowardly! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [ɪʃkɪtʰi:] ishkithî
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰmɛnɪn] bunhuthmenin 2S,fS06z,l, 2S,fS06z,l, l%e"0 l%e"0
cause to act cowardly! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShK] [ɪʃki:tʰ] ishkîth
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰsɪn] bunhuthsin 2S,fS0.l, 2S,fS0.l, 6c9@lR0l 6c9@l$0l
cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DRJ] [mɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] madrijthi
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰme:n] bunhuthmên 2S,fS06x, 2S,fS06x, cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DRJ] [ɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] adrijthi c9@lR0l c9@l$0l

cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰsʊn] bunhuthsun 2S,fS0.S, 2S,fS0.S, cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑn] sadrijthmayan .c9@lR06c;c, .c9@l$06c;c,

cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰmɛnɪ] bunhuthmeni 2S,fS06z,l 2S,fS06z,l cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] sadrijthiyan .c9@lR0l;c, .c9@l$0l;c,

cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰsɪ] bunhuthsi 2S,fS0.l 2S,fS0.l cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰmi:n] sadrijthmîn .c9@lR06", .c9@l$06",

cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰme:] bunhuthmê 2S,fS06x 2S,fS06x cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] sadrijthîn .c9@lR0", .c9@l$0",

cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰsʊ] bunhuthsu 2S,fS0.S 2S,fS0.S cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑ] sadrijthmaya .c9@lR06c;c .c9@l$06c;c

cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰe:n] bunhuthên 2S,fS0x, 2S,fS0x, .c9@lR0l;c .c9@l$0l;c
cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] sadrijthiya
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰoːn] bunhuthôn 2S,fS0n, 2S,fS0M,
cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰmi:] sadrijthmî .c9@lR06" .c9@l$06"
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰɑɪ] bunhuthai 2S,fS0cl 2S,fS0cl
2S,fS0c 2S,fS0c cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DRJ] [sɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] sadrijthi .c9@lR0l .c9@l$0l
cause to accustom [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BNH] [bʊnhʊtʰɑ] bunhutha
l2,lfl0" l2,lfl0" cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DRJ] [tɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] tadrijthiyan 8c9@lR0l;c, 8c9@l$0l;c,
cause to accustom! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [ɪbnɪhɪtʰi:] ibnihithî
l2,lfl0 l2,lfl0 cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DRJ] [tɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] tadrijthîn 8c9@lR0", 8c9@l$0",
cause to accustom! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNH] [ɪbnɪhɪtʰ] ibnihith
6c%le0l 6c%le0l cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DRJ] [tɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] tadrijthiya 8c9@lR0l;c 8c9@l$0l;c
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShK] [mɑʃɪktʰɪ] mashikthi
c%le0l c%le0l cause to act strange [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DRJ] [tɑdrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] tadrijthi 8c9@lR0l 8c9@l$0l
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShK] [ʌʃɪktʰɪ] ashikthi
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰmɑ:] durjuthmâ 9S@RS06v 9S@$S06v
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShK] [sɑʃɪkətʰmɑjɑn] sashikthmayan .c%le06c;c, .c%le06c;c,
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰmɪ] durjuthmi 9S@RS06l 9S@$S06l
cause to act cowardly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShK] [sɑʃɪktʰɪjɑn] sashikthiyan .c%le0l;c, .c%le0l;c,
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰmɛnɪn] durjuthmenin 9S@RS06z,l, 9S@$S06z,l,

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The Dwarrow Scholar 155 The Dwarrow Scholar 156

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰsɪn] durjuthsin 9S@RS0.l, 9S@$S0.l, cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FThK] [sɑftʰɑktʰɪjɑn] safthakthiyan .c30ce0l;c, .c30ce0l;c,

cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [sɑftʰɑkətʰmi:n] safthakthmîn .c30ce06", .c30ce06",
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰme:n] durjuthmên 9S@RS06x, 9S@$S06x,
cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FThK] [sɑftʰɑktʰi:n] safthakthîn .c30ce0", .c30ce0",
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰsʊn] durjuthsun 9S@RS0.S, 9S@$S0.S,
cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [sʌftʰɑkətʰmɑjɑ] safthakthmaya .c30ce06c;c .c30ce06c;c
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰmɛnɪ] durjuthmeni 9S@RS06z,l 9S@$S06z,l cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FThK] [sʌftʰɑktʰɪjɑ] safthakthiya .c30ce0l;c .c30ce0l;c

cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰsɪ] durjuthsi 9S@RS0.l 9S@$S0.l cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [sʌftʰɑkətʰmi:] safthakthmî .c30ce06" .c30ce06"

cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰme:] durjuthmê 9S@RS06x 9S@$S06x cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FThK] [sʌftʰɑktʰɪ] safthakthi .c30ce0l .c30ce0l

9S@RS0.S 9S@$S0.S cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FThK] [tɑftʰɑktʰɪjɑn] tafthakthiyan 8c30ce0l;c, 8c30ce0l;c,
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰsʊ] durjuthsu
9S@RS0x, 9S@$S0x, cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FThK] [tɑftʰɑktʰi:n] tafthakthîn 8c30ce0", 8c30ce0",
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰe:n] durjuthên
9S@RS0n, 9S@$S0M, cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FThK] [tʌftʰɑktʰɪjɑ] tafthakthiya 8c30ce0l;c 8c30ce0l;c
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰoːn] durjuthôn
9S@RS0cl 9S@$S0cl cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FThK] [tʌftʰɑktʰɪ] tafthakthi 8c30ce0l 8c30ce0l
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰɑɪ] durjuthai
9S@RS0c 9S@$S0c cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰmɑ:] fathkathmâ 3c0ec06v 3c0ec06v
cause to act strange [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DRJ] [dʊrd͡ʒʊtʰɑ] durjutha
l9@lRl0" l9@l$l0" cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰmɪ] fathkathmi 3c0ec06l 3c0ec06l
cause to act strange! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRJ] [ɪdrɪd͡ʒɪtʰi:] idrijithî
l9@lRl0 l9@l$l0 cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰmɛnɪn] fathkathmenin 3c0ec06z,l, 3c0ec06z,l,
cause to act strange! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRJ] [ɪdrɪd͡ʒɪtʰ] idrijith
6c92c80l 6c92c80l cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰsɪn] fathkathsin 3c0ec0.l, 3c0ec0.l,
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DBT] [mɑdbɑt.tʰɪ] madbatthi
c92c80l c92c80l cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰme:n] fathkathmên 3c0ec06x, 3c0ec06x,
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DBT] [ɑdbɑt.tʰɪ] adbatthi
.c92c806c;c, .c92c806c;c, cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰsʊn] fathkathsun 3c0ec0.S, 3c0ec0.S,
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [sɑdbɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sadbatthmayan
.c92c80l;c, .c92c80l;c, cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰmɛnɪ] fathkathmeni 3c0ec06z,l 3c0ec06z,l
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DBT] [sɑdbɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sadbatthiyan
cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰsɪ] fathkathsi 3c0ec0.l 3c0ec0.l
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [sɑdbɑtətʰmi:n] sadbatthmîn .c92c806", .c92c806",
cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰme:] fathkathmê 3c0ec06x 3c0ec06x
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DBT] [sɑdbɑt.tʰi:n] sadbatthîn .c92c80", .c92c80", 3c0ec0.S 3c0ec0.S
cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰsʊ] fathkathsu
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [sɑdbɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sadbatthmaya .c92c806c;c .c92c806c;c cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰe:n] fathkathên 3c0ec0x, 3c0ec0x,

cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰoːn] fathkathôn 3c0ec0n, 3c0ec0M,
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DBT] [sɑdbɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sadbatthiya .c92c80l;c .c92c80l;c
cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰɑɪ] fathkathai 3c0ec0cl 3c0ec0cl
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [sɑdbɑtətʰmi:] sadbatthmî .c92c806" .c92c806"
cause to add [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FThK] [fɑtʰkɑtʰɑ] fathkatha 3c0ec0c 3c0ec0c

cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DBT] [sɑdbɑt.tʰɪ] sadbatthi .c92c80l .c92c80l cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBS] [mɑsbɪstʰɪ] masbisthi 6c.2l.0l 6c.2l.0l

cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DBT] [tɑdbɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tadbatthiyan 8c92c80l;c, 8c92c80l;c, cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBS] [ʌsbɪstʰɪ] asbisthi c.2l.0l c.2l.0l

cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DBT] [tɑdbɑt.tʰi:n] tadbatthîn 8c92c80", 8c92c80",
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sɑsbɪstʰmɑjɑn] sasbisthmayan .c.2l.06c;c, .c.2l.06c;c,
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DBT] [tɑdbɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tadbatthiya 8c92c80l;c 8c92c80l;c
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBS] [sɑsbɪstʰɪjɑn] sasbisthiyan .c.2l.0l;c, .c.2l.0l;c,
cause to adapt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DBT] [tɑdbɑt.tʰɪ] tadbatthi 8c92c80l 8c92c80l

cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰmɑ:] dubtuthmâ 9S28S06v 9S28S06v cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sɑsbɪstʰmi:n] sasbisthmîn .c.2l.06", .c.2l.06",

cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰmɪ] dubtuthmi 9S28S06l 9S28S06l .c.2l.0", .c.2l.0",
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBS] [sɑsbɪstʰi:n] sasbisthîn
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰmɛnɪn] dubtuthmenin 9S28S06z,l, 9S28S06z,l,
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sʌsbɪstʰmɑjɑ] sasbisthmaya .c.2l.06c;c .c.2l.06c;c
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰsɪn] dubtuthsin 9S28S0.l, 9S28S0.l,
9S28S06x, 9S28S06x, cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBS] [sʌsbɪstʰɪjɑ] sasbisthiya .c.2l.0l;c .c.2l.0l;c
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰme:n] dubtuthmên
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰsʊn] dubtuthsun 9S28S0.S, 9S28S0.S, cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sʌsbɪstʰmi:] sasbisthmî .c.2l.06" .c.2l.06"
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰmɛnɪ] dubtuthmeni 9S28S06z,l 9S28S06z,l
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBS] [sʌsbɪstʰɪ] sasbisthi .c.2l.0l .c.2l.0l
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰsɪ] dubtuthsi 9S28S0.l 9S28S0.l
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBS] [tɑsbɪstʰɪjɑn] tasbisthiyan 8c.2l.0l;c, 8c.2l.0l;c,
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰme:] dubtuthmê 9S28S06x 9S28S06x
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBS] [tɑsbɪstʰi:n] tasbisthîn 8c.2l.0", 8c.2l.0",
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰsʊ] dubtuthsu 9S28S0.S 9S28S0.S
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBS] [tʌsbɪstʰɪjɑ] tasbisthiya 8c.2l.0l;c 8c.2l.0l;c
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰe:n] dubtuthên 9S28S0x, 9S28S0x,
cause to add spice [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBS] [tʌsbɪstʰɪ] tasbisthi 8c.2l.0l 8c.2l.0l
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰoːn] dubtuthôn 9S28S0n, 9S28S0M,
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰmɑ:] sabsathmâ .c2.c06v .c2.c06v
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰɑɪ] dubtuthai 9S28S0cl 9S28S0cl
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰmɪ] sabsathmi .c2.c06l .c2.c06l
cause to adapt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DBT] [dʊbtʊtʰɑ] dubtutha 9S28S0c 9S28S0c
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰmɛnɪn] sabsathmenin .c2.c06z,l, .c2.c06z,l,
cause to adapt! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [ɪdbɪtɪtʰi:] idbitithî l92l8l0" l92l8l0"
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰsɪn] sabsathsin .c2.c0.l, .c2.c0.l,
cause to adapt! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DBT] [ɪdbɪtɪtʰ] idbitith l92l8l0 l92l8l0
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰme:n] sabsathmên .c2.c06x, .c2.c06x,
cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FThK] [mɑftʰɑktʰɪ] mafthakthi 6c30ce0l 6c30ce0l

cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FThK] [ʌftʰɑktʰɪ] afthakthi c30ce0l c30ce0l cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰsʊn] sabsathsun .c2.c0.S, .c2.c0.S,

cause to add [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FThK] [sɑftʰɑkətʰmɑjɑn] safthakthmayan .c30ce06c;c, .c30ce06c;c,
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰmɛnɪ] sabsathmeni .c2.c06z,l .c2.c06z,l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
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cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰsɪ] sabsathsi .c2.c0.l .c2.c0.l
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sɑstɑltʰmi:n] sastalthmîn .c.8ca06", .c.8ca06",

cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰme:] sabsathmê .c2.c06x .c2.c06x
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STL] [sɑstɑltʰi:n] sastalthîn .c.8ca0", .c.8ca0",

cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰsʊ] sabsathsu .c2.c0.S .c2.c0.S
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sʌstɑltʰmɑjɑ] sastalthmaya .c.8ca06c;c .c.8ca06c;c
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰe:n] sabsathên .c2.c0x, .c2.c0x,
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STL] [sʌstɑltʰɪjɑ] sastalthiya .c.8ca0l;c .c.8ca0l;c
cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰoːn] sabsathôn .c2.c0n, .c2.c0M,

cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰɑɪ] sabsathai .c2.c0cl .c2.c0cl cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sʌstɑltʰmi:] sastalthmî .c.8ca06" .c.8ca06"

cause to add spice [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBS] [sɑbsɑtʰɑ] sabsatha .c2.c0c .c2.c0c .c.8ca0l .c.8ca0l
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STL] [sʌstɑltʰɪ] sastalthi
cause to add spice! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [ɪsbɪsɪtʰi:] isbisithî l.2l.l0" l.2l.l0" 8c.8ca0l;c, 8c.8ca0l;c,
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STL] [tɑstɑltʰɪjɑn] tastalthiyan
cause to add spice! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBS] [ɪsbɪsɪtʰ] isbisith l.2l.l0 l.2l.l0 8c.8ca0", 8c.8ca0",
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STL] [tɑstɑltʰi:n] tastalthîn
cause to add! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [ɪftʰɪkɪtʰi:] ifthikithî l30lel0" l30lel0" 8c.8ca0l;c 8c.8ca0l;c
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STL] [tʌstɑltʰɪjɑ] tastalthiya
cause to add! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FThK] [ɪftʰɪkɪtʰ] ifthikith l30lel0 l30lel0 8c.8ca0l 8c.8ca0l
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STL] [tʌstɑltʰɪ] tastalthi
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MK] [mɑmɪktʰɪ] mamikthi 6c6le0l 6c6le0l .z8az06v .z8az06v
cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰmɑ:] setlethmâ
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MK] [ɑmɪktʰɪ] amikthi c6le0l c6le0l .z8az06l .z8az06l
cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰmɪ] setlethmi
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [sɑmɪkətʰmɑjɑn] samikthmayan .c6le06c;c, .c6le06c;c, cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰmɛnɪn] setlethmenin .z8az06z,l, .z8az06z,l,

cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰsɪn] setlethsin .z8az0.l, .z8az0.l,
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MK] [sɑmɪktʰɪjɑn] samikthiyan .c6le0l;c, .c6le0l;c,
cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰme:n] setlethmên .z8az06x, .z8az06x,
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [sɑmɪkətʰmi:n] samikthmîn .c6le06", .c6le06",
cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰsʊn] setlethsun .z8az0.S, .z8az0.S,

cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MK] [sɑmɪktʰi:n] samikthîn .c6le0", .c6le0", cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰmɛnɪ] setlethmeni .z8az06z,l .z8az06z,l

cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰsɪ] setlethsi .z8az0.l .z8az0.l
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [sɑmɪkətʰmɑjɑ] samikthmaya .c6le06c;c .c6le06c;c
cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰme:] setlethmê .z8az06x .z8az06x
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MK] [sɑmɪktʰɪjɑ] samikthiya .c6le0l;c .c6le0l;c
cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰsʊ] setlethsu .z8az0.S .z8az0.S
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [sɑmɪkətʰmi:] samikthmî .c6le06" .c6le06" cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰe:n] setlethên .z8az0x, .z8az0x,

.c6le0l .c6le0l cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰoːn] setlethôn .z8az0n, .z8az0M,
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MK] [sɑmɪktʰɪ] samikthi
8c6le0l;c, 8c6le0l;c, cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰɑɪ] setlethai .z8az0cl .z8az0cl
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MK] [tɑmɪktʰɪjɑn] tamikthiyan
8c6le0", 8c6le0", cause to adjust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STL] [sɛtlɛtʰɑ] setletha .z8az0c .z8az0c
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MK] [tɑmɪktʰi:n] tamikthîn
8c6le0l;c 8c6le0l;c cause to adjust! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STL] [ɪstɪlɪtʰi:] istilithî l.8lal0" l.8lal0"
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MK] [tɑmɪktʰɪjɑ] tamikthiya
8c6le0l 8c6le0l cause to adjust! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STL] [ɪstɪlɪtʰ] istilith l.8lal0 l.8lal0
cause to address all [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MK] [tɑmɪktʰɪ] tamikthi
6zez06v 6zez06v cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LBTh] [mɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪ] malbiththi 6ca2l00l 6ca2l00l
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰmɑ:] mekethmâ
6zez06l 6zez06l cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LBTh] [ɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪ] albiththi ca2l00l ca2l00l
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰmɪ] mekethmi
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰətʰmɑjɑn] salbiththmayan .ca2l006c;c, .ca2l006c;c,
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰmɛnɪn] mekethmenin 6zez06z,l, 6zez06z,l,
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] salbiththiyan .ca2l00l;c, .ca2l00l;c,
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰsɪn] mekethsin 6zez0.l, 6zez0.l,
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰətʰmi:n] salbiththmîn .ca2l006", .ca2l006",
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰme:n] mekethmên 6zez06x, 6zez06x,
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰ.tʰi:n] salbiththîn .ca2l00", .ca2l00",
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰsʊn] mekethsun 6zez0.S, 6zez0.S,
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰətʰmɑjɑ] salbiththmaya .ca2l006c;c .ca2l006c;c
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰmɛnɪ] mekethmeni 6zez06z,l 6zez06z,l
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] salbiththiya .ca2l00l;c .ca2l00l;c
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰsɪ] mekethsi 6zez0.l 6zez0.l
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰətʰmi:] salbiththmî .ca2l006" .ca2l006"
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰme:] mekethmê 6zez06x 6zez06x
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LBTh] [sɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪ] salbiththi .ca2l00l .ca2l00l
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰsʊ] mekethsu 6zez0.S 6zez0.S 8ca2l00l;c, 8ca2l00l;c,
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LBTh] [tɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] talbiththiyan
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰe:n] mekethên 6zez0x, 6zez0x, 8ca2l00", 8ca2l00",
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LBTh] [tɑlbɪtʰ.tʰi:n] talbiththîn
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰoːn] mekethôn 6zez0n, 6zez0M, 8ca2l00l;c 8ca2l00l;c
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LBTh] [tɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] talbiththiya
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰɑɪ] mekethai 6zez0cl 6zez0cl 8ca2l00l 8ca2l00l
cause to adore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LBTh] [tɑlbɪtʰ.tʰɪ] talbiththi
cause to address all [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MK] [mɛkɛtʰɑ] meketha 6zez0c 6zez0c ac20c06v ac20c06v
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰmɑ:] labthathmâ
cause to address all! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MK] [ɪmkɪtʰi:] imkithî l6el0" l6el0" ac20c06l ac20c06l
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰmɪ] labthathmi
cause to address all! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MK] [ɪmki:tʰ] imkîth l6e"0 l6e"0 ac20c06z,l, ac20c06z,l,
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] labthathmenin
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [STL] [mɑstɑltʰɪ] mastalthi 6c.8ca0l 6c.8ca0l ac20c0.l, ac20c0.l,
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰsɪn] labthathsin
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [STL] [ʌstɑltʰɪ] astalthi c.8ca0l c.8ca0l ac20c06x, ac20c06x,
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰme:n] labthathmên
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STL] [sɑstɑltʰmɑjɑn] sastalthmayan .c.8ca06c;c, .c.8ca06c;c, ac20c0.S, ac20c0.S,
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰsʊn] labthathsun
cause to adjust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STL] [sɑstɑltʰɪjɑn] sastalthiyan .c.8ca0l;c, .c.8ca0l;c,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 159 The Dwarrow Scholar 160

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] labthathmeni ac20c06z,l ac20c06z,l
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sathrakhthmaya .c0@ceV06c;c .c0@ct06c;c
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰsɪ] labthathsi ac20c0.l ac20c0.l
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] sathrakhthiya .c0@ceV0l;c .c0@ct0l;c
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰme:] labthathmê ac20c06x ac20c06x
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰətʰmi:] sathrakhthmî .c0@ceV06" .c0@ct06"
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰsʊ] labthathsu ac20c0.S ac20c0.S
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪ] sathrakhthi .c0@ceV0l .c0@ct0l
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰe:n] labthathên ac20c0x, ac20c0x,
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThRKh] [tɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] tathrakhthiyan 8c0@ceV0l;c, 8c0@ct0l;c,
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰoːn] labthathôn ac20c0n, ac20c0M,
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThRKh] [tɑtʰrɑkʰtʰi:n] tathrakhthîn 8c0@ceV0", 8c0@ct0",
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰɑɪ] labthathai ac20c0cl ac20c0cl
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThRKh] [tɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] tathrakhthiya 8c0@ceV0l;c 8c0@ct0l;c
cause to adore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LBTh] [lɑbtʰɑtʰɑ] labthatha ac20c0c ac20c0c
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThRKh] [tɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪ] tathrakhthi 8c0@ceV0l 8c0@ct0l
cause to adore! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [ɪlbɪtʰɪtʰi:] ilbithithî la2l0l0" la2l0l0"
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰmɑ:] thurkhuthmâ 0S@eVS06v 0S@tS06v
cause to adore! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBTh] [ɪlbɪtʰɪtʰ] ilbithith la2l0l0 la2l0l0
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰmɪ] thurkhuthmi 0S@eVS06l 0S@tS06l
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SKT] [mɑskɑt.tʰɪ] maskatthi 6c.ec80l 6c.ec80l

cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SKT] [ʌskɑt.tʰɪ] askatthi c.ec80l c.ec80l cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] thurkhuthmenin 0S@eVS06z,l, 0S@tS06z,l,

cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sɑskɑtətʰmɑjɑn] saskatthmayan .c.ec806c;c, .c.ec806c;c, 0S@eVS0.l, 0S@tS0.l,
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰsɪn] thurkhuthsin
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SKT] [sɑskɑt.tʰɪjɑn] saskatthiyan .c.ec80l;c, .c.ec80l;c,
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰme:n] thurkhuthmên 0S@eVS06x, 0S@tS06x,
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sɑskɑtətʰmi:n] saskatthmîn .c.ec806", .c.ec806",
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰsʊn] thurkhuthsun 0S@eVS0.S, 0S@tS0.S,
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SKT] [sɑskɑt.tʰi:n] saskatthîn .c.ec80", .c.ec80",
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] thurkhuthmeni 0S@eVS06z,l 0S@tS06z,l
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sʌskɑtətʰmɑjɑ] saskatthmaya .c.ec806c;c .c.ec806c;c
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰsɪ] thurkhuthsi 0S@eVS0.l 0S@tS0.l
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SKT] [sʌskɑt.tʰɪjɑ] saskatthiya .c.ec80l;c .c.ec80l;c
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰme:] thurkhuthmê 0S@eVS06x 0S@tS06x
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sʌskɑtətʰmi:] saskatthmî .c.ec806" .c.ec806"
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰsʊ] thurkhuthsu 0S@eVS0.S 0S@tS0.S
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SKT] [sʌskɑt.tʰɪ] saskatthi .c.ec80l .c.ec80l 0S@eVS0x, 0S@tS0x,
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰe:n] thurkhuthên
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SKT] [tɑskɑt.tʰɪjɑn] taskatthiyan 8c.ec80l;c, 8c.ec80l;c, 0S@eVS0n, 0S@tS0M,
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰoːn] thurkhuthôn
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SKT] [tɑskɑt.tʰi:n] taskatthîn 8c.ec80", 8c.ec80", 0S@eVS0cl 0S@tS0cl
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰɑɪ] thurkhuthai
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SKT] [tʌskɑt.tʰɪjɑ] taskatthiya 8c.ec80l;c 8c.ec80l;c 0S@eVS0c 0S@tS0c
cause to advance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThRKh] [tʰʊrkʰʊtʰɑ] thurkhutha
cause to adorn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SKT] [tʌskɑt.tʰɪ] taskatthi 8c.ec80l 8c.ec80l l0@leVl0" l0@ltl0"
cause to advance! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [ɪtʰrɪkʰɪtʰi:] ithrikhithî
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰmɑ:] saktathmâ .ce8c06v .ce8c06v l0@leVl0 l0@ltl0
cause to advance! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRKh] [ɪtʰrɪkʰɪtʰ] ithrikhith
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰmɪ] saktathmi .ce8c06l .ce8c06l 6c@;l80l 6c@;l80l
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RYT] [mɑrjɪt.tʰɪ] maryitthi
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰmɛnɪn] saktathmenin .ce8c06z,l, .ce8c06z,l, c@;l80l c@;l80l
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RYT] [ɑrjɪt.tʰɪ] aryitthi
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰsɪn] saktathsin .ce8c0.l, .ce8c0.l, .c@;l806c;c, .c@;l806c;c,
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [sɑrjɪtətʰmɑjɑn] saryitthmayan
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰme:n] saktathmên .ce8c06x, .ce8c06x, .c@;l80l;c, .c@;l80l;c,
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RYT] [sɑrjɪt.tʰɪjɑn] saryitthiyan
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰsʊn] saktathsun .ce8c0.S, .ce8c0.S,
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [sɑrjɪtətʰmi:n] saryitthmîn .c@;l806", .c@;l806",
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰmɛnɪ] saktathmeni .ce8c06z,l .ce8c06z,l
.ce8c0.l .ce8c0.l cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RYT] [sɑrjɪt.tʰi:n] saryitthîn .c@;l80", .c@;l80",
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰsɪ] saktathsi
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰme:] saktathmê .ce8c06x .ce8c06x cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [sɑrjɪtətʰmɑjɑ] saryitthmaya .c@;l806c;c .c@;l806c;c
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰsʊ] saktathsu .ce8c0.S .ce8c0.S
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RYT] [sɑrjɪt.tʰɪjɑ] saryitthiya .c@;l80l;c .c@;l80l;c
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰe:n] saktathên .ce8c0x, .ce8c0x,
cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [sɑrjɪtətʰmi:] saryitthmî .c@;l806" .c@;l806"
cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰoːn] saktathôn .ce8c0n, .ce8c0M,

cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰɑɪ] saktathai .ce8c0cl .ce8c0cl cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RYT] [sɑrjɪt.tʰɪ] saryitthi .c@;l80l .c@;l80l

cause to adorn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SKT] [sɑktɑtʰɑ] saktatha .ce8c0c .ce8c0c cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RYT] [tɑrjɪt.tʰɪjɑn] taryitthiyan 8c@;l80l;c, 8c@;l80l;c,

cause to adorn! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [ɪskɪtɪtʰi:] iskitithî l.el8l0" l.el8l0" cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RYT] [tɑrjɪt.tʰi:n] taryitthîn 8c@;l80", 8c@;l80",

cause to adorn! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKT] [ɪskɪtɪtʰ] iskitith l.el8l0 l.el8l0 cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RYT] [tɑrjɪt.tʰɪjɑ] taryitthiya 8c@;l80l;c 8c@;l80l;c

cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThRKh] [mɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪ] mathrakhthi 6c0@ceV0l 6c0@ct0l cause to advise [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RYT] [tɑrjɪt.tʰɪ] taryitthi 8c@;l80l 8c@;l80l

cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThRKh] [ɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪ] athrakhthi c0@ceV0l c0@ct0l cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰmɑ:] ruytuthmâ @S;8S06v @S;8S06v

cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰmɪ] ruytuthmi @S;8S06l @S;8S06l
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sathrakhthmayan .c0@ceV06c;c, .c0@ct06c;c,
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰmɛnɪn] ruytuthmenin @S;8S06z,l, @S;8S06z,l,
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] sathrakhthiyan .c0@ceV0l;c, .c0@ct0l;c,
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰsɪn] ruytuthsin @S;8S0.l, @S;8S0.l,
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰətʰmi:n] sathrakhthmîn .c0@ceV06", .c0@ct06", cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰme:n] ruytuthmên @S;8S06x, @S;8S06x,

.c0@ceV0", .c0@ct0", cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰsʊn] ruytuthsun @S;8S0.S, @S;8S0.S,
cause to advance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThRKh] [sɑtʰrɑkʰtʰi:n] sathrakhthîn
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰmɛnɪ] ruytuthmeni @S;8S06z,l @S;8S06z,l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 161 The Dwarrow Scholar 162
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰsɪ] ruytuthsi @S;8S0.l @S;8S0.l
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰətʰmi:] satraththmî .c8@c006" .c8@c006"
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰme:] ruytuthmê @S;8S06x @S;8S06x
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] satraththi .c8@c00l .c8@c00l
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰsʊ] ruytuthsu @S;8S0.S @S;8S0.S
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRTh] [tɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tatraththiyan 8c8@c00l;c, 8c8@c00l;c,
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰe:n] ruytuthên @S;8S0x, @S;8S0x,
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRTh] [tɑtrɑtʰ.tʰi:n] tatraththîn 8c8@c00", 8c8@c00",
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰoːn] ruytuthôn @S;8S0n, @S;8S0M,
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRTh] [tɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tatraththiya 8c8@c00l;c 8c8@c00l;c
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰɑɪ] ruytuthai @S;8S0cl @S;8S0cl
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRTh] [tɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] tatraththi 8c8@c00l 8c8@c00l
cause to advise [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RYT] [rʊjtʊtʰɑ] ruytutha @S;8S0c @S;8S0c
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰmɑ:] turthuthmâ 8S@0S06v 8S@0S06v
cause to advise! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [ɪrjɪtɪtʰi:] iryitithî l@;l8l0" l@;l8l0"
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰmɪ] turthuthmi 8S@0S06l 8S@0S06l
cause to advise! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RYT] [ɪrjɪtɪtʰ] iryitith l@;l8l0 l@;l8l0
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] turthuthmenin 8S@0S06z,l, 8S@0S06z,l,
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GML] [mɑɡmɑltʰɪ] magmalthi 6cr6ca0l 6cR6ca0l
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰsɪn] turthuthsin 8S@0S0.l, 8S@0S0.l,
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GML] [ɑɡmɑltʰɪ] agmalthi cr6ca0l cR6ca0l
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰme:n] turthuthmên 8S@0S06x, 8S@0S06x,
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰmɑjɑn] sagmalthmayan .cr6ca06c;c, .cR6ca06c;c,
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰsʊn] turthuthsun 8S@0S0.S, 8S@0S0.S,
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰɪjɑn] sagmalthiyan .cr6ca0l;c, .cR6ca0l;c,
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] turthuthmeni 8S@0S06z,l 8S@0S06z,l
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰmi:n] sagmalthmîn .cr6ca06", .cR6ca06",
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰsɪ] turthuthsi 8S@0S0.l 8S@0S0.l
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰi:n] sagmalthîn .cr6ca0", .cR6ca0",

cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰmɑjɑ] sagmalthmaya .cr6ca06c;c .cR6ca06c;c cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰme:] turthuthmê 8S@0S06x 8S@0S06x

cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰɪjɑ] sagmalthiya .cr6ca0l;c .cR6ca0l;c 8S@0S0.S 8S@0S0.S
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰsʊ] turthuthsu
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰmi:] sagmalthmî .cr6ca06" .cR6ca06" cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰe:n] turthuthên 8S@0S0x, 8S@0S0x,

cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰoːn] turthuthôn 8S@0S0n, 8S@0S0M,
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GML] [sɑɡmɑltʰɪ] sagmalthi .cr6ca0l .cR6ca0l
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰɑɪ] turthuthai 8S@0S0cl 8S@0S0cl
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GML] [tɑɡmɑltʰɪjɑn] tagmalthiyan 8cr6ca0l;c, 8cR6ca0l;c,
cause to agitate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRTh] [tʊrtʰʊtʰɑ] turthutha 8S@0S0c 8S@0S0c
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GML] [tɑɡmɑltʰi:n] tagmalthîn 8cr6ca0", 8cR6ca0",
cause to agitate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [ɪtrɪtʰɪtʰi:] itrithithî l8@l0l0" l8@l0l0"
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GML] [tɑɡmɑltʰɪjɑ] tagmalthiya 8cr6ca0l;c 8cR6ca0l;c
cause to agitate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRTh] [ɪtrɪtʰɪtʰ] itrithith l8@l0l0 l8@l0l0
cause to age [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GML] [tɑɡmɑltʰɪ] tagmalthi 8cr6ca0l 8cR6ca0l
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [YFL] [me:fɑltʰɪ] mêfalthi 6x3ca0l 6x3ca0l
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰmɑ:] gamlathmâ rc6ac06v Rc6ac06v
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [YFL] [e:fɑltʰɪ] êfalthi x3ca0l x3ca0l
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰmɪ] gamlathmi rc6ac06l Rc6ac06l
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰmɑjɑn] sêfalthmayan .x3ca06c;c, .x3ca06c;c,
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰmɛnɪn] gamlathmenin rc6ac06z,l, Rc6ac06z,l,
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰɪjɑn] sêfalthiyan .x3ca0l;c, .x3ca0l;c,
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰsɪn] gamlathsin rc6ac0.l, Rc6ac0.l,
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰmi:n] sêfalthmîn .x3ca06", .x3ca06",
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰme:n] gamlathmên rc6ac06x, Rc6ac06x,
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰi:n] sêfalthîn .x3ca0", .x3ca0",
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰsʊn] gamlathsun rc6ac0.S, Rc6ac0.S,
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰmɑjɑ] sêfalthmaya .x3ca06c;c .x3ca06c;c
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰmɛnɪ] gamlathmeni rc6ac06z,l Rc6ac06z,l
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰɪjɑ] sêfalthiya .x3ca0l;c .x3ca0l;c
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰsɪ] gamlathsi rc6ac0.l Rc6ac0.l

cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰme:] gamlathmê rc6ac06x Rc6ac06x cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰmi:] sêfalthmî .x3ca06" .x3ca06"

cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰsʊ] gamlathsu rc6ac0.S Rc6ac0.S .x3ca0l .x3ca0l
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YFL] [se:fɑltʰɪ] sêfalthi
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰe:n] gamlathên rc6ac0x, Rc6ac0x, 8x3ca0l;c, 8x3ca0l;c,
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YFL] [te:fɑltʰɪjɑn] têfalthiyan
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰoːn] gamlathôn rc6ac0n, Rc6ac0M, 8x3ca0", 8x3ca0",
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YFL] [te:fɑltʰi:n] têfalthîn
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰɑɪ] gamlathai rc6ac0cl Rc6ac0cl 8x3ca0l;c 8x3ca0l;c
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YFL] [te:fɑltʰɪjɑ] têfalthiya
cause to age [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GML] [ɡɑmlɑtʰɑ] gamlatha rc6ac0c Rc6ac0c 8x3ca0l 8x3ca0l
cause to allow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YFL] [te:fɑltʰɪ] têfalthi
cause to age! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GML] [ɪɡmɪlɪtʰi:] igmilithî lr6lal0" lR6lal0" ;c3ac06v ;c3ac06v
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰmɑ:] yaflathmâ
cause to age! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GML] [ɪɡmɪlɪtʰ] igmilith lr6lal0 lR6lal0 ;c3ac06l ;c3ac06l
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰmɪ] yaflathmi
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRTh] [mɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] matraththi 6c8@c00l 6c8@c00l ;c3ac06z,l, ;c3ac06z,l,
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰmɛnɪn] yaflathmenin
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRTh] [ɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] atraththi c8@c00l c8@c00l ;c3ac0.l, ;c3ac0.l,
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰsɪn] yaflathsin
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰətʰmɑjɑn] satraththmayan .c8@c006c;c, .c8@c006c;c, cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰme:n] yaflathmên ;c3ac06x, ;c3ac06x,

cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰsʊn] yaflathsun ;c3ac0.S, ;c3ac0.S,
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] satraththiyan .c8@c00l;c, .c8@c00l;c,
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰmɛnɪ] yaflathmeni ;c3ac06z,l ;c3ac06z,l
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰətʰmi:n] satraththmîn .c8@c006", .c8@c006",
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰsɪ] yaflathsi ;c3ac0.l ;c3ac0.l

cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰ.tʰi:n] satraththîn .c8@c00", .c8@c00", cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰme:] yaflathmê ;c3ac06x ;c3ac06x

cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰsʊ] yaflathsu ;c3ac0.S ;c3ac0.S
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰətʰmɑjɑ] satraththmaya .c8@c006c;c .c8@c006c;c
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰe:n] yaflathên ;c3ac0x, ;c3ac0x,
cause to agitate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRTh] [sɑtrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] satraththiya .c8@c00l;c .c8@c00l;c
cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YFL] [jɑflɑtʰoːn] yaflathôn ;c3ac0n, ;c3ac0M,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 163 The Dwarrow Scholar 164

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰɑɪ] yaflathai ;c3ac0cl ;c3ac0cl cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰɪ] sanbizthi .c,2lw0l .c,2lD0l

cause to allow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YFL] [jʌflɑtʰɑ] yaflatha ;c3ac0c ;c3ac0c cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NBZ] [tɑnbɪztʰɪjɑn] tanbizthiyan 8c,2lw0l;c, 8c,2lD0l;c,

cause to allow! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [fɪlɪtʰi:] filithî 3lal0" 3lal0" cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NBZ] [tɑnbɪztʰi:n] tanbizthîn 8c,2lw0", 8c,2lD0",

cause to allow! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YFL] [i:fɪlɪtʰ] îfilith "3lal0 "3lal0 cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NBZ] [tɑnbɪztʰɪjɑ] tanbizthiya 8c,2lw0l;c 8c,2lD0l;c

cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NNR] [mɑn.nɪrtʰɪ] mannirthi 6cul@0l 6cul@0l cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NBZ] [tɑnbɪztʰɪ] tanbizthi 8c,2lw0l 8c,2lD0l

cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NNR] [ɑn.nɪrtʰɪ] annirthi cul@0l cul@0l cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰmɑ:] nabzathmâ ,c2wc06v ,c2Dc06v

cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰmɪ] nabzathmi ,c2wc06l ,c2Dc06l
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sannirthmayan .cul@06c;c, .cul@06c;c,
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰmɛnɪn] nabzathmenin ,c2wc06z,l, ,c2Dc06z,l,
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰɪjɑn] sannirthiyan .cul@0l;c, .cul@0l;c,
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰsɪn] nabzathsin ,c2wc0.l, ,c2Dc0.l,
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰmi:n] sannirthmîn .cul@06", .cul@06", cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰme:n] nabzathmên ,c2wc06x, ,c2Dc06x,

.cul@0", .cul@0", cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰsʊn] nabzathsun ,c2wc0.S, ,c2Dc0.S,
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰi:n] sannirthîn
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰmɛnɪ] nabzathmeni ,c2wc06z,l ,c2Dc06z,l
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sannirthmaya .cul@06c;c .cul@06c;c
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰsɪ] nabzathsi ,c2wc0.l ,c2Dc0.l
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰɪjɑ] sannirthiya .cul@0l;c .cul@0l;c
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰme:] nabzathmê ,c2wc06x ,c2Dc06x
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰmi:] sannirthmî .cul@06" .cul@06"
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰsʊ] nabzathsu ,c2wc0.S ,c2Dc0.S
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NNR] [sɑn.nɪrtʰɪ] sannirthi .cul@0l .cul@0l ,c2wc0x, ,c2Dc0x,
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰe:n] nabzathên
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NNR] [tɑn.nɪrtʰɪjɑn] tannirthiyan 8cul@0l;c, 8cul@0l;c, ,c2wc0n, ,c2Dc0M,
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰoːn] nabzathôn
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NNR] [tɑn.nɪrtʰi:n] tannirthîn 8cul@0", 8cul@0", ,c2wc0cl ,c2Dc0cl
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰɑɪ] nabzathai
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NNR] [tɑn.nɪrtʰɪjɑ] tannirthiya 8cul@0l;c 8cul@0l;c ,c2wc0c ,c2Dc0c
cause to ambush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NBZ] [nɑbzɑtʰɑ] nabzatha
cause to alternate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NNR] [tɑn.nɪrtʰɪ] tannirthi 8cul@0l 8cul@0l l,2lwl0" l,2lDl0"
cause to ambush! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [ɪnbɪzɪtʰi:] inbizithî
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰmɑ:] nanrathmâ ,c,@c06v ,c,@c06v l,2lwl0 l,2lDl0
cause to ambush! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBZ] [ɪnbɪzɪtʰ] inbizith
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰmɪ] nanrathmi ,c,@c06l ,c,@c06l 6ceVwl@0l 6ctDl@0l
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhZR] [mɑkʰzɪrtʰɪ] makhzirthi
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰmɛnɪn] nanrathmenin ,c,@c06z,l, ,c,@c06z,l, ceVwl@0l ctDl@0l
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhZR] [ɑkʰzɪrtʰɪ] akhzirthi
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰsɪn] nanrathsin ,c,@c0.l, ,c,@c0.l, .ceVwl@06c;c, .ctDl@06c;c,
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sakhzirthmayan
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰme:n] nanrathmên ,c,@c06x, ,c,@c06x, cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰɪjɑn] sakhzirthiyan .ceVwl@0l;c, .ctDl@0l;c,

cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰsʊn] nanrathsun ,c,@c0.S, ,c,@c0.S, cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰmi:n] sakhzirthmîn .ceVwl@06", .ctDl@06",

cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰmɛnɪ] nanrathmeni ,c,@c06z,l ,c,@c06z,l cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰi:n] sakhzirthîn .ceVwl@0", .ctDl@0",

cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰsɪ] nanrathsi ,c,@c0.l ,c,@c0.l cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sakhzirthmaya .ceVwl@06c;c .ctDl@06c;c

cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰme:] nanrathmê ,c,@c06x ,c,@c06x cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰɪjɑ] sakhzirthiya .ceVwl@0l;c .ctDl@0l;c

cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰsʊ] nanrathsu ,c,@c0.S ,c,@c0.S cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰmi:] sakhzirthmî .ceVwl@06" .ctDl@06"

cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰe:n] nanrathên ,c,@c0x, ,c,@c0x, .ceVwl@0l .ctDl@0l
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhZR] [sɑkʰzɪrtʰɪ] sakhzirthi
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰoːn] nanrathôn ,c,@c0n, ,c,@c0M, 8ceVwl@0l;c, 8ctDl@0l;c,
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhZR] [tɑkʰzɪrtʰɪjɑn] takhzirthiyan
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰɑɪ] nanrathai ,c,@c0cl ,c,@c0cl 8ceVwl@0", 8ctDl@0",
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhZR] [tɑkʰzɪrtʰi:n] takhzirthîn
cause to alternate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NNR] [nɑnrɑtʰɑ] nanratha ,c,@c0c ,c,@c0c 8ceVwl@0l;c 8ctDl@0l;c
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhZR] [tɑkʰzɪrtʰɪjɑ] takhzirthiya
cause to alternate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [ɪn.nɪrɪtʰi:] innirithî lul@l0" lul@l0" 8ceVwl@0l 8ctDl@0l
cause to anger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhZR] [tɑkʰzɪrtʰɪ] takhzirthi
cause to alternate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNR] [ɪn.nɪrɪtʰ] innirith lul@l0 lul@l0 eVSw@S06v tSD@S06v
cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰmɑ:] khuzruthmâ
cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NBZ] [mɑnbɪztʰɪ] manbizthi 6c,2lw0l 6c,2lD0l eVSw@S06l tSD@S06l
cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰmɪ] khuzruthmi
cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NBZ] [ɑnbɪztʰɪ] anbizthi c,2lw0l c,2lD0l eVSw@S06z,l, tSD@S06z,l,
cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰmɛnɪn] khuzruthmenin
cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰmɑjɑn] sanbizthmayan .c,2lw06c;c, .c,2lD06c;c, cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰsɪn] khuzruthsin eVSw@S0.l, tSD@S0.l,

cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰme:n] khuzruthmên eVSw@S06x, tSD@S06x,
cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰɪjɑn] sanbizthiyan .c,2lw0l;c, .c,2lD0l;c,
cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰsʊn] khuzruthsun eVSw@S0.S, tSD@S0.S,
cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰmi:n] sanbizthmîn .c,2lw06", .c,2lD06",
cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰmɛnɪ] khuzruthmeni eVSw@S06z,l tSD@S06z,l

cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰi:n] sanbizthîn .c,2lw0", .c,2lD0", cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰsɪ] khuzruthsi eVSw@S0.l tSD@S0.l

cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰmɑjɑ] sanbizthmaya .c,2lw06c;c .c,2lD06c;c cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰme:] khuzruthmê eVSw@S06x tSD@S06x

cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰɪjɑ] sanbizthiya .c,2lw0l;c .c,2lD0l;c cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰsʊ] khuzruthsu eVSw@S0.S tSD@S0.S

cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰe:n] khuzruthên eVSw@S0x, tSD@S0x,
cause to ambush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBZ] [sɑnbɪztʰmi:] sanbizthmî .c,2lw06" .c,2lD06"
cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰoːn] khuzruthôn eVSw@S0n, tSD@S0M,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 165 The Dwarrow Scholar 166
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰɑɪ] khuzruthai eVSw@S0cl tSD@S0cl cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBR] [tʌsbɑrtʰɪjɑ] tasbarthiya 8c.2c@0l;c 8c.2c@0l;c

cause to anger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhZR] [kʰʊzrʊtʰɑ] khuzrutha eVSw@S0c tSD@S0c cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBR] [tʌsbɑrtʰɪ] tasbarthi 8c.2c@0l 8c.2c@0l

cause to anger! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [ɪkʰzɪrɪtʰi:] ikhzirithî leVwl@l0" ltDl@l0" cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰmɑ:] sabrathmâ .c2@c06v .c2@c06v

cause to anger! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhZR] [ɪkʰzɪrɪtʰ] ikhzirith leVwl@l0 ltDl@l0 cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰmɪ] sabrathmi .c2@c06l .c2@c06l

cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TNZ] [mɑtnɑztʰɪ] matnazthi 6c8,cw0l 6c8,cD0l cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰmɛnɪn] sabrathmenin .c2@c06z,l, .c2@c06z,l,

cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TNZ] [ɑtnʌztʰɪ] atnazthi c8,cw0l c8,cD0l cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰsɪn] sabrathsin .c2@c0.l, .c2@c0.l,

cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [sɑtnɑztʰmɑjɑn] satnazthmayan .c8,cw06c;c, .c8,cD06c;c, cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰme:n] sabrathmên .c2@c06x, .c2@c06x,

cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TNZ] [sɑtnɑztʰɪjɑn] satnazthiyan .c8,cw0l;c, .c8,cD0l;c, cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰsʊn] sabrathsun .c2@c0.S, .c2@c0.S,

cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰmɛnɪ] sabrathmeni .c2@c06z,l .c2@c06z,l
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [sɑtnɑztʰmi:n] satnazthmîn .c8,cw06", .c8,cD06",
cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰsɪ] sabrathsi .c2@c0.l .c2@c0.l
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TNZ] [sɑtnɑztʰi:n] satnazthîn .c8,cw0", .c8,cD0",
cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰme:] sabrathmê .c2@c06x .c2@c06x
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [sɑtnʌztʰmɑjɑ] satnazthmaya .c8,cw06c;c .c8,cD06c;c
cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰsʊ] sabrathsu .c2@c0.S .c2@c0.S
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TNZ] [sɑtnʌztʰɪjɑ] satnazthiya .c8,cw0l;c .c8,cD0l;c
cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰe:n] sabrathên .c2@c0x, .c2@c0x,
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [sɑtnʌztʰmi:] satnazthmî .c8,cw06" .c8,cD06" cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰoːn] sabrathôn .c2@c0n, .c2@c0M,

.c8,cw0l .c8,cD0l cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰɑɪ] sabrathai .c2@c0cl .c2@c0cl
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TNZ] [sɑtnʌztʰɪ] satnazthi
8c8,cw0l;c, 8c8,cD0l;c, cause to answer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBR] [sɑbrɑtʰɑ] sabratha .c2@c0c .c2@c0c
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TNZ] [tɑtnɑztʰɪjɑn] tatnazthiyan
8c8,cw0", 8c8,cD0", cause to answer! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [ɪsbɪrɪtʰi:] isbirithî l.2l@l0" l.2l@l0"
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TNZ] [tɑtnɑztʰi:n] tatnazthîn
8c8,cw0l;c 8c8,cD0l;c cause to answer! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBR] [ɪsbɪrɪtʰ] isbirith l.2l@l0 l.2l@l0
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TNZ] [tɑtnʌztʰɪjɑ] tatnazthiya
8c8,cw0l 8c8,cD0l cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RThKh] [mɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪ] marthakhthi 6c@0ceV0l 6c@0ct0l
cause to annoy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TNZ] [tɑtnʌztʰɪ] tatnazthi
8S,wS06v 8S,DS06v cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RThKh] [ɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪ] arthakhthi c@0ceV0l c@0ct0l
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰmɑ:] tunzuthmâ
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰmɪ] tunzuthmi 8S,wS06l 8S,DS06l cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sarthakhthmayan .c@0ceV06c;c, .c@0ct06c;c,
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰmɛnɪn] tunzuthmenin 8S,wS06z,l, 8S,DS06z,l,
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] sarthakhthiyan .c@0ceV0l;c, .c@0ct0l;c,
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰsɪn] tunzuthsin 8S,wS0.l, 8S,DS0.l,
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰətʰmi:n] sarthakhthmîn .c@0ceV06", .c@0ct06",
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰme:n] tunzuthmên 8S,wS06x, 8S,DS06x,

cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰsʊn] tunzuthsun 8S,wS0.S, 8S,DS0.S, cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰtʰi:n] sarthakhthîn .c@0ceV0", .c@0ct0",

cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰmɛnɪ] tunzuthmeni 8S,wS06z,l 8S,DS06z,l
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sarthakhthmaya .c@0ceV06c;c .c@0ct06c;c
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰsɪ] tunzuthsi 8S,wS0.l 8S,DS0.l
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] sarthakhthiya .c@0ceV0l;c .c@0ct0l;c
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰme:] tunzuthmê 8S,wS06x 8S,DS06x

cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰsʊ] tunzuthsu 8S,wS0.S 8S,DS0.S cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰətʰmi:] sarthakhthmî .c@0ceV06" .c@0ct06"

cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰe:n] tunzuthên 8S,wS0x, 8S,DS0x, .c@0ceV0l .c@0ct0l
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RThKh] [sɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪ] sarthakhthi
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰoːn] tunzuthôn 8S,wS0n, 8S,DS0M, 8c@0ceV0l;c, 8c@0ct0l;c,
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RThKh] [tɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] tarthakhthiyan
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰɑɪ] tunzuthai 8S,wS0cl 8S,DS0cl 8c@0ceV0", 8c@0ct0",
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RThKh] [tɑrtʰɑkʰtʰi:n] tarthakhthîn
cause to annoy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TNZ] [tʊnzʊtʰɑ] tunzutha 8S,wS0c 8S,DS0c 8c@0ceV0l;c 8c@0ct0l;c
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RThKh] [tɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] tarthakhthiya
cause to annoy! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [ɪtnɪzɪtʰi:] itnizithî l8,lwl0" l8,lDl0" 8c@0ceV0l 8c@0ct0l
cause to applaud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RThKh] [tɑrtʰɑkʰtʰɪ] tarthakhthi
cause to annoy! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TNZ] [ɪtnɪzɪtʰ] itnizith l8,lwl0 l8,lDl0 @c0eVc06v @c0tc06v
cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰmɑ:] rathkhathmâ
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBR] [mɑsbɑrtʰɪ] masbarthi 6c.2c@0l 6c.2c@0l @c0eVc06l @c0tc06l
cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰmɪ] rathkhathmi
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBR] [ʌsbɑrtʰɪ] asbarthi c.2c@0l c.2c@0l
cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] rathkhathmenin @c0eVc06z,l, @c0tc06z,l,
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sɑsbɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sasbarthmayan .c.2c@06c;c, .c.2c@06c;c,
.c.2c@0l;c, .c.2c@0l;c, cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰsɪn] rathkhathsin @c0eVc0.l, @c0tc0.l,
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBR] [sɑsbɑrtʰɪjɑn] sasbarthiyan
.c.2c@06", .c.2c@06", cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰme:n] rathkhathmên @c0eVc06x, @c0tc06x,
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sɑsbɑrtʰmi:n] sasbarthmîn
.c.2c@0", .c.2c@0", cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰsʊn] rathkhathsun @c0eVc0.S, @c0tc0.S,
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBR] [sɑsbɑrtʰi:n] sasbarthîn
.c.2c@06c;c .c.2c@06c;c cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] rathkhathmeni @c0eVc06z,l @c0tc06z,l
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sʌsbɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sasbarthmaya
.c.2c@0l;c .c.2c@0l;c cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰsɪ] rathkhathsi @c0eVc0.l @c0tc0.l
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBR] [sʌsbɑrtʰɪjɑ] sasbarthiya
.c.2c@06" .c.2c@06" cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰme:] rathkhathmê @c0eVc06x @c0tc06x
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBR] [sʌsbɑrtʰmi:] sasbarthmî
.c.2c@0l .c.2c@0l cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰsʊ] rathkhathsu @c0eVc0.S @c0tc0.S
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBR] [sʌsbɑrtʰɪ] sasbarthi
8c.2c@0l;c, 8c.2c@0l;c, cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰe:n] rathkhathên @c0eVc0x, @c0tc0x,
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBR] [tɑsbɑrtʰɪjɑn] tasbarthiyan
8c.2c@0", 8c.2c@0", cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰoːn] rathkhathôn @c0eVc0n, @c0tc0M,
cause to answer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBR] [tɑsbɑrtʰi:n] tasbarthîn
cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰɑɪ] rathkhathai @c0eVc0cl @c0tc0cl

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 167 The Dwarrow Scholar 168

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to applaud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RThKh] [rɑtʰkʰɑtʰɑ] rathkhatha @c0eVc0c @c0tc0c cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰmɑ:] fakkathmâ 3ceec06v 3ceec06v

cause to applaud! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [ɪrtʰɪkʰɪtʰi:] irthikhithî l@0leVl0" l@0ltl0" cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰmɪ] fakkathmi 3ceec06l 3ceec06l

cause to applaud! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RThKh] [ɪrtʰɪkʰɪtʰ] irthikhith l@0leVl0 l@0ltl0 cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰmɛnɪn] fakkathmenin 3ceec06z,l, 3ceec06z,l,

cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KN] [mɑkɪntʰɪ] makinthi 6cel,0l 6cel,0l cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰsɪn] fakkathsin 3ceec0.l, 3ceec0.l,

cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KN] [ɑkɪntʰɪ] akinthi cel,0l cel,0l cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰme:n] fakkathmên 3ceec06x, 3ceec06x,

cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰmɑjɑn] sakinthmayan .cel,06c;c, .cel,06c;c, cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰsʊn] fakkathsun 3ceec0.S, 3ceec0.S,

cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰɪjɑn] sakinthiyan .cel,0l;c, .cel,0l;c, cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰmɛnɪ] fakkathmeni 3ceec06z,l 3ceec06z,l

cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰsɪ] fakkathsi 3ceec0.l 3ceec0.l
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰmi:n] sakinthmîn .cel,06", .cel,06",
cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰme:] fakkathmê 3ceec06x 3ceec06x
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰi:n] sakinthîn .cel,0", .cel,0",
cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰsʊ] fakkathsu 3ceec0.S 3ceec0.S
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰmɑjɑ] sakinthmaya .cel,06c;c .cel,06c;c cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰe:n] fakkathên 3ceec0x, 3ceec0x,

.cel,0l;c .cel,0l;c cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰoːn] fakkathôn 3ceec0n, 3ceec0M,
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰɪjɑ] sakinthiya
cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰɑɪ] fakkathai 3ceec0cl 3ceec0cl
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰmi:] sakinthmî .cel,06" .cel,06"
cause to arch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKK] [fɑk.kɑtʰɑ] fakkatha 3ceec0c 3ceec0c
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KN] [sɑkɪntʰɪ] sakinthi .cel,0l .cel,0l l3elel0" l3elel0"
cause to arch! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [ɪfkɪkɪtʰi:] ifkikithî
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KN] [tɑkɪntʰɪjɑn] takinthiyan 8cel,0l;c, 8cel,0l;c, l3elel0 l3elel0
cause to arch! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKK] [ɪfkɪkɪtʰ] ifkikith
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KN] [tɑkɪntʰi:n] takinthîn 8cel,0", 8cel,0", 6cw9lr0l 6cD9lR0l
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZDG] [mɑzdɪɡtʰɪ] mazdigthi
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KN] [tɑkɪntʰɪjɑ] takinthiya 8cel,0l;c 8cel,0l;c cw9lr0l cD9lR0l
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZDG] [ʌzdɪɡtʰɪ] azdigthi
cause to approve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KN] [tɑkɪntʰɪ] takinthi 8cel,0l 8cel,0l .cw9lr06c;c, .cD9lR06c;c,
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [sɑzdɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sazdigthmayan
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰmɑ:] kunuthmâ eS,S06v eS,S06v .cw9lr0l;c, .cD9lR0l;c,
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZDG] [sɑzdɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sazdigthiyan
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰmɪ] kunuthmi eS,S06l eS,S06l
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [sɑzdɪɡtʰmi:n] sazdigthmîn .cw9lr06", .cD9lR06",
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰmɛnɪn] kunuthmenin eS,S06z,l, eS,S06z,l,
eS,S0.l, eS,S0.l, cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZDG] [sɑzdɪɡtʰi:n] sazdigthîn .cw9lr0", .cD9lR0",
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰsɪn] kunuthsin
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰme:n] kunuthmên eS,S06x, eS,S06x, cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [sʌzdɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sazdigthmaya .cw9lr06c;c .cD9lR06c;c
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰsʊn] kunuthsun eS,S0.S, eS,S0.S,
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZDG] [sʌzdɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sazdigthiya .cw9lr0l;c .cD9lR0l;c
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰmɛnɪ] kunuthmeni eS,S06z,l eS,S06z,l
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [sʌzdɪɡtʰmi:] sazdigthmî .cw9lr06" .cD9lR06"
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰsɪ] kunuthsi eS,S0.l eS,S0.l

cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZDG] [sʌzdɪɡtʰɪ] sazdigthi .cw9lr0l .cD9lR0l
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰme:] kunuthmê eS,S06x eS,S06x
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZDG] [tɑzdɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tazdigthiyan 8cw9lr0l;c, 8cD9lR0l;c,
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰsʊ] kunuthsu eS,S0.S eS,S0.S
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZDG] [tɑzdɪɡtʰi:n] tazdigthîn 8cw9lr0", 8cD9lR0",
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰe:n] kunuthên eS,S0x, eS,S0x,
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZDG] [tʌzdɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tazdigthiya 8cw9lr0l;c 8cD9lR0l;c
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰoːn] kunuthôn eS,S0n, eS,S0M,
cause to argue [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZDG] [tʌzdɪɡtʰɪ] tazdigthi 8cw9lr0l 8cD9lR0l
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰɑɪ] kunuthai eS,S0cl eS,S0cl
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰmɑ:] zadgathmâ wc9rc06v Dc9Rc06v
cause to approve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KN] [kʊnʊtʰɑ] kunutha eS,S0c eS,S0c
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰmɪ] zadgathmi wc9rc06l Dc9Rc06l
cause to approve! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KN] [ɪknɪtʰi:] iknithî le,l0" le,l0"
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] zadgathmenin wc9rc06z,l, Dc9Rc06z,l,
cause to approve! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KN] [ɪkni:tʰ] iknîth le,"0 le,"0
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰsɪn] zadgathsin wc9rc0.l, Dc9Rc0.l,
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKK] [mɑfkɑktʰɪ] mafkakthi 6c3ece0l 6c3ece0l
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰme:n] zadgathmên wc9rc06x, Dc9Rc06x,
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKK] [ʌfkɑktʰɪ] afkakthi c3ece0l c3ece0l
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰsʊn] zadgathsun wc9rc0.S, Dc9Rc0.S,
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [sɑfkɑkətʰmɑjɑn] safkakthmayan .c3ece06c;c, .c3ece06c;c,
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] zadgathmeni wc9rc06z,l Dc9Rc06z,l
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKK] [sɑfkɑktʰɪjɑn] safkakthiyan .c3ece0l;c, .c3ece0l;c,
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰsɪ] zadgathsi wc9rc0.l Dc9Rc0.l
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [sɑfkɑkətʰmi:n] safkakthmîn .c3ece06", .c3ece06",
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰme:] zadgathmê wc9rc06x Dc9Rc06x
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKK] [sɑfkɑktʰi:n] safkakthîn .c3ece0", .c3ece0",
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰsʊ] zadgathsu wc9rc0.S Dc9Rc0.S
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [sʌfkɑkətʰmɑjɑ] safkakthmaya .c3ece06c;c .c3ece06c;c
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰe:n] zadgathên wc9rc0x, Dc9Rc0x,
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKK] [sʌfkɑktʰɪjɑ] safkakthiya .c3ece0l;c .c3ece0l;c
cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰoːn] zadgathôn wc9rc0n, Dc9Rc0M,
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKK] [sʌfkɑkətʰmi:] safkakthmî .c3ece06" .c3ece06" cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰɑɪ] zadgathai wc9rc0cl Dc9Rc0cl

.c3ece0l .c3ece0l cause to argue [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZDG] [zɑdɡɑtʰɑ] zadgatha wc9rc0c Dc9Rc0c
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKK] [sʌfkɑktʰɪ] safkakthi
8c3ece0l;c, 8c3ece0l;c, cause to argue! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [ɪzdɪɡɪtʰi:] izdigithî lw9lrl0" lD9lRl0"
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKK] [tɑfkɑktʰɪjɑn] tafkakthiyan
8c3ece0", 8c3ece0", cause to argue! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZDG] [ɪzdɪɡɪtʰ] izdigith lw9lrl0 lD9lRl0
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKK] [tɑfkɑktʰi:n] tafkakthîn
8c3ece0l;c 8c3ece0l;c cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKR] [mɑbkɪrtʰɪ] mabkirthi 6c2el@0l 6c2el@0l
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKK] [tʌfkɑktʰɪjɑ] tafkakthiya
8c3ece0l 8c3ece0l cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKR] [ɑbkɪrtʰɪ] abkirthi c2el@0l c2el@0l
cause to arch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKK] [tʌfkɑktʰɪ] tafkakthi

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 169 The Dwarrow Scholar 170
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sabkirthmayan .c2el@06c;c, .c2el@06c;c, cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰsɪ] zarathsi wc@c0.l Dc@c0.l

cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰɪjɑn] sabkirthiyan .c2el@0l;c, .c2el@0l;c, cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰme:] zarathmê wc@c06x Dc@c06x

cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰmi:n] sabkirthmîn .c2el@06", .c2el@06", cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰsʊ] zarathsu wc@c0.S Dc@c0.S

cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰi:n] sabkirthîn .c2el@0", .c2el@0", cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰe:n] zarathên wc@c0x, Dc@c0x,

cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sabkirthmaya .c2el@06c;c .c2el@06c;c cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰoːn] zarathôn wc@c0n, Dc@c0M,

cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰɪjɑ] sabkirthiya .c2el@0l;c .c2el@0l;c cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰɑɪ] zarathai wc@c0cl Dc@c0cl

cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰɑ] zaratha wc@c0c Dc@c0c
cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰmi:] sabkirthmî .c2el@06" .c2el@06"
cause to ask! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [ɪzrɪtʰi:] izrithî lw@l0" lD@l0"
cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKR] [sɑbkɪrtʰɪ] sabkirthi .c2el@0l .c2el@0l
cause to ask! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZR] [ɪzri:tʰ] izrîth lw@"0 lD@"0
cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKR] [tɑbkɪrtʰɪjɑn] tabkirthiyan 8c2el@0l;c, 8c2el@0l;c,
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RDN] [mɑrdɪntʰɪ] mardinthi 6c@9l,0l 6c@9l,0l
cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKR] [tɑbkɪrtʰi:n] tabkirthîn 8c2el@0", 8c2el@0",
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RDN] [ɑrdɪntʰɪ] ardinthi c@9l,0l c@9l,0l
cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKR] [tɑbkɪrtʰɪjɑ] tabkirthiya 8c2el@0l;c 8c2el@0l;c
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰmɑjɑn] sardinthmayan .c@9l,06c;c, .c@9l,06c;c,
cause to arm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKR] [tɑbkɪrtʰɪ] tabkirthi 8c2el@0l 8c2el@0l
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰɪjɑn] sardinthiyan .c@9l,0l;c, .c@9l,0l;c,
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰmɑ:] bekrethmâ 2ze@z06v 2ze@z06v
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰmi:n] sardinthmîn .c@9l,06", .c@9l,06",
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰmɪ] bekrethmi 2ze@z06l 2ze@z06l

cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰmɛnɪn] bekrethmenin 2ze@z06z,l, 2ze@z06z,l, cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰi:n] sardinthîn .c@9l,0", .c@9l,0",

cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰsɪn] bekrethsin 2ze@z0.l, 2ze@z0.l,
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰmɑjɑ] sardinthmaya .c@9l,06c;c .c@9l,06c;c
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰme:n] bekrethmên 2ze@z06x, 2ze@z06x,
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰɪjɑ] sardinthiya .c@9l,0l;c .c@9l,0l;c
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰsʊn] bekrethsun 2ze@z0.S, 2ze@z0.S,

cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰmɛnɪ] bekrethmeni 2ze@z06z,l 2ze@z06z,l cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰmi:] sardinthmî .c@9l,06" .c@9l,06"

cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰsɪ] bekrethsi 2ze@z0.l 2ze@z0.l .c@9l,0l .c@9l,0l
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RDN] [sɑrdɪntʰɪ] sardinthi
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰme:] bekrethmê 2ze@z06x 2ze@z06x 8c@9l,0l;c, 8c@9l,0l;c,
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RDN] [tɑrdɪntʰɪjɑn] tardinthiyan
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰsʊ] bekrethsu 2ze@z0.S 2ze@z0.S 8c@9l,0", 8c@9l,0",
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RDN] [tɑrdɪntʰi:n] tardinthîn
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰe:n] bekrethên 2ze@z0x, 2ze@z0x, 8c@9l,0l;c 8c@9l,0l;c
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RDN] [tɑrdɪntʰɪjɑ] tardinthiya
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰoːn] bekrethôn 2ze@z0n, 2ze@z0M, 8c@9l,0l 8c@9l,0l
cause to assign [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RDN] [tɑrdɪntʰɪ] tardinthi
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰɑɪ] bekrethai 2ze@z0cl 2ze@z0cl @c9,c06v @c9,c06v
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰmɑ:] radnathmâ
cause to arm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKR] [bɛkrɛtʰɑ] bekretha 2ze@z0c 2ze@z0c @c9,c06l @c9,c06l
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰmɪ] radnathmi
cause to arm! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [ɪbkɪrɪtʰi:] ibkirithî l2el@l0" l2el@l0" @c9,c06z,l, @c9,c06z,l,
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰmɛnɪn] radnathmenin
cause to arm! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKR] [ɪbkɪrɪtʰ] ibkirith l2el@l0 l2el@l0 @c9,c0.l, @c9,c0.l,
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰsɪn] radnathsin
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZR] [mɑzɪrtʰɪ] mazirthi 6cwl@0l 6cDl@0l @c9,c06x, @c9,c06x,
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰme:n] radnathmên
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZR] [ʌzɪrtʰɪ] azirthi cwl@0l cDl@0l @c9,c0.S, @c9,c0.S,
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰsʊn] radnathsun
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [sɑzɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sazirthmayan .cwl@06c;c, .cDl@06c;c, @c9,c06z,l @c9,c06z,l
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰmɛnɪ] radnathmeni
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZR] [sɑzɪrtʰɪjɑn] sazirthiyan .cwl@0l;c, .cDl@0l;c, @c9,c0.l @c9,c0.l
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰsɪ] radnathsi
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [sɑzɪrtʰmi:n] sazirthmîn .cwl@06", .cDl@06",
cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰme:] radnathmê @c9,c06x @c9,c06x
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZR] [sɑzɪrtʰi:n] sazirthîn .cwl@0", .cDl@0",
.cwl@06c;c .cDl@06c;c cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰsʊ] radnathsu @c9,c0.S @c9,c0.S
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [sʌzɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sazirthmaya
.cwl@0l;c .cDl@0l;c cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰe:n] radnathên @c9,c0x, @c9,c0x,
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZR] [sʌzɪrtʰɪjɑ] sazirthiya
.cwl@06" .cDl@06" cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰoːn] radnathôn @c9,c0n, @c9,c0M,
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [sʌzɪrtʰmi:] sazirthmî
.cwl@0l .cDl@0l cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰɑɪ] radnathai @c9,c0cl @c9,c0cl
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZR] [sʌzɪrtʰɪ] sazirthi
8cwl@0l;c, 8cDl@0l;c, cause to assign [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RDN] [rɑdnɑtʰɑ] radnatha @c9,c0c @c9,c0c
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZR] [tɑzɪrtʰɪjɑn] tazirthiyan
8cwl@0", 8cDl@0", cause to assign! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [ɪrdɪnɪtʰi:] irdinithî l@9l,l0" l@9l,l0"
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZR] [tɑzɪrtʰi:n] tazirthîn
8cwl@0l;c 8cDl@0l;c cause to assign! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RDN] [ɪrdɪnɪtʰ] irdinith l@9l,l0 l@9l,l0
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZR] [tʌzɪrtʰɪjɑ] tazirthiya
8cwl@0l 8cDl@0l cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NDD] [mɑndɑdtʰɪ] mandadthi 6cdc90l 6cdc90l
cause to ask [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZR] [tʌzɪrtʰɪ] tazirthi
wc@c06v Dc@c06v cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NDD] [ɑndɑdtʰɪ] andadthi cdc90l cdc90l
cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰmɑ:] zarathmâ
cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰmɪ] zarathmi wc@c06l Dc@c06l cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sandadthmayan .cdc906c;c, .cdc906c;c,
cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰmɛnɪn] zarathmenin wc@c06z,l, Dc@c06z,l,
cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰɪjɑn] sandadthiyan .cdc90l;c, .cdc90l;c,
cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰsɪn] zarathsin wc@c0.l, Dc@c0.l,
cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰmi:n] sandadthmîn .cdc906", .cdc906",
cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰme:n] zarathmên wc@c06x, Dc@c06x,

cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰsʊn] zarathsun wc@c0.S, Dc@c0.S, cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰi:n] sandadthîn .cdc90", .cdc90",

cause to ask [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZR] [zɑrɑtʰmɛnɪ] zarathmeni wc@c06z,l Dc@c06z,l
cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sandadthmaya .cdc906c;c .cdc906c;c

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 171 The Dwarrow Scholar 172

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰɪjɑ] sandadthiya .cdc90l;c .cdc90l;c
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰme:] barjathmê 2c@Rc06x 2c@$c06x

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰmi:] sandadthmî .cdc906" .cdc906"
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰsʊ] barjathsu 2c@Rc0.S 2c@$c0.S

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NDD] [sɑndɑdtʰɪ] sandadthi .cdc90l .cdc90l cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰe:n] barjathên 2c@Rc0x, 2c@$c0x,

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NDD] [tɑndɑdtʰɪjɑn] tandadthiyan 8cdc90l;c, 8cdc90l;c, cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰoːn] barjathôn 2c@Rc0n, 2c@$c0M,

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NDD] [tɑndɑdtʰi:n] tandadthîn 8cdc90", 8cdc90", cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰɑɪ] barjathai 2c@Rc0cl 2c@$c0cl

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NDD] [tɑndɑdtʰɪjɑ] tandadthiya 8cdc90l;c 8cdc90l;c cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰɑ] barjatha 2c@Rc0c 2c@$c0c

cause to associate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NDD] [tɑndɑdtʰɪ] tandadthi 8cdc90l 8cdc90l cause to astound! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [ɪbrɪd͡ʒɪtʰi:] ibrijithî l2@lRl0" l2@l$l0"

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰmɑ:] nudduthmâ ,S99S06v ,S99S06v cause to astound! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRJ] [ɪbrɪd͡ʒɪtʰ] ibrijith l2@lRl0 l2@l$l0

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰmɪ] nudduthmi ,S99S06l ,S99S06l cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRS] [mɑkrɪstʰɪ] makristhi 6ce@l.0l 6ce@l.0l

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰmɛnɪn] nudduthmenin ,S99S06z,l, ,S99S06z,l, cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRS] [ɑkrɪstʰɪ] akristhi ce@l.0l ce@l.0l

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰsɪn] nudduthsin ,S99S0.l, ,S99S0.l, cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑkrɪstʰmɑjɑn] sakristhmayan .ce@l.06c;c, .ce@l.06c;c,
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰme:n] nudduthmên ,S99S06x, ,S99S06x,
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRS] [sɑkrɪstʰɪjɑn] sakristhiyan .ce@l.0l;c, .ce@l.0l;c,

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰsʊn] nudduthsun ,S99S0.S, ,S99S0.S, cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑkrɪstʰmi:n] sakristhmîn .ce@l.06", .ce@l.06",
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰmɛnɪ] nudduthmeni ,S99S06z,l ,S99S06z,l
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRS] [sɑkrɪstʰi:n] sakristhîn .ce@l.0", .ce@l.0",

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰsɪ] nudduthsi ,S99S0.l ,S99S0.l cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑkrɪstʰmɑjɑ] sakristhmaya .ce@l.06c;c .ce@l.06c;c
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰme:] nudduthmê ,S99S06x ,S99S06x
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRS] [sɑkrɪstʰɪjɑ] sakristhiya .ce@l.0l;c .ce@l.0l;c

cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰsʊ] nudduthsu ,S99S0.S ,S99S0.S cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑkrɪstʰmi:] sakristhmî .ce@l.06" .ce@l.06"
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰe:n] nudduthên ,S99S0x, ,S99S0x, (contemptuous)] [KRS]
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRS] [sɑkrɪstʰɪ] sakristhi .ce@l.0l .ce@l.0l
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰoːn] nudduthôn ,S99S0n, ,S99S0M,
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRS] [tɑkrɪstʰɪjɑn] takristhiyan 8ce@l.0l;c, 8ce@l.0l;c,
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰɑɪ] nudduthai ,S99S0cl ,S99S0cl
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRS] [tɑkrɪstʰi:n] takristhîn 8ce@l.0", 8ce@l.0",
cause to associate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NDD] [nʊd.dʊtʰɑ] nuddutha ,S99S0c ,S99S0c
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRS] [tɑkrɪstʰɪjɑ] takristhiya 8ce@l.0l;c 8ce@l.0l;c
cause to associate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [ɪndɪdɪtʰi:] indidithî ldl9l0" ldl9l0"
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRS] [tɑkrɪstʰɪ] takristhi 8ce@l.0l 8ce@l.0l
cause to associate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NDD] [ɪndɪdɪtʰ] indidith ldl9l0 ldl9l0
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰmɑ:] kursuthmâ eS@.S06v eS@.S06v
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRJ] [mɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] mabrijthi 6c2@lR0l 6c2@l$0l
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰmɪ] kursuthmi eS@.S06l eS@.S06l
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRJ] [ɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] abrijthi c2@lR0l c2@l$0l
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eS@.S06z,l, eS@.S06z,l,
.c2@lR06c;c, .c2@l$06c;c,
[kʊrsʊtʰmɛnɪn] kursuthmenin
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑn] sabrijthmayan [KRS]
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰsɪn] kursuthsin eS@.S0.l, eS@.S0.l,
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] sabrijthiyan .c2@lR0l;c, .c2@l$0l;c,
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eS@.S06x, eS@.S06x,
.c2@lR06", .c2@l$06",
[kʊrsʊtʰme:n] kursuthmên
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰmi:n] sabrijthmîn [KRS]
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰsʊn] kursuthsun eS@.S0.S, eS@.S0.S,
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] sabrijthîn .c2@lR0", .c2@l$0",
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eS@.S06z,l eS@.S06z,l
.c2@lR06c;c .c2@l$06c;c
[kʊrsʊtʰmɛnɪ] kursuthmeni
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑ] sabrijthmaya [KRS]
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰsɪ] kursuthsi eS@.S0.l eS@.S0.l
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] sabrijthiya .c2@lR0l;c .c2@l$0l;c
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eS@.S06x eS@.S06x
.c2@lR06" .c2@l$06"
[kʊrsʊtʰme:] kursuthmê
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰmi:] sabrijthmî [KRS]
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰsʊ] kursuthsu eS@.S0.S eS@.S0.S
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRJ] [sɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] sabrijthi .c2@lR0l .c2@l$0l
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰe:n] kursuthên eS@.S0x, eS@.S0x,
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRJ] [tɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] tabrijthiyan 8c2@lR0l;c, 8c2@l$0l;c,
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰoːn] kursuthôn eS@.S0n, eS@.S0M,
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRJ] [tɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] tabrijthîn 8c2@lR0", 8c2@l$0",
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰɑɪ] kursuthai eS@.S0cl eS@.S0cl
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRJ] [tɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] tabrijthiya 8c2@lR0l;c 8c2@l$0l;c
cause to attach (cause to connect) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRS] [kʊrsʊtʰɑ] kursutha eS@.S0c eS@.S0c
cause to astound [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRJ] [tɑbrɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] tabrijthi 8c2@lR0l 8c2@l$0l
cause to attach (cause to connect)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRS] [ɪkrɪsɪtʰi:] ikrisithî le@l.l0" le@l.l0"
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰmɑ:] barjathmâ 2c@Rc06v 2c@$c06v
cause to attach (cause to connect)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRS] [ɪkrɪsɪtʰ] ikrisith le@l.l0 le@l.l0
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰmɪ] barjathmi 2c@Rc06l 2c@$c06l
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRB] [mɑɡrɑbtʰɪ] magrabthi 6cr@c20l 6cR@c20l
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰmɛnɪn] barjathmenin 2c@Rc06z,l, 2c@$c06z,l,
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRB] [ɑɡrɑbtʰɪ] agrabthi cr@c20l cR@c20l
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰsɪn] barjathsin 2c@Rc0.l, 2c@$c0.l,
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sagrabthmayan .cr@c206c;c, .cR@c206c;c,
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰme:n] barjathmên 2c@Rc06x, 2c@$c06x,
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbtʰɪjɑn] sagrabthiyan .cr@c20l;c, .cR@c20l;c,
cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰsʊn] barjathsun 2c@Rc0.S, 2c@$c0.S,

cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰmɛnɪ] barjathmeni 2c@Rc06z,l 2c@$c06z,l cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbətʰmi:n] sagrabthmîn .cr@c206", .cR@c206",

cause to astound [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRJ] [bɑrd͡ʒɑtʰsɪ] barjathsi 2c@Rc0.l 2c@$c0.l .cr@c20", .cR@c20",
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbtʰi:n] sagrabthîn

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 173 The Dwarrow Scholar 174
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sagrabthmaya .cr@c206c;c .cR@c206c;c cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰme:] beknethmê 2ze,z06x 2ze,z06x

cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbtʰɪjɑ] sagrabthiya .cr@c20l;c .cR@c20l;c cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰsʊ] beknethsu 2ze,z0.S 2ze,z0.S

cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰe:n] beknethên 2ze,z0x, 2ze,z0x,
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbətʰmi:] sagrabthmî .cr@c206" .cR@c206"
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰoːn] beknethôn 2ze,z0n, 2ze,z0M,
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRB] [sɑɡrɑbtʰɪ] sagrabthi .cr@c20l .cR@c20l
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰɑɪ] beknethai 2ze,z0cl 2ze,z0cl
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRB] [tɑɡrɑbtʰɪjɑn] tagrabthiyan 8cr@c20l;c, 8cR@c20l;c,
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰɑ] beknetha 2ze,z0c 2ze,z0c
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRB] [tɑɡrɑbtʰi:n] tagrabthîn 8cr@c20", 8cR@c20",
cause to awake! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [ɪbkɪnɪtʰi:] ibkinithî l2el,l0" l2el,l0"
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRB] [tɑɡrɑbtʰɪjɑ] tagrabthiya 8cr@c20l;c 8cR@c20l;c
cause to awake! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKN] [ɪbkɪnɪtʰ] ibkinith l2el,l0 l2el,l0
cause to attack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRB] [tɑɡrɑbtʰɪ] tagrabthi 8cr@c20l 8cR@c20l
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HMD] [mɑhmɑdtʰɪ] mahmadthi 6cf6c90l 6cf6c90l
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰmɑ:] gurbuthmâ rS@2S06v RS@2S06v
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HMD] [ʌhmɑdtʰɪ] ahmadthi cf6c90l cf6c90l
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰmɪ] gurbuthmi rS@2S06l RS@2S06l
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [sɑhmɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sahmadthmayan .cf6c906c;c, .cf6c906c;c,
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰmɛnɪn] gurbuthmenin rS@2S06z,l, RS@2S06z,l,
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HMD] [sɑhmɑdtʰɪjɑn] sahmadthiyan .cf6c90l;c, .cf6c90l;c,
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰsɪn] gurbuthsin rS@2S0.l, RS@2S0.l,
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [sɑhmɑdtʰmi:n] sahmadthmîn .cf6c906", .cf6c906",
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰme:n] gurbuthmên rS@2S06x, RS@2S06x,

cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰsʊn] gurbuthsun rS@2S0.S, RS@2S0.S, cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HMD] [sɑhmɑdtʰi:n] sahmadthîn .cf6c90", .cf6c90",

cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰmɛnɪ] gurbuthmeni rS@2S06z,l RS@2S06z,l
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [sʌhmɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sahmadthmaya .cf6c906c;c .cf6c906c;c
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰsɪ] gurbuthsi rS@2S0.l RS@2S0.l
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HMD] [sʌhmɑdtʰɪjɑ] sahmadthiya .cf6c90l;c .cf6c90l;c
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰme:] gurbuthmê rS@2S06x RS@2S06x

cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰsʊ] gurbuthsu rS@2S0.S RS@2S0.S cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [sʌhmɑdtʰmi:] sahmadthmî .cf6c906" .cf6c906"

cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰe:n] gurbuthên rS@2S0x, RS@2S0x, .cf6c90l .cf6c90l
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HMD] [sʌhmɑdtʰɪ] sahmadthi
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰoːn] gurbuthôn rS@2S0n, RS@2S0M, 8cf6c90l;c, 8cf6c90l;c,
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HMD] [tɑhmɑdtʰɪjɑn] tahmadthiyan
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰɑɪ] gurbuthai rS@2S0cl RS@2S0cl 8cf6c90", 8cf6c90",
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HMD] [tɑhmɑdtʰi:n] tahmadthîn
cause to attack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRB] [ɡʊrbʊtʰɑ] gurbutha rS@2S0c RS@2S0c 8cf6c90l;c 8cf6c90l;c
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HMD] [tʌhmɑdtʰɪjɑ] tahmadthiya
cause to attack! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [ɪɡrɪbɪtʰi:] igribithî lr@l2l0" lR@l2l0" 8cf6c90l 8cf6c90l
cause to bake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HMD] [tʌhmɑdtʰɪ] tahmadthi
cause to attack! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRB] [ɪɡrɪbɪtʰ] igribith lr@l2l0 lR@l2l0 fc69c06v fc69c06v
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰmɑ:] hamdathmâ
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKN] [mɑbkɑntʰɪ] mabkanthi 6c2ec,0l 6c2ec,0l fc69c06l fc69c06l
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰmɪ] hamdathmi
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKN] [ɑbkɑntʰɪ] abkanthi c2ec,0l c2ec,0l fc69c06z,l, fc69c06z,l,
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰmɛnɪn] hamdathmenin
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰmɑjɑn] sabkanthmayan .c2ec,06c;c, .c2ec,06c;c, fc69c0.l, fc69c0.l,
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰsɪn] hamdathsin
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰɪjɑn] sabkanthiyan .c2ec,0l;c, .c2ec,0l;c, fc69c06x, fc69c06x,
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰme:n] hamdathmên
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰmi:n] sabkanthmîn .c2ec,06", .c2ec,06", cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰsʊn] hamdathsun fc69c0.S, fc69c0.S,

cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰmɛnɪ] hamdathmeni fc69c06z,l fc69c06z,l
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰi:n] sabkanthîn .c2ec,0", .c2ec,0",
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰsɪ] hamdathsi fc69c0.l fc69c0.l
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰmɑjɑ] sabkanthmaya .c2ec,06c;c .c2ec,06c;c
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰme:] hamdathmê fc69c06x fc69c06x

cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰɪjɑ] sabkanthiya .c2ec,0l;c .c2ec,0l;c cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰsʊ] hamdathsu fc69c0.S fc69c0.S

cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰe:n] hamdathên fc69c0x, fc69c0x,
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰmi:] sabkanthmî .c2ec,06" .c2ec,06"
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰoːn] hamdathôn fc69c0n, fc69c0M,
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKN] [sɑbkɑntʰɪ] sabkanthi .c2ec,0l .c2ec,0l
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰɑɪ] hamdathai fc69c0cl fc69c0cl
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKN] [tɑbkɑntʰɪjɑn] tabkanthiyan 8c2ec,0l;c, 8c2ec,0l;c,
cause to bake [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HMD] [hɑmdɑtʰɑ] hamdatha fc69c0c fc69c0c
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKN] [tɑbkɑntʰi:n] tabkanthîn 8c2ec,0", 8c2ec,0",
cause to bake! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [ɪhmɪdɪtʰi:] ihmidithî lf6l9l0" lf6l9l0"
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKN] [tɑbkɑntʰɪjɑ] tabkanthiya 8c2ec,0l;c 8c2ec,0l;c
cause to bake! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HMD] [ɪhmɪdɪtʰ] ihmidith lf6l9l0 lf6l9l0
cause to awake [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKN] [tɑbkɑntʰɪ] tabkanthi 8c2ec,0l 8c2ec,0l
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BZG] [mɑbzɑɡtʰɪ] mabzagthi 6c2wcr0l 6c2DcR0l
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰmɑ:] beknethmâ 2ze,z06v 2ze,z06v
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BZG] [ɑbzɑɡtʰɪ] abzagthi c2wcr0l c2DcR0l
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰmɪ] beknethmi 2ze,z06l 2ze,z06l
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sabzagthmayan .c2wcr06c;c, .c2DcR06c;c,
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰmɛnɪn] beknethmenin 2ze,z06z,l, 2ze,z06z,l,
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sabzagthiyan .c2wcr0l;c, .c2DcR0l;c,
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰsɪn] beknethsin 2ze,z0.l, 2ze,z0.l,
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰmi:n] sabzagthmîn .c2wcr06", .c2DcR06",
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰme:n] beknethmên 2ze,z06x, 2ze,z06x,
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰi:n] sabzagthîn .c2wcr0", .c2DcR0",
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰsʊn] beknethsun 2ze,z0.S, 2ze,z0.S,
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sabzagthmaya .c2wcr06c;c .c2DcR06c;c
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰmɛnɪ] beknethmeni 2ze,z06z,l 2ze,z06z,l
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sabzagthiya .c2wcr0l;c .c2DcR0l;c
cause to awake [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKN] [bɛknɛtʰsɪ] beknethsi 2ze,z0.l 2ze,z0.l
cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰmi:] sabzagthmî .c2wcr06" .c2DcR06"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 175 The Dwarrow Scholar 176

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BZG] [sɑbzɑɡtʰɪ] sabzagthi .c2wcr0l .c2DcR0l cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰe:n] 'atathên gc8c0x, gc8c0x,

cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BZG] [tɑbzɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tabzagthiyan 8c2wcr0l;c, 8c2DcR0l;c, cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰoːn] 'atathôn gc8c0n, gc8c0M,

cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BZG] [tɑbzɑɡtʰi:n] tabzagthîn 8c2wcr0", 8c2DcR0", cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰɑɪ] 'atathai gc8c0cl gc8c0cl

cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BZG] [tɑbzɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tabzagthiya 8c2wcr0l;c 8c2DcR0l;c cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰɑ] 'atatha gc8c0c gc8c0c

cause to bane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BZG] [tɑbzɑɡtʰɪ] tabzagthi 8c2wcr0l 8c2DcR0l cause to be (explicit or emphasized)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔT] [ɪʔtɪtʰi:] i'tithî lg8l0" lg8l0"

cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰmɑ:] bazgathmâ 2cwrc06v 2cDRc06v cause to be (explicit or emphasized)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔT] [ɪʔti:tʰ] i'tîth lg8"0 lg8"0

cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰmɪ] bazgathmi 2cwrc06l 2cDRc06l cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MShG] [mɑmʃɑɡtʰɪ] mamshagthi 6c6%cr0l 6c6%cR0l

cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] bazgathmenin 2cwrc06z,l, 2cDRc06z,l, cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MShG] [ɑmʃɑɡtʰɪ] amshagthi c6%cr0l c6%cR0l

cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰsɪn] bazgathsin 2cwrc0.l, 2cDRc0.l,
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] samshagthmayan .c6%cr06c;c, .c6%cR06c;c,
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰme:n] bazgathmên 2cwrc06x, 2cDRc06x,
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰɪjɑn] samshagthiyan .c6%cr0l;c, .c6%cR0l;c,
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰsʊn] bazgathsun 2cwrc0.S, 2cDRc0.S,

cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] bazgathmeni 2cwrc06z,l 2cDRc06z,l cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰmi:n] samshagthmîn .c6%cr06", .c6%cR06",

cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰsɪ] bazgathsi 2cwrc0.l 2cDRc0.l .c6%cr0", .c6%cR0",
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰi:n] samshagthîn
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰme:] bazgathmê 2cwrc06x 2cDRc06x
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] samshagthmaya .c6%cr06c;c .c6%cR06c;c
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰsʊ] bazgathsu 2cwrc0.S 2cDRc0.S
2cwrc0x, 2cDRc0x, cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰɪjɑ] samshagthiya .c6%cr0l;c .c6%cR0l;c
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰe:n] bazgathên
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BZG] [bɑzɡɑtʰoːn] bazgathôn 2cwrc0n, 2cDRc0M, cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰmi:] samshagthmî .c6%cr06" .c6%cR06"
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰɑɪ] bazgathai 2cwrc0cl 2cDRc0cl
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MShG] [sɑmʃɑɡtʰɪ] samshagthi .c6%cr0l .c6%cR0l
cause to bane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BZG] [bʌzɡɑtʰɑ] bazgatha 2cwrc0c 2cDRc0c
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MShG] [tɑmʃɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tamshagthiyan 8c6%cr0l;c, 8c6%cR0l;c,
cause to bane! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [ɪbzɪɡɪtʰi:] ibzigithî l2wlrl0" l2DlRl0"
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MShG] [tɑmʃɑɡtʰi:n] tamshagthîn 8c6%cr0", 8c6%cR0",
cause to bane! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZG] [ɪbzɪɡɪtʰ] ibzigith l2wlrl0 l2DlRl0
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MShG] [tɑmʃɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tamshagthiya 8c6%cr0l;c 8c6%cR0l;c
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔT] [mɑt.tʰɪ] matthi 6c80l 6c80l
cause to be insane [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MShG] [tɑmʃɑɡtʰɪ] tamshagthi 8c6%cr0l 8c6%cR0l
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔT] [ɑt.tʰɪ] atthi c80l c80l
cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰmɑ:] mashgathmâ 6c%rc06v 6c%Rc06v
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c806c;c, .c806c;c,
[sɑtətʰmɑjɑn] satthmayan cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰmɪ] mashgathmi 6c%rc06l 6c%Rc06l
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔT] [sɑt.tʰɪjɑn] satthiyan .c80l;c, .c80l;c, cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] mashgathmenin 6c%rc06z,l, 6c%Rc06z,l,
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c806", .c806",
[sɑtətʰmi:n] satthmîn cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰsɪn] mashgathsin 6c%rc0.l, 6c%Rc0.l,
(contemptuous)] [ʔT]
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔT] [sɑt.tʰi:n] satthîn .c80", .c80", cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰme:n] mashgathmên 6c%rc06x, 6c%Rc06x,
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c806c;c .c806c;c
[sɑtətʰmɑjɑ] satthmaya cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰsʊn] mashgathsun 6c%rc0.S, 6c%Rc0.S,
(contemptuous)] [ʔT]
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔT] [sɑt.tʰɪjɑ] satthiya .c80l;c .c80l;c cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] mashgathmeni 6c%rc06z,l 6c%Rc06z,l
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c806" .c806"
[sɑtətʰmi:] satthmî cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰsɪ] mashgathsi 6c%rc0.l 6c%Rc0.l
(contemptuous)] [ʔT]
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔT] [sɑt.tʰɪ] satthi .c80l .c80l cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰme:] mashgathmê 6c%rc06x 6c%Rc06x
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔT] [tɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tatthiyan 8c80l;c, 8c80l;c,
cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰsʊ] mashgathsu 6c%rc0.S 6c%Rc0.S
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔT] [tɑt.tʰi:n] tatthîn 8c80", 8c80",
cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰe:n] mashgathên 6c%rc0x, 6c%Rc0x,
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔT] [tɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tatthiya 8c80l;c 8c80l;c
cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MShG] [mɑʃɡɑtʰoːn] mashgathôn 6c%rc0n, 6c%Rc0M,
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔT] [tɑt.tʰɪ] tatthi 8c80l 8c80l
cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰɑɪ] mashgathai 6c%rc0cl 6c%Rc0cl
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰmɑ:] 'atathmâ gc8c06v gc8c06v
cause to be insane [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MShG] [mʌʃɡɑtʰɑ] mashgatha 6c%rc0c 6c%Rc0c
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰmɪ] 'atathmi gc8c06l gc8c06l
cause to be insane! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MShG] [ɪmʃɪɡɪtʰi:] imshigithî l6%lrl0" l6%lRl0"
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] gc8c06z,l, gc8c06z,l,
[ʔɑtɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'atathmenin cause to be insane! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MShG] [ɪmʃɪɡɪtʰ] imshigith l6%lrl0 l6%lRl0
gc8c0.l, gc8c0.l, cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShGM] [mɑʃɡɑmtʰɪ] mashgamthi 6c%rc60l 6c%Rc60l
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰsɪn] 'atathsin
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShGM] [ʌʃɡɑmtʰɪ] ashgamthi c%rc60l c%Rc60l
[ʔɑtɑtʰme:n] 'atathmên gc8c06x, gc8c06x,
[ʔT] .c%rc606c;c, .c%Rc606c;c,
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [sɑʃɡɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sashgamthmayan
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰsʊn] 'atathsun gc8c0.S, gc8c0.S,
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShGM] [sɑʃɡɑmtʰɪjɑn] sashgamthiyan .c%rc60l;c, .c%Rc60l;c,
[ʔɑtɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'atathmeni gc8c06z,l gc8c06z,l
[ʔT] .c%rc606", .c%Rc606",
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [sɑʃɡɑmtʰmi:n] sashgamthmîn
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰsɪ] 'atathsi gc8c0.l gc8c0.l
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShGM] [sɑʃɡɑmtʰi:n] sashgamthîn .c%rc60", .c%Rc60",
[ʔɑtɑtʰme:] 'atathmê gc8c06x gc8c06x
[ʔT] .c%rc606c;c .c%Rc606c;c
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [sʌʃɡɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sashgamthmaya
cause to be (explicit or emphasized) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔT] [ʔɑtɑtʰsʊ] 'atathsu gc8c0.S gc8c0.S

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 177 The Dwarrow Scholar 178
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cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShGM] [sʌʃɡɑmtʰɪjɑ] sashgamthiya .c%rc60l;c .c%Rc60l;c cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[ze:rɑtʰmɛnɪn] zêrathmenin wx@c06z,l, Dx@c06z,l,
(contemptuous)] [ZYR]
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [sʌʃɡɑmtʰmi:] sashgamthmî .c%rc606" .c%Rc606"
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰsɪn] zêrathsin wx@c0.l, Dx@c0.l,
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShGM] [sʌʃɡɑmtʰɪ] sashgamthi .c%rc60l .c%Rc60l
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful wx@c06x, Dx@c06x,
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShGM] [tɑʃɡɑmtʰɪjɑn] tashgamthiyan 8c%rc60l;c, 8c%Rc60l;c, [ze:rɑtʰme:n] zêrathmên
(contemptuous)] [ZYR]
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShGM] [tɑʃɡɑmtʰi:n] tashgamthîn 8c%rc60", 8c%Rc60",
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰsʊn] zêrathsun wx@c0.S, Dx@c0.S,
cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShGM] [tʌʃɡɑmtʰɪjɑ] tashgamthiya 8c%rc60l;c 8c%Rc60l;c

cause to be mistaken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShGM] [tʌʃɡɑmtʰɪ] tashgamthi 8c%rc60l 8c%Rc60l cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful wx@c06z,l Dx@c06z,l
[ze:rɑtʰmɛnɪ] zêrathmeni
(contemptuous)] [ZYR]
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰmɑ:] shagmathmâ %cr6c06v %cR6c06v
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰsɪ] zêrathsi wx@c0.l Dx@c0.l
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰmɪ] shagmathmi %cr6c06l %cR6c06l

%cr6c06z,l, %cR6c06z,l,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful wx@c06x Dx@c06x
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰmɛnɪn] shagmathmenin [ze:rɑtʰme:] zêrathmê
(contemptuous)] [ZYR]
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰsɪn] shagmathsin %cr6c0.l, %cR6c0.l,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰsʊ] zêrathsu wx@c0.S Dx@c0.S

cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰme:n] shagmathmên %cr6c06x, %cR6c06x,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰe:n] zêrathên wx@c0x, Dx@c0x,
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰsʊn] shagmathsun %cr6c0.S, %cR6c0.S,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰoːn] zêrathôn wx@c0n, Dx@c0M,
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰmɛnɪ] shagmathmeni %cr6c06z,l %cR6c06z,l

cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰsɪ] shagmathsi %cr6c0.l %cR6c0.l cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰɑɪ] zêrathai wx@c0cl Dx@c0cl

cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰme:] shagmathmê %cr6c06x %cR6c06x wx@c0c Dx@c0c
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰɑ] zêratha
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰsʊ] shagmathsu %cr6c0.S %cR6c0.S
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZYR] [ɪzjɪrɪtʰi:] izyirithî lw;l@l0" lD;l@l0"
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰe:n] shagmathên %cr6c0x, %cR6c0x,

cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰoːn] shagmathôn %cr6c0n, %cR6c0M, cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZYR] [ɪzjɪrɪtʰ] izyirith lw;l@l0 lD;l@l0
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰɑɪ] shagmathai %cr6c0cl %cR6c0cl
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MRB] [mɑmrɪbtʰɪ] mamribthi 6c6@l20l 6c6@l20l
cause to be mistaken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShGM] [ʃɑɡmɑtʰɑ] shagmatha %cr6c0c %cR6c0c
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MRB] [ɑmrɪbtʰɪ] amribthi c6@l20l c6@l20l
cause to be mistaken! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡɪmɪtʰi:] ishgimithî l%rl6l0" l%Rl6l0"
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6@l206c;c, .c6@l206c;c,
cause to be mistaken! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShGM] [ɪʃɡɪmɪtʰ] ishgimith l%rl6l0 l%Rl6l0 [sɑmrɪbətʰmɑjɑn] samribthmayan
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZYR] [mɑzjɪrtʰɪ] mazyirthi 6cw;l@0l 6cD;l@0l cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MRB] [sɑmrɪbtʰɪjɑn] samribthiyan .c6@l20l;c, .c6@l20l;c,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZYR] [ʌzjɪrtʰɪ] azyirthi cw;l@0l cD;l@0l cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmrɪbətʰmi:n] samribthmîn .c6@l206", .c6@l206",
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful [MRB]
[sɑzjɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sazyirthmayan .cw;l@06c;c, .cD;l@06c;c,
(contemptuous)] [ZYR] cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MRB] [sɑmrɪbtʰi:n] samribthîn .c6@l20", .c6@l20",

.cw;l@0l;c, .cD;l@0l;c,
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6@l206c;c .c6@l206c;c
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZYR] [sɑzjɪrtʰɪjɑn] sazyirthiyan [sɑmrɪbətʰmɑjɑ] samribthmaya
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MRB] [sɑmrɪbtʰɪjɑ] samribthiya .c6@l20l;c .c6@l20l;c
[sɑzjɪrtʰmi:n] sazyirthmîn .cw;l@06", .cD;l@06",
(contemptuous)] [ZYR] cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑmrɪbətʰmi:] samribthmî .c6@l206" .c6@l206"
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZYR] [sɑzjɪrtʰi:n] sazyirthîn .cw;l@0", .cD;l@0", (contemptuous)] [MRB]
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MRB] [sɑmrɪbtʰɪ] samribthi .c6@l20l .c6@l20l
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine .cw;l@06c;c .cD;l@06c;c
[sʌzjɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sazyirthmaya cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MRB] [tɑmrɪbtʰɪjɑn] tamribthiyan 8c6@l20l;c, 8c6@l20l;c,
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZYR]
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MRB] [tɑmrɪbtʰi:n] tamribthîn 8c6@l20", 8c6@l20",
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZYR] [sʌzjɪrtʰɪjɑ] sazyirthiya .cw;l@0l;c .cD;l@0l;c
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MRB] [tɑmrɪbtʰɪjɑ] tamribthiya 8c6@l20l;c 8c6@l20l;c
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine .cw;l@06" .cD;l@06" cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MRB] [tɑmrɪbtʰɪ] tamribthi 8c6@l20l 8c6@l20l
[sʌzjɪrtʰmi:] sazyirthmî
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZYR]
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰmɑ:] murbuthmâ 6S@2S06v 6S@2S06v
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZYR] [sʌzjɪrtʰɪ] sazyirthi .cw;l@0l .cD;l@0l
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰmɪ] murbuthmi 6S@2S06l 6S@2S06l

8cw;l@0l;c, 8cD;l@0l;c,
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6S@2S06z,l, 6S@2S06z,l,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZYR] [tɑzjɪrtʰɪjɑn] tazyirthiyan [mʊrbʊtʰmɛnɪn] murbuthmenin
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰsɪn] murbuthsin 6S@2S0.l, 6S@2S0.l,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZYR] [tɑzjɪrtʰi:n] tazyirthîn 8cw;l@0", 8cD;l@0",
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6S@2S06x, 6S@2S06x,
[mʊrbʊtʰme:n] murbuthmên
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZYR] [tʌzjɪrtʰɪjɑ] tazyirthiya 8cw;l@0l;c 8cD;l@0l;c [MRB]
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰsʊn] murbuthsun 6S@2S0.S, 6S@2S0.S,
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] 8cw;l@0l 8cD;l@0l
[tʌzjɪrtʰɪ] tazyirthi cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6S@2S06z,l 6S@2S06z,l
[ZYR] [mʊrbʊtʰmɛnɪ] murbuthmeni
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰmɑ:] zêrathmâ wx@c06v Dx@c06v
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰsɪ] murbuthsi 6S@2S0.l 6S@2S0.l
cause to be present (cause to be here / to manifest) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZYR] [ze:rɑtʰmɪ] zêrathmi wx@c06l Dx@c06l
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6S@2S06x 6S@2S06x
[mʊrbʊtʰme:] murbuthmê

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 179 The Dwarrow Scholar 180

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cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰsʊ] murbuthsu 6S@2S0.S 6S@2S0.S cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑɡrɑtʰətʰmɑjɑ] sagraththmaya .cr@c006c;c .cR@c006c;c
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰe:n] murbuthên 6S@2S0x, 6S@2S0x, [GRTh]
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRTh] [sɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] sagraththiya .cr@c00l;c .cR@c00l;c
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰoːn] murbuthôn 6S@2S0n, 6S@2S0M,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr@c006" .cR@c006"
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰɑɪ] murbuthai 6S@2S0cl 6S@2S0cl [sɑɡrɑtʰətʰmi:] sagraththmî
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MRB] [mʊrbʊtʰɑ] murbutha 6S@2S0c 6S@2S0c .cr@c00l .cR@c00l
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRTh] [sɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] sagraththi
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRB] [ɪmrɪbɪtʰi:] imribithî l6@l2l0" l6@l2l0" 8cr@c00l;c, 8cR@c00l;c,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRTh] [tɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tagraththiyan
cause to be(come) a spirit (ghost)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRB] [ɪmrɪbɪtʰ] imribith l6@l2l0 l6@l2l0 8cr@c00", 8cR@c00",
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRTh] [tɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰi:n] tagraththîn
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLR] [mɑblɪrtʰɪ] mablirthi 6c2al@0l 6c2al@0l 8cr@c00l;c 8cR@c00l;c
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRTh] [tɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tagraththiya
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLR] [ɑblɪrtʰɪ] ablirthi c2al@0l c2al@0l 8cr@c00l 8cR@c00l
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRTh] [tɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] tagraththi
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sablirthmayan .c2al@06c;c, .c2al@06c;c, cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰmɑ:] gurthuthmâ rS@0S06v RS@0S06v

cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰmɪ] gurthuthmi rS@0S06l RS@0S06l
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰɪjɑn] sablirthiyan .c2al@0l;c, .c2al@0l;c,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] gurthuthmenin rS@0S06z,l, RS@0S06z,l,
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰmi:n] sablirthmîn .c2al@06", .c2al@06",
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰsɪn] gurthuthsin rS@0S0.l, RS@0S0.l,
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰi:n] sablirthîn .c2al@0", .c2al@0",
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰme:n] gurthuthmên rS@0S06x, RS@0S06x,
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sablirthmaya .c2al@06c;c .c2al@06c;c
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰsʊn] gurthuthsun rS@0S0.S, RS@0S0.S,
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰɪjɑ] sablirthiya .c2al@0l;c .c2al@0l;c
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] gurthuthmeni rS@0S06z,l RS@0S06z,l
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰmi:] sablirthmî .c2al@06" .c2al@06"
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰsɪ] gurthuthsi rS@0S0.l RS@0S0.l
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLR] [sɑblɪrtʰɪ] sablirthi .c2al@0l .c2al@0l
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] rS@0S06x RS@0S06x
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLR] [tɑblɪrtʰɪjɑn] tablirthiyan 8c2al@0l;c, 8c2al@0l;c, [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰme:] gurthuthmê
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLR] [tɑblɪrtʰi:n] tablirthîn 8c2al@0", 8c2al@0", rS@0S0.S RS@0S0.S
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰsʊ] gurthuthsu
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLR] [tɑblɪrtʰɪjɑ] tablirthiya 8c2al@0l;c 8c2al@0l;c rS@0S0x, RS@0S0x,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰe:n] gurthuthên
cause to be(come) able [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLR] [tɑblɪrtʰɪ] tablirthi 8c2al@0l 8c2al@0l rS@0S0n, RS@0S0M,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰoːn] gurthuthôn
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰmɑ:] bulruthmâ 2Sa@S06v 2Sa@S06v rS@0S0cl RS@0S0cl
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰɑɪ] gurthuthai
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰmɪ] bulruthmi 2Sa@S06l 2Sa@S06l rS@0S0c RS@0S0c
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRTh] [ɡʊrtʰʊtʰɑ] gurthutha
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰmɛnɪn] bulruthmenin 2Sa@S06z,l, 2Sa@S06z,l, cause to be(come) ambitious! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRTh] [ɪɡrɪtʰɪtʰi:] igrithithî lr@l0l0" lR@l0l0"

cause to be(come) ambitious! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRTh] [ɪɡrɪtʰɪtʰ] igrithith lr@l0l0 lR@l0l0
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰsɪn] bulruthsin 2Sa@S0.l, 2Sa@S0.l,
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRN] [mɑfrɑntʰɪ] mafranthi 6c3@c,0l 6c3@c,0l
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰme:n] bulruthmên 2Sa@S06x, 2Sa@S06x,
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRN] [ʌfrɑntʰɪ] afranthi c3@c,0l c3@c,0l

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰsʊn] bulruthsun 2Sa@S0.S, 2Sa@S0.S,
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [sɑfrɑntʰmɑjɑn] safranthmayan .c3@c,06c;c, .c3@c,06c;c,

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰmɛnɪ] bulruthmeni 2Sa@S06z,l 2Sa@S06z,l
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRN] [sɑfrɑntʰɪjɑn] safranthiyan .c3@c,0l;c, .c3@c,0l;c,

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰsɪ] bulruthsi 2Sa@S0.l 2Sa@S0.l
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [sɑfrɑntʰmi:n] safranthmîn .c3@c,06", .c3@c,06",

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰme:] bulruthmê 2Sa@S06x 2Sa@S06x
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRN] [sɑfrɑntʰi:n] safranthîn .c3@c,0", .c3@c,0",

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰsʊ] bulruthsu 2Sa@S0.S 2Sa@S0.S
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [sʌfrɑntʰmɑjɑ] safranthmaya .c3@c,06c;c .c3@c,06c;c
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰe:n] bulruthên 2Sa@S0x, 2Sa@S0x,
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRN] [sʌfrɑntʰɪjɑ] safranthiya .c3@c,0l;c .c3@c,0l;c
cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰoːn] bulruthôn 2Sa@S0n, 2Sa@S0M,

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰɑɪ] bulruthai 2Sa@S0cl 2Sa@S0cl cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [sʌfrɑntʰmi:] safranthmî .c3@c,06" .c3@c,06"

cause to be(come) able [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLR] [bʊlrʊtʰɑ] bulrutha 2Sa@S0c 2Sa@S0c .c3@c,0l .c3@c,0l
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRN] [sʌfrɑntʰɪ] safranthi
cause to be(come) able! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [ɪblɪrɪtʰi:] iblirithî l2al@l0" l2al@l0" 8c3@c,0l;c, 8c3@c,0l;c,
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRN] [tɑfrɑntʰɪjɑn] tafranthiyan
cause to be(come) able! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLR] [ɪblɪrɪtʰ] iblirith l2al@l0 l2al@l0 8c3@c,0", 8c3@c,0",
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRN] [tɑfrɑntʰi:n] tafranthîn
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRTh] [mɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] magraththi 6cr@c00l 6cR@c00l 8c3@c,0l;c 8c3@c,0l;c
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRN] [tʌfrɑntʰɪjɑ] tafranthiya
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRTh] [ɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] agraththi cr@c00l cR@c00l 8c3@c,0l 8c3@c,0l
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRN] [tʌfrɑntʰɪ] tafranthi
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRTh] [sɑɡrɑtʰətʰmɑjɑn] sagraththmayan .cr@c006c;c, .cR@c006c;c, cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰmɑ:] farnathmâ 3c@,c06v 3c@,c06v

cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰmɪ] farnathmi 3c@,c06l 3c@,c06l
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRTh] [sɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] sagraththiyan .cr@c00l;c, .cR@c00l;c,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰmɛnɪn] farnathmenin 3c@,c06z,l, 3c@,c06z,l,
[sɑɡrɑtʰətʰmi:n] sagraththmîn .cr@c006", .cR@c006",
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰsɪn] farnathsin 3c@,c0.l, 3c@,c0.l,
cause to be(come) ambitious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRTh] [sɑɡrɑtʰ.tʰi:n] sagraththîn .cr@c00", .cR@c00",
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰme:n] farnathmên 3c@,c06x, 3c@,c06x,

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰsʊn] farnathsun 3c@,c0.S, 3c@,c0.S, cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[sɑbnɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sabnimthmayan .c2,l606c;c, .c2,l606c;c,
(contemptuous)] [BNM]
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰmɛnɪ] farnathmeni 3c@,c06z,l 3c@,c06z,l
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BNM] [sɑbnɪmtʰɪjɑn] sabnimthiyan .c2,l60l;c, .c2,l60l;c,

cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰsɪ] farnathsi 3c@,c0.l 3c@,c0.l cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑbnɪmtʰmi:n] sabnimthmîn .c2,l606", .c2,l606",
(contemptuous)] [BNM]
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰme:] farnathmê 3c@,c06x 3c@,c06x
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BNM] [sɑbnɪmtʰi:n] sabnimthîn .c2,l60", .c2,l60",
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰsʊ] farnathsu 3c@,c0.S 3c@,c0.S
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c2,l606c;c .c2,l606c;c
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰe:n] farnathên 3c@,c0x, 3c@,c0x, [sɑbnɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sabnimthmaya
(contemptuous)] [BNM]
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰoːn] farnathôn 3c@,c0n, 3c@,c0M, .c2,l60l;c .c2,l60l;c
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BNM] [sɑbnɪmtʰɪjɑ] sabnimthiya
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰɑɪ] farnathai 3c@,c0cl 3c@,c0cl cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑbnɪmtʰmi:] sabnimthmî .c2,l606" .c2,l606"
cause to be(come) ancient [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRN] [fɑrnɑtʰɑ] farnatha 3c@,c0c 3c@,c0c (contemptuous)] [BNM]
l3@l,l0" l3@l,l0" cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BNM] [sɑbnɪmtʰɪ] sabnimthi .c2,l60l .c2,l60l
cause to be(come) ancient! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRN] [ɪfrɪnɪtʰi:] ifrinithî
l3@l,l0 l3@l,l0 cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BNM] [tɑbnɪmtʰɪjɑn] tabnimthiyan 8c2,l60l;c, 8c2,l60l;c,
cause to be(come) ancient! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRN] [ɪfrɪnɪtʰ] ifrinith
6cf@l00l 6cf@l00l cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BNM] [tɑbnɪmtʰi:n] tabnimthîn 8c2,l60", 8c2,l60",
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRTh] [mɑhrɪtʰ.tʰɪ] mahriththi
cf@l00l cf@l00l cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BNM] [tɑbnɪmtʰɪjɑ] tabnimthiya 8c2,l60l;c 8c2,l60l;c
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRTh] [ʌhrɪtʰ.tʰɪ] ahriththi
.cf@l006c;c, .cf@l006c;c, cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BNM] [tɑbnɪmtʰɪ] tabnimthi 8c2,l60l 8c2,l60l
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRTh] [sɑhrɪtʰətʰmɑjɑn] sahriththmayan
.cf@l00l;c, .cf@l00l;c, cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰmɑ:] bunmuthmâ 2S,6S06v 2S,6S06v
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRTh] [sɑhrɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] sahriththiyan
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰmɪ] bunmuthmi 2S,6S06l 2S,6S06l
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRTh] [sɑhrɪtʰətʰmi:n] sahriththmîn .cf@l006", .cf@l006",
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2S,6S06z,l, 2S,6S06z,l,
[bʊnmʊtʰmɛnɪn] bunmuthmenin
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRTh] [sɑhrɪtʰ.tʰi:n] sahriththîn .cf@l00", .cf@l00", [BNM]
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰsɪn] bunmuthsin 2S,6S0.l, 2S,6S0.l,
[sʌhrɪtʰətʰmɑjɑ] sahriththmaya .cf@l006c;c .cf@l006c;c
[HRTh] cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2S,6S06x, 2S,6S06x,
[bʊnmʊtʰme:n] bunmuthmên
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRTh] [sʌhrɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] sahriththiya .cf@l00l;c .cf@l00l;c [BNM]
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰsʊn] bunmuthsun 2S,6S0.S, 2S,6S0.S,
[sʌhrɪtʰətʰmi:] sahriththmî .cf@l006" .cf@l006"
[HRTh] cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2S,6S06z,l 2S,6S06z,l
[bʊnmʊtʰmɛnɪ] bunmuthmeni
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRTh] [sʌhrɪtʰ.tʰɪ] sahriththi .cf@l00l .cf@l00l [BNM]
8cf@l00l;c, 8cf@l00l;c, cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰsɪ] bunmuthsi 2S,6S0.l 2S,6S0.l
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRTh] [tɑhrɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tahriththiyan
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRTh] [tɑhrɪtʰ.tʰi:n] tahriththîn 8cf@l00", 8cf@l00", cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful 2S,6S06x 2S,6S06x
[bʊnmʊtʰme:] bunmuthmê
(contemptuous)] [BNM]
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRTh] [tʌhrɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tahriththiya 8cf@l00l;c 8cf@l00l;c
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰsʊ] bunmuthsu 2S,6S0.S 2S,6S0.S
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRTh] [tʌhrɪtʰ.tʰɪ] tahriththi 8cf@l00l 8cf@l00l
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰe:n] bunmuthên 2S,6S0x, 2S,6S0x,
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰmɑ:] harthathmâ fc@0c06v fc@0c06v
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰoːn] bunmuthôn 2S,6S0n, 2S,6S0M,
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰmɪ] harthathmi fc@0c06l fc@0c06l
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰɑɪ] bunmuthai 2S,6S0cl 2S,6S0cl
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] harthathmenin fc@0c06z,l, fc@0c06z,l, cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BNM] [bʊnmʊtʰɑ] bunmutha 2S,6S0c 2S,6S0c

fc@0c0.l, fc@0c0.l, cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNM] [ɪbnɪmɪtʰi:] ibnimithî l2,l6l0" l2,l6l0"
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰsɪn] harthathsin
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNM] [ɪbnɪmɪtʰ] ibnimith l2,l6l0 l2,l6l0
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰme:n] harthathmên fc@0c06x, fc@0c06x,
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MDM] [mɑmdɪmtʰɪ] mamdimthi 6c69l60l 6c69l60l
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰsʊn] harthathsun fc@0c0.S, fc@0c0.S, c69l60l c69l60l
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MDM] [ɑmdɪmtʰɪ] amdimthi
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] harthathmeni fc@0c06z,l fc@0c06z,l cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c69l606c;c, .c69l606c;c,
[sɑmdɪmtʰmɑjɑn] samdimthmayan
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰsɪ] harthathsi fc@0c0.l fc@0c0.l .c69l60l;c, .c69l60l;c,
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MDM] [sɑmdɪmtʰɪjɑn] samdimthiyan
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰme:] harthathmê fc@0c06x fc@0c06x cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c69l606", .c69l606",
[sɑmdɪmtʰmi:n] samdimthmîn
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰsʊ] harthathsu fc@0c0.S fc@0c0.S .c69l60", .c69l60",
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MDM] [sɑmdɪmtʰi:n] samdimthîn
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰe:n] harthathên fc@0c0x, fc@0c0x, cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmdɪmtʰmɑjɑ] samdimthmaya .c69l606c;c .c69l606c;c
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰoːn] harthathôn fc@0c0n, fc@0c0M, [MDM]
fc@0c0cl fc@0c0cl cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MDM] [sɑmdɪmtʰɪjɑ] samdimthiya .c69l60l;c .c69l60l;c
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰɑɪ] harthathai
cause to be(come) appalled [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRTh] [hɑrtʰɑtʰɑ] harthatha fc@0c0c fc@0c0c cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c69l606" .c69l606"
[sɑmdɪmtʰmi:] samdimthmî
cause to be(come) appalled! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRTh] [ɪhrɪtʰɪtʰi:] ihrithithî lf@l0l0" lf@l0l0"
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MDM] [sɑmdɪmtʰɪ] samdimthi .c69l60l .c69l60l
cause to be(come) appalled! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRTh] [ɪhrɪtʰɪtʰ] ihrithith lf@l0l0 lf@l0l0
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MDM] [tɑmdɪmtʰɪjɑn] tamdimthiyan 8c69l60l;c, 8c69l60l;c,
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BNM] [mɑbnɪmtʰɪ] mabnimthi 6c2,l60l 6c2,l60l
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MDM] [tɑmdɪmtʰi:n] tamdimthîn 8c69l60", 8c69l60",
cause to be(come) beautiful/graceful [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BNM] [ɑbnɪmtʰɪ] abnimthi c2,l60l c2,l60l
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MDM] [tɑmdɪmtʰɪjɑ] tamdimthiya 8c69l60l;c 8c69l60l;c

cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MDM] [tɑmdɪmtʰɪ] tamdimthi 8c69l60l 8c69l60l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 183 The Dwarrow Scholar 184

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰmɑ:] madmathmâ 6c96c06v 6c96c06v cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰɑ] nuzshutha ,Sw%S0c ,SD%S0c

cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰmɪ] madmathmi 6c96c06l 6c96c06l cause to be(come) damp! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NZSh] [ɪnzɪʃɪtʰi:] inzishithî l,wl%l0" l,Dl%l0"

cause to be(come) damp! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NZSh] [ɪnzɪʃɪtʰ] inzishith l,wl%l0 l,Dl%l0
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰmɛnɪn] madmathmenin 6c96c06z,l, 6c96c06z,l,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRG] [mɑnrɑɡtʰɪ] manragthi 6c,@cr0l 6c,@cR0l
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰsɪn] madmathsin 6c96c0.l, 6c96c0.l,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRG] [ɑnrɑɡtʰɪ] anragthi c,@cr0l c,@cR0l
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6c96c06x, 6c96c06x,
[mɑdmɑtʰme:n] madmathmên cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .c,@cr06c;c, .c,@cR06c;c,
[MDM] [sɑnrɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sanragthmayan
(contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰsʊn] madmathsun 6c96c0.S, 6c96c0.S,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRG] [sɑnrɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sanragthiyan .c,@cr0l;c, .c,@cR0l;c,
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6c96c06z,l 6c96c06z,l
[mɑdmɑtʰmɛnɪ] madmathmeni
[MDM] cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑnrɑɡtʰmi:n] sanragthmîn .c,@cr06", .c,@cR06",
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰsɪ] madmathsi 6c96c0.l 6c96c0.l (contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6c96c06x 6c96c06x .c,@cr0", .c,@cR0",
[mɑdmɑtʰme:] madmathmê cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRG] [sɑnrɑɡtʰi:n] sanragthîn
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰsʊ] madmathsu 6c96c0.S 6c96c0.S cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[sɑnrɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sanragthmaya .c,@cr06c;c .c,@cR06c;c
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰe:n] madmathên 6c96c0x, 6c96c0x, (contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰoːn] madmathôn 6c96c0n, 6c96c0M, cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRG] [sɑnrɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sanragthiya .c,@cr0l;c .c,@cR0l;c

cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰɑɪ] madmathai 6c96c0cl 6c96c0cl cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑnrɑɡtʰmi:] sanragthmî .c,@cr06" .c,@cR06"
cause to be(come) comfortable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MDM] [mɑdmɑtʰɑ] madmatha 6c96c0c 6c96c0c (contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) comfortable! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDM] [ɪmdɪmɪtʰi:] imdimithî l69l6l0" l69l6l0" cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRG] [sɑnrɑɡtʰɪ] sanragthi .c,@cr0l .c,@cR0l
cause to be(come) comfortable! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDM] [ɪmdɪmɪtʰ] imdimith l69l6l0 l69l6l0
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRG] [tɑnrɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tanragthiyan 8c,@cr0l;c, 8c,@cR0l;c,
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NZSh] [mɑnzɪʃtʰɪ] manzishthi 6c,wl%0l 6c,Dl%0l
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRG] [tɑnrɑɡtʰi:n] tanragthîn 8c,@cr0", 8c,@cR0",
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NZSh] [ɑnzɪʃtʰɪ] anzishthi c,wl%0l c,Dl%0l
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRG] [tɑnrɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tanragthiya 8c,@cr0l;c 8c,@cR0l;c
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰmɑjɑn] sanzishthmayan .c,wl%06c;c, .c,Dl%06c;c,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRG] [tɑnrɑɡtʰɪ] tanragthi 8c,@cr0l 8c,@cR0l
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰɪjɑn] sanzishthiyan .c,wl%0l;c, .c,Dl%0l;c,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰmɑ:] nargathmâ ,c@rc06v ,c@Rc06v
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰmi:n] sanzishthmîn .c,wl%06", .c,Dl%06", cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰmɪ] nargathmi ,c@rc06l ,c@Rc06l

cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰi:n] sanzishthîn .c,wl%0", .c,Dl%0", cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful ,c@rc06z,l, ,c@Rc06z,l,
[nɑrɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] nargathmenin
(contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰmɑjɑ] sanzishthmaya .c,wl%06c;c .c,Dl%06c;c
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰsɪn] nargathsin ,c@rc0.l, ,c@Rc0.l,
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰɪjɑ] sanzishthiya .c,wl%0l;c .c,Dl%0l;c
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful ,c@rc06x, ,c@Rc06x,
[nɑrɡɑtʰme:n] nargathmên
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰmi:] sanzishthmî .c,wl%06" .c,Dl%06" (contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰsʊn] nargathsun ,c@rc0.S, ,c@Rc0.S,
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NZSh] [sɑnzɪʃtʰɪ] sanzishthi .c,wl%0l .c,Dl%0l

cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NZSh] [tɑnzɪʃtʰɪjɑn] tanzishthiyan 8c,wl%0l;c, 8c,Dl%0l;c, cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[nɑrɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] nargathmeni ,c@rc06z,l ,c@Rc06z,l
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NZSh] [tɑnzɪʃtʰi:n] tanzishthîn 8c,wl%0", 8c,Dl%0", (contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰsɪ] nargathsi ,c@rc0.l ,c@Rc0.l
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NZSh] [tɑnzɪʃtʰɪjɑ] tanzishthiya 8c,wl%0l;c 8c,Dl%0l;c
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful ,c@rc06x ,c@Rc06x
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NZSh] [tɑnzɪʃtʰɪ] tanzishthi 8c,wl%0l 8c,Dl%0l [nɑrɡɑtʰme:] nargathmê
(contemptuous)] [NRG]
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰmɑ:] nuzshuthmâ ,Sw%S06v ,SD%S06v ,c@rc0.S ,c@Rc0.S
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰsʊ] nargathsu
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰmɪ] nuzshuthmi ,Sw%S06l ,SD%S06l ,c@rc0x, ,c@Rc0x,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰe:n] nargathên
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰmɛnɪn] nuzshuthmenin ,Sw%S06z,l, ,SD%S06z,l, cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰoːn] nargathôn ,c@rc0n, ,c@Rc0M,

cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰɑɪ] nargathai ,c@rc0cl ,c@Rc0cl
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰsɪn] nuzshuthsin ,Sw%S0.l, ,SD%S0.l,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRG] [nɑrɡɑtʰɑ] nargatha ,c@rc0c ,c@Rc0c
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰme:n] nuzshuthmên ,Sw%S06x, ,SD%S06x,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [ɪnrɪɡɪtʰi:] inrigithî l,@lrl0" l,@lRl0"
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰsʊn] nuzshuthsun ,Sw%S0.S, ,SD%S0.S,
cause to be(come) dark (filled with shadow)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRG] [ɪnrɪɡɪtʰ] inrigith l,@lrl0 l,@lRl0
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰmɛnɪ] nuzshuthmeni ,Sw%S06z,l ,SD%S06z,l
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThYR] [mɑtʰjɑrtʰɪ] mathyarthi 6c0;c@0l 6c0;c@0l
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰsɪ] nuzshuthsi ,Sw%S0.l ,SD%S0.l
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThYR] [ɑtʰjɑrtʰɪ] athyarthi c0;c@0l c0;c@0l
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰme:] nuzshuthmê ,Sw%S06x ,SD%S06x
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sathyarthmayan .c0;c@06c;c, .c0;c@06c;c,
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰsʊ] nuzshuthsu ,Sw%S0.S ,SD%S0.S
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰɪjɑn] sathyarthiyan .c0;c@0l;c, .c0;c@0l;c,
cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰe:n] nuzshuthên ,Sw%S0x, ,SD%S0x,

cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰoːn] nuzshuthôn ,Sw%S0n, ,SD%S0M, cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰmi:n] sathyarthmîn .c0;c@06", .c0;c@06",

cause to be(come) damp [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NZSh] [nʊzʃʊtʰɑɪ] nuzshuthai ,Sw%S0cl ,SD%S0cl .c0;c@0", .c0;c@0",
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰi:n] sathyarthîn

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 185 The Dwarrow Scholar 186
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰsʊn] gergethsun rz@rz0.S, Rz@Rz0.S,
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sathyarthmaya .c0;c@06c;c .c0;c@06c;c

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰmɛnɪ] gergethmeni rz@rz06z,l Rz@Rz06z,l
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰɪjɑ] sathyarthiya .c0;c@0l;c .c0;c@0l;c

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰsɪ] gergethsi rz@rz0.l Rz@Rz0.l
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰmi:] sathyarthmî .c0;c@06" .c0;c@06"

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰme:] gergethmê rz@rz06x Rz@Rz06x
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThYR] [sɑtʰjɑrtʰɪ] sathyarthi .c0;c@0l .c0;c@0l

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThYR] [tɑtʰjɑrtʰɪjɑn] tathyarthiyan 8c0;c@0l;c, 8c0;c@0l;c, cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰsʊ] gergethsu rz@rz0.S Rz@Rz0.S

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThYR] [tɑtʰjɑrtʰi:n] tathyarthîn 8c0;c@0", 8c0;c@0", cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰe:n] gergethên rz@rz0x, Rz@Rz0x,

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThYR] [tɑtʰjɑrtʰɪjɑ] tathyarthiya 8c0;c@0l;c 8c0;c@0l;c cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰoːn] gergethôn rz@rz0n, Rz@Rz0M,

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThYR] [tɑtʰjɑrtʰɪ] tathyarthi 8c0;c@0l 8c0;c@0l cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰɑɪ] gergethai rz@rz0cl Rz@Rz0cl

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰmɑ:] thêrathmâ 0x@c06v 0x@c06v cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰɑ] gergetha rz@rz0c Rz@Rz0c

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰmɪ] thêrathmi 0x@c06l 0x@c06l cause to be(come) drunk! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRG] [ɪɡrɪɡɪtʰi:] igrigithî lr@lrl0" lR@lRl0"

cause to be(come) drunk! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRG] [ɪɡrɪɡɪtʰ] igrigith lr@lrl0 lR@lRl0
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰmɛnɪn] thêrathmenin 0x@c06z,l, 0x@c06z,l,
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRG] [mɑfrɪɡtʰɪ] mafrigthi 6c3@lr0l 6c3@lR0l
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰsɪn] thêrathsin 0x@c0.l, 0x@c0.l,
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRG] [ʌfrɪɡtʰɪ] afrigthi c3@lr0l c3@lR0l
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰme:n] thêrathmên 0x@c06x, 0x@c06x,
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [sɑfrɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] safrigthmayan .c3@lr06c;c, .c3@lR06c;c,
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰsʊn] thêrathsun 0x@c0.S, 0x@c0.S,
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRG] [sɑfrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] safrigthiyan .c3@lr0l;c, .c3@lR0l;c,
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰmɛnɪ] thêrathmeni 0x@c06z,l 0x@c06z,l
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [sɑfrɪɡtʰmi:n] safrigthmîn .c3@lr06", .c3@lR06",
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰsɪ] thêrathsi 0x@c0.l 0x@c0.l
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRG] [sɑfrɪɡtʰi:n] safrigthîn .c3@lr0", .c3@lR0",
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰme:] thêrathmê 0x@c06x 0x@c06x
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [sʌfrɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] safrigthmaya .c3@lr06c;c .c3@lR06c;c
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰsʊ] thêrathsu 0x@c0.S 0x@c0.S
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRG] [sʌfrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] safrigthiya .c3@lr0l;c .c3@lR0l;c
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰe:n] thêrathên 0x@c0x, 0x@c0x,
cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [sʌfrɪɡtʰmi:] safrigthmî .c3@lr06" .c3@lR06"
cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰoːn] thêrathôn 0x@c0n, 0x@c0M,

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰɑɪ] thêrathai 0x@c0cl 0x@c0cl cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRG] [sʌfrɪɡtʰɪ] safrigthi .c3@lr0l .c3@lR0l

cause to be(come) distant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThYR] [tʰe:rɑtʰɑ] thêratha 0x@c0c 0x@c0c cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRG] [tɑfrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tafrigthiyan 8c3@lr0l;c, 8c3@lR0l;c,

cause to be(come) distant! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThYR] [ɪtʰjɪrɪtʰi:] ithyirithî l0;l@l0" l0;l@l0" cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRG] [tɑfrɪɡtʰi:n] tafrigthîn 8c3@lr0", 8c3@lR0",

cause to be(come) distant! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThYR] [ɪtʰjɪrɪtʰ] ithyirith l0;l@l0 l0;l@l0 cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRG] [tʌfrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tafrigthiya 8c3@lr0l;c 8c3@lR0l;c

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRG] [mɑɡrɑɡtʰɪ] magragthi 6cr@cr0l 6cR@cR0l cause to be(come) famous [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRG] [tʌfrɪɡtʰɪ] tafrigthi 8c3@lr0l 8c3@lR0l

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRG] [ɑɡrɑɡtʰɪ] agragthi cr@cr0l cR@cR0l cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰmɑ:] furguthmâ 3S@rS06v 3S@RS06v

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰmɪ] furguthmi 3S@rS06l 3S@RS06l
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sagragthmayan .cr@cr06c;c, .cR@cR06c;c,

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰmɛnɪn] furguthmenin 3S@rS06z,l, 3S@RS06z,l,
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sagragthiyan .cr@cr0l;c, .cR@cR0l;c,

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰsɪn] furguthsin 3S@rS0.l, 3S@RS0.l,
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰmi:n] sagragthmîn .cr@cr06", .cR@cR06",

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰme:n] furguthmên 3S@rS06x, 3S@RS06x,
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰi:n] sagragthîn .cr@cr0", .cR@cR0",

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰsʊn] furguthsun 3S@rS0.S, 3S@RS0.S,
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sagragthmaya .cr@cr06c;c .cR@cR06c;c

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰmɛnɪ] furguthmeni 3S@rS06z,l 3S@RS06z,l
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sagragthiya .cr@cr0l;c .cR@cR0l;c

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰsɪ] furguthsi 3S@rS0.l 3S@RS0.l
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰmi:] sagragthmî .cr@cr06" .cR@cR06"

cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰme:] furguthmê 3S@rS06x 3S@RS06x
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRG] [sɑɡrɑɡtʰɪ] sagragthi .cr@cr0l .cR@cR0l

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRG] [tɑɡrɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tagragthiyan 8cr@cr0l;c, 8cR@cR0l;c, cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰsʊ] furguthsu 3S@rS0.S 3S@RS0.S

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRG] [tɑɡrɑɡtʰi:n] tagragthîn 8cr@cr0", 8cR@cR0", cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰe:n] furguthên 3S@rS0x, 3S@RS0x,

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRG] [tɑɡrɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tagragthiya 8cr@cr0l;c 8cR@cR0l;c cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰoːn] furguthôn 3S@rS0n, 3S@RS0M,

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRG] [tɑɡrɑɡtʰɪ] tagragthi 8cr@cr0l 8cR@cR0l cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰɑɪ] furguthai 3S@rS0cl 3S@RS0cl

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰmɑ:] gergethmâ rz@rz06v Rz@Rz06v cause to be(come) famous [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRG] [fʊrɡʊtʰɑ] furgutha 3S@rS0c 3S@RS0c

cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰmɪ] gergethmi rz@rz06l Rz@Rz06l cause to be(come) famous! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRG] [ɪfrɪɡɪtʰi:] ifrigithî l3@lrl0" l3@lRl0"

cause to be(come) famous! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRG] [ɪfrɪɡɪtʰ] ifrigith l3@lrl0 l3@lRl0
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰmɛnɪn] gergethmenin rz@rz06z,l, Rz@Rz06z,l,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DFT] [mɑdfɪt.tʰɪ] madfitthi 6c93l80l 6c93l80l
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰsɪn] gergethsin rz@rz0.l, Rz@Rz0.l,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DFT] [ɑdfɪt.tʰɪ] adfitthi c93l80l c93l80l
cause to be(come) drunk [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRG] [ɡɛrɡɛtʰme:n] gergethmên rz@rz06x, Rz@Rz06x,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 187 The Dwarrow Scholar 188

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰmɪ] geblethmi rz2az06l Rz2az06l
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [sɑdfɪtətʰmɑjɑn] sadfitthmayan .c93l806c;c, .c93l806c;c,

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰmɛnɪn] geblethmenin rz2az06z,l, Rz2az06z,l,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DFT] [sɑdfɪt.tʰɪjɑn] sadfitthiyan .c93l80l;c, .c93l80l;c,

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰsɪn] geblethsin rz2az0.l, Rz2az0.l,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [sɑdfɪtətʰmi:n] sadfitthmîn .c93l806", .c93l806",

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰme:n] geblethmên rz2az06x, Rz2az06x,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DFT] [sɑdfɪt.tʰi:n] sadfitthîn .c93l80", .c93l80",

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰsʊn] geblethsun rz2az0.S, Rz2az0.S,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [sɑdfɪtətʰmɑjɑ] sadfitthmaya .c93l806c;c .c93l806c;c

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰmɛnɪ] geblethmeni rz2az06z,l Rz2az06z,l
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DFT] [sɑdfɪt.tʰɪjɑ] sadfitthiya .c93l80l;c .c93l80l;c

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰsɪ] geblethsi rz2az0.l Rz2az0.l
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [sɑdfɪtətʰmi:] sadfitthmî .c93l806" .c93l806"

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰme:] geblethmê rz2az06x Rz2az06x
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DFT] [sɑdfɪt.tʰɪ] sadfitthi .c93l80l .c93l80l

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DFT] [tɑdfɪt.tʰɪjɑn] tadfitthiyan 8c93l80l;c, 8c93l80l;c, cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰsʊ] geblethsu rz2az0.S Rz2az0.S

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DFT] [tɑdfɪt.tʰi:n] tadfitthîn 8c93l80", 8c93l80", cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰe:n] geblethên rz2az0x, Rz2az0x,

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DFT] [tɑdfɪt.tʰɪjɑ] tadfitthiya 8c93l80l;c 8c93l80l;c cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰoːn] geblethôn rz2az0n, Rz2az0M,

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DFT] [tɑdfɪt.tʰɪ] tadfitthi 8c93l80l 8c93l80l cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰɑɪ] geblethai rz2az0cl Rz2az0cl

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰmɑ:] daftathmâ 9c38c06v 9c38c06v cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰɑ] gebletha rz2az0c Rz2az0c

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰmɪ] daftathmi 9c38c06l 9c38c06l cause to be(come) great! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [ɪɡbɪlɪtʰi:] igbilithî lr2lal0" lR2lal0"

cause to be(come) great! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBL] [ɪɡbɪlɪtʰ] igbilith lr2lal0 lR2lal0
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰmɛnɪn] daftathmenin 9c38c06z,l, 9c38c06z,l,
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KShKh] [mɑkshɑkʰtʰɪ] makshakhthi 6ce.fceV0l 6cwfct0l
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰsɪn] daftathsin 9c38c0.l, 9c38c0.l,
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KShKh] [ɑkshɑkʰtʰɪ] akshakhthi ce.fceV0l cwfct0l
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰme:n] daftathmên 9c38c06x, 9c38c06x,
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sakshakhthmayan .ce.fceV06c;c, .cwfct06c;c,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰsʊn] daftathsun 9c38c0.S, 9c38c0.S,
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] sakshakhthiyan .ce.fceV0l;c, .cwfct0l;c,
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰmɛnɪ] daftathmeni 9c38c06z,l 9c38c06z,l
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰətʰmi:n] sakshakhthmîn .ce.fceV06", .cwfct06",
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰsɪ] daftathsi 9c38c0.l 9c38c0.l
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰtʰi:n] sakshakhthîn .ce.fceV0", .cwfct0",
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰme:] daftathmê 9c38c06x 9c38c06x
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sakshakhthmaya .ce.fceV06c;c .cwfct06c;c
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰsʊ] daftathsu 9c38c0.S 9c38c0.S
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] sakshakhthiya .ce.fceV0l;c .cwfct0l;c
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰe:n] daftathên 9c38c0x, 9c38c0x,
cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰətʰmi:] sakshakhthmî .ce.fceV06" .cwfct06"
cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DFT] [dɑftɑtʰoːn] daftathôn 9c38c0n, 9c38c0M,

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰɑɪ] daftathai 9c38c0cl 9c38c0cl cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KShKh] [sɑkshɑkʰtʰɪ] sakshakhthi .ce.fceV0l .cwfct0l

cause to be(come) fat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DFT] [dʌftɑtʰɑ] daftatha 9c38c0c 9c38c0c cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KShKh] [tɑkshɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] takshakhthiyan 8ce.fceV0l;c, 8cwfct0l;c,

cause to be(come) fat! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [ɪdfɪtɪtʰi:] idfitithî l93l8l0" l93l8l0" cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KShKh] [tɑkshɑkʰtʰi:n] takshakhthîn 8ce.fceV0", 8cwfct0",

cause to be(come) fat! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DFT] [ɪdfɪtɪtʰ] idfitith l93l8l0 l93l8l0 cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KShKh] [tɑkshɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] takshakhthiya 8ce.fceV0l;c 8cwfct0l;c

cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GBL] [mɑɡbɪltʰɪ] magbilthi 6cr2la0l 6cR2la0l cause to be(come) hard [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KShKh] [tɑkshɑkʰtʰɪ] takshakhthi 8ce.fceV0l 8cwfct0l

cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GBL] [ɑɡbɪltʰɪ] agbilthi cr2la0l cR2la0l cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰmɑ:] kashkhathmâ ec%eVc06v ec%tc06v

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰmɪ] kashkhathmi ec%eVc06l ec%tc06l
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰmɑjɑn] sagbilthmayan .cr2la06c;c, .cR2la06c;c,

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] kashkhathmenin ec%eVc06z,l, ec%tc06z,l,
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰɪjɑn] sagbilthiyan .cr2la0l;c, .cR2la0l;c,

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰsɪn] kashkhathsin ec%eVc0.l, ec%tc0.l,
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰmi:n] sagbilthmîn .cr2la06", .cR2la06",

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰme:n] kashkhathmên ec%eVc06x, ec%tc06x,
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰi:n] sagbilthîn .cr2la0", .cR2la0",

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰsʊn] kashkhathsun ec%eVc0.S, ec%tc0.S,
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰmɑjɑ] sagbilthmaya .cr2la06c;c .cR2la06c;c

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] kashkhathmeni ec%eVc06z,l ec%tc06z,l
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰɪjɑ] sagbilthiya .cr2la0l;c .cR2la0l;c

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰsɪ] kashkhathsi ec%eVc0.l ec%tc0.l
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰmi:] sagbilthmî .cr2la06" .cR2la06"

cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰme:] kashkhathmê ec%eVc06x ec%tc06x
cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GBL] [sɑɡbɪltʰɪ] sagbilthi .cr2la0l .cR2la0l

cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GBL] [tɑɡbɪltʰɪjɑn] tagbilthiyan 8cr2la0l;c, 8cR2la0l;c, cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰsʊ] kashkhathsu ec%eVc0.S ec%tc0.S

cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GBL] [tɑɡbɪltʰi:n] tagbilthîn 8cr2la0", 8cR2la0", cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰe:n] kashkhathên ec%eVc0x, ec%tc0x,

cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GBL] [tɑɡbɪltʰɪjɑ] tagbilthiya 8cr2la0l;c 8cR2la0l;c cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KShKh] [kɑʃkʰɑtʰoːn] kashkhathôn ec%eVc0n, ec%tc0M,

cause to be(come) great [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GBL] [tɑɡbɪltʰɪ] tagbilthi 8cr2la0l 8cR2la0l cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰɑɪ] kashkhathai ec%eVc0cl ec%tc0cl

cause to be(come) great [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GBL] [ɡɛblɛtʰmɑ:] geblethmâ rz2az06v Rz2az06v cause to be(come) hard [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KShKh] [kʌʃkʰɑtʰɑ] kashkhatha ec%eVc0c ec%tc0c

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) hard! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KShKh] [ɪkshɪkʰɪtʰi:] ikshikhithî le.fleVl0" lwfltl0" cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LSD] [tɑlsɑdtʰi:n] talsadthîn 8ca.c90", 8ca.c90",

cause to be(come) hard! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KShKh] [ɪkshɪkʰɪtʰ] ikshikhith le.fleVl0 lwfltl0 cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LSD] [tɑlsɑdtʰɪjɑ] talsadthiya 8ca.c90l;c 8ca.c90l;c

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BST] [mɑbsɑt.tʰɪ] mabsatthi 6c2.c80l 6c2.c80l cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LSD] [tɑlsɑdtʰɪ] talsadthi 8ca.c90l 8ca.c90l

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BST] [ɑbsɑt.tʰɪ] absatthi c2.c80l c2.c80l cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰmɑ:] lasdathmâ ac.9c06v ac.9c06v

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰmɪ] lasdathmi ac.9c06l ac.9c06l
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [sɑbsɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sabsatthmayan .c2.c806c;c, .c2.c806c;c,

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰmɛnɪn] lasdathmenin ac.9c06z,l, ac.9c06z,l,
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BST] [sɑbsɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sabsatthiyan .c2.c80l;c, .c2.c80l;c,

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰsɪn] lasdathsin ac.9c0.l, ac.9c0.l,
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [sɑbsɑtətʰmi:n] sabsatthmîn .c2.c806", .c2.c806",

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰme:n] lasdathmên ac.9c06x, ac.9c06x,
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BST] [sɑbsɑt.tʰi:n] sabsatthîn .c2.c80", .c2.c80",

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰsʊn] lasdathsun ac.9c0.S, ac.9c0.S,
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [sɑbsɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sabsatthmaya .c2.c806c;c .c2.c806c;c

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰmɛnɪ] lasdathmeni ac.9c06z,l ac.9c06z,l
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BST] [sɑbsɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sabsatthiya .c2.c80l;c .c2.c80l;c

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰsɪ] lasdathsi ac.9c0.l ac.9c0.l
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [sɑbsɑtətʰmi:] sabsatthmî .c2.c806" .c2.c806"

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰme:] lasdathmê ac.9c06x ac.9c06x
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BST] [sɑbsɑt.tʰɪ] sabsatthi .c2.c80l .c2.c80l

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BST] [tɑbsɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tabsatthiyan 8c2.c80l;c, 8c2.c80l;c, cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰsʊ] lasdathsu ac.9c0.S ac.9c0.S

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BST] [tɑbsɑt.tʰi:n] tabsatthîn 8c2.c80", 8c2.c80", cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰe:n] lasdathên ac.9c0x, ac.9c0x,

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BST] [tɑbsɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tabsatthiya 8c2.c80l;c 8c2.c80l;c cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LSD] [lɑsdɑtʰoːn] lasdathôn ac.9c0n, ac.9c0M,

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BST] [tɑbsɑt.tʰɪ] tabsatthi 8c2.c80l 8c2.c80l cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰɑɪ] lasdathai ac.9c0cl ac.9c0cl

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰmɑ:] bastathmâ 2c.8c06v 2c.8c06v cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LSD] [lʌsdɑtʰɑ] lasdatha ac.9c0c ac.9c0c

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰmɪ] bastathmi 2c.8c06l 2c.8c06l cause to be(come) illogical! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LSD] [ɪlsɪdɪtʰi:] ilsidithî la.l9l0" la.l9l0"

cause to be(come) illogical! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LSD] [ɪlsɪdɪtʰ] ilsidith la.l9l0 la.l9l0
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰmɛnɪn] bastathmenin 2c.8c06z,l, 2c.8c06z,l,
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GLKh] [mɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪ] maglakhthi 6craceV0l 6cRact0l
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰsɪn] bastathsin 2c.8c0.l, 2c.8c0.l,
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GLKh] [ɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪ] aglakhthi craceV0l cRact0l
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰme:n] bastathmên 2c.8c06x, 2c.8c06x,
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] saglakhthmayan .craceV06c;c, .cRact06c;c,
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰsʊn] bastathsun 2c.8c0.S, 2c.8c0.S,
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] saglakhthiyan .craceV0l;c, .cRact0l;c,
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰmɛnɪ] bastathmeni 2c.8c06z,l 2c.8c06z,l
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰətʰmi:n] saglakhthmîn .craceV06", .cRact06",
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰsɪ] bastathsi 2c.8c0.l 2c.8c0.l
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰtʰi:n] saglakhthîn .craceV0", .cRact0",
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰme:] bastathmê 2c.8c06x 2c.8c06x
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] saglakhthmaya .craceV06c;c .cRact06c;c
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰsʊ] bastathsu 2c.8c0.S 2c.8c0.S
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] saglakhthiya .craceV0l;c .cRact0l;c
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰe:n] bastathên 2c.8c0x, 2c.8c0x,
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰətʰmi:] saglakhthmî .craceV06" .cRact06"
cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BST] [bɑstɑtʰoːn] bastathôn 2c.8c0n, 2c.8c0M,

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰɑɪ] bastathai 2c.8c0cl 2c.8c0cl cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GLKh] [sɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪ] saglakhthi .craceV0l .cRact0l

cause to be(come) healthy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BST] [bʌstɑtʰɑ] bastatha 2c.8c0c 2c.8c0c cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GLKh] [tɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] taglakhthiyan 8craceV0l;c, 8cRact0l;c,

cause to be(come) healthy! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BST] [ɪbsɪtɪtʰi:] ibsitithî l2.l8l0" l2.l8l0" cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GLKh] [tɑɡlɑkʰtʰi:n] taglakhthîn 8craceV0", 8cRact0",

cause to be(come) healthy! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BST] [ɪbsɪtɪtʰ] ibsitith l2.l8l0 l2.l8l0 cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GLKh] [tɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] taglakhthiya 8craceV0l;c 8cRact0l;c

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LSD] [mɑlsɑdtʰɪ] malsadthi 6ca.c90l 6ca.c90l cause to be(come) kind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GLKh] [tɑɡlɑkʰtʰɪ] taglakhthi 8craceV0l 8cRact0l

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LSD] [ɑlsɑdtʰɪ] alsadthi ca.c90l ca.c90l cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰmɑ:] galkhathmâ rcaeVc06v Rcatc06v

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰmɪ] galkhathmi rcaeVc06l Rcatc06l
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰmɑjɑn] salsadthmayan .ca.c906c;c, .ca.c906c;c,

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] galkhathmenin rcaeVc06z,l, Rcatc06z,l,
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰɪjɑn] salsadthiyan .ca.c90l;c, .ca.c90l;c,

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰsɪn] galkhathsin rcaeVc0.l, Rcatc0.l,
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰmi:n] salsadthmîn .ca.c906", .ca.c906",

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰme:n] galkhathmên rcaeVc06x, Rcatc06x,
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰi:n] salsadthîn .ca.c90", .ca.c90",

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰsʊn] galkhathsun rcaeVc0.S, Rcatc0.S,
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰmɑjɑ] salsadthmaya .ca.c906c;c .ca.c906c;c

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] galkhathmeni rcaeVc06z,l Rcatc06z,l
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰɪjɑ] salsadthiya .ca.c90l;c .ca.c90l;c

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰsɪ] galkhathsi rcaeVc0.l Rcatc0.l
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰmi:] salsadthmî .ca.c906" .ca.c906"

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰme:] galkhathmê rcaeVc06x Rcatc06x
cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LSD] [sɑlsɑdtʰɪ] salsadthi .ca.c90l .ca.c90l

cause to be(come) illogical [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LSD] [tɑlsɑdtʰɪjɑn] talsadthiyan 8ca.c90l;c, 8ca.c90l;c, cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰsʊ] galkhathsu rcaeVc0.S Rcatc0.S

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 191 The Dwarrow Scholar 192

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰe:n] galkhathên rcaeVc0x, Rcatc0x, cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰɪjɑ] samsalthiya .c6.ca0l;c .c6.ca0l;c

cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰoːn] galkhathôn rcaeVc0n, Rcatc0M,
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰmi:] samsalthmî .c6.ca06" .c6.ca06"
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰɑɪ] galkhathai rcaeVc0cl Rcatc0cl
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰɪ] samsalthi .c6.ca0l .c6.ca0l
cause to be(come) kind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GLKh] [ɡɑlkʰɑtʰɑ] galkhatha rcaeVc0c Rcatc0c
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MSL] [tɑmsɑltʰɪjɑn] tamsalthiyan 8c6.ca0l;c, 8c6.ca0l;c,
cause to be(come) kind! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [ɪɡlɪkʰɪtʰi:] iglikhithî lraleVl0" lRaltl0"
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MSL] [tɑmsɑltʰi:n] tamsalthîn 8c6.ca0", 8c6.ca0",
cause to be(come) kind! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLKh] [ɪɡlɪkʰɪtʰ] iglikhith lraleVl0 lRaltl0
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MSL] [tɑmsɑltʰɪjɑ] tamsalthiya 8c6.ca0l;c 8c6.ca0l;c
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNS] [mɑmnɑstʰɪ] mamnasthi 6c6,c.0l 6c6,c.0l
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MSL] [tɑmsɑltʰɪ] tamsalthi 8c6.ca0l 8c6.ca0l
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNS] [ɑmnʌstʰɪ] amnasthi c6,c.0l c6,c.0l
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰmɑ:] maslathmâ 6c.ac06v 6c.ac06v
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [sɑmnɑstʰmɑjɑn] samnasthmayan .c6,c.06c;c, .c6,c.06c;c,
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰmɪ] maslathmi 6c.ac06l 6c.ac06l

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNS] [sɑmnɑstʰɪjɑn] samnasthiyan .c6,c.0l;c, .c6,c.0l;c,
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰmɛnɪn] maslathmenin 6c.ac06z,l, 6c.ac06z,l,

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [sɑmnɑstʰmi:n] samnasthmîn .c6,c.06", .c6,c.06",
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰsɪn] maslathsin 6c.ac0.l, 6c.ac0.l,

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNS] [sɑmnɑstʰi:n] samnasthîn .c6,c.0", .c6,c.0",
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰme:n] maslathmên 6c.ac06x, 6c.ac06x,

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [sɑmnʌstʰmɑjɑ] samnasthmaya .c6,c.06c;c .c6,c.06c;c
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰsʊn] maslathsun 6c.ac0.S, 6c.ac0.S,

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNS] [sɑmnʌstʰɪjɑ] samnasthiya .c6,c.0l;c .c6,c.0l;c
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰmɛnɪ] maslathmeni 6c.ac06z,l 6c.ac06z,l

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [sɑmnʌstʰmi:] samnasthmî .c6,c.06" .c6,c.06"
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰsɪ] maslathsi 6c.ac0.l 6c.ac0.l

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNS] [sɑmnʌstʰɪ] samnasthi .c6,c.0l .c6,c.0l
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰme:] maslathmê 6c.ac06x 6c.ac06x
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNS] [tɑmnɑstʰɪjɑn] tamnasthiyan 8c6,c.0l;c, 8c6,c.0l;c,
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰsʊ] maslathsu 6c.ac0.S 6c.ac0.S
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNS] [tɑmnɑstʰi:n] tamnasthîn 8c6,c.0", 8c6,c.0",
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰe:n] maslathên 6c.ac0x, 6c.ac0x,
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNS] [tɑmnʌstʰɪjɑ] tamnasthiya 8c6,c.0l;c 8c6,c.0l;c
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MSL] [mɑslɑtʰoːn] maslathôn 6c.ac0n, 6c.ac0M,
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNS] [tɑmnʌstʰɪ] tamnasthi 8c6,c.0l 8c6,c.0l
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰɑɪ] maslathai 6c.ac0cl 6c.ac0cl
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰmɑ:] munsuthmâ 6S,.S06v 6S,.S06v
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MSL] [mʌslɑtʰɑ] maslatha 6c.ac0c 6c.ac0c
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰmɪ] munsuthmi 6S,.S06l 6S,.S06l
cause to be(come) lucky! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MSL] [ɪmsɪlɪtʰi:] imsilithî l6.lal0" l6.lal0"
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰmɛnɪn] munsuthmenin 6S,.S06z,l, 6S,.S06z,l,
cause to be(come) lucky! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MSL] [ɪmsɪlɪtʰ] imsilith l6.lal0 l6.lal0

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰsɪn] munsuthsin 6S,.S0.l, 6S,.S0.l, cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DR] [mɑdɪrtʰɪ] madirthi 6c9l@0l 6c9l@0l

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DR] [ɑdɪrtʰɪ] adirthi c9l@0l c9l@0l
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰme:n] munsuthmên 6S,.S06x, 6S,.S06x,

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sadirthmayan .c9l@06c;c, .c9l@06c;c,
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰsʊn] munsuthsun 6S,.S0.S, 6S,.S0.S,

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰɪjɑn] sadirthiyan .c9l@0l;c, .c9l@0l;c,
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰmɛnɪ] munsuthmeni 6S,.S06z,l 6S,.S06z,l

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰmi:n] sadirthmîn .c9l@06", .c9l@06",
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰsɪ] munsuthsi 6S,.S0.l 6S,.S0.l

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰi:n] sadirthîn .c9l@0", .c9l@0",
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰme:] munsuthmê 6S,.S06x 6S,.S06x

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sadirthmaya .c9l@06c;c .c9l@06c;c
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰsʊ] munsuthsu 6S,.S0.S 6S,.S0.S

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰe:n] munsuthên 6S,.S0x, 6S,.S0x, cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰɪjɑ] sadirthiya .c9l@0l;c .c9l@0l;c

cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰoːn] munsuthôn 6S,.S0n, 6S,.S0M,
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰmi:] sadirthmî .c9l@06" .c9l@06"
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰɑɪ] munsuthai 6S,.S0cl 6S,.S0cl
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DR] [sɑdɪrtʰɪ] sadirthi .c9l@0l .c9l@0l
cause to be(come) loyal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNS] [mʊnsʊtʰɑ] munsutha 6S,.S0c 6S,.S0c
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DR] [tɑdɪrtʰɪjɑn] tadirthiyan 8c9l@0l;c, 8c9l@0l;c,
cause to be(come) loyal! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNS] [ɪmnɪsɪtʰi:] imnisithî l6,l.l0" l6,l.l0"
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DR] [tɑdɪrtʰi:n] tadirthîn 8c9l@0", 8c9l@0",
cause to be(come) loyal! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNS] [ɪmnɪsɪtʰ] imnisith l6,l.l0 l6,l.l0
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DR] [tɑdɪrtʰɪjɑ] tadirthiya 8c9l@0l;c 8c9l@0l;c
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MSL] [mɑmsɑltʰɪ] mamsalthi 6c6.ca0l 6c6.ca0l
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DR] [tɑdɪrtʰɪ] tadirthi 8c9l@0l 8c9l@0l
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MSL] [ɑmsɑltʰɪ] amsalthi c6.ca0l c6.ca0l
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰmɑ:] duruthmâ 9S@S06v 9S@S06v
cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰmɑjɑn] samsalthmayan .c6.ca06c;c, .c6.ca06c;c,
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰmɪ] duruthmi 9S@S06l 9S@S06l

cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰɪjɑn] samsalthiyan .c6.ca0l;c, .c6.ca0l;c,
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰmɛnɪn] duruthmenin 9S@S06z,l, 9S@S06z,l,

cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰmi:n] samsalthmîn .c6.ca06", .c6.ca06",
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰsɪn] duruthsin 9S@S0.l, 9S@S0.l,

cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰi:n] samsalthîn .c6.ca0", .c6.ca0",
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰme:n] duruthmên 9S@S06x, 9S@S06x,

cause to be(come) lucky [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSL] [sɑmsɑltʰmɑjɑ] samsalthmaya .c6.ca06c;c .c6.ca06c;c
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰsʊn] duruthsun 9S@S0.S, 9S@S0.S,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 193 The Dwarrow Scholar 194
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShKL] [mɑʃkɪltʰɪ] mashkilthi 6c%ela0l 6c%ela0l
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰmɛnɪ] duruthmeni 9S@S06z,l 9S@S06z,l
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShKL] [ʌʃkɪltʰɪ] ashkilthi c%ela0l c%ela0l
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰsɪ] duruthsi 9S@S0.l 9S@S0.l
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [sɑʃkɪltʰmɑjɑn] sashkilthmayan .c%ela06c;c, .c%ela06c;c,
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰme:] duruthmê 9S@S06x 9S@S06x
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShKL] [sɑʃkɪltʰɪjɑn] sashkilthiyan .c%ela0l;c, .c%ela0l;c,
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰsʊ] duruthsu 9S@S0.S 9S@S0.S
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [sɑʃkɪltʰmi:n] sashkilthmîn .c%ela06", .c%ela06",
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰe:n] duruthên 9S@S0x, 9S@S0x,

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰoːn] duruthôn 9S@S0n, 9S@S0M, cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShKL] [sɑʃkɪltʰi:n] sashkilthîn .c%ela0", .c%ela0",

cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰɑɪ] duruthai 9S@S0cl 9S@S0cl
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [sʌʃkɪltʰmɑjɑ] sashkilthmaya .c%ela06c;c .c%ela06c;c
cause to be(come) nude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DR] [dʊrʊtʰɑ] durutha 9S@S0c 9S@S0c
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShKL] [sʌʃkɪltʰɪjɑ] sashkilthiya .c%ela0l;c .c%ela0l;c
cause to be(come) nude! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DR] [ɪdrɪtʰi:] idrithî l9@l0" l9@l0"
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c%ela06" .c%ela06"
cause to be(come) nude! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DR] [ɪdri:tʰ] idrîth l9@"0 l9@"0 [sʌʃkɪltʰmi:] sashkilthmî
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRG] [mɑbrɪɡtʰɪ] mabrigthi 6c2@lr0l 6c2@lR0l .c%ela0l .c%ela0l
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShKL] [sʌʃkɪltʰɪ] sashkilthi
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRG] [ɑbrɪɡtʰɪ] abrigthi c2@lr0l c2@lR0l 8c%ela0l;c, 8c%ela0l;c,
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShKL] [tɑʃkɪltʰɪjɑn] tashkilthiyan
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .c2@lr06c;c, .c2@lR06c;c, cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShKL] [tɑʃkɪltʰi:n] tashkilthîn 8c%ela0", 8c%ela0",
[sɑbrɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sabrigthmayan
(contemptuous)] [BRG]
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShKL] [tʌʃkɪltʰɪjɑ] tashkilthiya 8c%ela0l;c 8c%ela0l;c
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRG] [sɑbrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sabrigthiyan .c2@lr0l;c, .c2@lR0l;c,
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShKL] [tʌʃkɪltʰɪ] tashkilthi 8c%ela0l 8c%ela0l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰmɑ:] shukluthmâ %SeaS06v %SeaS06v
[sɑbrɪɡtʰmi:n] sabrigthmîn .c2@lr06", .c2@lR06",
(contemptuous)] [BRG] cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰmɪ] shukluthmi %SeaS06l %SeaS06l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRG] [sɑbrɪɡtʰi:n] sabrigthîn .c2@lr0", .c2@lR0",
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰmɛnɪn] shukluthmenin %SeaS06z,l, %SeaS06z,l,
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c2@lr06c;c .c2@lR06c;c
[sɑbrɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sabrigthmaya cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰsɪn] shukluthsin %SeaS0.l, %SeaS0.l,
(contemptuous)] [BRG]
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRG] [sɑbrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sabrigthiya .c2@lr0l;c .c2@lR0l;c cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰme:n] shukluthmên %SeaS06x, %SeaS06x,
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c2@lr06" .c2@lR06"
[sɑbrɪɡtʰmi:] sabrigthmî cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰsʊn] shukluthsun %SeaS0.S, %SeaS0.S,
(contemptuous)] [BRG]
.c2@lr0l .c2@lR0l cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰmɛnɪ] shukluthmeni %SeaS06z,l %SeaS06z,l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRG] [sɑbrɪɡtʰɪ] sabrigthi
8c2@lr0l;c, 8c2@lR0l;c, cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰsɪ] shukluthsi %SeaS0.l %SeaS0.l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRG] [tɑbrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tabrigthiyan
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRG] [tɑbrɪɡtʰi:n] tabrigthîn 8c2@lr0", 8c2@lR0", cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰme:] shukluthmê %SeaS06x %SeaS06x
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRG] [tɑbrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tabrigthiya 8c2@lr0l;c 8c2@lR0l;c
cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰsʊ] shukluthsu %SeaS0.S %SeaS0.S
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRG] [tɑbrɪɡtʰɪ] tabrigthi 8c2@lr0l 8c2@lR0l cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰe:n] shukluthên %SeaS0x, %SeaS0x,

2S@rS06v 2S@RS06v cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰoːn] shukluthôn %SeaS0n, %SeaS0M,
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰmɑ:] burguthmâ
2S@rS06l 2S@RS06l cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰɑɪ] shukluthai %SeaS0cl %SeaS0cl
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰmɪ] burguthmi
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful cause to be(come) outcast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShKL] [ʃʊklʊtʰɑ] shuklutha %SeaS0c %SeaS0c
[bʊrɡʊtʰmɛnɪn] burguthmenin 2S@rS06z,l, 2S@RS06z,l,
(contemptuous)] [BRG] cause to be(come) outcast! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [ɪʃkɪlɪtʰi:] ishkilithî l%elal0" l%elal0"

cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰsɪn] burguthsin 2S@rS0.l, 2S@RS0.l, cause to be(come) outcast! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShKL] [ɪʃkɪlɪtʰ] ishkilith l%elal0 l%elal0

cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NTH] [mɑntɪhtʰɪ] mantihthi 6c,8lf0l 6c,8lf0l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful 2S@rS06x, 2S@RS06x,
[bʊrɡʊtʰme:n] burguthmên cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NTH] [ɑntɪhtʰɪ] antihthi c,8lf0l c,8lf0l
(contemptuous)] [BRG]
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰsʊn] burguthsun 2S@rS0.S, 2S@RS0.S, cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰmɑjɑn] santihthmayan .c,8lf06c;c, .c,8lf06c;c,

cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰɪjɑn] santihthiyan .c,8lf0l;c, .c,8lf0l;c,
[bʊrɡʊtʰmɛnɪ] burguthmeni 2S@rS06z,l 2S@RS06z,l
(contemptuous)] [BRG]
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰmi:n] santihthmîn .c,8lf06", .c,8lf06",
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰsɪ] burguthsi 2S@rS0.l 2S@RS0.l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰi:n] santihthîn .c,8lf0", .c,8lf0",
[bʊrɡʊtʰme:] burguthmê 2S@rS06x 2S@RS06x
(contemptuous)] [BRG]
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰmɑjɑ] santihthmaya .c,8lf06c;c .c,8lf06c;c
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰsʊ] burguthsu 2S@rS0.S 2S@RS0.S

cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰe:n] burguthên 2S@rS0x, 2S@RS0x, cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰɪjɑ] santihthiya .c,8lf0l;c .c,8lf0l;c

cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰoːn] burguthôn 2S@rS0n, 2S@RS0M,
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰmi:] santihthmî .c,8lf06" .c,8lf06"
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰɑɪ] burguthai 2S@rS0cl 2S@RS0cl
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NTH] [sɑntɪhtʰɪ] santihthi .c,8lf0l .c,8lf0l
cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRG] [bʊrɡʊtʰɑ] burgutha 2S@rS0c 2S@RS0c
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NTH] [tɑntɪhtʰɪjɑn] tantihthiyan 8c,8lf0l;c, 8c,8lf0l;c,

cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRG] [ɪbrɪɡɪtʰi:] ibrigithî l2@lrl0" l2@lRl0" cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NTH] [tɑntɪhtʰi:n] tantihthîn 8c,8lf0", 8c,8lf0",

cause to be(come) obnoxiously unpleasant! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRG] [ɪbrɪɡɪtʰ] ibrigith l2@lrl0 l2@lRl0 cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NTH] [tɑntɪhtʰɪjɑ] tantihthiya 8c,8lf0l;c 8c,8lf0l;c

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The Dwarrow Scholar 195 The Dwarrow Scholar 196

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) poor [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NTH] [tɑntɪhtʰɪ] tantihthi 8c,8lf0l 8c,8lf0l cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰɑɪ] laknathai ace,c0cl ace,c0cl

cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰmɑ:] nathathmâ ,c0c06v ,c0c06v cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰɑ] laknatha ace,c0c ace,c0c

cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰmɪ] nathathmi ,c0c06l ,c0c06l cause to be(come) probable! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LKN] [ɪlkɪnɪtʰi:] ilkinithî lael,l0" lael,l0"

cause to be(come) probable! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LKN] [ɪlkɪnɪtʰ] ilkinith lael,l0 lael,l0
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] nathathmenin ,c0c06z,l, ,c0c06z,l,
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MZM] [mɑmzɪmtʰɪ] mamzimthi 6c6wl60l 6c6Dl60l
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰsɪn] nathathsin ,c0c0.l, ,c0c0.l,
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MZM] [ɑmzɪmtʰɪ] amzimthi c6wl60l c6Dl60l
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰme:n] nathathmên ,c0c06x, ,c0c06x, cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmzɪmtʰmɑjɑn] samzimthmayan .c6wl606c;c, .c6Dl606c;c,
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰsʊn] nathathsun ,c0c0.S, ,c0c0.S,
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MZM] [sɑmzɪmtʰɪjɑn] samzimthiyan .c6wl60l;c, .c6Dl60l;c,
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] nathathmeni ,c0c06z,l ,c0c06z,l cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmzɪmtʰmi:n] samzimthmîn .c6wl606", .c6Dl606",
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰsɪ] nathathsi ,c0c0.l ,c0c0.l
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MZM] [sɑmzɪmtʰi:n] samzimthîn .c6wl60", .c6Dl60",
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰme:] nathathmê ,c0c06x ,c0c06x cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmzɪmtʰmɑjɑ] samzimthmaya .c6wl606c;c .c6Dl606c;c
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰsʊ] nathathsu ,c0c0.S ,c0c0.S
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MZM] [sɑmzɪmtʰɪjɑ] samzimthiya .c6wl60l;c .c6Dl60l;c
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰe:n] nathathên ,c0c0x, ,c0c0x,
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c6wl606" .c6Dl606"
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰoːn] nathathôn ,c0c0n, ,c0c0M, [sɑmzɪmtʰmi:] samzimthmî
(contemptuous)] [MZM]
cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰɑɪ] nathathai ,c0c0cl ,c0c0cl cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MZM] [sɑmzɪmtʰɪ] samzimthi .c6wl60l .c6Dl60l

cause to be(come) poor [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NTH] [nɑtʰɑtʰɑ] nathatha ,c0c0c ,c0c0c cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MZM] [tɑmzɪmtʰɪjɑn] tamzimthiyan 8c6wl60l;c, 8c6Dl60l;c,

cause to be(come) poor! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [ɪntɪhɪtʰi:] intihithî l,8lfl0" l,8lfl0" cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MZM] [tɑmzɪmtʰi:n] tamzimthîn 8c6wl60", 8c6Dl60",

cause to be(come) poor! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTH] [ɪntɪhɪtʰ] intihith l,8lfl0 l,8lfl0 cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MZM] [tɑmzɪmtʰɪjɑ] tamzimthiya 8c6wl60l;c 8c6Dl60l;c

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LKN] [mɑlkɪntʰɪ] malkinthi 6cael,0l 6cael,0l cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MZM] [tɑmzɪmtʰɪ] tamzimthi 8c6wl60l 8c6Dl60l

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LKN] [ɑlkɪntʰɪ] alkinthi cael,0l cael,0l cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰmɑ:] muzmuthmâ 6Sw6S06v 6SD6S06v

cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰmɪ] muzmuthmi 6Sw6S06l 6SD6S06l
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰmɑjɑn] salkinthmayan .cael,06c;c, .cael,06c;c,
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6Sw6S06z,l, 6SD6S06z,l,
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰɪjɑn] salkinthiyan .cael,0l;c, .cael,0l;c, [mʊzmʊtʰmɛnɪn] muzmuthmenin
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰsɪn] muzmuthsin 6Sw6S0.l, 6SD6S0.l,
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰmi:n] salkinthmîn .cael,06", .cael,06",
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6Sw6S06x, 6SD6S06x,
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰi:n] salkinthîn .cael,0", .cael,0", [mʊzmʊtʰme:n] muzmuthmên
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰsʊn] muzmuthsun 6Sw6S0.S, 6SD6S0.S,
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰmɑjɑ] salkinthmaya .cael,06c;c .cael,06c;c
cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6Sw6S06z,l 6SD6S06z,l
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰɪjɑ] salkinthiya .cael,0l;c .cael,0l;c [mʊzmʊtʰmɛnɪ] muzmuthmeni
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰsɪ] muzmuthsi 6Sw6S0.l 6SD6S0.l
[sɑlkɪntʰmi:] salkinthmî .cael,06" .cael,06"
[LKN] cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[mʊzmʊtʰme:] muzmuthmê 6Sw6S06x 6SD6S06x
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LKN] [sɑlkɪntʰɪ] salkinthi .cael,0l .cael,0l [MZM]
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LKN] [tɑlkɪntʰɪjɑn] talkinthiyan 8cael,0l;c, 8cael,0l;c, cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰsʊ] muzmuthsu 6Sw6S0.S 6SD6S0.S

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LKN] [tɑlkɪntʰi:n] talkinthîn 8cael,0", 8cael,0", cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰe:n] muzmuthên 6Sw6S0x, 6SD6S0x,

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LKN] [tɑlkɪntʰɪjɑ] talkinthiya 8cael,0l;c 8cael,0l;c cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰoːn] muzmuthôn 6Sw6S0n, 6SD6S0M,

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LKN] [tɑlkɪntʰɪ] talkinthi 8cael,0l 8cael,0l cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰɑɪ] muzmuthai 6Sw6S0cl 6SD6S0cl

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰmɑ:] laknathmâ ace,c06v ace,c06v cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MZM] [mʊzmʊtʰɑ] muzmutha 6Sw6S0c 6SD6S0c

cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰmɪ] laknathmi ace,c06l ace,c06l cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZM] [ɪmzɪmɪtʰi:] imzimithî l6wl6l0" l6Dl6l0"

cause to be(come) rude (ill-bread)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZM] [ɪmzɪmɪtʰ] imzimith l6wl6l0 l6Dl6l0
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰmɛnɪn] laknathmenin ace,c06z,l, ace,c06z,l,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NSS] [mɑnsɪstʰɪ] mansisthi 6c,.l.0l 6c,.l.0l
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰsɪn] laknathsin ace,c0.l, ace,c0.l,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NSS] [ɑnsɪstʰɪ] ansisthi c,.l.0l c,.l.0l
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰme:n] laknathmên ace,c06x, ace,c06x,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰmɑjɑn] sansisthmayan .c,.l.06c;c, .c,.l.06c;c,
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰsʊn] laknathsun ace,c0.S, ace,c0.S,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰɪjɑn] sansisthiyan .c,.l.0l;c, .c,.l.0l;c,
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰmɛnɪ] laknathmeni ace,c06z,l ace,c06z,l
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰmi:n] sansisthmîn .c,.l.06", .c,.l.06",
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰsɪ] laknathsi ace,c0.l ace,c0.l
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰi:n] sansisthîn .c,.l.0", .c,.l.0",
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰme:] laknathmê ace,c06x ace,c06x
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰmɑjɑ] sansisthmaya .c,.l.06c;c .c,.l.06c;c
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰsʊ] laknathsu ace,c0.S ace,c0.S
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰɪjɑ] sansisthiya .c,.l.0l;c .c,.l.0l;c
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰe:n] laknathên ace,c0x, ace,c0x,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰmi:] sansisthmî .c,.l.06" .c,.l.06"
cause to be(come) probable [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LKN] [lɑknɑtʰoːn] laknathôn ace,c0n, ace,c0M,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 197 The Dwarrow Scholar 198
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NSS] [sɑnsɪstʰɪ] sansisthi .c,.l.0l .c,.l.0l
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰme:] belmethmê 2za6z06x 2za6z06x
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NSS] [tɑnsɪstʰɪjɑn] tansisthiyan 8c,.l.0l;c, 8c,.l.0l;c,
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰsʊ] belmethsu 2za6z0.S 2za6z0.S
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NSS] [tɑnsɪstʰi:n] tansisthîn 8c,.l.0", 8c,.l.0",
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰe:n] belmethên 2za6z0x, 2za6z0x,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NSS] [tɑnsɪstʰɪjɑ] tansisthiya 8c,.l.0l;c 8c,.l.0l;c
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰoːn] belmethôn 2za6z0n, 2za6z0M,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NSS] [tɑnsɪstʰɪ] tansisthi 8c,.l.0l 8c,.l.0l
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰɑɪ] belmethai 2za6z0cl 2za6z0cl
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰmɑ:] nussuthmâ ,S..S06v ,S..S06v
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰɑ] belmetha 2za6z0c 2za6z0c
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰmɪ] nussuthmi ,S..S06l ,S..S06l
cause to be(come) soft! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLM] [ɪblɪmɪtʰi:] iblimithî l2al6l0" l2al6l0"
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰmɛnɪn] nussuthmenin ,S..S06z,l, ,S..S06z,l,
cause to be(come) soft! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLM] [ɪblɪmɪtʰ] iblimith l2al6l0 l2al6l0

cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰsɪn] nussuthsin ,S..S0.l, ,S..S0.l, cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LYM] [mɑljɑmtʰɪ] malyamthi 6ca;c60l 6ca;c60l

cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LYM] [ɑljɑmtʰɪ] alyamthi ca;c60l ca;c60l
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰme:n] nussuthmên ,S..S06x, ,S..S06x,

cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰmɑjɑn] salyamthmayan .ca;c606c;c, .ca;c606c;c,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰsʊn] nussuthsun ,S..S0.S, ,S..S0.S,

cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰɪjɑn] salyamthiyan .ca;c60l;c, .ca;c60l;c,
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰmɛnɪ] nussuthmeni ,S..S06z,l ,S..S06z,l

cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰmi:n] salyamthmîn .ca;c606", .ca;c606",
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰsɪ] nussuthsi ,S..S0.l ,S..S0.l

cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰi:n] salyamthîn .ca;c60", .ca;c60",
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰme:] nussuthmê ,S..S06x ,S..S06x

cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰmɑjɑ] salyamthmaya .ca;c606c;c .ca;c606c;c
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰsʊ] nussuthsu ,S..S0.S ,S..S0.S

cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰe:n] nussuthên ,S..S0x, ,S..S0x, cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰɪjɑ] salyamthiya .ca;c60l;c .ca;c60l;c

cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰoːn] nussuthôn ,S..S0n, ,S..S0M,
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰmi:] salyamthmî .ca;c606" .ca;c606"
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰɑɪ] nussuthai ,S..S0cl ,S..S0cl
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LYM] [sɑljɑmtʰɪ] salyamthi .ca;c60l .ca;c60l
cause to be(come) safe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NSS] [nʊs.sʊtʰɑ] nussutha ,S..S0c ,S..S0c
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LYM] [tɑljɑmtʰɪjɑn] talyamthiyan 8ca;c60l;c, 8ca;c60l;c,
cause to be(come) safe! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [ɪnsɪsɪtʰi:] insisithî l,.l.l0" l,.l.l0"
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LYM] [tɑljɑmtʰi:n] talyamthîn 8ca;c60", 8ca;c60",
cause to be(come) safe! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NSS] [ɪnsɪsɪtʰ] insisith l,.l.l0 l,.l.l0
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LYM] [tɑljɑmtʰɪjɑ] talyamthiya 8ca;c60l;c 8ca;c60l;c
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLM] [mɑblɑmtʰɪ] mablamthi 6c2ac60l 6c2ac60l
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LYM] [tɑljɑmtʰɪ] talyamthi 8ca;c60l 8ca;c60l
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLM] [ɑblɑmtʰɪ] ablamthi c2ac60l c2ac60l
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰmɑ:] luymuthmâ aS;6S06v aS;6S06v
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sablamthmayan .c2ac606c;c, .c2ac606c;c,
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰmɪ] luymuthmi aS;6S06l aS;6S06l

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰɪjɑn] sablamthiyan .c2ac60l;c, .c2ac60l;c,
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰmɛnɪn] luymuthmenin aS;6S06z,l, aS;6S06z,l,

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰmi:n] sablamthmîn .c2ac606", .c2ac606",
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰsɪn] luymuthsin aS;6S0.l, aS;6S0.l,

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰi:n] sablamthîn .c2ac60", .c2ac60",
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰme:n] luymuthmên aS;6S06x, aS;6S06x,

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sablamthmaya .c2ac606c;c .c2ac606c;c
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰsʊn] luymuthsun aS;6S0.S, aS;6S0.S,

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰɪjɑ] sablamthiya .c2ac60l;c .c2ac60l;c
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰmɛnɪ] luymuthmeni aS;6S06z,l aS;6S06z,l

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰmi:] sablamthmî .c2ac606" .c2ac606"
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰsɪ] luymuthsi aS;6S0.l aS;6S0.l

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLM] [sɑblɑmtʰɪ] sablamthi .c2ac60l .c2ac60l
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰme:] luymuthmê aS;6S06x aS;6S06x
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLM] [tɑblɑmtʰɪjɑn] tablamthiyan 8c2ac60l;c, 8c2ac60l;c,
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰsʊ] luymuthsu aS;6S0.S aS;6S0.S
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLM] [tɑblɑmtʰi:n] tablamthîn 8c2ac60", 8c2ac60",
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰe:n] luymuthên aS;6S0x, aS;6S0x,
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLM] [tɑblɑmtʰɪjɑ] tablamthiya 8c2ac60l;c 8c2ac60l;c
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰoːn] luymuthôn aS;6S0n, aS;6S0M,
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLM] [tɑblɑmtʰɪ] tablamthi 8c2ac60l 8c2ac60l
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰɑɪ] luymuthai aS;6S0cl aS;6S0cl
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰmɑ:] belmethmâ 2za6z06v 2za6z06v
cause to be(come) tepid [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LYM] [lʊjmʊtʰɑ] luymutha aS;6S0c aS;6S0c
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰmɪ] belmethmi 2za6z06l 2za6z06l
cause to be(come) tepid! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [ɪljɪmɪtʰi:] ilyimithî la;l6l0" la;l6l0"
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰmɛnɪn] belmethmenin 2za6z06z,l, 2za6z06z,l,
cause to be(come) tepid! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LYM] [ɪljɪmɪtʰ] ilyimith la;l6l0 la;l6l0

cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰsɪn] belmethsin 2za6z0.l, 2za6z0.l, cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MSK] [mɑmsɑktʰɪ] mamsakthi 6c6.ce0l 6c6.ce0l

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MSK] [ɑmsɑktʰɪ] amsakthi c6.ce0l c6.ce0l
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰme:n] belmethmên 2za6z06x, 2za6z06x,

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [sɑmsɑkətʰmɑjɑn] samsakthmayan .c6.ce06c;c, .c6.ce06c;c,
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰsʊn] belmethsun 2za6z0.S, 2za6z0.S,

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MSK] [sɑmsɑktʰɪjɑn] samsakthiyan .c6.ce0l;c, .c6.ce0l;c,
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰmɛnɪ] belmethmeni 2za6z06z,l 2za6z06z,l

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [sɑmsɑkətʰmi:n] samsakthmîn .c6.ce06", .c6.ce06",
cause to be(come) soft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLM] [bɛlmɛtʰsɪ] belmethsi 2za6z0.l 2za6z0.l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 199 The Dwarrow Scholar 200

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MSK] [sɑmsɑktʰi:n] samsakthîn .c6.ce0", .c6.ce0",
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰme:n] tartathmên 8c@8c06x, 8c@8c06x,

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [sɑmsɑkətʰmɑjɑ] samsakthmaya .c6.ce06c;c .c6.ce06c;c
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰsʊn] tartathsun 8c@8c0.S, 8c@8c0.S,

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MSK] [sɑmsɑktʰɪjɑ] samsakthiya .c6.ce0l;c .c6.ce0l;c
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰmɛnɪ] tartathmeni 8c@8c06z,l 8c@8c06z,l

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [sɑmsɑkətʰmi:] samsakthmî .c6.ce06" .c6.ce06"
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰsɪ] tartathsi 8c@8c0.l 8c@8c0.l

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MSK] [sɑmsɑktʰɪ] samsakthi .c6.ce0l .c6.ce0l
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰme:] tartathmê 8c@8c06x 8c@8c06x
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MSK] [tɑmsɑktʰɪjɑn] tamsakthiyan 8c6.ce0l;c, 8c6.ce0l;c,
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰsʊ] tartathsu 8c@8c0.S 8c@8c0.S
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MSK] [tɑmsɑktʰi:n] tamsakthîn 8c6.ce0", 8c6.ce0",
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰe:n] tartathên 8c@8c0x, 8c@8c0x,
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MSK] [tɑmsɑktʰɪjɑ] tamsakthiya 8c6.ce0l;c 8c6.ce0l;c
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰoːn] tartathôn 8c@8c0n, 8c@8c0M,
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MSK] [tɑmsɑktʰɪ] tamsakthi 8c6.ce0l 8c6.ce0l
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰɑɪ] tartathai 8c@8c0cl 8c@8c0cl
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰmɑ:] maskathmâ 6c.ec06v 6c.ec06v
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰɑ] tartatha 8c@8c0c 8c@8c0c
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰmɪ] maskathmi 6c.ec06l 6c.ec06l
cause to be(come) vigilant! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRT] [ɪtrɪtɪtʰi:] itritithî l8@l8l0" l8@l8l0"
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰmɛnɪn] maskathmenin 6c.ec06z,l, 6c.ec06z,l,
cause to be(come) vigilant! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRT] [ɪtrɪtɪtʰ] itritith l8@l8l0 l8@l8l0

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰsɪn] maskathsin 6c.ec0.l, 6c.ec0.l, cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRS] [mɑfrɪstʰɪ] mafristhi 6c3@l.0l 6c3@l.0l

cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRS] [ʌfrɪstʰɪ] afristhi c3@l.0l c3@l.0l
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰme:n] maskathmên 6c.ec06x, 6c.ec06x,

cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [sɑfrɪstʰmɑjɑn] safristhmayan .c3@l.06c;c, .c3@l.06c;c,
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰsʊn] maskathsun 6c.ec0.S, 6c.ec0.S,

cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRS] [sɑfrɪstʰɪjɑn] safristhiyan .c3@l.0l;c, .c3@l.0l;c,
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰmɛnɪ] maskathmeni 6c.ec06z,l 6c.ec06z,l

cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [sɑfrɪstʰmi:n] safristhmîn .c3@l.06", .c3@l.06",
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰsɪ] maskathsi 6c.ec0.l 6c.ec0.l

cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRS] [sɑfrɪstʰi:n] safristhîn .c3@l.0", .c3@l.0",
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰme:] maskathmê 6c.ec06x 6c.ec06x

cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [sʌfrɪstʰmɑjɑ] safristhmaya .c3@l.06c;c .c3@l.06c;c
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰsʊ] maskathsu 6c.ec0.S 6c.ec0.S

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰe:n] maskathên 6c.ec0x, 6c.ec0x, cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRS] [sʌfrɪstʰɪjɑ] safristhiya .c3@l.0l;c .c3@l.0l;c

cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MSK] [mɑskɑtʰoːn] maskathôn 6c.ec0n, 6c.ec0M, cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sʌfrɪstʰmi:] safristhmî .c3@l.06" .c3@l.06"
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰɑɪ] maskathai 6c.ec0cl 6c.ec0cl [FRS]
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRS] [sʌfrɪstʰɪ] safristhi .c3@l.0l .c3@l.0l
cause to be(come) ugly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MSK] [mʌskɑtʰɑ] maskatha 6c.ec0c 6c.ec0c
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRS] [tɑfrɪstʰɪjɑn] tafristhiyan 8c3@l.0l;c, 8c3@l.0l;c,
cause to be(come) ugly! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MSK] [ɪmsɪkɪtʰi:] imsikithî l6.lel0" l6.lel0"
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRS] [tɑfrɪstʰi:n] tafristhîn 8c3@l.0", 8c3@l.0",
cause to be(come) ugly! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MSK] [ɪmsɪkɪtʰ] imsikith l6.lel0 l6.lel0
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRS] [tʌfrɪstʰɪjɑ] tafristhiya 8c3@l.0l;c 8c3@l.0l;c
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRT] [mɑtrɪt.tʰɪ] matritthi 6c8@l80l 6c8@l80l
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRS] [tʌfrɪstʰɪ] tafristhi 8c3@l.0l 8c3@l.0l
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRT] [ɑtrɪt.tʰɪ] atritthi c8@l80l c8@l80l
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰmɑ:] farsathmâ 3c@.c06v 3c@.c06v
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [sɑtrɪtətʰmɑjɑn] satritthmayan .c8@l806c;c, .c8@l806c;c,
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰmɪ] farsathmi 3c@.c06l 3c@.c06l

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRT] [sɑtrɪt.tʰɪjɑn] satritthiyan .c8@l80l;c, .c8@l80l;c,
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰmɛnɪn] farsathmenin 3c@.c06z,l, 3c@.c06z,l,

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [sɑtrɪtətʰmi:n] satritthmîn .c8@l806", .c8@l806",
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰsɪn] farsathsin 3c@.c0.l, 3c@.c0.l,

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRT] [sɑtrɪt.tʰi:n] satritthîn .c8@l80", .c8@l80",
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰme:n] farsathmên 3c@.c06x, 3c@.c06x,

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [sɑtrɪtətʰmɑjɑ] satritthmaya .c8@l806c;c .c8@l806c;c
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰsʊn] farsathsun 3c@.c0.S, 3c@.c0.S,

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRT] [sɑtrɪt.tʰɪjɑ] satritthiya .c8@l80l;c .c8@l80l;c
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰmɛnɪ] farsathmeni 3c@.c06z,l 3c@.c06z,l

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [sɑtrɪtətʰmi:] satritthmî .c8@l806" .c8@l806"
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰsɪ] farsathsi 3c@.c0.l 3c@.c0.l

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRT] [sɑtrɪt.tʰɪ] satritthi .c8@l80l .c8@l80l
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰme:] farsathmê 3c@.c06x 3c@.c06x
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRT] [tɑtrɪt.tʰɪjɑn] tatritthiyan 8c8@l80l;c, 8c8@l80l;c,
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰsʊ] farsathsu 3c@.c0.S 3c@.c0.S
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRT] [tɑtrɪt.tʰi:n] tatritthîn 8c8@l80", 8c8@l80",
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰe:n] farsathên 3c@.c0x, 3c@.c0x,
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRT] [tɑtrɪt.tʰɪjɑ] tatritthiya 8c8@l80l;c 8c8@l80l;c
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰoːn] farsathôn 3c@.c0n, 3c@.c0M,
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRT] [tɑtrɪt.tʰɪ] tatritthi 8c8@l80l 8c8@l80l
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰɑɪ] farsathai 3c@.c0cl 3c@.c0cl
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰmɑ:] tartathmâ 8c@8c06v 8c@8c06v
cause to be(come) voracious [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRS] [fɑrsɑtʰɑ] farsatha 3c@.c0c 3c@.c0c
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰmɪ] tartathmi 8c@8c06l 8c@8c06l
cause to be(come) voracious! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRS] [ɪfrɪsɪtʰi:] ifrisithî l3@l.l0" l3@l.l0"
cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰmɛnɪn] tartathmenin 8c@8c06z,l, 8c@8c06z,l,
cause to be(come) voracious! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRS] [ɪfrɪsɪtʰ] ifrisith l3@l.l0 l3@l.l0

cause to be(come) vigilant [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRT] [tɑrtɑtʰsɪn] tartathsin 8c@8c0.l, 8c@8c0.l, cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMZ] [mɑɡmɪztʰɪ] magmizthi 6cr6lw0l 6cR6lD0l

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The Dwarrow Scholar 201 The Dwarrow Scholar 202
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMZ] [ɑɡmɪztʰɪ] agmizthi cr6lw0l cR6lD0l cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰmɛnɪn] kertethmenin ez@8z06z,l, ez@8z06z,l,

cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰsɪn] kertethsin ez@8z0.l, ez@8z0.l,
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰmɑjɑn] sagmizthmayan .cr6lw06c;c, .cR6lD06c;c,
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰme:n] kertethmên ez@8z06x, ez@8z06x,
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰɪjɑn] sagmizthiyan .cr6lw0l;c, .cR6lD0l;c,
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰsʊn] kertethsun ez@8z0.S, ez@8z0.S,
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰmi:n] sagmizthmîn .cr6lw06", .cR6lD06", cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰmɛnɪ] kertethmeni ez@8z06z,l ez@8z06z,l

.cr6lw0", .cR6lD0", cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰsɪ] kertethsi ez@8z0.l ez@8z0.l
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰi:n] sagmizthîn
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰme:] kertethmê ez@8z06x ez@8z06x
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰmɑjɑ] sagmizthmaya .cr6lw06c;c .cR6lD06c;c
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰsʊ] kertethsu ez@8z0.S ez@8z0.S
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰɪjɑ] sagmizthiya .cr6lw0l;c .cR6lD0l;c ez@8z0x, ez@8z0x,
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰe:n] kertethên
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰmi:] sagmizthmî .cr6lw06" .cR6lD06" cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰoːn] kertethôn ez@8z0n, ez@8z0M,

cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰɑɪ] kertethai ez@8z0cl ez@8z0cl
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMZ] [sɑɡmɪztʰɪ] sagmizthi .cr6lw0l .cR6lD0l
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰɑ] kertetha ez@8z0c ez@8z0c
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMZ] [tɑɡmɪztʰɪjɑn] tagmizthiyan 8cr6lw0l;c, 8cR6lD0l;c,
cause to beat! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [ɪkrɪtɪtʰi:] ikritithî le@l8l0" le@l8l0"
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMZ] [tɑɡmɪztʰi:n] tagmizthîn 8cr6lw0", 8cR6lD0",
cause to beat! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRT] [ɪkrɪtɪtʰ] ikritith le@l8l0 le@l8l0
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMZ] [tɑɡmɪztʰɪjɑ] tagmizthiya 8cr6lw0l;c 8cR6lD0l;c
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [WDR] [mɑwdɪrtʰɪ] mawdirthi 6cF9l@0l 6cF9l@0l
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMZ] [tɑɡmɪztʰɪ] tagmizthi 8cr6lw0l 8cR6lD0l
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [WDR] [ɑwdɪrtʰɪ] awdirthi cF9l@0l cF9l@0l
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰmɑ:] gumzuthmâ rS6wS06v RS6DS06v
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .cF9l@06c;c, .cF9l@06c;c,
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰmɪ] gumzuthmi rS6wS06l RS6DS06l [sɑwdɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sawdirthmayan
(contemptuous)] [WDR]
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰmɛnɪn] gumzuthmenin rS6wS06z,l, RS6DS06z,l, .cF9l@0l;c, .cF9l@0l;c,
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [WDR] [sɑwdɪrtʰɪjɑn] sawdirthiyan
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰsɪn] gumzuthsin rS6wS0.l, RS6DS0.l, cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑwdɪrtʰmi:n] sawdirthmîn .cF9l@06", .cF9l@06",
rS6wS06x, RS6DS06x,
(contemptuous)] [WDR]
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰme:n] gumzuthmên
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [WDR] [sɑwdɪrtʰi:n] sawdirthîn .cF9l@0", .cF9l@0",
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰsʊn] gumzuthsun rS6wS0.S, RS6DS0.S,
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .cF9l@06c;c .cF9l@06c;c
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰmɛnɪ] gumzuthmeni rS6wS06z,l RS6DS06z,l [sɑwdɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sawdirthmaya
(contemptuous)] [WDR]
rS6wS0.l RS6DS0.l cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [WDR] [sɑwdɪrtʰɪjɑ] sawdirthiya .cF9l@0l;c .cF9l@0l;c
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰsɪ] gumzuthsi
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .cF9l@06" .cF9l@06"
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰme:] gumzuthmê rS6wS06x RS6DS06x [sɑwdɪrtʰmi:] sawdirthmî
(contemptuous)] [WDR]
rS6wS0.S RS6DS0.S cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [WDR] [sɑwdɪrtʰɪ] sawdirthi .cF9l@0l .cF9l@0l
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰsʊ] gumzuthsu
rS6wS0x, RS6DS0x, cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [WDR] [tɑwdɪrtʰɪjɑn] tawdirthiyan 8cF9l@0l;c, 8cF9l@0l;c,
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰe:n] gumzuthên
rS6wS0n, RS6DS0M, cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [WDR] [tɑwdɪrtʰi:n] tawdirthîn 8cF9l@0", 8cF9l@0",
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰoːn] gumzuthôn
rS6wS0cl RS6DS0cl cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [WDR] [tɑwdɪrtʰɪjɑ] tawdirthiya 8cF9l@0l;c 8cF9l@0l;c
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰɑɪ] gumzuthai
cause to be(come) wild [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMZ] [ɡʊmzʊtʰɑ] gumzutha rS6wS0c RS6DS0c cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [WDR] [tɑwdɪrtʰɪ] tawdirthi 8cF9l@0l 8cF9l@0l
cause to be(come) wild! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [ɪɡmɪzɪtʰi:] igmizithî lr6lwl0" lR6lDl0"
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰmɑ:] wadrathmâ Fc9@c06v Fc9@c06v
cause to be(come) wild! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMZ] [ɪɡmɪzɪtʰ] igmizith lr6lwl0 lR6lDl0
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰmɪ] wadrathmi Fc9@c06l Fc9@c06l
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRT] [mɑkrɑt.tʰɪ] makratthi 6ce@c80l 6ce@c80l
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful Fc9@c06z,l, Fc9@c06z,l,
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRT] [ɑkrɑt.tʰɪ] akratthi ce@c80l ce@c80l [wɑdrɑtʰmɛnɪn] wadrathmenin
(contemptuous)] [WDR]
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [sɑkrɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sakratthmayan .ce@c806c;c, .ce@c806c;c, cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰsɪn] wadrathsin Fc9@c0.l, Fc9@c0.l,

cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRT] [sɑkrɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sakratthiyan .ce@c80l;c, .ce@c80l;c, cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[wɑdrɑtʰme:n] wadrathmên Fc9@c06x, Fc9@c06x,
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [sɑkrɑtətʰmi:n] sakratthmîn .ce@c806", .ce@c806", (contemptuous)] [WDR]
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRT] [sɑkrɑt.tʰi:n] sakratthîn .ce@c80", .ce@c80", cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰsʊn] wadrathsun Fc9@c0.S, Fc9@c0.S,

cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [sɑkrɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sakratthmaya .ce@c806c;c .ce@c806c;c cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[wɑdrɑtʰmɛnɪ] wadrathmeni Fc9@c06z,l Fc9@c06z,l
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRT] [sɑkrɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sakratthiya .ce@c80l;c .ce@c80l;c (contemptuous)] [WDR]
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰsɪ] wadrathsi Fc9@c0.l Fc9@c0.l
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRT] [sɑkrɑtətʰmi:] sakratthmî .ce@c806" .ce@c806"
cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful Fc9@c06x Fc9@c06x
[wɑdrɑtʰme:] wadrathmê
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRT] [sɑkrɑt.tʰɪ] sakratthi .ce@c80l .ce@c80l (contemptuous)] [WDR]
8ce@c80l;c, 8ce@c80l;c, cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰsʊ] wadrathsu Fc9@c0.S Fc9@c0.S
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRT] [tɑkrɑt.tʰɪjɑn] takratthiyan
8ce@c80", 8ce@c80", cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰe:n] wadrathên Fc9@c0x, Fc9@c0x,
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRT] [tɑkrɑt.tʰi:n] takratthîn
8ce@c80l;c 8ce@c80l;c cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰoːn] wadrathôn Fc9@c0n, Fc9@c0M,
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRT] [tɑkrɑt.tʰɪjɑ] takratthiya
8ce@c80l 8ce@c80l cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰɑɪ] wadrathai Fc9@c0cl Fc9@c0cl
cause to beat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRT] [tɑkrɑt.tʰɪ] takratthi
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰmɑ:] kertethmâ ez@8z06v ez@8z06v cause to become aware (cause to know) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [WDR] [wɑdrɑtʰɑ] wadratha Fc9@c0c Fc9@c0c
cause to beat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRT] [kɛrtɛtʰmɪ] kertethmi ez@8z06l ez@8z06l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 203 The Dwarrow Scholar 204

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to become aware (cause to know)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [WDR] [dɪrɪtʰi:] dirithî 9l@l0" 9l@l0" cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KBR] [tɑkbɪrtʰɪ] takbirthi 8ce2l@0l 8ce2l@0l

cause to become aware (cause to know)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [WDR] [i:dɪrɪtʰ] îdirith "9l@l0 "9l@l0 cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰmɑ:] kubruthmâ eS2@S06v eS2@S06v

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BH] [mɑbɪhtʰɪ] mabihthi 6c2lf0l 6c2lf0l cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰmɪ] kubruthmi eS2@S06l eS2@S06l

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BH] [ɑbɪhtʰɪ] abihthi c2lf0l c2lf0l
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰmɛnɪn] kubruthmenin eS2@S06z,l, eS2@S06z,l,

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰmɑjɑn] sabihthmayan .c2lf06c;c, .c2lf06c;c,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰsɪn] kubruthsin eS2@S0.l, eS2@S0.l,

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰɪjɑn] sabihthiyan .c2lf0l;c, .c2lf0l;c,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰme:n] kubruthmên eS2@S06x, eS2@S06x,

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰmi:n] sabihthmîn .c2lf06", .c2lf06",
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰsʊn] kubruthsun eS2@S0.S, eS2@S0.S,

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰi:n] sabihthîn .c2lf0", .c2lf0",
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰmɛnɪ] kubruthmeni eS2@S06z,l eS2@S06z,l

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰmɑjɑ] sabihthmaya .c2lf06c;c .c2lf06c;c
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰsɪ] kubruthsi eS2@S0.l eS2@S0.l

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰɪjɑ] sabihthiya .c2lf0l;c .c2lf0l;c
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰme:] kubruthmê eS2@S06x eS2@S06x

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰmi:] sabihthmî .c2lf06" .c2lf06"
cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰsʊ] kubruthsu eS2@S0.S eS2@S0.S

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BH] [sɑbɪhtʰɪ] sabihthi .c2lf0l .c2lf0l cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰe:n] kubruthên eS2@S0x, eS2@S0x,

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BH] [tɑbɪhtʰɪjɑn] tabihthiyan 8c2lf0l;c, 8c2lf0l;c, cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰoːn] kubruthôn eS2@S0n, eS2@S0M,

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BH] [tɑbɪhtʰi:n] tabihthîn 8c2lf0", 8c2lf0", cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰɑɪ] kubruthai eS2@S0cl eS2@S0cl

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BH] [tɑbɪhtʰɪjɑ] tabihthiya 8c2lf0l;c 8c2lf0l;c cause to behave savagely [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KBR] [kʊbrʊtʰɑ] kubrutha eS2@S0c eS2@S0c

cause to befriend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BH] [tɑbɪhtʰɪ] tabihthi 8c2lf0l 8c2lf0l cause to behave savagely! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KBR] [ɪkbɪrɪtʰi:] ikbirithî le2l@l0" le2l@l0"

cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰmɑ:] buhuthmâ 2SfS06v 2SfS06v cause to behave savagely! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KBR] [ɪkbɪrɪtʰ] ikbirith le2l@l0 le2l@l0

cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰmɪ] buhuthmi 2SfS06l 2SfS06l cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLS] [mɑʃlɪstʰɪ] mashlisthi 6c%al.0l 6c%al.0l

cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰmɛnɪn] buhuthmenin 2SfS06z,l, 2SfS06z,l, cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLS] [ʌʃlɪstʰɪ] ashlisthi c%al.0l c%al.0l

cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰsɪn] buhuthsin 2SfS0.l, 2SfS0.l, cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑʃlɪstʰmɑjɑn] sashlisthmayan .c%al.06c;c, .c%al.06c;c,
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰme:n] buhuthmên 2SfS06x, 2SfS06x, [ShLS]
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLS] [sɑʃlɪstʰɪjɑn] sashlisthiyan .c%al.0l;c, .c%al.0l;c,
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰsʊn] buhuthsun 2SfS0.S, 2SfS0.S,
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c%al.06", .c%al.06",
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰmɛnɪ] buhuthmeni 2SfS06z,l 2SfS06z,l [sɑʃlɪstʰmi:n] sashlisthmîn
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰsɪ] buhuthsi 2SfS0.l 2SfS0.l .c%al.0", .c%al.0",
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLS] [sɑʃlɪstʰi:n] sashlisthîn
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰme:] buhuthmê 2SfS06x 2SfS06x cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c%al.06c;c .c%al.06c;c
[sʌʃlɪstʰmɑjɑ] sashlisthmaya
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰsʊ] buhuthsu 2SfS0.S 2SfS0.S .c%al.0l;c .c%al.0l;c
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLS] [sʌʃlɪstʰɪjɑ] sashlisthiya
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰe:n] buhuthên 2SfS0x, 2SfS0x, cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sʌʃlɪstʰmi:] sashlisthmî .c%al.06" .c%al.06"
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰoːn] buhuthôn 2SfS0n, 2SfS0M, [ShLS]
2SfS0cl 2SfS0cl cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLS] [sʌʃlɪstʰɪ] sashlisthi .c%al.0l .c%al.0l
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰɑɪ] buhuthai
2SfS0c 2SfS0c cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLS] [tɑʃlɪstʰɪjɑn] tashlisthiyan 8c%al.0l;c, 8c%al.0l;c,
cause to befriend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BH] [bʊhʊtʰɑ] buhutha
l2fl0" l2fl0" cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLS] [tɑʃlɪstʰi:n] tashlisthîn 8c%al.0", 8c%al.0",
cause to befriend! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BH] [ɪbhɪtʰi:] ibhithî
l2f"0 l2f"0 cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLS] [tʌʃlɪstʰɪjɑ] tashlisthiya 8c%al.0l;c 8c%al.0l;c
cause to befriend! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BH] [ɪbhi:tʰ] ibhîth
6ce2l@0l 6ce2l@0l cause to behave with integrity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLS] [tʌʃlɪstʰɪ] tashlisthi 8c%al.0l 8c%al.0l
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KBR] [mɑkbɪrtʰɪ] makbirthi
ce2l@0l ce2l@0l cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰmɑ:] shulsuthmâ %Sa.S06v %Sa.S06v
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KBR] [ɑkbɪrtʰɪ] akbirthi
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰmɪ] shulsuthmi %Sa.S06l %Sa.S06l
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sakbirthmayan .ce2l@06c;c, .ce2l@06c;c,
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰmɛnɪn] shulsuthmenin %Sa.S06z,l, %Sa.S06z,l,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰɪjɑn] sakbirthiyan .ce2l@0l;c, .ce2l@0l;c,
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰsɪn] shulsuthsin %Sa.S0.l, %Sa.S0.l,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰmi:n] sakbirthmîn .ce2l@06", .ce2l@06",
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰme:n] shulsuthmên %Sa.S06x, %Sa.S06x,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰi:n] sakbirthîn .ce2l@0", .ce2l@0",
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰsʊn] shulsuthsun %Sa.S0.S, %Sa.S0.S,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sakbirthmaya .ce2l@06c;c .ce2l@06c;c
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰmɛnɪ] shulsuthmeni %Sa.S06z,l %Sa.S06z,l
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰɪjɑ] sakbirthiya .ce2l@0l;c .ce2l@0l;c
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰsɪ] shulsuthsi %Sa.S0.l %Sa.S0.l
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰmi:] sakbirthmî .ce2l@06" .ce2l@06"
cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] %Sa.S06x %Sa.S06x
[ʃʊlsʊtʰme:] shulsuthmê
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KBR] [sɑkbɪrtʰɪ] sakbirthi .ce2l@0l .ce2l@0l [ShLS]
8ce2l@0l;c, 8ce2l@0l;c, cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰsʊ] shulsuthsu %Sa.S0.S %Sa.S0.S
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KBR] [tɑkbɪrtʰɪjɑn] takbirthiyan
8ce2l@0", 8ce2l@0", cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰe:n] shulsuthên %Sa.S0x, %Sa.S0x,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KBR] [tɑkbɪrtʰi:n] takbirthîn
8ce2l@0l;c 8ce2l@0l;c cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰoːn] shulsuthôn %Sa.S0n, %Sa.S0M,
cause to behave savagely [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KBR] [tɑkbɪrtʰɪjɑ] takbirthiya

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 205 The Dwarrow Scholar 206
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰɑɪ] shulsuthai %Sa.S0cl %Sa.S0cl cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰmɑ:] razmathmâ @cw6c06v @cD6c06v

cause to behave with integrity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLS] [ʃʊlsʊtʰɑ] shulsutha %Sa.S0c %Sa.S0c cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰmɪ] razmathmi @cw6c06l @cD6c06l

cause to behave with integrity! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLS] [ɪʃlɪsɪtʰi:] ishlisithî l%al.l0" l%al.l0" cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰmɛnɪn] razmathmenin @cw6c06z,l, @cD6c06z,l,

cause to behave with integrity! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLS] [ɪʃlɪsɪtʰ] ishlisith l%al.l0 l%al.l0 cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰsɪn] razmathsin @cw6c0.l, @cD6c0.l,

cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LYʔ] [mɑljɑʔtʰɪ] malya'thi 6ca;cg0l 6ca;cg0l cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰme:n] razmathmên @cw6c06x, @cD6c06x,

cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LYʔ] [ɑljɑʔtʰɪ] alya'thi ca;cg0l ca;cg0l cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰsʊn] razmathsun @cw6c0.S, @cD6c0.S,

cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔətʰmɑjɑn] salya'thmayan .ca;cg06c;c, .ca;cg06c;c, cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰmɛnɪ] razmathmeni @cw6c06z,l @cD6c06z,l

cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔtʰɪjɑn] salya'thiyan .ca;cg0l;c, .ca;cg0l;c, cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰsɪ] razmathsi @cw6c0.l @cD6c0.l

cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔətʰmi:n] salya'thmîn .ca;cg06", .ca;cg06", cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰme:] razmathmê @cw6c06x @cD6c06x

cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔtʰi:n] salya'thîn .ca;cg0", .ca;cg0", cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰsʊ] razmathsu @cw6c0.S @cD6c0.S

cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰe:n] razmathên @cw6c0x, @cD6c0x,
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔətʰmɑjɑ] salya'thmaya .ca;cg06c;c .ca;cg06c;c
cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RZM] [rɑzmɑtʰoːn] razmathôn @cw6c0n, @cD6c0M,
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔtʰɪjɑ] salya'thiya .ca;cg0l;c .ca;cg0l;c
cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰɑɪ] razmathai @cw6c0cl @cD6c0cl
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔətʰmi:] salya'thmî .ca;cg06" .ca;cg06" cause to believe [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RZM] [rʌzmɑtʰɑ] razmatha @cw6c0c @cD6c0c

.ca;cg0l .ca;cg0l cause to believe! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [ɪrzɪmɪtʰi:] irzimithî l@wl6l0" l@Dl6l0"
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LYʔ] [sɑljɑʔtʰɪ] salya'thi
8ca;cg0l;c, 8ca;cg0l;c, cause to believe! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RZM] [ɪrzɪmɪtʰ] irzimith l@wl6l0 l@Dl6l0
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LYʔ] [tɑljɑʔtʰɪjɑn] talya'thiyan
8ca;cg0", 8ca;cg0", cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KNB] [mɑknɪbtʰɪ] maknibthi 6ce,l20l 6ce,l20l
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LYʔ] [tɑljɑʔtʰi:n] talya'thîn
8ca;cg0l;c 8ca;cg0l;c cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KNB] [ɑknɪbtʰɪ] aknibthi ce,l20l ce,l20l
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LYʔ] [tɑljɑʔtʰɪjɑ] talya'thiya
8ca;cg0l 8ca;cg0l cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [sɑknɪbətʰmɑjɑn] saknibthmayan .ce,l206c;c, .ce,l206c;c,
cause to behold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LYʔ] [tɑljɑʔtʰɪ] talya'thi
ac;gc06v ac;gc06v cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KNB] [sɑknɪbtʰɪjɑn] saknibthiyan .ce,l20l;c, .ce,l20l;c,
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰmɑ:] lay'athmâ
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰmɪ] lay'athmi ac;gc06l ac;gc06l cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [sɑknɪbətʰmi:n] saknibthmîn .ce,l206", .ce,l206",
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰmɛnɪn] lay'athmenin ac;gc06z,l, ac;gc06z,l,
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KNB] [sɑknɪbtʰi:n] saknibthîn .ce,l20", .ce,l20",
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰsɪn] lay'athsin ac;gc0.l, ac;gc0.l,
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [sɑknɪbətʰmɑjɑ] saknibthmaya .ce,l206c;c .ce,l206c;c
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰme:n] lay'athmên ac;gc06x, ac;gc06x,

cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰsʊn] lay'athsun ac;gc0.S, ac;gc0.S, cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KNB] [sɑknɪbtʰɪjɑ] saknibthiya .ce,l20l;c .ce,l20l;c

cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰmɛnɪ] lay'athmeni ac;gc06z,l ac;gc06z,l
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [sɑknɪbətʰmi:] saknibthmî .ce,l206" .ce,l206"
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰsɪ] lay'athsi ac;gc0.l ac;gc0.l
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KNB] [sɑknɪbtʰɪ] saknibthi .ce,l20l .ce,l20l
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰme:] lay'athmê ac;gc06x ac;gc06x
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KNB] [tɑknɪbtʰɪjɑn] taknibthiyan 8ce,l20l;c, 8ce,l20l;c,
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰsʊ] lay'athsu ac;gc0.S ac;gc0.S
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KNB] [tɑknɪbtʰi:n] taknibthîn 8ce,l20", 8ce,l20",
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰe:n] lay'athên ac;gc0x, ac;gc0x,
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KNB] [tɑknɪbtʰɪjɑ] taknibthiya 8ce,l20l;c 8ce,l20l;c
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰoːn] lay'athôn ac;gc0n, ac;gc0M,
cause to bellow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KNB] [tɑknɪbtʰɪ] taknibthi 8ce,l20l 8ce,l20l
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰɑɪ] lay'athai ac;gc0cl ac;gc0cl
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰmɑ:] kunbuthmâ eS,2S06v eS,2S06v
cause to behold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LYʔ] [lɑjʔɑtʰɑ] lay'atha ac;gc0c ac;gc0c
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰmɪ] kunbuthmi eS,2S06l eS,2S06l
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RZM] [mɑrzɪmtʰɪ] marzimthi 6c@wl60l 6c@Dl60l
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰmɛnɪn] kunbuthmenin eS,2S06z,l, eS,2S06z,l,
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RZM] [ɑrzɪmtʰɪ] arzimthi c@wl60l c@Dl60l
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰsɪn] kunbuthsin eS,2S0.l, eS,2S0.l,
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sarzimthmayan .c@wl606c;c, .c@Dl606c;c,
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰme:n] kunbuthmên eS,2S06x, eS,2S06x,

cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰɪjɑn] sarzimthiyan .c@wl60l;c, .c@Dl60l;c, cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰsʊn] kunbuthsun eS,2S0.S, eS,2S0.S,

cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰmɛnɪ] kunbuthmeni eS,2S06z,l eS,2S06z,l
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰmi:n] sarzimthmîn .c@wl606", .c@Dl606",
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰsɪ] kunbuthsi eS,2S0.l eS,2S0.l
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰi:n] sarzimthîn .c@wl60", .c@Dl60",
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰme:] kunbuthmê eS,2S06x eS,2S06x
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sarzimthmaya .c@wl606c;c .c@Dl606c;c
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰsʊ] kunbuthsu eS,2S0.S eS,2S0.S
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰɪjɑ] sarzimthiya .c@wl60l;c .c@Dl60l;c
cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰe:n] kunbuthên eS,2S0x, eS,2S0x,
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰmi:] sarzimthmî .c@wl606" .c@Dl606" cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰoːn] kunbuthôn eS,2S0n, eS,2S0M,

.c@wl60l .c@Dl60l cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰɑɪ] kunbuthai eS,2S0cl eS,2S0cl
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RZM] [sɑrzɪmtʰɪ] sarzimthi
8c@wl60l;c, 8c@Dl60l;c, cause to bellow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KNB] [kʊnbʊtʰɑ] kunbutha eS,2S0c eS,2S0c
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RZM] [tɑrzɪmtʰɪjɑn] tarzimthiyan
8c@wl60", 8c@Dl60", cause to bellow! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [ɪknɪbɪtʰi:] iknibithî le,l2l0" le,l2l0"
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RZM] [tɑrzɪmtʰi:n] tarzimthîn
8c@wl60l;c 8c@Dl60l;c cause to bellow! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KNB] [ɪknɪbɪtʰ] iknibith le,l2l0 le,l2l0
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RZM] [tɑrzɪmtʰɪjɑ] tarzimthiya
8c@wl60l 8c@Dl60l cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRR] [mɑhrɑrtʰɪ] mahrarthi 6cf@c@0l 6cf@c@0l
cause to believe [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RZM] [tɑrzɪmtʰɪ] tarzimthi

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The Dwarrow Scholar 207 The Dwarrow Scholar 208

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRR] [ʌhrɑrtʰɪ] ahrarthi cf@c@0l cf@c@0l cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰme:n] bebethmên 2z2z06x, 2z2z06x,

cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [sɑhrɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sahrarthmayan .cf@c@06c;c, .cf@c@06c;c, cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰsʊn] bebethsun 2z2z0.S, 2z2z0.S,

cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRR] [sɑhrɑrtʰɪjɑn] sahrarthiyan .cf@c@0l;c, .cf@c@0l;c, cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰmɛnɪ] bebethmeni 2z2z06z,l 2z2z06z,l

cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰsɪ] bebethsi 2z2z0.l 2z2z0.l
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [sɑhrɑrtʰmi:n] sahrarthmîn .cf@c@06", .cf@c@06",
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰme:] bebethmê 2z2z06x 2z2z06x
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRR] [sɑhrɑrtʰi:n] sahrarthîn .cf@c@0", .cf@c@0",
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰsʊ] bebethsu 2z2z0.S 2z2z0.S
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [sʌhrɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sahrarthmaya .cf@c@06c;c .cf@c@06c;c cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰe:n] bebethên 2z2z0x, 2z2z0x,

.cf@c@0l;c .cf@c@0l;c cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰoːn] bebethôn 2z2z0n, 2z2z0M,
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRR] [sʌhrɑrtʰɪjɑ] sahrarthiya
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰɑɪ] bebethai 2z2z0cl 2z2z0cl
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [sʌhrɑrtʰmi:] sahrarthmî .cf@c@06" .cf@c@06"
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰɑ] bebetha 2z2z0c 2z2z0c
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRR] [sʌhrɑrtʰɪ] sahrarthi .cf@c@0l .cf@c@0l l22l0" l22l0"
cause to bend! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BB] [ɪb.bɪtʰi:] ibbithî
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRR] [tɑhrɑrtʰɪjɑn] tahrarthiyan 8cf@c@0l;c, 8cf@c@0l;c, l22"0 l22"0
cause to bend! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BB] [ɪʰ] ibbîth
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRR] [tɑhrɑrtʰi:n] tahrarthîn 8cf@c@0", 8cf@c@0", 6c%,leV0l 6c%,lt0l
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShNKh] [mɑʃnɪkʰtʰɪ] mashnikhthi
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRR] [tʌhrɑrtʰɪjɑ] tahrarthiya 8cf@c@0l;c 8cf@c@0l;c c%,leV0l c%,lt0l
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShNKh] [ʌʃnɪkʰtʰɪ] ashnikhthi
cause to belong [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRR] [tʌhrɑrtʰɪ] tahrarthi 8cf@c@0l 8cf@c@0l
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [sɑʃnɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sashnikhthmayan .c%,leV06c;c, .c%,lt06c;c,
cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰmɑ:] harrathmâ fc@@c06v fc@@c06v
fc@@c06l fc@@c06l cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShNKh] [sɑʃnɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] sashnikhthiyan .c%,leV0l;c, .c%,lt0l;c,
cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰmɪ] harrathmi
cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰmɛnɪn] harrathmenin fc@@c06z,l, fc@@c06z,l, cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [sɑʃnɪkʰətʰmi:n] sashnikhthmîn .c%,leV06", .c%,lt06",
cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰsɪn] harrathsin fc@@c0.l, fc@@c0.l,
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShNKh] [sɑʃnɪkʰtʰi:n] sashnikhthîn .c%,leV0", .c%,lt0",
cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰme:n] harrathmên fc@@c06x, fc@@c06x,
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [sʌʃnɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sashnikhthmaya .c%,leV06c;c .c%,lt06c;c
cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰsʊn] harrathsun fc@@c0.S, fc@@c0.S,

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰmɛnɪ] harrathmeni fc@@c06z,l fc@@c06z,l cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShNKh] [sʌʃnɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] sashnikhthiya .c%,leV0l;c .c%,lt0l;c

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰsɪ] harrathsi fc@@c0.l fc@@c0.l
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [sʌʃnɪkʰətʰmi:] sashnikhthmî .c%,leV06" .c%,lt06"

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰme:] harrathmê fc@@c06x fc@@c06x
cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShNKh] [sʌʃnɪkʰtʰɪ] sashnikhthi .c%,leV0l .c%,lt0l

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰsʊ] harrathsu fc@@c0.S fc@@c0.S cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShNKh] [tɑʃnɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] tashnikhthiyan 8c%,leV0l;c, 8c%,lt0l;c,

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰe:n] harrathên fc@@c0x, fc@@c0x, cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShNKh] [tɑʃnɪkʰtʰi:n] tashnikhthîn 8c%,leV0", 8c%,lt0",

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰoːn] harrathôn fc@@c0n, fc@@c0M, cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShNKh] [tʌʃnɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] tashnikhthiya 8c%,leV0l;c 8c%,lt0l;c

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰɑɪ] harrathai fc@@c0cl fc@@c0cl cause to betray [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShNKh] [tʌʃnɪkʰtʰɪ] tashnikhthi 8c%,leV0l 8c%,lt0l

cause to belong [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRR] [hɑr.rɑtʰɑ] harratha fc@@c0c fc@@c0c cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰmɑ:] shunkhuthmâ %S,eVS06v %S,tS06v

cause to belong! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [ɪhrɪrɪtʰi:] ihririthî lf@l@l0" lf@l@l0" cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰmɪ] shunkhuthmi %S,eVS06l %S,tS06l

cause to belong! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRR] [ɪhrɪrɪtʰ] ihririth lf@l@l0 lf@l@l0 cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] shunkhuthmenin %S,eVS06z,l, %S,tS06z,l,

cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BB] [mɑbɪbtʰɪ] mabibthi 6c2l20l 6c2l20l cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰsɪn] shunkhuthsin %S,eVS0.l, %S,tS0.l,

cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BB] [ɑbɪbtʰɪ] abibthi c2l20l c2l20l
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰme:n] shunkhuthmên %S,eVS06x, %S,tS06x,
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [sɑbɪbətʰmɑjɑn] sabibthmayan .c2l206c;c, .c2l206c;c,
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰsʊn] shunkhuthsun %S,eVS0.S, %S,tS0.S,
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BB] [sɑbɪbtʰɪjɑn] sabibthiyan .c2l20l;c, .c2l20l;c,

cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [sɑbɪbətʰmi:n] sabibthmîn .c2l206", .c2l206", cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] shunkhuthmeni %S,eVS06z,l %S,tS06z,l

cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BB] [sɑbɪbtʰi:n] sabibthîn .c2l20", .c2l20", %S,eVS0.l %S,tS0.l
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰsɪ] shunkhuthsi
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [sɑbɪbətʰmɑjɑ] sabibthmaya .c2l206c;c .c2l206c;c
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰme:] shunkhuthmê %S,eVS06x %S,tS06x
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BB] [sɑbɪbtʰɪjɑ] sabibthiya .c2l20l;c .c2l20l;c
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰsʊ] shunkhuthsu %S,eVS0.S %S,tS0.S
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [sɑbɪbətʰmi:] sabibthmî .c2l206" .c2l206"
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰe:n] shunkhuthên %S,eVS0x, %S,tS0x,
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BB] [sɑbɪbtʰɪ] sabibthi .c2l20l .c2l20l %S,eVS0n, %S,tS0M,
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰoːn] shunkhuthôn
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BB] [tɑbɪbtʰɪjɑn] tabibthiyan 8c2l20l;c, 8c2l20l;c, %S,eVS0cl %S,tS0cl
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰɑɪ] shunkhuthai
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BB] [tɑbɪbtʰi:n] tabibthîn 8c2l20", 8c2l20", %S,eVS0c %S,tS0c
cause to betray [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShNKh] [ʃʊnkʰʊtʰɑ] shunkhutha
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BB] [tɑbɪbtʰɪjɑ] tabibthiya 8c2l20l;c 8c2l20l;c l%,leVl0" l%,ltl0"
cause to betray! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [ɪʃnɪkʰɪtʰi:] ishnikhithî
cause to bend [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BB] [tɑbɪbtʰɪ] tabibthi 8c2l20l 8c2l20l l%,leVl0 l%,ltl0
cause to betray! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShNKh] [ɪʃnɪkʰɪtʰ] ishnikhith
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰmɑ:] bebethmâ 2z2z06v 2z2z06v 6c2ala0l 6c2ala0l
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLL] [mɑblɪltʰɪ] mablilthi
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰmɪ] bebethmi 2z2z06l 2z2z06l c2ala0l c2ala0l
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLL] [ɑblɪltʰɪ] ablilthi
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰmɛnɪn] bebethmenin 2z2z06z,l, 2z2z06z,l, .c2ala06c;c, .c2ala06c;c,
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰmɑjɑn] sablilthmayan
cause to bend [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BB] [bɛbɛtʰsɪn] bebethsin 2z2z0.l, 2z2z0.l, .c2ala0l;c, .c2ala0l;c,
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰɪjɑn] sablilthiyan

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰmi:n] sablilthmîn .c2ala06", .c2ala06", cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰme:] hukhduthmê fSeV9S06x fSt9S06x

cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰi:n] sablilthîn .c2ala0", .c2ala0", cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰsʊ] hukhduthsu fSeV9S0.S fSt9S0.S

cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰmɑjɑ] sablilthmaya .c2ala06c;c .c2ala06c;c cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰe:n] hukhduthên fSeV9S0x, fSt9S0x,

cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰɪjɑ] sablilthiya .c2ala0l;c .c2ala0l;c cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰoːn] hukhduthôn fSeV9S0n, fSt9S0M,

cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰɑɪ] hukhduthai fSeV9S0cl fSt9S0cl
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰmi:] sablilthmî .c2ala06" .c2ala06"
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰɑ] hukhdutha fSeV9S0c fSt9S0c
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLL] [sɑblɪltʰɪ] sablilthi .c2ala0l .c2ala0l
cause to bite! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [ɪhkʰɪdɪtʰi:] ihkhidithî lfeVl9l0" lftl9l0"
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLL] [tɑblɪltʰɪjɑn] tablilthiyan 8c2ala0l;c, 8c2ala0l;c,
cause to bite! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKhD] [ɪhkʰɪdɪtʰ] ihkhidith lfeVl9l0 lftl9l0
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLL] [tɑblɪltʰi:n] tablilthîn 8c2ala0", 8c2ala0",
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HFS] [mɑhfɑstʰɪ] mahfasthi 6cf3c.0l 6cf3c.0l
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLL] [tɑblɪltʰɪjɑ] tablilthiya 8c2ala0l;c 8c2ala0l;c
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HFS] [ʌhfʌstʰɪ] ahfasthi cf3c.0l cf3c.0l
cause to bind [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLL] [tɑblɪltʰɪ] tablilthi 8c2ala0l 8c2ala0l
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [sɑhfɑstʰmɑjɑn] sahfasthmayan .cf3c.06c;c, .cf3c.06c;c,
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰmɑ:] bellethmâ 2zaaz06v 2zaaz06v
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HFS] [sɑhfɑstʰɪjɑn] sahfasthiyan .cf3c.0l;c, .cf3c.0l;c,
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰmɪ] bellethmi 2zaaz06l 2zaaz06l
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [sɑhfɑstʰmi:n] sahfasthmîn .cf3c.06", .cf3c.06",
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰmɛnɪn] bellethmenin 2zaaz06z,l, 2zaaz06z,l,

cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰsɪn] bellethsin 2zaaz0.l, 2zaaz0.l, cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HFS] [sɑhfɑstʰi:n] sahfasthîn .cf3c.0", .cf3c.0",

cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰme:n] bellethmên 2zaaz06x, 2zaaz06x,
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [sʌhfʌstʰmɑjɑ] sahfasthmaya .cf3c.06c;c .cf3c.06c;c
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰsʊn] bellethsun 2zaaz0.S, 2zaaz0.S,
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HFS] [sʌhfʌstʰɪjɑ] sahfasthiya .cf3c.0l;c .cf3c.0l;c
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰmɛnɪ] bellethmeni 2zaaz06z,l 2zaaz06z,l

cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰsɪ] bellethsi 2zaaz0.l 2zaaz0.l cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [sʌhfʌstʰmi:] sahfasthmî .cf3c.06" .cf3c.06"

cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰme:] bellethmê 2zaaz06x 2zaaz06x .cf3c.0l .cf3c.0l
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HFS] [sʌhfʌstʰɪ] sahfasthi
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰsʊ] bellethsu 2zaaz0.S 2zaaz0.S 8cf3c.0l;c, 8cf3c.0l;c,
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HFS] [tɑhfɑstʰɪjɑn] tahfasthiyan
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰe:n] bellethên 2zaaz0x, 2zaaz0x, 8cf3c.0", 8cf3c.0",
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HFS] [tɑhfɑstʰi:n] tahfasthîn
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰoːn] bellethôn 2zaaz0n, 2zaaz0M, 8cf3c.0l;c 8cf3c.0l;c
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HFS] [tʌhfʌstʰɪjɑ] tahfasthiya
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰɑɪ] bellethai 2zaaz0cl 2zaaz0cl 8cf3c.0l 8cf3c.0l
cause to blame [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HFS] [tʌhfʌstʰɪ] tahfasthi
cause to bind [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLL] [bɛl.lɛtʰɑ] belletha 2zaaz0c 2zaaz0c fc3.c06v fc3.c06v
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰmɑ:] hafsathmâ
cause to bind! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [ɪblɪlɪtʰi:] iblilithî l2alal0" l2alal0" fc3.c06l fc3.c06l
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰmɪ] hafsathmi
cause to bind! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLL] [ɪblɪlɪtʰ] iblilith l2alal0 l2alal0 fc3.c06z,l, fc3.c06z,l,
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰmɛnɪn] hafsathmenin
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HKhD] [mɑhkʰɪdtʰɪ] mahkhidthi 6cfeVl90l 6cftl90l fc3.c0.l, fc3.c0.l,
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰsɪn] hafsathsin
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HKhD] [ʌhkʰɪdtʰɪ] ahkhidthi cfeVl90l cftl90l fc3.c06x, fc3.c06x,
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰme:n] hafsathmên
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [sɑhkʰɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sahkhidthmayan .cfeVl906c;c, .cftl906c;c, fc3.c0.S, fc3.c0.S,
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰsʊn] hafsathsun
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HKhD] [sɑhkʰɪdtʰɪjɑn] sahkhidthiyan .cfeVl90l;c, .cftl90l;c, fc3.c06z,l fc3.c06z,l
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰmɛnɪ] hafsathmeni
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [sɑhkʰɪdtʰmi:n] sahkhidthmîn .cfeVl906", .cftl906", fc3.c0.l fc3.c0.l
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰsɪ] hafsathsi
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HKhD] [sɑhkʰɪdtʰi:n] sahkhidthîn .cfeVl90", .cftl90", fc3.c06x fc3.c06x
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰme:] hafsathmê
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [sʌhkʰɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sahkhidthmaya .cfeVl906c;c .cftl906c;c cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰsʊ] hafsathsu fc3.c0.S fc3.c0.S

cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰe:n] hafsathên fc3.c0x, fc3.c0x,
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HKhD] [sʌhkʰɪdtʰɪjɑ] sahkhidthiya .cfeVl90l;c .cftl90l;c
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HFS] [hɑfsɑtʰoːn] hafsathôn fc3.c0n, fc3.c0M,
cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [sʌhkʰɪdtʰmi:] sahkhidthmî .cfeVl906" .cftl906"
cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰɑɪ] hafsathai fc3.c0cl fc3.c0cl

cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HKhD] [sʌhkʰɪdtʰɪ] sahkhidthi .cfeVl90l .cftl90l cause to blame [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HFS] [hʌfsɑtʰɑ] hafsatha fc3.c0c fc3.c0c

cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HKhD] [tɑhkʰɪdtʰɪjɑn] tahkhidthiyan 8cfeVl90l;c, 8cftl90l;c, cause to blame! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [ɪhfɪsɪtʰi:] ihfisithî lf3l.l0" lf3l.l0"

cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HKhD] [tɑhkʰɪdtʰi:n] tahkhidthîn 8cfeVl90", 8cftl90", cause to blame! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFS] [ɪhfɪsɪtʰ] ihfisith lf3l.l0 lf3l.l0

cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HKhD] [tʌhkʰɪdtʰɪjɑ] tahkhidthiya 8cfeVl90l;c 8cftl90l;c cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BMB] [mɑbmɪbtʰɪ] mabmibthi 6c26l20l 6c26l20l

cause to bite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HKhD] [tʌhkʰɪdtʰɪ] tahkhidthi 8cfeVl90l 8cftl90l cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BMB] [ɑbmɪbtʰɪ] abmibthi c26l20l c26l20l

cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰmɑ:] hukhduthmâ fSeV9S06v fSt9S06v cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑbmɪbətʰmɑjɑn] sabmibthmayan .c26l206c;c, .c26l206c;c,
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰmɪ] hukhduthmi fSeV9S06l fSt9S06l [BMB]
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BMB] [sɑbmɪbtʰɪjɑn] sabmibthiyan .c26l20l;c, .c26l20l;c,
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰmɛnɪn] hukhduthmenin fSeV9S06z,l, fSt9S06z,l,
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c26l206", .c26l206",
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰsɪn] hukhduthsin fSeV9S0.l, fSt9S0.l, [sɑbmɪbətʰmi:n] sabmibthmîn
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰme:n] hukhduthmên fSeV9S06x, fSt9S06x, .c26l20", .c26l20",
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BMB] [sɑbmɪbtʰi:n] sabmibthîn
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰsʊn] hukhduthsun fSeV9S0.S, fSt9S0.S, cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑbmɪbətʰmɑjɑ] sabmibthmaya .c26l206c;c .c26l206c;c
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰmɛnɪ] hukhduthmeni fSeV9S06z,l fSt9S06z,l [BMB]
fSeV9S0.l fSt9S0.l cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BMB] [sɑbmɪbtʰɪjɑ] sabmibthiya .c26l20l;c .c26l20l;c
cause to bite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HKhD] [hʊkʰdʊtʰsɪ] hukhduthsi

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 211 The Dwarrow Scholar 212

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰsʊ] dammathsu 9c66c0.S 9c66c0.S
[sɑbmɪbətʰmi:] sabmibthmî .c26l206" .c26l206"
[BMB] cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰe:n] dammathên 9c66c0x, 9c66c0x,
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BMB] [sɑbmɪbtʰɪ] sabmibthi .c26l20l .c26l20l
cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰoːn] dammathôn 9c66c0n, 9c66c0M,
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BMB] [tɑbmɪbtʰɪjɑn] tabmibthiyan 8c26l20l;c, 8c26l20l;c,
cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰɑɪ] dammathai 9c66c0cl 9c66c0cl
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BMB] [tɑbmɪbtʰi:n] tabmibthîn 8c26l20", 8c26l20",
cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰɑ] dammatha 9c66c0c 9c66c0c
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BMB] [tɑbmɪbtʰɪjɑ] tabmibthiya 8c26l20l;c 8c26l20l;c
cause to bleed! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [ɪdmɪmɪtʰi:] idmimithî l96l6l0" l96l6l0"
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BMB] [tɑbmɪbtʰɪ] tabmibthi 8c26l20l 8c26l20l
cause to bleed! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DMM] [ɪdmɪmɪtʰ] idmimith l96l6l0 l96l6l0
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰmɑ:] bembethmâ 2z62z06v 2z62z06v
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhD] [mɑmkʰɪdtʰɪ] mamkhidthi 6c6eVl90l 6c6tl90l
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰmɪ] bembethmi 2z62z06l 2z62z06l
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhD] [ɑmkʰɪdtʰɪ] amkhidthi c6eVl90l c6tl90l
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰmɛnɪn] bembethmenin 2z62z06z,l, 2z62z06z,l, cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmkʰɪdtʰmɑjɑn] samkhidthmayan .c6eVl906c;c, .c6tl906c;c,
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰsɪn] bembethsin 2z62z0.l, 2z62z0.l,
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhD] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰɪjɑn] samkhidthiyan .c6eVl90l;c, .c6tl90l;c,
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2z62z06x, 2z62z06x,
[bɛmbɛtʰme:n] bembethmên cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6eVl906", .c6tl906",
[BMB] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰmi:n] samkhidthmîn
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰsʊn] bembethsun 2z62z0.S, 2z62z0.S,
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhD] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰi:n] samkhidthîn .c6eVl90", .c6tl90",
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2z62z06z,l 2z62z06z,l
[bɛmbɛtʰmɛnɪ] bembethmeni cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6eVl906c;c .c6tl906c;c
[BMB] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰmɑjɑ] samkhidthmaya
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰsɪ] bembethsi 2z62z0.l 2z62z0.l
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhD] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰɪjɑ] samkhidthiya .c6eVl90l;c .c6tl90l;c
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2z62z06x 2z62z06x
[bɛmbɛtʰme:] bembethmê cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6eVl906" .c6tl906"
[BMB] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰmi:] samkhidthmî
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰsʊ] bembethsu 2z62z0.S 2z62z0.S
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhD] [sɑmkʰɪdtʰɪ] samkhidthi .c6eVl90l .c6tl90l
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰe:n] bembethên 2z62z0x, 2z62z0x,
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhD] [tɑmkʰɪdtʰɪjɑn] tamkhidthiyan 8c6eVl90l;c, 8c6tl90l;c,
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰoːn] bembethôn 2z62z0n, 2z62z0M,
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhD] [tɑmkʰɪdtʰi:n] tamkhidthîn 8c6eVl90", 8c6tl90",
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰɑɪ] bembethai 2z62z0cl 2z62z0cl
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhD] [tɑmkʰɪdtʰɪjɑ] tamkhidthiya 8c6eVl90l;c 8c6tl90l;c
cause to blanket (cause to wrap) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BMB] [bɛmbɛtʰɑ] bembetha 2z62z0c 2z62z0c
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhD] [tɑmkʰɪdtʰɪ] tamkhidthi 8c6eVl90l 8c6tl90l
cause to blanket (cause to wrap)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [ɪbmɪbɪtʰi:] ibmibithî l26l2l0" l26l2l0"
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰmɑ:] makhdathmâ 6ceV9c06v 6ct9c06v
cause to blanket (cause to wrap)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BMB] [ɪbmɪbɪtʰ] ibmibith l26l2l0 l26l2l0
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰmɪ] makhdathmi 6ceV9c06l 6ct9c06l
cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DMM] [mɑdmɪmtʰɪ] madmimthi 6c96l60l 6c96l60l
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰmɛnɪn] makhdathmenin 6ceV9c06z,l, 6ct9c06z,l,
cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DMM] [ɑdmɪmtʰɪ] admimthi c96l60l c96l60l

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sadmimthmayan .c96l606c;c, .c96l606c;c, cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰsɪn] makhdathsin 6ceV9c0.l, 6ct9c0.l,

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰɪjɑn] sadmimthiyan .c96l60l;c, .c96l60l;c,
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰme:n] makhdathmên 6ceV9c06x, 6ct9c06x,

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰmi:n] sadmimthmîn .c96l606", .c96l606",
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰsʊn] makhdathsun 6ceV9c0.S, 6ct9c0.S,

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰi:n] sadmimthîn .c96l60", .c96l60",
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰmɛnɪ] makhdathmeni 6ceV9c06z,l 6ct9c06z,l

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sadmimthmaya .c96l606c;c .c96l606c;c
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰsɪ] makhdathsi 6ceV9c0.l 6ct9c0.l

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰɪjɑ] sadmimthiya .c96l60l;c .c96l60l;c cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[mɑkʰdɑtʰme:] makhdathmê 6ceV9c06x 6ct9c06x
cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰmi:] sadmimthmî .c96l606" .c96l606"
cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰsʊ] makhdathsu 6ceV9c0.S 6ct9c0.S

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DMM] [sɑdmɪmtʰɪ] sadmimthi .c96l60l .c96l60l cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰe:n] makhdathên 6ceV9c0x, 6ct9c0x,

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DMM] [tɑdmɪmtʰɪjɑn] tadmimthiyan 8c96l60l;c, 8c96l60l;c, cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰoːn] makhdathôn 6ceV9c0n, 6ct9c0M,

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DMM] [tɑdmɪmtʰi:n] tadmimthîn 8c96l60", 8c96l60", cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰɑɪ] makhdathai 6ceV9c0cl 6ct9c0cl

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DMM] [tɑdmɪmtʰɪjɑ] tadmimthiya 8c96l60l;c 8c96l60l;c cause to blend (cause to mix) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhD] [mɑkʰdɑtʰɑ] makhdatha 6ceV9c0c 6ct9c0c

cause to bleed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DMM] [tɑdmɪmtʰɪ] tadmimthi 8c96l60l 8c96l60l cause to blend (cause to mix)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [ɪmkʰɪdɪtʰi:] imkhidithî l6eVl9l0" l6tl9l0"

cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰmɑ:] dammathmâ 9c66c06v 9c66c06v cause to blend (cause to mix)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhD] [ɪmkʰɪdɪtʰ] imkhidith l6eVl9l0 l6tl9l0

cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰmɪ] dammathmi 9c66c06l 9c66c06l cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHD] [mɑmhɑdtʰɪ] mamhadthi 6c6fc90l 6c6fc90l

cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰmɛnɪn] dammathmenin 9c66c06z,l, 9c66c06z,l, cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHD] [ɑmhɑdtʰɪ] amhadthi c6fc90l c6fc90l

cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰsɪn] dammathsin 9c66c0.l, 9c66c0.l, cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰmɑjɑn] samhadthmayan .c6fc906c;c, .c6fc906c;c,

cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰme:n] dammathmên 9c66c06x, 9c66c06x, cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰɪjɑn] samhadthiyan .c6fc90l;c, .c6fc90l;c,

cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰsʊn] dammathsun 9c66c0.S, 9c66c0.S,
cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰmi:n] samhadthmîn .c6fc906", .c6fc906",
cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰmɛnɪ] dammathmeni 9c66c06z,l 9c66c06z,l
cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰi:n] samhadthîn .c6fc90", .c6fc90",
cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰsɪ] dammathsi 9c66c0.l 9c66c0.l
cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰmɑjɑ] samhadthmaya .c6fc906c;c .c6fc906c;c
cause to bleed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DMM] [dɑm.mɑtʰme:] dammathmê 9c66c06x 9c66c06x

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 213 The Dwarrow Scholar 214
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰɪjɑ] samhadthiya .c6fc90l;c .c6fc90l;c cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[tɛbdɛtʰme:] tebdethmê 8z29z06x 8z29z06x
cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰmi:] samhadthmî .c6fc906" .c6fc906"
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰsʊ] tebdethsu 8z29z0.S 8z29z0.S

cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHD] [sɑmhɑdtʰɪ] samhadthi .c6fc90l .c6fc90l cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰe:n] tebdethên 8z29z0x, 8z29z0x,

cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHD] [tɑmhɑdtʰɪjɑn] tamhadthiyan 8c6fc90l;c, 8c6fc90l;c, cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰoːn] tebdethôn 8z29z0n, 8z29z0M,

cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHD] [tɑmhɑdtʰi:n] tamhadthîn 8c6fc90", 8c6fc90", cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰɑɪ] tebdethai 8z29z0cl 8z29z0cl

cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHD] [tɑmhɑdtʰɪjɑ] tamhadthiya 8c6fc90l;c 8c6fc90l;c cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰɑ] tebdetha 8z29z0c 8z29z0c

cause to bless [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHD] [tɑmhɑdtʰɪ] tamhadthi 8c6fc90l 8c6fc90l cause to block (cause to stop up)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [ɪtbɪdɪtʰi:] itbidithî l82l9l0" l82l9l0"

cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰmɑ:] mahdathmâ 6cf9c06v 6cf9c06v cause to block (cause to stop up)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TBD] [ɪtbɪdɪtʰ] itbidith l82l9l0 l82l9l0

cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰmɪ] mahdathmi 6cf9c06l 6cf9c06l cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NNG] [mɑn.nɑɡtʰɪ] mannagthi 6cucr0l 6cucR0l

cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰmɛnɪn] mahdathmenin 6cf9c06z,l, 6cf9c06z,l, cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NNG] [ɑn.nɑɡtʰɪ] annagthi cucr0l cucR0l

cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰsɪn] mahdathsin 6cf9c0.l, 6cf9c0.l, cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[sɑn.nɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sannagthmayan .cucr06c;c, .cucR06c;c,
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰme:n] mahdathmên 6cf9c06x, 6cf9c06x, (contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰsʊn] mahdathsun 6cf9c0.S, 6cf9c0.S, cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NNG] [sɑn.nɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sannagthiyan .cucr0l;c, .cucR0l;c,

cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰmɛnɪ] mahdathmeni 6cf9c06z,l 6cf9c06z,l cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑn.nɑɡtʰmi:n] sannagthmîn .cucr06", .cucR06",
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰsɪ] mahdathsi 6cf9c0.l 6cf9c0.l (contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰme:] mahdathmê 6cf9c06x 6cf9c06x cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NNG] [sɑn.nɑɡtʰi:n] sannagthîn .cucr0", .cucR0",
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰsʊ] mahdathsu 6cf9c0.S 6cf9c0.S
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .cucr06c;c .cucR06c;c
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰe:n] mahdathên 6cf9c0x, 6cf9c0x, [sɑn.nɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sannagthmaya
(contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHD] [mɑhdɑtʰoːn] mahdathôn 6cf9c0n, 6cf9c0M,
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NNG] [sɑn.nɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sannagthiya .cucr0l;c .cucR0l;c
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰɑɪ] mahdathai 6cf9c0cl 6cf9c0cl
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .cucr06" .cucR06"
cause to bless [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHD] [mʌhdɑtʰɑ] mahdatha 6cf9c0c 6cf9c0c [sɑn.nɑɡtʰmi:] sannagthmî
(contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to bless! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [ɪmhɪdɪtʰi:] imhidithî l6fl9l0" l6fl9l0"
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NNG] [sɑn.nɑɡtʰɪ] sannagthi .cucr0l .cucR0l
cause to bless! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHD] [ɪmhɪdɪtʰ] imhidith l6fl9l0 l6fl9l0

cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TBD] [mɑtbɪdtʰɪ] matbidthi 6c82l90l 6c82l90l cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NNG] [tɑn.nɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tannagthiyan 8cucr0l;c, 8cucR0l;c,

cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TBD] [ɑtbɪdtʰɪ] atbidthi c82l90l c82l90l cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NNG] [tɑn.nɑɡtʰi:n] tannagthîn 8cucr0", 8cucR0",
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c82l906c;c, .c82l906c;c,
[sɑtbɪdtʰmɑjɑn] satbidthmayan 8cucr0l;c 8cucR0l;c
[TBD] cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NNG] [tɑn.nɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tannagthiya
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TBD] [sɑtbɪdtʰɪjɑn] satbidthiyan .c82l90l;c, .c82l90l;c,
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NNG] [tɑn.nɑɡtʰɪ] tannagthi 8cucr0l 8cucR0l
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c82l906", .c82l906",
[sɑtbɪdtʰmi:n] satbidthmîn
[TBD] cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰmɑ:] nunguthmâ ,SjS06v ,SjS06v
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TBD] [sɑtbɪdtʰi:n] satbidthîn .c82l90", .c82l90",
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰmɪ] nunguthmi ,SjS06l ,SjS06l
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c82l906c;c .c82l906c;c
[sɑtbɪdtʰmɑjɑ] satbidthmaya cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful ,SjS06z,l, ,SjS06z,l,
[TBD] [nʊngʊtʰmɛnɪn] nunguthmenin
(contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TBD] [sɑtbɪdtʰɪjɑ] satbidthiya .c82l90l;c .c82l90l;c
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰsɪn] nunguthsin ,SjS0.l, ,SjS0.l,
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c82l906" .c82l906"
[sɑtbɪdtʰmi:] satbidthmî
[TBD] cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[nʊngʊtʰme:n] nunguthmên ,SjS06x, ,SjS06x,
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TBD] [sɑtbɪdtʰɪ] satbidthi .c82l90l .c82l90l
(contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TBD] [tɑtbɪdtʰɪjɑn] tatbidthiyan 8c82l90l;c, 8c82l90l;c,
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰsʊn] nunguthsun ,SjS0.S, ,SjS0.S,
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TBD] [tɑtbɪdtʰi:n] tatbidthîn 8c82l90", 8c82l90",
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful ,SjS06z,l ,SjS06z,l
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TBD] [tɑtbɪdtʰɪjɑ] tatbidthiya 8c82l90l;c 8c82l90l;c [nʊngʊtʰmɛnɪ] nunguthmeni
(contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TBD] [tɑtbɪdtʰɪ] tatbidthi 8c82l90l 8c82l90l ,SjS0.l ,SjS0.l
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰsɪ] nunguthsi
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰmɑ:] tebdethmâ 8z29z06v 8z29z06v cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[nʊngʊtʰme:] nunguthmê ,SjS06x ,SjS06x
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰmɪ] tebdethmi 8z29z06l 8z29z06l (contemptuous)] [NNG]
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰmɛnɪn] tebdethmenin 8z29z06z,l, 8z29z06z,l, cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰsʊ] nunguthsu ,SjS0.S ,SjS0.S

cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰsɪn] tebdethsin 8z29z0.l, 8z29z0.l, cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰe:n] nunguthên ,SjS0x, ,SjS0x,

cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰoːn] nunguthôn ,SjS0n, ,SjS0M,
[tɛbdɛtʰme:n] tebdethmên 8z29z06x, 8z29z06x,
[TBD] cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰɑɪ] nunguthai ,SjS0cl ,SjS0cl
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰsʊn] tebdethsun 8z29z0.S, 8z29z0.S,
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NNG] [nʊngʊtʰɑ] nungutha ,SjS0c ,SjS0c
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 8z29z06z,l 8z29z06z,l
[tɛbdɛtʰmɛnɪ] tebdethmeni
[TBD] lulrl0" lulRl0"
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NNG] [ɪn.nɪɡɪtʰi:] innigithî
cause to block (cause to stop up) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TBD] [tɛbdɛtʰsɪ] tebdethsi 8z29z0.l 8z29z0.l

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BGD] [tɑbɡɪdtʰi:n] tabgidthîn 8c2rl90", 8c2Rl90",
cause to blossom (cause to flower / to bloom)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NNG] [ɪn.nɪɡɪtʰ] innigith lulrl0 lulRl0
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BGD] [tɑbɡɪdtʰɪjɑ] tabgidthiya 8c2rl90l;c 8c2Rl90l;c
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NBR] [mɑnbɑrtʰɪ] manbarthi 6c,2c@0l 6c,2c@0l
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BGD] [tɑbɡɪdtʰɪ] tabgidthi 8c2rl90l 8c2Rl90l
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NBR] [ɑnbɑrtʰɪ] anbarthi c,2c@0l c,2c@0l
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰmɑ:] bugduthmâ 2Sr9S06v 2SR9S06v
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c,2c@06c;c, .c,2c@06c;c,
[sɑnbɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sanbarthmayan cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰmɪ] bugduthmi 2Sr9S06l 2SR9S06l
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NBR] [sɑnbɑrtʰɪjɑn] sanbarthiyan .c,2c@0l;c, .c,2c@0l;c, cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰmɛnɪn] bugduthmenin 2Sr9S06z,l, 2SR9S06z,l,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c,2c@06", .c,2c@06",
[sɑnbɑrtʰmi:n] sanbarthmîn cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰsɪn] bugduthsin 2Sr9S0.l, 2SR9S0.l,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NBR] [sɑnbɑrtʰi:n] sanbarthîn .c,2c@0", .c,2c@0", cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰme:n] bugduthmên 2Sr9S06x, 2SR9S06x,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c,2c@06c;c .c,2c@06c;c
[sɑnbɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sanbarthmaya cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰsʊn] bugduthsun 2Sr9S0.S, 2SR9S0.S,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NBR] [sɑnbɑrtʰɪjɑ] sanbarthiya .c,2c@0l;c .c,2c@0l;c cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰmɛnɪ] bugduthmeni 2Sr9S06z,l 2SR9S06z,l
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c,2c@06" .c,2c@06"
[sɑnbɑrtʰmi:] sanbarthmî cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰsɪ] bugduthsi 2Sr9S0.l 2SR9S0.l
(contemptuous)] [NBR]
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NBR] [sɑnbɑrtʰɪ] sanbarthi .c,2c@0l .c,2c@0l cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰme:] bugduthmê 2Sr9S06x 2SR9S06x
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NBR] [tɑnbɑrtʰɪjɑn] tanbarthiyan 8c,2c@0l;c, 8c,2c@0l;c,
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰsʊ] bugduthsu 2Sr9S0.S 2SR9S0.S
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NBR] [tɑnbɑrtʰi:n] tanbarthîn 8c,2c@0", 8c,2c@0",
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰe:n] bugduthên 2Sr9S0x, 2SR9S0x,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NBR] [tɑnbɑrtʰɪjɑ] tanbarthiya 8c,2c@0l;c 8c,2c@0l;c
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰoːn] bugduthôn 2Sr9S0n, 2SR9S0M,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NBR] [tɑnbɑrtʰɪ] tanbarthi 8c,2c@0l 8c,2c@0l
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰɑɪ] bugduthai 2Sr9S0cl 2SR9S0cl
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰmɑ:] nebrethmâ ,z2@z06v ,z2@z06v
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BGD] [bʊɡdʊtʰɑ] bugdutha 2Sr9S0c 2SR9S0c
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰmɪ] nebrethmi ,z2@z06l ,z2@z06l
cause to blow (wind)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BGD] [ɪbɡɪdɪtʰi:] ibgidithî l2rl9l0" l2Rl9l0"
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] ,z2@z06z,l, ,z2@z06z,l,
[nɛbrɛtʰmɛnɪn] nebrethmenin cause to blow (wind)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BGD] [ɪbɡɪdɪtʰ] ibgidith l2rl9l0 l2Rl9l0
,z2@z0.l, ,z2@z0.l, cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FND] [mɑfnɪdtʰɪ] mafnidthi 6c3,l90l 6c3,l90l
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰsɪn] nebrethsin
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FND] [ʌfnɪdtʰɪ] afnidthi c3,l90l c3,l90l
[nɛbrɛtʰme:n] nebrethmên ,z2@z06x, ,z2@z06x,
[NBR] cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [sɑfnɪdtʰmɑjɑn] safnidthmayan .c3,l906c;c, .c3,l906c;c,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰsʊn] nebrethsun ,z2@z0.S, ,z2@z0.S, .c3,l90l;c, .c3,l90l;c,
cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FND] [sɑfnɪdtʰɪjɑn] safnidthiyan
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] ,z2@z06z,l ,z2@z06z,l
[nɛbrɛtʰmɛnɪ] nebrethmeni cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [sɑfnɪdtʰmi:n] safnidthmîn .c3,l906", .c3,l906",
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰsɪ] nebrethsi ,z2@z0.l ,z2@z0.l .c3,l90", .c3,l90",
cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FND] [sɑfnɪdtʰi:n] safnidthîn
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] ,z2@z06x ,z2@z06x
[nɛbrɛtʰme:] nebrethmê cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [sʌfnɪdtʰmɑjɑ] safnidthmaya .c3,l906c;c .c3,l906c;c
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰsʊ] nebrethsu ,z2@z0.S ,z2@z0.S .c3,l90l;c .c3,l90l;c
cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FND] [sʌfnɪdtʰɪjɑ] safnidthiya
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰe:n] nebrethên ,z2@z0x, ,z2@z0x,
cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [sʌfnɪdtʰmi:] safnidthmî .c3,l906" .c3,l906"
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰoːn] nebrethôn ,z2@z0n, ,z2@z0M,
,z2@z0cl ,z2@z0cl cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FND] [sʌfnɪdtʰɪ] safnidthi .c3,l90l .c3,l90l
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰɑɪ] nebrethai
,z2@z0c ,z2@z0c cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FND] [tɑfnɪdtʰɪjɑn] tafnidthiyan 8c3,l90l;c, 8c3,l90l;c,
cause to blow (person blowing air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NBR] [nɛbrɛtʰɑ] nebretha
l,2l@l0" l,2l@l0" cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FND] [tɑfnɪdtʰi:n] tafnidthîn 8c3,l90", 8c3,l90",
cause to blow (person blowing air)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBR] [ɪnbɪrɪtʰi:] inbirithî
l,2l@l0 l,2l@l0 cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FND] [tʌfnɪdtʰɪjɑ] tafnidthiya 8c3,l90l;c 8c3,l90l;c
cause to blow (person blowing air)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBR] [ɪnbɪrɪtʰ] inbirith
6c2rl90l 6c2Rl90l cause to boast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FND] [tʌfnɪdtʰɪ] tafnidthi 8c3,l90l 8c3,l90l
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BGD] [mɑbɡɪdtʰɪ] mabgidthi
c2rl90l c2Rl90l cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰmɑ:] funduthmâ 3SdS06v 3SdS06v
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BGD] [ɑbɡɪdtʰɪ] abgidthi
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰmɪ] funduthmi 3SdS06l 3SdS06l
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sabgidthmayan .c2rl906c;c, .c2Rl906c;c,
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰmɛnɪn] funduthmenin 3SdS06z,l, 3SdS06z,l,
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰɪjɑn] sabgidthiyan .c2rl90l;c, .c2Rl90l;c, 3SdS0.l, 3SdS0.l,
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰsɪn] funduthsin
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰmi:n] sabgidthmîn .c2rl906", .c2Rl906", cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰme:n] funduthmên 3SdS06x, 3SdS06x,

cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰsʊn] funduthsun 3SdS0.S, 3SdS0.S,
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰi:n] sabgidthîn .c2rl90", .c2Rl90",
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰmɛnɪ] funduthmeni 3SdS06z,l 3SdS06z,l
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sabgidthmaya .c2rl906c;c .c2Rl906c;c
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰsɪ] funduthsi 3SdS0.l 3SdS0.l

cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰɪjɑ] sabgidthiya .c2rl90l;c .c2Rl90l;c cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰme:] funduthmê 3SdS06x 3SdS06x

cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰsʊ] funduthsu 3SdS0.S 3SdS0.S
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰmi:] sabgidthmî .c2rl906" .c2Rl906"
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰe:n] funduthên 3SdS0x, 3SdS0x,
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BGD] [sɑbɡɪdtʰɪ] sabgidthi .c2rl90l .c2Rl90l
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰoːn] funduthôn 3SdS0n, 3SdS0M,
cause to blow (wind) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BGD] [tɑbɡɪdtʰɪjɑn] tabgidthiyan 8c2rl90l;c, 8c2Rl90l;c,
cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰɑɪ] funduthai 3SdS0cl 3SdS0cl

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 217 The Dwarrow Scholar 218
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to boast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FND] [fʊndʊtʰɑ] fundutha 3SdS0c 3SdS0c cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SDN] [ʌsdɑntʰɪ] asdanthi c.9c,0l c.9c,0l

cause to boast! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FND] [ɪfnɪdɪtʰi:] ifnidithî l3,l9l0" l3,l9l0" cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sɑsdɑntʰmɑjɑn] sasdanthmayan .c.9c,06c;c, .c.9c,06c;c,

cause to boast! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FND] [ɪfnɪdɪtʰ] ifnidith l3,l9l0 l3,l9l0 cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SDN] [sɑsdɑntʰɪjɑn] sasdanthiyan .c.9c,0l;c, .c.9c,0l;c,

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLT] [mɑʃlɪt.tʰɪ] mashlitthi 6c%al80l 6c%al80l cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sɑsdɑntʰmi:n] sasdanthmîn .c.9c,06", .c.9c,06",

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLT] [ʌʃlɪt.tʰɪ] ashlitthi c%al80l c%al80l cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SDN] [sɑsdɑntʰi:n] sasdanthîn .c.9c,0", .c.9c,0",
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sʌsdɑntʰmɑjɑ] sasdanthmaya .c.9c,06c;c .c.9c,06c;c
[sɑʃlɪtətʰmɑjɑn] sashlitthmayan .c%al806c;c, .c%al806c;c,
(contemptuous)] [ShLT] cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SDN] [sʌsdɑntʰɪjɑ] sasdanthiya .c.9c,0l;c .c.9c,0l;c
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLT] [sɑʃlɪt.tʰɪjɑn] sashlitthiyan .c%al80l;c, .c%al80l;c,
cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sʌsdɑntʰmi:] sasdanthmî .c.9c,06" .c.9c,06"
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c%al806", .c%al806",
[sɑʃlɪtətʰmi:n] sashlitthmîn cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SDN] [sʌsdɑntʰɪ] sasdanthi .c.9c,0l .c.9c,0l
(contemptuous)] [ShLT]
cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SDN] [tɑsdɑntʰɪjɑn] tasdanthiyan 8c.9c,0l;c, 8c.9c,0l;c,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLT] [sɑʃlɪt.tʰi:n] sashlitthîn .c%al80", .c%al80",
cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SDN] [tɑsdɑntʰi:n] tasdanthîn 8c.9c,0", 8c.9c,0",
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c%al806c;c .c%al806c;c cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SDN] [tʌsdɑntʰɪjɑ] tasdanthiya 8c.9c,0l;c 8c.9c,0l;c
[sʌʃlɪtətʰmɑjɑ] sashlitthmaya
(contemptuous)] [ShLT]
cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SDN] [tʌsdɑntʰɪ] tasdanthi 8c.9c,0l 8c.9c,0l
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLT] [sʌʃlɪt.tʰɪjɑ] sashlitthiya .c%al80l;c .c%al80l;c
cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰmɑ:] sednethmâ .z9,z06v .z9,z06v
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰmɪ] sednethmi .z9,z06l .z9,z06l
[sʌʃlɪtətʰmi:] sashlitthmî .c%al806" .c%al806"
disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLT] cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰmɛnɪn] sednethmenin .z9,z06z,l, .z9,z06z,l,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLT] [sʌʃlɪt.tʰɪ] sashlitthi .c%al80l .c%al80l cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰsɪn] sednethsin .z9,z0.l, .z9,z0.l,

cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰme:n] sednethmên .z9,z06x, .z9,z06x,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLT] [tɑʃlɪt.tʰɪjɑn] tashlitthiyan 8c%al80l;c, 8c%al80l;c,
cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰsʊn] sednethsun .z9,z0.S, .z9,z0.S,

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLT] [tɑʃlɪt.tʰi:n] tashlitthîn 8c%al80", 8c%al80", cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰmɛnɪ] sednethmeni .z9,z06z,l .z9,z06z,l

cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰsɪ] sednethsi .z9,z0.l .z9,z0.l
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLT] [tʌʃlɪt.tʰɪjɑ] tashlitthiya 8c%al80l;c 8c%al80l;c
cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰme:] sednethmê .z9,z06x .z9,z06x
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰsʊ] sednethsu .z9,z0.S .z9,z0.S
[tʌʃlɪt.tʰɪ] tashlitthi 8c%al80l 8c%al80l
[ShLT] cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰe:n] sednethên .z9,z0x, .z9,z0x,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰmɑ:] shaltathmâ %ca8c06v %ca8c06v
cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰoːn] sednethôn .z9,z0n, .z9,z0M,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰmɪ] shaltathmi %ca8c06l %ca8c06l
cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰɑɪ] sednethai .z9,z0cl .z9,z0cl
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful %ca8c06z,l, %ca8c06z,l,
[ʃɑltɑtʰmɛnɪn] shaltathmenin cause to boil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SDN] [sɛdnɛtʰɑ] sednetha .z9,z0c .z9,z0c
(contemptuous)] [ShLT]
cause to boil! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [ɪsdɪnɪtʰi:] isdinithî l.9l,l0" l.9l,l0"
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰsɪn] shaltathsin %ca8c0.l, %ca8c0.l,
cause to boil! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SDN] [ɪsdɪnɪtʰ] isdinith l.9l,l0 l.9l,l0
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful %ca8c06x, %ca8c06x, cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKR] [mɑmkɪrtʰɪ] mamkirthi 6c6el@0l 6c6el@0l
[ʃɑltɑtʰme:n] shaltathmên
(contemptuous)] [ShLT]
cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKR] [ɑmkɪrtʰɪ] amkirthi c6el@0l c6el@0l
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰsʊn] shaltathsun %ca8c0.S, %ca8c0.S,
cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰmɑjɑn] samkirthmayan .c6el@06c;c, .c6el@06c;c,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰɪjɑn] samkirthiyan .c6el@0l;c, .c6el@0l;c,
[ʃɑltɑtʰmɛnɪ] shaltathmeni %ca8c06z,l %ca8c06z,l
(contemptuous)] [ShLT] cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰmi:n] samkirthmîn .c6el@06", .c6el@06",
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰsɪ] shaltathsi %ca8c0.l %ca8c0.l cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰi:n] samkirthîn .c6el@0", .c6el@0",

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰmɑjɑ] samkirthmaya .c6el@06c;c .c6el@06c;c
[ʃɑltɑtʰme:] shaltathmê %ca8c06x %ca8c06x
(contemptuous)] [ShLT] cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰɪjɑ] samkirthiya .c6el@0l;c .c6el@0l;c

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰsʊ] shaltathsu %ca8c0.S %ca8c0.S cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰmi:] samkirthmî .c6el@06" .c6el@06"

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰe:n] shaltathên %ca8c0x, %ca8c0x, cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKR] [sɑmkɪrtʰɪ] samkirthi .c6el@0l .c6el@0l

cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKR] [tɑmkɪrtʰɪjɑn] tamkirthiyan 8c6el@0l;c, 8c6el@0l;c,
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰoːn] shaltathôn %ca8c0n, %ca8c0M, 8c6el@0", 8c6el@0",
cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKR] [tɑmkɪrtʰi:n] tamkirthîn
cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKR] [tɑmkɪrtʰɪjɑ] tamkirthiya 8c6el@0l;c 8c6el@0l;c
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰɑɪ] shaltathai %ca8c0cl %ca8c0cl
cause to bolt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKR] [tɑmkɪrtʰɪ] tamkirthi 8c6el@0l 8c6el@0l
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLT] [ʃɑltɑtʰɑ] shaltatha %ca8c0c %ca8c0c cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰmɑ:] makrathmâ 6ce@c06v 6ce@c06v

cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰmɪ] makrathmi 6ce@c06l 6ce@c06l
cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] [ɪʃlɪtɪtʰi:] ishlitithî l%al8l0" l%al8l0"
cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰmɛnɪn] makrathmenin 6ce@c06z,l, 6ce@c06z,l,

cause to bog (cause to be(come) impeded or stuck)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLT] [ɪʃlɪtɪtʰ] ishlitith l%al8l0 l%al8l0 cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰsɪn] makrathsin 6ce@c0.l, 6ce@c0.l,

cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰme:n] makrathmên 6ce@c06x, 6ce@c06x,
cause to boil [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SDN] [mɑsdɑntʰɪ] masdanthi 6c.9c,0l 6c.9c,0l
cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰsʊn] makrathsun 6ce@c0.S, 6ce@c0.S,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 219 The Dwarrow Scholar 220

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰmɛnɪ] makrathmeni 6ce@c06z,l 6ce@c06z,l cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰi:n] sathfirthîn .c03l@0", .c03l@0",

cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰsɪ] makrathsi 6ce@c0.l 6ce@c0.l
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sathfirthmaya .c03l@06c;c .c03l@06c;c
cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰme:] makrathmê 6ce@c06x 6ce@c06x
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰɪjɑ] sathfirthiya .c03l@0l;c .c03l@0l;c
cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰsʊ] makrathsu 6ce@c0.S 6ce@c0.S

cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰe:n] makrathên 6ce@c0x, 6ce@c0x, cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰmi:] sathfirthmî .c03l@06" .c03l@06"

cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰoːn] makrathôn 6ce@c0n, 6ce@c0M, .c03l@0l .c03l@0l
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰɪ] sathfirthi
cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰɑɪ] makrathai 6ce@c0cl 6ce@c0cl 8c03l@0l;c, 8c03l@0l;c,
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThFR] [tɑtʰfɪrtʰɪjɑn] tathfirthiyan
cause to bolt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKR] [mɑkrɑtʰɑ] makratha 6ce@c0c 6ce@c0c 8c03l@0", 8c03l@0",
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThFR] [tɑtʰfɪrtʰi:n] tathfirthîn
cause to bolt! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [ɪmkɪrɪtʰi:] imkirithî l6el@l0" l6el@l0" 8c03l@0l;c 8c03l@0l;c
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThFR] [tɑtʰfɪrtʰɪjɑ] tathfirthiya
cause to bolt! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKR] [ɪmkɪrɪtʰ] imkirith l6el@l0 l6el@l0 8c03l@0l 8c03l@0l
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThFR] [tɑtʰfɪrtʰɪ] tathfirthi
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BShK] [mɑbʃɪktʰɪ] mabshikthi 6c2%le0l 6c2%le0l 0c3@c06v 0c3@c06v
cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰmɑ:] thafrathmâ
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BShK] [ɑbʃɪktʰɪ] abshikthi c2%le0l c2%le0l 0c3@c06l 0c3@c06l
cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰmɪ] thafrathmi
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c2%le06c;c, .c2%le06c;c, cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰmɛnɪn] thafrathmenin 0c3@c06z,l, 0c3@c06z,l,
[sɑbʃɪkətʰmɑjɑn] sabshikthmayan
cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰsɪn] thafrathsin 0c3@c0.l, 0c3@c0.l,
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BShK] [sɑbʃɪktʰɪjɑn] sabshikthiyan .c2%le0l;c, .c2%le0l;c,
cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰme:n] thafrathmên 0c3@c06x, 0c3@c06x,
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c2%le06", .c2%le06",
[sɑbʃɪkətʰmi:n] sabshikthmîn cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰsʊn] thafrathsun 0c3@c0.S, 0c3@c0.S,
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BShK] [sɑbʃɪktʰi:n] sabshikthîn .c2%le0", .c2%le0", cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰmɛnɪ] thafrathmeni 0c3@c06z,l 0c3@c06z,l
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰsɪ] thafrathsi 0c3@c0.l 0c3@c0.l
[sɑbʃɪkətʰmɑjɑ] sabshikthmaya .c2%le06c;c .c2%le06c;c
[BShK] cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰme:] thafrathmê 0c3@c06x 0c3@c06x
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BShK] [sɑbʃɪktʰɪjɑ] sabshikthiya .c2%le0l;c .c2%le0l;c
cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰsʊ] thafrathsu 0c3@c0.S 0c3@c0.S
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c2%le06" .c2%le06"
[sɑbʃɪkətʰmi:] sabshikthmî cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰe:n] thafrathên 0c3@c0x, 0c3@c0x,
.c2%le0l .c2%le0l cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThFR] [tʰɑfrɑtʰoːn] thafrathôn 0c3@c0n, 0c3@c0M,
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BShK] [sɑbʃɪktʰɪ] sabshikthi
8c2%le0l;c, 8c2%le0l;c, cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰɑɪ] thafrathai 0c3@c0cl 0c3@c0cl
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BShK] [tɑbʃɪktʰɪjɑn] tabshikthiyan
8c2%le0", 8c2%le0", cause to bore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThFR] [tʰʌfrɑtʰɑ] thafratha 0c3@c0c 0c3@c0c
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BShK] [tɑbʃɪktʰi:n] tabshikthîn
8c2%le0l;c 8c2%le0l;c cause to bore! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [ɪtʰfɪrɪtʰi:] ithfirithî l03l@l0" l03l@l0"
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BShK] [tɑbʃɪktʰɪjɑ] tabshikthiya
8c2%le0l 8c2%le0l cause to bore! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThFR] [ɪtʰfɪrɪtʰ] ithfirith l03l@l0 l03l@l0
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BShK] [tɑbʃɪktʰɪ] tabshikthi
2z%ez06v 2z%ez06v cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NHB] [mɑnhɑbtʰɪ] manhabthi 6c,fc20l 6c,fc20l
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰmɑ:] beshkethmâ
2z%ez06l 2z%ez06l cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NHB] [ɑnhɑbtʰɪ] anhabthi c,fc20l c,fc20l
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰmɪ] beshkethmi
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sanhabthmayan .c,fc206c;c, .c,fc206c;c,
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰmɛnɪn] beshkethmenin 2z%ez06z,l, 2z%ez06z,l,
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbtʰɪjɑn] sanhabthiyan .c,fc20l;c, .c,fc20l;c,
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰsɪn] beshkethsin 2z%ez0.l, 2z%ez0.l,
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbətʰmi:n] sanhabthmîn .c,fc206", .c,fc206",
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰme:n] beshkethmên 2z%ez06x, 2z%ez06x,
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbtʰi:n] sanhabthîn .c,fc20", .c,fc20",
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰsʊn] beshkethsun 2z%ez0.S, 2z%ez0.S,
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sanhabthmaya .c,fc206c;c .c,fc206c;c
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰmɛnɪ] beshkethmeni 2z%ez06z,l 2z%ez06z,l
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbtʰɪjɑ] sanhabthiya .c,fc20l;c .c,fc20l;c
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰsɪ] beshkethsi 2z%ez0.l 2z%ez0.l
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbətʰmi:] sanhabthmî .c,fc206" .c,fc206"
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2z%ez06x 2z%ez06x
[bɛʃkɛtʰme:] beshkethmê
[BShK] cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NHB] [sɑnhɑbtʰɪ] sanhabthi .c,fc20l .c,fc20l
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰsʊ] beshkethsu 2z%ez0.S 2z%ez0.S 8c,fc20l;c, 8c,fc20l;c,
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NHB] [tɑnhɑbtʰɪjɑn] tanhabthiyan
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰe:n] beshkethên 2z%ez0x, 2z%ez0x, 8c,fc20", 8c,fc20",
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NHB] [tɑnhɑbtʰi:n] tanhabthîn
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰoːn] beshkethôn 2z%ez0n, 2z%ez0M, 8c,fc20l;c 8c,fc20l;c
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NHB] [tɑnhɑbtʰɪjɑ] tanhabthiya
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰɑɪ] beshkethai 2z%ez0cl 2z%ez0cl 8c,fc20l 8c,fc20l
cause to brace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NHB] [tɑnhɑbtʰɪ] tanhabthi
cause to bone (remove bones) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BShK] [bɛʃkɛtʰɑ] beshketha 2z%ez0c 2z%ez0c ,zf2z06v ,zf2z06v
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰmɑ:] nehbethmâ
cause to bone (remove bones)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BShK] [ɪbʃɪkɪtʰi:] ibshikithî l2%lel0" l2%lel0" ,zf2z06l ,zf2z06l
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰmɪ] nehbethmi
cause to bone (remove bones)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BShK] [ɪbʃɪkɪtʰ] ibshikith l2%lel0 l2%lel0 ,zf2z06z,l, ,zf2z06z,l,
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰmɛnɪn] nehbethmenin
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThFR] [mɑtʰfɪrtʰɪ] mathfirthi 6c03l@0l 6c03l@0l ,zf2z0.l, ,zf2z0.l,
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰsɪn] nehbethsin
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThFR] [ɑtʰfɪrtʰɪ] athfirthi c03l@0l c03l@0l ,zf2z06x, ,zf2z06x,
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰme:n] nehbethmên
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sathfirthmayan .c03l@06c;c, .c03l@06c;c, ,zf2z0.S, ,zf2z0.S,
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰsʊn] nehbethsun
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰɪjɑn] sathfirthiyan .c03l@0l;c, .c03l@0l;c, ,zf2z06z,l ,zf2z06z,l
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰmɛnɪ] nehbethmeni
cause to bore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThFR] [sɑtʰfɪrtʰmi:n] sathfirthmîn .c03l@06", .c03l@06", ,zf2z0.l ,zf2z0.l
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰsɪ] nehbethsi

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰme:] nehbethmê ,zf2z06x ,zf2z06x
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰətʰmi:] sabrakhthmî .c2@ceV06" .c2@ct06"
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰsʊ] nehbethsu ,zf2z0.S ,zf2z0.S
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰtʰɪ] sabrakhthi .c2@ceV0l .c2@ct0l
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰe:n] nehbethên ,zf2z0x, ,zf2z0x,
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRKh] [tɑbrɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] tabrakhthiyan 8c2@ceV0l;c, 8c2@ct0l;c,
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰoːn] nehbethôn ,zf2z0n, ,zf2z0M,
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRKh] [tɑbrɑkʰtʰi:n] tabrakhthîn 8c2@ceV0", 8c2@ct0",
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰɑɪ] nehbethai ,zf2z0cl ,zf2z0cl
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRKh] [tɑbrɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] tabrakhthiya 8c2@ceV0l;c 8c2@ct0l;c
cause to brace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NHB] [nɛhbɛtʰɑ] nehbetha ,zf2z0c ,zf2z0c
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRKh] [tɑbrɑkʰtʰɪ] tabrakhthi 8c2@ceV0l 8c2@ct0l
cause to brace! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [ɪnhɪbɪtʰi:] inhibithî l,fl2l0" l,fl2l0"
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰmɑ:] barkhathmâ 2c@eVc06v 2c@tc06v
cause to brace! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NHB] [ɪnhɪbɪtʰ] inhibith l,fl2l0 l,fl2l0
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰmɪ] barkhathmi 2c@eVc06l 2c@tc06l
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZRS] [mɑzrɪstʰɪ] mazristhi 6cw@l.0l 6cD@l.0l
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] barkhathmenin 2c@eVc06z,l, 2c@tc06z,l,
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZRS] [ʌzrɪstʰɪ] azristhi cw@l.0l cD@l.0l
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰsɪn] barkhathsin 2c@eVc0.l, 2c@tc0.l,
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [sɑzrɪstʰmɑjɑn] sazristhmayan .cw@l.06c;c, .cD@l.06c;c,
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰme:n] barkhathmên 2c@eVc06x, 2c@tc06x,
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZRS] [sɑzrɪstʰɪjɑn] sazristhiyan .cw@l.0l;c, .cD@l.0l;c,
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰsʊn] barkhathsun 2c@eVc0.S, 2c@tc0.S,
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [sɑzrɪstʰmi:n] sazristhmîn .cw@l.06", .cD@l.06",
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] barkhathmeni 2c@eVc06z,l 2c@tc06z,l
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZRS] [sɑzrɪstʰi:n] sazristhîn .cw@l.0", .cD@l.0",
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰsɪ] barkhathsi 2c@eVc0.l 2c@tc0.l
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [sʌzrɪstʰmɑjɑ] sazristhmaya .cw@l.06c;c .cD@l.06c;c
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰme:] barkhathmê 2c@eVc06x 2c@tc06x
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZRS] [sʌzrɪstʰɪjɑ] sazristhiya .cw@l.0l;c .cD@l.0l;c
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰsʊ] barkhathsu 2c@eVc0.S 2c@tc0.S
cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [sʌzrɪstʰmi:] sazristhmî .cw@l.06" .cD@l.06"
cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰe:n] barkhathên 2c@eVc0x, 2c@tc0x,

cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZRS] [sʌzrɪstʰɪ] sazristhi .cw@l.0l .cD@l.0l cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰoːn] barkhathôn 2c@eVc0n, 2c@tc0M,

cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZRS] [tɑzrɪstʰɪjɑn] tazristhiyan 8cw@l.0l;c, 8cD@l.0l;c, cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰɑɪ] barkhathai 2c@eVc0cl 2c@tc0cl

cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZRS] [tɑzrɪstʰi:n] tazristhîn 8cw@l.0", 8cD@l.0", cause to breach [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRKh] [bɑrkʰɑtʰɑ] barkhatha 2c@eVc0c 2c@tc0c

cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZRS] [tʌzrɪstʰɪjɑ] tazristhiya 8cw@l.0l;c 8cD@l.0l;c cause to breach! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [ɪbrɪkʰɪtʰi:] ibrikhithî l2@leVl0" l2@ltl0"

cause to branch [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZRS] [tʌzrɪstʰɪ] tazristhi 8cw@l.0l 8cD@l.0l cause to breach! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRKh] [ɪbrɪkʰɪtʰ] ibrikhith l2@leVl0 l2@ltl0

cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰmɑ:] zarsathmâ wc@.c06v Dc@.c06v cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRH] [mɑkʰrɪhtʰɪ] makhrihthi 6ceV@lf0l 6ct@lf0l

cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰmɪ] zarsathmi wc@.c06l Dc@.c06l cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRH] [ɑkʰrɪhtʰɪ] akhrihthi ceV@lf0l ct@lf0l

cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰmɛnɪn] zarsathmenin wc@.c06z,l, Dc@.c06z,l,
cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰmɑjɑn] sakhrihthmayan .ceV@lf06c;c, .ct@lf06c;c,
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰsɪn] zarsathsin wc@.c0.l, Dc@.c0.l,
cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰɪjɑn] sakhrihthiyan .ceV@lf0l;c, .ct@lf0l;c,
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰme:n] zarsathmên wc@.c06x, Dc@.c06x,

cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰsʊn] zarsathsun wc@.c0.S, Dc@.c0.S, cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰmi:n] sakhrihthmîn .ceV@lf06", .ct@lf06",

cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰmɛnɪ] zarsathmeni wc@.c06z,l Dc@.c06z,l .ceV@lf0", .ct@lf0",
cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰi:n] sakhrihthîn
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰsɪ] zarsathsi wc@.c0.l Dc@.c0.l
cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰmɑjɑ] sakhrihthmaya .ceV@lf06c;c .ct@lf06c;c
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰme:] zarsathmê wc@.c06x Dc@.c06x
cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰɪjɑ] sakhrihthiya .ceV@lf0l;c .ct@lf0l;c
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰsʊ] zarsathsu wc@.c0.S Dc@.c0.S
cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰmi:] sakhrihthmî .ceV@lf06" .ct@lf06"
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰe:n] zarsathên wc@.c0x, Dc@.c0x,
wc@.c0n, Dc@.c0M, cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRH] [sɑkʰrɪhtʰɪ] sakhrihthi .ceV@lf0l .ct@lf0l
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰoːn] zarsathôn
wc@.c0cl Dc@.c0cl cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRH] [tɑkʰrɪhtʰɪjɑn] takhrihthiyan 8ceV@lf0l;c, 8ct@lf0l;c,
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰɑɪ] zarsathai
wc@.c0c Dc@.c0c cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRH] [tɑkʰrɪhtʰi:n] takhrihthîn 8ceV@lf0", 8ct@lf0",
cause to branch [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZRS] [zɑrsɑtʰɑ] zarsatha
lw@l.l0" lD@l.l0" cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRH] [tɑkʰrɪhtʰɪjɑ] takhrihthiya 8ceV@lf0l;c 8ct@lf0l;c
cause to branch! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [ɪzrɪsɪtʰi:] izrisithî
lw@l.l0 lD@l.l0 cause to break easily [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRH] [tɑkʰrɪhtʰɪ] takhrihthi 8ceV@lf0l 8ct@lf0l
cause to branch! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRS] [ɪzrɪsɪtʰ] izrisith
6c2@ceV0l 6c2@ct0l cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰmɑ:] kharhathmâ eVc@fc06v tc@fc06v
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRKh] [mɑbrɑkʰtʰɪ] mabrakhthi
c2@ceV0l c2@ct0l cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰmɪ] kharhathmi eVc@fc06l tc@fc06l
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRKh] [ɑbrɑkʰtʰɪ] abrakhthi
.c2@ceV06c;c, .c2@ct06c;c, cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰmɛnɪn] kharhathmenin eVc@fc06z,l, tc@fc06z,l,
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sabrakhthmayan
.c2@ceV0l;c, .c2@ct0l;c, cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰsɪn] kharhathsin eVc@fc0.l, tc@fc0.l,
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] sabrakhthiyan
.c2@ceV06", .c2@ct06", cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰme:n] kharhathmên eVc@fc06x, tc@fc06x,
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰətʰmi:n] sabrakhthmîn
.c2@ceV0", .c2@ct0", cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰsʊn] kharhathsun eVc@fc0.S, tc@fc0.S,
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰtʰi:n] sabrakhthîn
.c2@ceV06c;c .c2@ct06c;c cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰmɛnɪ] kharhathmeni eVc@fc06z,l tc@fc06z,l
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sabrakhthmaya
.c2@ceV0l;c .c2@ct0l;c cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰsɪ] kharhathsi eVc@fc0.l tc@fc0.l
cause to breach [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRKh] [sɑbrɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] sabrakhthiya

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 223 The Dwarrow Scholar 224

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰɪ] sagzagthi .crwcr0l .cRDcR0l
cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰme:] kharhathmê eVc@fc06x tc@fc06x
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GZG] [tɑɡzɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tagzagthiyan 8crwcr0l;c, 8cRDcR0l;c,
cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰsʊ] kharhathsu eVc@fc0.S tc@fc0.S
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GZG] [tɑɡzɑɡtʰi:n] tagzagthîn 8crwcr0", 8cRDcR0",
cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰe:n] kharhathên eVc@fc0x, tc@fc0x,
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GZG] [tɑɡzɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tagzagthiya 8crwcr0l;c 8cRDcR0l;c
cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰoːn] kharhathôn eVc@fc0n, tc@fc0M,
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GZG] [tɑɡzɑɡtʰɪ] tagzagthi 8crwcr0l 8cRDcR0l
cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰɑɪ] kharhathai eVc@fc0cl tc@fc0cl
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰmɑ:] gezgethmâ rzwrz06v RzDRz06v
cause to break easily [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRH] [kʰɑrhɑtʰɑ] kharhatha eVc@fc0c tc@fc0c
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰmɪ] gezgethmi rzwrz06l RzDRz06l
cause to break easily! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRH] [ɪkʰrɪhɪtʰi:] ikhrihithî leV@lfl0" lt@lfl0"
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰmɛnɪn] gezgethmenin rzwrz06z,l, RzDRz06z,l,
cause to break easily! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRH] [ɪkʰrɪhɪtʰ] ikhrihith leV@lfl0 lt@lfl0

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔTM] [mɑʔtɪmtʰɪ] ma'timthi 6cg8l60l 6cg8l60l cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰsɪn] gezgethsin rzwrz0.l, RzDRz0.l,

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔTM] [ɑʔtɪmtʰɪ] a'timthi cg8l60l cg8l60l
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰme:n] gezgethmên rzwrz06x, RzDRz06x,
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sa'timthmayan .cg8l606c;c, .cg8l606c;c,
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰsʊn] gezgethsun rzwrz0.S, RzDRz0.S,
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰɪjɑn] sa'timthiyan .cg8l60l;c, .cg8l60l;c,
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰmɛnɪ] gezgethmeni rzwrz06z,l RzDRz06z,l
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰmi:n] sa'timthmîn .cg8l606", .cg8l606",
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰsɪ] gezgethsi rzwrz0.l RzDRz0.l
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰi:n] sa'timthîn .cg8l60", .cg8l60",
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰme:] gezgethmê rzwrz06x RzDRz06x
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sa'timthmaya .cg8l606c;c .cg8l606c;c
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰsʊ] gezgethsu rzwrz0.S RzDRz0.S
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰɪjɑ] sa'timthiya .cg8l60l;c .cg8l60l;c
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰe:n] gezgethên rzwrz0x, RzDRz0x,
cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰmi:] sa'timthmî .cg8l606" .cg8l606"
cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰoːn] gezgethôn rzwrz0n, RzDRz0M,

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔTM] [sɑʔtɪmtʰɪ] sa'timthi .cg8l60l .cg8l60l cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰɑɪ] gezgethai rzwrz0cl RzDRz0cl

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔTM] [tɑʔtɪmtʰɪjɑn] ta'timthiyan 8cg8l60l;c, 8cg8l60l;c, cause to breath fire [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GZG] [ɡɛzɡɛtʰɑ] gezgetha rzwrz0c RzDRz0c

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔTM] [tɑʔtɪmtʰi:n] ta'timthîn 8cg8l60", 8cg8l60", cause to breath fire! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GZG] [ɪɡzɪɡɪtʰi:] igzigithî lrwlrl0" lRDlRl0"

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔTM] [tɑʔtɪmtʰɪjɑ] ta'timthiya 8cg8l60l;c 8cg8l60l;c cause to breath fire! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GZG] [ɪɡzɪɡɪtʰ] igzigith lrwlrl0 lRDlRl0

cause to breath [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔTM] [tɑʔtɪmtʰɪ] ta'timthi 8cg8l60l 8cg8l60l cause to breath! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [ɪʔtɪmɪtʰi:] i'timithî lg8l6l0" lg8l6l0"

cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰmɑ:] 'atmathmâ gc86c06v gc86c06v cause to breath! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔTM] [ɪʔtɪmɪtʰ] i'timith lg8l6l0 lg8l6l0

cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰmɪ] 'atmathmi gc86c06l gc86c06l cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShRS] [mɑʃrɪstʰɪ] mashristhi 6c%@l.0l 6c%@l.0l

cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'atmathmenin gc86c06z,l, gc86c06z,l, cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShRS] [ʌʃrɪstʰɪ] ashristhi c%@l.0l c%@l.0l

cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰsɪn] 'atmathsin gc86c0.l, gc86c0.l,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [sɑʃrɪstʰmɑjɑn] sashristhmayan .c%@l.06c;c, .c%@l.06c;c,
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰme:n] 'atmathmên gc86c06x, gc86c06x,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShRS] [sɑʃrɪstʰɪjɑn] sashristhiyan .c%@l.0l;c, .c%@l.0l;c,
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰsʊn] 'atmathsun gc86c0.S, gc86c0.S,

cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'atmathmeni gc86c06z,l gc86c06z,l cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [sɑʃrɪstʰmi:n] sashristhmîn .c%@l.06", .c%@l.06",

cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰsɪ] 'atmathsi gc86c0.l gc86c0.l .c%@l.0", .c%@l.0",
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShRS] [sɑʃrɪstʰi:n] sashristhîn
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰme:] 'atmathmê gc86c06x gc86c06x .c%@l.06c;c .c%@l.06c;c
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [sʌʃrɪstʰmɑjɑ] sashristhmaya
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰsʊ] 'atmathsu gc86c0.S gc86c0.S .c%@l.0l;c .c%@l.0l;c
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShRS] [sʌʃrɪstʰɪjɑ] sashristhiya
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰe:n] 'atmathên gc86c0x, gc86c0x,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [sʌʃrɪstʰmi:] sashristhmî .c%@l.06" .c%@l.06"
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰoːn] 'atmathôn gc86c0n, gc86c0M,
gc86c0cl gc86c0cl cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShRS] [sʌʃrɪstʰɪ] sashristhi .c%@l.0l .c%@l.0l
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰɑɪ] 'atmathai
gc86c0c gc86c0c cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShRS] [tɑʃrɪstʰɪjɑn] tashristhiyan 8c%@l.0l;c, 8c%@l.0l;c,
cause to breath [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔTM] [ʔɑtmɑtʰɑ] 'atmatha
6crwcr0l 6cRDcR0l cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShRS] [tɑʃrɪstʰi:n] tashristhîn 8c%@l.0", 8c%@l.0",
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GZG] [mɑɡzɑɡtʰɪ] magzagthi
crwcr0l cRDcR0l cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShRS] [tʌʃrɪstʰɪjɑ] tashristhiya 8c%@l.0l;c 8c%@l.0l;c
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GZG] [ɑɡzɑɡtʰɪ] agzagthi
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShRS] [tʌʃrɪstʰɪ] tashristhi 8c%@l.0l 8c%@l.0l
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sagzagthmayan .crwcr06c;c, .cRDcR06c;c,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰmɑ:] sharsathmâ %c@.c06v %c@.c06v
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sagzagthiyan .crwcr0l;c, .cRDcR0l;c, %c@.c06l %c@.c06l
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰmɪ] sharsathmi
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰmi:n] sagzagthmîn .crwcr06", .cRDcR06", %c@.c06z,l, %c@.c06z,l,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰmɛnɪn] sharsathmenin
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰi:n] sagzagthîn .crwcr0", .cRDcR0", %c@.c0.l, %c@.c0.l,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰsɪn] sharsathsin
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sagzagthmaya .crwcr06c;c .cRDcR06c;c %c@.c06x, %c@.c06x,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰme:n] sharsathmên
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sagzagthiya .crwcr0l;c .cRDcR0l;c %c@.c0.S, %c@.c0.S,
cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰsʊn] sharsathsun
cause to breath fire [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GZG] [sɑɡzɑɡtʰmi:] sagzagthmî .crwcr06" .cRDcR06"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 225 The Dwarrow Scholar 226
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰmɛnɪ] sharsathmeni %c@.c06z,l %c@.c06z,l cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [sʌfnɑtətʰmɑjɑ] safnatthmaya .c3,c806c;c .c3,c806c;c

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰsɪ] sharsathsi %c@.c0.l %c@.c0.l cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FNT] [sʌfnɑt.tʰɪjɑ] safnatthiya .c3,c80l;c .c3,c80l;c

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰme:] sharsathmê %c@.c06x %c@.c06x cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [sʌfnɑtətʰmi:] safnatthmî .c3,c806" .c3,c806"

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰsʊ] sharsathsu %c@.c0.S %c@.c0.S cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FNT] [sʌfnɑt.tʰɪ] safnatthi .c3,c80l .c3,c80l

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰe:n] sharsathên %c@.c0x, %c@.c0x, cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FNT] [tɑfnɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tafnatthiyan 8c3,c80l;c, 8c3,c80l;c,

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰoːn] sharsathôn %c@.c0n, %c@.c0M, cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FNT] [tɑfnɑt.tʰi:n] tafnatthîn 8c3,c80", 8c3,c80",

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰɑɪ] sharsathai %c@.c0cl %c@.c0cl cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FNT] [tʌfnɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tafnatthiya 8c3,c80l;c 8c3,c80l;c

cause to brew (potions) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShRS] [ʃɑrsɑtʰɑ] sharsatha %c@.c0c %c@.c0c cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FNT] [tʌfnɑt.tʰɪ] tafnatthi 8c3,c80l 8c3,c80l

cause to brew (potions)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [ɪʃrɪsɪtʰi:] ishrisithî l%@l.l0" l%@l.l0" cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰmɑ:] fentethmâ 3z,8z06v 3z,8z06v

cause to brew (potions)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShRS] [ɪʃrɪsɪtʰ] ishrisith l%@l.l0 l%@l.l0 cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰmɪ] fentethmi 3z,8z06l 3z,8z06l

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhR] [mɑkʰɪrtʰɪ] makhirthi 6ceVl@0l 6ctl@0l cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰmɛnɪn] fentethmenin 3z,8z06z,l, 3z,8z06z,l,

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhR] [ɑkʰɪrtʰɪ] akhirthi ceVl@0l ctl@0l cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰsɪn] fentethsin 3z,8z0.l, 3z,8z0.l,

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sakhirthmayan .ceVl@06c;c, .ctl@06c;c, cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰme:n] fentethmên 3z,8z06x, 3z,8z06x,

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] sakhirthiyan .ceVl@0l;c, .ctl@0l;c, cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰsʊn] fentethsun 3z,8z0.S, 3z,8z0.S,

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰmi:n] sakhirthmîn .ceVl@06", .ctl@06", cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰmɛnɪ] fentethmeni 3z,8z06z,l 3z,8z06z,l

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰi:n] sakhirthîn .ceVl@0", .ctl@0", cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰsɪ] fentethsi 3z,8z0.l 3z,8z0.l

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sakhirthmaya .ceVl@06c;c .ctl@06c;c cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰme:] fentethmê 3z,8z06x 3z,8z06x

cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] sakhirthiya .ceVl@0l;c .ctl@0l;c cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰsʊ] fentethsu 3z,8z0.S 3z,8z0.S

cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰe:n] fentethên 3z,8z0x, 3z,8z0x,
cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰmi:] sakhirthmî .ceVl@06" .ctl@06"
cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰoːn] fentethôn 3z,8z0n, 3z,8z0M,
cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhR] [sɑkʰɪrtʰɪ] sakhirthi .ceVl@0l .ctl@0l
cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰɑɪ] fentethai 3z,8z0cl 3z,8z0cl
cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhR] [tɑkʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] takhirthiyan 8ceVl@0l;c, 8ctl@0l;c,
cause to broaden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FNT] [fɛntɛtʰɑ] fentetha 3z,8z0c 3z,8z0c
cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhR] [tɑkʰɪrtʰi:n] takhirthîn 8ceVl@0", 8ctl@0",
cause to broaden! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [ɪfnɪtɪtʰi:] ifnitithî l3,l8l0" l3,l8l0"
cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhR] [tɑkʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] takhirthiya 8ceVl@0l;c 8ctl@0l;c
cause to broaden! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FNT] [ɪfnɪtɪtʰ] ifnitith l3,l8l0 l3,l8l0
cause to bridge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhR] [tɑkʰɪrtʰɪ] takhirthi 8ceVl@0l 8ctl@0l
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NBG] [mɑnbɑɡtʰɪ] manbagthi 6c,2cr0l 6c,2cR0l
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰmɑ:] khuruthmâ eVS@S06v tS@S06v
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NBG] [ɑnbɑɡtʰɪ] anbagthi c,2cr0l c,2cR0l
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰmɪ] khuruthmi eVS@S06l tS@S06l
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sanbagthmayan .c,2cr06c;c, .c,2cR06c;c,
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰmɛnɪn] khuruthmenin eVS@S06z,l, tS@S06z,l,
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sanbagthiyan .c,2cr0l;c, .c,2cR0l;c,
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰsɪn] khuruthsin eVS@S0.l, tS@S0.l,
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰmi:n] sanbagthmîn .c,2cr06", .c,2cR06",
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰme:n] khuruthmên eVS@S06x, tS@S06x,

cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰsʊn] khuruthsun eVS@S0.S, tS@S0.S, cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰi:n] sanbagthîn .c,2cr0", .c,2cR0",

cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰmɛnɪ] khuruthmeni eVS@S06z,l tS@S06z,l
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sanbagthmaya .c,2cr06c;c .c,2cR06c;c
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰsɪ] khuruthsi eVS@S0.l tS@S0.l
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sanbagthiya .c,2cr0l;c .c,2cR0l;c
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰme:] khuruthmê eVS@S06x tS@S06x

cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰsʊ] khuruthsu eVS@S0.S tS@S0.S cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰmi:] sanbagthmî .c,2cr06" .c,2cR06"

cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰe:n] khuruthên eVS@S0x, tS@S0x, .c,2cr0l .c,2cR0l
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NBG] [sɑnbɑɡtʰɪ] sanbagthi
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰoːn] khuruthôn eVS@S0n, tS@S0M, 8c,2cr0l;c, 8c,2cR0l;c,
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NBG] [tɑnbɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tanbagthiyan
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰɑɪ] khuruthai eVS@S0cl tS@S0cl 8c,2cr0", 8c,2cR0",
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NBG] [tɑnbɑɡtʰi:n] tanbagthîn
cause to bridge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhR] [kʰʊrʊtʰɑ] khurutha eVS@S0c tS@S0c 8c,2cr0l;c 8c,2cR0l;c
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NBG] [tɑnbɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tanbagthiya
cause to bridge! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [ɪkʰrɪtʰi:] ikhrithî leV@l0" lt@l0" 8c,2cr0l 8c,2cR0l
cause to brush [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NBG] [tɑnbɑɡtʰɪ] tanbagthi
cause to bridge! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhR] [ɪkʰri:tʰ] ikhrîth leV@"0 lt@"0 ,z2rz06v ,z2Rz06v
cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰmɑ:] nebgethmâ
cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FNT] [mɑfnɑt.tʰɪ] mafnatthi 6c3,c80l 6c3,c80l ,z2rz06l ,z2Rz06l
cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰmɪ] nebgethmi
cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FNT] [ʌfnɑt.tʰɪ] afnatthi c3,c80l c3,c80l ,z2rz06z,l, ,z2Rz06z,l,
cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰmɛnɪn] nebgethmenin
cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [sɑfnɑtətʰmɑjɑn] safnatthmayan .c3,c806c;c, .c3,c806c;c, cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰsɪn] nebgethsin ,z2rz0.l, ,z2Rz0.l,

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰme:n] nebgethmên ,z2rz06x, ,z2Rz06x,
cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FNT] [sɑfnɑt.tʰɪjɑn] safnatthiyan .c3,c80l;c, .c3,c80l;c,
cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰsʊn] nebgethsun ,z2rz0.S, ,z2Rz0.S,
cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNT] [sɑfnɑtətʰmi:n] safnatthmîn .c3,c806", .c3,c806",
cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰmɛnɪ] nebgethmeni ,z2rz06z,l ,z2Rz06z,l

cause to broaden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FNT] [sɑfnɑt.tʰi:n] safnatthîn .c3,c80", .c3,c80", cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰsɪ] nebgethsi ,z2rz0.l ,z2Rz0.l

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰme:] nebgethmê ,z2rz06x ,z2Rz06x cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰɪ] samizthi .c6lw0l .c6lD0l

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰsʊ] nebgethsu ,z2rz0.S ,z2Rz0.S cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MZ] [tɑmɪztʰɪjɑn] tamizthiyan 8c6lw0l;c, 8c6lD0l;c,

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰe:n] nebgethên ,z2rz0x, ,z2Rz0x, cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MZ] [tɑmɪztʰi:n] tamizthîn 8c6lw0", 8c6lD0",

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰoːn] nebgethôn ,z2rz0n, ,z2Rz0M, cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MZ] [tɑmɪztʰɪjɑ] tamizthiya 8c6lw0l;c 8c6lD0l;c

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰɑɪ] nebgethai ,z2rz0cl ,z2Rz0cl cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MZ] [tɑmɪztʰɪ] tamizthi 8c6lw0l 8c6lD0l

cause to brush [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NBG] [nɛbɡɛtʰɑ] nebgetha ,z2rz0c ,z2Rz0c cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰmɑ:] muzuthmâ 6SwS06v 6SDS06v

cause to brush! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [ɪnbɪɡɪtʰi:] inbigithî l,2lrl0" l,2lRl0" cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰmɪ] muzuthmi 6SwS06l 6SDS06l

cause to brush! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NBG] [ɪnbɪɡɪtʰ] inbigith l,2lrl0 l,2lRl0 cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰmɛnɪn] muzuthmenin 6SwS06z,l, 6SDS06z,l,

cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZHR] [mɑzʰɪrtʰɪ] mazhirthi 6cTl@0l 6cql@0l cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰsɪn] muzuthsin 6SwS0.l, 6SDS0.l,

cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZHR] [ʌzʰɪrtʰɪ] azhirthi cTl@0l cql@0l cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰme:n] muzuthmên 6SwS06x, 6SDS06x,

cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [sɑzʰɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sazhirthmayan .cTl@06c;c, .cql@06c;c, cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰsʊn] muzuthsun 6SwS0.S, 6SDS0.S,

cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZHR] [sɑzʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] sazhirthiyan .cTl@0l;c, .cql@0l;c, cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰmɛnɪ] muzuthmeni 6SwS06z,l 6SDS06z,l

cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [sɑzʰɪrtʰmi:n] sazhirthmîn .cTl@06", .cql@06", cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰsɪ] muzuthsi 6SwS0.l 6SDS0.l

cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZHR] [sɑzʰɪrtʰi:n] sazhirthîn .cTl@0", .cql@0", cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰme:] muzuthmê 6SwS06x 6SDS06x

cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰsʊ] muzuthsu 6SwS0.S 6SDS0.S
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [sʌzʰɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sazhirthmaya .cTl@06c;c .cql@06c;c
cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰe:n] muzuthên 6SwS0x, 6SDS0x,
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZHR] [sʌzʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] sazhirthiya .cTl@0l;c .cql@0l;c
cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰoːn] muzuthôn 6SwS0n, 6SDS0M,
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [sʌzʰɪrtʰmi:] sazhirthmî .cTl@06" .cql@06" cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰɑɪ] muzuthai 6SwS0cl 6SDS0cl

.cTl@0l .cql@0l cause to burden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MZ] [mʊzʊtʰɑ] muzutha 6SwS0c 6SDS0c
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZHR] [sʌzʰɪrtʰɪ] sazhirthi
8cTl@0l;c, 8cql@0l;c, cause to burden! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [ɪmzɪtʰi:] imzithî l6wl0" l6Dl0"
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZHR] [tɑzʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] tazhirthiyan
8cTl@0", 8cql@0", cause to burden! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MZ] [ɪmzi:tʰ] imzîth l6w"0 l6D"0
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZHR] [tɑzʰɪrtʰi:n] tazhirthîn
8cTl@0l;c 8cql@0l;c cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RSR] [mɑrsɑrtʰɪ] marsarthi 6c@.c@0l 6c@.c@0l
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZHR] [tʌzʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] tazhirthiya
8cTl@0l 8cql@0l cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RSR] [ɑrsɑrtʰɪ] arsarthi c@.c@0l c@.c@0l
cause to build [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZHR] [tʌzʰɪrtʰɪ] tazhirthi
wcf@c06v Dcf@c06v cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sarsarthmayan .c@.c@06c;c, .c@.c@06c;c,
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰmɑ:] zahrathmâ
wcf@c06l Dcf@c06l cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰɪjɑn] sarsarthiyan .c@.c@0l;c, .c@.c@0l;c,
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰmɪ] zahrathmi
wcf@c06z,l, Dcf@c06z,l, cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰmi:n] sarsarthmîn .c@.c@06", .c@.c@06",
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰmɛnɪn] zahrathmenin
wcf@c0.l, Dcf@c0.l, cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰi:n] sarsarthîn .c@.c@0", .c@.c@0",
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰsɪn] zahrathsin
wcf@c06x, Dcf@c06x, cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sarsarthmaya .c@.c@06c;c .c@.c@06c;c
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰme:n] zahrathmên
wcf@c0.S, Dcf@c0.S, cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰɪjɑ] sarsarthiya .c@.c@0l;c .c@.c@0l;c
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰsʊn] zahrathsun
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰmɛnɪ] zahrathmeni wcf@c06z,l Dcf@c06z,l cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰmi:] sarsarthmî .c@.c@06" .c@.c@06"
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰsɪ] zahrathsi wcf@c0.l Dcf@c0.l
cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RSR] [sɑrsɑrtʰɪ] sarsarthi .c@.c@0l .c@.c@0l
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰme:] zahrathmê wcf@c06x Dcf@c06x
cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RSR] [tɑrsɑrtʰɪjɑn] tarsarthiyan 8c@.c@0l;c, 8c@.c@0l;c,
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰsʊ] zahrathsu wcf@c0.S Dcf@c0.S
cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RSR] [tɑrsɑrtʰi:n] tarsarthîn 8c@.c@0", 8c@.c@0",
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰe:n] zahrathên wcf@c0x, Dcf@c0x,
cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RSR] [tɑrsɑrtʰɪjɑ] tarsarthiya 8c@.c@0l;c 8c@.c@0l;c
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZHR] [zɑhrɑtʰoːn] zahrathôn wcf@c0n, Dcf@c0M,
cause to burn [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RSR] [tɑrsɑrtʰɪ] tarsarthi 8c@.c@0l 8c@.c@0l
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰɑɪ] zahrathai wcf@c0cl Dcf@c0cl
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰmɑ:] resrethmâ @z.@z06v @z.@z06v
cause to build [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZHR] [zʌhrɑtʰɑ] zahratha wcf@c0c Dcf@c0c
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰmɪ] resrethmi @z.@z06l @z.@z06l
cause to build! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [ɪzʰɪrɪtʰi:] izhirithî lTl@l0" lql@l0"
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰmɛnɪn] resrethmenin @z.@z06z,l, @z.@z06z,l,
cause to build! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZHR] [ɪzʰɪrɪtʰ] izhirith lTl@l0 lql@l0
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰsɪn] resrethsin @z.@z0.l, @z.@z0.l,
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MZ] [mɑmɪztʰɪ] mamizthi 6c6lw0l 6c6lD0l
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰme:n] resrethmên @z.@z06x, @z.@z06x,
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MZ] [ɑmɪztʰɪ] amizthi c6lw0l c6lD0l
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰsʊn] resrethsun @z.@z0.S, @z.@z0.S,
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰmɑjɑn] samizthmayan .c6lw06c;c, .c6lD06c;c,
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰmɛnɪ] resrethmeni @z.@z06z,l @z.@z06z,l
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰɪjɑn] samizthiyan .c6lw0l;c, .c6lD0l;c,
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰsɪ] resrethsi @z.@z0.l @z.@z0.l
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰmi:n] samizthmîn .c6lw06", .c6lD06", cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰme:] resrethmê @z.@z06x @z.@z06x

.c6lw0", .c6lD0", cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰsʊ] resrethsu @z.@z0.S @z.@z0.S
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰi:n] samizthîn
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰe:n] resrethên @z.@z0x, @z.@z0x,
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰmɑjɑ] samizthmaya .c6lw06c;c .c6lD06c;c
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰoːn] resrethôn @z.@z0n, @z.@z0M,
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰɪjɑ] samizthiya .c6lw0l;c .c6lD0l;c @z.@z0cl @z.@z0cl
cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰɑɪ] resrethai
cause to burden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MZ] [sɑmɪztʰmi:] samizthmî .c6lw06" .c6lD06" cause to burn [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RSR] [rɛsrɛtʰɑ] resretha @z.@z0c @z.@z0c

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 229 The Dwarrow Scholar 230
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to burn! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [ɪrsɪrɪtʰi:] irsirithî l@.l@l0" l@.l@l0" cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰmɛnɪn] bakmathmenin 2ce6c06z,l, 2ce6c06z,l,

cause to burn! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RSR] [ɪrsɪrɪtʰ] irsirith l@.l@l0 l@.l@l0 cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰsɪn] bakmathsin 2ce6c0.l, 2ce6c0.l,

cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GLM] [mɑɡlɪmtʰɪ] maglimthi 6cral60l 6cRal60l cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰme:n] bakmathmên 2ce6c06x, 2ce6c06x,

cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GLM] [ɑɡlɪmtʰɪ] aglimthi cral60l cRal60l cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰsʊn] bakmathsun 2ce6c0.S, 2ce6c0.S,

cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰmɑjɑn] saglimthmayan .cral606c;c, .cRal606c;c, cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰmɛnɪ] bakmathmeni 2ce6c06z,l 2ce6c06z,l

cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰɪjɑn] saglimthiyan .cral60l;c, .cRal60l;c, cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰsɪ] bakmathsi 2ce6c0.l 2ce6c0.l

cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰme:] bakmathmê 2ce6c06x 2ce6c06x
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰmi:n] saglimthmîn .cral606", .cRal606",
cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰsʊ] bakmathsu 2ce6c0.S 2ce6c0.S
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰi:n] saglimthîn .cral60", .cRal60",
cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰe:n] bakmathên 2ce6c0x, 2ce6c0x,
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰmɑjɑ] saglimthmaya .cral606c;c .cRal606c;c cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰoːn] bakmathôn 2ce6c0n, 2ce6c0M,

.cral60l;c .cRal60l;c cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰɑɪ] bakmathai 2ce6c0cl 2ce6c0cl
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰɪjɑ] saglimthiya
cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰɑ] bakmatha 2ce6c0c 2ce6c0c
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰmi:] saglimthmî .cral606" .cRal606"
cause to buy! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [ɪbkɪmɪtʰi:] ibkimithî l2el6l0" l2el6l0"
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GLM] [sɑɡlɪmtʰɪ] saglimthi .cral60l .cRal60l l2el6l0 l2el6l0
cause to buy! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKM] [ɪbkɪmɪtʰ] ibkimith
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GLM] [tɑɡlɪmtʰɪjɑn] taglimthiyan 8cral60l;c, 8cRal60l;c, 6c3,cr0l 6c3,cR0l
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FNG] [mɑfnɑɡtʰɪ] mafnagthi
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GLM] [tɑɡlɪmtʰi:n] taglimthîn 8cral60", 8cRal60", c3,cr0l c3,cR0l
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FNG] [ʌfnɑɡtʰɪ] afnagthi
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GLM] [tɑɡlɪmtʰɪjɑ] taglimthiya 8cral60l;c 8cRal60l;c
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [sɑfnɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] safnagthmayan .c3,cr06c;c, .c3,cR06c;c,
cause to burst [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GLM] [tɑɡlɪmtʰɪ] taglimthi 8cral60l 8cRal60l
rca6c06v Rca6c06v cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FNG] [sɑfnɑɡtʰɪjɑn] safnagthiyan .c3,cr0l;c, .c3,cR0l;c,
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰmɑ:] galmathmâ
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰmɪ] galmathmi rca6c06l Rca6c06l cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [sɑfnɑɡtʰmi:n] safnagthmîn .c3,cr06", .c3,cR06",
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪn] galmathmenin rca6c06z,l, Rca6c06z,l,
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FNG] [sɑfnɑɡtʰi:n] safnagthîn .c3,cr0", .c3,cR0",
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰsɪn] galmathsin rca6c0.l, Rca6c0.l,
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [sʌfnɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] safnagthmaya .c3,cr06c;c .c3,cR06c;c
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰme:n] galmathmên rca6c06x, Rca6c06x,

cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰsʊn] galmathsun rca6c0.S, Rca6c0.S, cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FNG] [sʌfnɑɡtʰɪjɑ] safnagthiya .c3,cr0l;c .c3,cR0l;c

cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪ] galmathmeni rca6c06z,l Rca6c06z,l
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [sʌfnɑɡtʰmi:] safnagthmî .c3,cr06" .c3,cR06"
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰsɪ] galmathsi rca6c0.l Rca6c0.l
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FNG] [sʌfnɑɡtʰɪ] safnagthi .c3,cr0l .c3,cR0l
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰme:] galmathmê rca6c06x Rca6c06x
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FNG] [tɑfnɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tafnagthiyan 8c3,cr0l;c, 8c3,cR0l;c,
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰsʊ] galmathsu rca6c0.S Rca6c0.S
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FNG] [tɑfnɑɡtʰi:n] tafnagthîn 8c3,cr0", 8c3,cR0",
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰe:n] galmathên rca6c0x, Rca6c0x,
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FNG] [tʌfnɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tafnagthiya 8c3,cr0l;c 8c3,cR0l;c
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰoːn] galmathôn rca6c0n, Rca6c0M,
cause to capture [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FNG] [tʌfnɑɡtʰɪ] tafnagthi 8c3,cr0l 8c3,cR0l
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰɑɪ] galmathai rca6c0cl Rca6c0cl
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰmɑ:] funguthmâ 3SjS06v 3SjS06v
cause to burst [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GLM] [ɡɑlmɑtʰɑ] galmatha rca6c0c Rca6c0c
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰmɪ] funguthmi 3SjS06l 3SjS06l
cause to burst! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [ɪɡlɪmɪtʰi:] iglimithî lral6l0" lRal6l0"
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰmɛnɪn] funguthmenin 3SjS06z,l, 3SjS06z,l,
cause to burst! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLM] [ɪɡlɪmɪtʰ] iglimith lral6l0 lRal6l0
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰsɪn] funguthsin 3SjS0.l, 3SjS0.l,
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKM] [mɑbkɪmtʰɪ] mabkimthi 6c2el60l 6c2el60l
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰme:n] funguthmên 3SjS06x, 3SjS06x,
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKM] [ɑbkɪmtʰɪ] abkimthi c2el60l c2el60l
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰsʊn] funguthsun 3SjS0.S, 3SjS0.S,
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sabkimthmayan .c2el606c;c, .c2el606c;c,
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰmɛnɪ] funguthmeni 3SjS06z,l 3SjS06z,l
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰɪjɑn] sabkimthiyan .c2el60l;c, .c2el60l;c,
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰsɪ] funguthsi 3SjS0.l 3SjS0.l
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰmi:n] sabkimthmîn .c2el606", .c2el606",

cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰi:n] sabkimthîn .c2el60", .c2el60", cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰme:] funguthmê 3SjS06x 3SjS06x

cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sabkimthmaya .c2el606c;c .c2el606c;c 3SjS0.S 3SjS0.S
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰsʊ] funguthsu
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰɪjɑ] sabkimthiya .c2el60l;c .c2el60l;c 3SjS0x, 3SjS0x,
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰe:n] funguthên
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰmi:] sabkimthmî .c2el606" .c2el606" cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰoːn] funguthôn 3SjS0n, 3SjS0M,

cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰɑɪ] funguthai 3SjS0cl 3SjS0cl
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKM] [sɑbkɪmtʰɪ] sabkimthi .c2el60l .c2el60l
cause to capture [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FNG] [fʊngʊtʰɑ] fungutha 3SjS0c 3SjS0c
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKM] [tɑbkɪmtʰɪjɑn] tabkimthiyan 8c2el60l;c, 8c2el60l;c,
cause to capture! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [ɪfnɪɡɪtʰi:] ifnigithî l3,lrl0" l3,lRl0"
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKM] [tɑbkɪmtʰi:n] tabkimthîn 8c2el60", 8c2el60",
cause to capture! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FNG] [ɪfnɪɡɪtʰ] ifnigith l3,lrl0 l3,lRl0
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKM] [tɑbkɪmtʰɪjɑ] tabkimthiya 8c2el60l;c 8c2el60l;c
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRD] [mɑnrɑdtʰɪ] manradthi 6c,@c90l 6c,@c90l
cause to buy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKM] [tɑbkɪmtʰɪ] tabkimthi 8c2el60l 8c2el60l
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRD] [ɑnrɑdtʰɪ] anradthi c,@c90l c,@c90l
cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰmɑ:] bakmathmâ 2ce6c06v 2ce6c06v
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sanradthmayan .c,@c906c;c, .c,@c906c;c,
cause to buy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKM] [bɑkmɑtʰmɪ] bakmathmi 2ce6c06l 2ce6c06l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 231 The Dwarrow Scholar 232

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰɪjɑn] sanradthiyan .c,@c90l;c, .c,@c90l;c, cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰsɪ] thergethsi 0z@rz0.l 0z@Rz0.l

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰmi:n] sanradthmîn .c,@c906", .c,@c906",
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰme:] thergethmê 0z@rz06x 0z@Rz06x
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰi:n] sanradthîn .c,@c90", .c,@c90",
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰsʊ] thergethsu 0z@rz0.S 0z@Rz0.S
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sanradthmaya .c,@c906c;c .c,@c906c;c
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰe:n] thergethên 0z@rz0x, 0z@Rz0x,
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰɪjɑ] sanradthiya .c,@c90l;c .c,@c90l;c
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰoːn] thergethôn 0z@rz0n, 0z@Rz0M,
cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰmi:] sanradthmî .c,@c906" .c,@c906"
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰɑɪ] thergethai 0z@rz0cl 0z@Rz0cl

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRD] [sɑnrɑdtʰɪ] sanradthi .c,@c90l .c,@c90l cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰɑ] thergetha 0z@rz0c 0z@Rz0c

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRD] [tɑnrɑdtʰɪjɑn] tanradthiyan 8c,@c90l;c, 8c,@c90l;c, cause to carry! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [ɪtʰrɪɡɪtʰi:] ithrigithî l0@lrl0" l0@lRl0"

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRD] [tɑnrɑdtʰi:n] tanradthîn 8c,@c90", 8c,@c90", cause to carry! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRG] [ɪtʰrɪɡɪtʰ] ithrigith l0@lrl0 l0@lRl0

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRD] [tɑnrɑdtʰɪjɑ] tanradthiya 8c,@c90l;c 8c,@c90l;c cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KFN] [mɑkfɪntʰɪ] makfinthi 6ce3l,0l 6ce3l,0l

cause to care [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRD] [tɑnrɑdtʰɪ] tanradthi 8c,@c90l 8c,@c90l cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KFN] [ɑkfɪntʰɪ] akfinthi ce3l,0l ce3l,0l

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰmɑ:] nardathmâ ,c@9c06v ,c@9c06v cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰmɑjɑn] sakfinthmayan .ce3l,06c;c, .ce3l,06c;c,

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰmɪ] nardathmi ,c@9c06l ,c@9c06l cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰɪjɑn] sakfinthiyan .ce3l,0l;c, .ce3l,0l;c,

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰmɛnɪn] nardathmenin ,c@9c06z,l, ,c@9c06z,l, cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰmi:n] sakfinthmîn .ce3l,06", .ce3l,06",

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰsɪn] nardathsin ,c@9c0.l, ,c@9c0.l, cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰi:n] sakfinthîn .ce3l,0", .ce3l,0",

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰme:n] nardathmên ,c@9c06x, ,c@9c06x,
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰmɑjɑ] sakfinthmaya .ce3l,06c;c .ce3l,06c;c
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰsʊn] nardathsun ,c@9c0.S, ,c@9c0.S,
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰɪjɑ] sakfinthiya .ce3l,0l;c .ce3l,0l;c
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰmɛnɪ] nardathmeni ,c@9c06z,l ,c@9c06z,l

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰsɪ] nardathsi ,c@9c0.l ,c@9c0.l cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰmi:] sakfinthmî .ce3l,06" .ce3l,06"

cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰme:] nardathmê ,c@9c06x ,c@9c06x .ce3l,0l .ce3l,0l
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KFN] [sɑkfɪntʰɪ] sakfinthi
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰsʊ] nardathsu ,c@9c0.S ,c@9c0.S 8ce3l,0l;c, 8ce3l,0l;c,
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KFN] [tɑkfɪntʰɪjɑn] takfinthiyan
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰe:n] nardathên ,c@9c0x, ,c@9c0x, 8ce3l,0", 8ce3l,0",
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KFN] [tɑkfɪntʰi:n] takfinthîn
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰoːn] nardathôn ,c@9c0n, ,c@9c0M, 8ce3l,0l;c 8ce3l,0l;c
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KFN] [tɑkfɪntʰɪjɑ] takfinthiya
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰɑɪ] nardathai ,c@9c0cl ,c@9c0cl 8ce3l,0l 8ce3l,0l
cause to carve [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KFN] [tɑkfɪntʰɪ] takfinthi
cause to care [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRD] [nɑrdɑtʰɑ] nardatha ,c@9c0c ,c@9c0c ez3,z06v ez3,z06v
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰmɑ:] kefnethmâ
cause to care! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [ɪnrɪdɪtʰi:] inridithî l,@l9l0" l,@l9l0" ez3,z06l ez3,z06l
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰmɪ] kefnethmi
cause to care! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRD] [ɪnrɪdɪtʰ] inridith l,@l9l0 l,@l9l0 ez3,z06z,l, ez3,z06z,l,
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰmɛnɪn] kefnethmenin
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThRG] [mɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪ] mathrigthi 6c0@lr0l 6c0@lR0l ez3,z0.l, ez3,z0.l,
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰsɪn] kefnethsin
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThRG] [ɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪ] athrigthi c0@lr0l c0@lR0l ez3,z06x, ez3,z06x,
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰme:n] kefnethmên
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sathrigthmayan .c0@lr06c;c, .c0@lR06c;c, ez3,z0.S, ez3,z0.S,
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰsʊn] kefnethsun
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sathrigthiyan .c0@lr0l;c, .c0@lR0l;c, ez3,z06z,l ez3,z06z,l
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰmɛnɪ] kefnethmeni
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰmi:n] sathrigthmîn .c0@lr06", .c0@lR06", cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰsɪ] kefnethsi ez3,z0.l ez3,z0.l

cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰme:] kefnethmê ez3,z06x ez3,z06x
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰi:n] sathrigthîn .c0@lr0", .c0@lR0",
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰsʊ] kefnethsu ez3,z0.S ez3,z0.S
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sathrigthmaya .c0@lr06c;c .c0@lR06c;c
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰe:n] kefnethên ez3,z0x, ez3,z0x,

cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sathrigthiya .c0@lr0l;c .c0@lR0l;c cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰoːn] kefnethôn ez3,z0n, ez3,z0M,

cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰɑɪ] kefnethai ez3,z0cl ez3,z0cl
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰmi:] sathrigthmî .c0@lr06" .c0@lR06"
cause to carve [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KFN] [kɛfnɛtʰɑ] kefnetha ez3,z0c ez3,z0c
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThRG] [sɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪ] sathrigthi .c0@lr0l .c0@lR0l
cause to carve! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [ɪkfɪnɪtʰi:] ikfinithî le3l,l0" le3l,l0"
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThRG] [tɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tathrigthiyan 8c0@lr0l;c, 8c0@lR0l;c,
cause to carve! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KFN] [ɪkfɪnɪtʰ] ikfinith le3l,l0 le3l,l0
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThRG] [tɑtʰrɪɡtʰi:n] tathrigthîn 8c0@lr0", 8c0@lR0",
cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhMʔ] [mɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪ] makhma'thi 6ceV6cg0l 6ct6cg0l
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThRG] [tɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tathrigthiya 8c0@lr0l;c 8c0@lR0l;c
cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhMʔ] [ɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪ] akhma'thi ceV6cg0l ct6cg0l
cause to carry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThRG] [tɑtʰrɪɡtʰɪ] tathrigthi 8c0@lr0l 8c0@lR0l
cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔətʰmɑjɑn] sakhma'thmayan .ceV6cg06c;c, .ct6cg06c;c,
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰmɑ:] thergethmâ 0z@rz06v 0z@Rz06v

cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰmɪ] thergethmi 0z@rz06l 0z@Rz06l cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪjɑn] sakhma'thiyan .ceV6cg0l;c, .ct6cg0l;c,

cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰmɛnɪn] thergethmenin 0z@rz06z,l, 0z@Rz06z,l,
cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔətʰmi:n] sakhma'thmîn .ceV6cg06", .ct6cg06",
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰsɪn] thergethsin 0z@rz0.l, 0z@Rz0.l,
cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔtʰi:n] sakhma'thîn .ceV6cg0", .ct6cg0",
cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰme:n] thergethmên 0z@rz06x, 0z@Rz06x,

cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰsʊn] thergethsun 0z@rz0.S, 0z@Rz0.S, cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔətʰmɑjɑ] sakhma'thmaya .ceV6cg06c;c .ct6cg06c;c

cause to carry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRG] [tʰɛrɡɛtʰmɛnɪ] thergethmeni 0z@rz06z,l 0z@Rz06z,l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 233 The Dwarrow Scholar 234
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪjɑ] sakhma'thiya .ceV6cg0l;c .ct6cg0l;c
cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰme:] mahmathmê 6cf6c06x 6cf6c06x

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔətʰmi:] sakhma'thmî .ceV6cg06" .ct6cg06"
cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰsʊ] mahmathsu 6cf6c0.S 6cf6c0.S

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhMʔ] [sɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪ] sakhma'thi .ceV6cg0l .ct6cg0l cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰe:n] mahmathên 6cf6c0x, 6cf6c0x,

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhMʔ] [tɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪjɑn] takhma'thiyan 8ceV6cg0l;c, 8ct6cg0l;c, cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰoːn] mahmathôn 6cf6c0n, 6cf6c0M,

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhMʔ] [tɑkʰmɑʔtʰi:n] takhma'thîn 8ceV6cg0", 8ct6cg0", cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰɑɪ] mahmathai 6cf6c0cl 6cf6c0cl

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhMʔ] [tɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪjɑ] takhma'thiya 8ceV6cg0l;c 8ct6cg0l;c cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰɑ] mahmatha 6cf6c0c 6cf6c0c

cause to cause [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhMʔ] [tɑkʰmɑʔtʰɪ] takhma'thi 8ceV6cg0l 8ct6cg0l cause to caution! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHM] [ɪmhɪmɪtʰi:] imhimithî l6fl6l0" l6fl6l0"

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰmɑ:] khum'uthmâ eVS6gS06v tS6gS06v cause to caution! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHM] [ɪmhɪmɪtʰ] imhimith l6fl6l0 l6fl6l0

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰmɪ] khum'uthmi eVS6gS06l tS6gS06l cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRK] [mɑkrɑktʰɪ] makrakthi 6ce@ce0l 6ce@ce0l

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰmɛnɪn] khum'uthmenin eVS6gS06z,l, tS6gS06z,l, cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRK] [ɑkrɑktʰɪ] akrakthi ce@ce0l ce@ce0l

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰsɪn] khum'uthsin eVS6gS0.l, tS6gS0.l, cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [sɑkrɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sakrakthmayan .ce@ce06c;c, .ce@ce06c;c,

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰme:n] khum'uthmên eVS6gS06x, tS6gS06x, cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRK] [sɑkrɑktʰɪjɑn] sakrakthiyan .ce@ce0l;c, .ce@ce0l;c,

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰsʊn] khum'uthsun eVS6gS0.S, tS6gS0.S, cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [sɑkrɑkətʰmi:n] sakrakthmîn .ce@ce06", .ce@ce06",

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰmɛnɪ] khum'uthmeni eVS6gS06z,l tS6gS06z,l cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRK] [sɑkrɑktʰi:n] sakrakthîn .ce@ce0", .ce@ce0",

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰsɪ] khum'uthsi eVS6gS0.l tS6gS0.l cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [sɑkrɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sakrakthmaya .ce@ce06c;c .ce@ce06c;c

cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRK] [sɑkrɑktʰɪjɑ] sakrakthiya .ce@ce0l;c .ce@ce0l;c
cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰme:] khum'uthmê eVS6gS06x tS6gS06x

cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [sɑkrɑkətʰmi:] sakrakthmî .ce@ce06" .ce@ce06"
cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰsʊ] khum'uthsu eVS6gS0.S tS6gS0.S

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰe:n] khum'uthên eVS6gS0x, tS6gS0x, cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRK] [sɑkrɑktʰɪ] sakrakthi .ce@ce0l .ce@ce0l

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰoːn] khum'uthôn eVS6gS0n, tS6gS0M, cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRK] [tɑkrɑktʰɪjɑn] takrakthiyan 8ce@ce0l;c, 8ce@ce0l;c,

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰɑɪ] khum'uthai eVS6gS0cl tS6gS0cl cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRK] [tɑkrɑktʰi:n] takrakthîn 8ce@ce0", 8ce@ce0",

cause to cause [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhMʔ] [kʰʊmʔʊtʰɑ] khum'utha eVS6gS0c tS6gS0c cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRK] [tɑkrɑktʰɪjɑ] takrakthiya 8ce@ce0l;c 8ce@ce0l;c

cause to cause! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhMʔ] [ɪkʰmɪtʰi:] ikhmithî leV6l0" lt6l0" cause to caw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRK] [tɑkrɑktʰɪ] takrakthi 8ce@ce0l 8ce@ce0l

cause to cause! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhMʔ] [ɪkʰmɪʔɪtʰ] ikhmi'ith leV6lgl0 lt6lgl0 cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰmɑ:] kurkuthmâ eS@eS06v eS@eS06v

cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHM] [mɑmhɑmtʰɪ] mamhamthi 6c6fc60l 6c6fc60l cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰmɪ] kurkuthmi eS@eS06l eS@eS06l

cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHM] [ɑmhɑmtʰɪ] amhamthi c6fc60l c6fc60l cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰmɛnɪn] kurkuthmenin eS@eS06z,l, eS@eS06z,l,

cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰsɪn] kurkuthsin eS@eS0.l, eS@eS0.l,
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰmɑjɑn] samhamthmayan .c6fc606c;c, .c6fc606c;c,
cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰme:n] kurkuthmên eS@eS06x, eS@eS06x,
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰɪjɑn] samhamthiyan .c6fc60l;c, .c6fc60l;c,
cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰsʊn] kurkuthsun eS@eS0.S, eS@eS0.S,
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰmi:n] samhamthmîn .c6fc606", .c6fc606", cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰmɛnɪ] kurkuthmeni eS@eS06z,l eS@eS06z,l

.c6fc60", .c6fc60", cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰsɪ] kurkuthsi eS@eS0.l eS@eS0.l
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰi:n] samhamthîn
cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰme:] kurkuthmê eS@eS06x eS@eS06x
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰmɑjɑ] samhamthmaya .c6fc606c;c .c6fc606c;c
cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰsʊ] kurkuthsu eS@eS0.S eS@eS0.S
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰɪjɑ] samhamthiya .c6fc60l;c .c6fc60l;c eS@eS0x, eS@eS0x,
cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰe:n] kurkuthên
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰmi:] samhamthmî .c6fc606" .c6fc606" cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰoːn] kurkuthôn eS@eS0n, eS@eS0M,

cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰɑɪ] kurkuthai eS@eS0cl eS@eS0cl
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHM] [sɑmhɑmtʰɪ] samhamthi .c6fc60l .c6fc60l
cause to caw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRK] [kʊrkʊtʰɑ] kurkutha eS@eS0c eS@eS0c
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHM] [tɑmhɑmtʰɪjɑn] tamhamthiyan 8c6fc60l;c, 8c6fc60l;c,
cause to caw! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRK] [ɪkrɪkɪtʰi:] ikrikithî le@lel0" le@lel0"
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHM] [tɑmhɑmtʰi:n] tamhamthîn 8c6fc60", 8c6fc60",
cause to caw! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRK] [ɪkrɪkɪtʰ] ikrikith le@lel0 le@lel0
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHM] [tɑmhɑmtʰɪjɑ] tamhamthiya 8c6fc60l;c 8c6fc60l;c
cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KTN] [mɑktɪntʰɪ] maktinthi 6ce8l,0l 6ce8l,0l
cause to caution [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHM] [tɑmhɑmtʰɪ] tamhamthi 8c6fc60l 8c6fc60l
cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KTN] [ɑktɪntʰɪ] aktinthi ce8l,0l ce8l,0l
cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰmɑ:] mahmathmâ 6cf6c06v 6cf6c06v
cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰmɑjɑn] saktinthmayan .ce8l,06c;c, .ce8l,06c;c,
cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰmɪ] mahmathmi 6cf6c06l 6cf6c06l
cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰɪjɑn] saktinthiyan .ce8l,0l;c, .ce8l,0l;c,
cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰmɛnɪn] mahmathmenin 6cf6c06z,l, 6cf6c06z,l,

cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰsɪn] mahmathsin 6cf6c0.l, 6cf6c0.l, cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰmi:n] saktinthmîn .ce8l,06", .ce8l,06",

cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰme:n] mahmathmên 6cf6c06x, 6cf6c06x, cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰi:n] saktinthîn .ce8l,0", .ce8l,0",

cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHM] [mɑhmɑtʰsʊn] mahmathsun 6cf6c0.S, 6cf6c0.S, cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰmɑjɑ] saktinthmaya .ce8l,06c;c .ce8l,06c;c

cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰmɛnɪ] mahmathmeni 6cf6c06z,l 6cf6c06z,l cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰɪjɑ] saktinthiya .ce8l,0l;c .ce8l,0l;c

cause to caution [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHM] [mʌhmɑtʰsɪ] mahmathsi 6cf6c0.l 6cf6c0.l cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰmi:] saktinthmî .ce8l,06" .ce8l,06"

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The Dwarrow Scholar 235 The Dwarrow Scholar 236

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KTN] [sɑktɪntʰɪ] saktinthi .ce8l,0l .ce8l,0l cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰoːn] dalnathôn 9ca,c0n, 9ca,c0M,

cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KTN] [tɑktɪntʰɪjɑn] taktinthiyan 8ce8l,0l;c, 8ce8l,0l;c, cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰɑɪ] dalnathai 9ca,c0cl 9ca,c0cl

cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KTN] [tɑktɪntʰi:n] taktinthîn 8ce8l,0", 8ce8l,0", cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰɑ] dalnatha 9ca,c0c 9ca,c0c

cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KTN] [tɑktɪntʰɪjɑ] taktinthiya 8ce8l,0l;c 8ce8l,0l;c cause to challenge! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DLN] [ɪdlɪnɪtʰi:] idlinithî l9al,l0" l9al,l0"

cause to center [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KTN] [tɑktɪntʰɪ] taktinthi 8ce8l,0l 8ce8l,0l cause to challenge! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DLN] [ɪdlɪnɪtʰ] idlinith l9al,l0 l9al,l0

cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰmɑ:] kutnuthmâ eS8,S06v eS8,S06v cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRR] [mɑnrɑrtʰɪ] manrarthi 6c,@c@0l 6c,@c@0l

cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰmɪ] kutnuthmi eS8,S06l eS8,S06l cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRR] [ɑnrɑrtʰɪ] anrarthi c,@c@0l c,@c@0l

cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰmɛnɪn] kutnuthmenin eS8,S06z,l, eS8,S06z,l,
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sanrarthmayan .c,@c@06c;c, .c,@c@06c;c,
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰsɪn] kutnuthsin eS8,S0.l, eS8,S0.l,
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰɪjɑn] sanrarthiyan .c,@c@0l;c, .c,@c@0l;c,
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰme:n] kutnuthmên eS8,S06x, eS8,S06x,

cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰsʊn] kutnuthsun eS8,S0.S, eS8,S0.S, cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰmi:n] sanrarthmîn .c,@c@06", .c,@c@06",

cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰmɛnɪ] kutnuthmeni eS8,S06z,l eS8,S06z,l .c,@c@0", .c,@c@0",
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰi:n] sanrarthîn
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰsɪ] kutnuthsi eS8,S0.l eS8,S0.l
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sanrarthmaya .c,@c@06c;c .c,@c@06c;c
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰme:] kutnuthmê eS8,S06x eS8,S06x
eS8,S0.S eS8,S0.S cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰɪjɑ] sanrarthiya .c,@c@0l;c .c,@c@0l;c
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰsʊ] kutnuthsu
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰe:n] kutnuthên eS8,S0x, eS8,S0x, cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰmi:] sanrarthmî .c,@c@06" .c,@c@06"
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰoːn] kutnuthôn eS8,S0n, eS8,S0M,
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRR] [sɑnrɑrtʰɪ] sanrarthi .c,@c@0l .c,@c@0l
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰɑɪ] kutnuthai eS8,S0cl eS8,S0cl
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRR] [tɑnrɑrtʰɪjɑn] tanrarthiyan 8c,@c@0l;c, 8c,@c@0l;c,
cause to center [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KTN] [kʊtnʊtʰɑ] kutnutha eS8,S0c eS8,S0c
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRR] [tɑnrɑrtʰi:n] tanrarthîn 8c,@c@0", 8c,@c@0",
cause to center! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KTN] [ɪktɪnɪtʰi:] iktinithî le8l,l0" le8l,l0"
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRR] [tɑnrɑrtʰɪjɑ] tanrarthiya 8c,@c@0l;c 8c,@c@0l;c
cause to center! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KTN] [ɪktɪnɪtʰ] iktinith le8l,l0 le8l,l0
cause to champion [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRR] [tɑnrɑrtʰɪ] tanrarthi 8c,@c@0l 8c,@c@0l
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DLN] [mɑdlɪntʰɪ] madlinthi 6c9al,0l 6c9al,0l
cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰmɑ:] nerrethmâ ,z@@z06v ,z@@z06v
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DLN] [ɑdlɪntʰɪ] adlinthi c9al,0l c9al,0l
cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰmɪ] nerrethmi ,z@@z06l ,z@@z06l
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰmɑjɑn] sadlinthmayan .c9al,06c;c, .c9al,06c;c, cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰmɛnɪn] nerrethmenin ,z@@z06z,l, ,z@@z06z,l,

.c9al,0l;c, .c9al,0l;c, cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰsɪn] nerrethsin ,z@@z0.l, ,z@@z0.l,
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰɪjɑn] sadlinthiyan
.c9al,06", .c9al,06", cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰme:n] nerrethmên ,z@@z06x, ,z@@z06x,
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰmi:n] sadlinthmîn
.c9al,0", .c9al,0", cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰsʊn] nerrethsun ,z@@z0.S, ,z@@z0.S,
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰi:n] sadlinthîn
.c9al,06c;c .c9al,06c;c cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰmɛnɪ] nerrethmeni ,z@@z06z,l ,z@@z06z,l
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰmɑjɑ] sadlinthmaya
.c9al,0l;c .c9al,0l;c cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰsɪ] nerrethsi ,z@@z0.l ,z@@z0.l
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰɪjɑ] sadlinthiya
.c9al,06" .c9al,06" cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰme:] nerrethmê ,z@@z06x ,z@@z06x
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰmi:] sadlinthmî
.c9al,0l .c9al,0l cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰsʊ] nerrethsu ,z@@z0.S ,z@@z0.S
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DLN] [sɑdlɪntʰɪ] sadlinthi
8c9al,0l;c, 8c9al,0l;c, cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰe:n] nerrethên ,z@@z0x, ,z@@z0x,
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DLN] [tɑdlɪntʰɪjɑn] tadlinthiyan
8c9al,0", 8c9al,0", cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰoːn] nerrethôn ,z@@z0n, ,z@@z0M,
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DLN] [tɑdlɪntʰi:n] tadlinthîn
8c9al,0l;c 8c9al,0l;c cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰɑɪ] nerrethai ,z@@z0cl ,z@@z0cl
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DLN] [tɑdlɪntʰɪjɑ] tadlinthiya
8c9al,0l 8c9al,0l cause to champion [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NRR] [nɛr.rɛtʰɑ] nerretha ,z@@z0c ,z@@z0c
cause to challenge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DLN] [tɑdlɪntʰɪ] tadlinthi
9ca,c06v 9ca,c06v cause to champion! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NRR] [ɪnrɪrɪtʰi:] inririthî l,@l@l0" l,@l@l0"
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰmɑ:] dalnathmâ
9ca,c06l 9ca,c06l cause to champion! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NRR] [ɪnrɪrɪtʰ] inririth l,@l@l0 l,@l@l0
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰmɪ] dalnathmi
9ca,c06z,l, 9ca,c06z,l, cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRT] [mɑbrɑt.tʰɪ] mabratthi 6c2@c80l 6c2@c80l
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪn] dalnathmenin
9ca,c0.l, 9ca,c0.l, cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRT] [ɑbrɑt.tʰɪ] abratthi c2@c80l c2@c80l
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰsɪn] dalnathsin
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [sɑbrɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sabratthmayan .c2@c806c;c, .c2@c806c;c,
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰme:n] dalnathmên 9ca,c06x, 9ca,c06x,
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRT] [sɑbrɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sabratthiyan .c2@c80l;c, .c2@c80l;c,
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰsʊn] dalnathsun 9ca,c0.S, 9ca,c0.S,
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [sɑbrɑtətʰmi:n] sabratthmîn .c2@c806", .c2@c806",
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪ] dalnathmeni 9ca,c06z,l 9ca,c06z,l
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRT] [sɑbrɑt.tʰi:n] sabratthîn .c2@c80", .c2@c80",
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰsɪ] dalnathsi 9ca,c0.l 9ca,c0.l
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [sɑbrɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sabratthmaya .c2@c806c;c .c2@c806c;c
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰme:] dalnathmê 9ca,c06x 9ca,c06x
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRT] [sɑbrɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sabratthiya .c2@c80l;c .c2@c80l;c
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰsʊ] dalnathsu 9ca,c0.S 9ca,c0.S
cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [sɑbrɑtətʰmi:] sabratthmî .c2@c806" .c2@c806"
cause to challenge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DLN] [dɑlnɑtʰe:n] dalnathên 9ca,c0x, 9ca,c0x,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 237 The Dwarrow Scholar 238
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRT] [sɑbrɑt.tʰɪ] sabratthi .c2@c80l .c2@c80l cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰɑ] kulbutha eSa2S0c eSa2S0c

cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRT] [tɑbrɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tabratthiyan 8c2@c80l;c, 8c2@c80l;c, cause to charm! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLB] [ɪklɪbɪtʰi:] iklibithî leal2l0" leal2l0"

cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRT] [tɑbrɑt.tʰi:n] tabratthîn 8c2@c80", 8c2@c80", cause to charm! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLB] [ɪklɪbɪtʰ] iklibith leal2l0 leal2l0

cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRT] [tɑbrɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tabratthiya 8c2@c80l;c 8c2@c80l;c cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNTh] [mɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪ] mamniththi 6c6,l00l 6c6,l00l

cause to change [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRT] [tɑbrɑt.tʰɪ] tabratthi 8c2@c80l 8c2@c80l cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNTh] [ɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪ] amniththi c6,l00l c6,l00l

cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰmɑ:] burtuthmâ 2S@8S06v 2S@8S06v
cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰətʰmɑjɑn] samniththmayan .c6,l006c;c, .c6,l006c;c,
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰmɪ] burtuthmi 2S@8S06l 2S@8S06l
cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] samniththiyan .c6,l00l;c, .c6,l00l;c,
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰmɛnɪn] burtuthmenin 2S@8S06z,l, 2S@8S06z,l,

cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰsɪn] burtuthsin 2S@8S0.l, 2S@8S0.l, cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰətʰmi:n] samniththmîn .c6,l006", .c6,l006",

cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰme:n] burtuthmên 2S@8S06x, 2S@8S06x, .c6,l00", .c6,l00",
cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰ.tʰi:n] samniththîn
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰsʊn] burtuthsun 2S@8S0.S, 2S@8S0.S,
cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰətʰmɑjɑ] samniththmaya .c6,l006c;c .c6,l006c;c
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰmɛnɪ] burtuthmeni 2S@8S06z,l 2S@8S06z,l
2S@8S0.l 2S@8S0.l cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] samniththiya .c6,l00l;c .c6,l00l;c
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰsɪ] burtuthsi
2S@8S06x 2S@8S06x cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰətʰmi:] samniththmî .c6,l006" .c6,l006"
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰme:] burtuthmê
2S@8S0.S 2S@8S0.S cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNTh] [sɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪ] samniththi .c6,l00l .c6,l00l
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰsʊ] burtuthsu
2S@8S0x, 2S@8S0x, cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNTh] [tɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tamniththiyan 8c6,l00l;c, 8c6,l00l;c,
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰe:n] burtuthên
2S@8S0n, 2S@8S0M, cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNTh] [tɑmnɪtʰ.tʰi:n] tamniththîn 8c6,l00", 8c6,l00",
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰoːn] burtuthôn
2S@8S0cl 2S@8S0cl cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNTh] [tɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tamniththiya 8c6,l00l;c 8c6,l00l;c
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰɑɪ] burtuthai
2S@8S0c 2S@8S0c cause to cheer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNTh] [tɑmnɪtʰ.tʰɪ] tamniththi 8c6,l00l 8c6,l00l
cause to change [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRT] [bʊrtʊtʰɑ] burtutha
l2@l8l0" l2@l8l0" cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰmɑ:] manthathmâ 6c,0c06v 6c,0c06v
cause to change! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRT] [ɪbrɪtɪtʰi:] ibritithî
l2@l8l0 l2@l8l0 cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰmɪ] manthathmi 6c,0c06l 6c,0c06l
cause to change! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRT] [ɪbrɪtɪtʰ] ibritith
6ceal20l 6ceal20l cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] manthathmenin 6c,0c06z,l, 6c,0c06z,l,
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLB] [mɑklɪbtʰɪ] maklibthi
ceal20l ceal20l cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰsɪn] manthathsin 6c,0c0.l, 6c,0c0.l,
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLB] [ɑklɪbtʰɪ] aklibthi
.ceal206c;c, .ceal206c;c, cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰme:n] manthathmên 6c,0c06x, 6c,0c06x,
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [sɑklɪbətʰmɑjɑn] saklibthmayan
.ceal20l;c, .ceal20l;c, cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰsʊn] manthathsun 6c,0c0.S, 6c,0c0.S,
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLB] [sɑklɪbtʰɪjɑn] saklibthiyan
cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] manthathmeni 6c,0c06z,l 6c,0c06z,l
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [sɑklɪbətʰmi:n] saklibthmîn .ceal206", .ceal206",
cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰsɪ] manthathsi 6c,0c0.l 6c,0c0.l
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLB] [sɑklɪbtʰi:n] saklibthîn .ceal20", .ceal20",
cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰme:] manthathmê 6c,0c06x 6c,0c06x
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [sɑklɪbətʰmɑjɑ] saklibthmaya .ceal206c;c .ceal206c;c
cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰsʊ] manthathsu 6c,0c0.S 6c,0c0.S
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLB] [sɑklɪbtʰɪjɑ] saklibthiya .ceal20l;c .ceal20l;c 6c,0c0x, 6c,0c0x,
cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰe:n] manthathên
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [sɑklɪbətʰmi:] saklibthmî .ceal206" .ceal206" cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰoːn] manthathôn 6c,0c0n, 6c,0c0M,

cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰɑɪ] manthathai 6c,0c0cl 6c,0c0cl
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLB] [sɑklɪbtʰɪ] saklibthi .ceal20l .ceal20l
cause to cheer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNTh] [mɑntʰɑtʰɑ] manthatha 6c,0c0c 6c,0c0c
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLB] [tɑklɪbtʰɪjɑn] taklibthiyan 8ceal20l;c, 8ceal20l;c,
cause to cheer! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNTh] [ɪmnɪtʰɪtʰi:] imnithithî l6,l0l0" l6,l0l0"
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLB] [tɑklɪbtʰi:n] taklibthîn 8ceal20", 8ceal20",
cause to cheer! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNTh] [ɪmnɪtʰɪtʰ] imnithith l6,l0l0 l6,l0l0
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLB] [tɑklɪbtʰɪjɑ] taklibthiya 8ceal20l;c 8ceal20l;c
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [JT] [mɑd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪ] majitthi 6cRl80l 6c$l80l
cause to charm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLB] [tɑklɪbtʰɪ] taklibthi 8ceal20l 8ceal20l
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [JT] [ʌd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪ] ajitthi cRl80l c$l80l
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰmɑ:] kulbuthmâ eSa2S06v eSa2S06v
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cRl806c;c, .c$l806c;c,
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰmɪ] kulbuthmi eSa2S06l eSa2S06l [sɑd͡ʒɪtətʰmɑjɑn] sajitthmayan
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰmɛnɪn] kulbuthmenin eSa2S06z,l, eSa2S06z,l, .cRl80l;c, .c$l80l;c,
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [JT] [sɑd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪjɑn] sajitthiyan
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰsɪn] kulbuthsin eSa2S0.l, eSa2S0.l, cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑd͡ʒɪtətʰmi:n] sajitthmîn .cRl806", .c$l806",
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰme:n] kulbuthmên eSa2S06x, eSa2S06x, [JT]
eSa2S0.S, eSa2S0.S, cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [JT] [sɑd͡ʒɪt.tʰi:n] sajitthîn .cRl80", .c$l80",
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰsʊn] kulbuthsun
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰmɛnɪ] kulbuthmeni eSa2S06z,l eSa2S06z,l cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cRl806c;c .c$l806c;c
[sʌd͡ʒɪtətʰmɑjɑ] sajitthmaya
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰsɪ] kulbuthsi eSa2S0.l eSa2S0.l
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [JT] [sʌd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪjɑ] sajitthiya .cRl80l;c .c$l80l;c
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰme:] kulbuthmê eSa2S06x eSa2S06x
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .cRl806" .c$l806"
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰsʊ] kulbuthsu eSa2S0.S eSa2S0.S [sʌd͡ʒɪtətʰmi:] sajitthmî
(contemptuous)] [JT]
cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰe:n] kulbuthên eSa2S0x, eSa2S0x, cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [JT] [sʌd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪ] sajitthi .cRl80l .c$l80l

cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰoːn] kulbuthôn eSa2S0n, eSa2S0M, cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [JT] [tɑd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪjɑn] tajitthiyan 8cRl80l;c, 8c$l80l;c,

cause to charm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLB] [kʊlbʊtʰɑɪ] kulbuthai eSa2S0cl eSa2S0cl cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [JT] [tɑd͡ʒɪt.tʰi:n] tajitthîn 8cRl80", 8c$l80",

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 239 The Dwarrow Scholar 240

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cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [JT] [tʌd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪjɑ] tajitthiya 8cRl80l;c 8c$l80l;c cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰɑ] bujbutha 2SR2S0c 2S$2S0c

cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [JT] [tʌd͡ʒɪt.tʰɪ] tajitthi 8cRl80l 8c$l80l cause to choose! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BJB] [ɪbd͡ʒɪbɪtʰi:] ibjibithî l2Rl2l0" l2$l2l0"

cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰmɑ:] jatathmâ Rc8c06v $c8c06v cause to choose! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BJB] [ɪbd͡ʒɪbɪtʰ] ibjibith l2Rl2l0 l2$l2l0

cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰmɪ] jatathmi Rc8c06l $c8c06l cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLT] [mɑblɪt.tʰɪ] mablitthi 6c2al80l 6c2al80l

cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLT] [ɑblɪt.tʰɪ] ablitthi c2al80l c2al80l
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰmɛnɪn] jatathmenin Rc8c06z,l, $c8c06z,l,
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [sɑblɪtətʰmɑjɑn] sablitthmayan .c2al806c;c, .c2al806c;c,
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰsɪn] jatathsin Rc8c0.l, $c8c0.l,
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLT] [sɑblɪt.tʰɪjɑn] sablitthiyan .c2al80l;c, .c2al80l;c,
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰme:n] jatathmên Rc8c06x, $c8c06x, cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [sɑblɪtətʰmi:n] sablitthmîn .c2al806", .c2al806",

Rc8c0.S, $c8c0.S, cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLT] [sɑblɪt.tʰi:n] sablitthîn .c2al80", .c2al80",
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰsʊn] jatathsun
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [sɑblɪtətʰmɑjɑ] sablitthmaya .c2al806c;c .c2al806c;c
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰmɛnɪ] jatathmeni Rc8c06z,l $c8c06z,l
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLT] [sɑblɪt.tʰɪjɑ] sablitthiya .c2al80l;c .c2al80l;c
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰsɪ] jatathsi Rc8c0.l $c8c0.l
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [sɑblɪtətʰmi:] sablitthmî .c2al806" .c2al806"
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] Rc8c06x $c8c06x
[d͡ʒɑtɑtʰme:] jatathmê
[JT] cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLT] [sɑblɪt.tʰɪ] sablitthi .c2al80l .c2al80l
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰsʊ] jatathsu Rc8c0.S $c8c0.S 8c2al80l;c, 8c2al80l;c,
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLT] [tɑblɪt.tʰɪjɑn] tablitthiyan
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰe:n] jatathên Rc8c0x, $c8c0x, 8c2al80", 8c2al80",
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLT] [tɑblɪt.tʰi:n] tablitthîn
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰoːn] jatathôn Rc8c0n, $c8c0M, 8c2al80l;c 8c2al80l;c
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLT] [tɑblɪt.tʰɪjɑ] tablitthiya
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰɑɪ] jatathai Rc8c0cl $c8c0cl 8c2al80l 8c2al80l
cause to chop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLT] [tɑblɪt.tʰɪ] tablitthi
cause to chitter (cause to twitter) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [JT] [d͡ʒɑtɑtʰɑ] jatatha Rc8c0c $c8c0c 2za8z06v 2za8z06v
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰmɑ:] beltethmâ
cause to chitter (cause to twitter)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JT] [ɪd͡ʒtɪtʰi:] ijtithî lR8l0" l$8l0" 2za8z06l 2za8z06l
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰmɪ] beltethmi
cause to chitter (cause to twitter)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JT] [ɪd͡ʒti:tʰ] ijtîth lR8"0 l$8"0 2za8z06z,l, 2za8z06z,l,
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰmɛnɪn] beltethmenin
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BJB] [mɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪ] mabjabthi 6c2Rc20l 6c2$c20l 2za8z0.l, 2za8z0.l,
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰsɪn] beltethsin
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BJB] [ɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪ] abjabthi c2Rc20l c2$c20l 2za8z06x, 2za8z06x,
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰme:n] beltethmên
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sabjabthmayan .c2Rc206c;c, .c2$c206c;c, 2za8z0.S, 2za8z0.S,
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰsʊn] beltethsun
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪjɑn] sabjabthiyan .c2Rc20l;c, .c2$c20l;c, 2za8z06z,l 2za8z06z,l
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰmɛnɪ] beltethmeni
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbətʰmi:n] sabjabthmîn .c2Rc206", .c2$c206", cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰsɪ] beltethsi 2za8z0.l 2za8z0.l

cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰme:] beltethmê 2za8z06x 2za8z06x
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰi:n] sabjabthîn .c2Rc20", .c2$c20",
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰsʊ] beltethsu 2za8z0.S 2za8z0.S
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sabjabthmaya .c2Rc206c;c .c2$c206c;c
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰe:n] beltethên 2za8z0x, 2za8z0x,

cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪjɑ] sabjabthiya .c2Rc20l;c .c2$c20l;c cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰoːn] beltethôn 2za8z0n, 2za8z0M,

cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰɑɪ] beltethai 2za8z0cl 2za8z0cl
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbətʰmi:] sabjabthmî .c2Rc206" .c2$c206"
cause to chop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLT] [bɛltɛtʰɑ] beltetha 2za8z0c 2za8z0c
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BJB] [sɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪ] sabjabthi .c2Rc20l .c2$c20l
cause to chop! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLT] [ɪblɪtɪtʰi:] iblitithî l2al8l0" l2al8l0"
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BJB] [tɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪjɑn] tabjabthiyan 8c2Rc20l;c, 8c2$c20l;c,
cause to chop! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLT] [ɪblɪtɪtʰ] iblitith l2al8l0 l2al8l0
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BJB] [tɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰi:n] tabjabthîn 8c2Rc20", 8c2$c20",
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MGM] [mɑmɡɪmtʰɪ] mamgimthi 6c6rl60l 6c6Rl60l
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BJB] [tɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪjɑ] tabjabthiya 8c2Rc20l;c 8c2$c20l;c
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MGM] [ɑmɡɪmtʰɪ] amgimthi c6rl60l c6Rl60l
cause to choose [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BJB] [tɑbd͡ʒɑbtʰɪ] tabjabthi 8c2Rc20l 8c2$c20l
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰmɑjɑn] samgimthmayan .c6rl606c;c, .c6Rl606c;c,
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰmɑ:] bujbuthmâ 2SR2S06v 2S$2S06v

cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰmɪ] bujbuthmi 2SR2S06l 2S$2S06l cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰɪjɑn] samgimthiyan .c6rl60l;c, .c6Rl60l;c,

cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰmɛnɪn] bujbuthmenin 2SR2S06z,l, 2S$2S06z,l,
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰmi:n] samgimthmîn .c6rl606", .c6Rl606",
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰsɪn] bujbuthsin 2SR2S0.l, 2S$2S0.l,
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰi:n] samgimthîn .c6rl60", .c6Rl60",
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰme:n] bujbuthmên 2SR2S06x, 2S$2S06x,

cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰsʊn] bujbuthsun 2SR2S0.S, 2S$2S0.S, cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰmɑjɑ] samgimthmaya .c6rl606c;c .c6Rl606c;c

cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰmɛnɪ] bujbuthmeni 2SR2S06z,l 2S$2S06z,l .c6rl60l;c .c6Rl60l;c
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰɪjɑ] samgimthiya
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰsɪ] bujbuthsi 2SR2S0.l 2S$2S0.l
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰmi:] samgimthmî .c6rl606" .c6Rl606"
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰme:] bujbuthmê 2SR2S06x 2S$2S06x
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MGM] [sɑmɡɪmtʰɪ] samgimthi .c6rl60l .c6Rl60l
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰsʊ] bujbuthsu 2SR2S0.S 2S$2S0.S 8c6rl60l;c, 8c6Rl60l;c,
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MGM] [tɑmɡɪmtʰɪjɑn] tamgimthiyan
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰe:n] bujbuthên 2SR2S0x, 2S$2S0x, 8c6rl60", 8c6Rl60",
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MGM] [tɑmɡɪmtʰi:n] tamgimthîn
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰoːn] bujbuthôn 2SR2S0n, 2S$2S0M, 8c6rl60l;c 8c6Rl60l;c
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MGM] [tɑmɡɪmtʰɪjɑ] tamgimthiya
cause to choose [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BJB] [bʊd͡ʒbʊtʰɑɪ] bujbuthai 2SR2S0cl 2S$2S0cl 8c6rl60l 8c6Rl60l
cause to circle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MGM] [tɑmɡɪmtʰɪ] tamgimthi

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 241 The Dwarrow Scholar 242
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰmɑ:] megmethmâ 6zr6z06v 6zR6z06v cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sabirthmayan .c2l@06c;c, .c2l@06c;c,

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰmɪ] megmethmi 6zr6z06l 6zR6z06l cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰɪjɑn] sabirthiyan .c2l@0l;c, .c2l@0l;c,

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰmɛnɪn] megmethmenin 6zr6z06z,l, 6zR6z06z,l, cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰmi:n] sabirthmîn .c2l@06", .c2l@06",

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰsɪn] megmethsin 6zr6z0.l, 6zR6z0.l, cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰi:n] sabirthîn .c2l@0", .c2l@0",

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰme:n] megmethmên 6zr6z06x, 6zR6z06x, cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sabirthmaya .c2l@06c;c .c2l@06c;c

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰsʊn] megmethsun 6zr6z0.S, 6zR6z0.S, cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰɪjɑ] sabirthiya .c2l@0l;c .c2l@0l;c

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰmɛnɪ] megmethmeni 6zr6z06z,l 6zR6z06z,l
cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰmi:] sabirthmî .c2l@06" .c2l@06"
cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰsɪ] megmethsi 6zr6z0.l 6zR6z0.l
cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BR] [sɑbɪrtʰɪ] sabirthi .c2l@0l .c2l@0l
cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰme:] megmethmê 6zr6z06x 6zR6z06x
cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BR] [tɑbɪrtʰɪjɑn] tabirthiyan 8c2l@0l;c, 8c2l@0l;c,

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰsʊ] megmethsu 6zr6z0.S 6zR6z0.S cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BR] [tɑbɪrtʰi:n] tabirthîn 8c2l@0", 8c2l@0",

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰe:n] megmethên 6zr6z0x, 6zR6z0x, cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BR] [tɑbɪrtʰɪjɑ] tabirthiya 8c2l@0l;c 8c2l@0l;c

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰoːn] megmethôn 6zr6z0n, 6zR6z0M, cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BR] [tɑbɪrtʰɪ] tabirthi 8c2l@0l 8c2l@0l

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰɑɪ] megmethai 6zr6z0cl 6zR6z0cl cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰmɑ:] barathmâ 2c@c06v 2c@c06v

cause to circle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MGM] [mɛɡmɛtʰɑ] megmetha 6zr6z0c 6zR6z0c cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰmɪ] barathmi 2c@c06l 2c@c06l

cause to circle! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MGM] [ɪmɡɪmɪtʰi:] imgimithî l6rl6l0" l6Rl6l0" cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰmɛnɪn] barathmenin 2c@c06z,l, 2c@c06z,l,

cause to circle! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MGM] [ɪmɡɪmɪtʰ] imgimith l6rl6l0 l6Rl6l0 cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰsɪn] barathsin 2c@c0.l, 2c@c0.l,

cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LBM] [mɑlbɪmtʰɪ] malbimthi 6ca2l60l 6ca2l60l cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰme:n] barathmên 2c@c06x, 2c@c06x,

cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LBM] [ɑlbɪmtʰɪ] albimthi ca2l60l ca2l60l cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰsʊn] barathsun 2c@c0.S, 2c@c0.S,

cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰmɑjɑn] salbimthmayan .ca2l606c;c, .ca2l606c;c, cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰmɛnɪ] barathmeni 2c@c06z,l 2c@c06z,l

cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰɪjɑn] salbimthiyan .ca2l60l;c, .ca2l60l;c, cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰsɪ] barathsi 2c@c0.l 2c@c0.l

cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰme:] barathmê 2c@c06x 2c@c06x
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰmi:n] salbimthmîn .ca2l606", .ca2l606",
cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰsʊ] barathsu 2c@c0.S 2c@c0.S
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰi:n] salbimthîn .ca2l60", .ca2l60",
cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰe:n] barathên 2c@c0x, 2c@c0x,
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰmɑjɑ] salbimthmaya .ca2l606c;c .ca2l606c;c cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰoːn] barathôn 2c@c0n, 2c@c0M,

.ca2l60l;c .ca2l60l;c cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰɑɪ] barathai 2c@c0cl 2c@c0cl
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰɪjɑ] salbimthiya
cause to clear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BR] [bɑrɑtʰɑ] baratha 2c@c0c 2c@c0c
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰmi:] salbimthmî .ca2l606" .ca2l606"
cause to clear! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BR] [ɪbrɪtʰi:] ibrithî l2@l0" l2@l0"
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LBM] [sɑlbɪmtʰɪ] salbimthi .ca2l60l .ca2l60l l2@"0 l2@"0
cause to clear! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BR] [ɪbri:tʰ] ibrîth
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LBM] [tɑlbɪmtʰɪjɑn] talbimthiyan 8ca2l60l;c, 8ca2l60l;c, 6c2@ce0l 6c2@ce0l
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRK] [mɑbrɑktʰɪ] mabrakthi
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LBM] [tɑlbɪmtʰi:n] talbimthîn 8ca2l60", 8ca2l60", c2@ce0l c2@ce0l
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRK] [ɑbrɑktʰɪ] abrakthi
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LBM] [tɑlbɪmtʰɪjɑ] talbimthiya 8ca2l60l;c 8ca2l60l;c .c2@ce06c;c, .c2@ce06c;c,
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [sɑbrɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sabrakthmayan
cause to clean [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LBM] [tɑlbɪmtʰɪ] talbimthi 8ca2l60l 8ca2l60l .c2@ce0l;c, .c2@ce0l;c,
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRK] [sɑbrɑktʰɪjɑn] sabrakthiyan
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰmɑ:] lubmuthmâ aS26S06v aS26S06v
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [sɑbrɑkətʰmi:n] sabrakthmîn .c2@ce06", .c2@ce06",
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰmɪ] lubmuthmi aS26S06l aS26S06l
aS26S06z,l, aS26S06z,l, cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRK] [sɑbrɑktʰi:n] sabrakthîn .c2@ce0", .c2@ce0",
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰmɛnɪn] lubmuthmenin
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰsɪn] lubmuthsin aS26S0.l, aS26S0.l, cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [sɑbrɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sabrakthmaya .c2@ce06c;c .c2@ce06c;c
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰme:n] lubmuthmên aS26S06x, aS26S06x,
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRK] [sɑbrɑktʰɪjɑ] sabrakthiya .c2@ce0l;c .c2@ce0l;c
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰsʊn] lubmuthsun aS26S0.S, aS26S0.S,
cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [sɑbrɑkətʰmi:] sabrakthmî .c2@ce06" .c2@ce06"
cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰmɛnɪ] lubmuthmeni aS26S06z,l aS26S06z,l

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰsɪ] lubmuthsi aS26S0.l aS26S0.l cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRK] [sɑbrɑktʰɪ] sabrakthi .c2@ce0l .c2@ce0l

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰme:] lubmuthmê aS26S06x aS26S06x cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRK] [tɑbrɑktʰɪjɑn] tabrakthiyan 8c2@ce0l;c, 8c2@ce0l;c,

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰsʊ] lubmuthsu aS26S0.S aS26S0.S cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRK] [tɑbrɑktʰi:n] tabrakthîn 8c2@ce0", 8c2@ce0",

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰe:n] lubmuthên aS26S0x, aS26S0x, cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRK] [tɑbrɑktʰɪjɑ] tabrakthiya 8c2@ce0l;c 8c2@ce0l;c

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰoːn] lubmuthôn aS26S0n, aS26S0M, cause to cleave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRK] [tɑbrɑktʰɪ] tabrakthi 8c2@ce0l 8c2@ce0l

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰɑɪ] lubmuthai aS26S0cl aS26S0cl cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰmɑ:] berkethmâ 2z@ez06v 2z@ez06v

cause to clean [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LBM] [lʊbmʊtʰɑ] lubmutha aS26S0c aS26S0c cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰmɪ] berkethmi 2z@ez06l 2z@ez06l

cause to clean! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBM] [ɪlbɪmɪtʰi:] ilbimithî la2l6l0" la2l6l0" cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰmɛnɪn] berkethmenin 2z@ez06z,l, 2z@ez06z,l,

cause to clean! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBM] [ɪlbɪmɪtʰ] ilbimith la2l6l0 la2l6l0 cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰsɪn] berkethsin 2z@ez0.l, 2z@ez0.l,

cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BR] [mɑbɪrtʰɪ] mabirthi 6c2l@0l 6c2l@0l cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰme:n] berkethmên 2z@ez06x, 2z@ez06x,

cause to clear [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BR] [ɑbɪrtʰɪ] abirthi c2l@0l c2l@0l cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰsʊn] berkethsun 2z@ez0.S, 2z@ez0.S,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 243 The Dwarrow Scholar 244

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰmɛnɪ] berkethmeni 2z@ez06z,l 2z@ez06z,l cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sʌzlɪɡtʰmi:] sazligthmî .cwalr06" .cDalR06"
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰsɪ] berkethsi 2z@ez0.l 2z@ez0.l [ZLG]
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZLG] [sʌzlɪɡtʰɪ] sazligthi .cwalr0l .cDalR0l
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰme:] berkethmê 2z@ez06x 2z@ez06x
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZLG] [tɑzlɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tazligthiyan 8cwalr0l;c, 8cDalR0l;c,
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰsʊ] berkethsu 2z@ez0.S 2z@ez0.S
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZLG] [tɑzlɪɡtʰi:n] tazligthîn 8cwalr0", 8cDalR0",
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰe:n] berkethên 2z@ez0x, 2z@ez0x,
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZLG] [tʌzlɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tazligthiya 8cwalr0l;c 8cDalR0l;c
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰoːn] berkethôn 2z@ez0n, 2z@ez0M,
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZLG] [tʌzlɪɡtʰɪ] tazligthi 8cwalr0l 8cDalR0l
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰɑɪ] berkethai 2z@ez0cl 2z@ez0cl
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰmɑ:] zelgethmâ wzarz06v DzaRz06v
cause to cleave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRK] [bɛrkɛtʰɑ] berketha 2z@ez0c 2z@ez0c
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰmɪ] zelgethmi wzarz06l DzaRz06l
cause to cleave! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRK] [ɪbrɪkɪtʰi:] ibrikithî l2@lel0" l2@lel0"

cause to cleave! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRK] [ɪbrɪkɪtʰ] ibrikith l2@lel0 l2@lel0 cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰmɛnɪn] zelgethmenin wzarz06z,l, DzaRz06z,l,

cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔBD] [mɑʔbɪdtʰɪ] ma'bidthi 6cg2l90l 6cg2l90l wzarz0.l, DzaRz0.l,
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰsɪn] zelgethsin
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔBD] [ɑʔbɪdtʰɪ] a'bidthi cg2l90l cg2l90l
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰme:n] zelgethmên wzarz06x, DzaRz06x,
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sa'bidthmayan .cg2l906c;c, .cg2l906c;c,
.cg2l90l;c, .cg2l90l;c, cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰsʊn] zelgethsun wzarz0.S, DzaRz0.S,
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰɪjɑn] sa'bidthiyan
.cg2l906", .cg2l906", cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰmɛnɪ] zelgethmeni wzarz06z,l DzaRz06z,l
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰmi:n] sa'bidthmîn
.cg2l90", .cg2l90", cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰsɪ] zelgethsi wzarz0.l DzaRz0.l
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰi:n] sa'bidthîn
.cg2l906c;c .cg2l906c;c cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰme:] zelgethmê wzarz06x DzaRz06x
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sa'bidthmaya
.cg2l90l;c .cg2l90l;c cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰsʊ] zelgethsu wzarz0.S DzaRz0.S
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰɪjɑ] sa'bidthiya
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰe:n] zelgethên wzarz0x, DzaRz0x,
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰmi:] sa'bidthmî .cg2l906" .cg2l906"
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰoːn] zelgethôn wzarz0n, DzaRz0M,
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔBD] [sɑʔbɪdtʰɪ] sa'bidthi .cg2l90l .cg2l90l wzarz0cl DzaRz0cl
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰɑɪ] zelgethai
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔBD] [tɑʔbɪdtʰɪjɑn] ta'bidthiyan 8cg2l90l;c, 8cg2l90l;c, wzarz0c DzaRz0c
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZLG] [zɛlɡɛtʰɑ] zelgetha
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔBD] [tɑʔbɪdtʰi:n] ta'bidthîn 8cg2l90", 8cg2l90", lwalrl0" lDalRl0"
cause to climb a flight of stairs! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZLG] [ɪzlɪɡɪtʰi:] izligithî
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔBD] [tɑʔbɪdtʰɪjɑ] ta'bidthiya 8cg2l90l;c 8cg2l90l;c lwalrl0 lDalRl0
cause to climb a flight of stairs! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZLG] [ɪzlɪɡɪtʰ] izligith
cause to climb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔBD] [tɑʔbɪdtʰɪ] ta'bidthi 8cg2l90l 8cg2l90l lg2l9l0" lg2l9l0"
cause to climb! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBD] [ɪʔbɪdɪtʰi:] i'bidithî
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰmɑ:] 'ubduthmâ gS29S06v gS29S06v lg2l9l0 lg2l9l0
cause to climb! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBD] [ɪʔbɪdɪtʰ] i'bidith
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰmɪ] 'ubduthmi gS29S06l gS29S06l 6ceV;lR0l 6ct;l$0l
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhYJ] [mɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] makhyijthi
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰmɛnɪn] 'ubduthmenin gS29S06z,l, gS29S06z,l, ceV;lR0l ct;l$0l
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhYJ] [ɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] akhyijthi
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰsɪn] 'ubduthsin gS29S0.l, gS29S0.l, .ceV;lR06c;c, .ct;l$06c;c,
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑn] sakhyijthmayan
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰme:n] 'ubduthmên gS29S06x, gS29S06x, .ceV;lR0l;c, .ct;l$0l;c,
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] sakhyijthiyan
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰsʊn] 'ubduthsun gS29S0.S, gS29S0.S,
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰmi:n] sakhyijthmîn .ceV;lR06", .ct;l$06",
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰmɛnɪ] 'ubduthmeni gS29S06z,l gS29S06z,l
gS29S0.l gS29S0.l cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] sakhyijthîn .ceV;lR0", .ct;l$0",
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰsɪ] 'ubduthsi
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰme:] 'ubduthmê gS29S06x gS29S06x cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑ] sakhyijthmaya .ceV;lR06c;c .ct;l$06c;c
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰsʊ] 'ubduthsu gS29S0.S gS29S0.S
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] sakhyijthiya .ceV;lR0l;c .ct;l$0l;c
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰe:n] 'ubduthên gS29S0x, gS29S0x,
cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰmi:] sakhyijthmî .ceV;lR06" .ct;l$06"
cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰoːn] 'ubduthôn gS29S0n, gS29S0M,

cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰɑɪ] 'ubduthai gS29S0cl gS29S0cl cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhYJ] [sɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] sakhyijthi .ceV;lR0l .ct;l$0l

cause to climb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔBD] [ʔʊbdʊtʰɑ] 'ubdutha gS29S0c gS29S0c cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhYJ] [tɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] takhyijthiyan 8ceV;lR0l;c, 8ct;l$0l;c,

cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZLG] [mɑzlɪɡtʰɪ] mazligthi 6cwalr0l 6cDalR0l cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhYJ] [tɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] takhyijthîn 8ceV;lR0", 8ct;l$0",

cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZLG] [ʌzlɪɡtʰɪ] azligthi cwalr0l cDalR0l cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhYJ] [tɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] takhyijthiya 8ceV;lR0l;c 8ct;l$0l;c

cause to close [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhYJ] [tɑkʰjɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] takhyijthi 8ceV;lR0l 8ct;l$0l
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLG] [sɑzlɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sazligthmayan .cwalr06c;c, .cDalR06c;c,
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰmɑ:] khêjathmâ eVxRc06v tx$c06v
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZLG] [sɑzlɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sazligthiyan .cwalr0l;c, .cDalR0l;c,
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰmɪ] khêjathmi eVxRc06l tx$c06l
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cwalr06", .cDalR06",
[sɑzlɪɡtʰmi:n] sazligthmîn cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰmɛnɪn] khêjathmenin eVxRc06z,l, tx$c06z,l,
.cwalr0", .cDalR0", cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰsɪn] khêjathsin eVxRc0.l, tx$c0.l,
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZLG] [sɑzlɪɡtʰi:n] sazligthîn
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰme:n] khêjathmên eVxRc06x, tx$c06x,
[sʌzlɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sazligthmaya .cwalr06c;c .cDalR06c;c
[ZLG] cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰsʊn] khêjathsun eVxRc0.S, tx$c0.S,
cause to climb a flight of stairs [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZLG] [sʌzlɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sazligthiya .cwalr0l;c .cDalR0l;c eVxRc06z,l tx$c06z,l
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰmɛnɪ] khêjathmeni

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 245 The Dwarrow Scholar 246
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰsɪ] khêjathsi eVxRc0.l tx$c0.l
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [sʌzbʌʃtʰmɑjɑ] sazbashthmaya .cw2c%06c;c .cD2c%06c;c
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰme:] khêjathmê eVxRc06x tx$c06x
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZBSh] [sʌzbʌʃtʰɪjɑ] sazbashthiya .cw2c%0l;c .cD2c%0l;c
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰsʊ] khêjathsu eVxRc0.S tx$c0.S

cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰe:n] khêjathên eVxRc0x, tx$c0x, cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [sʌzbʌʃtʰmi:] sazbashthmî .cw2c%06" .cD2c%06"

cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰoːn] khêjathôn eVxRc0n, tx$c0M, .cw2c%0l .cD2c%0l
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZBSh] [sʌzbʌʃtʰɪ] sazbashthi
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰɑɪ] khêjathai eVxRc0cl tx$c0cl 8cw2c%0l;c, 8cD2c%0l;c,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZBSh] [tɑzbɑʃtʰɪjɑn] tazbashthiyan
cause to close [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhYJ] [kʰe:d͡ʒɑtʰɑ] khêjatha eVxRc0c tx$c0c 8cw2c%0", 8cD2c%0",
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZBSh] [tɑzbɑʃtʰi:n] tazbashthîn
cause to close! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhYJ] [ɪkʰjɪd͡ʒɪtʰi:] ikhyijithî leV;lRl0" lt;l$l0" 8cw2c%0l;c 8cD2c%0l;c
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZBSh] [tʌzbʌʃtʰɪjɑ] tazbashthiya
cause to close! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhYJ] [ɪkʰjɪd͡ʒɪtʰ] ikhyijith leV;lRl0 lt;l$l0 8cw2c%0l 8cD2c%0l
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZBSh] [tʌzbʌʃtʰɪ] tazbashthi
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShThR] [mɑʃtʰɪrtʰɪ] mashthirthi 6c%0l@0l 6c%0l@0l wz2%z06v Dz2%z06v
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰmɑ:] zebshethmâ
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShThR] [ʌʃtʰɪrtʰɪ] ashthirthi c%0l@0l c%0l@0l wz2%z06l Dz2%z06l
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰmɪ] zebshethmi
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [sɑʃtʰɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sashthirthmayan .c%0l@06c;c, .c%0l@06c;c, wz2%z06z,l, Dz2%z06z,l,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰmɛnɪn] zebshethmenin
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShThR] [sɑʃtʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] sashthirthiyan .c%0l@0l;c, .c%0l@0l;c, wz2%z0.l, Dz2%z0.l,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰsɪn] zebshethsin
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [sɑʃtʰɪrtʰmi:n] sashthirthmîn .c%0l@06", .c%0l@06", wz2%z06x, Dz2%z06x,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰme:n] zebshethmên
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShThR] [sɑʃtʰɪrtʰi:n] sashthirthîn .c%0l@0", .c%0l@0", wz2%z0.S, Dz2%z0.S,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰsʊn] zebshethsun
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [sʌʃtʰɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sashthirthmaya .c%0l@06c;c .c%0l@06c;c wz2%z06z,l Dz2%z06z,l
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰmɛnɪ] zebshethmeni
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShThR] [sʌʃtʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] sashthirthiya .c%0l@0l;c .c%0l@0l;c wz2%z0.l Dz2%z0.l
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰsɪ] zebshethsi
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [sʌʃtʰɪrtʰmi:] sashthirthmî .c%0l@06" .c%0l@06" wz2%z06x Dz2%z06x
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰme:] zebshethmê
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShThR] [sʌʃtʰɪrtʰɪ] sashthirthi .c%0l@0l .c%0l@0l wz2%z0.S Dz2%z0.S
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰsʊ] zebshethsu
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShThR] [tɑʃtʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] tashthirthiyan 8c%0l@0l;c, 8c%0l@0l;c, wz2%z0x, Dz2%z0x,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰe:n] zebshethên
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShThR] [tɑʃtʰɪrtʰi:n] tashthirthîn 8c%0l@0", 8c%0l@0", wz2%z0n, Dz2%z0M,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰoːn] zebshethôn
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShThR] [tʌʃtʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] tashthirthiya 8c%0l@0l;c 8c%0l@0l;c wz2%z0cl Dz2%z0cl
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰɑɪ] zebshethai
cause to cloud [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShThR] [tʌʃtʰɪrtʰɪ] tashthirthi 8c%0l@0l 8c%0l@0l wz2%z0c Dz2%z0c
cause to club (tool) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZBSh] [zɛbʃɛtʰɑ] zebshetha
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰmɑ:] shuthruthmâ %S0@S06v %S0@S06v lw2l%l0" lD2l%l0"
cause to club (tool)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZBSh] [ɪzbɪʃɪtʰi:] izbishithî
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰmɪ] shuthruthmi %S0@S06l %S0@S06l lw2l%l0 lD2l%l0
cause to club (tool)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZBSh] [ɪzbɪʃɪtʰ] izbishith
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰmɛnɪn] shuthruthmenin %S0@S06z,l, %S0@S06z,l, 6cgwc60l 6cgDc60l
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔZM] [mɑʔzɑmtʰɪ] ma'zamthi
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰsɪn] shuthruthsin %S0@S0.l, %S0@S0.l, cgwc60l cgDc60l
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔZM] [ɑʔzɑmtʰɪ] a'zamthi
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰme:n] shuthruthmên %S0@S06x, %S0@S06x, .cgwc606c;c, .cgDc606c;c,
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sa'zamthmayan
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰsʊn] shuthruthsun %S0@S0.S, %S0@S0.S, .cgwc60l;c, .cgDc60l;c,
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰɪjɑn] sa'zamthiyan
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰmɛnɪ] shuthruthmeni %S0@S06z,l %S0@S06z,l .cgwc606", .cgDc606",
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰmi:n] sa'zamthmîn
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰsɪ] shuthruthsi %S0@S0.l %S0@S0.l .cgwc60", .cgDc60",
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰi:n] sa'zamthîn
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰme:] shuthruthmê %S0@S06x %S0@S06x cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sa'zamthmaya .cgwc606c;c .cgDc606c;c

cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰɪjɑ] sa'zamthiya .cgwc60l;c .cgDc60l;c
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰsʊ] shuthruthsu %S0@S0.S %S0@S0.S

cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰe:n] shuthruthên %S0@S0x, %S0@S0x, cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰmi:] sa'zamthmî .cgwc606" .cgDc606"

cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰoːn] shuthruthôn %S0@S0n, %S0@S0M, .cgwc60l .cgDc60l
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔZM] [sɑʔzɑmtʰɪ] sa'zamthi
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰɑɪ] shuthruthai %S0@S0cl %S0@S0cl 8cgwc60l;c, 8cgDc60l;c,
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔZM] [tɑʔzɑmtʰɪjɑn] ta'zamthiyan
cause to cloud [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShThR] [ʃʊtʰrʊtʰɑ] shuthrutha %S0@S0c %S0@S0c 8cgwc60", 8cgDc60",
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔZM] [tɑʔzɑmtʰi:n] ta'zamthîn
cause to cloud! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShThR] [ɪʃtʰɪrɪtʰi:] ishthirithî l%0l@l0" l%0l@l0" 8cgwc60l;c 8cgDc60l;c
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔZM] [tɑʔzɑmtʰɪjɑ] ta'zamthiya
cause to cloud! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShThR] [ɪʃtʰɪrɪtʰ] ishthirith l%0l@l0 l%0l@l0 8cgwc60l 8cgDc60l
cause to coat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔZM] [tɑʔzɑmtʰɪ] ta'zamthi
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZBSh] [mɑzbɑʃtʰɪ] mazbashthi 6cw2c%0l 6cD2c%0l gcw6c06v gcD6c06v
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰmɑ:] 'azmathmâ
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZBSh] [ʌzbʌʃtʰɪ] azbashthi cw2c%0l cD2c%0l gcw6c06l gcD6c06l
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰmɪ] 'azmathmi
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [sɑzbɑʃtʰmɑjɑn] sazbashthmayan .cw2c%06c;c, .cD2c%06c;c, cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'azmathmenin gcw6c06z,l, gcD6c06z,l,

cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰsɪn] 'azmathsin gcw6c0.l, gcD6c0.l,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZBSh] [sɑzbɑʃtʰɪjɑn] sazbashthiyan .cw2c%0l;c, .cD2c%0l;c,
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰme:n] 'azmathmên gcw6c06x, gcD6c06x,
cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBSh] [sɑzbɑʃtʰmi:n] sazbashthmîn .cw2c%06", .cD2c%06",
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰsʊn] 'azmathsun gcw6c0.S, gcD6c0.S,

cause to club (tool) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZBSh] [sɑzbɑʃtʰi:n] sazbashthîn .cw2c%0", .cD2c%0", cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'azmathmeni gcw6c06z,l gcD6c06z,l

cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰsɪ] 'azmathsi gcw6c0.l gcD6c0.l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 247 The Dwarrow Scholar 248

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰme:] 'azmathmê gcw6c06x gcD6c06x cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰɪjɑ] sankhidthiya .c,eVl90l;c .c,tl90l;c

cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰsʊ] 'azmathsu gcw6c0.S gcD6c0.S
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰmi:] sankhidthmî .c,eVl906" .c,tl906"
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰe:n] 'azmathên gcw6c0x, gcD6c0x,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰɪ] sankhidthi .c,eVl90l .c,tl90l
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔZM] [ʔɑzmɑtʰoːn] 'azmathôn gcw6c0n, gcD6c0M,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NKhD] [tɑnkʰɪdtʰɪjɑn] tankhidthiyan 8c,eVl90l;c, 8c,tl90l;c,
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰɑɪ] 'azmathai gcw6c0cl gcD6c0cl
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NKhD] [tɑnkʰɪdtʰi:n] tankhidthîn 8c,eVl90", 8c,tl90",
cause to coat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔZM] [ʔʌzmɑtʰɑ] 'azmatha gcw6c0c gcD6c0c
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NKhD] [tɑnkʰɪdtʰɪjɑ] tankhidthiya 8c,eVl90l;c 8c,tl90l;c
cause to coat! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZM] [ɪʔzɪmɪtʰi:] i'zimithî lgwl6l0" lgDl6l0"
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NKhD] [tɑnkʰɪdtʰɪ] tankhidthi 8c,eVl90l 8c,tl90l
cause to coat! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZM] [ɪʔzɪmɪtʰ] i'zimith lgwl6l0 lgDl6l0
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰmɑ:] nukhduthmâ ,SeV9S06v ,St9S06v
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThNB] [mɑtʰnɪbtʰɪ] mathnibthi 6c0,l20l 6c0,l20l
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰmɪ] nukhduthmi ,SeV9S06l ,St9S06l
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThNB] [ɑtʰnɪbtʰɪ] athnibthi c0,l20l c0,l20l
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰmɛnɪn] nukhduthmenin ,SeV9S06z,l, ,St9S06z,l,
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbətʰmɑjɑn] sathnibthmayan .c0,l206c;c, .c0,l206c;c,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰsɪn] nukhduthsin ,SeV9S0.l, ,St9S0.l,
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbtʰɪjɑn] sathnibthiyan .c0,l20l;c, .c0,l20l;c,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰme:n] nukhduthmên ,SeV9S06x, ,St9S06x,
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbətʰmi:n] sathnibthmîn .c0,l206", .c0,l206",
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰsʊn] nukhduthsun ,SeV9S0.S, ,St9S0.S,
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbtʰi:n] sathnibthîn .c0,l20", .c0,l20",
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰmɛnɪ] nukhduthmeni ,SeV9S06z,l ,St9S06z,l
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbətʰmɑjɑ] sathnibthmaya .c0,l206c;c .c0,l206c;c
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰsɪ] nukhduthsi ,SeV9S0.l ,St9S0.l
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbtʰɪjɑ] sathnibthiya .c0,l20l;c .c0,l20l;c
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰme:] nukhduthmê ,SeV9S06x ,St9S06x
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbətʰmi:] sathnibthmî .c0,l206" .c0,l206"
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰsʊ] nukhduthsu ,SeV9S0.S ,St9S0.S
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThNB] [sɑtʰnɪbtʰɪ] sathnibthi .c0,l20l .c0,l20l
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰe:n] nukhduthên ,SeV9S0x, ,St9S0x,
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThNB] [tɑtʰnɪbtʰɪjɑn] tathnibthiyan 8c0,l20l;c, 8c0,l20l;c,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰoːn] nukhduthôn ,SeV9S0n, ,St9S0M,
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThNB] [tɑtʰnɪbtʰi:n] tathnibthîn 8c0,l20", 8c0,l20",
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰɑɪ] nukhduthai ,SeV9S0cl ,St9S0cl
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThNB] [tɑtʰnɪbtʰɪjɑ] tathnibthiya 8c0,l20l;c 8c0,l20l;c
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NKhD] [nʊkʰdʊtʰɑ] nukhdutha ,SeV9S0c ,St9S0c
cause to collide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThNB] [tɑtʰnɪbtʰɪ] tathnibthi 8c0,l20l 8c0,l20l
cause to color (fabric)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKhD] [ɪnkʰɪdɪtʰi:] inkhidithî l,eVl9l0" l,tl9l0"
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰmɑ:] thunbuthmâ 0S,2S06v 0S,2S06v
cause to color (fabric)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKhD] [ɪnkʰɪdɪtʰ] inkhidith l,eVl9l0 l,tl9l0
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰmɪ] thunbuthmi 0S,2S06l 0S,2S06l
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZNT] [mɑznɪt.tʰɪ] maznitthi 6cw,l80l 6cD,l80l
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰmɛnɪn] thunbuthmenin 0S,2S06z,l, 0S,2S06z,l,
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZNT] [ʌznɪt.tʰɪ] aznitthi cw,l80l cD,l80l
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰsɪn] thunbuthsin 0S,2S0.l, 0S,2S0.l,
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [sɑznɪtətʰmɑjɑn] saznitthmayan .cw,l806c;c, .cD,l806c;c,
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰme:n] thunbuthmên 0S,2S06x, 0S,2S06x,
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZNT] [sɑznɪt.tʰɪjɑn] saznitthiyan .cw,l80l;c, .cD,l80l;c,
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰsʊn] thunbuthsun 0S,2S0.S, 0S,2S0.S,
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [sɑznɪtətʰmi:n] saznitthmîn .cw,l806", .cD,l806",
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰmɛnɪ] thunbuthmeni 0S,2S06z,l 0S,2S06z,l
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZNT] [sɑznɪt.tʰi:n] saznitthîn .cw,l80", .cD,l80",

cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰsɪ] thunbuthsi 0S,2S0.l 0S,2S0.l
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [sʌznɪtətʰmɑjɑ] saznitthmaya .cw,l806c;c .cD,l806c;c

cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰme:] thunbuthmê 0S,2S06x 0S,2S06x
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZNT] [sʌznɪt.tʰɪjɑ] saznitthiya .cw,l80l;c .cD,l80l;c

cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰsʊ] thunbuthsu 0S,2S0.S 0S,2S0.S
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [sʌznɪtətʰmi:] saznitthmî .cw,l806" .cD,l806"
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰe:n] thunbuthên 0S,2S0x, 0S,2S0x,
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZNT] [sʌznɪt.tʰɪ] saznitthi .cw,l80l .cD,l80l
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰoːn] thunbuthôn 0S,2S0n, 0S,2S0M,
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZNT] [tɑznɪt.tʰɪjɑn] taznitthiyan 8cw,l80l;c, 8cD,l80l;c,
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰɑɪ] thunbuthai 0S,2S0cl 0S,2S0cl
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZNT] [tɑznɪt.tʰi:n] taznitthîn 8cw,l80", 8cD,l80",
cause to collide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThNB] [tʰʊnbʊtʰɑ] thunbutha 0S,2S0c 0S,2S0c
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZNT] [tʌznɪt.tʰɪjɑ] taznitthiya 8cw,l80l;c 8cD,l80l;c
cause to collide! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThNB] [ɪtʰnɪbɪtʰi:] ithnibithî l0,l2l0" l0,l2l0"
cause to comb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZNT] [tʌznɪt.tʰɪ] taznitthi 8cw,l80l 8cD,l80l
cause to collide! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThNB] [ɪtʰnɪbɪtʰ] ithnibith l0,l2l0 l0,l2l0
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰmɑ:] zentethmâ wz,8z06v Dz,8z06v
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NKhD] [mɑnkʰɪdtʰɪ] mankhidthi 6c,eVl90l 6c,tl90l
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰmɪ] zentethmi wz,8z06l Dz,8z06l
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NKhD] [ɑnkʰɪdtʰɪ] ankhidthi c,eVl90l c,tl90l
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰmɛnɪn] zentethmenin wz,8z06z,l, Dz,8z06z,l,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sankhidthmayan .c,eVl906c;c, .c,tl906c;c,
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰsɪn] zentethsin wz,8z0.l, Dz,8z0.l,

cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰɪjɑn] sankhidthiyan .c,eVl90l;c, .c,tl90l;c, cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰme:n] zentethmên wz,8z06x, Dz,8z06x,

cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰsʊn] zentethsun wz,8z0.S, Dz,8z0.S,
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰmi:n] sankhidthmîn .c,eVl906", .c,tl906",
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰmɛnɪ] zentethmeni wz,8z06z,l Dz,8z06z,l
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰi:n] sankhidthîn .c,eVl90", .c,tl90",
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰsɪ] zentethsi wz,8z0.l Dz,8z0.l
cause to color (fabric) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhD] [sɑnkʰɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sankhidthmaya .c,eVl906c;c .c,tl906c;c cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰme:] zentethmê wz,8z06x Dz,8z06x

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The Dwarrow Scholar 249 The Dwarrow Scholar 250
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰsʊ] zentethsu wz,8z0.S Dz,8z0.S
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [sɑngɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sangatthmaya .cjc806c;c .cjc806c;c
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰe:n] zentethên wz,8z0x, Dz,8z0x,
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NGT] [sɑngɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sangatthiya .cjc80l;c .cjc80l;c
cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰoːn] zentethôn wz,8z0n, Dz,8z0M,

cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰɑɪ] zentethai wz,8z0cl Dz,8z0cl cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [sɑngɑtətʰmi:] sangatthmî .cjc806" .cjc806"

cause to comb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZNT] [zɛntɛtʰɑ] zentetha wz,8z0c Dz,8z0c .cjc80l .cjc80l
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NGT] [sɑngɑt.tʰɪ] sangatthi
cause to comb! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNT] [ɪznɪtɪtʰi:] iznitithî lw,l8l0" lD,l8l0" 8cjc80l;c, 8cjc80l;c,
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NGT] [tɑngɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tangatthiyan
cause to comb! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNT] [ɪznɪtɪtʰ] iznitith lw,l8l0 lD,l8l0 8cjc80", 8cjc80",
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NGT] [tɑngɑt.tʰi:n] tangatthîn
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NKhR] [mɑnkʰɪrtʰɪ] mankhirthi 6c,eVl@0l 6c,tl@0l 8cjc80l;c 8cjc80l;c
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NGT] [tɑngɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tangatthiya
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NKhR] [ɑnkʰɪrtʰɪ] ankhirthi c,eVl@0l c,tl@0l 8cjc80l 8cjc80l
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NGT] [tɑngɑt.tʰɪ] tangatthi
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sankhirthmayan .c,eVl@06c;c, .c,tl@06c;c, cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰmɑ:] nugtuthmâ ,Sr8S06v ,SR8S06v

cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰmɪ] nugtuthmi ,Sr8S06l ,SR8S06l
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] sankhirthiyan .c,eVl@0l;c, .c,tl@0l;c,
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰmɛnɪn] nugtuthmenin ,Sr8S06z,l, ,SR8S06z,l,
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰmi:n] sankhirthmîn .c,eVl@06", .c,tl@06",
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰsɪn] nugtuthsin ,Sr8S0.l, ,SR8S0.l,
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰi:n] sankhirthîn .c,eVl@0", .c,tl@0",
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰme:n] nugtuthmên ,Sr8S06x, ,SR8S06x,
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sankhirthmaya .c,eVl@06c;c .c,tl@06c;c
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰsʊn] nugtuthsun ,Sr8S0.S, ,SR8S0.S,
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] sankhirthiya .c,eVl@0l;c .c,tl@0l;c
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰmɛnɪ] nugtuthmeni ,Sr8S06z,l ,SR8S06z,l
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰmi:] sankhirthmî .c,eVl@06" .c,tl@06"
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰsɪ] nugtuthsi ,Sr8S0.l ,SR8S0.l
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NKhR] [sɑnkʰɪrtʰɪ] sankhirthi .c,eVl@0l .c,tl@0l

cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NKhR] [tɑnkʰɪrtʰɪjɑn] tankhirthiyan 8c,eVl@0l;c, 8c,tl@0l;c, cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰme:] nugtuthmê ,Sr8S06x ,SR8S06x

cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NKhR] [tɑnkʰɪrtʰi:n] tankhirthîn 8c,eVl@0", 8c,tl@0", ,Sr8S0.S ,SR8S0.S
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰsʊ] nugtuthsu
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NKhR] [tɑnkʰɪrtʰɪjɑ] tankhirthiya 8c,eVl@0l;c 8c,tl@0l;c ,Sr8S0x, ,SR8S0x,
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰe:n] nugtuthên
cause to come away [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NKhR] [tɑnkʰɪrtʰɪ] tankhirthi 8c,eVl@0l 8c,tl@0l ,Sr8S0n, ,SR8S0M,
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰoːn] nugtuthôn
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰmɑ:] nukhruthmâ ,SeV@S06v ,St@S06v ,Sr8S0cl ,SR8S0cl
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰɑɪ] nugtuthai
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰmɪ] nukhruthmi ,SeV@S06l ,St@S06l ,Sr8S0c ,SR8S0c
cause to come closer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NGT] [nʊɡtʊtʰɑ] nugtutha
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰmɛnɪn] nukhruthmenin ,SeV@S06z,l, ,St@S06z,l, cause to come closer! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NGT] [ɪngɪtɪtʰi:] ingitithî ljl8l0" ljl8l0"

cause to come closer! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NGT] [ɪngɪtɪtʰ] ingitith ljl8l0 ljl8l0
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰsɪn] nukhruthsin ,SeV@S0.l, ,St@S0.l,
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RKhZ] [mɑrkʰɑztʰɪ] markhazthi 6c@eVcw0l 6c@tcD0l
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰme:n] nukhruthmên ,SeV@S06x, ,St@S06x,
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RKhZ] [ɑrkʰʌztʰɪ] arkhazthi c@eVcw0l c@tcD0l

cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰsʊn] nukhruthsun ,SeV@S0.S, ,St@S0.S, cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[sɑrkʰɑztʰmɑjɑn] sarkhazthmayan .c@eVcw06c;c, .c@tcD06c;c,
(contemptuous)] [RKhZ]
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰmɛnɪ] nukhruthmeni ,SeV@S06z,l ,St@S06z,l
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RKhZ] [sɑrkʰɑztʰɪjɑn] sarkhazthiyan .c@eVcw0l;c, .c@tcD0l;c,
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰsɪ] nukhruthsi ,SeV@S0.l ,St@S0.l
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c@eVcw06", .c@tcD06",
,SeV@S06x ,St@S06x
[sɑrkʰɑztʰmi:n] sarkhazthmîn
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰme:] nukhruthmê (contemptuous)] [RKhZ]
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰsʊ] nukhruthsu ,SeV@S0.S ,St@S0.S cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RKhZ] [sɑrkʰɑztʰi:n] sarkhazthîn .c@eVcw0", .c@tcD0",

cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰe:n] nukhruthên ,SeV@S0x, ,St@S0x, cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[sɑrkʰʌztʰmɑjɑ] sarkhazthmaya .c@eVcw06c;c .c@tcD06c;c
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰoːn] nukhruthôn ,SeV@S0n, ,St@S0M, (contemptuous)] [RKhZ]
,SeV@S0cl ,St@S0cl cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RKhZ] [sɑrkʰʌztʰɪjɑ] sarkhazthiya .c@eVcw0l;c .c@tcD0l;c
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰɑɪ] nukhruthai
cause to come away [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NKhR] [nʊkʰrʊtʰɑ] nukhrutha ,SeV@S0c ,St@S0c cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c@eVcw06" .c@tcD06"
[sɑrkʰʌztʰmi:] sarkhazthmî
(contemptuous)] [RKhZ]
cause to come away! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NKhR] [ɪnkʰɪrɪtʰi:] inkhirithî l,eVl@l0" l,tl@l0"
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RKhZ] [sɑrkʰʌztʰɪ] sarkhazthi .c@eVcw0l .c@tcD0l
cause to come away! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NKhR] [ɪnkʰɪrɪtʰ] inkhirith l,eVl@l0 l,tl@l0
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RKhZ] [tɑrkʰɑztʰɪjɑn] tarkhazthiyan 8c@eVcw0l;c, 8c@tcD0l;c,
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NGT] [mɑngɑt.tʰɪ] mangatthi 6cjc80l 6cjc80l
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RKhZ] [tɑrkʰɑztʰi:n] tarkhazthîn 8c@eVcw0", 8c@tcD0",
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NGT] [ɑngɑt.tʰɪ] angatthi cjc80l cjc80l
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RKhZ] [tɑrkʰʌztʰɪjɑ] tarkhazthiya 8c@eVcw0l;c 8c@tcD0l;c
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [sɑngɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sangatthmayan .cjc806c;c, .cjc806c;c,
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RKhZ] [tɑrkʰʌztʰɪ] tarkhazthi 8c@eVcw0l 8c@tcD0l
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NGT] [sɑngɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sangatthiyan .cjc80l;c, .cjc80l;c,
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰmɑ:] rekhzethmâ @zeVwz06v @ztDz06v
cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGT] [sɑngɑtətʰmi:n] sangatthmîn .cjc806", .cjc806", cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰmɪ] rekhzethmi @zeVwz06l @ztDz06l

cause to come closer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NGT] [sɑngɑt.tʰi:n] sangatthîn .cjc80", .cjc80", cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] @zeVwz06z,l, @ztDz06z,l,
[rɛkʰzɛtʰmɛnɪn] rekhzethmenin
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰsɪn] rekhzethsin @zeVwz0.l, @ztDz0.l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

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cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HFN] [ʌhfɑntʰɪ] ahfanthi cf3c,0l cf3c,0l
[rɛkʰzɛtʰme:n] rekhzethmên @zeVwz06x, @ztDz06x,
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [sɑhfɑntʰmɑjɑn] sahfanthmayan .cf3c,06c;c, .cf3c,06c;c,
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰsʊn] rekhzethsun @zeVwz0.S, @ztDz0.S,
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HFN] [sɑhfɑntʰɪjɑn] sahfanthiyan .cf3c,0l;c, .cf3c,0l;c,
[rɛkʰzɛtʰmɛnɪ] rekhzethmeni @zeVwz06z,l @ztDz06z,l
(contemptuous)] [RKhZ]
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [sɑhfɑntʰmi:n] sahfanthmîn .cf3c,06", .cf3c,06",
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰsɪ] rekhzethsi @zeVwz0.l @ztDz0.l
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HFN] [sɑhfɑntʰi:n] sahfanthîn .cf3c,0", .cf3c,0",
[rɛkʰzɛtʰme:] rekhzethmê @zeVwz06x @ztDz06x
(contemptuous)] [RKhZ]
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [sʌhfɑntʰmɑjɑ] sahfanthmaya .cf3c,06c;c .cf3c,06c;c
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰsʊ] rekhzethsu @zeVwz0.S @ztDz0.S

cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰe:n] rekhzethên @zeVwz0x, @ztDz0x, cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HFN] [sʌhfɑntʰɪjɑ] sahfanthiya .cf3c,0l;c .cf3c,0l;c

cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰoːn] rekhzethôn @zeVwz0n, @ztDz0M,
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [sʌhfɑntʰmi:] sahfanthmî .cf3c,06" .cf3c,06"
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰɑɪ] rekhzethai @zeVwz0cl @ztDz0cl
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HFN] [sʌhfɑntʰɪ] sahfanthi .cf3c,0l .cf3c,0l
cause to come/be under evil influence [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RKhZ] [rɛkʰzɛtʰɑ] rekhzetha @zeVwz0c @ztDz0c
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HFN] [tɑhfɑntʰɪjɑn] tahfanthiyan 8cf3c,0l;c, 8cf3c,0l;c,

cause to come/be under evil influence! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKhZ] [ɪrkʰɪzɪtʰi:] irkhizithî l@eVlwl0" l@tlDl0" cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HFN] [tɑhfɑntʰi:n] tahfanthîn 8cf3c,0", 8cf3c,0",

cause to come/be under evil influence! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKhZ] [ɪrkʰɪzɪtʰ] irkhizith l@eVlwl0 l@tlDl0 cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HFN] [tʌhfɑntʰɪjɑ] tahfanthiya 8cf3c,0l;c 8cf3c,0l;c

cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhL] [mɑmkʰɪltʰɪ] mamkhilthi 6c6eVla0l 6c6tla0l cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HFN] [tʌhfɑntʰɪ] tahfanthi 8cf3c,0l 8cf3c,0l

cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhL] [ɑmkʰɪltʰɪ] amkhilthi c6eVla0l c6tla0l cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰmɑ:] hufnuthmâ fS3,S06v fS3,S06v

cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰmɪ] hufnuthmi fS3,S06l fS3,S06l
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰmɑjɑn] samkhilthmayan .c6eVla06c;c, .c6tla06c;c,
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰmɛnɪn] hufnuthmenin fS3,S06z,l, fS3,S06z,l,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰɪjɑn] samkhilthiyan .c6eVla0l;c, .c6tla0l;c,
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰsɪn] hufnuthsin fS3,S0.l, fS3,S0.l,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰmi:n] samkhilthmîn .c6eVla06", .c6tla06",
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰme:n] hufnuthmên fS3,S06x, fS3,S06x,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰi:n] samkhilthîn .c6eVla0", .c6tla0",
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰsʊn] hufnuthsun fS3,S0.S, fS3,S0.S,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰmɑjɑ] samkhilthmaya .c6eVla06c;c .c6tla06c;c
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰmɛnɪ] hufnuthmeni fS3,S06z,l fS3,S06z,l
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰɪjɑ] samkhilthiya .c6eVla0l;c .c6tla0l;c
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰsɪ] hufnuthsi fS3,S0.l fS3,S0.l
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰmi:] samkhilthmî .c6eVla06" .c6tla06"
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰme:] hufnuthmê fS3,S06x fS3,S06x
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhL] [sɑmkʰɪltʰɪ] samkhilthi .c6eVla0l .c6tla0l
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰsʊ] hufnuthsu fS3,S0.S fS3,S0.S
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhL] [tɑmkʰɪltʰɪjɑn] tamkhilthiyan 8c6eVla0l;c, 8c6tla0l;c,
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰe:n] hufnuthên fS3,S0x, fS3,S0x,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhL] [tɑmkʰɪltʰi:n] tamkhilthîn 8c6eVla0", 8c6tla0",
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰoːn] hufnuthôn fS3,S0n, fS3,S0M,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhL] [tɑmkʰɪltʰɪjɑ] tamkhilthiya 8c6eVla0l;c 8c6tla0l;c
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰɑɪ] hufnuthai fS3,S0cl fS3,S0cl
cause to commit a crime [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhL] [tɑmkʰɪltʰɪ] tamkhilthi 8c6eVla0l 8c6tla0l
cause to complain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HFN] [hʊfnʊtʰɑ] hufnutha fS3,S0c fS3,S0c
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰmɑ:] makhlathmâ 6ceVac06v 6ctac06v
cause to complain! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HFN] [ɪhfɪnɪtʰi:] ihfinithî lf3l,l0" lf3l,l0"
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰmɪ] makhlathmi 6ceVac06l 6ctac06l
cause to complain! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HFN] [ɪhfɪnɪtʰ] ihfinith lf3l,l0 lf3l,l0
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰmɛnɪn] makhlathmenin 6ceVac06z,l, 6ctac06z,l, cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FLN] [mɑflɑntʰɪ] maflanthi 6c3ac,0l 6c3ac,0l

6ceVac0.l, 6ctac0.l, cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FLN] [ʌflɑntʰɪ] aflanthi c3ac,0l c3ac,0l
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰsɪn] makhlathsin
6ceVac06x, 6ctac06x, cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [sɑflɑntʰmɑjɑn] saflanthmayan .c3ac,06c;c, .c3ac,06c;c,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰme:n] makhlathmên
6ceVac0.S, 6ctac0.S, cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FLN] [sɑflɑntʰɪjɑn] saflanthiyan .c3ac,0l;c, .c3ac,0l;c,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰsʊn] makhlathsun
6ceVac06z,l 6ctac06z,l cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [sɑflɑntʰmi:n] saflanthmîn .c3ac,06", .c3ac,06",
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰmɛnɪ] makhlathmeni
6ceVac0.l 6ctac0.l cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FLN] [sɑflɑntʰi:n] saflanthîn .c3ac,0", .c3ac,0",
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰsɪ] makhlathsi
6ceVac06x 6ctac06x cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [sʌflɑntʰmɑjɑ] saflanthmaya .c3ac,06c;c .c3ac,06c;c
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰme:] makhlathmê
6ceVac0.S 6ctac0.S cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FLN] [sʌflɑntʰɪjɑ] saflanthiya .c3ac,0l;c .c3ac,0l;c
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰsʊ] makhlathsu
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰe:n] makhlathên 6ceVac0x, 6ctac0x, cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [sʌflɑntʰmi:] saflanthmî .c3ac,06" .c3ac,06"
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰoːn] makhlathôn 6ceVac0n, 6ctac0M,
cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FLN] [sʌflɑntʰɪ] saflanthi .c3ac,0l .c3ac,0l
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰɑɪ] makhlathai 6ceVac0cl 6ctac0cl
cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FLN] [tɑflɑntʰɪjɑn] taflanthiyan 8c3ac,0l;c, 8c3ac,0l;c,
cause to commit a crime [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhL] [mɑkʰlɑtʰɑ] makhlatha 6ceVac0c 6ctac0c
cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FLN] [tɑflɑntʰi:n] taflanthîn 8c3ac,0", 8c3ac,0",
cause to commit a crime! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhL] [ɪmkʰɪlɪtʰi:] imkhilithî l6eVlal0" l6tlal0"
cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FLN] [tʌflɑntʰɪjɑ] taflanthiya 8c3ac,0l;c 8c3ac,0l;c
cause to commit a crime! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhL] [ɪmkʰɪlɪtʰ] imkhilith l6eVlal0 l6tlal0
cause to conceal [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FLN] [tʌflɑntʰɪ] taflanthi 8c3ac,0l 8c3ac,0l
cause to complain [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HFN] [mɑhfɑntʰɪ] mahfanthi 6cf3c,0l 6cf3c,0l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 253 The Dwarrow Scholar 254
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰmɑ:] falnathmâ 3ca,c06v 3ca,c06v cause to concern! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRG] [ɪkʰrɪɡɪtʰ] ikhrigith leV@lrl0 lt@lRl0

cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰmɪ] falnathmi 3ca,c06l 3ca,c06l cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔKhZ] [mɑʔkʰɑztʰɪ] ma'khazthi 6cgeVcw0l 6cgtcD0l

cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪn] falnathmenin 3ca,c06z,l, 3ca,c06z,l, cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔKhZ] [ɑʔkʰʌztʰɪ] a'khazthi cgeVcw0l cgtcD0l

cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰsɪn] falnathsin 3ca,c0.l, 3ca,c0.l,
cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰɑztʰmɑjɑn] sa'khazthmayan .cgeVcw06c;c, .cgtcD06c;c,
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰme:n] falnathmên 3ca,c06x, 3ca,c06x,
cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰɑztʰɪjɑn] sa'khazthiyan .cgeVcw0l;c, .cgtcD0l;c,
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰsʊn] falnathsun 3ca,c0.S, 3ca,c0.S,

cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪ] falnathmeni 3ca,c06z,l 3ca,c06z,l cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰɑztʰmi:n] sa'khazthmîn .cgeVcw06", .cgtcD06",

cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰsɪ] falnathsi 3ca,c0.l 3ca,c0.l .cgeVcw0", .cgtcD0",
cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰɑztʰi:n] sa'khazthîn
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰme:] falnathmê 3ca,c06x 3ca,c06x .cgeVcw06c;c .cgtcD06c;c
cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰʌztʰmɑjɑ] sa'khazthmaya
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰsʊ] falnathsu 3ca,c0.S 3ca,c0.S .cgeVcw0l;c .cgtcD0l;c
cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰʌztʰɪjɑ] sa'khazthiya
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰe:n] falnathên 3ca,c0x, 3ca,c0x,
cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰʌztʰmi:] sa'khazthmî .cgeVcw06" .cgtcD06"
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰoːn] falnathôn 3ca,c0n, 3ca,c0M,
3ca,c0cl 3ca,c0cl cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔKhZ] [sɑʔkʰʌztʰɪ] sa'khazthi .cgeVcw0l .cgtcD0l
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰɑɪ] falnathai
3ca,c0c 3ca,c0c cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔKhZ] [tɑʔkʰɑztʰɪjɑn] ta'khazthiyan 8cgeVcw0l;c, 8cgtcD0l;c,
cause to conceal [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FLN] [fɑlnɑtʰɑ] falnatha
l3al,l0" l3al,l0" cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔKhZ] [tɑʔkʰɑztʰi:n] ta'khazthîn 8cgeVcw0", 8cgtcD0",
cause to conceal! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLN] [ɪflɪnɪtʰi:] iflinithî
l3al,l0 l3al,l0 cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔKhZ] [tɑʔkʰʌztʰɪjɑ] ta'khazthiya 8cgeVcw0l;c 8cgtcD0l;c
cause to conceal! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLN] [ɪflɪnɪtʰ] iflinith
6ceV@lr0l 6ct@lR0l cause to conclude [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔKhZ] [tɑʔkʰʌztʰɪ] ta'khazthi 8cgeVcw0l 8cgtcD0l
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRG] [mɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪ] makhrigthi
ceV@lr0l ct@lR0l cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰmɑ:] 'ekhzethmâ gzeVwz06v gztDz06v
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRG] [ɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪ] akhrigthi
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰmɪ] 'ekhzethmi gzeVwz06l gztDz06l
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sakhrigthmayan .ceV@lr06c;c, .ct@lR06c;c,
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰmɛnɪn] 'ekhzethmenin gzeVwz06z,l, gztDz06z,l,
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sakhrigthiyan .ceV@lr0l;c, .ct@lR0l;c, gzeVwz0.l, gztDz0.l,
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰsɪn] 'ekhzethsin
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰmi:n] sakhrigthmîn .ceV@lr06", .ct@lR06", gzeVwz06x, gztDz06x,
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰme:n] 'ekhzethmên
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰi:n] sakhrigthîn .ceV@lr0", .ct@lR0", gzeVwz0.S, gztDz0.S,
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰsʊn] 'ekhzethsun
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sakhrigthmaya .ceV@lr06c;c .ct@lR06c;c gzeVwz06z,l gztDz06z,l
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰmɛnɪ] 'ekhzethmeni
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sakhrigthiya .ceV@lr0l;c .ct@lR0l;c gzeVwz0.l gztDz0.l
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰsɪ] 'ekhzethsi
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰmi:] sakhrigthmî .ceV@lr06" .ct@lR06" gzeVwz06x gztDz06x
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰme:] 'ekhzethmê
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRG] [sɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪ] sakhrigthi .ceV@lr0l .ct@lR0l gzeVwz0.S gztDz0.S
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰsʊ] 'ekhzethsu
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRG] [tɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] takhrigthiyan 8ceV@lr0l;c, 8ct@lR0l;c, gzeVwz0x, gztDz0x,
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰe:n] 'ekhzethên
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRG] [tɑkʰrɪɡtʰi:n] takhrigthîn 8ceV@lr0", 8ct@lR0", gzeVwz0n, gztDz0M,
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰoːn] 'ekhzethôn
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRG] [tɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] takhrigthiya 8ceV@lr0l;c 8ct@lR0l;c gzeVwz0cl gztDz0cl
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰɑɪ] 'ekhzethai
cause to concern [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRG] [tɑkʰrɪɡtʰɪ] takhrigthi 8ceV@lr0l 8ct@lR0l gzeVwz0c gztDz0c
cause to conclude [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔKhZ] [ʔɛkʰzɛtʰɑ] 'ekhzetha
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰmɑ:] khargathmâ eVc@rc06v tc@Rc06v lgeVlwl0" lgtlDl0"
cause to conclude! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhZ] [ɪʔkʰɪzɪtʰi:] i'khizithî
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰmɪ] khargathmi eVc@rc06l tc@Rc06l lgeVlwl0 lgtlDl0
cause to conclude! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhZ] [ɪʔkʰɪzɪtʰ] i'khizith
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] khargathmenin eVc@rc06z,l, tc@Rc06z,l, 6ceV3c90l 6ct3c90l
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhFD] [mɑkʰfɑdtʰɪ] makhfadthi
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰsɪn] khargathsin eVc@rc0.l, tc@Rc0.l, ceV3c90l ct3c90l
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhFD] [ɑkʰfɑdtʰɪ] akhfadthi
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰme:n] khargathmên eVc@rc06x, tc@Rc06x, cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ceV3c906c;c, .ct3c906c;c,
[sɑkʰfɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sakhfadthmayan
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰsʊn] khargathsun eVc@rc0.S, tc@Rc0.S, .ceV3c90l;c, .ct3c90l;c,
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhFD] [sɑkʰfɑdtʰɪjɑn] sakhfadthiyan
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] khargathmeni eVc@rc06z,l tc@Rc06z,l cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ceV3c906", .ct3c906",
[sɑkʰfɑdtʰmi:n] sakhfadthmîn
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰsɪ] khargathsi eVc@rc0.l tc@Rc0.l .ceV3c90", .ct3c90",
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhFD] [sɑkʰfɑdtʰi:n] sakhfadthîn
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰme:] khargathmê eVc@rc06x tc@Rc06x cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .ceV3c906c;c .ct3c906c;c
[sɑkʰfɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sakhfadthmaya
(contemptuous)] [KhFD]
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰsʊ] khargathsu eVc@rc0.S tc@Rc0.S .ceV3c90l;c .ct3c90l;c
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhFD] [sɑkʰfɑdtʰɪjɑ] sakhfadthiya
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰe:n] khargathên eVc@rc0x, tc@Rc0x, cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑkʰfɑdtʰmi:] sakhfadthmî .ceV3c906" .ct3c906"
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰoːn] khargathôn eVc@rc0n, tc@Rc0M, (contemptuous)] [KhFD]
eVc@rc0cl tc@Rc0cl cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhFD] [sɑkʰfɑdtʰɪ] sakhfadthi .ceV3c90l .ct3c90l
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰɑɪ] khargathai
eVc@rc0c tc@Rc0c cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhFD] [tɑkʰfɑdtʰɪjɑn] takhfadthiyan 8ceV3c90l;c, 8ct3c90l;c,
cause to concern [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRG] [kʰɑrɡɑtʰɑ] khargatha
leV@lrl0" lt@lRl0" cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhFD] [tɑkʰfɑdtʰi:n] takhfadthîn 8ceV3c90", 8ct3c90",
cause to concern! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRG] [ɪkʰrɪɡɪtʰi:] ikhrigithî

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhFD] [tɑkʰfɑdtʰɪjɑ] takhfadthiya 8ceV3c90l;c 8ct3c90l;c cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰoːn] muhhuthôn 6SffS0n, 6SffS0M,

cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰɑɪ] muhhuthai 6SffS0cl 6SffS0cl
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhFD] [tɑkʰfɑdtʰɪ] takhfadthi 8ceV3c90l 8ct3c90l
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰɑ] muhhutha 6SffS0c 6SffS0c
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰmɑ:] khufduthmâ eVS39S06v tS39S06v
cause to confuse! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHH] [ɪmhɪhɪtʰi:] imhihithî l6flfl0" l6flfl0"
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰmɪ] khufduthmi eVS39S06l tS39S06l
cause to confuse! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHH] [ɪmhɪhɪtʰ] imhihith l6flfl0 l6flfl0
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVS39S06z,l, tS39S06z,l,
[kʰʊfdʊtʰmɛnɪn] khufduthmenin cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BShG] [mɑbʃɑɡtʰɪ] mabshagthi 6c2%cr0l 6c2%cR0l
eVS39S0.l, tS39S0.l, cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BShG] [ɑbʃɑɡtʰɪ] abshagthi c2%cr0l c2%cR0l
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰsɪn] khufduthsin
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVS39S06x, tS39S06x, cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sabshagthmayan .c2%cr06c;c, .c2%cR06c;c,
[kʰʊfdʊtʰme:n] khufduthmên
eVS39S0.S, tS39S0.S, cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sabshagthiyan .c2%cr0l;c, .c2%cR0l;c,
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰsʊn] khufduthsun
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVS39S06z,l tS39S06z,l cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰmi:n] sabshagthmîn .c2%cr06", .c2%cR06",
[kʰʊfdʊtʰmɛnɪ] khufduthmeni
eVS39S0.l tS39S0.l cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰi:n] sabshagthîn .c2%cr0", .c2%cR0",
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰsɪ] khufduthsi
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVS39S06x tS39S06x cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sabshagthmaya .c2%cr06c;c .c2%cR06c;c
[kʰʊfdʊtʰme:] khufduthmê
eVS39S0.S tS39S0.S cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sabshagthiya .c2%cr0l;c .c2%cR0l;c
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰsʊ] khufduthsu
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰe:n] khufduthên eVS39S0x, tS39S0x, cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰmi:] sabshagthmî .c2%cr06" .c2%cR06"
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰoːn] khufduthôn eVS39S0n, tS39S0M,
cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BShG] [sɑbʃɑɡtʰɪ] sabshagthi .c2%cr0l .c2%cR0l
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰɑɪ] khufduthai eVS39S0cl tS39S0cl
cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BShG] [tɑbʃɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tabshagthiyan 8c2%cr0l;c, 8c2%cR0l;c,
cause to confine (cause to restrict) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhFD] [kʰʊfdʊtʰɑ] khufdutha eVS39S0c tS39S0c
cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BShG] [tɑbʃɑɡtʰi:n] tabshagthîn 8c2%cr0", 8c2%cR0",
cause to confine (cause to restrict)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhFD] [ɪkʰfɪdɪtʰi:] ikhfidithî leV3l9l0" lt3l9l0"
cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BShG] [tɑbʃɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tabshagthiya 8c2%cr0l;c 8c2%cR0l;c
cause to confine (cause to restrict)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhFD] [ɪkʰfɪdɪtʰ] ikhfidith leV3l9l0 lt3l9l0
cause to conquer [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BShG] [tɑbʃɑɡtʰɪ] tabshagthi 8c2%cr0l 8c2%cR0l
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHH] [mɑmhɑhtʰɪ] mamhahthi 6c6fcf0l 6c6fcf0l
cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰmɑ:] bashgathmâ 2c%rc06v 2c%Rc06v
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHH] [ɑmhʌhtʰɪ] amhahthi c6fcf0l c6fcf0l
cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰmɪ] bashgathmi 2c%rc06l 2c%Rc06l
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [sɑmhɑhtʰmɑjɑn] samhahthmayan .c6fcf06c;c, .c6fcf06c;c, cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] bashgathmenin 2c%rc06z,l, 2c%Rc06z,l,

.c6fcf0l;c, .c6fcf0l;c, cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰsɪn] bashgathsin 2c%rc0.l, 2c%Rc0.l,
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHH] [sɑmhɑhtʰɪjɑn] samhahthiyan
.c6fcf06", .c6fcf06", cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰme:n] bashgathmên 2c%rc06x, 2c%Rc06x,
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [sɑmhɑhtʰmi:n] samhahthmîn
.c6fcf0", .c6fcf0", cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰsʊn] bashgathsun 2c%rc0.S, 2c%Rc0.S,
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHH] [sɑmhɑhtʰi:n] samhahthîn
.c6fcf06c;c .c6fcf06c;c cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] bashgathmeni 2c%rc06z,l 2c%Rc06z,l
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [sɑmhʌhtʰmɑjɑ] samhahthmaya
.c6fcf0l;c .c6fcf0l;c cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰsɪ] bashgathsi 2c%rc0.l 2c%Rc0.l
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHH] [sɑmhʌhtʰɪjɑ] samhahthiya
.c6fcf06" .c6fcf06" cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰme:] bashgathmê 2c%rc06x 2c%Rc06x
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [sɑmhʌhtʰmi:] samhahthmî
.c6fcf0l .c6fcf0l cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰsʊ] bashgathsu 2c%rc0.S 2c%Rc0.S
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHH] [sɑmhʌhtʰɪ] samhahthi
8c6fcf0l;c, 8c6fcf0l;c, cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰe:n] bashgathên 2c%rc0x, 2c%Rc0x,
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHH] [tɑmhɑhtʰɪjɑn] tamhahthiyan
8c6fcf0", 8c6fcf0", cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BShG] [bɑʃɡɑtʰoːn] bashgathôn 2c%rc0n, 2c%Rc0M,
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHH] [tɑmhɑhtʰi:n] tamhahthîn
8c6fcf0l;c 8c6fcf0l;c cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰɑɪ] bashgathai 2c%rc0cl 2c%Rc0cl
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHH] [tɑmhʌhtʰɪjɑ] tamhahthiya
8c6fcf0l 8c6fcf0l cause to conquer [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BShG] [bʌʃɡɑtʰɑ] bashgatha 2c%rc0c 2c%Rc0c
cause to confuse [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHH] [tɑmhʌhtʰɪ] tamhahthi
6SffS06v 6SffS06v cause to conquer! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BShG] [ɪbʃɪɡɪtʰi:] ibshigithî l2%lrl0" l2%lRl0"
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰmɑ:] muhhuthmâ
6SffS06l 6SffS06l cause to conquer! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BShG] [ɪbʃɪɡɪtʰ] ibshigith l2%lrl0 l2%lRl0
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰmɪ] muhhuthmi
6SffS06z,l, 6SffS06z,l, cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HDR] [mɑhdɪrtʰɪ] mahdirthi 6cf9l@0l 6cf9l@0l
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰmɛnɪn] muhhuthmenin
6SffS0.l, 6SffS0.l, cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HDR] [ʌhdɪrtʰɪ] ahdirthi cf9l@0l cf9l@0l
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰsɪn] muhhuthsin
6SffS06x, 6SffS06x, cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [sɑhdɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sahdirthmayan .cf9l@06c;c, .cf9l@06c;c,
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰme:n] muhhuthmên
6SffS0.S, 6SffS0.S, cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HDR] [sɑhdɪrtʰɪjɑn] sahdirthiyan .cf9l@0l;c, .cf9l@0l;c,
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰsʊn] muhhuthsun
6SffS06z,l 6SffS06z,l cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [sɑhdɪrtʰmi:n] sahdirthmîn .cf9l@06", .cf9l@06",
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰmɛnɪ] muhhuthmeni
6SffS0.l 6SffS0.l cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HDR] [sɑhdɪrtʰi:n] sahdirthîn .cf9l@0", .cf9l@0",
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰsɪ] muhhuthsi
6SffS06x 6SffS06x cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [sʌhdɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sahdirthmaya .cf9l@06c;c .cf9l@06c;c
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰme:] muhhuthmê
6SffS0.S 6SffS0.S cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HDR] [sʌhdɪrtʰɪjɑ] sahdirthiya .cf9l@0l;c .cf9l@0l;c
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰsʊ] muhhuthsu
cause to confuse [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHH] [mʊh.hʊtʰe:n] muhhuthên 6SffS0x, 6SffS0x,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 257 The Dwarrow Scholar 258
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰsʊ] guthruthsu rS0@S0.S RS0@S0.S
cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [sʌhdɪrtʰmi:] sahdirthmî .cf9l@06" .cf9l@06"
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰe:n] guthruthên rS0@S0x, RS0@S0x,
cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HDR] [sʌhdɪrtʰɪ] sahdirthi .cf9l@0l .cf9l@0l
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰoːn] guthruthôn rS0@S0n, RS0@S0M,
cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HDR] [tɑhdɪrtʰɪjɑn] tahdirthiyan 8cf9l@0l;c, 8cf9l@0l;c,
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰɑɪ] guthruthai rS0@S0cl RS0@S0cl
cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HDR] [tɑhdɪrtʰi:n] tahdirthîn 8cf9l@0", 8cf9l@0",
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰɑ] guthrutha rS0@S0c RS0@S0c
cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HDR] [tʌhdɪrtʰɪjɑ] tahdirthiya 8cf9l@0l;c 8cf9l@0l;c
cause to contract! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GThR] [ɪɡtʰɪrɪtʰi:] igthirithî lr0l@l0" lR0l@l0"
cause to contain [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HDR] [tʌhdɪrtʰɪ] tahdirthi 8cf9l@0l 8cf9l@0l
cause to contract! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GThR] [ɪɡtʰɪrɪtʰ] igthirith lr0l@l0 lR0l@l0
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰmɑ:] hadrathmâ fc9@c06v fc9@c06v
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔBN] [mɑʔbɑntʰɪ] ma'banthi 6cg2c,0l 6cg2c,0l
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰmɪ] hadrathmi fc9@c06l fc9@c06l
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔBN] [ɑʔbɑntʰɪ] a'banthi cg2c,0l cg2c,0l
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰmɛnɪn] hadrathmenin fc9@c06z,l, fc9@c06z,l,
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰmɑjɑn] sa'banthmayan .cg2c,06c;c, .cg2c,06c;c,
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰsɪn] hadrathsin fc9@c0.l, fc9@c0.l,

cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰme:n] hadrathmên fc9@c06x, fc9@c06x, cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰɪjɑn] sa'banthiyan .cg2c,0l;c, .cg2c,0l;c,

cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰsʊn] hadrathsun fc9@c0.S, fc9@c0.S,
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰmi:n] sa'banthmîn .cg2c,06", .cg2c,06",
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰmɛnɪ] hadrathmeni fc9@c06z,l fc9@c06z,l
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰi:n] sa'banthîn .cg2c,0", .cg2c,0",
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰsɪ] hadrathsi fc9@c0.l fc9@c0.l
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰmɑjɑ] sa'banthmaya .cg2c,06c;c .cg2c,06c;c
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰme:] hadrathmê fc9@c06x fc9@c06x
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰɪjɑ] sa'banthiya .cg2c,0l;c .cg2c,0l;c
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰsʊ] hadrathsu fc9@c0.S fc9@c0.S

cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰe:n] hadrathên fc9@c0x, fc9@c0x, cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰmi:] sa'banthmî .cg2c,06" .cg2c,06"

cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰoːn] hadrathôn fc9@c0n, fc9@c0M, .cg2c,0l .cg2c,0l
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔBN] [sɑʔbɑntʰɪ] sa'banthi
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰɑɪ] hadrathai fc9@c0cl fc9@c0cl 8cg2c,0l;c, 8cg2c,0l;c,
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔBN] [tɑʔbɑntʰɪjɑn] ta'banthiyan
cause to contain [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HDR] [hɑdrɑtʰɑ] hadratha fc9@c0c fc9@c0c 8cg2c,0", 8cg2c,0",
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔBN] [tɑʔbɑntʰi:n] ta'banthîn
cause to contain! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDR] [ɪhdɪrɪtʰi:] ihdirithî lf9l@l0" lf9l@l0" 8cg2c,0l;c 8cg2c,0l;c
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔBN] [tɑʔbɑntʰɪjɑ] ta'banthiya
cause to contain! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDR] [ɪhdɪrɪtʰ] ihdirith lf9l@l0 lf9l@l0 8cg2c,0l 8cg2c,0l
cause to convinced [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔBN] [tɑʔbɑntʰɪ] ta'banthi
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GThR] [mɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪ] magtharthi 6cr0c@0l 6cR0c@0l gz2,z06v gz2,z06v
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰmɑ:] 'ebnethmâ
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GThR] [ɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪ] agtharthi cr0c@0l cR0c@0l gz2,z06l gz2,z06l
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰmɪ] 'ebnethmi
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sagtharthmayan .cr0c@06c;c, .cR0c@06c;c, cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰmɛnɪn] 'ebnethmenin gz2,z06z,l, gz2,z06z,l,

cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰsɪn] 'ebnethsin gz2,z0.l, gz2,z0.l,
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪjɑn] sagtharthiyan .cr0c@0l;c, .cR0c@0l;c,
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰme:n] 'ebnethmên gz2,z06x, gz2,z06x,
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰmi:n] sagtharthmîn .cr0c@06", .cR0c@06",
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰsʊn] 'ebnethsun gz2,z0.S, gz2,z0.S,
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰi:n] sagtharthîn .cr0c@0", .cR0c@0",
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰmɛnɪ] 'ebnethmeni gz2,z06z,l gz2,z06z,l
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sagtharthmaya .cr0c@06c;c .cR0c@06c;c
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰsɪ] 'ebnethsi gz2,z0.l gz2,z0.l
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪjɑ] sagtharthiya .cr0c@0l;c .cR0c@0l;c
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰme:] 'ebnethmê gz2,z06x gz2,z06x
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰmi:] sagtharthmî .cr0c@06" .cR0c@06"
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰsʊ] 'ebnethsu gz2,z0.S gz2,z0.S
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GThR] [sɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪ] sagtharthi .cr0c@0l .cR0c@0l
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰe:n] 'ebnethên gz2,z0x, gz2,z0x,
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GThR] [tɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪjɑn] tagtharthiyan 8cr0c@0l;c, 8cR0c@0l;c,
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰoːn] 'ebnethôn gz2,z0n, gz2,z0M,
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GThR] [tɑɡtʰɑrtʰi:n] tagtharthîn 8cr0c@0", 8cR0c@0",
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰɑɪ] 'ebnethai gz2,z0cl gz2,z0cl
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GThR] [tɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪjɑ] tagtharthiya 8cr0c@0l;c 8cR0c@0l;c
cause to convinced [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔBN] [ʔɛbnɛtʰɑ] 'ebnetha gz2,z0c gz2,z0c
cause to contract [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GThR] [tɑɡtʰɑrtʰɪ] tagtharthi 8cr0c@0l 8cR0c@0l
cause to convinced! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [ɪʔbɪnɪtʰi:] i'binithî lg2l,l0" lg2l,l0"
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰmɑ:] guthruthmâ rS0@S06v RS0@S06v
cause to convinced! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔBN] [ɪʔbɪnɪtʰ] i'binith lg2l,l0 lg2l,l0
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰmɪ] guthruthmi rS0@S06l RS0@S06l
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GH] [mɑɡɑhtʰɪ] magahthi 6crcf0l 6cRcf0l
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰmɛnɪn] guthruthmenin rS0@S06z,l, RS0@S06z,l,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GH] [ɑɡʌhtʰɪ] agahthi crcf0l cRcf0l
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰsɪn] guthruthsin rS0@S0.l, RS0@S0.l,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [sɑɡɑhtʰmɑjɑn] sagahthmayan .crcf06c;c, .cRcf06c;c,
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰme:n] guthruthmên rS0@S06x, RS0@S06x,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GH] [sɑɡɑhtʰɪjɑn] sagahthiyan .crcf0l;c, .cRcf0l;c,
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰsʊn] guthruthsun rS0@S0.S, RS0@S0.S,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [sɑɡɑhtʰmi:n] sagahthmîn .crcf06", .cRcf06",
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰmɛnɪ] guthruthmeni rS0@S06z,l RS0@S06z,l
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GH] [sɑɡɑhtʰi:n] sagahthîn .crcf0", .cRcf0",
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰsɪ] guthruthsi rS0@S0.l RS0@S0.l
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [sɑɡʌhtʰmɑjɑ] sagahthmaya .crcf06c;c .cRcf06c;c
cause to contract [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThR] [ɡʊtʰrʊtʰme:] guthruthmê rS0@S06x RS0@S06x

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 259 The Dwarrow Scholar 260

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GH] [sɑɡʌhtʰɪjɑ] sagahthiya .crcf0l;c .cRcf0l;c
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰmɛnɪ] meglethmeni 6zraz06z,l 6zRaz06z,l

cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [sɑɡʌhtʰmi:] sagahthmî .crcf06" .cRcf06"
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰsɪ] meglethsi 6zraz0.l 6zRaz0.l

cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GH] [sɑɡʌhtʰɪ] sagahthi .crcf0l .cRcf0l
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰme:] meglethmê 6zraz06x 6zRaz06x
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GH] [tɑɡɑhtʰɪjɑn] tagahthiyan 8crcf0l;c, 8cRcf0l;c,
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰsʊ] meglethsu 6zraz0.S 6zRaz0.S
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GH] [tɑɡɑhtʰi:n] tagahthîn 8crcf0", 8cRcf0",
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰe:n] meglethên 6zraz0x, 6zRaz0x,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GH] [tɑɡʌhtʰɪjɑ] tagahthiya 8crcf0l;c 8cRcf0l;c
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰoːn] meglethôn 6zraz0n, 6zRaz0M,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GH] [tɑɡʌhtʰɪ] tagahthi 8crcf0l 8cRcf0l
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰɑɪ] meglethai 6zraz0cl 6zRaz0cl
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰmɑ:] guhuthmâ rSfS06v RSfS06v
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰɑ] megletha 6zraz0c 6zRaz0c
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰmɪ] guhuthmi rSfS06l RSfS06l
cause to cool (cause to calm)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MGL] [ɪmɡɪlɪtʰi:] imgilithî l6rlal0" l6Rlal0"
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰmɛnɪn] guhuthmenin rSfS06z,l, RSfS06z,l,
cause to cool (cause to calm)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MGL] [ɪmɡɪlɪtʰ] imgilith l6rlal0 l6Rlal0

cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰsɪn] guhuthsin rSfS0.l, RSfS0.l, cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BGL] [mɑbɡɪltʰɪ] mabgilthi 6c2rla0l 6c2Rla0l

cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BGL] [ɑbɡɪltʰɪ] abgilthi c2rla0l c2Rla0l
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰme:n] guhuthmên rSfS06x, RSfS06x,

cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰmɑjɑn] sabgilthmayan .c2rla06c;c, .c2Rla06c;c,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰsʊn] guhuthsun rSfS0.S, RSfS0.S,

cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰɪjɑn] sabgilthiyan .c2rla0l;c, .c2Rla0l;c,
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰmɛnɪ] guhuthmeni rSfS06z,l RSfS06z,l

cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰmi:n] sabgilthmîn .c2rla06", .c2Rla06",
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰsɪ] guhuthsi rSfS0.l RSfS0.l

cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰi:n] sabgilthîn .c2rla0", .c2Rla0",
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰme:] guhuthmê rSfS06x RSfS06x

cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰmɑjɑ] sabgilthmaya .c2rla06c;c .c2Rla06c;c
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰsʊ] guhuthsu rSfS0.S RSfS0.S

cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰe:n] guhuthên rSfS0x, RSfS0x, cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰɪjɑ] sabgilthiya .c2rla0l;c .c2Rla0l;c

cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰoːn] guhuthôn rSfS0n, RSfS0M,
cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰmi:] sabgilthmî .c2rla06" .c2Rla06"
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰɑɪ] guhuthai rSfS0cl RSfS0cl
cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BGL] [sɑbɡɪltʰɪ] sabgilthi .c2rla0l .c2Rla0l
cause to coo (cry softly) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GH] [ɡʊhʊtʰɑ] guhutha rSfS0c RSfS0c
cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BGL] [tɑbɡɪltʰɪjɑn] tabgilthiyan 8c2rla0l;c, 8c2Rla0l;c,
cause to coo (cry softly)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GH] [ɪgʰɪtʰi:] ighithî lyl0" lTl0"
cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BGL] [tɑbɡɪltʰi:n] tabgilthîn 8c2rla0", 8c2Rla0",
cause to coo (cry softly)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GH] [ɪgʰi:tʰ] ighîth ly"0 lT"0
cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BGL] [tɑbɡɪltʰɪjɑ] tabgilthiya 8c2rla0l;c 8c2Rla0l;c
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MGL] [mɑmɡɪltʰɪ] mamgilthi 6c6rla0l 6c6Rla0l
cause to corrode [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BGL] [tɑbɡɪltʰɪ] tabgilthi 8c2rla0l 8c2Rla0l
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MGL] [ɑmɡɪltʰɪ] amgilthi c6rla0l c6Rla0l
cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰmɑ:] baglathmâ 2crac06v 2cRac06v
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGL] [sɑmɡɪltʰmɑjɑn] samgilthmayan .c6rla06c;c, .c6Rla06c;c,
cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰmɪ] baglathmi 2crac06l 2cRac06l

cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MGL] [sɑmɡɪltʰɪjɑn] samgilthiyan .c6rla0l;c, .c6Rla0l;c, cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰmɛnɪn] baglathmenin 2crac06z,l, 2cRac06z,l,
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰsɪn] baglathsin 2crac0.l, 2cRac0.l,
[sɑmɡɪltʰmi:n] samgilthmîn .c6rla06", .c6Rla06",
[MGL] cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰme:n] baglathmên 2crac06x, 2cRac06x,
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MGL] [sɑmɡɪltʰi:n] samgilthîn .c6rla0", .c6Rla0",
cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰsʊn] baglathsun 2crac0.S, 2cRac0.S,
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6rla06c;c .c6Rla06c;c
[sɑmɡɪltʰmɑjɑ] samgilthmaya cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰmɛnɪ] baglathmeni 2crac06z,l 2cRac06z,l
.c6rla0l;c .c6Rla0l;c cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰsɪ] baglathsi 2crac0.l 2cRac0.l
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MGL] [sɑmɡɪltʰɪjɑ] samgilthiya
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6rla06" .c6Rla06" cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰme:] baglathmê 2crac06x 2cRac06x
[sɑmɡɪltʰmi:] samgilthmî
.c6rla0l .c6Rla0l cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰsʊ] baglathsu 2crac0.S 2cRac0.S
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MGL] [sɑmɡɪltʰɪ] samgilthi
8c6rla0l;c, 8c6Rla0l;c, cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰe:n] baglathên 2crac0x, 2cRac0x,
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MGL] [tɑmɡɪltʰɪjɑn] tamgilthiyan
8c6rla0", 8c6Rla0", cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰoːn] baglathôn 2crac0n, 2cRac0M,
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MGL] [tɑmɡɪltʰi:n] tamgilthîn
8c6rla0l;c 8c6Rla0l;c cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰɑɪ] baglathai 2crac0cl 2cRac0cl
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MGL] [tɑmɡɪltʰɪjɑ] tamgilthiya
8c6rla0l 8c6Rla0l cause to corrode [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BGL] [bɑɡlɑtʰɑ] baglatha 2crac0c 2cRac0c
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MGL] [tɑmɡɪltʰɪ] tamgilthi
6zraz06v 6zRaz06v cause to corrode! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BGL] [ɪbɡɪlɪtʰi:] ibgilithî l2rlal0" l2Rlal0"
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰmɑ:] meglethmâ
6zraz06l 6zRaz06l cause to corrode! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BGL] [ɪbɡɪlɪtʰ] ibgilith l2rlal0 l2Rlal0
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰmɪ] meglethmi
cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NGZ] [mɑngɑztʰɪ] mangazthi 6cjcw0l 6cjcD0l
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰmɛnɪn] meglethmenin 6zraz06z,l, 6zRaz06z,l,
cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NGZ] [ɑngʌztʰɪ] angazthi cjcw0l cjcD0l
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰsɪn] meglethsin 6zraz0.l, 6zRaz0.l, .cjcw06c;c, .cjcD06c;c,
cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [sɑngɑztʰmɑjɑn] sangazthmayan
cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰme:n] meglethmên 6zraz06x, 6zRaz06x, cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NGZ] [sɑngɑztʰɪjɑn] sangazthiyan .cjcw0l;c, .cjcD0l;c,

cause to cool (cause to calm) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MGL] [mɛɡlɛtʰsʊn] meglethsun 6zraz0.S, 6zRaz0.S, cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [sɑngɑztʰmi:n] sangazthmîn .cjcw06", .cjcD06",

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The Dwarrow Scholar 261 The Dwarrow Scholar 262
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NGZ] [sɑngɑztʰi:n] sangazthîn .cjcw0", .cjcD0", cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[kɛdzɛtʰmɛnɪ] kedzethmeni ez9wz06z,l ez9Dz06z,l
cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [sɑngʌztʰmɑjɑ] sangazthmaya .cjcw06c;c .cjcD06c;c
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰsɪ] kedzethsi ez9wz0.l ez9Dz0.l

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NGZ] [sɑngʌztʰɪjɑ] sangazthiya .cjcw0l;c .cjcD0l;c cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[kɛdzɛtʰme:] kedzethmê ez9wz06x ez9Dz06x
cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [sɑngʌztʰmi:] sangazthmî .cjcw06" .cjcD06"
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰsʊ] kedzethsu ez9wz0.S ez9Dz0.S

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NGZ] [sɑngʌztʰɪ] sangazthi .cjcw0l .cjcD0l cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰe:n] kedzethên ez9wz0x, ez9Dz0x,

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NGZ] [tɑngɑztʰɪjɑn] tangazthiyan 8cjcw0l;c, 8cjcD0l;c, cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰoːn] kedzethôn ez9wz0n, ez9Dz0M,

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NGZ] [tɑngɑztʰi:n] tangazthîn 8cjcw0", 8cjcD0", cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰɑɪ] kedzethai ez9wz0cl ez9Dz0cl

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NGZ] [tɑngʌztʰɪjɑ] tangazthiya 8cjcw0l;c 8cjcD0l;c cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰɑ] kedzetha ez9wz0c ez9Dz0c

cause to cough [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NGZ] [tɑngʌztʰɪ] tangazthi 8cjcw0l 8cjcD0l cause to cover in gold (gold plate)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KDZ] [ɪkdɪzɪtʰi:] ikdizithî le9lwl0" le9lDl0"

cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰmɑ:] nagzathmâ ,crwc06v ,cRDc06v cause to cover in gold (gold plate)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KDZ] [ɪkdɪzɪtʰ] ikdizith le9lwl0 le9lDl0

cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰmɪ] nagzathmi ,crwc06l ,cRDc06l cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZFR] [mɑzfɑrtʰɪ] mazfarthi 6cw3c@0l 6cD3c@0l

cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰmɛnɪn] nagzathmenin ,crwc06z,l, ,cRDc06z,l, cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZFR] [ʌzfɑrtʰɪ] azfarthi cw3c@0l cD3c@0l

cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰsɪn] nagzathsin ,crwc0.l, ,cRDc0.l,
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [sɑzfɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sazfarthmayan .cw3c@06c;c, .cD3c@06c;c,
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰme:n] nagzathmên ,crwc06x, ,cRDc06x,
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZFR] [sɑzfɑrtʰɪjɑn] sazfarthiyan .cw3c@0l;c, .cD3c@0l;c,
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰsʊn] nagzathsun ,crwc0.S, ,cRDc0.S,

cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰmɛnɪ] nagzathmeni ,crwc06z,l ,cRDc06z,l cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [sɑzfɑrtʰmi:n] sazfarthmîn .cw3c@06", .cD3c@06",

cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰsɪ] nagzathsi ,crwc0.l ,cRDc0.l .cw3c@0", .cD3c@0",
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZFR] [sɑzfɑrtʰi:n] sazfarthîn
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰme:] nagzathmê ,crwc06x ,cRDc06x
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [sʌzfɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sazfarthmaya .cw3c@06c;c .cD3c@06c;c
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰsʊ] nagzathsu ,crwc0.S ,cRDc0.S
,crwc0x, ,cRDc0x, cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZFR] [sʌzfɑrtʰɪjɑ] sazfarthiya .cw3c@0l;c .cD3c@0l;c
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰe:n] nagzathên
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰoːn] nagzathôn ,crwc0n, ,cRDc0M, cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [sʌzfɑrtʰmi:] sazfarthmî .cw3c@06" .cD3c@06"
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰɑɪ] nagzathai ,crwc0cl ,cRDc0cl
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZFR] [sʌzfɑrtʰɪ] sazfarthi .cw3c@0l .cD3c@0l
cause to cough [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NGZ] [nɑɡzɑtʰɑ] nagzatha ,crwc0c ,cRDc0c
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZFR] [tɑzfɑrtʰɪjɑn] tazfarthiyan 8cw3c@0l;c, 8cD3c@0l;c,
cause to cough! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NGZ] [ɪngɪzɪtʰi:] ingizithî ljlwl0" ljlDl0"
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZFR] [tɑzfɑrtʰi:n] tazfarthîn 8cw3c@0", 8cD3c@0",
cause to cough! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NGZ] [ɪngɪzɪtʰ] ingizith ljlwl0 ljlDl0
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZFR] [tʌzfɑrtʰɪjɑ] tazfarthiya 8cw3c@0l;c 8cD3c@0l;c
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KDZ] [mɑkdɑztʰɪ] makdazthi 6ce9cw0l 6ce9cD0l
cause to cover in lead [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZFR] [tʌzfɑrtʰɪ] tazfarthi 8cw3c@0l 8cD3c@0l
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KDZ] [ɑkdʌztʰɪ] akdazthi ce9cw0l ce9cD0l
cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰmɑ:] zefrethmâ wz3@z06v Dz3@z06v
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ce9cw06c;c, .ce9cD06c;c,
[sɑkdɑztʰmɑjɑn] sakdazthmayan cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰmɪ] zefrethmi wz3@z06l Dz3@z06l
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KDZ] [sɑkdɑztʰɪjɑn] sakdazthiyan .ce9cw0l;c, .ce9cD0l;c, cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰmɛnɪn] zefrethmenin wz3@z06z,l, Dz3@z06z,l,
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ce9cw06", .ce9cD06",
[sɑkdɑztʰmi:n] sakdazthmîn cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰsɪn] zefrethsin wz3@z0.l, Dz3@z0.l,
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KDZ] [sɑkdɑztʰi:n] sakdazthîn .ce9cw0", .ce9cD0", cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰme:n] zefrethmên wz3@z06x, Dz3@z06x,
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ce9cw06c;c .ce9cD06c;c
[sɑkdʌztʰmɑjɑ] sakdazthmaya cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰsʊn] zefrethsun wz3@z0.S, Dz3@z0.S,
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KDZ] [sɑkdʌztʰɪjɑ] sakdazthiya .ce9cw0l;c .ce9cD0l;c cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰmɛnɪ] zefrethmeni wz3@z06z,l Dz3@z06z,l
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .ce9cw06" .ce9cD06"
[sɑkdʌztʰmi:] sakdazthmî cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰsɪ] zefrethsi wz3@z0.l Dz3@z0.l
(contemptuous)] [KDZ]
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KDZ] [sɑkdʌztʰɪ] sakdazthi .ce9cw0l .ce9cD0l cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰme:] zefrethmê wz3@z06x Dz3@z06x
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KDZ] [tɑkdɑztʰɪjɑn] takdazthiyan 8ce9cw0l;c, 8ce9cD0l;c,
cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰsʊ] zefrethsu wz3@z0.S Dz3@z0.S
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KDZ] [tɑkdɑztʰi:n] takdazthîn 8ce9cw0", 8ce9cD0",
cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰe:n] zefrethên wz3@z0x, Dz3@z0x,
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KDZ] [tɑkdʌztʰɪjɑ] takdazthiya 8ce9cw0l;c 8ce9cD0l;c
cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰoːn] zefrethôn wz3@z0n, Dz3@z0M,
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KDZ] [tɑkdʌztʰɪ] takdazthi 8ce9cw0l 8ce9cD0l
cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰɑɪ] zefrethai wz3@z0cl Dz3@z0cl
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰmɑ:] kedzethmâ ez9wz06v ez9Dz06v
cause to cover in lead [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZFR] [zɛfrɛtʰɑ] zefretha wz3@z0c Dz3@z0c
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰmɪ] kedzethmi ez9wz06l ez9Dz06l
cause to cover in lead! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZFR] [ɪzfɪrɪtʰi:] izfirithî lw3l@l0" lD3l@l0"
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰmɛnɪn] kedzethmenin ez9wz06z,l, ez9Dz06z,l, cause to cover in lead! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZFR] [ɪzfɪrɪtʰ] izfirith lw3l@l0 lD3l@l0

ez9wz0.l, ez9Dz0.l, cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HLN] [mɑhlɑntʰɪ] mahlanthi 6cfac,0l 6cfac,0l
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰsɪn] kedzethsin
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HLN] [ʌhlɑntʰɪ] ahlanthi cfac,0l cfac,0l
[kɛdzɛtʰme:n] kedzethmên ez9wz06x, ez9Dz06x,
[KDZ] .cfac,06c;c, .cfac,06c;c,
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [sɑhlɑntʰmɑjɑn] sahlanthmayan
cause to cover in gold (gold plate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KDZ] [kɛdzɛtʰsʊn] kedzethsun ez9wz0.S, ez9Dz0.S,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 263 The Dwarrow Scholar 264

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HLN] [sɑhlɑntʰɪjɑn] sahlanthiyan .cfac,0l;c, .cfac,0l;c, cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰme:n] bar'athmên 2c@gc06x, 2c@gc06x,

cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰsʊn] bar'athsun 2c@gc0.S, 2c@gc0.S,
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [sɑhlɑntʰmi:n] sahlanthmîn .cfac,06", .cfac,06",
cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰmɛnɪ] bar'athmeni 2c@gc06z,l 2c@gc06z,l
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HLN] [sɑhlɑntʰi:n] sahlanthîn .cfac,0", .cfac,0",
cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰsɪ] bar'athsi 2c@gc0.l 2c@gc0.l
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [sʌhlɑntʰmɑjɑ] sahlanthmaya .cfac,06c;c .cfac,06c;c cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰme:] bar'athmê 2c@gc06x 2c@gc06x

.cfac,0l;c .cfac,0l;c cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰsʊ] bar'athsu 2c@gc0.S 2c@gc0.S
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HLN] [sʌhlɑntʰɪjɑ] sahlanthiya
cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰe:n] bar'athên 2c@gc0x, 2c@gc0x,
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [sʌhlɑntʰmi:] sahlanthmî .cfac,06" .cfac,06"
cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰoːn] bar'athôn 2c@gc0n, 2c@gc0M,
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HLN] [sʌhlɑntʰɪ] sahlanthi .cfac,0l .cfac,0l 2c@gc0cl 2c@gc0cl
cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰɑɪ] bar'athai
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HLN] [tɑhlɑntʰɪjɑn] tahlanthiyan 8cfac,0l;c, 8cfac,0l;c, 2c@gc0c 2c@gc0c
cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰɑ] bar'atha
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HLN] [tɑhlɑntʰi:n] tahlanthîn 8cfac,0", 8cfac,0", l2@l0" l2@l0"
cause to crack! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRʔ] [ɪbrɪtʰi:] ibrithî
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HLN] [tʌhlɑntʰɪjɑ] tahlanthiya 8cfac,0l;c 8cfac,0l;c l2@lgl0 l2@lgl0
cause to crack! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRʔ] [ɪbrɪʔɪtʰ] ibri'ith
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HLN] [tʌhlɑntʰɪ] tahlanthi 8cfac,0l 8cfac,0l 6c62c@0l 6c62c@0l
cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MBR] [mɑmbɑrtʰɪ] mambarthi
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰmɑ:] halnathmâ fca,c06v fca,c06v c62c@0l c62c@0l
cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MBR] [ɑmbɑrtʰɪ] ambarthi
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰmɪ] halnathmi fca,c06l fca,c06l .c62c@06c;c, .c62c@06c;c,
cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sambarthmayan
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪn] halnathmenin fca,c06z,l, fca,c06z,l, cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰɪjɑn] sambarthiyan .c62c@0l;c, .c62c@0l;c,

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰsɪn] halnathsin fca,c0.l, fca,c0.l, cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰmi:n] sambarthmîn .c62c@06", .c62c@06",

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰme:n] halnathmên fca,c06x, fca,c06x, cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰi:n] sambarthîn .c62c@0", .c62c@0",

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰsʊn] halnathsun fca,c0.S, fca,c0.S, cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sambarthmaya .c62c@06c;c .c62c@06c;c

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪ] halnathmeni fca,c06z,l fca,c06z,l cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰɪjɑ] sambarthiya .c62c@0l;c .c62c@0l;c

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰsɪ] halnathsi fca,c0.l fca,c0.l cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰmi:] sambarthmî .c62c@06" .c62c@06"

cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰme:] halnathmê fca,c06x fca,c06x cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MBR] [sɑmbɑrtʰɪ] sambarthi .c62c@0l .c62c@0l

cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MBR] [tɑmbɑrtʰɪjɑn] tambarthiyan 8c62c@0l;c, 8c62c@0l;c,
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰsʊ] halnathsu fca,c0.S fca,c0.S
cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MBR] [tɑmbɑrtʰi:n] tambarthîn 8c62c@0", 8c62c@0",
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰe:n] halnathên fca,c0x, fca,c0x,
cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MBR] [tɑmbɑrtʰɪjɑ] tambarthiya 8c62c@0l;c 8c62c@0l;c
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰoːn] halnathôn fca,c0n, fca,c0M,
cause to cradle [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MBR] [tɑmbɑrtʰɪ] tambarthi 8c62c@0l 8c62c@0l
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰɑɪ] halnathai fca,c0cl fca,c0cl
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰmɑ:] mebrethmâ 6z2@z06v 6z2@z06v
cause to cover in syrup [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HLN] [hɑlnɑtʰɑ] halnatha fca,c0c fca,c0c
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰmɪ] mebrethmi 6z2@z06l 6z2@z06l
cause to cover in syrup! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HLN] [ɪhlɪnɪtʰi:] ihlinithî lfal,l0" lfal,l0"
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰmɛnɪn] mebrethmenin 6z2@z06z,l, 6z2@z06z,l,
cause to cover in syrup! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HLN] [ɪhlɪnɪtʰ] ihlinith lfal,l0 lfal,l0
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰsɪn] mebrethsin 6z2@z0.l, 6z2@z0.l,
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRʔ] [mɑbrɑʔtʰɪ] mabra'thi 6c2@cg0l 6c2@cg0l
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰme:n] mebrethmên 6z2@z06x, 6z2@z06x,
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRʔ] [ɑbrɑʔtʰɪ] abra'thi c2@cg0l c2@cg0l
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰsʊn] mebrethsun 6z2@z0.S, 6z2@z0.S,
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔətʰmɑjɑn] sabra'thmayan .c2@cg06c;c, .c2@cg06c;c,
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰmɛnɪ] mebrethmeni 6z2@z06z,l 6z2@z06z,l
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔtʰɪjɑn] sabra'thiyan .c2@cg0l;c, .c2@cg0l;c,
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰsɪ] mebrethsi 6z2@z0.l 6z2@z0.l
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔətʰmi:n] sabra'thmîn .c2@cg06", .c2@cg06",

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔtʰi:n] sabra'thîn .c2@cg0", .c2@cg0", cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰme:] mebrethmê 6z2@z06x 6z2@z06x

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔətʰmɑjɑ] sabra'thmaya .c2@cg06c;c .c2@cg06c;c cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰsʊ] mebrethsu 6z2@z0.S 6z2@z0.S

cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰe:n] mebrethên 6z2@z0x, 6z2@z0x,
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔtʰɪjɑ] sabra'thiya .c2@cg0l;c .c2@cg0l;c
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰoːn] mebrethôn 6z2@z0n, 6z2@z0M,
cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔətʰmi:] sabra'thmî .c2@cg06" .c2@cg06"
cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰɑɪ] mebrethai 6z2@z0cl 6z2@z0cl

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRʔ] [sɑbrɑʔtʰɪ] sabra'thi .c2@cg0l .c2@cg0l cause to cradle [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MBR] [mɛbrɛtʰɑ] mebretha 6z2@z0c 6z2@z0c

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRʔ] [tɑbrɑʔtʰɪjɑn] tabra'thiyan 8c2@cg0l;c, 8c2@cg0l;c, cause to cradle! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MBR] [ɪmbɪrɪtʰi:] imbirithî l62l@l0" l62l@l0"

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRʔ] [tɑbrɑʔtʰi:n] tabra'thîn 8c2@cg0", 8c2@cg0", cause to cradle! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MBR] [ɪmbɪrɪtʰ] imbirith l62l@l0 l62l@l0

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRʔ] [tɑbrɑʔtʰɪjɑ] tabra'thiya 8c2@cg0l;c 8c2@cg0l;c cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRB] [mɑtrɪbtʰɪ] matribthi 6c8@l20l 6c8@l20l

cause to crack [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRʔ] [tɑbrɑʔtʰɪ] tabra'thi 8c2@cg0l 8c2@cg0l cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRB] [ɑtrɪbtʰɪ] atribthi c8@l20l c8@l20l

cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰmɑ:] bar'athmâ 2c@gc06v 2c@gc06v cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbətʰmɑjɑn] satribthmayan .c8@l206c;c, .c8@l206c;c,

cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰmɪ] bar'athmi 2c@gc06l 2c@gc06l cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbtʰɪjɑn] satribthiyan .c8@l20l;c, .c8@l20l;c,

cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰmɛnɪn] bar'athmenin 2c@gc06z,l, 2c@gc06z,l, cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbətʰmi:n] satribthmîn .c8@l206", .c8@l206",

cause to crack [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRʔ] [bɑrʔɑtʰsɪn] bar'athsin 2c@gc0.l, 2c@gc0.l, cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbtʰi:n] satribthîn .c8@l20", .c8@l20",

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 265 The Dwarrow Scholar 266
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbətʰmɑjɑ] satribthmaya .c8@l206c;c .c8@l206c;c cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰe:n] yêbathên ;x2c0x, ;x2c0x,

cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbtʰɪjɑ] satribthiya .c8@l20l;c .c8@l20l;c cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰoːn] yêbathôn ;x2c0n, ;x2c0M,

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰɑɪ] yêbathai ;x2c0cl ;x2c0cl
cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbətʰmi:] satribthmî .c8@l206" .c8@l206"
cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰɑ] yêbatha ;x2c0c ;x2c0c
cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRB] [sɑtrɪbtʰɪ] satribthi .c8@l20l .c8@l20l
cause to crawl! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YYB] [jɪbɪtʰi:] yibithî ;l2l0" ;l2l0"
cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRB] [tɑtrɪbtʰɪjɑn] tatribthiyan 8c8@l20l;c, 8c8@l20l;c,
cause to crawl! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YYB] [i:jɪbɪtʰ] îyibith ";l2l0 ";l2l0
cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRB] [tɑtrɪbtʰi:n] tatribthîn 8c8@l20", 8c8@l20",
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MH] [mɑmɑhtʰɪ] mamahthi 6c6cf0l 6c6cf0l
cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRB] [tɑtrɪbtʰɪjɑ] tatribthiya 8c8@l20l;c 8c8@l20l;c
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MH] [ɑmʌhtʰɪ] amahthi c6cf0l c6cf0l
cause to craft [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRB] [tɑtrɪbtʰɪ] tatribthi 8c8@l20l 8c8@l20l
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6cf06c;c, .c6cf06c;c,
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰmɑ:] tarbathmâ 8c@2c06v 8c@2c06v [sɑmɑhtʰmɑjɑn] samahthmayan
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰmɪ] tarbathmi 8c@2c06l 8c@2c06l cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MH] [sɑmɑhtʰɪjɑn] samahthiyan .c6cf0l;c, .c6cf0l;c,

cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰmɛnɪn] tarbathmenin 8c@2c06z,l, 8c@2c06z,l, cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmɑhtʰmi:n] samahthmîn .c6cf06", .c6cf06",
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰsɪn] tarbathsin 8c@2c0.l, 8c@2c0.l, [MH]
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MH] [sɑmɑhtʰi:n] samahthîn .c6cf0", .c6cf0",
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰme:n] tarbathmên 8c@2c06x, 8c@2c06x,
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6cf06c;c .c6cf06c;c
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰsʊn] tarbathsun 8c@2c0.S, 8c@2c0.S, [sɑmʌhtʰmɑjɑ] samahthmaya
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰmɛnɪ] tarbathmeni 8c@2c06z,l 8c@2c06z,l .c6cf0l;c .c6cf0l;c
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MH] [sɑmʌhtʰɪjɑ] samahthiya
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰsɪ] tarbathsi 8c@2c0.l 8c@2c0.l cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmʌhtʰmi:] samahthmî .c6cf06" .c6cf06"
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰme:] tarbathmê 8c@2c06x 8c@2c06x [MH]
8c@2c0.S 8c@2c0.S cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MH] [sɑmʌhtʰɪ] samahthi .c6cf0l .c6cf0l
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰsʊ] tarbathsu
8c@2c0x, 8c@2c0x, cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MH] [tɑmɑhtʰɪjɑn] tamahthiyan 8c6cf0l;c, 8c6cf0l;c,
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰe:n] tarbathên
8c@2c0n, 8c@2c0M, cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MH] [tɑmɑhtʰi:n] tamahthîn 8c6cf0", 8c6cf0",
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰoːn] tarbathôn
8c@2c0cl 8c@2c0cl cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MH] [tɑmʌhtʰɪjɑ] tamahthiya 8c6cf0l;c 8c6cf0l;c
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰɑɪ] tarbathai
8c@2c0c 8c@2c0c cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MH] [tɑmʌhtʰɪ] tamahthi 8c6cf0l 8c6cf0l
cause to craft [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRB] [tɑrbɑtʰɑ] tarbatha
l8@l2l0" l8@l2l0" cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰmɑ:] muhuthmâ 6SfS06v 6SfS06v
cause to craft! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRB] [ɪtrɪbɪtʰi:] itribithî
l8@l2l0 l8@l2l0 cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰmɪ] muhuthmi 6SfS06l 6SfS06l
cause to craft! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRB] [ɪtrɪbɪtʰ] itribith
cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [YYB] [me:jɑbtʰɪ] mêyabthi 6x;c20l 6x;c20l cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰmɛnɪn] muhuthmenin 6SfS06z,l, 6SfS06z,l,
cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [YYB] [e:jɑbtʰɪ] êyabthi x;c20l x;c20l
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰsɪn] muhuthsin 6SfS0.l, 6SfS0.l,
cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [se:jɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sêyabthmayan .x;c206c;c, .x;c206c;c,
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰme:n] muhuthmên 6SfS06x, 6SfS06x,
cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YYB] [se:jɑbtʰɪjɑn] sêyabthiyan .x;c20l;c, .x;c20l;c,

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [se:jɑbətʰmi:n] sêyabthmîn .x;c206", .x;c206", cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰsʊn] muhuthsun 6SfS0.S, 6SfS0.S,

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YYB] [se:jɑbtʰi:n] sêyabthîn .x;c20", .x;c20", cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[mʊhʊtʰmɛnɪ] muhuthmeni 6SfS06z,l 6SfS06z,l
cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [se:jɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sêyabthmaya .x;c206c;c .x;c206c;c
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰsɪ] muhuthsi 6SfS0.l 6SfS0.l

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YYB] [se:jɑbtʰɪjɑ] sêyabthiya .x;c20l;c .x;c20l;c cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[mʊhʊtʰme:] muhuthmê 6SfS06x 6SfS06x
cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [se:jɑbətʰmi:] sêyabthmî .x;c206" .x;c206"
cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰsʊ] muhuthsu 6SfS0.S 6SfS0.S

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YYB] [se:jɑbtʰɪ] sêyabthi .x;c20l .x;c20l cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰe:n] muhuthên 6SfS0x, 6SfS0x,

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YYB] [te:jɑbtʰɪjɑn] têyabthiyan 8x;c20l;c, 8x;c20l;c, cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰoːn] muhuthôn 6SfS0n, 6SfS0M,

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YYB] [te:jɑbtʰi:n] têyabthîn 8x;c20", 8x;c20", cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰɑɪ] muhuthai 6SfS0cl 6SfS0cl

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YYB] [te:jɑbtʰɪjɑ] têyabthiya 8x;c20l;c 8x;c20l;c cause to create (cause to make) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MH] [mʊhʊtʰɑ] muhutha 6SfS0c 6SfS0c

cause to crawl [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YYB] [te:jɑbtʰɪ] têyabthi 8x;c20l 8x;c20l cause to create (cause to make)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MH] [ɪmhɪtʰi:] imhithî l6fl0" l6fl0"

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰmɑ:] yêbathmâ ;x2c06v ;x2c06v cause to create (cause to make)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MH] [ɪmhi:tʰ] imhîth l6f"0 l6f"0

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰmɪ] yêbathmi ;x2c06l ;x2c06l cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLM] [mɑklɑmtʰɪ] maklamthi 6ceac60l 6ceac60l

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰmɛnɪn] yêbathmenin ;x2c06z,l, ;x2c06z,l, cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLM] [ɑklɑmtʰɪ] aklamthi ceac60l ceac60l

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰsɪn] yêbathsin ;x2c0.l, ;x2c0.l, cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰmɑjɑn] saklamthmayan .ceac606c;c, .ceac606c;c,

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰme:n] yêbathmên ;x2c06x, ;x2c06x, cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰɪjɑn] saklamthiyan .ceac60l;c, .ceac60l;c,

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰsʊn] yêbathsun ;x2c0.S, ;x2c0.S,
cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰmi:n] saklamthmîn .ceac606", .ceac606",
cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰmɛnɪ] yêbathmeni ;x2c06z,l ;x2c06z,l
cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰi:n] saklamthîn .ceac60", .ceac60",
cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰsɪ] yêbathsi ;x2c0.l ;x2c0.l

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰme:] yêbathmê ;x2c06x ;x2c06x cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰmɑjɑ] saklamthmaya .ceac606c;c .ceac606c;c

cause to crawl [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YYB] [je:bɑtʰsʊ] yêbathsu ;x2c0.S ;x2c0.S .ceac60l;c .ceac60l;c
cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰɪjɑ] saklamthiya

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰmi:] saklamthmî .ceac606" .ceac606" cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰme:] kalfathmê eca3c06x eca3c06x

cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLM] [sɑklɑmtʰɪ] saklamthi .ceac60l .ceac60l cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰsʊ] kalfathsu eca3c0.S eca3c0.S

cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLM] [tɑklɑmtʰɪjɑn] taklamthiyan 8ceac60l;c, 8ceac60l;c, cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰe:n] kalfathên eca3c0x, eca3c0x,

cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLM] [tɑklɑmtʰi:n] taklamthîn 8ceac60", 8ceac60", cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰoːn] kalfathôn eca3c0n, eca3c0M,

cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLM] [tɑklɑmtʰɪjɑ] taklamthiya 8ceac60l;c 8ceac60l;c cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰɑɪ] kalfathai eca3c0cl eca3c0cl

cause to crown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLM] [tɑklɑmtʰɪ] taklamthi 8ceac60l 8ceac60l cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰɑ] kalfatha eca3c0c eca3c0c

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰmɑ:] kalmathmâ eca6c06v eca6c06v cause to curse (swear)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLF] [ɪklɪfɪtʰi:] iklifithî leal3l0" leal3l0"

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰmɪ] kalmathmi eca6c06l eca6c06l cause to curse (swear)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLF] [ɪklɪfɪtʰ] iklifith leal3l0 leal3l0

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪn] kalmathmenin eca6c06z,l, eca6c06z,l, cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRSh] [mɑkʰrɑʃtʰɪ] makhrashthi 6ceV@c%0l 6ct@c%0l

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰsɪn] kalmathsin eca6c0.l, eca6c0.l, cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRSh] [ɑkʰrʌʃtʰɪ] akhrashthi ceV@c%0l ct@c%0l

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰme:n] kalmathmên eca6c06x, eca6c06x, cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrɑʃtʰmɑjɑn] sakhrashthmayan .ceV@c%06c;c, .ct@c%06c;c,

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰsʊn] kalmathsun eca6c0.S, eca6c0.S, cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrɑʃtʰɪjɑn] sakhrashthiyan .ceV@c%0l;c, .ct@c%0l;c,

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪ] kalmathmeni eca6c06z,l eca6c06z,l cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrɑʃtʰmi:n] sakhrashthmîn .ceV@c%06", .ct@c%06",

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰsɪ] kalmathsi eca6c0.l eca6c0.l cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrɑʃtʰi:n] sakhrashthîn .ceV@c%0", .ct@c%0",

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰme:] kalmathmê eca6c06x eca6c06x cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrʌʃtʰmɑjɑ] sakhrashthmaya .ceV@c%06c;c .ct@c%06c;c

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰsʊ] kalmathsu eca6c0.S eca6c0.S cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrʌʃtʰɪjɑ] sakhrashthiya .ceV@c%0l;c .ct@c%0l;c

cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰe:n] kalmathên eca6c0x, eca6c0x,
cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrʌʃtʰmi:] sakhrashthmî .ceV@c%06" .ct@c%06"
cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰoːn] kalmathôn eca6c0n, eca6c0M,
cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRSh] [sɑkʰrʌʃtʰɪ] sakhrashthi .ceV@c%0l .ct@c%0l
cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰɑɪ] kalmathai eca6c0cl eca6c0cl
cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRSh] [tɑkʰrɑʃtʰɪjɑn] takhrashthiyan 8ceV@c%0l;c, 8ct@c%0l;c,
cause to crown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLM] [kɑlmɑtʰɑ] kalmatha eca6c0c eca6c0c
cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRSh] [tɑkʰrɑʃtʰi:n] takhrashthîn 8ceV@c%0", 8ct@c%0",
cause to crown! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLM] [ɪklɪmɪtʰi:] iklimithî leal6l0" leal6l0"
cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRSh] [tɑkʰrʌʃtʰɪjɑ] takhrashthiya 8ceV@c%0l;c 8ct@c%0l;c
cause to crown! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLM] [ɪklɪmɪtʰ] iklimith leal6l0 leal6l0
cause to cut [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRSh] [tɑkʰrʌʃtʰɪ] takhrashthi 8ceV@c%0l 8ct@c%0l
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLF] [mɑklɪftʰɪ] maklifthi 6ceal30l 6ceal30l
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰmɑ:] khershethmâ eVz@%z06v tz@%z06v
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLF] [ɑklɪftʰɪ] aklifthi ceal30l ceal30l
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰmɪ] khershethmi eVz@%z06l tz@%z06l
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰmɑjɑn] saklifthmayan .ceal306c;c, .ceal306c;c,
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰmɛnɪn] khershethmenin eVz@%z06z,l, tz@%z06z,l,

cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰɪjɑn] saklifthiyan .ceal30l;c, .ceal30l;c, cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰsɪn] khershethsin eVz@%z0.l, tz@%z0.l,

cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰme:n] khershethmên eVz@%z06x, tz@%z06x,
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰmi:n] saklifthmîn .ceal306", .ceal306",
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰsʊn] khershethsun eVz@%z0.S, tz@%z0.S,
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰi:n] saklifthîn .ceal30", .ceal30",
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰmɛnɪ] khershethmeni eVz@%z06z,l tz@%z06z,l
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰmɑjɑ] saklifthmaya .ceal306c;c .ceal306c;c cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰsɪ] khershethsi eVz@%z0.l tz@%z0.l

.ceal30l;c .ceal30l;c cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰme:] khershethmê eVz@%z06x tz@%z06x
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰɪjɑ] saklifthiya
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰsʊ] khershethsu eVz@%z0.S tz@%z0.S
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰmi:] saklifthmî .ceal306" .ceal306"
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰe:n] khershethên eVz@%z0x, tz@%z0x,
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLF] [sɑklɪftʰɪ] saklifthi .ceal30l .ceal30l eVz@%z0n, tz@%z0M,
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰoːn] khershethôn
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLF] [tɑklɪftʰɪjɑn] taklifthiyan 8ceal30l;c, 8ceal30l;c, eVz@%z0cl tz@%z0cl
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰɑɪ] khershethai
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLF] [tɑklɪftʰi:n] taklifthîn 8ceal30", 8ceal30", eVz@%z0c tz@%z0c
cause to cut [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRSh] [kʰɛrʃɛtʰɑ] khershetha
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLF] [tɑklɪftʰɪjɑ] taklifthiya 8ceal30l;c 8ceal30l;c 6cf.l.0l 6cf.l.0l
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HSS] [mɑhsɪstʰɪ] mahsisthi
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLF] [tɑklɪftʰɪ] taklifthi 8ceal30l 8ceal30l cf.l.0l cf.l.0l
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HSS] [ʌhsɪstʰɪ] ahsisthi
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰmɑ:] kalfathmâ eca3c06v eca3c06v
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [sɑhsɪstʰmɑjɑn] sahsisthmayan .cf.l.06c;c, .cf.l.06c;c,
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰmɪ] kalfathmi eca3c06l eca3c06l
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HSS] [sɑhsɪstʰɪjɑn] sahsisthiyan .cf.l.0l;c, .cf.l.0l;c,
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰmɛnɪn] kalfathmenin eca3c06z,l, eca3c06z,l,
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [sɑhsɪstʰmi:n] sahsisthmîn .cf.l.06", .cf.l.06",
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰsɪn] kalfathsin eca3c0.l, eca3c0.l,
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HSS] [sɑhsɪstʰi:n] sahsisthîn .cf.l.0", .cf.l.0",
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰme:n] kalfathmên eca3c06x, eca3c06x,
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [sʌhsɪstʰmɑjɑ] sahsisthmaya .cf.l.06c;c .cf.l.06c;c
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰsʊn] kalfathsun eca3c0.S, eca3c0.S,
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HSS] [sʌhsɪstʰɪjɑ] sahsisthiya .cf.l.0l;c .cf.l.0l;c
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰmɛnɪ] kalfathmeni eca3c06z,l eca3c06z,l
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [sʌhsɪstʰmi:] sahsisthmî .cf.l.06" .cf.l.06"
cause to curse (swear) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLF] [kɑlfɑtʰsɪ] kalfathsi eca3c0.l eca3c0.l
cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HSS] [sʌhsɪstʰɪ] sahsisthi .cf.l.0l .cf.l.0l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 269 The Dwarrow Scholar 270
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HSS] [tɑhsɪstʰɪjɑn] tahsisthiyan 8cf.l.0l;c, 8cf.l.0l;c, cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰɑ] hulutha fSaS0c fSaS0c

cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HSS] [tɑhsɪstʰi:n] tahsisthîn 8cf.l.0", 8cf.l.0", cause to dam! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HL] [ɪhlɪtʰi:] ihlithî lfal0" lfal0"

cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HSS] [tʌhsɪstʰɪjɑ] tahsisthiya 8cf.l.0l;c 8cf.l.0l;c cause to dam! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HL] [ɪhli:tʰ] ihlîth lfa"0 lfa"0

cause to cut meat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HSS] [tʌhsɪstʰɪ] tahsisthi 8cf.l.0l 8cf.l.0l cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SKTh] [mɑskɑtʰ.tʰɪ] maskaththi 6c.ec00l 6c.ec00l

cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰmɑ:] hessethmâ fz..z06v fz..z06v cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SKTh] [ʌskɑtʰ.tʰɪ] askaththi c.ec00l c.ec00l

cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰmɪ] hessethmi fz..z06l fz..z06l
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sɑskɑtʰətʰmɑjɑn] saskaththmayan .c.ec006c;c, .c.ec006c;c,
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰmɛnɪn] hessethmenin fz..z06z,l, fz..z06z,l,
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SKTh] [sɑskɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] saskaththiyan .c.ec00l;c, .c.ec00l;c,
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰsɪn] hessethsin fz..z0.l, fz..z0.l,

cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰme:n] hessethmên fz..z06x, fz..z06x, cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sɑskɑtʰətʰmi:n] saskaththmîn .c.ec006", .c.ec006",

cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰsʊn] hessethsun fz..z0.S, fz..z0.S, .c.ec00", .c.ec00",
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SKTh] [sɑskɑtʰ.tʰi:n] saskaththîn
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰmɛnɪ] hessethmeni fz..z06z,l fz..z06z,l .c.ec006c;c .c.ec006c;c
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sʌskɑtʰətʰmɑjɑ] saskaththmaya
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰsɪ] hessethsi fz..z0.l fz..z0.l .c.ec00l;c .c.ec00l;c
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SKTh] [sʌskɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] saskaththiya
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰme:] hessethmê fz..z06x fz..z06x .c.ec006" .c.ec006"
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sʌskɑtʰətʰmi:] saskaththmî
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰsʊ] hessethsu fz..z0.S fz..z0.S .c.ec00l .c.ec00l
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SKTh] [sʌskɑtʰ.tʰɪ] saskaththi
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰe:n] hessethên fz..z0x, fz..z0x, 8c.ec00l;c, 8c.ec00l;c,
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SKTh] [tɑskɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] taskaththiyan
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰoːn] hessethôn fz..z0n, fz..z0M, 8c.ec00", 8c.ec00",
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SKTh] [tɑskɑtʰ.tʰi:n] taskaththîn
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰɑɪ] hessethai fz..z0cl fz..z0cl 8c.ec00l;c 8c.ec00l;c
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SKTh] [tʌskɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] taskaththiya
cause to cut meat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HSS] [hɛs.sɛtʰɑ] hessetha fz..z0c fz..z0c 8c.ec00l 8c.ec00l
cause to damage [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SKTh] [tʌskɑtʰ.tʰɪ] taskaththi
cause to cut meat! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HSS] [ɪhsɪsɪtʰi:] ihsisithî lf.l.l0" lf.l.l0" .ce0c06v .ce0c06v
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰmɑ:] sakthathmâ
cause to cut meat! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HSS] [ɪhsɪsɪtʰ] ihsisith lf.l.l0 lf.l.l0 .ce0c06l .ce0c06l
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰmɪ] sakthathmi
cause to cut! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRSh] [ɪkʰrɪʃɪtʰi:] ikhrishithî leV@l%l0" lt@l%l0" .ce0c06z,l, .ce0c06z,l,
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] sakthathmenin
cause to cut! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRSh] [ɪkʰrɪʃɪtʰ] ikhrishith leV@l%l0 lt@l%l0 .ce0c0.l, .ce0c0.l,
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰsɪn] sakthathsin
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HL] [mɑhɑltʰɪ] mahalthi 6cfca0l 6cfca0l
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰme:n] sakthathmên .ce0c06x, .ce0c06x,
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HL] [ʌhɑltʰɪ] ahalthi cfca0l cfca0l
.cfca06c;c, .cfca06c;c, cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰsʊn] sakthathsun .ce0c0.S, .ce0c0.S,
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [sɑhɑltʰmɑjɑn] sahalthmayan
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HL] [sɑhɑltʰɪjɑn] sahalthiyan .cfca0l;c, .cfca0l;c, cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] sakthathmeni .ce0c06z,l .ce0c06z,l
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [sɑhɑltʰmi:n] sahalthmîn .cfca06", .cfca06",
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰsɪ] sakthathsi .ce0c0.l .ce0c0.l
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HL] [sɑhɑltʰi:n] sahalthîn .cfca0", .cfca0",
cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰme:] sakthathmê .ce0c06x .ce0c06x
cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [sʌhɑltʰmɑjɑ] sahalthmaya .cfca06c;c .cfca06c;c

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HL] [sʌhɑltʰɪjɑ] sahalthiya .cfca0l;c .cfca0l;c cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰsʊ] sakthathsu .ce0c0.S .ce0c0.S

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [sʌhɑltʰmi:] sahalthmî .cfca06" .cfca06" cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰe:n] sakthathên .ce0c0x, .ce0c0x,

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HL] [sʌhɑltʰɪ] sahalthi .cfca0l .cfca0l cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰoːn] sakthathôn .ce0c0n, .ce0c0M,

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HL] [tɑhɑltʰɪjɑn] tahalthiyan 8cfca0l;c, 8cfca0l;c, cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰɑɪ] sakthathai .ce0c0cl .ce0c0cl

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HL] [tɑhɑltʰi:n] tahalthîn 8cfca0", 8cfca0", cause to damage [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SKTh] [sɑktʰɑtʰɑ] sakthatha .ce0c0c .ce0c0c

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HL] [tʌhɑltʰɪjɑ] tahalthiya 8cfca0l;c 8cfca0l;c cause to damage! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SKTh] [ɪskɪtʰɪtʰi:] iskithithî l.el0l0" l.el0l0"

cause to dam [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HL] [tʌhɑltʰɪ] tahalthi 8cfca0l 8cfca0l cause to damage! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SKTh] [ɪskɪtʰɪtʰ] iskithith l.el0l0 l.el0l0

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰmɑ:] huluthmâ fSaS06v fSaS06v cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SRN] [mɑsrɪntʰɪ] masrinthi 6c.@l,0l 6c.@l,0l

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰmɪ] huluthmi fSaS06l fSaS06l cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SRN] [ʌsrɪntʰɪ] asrinthi c.@l,0l c.@l,0l

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰmɛnɪn] huluthmenin fSaS06z,l, fSaS06z,l, cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sɑsrɪntʰmɑjɑn] sasrinthmayan .c.@l,06c;c, .c.@l,06c;c,

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰsɪn] huluthsin fSaS0.l, fSaS0.l, cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SRN] [sɑsrɪntʰɪjɑn] sasrinthiyan .c.@l,0l;c, .c.@l,0l;c,

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰme:n] huluthmên fSaS06x, fSaS06x,
cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sɑsrɪntʰmi:n] sasrinthmîn .c.@l,06", .c.@l,06",
cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰsʊn] huluthsun fSaS0.S, fSaS0.S,
cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SRN] [sɑsrɪntʰi:n] sasrinthîn .c.@l,0", .c.@l,0",
cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰmɛnɪ] huluthmeni fSaS06z,l fSaS06z,l

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰsɪ] huluthsi fSaS0.l fSaS0.l cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sʌsrɪntʰmɑjɑ] sasrinthmaya .c.@l,06c;c .c.@l,06c;c

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰme:] huluthmê fSaS06x fSaS06x .c.@l,0l;c .c.@l,0l;c
cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SRN] [sʌsrɪntʰɪjɑ] sasrinthiya
cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰsʊ] huluthsu fSaS0.S fSaS0.S
cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sʌsrɪntʰmi:] sasrinthmî .c.@l,06" .c.@l,06"
cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰe:n] huluthên fSaS0x, fSaS0x,

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰoːn] huluthôn fSaS0n, fSaS0M, cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SRN] [sʌsrɪntʰɪ] sasrinthi .c.@l,0l .c.@l,0l

cause to dam [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HL] [hʊlʊtʰɑɪ] huluthai fSaS0cl fSaS0cl cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SRN] [tɑsrɪntʰɪjɑn] tasrinthiyan 8c.@l,0l;c, 8c.@l,0l;c,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 271 The Dwarrow Scholar 272

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SRN] [tɑsrɪntʰi:n] tasrinthîn 8c.@l,0", 8c.@l,0", cause to dare! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThRN] [ɪtʰrɪnɪtʰ] ithrinith l0@l,l0 l0@l,l0

cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SRN] [tʌsrɪntʰɪjɑ] tasrinthiya 8c.@l,0l;c 8c.@l,0l;c cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DSh] [mɑdɪʃtʰɪ] madishthi 6c9l%0l 6c9l%0l

cause to dance [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SRN] [tʌsrɪntʰɪ] tasrinthi 8c.@l,0l 8c.@l,0l cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DSh] [ɑdɪʃtʰɪ] adishthi c9l%0l c9l%0l

cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰmɑ:] surnuthmâ .S@,S06v .S@,S06v cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰmɑjɑn] sadishthmayan .c9l%06c;c, .c9l%06c;c,

cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰmɪ] surnuthmi .S@,S06l .S@,S06l cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰɪjɑn] sadishthiyan .c9l%0l;c, .c9l%0l;c,

cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰmɛnɪn] surnuthmenin .S@,S06z,l, .S@,S06z,l,
cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰmi:n] sadishthmîn .c9l%06", .c9l%06",
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰsɪn] surnuthsin .S@,S0.l, .S@,S0.l,
cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰi:n] sadishthîn .c9l%0", .c9l%0",
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰme:n] surnuthmên .S@,S06x, .S@,S06x,

cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰsʊn] surnuthsun .S@,S0.S, .S@,S0.S, cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰmɑjɑ] sadishthmaya .c9l%06c;c .c9l%06c;c

cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰmɛnɪ] surnuthmeni .S@,S06z,l .S@,S06z,l .c9l%0l;c .c9l%0l;c
cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰɪjɑ] sadishthiya
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰsɪ] surnuthsi .S@,S0.l .S@,S0.l
cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰmi:] sadishthmî .c9l%06" .c9l%06"
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰme:] surnuthmê .S@,S06x .S@,S06x
.S@,S0.S .S@,S0.S cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DSh] [sɑdɪʃtʰɪ] sadishthi .c9l%0l .c9l%0l
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰsʊ] surnuthsu
.S@,S0x, .S@,S0x, cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DSh] [tɑdɪʃtʰɪjɑn] tadishthiyan 8c9l%0l;c, 8c9l%0l;c,
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰe:n] surnuthên
.S@,S0n, .S@,S0M, cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DSh] [tɑdɪʃtʰi:n] tadishthîn 8c9l%0", 8c9l%0",
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰoːn] surnuthôn
.S@,S0cl .S@,S0cl cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DSh] [tɑdɪʃtʰɪjɑ] tadishthiya 8c9l%0l;c 8c9l%0l;c
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰɑɪ] surnuthai
.S@,S0c .S@,S0c cause to darken [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DSh] [tɑdɪʃtʰɪ] tadishthi 8c9l%0l 8c9l%0l
cause to dance [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SRN] [sʊrnʊtʰɑ] surnutha
l.@l,l0" l.@l,l0" cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰmɑ:] dashathmâ 9c%c06v 9c%c06v
cause to dance! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SRN] [ɪsrɪnɪtʰi:] isrinithî
l.@l,l0 l.@l,l0 cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰmɪ] dashathmi 9c%c06l 9c%c06l
cause to dance! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SRN] [ɪsrɪnɪtʰ] isrinith
6c0@l,0l 6c0@l,0l cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰmɛnɪn] dashathmenin 9c%c06z,l, 9c%c06z,l,
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThRN] [mɑtʰrɪntʰɪ] mathrinthi
c0@l,0l c0@l,0l cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰsɪn] dashathsin 9c%c0.l, 9c%c0.l,
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThRN] [ɑtʰrɪntʰɪ] athrinthi
.c0@l,06c;c, .c0@l,06c;c, cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰme:n] dashathmên 9c%c06x, 9c%c06x,
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰmɑjɑn] sathrinthmayan
.c0@l,0l;c, .c0@l,0l;c, cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰsʊn] dashathsun 9c%c0.S, 9c%c0.S,
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰɪjɑn] sathrinthiyan
cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰmɛnɪ] dashathmeni 9c%c06z,l 9c%c06z,l
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰmi:n] sathrinthmîn .c0@l,06", .c0@l,06",
cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰsɪ] dashathsi 9c%c0.l 9c%c0.l
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰi:n] sathrinthîn .c0@l,0", .c0@l,0",
cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰme:] dashathmê 9c%c06x 9c%c06x
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰmɑjɑ] sathrinthmaya .c0@l,06c;c .c0@l,06c;c
cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰsʊ] dashathsu 9c%c0.S 9c%c0.S
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰɪjɑ] sathrinthiya .c0@l,0l;c .c0@l,0l;c 9c%c0x, 9c%c0x,
cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰe:n] dashathên
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰmi:] sathrinthmî .c0@l,06" .c0@l,06" cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DSh] [dɑʃɑtʰoːn] dashathôn 9c%c0n, 9c%c0M,

cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰɑɪ] dashathai 9c%c0cl 9c%c0cl
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThRN] [sɑtʰrɪntʰɪ] sathrinthi .c0@l,0l .c0@l,0l
cause to darken [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DSh] [dʌʃɑtʰɑ] dashatha 9c%c0c 9c%c0c
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThRN] [tɑtʰrɪntʰɪjɑn] tathrinthiyan 8c0@l,0l;c, 8c0@l,0l;c,
cause to darken! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DSh] [ɪdʃɪtʰi:] idshithî l9%l0" l9%l0"
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThRN] [tɑtʰrɪntʰi:n] tathrinthîn 8c0@l,0", 8c0@l,0",
cause to darken! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DSh] [ɪdʃi:tʰ] idshîth l9%"0 l9%"0
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThRN] [tɑtʰrɪntʰɪjɑ] tathrinthiya 8c0@l,0l;c 8c0@l,0l;c
cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRTh] [mɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] makraththi 6ce@c00l 6ce@c00l
cause to dare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThRN] [tɑtʰrɪntʰɪ] tathrinthi 8c0@l,0l 8c0@l,0l
cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRTh] [ɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] akraththi ce@c00l ce@c00l
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰmɑ:] thurnuthmâ 0S@,S06v 0S@,S06v

cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰmɪ] thurnuthmi 0S@,S06l 0S@,S06l cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰətʰmɑjɑn] sakraththmayan .ce@c006c;c, .ce@c006c;c,

cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰmɛnɪn] thurnuthmenin 0S@,S06z,l, 0S@,S06z,l, .ce@c00l;c, .ce@c00l;c,
cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] sakraththiyan
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰsɪn] thurnuthsin 0S@,S0.l, 0S@,S0.l,
cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰətʰmi:n] sakraththmîn .ce@c006", .ce@c006",
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰme:n] thurnuthmên 0S@,S06x, 0S@,S06x,
0S@,S0.S, 0S@,S0.S, cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰ.tʰi:n] sakraththîn .ce@c00", .ce@c00",
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰsʊn] thurnuthsun
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰmɛnɪ] thurnuthmeni 0S@,S06z,l 0S@,S06z,l cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰətʰmɑjɑ] sakraththmaya .ce@c006c;c .ce@c006c;c
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰsɪ] thurnuthsi 0S@,S0.l 0S@,S0.l
cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] sakraththiya .ce@c00l;c .ce@c00l;c
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰme:] thurnuthmê 0S@,S06x 0S@,S06x
cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰətʰmi:] sakraththmî .ce@c006" .ce@c006"
cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰsʊ] thurnuthsu 0S@,S0.S 0S@,S0.S

cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰe:n] thurnuthên 0S@,S0x, 0S@,S0x, cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRTh] [sɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] sakraththi .ce@c00l .ce@c00l

cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰoːn] thurnuthôn 0S@,S0n, 0S@,S0M, cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRTh] [tɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] takraththiyan 8ce@c00l;c, 8ce@c00l;c,

cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰɑɪ] thurnuthai 0S@,S0cl 0S@,S0cl cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRTh] [tɑkrɑtʰ.tʰi:n] takraththîn 8ce@c00", 8ce@c00",

cause to dare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThRN] [tʰʊrnʊtʰɑ] thurnutha 0S@,S0c 0S@,S0c cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRTh] [tɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] takraththiya 8ce@c00l;c 8ce@c00l;c

cause to dare! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThRN] [ɪtʰrɪnɪtʰi:] ithrinithî l0@l,l0" l0@l,l0" cause to decipher [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRTh] [tɑkrɑtʰ.tʰɪ] takraththi 8ce@c00l 8ce@c00l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 273 The Dwarrow Scholar 274
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰmɑ:] karthathmâ ec@0c06v ec@0c06v cause to declare! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [ɪlɡɪbɪtʰ] ilgibith larl2l0 laRl2l0

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰmɪ] karthathmi ec@0c06l ec@0c06l cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SGR] [mɑsɡɪrtʰɪ] masgirthi 6c.rl@0l 6c.Rl@0l

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] karthathmenin ec@0c06z,l, ec@0c06z,l, cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SGR] [ʌsɡɪrtʰɪ] asgirthi c.rl@0l c.Rl@0l

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰsɪn] karthathsin ec@0c0.l, ec@0c0.l, cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sɑsɡɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sasgirthmayan .c.rl@06c;c, .c.Rl@06c;c,

cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SGR] [sɑsɡɪrtʰɪjɑn] sasgirthiyan .c.rl@0l;c, .c.Rl@0l;c,
cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰme:n] karthathmên ec@0c06x, ec@0c06x,

cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sɑsɡɪrtʰmi:n] sasgirthmîn .c.rl@06", .c.Rl@06",
cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰsʊn] karthathsun ec@0c0.S, ec@0c0.S,

cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SGR] [sɑsɡɪrtʰi:n] sasgirthîn .c.rl@0", .c.Rl@0",
cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] karthathmeni ec@0c06z,l ec@0c06z,l

cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sʌsɡɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sasgirthmaya .c.rl@06c;c .c.Rl@06c;c
cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰsɪ] karthathsi ec@0c0.l ec@0c0.l

cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SGR] [sʌsɡɪrtʰɪjɑ] sasgirthiya .c.rl@0l;c .c.Rl@0l;c
cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰme:] karthathmê ec@0c06x ec@0c06x

cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sʌsɡɪrtʰmi:] sasgirthmî .c.rl@06" .c.Rl@06"
cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰsʊ] karthathsu ec@0c0.S ec@0c0.S

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰe:n] karthathên ec@0c0x, ec@0c0x, cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SGR] [sʌsɡɪrtʰɪ] sasgirthi .c.rl@0l .c.Rl@0l

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰoːn] karthathôn ec@0c0n, ec@0c0M, cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SGR] [tɑsɡɪrtʰɪjɑn] tasgirthiyan 8c.rl@0l;c, 8c.Rl@0l;c,

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰɑɪ] karthathai ec@0c0cl ec@0c0cl cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SGR] [tɑsɡɪrtʰi:n] tasgirthîn 8c.rl@0", 8c.Rl@0",

cause to decipher [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRTh] [kɑrtʰɑtʰɑ] karthatha ec@0c0c ec@0c0c cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SGR] [tʌsɡɪrtʰɪjɑ] tasgirthiya 8c.rl@0l;c 8c.Rl@0l;c

cause to decipher! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRTh] [ɪkrɪtʰɪtʰi:] ikrithithî le@l0l0" le@l0l0" cause to defeat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SGR] [tʌsɡɪrtʰɪ] tasgirthi 8c.rl@0l 8c.Rl@0l

cause to decipher! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRTh] [ɪkrɪtʰɪtʰ] ikrithith le@l0l0 le@l0l0 cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰmɑ:] sugruthmâ .Sr@S06v .SR@S06v

cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LGB] [mɑlɡɪbtʰɪ] malgibthi 6carl20l 6caRl20l cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰmɪ] sugruthmi .Sr@S06l .SR@S06l

cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LGB] [ɑlɡɪbtʰɪ] algibthi carl20l caRl20l cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰmɛnɪn] sugruthmenin .Sr@S06z,l, .SR@S06z,l,

cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰsɪn] sugruthsin .Sr@S0.l, .SR@S0.l,
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbətʰmɑjɑn] salgibthmayan .carl206c;c, .caRl206c;c,
cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰme:n] sugruthmên .Sr@S06x, .SR@S06x,
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbtʰɪjɑn] salgibthiyan .carl20l;c, .caRl20l;c,
cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰsʊn] sugruthsun .Sr@S0.S, .SR@S0.S,
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbətʰmi:n] salgibthmîn .carl206", .caRl206", cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰmɛnɪ] sugruthmeni .Sr@S06z,l .SR@S06z,l

.carl20", .caRl20", cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰsɪ] sugruthsi .Sr@S0.l .SR@S0.l
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbtʰi:n] salgibthîn
cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰme:] sugruthmê .Sr@S06x .SR@S06x
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbətʰmɑjɑ] salgibthmaya .carl206c;c .caRl206c;c
cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰsʊ] sugruthsu .Sr@S0.S .SR@S0.S
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbtʰɪjɑ] salgibthiya .carl20l;c .caRl20l;c .Sr@S0x, .SR@S0x,
cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰe:n] sugruthên
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbətʰmi:] salgibthmî .carl206" .caRl206" cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰoːn] sugruthôn .Sr@S0n, .SR@S0M,

cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰɑɪ] sugruthai .Sr@S0cl .SR@S0cl
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LGB] [sɑlɡɪbtʰɪ] salgibthi .carl20l .caRl20l
cause to defeat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SGR] [sʊɡrʊtʰɑ] sugrutha .Sr@S0c .SR@S0c
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LGB] [tɑlɡɪbtʰɪjɑn] talgibthiyan 8carl20l;c, 8caRl20l;c,
cause to defeat! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SGR] [ɪsɡɪrɪtʰi:] isgirithî l.rl@l0" l.Rl@l0"
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LGB] [tɑlɡɪbtʰi:n] talgibthîn 8carl20", 8caRl20",
cause to defeat! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SGR] [ɪsɡɪrɪtʰ] isgirith l.rl@l0 l.Rl@l0
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LGB] [tɑlɡɪbtʰɪjɑ] talgibthiya 8carl20l;c 8caRl20l;c
cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔMKh] [mɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪ] ma'makhthi 6cg6ceV0l 6cg6ct0l
cause to declare [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LGB] [tɑlɡɪbtʰɪ] talgibthi 8carl20l 8caRl20l
cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔMKh] [ɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪ] a'makhthi cg6ceV0l cg6ct0l
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰmɑ:] lugbuthmâ aSr2S06v aSR2S06v
cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sa'makhthmayan .cg6ceV06c;c, .cg6ct06c;c,
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰmɪ] lugbuthmi aSr2S06l aSR2S06l
cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] sa'makhthiyan .cg6ceV0l;c, .cg6ct0l;c,
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰmɛnɪn] lugbuthmenin aSr2S06z,l, aSR2S06z,l,

cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰsɪn] lugbuthsin aSr2S0.l, aSR2S0.l, cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰətʰmi:n] sa'makhthmîn .cg6ceV06", .cg6ct06",

cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰme:n] lugbuthmên aSr2S06x, aSR2S06x, .cg6ceV0", .cg6ct0",
cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰtʰi:n] sa'makhthîn
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰsʊn] lugbuthsun aSr2S0.S, aSR2S0.S,
cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sa'makhthmaya .cg6ceV06c;c .cg6ct06c;c
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰmɛnɪ] lugbuthmeni aSr2S06z,l aSR2S06z,l
aSr2S0.l aSR2S0.l cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] sa'makhthiya .cg6ceV0l;c .cg6ct0l;c
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰsɪ] lugbuthsi
aSr2S06x aSR2S06x cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰətʰmi:] sa'makhthmî .cg6ceV06" .cg6ct06"
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰme:] lugbuthmê
aSr2S0.S aSR2S0.S cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔMKh] [sɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪ] sa'makhthi .cg6ceV0l .cg6ct0l
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰsʊ] lugbuthsu
aSr2S0x, aSR2S0x, cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔMKh] [tɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] ta'makhthiyan 8cg6ceV0l;c, 8cg6ct0l;c,
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰe:n] lugbuthên
aSr2S0n, aSR2S0M, cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔMKh] [tɑʔmɑkʰtʰi:n] ta'makhthîn 8cg6ceV0", 8cg6ct0",
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰoːn] lugbuthôn
aSr2S0cl aSR2S0cl cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔMKh] [tɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] ta'makhthiya 8cg6ceV0l;c 8cg6ct0l;c
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰɑɪ] lugbuthai
aSr2S0c aSR2S0c cause to defy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔMKh] [tɑʔmɑkʰtʰɪ] ta'makhthi 8cg6ceV0l 8cg6ct0l
cause to declare [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LGB] [lʊɡbʊtʰɑ] lugbutha
larl2l0" laRl2l0" cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰmɑ:] 'amkhathmâ gc6eVc06v gc6tc06v
cause to declare! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LGB] [ɪlɡɪbɪtʰi:] ilgibithî

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰmɪ] 'amkhathmi gc6eVc06l gc6tc06l
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sagbakthmayan .cr2ce06c;c, .cR2ce06c;c,
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'amkhathmenin gc6eVc06z,l, gc6tc06z,l,
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑktʰɪjɑn] sagbakthiyan .cr2ce0l;c, .cR2ce0l;c,
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰsɪn] 'amkhathsin gc6eVc0.l, gc6tc0.l,

cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰme:n] 'amkhathmên gc6eVc06x, gc6tc06x, cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑkətʰmi:n] sagbakthmîn .cr2ce06", .cR2ce06",

cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰsʊn] 'amkhathsun gc6eVc0.S, gc6tc0.S, .cr2ce0", .cR2ce0",
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑktʰi:n] sagbakthîn
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'amkhathmeni gc6eVc06z,l gc6tc06z,l
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sagbakthmaya .cr2ce06c;c .cR2ce06c;c
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰsɪ] 'amkhathsi gc6eVc0.l gc6tc0.l
gc6eVc06x gc6tc06x cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑktʰɪjɑ] sagbakthiya .cr2ce0l;c .cR2ce0l;c
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰme:] 'amkhathmê
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰsʊ] 'amkhathsu gc6eVc0.S gc6tc0.S cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑkətʰmi:] sagbakthmî .cr2ce06" .cR2ce06"
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰe:n] 'amkhathên gc6eVc0x, gc6tc0x,
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GBK] [sɑɡbɑktʰɪ] sagbakthi .cr2ce0l .cR2ce0l
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰoːn] 'amkhathôn gc6eVc0n, gc6tc0M,
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GBK] [tɑɡbɑktʰɪjɑn] tagbakthiyan 8cr2ce0l;c, 8cR2ce0l;c,
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰɑɪ] 'amkhathai gc6eVc0cl gc6tc0cl
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GBK] [tɑɡbɑktʰi:n] tagbakthîn 8cr2ce0", 8cR2ce0",
cause to defy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔMKh] [ʔɑmkʰɑtʰɑ] 'amkhatha gc6eVc0c gc6tc0c
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GBK] [tɑɡbɑktʰɪjɑ] tagbakthiya 8cr2ce0l;c 8cR2ce0l;c
cause to defy! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔMKh] [ɪʔmɪkʰɪtʰi:] i'mikhithî lg6leVl0" lg6ltl0"
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GBK] [tɑɡbɑktʰɪ] tagbakthi 8cr2ce0l 8cR2ce0l
cause to defy! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔMKh] [ɪʔmɪkʰɪtʰ] i'mikhith lg6leVl0 lg6ltl0
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰmɑ:] gabkathmâ rc2ec06v Rc2ec06v
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GLTh] [mɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪ] magliththi 6cral00l 6cRal00l
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰmɪ] gabkathmi rc2ec06l Rc2ec06l
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GLTh] [ɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪ] agliththi cral00l cRal00l
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰmɛnɪn] gabkathmenin rc2ec06z,l, Rc2ec06z,l,
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰətʰmɑjɑn] sagliththmayan .cral006c;c, .cRal006c;c, cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰsɪn] gabkathsin rc2ec0.l, Rc2ec0.l,

.cral00l;c, .cRal00l;c, cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰme:n] gabkathmên rc2ec06x, Rc2ec06x,
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] sagliththiyan
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰsʊn] gabkathsun rc2ec0.S, Rc2ec0.S,
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰətʰmi:n] sagliththmîn .cral006", .cRal006",
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰmɛnɪ] gabkathmeni rc2ec06z,l Rc2ec06z,l
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰi:n] sagliththîn .cral00", .cRal00",
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰsɪ] gabkathsi rc2ec0.l Rc2ec0.l
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰətʰmɑjɑ] sagliththmaya .cral006c;c .cRal006c;c
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰme:] gabkathmê rc2ec06x Rc2ec06x
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] sagliththiya .cral00l;c .cRal00l;c
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰsʊ] gabkathsu rc2ec0.S Rc2ec0.S
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰətʰmi:] sagliththmî .cral006" .cRal006"
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰe:n] gabkathên rc2ec0x, Rc2ec0x,
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GLTh] [sɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪ] sagliththi .cral00l .cRal00l rc2ec0n, Rc2ec0M,
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰoːn] gabkathôn
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GLTh] [tɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tagliththiyan 8cral00l;c, 8cRal00l;c, rc2ec0cl Rc2ec0cl
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰɑɪ] gabkathai
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GLTh] [tɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰi:n] tagliththîn 8cral00", 8cRal00", rc2ec0c Rc2ec0c
cause to demand [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GBK] [ɡɑbkɑtʰɑ] gabkatha
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GLTh] [tɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tagliththiya 8cral00l;c 8cRal00l;c lr2lel0" lR2lel0"
cause to demand! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GBK] [ɪɡbɪkɪtʰi:] igbikithî
cause to delight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GLTh] [tɑɡlɪtʰ.tʰɪ] tagliththi 8cral00l 8cRal00l lr2lel0 lR2lel0
cause to demand! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GBK] [ɪɡbɪkɪtʰ] igbikith
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰmɑ:] galthathmâ rca0c06v Rca0c06v 6c22c00l 6c22c00l
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BBTh] [mɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪ] mabbaththi
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰmɪ] galthathmi rca0c06l Rca0c06l c22c00l c22c00l
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BBTh] [ɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪ] abbaththi
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] galthathmenin rca0c06z,l, Rca0c06z,l, .c22c006c;c, .c22c006c;c,
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰətʰmɑjɑn] sabbaththmayan
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰsɪn] galthathsin rca0c0.l, Rca0c0.l, .c22c00l;c, .c22c00l;c,
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] sabbaththiyan
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰme:n] galthathmên rca0c06x, Rca0c06x,
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰətʰmi:n] sabbaththmîn .c22c006", .c22c006",
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰsʊn] galthathsun rca0c0.S, Rca0c0.S,
rca0c06z,l Rca0c06z,l cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰi:n] sabbaththîn .c22c00", .c22c00",
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] galthathmeni
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰsɪ] galthathsi rca0c0.l Rca0c0.l cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰətʰmɑjɑ] sabbaththmaya .c22c006c;c .c22c006c;c

cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰme:] galthathmê rca0c06x Rca0c06x cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] sabbaththiya .c22c00l;c .c22c00l;c

cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰsʊ] galthathsu rca0c0.S Rca0c0.S cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰətʰmi:] sabbaththmî .c22c006" .c22c006"
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰe:n] galthathên rca0c0x, Rca0c0x,
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BBTh] [sɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪ] sabbaththi .c22c00l .c22c00l
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰoːn] galthathôn rca0c0n, Rca0c0M,
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BBTh] [tɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tabbaththiyan 8c22c00l;c, 8c22c00l;c,
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰɑɪ] galthathai rca0c0cl Rca0c0cl
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BBTh] [tɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰi:n] tabbaththîn 8c22c00", 8c22c00",
cause to delight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GLTh] [ɡɑltʰɑtʰɑ] galthatha rca0c0c Rca0c0c
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BBTh] [tɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tabbaththiya 8c22c00l;c 8c22c00l;c
cause to delight! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GLTh] [ɪɡlɪtʰɪtʰi:] iglithithî lral0l0" lRal0l0"
cause to deny [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BBTh] [tɑb.bɑtʰ.tʰɪ] tabbaththi 8c22c00l 8c22c00l
cause to delight! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GLTh] [ɪɡlɪtʰɪtʰ] iglithith lral0l0 lRal0l0
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰmɑ:] babthathmâ 2c20c06v 2c20c06v
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GBK] [mɑɡbɑktʰɪ] magbakthi 6cr2ce0l 6cR2ce0l
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰmɪ] babthathmi 2c20c06l 2c20c06l
cause to demand [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GBK] [ɑɡbɑktʰɪ] agbakthi cr2ce0l cR2ce0l
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] babthathmenin 2c20c06z,l, 2c20c06z,l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 277 The Dwarrow Scholar 278
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰsɪn] babthathsin 2c20c0.l, 2c20c0.l,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRF] [sɑbrɑftʰɪjɑn] sabrafthiyan .c2@c30l;c, .c2@c30l;c,
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰme:n] babthathmên 2c20c06x, 2c20c06x,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c2@c306", .c2@c306",
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰsʊn] babthathsun 2c20c0.S, 2c20c0.S, [sɑbrɑftʰmi:n] sabrafthmîn
(contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] babthathmeni 2c20c06z,l 2c20c06z,l
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRF] [sɑbrɑftʰi:n] sabrafthîn .c2@c30", .c2@c30",
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰsɪ] babthathsi 2c20c0.l 2c20c0.l

cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰme:] babthathmê 2c20c06x 2c20c06x cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c2@c306c;c .c2@c306c;c
[sɑbrʌftʰmɑjɑ] sabrafthmaya
(contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰsʊ] babthathsu 2c20c0.S 2c20c0.S
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRF] [sɑbrʌftʰɪjɑ] sabrafthiya .c2@c30l;c .c2@c30l;c
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰe:n] babthathên 2c20c0x, 2c20c0x,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c2@c306" .c2@c306"
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰoːn] babthathôn 2c20c0n, 2c20c0M, [sɑbrʌftʰmi:] sabrafthmî
(contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰɑɪ] babthathai 2c20c0cl 2c20c0cl cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRF] [sɑbrʌftʰɪ] sabrafthi .c2@c30l .c2@c30l

cause to deny [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BBTh] [bɑbtʰɑtʰɑ] babthatha 2c20c0c 2c20c0c cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRF] [tɑbrɑftʰɪjɑn] tabrafthiyan 8c2@c30l;c, 8c2@c30l;c,

cause to deny! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BBTh] [ɪb.bɪtʰɪtʰi:] ibbithithî l22l0l0" l22l0l0" cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRF] [tɑbrɑftʰi:n] tabrafthîn 8c2@c30", 8c2@c30",

cause to deny! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BBTh] [ɪb.bɪtʰɪtʰ] ibbithith l22l0l0 l22l0l0 cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRF] [tɑbrʌftʰɪjɑ] tabrafthiya 8c2@c30l;c 8c2@c30l;c

cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [YMR] [me:mɑrtʰɪ] mêmarthi 6x6c@0l 6x6c@0l
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRF] [tɑbrʌftʰɪ] tabrafthi 8c2@c30l 8c2@c30l
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [YMR] [e:mɑrtʰɪ] êmarthi x6c@0l x6c@0l
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰmɑ:] burfuthmâ 2S@3S06v 2S@3S06v
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sêmarthmayan .x6c@06c;c, .x6c@06c;c,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰmɪ] burfuthmi 2S@3S06l 2S@3S06l
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰɪjɑn] sêmarthiyan .x6c@0l;c, .x6c@0l;c,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2S@3S06z,l, 2S@3S06z,l,
.x6c@06", .x6c@06",
[bʊrfʊtʰmɛnɪn] burfuthmenin
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰmi:n] sêmarthmîn [BRF]
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰsɪn] burfuthsin 2S@3S0.l, 2S@3S0.l,
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰi:n] sêmarthîn .x6c@0", .x6c@0",
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful 2S@3S06x, 2S@3S06x,
.x6c@06c;c .x6c@06c;c
[bʊrfʊtʰme:n] burfuthmên
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sêmarthmaya (contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰsʊn] burfuthsun 2S@3S0.S, 2S@3S0.S,
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰɪjɑ] sêmarthiya .x6c@0l;c .x6c@0l;c
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful 2S@3S06z,l 2S@3S06z,l
.x6c@06" .x6c@06"
[bʊrfʊtʰmɛnɪ] burfuthmeni
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰmi:] sêmarthmî (contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰsɪ] burfuthsi 2S@3S0.l 2S@3S0.l
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YMR] [se:mɑrtʰɪ] sêmarthi .x6c@0l .x6c@0l
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful 2S@3S06x 2S@3S06x
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YMR] [te:mɑrtʰɪjɑn] têmarthiyan 8x6c@0l;c, 8x6c@0l;c, [bʊrfʊtʰme:] burfuthmê
(contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YMR] [te:mɑrtʰi:n] têmarthîn 8x6c@0", 8x6c@0", 2S@3S0.S 2S@3S0.S
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰsʊ] burfuthsu
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YMR] [te:mɑrtʰɪjɑ] têmarthiya 8x6c@0l;c 8x6c@0l;c 2S@3S0x, 2S@3S0x,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰe:n] burfuthên
cause to depart [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YMR] [te:mɑrtʰɪ] têmarthi 8x6c@0l 8x6c@0l 2S@3S0n, 2S@3S0M,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰoːn] burfuthôn
cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰmɑ:] yamrathmâ ;c6@c06v ;c6@c06v 2S@3S0cl 2S@3S0cl
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰɑɪ] burfuthai
cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰmɪ] yamrathmi ;c6@c06l ;c6@c06l
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BRF] [bʊrfʊtʰɑ] burfutha 2S@3S0c 2S@3S0c
cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰmɛnɪn] yamrathmenin ;c6@c06z,l, ;c6@c06z,l,

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰsɪn] yamrathsin ;c6@c0.l, ;c6@c0.l, cause to descend (ancestral derivation)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [ɪbrɪfɪtʰi:] ibrifithî l2@l3l0" l2@l3l0"

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰme:n] yamrathmên ;c6@c06x, ;c6@c06x, cause to descend (ancestral derivation)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BRF] [ɪbrɪfɪtʰ] ibrifith l2@l3l0 l2@l3l0

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰsʊn] yamrathsun ;c6@c0.S, ;c6@c0.S, cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLKh] [mɑslɑkʰtʰɪ] maslakhthi 6c.aceV0l 6c.act0l

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰmɛnɪ] yamrathmeni ;c6@c06z,l ;c6@c06z,l cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLKh] [ʌslɑkʰtʰɪ] aslakhthi c.aceV0l c.act0l

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰsɪ] yamrathsi ;c6@c0.l ;c6@c0.l cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sɑslɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] saslakhthmayan .c.aceV06c;c, .c.act06c;c,

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰme:] yamrathmê ;c6@c06x ;c6@c06x cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLKh] [sɑslɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] saslakhthiyan .c.aceV0l;c, .c.act0l;c,

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰsʊ] yamrathsu ;c6@c0.S ;c6@c0.S cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sɑslɑkʰətʰmi:n] saslakhthmîn .c.aceV06", .c.act06",
cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰe:n] yamrathên ;c6@c0x, ;c6@c0x,
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLKh] [sɑslɑkʰtʰi:n] saslakhthîn .c.aceV0", .c.act0",
cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰoːn] yamrathôn ;c6@c0n, ;c6@c0M,
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sʌslɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] saslakhthmaya .c.aceV06c;c .c.act06c;c
cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰɑɪ] yamrathai ;c6@c0cl ;c6@c0cl

cause to depart [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YMR] [jɑmrɑtʰɑ] yamratha ;c6@c0c ;c6@c0c cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLKh] [sʌslɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] saslakhthiya .c.aceV0l;c .c.act0l;c
cause to depart! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YMR] [mɪrɪtʰi:] mirithî 6l@l0" 6l@l0"
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sʌslɑkʰətʰmi:] saslakhthmî .c.aceV06" .c.act06"
cause to depart! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YMR] [i:mɪrɪtʰ] îmirith "6l@l0 "6l@l0
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLKh] [sʌslɑkʰtʰɪ] saslakhthi .c.aceV0l .c.act0l
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BRF] [mɑbrɑftʰɪ] mabrafthi 6c2@c30l 6c2@c30l
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLKh] [tɑslɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] taslakhthiyan 8c.aceV0l;c, 8c.act0l;c,
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BRF] [ɑbrʌftʰɪ] abrafthi c2@c30l c2@c30l
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLKh] [tɑslɑkʰtʰi:n] taslakhthîn 8c.aceV0", 8c.act0",
cause to descend (ancestral derivation) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .c2@c306c;c, .c2@c306c;c,
[sɑbrɑftʰmɑjɑn] sabrafthmayan cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLKh] [tʌslɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] taslakhthiya 8c.aceV0l;c 8c.act0l;c
(contemptuous)] [BRF]
cause to desolate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLKh] [tʌslɑkʰtʰɪ] taslakhthi 8c.aceV0l 8c.act0l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 279 The Dwarrow Scholar 280

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cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰmɑ:] salkhathmâ .caeVc06v .catc06v cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[sɑɡnɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sagnadthmayan .cr,c906c;c, .cR,c906c;c,
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰmɪ] salkhathmi .caeVc06l .catc06l (contemptuous)] [GND]
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] salkhathmenin .caeVc06z,l, .catc06z,l, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GND] [sɑɡnɑdtʰɪjɑn] sagnadthiyan .cr,c90l;c, .cR,c90l;c,

cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰsɪn] salkhathsin .caeVc0.l, .catc0.l, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑɡnɑdtʰmi:n] sagnadthmîn .cr,c906", .cR,c906",
.caeVc06x, .catc06x, (contemptuous)] [GND]
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰme:n] salkhathmên
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GND] [sɑɡnɑdtʰi:n] sagnadthîn .cr,c90", .cR,c90",
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰsʊn] salkhathsun .caeVc0.S, .catc0.S,
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .cr,c906c;c .cR,c906c;c
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] salkhathmeni .caeVc06z,l .catc06z,l [sɑɡnɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sagnadthmaya
(contemptuous)] [GND]
.caeVc0.l .catc0.l cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GND] [sɑɡnɑdtʰɪjɑ] sagnadthiya .cr,c90l;c .cR,c90l;c
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰsɪ] salkhathsi
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .cr,c906" .cR,c906"
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰme:] salkhathmê .caeVc06x .catc06x [sɑɡnɑdtʰmi:] sagnadthmî
(contemptuous)] [GND]
.caeVc0.S .catc0.S cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GND] [sɑɡnɑdtʰɪ] sagnadthi .cr,c90l .cR,c90l
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰsʊ] salkhathsu
.caeVc0x, .catc0x, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GND] [tɑɡnɑdtʰɪjɑn] tagnadthiyan 8cr,c90l;c, 8cR,c90l;c,
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰe:n] salkhathên
.caeVc0n, .catc0M, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GND] [tɑɡnɑdtʰi:n] tagnadthîn 8cr,c90", 8cR,c90",
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰoːn] salkhathôn
.caeVc0cl .catc0cl cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GND] [tɑɡnɑdtʰɪjɑ] tagnadthiya 8cr,c90l;c 8cR,c90l;c
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰɑɪ] salkhathai
cause to desolate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLKh] [sɑlkʰɑtʰɑ] salkhatha .caeVc0c .catc0c cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GND] [tɑɡnɑdtʰɪ] tagnadthi 8cr,c90l 8cR,c90l
cause to desolate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLKh] [ɪslɪkʰɪtʰi:] islikhithî l.aleVl0" l.altl0"
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰmɑ:] gunduthmâ rSdS06v RSdS06v
cause to desolate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLKh] [ɪslɪkʰɪtʰ] islikhith l.aleVl0 l.altl0
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰmɪ] gunduthmi rSdS06l RSdS06l
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MRD] [mɑmrɑdtʰɪ] mamradthi 6c6@c90l 6c6@c90l
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful rSdS06z,l, RSdS06z,l,
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MRD] [ɑmrɑdtʰɪ] amradthi c6@c90l c6@c90l [ɡʊndʊtʰmɛnɪn] gunduthmenin
(contemptuous)] [GND]
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰmɑjɑn] samradthmayan .c6@c906c;c, .c6@c906c;c, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰsɪn] gunduthsin rSdS0.l, RSdS0.l,

cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰɪjɑn] samradthiyan .c6@c90l;c, .c6@c90l;c, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[ɡʊndʊtʰme:n] gunduthmên rSdS06x, RSdS06x,
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰmi:n] samradthmîn .c6@c906", .c6@c906", (contemptuous)] [GND]
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰi:n] samradthîn .c6@c90", .c6@c90", cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰsʊn] gunduthsun rSdS0.S, RSdS0.S,

cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰmɑjɑ] samradthmaya .c6@c906c;c .c6@c906c;c cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[ɡʊndʊtʰmɛnɪ] gunduthmeni rSdS06z,l RSdS06z,l
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰɪjɑ] samradthiya .c6@c90l;c .c6@c90l;c (contemptuous)] [GND]
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰsɪ] gunduthsi rSdS0.l RSdS0.l
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰmi:] samradthmî .c6@c906" .c6@c906"
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful rSdS06x RSdS06x
[ɡʊndʊtʰme:] gunduthmê
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MRD] [sɑmrɑdtʰɪ] samradthi .c6@c90l .c6@c90l (contemptuous)] [GND]
cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MRD] [tɑmrɑdtʰɪjɑn] tamradthiyan 8c6@c90l;c, 8c6@c90l;c, cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰsʊ] gunduthsu rSdS0.S RSdS0.S

cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MRD] [tɑmrɑdtʰi:n] tamradthîn 8c6@c90", 8c6@c90", cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰe:n] gunduthên rSdS0x, RSdS0x,

cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MRD] [tɑmrɑdtʰɪjɑ] tamradthiya 8c6@c90l;c 8c6@c90l;c cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰoːn] gunduthôn rSdS0n, RSdS0M,

cause to die [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MRD] [tɑmrɑdtʰɪ] tamradthi 8c6@c90l 8c6@c90l cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰɑɪ] gunduthai rSdS0cl RSdS0cl

cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰmɑ:] murduthmâ 6S@9S06v 6S@9S06v cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GND] [ɡʊndʊtʰɑ] gundutha rSdS0c RSdS0c
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰmɪ] murduthmi 6S@9S06l 6S@9S06l
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GND] [ɪɡnɪdɪtʰi:] ignidithî lr,l9l0" lR,l9l0"
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰmɛnɪn] murduthmenin 6S@9S06z,l, 6S@9S06z,l,
cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GND] [ɪɡnɪdɪtʰ] ignidith lr,l9l0 lR,l9l0
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰsɪn] murduthsin 6S@9S0.l, 6S@9S0.l,
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔKhT] [mɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪ] ma'khatthi 6cgeVc80l 6cgtc80l
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰme:n] murduthmên 6S@9S06x, 6S@9S06x,
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔKhT] [ɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪ] a'khatthi cgeVc80l cgtc80l
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰsʊn] murduthsun 6S@9S0.S, 6S@9S0.S,
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sa'khatthmayan .cgeVc806c;c, .cgtc806c;c,
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰmɛnɪ] murduthmeni 6S@9S06z,l 6S@9S06z,l

cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰsɪ] murduthsi 6S@9S0.l 6S@9S0.l cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sa'khatthiyan .cgeVc80l;c, .cgtc80l;c,

cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰme:] murduthmê 6S@9S06x 6S@9S06x
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑtətʰmi:n] sa'khatthmîn .cgeVc806", .cgtc806",
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰsʊ] murduthsu 6S@9S0.S 6S@9S0.S
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑt.tʰi:n] sa'khatthîn .cgeVc80", .cgtc80",
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰe:n] murduthên 6S@9S0x, 6S@9S0x,

cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰoːn] murduthôn 6S@9S0n, 6S@9S0M, cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sa'khatthmaya .cgeVc806c;c .cgtc806c;c

cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰɑɪ] murduthai 6S@9S0cl 6S@9S0cl .cgeVc80l;c .cgtc80l;c
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sa'khatthiya
cause to die [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MRD] [mʊrdʊtʰɑ] murdutha 6S@9S0c 6S@9S0c
cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑtətʰmi:] sa'khatthmî .cgeVc806" .cgtc806"
cause to die! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRD] [ɪmrɪdɪtʰi:] imridithî l6@l9l0" l6@l9l0"

cause to die! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRD] [ɪmrɪdɪtʰ] imridith l6@l9l0 l6@l9l0 cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔKhT] [sɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪ] sa'khatthi .cgeVc80l .cgtc80l

cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GND] [mɑɡnɑdtʰɪ] magnadthi 6cr,c90l 6cR,c90l cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔKhT] [tɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪjɑn] ta'khatthiyan 8cgeVc80l;c, 8cgtc80l;c,

cause to dig (cause to excivate / to delve) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GND] [ɑɡnɑdtʰɪ] agnadthi cr,c90l cR,c90l cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔKhT] [tɑʔkʰɑt.tʰi:n] ta'khatthîn 8cgeVc80", 8cgtc80",

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔKhT] [tɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪjɑ] ta'khatthiya 8cgeVc80l;c 8cgtc80l;c cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰɑɪ] butkhuthai 2S8eVS0cl 2S8tS0cl

cause to dig down [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔKhT] [tɑʔkʰɑt.tʰɪ] ta'khatthi 8cgeVc80l 8cgtc80l cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰɑ] butkhutha 2S8eVS0c 2S8tS0c

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰmɑ:] 'akhtathmâ gceV8c06v gct8c06v cause to disagree! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BTKh] [ɪbtɪkʰɪtʰi:] ibtikhithî l28leVl0" l28ltl0"

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰmɪ] 'akhtathmi gceV8c06l gct8c06l cause to disagree! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BTKh] [ɪbtɪkʰɪtʰ] ibtikhith l28leVl0 l28ltl0

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'akhtathmenin gceV8c06z,l, gct8c06z,l, cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BN] [mɑbɪntʰɪ] mabinthi 6c2l,0l 6c2l,0l

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰsɪn] 'akhtathsin gceV8c0.l, gct8c0.l, cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BN] [ɑbɪntʰɪ] abinthi c2l,0l c2l,0l

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰme:n] 'akhtathmên gceV8c06x, gct8c06x, cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰmɑjɑn] sabinthmayan .c2l,06c;c, .c2l,06c;c,

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰsʊn] 'akhtathsun gceV8c0.S, gct8c0.S, cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰɪjɑn] sabinthiyan .c2l,0l;c, .c2l,0l;c,

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'akhtathmeni gceV8c06z,l gct8c06z,l cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰmi:n] sabinthmîn .c2l,06", .c2l,06",

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰsɪ] 'akhtathsi gceV8c0.l gct8c0.l cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰi:n] sabinthîn .c2l,0", .c2l,0",

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰme:] 'akhtathmê gceV8c06x gct8c06x cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰmɑjɑ] sabinthmaya .c2l,06c;c .c2l,06c;c

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰsʊ] 'akhtathsu gceV8c0.S gct8c0.S cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰɪjɑ] sabinthiya .c2l,0l;c .c2l,0l;c

cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰe:n] 'akhtathên gceV8c0x, gct8c0x,
cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰmi:] sabinthmî .c2l,06" .c2l,06"
cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰoːn] 'akhtathôn gceV8c0n, gct8c0M,
cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BN] [sɑbɪntʰɪ] sabinthi .c2l,0l .c2l,0l
cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰɑɪ] 'akhtathai gceV8c0cl gct8c0cl
cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BN] [tɑbɪntʰɪjɑn] tabinthiyan 8c2l,0l;c, 8c2l,0l;c,
cause to dig down [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔKhT] [ʔɑkʰtɑtʰɑ] 'akhtatha gceV8c0c gct8c0c
cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BN] [tɑbɪntʰi:n] tabinthîn 8c2l,0", 8c2l,0",
cause to dig down! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhT] [ɪʔkʰɪtɪtʰi:] i'khitithî lgeVl8l0" lgtl8l0"
cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BN] [tɑbɪntʰɪjɑ] tabinthiya 8c2l,0l;c 8c2l,0l;c
cause to dig down! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔKhT] [ɪʔkʰɪtɪtʰ] i'khitith lgeVl8l0 lgtl8l0
cause to disappoint [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BN] [tɑbɪntʰɪ] tabinthi 8c2l,0l 8c2l,0l
cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BTKh] [mɑbtɪkʰtʰɪ] mabtikhthi 6c28leV0l 6c28lt0l
cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰmɑ:] banathmâ 2c,c06v 2c,c06v
cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BTKh] [ɑbtɪkʰtʰɪ] abtikhthi c28leV0l c28lt0l
cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰmɪ] banathmi 2c,c06l 2c,c06l
cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sabtikhthmayan .c28leV06c;c, .c28lt06c;c,
cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰmɛnɪn] banathmenin 2c,c06z,l, 2c,c06z,l,

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] sabtikhthiyan .c28leV0l;c, .c28lt0l;c, cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰsɪn] banathsin 2c,c0.l, 2c,c0.l,

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰətʰmi:n] sabtikhthmîn .c28leV06", .c28lt06", cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰme:n] banathmên 2c,c06x, 2c,c06x,

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰtʰi:n] sabtikhthîn .c28leV0", .c28lt0", cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰsʊn] banathsun 2c,c0.S, 2c,c0.S,

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sabtikhthmaya .c28leV06c;c .c28lt06c;c cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰmɛnɪ] banathmeni 2c,c06z,l 2c,c06z,l

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] sabtikhthiya .c28leV0l;c .c28lt0l;c cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰsɪ] banathsi 2c,c0.l 2c,c0.l

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰətʰmi:] sabtikhthmî .c28leV06" .c28lt06" cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰme:] banathmê 2c,c06x 2c,c06x

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BTKh] [sɑbtɪkʰtʰɪ] sabtikhthi .c28leV0l .c28lt0l cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰsʊ] banathsu 2c,c0.S 2c,c0.S

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BTKh] [tɑbtɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] tabtikhthiyan 8c28leV0l;c, 8c28lt0l;c, cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰe:n] banathên 2c,c0x, 2c,c0x,

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BTKh] [tɑbtɪkʰtʰi:n] tabtikhthîn 8c28leV0", 8c28lt0", cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰoːn] banathôn 2c,c0n, 2c,c0M,

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BTKh] [tɑbtɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] tabtikhthiya 8c28leV0l;c 8c28lt0l;c cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰɑɪ] banathai 2c,c0cl 2c,c0cl

cause to disagree [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BTKh] [tɑbtɪkʰtʰɪ] tabtikhthi 8c28leV0l 8c28lt0l cause to disappoint [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BN] [bɑnɑtʰɑ] banatha 2c,c0c 2c,c0c

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰmɑ:] butkhuthmâ 2S8eVS06v 2S8tS06v cause to disappoint! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BN] [ɪbnɪtʰi:] ibnithî l2,l0" l2,l0"

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰmɪ] butkhuthmi 2S8eVS06l 2S8tS06l cause to disappoint! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BN] [ɪbni:tʰ] ibnîth l2,"0 l2,"0

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] butkhuthmenin 2S8eVS06z,l, 2S8tS06z,l, cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [STG] [mɑstɪɡtʰɪ] mastigthi 6c.8lr0l 6c.8lR0l

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰsɪn] butkhuthsin 2S8eVS0.l, 2S8tS0.l, cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [STG] [ʌstɪɡtʰɪ] astigthi c.8lr0l c.8lR0l

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰme:n] butkhuthmên 2S8eVS06x, 2S8tS06x, cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sɑstɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sastigthmayan .c.8lr06c;c, .c.8lR06c;c,

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰsʊn] butkhuthsun 2S8eVS0.S, 2S8tS0.S, cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STG] [sɑstɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sastigthiyan .c.8lr0l;c, .c.8lR0l;c,

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] butkhuthmeni 2S8eVS06z,l 2S8tS06z,l cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sɑstɪɡtʰmi:n] sastigthmîn .c.8lr06", .c.8lR06",

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰsɪ] butkhuthsi 2S8eVS0.l 2S8tS0.l cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STG] [sɑstɪɡtʰi:n] sastigthîn .c.8lr0", .c.8lR0",

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰme:] butkhuthmê 2S8eVS06x 2S8tS06x cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sʌstɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sastigthmaya .c.8lr06c;c .c.8lR06c;c

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰsʊ] butkhuthsu 2S8eVS0.S 2S8tS0.S cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STG] [sʌstɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sastigthiya .c.8lr0l;c .c.8lR0l;c

cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰe:n] butkhuthên 2S8eVS0x, 2S8tS0x,
cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sʌstɪɡtʰmi:] sastigthmî .c.8lr06" .c.8lR06"
cause to disagree [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BTKh] [bʊtkʰʊtʰoːn] butkhuthôn 2S8eVS0n, 2S8tS0M,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 283 The Dwarrow Scholar 284

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STG] [sʌstɪɡtʰɪ] sastigthi .c.8lr0l .c.8lR0l cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰe:n] rukhsuthên @SeV.S0x, @St.S0x,

cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STG] [tɑstɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tastigthiyan 8c.8lr0l;c, 8c.8lR0l;c, cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰoːn] rukhsuthôn @SeV.S0n, @St.S0M,

cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STG] [tɑstɪɡtʰi:n] tastigthîn 8c.8lr0", 8c.8lR0", cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰɑɪ] rukhsuthai @SeV.S0cl @St.S0cl

cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STG] [tʌstɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tastigthiya 8c.8lr0l;c 8c.8lR0l;c cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰɑ] rukhsutha @SeV.S0c @St.S0c

cause to disfigure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STG] [tʌstɪɡtʰɪ] tastigthi 8c.8lr0l 8c.8lR0l cause to disgust! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RKhS] [ɪrkʰɪsɪtʰi:] irkhisithî l@eVl.l0" l@tl.l0"

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰmɑ:] satgathmâ .c8rc06v .c8Rc06v cause to disgust! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RKhS] [ɪrkʰɪsɪtʰ] irkhisith l@eVl.l0 l@tl.l0

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰmɪ] satgathmi .c8rc06l .c8Rc06l cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRK] [mɑhrɑktʰɪ] mahrakthi 6cf@ce0l 6cf@ce0l

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] satgathmenin .c8rc06z,l, .c8Rc06z,l, cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRK] [ʌhrɑktʰɪ] ahrakthi cf@ce0l cf@ce0l

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰsɪn] satgathsin .c8rc0.l, .c8Rc0.l,
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [sɑhrɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sahrakthmayan .cf@ce06c;c, .cf@ce06c;c,

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰme:n] satgathmên .c8rc06x, .c8Rc06x,
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRK] [sɑhrɑktʰɪjɑn] sahrakthiyan .cf@ce0l;c, .cf@ce0l;c,

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰsʊn] satgathsun .c8rc0.S, .c8Rc0.S,
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [sɑhrɑkətʰmi:n] sahrakthmîn .cf@ce06", .cf@ce06",

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] satgathmeni .c8rc06z,l .c8Rc06z,l
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRK] [sɑhrɑktʰi:n] sahrakthîn .cf@ce0", .cf@ce0",

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰsɪ] satgathsi .c8rc0.l .c8Rc0.l
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [sʌhrɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sahrakthmaya .cf@ce06c;c .cf@ce06c;c

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰme:] satgathmê .c8rc06x .c8Rc06x
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRK] [sʌhrɑktʰɪjɑ] sahrakthiya .cf@ce0l;c .cf@ce0l;c

cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰsʊ] satgathsu .c8rc0.S .c8Rc0.S
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [sʌhrɑkətʰmi:] sahrakthmî .cf@ce06" .cf@ce06"
cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰe:n] satgathên .c8rc0x, .c8Rc0x,
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRK] [sʌhrɑktʰɪ] sahrakthi .cf@ce0l .cf@ce0l
cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰoːn] satgathôn .c8rc0n, .c8Rc0M,
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRK] [tɑhrɑktʰɪjɑn] tahrakthiyan 8cf@ce0l;c, 8cf@ce0l;c,
cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰɑɪ] satgathai .c8rc0cl .c8Rc0cl
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRK] [tɑhrɑktʰi:n] tahrakthîn 8cf@ce0", 8cf@ce0",
cause to disfigure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STG] [sɑtɡɑtʰɑ] satgatha .c8rc0c .c8Rc0c
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRK] [tʌhrɑktʰɪjɑ] tahrakthiya 8cf@ce0l;c 8cf@ce0l;c
cause to disfigure! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STG] [ɪstɪɡɪtʰi:] istigithî l.8lrl0" l.8lRl0"
cause to display vanity [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRK] [tʌhrɑktʰɪ] tahrakthi 8cf@ce0l 8cf@ce0l
cause to disfigure! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STG] [ɪstɪɡɪtʰ] istigith l.8lrl0 l.8lRl0
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰmɑ:] hurkuthmâ fS@eS06v fS@eS06v
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RKhS] [mɑrkʰɑstʰɪ] markhasthi 6c@eVc.0l 6c@tc.0l
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰmɪ] hurkuthmi fS@eS06l fS@eS06l
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RKhS] [ɑrkʰʌstʰɪ] arkhasthi c@eVc.0l c@tc.0l
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰmɛnɪn] hurkuthmenin fS@eS06z,l, fS@eS06z,l,
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰɑstʰmɑjɑn] sarkhasthmayan .c@eVc.06c;c, .c@tc.06c;c,
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰsɪn] hurkuthsin fS@eS0.l, fS@eS0.l,
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰɑstʰɪjɑn] sarkhasthiyan .c@eVc.0l;c, .c@tc.0l;c,
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰme:n] hurkuthmên fS@eS06x, fS@eS06x,
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰɑstʰmi:n] sarkhasthmîn .c@eVc.06", .c@tc.06",
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰsʊn] hurkuthsun fS@eS0.S, fS@eS0.S,
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰɑstʰi:n] sarkhasthîn .c@eVc.0", .c@tc.0",
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰmɛnɪ] hurkuthmeni fS@eS06z,l fS@eS06z,l
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰʌstʰmɑjɑ] sarkhasthmaya .c@eVc.06c;c .c@tc.06c;c
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰsɪ] hurkuthsi fS@eS0.l fS@eS0.l
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰʌstʰɪjɑ] sarkhasthiya .c@eVc.0l;c .c@tc.0l;c
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰme:] hurkuthmê fS@eS06x fS@eS06x
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰʌstʰmi:] sarkhasthmî .c@eVc.06" .c@tc.06"
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰsʊ] hurkuthsu fS@eS0.S fS@eS0.S
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RKhS] [sɑrkʰʌstʰɪ] sarkhasthi .c@eVc.0l .c@tc.0l
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰe:n] hurkuthên fS@eS0x, fS@eS0x,
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RKhS] [tɑrkʰɑstʰɪjɑn] tarkhasthiyan 8c@eVc.0l;c, 8c@tc.0l;c,
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰoːn] hurkuthôn fS@eS0n, fS@eS0M,
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RKhS] [tɑrkʰɑstʰi:n] tarkhasthîn 8c@eVc.0", 8c@tc.0",
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰɑɪ] hurkuthai fS@eS0cl fS@eS0cl
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RKhS] [tɑrkʰʌstʰɪjɑ] tarkhasthiya 8c@eVc.0l;c 8c@tc.0l;c
cause to display vanity [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRK] [hʊrkʊtʰɑ] hurkutha fS@eS0c fS@eS0c
cause to disgust [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RKhS] [tɑrkʰʌstʰɪ] tarkhasthi 8c@eVc.0l 8c@tc.0l
cause to display vanity! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRK] [ɪhrɪkɪtʰi:] ihrikithî lf@lel0" lf@lel0"
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰmɑ:] rukhsuthmâ @SeV.S06v @St.S06v
cause to display vanity! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRK] [ɪhrɪkɪtʰ] ihrikith lf@lel0 lf@lel0
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰmɪ] rukhsuthmi @SeV.S06l @St.S06l
cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔSh] [mɑʃtʰɪ] mashthi 6c%0l 6c%0l
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰmɛnɪn] rukhsuthmenin @SeV.S06z,l, @St.S06z,l,
cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔSh] [ʌʃtʰɪ] ashthi c%0l c%0l
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰsɪn] rukhsuthsin @SeV.S0.l, @St.S0.l,

cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰme:n] rukhsuthmên @SeV.S06x, @St.S06x, cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [sɑʃtʰmɑjɑn] sashthmayan .c%06c;c, .c%06c;c,

cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰsʊn] rukhsuthsun @SeV.S0.S, @St.S0.S, .c%0l;c, .c%0l;c,
cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔSh] [sɑʃtʰɪjɑn] sashthiyan
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰmɛnɪ] rukhsuthmeni @SeV.S06z,l @St.S06z,l .c%06", .c%06",
cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [sɑʃtʰmi:n] sashthmîn
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰsɪ] rukhsuthsi @SeV.S0.l @St.S0.l .c%0", .c%0",
cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔSh] [sɑʃtʰi:n] sashthîn
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰme:] rukhsuthmê @SeV.S06x @St.S06x .c%06c;c .c%06c;c
cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [sʌʃtʰmɑjɑ] sashthmaya
cause to disgust [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RKhS] [rʊkʰsʊtʰsʊ] rukhsuthsu @SeV.S0.S @St.S0.S

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 285 The Dwarrow Scholar 286
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔSh] [sʌʃtʰɪjɑ] sashthiya .c%0l;c .c%0l;c cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰsɪ] sutduthsi .S89S0.l .S89S0.l

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [sʌʃtʰmi:] sashthmî .c%06" .c%06" cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰme:] sutduthmê .S89S06x .S89S06x

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔSh] [sʌʃtʰɪ] sashthi .c%0l .c%0l cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰsʊ] sutduthsu .S89S0.S .S89S0.S

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔSh] [tɑʃtʰɪjɑn] tashthiyan 8c%0l;c, 8c%0l;c, cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰe:n] sutduthên .S89S0x, .S89S0x,

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔSh] [tɑʃtʰi:n] tashthîn 8c%0", 8c%0", cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰoːn] sutduthôn .S89S0n, .S89S0M,

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔSh] [tʌʃtʰɪjɑ] tashthiya 8c%0l;c 8c%0l;c cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰɑɪ] sutduthai .S89S0cl .S89S0cl

cause to displease [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔSh] [tʌʃtʰɪ] tashthi 8c%0l 8c%0l cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰɑ] sutdutha .S89S0c .S89S0c

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰmɑ:] 'ashathmâ gc%c06v gc%c06v cause to disposed! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [STD] [ɪstɪdɪtʰi:] istidithî l.8l9l0" l.8l9l0"

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰmɪ] 'ashathmi gc%c06l gc%c06l cause to disposed! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [STD] [ɪstɪdɪtʰ] istidith l.8l9l0 l.8l9l0

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'ashathmenin gc%c06z,l, gc%c06z,l, cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNG] [mɑmnɪɡtʰɪ] mamnigthi 6c6,lr0l 6c6,lR0l

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰsɪn] 'ashathsin gc%c0.l, gc%c0.l, cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNG] [ɑmnɪɡtʰɪ] amnigthi c6,lr0l c6,lR0l

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰme:n] 'ashathmên gc%c06x, gc%c06x, cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] samnigthmayan .c6,lr06c;c, .c6,lR06c;c,

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰsʊn] 'ashathsun gc%c0.S, gc%c0.S, cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰɪjɑn] samnigthiyan .c6,lr0l;c, .c6,lR0l;c,

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'ashathmeni gc%c06z,l gc%c06z,l cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰmi:n] samnigthmîn .c6,lr06", .c6,lR06",

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰsɪ] 'ashathsi gc%c0.l gc%c0.l cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰi:n] samnigthîn .c6,lr0", .c6,lR0",

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰme:] 'ashathmê gc%c06x gc%c06x cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] samnigthmaya .c6,lr06c;c .c6,lR06c;c

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰsʊ] 'ashathsu gc%c0.S gc%c0.S cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰɪjɑ] samnigthiya .c6,lr0l;c .c6,lR0l;c

cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰe:n] 'ashathên gc%c0x, gc%c0x,
cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰmi:] samnigthmî .c6,lr06" .c6,lR06"
cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔSh] [ʔɑʃɑtʰoːn] 'ashathôn gc%c0n, gc%c0M,
cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNG] [sɑmnɪɡtʰɪ] samnigthi .c6,lr0l .c6,lR0l
cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰɑɪ] 'ashathai gc%c0cl gc%c0cl
cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNG] [tɑmnɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tamnigthiyan 8c6,lr0l;c, 8c6,lR0l;c,
cause to displease [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔSh] [ʔʌʃɑtʰɑ] 'ashatha gc%c0c gc%c0c
cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNG] [tɑmnɪɡtʰi:n] tamnigthîn 8c6,lr0", 8c6,lR0",
cause to displease! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔSh] [ɪʔʃɪtʰi:] i'shithî lg%l0" lg%l0"
cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNG] [tɑmnɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tamnigthiya 8c6,lr0l;c 8c6,lR0l;c
cause to displease! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔSh] [ɪʔʃi:tʰ] i'shîth lg%"0 lg%"0
cause to diversify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNG] [tɑmnɪɡtʰɪ] tamnigthi 8c6,lr0l 8c6,lR0l
cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [STD] [mɑstɪdtʰɪ] mastidthi 6c.8l90l 6c.8l90l
cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰmɑ:] munguthmâ 6SjS06v 6SjS06v
cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [STD] [ʌstɪdtʰɪ] astidthi c.8l90l c.8l90l
cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰmɪ] munguthmi 6SjS06l 6SjS06l
cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sɑstɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sastidthmayan .c.8l906c;c, .c.8l906c;c,
cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰmɛnɪn] munguthmenin 6SjS06z,l, 6SjS06z,l,

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STD] [sɑstɪdtʰɪjɑn] sastidthiyan .c.8l90l;c, .c.8l90l;c, cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰsɪn] munguthsin 6SjS0.l, 6SjS0.l,

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sɑstɪdtʰmi:n] sastidthmîn .c.8l906", .c.8l906", cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰme:n] munguthmên 6SjS06x, 6SjS06x,

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STD] [sɑstɪdtʰi:n] sastidthîn .c.8l90", .c.8l90", cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰsʊn] munguthsun 6SjS0.S, 6SjS0.S,

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sʌstɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sastidthmaya .c.8l906c;c .c.8l906c;c cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰmɛnɪ] munguthmeni 6SjS06z,l 6SjS06z,l

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [STD] [sʌstɪdtʰɪjɑ] sastidthiya .c.8l90l;c .c.8l90l;c cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰsɪ] munguthsi 6SjS0.l 6SjS0.l

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sʌstɪdtʰmi:] sastidthmî .c.8l906" .c.8l906" cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰme:] munguthmê 6SjS06x 6SjS06x

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [STD] [sʌstɪdtʰɪ] sastidthi .c.8l90l .c.8l90l cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰsʊ] munguthsu 6SjS0.S 6SjS0.S

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [STD] [tɑstɪdtʰɪjɑn] tastidthiyan 8c.8l90l;c, 8c.8l90l;c, cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰe:n] munguthên 6SjS0x, 6SjS0x,

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [STD] [tɑstɪdtʰi:n] tastidthîn 8c.8l90", 8c.8l90", cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰoːn] munguthôn 6SjS0n, 6SjS0M,

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [STD] [tʌstɪdtʰɪjɑ] tastidthiya 8c.8l90l;c 8c.8l90l;c cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰɑɪ] munguthai 6SjS0cl 6SjS0cl

cause to disposed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [STD] [tʌstɪdtʰɪ] tastidthi 8c.8l90l 8c.8l90l cause to diversify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNG] [mʊngʊtʰɑ] mungutha 6SjS0c 6SjS0c

cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰmɑ:] sutduthmâ .S89S06v .S89S06v cause to diversify! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNG] [ɪmnɪɡɪtʰi:] imnigithî l6,lrl0" l6,lRl0"

cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰmɪ] sutduthmi .S89S06l .S89S06l cause to diversify! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNG] [ɪmnɪɡɪtʰ] imnigith l6,lrl0 l6,lRl0

cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰmɛnɪn] sutduthmenin .S89S06z,l, .S89S06z,l, cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MLK] [mɑmlɑktʰɪ] mamlakthi 6c6ace0l 6c6ace0l

cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰsɪn] sutduthsin .S89S0.l, .S89S0.l, cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MLK] [ɑmlɑktʰɪ] amlakthi c6ace0l c6ace0l

cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [sɑmlɑkətʰmɑjɑn] samlakthmayan .c6ace06c;c, .c6ace06c;c,
cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰme:n] sutduthmên .S89S06x, .S89S06x,
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MLK] [sɑmlɑktʰɪjɑn] samlakthiyan .c6ace0l;c, .c6ace0l;c,
cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰsʊn] sutduthsun .S89S0.S, .S89S0.S,
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [sɑmlɑkətʰmi:n] samlakthmîn .c6ace06", .c6ace06",
cause to disposed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [STD] [sʊtdʊtʰmɛnɪ] sutduthmeni .S89S06z,l .S89S06z,l
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MLK] [sɑmlɑktʰi:n] samlakthîn .c6ace0", .c6ace0",

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The Dwarrow Scholar 287 The Dwarrow Scholar 288

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰsɪ] muhkhuthsi 6SfeVS0.l 6SftS0.l
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [sɑmlɑkətʰmɑjɑ] samlakthmaya .c6ace06c;c .c6ace06c;c
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6SfeVS06x 6SftS06x
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MLK] [sɑmlɑktʰɪjɑ] samlakthiya .c6ace0l;c .c6ace0l;c [mʊhkʰʊtʰme:] muhkhuthmê
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰsʊ] muhkhuthsu 6SfeVS0.S 6SftS0.S
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [sɑmlɑkətʰmi:] samlakthmî .c6ace06" .c6ace06"
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰe:n] muhkhuthên 6SfeVS0x, 6SftS0x,
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MLK] [sɑmlɑktʰɪ] samlakthi .c6ace0l .c6ace0l
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰoːn] muhkhuthôn 6SfeVS0n, 6SftS0M,
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MLK] [tɑmlɑktʰɪjɑn] tamlakthiyan 8c6ace0l;c, 8c6ace0l;c,
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰɑɪ] muhkhuthai 6SfeVS0cl 6SftS0cl
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MLK] [tɑmlɑktʰi:n] tamlakthîn 8c6ace0", 8c6ace0",
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰɑ] muhkhutha 6SfeVS0c 6SftS0c
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MLK] [tɑmlɑktʰɪjɑ] tamlakthiya 8c6ace0l;c 8c6ace0l;c
cause to divide in a hundred pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHKh] [ɪmhɪkʰɪtʰi:] imhikhithî l6fleVl0" l6fltl0"
cause to divide [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MLK] [tɑmlɑktʰɪ] tamlakthi 8c6ace0l 8c6ace0l
cause to divide in a hundred pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHKh] [ɪmhɪkʰɪtʰ] imhikhith l6fleVl0 l6fltl0
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰmɑ:] melkethmâ 6zaez06v 6zaez06v
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhLR] [mɑkʰlɑrtʰɪ] makhlarthi 6ceVac@0l 6ctac@0l
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰmɪ] melkethmi 6zaez06l 6zaez06l
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhLR] [ɑkʰlɑrtʰɪ] akhlarthi ceVac@0l ctac@0l
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰmɛnɪn] melkethmenin 6zaez06z,l, 6zaez06z,l,
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ceVac@06c;c, .ctac@06c;c,
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰsɪn] melkethsin 6zaez0.l, 6zaez0.l, [sɑkʰlɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sakhlarthmayan
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰme:n] melkethmên 6zaez06x, 6zaez06x, cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhLR] [sɑkʰlɑrtʰɪjɑn] sakhlarthiyan .ceVac@0l;c, .ctac@0l;c,

cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰsʊn] melkethsun 6zaez0.S, 6zaez0.S, cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑkʰlɑrtʰmi:n] sakhlarthmîn .ceVac@06", .ctac@06",
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰmɛnɪ] melkethmeni 6zaez06z,l 6zaez06z,l [KhLR]
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhLR] [sɑkʰlɑrtʰi:n] sakhlarthîn .ceVac@0", .ctac@0",
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰsɪ] melkethsi 6zaez0.l 6zaez0.l
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ceVac@06c;c .ctac@06c;c
6zaez06x 6zaez06x
[sɑkʰlɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sakhlarthmaya
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰme:] melkethmê [KhLR]
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhLR] [sɑkʰlɑrtʰɪjɑ] sakhlarthiya .ceVac@0l;c .ctac@0l;c
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰsʊ] melkethsu 6zaez0.S 6zaez0.S
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .ceVac@06" .ctac@06"
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰe:n] melkethên 6zaez0x, 6zaez0x, [sɑkʰlɑrtʰmi:] sakhlarthmî
(contemptuous)] [KhLR]
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰoːn] melkethôn 6zaez0n, 6zaez0M, .ceVac@0l .ctac@0l
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhLR] [sɑkʰlɑrtʰɪ] sakhlarthi
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰɑɪ] melkethai 6zaez0cl 6zaez0cl 8ceVac@0l;c, 8ctac@0l;c,
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhLR] [tɑkʰlɑrtʰɪjɑn] takhlarthiyan
cause to divide [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MLK] [mɛlkɛtʰɑ] melketha 6zaez0c 6zaez0c 8ceVac@0", 8ctac@0",
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhLR] [tɑkʰlɑrtʰi:n] takhlarthîn
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHKh] [mɑmhɪkʰtʰɪ] mamhikhthi 6c6fleV0l 6c6flt0l 8ceVac@0l;c 8ctac@0l;c
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhLR] [tɑkʰlɑrtʰɪjɑ] takhlarthiya
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHKh] [ɑmhɪkʰtʰɪ] amhikhthi c6fleV0l c6flt0l 8ceVac@0l 8ctac@0l
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhLR] [tɑkʰlɑrtʰɪ] takhlarthi
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6fleV06c;c, .c6flt06c;c, cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰmɑ:] khulruthmâ eVSa@S06v tSa@S06v
[sɑmhɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] samhikhthmayan
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰmɪ] khulruthmi eVSa@S06l tSa@S06l
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHKh] [sɑmhɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] samhikhthiyan .c6fleV0l;c, .c6flt0l;c,
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVSa@S06z,l, tSa@S06z,l,
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6fleV06", .c6flt06",
[kʰʊlrʊtʰmɛnɪn] khulruthmenin
[sɑmhɪkʰətʰmi:n] samhikhthmîn [KhLR]
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰsɪn] khulruthsin eVSa@S0.l, tSa@S0.l,
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHKh] [sɑmhɪkʰtʰi:n] samhikhthîn .c6fleV0", .c6flt0",
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVSa@S06x, tSa@S06x,
[kʰʊlrʊtʰme:n] khulruthmên
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful [KhLR]
[sɑmhɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] samhikhthmaya .c6fleV06c;c .c6flt06c;c
(contemptuous)] [MHKh] cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰsʊn] khulruthsun eVSa@S0.S, tSa@S0.S,

cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHKh] [sɑmhɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] samhikhthiya .c6fleV0l;c .c6flt0l;c cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[kʰʊlrʊtʰmɛnɪ] khulruthmeni eVSa@S06z,l tSa@S06z,l
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful [KhLR]
[sɑmhɪkʰətʰmi:] samhikhthmî .c6fleV06" .c6flt06"
(contemptuous)] [MHKh] cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰsɪ] khulruthsi eVSa@S0.l tSa@S0.l

cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHKh] [sɑmhɪkʰtʰɪ] samhikhthi .c6fleV0l .c6flt0l cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[kʰʊlrʊtʰme:] khulruthmê eVSa@S06x tSa@S06x
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHKh] [tɑmhɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] tamhikhthiyan 8c6fleV0l;c, 8c6flt0l;c, [KhLR]
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰsʊ] khulruthsu eVSa@S0.S tSa@S0.S
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHKh] [tɑmhɪkʰtʰi:n] tamhikhthîn 8c6fleV0", 8c6flt0",
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰe:n] khulruthên eVSa@S0x, tSa@S0x,
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHKh] [tɑmhɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] tamhikhthiya 8c6fleV0l;c 8c6flt0l;c
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰoːn] khulruthôn eVSa@S0n, tSa@S0M,
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHKh] [tɑmhɪkʰtʰɪ] tamhikhthi 8c6fleV0l 8c6flt0l
cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰɑɪ] khulruthai eVSa@S0cl tSa@S0cl

cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰmɑ:] muhkhuthmâ 6SfeVS06v 6SftS06v cause to divide in a million pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhLR] [kʰʊlrʊtʰɑ] khulrutha eVSa@S0c tSa@S0c

cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰmɪ] muhkhuthmi 6SfeVS06l 6SftS06l cause to divide in a million pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLR] [ɪkʰlɪrɪtʰi:] ikhlirithî leVal@l0" ltal@l0"
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in a million pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLR] [ɪkʰlɪrɪtʰ] ikhlirith leVal@l0 ltal@l0
[mʊhkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] muhkhuthmenin 6SfeVS06z,l, 6SftS06z,l,
[MHKh] cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LBKh] [mɑlbɪkʰtʰɪ] malbikhthi 6ca2leV0l 6ca2lt0l
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰsɪn] muhkhuthsin 6SfeVS0.l, 6SftS0.l,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LBKh] [ɑlbɪkʰtʰɪ] albikhthi ca2leV0l ca2lt0l
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6SfeVS06x, 6SftS06x,
[mʊhkʰʊtʰme:n] muhkhuthmên cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .ca2leV06c;c, .ca2lt06c;c,
[MHKh] [sɑlbɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] salbikhthmayan
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHKh] [mʊhkʰʊtʰsʊn] muhkhuthsun 6SfeVS0.S, 6SftS0.S,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LBKh] [sɑlbɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] salbikhthiyan .ca2leV0l;c, .ca2lt0l;c,
cause to divide in a hundred pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6SfeVS06z,l 6SftS06z,l
[mʊhkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] muhkhuthmeni

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cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .ca2leV06", .ca2lt06", rS6,S06z,l, RS6,S06z,l,
[sɑlbɪkʰətʰmi:n] salbikhthmîn cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰmɛnɪn] gumnuthmenin
(contemptuous)] [LBKh]
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰsɪn] gumnuthsin rS6,S0.l, RS6,S0.l,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LBKh] [sɑlbɪkʰtʰi:n] salbikhthîn .ca2leV0", .ca2lt0",

cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰme:n] gumnuthmên rS6,S06x, RS6,S06x,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .ca2leV06c;c .ca2lt06c;c
[sɑlbɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] salbikhthmaya
(contemptuous)] [LBKh] cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰsʊn] gumnuthsun rS6,S0.S, RS6,S0.S,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LBKh] [sɑlbɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] salbikhthiya .ca2leV0l;c .ca2lt0l;c
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰmɛnɪ] gumnuthmeni rS6,S06z,l RS6,S06z,l
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .ca2leV06" .ca2lt06"
[sɑlbɪkʰətʰmi:] salbikhthmî
(contemptuous)] [LBKh] cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰsɪ] gumnuthsi rS6,S0.l RS6,S0.l
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LBKh] [sɑlbɪkʰtʰɪ] salbikhthi .ca2leV0l .ca2lt0l
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] rS6,S06x RS6,S06x
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LBKh] [tɑlbɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] talbikhthiyan 8ca2leV0l;c, 8ca2lt0l;c, [ɡʊmnʊtʰme:] gumnuthmê
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LBKh] [tɑlbɪkʰtʰi:n] talbikhthîn 8ca2leV0", 8ca2lt0", cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰsʊ] gumnuthsu rS6,S0.S RS6,S0.S

cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LBKh] [tɑlbɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] talbikhthiya 8ca2leV0l;c 8ca2lt0l;c cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰe:n] gumnuthên rS6,S0x, RS6,S0x,

cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰoːn] gumnuthôn rS6,S0n, RS6,S0M,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LBKh] [tɑlbɪkʰtʰɪ] talbikhthi 8ca2leV0l 8ca2lt0l
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰɑɪ] gumnuthai rS6,S0cl RS6,S0cl
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰmɑ:] lubkhuthmâ aS2eVS06v aS2tS06v
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰɑ] gumnutha rS6,S0c RS6,S0c
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰmɪ] lubkhuthmi aS2eVS06l aS2tS06l
cause to divide in eight pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMN] [ɪɡmɪnɪtʰi:] igminithî lr6l,l0" lR6l,l0"
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] aS2eVS06z,l, aS2tS06z,l,
[lʊbkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] lubkhuthmenin cause to divide in eight pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMN] [ɪɡmɪnɪtʰ] igminith lr6l,l0 lR6l,l0
aS2eVS0.l, aS2tS0.l, cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMM] [mɑɡmɪmtʰɪ] magmimthi 6cr6l60l 6cR6l60l
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰsɪn] lubkhuthsin
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMM] [ɑɡmɪmtʰɪ] agmimthi cr6l60l cR6l60l
[lʊbkʰʊtʰme:n] lubkhuthmên aS2eVS06x, aS2tS06x,
[LBKh] cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6l606c;c, .cR6l606c;c,
[sɑɡmɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sagmimthmayan
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰsʊn] lubkhuthsun aS2eVS0.S, aS2tS0.S, [GMM]
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMM] [sɑɡmɪmtʰɪjɑn] sagmimthiyan .cr6l60l;c, .cR6l60l;c,
[lʊbkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] lubkhuthmeni aS2eVS06z,l aS2tS06z,l
[LBKh] cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6l606", .cR6l606",
[sɑɡmɪmtʰmi:n] sagmimthmîn
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰsɪ] lubkhuthsi aS2eVS0.l aS2tS0.l [GMM]
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMM] [sɑɡmɪmtʰi:n] sagmimthîn .cr6l60", .cR6l60",
[lʊbkʰʊtʰme:] lubkhuthmê aS2eVS06x aS2tS06x
[LBKh] cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6l606c;c .cR6l606c;c
[sɑɡmɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sagmimthmaya
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰsʊ] lubkhuthsu aS2eVS0.S aS2tS0.S [GMM]
aS2eVS0x, aS2tS0x, cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMM] [sɑɡmɪmtʰɪjɑ] sagmimthiya .cr6l60l;c .cR6l60l;c
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰe:n] lubkhuthên
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰoːn] lubkhuthôn aS2eVS0n, aS2tS0M, cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6l606" .cR6l606"
[sɑɡmɪmtʰmi:] sagmimthmî
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰɑɪ] lubkhuthai aS2eVS0cl aS2tS0cl
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMM] [sɑɡmɪmtʰɪ] sagmimthi .cr6l60l .cR6l60l
cause to divide in a thousand pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LBKh] [lʊbkʰʊtʰɑ] lubkhutha aS2eVS0c aS2tS0c
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMM] [tɑɡmɪmtʰɪjɑn] tagmimthiyan 8cr6l60l;c, 8cR6l60l;c,
cause to divide in a thousand pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LBKh] [ɪlbɪkʰɪtʰi:] ilbikhithî la2leVl0" la2ltl0"
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMM] [tɑɡmɪmtʰi:n] tagmimthîn 8cr6l60", 8cR6l60",
cause to divide in a thousand pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LBKh] [ɪlbɪkʰɪtʰ] ilbikhith la2leVl0 la2ltl0
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMM] [tɑɡmɪmtʰɪjɑ] tagmimthiya 8cr6l60l;c 8cR6l60l;c
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMN] [mɑɡmɑntʰɪ] magmanthi 6cr6c,0l 6cR6c,0l
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMM] [tɑɡmɪmtʰɪ] tagmimthi 8cr6l60l 8cR6l60l
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMN] [ɑɡmɑntʰɪ] agmanthi cr6c,0l cR6c,0l
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰmɑ:] gummuthmâ rS66S06v RS66S06v
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6c,06c;c, .cR6c,06c;c,
[sɑɡmɑntʰmɑjɑn] sagmanthmayan cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰmɪ] gummuthmi rS66S06l RS66S06l
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMN] [sɑɡmɑntʰɪjɑn] sagmanthiyan .cr6c,0l;c, .cR6c,0l;c, cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰmɛnɪn] gummuthmenin rS66S06z,l, RS66S06z,l,
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6c,06", .cR6c,06",
[sɑɡmɑntʰmi:n] sagmanthmîn cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰsɪn] gummuthsin rS66S0.l, RS66S0.l,
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMN] [sɑɡmɑntʰi:n] sagmanthîn .cr6c,0", .cR6c,0", cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] rS66S06x, RS66S06x,
[ɡʊm.mʊtʰme:n] gummuthmên
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6c,06c;c .cR6c,06c;c
[sɑɡmɑntʰmɑjɑ] sagmanthmaya cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰsʊn] gummuthsun rS66S0.S, RS66S0.S,
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMN] [sɑɡmɑntʰɪjɑ] sagmanthiya .cr6c,0l;c .cR6c,0l;c cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] rS66S06z,l RS66S06z,l
[ɡʊm.mʊtʰmɛnɪ] gummuthmeni
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr6c,06" .cR6c,06"
[sɑɡmɑntʰmi:] sagmanthmî cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰsɪ] gummuthsi rS66S0.l RS66S0.l
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMN] [sɑɡmɑntʰɪ] sagmanthi .cr6c,0l .cR6c,0l cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] rS66S06x RS66S06x
[ɡʊm.mʊtʰme:] gummuthmê
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMN] [tɑɡmɑntʰɪjɑn] tagmanthiyan 8cr6c,0l;c, 8cR6c,0l;c,
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰsʊ] gummuthsu rS66S0.S RS66S0.S
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMN] [tɑɡmɑntʰi:n] tagmanthîn 8cr6c,0", 8cR6c,0",
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰe:n] gummuthên rS66S0x, RS66S0x,
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMN] [tɑɡmɑntʰɪjɑ] tagmanthiya 8cr6c,0l;c 8cR6c,0l;c
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰoːn] gummuthôn rS66S0n, RS66S0M,
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMN] [tɑɡmɑntʰɪ] tagmanthi 8cr6c,0l 8cR6c,0l
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰɑɪ] gummuthai rS66S0cl RS66S0cl
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰmɑ:] gumnuthmâ rS6,S06v RS6,S06v
cause to divide in eighty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMM] [ɡʊm.mʊtʰɑ] gummutha rS66S0c RS66S0c
cause to divide in eight pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMN] [ɡʊmnʊtʰmɪ] gumnuthmi rS6,S06l RS6,S06l
cause to divide in eighty pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMM] [ɪɡmɪmɪtʰi:] igmimithî lr6l6l0" lR6l6l0"

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cause to divide in eighty pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMM] [ɪɡmɪmɪtʰ] igmimith lr6l6l0 lR6l6l0 cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMKh] [tɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] tagmakhthiya 8cr6ceV0l;c 8cR6ct0l;c

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GNM] [mɑɡnɑmtʰɪ] magnamthi 6cr,c60l 6cR,c60l cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMKh] [tɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪ] tagmakhthi 8cr6ceV0l 8cR6ct0l

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GNM] [ɑɡnɑmtʰɪ] agnamthi cr,c60l cR,c60l cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰmɑ:] gumkhuthmâ rS6eVS06v RS6tS06v

cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰmɪ] gumkhuthmi rS6eVS06l RS6tS06l
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GNM] [sɑɡnɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sagnamthmayan .cr,c606c;c, .cR,c606c;c,

cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] gumkhuthmenin rS6eVS06z,l, RS6tS06z,l,
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GNM] [sɑɡnɑmtʰɪjɑn] sagnamthiyan .cr,c60l;c, .cR,c60l;c,
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰsɪn] gumkhuthsin rS6eVS0.l, RS6tS0.l,
[sɑɡnɑmtʰmi:n] sagnamthmîn .cr,c606", .cR,c606",
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰme:n] gumkhuthmên rS6eVS06x, RS6tS06x,
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GNM] [sɑɡnɑmtʰi:n] sagnamthîn .cr,c60", .cR,c60",
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰsʊn] gumkhuthsun rS6eVS0.S, RS6tS0.S,
[sɑɡnɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sagnamthmaya .cr,c606c;c .cR,c606c;c
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] gumkhuthmeni rS6eVS06z,l RS6tS06z,l
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GNM] [sɑɡnɑmtʰɪjɑ] sagnamthiya .cr,c60l;c .cR,c60l;c
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰsɪ] gumkhuthsi rS6eVS0.l RS6tS0.l
[sɑɡnɑmtʰmi:] sagnamthmî .cr,c606" .cR,c606"
[GNM] cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[ɡʊmkʰʊtʰme:] gumkhuthmê rS6eVS06x RS6tS06x
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GNM] [sɑɡnɑmtʰɪ] sagnamthi .cr,c60l .cR,c60l [GMKh]
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GNM] [tɑɡnɑmtʰɪjɑn] tagnamthiyan 8cr,c60l;c, 8cR,c60l;c, cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰsʊ] gumkhuthsu rS6eVS0.S RS6tS0.S

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GNM] [tɑɡnɑmtʰi:n] tagnamthîn 8cr,c60", 8cR,c60", cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰe:n] gumkhuthên rS6eVS0x, RS6tS0x,

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GNM] [tɑɡnɑmtʰɪjɑ] tagnamthiya 8cr,c60l;c 8cR,c60l;c cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰoːn] gumkhuthôn rS6eVS0n, RS6tS0M,

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GNM] [tɑɡnɑmtʰɪ] tagnamthi 8cr,c60l 8cR,c60l cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰɑɪ] gumkhuthai rS6eVS0cl RS6tS0cl

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰmɑ:] gunmuthmâ rS,6S06v RS,6S06v cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GMKh] [ɡʊmkʰʊtʰɑ] gumkhutha rS6eVS0c RS6tS0c

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰmɪ] gunmuthmi rS,6S06l RS,6S06l cause to divide in five pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GMKh] [ɪɡmɪkʰɪtʰi:] igmikhithî lr6leVl0" lR6ltl0"

cause to divide in five pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GMKh] [ɪɡmɪkʰɪtʰ] igmikhith lr6leVl0 lR6ltl0
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰmɛnɪn] gunmuthmenin rS,6S06z,l, RS,6S06z,l,
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZKhM] [mɑzkʰɑmtʰɪ] mazkhamthi 6cweVc60l 6cDtc60l
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰsɪn] gunmuthsin rS,6S0.l, RS,6S0.l,
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZKhM] [ʌzkʰɑmtʰɪ] azkhamthi cweVc60l cDtc60l
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰme:n] gunmuthmên rS,6S06x, RS,6S06x, cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑzkʰɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sazkhamthmayan .cweVc606c;c, .cDtc606c;c,
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰsʊn] gunmuthsun rS,6S0.S, RS,6S0.S,
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZKhM] [sɑzkʰɑmtʰɪjɑn] sazkhamthiyan .cweVc60l;c, .cDtc60l;c,
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰmɛnɪ] gunmuthmeni rS,6S06z,l RS,6S06z,l cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑzkʰɑmtʰmi:n] sazkhamthmîn .cweVc606", .cDtc606",
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰsɪ] gunmuthsi rS,6S0.l RS,6S0.l
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZKhM] [sɑzkʰɑmtʰi:n] sazkhamthîn .cweVc60", .cDtc60",
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰme:] gunmuthmê rS,6S06x RS,6S06x cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sʌzkʰɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sazkhamthmaya .cweVc606c;c .cDtc606c;c
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰsʊ] gunmuthsu rS,6S0.S RS,6S0.S
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZKhM] [sʌzkʰɑmtʰɪjɑ] sazkhamthiya .cweVc60l;c .cDtc60l;c
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰe:n] gunmuthên rS,6S0x, RS,6S0x,
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cweVc606" .cDtc606"
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰoːn] gunmuthôn rS,6S0n, RS,6S0M, [sʌzkʰɑmtʰmi:] sazkhamthmî
cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰɑɪ] gunmuthai rS,6S0cl RS,6S0cl cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZKhM] [sʌzkʰɑmtʰɪ] sazkhamthi .cweVc60l .cDtc60l

cause to divide in fifty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GNM] [ɡʊnmʊtʰɑ] gunmutha rS,6S0c RS,6S0c cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZKhM] [tɑzkʰɑmtʰɪjɑn] tazkhamthiyan 8cweVc60l;c, 8cDtc60l;c,

cause to divide in fifty pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GNM] [ɪɡnɪmɪtʰi:] ignimithî lr,l6l0" lR,l6l0" cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZKhM] [tɑzkʰɑmtʰi:n] tazkhamthîn 8cweVc60", 8cDtc60",

cause to divide in fifty pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GNM] [ɪɡnɪmɪtʰ] ignimith lr,l6l0 lR,l6l0 cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZKhM] [tʌzkʰɑmtʰɪjɑ] tazkhamthiya 8cweVc60l;c 8cDtc60l;c

cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GMKh] [mɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪ] magmakhthi 6cr6ceV0l 6cR6ct0l cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZKhM] [tʌzkʰɑmtʰɪ] tazkhamthi 8cweVc60l 8cDtc60l

cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GMKh] [ɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪ] agmakhthi cr6ceV0l cR6ct0l cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰmɑ:] zukhmuthmâ wSeV6S06v DSt6S06v
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰmɪ] zukhmuthmi wSeV6S06l DSt6S06l
[sɑɡmɑkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sagmakhthmayan .cr6ceV06c;c, .cR6ct06c;c,
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰmɛnɪn] zukhmuthmenin wSeV6S06z,l, DSt6S06z,l,
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GMKh] [sɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] sagmakhthiyan .cr6ceV0l;c, .cR6ct0l;c,
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰsɪn] zukhmuthsin wSeV6S0.l, DSt6S0.l,
[sɑɡmɑkʰətʰmi:n] sagmakhthmîn .cr6ceV06", .cR6ct06",
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰme:n] zukhmuthmên wSeV6S06x, DSt6S06x,
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GMKh] [sɑɡmɑkʰtʰi:n] sagmakhthîn .cr6ceV0", .cR6ct0",
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰsʊn] zukhmuthsun wSeV6S0.S, DSt6S0.S,
[sɑɡmɑkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sagmakhthmaya .cr6ceV06c;c .cR6ct06c;c
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰmɛnɪ] zukhmuthmeni wSeV6S06z,l DSt6S06z,l
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GMKh] [sɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪjɑ] sagmakhthiya .cr6ceV0l;c .cR6ct0l;c
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰsɪ] zukhmuthsi wSeV6S0.l DSt6S0.l
[sɑɡmɑkʰətʰmi:] sagmakhthmî .cr6ceV06" .cR6ct06"
[GMKh] cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[zʊkʰmʊtʰme:] zukhmuthmê wSeV6S06x DSt6S06x
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GMKh] [sɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪ] sagmakhthi .cr6ceV0l .cR6ct0l [ZKhM]
cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GMKh] [tɑɡmɑkʰtʰɪjɑn] tagmakhthiyan 8cr6ceV0l;c, 8cR6ct0l;c, cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰsʊ] zukhmuthsu wSeV6S0.S DSt6S0.S

cause to divide in five pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GMKh] [tɑɡmɑkʰtʰi:n] tagmakhthîn 8cr6ceV0", 8cR6ct0", cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰe:n] zukhmuthên wSeV6S0x, DSt6S0x,

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cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰoːn] zukhmuthôn wSeV6S0n, DSt6S0M, cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑtɡɪmtʰmi:] satgimthmî .c8rl606" .c8Rl606"
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰɑɪ] zukhmuthai wSeV6S0cl DSt6S0cl [TGM]
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TGM] [sɑtɡɪmtʰɪ] satgimthi .c8rl60l .c8Rl60l
cause to divide in forty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZKhM] [zʊkʰmʊtʰɑ] zukhmutha wSeV6S0c DSt6S0c
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TGM] [tɑtɡɪmtʰɪjɑn] tatgimthiyan 8c8rl60l;c, 8c8Rl60l;c,
cause to divide in forty pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZKhM] [ɪzkʰɪmɪtʰi:] izkhimithî lweVl6l0" lDtl6l0"
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TGM] [tɑtɡɪmtʰi:n] tatgimthîn 8c8rl60", 8c8Rl60",
cause to divide in forty pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZKhM] [ɪzkʰɪmɪtʰ] izkhimith lweVl6l0 lDtl6l0
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TGM] [tɑtɡɪmtʰɪjɑ] tatgimthiya 8c8rl60l;c 8c8Rl60l;c
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TGR] [mɑtɡɑrtʰɪ] matgarthi 6c8rc@0l 6c8Rc@0l
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TGM] [tɑtɡɪmtʰɪ] tatgimthi 8c8rl60l 8c8Rl60l
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TGR] [ɑtɡɑrtʰɪ] atgarthi c8rc@0l c8Rc@0l
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰmɑ:] tugmuthmâ 8Sr6S06v 8SR6S06v
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGR] [sɑtɡɑrtʰmɑjɑn] satgarthmayan .c8rc@06c;c, .c8Rc@06c;c,
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰmɪ] tugmuthmi 8Sr6S06l 8SR6S06l

cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TGR] [sɑtɡɑrtʰɪjɑn] satgarthiyan .c8rc@0l;c, .c8Rc@0l;c,
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰmɛnɪn] tugmuthmenin 8Sr6S06z,l, 8SR6S06z,l,

cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGR] [sɑtɡɑrtʰmi:n] satgarthmîn .c8rc@06", .c8Rc@06",
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰsɪn] tugmuthsin 8Sr6S0.l, 8SR6S0.l,

cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TGR] [sɑtɡɑrtʰi:n] satgarthîn .c8rc@0", .c8Rc@0",
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰme:n] tugmuthmên 8Sr6S06x, 8SR6S06x,
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c8rc@06c;c .c8Rc@06c;c
[sɑtɡɑrtʰmɑjɑ] satgarthmaya cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰsʊn] tugmuthsun 8Sr6S0.S, 8SR6S0.S,
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TGR] [sɑtɡɑrtʰɪjɑ] satgarthiya .c8rc@0l;c .c8Rc@0l;c cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[tʊɡmʊtʰmɛnɪ] tugmuthmeni 8Sr6S06z,l 8SR6S06z,l
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGM]
[sɑtɡɑrtʰmi:] satgarthmî .c8rc@06" .c8Rc@06"
[TGR] cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰsɪ] tugmuthsi 8Sr6S0.l 8SR6S0.l

cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TGR] [sɑtɡɑrtʰɪ] satgarthi .c8rc@0l .c8Rc@0l cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[tʊɡmʊtʰme:] tugmuthmê 8Sr6S06x 8SR6S06x
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TGR] [tɑtɡɑrtʰɪjɑn] tatgarthiyan 8c8rc@0l;c, 8c8Rc@0l;c, [TGM]
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰsʊ] tugmuthsu 8Sr6S0.S 8SR6S0.S
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TGR] [tɑtɡɑrtʰi:n] tatgarthîn 8c8rc@0", 8c8Rc@0",
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰe:n] tugmuthên 8Sr6S0x, 8SR6S0x,
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TGR] [tɑtɡɑrtʰɪjɑ] tatgarthiya 8c8rc@0l;c 8c8Rc@0l;c
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰoːn] tugmuthôn 8Sr6S0n, 8SR6S0M,
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TGR] [tɑtɡɑrtʰɪ] tatgarthi 8c8rc@0l 8c8Rc@0l
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰɑɪ] tugmuthai 8Sr6S0cl 8SR6S0cl
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰmɑ:] tugruthmâ 8Sr@S06v 8SR@S06v
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TGM] [tʊɡmʊtʰɑ] tugmutha 8Sr6S0c 8SR6S0c
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰmɪ] tugruthmi 8Sr@S06l 8SR@S06l
cause to divide in ninety pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TGM] [ɪtɡɪmɪtʰi:] itgimithî l8rl6l0" l8Rl6l0"
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰmɛnɪn] tugruthmenin 8Sr@S06z,l, 8SR@S06z,l,
cause to divide in ninety pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TGM] [ɪtɡɪmɪtʰ] itgimith l8rl6l0 l8Rl6l0

cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰsɪn] tugruthsin 8Sr@S0.l, 8SR@S0.l, cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HDD] [mɑhdɑdtʰɪ] mahdadthi 6cf9c90l 6cf9c90l

cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HDD] [ʌhdɑdtʰɪ] ahdadthi cf9c90l cf9c90l
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰme:n] tugruthmên 8Sr@S06x, 8SR@S06x,
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf9c906c;c, .cf9c906c;c,
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰsʊn] tugruthsun 8Sr@S0.S, 8SR@S0.S, [sɑhdɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sahdadthmayan
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HDD] [sɑhdɑdtʰɪjɑn] sahdadthiyan .cf9c90l;c, .cf9c90l;c,
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰmɛnɪ] tugruthmeni 8Sr@S06z,l 8SR@S06z,l
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf9c906", .cf9c906",
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰsɪ] tugruthsi 8Sr@S0.l 8SR@S0.l [sɑhdɑdtʰmi:n] sahdadthmîn
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HDD] [sɑhdɑdtʰi:n] sahdadthîn .cf9c90", .cf9c90",
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰme:] tugruthmê 8Sr@S06x 8SR@S06x
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf9c906c;c .cf9c906c;c
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰsʊ] tugruthsu 8Sr@S0.S 8SR@S0.S [sʌhdɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sahdadthmaya
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰe:n] tugruthên 8Sr@S0x, 8SR@S0x, cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HDD] [sʌhdɑdtʰɪjɑ] sahdadthiya .cf9c90l;c .cf9c90l;c

cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰoːn] tugruthôn 8Sr@S0n, 8SR@S0M, cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sʌhdɑdtʰmi:] sahdadthmî .cf9c906" .cf9c906"
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰɑɪ] tugruthai 8Sr@S0cl 8SR@S0cl [HDD]
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HDD] [sʌhdɑdtʰɪ] sahdadthi .cf9c90l .cf9c90l
cause to divide in nine pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TGR] [tʊɡrʊtʰɑ] tugrutha 8Sr@S0c 8SR@S0c
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HDD] [tɑhdɑdtʰɪjɑn] tahdadthiyan 8cf9c90l;c, 8cf9c90l;c,
cause to divide in nine pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TGR] [ɪtɡɪrɪtʰi:] itgirithî l8rl@l0" l8Rl@l0"
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HDD] [tɑhdɑdtʰi:n] tahdadthîn 8cf9c90", 8cf9c90",
cause to divide in nine pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TGR] [ɪtɡɪrɪtʰ] itgirith l8rl@l0 l8Rl@l0
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HDD] [tʌhdɑdtʰɪjɑ] tahdadthiya 8cf9c90l;c 8cf9c90l;c
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TGM] [mɑtɡɪmtʰɪ] matgimthi 6c8rl60l 6c8Rl60l
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HDD] [tʌhdɑdtʰɪ] tahdadthi 8cf9c90l 8cf9c90l
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TGM] [ɑtɡɪmtʰɪ] atgimthi c8rl60l c8Rl60l
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰmɑ:] hudduthmâ fS99S06v fS99S06v
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c8rl606c;c, .c8Rl606c;c,
[sɑtɡɪmtʰmɑjɑn] satgimthmayan cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰmɪ] hudduthmi fS99S06l fS99S06l
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TGM] [sɑtɡɪmtʰɪjɑn] satgimthiyan .c8rl60l;c, .c8Rl60l;c,
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰmɛnɪn] hudduthmenin fS99S06z,l, fS99S06z,l,
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c8rl606", .c8Rl606",
[sɑtɡɪmtʰmi:n] satgimthmîn cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰsɪn] hudduthsin fS99S0.l, fS99S0.l,
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TGM] [sɑtɡɪmtʰi:n] satgimthîn .c8rl60", .c8Rl60",
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰme:n] hudduthmên fS99S06x, fS99S06x,
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c8rl606c;c .c8Rl606c;c
[sɑtɡɪmtʰmɑjɑ] satgimthmaya cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰsʊn] hudduthsun fS99S0.S, fS99S0.S,
cause to divide in ninety pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TGM] [sɑtɡɪmtʰɪjɑ] satgimthiya .c8rl60l;c .c8Rl60l;c
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰmɛnɪ] hudduthmeni fS99S06z,l fS99S06z,l

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰsɪ] hudduthsi fS99S0.l fS99S0.l
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰmi:n] sagisthmîn .crl.06", .cRl.06",
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] fS99S06x fS99S06x
[hʊd.dʊtʰme:] hudduthmê cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰi:n] sagisthîn .crl.0", .cRl.0",
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰsʊ] hudduthsu fS99S0.S fS99S0.S
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰmɑjɑ] sagisthmaya .crl.06c;c .cRl.06c;c
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰe:n] hudduthên fS99S0x, fS99S0x,
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰɪjɑ] sagisthiya .crl.0l;c .cRl.0l;c
cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰoːn] hudduthôn fS99S0n, fS99S0M,

cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰɑɪ] hudduthai fS99S0cl fS99S0cl cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰmi:] sagisthmî .crl.06" .cRl.06"

cause to divide in seven pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HDD] [hʊd.dʊtʰɑ] huddutha fS99S0c fS99S0c .crl.0l .cRl.0l
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰɪ] sagisthi
cause to divide in seven pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDD] [ɪhdɪdɪtʰi:] ihdidithî lf9l9l0" lf9l9l0" 8crl.0l;c, 8cRl.0l;c,
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GS] [tɑɡɪstʰɪjɑn] tagisthiyan
cause to divide in seven pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDD] [ɪhdɪdɪtʰ] ihdidith lf9l9l0 lf9l9l0 8crl.0", 8cRl.0",
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GS] [tɑɡɪstʰi:n] tagisthîn
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HDM] [mɑhdɪmtʰɪ] mahdimthi 6cf9l60l 6cf9l60l 8crl.0l;c 8cRl.0l;c
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GS] [tɑɡɪstʰɪjɑ] tagisthiya
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HDM] [ʌhdɪmtʰɪ] ahdimthi cf9l60l cf9l60l 8crl.0l 8cRl.0l
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GS] [tɑɡɪstʰɪ] tagisthi
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf9l606c;c, .cf9l606c;c, cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰmɑ:] gusuthmâ rS.S06v RS.S06v
[sɑhdɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sahdimthmayan
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰmɪ] gusuthmi rS.S06l RS.S06l
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HDM] [sɑhdɪmtʰɪjɑn] sahdimthiyan .cf9l60l;c, .cf9l60l;c,
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰmɛnɪn] gusuthmenin rS.S06z,l, RS.S06z,l,
[sɑhdɪmtʰmi:n] sahdimthmîn .cf9l606", .cf9l606",
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰsɪn] gusuthsin rS.S0.l, RS.S0.l,
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HDM] [sɑhdɪmtʰi:n] sahdimthîn .cf9l60", .cf9l60",
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰme:n] gusuthmên rS.S06x, RS.S06x,
[sʌhdɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sahdimthmaya .cf9l606c;c .cf9l606c;c
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰsʊn] gusuthsun rS.S0.S, RS.S0.S,
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HDM] [sʌhdɪmtʰɪjɑ] sahdimthiya .cf9l60l;c .cf9l60l;c
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰmɛnɪ] gusuthmeni rS.S06z,l RS.S06z,l
[sʌhdɪmtʰmi:] sahdimthmî .cf9l606" .cf9l606"
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰsɪ] gusuthsi rS.S0.l RS.S0.l
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HDM] [sʌhdɪmtʰɪ] sahdimthi .cf9l60l .cf9l60l

cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HDM] [tɑhdɪmtʰɪjɑn] tahdimthiyan 8cf9l60l;c, 8cf9l60l;c, cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰme:] gusuthmê rS.S06x RS.S06x

cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HDM] [tɑhdɪmtʰi:n] tahdimthîn 8cf9l60", 8cf9l60", rS.S0.S RS.S0.S
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰsʊ] gusuthsu
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HDM] [tʌhdɪmtʰɪjɑ] tahdimthiya 8cf9l60l;c 8cf9l60l;c rS.S0x, RS.S0x,
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰe:n] gusuthên
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HDM] [tʌhdɪmtʰɪ] tahdimthi 8cf9l60l 8cf9l60l rS.S0n, RS.S0M,
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰoːn] gusuthôn
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰmɑ:] hudmuthmâ fS96S06v fS96S06v rS.S0cl RS.S0cl
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰɑɪ] gusuthai
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰmɪ] hudmuthmi fS96S06l fS96S06l rS.S0c RS.S0c
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GS] [ɡʊsʊtʰɑ] gusutha
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] fS96S06z,l, fS96S06z,l, cause to divide in six pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GS] [ɪɡsɪtʰi:] igsithî lr.l0" lR.l0"
[hʊdmʊtʰmɛnɪn] hudmuthmenin
cause to divide in six pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GS] [ɪɡsi:tʰ] igsîth lr."0 lR."0
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰsɪn] hudmuthsin fS96S0.l, fS96S0.l,
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GShM] [mɑɡʃɪmtʰɪ] magshimthi 6cr%l60l 6cR%l60l
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] fS96S06x, fS96S06x,
[hʊdmʊtʰme:n] hudmuthmên cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GShM] [ɑɡʃɪmtʰɪ] agshimthi cr%l60l cR%l60l
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰsʊn] hudmuthsun fS96S0.S, fS96S0.S, cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑɡʃɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sagshimthmayan .cr%l606c;c, .cR%l606c;c,
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GShM]
[hʊdmʊtʰmɛnɪ] hudmuthmeni fS96S06z,l fS96S06z,l
[HDM] cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GShM] [sɑɡʃɪmtʰɪjɑn] sagshimthiyan .cr%l60l;c, .cR%l60l;c,

cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰsɪ] hudmuthsi fS96S0.l fS96S0.l cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑɡʃɪmtʰmi:n] sagshimthmîn .cr%l606", .cR%l606",
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GShM]
[hʊdmʊtʰme:] hudmuthmê fS96S06x fS96S06x
[HDM] cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GShM] [sɑɡʃɪmtʰi:n] sagshimthîn .cr%l60", .cR%l60",

cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰsʊ] hudmuthsu fS96S0.S fS96S0.S cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑɡʃɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sagshimthmaya .cr%l606c;c .cR%l606c;c
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰe:n] hudmuthên fS96S0x, fS96S0x, [GShM]
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GShM] [sɑɡʃɪmtʰɪjɑ] sagshimthiya .cr%l60l;c .cR%l60l;c
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰoːn] hudmuthôn fS96S0n, fS96S0M,
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cr%l606" .cR%l606"
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰɑɪ] hudmuthai fS96S0cl fS96S0cl [sɑɡʃɪmtʰmi:] sagshimthmî
cause to divide in seventy pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HDM] [hʊdmʊtʰɑ] hudmutha fS96S0c fS96S0c .cr%l60l .cR%l60l
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GShM] [sɑɡʃɪmtʰɪ] sagshimthi
cause to divide in seventy pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HDM] [ɪhdɪmɪtʰi:] ihdimithî lf9l6l0" lf9l6l0" 8cr%l60l;c, 8cR%l60l;c,
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GShM] [tɑɡʃɪmtʰɪjɑn] tagshimthiyan
cause to divide in seventy pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HDM] [ɪhdɪmɪtʰ] ihdimith lf9l6l0 lf9l6l0 8cr%l60", 8cR%l60",
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GShM] [tɑɡʃɪmtʰi:n] tagshimthîn
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GS] [mɑɡɪstʰɪ] magisthi 6crl.0l 6cRl.0l 8cr%l60l;c 8cR%l60l;c
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GShM] [tɑɡʃɪmtʰɪjɑ] tagshimthiya
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GS] [ɑɡɪstʰɪ] agisthi crl.0l cRl.0l 8cr%l60l 8cR%l60l
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GShM] [tɑɡʃɪmtʰɪ] tagshimthi
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰmɑjɑn] sagisthmayan .crl.06c;c, .cRl.06c;c, cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰmɑ:] gushmuthmâ rS%6S06v RS%6S06v

cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰmɪ] gushmuthmi rS%6S06l RS%6S06l
cause to divide in six pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GS] [sɑɡɪstʰɪjɑn] sagisthiyan .crl.0l;c, .cRl.0l;c,
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰmɛnɪn] gushmuthmenin rS%6S06z,l, RS%6S06z,l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 297 The Dwarrow Scholar 298
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰsɪn] gushmuthsin rS%6S0.l, RS%6S0.l, cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRM] [mɑtrɑmtʰɪ] matramthi 6c8@c60l 6c8@c60l

cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRM] [ɑtrɑmtʰɪ] atramthi c8@c60l c8@c60l
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰme:n] gushmuthmên rS%6S06x, RS%6S06x,
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c8@c606c;c, .c8@c606c;c,
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰsʊn] gushmuthsun rS%6S0.S, RS%6S0.S, [sɑtrɑmtʰmɑjɑn] satramthmayan
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRM] [sɑtrɑmtʰɪjɑn] satramthiyan .c8@c60l;c, .c8@c60l;c,
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰmɛnɪ] gushmuthmeni rS%6S06z,l RS%6S06z,l
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c8@c606", .c8@c606",
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰsɪ] gushmuthsi rS%6S0.l RS%6S0.l [sɑtrɑmtʰmi:n] satramthmîn
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRM] [sɑtrɑmtʰi:n] satramthîn .c8@c60", .c8@c60",
[ɡʊʃmʊtʰme:] gushmuthmê rS%6S06x RS%6S06x
[GShM] cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑtrɑmtʰmɑjɑ] satramthmaya .c8@c606c;c .c8@c606c;c
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰsʊ] gushmuthsu rS%6S0.S RS%6S0.S [TRM]
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰe:n] gushmuthên rS%6S0x, RS%6S0x, cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRM] [sɑtrɑmtʰɪjɑ] satramthiya .c8@c60l;c .c8@c60l;c

cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰoːn] gushmuthôn rS%6S0n, RS%6S0M, cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑtrɑmtʰmi:] satramthmî .c8@c606" .c8@c606"
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰɑɪ] gushmuthai rS%6S0cl RS%6S0cl [TRM]
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRM] [sɑtrɑmtʰɪ] satramthi .c8@c60l .c8@c60l
cause to divide in sixty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GShM] [ɡʊʃmʊtʰɑ] gushmutha rS%6S0c RS%6S0c
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRM] [tɑtrɑmtʰɪjɑn] tatramthiyan 8c8@c60l;c, 8c8@c60l;c,
cause to divide in sixty pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GShM] [ɪɡʃɪmɪtʰi:] igshimithî lr%l6l0" lR%l6l0"
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRM] [tɑtrɑmtʰi:n] tatramthîn 8c8@c60", 8c8@c60",
cause to divide in sixty pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GShM] [ɪɡʃɪmɪtʰ] igshimith lr%l6l0 lR%l6l0
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRM] [tɑtrɑmtʰɪjɑ] tatramthiya 8c8@c60l;c 8c8@c60l;c
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SSKh] [mɑs.sɪkʰtʰɪ] massikhthi 6c..leV0l 6c..lt0l
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRM] [tɑtrɑmtʰɪ] tatramthi 8c8@c60l 8c8@c60l
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SSKh] [ʌs.sɪkʰtʰɪ] assikhthi c..leV0l c..lt0l
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰmɑ:] turmuthmâ 8S@6S06v 8S@6S06v
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SSKh] [sɑs.sɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sassikhthmayan .c..leV06c;c, .c..lt06c;c,
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰmɪ] turmuthmi 8S@6S06l 8S@6S06l

cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SSKh] [sɑs.sɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] sassikhthiyan .c..leV0l;c, .c..lt0l;c,
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰmɛnɪn] turmuthmenin 8S@6S06z,l, 8S@6S06z,l,

cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SSKh] [sɑs.sɪkʰətʰmi:n] sassikhthmîn .c..leV06", .c..lt06",
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰsɪn] turmuthsin 8S@6S0.l, 8S@6S0.l,

cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SSKh] [sɑs.sɪkʰtʰi:n] sassikhthîn .c..leV0", .c..lt0",
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰme:n] turmuthmên 8S@6S06x, 8S@6S06x,
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c..leV06c;c .c..lt06c;c
[sʌs.sɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sassikhthmaya cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰsʊn] turmuthsun 8S@6S0.S, 8S@6S0.S,
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SSKh] [sʌs.sɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] sassikhthiya .c..leV0l;c .c..lt0l;c
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰmɛnɪ] turmuthmeni 8S@6S06z,l 8S@6S06z,l
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c..leV06" .c..lt06"
[sʌs.sɪkʰətʰmi:] sassikhthmî cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰsɪ] turmuthsi 8S@6S0.l 8S@6S0.l
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SSKh] [sʌs.sɪkʰtʰɪ] sassikhthi .c..leV0l .c..lt0l cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[tʊrmʊtʰme:] turmuthmê 8S@6S06x 8S@6S06x
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SSKh] [tɑs.sɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] tassikhthiyan 8c..leV0l;c, 8c..lt0l;c, [TRM]
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰsʊ] turmuthsu 8S@6S0.S 8S@6S0.S
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SSKh] [tɑs.sɪkʰtʰi:n] tassikhthîn 8c..leV0", 8c..lt0",
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰe:n] turmuthên 8S@6S0x, 8S@6S0x,
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SSKh] [tʌs.sɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] tassikhthiya 8c..leV0l;c 8c..lt0l;c
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰoːn] turmuthôn 8S@6S0n, 8S@6S0M,
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SSKh] [tʌs.sɪkʰtʰɪ] tassikhthi 8c..leV0l 8c..lt0l
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰɑɪ] turmuthai 8S@6S0cl 8S@6S0cl
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰmɑ:] suskhuthmâ .S.eVS06v .S.tS06v
cause to divide in thirty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TRM] [tʊrmʊtʰɑ] turmutha 8S@6S0c 8S@6S0c
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰmɪ] suskhuthmi .S.eVS06l .S.tS06l
cause to divide in thirty pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TRM] [ɪtrɪmɪtʰi:] itrimithî l8@l6l0" l8@l6l0"
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] suskhuthmenin .S.eVS06z,l, .S.tS06z,l,
cause to divide in thirty pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TRM] [ɪtrɪmɪtʰ] itrimith l8@l6l0 l8@l6l0

cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰsɪn] suskhuthsin .S.eVS0.l, .S.tS0.l, cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GM] [mɑɡɑmtʰɪ] magamthi 6crc60l 6cRc60l

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GM] [ɑɡɑmtʰɪ] agamthi crc60l cRc60l
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰme:n] suskhuthmên .S.eVS06x, .S.tS06x,

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GM] [sɑɡɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sagamthmayan .crc606c;c, .cRc606c;c,
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰsʊn] suskhuthsun .S.eVS0.S, .S.tS0.S,

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GM] [sɑɡɑmtʰɪjɑn] sagamthiyan .crc60l;c, .cRc60l;c,
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] suskhuthmeni .S.eVS06z,l .S.tS06z,l
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .crc606", .cRc606",
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰsɪ] suskhuthsi .S.eVS0.l .S.tS0.l [sɑɡɑmtʰmi:n] sagamthmîn
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GM] [sɑɡɑmtʰi:n] sagamthîn .crc60", .cRc60",
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰme:] suskhuthmê .S.eVS06x .S.tS06x
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .crc606c;c .cRc606c;c
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰsʊ] suskhuthsu .S.eVS0.S .S.tS0.S [sɑɡɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sagamthmaya
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰe:n] suskhuthên .S.eVS0x, .S.tS0x, cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GM] [sɑɡɑmtʰɪjɑ] sagamthiya .crc60l;c .cRc60l;c

cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰoːn] suskhuthôn .S.eVS0n, .S.tS0M, cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑɡɑmtʰmi:] sagamthmî .crc606" .cRc606"
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰɑɪ] suskhuthai .S.eVS0cl .S.tS0cl [GM]
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GM] [sɑɡɑmtʰɪ] sagamthi .crc60l .cRc60l
cause to divide in ten pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SSKh] [sʊskʰʊtʰɑ] suskhutha .S.eVS0c .S.tS0c
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GM] [tɑɡɑmtʰɪjɑn] tagamthiyan 8crc60l;c, 8cRc60l;c,
cause to divide in ten pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SSKh] [ɪs.sɪkʰɪtʰi:] issikhithî l..leVl0" l..ltl0"
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GM] [tɑɡɑmtʰi:n] tagamthîn 8crc60", 8cRc60",
cause to divide in ten pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SSKh] [ɪs.sɪkʰɪtʰ] issikhith l..leVl0 l..ltl0
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GM] [tɑɡɑmtʰɪjɑ] tagamthiya 8crc60l;c 8cRc60l;c

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 299 The Dwarrow Scholar 300

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GM] [tɑɡɑmtʰɪ] tagamthi 8crc60l 8cRc60l cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰɑɪ] luhmuthai aSf6S0cl aSf6S0cl

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰmɑ:] gumuthmâ rS6S06v RS6S06v cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰɑ] luhmutha aSf6S0c aSf6S0c

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰmɪ] gumuthmi rS6S06l RS6S06l cause to divide in twenty pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LHM] [ɪlʰɪmɪtʰi:] ilhimithî lsl6l0" lsl6l0"

cause to divide in twenty pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LHM] [ɪlʰɪmɪtʰ] ilhimith lsl6l0 lsl6l0
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰmɛnɪn] gumuthmenin rS6S06z,l, RS6S06z,l,
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [Nʔ] [mɑnɪʔtʰɪ] mani'thi 6c,lg0l 6c,lg0l
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰsɪn] gumuthsin rS6S0.l, RS6S0.l,
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [Nʔ] [ɑnɪʔtʰɪ] ani'thi c,lg0l c,lg0l
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰme:n] gumuthmên rS6S06x, RS6S06x,
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔətʰmɑjɑn] sani'thmayan .c,lg06c;c, .c,lg06c;c,
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰsʊn] gumuthsun rS6S0.S, RS6S0.S,
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔtʰɪjɑn] sani'thiyan .c,lg0l;c, .c,lg0l;c,
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰmɛnɪ] gumuthmeni rS6S06z,l RS6S06z,l
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔətʰmi:n] sani'thmîn .c,lg06", .c,lg06",
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰsɪ] gumuthsi rS6S0.l RS6S0.l
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔtʰi:n] sani'thîn .c,lg0", .c,lg0",
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰme:] gumuthmê rS6S06x RS6S06x
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔətʰmɑjɑ] sani'thmaya .c,lg06c;c .c,lg06c;c
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰsʊ] gumuthsu rS6S0.S RS6S0.S
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔtʰɪjɑ] sani'thiya .c,lg0l;c .c,lg0l;c
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰe:n] gumuthên rS6S0x, RS6S0x,
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c,lg06" .c,lg06"
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰoːn] gumuthôn rS6S0n, RS6S0M, [sɑnɪʔətʰmi:] sani'thmî
cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰɑɪ] gumuthai rS6S0cl RS6S0cl cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [Nʔ] [sɑnɪʔtʰɪ] sani'thi .c,lg0l .c,lg0l

cause to divide in three pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GM] [ɡʊmʊtʰɑ] gumutha rS6S0c RS6S0c cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [Nʔ] [tɑnɪʔtʰɪjɑn] tani'thiyan 8c,lg0l;c, 8c,lg0l;c,

cause to divide in three pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GM] [ɪɡmɪtʰi:] igmithî lr6l0" lR6l0" cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [Nʔ] [tɑnɪʔtʰi:n] tani'thîn 8c,lg0", 8c,lg0",

cause to divide in three pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GM] [ɪɡmi:tʰ] igmîth lr6"0 lR6"0 cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [Nʔ] [tɑnɪʔtʰɪjɑ] tani'thiya 8c,lg0l;c 8c,lg0l;c

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LHM] [mɑlʰɑmtʰɪ] malhamthi 6csc60l 6csc60l cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [Nʔ] [tɑnɪʔtʰɪ] tani'thi 8c,lg0l 8c,lg0l

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LHM] [ɑlʰɑmtʰɪ] alhamthi csc60l csc60l cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰmɑ:] nuthmâ ,S06v ,S06v
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰmɪ] nuthmi ,S06l ,S06l
[sɑlʰɑmtʰmɑjɑn] salhamthmayan .csc606c;c, .csc606c;c,
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰmɛnɪn] nuthmenin ,S06z,l, ,S06z,l,
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LHM] [sɑlʰɑmtʰɪjɑn] salhamthiyan .csc60l;c, .csc60l;c,
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰsɪn] nuthsin ,S0.l, ,S0.l,
[sɑlʰɑmtʰmi:n] salhamthmîn .csc606", .csc606",
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰme:n] nuthmên ,S06x, ,S06x,
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LHM] [sɑlʰɑmtʰi:n] salhamthîn .csc60", .csc60",
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰsʊn] nuthsun ,S0.S, ,S0.S,
[sɑlʰɑmtʰmɑjɑ] salhamthmaya .csc606c;c .csc606c;c
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰmɛnɪ] nuthmeni ,S06z,l ,S06z,l
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LHM] [sɑlʰɑmtʰɪjɑ] salhamthiya .csc60l;c .csc60l;c
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰsɪ] nuthsi ,S0.l ,S0.l
[sɑlʰɑmtʰmi:] salhamthmî .csc606" .csc606"
cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰme:] nuthmê ,S06x ,S06x
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LHM] [sɑlʰɑmtʰɪ] salhamthi .csc60l .csc60l

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LHM] [tɑlʰɑmtʰɪjɑn] talhamthiyan 8csc60l;c, 8csc60l;c, cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰsʊ] nuthsu ,S0.S ,S0.S

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LHM] [tɑlʰɑmtʰi:n] talhamthîn 8csc60", 8csc60", cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰe:n] nuthên ,S0x, ,S0x,

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LHM] [tɑlʰɑmtʰɪjɑ] talhamthiya 8csc60l;c 8csc60l;c cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰoːn] nuthôn ,S0n, ,S0M,

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LHM] [tɑlʰɑmtʰɪ] talhamthi 8csc60l 8csc60l cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰɑɪ] nuthai ,S0cl ,S0cl

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰmɑ:] luhmuthmâ aSf6S06v aSf6S06v cause to divide in two pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [Nʔ] [nʊtʰɑ] nutha ,S0c ,S0c

cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰmɪ] luhmuthmi aSf6S06l aSf6S06l cause to divide in two pieces! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [Nʔ] [ɪnʔɪtʰi:] in'ithî l,gl0" l,gl0"

cause to divide in two pieces! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [Nʔ] [ɪnʔi:tʰ] in'îth l,g"0 l,g"0
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰmɛnɪn] luhmuthmenin aSf6S06z,l, aSf6S06z,l,
cause to divide! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLK] [ɪmlɪkɪtʰi:] imlikithî l6alel0" l6alel0"
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰsɪn] luhmuthsin aSf6S0.l, aSf6S0.l,
cause to divide! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLK] [ɪmlɪkɪtʰ] imlikith l6alel0 l6alel0
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] aSf6S06x, aSf6S06x,
[lʊhmʊtʰme:n] luhmuthmên cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHL] [mɑmhɪltʰɪ] mamhilthi 6c6fla0l 6c6fla0l
aSf6S0.S, aSf6S0.S, cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHL] [ɑmhɪltʰɪ] amhilthi c6fla0l c6fla0l
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰsʊn] luhmuthsun
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] aSf6S06z,l aSf6S06z,l cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰmɑjɑn] samhilthmayan .c6fla06c;c, .c6fla06c;c,
[lʊhmʊtʰmɛnɪ] luhmuthmeni
aSf6S0.l aSf6S0.l cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰɪjɑn] samhilthiyan .c6fla0l;c, .c6fla0l;c,
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰsɪ] luhmuthsi
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] aSf6S06x aSf6S06x cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰmi:n] samhilthmîn .c6fla06", .c6fla06",
[lʊhmʊtʰme:] luhmuthmê
aSf6S0.S aSf6S0.S cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰi:n] samhilthîn .c6fla0", .c6fla0",
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰsʊ] luhmuthsu
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰe:n] luhmuthên aSf6S0x, aSf6S0x, cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰmɑjɑ] samhilthmaya .c6fla06c;c .c6fla06c;c
cause to divide in twenty pieces [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LHM] [lʊhmʊtʰoːn] luhmuthôn aSf6S0n, aSf6S0M,

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰɪjɑ] samhilthiya .c6fla0l;c .c6fla0l;c
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰmɛnɪ] budzuthmeni 2S9wS06z,l 2S9DS06z,l

cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰmi:] samhilthmî .c6fla06" .c6fla06"
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰsɪ] budzuthsi 2S9wS0.l 2S9DS0.l

cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHL] [sɑmhɪltʰɪ] samhilthi .c6fla0l .c6fla0l
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰme:] budzuthmê 2S9wS06x 2S9DS06x
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHL] [tɑmhɪltʰɪjɑn] tamhilthiyan 8c6fla0l;c, 8c6fla0l;c,
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰsʊ] budzuthsu 2S9wS0.S 2S9DS0.S
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHL] [tɑmhɪltʰi:n] tamhilthîn 8c6fla0", 8c6fla0",
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰe:n] budzuthên 2S9wS0x, 2S9DS0x,
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHL] [tɑmhɪltʰɪjɑ] tamhilthiya 8c6fla0l;c 8c6fla0l;c
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰoːn] budzuthôn 2S9wS0n, 2S9DS0M,
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHL] [tɑmhɪltʰɪ] tamhilthi 8c6fla0l 8c6fla0l
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰɑɪ] budzuthai 2S9wS0cl 2S9DS0cl
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰmɑ:] muhluthmâ 6SfaS06v 6SfaS06v
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰɑ] budzutha 2S9wS0c 2S9DS0c
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰmɪ] muhluthmi 6SfaS06l 6SfaS06l
cause to do at the last minute! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BDZ] [ɪbdɪzɪtʰi:] ibdizithî l29lwl0" l29lDl0"
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰmɛnɪn] muhluthmenin 6SfaS06z,l, 6SfaS06z,l,
cause to do at the last minute! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BDZ] [ɪbdɪzɪtʰ] ibdizith l29lwl0 l29lDl0

cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰsɪn] muhluthsin 6SfaS0.l, 6SfaS0.l, cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔZN] [mɑʔzɑntʰɪ] ma'zanthi 6cgwc,0l 6cgDc,0l

cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔZN] [ɑʔzɑntʰɪ] a'zanthi cgwc,0l cgDc,0l
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰme:n] muhluthmên 6SfaS06x, 6SfaS06x,
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰmɑjɑn] sa'zanthmayan .cgwc,06c;c, .cgDc,06c;c,
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰsʊn] muhluthsun 6SfaS0.S, 6SfaS0.S,
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰɪjɑn] sa'zanthiyan .cgwc,0l;c, .cgDc,0l;c,
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰmɛnɪ] muhluthmeni 6SfaS06z,l 6SfaS06z,l
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰmi:n] sa'zanthmîn .cgwc,06", .cgDc,06",
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰsɪ] muhluthsi 6SfaS0.l 6SfaS0.l
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰi:n] sa'zanthîn .cgwc,0", .cgDc,0",
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰme:] muhluthmê 6SfaS06x 6SfaS06x
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰmɑjɑ] sa'zanthmaya .cgwc,06c;c .cgDc,06c;c
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰsʊ] muhluthsu 6SfaS0.S 6SfaS0.S
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰɪjɑ] sa'zanthiya .cgwc,0l;c .cgDc,0l;c
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰe:n] muhluthên 6SfaS0x, 6SfaS0x,
cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰmi:] sa'zanthmî .cgwc,06" .cgDc,06"
cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰoːn] muhluthôn 6SfaS0n, 6SfaS0M,

cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰɑɪ] muhluthai 6SfaS0cl 6SfaS0cl cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔZN] [sɑʔzɑntʰɪ] sa'zanthi .cgwc,0l .cgDc,0l

cause to do (cause to act) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MHL] [mʊhlʊtʰɑ] muhlutha 6SfaS0c 6SfaS0c cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔZN] [tɑʔzɑntʰɪjɑn] ta'zanthiyan 8cgwc,0l;c, 8cgDc,0l;c,

cause to do (cause to act)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MHL] [ɪmhɪlɪtʰi:] imhilithî l6flal0" l6flal0" cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔZN] [tɑʔzɑntʰi:n] ta'zanthîn 8cgwc,0", 8cgDc,0",

cause to do (cause to act)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MHL] [ɪmhɪlɪtʰ] imhilith l6flal0 l6flal0 cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔZN] [tɑʔzɑntʰɪjɑ] ta'zanthiya 8cgwc,0l;c 8cgDc,0l;c

cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BDZ] [mɑbdɪztʰɪ] mabdizthi 6c29lw0l 6c29lD0l cause to do evil [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔZN] [tɑʔzɑntʰɪ] ta'zanthi 8cgwc,0l 8cgDc,0l

cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BDZ] [ɑbdɪztʰɪ] abdizthi c29lw0l c29lD0l cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰmɑ:] 'uznuthmâ gSw,S06v gSD,S06v

cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰmɪ] 'uznuthmi gSw,S06l gSD,S06l
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BDZ] [sɑbdɪztʰmɑjɑn] sabdizthmayan .c29lw06c;c, .c29lD06c;c,
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰmɛnɪn] 'uznuthmenin gSw,S06z,l, gSD,S06z,l,
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BDZ] [sɑbdɪztʰɪjɑn] sabdizthiyan .c29lw0l;c, .c29lD0l;c,
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰsɪn] 'uznuthsin gSw,S0.l, gSD,S0.l,
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c29lw06", .c29lD06",
[sɑbdɪztʰmi:n] sabdizthmîn cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰme:n] 'uznuthmên gSw,S06x, gSD,S06x,
.c29lw0", .c29lD0", cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰsʊn] 'uznuthsun gSw,S0.S, gSD,S0.S,
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BDZ] [sɑbdɪztʰi:n] sabdizthîn
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰmɛnɪ] 'uznuthmeni gSw,S06z,l gSD,S06z,l
[sɑbdɪztʰmɑjɑ] sabdizthmaya .c29lw06c;c .c29lD06c;c
[BDZ] cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰsɪ] 'uznuthsi gSw,S0.l gSD,S0.l
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BDZ] [sɑbdɪztʰɪjɑ] sabdizthiya .c29lw0l;c .c29lD0l;c
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰme:] 'uznuthmê gSw,S06x gSD,S06x
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c29lw06" .c29lD06"
[sɑbdɪztʰmi:] sabdizthmî
[BDZ] cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰsʊ] 'uznuthsu gSw,S0.S gSD,S0.S
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BDZ] [sɑbdɪztʰɪ] sabdizthi .c29lw0l .c29lD0l gSw,S0x, gSD,S0x,
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰe:n] 'uznuthên
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BDZ] [tɑbdɪztʰɪjɑn] tabdizthiyan 8c29lw0l;c, 8c29lD0l;c, gSw,S0n, gSD,S0M,
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰoːn] 'uznuthôn
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BDZ] [tɑbdɪztʰi:n] tabdizthîn 8c29lw0", 8c29lD0", gSw,S0cl gSD,S0cl
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰɑɪ] 'uznuthai
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BDZ] [tɑbdɪztʰɪjɑ] tabdizthiya 8c29lw0l;c 8c29lD0l;c gSw,S0c gSD,S0c
cause to do evil [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔZN] [ʔʊznʊtʰɑ] 'uznutha
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BDZ] [tɑbdɪztʰɪ] tabdizthi 8c29lw0l 8c29lD0l lgwl,l0" lgDl,l0"
cause to do evil! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZN] [ɪʔzɪnɪtʰi:] i'zinithî
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰmɑ:] budzuthmâ 2S9wS06v 2S9DS06v lgwl,l0 lgDl,l0
cause to do evil! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZN] [ɪʔzɪnɪtʰ] i'zinith
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰmɪ] budzuthmi 2S9wS06l 2S9DS06l 6cw@l90l 6cD@l90l
cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZRD] [mɑzrɪdtʰɪ] mazridthi
cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰmɛnɪn] budzuthmenin 2S9wS06z,l, 2S9DS06z,l, cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZRD] [ʌzrɪdtʰɪ] azridthi cw@l90l cD@l90l

cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰsɪn] budzuthsin 2S9wS0.l, 2S9DS0.l, cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [sɑzrɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sazridthmayan .cw@l906c;c, .cD@l906c;c,

cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰme:n] budzuthmên 2S9wS06x, 2S9DS06x, cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZRD] [sɑzrɪdtʰɪjɑn] sazridthiyan .cw@l90l;c, .cD@l90l;c,

cause to do at the last minute [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BDZ] [bʊdzʊtʰsʊn] budzuthsun 2S9wS0.S, 2S9DS0.S, cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [sɑzrɪdtʰmi:n] sazridthmîn .cw@l906", .cD@l906",

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 303 The Dwarrow Scholar 304

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZRD] [sɑzrɪdtʰi:n] sazridthîn .cw@l90", .cD@l90",
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰme:n] mabkhathmên 6c2eVc06x, 6c2tc06x,

cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [sʌzrɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sazridthmaya .cw@l906c;c .cD@l906c;c
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰsʊn] mabkhathsun 6c2eVc0.S, 6c2tc0.S,

cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZRD] [sʌzrɪdtʰɪjɑ] sazridthiya .cw@l90l;c .cD@l90l;c
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] mabkhathmeni 6c2eVc06z,l 6c2tc06z,l

cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [sʌzrɪdtʰmi:] sazridthmî .cw@l906" .cD@l906"
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰsɪ] mabkhathsi 6c2eVc0.l 6c2tc0.l

cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZRD] [sʌzrɪdtʰɪ] sazridthi .cw@l90l .cD@l90l
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰme:] mabkhathmê 6c2eVc06x 6c2tc06x
cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZRD] [tɑzrɪdtʰɪjɑn] tazridthiyan 8cw@l90l;c, 8cD@l90l;c,
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰsʊ] mabkhathsu 6c2eVc0.S 6c2tc0.S
cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZRD] [tɑzrɪdtʰi:n] tazridthîn 8cw@l90", 8cD@l90",
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰe:n] mabkhathên 6c2eVc0x, 6c2tc0x,
cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZRD] [tʌzrɪdtʰɪjɑ] tazridthiya 8cw@l90l;c 8cD@l90l;c
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰoːn] mabkhathôn 6c2eVc0n, 6c2tc0M,
cause to do magic [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZRD] [tʌzrɪdtʰɪ] tazridthi 8cw@l90l 8cD@l90l
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰɑɪ] mabkhathai 6c2eVc0cl 6c2tc0cl
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰmɑ:] zardathmâ wc@9c06v Dc@9c06v
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰɑ] mabkhatha 6c2eVc0c 6c2tc0c
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰmɪ] zardathmi wc@9c06l Dc@9c06l
cause to do nothing! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MBKh] [ɪmbɪkʰɪtʰi:] imbikhithî l62leVl0" l62ltl0"
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰmɛnɪn] zardathmenin wc@9c06z,l, Dc@9c06z,l,
cause to do nothing! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MBKh] [ɪmbɪkʰɪtʰ] imbikhith l62leVl0 l62ltl0
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰsɪn] zardathsin wc@9c0.l, Dc@9c0.l,
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLN] [mɑʃlɑntʰɪ] mashlanthi 6c%ac,0l 6c%ac,0l
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰme:n] zardathmên wc@9c06x, Dc@9c06x,
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLN] [ʌʃlɑntʰɪ] ashlanthi c%ac,0l c%ac,0l

cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰsʊn] zardathsun wc@9c0.S, Dc@9c0.S, cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [sɑʃlɑntʰmɑjɑn] sashlanthmayan .c%ac,06c;c, .c%ac,06c;c,

cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLN] [sɑʃlɑntʰɪjɑn] sashlanthiyan .c%ac,0l;c, .c%ac,0l;c,
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰmɛnɪ] zardathmeni wc@9c06z,l Dc@9c06z,l

cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [sɑʃlɑntʰmi:n] sashlanthmîn .c%ac,06", .c%ac,06",
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰsɪ] zardathsi wc@9c0.l Dc@9c0.l

cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLN] [sɑʃlɑntʰi:n] sashlanthîn .c%ac,0", .c%ac,0",
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰme:] zardathmê wc@9c06x Dc@9c06x

cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [sʌʃlɑntʰmɑjɑ] sashlanthmaya .c%ac,06c;c .c%ac,06c;c
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰsʊ] zardathsu wc@9c0.S Dc@9c0.S

cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰe:n] zardathên wc@9c0x, Dc@9c0x, cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLN] [sʌʃlɑntʰɪjɑ] sashlanthiya .c%ac,0l;c .c%ac,0l;c

cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰoːn] zardathôn wc@9c0n, Dc@9c0M,
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [sʌʃlɑntʰmi:] sashlanthmî .c%ac,06" .c%ac,06"
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰɑɪ] zardathai wc@9c0cl Dc@9c0cl
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLN] [sʌʃlɑntʰɪ] sashlanthi .c%ac,0l .c%ac,0l
cause to do magic [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZRD] [zɑrdɑtʰɑ] zardatha wc@9c0c Dc@9c0c
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLN] [tɑʃlɑntʰɪjɑn] tashlanthiyan 8c%ac,0l;c, 8c%ac,0l;c,
cause to do magic! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRD] [ɪzrɪdɪtʰi:] izridithî lw@l9l0" lD@l9l0"
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLN] [tɑʃlɑntʰi:n] tashlanthîn 8c%ac,0", 8c%ac,0",
cause to do magic! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRD] [ɪzrɪdɪtʰ] izridith lw@l9l0 lD@l9l0
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLN] [tʌʃlɑntʰɪjɑ] tashlanthiya 8c%ac,0l;c 8c%ac,0l;c
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MBKh] [mɑmbɪkʰtʰɪ] mambikhthi 6c62leV0l 6c62lt0l
cause to dock [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLN] [tʌʃlɑntʰɪ] tashlanthi 8c%ac,0l 8c%ac,0l
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MBKh] [ɑmbɪkʰtʰɪ] ambikhthi c62leV0l c62lt0l
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰmɑ:] shulnuthmâ %Sa,S06v %Sa,S06v
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sambikhthmayan .c62leV06c;c, .c62lt06c;c,
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰmɪ] shulnuthmi %Sa,S06l %Sa,S06l

cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] sambikhthiyan .c62leV0l;c, .c62lt0l;c, cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰmɛnɪn] shulnuthmenin %Sa,S06z,l, %Sa,S06z,l,

cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰsɪn] shulnuthsin %Sa,S0.l, %Sa,S0.l,
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰətʰmi:n] sambikhthmîn .c62leV06", .c62lt06",
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰme:n] shulnuthmên %Sa,S06x, %Sa,S06x,
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰtʰi:n] sambikhthîn .c62leV0", .c62lt0",
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰsʊn] shulnuthsun %Sa,S0.S, %Sa,S0.S,
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sambikhthmaya .c62leV06c;c .c62lt06c;c cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰmɛnɪ] shulnuthmeni %Sa,S06z,l %Sa,S06z,l

.c62leV0l;c .c62lt0l;c cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰsɪ] shulnuthsi %Sa,S0.l %Sa,S0.l
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] sambikhthiya
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰme:] shulnuthmê %Sa,S06x %Sa,S06x
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰətʰmi:] sambikhthmî .c62leV06" .c62lt06"
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰsʊ] shulnuthsu %Sa,S0.S %Sa,S0.S
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MBKh] [sɑmbɪkʰtʰɪ] sambikhthi .c62leV0l .c62lt0l %Sa,S0x, %Sa,S0x,
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰe:n] shulnuthên
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MBKh] [tɑmbɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] tambikhthiyan 8c62leV0l;c, 8c62lt0l;c, %Sa,S0n, %Sa,S0M,
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰoːn] shulnuthôn
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MBKh] [tɑmbɪkʰtʰi:n] tambikhthîn 8c62leV0", 8c62lt0", %Sa,S0cl %Sa,S0cl
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰɑɪ] shulnuthai
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MBKh] [tɑmbɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] tambikhthiya 8c62leV0l;c 8c62lt0l;c %Sa,S0c %Sa,S0c
cause to dock [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLN] [ʃʊlnʊtʰɑ] shulnutha
cause to do nothing [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MBKh] [tɑmbɪkʰtʰɪ] tambikhthi 8c62leV0l 8c62lt0l l%al,l0" l%al,l0"
cause to dock! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLN] [ɪʃlɪnɪtʰi:] ishlinithî
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰmɑ:] mabkhathmâ 6c2eVc06v 6c2tc06v l%al,l0 l%al,l0
cause to dock! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLN] [ɪʃlɪnɪtʰ] ishlinith
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰmɪ] mabkhathmi 6c2eVc06l 6c2tc06l 6c%3leV0l 6c%3lt0l
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShFKh] [mɑʃfɪkʰtʰɪ] mashfikhthi
cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] mabkhathmenin 6c2eVc06z,l, 6c2tc06z,l, cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShFKh] [ʌʃfɪkʰtʰɪ] ashfikhthi c%3leV0l c%3lt0l

cause to do nothing [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MBKh] [mɑbkʰɑtʰsɪn] mabkhathsin 6c2eVc0.l, 6c2tc0.l, cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [sɑʃfɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] sashfikhthmayan .c%3leV06c;c, .c%3lt06c;c,

cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShFKh] [sɑʃfɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] sashfikhthiyan .c%3leV0l;c, .c%3lt0l;c,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 305 The Dwarrow Scholar 306
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰsʊn] laftathsun ac38c0.S, ac38c0.S,
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [sɑʃfɪkʰətʰmi:n] sashfikhthmîn .c%3leV06", .c%3lt06",

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰmɛnɪ] laftathmeni ac38c06z,l ac38c06z,l
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShFKh] [sɑʃfɪkʰtʰi:n] sashfikhthîn .c%3leV0", .c%3lt0",

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰsɪ] laftathsi ac38c0.l ac38c0.l
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [sʌʃfɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] sashfikhthmaya .c%3leV06c;c .c%3lt06c;c

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰme:] laftathmê ac38c06x ac38c06x
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShFKh] [sʌʃfɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] sashfikhthiya .c%3leV0l;c .c%3lt0l;c

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰsʊ] laftathsu ac38c0.S ac38c0.S
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [sʌʃfɪkʰətʰmi:] sashfikhthmî .c%3leV06" .c%3lt06"
cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰe:n] laftathên ac38c0x, ac38c0x,
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShFKh] [sʌʃfɪkʰtʰɪ] sashfikhthi .c%3leV0l .c%3lt0l
cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰoːn] laftathôn ac38c0n, ac38c0M,
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShFKh] [tɑʃfɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] tashfikhthiyan 8c%3leV0l;c, 8c%3lt0l;c,
cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰɑɪ] laftathai ac38c0cl ac38c0cl
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShFKh] [tɑʃfɪkʰtʰi:n] tashfikhthîn 8c%3leV0", 8c%3lt0",
cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰɑ] laftatha ac38c0c ac38c0c
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShFKh] [tʌʃfɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] tashfikhthiya 8c%3leV0l;c 8c%3lt0l;c
cause to draft (air)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [LFT] [ɪlfɪtɪtʰi:] ilfitithî la3l8l0" la3l8l0"
cause to doubt [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShFKh] [tʌʃfɪkʰtʰɪ] tashfikhthi 8c%3leV0l 8c%3lt0l
cause to draft (air)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [LFT] [ɪlfɪtɪtʰ] ilfitith la3l8l0 la3l8l0
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰmɑ:] shafkhathmâ %c3eVc06v %c3tc06v
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TSR] [mɑtsɑrtʰɪ] matsarthi 6c8.c@0l 6cCc@0l
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰmɪ] shafkhathmi %c3eVc06l %c3tc06l
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TSR] [ɑtsɑrtʰɪ] atsarthi c8.c@0l cCc@0l
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰmɛnɪn] shafkhathmenin %c3eVc06z,l, %c3tc06z,l,
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰmɑjɑn] satsarthmayan .c8.c@06c;c, .cCc@06c;c,
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰsɪn] shafkhathsin %c3eVc0.l, %c3tc0.l,
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰɪjɑn] satsarthiyan .c8.c@0l;c, .cCc@0l;c,
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰme:n] shafkhathmên %c3eVc06x, %c3tc06x,
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰmi:n] satsarthmîn .c8.c@06", .cCc@06",
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰsʊn] shafkhathsun %c3eVc0.S, %c3tc0.S,
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰi:n] satsarthîn .c8.c@0", .cCc@0",
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰmɛnɪ] shafkhathmeni %c3eVc06z,l %c3tc06z,l
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰmɑjɑ] satsarthmaya .c8.c@06c;c .cCc@06c;c
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰsɪ] shafkhathsi %c3eVc0.l %c3tc0.l
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰɪjɑ] satsarthiya .c8.c@0l;c .cCc@0l;c
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰme:] shafkhathmê %c3eVc06x %c3tc06x
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰmi:] satsarthmî .c8.c@06" .cCc@06"
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰsʊ] shafkhathsu %c3eVc0.S %c3tc0.S
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TSR] [sɑtsɑrtʰɪ] satsarthi .c8.c@0l .cCc@0l
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰe:n] shafkhathên %c3eVc0x, %c3tc0x,
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TSR] [tɑtsɑrtʰɪjɑn] tatsarthiyan 8c8.c@0l;c, 8cCc@0l;c,
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShFKh] [ʃɑfkʰɑtʰoːn] shafkhathôn %c3eVc0n, %c3tc0M,
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TSR] [tɑtsɑrtʰi:n] tatsarthîn 8c8.c@0", 8cCc@0",
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰɑɪ] shafkhathai %c3eVc0cl %c3tc0cl
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TSR] [tɑtsɑrtʰɪjɑ] tatsarthiya 8c8.c@0l;c 8cCc@0l;c
cause to doubt [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShFKh] [ʃʌfkʰɑtʰɑ] shafkhatha %c3eVc0c %c3tc0c
cause to draw [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TSR] [tɑtsɑrtʰɪ] tatsarthi 8c8.c@0l 8cCc@0l
cause to doubt! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShFKh] [ɪʃfɪkʰɪtʰi:] ishfikhithî l%3leVl0" l%3ltl0"
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰmɑ:] tusruthmâ 8S.@S06v 8S.@S06v
cause to doubt! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShFKh] [ɪʃfɪkʰɪtʰ] ishfikhith l%3leVl0 l%3ltl0
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰmɪ] tusruthmi 8S.@S06l 8S.@S06l
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [LFT] [mɑlfɑt.tʰɪ] malfatthi 6ca3c80l 6ca3c80l
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰmɛnɪn] tusruthmenin 8S.@S06z,l, 8S.@S06z,l,
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [LFT] [ɑlfɑt.tʰɪ] alfatthi ca3c80l ca3c80l
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰsɪn] tusruthsin 8S.@S0.l, 8S.@S0.l,
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [sɑlfɑtətʰmɑjɑn] salfatthmayan .ca3c806c;c, .ca3c806c;c, cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰme:n] tusruthmên 8S.@S06x, 8S.@S06x,

.ca3c80l;c, .ca3c80l;c, cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰsʊn] tusruthsun 8S.@S0.S, 8S.@S0.S,
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LFT] [sɑlfɑt.tʰɪjɑn] salfatthiyan
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰmɛnɪ] tusruthmeni 8S.@S06z,l 8S.@S06z,l
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [sɑlfɑtətʰmi:n] salfatthmîn .ca3c806", .ca3c806",
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰsɪ] tusruthsi 8S.@S0.l 8S.@S0.l
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [LFT] [sɑlfɑt.tʰi:n] salfatthîn .ca3c80", .ca3c80", 8S.@S06x 8S.@S06x
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰme:] tusruthmê
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [sɑlfɑtətʰmɑjɑ] salfatthmaya .ca3c806c;c .ca3c806c;c cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰsʊ] tusruthsu 8S.@S0.S 8S.@S0.S

cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰe:n] tusruthên 8S.@S0x, 8S.@S0x,
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [LFT] [sɑlfɑt.tʰɪjɑ] salfatthiya .ca3c80l;c .ca3c80l;c
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰoːn] tusruthôn 8S.@S0n, 8S.@S0M,
cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [sɑlfɑtətʰmi:] salfatthmî .ca3c806" .ca3c806"
cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰɑɪ] tusruthai 8S.@S0cl 8S.@S0cl

cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [LFT] [sɑlfɑt.tʰɪ] salfatthi .ca3c80l .ca3c80l cause to draw [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TSR] [tʊsrʊtʰɑ] tusrutha 8S.@S0c 8S.@S0c

cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [LFT] [tɑlfɑt.tʰɪjɑn] talfatthiyan 8ca3c80l;c, 8ca3c80l;c, cause to draw! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TSR] [ɪtsɪrɪtʰi:] itsirithî l8.l@l0" lCl@l0"

cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [LFT] [tɑlfɑt.tʰi:n] talfatthîn 8ca3c80", 8ca3c80", cause to draw! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TSR] [ɪtsɪrɪtʰ] itsirith l8.l@l0 lCl@l0

cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [LFT] [tɑlfɑt.tʰɪjɑ] talfatthiya 8ca3c80l;c 8ca3c80l;c cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DL] [mɑdɑltʰɪ] madalthi 6c9ca0l 6c9ca0l

cause to draft (air) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [LFT] [tɑlfɑt.tʰɪ] talfatthi 8ca3c80l 8ca3c80l cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DL] [ɑdɑltʰɪ] adalthi c9ca0l c9ca0l

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰmɑ:] laftathmâ ac38c06v ac38c06v cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰmɑjɑn] sadalthmayan .c9ca06c;c, .c9ca06c;c,

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [LFT] [lʌftɑtʰmɪ] laftathmi ac38c06l ac38c06l cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰɪjɑn] sadalthiyan .c9ca0l;c, .c9ca0l;c,

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰmɛnɪn] laftathmenin ac38c06z,l, ac38c06z,l, cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰmi:n] sadalthmîn .c9ca06", .c9ca06",

cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰsɪn] laftathsin ac38c0.l, ac38c0.l, cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰi:n] sadalthîn .c9ca0", .c9ca0",

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰmɑjɑ] sadalthmaya .c9ca06c;c .c9ca06c;c
cause to draft (air) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [LFT] [lɑftɑtʰme:n] laftathmên ac38c06x, ac38c06x,

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰɪjɑ] sadalthiya .c9ca0l;c .c9ca0l;c cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[ʃɛlkɛtʰme:] shelkethmê %zaez06x %zaez06x
cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰmi:] sadalthmî .c9ca06" .c9ca06"
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰsʊ] shelkethsu %zaez0.S %zaez0.S

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DL] [sɑdɑltʰɪ] sadalthi .c9ca0l .c9ca0l cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰe:n] shelkethên %zaez0x, %zaez0x,

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DL] [tɑdɑltʰɪjɑn] tadalthiyan 8c9ca0l;c, 8c9ca0l;c, cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰoːn] shelkethôn %zaez0n, %zaez0M,

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DL] [tɑdɑltʰi:n] tadalthîn 8c9ca0", 8c9ca0", cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰɑɪ] shelkethai %zaez0cl %zaez0cl

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DL] [tɑdɑltʰɪjɑ] tadalthiya 8c9ca0l;c 8c9ca0l;c cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰɑ] shelketha %zaez0c %zaez0c

cause to dream [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DL] [tɑdɑltʰɪ] tadalthi 8c9ca0l 8c9ca0l cause to drink (cause to wash away)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShLK] [ɪʃlɪkɪtʰi:] ishlikithî l%alel0" l%alel0"

cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰmɑ:] duluthmâ 9SaS06v 9SaS06v cause to drink (cause to wash away)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShLK] [ɪʃlɪkɪtʰ] ishlikith l%alel0 l%alel0

cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰmɪ] duluthmi 9SaS06l 9SaS06l cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZLL] [mɑzlɑltʰɪ] mazlalthi 6cwaca0l 6cDaca0l

cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰmɛnɪn] duluthmenin 9SaS06z,l, 9SaS06z,l, cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZLL] [ʌzlɑltʰɪ] azlalthi cwaca0l cDaca0l

cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰsɪn] duluthsin 9SaS0.l, 9SaS0.l,
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [sɑzlɑltʰmɑjɑn] sazlalthmayan .cwaca06c;c, .cDaca06c;c,
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰme:n] duluthmên 9SaS06x, 9SaS06x,
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZLL] [sɑzlɑltʰɪjɑn] sazlalthiyan .cwaca0l;c, .cDaca0l;c,
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰsʊn] duluthsun 9SaS0.S, 9SaS0.S,

cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰmɛnɪ] duluthmeni 9SaS06z,l 9SaS06z,l cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [sɑzlɑltʰmi:n] sazlalthmîn .cwaca06", .cDaca06",

cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰsɪ] duluthsi 9SaS0.l 9SaS0.l .cwaca0", .cDaca0",
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZLL] [sɑzlɑltʰi:n] sazlalthîn
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰme:] duluthmê 9SaS06x 9SaS06x
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [sʌzlɑltʰmɑjɑ] sazlalthmaya .cwaca06c;c .cDaca06c;c
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰsʊ] duluthsu 9SaS0.S 9SaS0.S
9SaS0x, 9SaS0x, cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZLL] [sʌzlɑltʰɪjɑ] sazlalthiya .cwaca0l;c .cDaca0l;c
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰe:n] duluthên
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰoːn] duluthôn 9SaS0n, 9SaS0M, cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [sʌzlɑltʰmi:] sazlalthmî .cwaca06" .cDaca06"
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰɑɪ] duluthai 9SaS0cl 9SaS0cl
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZLL] [sʌzlɑltʰɪ] sazlalthi .cwaca0l .cDaca0l
cause to dream [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DL] [dʊlʊtʰɑ] dulutha 9SaS0c 9SaS0c
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZLL] [tɑzlɑltʰɪjɑn] tazlalthiyan 8cwaca0l;c, 8cDaca0l;c,
cause to dream! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DL] [ɪdlɪtʰi:] idlithî l9al0" l9al0"
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZLL] [tɑzlɑltʰi:n] tazlalthîn 8cwaca0", 8cDaca0",
cause to dream! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DL] [ɪdli:tʰ] idlîth l9a"0 l9a"0
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZLL] [tʌzlɑltʰɪjɑ] tazlalthiya 8cwaca0l;c 8cDaca0l;c
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLK] [mɑʃlɪktʰɪ] mashlikthi 6c%ale0l 6c%ale0l
cause to drink ales [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZLL] [tʌzlɑltʰɪ] tazlalthi 8cwaca0l 8cDaca0l
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLK] [ʌʃlɪktʰɪ] ashlikthi c%ale0l c%ale0l
cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰmɑ:] zulluthmâ wSaaS06v DSaaS06v
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c%ale06c;c, .c%ale06c;c,
[sɑʃlɪkətʰmɑjɑn] sashlikthmayan cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰmɪ] zulluthmi wSaaS06l DSaaS06l
.c%ale0l;c, .c%ale0l;c, cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰmɛnɪn] zulluthmenin wSaaS06z,l, DSaaS06z,l,
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLK] [sɑʃlɪktʰɪjɑn] sashlikthiyan
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰsɪn] zulluthsin wSaaS0.l, DSaaS0.l,
[sɑʃlɪkətʰmi:n] sashlikthmîn .c%ale06", .c%ale06",
(contemptuous)] [ShLK] wSaaS06x, DSaaS06x,
cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰme:n] zulluthmên
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLK] [sɑʃlɪktʰi:n] sashlikthîn .c%ale0", .c%ale0",
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰsʊn] zulluthsun wSaaS0.S, DSaaS0.S,
[sʌʃlɪkətʰmɑjɑ] sashlikthmaya .c%ale06c;c .c%ale06c;c
(contemptuous)] [ShLK] wSaaS06z,l DSaaS06z,l
cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰmɛnɪ] zulluthmeni
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLK] [sʌʃlɪktʰɪjɑ] sashlikthiya .c%ale0l;c .c%ale0l;c
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰsɪ] zulluthsi wSaaS0.l DSaaS0.l
[sʌʃlɪkətʰmi:] sashlikthmî .c%ale06" .c%ale06"
(contemptuous)] [ShLK] wSaaS06x DSaaS06x
cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰme:] zulluthmê
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShLK] [sʌʃlɪktʰɪ] sashlikthi .c%ale0l .c%ale0l
8c%ale0l;c, 8c%ale0l;c, cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰsʊ] zulluthsu wSaaS0.S DSaaS0.S
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShLK] [tɑʃlɪktʰɪjɑn] tashlikthiyan
8c%ale0", 8c%ale0", cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰe:n] zulluthên wSaaS0x, DSaaS0x,
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShLK] [tɑʃlɪktʰi:n] tashlikthîn
8c%ale0l;c 8c%ale0l;c cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰoːn] zulluthôn wSaaS0n, DSaaS0M,
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShLK] [tʌʃlɪktʰɪjɑ] tashlikthiya
cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰɑɪ] zulluthai wSaaS0cl DSaaS0cl
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShLK] [tʌʃlɪktʰɪ] tashlikthi 8c%ale0l 8c%ale0l
cause to drink ales [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZLL] [zʊl.lʊtʰɑ] zullutha wSaaS0c DSaaS0c
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰmɑ:] shelkethmâ %zaez06v %zaez06v lwalal0" lDalal0"
cause to drink ales! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZLL] [ɪzlɪlɪtʰi:] izlilithî
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰmɪ] shelkethmi %zaez06l %zaez06l lwalal0 lDalal0
cause to drink ales! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZLL] [ɪzlɪlɪtʰ] izlilith
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] %zaez06z,l, %zaez06z,l, cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KFH] [mɑkfɪhtʰɪ] makfihthi 6ce3lf0l 6ce3lf0l
[ʃɛlkɛtʰmɛnɪn] shelkethmenin
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KFH] [ɑkfɪhtʰɪ] akfihthi ce3lf0l ce3lf0l
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰsɪn] shelkethsin %zaez0.l, %zaez0.l,
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰmɑjɑn] sakfihthmayan .ce3lf06c;c, .ce3lf06c;c,
[ʃɛlkɛtʰme:n] shelkethmên %zaez06x, %zaez06x,
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰɪjɑn] sakfihthiyan .ce3lf0l;c, .ce3lf0l;c,
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰsʊn] shelkethsun %zaez0.S, %zaez0.S,
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰmi:n] sakfihthmîn .ce3lf06", .ce3lf06",
[ʃɛlkɛtʰmɛnɪ] shelkethmeni %zaez06z,l %zaez06z,l
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰi:n] sakfihthîn .ce3lf0", .ce3lf0",
cause to drink (cause to wash away) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShLK] [ʃɛlkɛtʰsɪ] shelkethsi %zaez0.l %zaez0.l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 309 The Dwarrow Scholar 310
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰme:] 'ufhuthmê gS3fS06x gS3fS06x
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰmɑjɑ] sakfihthmaya .ce3lf06c;c .ce3lf06c;c
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰsʊ] 'ufhuthsu gS3fS0.S gS3fS0.S
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰɪjɑ] sakfihthiya .ce3lf0l;c .ce3lf0l;c
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰe:n] 'ufhuthên gS3fS0x, gS3fS0x,
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰmi:] sakfihthmî .ce3lf06" .ce3lf06" cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔFH] [ʔʊf hʊtʰoːn] 'ufhuthôn gS3fS0n, gS3fS0M,

.ce3lf0l .ce3lf0l cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰɑɪ] 'ufhuthai gS3fS0cl gS3fS0cl
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KFH] [sɑkfɪhtʰɪ] sakfihthi
8ce3lf0l;c, 8ce3lf0l;c, cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰɑ] 'ufhutha gS3fS0c gS3fS0c
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KFH] [tɑkfɪhtʰɪjɑn] takfihthiyan
8ce3lf0", 8ce3lf0", cause to drip! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔFH] [ɪʔfɪhɪtʰi:] i'fihithî lg3lfl0" lg3lfl0"
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KFH] [tɑkfɪhtʰi:n] takfihthîn
8ce3lf0l;c 8ce3lf0l;c cause to drip! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔFH] [ɪʔfɪhɪtʰ] i'fihith lg3lfl0 lg3lfl0
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KFH] [tɑkfɪhtʰɪjɑ] takfihthiya
8ce3lf0l 8ce3lf0l cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhLB] [mɑkʰlɪbtʰɪ] makhlibthi 6ceVal20l 6ctal20l
cause to drink coffee [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KFH] [tɑkfɪhtʰɪ] takfihthi
ec3fc06v ec3fc06v cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhLB] [ɑkʰlɪbtʰɪ] akhlibthi ceVal20l ctal20l
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KFH] [kɑfhɑtʰmɑ:] kafhathmâ
ec3fc06l ec3fc06l cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbətʰmɑjɑn] sakhlibthmayan .ceVal206c;c, .ctal206c;c,
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰmɪ] kafhathmi
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbtʰɪjɑn] sakhlibthiyan .ceVal20l;c, .ctal20l;c,
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [kɑfhɑtʰmɛnɪn] kafhathmenin ec3fc06z,l, ec3fc06z,l,
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbətʰmi:n] sakhlibthmîn .ceVal206", .ctal206",
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KFH] [kɑfhɑtʰsɪn] kafhathsin ec3fc0.l, ec3fc0.l,
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbtʰi:n] sakhlibthîn .ceVal20", .ctal20",
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [kɑfhɑtʰme:n] kafhathmên ec3fc06x, ec3fc06x,
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbətʰmɑjɑ] sakhlibthmaya .ceVal206c;c .ctal206c;c
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KFH] [kɑfhɑtʰsʊn] kafhathsun ec3fc0.S, ec3fc0.S,
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbtʰɪjɑ] sakhlibthiya .ceVal20l;c .ctal20l;c
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰmɛnɪ] kafhathmeni ec3fc06z,l ec3fc06z,l
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbətʰmi:] sakhlibthmî .ceVal206" .ctal206"
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰsɪ] kafhathsi ec3fc0.l ec3fc0.l
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhLB] [sɑkʰlɪbtʰɪ] sakhlibthi .ceVal20l .ctal20l
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰme:] kafhathmê ec3fc06x ec3fc06x
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhLB] [tɑkʰlɪbtʰɪjɑn] takhlibthiyan 8ceVal20l;c, 8ctal20l;c,
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰsʊ] kafhathsu ec3fc0.S ec3fc0.S 8ceVal20", 8ctal20",
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhLB] [tɑkʰlɪbtʰi:n] takhlibthîn
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KFH] [kɑfhɑtʰe:n] kafhathên ec3fc0x, ec3fc0x, 8ceVal20l;c 8ctal20l;c
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhLB] [tɑkʰlɪbtʰɪjɑ] takhlibthiya
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KFH] [kɑf hɑtʰoːn] kafhathôn ec3fc0n, ec3fc0M, 8ceVal20l 8ctal20l
cause to drop [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhLB] [tɑkʰlɪbtʰɪ] takhlibthi
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰɑɪ] kafhathai ec3fc0cl ec3fc0cl eVSa2S06v tSa2S06v
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰmɑ:] khulbuthmâ
cause to drink coffee [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KFH] [kʌfhɑtʰɑ] kafhatha ec3fc0c ec3fc0c eVSa2S06l tSa2S06l
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰmɪ] khulbuthmi
cause to drink coffee! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KFH] [ɪkfɪhɪtʰi:] ikfihithî le3lfl0" le3lfl0" eVSa2S06z,l, tSa2S06z,l,
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰmɛnɪn] khulbuthmenin
cause to drink coffee! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KFH] [ɪkfɪhɪtʰ] ikfihith le3lfl0 le3lfl0 eVSa2S0.l, tSa2S0.l,
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰsɪn] khulbuthsin
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔFH] [mɑʔfɪhtʰɪ] ma'fihthi 6cg3lf0l 6cg3lf0l eVSa2S06x, tSa2S06x,
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰme:n] khulbuthmên
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔFH] [ɑʔfɪhtʰɪ] a'fihthi cg3lf0l cg3lf0l eVSa2S0.S, tSa2S0.S,
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰsʊn] khulbuthsun
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰmɑjɑn] sa'fihthmayan .cg3lf06c;c, .cg3lf06c;c, eVSa2S06z,l tSa2S06z,l
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰmɛnɪ] khulbuthmeni
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰɪjɑn] sa'fihthiyan .cg3lf0l;c, .cg3lf0l;c, eVSa2S0.l tSa2S0.l
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰsɪ] khulbuthsi
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰmi:n] sa'fihthmîn .cg3lf06", .cg3lf06", eVSa2S06x tSa2S06x
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰme:] khulbuthmê
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰi:n] sa'fihthîn .cg3lf0", .cg3lf0", eVSa2S0.S tSa2S0.S
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰsʊ] khulbuthsu
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰmɑjɑ] sa'fihthmaya .cg3lf06c;c .cg3lf06c;c eVSa2S0x, tSa2S0x,
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰe:n] khulbuthên
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰɪjɑ] sa'fihthiya .cg3lf0l;c .cg3lf0l;c eVSa2S0n, tSa2S0M,
cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰoːn] khulbuthôn
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰmi:] sa'fihthmî .cg3lf06" .cg3lf06" cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰɑɪ] khulbuthai eVSa2S0cl tSa2S0cl

cause to drop [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhLB] [kʰʊlbʊtʰɑ] khulbutha eVSa2S0c tSa2S0c
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔFH] [sɑʔfɪhtʰɪ] sa'fihthi .cg3lf0l .cg3lf0l
cause to drop! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLB] [ɪkʰlɪbɪtʰi:] ikhlibithî leVal2l0" ltal2l0"
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔFH] [tɑʔfɪhtʰɪjɑn] ta'fihthiyan 8cg3lf0l;c, 8cg3lf0l;c,
cause to drop! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLB] [ɪkʰlɪbɪtʰ] ikhlibith leVal2l0 ltal2l0
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔFH] [tɑʔfɪhtʰi:n] ta'fihthîn 8cg3lf0", 8cg3lf0",
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZRH] [mɑzrɑhtʰɪ] mazrahthi 6cw@cf0l 6cD@cf0l
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔFH] [tɑʔfɪhtʰɪjɑ] ta'fihthiya 8cg3lf0l;c 8cg3lf0l;c
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZRH] [ʌzrʌhtʰɪ] azrahthi cw@cf0l cD@cf0l
cause to drip [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔFH] [tɑʔfɪhtʰɪ] ta'fihthi 8cg3lf0l 8cg3lf0l
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [sɑzrɑhtʰmɑjɑn] sazrahthmayan .cw@cf06c;c, .cD@cf06c;c,
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰmɑ:] 'ufhuthmâ gS3fS06v gS3fS06v
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZRH] [sɑzrɑhtʰɪjɑn] sazrahthiyan .cw@cf0l;c, .cD@cf0l;c,
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰmɪ] 'ufhuthmi gS3fS06l gS3fS06l

cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰmɛnɪn] 'ufhuthmenin gS3fS06z,l, gS3fS06z,l, cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [sɑzrɑhtʰmi:n] sazrahthmîn .cw@cf06", .cD@cf06",

cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰsɪn] 'ufhuthsin gS3fS0.l, gS3fS0.l, .cw@cf0", .cD@cf0",
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZRH] [sɑzrɑhtʰi:n] sazrahthîn
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰme:n] 'ufhuthmên gS3fS06x, gS3fS06x,
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [sʌzrʌhtʰmɑjɑ] sazrahthmaya .cw@cf06c;c .cD@cf06c;c
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰsʊn] 'ufhuthsun gS3fS0.S, gS3fS0.S,
gS3fS06z,l gS3fS06z,l cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZRH] [sʌzrʌhtʰɪjɑ] sazrahthiya .cw@cf0l;c .cD@cf0l;c
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰmɛnɪ] 'ufhuthmeni
cause to drip [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔFH] [ʔʊfhʊtʰsɪ] 'ufhuthsi gS3fS0.l gS3fS0.l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 311 The Dwarrow Scholar 312

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰɑ] mentetha 6z,8z0c 6z,8z0c
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [sʌzrʌhtʰmi:] sazrahthmî .cw@cf06" .cD@cf06"
cause to dry! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MNT] [ɪmnɪtɪtʰi:] imnitithî l6,l8l0" l6,l8l0"
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZRH] [sʌzrʌhtʰɪ] sazrahthi .cw@cf0l .cD@cf0l
cause to dry! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MNT] [ɪmnɪtɪtʰ] imnitith l6,l8l0 l6,l8l0
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZRH] [tɑzrɑhtʰɪjɑn] tazrahthiyan 8cw@cf0l;c, 8cD@cf0l;c,
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhZD] [mɑkʰzɑdtʰɪ] makhzadthi 6ceVwc90l 6ctDc90l
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZRH] [tɑzrɑhtʰi:n] tazrahthîn 8cw@cf0", 8cD@cf0",
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhZD] [ɑkʰzɑdtʰɪ] akhzadthi ceVwc90l ctDc90l
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZRH] [tʌzrʌhtʰɪjɑ] tazrahthiya 8cw@cf0l;c 8cD@cf0l;c
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sakhzadthmayan .ceVwc906c;c, .ctDc906c;c,
cause to drown [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZRH] [tʌzrʌhtʰɪ] tazrahthi 8cw@cf0l 8cD@cf0l
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰɪjɑn] sakhzadthiyan .ceVwc90l;c, .ctDc90l;c,
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰmɑ:] zarhathmâ wc@fc06v Dc@fc06v
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰmi:n] sakhzadthmîn .ceVwc906", .ctDc906",
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰmɪ] zarhathmi wc@fc06l Dc@fc06l

cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰmɛnɪn] zarhathmenin wc@fc06z,l, Dc@fc06z,l, cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰi:n] sakhzadthîn .ceVwc90", .ctDc90",

cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰsɪn] zarhathsin wc@fc0.l, Dc@fc0.l,
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sakhzadthmaya .ceVwc906c;c .ctDc906c;c
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰme:n] zarhathmên wc@fc06x, Dc@fc06x,
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰɪjɑ] sakhzadthiya .ceVwc90l;c .ctDc90l;c
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰsʊn] zarhathsun wc@fc0.S, Dc@fc0.S,

cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰmɛnɪ] zarhathmeni wc@fc06z,l Dc@fc06z,l cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰmi:] sakhzadthmî .ceVwc906" .ctDc906"

cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰsɪ] zarhathsi wc@fc0.l Dc@fc0.l .ceVwc90l .ctDc90l
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhZD] [sɑkʰzɑdtʰɪ] sakhzadthi
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰme:] zarhathmê wc@fc06x Dc@fc06x 8ceVwc90l;c, 8ctDc90l;c,
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhZD] [tɑkʰzɑdtʰɪjɑn] takhzadthiyan
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰsʊ] zarhathsu wc@fc0.S Dc@fc0.S 8ceVwc90", 8ctDc90",
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhZD] [tɑkʰzɑdtʰi:n] takhzadthîn
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰe:n] zarhathên wc@fc0x, Dc@fc0x, 8ceVwc90l;c 8ctDc90l;c
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhZD] [tɑkʰzɑdtʰɪjɑ] takhzadthiya
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰoːn] zarhathôn wc@fc0n, Dc@fc0M, 8ceVwc90l 8ctDc90l
cause to dwarf [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhZD] [tɑkʰzɑdtʰɪ] takhzadthi
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰɑɪ] zarhathai wc@fc0cl Dc@fc0cl eVSw9S06v tSD9S06v
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰmɑ:] khuzduthmâ
cause to drown [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZRH] [zɑrhɑtʰɑ] zarhatha wc@fc0c Dc@fc0c eVSw9S06l tSD9S06l
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰmɪ] khuzduthmi
cause to drown! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZRH] [ɪzrɪhɪtʰi:] izrihithî lw@lfl0" lD@lfl0" eVSw9S06z,l, tSD9S06z,l,
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰmɛnɪn] khuzduthmenin
cause to drown! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZRH] [ɪzrɪhɪtʰ] izrihith lw@lfl0 lD@lfl0 eVSw9S0.l, tSD9S0.l,
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰsɪn] khuzduthsin
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNT] [mɑmnɑt.tʰɪ] mamnatthi 6c6,c80l 6c6,c80l eVSw9S06x, tSD9S06x,
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰme:n] khuzduthmên
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNT] [ɑmnɑt.tʰɪ] amnatthi c6,c80l c6,c80l eVSw9S0.S, tSD9S0.S,
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰsʊn] khuzduthsun
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [sɑmnɑtətʰmɑjɑn] samnatthmayan .c6,c806c;c, .c6,c806c;c, eVSw9S06z,l tSD9S06z,l
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰmɛnɪ] khuzduthmeni
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNT] [sɑmnɑt.tʰɪjɑn] samnatthiyan .c6,c80l;c, .c6,c80l;c, eVSw9S0.l tSD9S0.l
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰsɪ] khuzduthsi
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [sɑmnɑtətʰmi:n] samnatthmîn .c6,c806", .c6,c806",
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰme:] khuzduthmê eVSw9S06x tSD9S06x
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNT] [sɑmnɑt.tʰi:n] samnatthîn .c6,c80", .c6,c80",
.c6,c806c;c .c6,c806c;c cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰsʊ] khuzduthsu eVSw9S0.S tSD9S0.S
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [sɑmnɑtətʰmɑjɑ] samnatthmaya
.c6,c80l;c .c6,c80l;c cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰe:n] khuzduthên eVSw9S0x, tSD9S0x,
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNT] [sɑmnɑt.tʰɪjɑ] samnatthiya
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰoːn] khuzduthôn eVSw9S0n, tSD9S0M,
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [sɑmnɑtətʰmi:] samnatthmî .c6,c806" .c6,c806"
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰɑɪ] khuzduthai eVSw9S0cl tSD9S0cl
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNT] [sɑmnɑt.tʰɪ] samnatthi .c6,c80l .c6,c80l eVSw9S0c tSD9S0c
cause to dwarf [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhZD] [kʰʊzdʊtʰɑ] khuzdutha
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNT] [tɑmnɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tamnatthiyan 8c6,c80l;c, 8c6,c80l;c, leVwl9l0" ltDl9l0"
cause to dwarf! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhZD] [ɪkʰzɪdɪtʰi:] ikhzidithî
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNT] [tɑmnɑt.tʰi:n] tamnatthîn 8c6,c80", 8c6,c80", leVwl9l0 ltDl9l0
cause to dwarf! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhZD] [ɪkʰzɪdɪtʰ] ikhzidith
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNT] [tɑmnɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tamnatthiya 8c6,c80l;c 8c6,c80l;c 6c86c,0l 6c86c,0l
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [TMN] [mɑtmɑntʰɪ] matmanthi
cause to dry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MNT] [tɑmnɑt.tʰɪ] tamnatthi 8c6,c80l 8c6,c80l c86c,0l c86c,0l
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [TMN] [ɑtmɑntʰɪ] atmanthi
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰmɑ:] mentethmâ 6z,8z06v 6z,8z06v .c86c,06c;c, .c86c,06c;c,
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰmɑjɑn] satmanthmayan
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰmɪ] mentethmi 6z,8z06l 6z,8z06l .c86c,0l;c, .c86c,0l;c,
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰɪjɑn] satmanthiyan
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰmɛnɪn] mentethmenin 6z,8z06z,l, 6z,8z06z,l,
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰmi:n] satmanthmîn .c86c,06", .c86c,06",
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰsɪn] mentethsin 6z,8z0.l, 6z,8z0.l,
6z,8z06x, 6z,8z06x, cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰi:n] satmanthîn .c86c,0", .c86c,0",
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰme:n] mentethmên
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰsʊn] mentethsun 6z,8z0.S, 6z,8z0.S, cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰmɑjɑ] satmanthmaya .c86c,06c;c .c86c,06c;c
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰmɛnɪ] mentethmeni 6z,8z06z,l 6z,8z06z,l
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰɪjɑ] satmanthiya .c86c,0l;c .c86c,0l;c
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰsɪ] mentethsi 6z,8z0.l 6z,8z0.l
cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰmi:] satmanthmî .c86c,06" .c86c,06"
cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰme:] mentethmê 6z,8z06x 6z,8z06x

cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰsʊ] mentethsu 6z,8z0.S 6z,8z0.S cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TMN] [sɑtmɑntʰɪ] satmanthi .c86c,0l .c86c,0l

cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰe:n] mentethên 6z,8z0x, 6z,8z0x, cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TMN] [tɑtmɑntʰɪjɑn] tatmanthiyan 8c86c,0l;c, 8c86c,0l;c,

cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰoːn] mentethôn 6z,8z0n, 6z,8z0M, cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TMN] [tɑtmɑntʰi:n] tatmanthîn 8c86c,0", 8c86c,0",

cause to dry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MNT] [mɛntɛtʰɑɪ] mentethai 6z,8z0cl 6z,8z0cl cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TMN] [tɑtmɑntʰɪjɑ] tatmanthiya 8c86c,0l;c 8c86c,0l;c

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to dwell [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TMN] [tɑtmɑntʰɪ] tatmanthi 8c86c,0l 8c86c,0l cause to dwell! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [TMN] [ɪtmɪnɪtʰi:] itminithî l86l,l0" l86l,l0"

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰmɑ:] tumnuthmâ 8S6,S06v 8S6,S06v cause to dwell! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [TMN] [ɪtmɪnɪtʰ] itminith l86l,l0 l86l,l0

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰmɪ] tumnuthmi 8S6,S06l 8S6,S06l cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLG] [mɑblɑɡtʰɪ] mablagthi 6c2acr0l 6c2acR0l

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰmɛnɪn] tumnuthmenin 8S6,S06z,l, 8S6,S06z,l, cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLG] [ɑblɑɡtʰɪ] ablagthi c2acr0l c2acR0l

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰsɪn] tumnuthsin 8S6,S0.l, 8S6,S0.l, cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sablagthmayan .c2acr06c;c, .c2acR06c;c,

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰme:n] tumnuthmên 8S6,S06x, 8S6,S06x, cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sablagthiyan .c2acr0l;c, .c2acR0l;c,

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰsʊn] tumnuthsun 8S6,S0.S, 8S6,S0.S, cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰmi:n] sablagthmîn .c2acr06", .c2acR06",

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰmɛnɪ] tumnuthmeni 8S6,S06z,l 8S6,S06z,l cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰi:n] sablagthîn .c2acr0", .c2acR0",

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰsɪ] tumnuthsi 8S6,S0.l 8S6,S0.l cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sablagthmaya .c2acr06c;c .c2acR06c;c

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰme:] tumnuthmê 8S6,S06x 8S6,S06x cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sablagthiya .c2acr0l;c .c2acR0l;c

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰsʊ] tumnuthsu 8S6,S0.S 8S6,S0.S cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰmi:] sablagthmî .c2acr06" .c2acR06"

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰe:n] tumnuthên 8S6,S0x, 8S6,S0x, cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLG] [sɑblɑɡtʰɪ] sablagthi .c2acr0l .c2acR0l

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰoːn] tumnuthôn 8S6,S0n, 8S6,S0M, cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLG] [tɑblɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tablagthiyan 8c2acr0l;c, 8c2acR0l;c,

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰɑɪ] tumnuthai 8S6,S0cl 8S6,S0cl cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLG] [tɑblɑɡtʰi:n] tablagthîn 8c2acr0", 8c2acR0",

cause to dwell [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [TMN] [tʊmnʊtʰɑ] tumnutha 8S6,S0c 8S6,S0c cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLG] [tɑblɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tablagthiya 8c2acr0l;c 8c2acR0l;c

cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GR] [mɑɡɪrtʰɪ] magirthi 6crl@0l 6cRl@0l cause to eat [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLG] [tɑblɑɡtʰɪ] tablagthi 8c2acr0l 8c2acR0l

cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GR] [ɑɡɪrtʰɪ] agirthi crl@0l cRl@0l cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰmɑ:] balgathmâ 2carc06v 2caRc06v

cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰmɪ] balgathmi 2carc06l 2caRc06l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sagirthmayan .crl@06c;c, .cRl@06c;c,
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] balgathmenin 2carc06z,l, 2caRc06z,l,
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰɪjɑn] sagirthiyan .crl@0l;c, .cRl@0l;c,
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰsɪn] balgathsin 2carc0.l, 2caRc0.l,
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰmi:n] sagirthmîn .crl@06", .cRl@06", cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰme:n] balgathmên 2carc06x, 2caRc06x,

.crl@0", .cRl@0", cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰsʊn] balgathsun 2carc0.S, 2caRc0.S,
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰi:n] sagirthîn
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] balgathmeni 2carc06z,l 2caRc06z,l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sagirthmaya .crl@06c;c .cRl@06c;c
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰsɪ] balgathsi 2carc0.l 2caRc0.l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰɪjɑ] sagirthiya .crl@0l;c .cRl@0l;c 2carc06x 2caRc06x
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰme:] balgathmê
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰmi:] sagirthmî .crl@06" .cRl@06" cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰsʊ] balgathsu 2carc0.S 2caRc0.S

cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰe:n] balgathên 2carc0x, 2caRc0x,
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GR] [sɑɡɪrtʰɪ] sagirthi .crl@0l .cRl@0l
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰoːn] balgathôn 2carc0n, 2caRc0M,
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GR] [tɑɡɪrtʰɪjɑn] tagirthiyan 8crl@0l;c, 8cRl@0l;c,
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰɑɪ] balgathai 2carc0cl 2caRc0cl
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GR] [tɑɡɪrtʰi:n] tagirthîn 8crl@0", 8cRl@0",
cause to eat [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLG] [bɑlɡɑtʰɑ] balgatha 2carc0c 2caRc0c
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GR] [tɑɡɪrtʰɪjɑ] tagirthiya 8crl@0l;c 8cRl@0l;c
cause to eat! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLG] [ɪblɪɡɪtʰi:] ibligithî l2alrl0" l2alRl0"
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GR] [tɑɡɪrtʰɪ] tagirthi 8crl@0l 8cRl@0l
cause to eat! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLG] [ɪblɪɡɪtʰ] ibligith l2alrl0 l2alRl0
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰmɑ:] garathmâ rc@c06v Rc@c06v
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FLKh] [mɑflɪkʰtʰɪ] maflikhthi 6c3aleV0l 6c3alt0l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰmɪ] garathmi rc@c06l Rc@c06l
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FLKh] [ʌflɪkʰtʰɪ] aflikhthi c3aleV0l c3alt0l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰmɛnɪn] garathmenin rc@c06z,l, Rc@c06z,l,
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [sɑflɪkʰətʰmɑjɑn] saflikhthmayan .c3aleV06c;c, .c3alt06c;c,

cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰsɪn] garathsin rc@c0.l, Rc@c0.l, cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FLKh] [sɑflɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] saflikhthiyan .c3aleV0l;c, .c3alt0l;c,

cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [sɑflɪkʰətʰmi:n] saflikhthmîn .c3aleV06", .c3alt06",
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰme:n] garathmên rc@c06x, Rc@c06x,
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FLKh] [sɑflɪkʰtʰi:n] saflikhthîn .c3aleV0", .c3alt0",
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰsʊn] garathsun rc@c0.S, Rc@c0.S,
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [sʌflɪkʰətʰmɑjɑ] saflikhthmaya .c3aleV06c;c .c3alt06c;c
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰmɛnɪ] garathmeni rc@c06z,l Rc@c06z,l
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FLKh] [sʌflɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] saflikhthiya .c3aleV0l;c .c3alt0l;c
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰsɪ] garathsi rc@c0.l Rc@c0.l
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [sʌflɪkʰətʰmi:] saflikhthmî .c3aleV06" .c3alt06"
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰme:] garathmê rc@c06x Rc@c06x
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FLKh] [sʌflɪkʰtʰɪ] saflikhthi .c3aleV0l .c3alt0l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰsʊ] garathsu rc@c0.S Rc@c0.S
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FLKh] [tɑflɪkʰtʰɪjɑn] taflikhthiyan 8c3aleV0l;c, 8c3alt0l;c,
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰe:n] garathên rc@c0x, Rc@c0x,
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FLKh] [tɑflɪkʰtʰi:n] taflikhthîn 8c3aleV0", 8c3alt0",
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰoːn] garathôn rc@c0n, Rc@c0M,
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FLKh] [tʌflɪkʰtʰɪjɑ] taflikhthiya 8c3aleV0l;c 8c3alt0l;c
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰɑɪ] garathai rc@c0cl Rc@c0cl
cause to edge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FLKh] [tʌflɪkʰtʰɪ] taflikhthi 8c3aleV0l 8c3alt0l
cause to dwell in a cave [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GR] [ɡɑrɑtʰɑ] garatha rc@c0c Rc@c0c
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰmɑ:] fulkhuthmâ 3SaeVS06v 3SatS06v
cause to dwell in a cave! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GR] [ɪɡrɪtʰi:] igrithî lr@l0" lR@l0"
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰmɪ] fulkhuthmi 3SaeVS06l 3SatS06l
cause to dwell in a cave! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GR] [ɪɡri:tʰ] igrîth lr@"0 lR@"0
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰmɛnɪn] fulkhuthmenin 3SaeVS06z,l, 3SatS06z,l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 315 The Dwarrow Scholar 316

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cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰsɪn] fulkhuthsin 3SaeVS0.l, 3SatS0.l,
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [sɑhnɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sahnidthmayan .cf,l906c;c, .cf,l906c;c,
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰme:n] fulkhuthmên 3SaeVS06x, 3SatS06x,
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HND] [sɑhnɪdtʰɪjɑn] sahnidthiyan .cf,l90l;c, .cf,l90l;c,
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰsʊn] fulkhuthsun 3SaeVS0.S, 3SatS0.S,

cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰmɛnɪ] fulkhuthmeni 3SaeVS06z,l 3SatS06z,l cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [sɑhnɪdtʰmi:n] sahnidthmîn .cf,l906", .cf,l906",

cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰsɪ] fulkhuthsi 3SaeVS0.l 3SatS0.l .cf,l90", .cf,l90",
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HND] [sɑhnɪdtʰi:n] sahnidthîn
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰme:] fulkhuthmê 3SaeVS06x 3SatS06x
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [sʌhnɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sahnidthmaya .cf,l906c;c .cf,l906c;c
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰsʊ] fulkhuthsu 3SaeVS0.S 3SatS0.S
3SaeVS0x, 3SatS0x, cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HND] [sʌhnɪdtʰɪjɑ] sahnidthiya .cf,l90l;c .cf,l90l;c
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰe:n] fulkhuthên
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰoːn] fulkhuthôn 3SaeVS0n, 3SatS0M, cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [sʌhnɪdtʰmi:] sahnidthmî .cf,l906" .cf,l906"
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰɑɪ] fulkhuthai 3SaeVS0cl 3SatS0cl
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HND] [sʌhnɪdtʰɪ] sahnidthi .cf,l90l .cf,l90l
cause to edge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FLKh] [fʊlkʰʊtʰɑ] fulkhutha 3SaeVS0c 3SatS0c
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HND] [tɑhnɪdtʰɪjɑn] tahnidthiyan 8cf,l90l;c, 8cf,l90l;c,
cause to edge! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLKh] [ɪflɪkʰɪtʰi:] iflikhithî l3aleVl0" l3altl0"
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HND] [tɑhnɪdtʰi:n] tahnidthîn 8cf,l90", 8cf,l90",
cause to edge! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLKh] [ɪflɪkʰɪtʰ] iflikhith l3aleVl0 l3altl0
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HND] [tʌhnɪdtʰɪjɑ] tahnidthiya 8cf,l90l;c 8cf,l90l;c
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZBL] [mɑzbɪltʰɪ] mazbilthi 6cw2la0l 6cD2la0l
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HND] [tʌhnɪdtʰɪ] tahnidthi 8cf,l90l 8cf,l90l
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZBL] [ʌzbɪltʰɪ] azbilthi cw2la0l cD2la0l
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰmɑ:] hunduthmâ fSdS06v fSdS06v
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [sɑzbɪltʰmɑjɑn] sazbilthmayan .cw2la06c;c, .cD2la06c;c, cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰmɪ] hunduthmi fSdS06l fSdS06l

.cw2la0l;c, .cD2la0l;c, cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰmɛnɪn] hunduthmenin fSdS06z,l, fSdS06z,l,
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZBL] [sɑzbɪltʰɪjɑn] sazbilthiyan
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰsɪn] hunduthsin fSdS0.l, fSdS0.l,
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [sɑzbɪltʰmi:n] sazbilthmîn .cw2la06", .cD2la06",
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰme:n] hunduthmên fSdS06x, fSdS06x,
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZBL] [sɑzbɪltʰi:n] sazbilthîn .cw2la0", .cD2la0", fSdS0.S, fSdS0.S,
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰsʊn] hunduthsun
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [sʌzbɪltʰmɑjɑ] sazbilthmaya .cw2la06c;c .cD2la06c;c cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰmɛnɪ] hunduthmeni fSdS06z,l fSdS06z,l

cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰsɪ] hunduthsi fSdS0.l fSdS0.l
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZBL] [sʌzbɪltʰɪjɑ] sazbilthiya .cw2la0l;c .cD2la0l;c
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰme:] hunduthmê fSdS06x fSdS06x
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [sʌzbɪltʰmi:] sazbilthmî .cw2la06" .cD2la06"
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰsʊ] hunduthsu fSdS0.S fSdS0.S
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZBL] [sʌzbɪltʰɪ] sazbilthi .cw2la0l .cD2la0l
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰe:n] hunduthên fSdS0x, fSdS0x,
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZBL] [tɑzbɪltʰɪjɑn] tazbilthiyan 8cw2la0l;c, 8cD2la0l;c,
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰoːn] hunduthôn fSdS0n, fSdS0M,
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZBL] [tɑzbɪltʰi:n] tazbilthîn 8cw2la0", 8cD2la0",
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰɑɪ] hunduthai fSdS0cl fSdS0cl
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZBL] [tʌzbɪltʰɪjɑ] tazbilthiya 8cw2la0l;c 8cD2la0l;c
cause to elevate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HND] [hʊndʊtʰɑ] hundutha fSdS0c fSdS0c
cause to elaborate [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZBL] [tʌzbɪltʰɪ] tazbilthi 8cw2la0l 8cD2la0l
cause to elevate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HND] [ɪhnɪdɪtʰi:] ihnidithî lf,l9l0" lf,l9l0"
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰmɑ:] zablathmâ wc2ac06v Dc2ac06v
cause to elevate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HND] [ɪhnɪdɪtʰ] ihnidith lf,l9l0 lf,l9l0
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰmɪ] zablathmi wc2ac06l Dc2ac06l
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLF] [mɑslɪftʰɪ] maslifthi 6c.al30l 6c.al30l
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰmɛnɪn] zablathmenin wc2ac06z,l, Dc2ac06z,l,
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLF] [ʌslɪftʰɪ] aslifthi c.al30l c.al30l
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰsɪn] zablathsin wc2ac0.l, Dc2ac0.l,
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sɑslɪftʰmɑjɑn] saslifthmayan .c.al306c;c, .c.al306c;c,
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰme:n] zablathmên wc2ac06x, Dc2ac06x,
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLF] [sɑslɪftʰɪjɑn] saslifthiyan .c.al30l;c, .c.al30l;c,

cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰsʊn] zablathsun wc2ac0.S, Dc2ac0.S,
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sɑslɪftʰmi:n] saslifthmîn .c.al306", .c.al306",

cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰmɛnɪ] zablathmeni wc2ac06z,l Dc2ac06z,l
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLF] [sɑslɪftʰi:n] saslifthîn .c.al30", .c.al30",

cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰsɪ] zablathsi wc2ac0.l Dc2ac0.l
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sʌslɪftʰmɑjɑ] saslifthmaya .c.al306c;c .c.al306c;c

cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰme:] zablathmê wc2ac06x Dc2ac06x
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLF] [sʌslɪftʰɪjɑ] saslifthiya .c.al30l;c .c.al30l;c

cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰsʊ] zablathsu wc2ac0.S Dc2ac0.S
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sʌslɪftʰmi:] saslifthmî .c.al306" .c.al306"
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰe:n] zablathên wc2ac0x, Dc2ac0x,
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLF] [sʌslɪftʰɪ] saslifthi .c.al30l .c.al30l
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰoːn] zablathôn wc2ac0n, Dc2ac0M,
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLF] [tɑslɪftʰɪjɑn] taslifthiyan 8c.al30l;c, 8c.al30l;c,
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰɑɪ] zablathai wc2ac0cl Dc2ac0cl
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLF] [tɑslɪftʰi:n] taslifthîn 8c.al30", 8c.al30",
cause to elaborate [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZBL] [zɑblɑtʰɑ] zablatha wc2ac0c Dc2ac0c
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLF] [tʌslɪftʰɪjɑ] taslifthiya 8c.al30l;c 8c.al30l;c
cause to elaborate! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZBL] [ɪzbɪlɪtʰi:] izbilithî lw2lal0" lD2lal0"
cause to embark [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLF] [tʌslɪftʰɪ] taslifthi 8c.al30l 8c.al30l
cause to elaborate! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZBL] [ɪzbɪlɪtʰ] izbilith lw2lal0 lD2lal0
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰmɑ:] selfethmâ .za3z06v .za3z06v
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HND] [mɑhnɪdtʰɪ] mahnidthi 6cf,l90l 6cf,l90l
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰmɪ] selfethmi .za3z06l .za3z06l
cause to elevate [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HND] [ʌhnɪdtʰɪ] ahnidthi cf,l90l cf,l90l
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰmɛnɪn] selfethmenin .za3z06z,l, .za3z06z,l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 317 The Dwarrow Scholar 318
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cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰsɪn] selfethsin .za3z0.l, .za3z0.l, cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑn] sasrajthmayan .c.@cR06c;c, .c.@c$06c;c,

cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰme:n] selfethmên .za3z06x, .za3z06x, cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SRJ] [sɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] sasrajthiyan .c.@cR0l;c, .c.@c$0l;c,

cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰsʊn] selfethsun .za3z0.S, .za3z0.S, cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰmi:n] sasrajthmîn .c.@cR06", .c.@c$06",

cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰmɛnɪ] selfethmeni .za3z06z,l .za3z06z,l cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SRJ] [sɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰi:n] sasrajthîn .c.@cR0", .c.@c$0",

cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰsɪ] selfethsi .za3z0.l .za3z0.l
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑ] sasrajthmaya .c.@cR06c;c .c.@c$06c;c

cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰme:] selfethmê .za3z06x .za3z06x
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SRJ] [sʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] sasrajthiya .c.@cR0l;c .c.@c$0l;c

cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰsʊ] selfethsu .za3z0.S .za3z0.S
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰmi:] sasrajthmî .c.@cR06" .c.@c$06"
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰe:n] selfethên .za3z0x, .za3z0x,
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SRJ] [sʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰɪ] sasrajthi .c.@cR0l .c.@c$0l
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰoːn] selfethôn .za3z0n, .za3z0M,
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SRJ] [tɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] tasrajthiyan 8c.@cR0l;c, 8c.@c$0l;c,
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰɑɪ] selfethai .za3z0cl .za3z0cl
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SRJ] [tɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰi:n] tasrajthîn 8c.@cR0", 8c.@c$0",
cause to embark [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLF] [sɛlfɛtʰɑ] selfetha .za3z0c .za3z0c
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SRJ] [tʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] tasrajthiya 8c.@cR0l;c 8c.@c$0l;c
cause to embark! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLF] [ɪslɪfɪtʰi:] islifithî l.al3l0" l.al3l0"
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SRJ] [tʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰɪ] tasrajthi 8c.@cR0l 8c.@c$0l
cause to embark! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLF] [ɪslɪfɪtʰ] islifith l.al3l0 l.al3l0
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰmɑ:] serjethmâ .z@Rz06v .z@$z06v
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThND] [mɑtʰnɑdtʰɪ] mathnadthi 6c0,c90l 6c0,c90l
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰmɪ] serjethmi .z@Rz06l .z@$z06l
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThND] [ɑtʰnɑdtʰɪ] athnadthi c0,c90l c0,c90l
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰmɛnɪn] serjethmenin .z@Rz06z,l, .z@$z06z,l,
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰmɑjɑn] sathnadthmayan .c0,c906c;c, .c0,c906c;c,
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰsɪn] serjethsin .z@Rz0.l, .z@$z0.l,

cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰɪjɑn] sathnadthiyan .c0,c90l;c, .c0,c90l;c, cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰme:n] serjethmên .z@Rz06x, .z@$z06x,

cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰsʊn] serjethsun .z@Rz0.S, .z@$z0.S,
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰmi:n] sathnadthmîn .c0,c906", .c0,c906",
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰmɛnɪ] serjethmeni .z@Rz06z,l .z@$z06z,l
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰi:n] sathnadthîn .c0,c90", .c0,c90",
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰsɪ] serjethsi .z@Rz0.l .z@$z0.l
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰmɑjɑ] sathnadthmaya .c0,c906c;c .c0,c906c;c cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰme:] serjethmê .z@Rz06x .z@$z06x

.c0,c90l;c .c0,c90l;c cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰsʊ] serjethsu .z@Rz0.S .z@$z0.S
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰɪjɑ] sathnadthiya
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰe:n] serjethên .z@Rz0x, .z@$z0x,
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰmi:] sathnadthmî .c0,c906" .c0,c906"
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰoːn] serjethôn .z@Rz0n, .z@$z0M,
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThND] [sɑtʰnɑdtʰɪ] sathnadthi .c0,c90l .c0,c90l .z@Rz0cl .z@$z0cl
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰɑɪ] serjethai
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThND] [tɑtʰnɑdtʰɪjɑn] tathnadthiyan 8c0,c90l;c, 8c0,c90l;c, .z@Rz0c .z@$z0c
cause to empty [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SRJ] [sɛrd͡ʒɛtʰɑ] serjetha
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThND] [tɑtʰnɑdtʰi:n] tathnadthîn 8c0,c90", 8c0,c90", l.@lRl0" l.@l$l0"
cause to empty! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SRJ] [ɪsrɪd͡ʒɪtʰi:] isrijithî
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThND] [tɑtʰnɑdtʰɪjɑ] tathnadthiya 8c0,c90l;c 8c0,c90l;c l.@lRl0 l.@l$l0
cause to empty! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SRJ] [ɪsrɪd͡ʒɪtʰ] isrijith
cause to embrace [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThND] [tɑtʰnɑdtʰɪ] tathnadthi 8c0,c90l 8c0,c90l 6c2wla0l 6c2Dla0l
cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BZL] [mɑbzɪltʰɪ] mabzilthi
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰmɑ:] thendethmâ 0zdz06v 0zdz06v c2wla0l c2Dla0l
cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BZL] [ɑbzɪltʰɪ] abzilthi
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰmɪ] thendethmi 0zdz06l 0zdz06l
cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰmɑjɑn] sabzilthmayan .c2wla06c;c, .c2Dla06c;c,
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰmɛnɪn] thendethmenin 0zdz06z,l, 0zdz06z,l,
0zdz0.l, 0zdz0.l, cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰɪjɑn] sabzilthiyan .c2wla0l;c, .c2Dla0l;c,
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰsɪn] thendethsin
0zdz06x, 0zdz06x, cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰmi:n] sabzilthmîn .c2wla06", .c2Dla06",
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰme:n] thendethmên
0zdz0.S, 0zdz0.S, cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰi:n] sabzilthîn .c2wla0", .c2Dla0",
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰsʊn] thendethsun
0zdz06z,l 0zdz06z,l cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰmɑjɑ] sabzilthmaya .c2wla06c;c .c2Dla06c;c
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰmɛnɪ] thendethmeni
0zdz0.l 0zdz0.l cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰɪjɑ] sabzilthiya .c2wla0l;c .c2Dla0l;c
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰsɪ] thendethsi
0zdz06x 0zdz06x cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰmi:] sabzilthmî .c2wla06" .c2Dla06"
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰme:] thendethmê
0zdz0.S 0zdz0.S cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BZL] [sɑbzɪltʰɪ] sabzilthi .c2wla0l .c2Dla0l
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰsʊ] thendethsu
0zdz0x, 0zdz0x, cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BZL] [tɑbzɪltʰɪjɑn] tabzilthiyan 8c2wla0l;c, 8c2Dla0l;c,
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰe:n] thendethên
0zdz0n, 0zdz0M, cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BZL] [tɑbzɪltʰi:n] tabzilthîn 8c2wla0", 8c2Dla0",
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰoːn] thendethôn
0zdz0cl 0zdz0cl cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BZL] [tɑbzɪltʰɪjɑ] tabzilthiya 8c2wla0l;c 8c2Dla0l;c
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰɑɪ] thendethai
0zdz0c 0zdz0c cause to encounter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BZL] [tɑbzɪltʰɪ] tabzilthi 8c2wla0l 8c2Dla0l
cause to embrace [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ThND] [tʰɛndɛtʰɑ] thendetha
l0,l9l0" l0,l9l0" cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰmɑ:] bazlathmâ 2cwac06v 2cDac06v
cause to embrace! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ThND] [ɪtʰnɪdɪtʰi:] ithnidithî
l0,l9l0 l0,l9l0 cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰmɪ] bazlathmi 2cwac06l 2cDac06l
cause to embrace! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ThND] [ɪtʰnɪdɪtʰ] ithnidith
6c.@cR0l 6c.@c$0l cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰmɛnɪn] bazlathmenin 2cwac06z,l, 2cDac06z,l,
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SRJ] [mɑsrɑd͡ʒtʰɪ] masrajthi
c.@cR0l c.@c$0l cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰsɪn] bazlathsin 2cwac0.l, 2cDac0.l,
cause to empty [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SRJ] [ʌsrʌd͡ʒtʰɪ] asrajthi

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 319 The Dwarrow Scholar 320

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰi:n] sakhthizthîn .ceV0lw0", .ct0lD0",
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰme:n] bazlathmên 2cwac06x, 2cDac06x,

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰmɑjɑ] sakhthizthmaya .ceV0lw06c;c .ct0lD06c;c
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰsʊn] bazlathsun 2cwac0.S, 2cDac0.S,

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪjɑ] sakhthizthiya .ceV0lw0l;c .ct0lD0l;c
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰmɛnɪ] bazlathmeni 2cwac06z,l 2cDac06z,l

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰmi:] sakhthizthmî .ceV0lw06" .ct0lD06"
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰsɪ] bazlathsi 2cwac0.l 2cDac0.l

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪ] sakhthizthi .ceV0lw0l .ct0lD0l
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰme:] bazlathmê 2cwac06x 2cDac06x
cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhThZ] [tɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪjɑn] takhthizthiyan 8ceV0lw0l;c, 8ct0lD0l;c,
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰsʊ] bazlathsu 2cwac0.S 2cDac0.S
cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhThZ] [tɑkʰtʰɪztʰi:n] takhthizthîn 8ceV0lw0", 8ct0lD0",
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰe:n] bazlathên 2cwac0x, 2cDac0x,
cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhThZ] [tɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪjɑ] takhthizthiya 8ceV0lw0l;c 8ct0lD0l;c
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BZL] [bɑzlɑtʰoːn] bazlathôn 2cwac0n, 2cDac0M,
cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhThZ] [tɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪ] takhthizthi 8ceV0lw0l 8ct0lD0l
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰɑɪ] bazlathai 2cwac0cl 2cDac0cl
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰmɑ:] khuthzuthmâ eVS0wS06v tS0DS06v
cause to encounter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BZL] [bʌzlɑtʰɑ] bazlatha 2cwac0c 2cDac0c
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰmɪ] khuthzuthmi eVS0wS06l tS0DS06l
cause to encounter! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZL] [ɪbzɪlɪtʰi:] ibzilithî l2wlal0" l2Dlal0"
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰmɛnɪn] khuthzuthmenin eVS0wS06z,l, tS0DS06z,l,
cause to encounter! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZL] [ɪbzɪlɪtʰ] ibzilith l2wlal0 l2Dlal0
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰsɪn] khuthzuthsin eVS0wS0.l, tS0DS0.l,
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NT] [mɑnɑt.tʰɪ] manatthi 6c,c80l 6c,c80l
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰme:n] khuthzuthmên eVS0wS06x, tS0DS06x,
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NT] [ɑnɑt.tʰɪ] anatthi c,c80l c,c80l

cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [sɑnɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sanatthmayan .c,c806c;c, .c,c806c;c, cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰsʊn] khuthzuthsun eVS0wS0.S, tS0DS0.S,

cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NT] [sɑnɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sanatthiyan .c,c80l;c, .c,c80l;c,
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰmɛnɪ] khuthzuthmeni eVS0wS06z,l tS0DS06z,l
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [sɑnɑtətʰmi:n] sanatthmîn .c,c806", .c,c806",
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰsɪ] khuthzuthsi eVS0wS0.l tS0DS0.l
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NT] [sɑnɑt.tʰi:n] sanatthîn .c,c80", .c,c80",

cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [sɑnɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sanatthmaya .c,c806c;c .c,c806c;c cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰme:] khuthzuthmê eVS0wS06x tS0DS06x

cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NT] [sɑnɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sanatthiya .c,c80l;c .c,c80l;c eVS0wS0.S tS0DS0.S
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰsʊ] khuthzuthsu
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [sɑnɑtətʰmi:] sanatthmî .c,c806" .c,c806" eVS0wS0x, tS0DS0x,
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰe:n] khuthzuthên
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NT] [sɑnɑt.tʰɪ] sanatthi .c,c80l .c,c80l eVS0wS0n, tS0DS0M,
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰoːn] khuthzuthôn
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NT] [tɑnɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tanatthiyan 8c,c80l;c, 8c,c80l;c, eVS0wS0cl tS0DS0cl
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰɑɪ] khuthzuthai
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NT] [tɑnɑt.tʰi:n] tanatthîn 8c,c80", 8c,c80", eVS0wS0c tS0DS0c
cause to endure [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhThZ] [kʰʊtʰzʊtʰɑ] khuthzutha
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NT] [tɑnɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tanatthiya 8c,c80l;c 8c,c80l;c leV0lwl0" lt0lDl0"
cause to endure! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhThZ] [ɪkʰtʰɪzɪtʰi:] ikhthizithî
cause to end [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NT] [tɑnɑt.tʰɪ] tanatthi 8c,c80l 8c,c80l leV0lwl0 lt0lDl0
cause to endure! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhThZ] [ɪkʰtʰɪzɪtʰ] ikhthizith
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰmɑ:] netethmâ ,z8z06v ,z8z06v 6c2.c.0l 6c2.c.0l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BSS] [mɑbsɑstʰɪ] mabsasthi
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰmɪ] netethmi ,z8z06l ,z8z06l c2.c.0l c2.c.0l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BSS] [ɑbsʌstʰɪ] absasthi
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰmɛnɪn] netethmenin ,z8z06z,l, ,z8z06z,l, cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[sɑbsɑstʰmɑjɑn] sabsasthmayan .c2.c.06c;c, .c2.c.06c;c,
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰsɪn] netethsin ,z8z0.l, ,z8z0.l, (contemptuous)] [BSS]
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰme:n] netethmên ,z8z06x, ,z8z06x, cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BSS] [sɑbsɑstʰɪjɑn] sabsasthiyan .c2.c.0l;c, .c2.c.0l;c,
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰsʊn] netethsun ,z8z0.S, ,z8z0.S,
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c2.c.06", .c2.c.06",
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰmɛnɪ] netethmeni ,z8z06z,l ,z8z06z,l [sɑbsɑstʰmi:n] sabsasthmîn
(contemptuous)] [BSS]
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰsɪ] netethsi ,z8z0.l ,z8z0.l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BSS] [sɑbsɑstʰi:n] sabsasthîn .c2.c.0", .c2.c.0",
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰme:] netethmê ,z8z06x ,z8z06x
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c2.c.06c;c .c2.c.06c;c
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰsʊ] netethsu ,z8z0.S ,z8z0.S [sɑbsʌstʰmɑjɑ] sabsasthmaya
(contemptuous)] [BSS]
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰe:n] netethên ,z8z0x, ,z8z0x,
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BSS] [sɑbsʌstʰɪjɑ] sabsasthiya .c2.c.0l;c .c2.c.0l;c
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰoːn] netethôn ,z8z0n, ,z8z0M,

cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰɑɪ] netethai ,z8z0cl ,z8z0cl cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c2.c.06" .c2.c.06"
[sɑbsʌstʰmi:] sabsasthmî
(contemptuous)] [BSS]
cause to end [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NT] [nɛtɛtʰɑ] netetha ,z8z0c ,z8z0c
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BSS] [sɑbsʌstʰɪ] sabsasthi .c2.c.0l .c2.c.0l
cause to end! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NT] [ɪntɪtʰi:] intithî l,8l0" l,8l0"

cause to end! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NT] [ɪnti:tʰ] intîth l,8"0 l,8"0 cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BSS] [tɑbsɑstʰɪjɑn] tabsasthiyan 8c2.c.0l;c, 8c2.c.0l;c,

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhThZ] [mɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪ] makhthizthi 6ceV0lw0l 6ct0lD0l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BSS] [tɑbsɑstʰi:n] tabsasthîn 8c2.c.0", 8c2.c.0",
cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhThZ] [ɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪ] akhthizthi ceV0lw0l ct0lD0l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BSS] [tɑbsʌstʰɪjɑ] tabsasthiya 8c2.c.0l;c 8c2.c.0l;c
cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰmɑjɑn] sakhthizthmayan .ceV0lw06c;c, .ct0lD06c;c,

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰɪjɑn] sakhthizthiyan .ceV0lw0l;c, .ct0lD0l;c, cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BSS] [tɑbsʌstʰɪ] tabsasthi 8c2.c.0l 8c2.c.0l

cause to endure [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhThZ] [sɑkʰtʰɪztʰmi:n] sakhthizthmîn .ceV0lw06", .ct0lD06", cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰmɑ:] bussuthmâ 2S..S06v 2S..S06v

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰmɪ] bussuthmi 2S..S06l 2S..S06l cause to enter! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MDN] [ɪmdɪnɪtʰi:] imdinithî l69l,l0" l69l,l0"
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful cause to enter! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MDN] [ɪmdɪnɪtʰ] imdinith l69l,l0 l69l,l0
[bʊs.sʊtʰmɛnɪn] bussuthmenin 2S..S06z,l, 2S..S06z,l,
(contemptuous)] [BSS] cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DRG] [mɑdrɪɡtʰɪ] madrigthi 6c9@lr0l 6c9@lR0l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰsɪn] bussuthsin 2S..S0.l, 2S..S0.l, cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DRG] [ɑdrɪɡtʰɪ] adrigthi c9@lr0l c9@lR0l

cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful 2S..S06x, 2S..S06x, cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sadrigthmayan .c9@lr06c;c, .c9@lR06c;c,
[bʊs.sʊtʰme:n] bussuthmên
(contemptuous)] [BSS]
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sadrigthiyan .c9@lr0l;c, .c9@lR0l;c,
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰsʊn] bussuthsun 2S..S0.S, 2S..S0.S,
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰmi:n] sadrigthmîn .c9@lr06", .c9@lR06",
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful 2S..S06z,l 2S..S06z,l
[bʊs.sʊtʰmɛnɪ] bussuthmeni
(contemptuous)] [BSS] cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰi:n] sadrigthîn .c9@lr0", .c9@lR0",
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰsɪ] bussuthsi 2S..S0.l 2S..S0.l
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sadrigthmaya .c9@lr06c;c .c9@lR06c;c
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful 2S..S06x 2S..S06x
[bʊs.sʊtʰme:] bussuthmê
(contemptuous)] [BSS] cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sadrigthiya .c9@lr0l;c .c9@lR0l;c

cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰsʊ] bussuthsu 2S..S0.S 2S..S0.S .c9@lr06" .c9@lR06"
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰmi:] sadrigthmî
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰe:n] bussuthên 2S..S0x, 2S..S0x, .c9@lr0l .c9@lR0l
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DRG] [sɑdrɪɡtʰɪ] sadrigthi
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰoːn] bussuthôn 2S..S0n, 2S..S0M, 8c9@lr0l;c, 8c9@lR0l;c,
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DRG] [tɑdrɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tadrigthiyan
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰɑɪ] bussuthai 2S..S0cl 2S..S0cl 8c9@lr0", 8c9@lR0",
cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DRG] [tɑdrɪɡtʰi:n] tadrigthîn
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BSS] [bʊs.sʊtʰɑ] bussutha 2S..S0c 2S..S0c cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DRG] [tɑdrɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tadrigthiya 8c9@lr0l;c 8c9@lR0l;c

cause to entomb [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DRG] [tɑdrɪɡtʰɪ] tadrigthi 8c9@lr0l 8c9@lR0l
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BSS] [ɪbsɪsɪtʰi:] ibsisithî l2.l.l0" l2.l.l0"
cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰmɑ:] durguthmâ 9S@rS06v 9S@RS06v
cause to ensure (cause to provide guarantees)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BSS] [ɪbsɪsɪtʰ] ibsisith l2.l.l0 l2.l.l0
cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰmɪ] durguthmi 9S@rS06l 9S@RS06l

cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MDN] [mɑmdɪntʰɪ] mamdinthi 6c69l,0l 6c69l,0l cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰmɛnɪn] durguthmenin 9S@rS06z,l, 9S@RS06z,l,

cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MDN] [ɑmdɪntʰɪ] amdinthi c69l,0l c69l,0l cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰsɪn] durguthsin 9S@rS0.l, 9S@RS0.l,

cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰmɑjɑn] samdinthmayan .c69l,06c;c, .c69l,06c;c, cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰme:n] durguthmên 9S@rS06x, 9S@RS06x,

cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰɪjɑn] samdinthiyan .c69l,0l;c, .c69l,0l;c, cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰsʊn] durguthsun 9S@rS0.S, 9S@RS0.S,

cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰmɛnɪ] durguthmeni 9S@rS06z,l 9S@RS06z,l
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰmi:n] samdinthmîn .c69l,06", .c69l,06",
cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰsɪ] durguthsi 9S@rS0.l 9S@RS0.l
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰi:n] samdinthîn .c69l,0", .c69l,0",
cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰme:] durguthmê 9S@rS06x 9S@RS06x
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰmɑjɑ] samdinthmaya .c69l,06c;c .c69l,06c;c
cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰsʊ] durguthsu 9S@rS0.S 9S@RS0.S
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰɪjɑ] samdinthiya .c69l,0l;c .c69l,0l;c
cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰe:n] durguthên 9S@rS0x, 9S@RS0x,
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰmi:] samdinthmî .c69l,06" .c69l,06" cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰoːn] durguthôn 9S@rS0n, 9S@RS0M,

.c69l,0l .c69l,0l cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰɑɪ] durguthai 9S@rS0cl 9S@RS0cl
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MDN] [sɑmdɪntʰɪ] samdinthi
8c69l,0l;c, 8c69l,0l;c, cause to entomb [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DRG] [dʊrɡʊtʰɑ] durgutha 9S@rS0c 9S@RS0c
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MDN] [tɑmdɪntʰɪjɑn] tamdinthiyan
8c69l,0", 8c69l,0", cause to entomb! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRG] [ɪdrɪɡɪtʰi:] idrigithî l9@lrl0" l9@lRl0"
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MDN] [tɑmdɪntʰi:n] tamdinthîn
8c69l,0l;c 8c69l,0l;c cause to entomb! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRG] [ɪdrɪɡɪtʰ] idrigith l9@lrl0 l9@lRl0
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MDN] [tɑmdɪntʰɪjɑ] tamdinthiya
8c69l,0l 8c69l,0l cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [JBL] [mɑd͡ʒbɪltʰɪ] majbilthi 6cR2la0l 6c$2la0l
cause to enter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MDN] [tɑmdɪntʰɪ] tamdinthi
6z9,z06v 6z9,z06v cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [JBL] [ʌd͡ʒbɪltʰɪ] ajbilthi cR2la0l c$2la0l
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰmɑ:] mednethmâ
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰmɪ] mednethmi 6z9,z06l 6z9,z06l cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [sɑd͡ʒbɪltʰmɑjɑn] sajbilthmayan .cR2la06c;c, .c$2la06c;c,
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰmɛnɪn] mednethmenin 6z9,z06z,l, 6z9,z06z,l,
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [JBL] [sɑd͡ʒbɪltʰɪjɑn] sajbilthiyan .cR2la0l;c, .c$2la0l;c,
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰsɪn] mednethsin 6z9,z0.l, 6z9,z0.l,
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [sɑd͡ʒbɪltʰmi:n] sajbilthmîn .cR2la06", .c$2la06",
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰme:n] mednethmên 6z9,z06x, 6z9,z06x,

cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰsʊn] mednethsun 6z9,z0.S, 6z9,z0.S, cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [JBL] [sɑd͡ʒbɪltʰi:n] sajbilthîn .cR2la0", .c$2la0",

cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰmɛnɪ] mednethmeni 6z9,z06z,l 6z9,z06z,l
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [sʌd͡ʒbɪltʰmɑjɑ] sajbilthmaya .cR2la06c;c .c$2la06c;c
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰsɪ] mednethsi 6z9,z0.l 6z9,z0.l
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [JBL] [sʌd͡ʒbɪltʰɪjɑ] sajbilthiya .cR2la0l;c .c$2la0l;c
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰme:] mednethmê 6z9,z06x 6z9,z06x

cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰsʊ] mednethsu 6z9,z0.S 6z9,z0.S cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [sʌd͡ʒbɪltʰmi:] sajbilthmî .cR2la06" .c$2la06"

cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰe:n] mednethên 6z9,z0x, 6z9,z0x, .cR2la0l .c$2la0l
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [JBL] [sʌd͡ʒbɪltʰɪ] sajbilthi
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰoːn] mednethôn 6z9,z0n, 6z9,z0M, 8cR2la0l;c, 8c$2la0l;c,
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [JBL] [tɑd͡ʒbɪltʰɪjɑn] tajbilthiyan
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰɑɪ] mednethai 6z9,z0cl 6z9,z0cl 8cR2la0", 8c$2la0",
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [JBL] [tɑd͡ʒbɪltʰi:n] tajbilthîn
cause to enter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MDN] [mɛdnɛtʰɑ] mednetha 6z9,z0c 6z9,z0c 8cR2la0l;c 8c$2la0l;c
cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [JBL] [tʌd͡ʒbɪltʰɪjɑ] tajbilthiya

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 323 The Dwarrow Scholar 324

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to envision [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [JBL] [tʌd͡ʒbɪltʰɪ] tajbilthi 8cR2la0l 8c$2la0l cause to equal (equalize)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HLK] [ɪhlɪkɪtʰi:] ihlikithî lfalel0" lfalel0"

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰmɑ:] jubluthmâ RS2aS06v $S2aS06v cause to equal (equalize)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HLK] [ɪhlɪkɪtʰ] ihlikith lfalel0 lfalel0

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰmɪ] jubluthmi RS2aS06l $S2aS06l cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FLT] [mɑflɑt.tʰɪ] maflatthi 6c3ac80l 6c3ac80l

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰmɛnɪn] jubluthmenin RS2aS06z,l, $S2aS06z,l, cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FLT] [ʌflɑt.tʰɪ] aflatthi c3ac80l c3ac80l

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰsɪn] jubluthsin RS2aS0.l, $S2aS0.l, cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [sɑflɑtətʰmɑjɑn] saflatthmayan .c3ac806c;c, .c3ac806c;c,

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰme:n] jubluthmên RS2aS06x, $S2aS06x, cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FLT] [sɑflɑt.tʰɪjɑn] saflatthiyan .c3ac80l;c, .c3ac80l;c,

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰsʊn] jubluthsun RS2aS0.S, $S2aS0.S,
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [sɑflɑtətʰmi:n] saflatthmîn .c3ac806", .c3ac806",
cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰmɛnɪ] jubluthmeni RS2aS06z,l $S2aS06z,l
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FLT] [sɑflɑt.tʰi:n] saflatthîn .c3ac80", .c3ac80",
cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰsɪ] jubluthsi RS2aS0.l $S2aS0.l
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [sʌflɑtətʰmɑjɑ] saflatthmaya .c3ac806c;c .c3ac806c;c
cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰme:] jubluthmê RS2aS06x $S2aS06x
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FLT] [sʌflɑt.tʰɪjɑ] saflatthiya .c3ac80l;c .c3ac80l;c
cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰsʊ] jubluthsu RS2aS0.S $S2aS0.S

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰe:n] jubluthên RS2aS0x, $S2aS0x, cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [sʌflɑtətʰmi:] saflatthmî .c3ac806" .c3ac806"

cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰoːn] jubluthôn RS2aS0n, $S2aS0M, .c3ac80l .c3ac80l
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FLT] [sʌflɑt.tʰɪ] saflatthi
cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰɑɪ] jubluthai RS2aS0cl $S2aS0cl 8c3ac80l;c, 8c3ac80l;c,
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FLT] [tɑflɑt.tʰɪjɑn] taflatthiyan
cause to envision [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [JBL] [d͡ʒʊblʊtʰɑ] jublutha RS2aS0c $S2aS0c 8c3ac80", 8c3ac80",
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FLT] [tɑflɑt.tʰi:n] taflatthîn
cause to envision! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JBL] [ɪd͡ʒbɪlɪtʰi:] ijbilithî lR2lal0" l$2lal0" 8c3ac80l;c 8c3ac80l;c
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FLT] [tʌflɑt.tʰɪjɑ] taflatthiya
cause to envision! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JBL] [ɪd͡ʒbɪlɪtʰ] ijbilith lR2lal0 l$2lal0 8c3ac80l 8c3ac80l
cause to escape [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FLT] [tʌflɑt.tʰɪ] taflatthi
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HLK] [mɑhlɑktʰɪ] mahlakthi 6cface0l 6cface0l 3Sa8S06v 3Sa8S06v
cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰmɑ:] fultuthmâ
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HLK] [ʌhlɑktʰɪ] ahlakthi cface0l cface0l 3Sa8S06l 3Sa8S06l
cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰmɪ] fultuthmi
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [sɑhlɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sahlakthmayan .cface06c;c, .cface06c;c, cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰmɛnɪn] fultuthmenin 3Sa8S06z,l, 3Sa8S06z,l,

cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰsɪn] fultuthsin 3Sa8S0.l, 3Sa8S0.l,
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HLK] [sɑhlɑktʰɪjɑn] sahlakthiyan .cface0l;c, .cface0l;c,
cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰme:n] fultuthmên 3Sa8S06x, 3Sa8S06x,
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [sɑhlɑkətʰmi:n] sahlakthmîn .cface06", .cface06",
cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰsʊn] fultuthsun 3Sa8S0.S, 3Sa8S0.S,

cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HLK] [sɑhlɑktʰi:n] sahlakthîn .cface0", .cface0", cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰmɛnɪ] fultuthmeni 3Sa8S06z,l 3Sa8S06z,l

cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰsɪ] fultuthsi 3Sa8S0.l 3Sa8S0.l
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [sʌhlɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sahlakthmaya .cface06c;c .cface06c;c
cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰme:] fultuthmê 3Sa8S06x 3Sa8S06x
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HLK] [sʌhlɑktʰɪjɑ] sahlakthiya .cface0l;c .cface0l;c
cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰsʊ] fultuthsu 3Sa8S0.S 3Sa8S0.S
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [sʌhlɑkətʰmi:] sahlakthmî .cface06" .cface06" cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰe:n] fultuthên 3Sa8S0x, 3Sa8S0x,

.cface0l .cface0l cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰoːn] fultuthôn 3Sa8S0n, 3Sa8S0M,
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HLK] [sʌhlɑktʰɪ] sahlakthi
8cface0l;c, 8cface0l;c, cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰɑɪ] fultuthai 3Sa8S0cl 3Sa8S0cl
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HLK] [tɑhlɑktʰɪjɑn] tahlakthiyan
8cface0", 8cface0", cause to escape [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FLT] [fʊltʊtʰɑ] fultutha 3Sa8S0c 3Sa8S0c
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HLK] [tɑhlɑktʰi:n] tahlakthîn
8cface0l;c 8cface0l;c cause to escape! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FLT] [ɪflɪtɪtʰi:] iflitithî l3al8l0" l3al8l0"
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HLK] [tʌhlɑktʰɪjɑ] tahlakthiya
8cface0l 8cface0l cause to escape! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FLT] [ɪflɪtɪtʰ] iflitith l3al8l0 l3al8l0
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HLK] [tʌhlɑktʰɪ] tahlakthi
fSaeS06v fSaeS06v cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBN] [mɑsbɪntʰɪ] masbinthi 6c.2l,0l 6c.2l,0l
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰmɑ:] hulkuthmâ
fSaeS06l fSaeS06l cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBN] [ʌsbɪntʰɪ] asbinthi c.2l,0l c.2l,0l
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰmɪ] hulkuthmi
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sɑsbɪntʰmɑjɑn] sasbinthmayan .c.2l,06c;c, .c.2l,06c;c,
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰmɛnɪn] hulkuthmenin fSaeS06z,l, fSaeS06z,l,
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBN] [sɑsbɪntʰɪjɑn] sasbinthiyan .c.2l,0l;c, .c.2l,0l;c,
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰsɪn] hulkuthsin fSaeS0.l, fSaeS0.l,
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sɑsbɪntʰmi:n] sasbinthmîn .c.2l,06", .c.2l,06",
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰme:n] hulkuthmên fSaeS06x, fSaeS06x,
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBN] [sɑsbɪntʰi:n] sasbinthîn .c.2l,0", .c.2l,0",
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰsʊn] hulkuthsun fSaeS0.S, fSaeS0.S,
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sʌsbɪntʰmɑjɑ] sasbinthmaya .c.2l,06c;c .c.2l,06c;c
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰmɛnɪ] hulkuthmeni fSaeS06z,l fSaeS06z,l
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBN] [sʌsbɪntʰɪjɑ] sasbinthiya .c.2l,0l;c .c.2l,0l;c
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰsɪ] hulkuthsi fSaeS0.l fSaeS0.l
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sʌsbɪntʰmi:] sasbinthmî .c.2l,06" .c.2l,06"
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰme:] hulkuthmê fSaeS06x fSaeS06x
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBN] [sʌsbɪntʰɪ] sasbinthi .c.2l,0l .c.2l,0l
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰsʊ] hulkuthsu fSaeS0.S fSaeS0.S 8c.2l,0l;c, 8c.2l,0l;c,
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBN] [tɑsbɪntʰɪjɑn] tasbinthiyan
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰe:n] hulkuthên fSaeS0x, fSaeS0x, 8c.2l,0", 8c.2l,0",
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBN] [tɑsbɪntʰi:n] tasbinthîn
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰoːn] hulkuthôn fSaeS0n, fSaeS0M, 8c.2l,0l;c 8c.2l,0l;c
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBN] [tʌsbɪntʰɪjɑ] tasbinthiya
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰɑɪ] hulkuthai fSaeS0cl fSaeS0cl 8c.2l,0l 8c.2l,0l
cause to excite [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBN] [tʌsbɪntʰɪ] tasbinthi
cause to equal (equalize) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HLK] [hʊlkʊtʰɑ] hulkutha fSaeS0c fSaeS0c

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 325 The Dwarrow Scholar 326
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰmɑ:] sabnathmâ .c2,c06v .c2,c06v cause to exclude (leave out)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKL] [ɪfkɪlɪtʰ] ifkilith l3elal0 l3elal0

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰmɪ] sabnathmi .c2,c06l .c2,c06l cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KST] [mɑksɪt.tʰɪ] maksitthi 6ce.l80l 6cwl80l

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰmɛnɪn] sabnathmenin .c2,c06z,l, .c2,c06z,l, cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KST] [ɑksɪt.tʰɪ] aksitthi ce.l80l cwl80l

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰsɪn] sabnathsin .c2,c0.l, .c2,c0.l, cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [sɑksɪtətʰmɑjɑn] saksitthmayan .ce.l806c;c, .cwl806c;c,

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰme:n] sabnathmên .c2,c06x, .c2,c06x, cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KST] [sɑksɪt.tʰɪjɑn] saksitthiyan .ce.l80l;c, .cwl80l;c,

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰsʊn] sabnathsun .c2,c0.S, .c2,c0.S, cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [sɑksɪtətʰmi:n] saksitthmîn .ce.l806", .cwl806",

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰmɛnɪ] sabnathmeni .c2,c06z,l .c2,c06z,l cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KST] [sɑksɪt.tʰi:n] saksitthîn .ce.l80", .cwl80",

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰsɪ] sabnathsi .c2,c0.l .c2,c0.l cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [sɑksɪtətʰmɑjɑ] saksitthmaya .ce.l806c;c .cwl806c;c

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰme:] sabnathmê .c2,c06x .c2,c06x cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KST] [sɑksɪt.tʰɪjɑ] saksitthiya .ce.l80l;c .cwl80l;c

cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰsʊ] sabnathsu .c2,c0.S .c2,c0.S
cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [sɑksɪtətʰmi:] saksitthmî .ce.l806" .cwl806"
cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰe:n] sabnathên .c2,c0x, .c2,c0x,
cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KST] [sɑksɪt.tʰɪ] saksitthi .ce.l80l .cwl80l
cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰoːn] sabnathôn .c2,c0n, .c2,c0M,
cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KST] [tɑksɪt.tʰɪjɑn] taksitthiyan 8ce.l80l;c, 8cwl80l;c,
cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰɑɪ] sabnathai .c2,c0cl .c2,c0cl
cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KST] [tɑksɪt.tʰi:n] taksitthîn 8ce.l80", 8cwl80",
cause to excite [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBN] [sɑbnɑtʰɑ] sabnatha .c2,c0c .c2,c0c
cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KST] [tɑksɪt.tʰɪjɑ] taksitthiya 8ce.l80l;c 8cwl80l;c
cause to excite! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBN] [ɪsbɪnɪtʰi:] isbinithî l.2l,l0" l.2l,l0"
cause to exist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KST] [tɑksɪt.tʰɪ] taksitthi 8ce.l80l 8cwl80l
cause to excite! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBN] [ɪsbɪnɪtʰ] isbinith l.2l,l0 l.2l,l0
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰmɑ:] kustuthmâ eS.8S06v eS.8S06v
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKL] [mɑfkɪltʰɪ] mafkilthi 6c3ela0l 6c3ela0l
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰmɪ] kustuthmi eS.8S06l eS.8S06l
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKL] [ʌfkɪltʰɪ] afkilthi c3ela0l c3ela0l
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰmɛnɪn] kustuthmenin eS.8S06z,l, eS.8S06z,l,
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [sɑfkɪltʰmɑjɑn] safkilthmayan .c3ela06c;c, .c3ela06c;c,
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰsɪn] kustuthsin eS.8S0.l, eS.8S0.l,

cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKL] [sɑfkɪltʰɪjɑn] safkilthiyan .c3ela0l;c, .c3ela0l;c, cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰme:n] kustuthmên eS.8S06x, eS.8S06x,

cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰsʊn] kustuthsun eS.8S0.S, eS.8S0.S,
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [sɑfkɪltʰmi:n] safkilthmîn .c3ela06", .c3ela06",
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰmɛnɪ] kustuthmeni eS.8S06z,l eS.8S06z,l
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKL] [sɑfkɪltʰi:n] safkilthîn .c3ela0", .c3ela0",
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰsɪ] kustuthsi eS.8S0.l eS.8S0.l
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [sʌfkɪltʰmɑjɑ] safkilthmaya .c3ela06c;c .c3ela06c;c cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰme:] kustuthmê eS.8S06x eS.8S06x

.c3ela0l;c .c3ela0l;c cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰsʊ] kustuthsu eS.8S0.S eS.8S0.S
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKL] [sʌfkɪltʰɪjɑ] safkilthiya
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰe:n] kustuthên eS.8S0x, eS.8S0x,
[sʌfkɪltʰmi:] safkilthmî .c3ela06" .c3ela06"
[FKL] cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰoːn] kustuthôn eS.8S0n, eS.8S0M,
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKL] [sʌfkɪltʰɪ] safkilthi .c3ela0l .c3ela0l eS.8S0cl eS.8S0cl
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰɑɪ] kustuthai
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKL] [tɑfkɪltʰɪjɑn] tafkilthiyan 8c3ela0l;c, 8c3ela0l;c, eS.8S0c eS.8S0c
cause to exist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KST] [kʊstʊtʰɑ] kustutha
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKL] [tɑfkɪltʰi:n] tafkilthîn 8c3ela0", 8c3ela0", le.l8l0" lwl8l0"
cause to exist! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KST] [ɪksɪtɪtʰi:] iksitithî
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKL] [tʌfkɪltʰɪjɑ] tafkilthiya 8c3ela0l;c 8c3ela0l;c le.l8l0 lwl8l0
cause to exist! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KST] [ɪksɪtɪtʰ] iksitith
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKL] [tʌfkɪltʰɪ] tafkilthi 8c3ela0l 8c3ela0l 6c@3l@0l 6c@3l@0l
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [RFR] [mɑrfɪrtʰɪ] marfirthi
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰmɑ:] faklathmâ 3ceac06v 3ceac06v c@3l@0l c@3l@0l
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [RFR] [ɑrfɪrtʰɪ] arfirthi
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰmɪ] faklathmi 3ceac06l 3ceac06l
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sarfirthmayan .c@3l@06c;c, .c@3l@06c;c,
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰmɛnɪn] faklathmenin 3ceac06z,l, 3ceac06z,l,
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰɪjɑn] sarfirthiyan .c@3l@0l;c, .c@3l@0l;c,
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰsɪn] faklathsin 3ceac0.l, 3ceac0.l,
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰmi:n] sarfirthmîn .c@3l@06", .c@3l@06",
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰme:n] faklathmên 3ceac06x, 3ceac06x,
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰi:n] sarfirthîn .c@3l@0", .c@3l@0",
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰsʊn] faklathsun 3ceac0.S, 3ceac0.S,
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sarfirthmaya .c@3l@06c;c .c@3l@06c;c
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰmɛnɪ] faklathmeni 3ceac06z,l 3ceac06z,l
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰɪjɑ] sarfirthiya .c@3l@0l;c .c@3l@0l;c
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰsɪ] faklathsi 3ceac0.l 3ceac0.l
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰmi:] sarfirthmî .c@3l@06" .c@3l@06"
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰme:] faklathmê 3ceac06x 3ceac06x
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RFR] [sɑrfɪrtʰɪ] sarfirthi .c@3l@0l .c@3l@0l
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰsʊ] faklathsu 3ceac0.S 3ceac0.S 8c@3l@0l;c, 8c@3l@0l;c,
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RFR] [tɑrfɪrtʰɪjɑn] tarfirthiyan
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰe:n] faklathên 3ceac0x, 3ceac0x, 8c@3l@0", 8c@3l@0",
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RFR] [tɑrfɪrtʰi:n] tarfirthîn
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰoːn] faklathôn 3ceac0n, 3ceac0M, 8c@3l@0l;c 8c@3l@0l;c
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RFR] [tɑrfɪrtʰɪjɑ] tarfirthiya
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰɑɪ] faklathai 3ceac0cl 3ceac0cl 8c@3l@0l 8c@3l@0l
cause to experience [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RFR] [tɑrfɪrtʰɪ] tarfirthi
cause to exclude (leave out) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKL] [fɑklɑtʰɑ] faklatha 3ceac0c 3ceac0c @c3@c06v @c3@c06v
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰmɑ:] rafrathmâ
cause to exclude (leave out)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKL] [ɪfkɪlɪtʰi:] ifkilithî l3elal0" l3elal0" @c3@c06l @c3@c06l
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰmɪ] rafrathmi

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 327 The Dwarrow Scholar 328

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DRZ] [ɑdrɪztʰɪ] adrizthi c9@lw0l c9@lD0l
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰmɛnɪn] rafrathmenin @c3@c06z,l, @c3@c06z,l,
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰmɑjɑn] sadrizthmayan .c9@lw06c;c, .c9@lD06c;c,
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰsɪn] rafrathsin @c3@c0.l, @c3@c0.l,
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰɪjɑn] sadrizthiyan .c9@lw0l;c, .c9@lD0l;c,
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰme:n] rafrathmên @c3@c06x, @c3@c06x, cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰmi:n] sadrizthmîn .c9@lw06", .c9@lD06",

@c3@c0.S, @c3@c0.S, cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰi:n] sadrizthîn .c9@lw0", .c9@lD0",
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰsʊn] rafrathsun
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰmɑjɑ] sadrizthmaya .c9@lw06c;c .c9@lD06c;c
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰmɛnɪ] rafrathmeni @c3@c06z,l @c3@c06z,l
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰɪjɑ] sadrizthiya .c9@lw0l;c .c9@lD0l;c
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰsɪ] rafrathsi @c3@c0.l @c3@c0.l
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰmi:] sadrizthmî .c9@lw06" .c9@lD06"
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰme:] rafrathmê @c3@c06x @c3@c06x
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DRZ] [sɑdrɪztʰɪ] sadrizthi .c9@lw0l .c9@lD0l
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰsʊ] rafrathsu @c3@c0.S @c3@c0.S 8c9@lw0l;c, 8c9@lD0l;c,
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DRZ] [tɑdrɪztʰɪjɑn] tadrizthiyan
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰe:n] rafrathên @c3@c0x, @c3@c0x, 8c9@lw0", 8c9@lD0",
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DRZ] [tɑdrɪztʰi:n] tadrizthîn
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [RFR] [rɑfrɑtʰoːn] rafrathôn @c3@c0n, @c3@c0M, 8c9@lw0l;c 8c9@lD0l;c
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DRZ] [tɑdrɪztʰɪjɑ] tadrizthiya
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰɑɪ] rafrathai @c3@c0cl @c3@c0cl 8c9@lw0l 8c9@lD0l
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DRZ] [tɑdrɪztʰɪ] tadrizthi
cause to experience [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [RFR] [rʌfrɑtʰɑ] rafratha @c3@c0c @c3@c0c 9S@wS06v 9S@DS06v
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰmɑ:] durzuthmâ
cause to experience! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [RFR] [ɪrfɪrɪtʰi:] irfirithî l@3l@l0" l@3l@l0" 9S@wS06l 9S@DS06l
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰmɪ] durzuthmi
cause to experience! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [RFR] [ɪrfɪrɪtʰ] irfirith l@3l@l0 l@3l@l0 9S@wS06z,l, 9S@DS06z,l,
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰmɛnɪn] durzuthmenin
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBJ] [mɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] masbijthi 6c.2lR0l 6c.2l$0l 9S@wS0.l, 9S@DS0.l,
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰsɪn] durzuthsin
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBJ] [ʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] asbijthi c.2lR0l c.2l$0l 9S@wS06x, 9S@DS06x,
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰme:n] durzuthmên
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑn] sasbijthmayan .c.2lR06c;c, .c.2l$06c;c, 9S@wS0.S, 9S@DS0.S,
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰsʊn] durzuthsun
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBJ] [sɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] sasbijthiyan .c.2lR0l;c, .c.2l$0l;c, 9S@wS06z,l 9S@DS06z,l
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰmɛnɪ] durzuthmeni
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰmi:n] sasbijthmîn .c.2lR06", .c.2l$06", cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰsɪ] durzuthsi 9S@wS0.l 9S@DS0.l

cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰme:] durzuthmê 9S@wS06x 9S@DS06x
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBJ] [sɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] sasbijthîn .c.2lR0", .c.2l$0",
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰsʊ] durzuthsu 9S@wS0.S 9S@DS0.S
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑ] sasbijthmaya .c.2lR06c;c .c.2l$06c;c
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰe:n] durzuthên 9S@wS0x, 9S@DS0x,

cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBJ] [sʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] sasbijthiya .c.2lR0l;c .c.2l$0l;c cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰoːn] durzuthôn 9S@wS0n, 9S@DS0M,

cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰɑɪ] durzuthai 9S@wS0cl 9S@DS0cl
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰmi:] sasbijthmî .c.2lR06" .c.2l$06"
cause to face [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DRZ] [dʊrzʊtʰɑ] durzutha 9S@wS0c 9S@DS0c
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBJ] [sʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] sasbijthi .c.2lR0l .c.2l$0l
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔNG] [mɑʔnɪɡtʰɪ] ma'nigthi 6cg,lr0l 6cg,lR0l
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBJ] [tɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] tasbijthiyan 8c.2lR0l;c, 8c.2l$0l;c,
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔNG] [ɑʔnɪɡtʰɪ] a'nigthi cg,lr0l cg,lR0l
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBJ] [tɑsbɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] tasbijthîn 8c.2lR0", 8c.2l$0",
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sa'nigthmayan .cg,lr06c;c, .cg,lR06c;c,
cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBJ] [tʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] tasbijthiya 8c.2lR0l;c 8c.2l$0l;c

cause to explore [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBJ] [tʌsbɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] tasbijthi 8c.2lR0l 8c.2l$0l cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sa'nigthiyan .cg,lr0l;c, .cg,lR0l;c,

cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰmɑ:] subjuthmâ .S2RS06v .S2$S06v
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰmi:n] sa'nigthmîn .cg,lr06", .cg,lR06",
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰmɪ] subjuthmi .S2RS06l .S2$S06l
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰi:n] sa'nigthîn .cg,lr0", .cg,lR0",
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰmɛnɪn] subjuthmenin .S2RS06z,l, .S2$S06z,l,

cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰsɪn] subjuthsin .S2RS0.l, .S2$S0.l, cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sa'nigthmaya .cg,lr06c;c .cg,lR06c;c

cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰme:n] subjuthmên .S2RS06x, .S2$S06x, .cg,lr0l;c .cg,lR0l;c
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sa'nigthiya
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰsʊn] subjuthsun .S2RS0.S, .S2$S0.S,
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰmi:] sa'nigthmî .cg,lr06" .cg,lR06"
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰmɛnɪ] subjuthmeni .S2RS06z,l .S2$S06z,l
.S2RS0.l .S2$S0.l cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔNG] [sɑʔnɪɡtʰɪ] sa'nigthi .cg,lr0l .cg,lR0l
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰsɪ] subjuthsi
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔNG] [tɑʔnɪɡtʰɪjɑn] ta'nigthiyan 8cg,lr0l;c, 8cg,lR0l;c,
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰme:] subjuthmê .S2RS06x .S2$S06x
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔNG] [tɑʔnɪɡtʰi:n] ta'nigthîn 8cg,lr0", 8cg,lR0",
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰsʊ] subjuthsu .S2RS0.S .S2$S0.S 8cg,lr0l;c 8cg,lR0l;c
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔNG] [tɑʔnɪɡtʰɪjɑ] ta'nigthiya
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰe:n] subjuthên .S2RS0x, .S2$S0x, 8cg,lr0l 8cg,lR0l
cause to face an enemy [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔNG] [tɑʔnɪɡtʰɪ] ta'nigthi
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰoːn] subjuthôn .S2RS0n, .S2$S0M, gcjc06v gcjc06v
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰmɑ:] 'angathmâ
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰɑɪ] subjuthai .S2RS0cl .S2$S0cl gcjc06l gcjc06l
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰmɪ] 'angathmi
cause to explore [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SBJ] [sʊbd͡ʒʊtʰɑ] subjutha .S2RS0c .S2$S0c
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰmɛnɪn] 'angathmenin gcjc06z,l, gcjc06z,l,
cause to explore! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SBJ] [ɪsbɪd͡ʒɪtʰi:] isbijithî l.2lRl0" l.2l$l0"
l.2lRl0 l.2l$l0 cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰsɪn] 'angathsin gcjc0.l, gcjc0.l,
cause to explore! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SBJ] [ɪsbɪd͡ʒɪtʰ] isbijith
cause to face [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DRZ] [mɑdrɪztʰɪ] madrizthi 6c9@lw0l 6c9@lD0l cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰme:n] 'angathmên gcjc06x, gcjc06x,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 329 The Dwarrow Scholar 330
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰsʊn] 'angathsun gcjc0.S, gcjc0.S, cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLN] [ɑblɑntʰɪ] ablanthi c2ac,0l c2ac,0l

cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰmɑjɑn] sablanthmayan .c2ac,06c;c, .c2ac,06c;c,
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰmɛnɪ] 'angathmeni gcjc06z,l gcjc06z,l
cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰɪjɑn] sablanthiyan .c2ac,0l;c, .c2ac,0l;c,
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰsɪ] 'angathsi gcjc0.l gcjc0.l
cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰmi:n] sablanthmîn .c2ac,06", .c2ac,06",
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰme:] 'angathmê gcjc06x gcjc06x cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰi:n] sablanthîn .c2ac,0", .c2ac,0",

gcjc0.S gcjc0.S cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰmɑjɑ] sablanthmaya .c2ac,06c;c .c2ac,06c;c
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰsʊ] 'angathsu
gcjc0x, gcjc0x, cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰɪjɑ] sablanthiya .c2ac,0l;c .c2ac,0l;c
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰe:n] 'angathên
gcjc0n, gcjc0M, cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰmi:] sablanthmî .c2ac,06" .c2ac,06"
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰoːn] 'angathôn
gcjc0cl gcjc0cl cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLN] [sɑblɑntʰɪ] sablanthi .c2ac,0l .c2ac,0l
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰɑɪ] 'angathai
gcjc0c gcjc0c cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLN] [tɑblɑntʰɪjɑn] tablanthiyan 8c2ac,0l;c, 8c2ac,0l;c,
cause to face an enemy [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔNG] [ʔɑngɑtʰɑ] 'angatha
lg,lrl0" lg,lRl0" cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLN] [tɑblɑntʰi:n] tablanthîn 8c2ac,0", 8c2ac,0",
cause to face an enemy! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔNG] [ɪʔnɪɡɪtʰi:] i'nigithî
lg,lrl0 lg,lRl0 cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLN] [tɑblɑntʰɪjɑ] tablanthiya 8c2ac,0l;c 8c2ac,0l;c
cause to face an enemy! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔNG] [ɪʔnɪɡɪtʰ] i'nigith
6c2,la0l 6c2,la0l cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLN] [tɑblɑntʰɪ] tablanthi 8c2ac,0l 8c2ac,0l
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BNL] [mɑbnɪltʰɪ] mabnilthi
c2,la0l c2,la0l cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰmɑ:] balnathmâ 2ca,c06v 2ca,c06v
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BNL] [ɑbnɪltʰɪ] abnilthi
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰmɪ] balnathmi 2ca,c06l 2ca,c06l
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰmɑjɑn] sabnilthmayan .c2,la06c;c, .c2,la06c;c,
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪn] balnathmenin 2ca,c06z,l, 2ca,c06z,l,
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰɪjɑn] sabnilthiyan .c2,la0l;c, .c2,la0l;c, 2ca,c0.l, 2ca,c0.l,
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰsɪn] balnathsin
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰmi:n] sabnilthmîn .c2,la06", .c2,la06", cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰme:n] balnathmên 2ca,c06x, 2ca,c06x,

cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰsʊn] balnathsun 2ca,c0.S, 2ca,c0.S,
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰi:n] sabnilthîn .c2,la0", .c2,la0",
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰmɛnɪ] balnathmeni 2ca,c06z,l 2ca,c06z,l
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰmɑjɑ] sabnilthmaya .c2,la06c;c .c2,la06c;c
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰsɪ] balnathsi 2ca,c0.l 2ca,c0.l

cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰɪjɑ] sabnilthiya .c2,la0l;c .c2,la0l;c cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰme:] balnathmê 2ca,c06x 2ca,c06x

cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰsʊ] balnathsu 2ca,c0.S 2ca,c0.S
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰmi:] sabnilthmî .c2,la06" .c2,la06"
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰe:n] balnathên 2ca,c0x, 2ca,c0x,
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BNL] [sɑbnɪltʰɪ] sabnilthi .c2,la0l .c2,la0l
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰoːn] balnathôn 2ca,c0n, 2ca,c0M,
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BNL] [tɑbnɪltʰɪjɑn] tabnilthiyan 8c2,la0l;c, 8c2,la0l;c,
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰɑɪ] balnathai 2ca,c0cl 2ca,c0cl
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BNL] [tɑbnɪltʰi:n] tabnilthîn 8c2,la0", 8c2,la0",
cause to fail [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLN] [bɑlnɑtʰɑ] balnatha 2ca,c0c 2ca,c0c
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BNL] [tɑbnɪltʰɪjɑ] tabnilthiya 8c2,la0l;c 8c2,la0l;c
cause to fail! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLN] [ɪblɪnɪtʰi:] iblinithî l2al,l0" l2al,l0"
cause to face problems [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BNL] [tɑbnɪltʰɪ] tabnilthi 8c2,la0l 8c2,la0l
cause to fail! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLN] [ɪblɪnɪtʰ] iblinith l2al,l0 l2al,l0
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰmɑ:] benlethmâ 2z,az06v 2z,az06v
cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLN] [mɑslɪntʰɪ] maslinthi,0l,0l
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰmɪ] benlethmi 2z,az06l 2z,az06l
cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLN] [ʌslɪntʰɪ] aslinthi,0l,0l
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰmɛnɪn] benlethmenin 2z,az06z,l, 2z,az06z,l, cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sɑslɪntʰmɑjɑn] saslinthmayan,06c;c,,06c;c,

2z,az0.l, 2z,az0.l, cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLN] [sɑslɪntʰɪjɑn] saslinthiyan,0l;c,,0l;c,
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰsɪn] benlethsin
cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sɑslɪntʰmi:n] saslinthmîn,06",,06",
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰme:n] benlethmên 2z,az06x, 2z,az06x,
cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLN] [sɑslɪntʰi:n] saslinthîn,0",,0",
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰsʊn] benlethsun 2z,az0.S, 2z,az0.S, cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sʌslɪntʰmɑjɑ] saslinthmaya,06c;c,06c;c

cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰmɛnɪ] benlethmeni 2z,az06z,l 2z,az06z,l cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLN] [sʌslɪntʰɪjɑ] saslinthiya,0l;c,0l;c

cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sʌslɪntʰmi:] saslinthmî,06",06"
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰsɪ] benlethsi 2z,az0.l 2z,az0.l
cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLN] [sʌslɪntʰɪ] saslinthi,0l,0l
cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰme:] benlethmê 2z,az06x 2z,az06x
cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLN] [tɑslɪntʰɪjɑn] taslinthiyan,0l;c,,0l;c,

cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰsʊ] benlethsu 2z,az0.S 2z,az0.S cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLN] [tɑslɪntʰi:n] taslinthîn,0",,0",

cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰe:n] benlethên 2z,az0x, 2z,az0x, cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLN] [tʌslɪntʰɪjɑ] taslinthiya,0l;c,0l;c

cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰoːn] benlethôn 2z,az0n, 2z,az0M, cause to fall [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLN] [tʌslɪntʰɪ] taslinthi,0l,0l

cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰɑɪ] benlethai 2z,az0cl 2z,az0cl cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰmɑ:] sulnuthmâ .Sa,S06v .Sa,S06v

cause to face problems [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BNL] [bɛnlɛtʰɑ] benletha 2z,az0c 2z,az0c cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰmɪ] sulnuthmi .Sa,S06l .Sa,S06l

cause to face problems! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BNL] [ɪbnɪlɪtʰi:] ibnilithî l2,lal0" l2,lal0" cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰmɛnɪn] sulnuthmenin .Sa,S06z,l, .Sa,S06z,l,

cause to face problems! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BNL] [ɪbnɪlɪtʰ] ibnilith l2,lal0 l2,lal0 cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰsɪn] sulnuthsin .Sa,S0.l, .Sa,S0.l,

cause to face! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DRZ] [ɪdrɪzɪtʰi:] idrizithî l9@lwl0" l9@lDl0" cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰme:n] sulnuthmên .Sa,S06x, .Sa,S06x,

cause to face! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DRZ] [ɪdrɪzɪtʰ] idrizith l9@lwl0 l9@lDl0 cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰsʊn] sulnuthsun .Sa,S0.S, .Sa,S0.S,

cause to fail [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLN] [mɑblɑntʰɪ] mablanthi 6c2ac,0l 6c2ac,0l cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰmɛnɪ] sulnuthmeni .Sa,S06z,l .Sa,S06z,l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 331 The Dwarrow Scholar 332

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰsɪ] sulnuthsi .Sa,S0.l .Sa,S0.l cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] sabjiththiyan .c2Rl00l;c, .c2$l00l;c,

cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰme:] sulnuthmê .Sa,S06x .Sa,S06x cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰətʰmi:n] sabjiththmîn .c2Rl006", .c2$l006",

cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰsʊ] sulnuthsu .Sa,S0.S .Sa,S0.S cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰi:n] sabjiththîn .c2Rl00", .c2$l00",

cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰe:n] sulnuthên .Sa,S0x, .Sa,S0x,
cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰətʰmɑjɑ] sabjiththmaya .c2Rl006c;c .c2$l006c;c
cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰoːn] sulnuthôn .Sa,S0n, .Sa,S0M,
cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] sabjiththiya .c2Rl00l;c .c2$l00l;c
cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰɑɪ] sulnuthai .Sa,S0cl .Sa,S0cl

cause to fall [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLN] [sʊlnʊtʰɑ] sulnutha .Sa,S0c .Sa,S0c cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰətʰmi:] sabjiththmî .c2Rl006" .c2$l006"

cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DLT] [mɑdlɑt.tʰɪ] madlatthi 6c9ac80l 6c9ac80l .c2Rl00l .c2$l00l
cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪ] sabjiththi
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DLT] [ɑdlɑt.tʰɪ] adlatthi c9ac80l c9ac80l 8c2Rl00l;c, 8c2$l00l;c,
cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BJTh] [tɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑn] tabjiththiyan
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .c9ac806c;c, .c9ac806c;c, cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BJTh] [tɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰi:n] tabjiththîn 8c2Rl00", 8c2$l00",
[sɑdlɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sadlatthmayan
(contemptuous)] [DLT]
cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BJTh] [tɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪjɑ] tabjiththiya 8c2Rl00l;c 8c2$l00l;c
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DLT] [sɑdlɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sadlatthiyan .c9ac80l;c, .c9ac80l;c,
cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BJTh] [tɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪ] tabjiththi 8c2Rl00l 8c2$l00l
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰmɑ:] bejthethmâ 2zR0z06v 2z$0z06v
[sɑdlɑtətʰmi:n] sadlatthmîn .c9ac806", .c9ac806",
(contemptuous)] [DLT] cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰmɪ] bejthethmi 2zR0z06l 2z$0z06l
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DLT] [sɑdlɑt.tʰi:n] sadlatthîn .c9ac80", .c9ac80", cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰmɛnɪn] bejthethmenin 2zR0z06z,l, 2z$0z06z,l,

cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰsɪn] bejthethsin 2zR0z0.l, 2z$0z0.l,
[sɑdlɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sadlatthmaya .c9ac806c;c .c9ac806c;c
(contemptuous)] [DLT] cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰme:n] bejthethmên 2zR0z06x, 2z$0z06x,
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DLT] [sɑdlɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sadlatthiya .c9ac80l;c .c9ac80l;c 2zR0z0.S, 2z$0z0.S,
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰsʊn] bejthethsun
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c9ac806" .c9ac806" cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰmɛnɪ] bejthethmeni 2zR0z06z,l 2z$0z06z,l
[sɑdlɑtətʰmi:] sadlatthmî
(contemptuous)] [DLT]
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰsɪ] bejthethsi 2zR0z0.l 2z$0z0.l
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DLT] [sɑdlɑt.tʰɪ] sadlatthi .c9ac80l .c9ac80l
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰme:] bejthethmê 2zR0z06x 2z$0z06x
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DLT] [tɑdlɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tadlatthiyan 8c9ac80l;c, 8c9ac80l;c,
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰsʊ] bejthethsu 2zR0z0.S 2z$0z0.S
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DLT] [tɑdlɑt.tʰi:n] tadlatthîn 8c9ac80", 8c9ac80",
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰe:n] bejthethên 2zR0z0x, 2z$0z0x,
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DLT] [tɑdlɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tadlatthiya 8c9ac80l;c 8c9ac80l;c
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰoːn] bejthethôn 2zR0z0n, 2z$0z0M,
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DLT] [tɑdlɑt.tʰɪ] tadlatthi 8c9ac80l 8c9ac80l
cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰɑɪ] bejthethai 2zR0z0cl 2z$0z0cl

cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰmɑ:] dultuthmâ 9Sa8S06v 9Sa8S06v cause to farm [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BJTh] [bɛd͡ʒtʰɛtʰɑ] bejthetha 2zR0z0c 2z$0z0c

cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰmɪ] dultuthmi 9Sa8S06l 9Sa8S06l cause to farm! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BJTh] [ɪbd͡ʒɪtʰɪtʰi:] ibjithithî l2Rl0l0" l2$l0l0"
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful cause to farm! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BJTh] [ɪbd͡ʒɪtʰɪtʰ] ibjithith l2Rl0l0 l2$l0l0
[dʊltʊtʰmɛnɪn] dultuthmenin 9Sa8S06z,l, 9Sa8S06z,l,
(contemptuous)] [DLT] cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FYL] [mɑfjɪltʰɪ] mafyilthi 6c3;la0l 6c3;la0l
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰsɪn] dultuthsin 9Sa8S0.l, 9Sa8S0.l,
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FYL] [ʌfjɪltʰɪ] afyilthi c3;la0l c3;la0l
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful 9Sa8S06x, 9Sa8S06x,
[dʊltʊtʰme:n] dultuthmên cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [sɑfjɪltʰmɑjɑn] safyilthmayan .c3;la06c;c, .c3;la06c;c,
(contemptuous)] [DLT]
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FYL] [sɑfjɪltʰɪjɑn] safyilthiyan .c3;la0l;c, .c3;la0l;c,
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰsʊn] dultuthsun 9Sa8S0.S, 9Sa8S0.S,
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [sɑfjɪltʰmi:n] safyilthmîn .c3;la06", .c3;la06",
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful 9Sa8S06z,l 9Sa8S06z,l cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FYL] [sɑfjɪltʰi:n] safyilthîn .c3;la0", .c3;la0",
[dʊltʊtʰmɛnɪ] dultuthmeni
(contemptuous)] [DLT]
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [sʌfjɪltʰmɑjɑ] safyilthmaya .c3;la06c;c .c3;la06c;c
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰsɪ] dultuthsi 9Sa8S0.l 9Sa8S0.l
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FYL] [sʌfjɪltʰɪjɑ] safyilthiya .c3;la0l;c .c3;la0l;c
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful 9Sa8S06x 9Sa8S06x
[dʊltʊtʰme:] dultuthmê
(contemptuous)] [DLT] cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [sʌfjɪltʰmi:] safyilthmî .c3;la06" .c3;la06"
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰsʊ] dultuthsu 9Sa8S0.S 9Sa8S0.S
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FYL] [sʌfjɪltʰɪ] safyilthi .c3;la0l .c3;la0l
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰe:n] dultuthên 9Sa8S0x, 9Sa8S0x,
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FYL] [tɑfjɪltʰɪjɑn] tafyilthiyan 8c3;la0l;c, 8c3;la0l;c,
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰoːn] dultuthôn 9Sa8S0n, 9Sa8S0M,
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FYL] [tɑfjɪltʰi:n] tafyilthîn 8c3;la0", 8c3;la0",
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰɑɪ] dultuthai 9Sa8S0cl 9Sa8S0cl
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FYL] [tʌfjɪltʰɪjɑ] tafyilthiya 8c3;la0l;c 8c3;la0l;c
cause to fall into a state of mental decay [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DLT] [dʊltʊtʰɑ] dultutha 9Sa8S0c 9Sa8S0c
cause to fault [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FYL] [tʌfjɪltʰɪ] tafyilthi 8c3;la0l 8c3;la0l

cause to fall into a state of mental decay! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DLT] [ɪdlɪtɪtʰi:] idlitithî l9al8l0" l9al8l0" cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰmɑ:] feylethmâ 3z;az06v 3z;az06v

cause to fall into a state of mental decay! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DLT] [ɪdlɪtɪtʰ] idlitith l9al8l0 l9al8l0 cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰmɪ] feylethmi 3z;az06l 3z;az06l

cause to fall! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLN] [ɪslɪnɪtʰi:] islinithî,l0",l0" cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰmɛnɪn] feylethmenin 3z;az06z,l, 3z;az06z,l,

cause to fall! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLN] [ɪslɪnɪtʰ] islinith,l0,l0 cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰsɪn] feylethsin 3z;az0.l, 3z;az0.l,

cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BJTh] [mɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪ] mabjiththi 6c2Rl00l 6c2$l00l cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰme:n] feylethmên 3z;az06x, 3z;az06x,

cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BJTh] [ɑbd͡ʒɪtʰ.tʰɪ] abjiththi c2Rl00l c2$l00l cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰsʊn] feylethsun 3z;az0.S, 3z;az0.S,

cause to farm [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BJTh] [sɑbd͡ʒɪtʰətʰmɑjɑn] sabjiththmayan .c2Rl006c;c, .c2$l006c;c, cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰmɛnɪ] feylethmeni 3z;az06z,l 3z;az06z,l

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The Dwarrow Scholar 333 The Dwarrow Scholar 334
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰsɪ] feylethsi 3z;az0.l 3z;az0.l cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰɪ] samragthi .c6@cr0l .c6@cR0l

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰme:] feylethmê 3z;az06x 3z;az06x cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MRG] [tɑmrɑɡtʰɪjɑn] tamragthiyan 8c6@cr0l;c, 8c6@cR0l;c,

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰsʊ] feylethsu 3z;az0.S 3z;az0.S cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MRG] [tɑmrɑɡtʰi:n] tamragthîn 8c6@cr0", 8c6@cR0",

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰe:n] feylethên 3z;az0x, 3z;az0x, cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MRG] [tɑmrɑɡtʰɪjɑ] tamragthiya 8c6@cr0l;c 8c6@cR0l;c

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰoːn] feylethôn 3z;az0n, 3z;az0M, cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MRG] [tɑmrɑɡtʰɪ] tamragthi 8c6@cr0l 8c6@cR0l

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰɑɪ] feylethai 3z;az0cl 3z;az0cl cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰmɑ:] margathmâ 6c@rc06v 6c@Rc06v

cause to fault [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FYL] [fɛjlɛtʰɑ] feyletha 3z;az0c 3z;az0c cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰmɪ] margathmi 6c@rc06l 6c@Rc06l

cause to fault! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FYL] [ɪfjɪlɪtʰi:] ifyilithî l3;lal0" l3;lal0" cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰmɛnɪn] margathmenin 6c@rc06z,l, 6c@Rc06z,l,

cause to fault! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FYL] [ɪfjɪlɪtʰ] ifyilith l3;lal0 l3;lal0 cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰsɪn] margathsin 6c@rc0.l, 6c@Rc0.l,

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRD] [mɑɡrɪdtʰɪ] magridthi 6cr@l90l 6cR@l90l cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰme:n] margathmên 6c@rc06x, 6c@Rc06x,

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRD] [ɑɡrɪdtʰɪ] agridthi cr@l90l cR@l90l cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰsʊn] margathsun 6c@rc0.S, 6c@Rc0.S,

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰmɑjɑn] sagridthmayan .cr@l906c;c, .cR@l906c;c, cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰmɛnɪ] margathmeni 6c@rc06z,l 6c@Rc06z,l

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰɪjɑn] sagridthiyan .cr@l90l;c, .cR@l90l;c, cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰsɪ] margathsi 6c@rc0.l 6c@Rc0.l

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰmi:n] sagridthmîn .cr@l906", .cR@l906", cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰme:] margathmê 6c@rc06x 6c@Rc06x

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰi:n] sagridthîn .cr@l90", .cR@l90", cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰsʊ] margathsu 6c@rc0.S 6c@Rc0.S

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰmɑjɑ] sagridthmaya .cr@l906c;c .cR@l906c;c cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰe:n] margathên 6c@rc0x, 6c@Rc0x,

cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰɪjɑ] sagridthiya .cr@l90l;c .cR@l90l;c cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰoːn] margathôn 6c@rc0n, 6c@Rc0M,

cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰɑɪ] margathai 6c@rc0cl 6c@Rc0cl
cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰmi:] sagridthmî .cr@l906" .cR@l906"
cause to feast [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MRG] [mɑrɡɑtʰɑ] margatha 6c@rc0c 6c@Rc0c
cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRD] [sɑɡrɪdtʰɪ] sagridthi .cr@l90l .cR@l90l
cause to feast! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MRG] [ɪmrɪɡɪtʰi:] imrigithî l6@lrl0" l6@lRl0"
cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRD] [tɑɡrɪdtʰɪjɑn] tagridthiyan 8cr@l90l;c, 8cR@l90l;c,
cause to feast! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MRG] [ɪmrɪɡɪtʰ] imrigith l6@lrl0 l6@lRl0
cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRD] [tɑɡrɪdtʰi:n] tagridthîn 8cr@l90", 8cR@l90",
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KND] [mɑknɪdtʰɪ] maknidthi 6ce,l90l 6ce,l90l
cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRD] [tɑɡrɪdtʰɪjɑ] tagridthiya 8cr@l90l;c 8cR@l90l;c
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KND] [ɑknɪdtʰɪ] aknidthi ce,l90l ce,l90l
cause to fear [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRD] [tɑɡrɪdtʰɪ] tagridthi 8cr@l90l 8cR@l90l
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰmɑjɑn] saknidthmayan .ce,l906c;c, .ce,l906c;c,
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰmɑ:] gurduthmâ rS@9S06v RS@9S06v
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰɪjɑn] saknidthiyan .ce,l90l;c, .ce,l90l;c,
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰmɪ] gurduthmi rS@9S06l RS@9S06l
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰmi:n] saknidthmîn .ce,l906", .ce,l906",
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰmɛnɪn] gurduthmenin rS@9S06z,l, RS@9S06z,l,
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰi:n] saknidthîn .ce,l90", .ce,l90",
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰsɪn] gurduthsin rS@9S0.l, RS@9S0.l,
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰmɑjɑ] saknidthmaya .ce,l906c;c .ce,l906c;c
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰme:n] gurduthmên rS@9S06x, RS@9S06x,
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰɪjɑ] saknidthiya .ce,l90l;c .ce,l90l;c
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰsʊn] gurduthsun rS@9S0.S, RS@9S0.S,
cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰmi:] saknidthmî .ce,l906" .ce,l906"
cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰmɛnɪ] gurduthmeni rS@9S06z,l RS@9S06z,l

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰsɪ] gurduthsi rS@9S0.l RS@9S0.l cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KND] [sɑknɪdtʰɪ] saknidthi .ce,l90l .ce,l90l

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰme:] gurduthmê rS@9S06x RS@9S06x cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KND] [tɑknɪdtʰɪjɑn] taknidthiyan 8ce,l90l;c, 8ce,l90l;c,

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰsʊ] gurduthsu rS@9S0.S RS@9S0.S cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KND] [tɑknɪdtʰi:n] taknidthîn 8ce,l90", 8ce,l90",

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰe:n] gurduthên rS@9S0x, RS@9S0x, cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KND] [tɑknɪdtʰɪjɑ] taknidthiya 8ce,l90l;c 8ce,l90l;c

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰoːn] gurduthôn rS@9S0n, RS@9S0M, cause to feed [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KND] [tɑknɪdtʰɪ] taknidthi 8ce,l90l 8ce,l90l

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰɑɪ] gurduthai rS@9S0cl RS@9S0cl cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰmɑ:] kunduthmâ eSdS06v eSdS06v

cause to fear [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GRD] [ɡʊrdʊtʰɑ] gurdutha rS@9S0c RS@9S0c cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰmɪ] kunduthmi eSdS06l eSdS06l

cause to fear! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GRD] [ɪɡrɪdɪtʰi:] igridithî lr@l9l0" lR@l9l0" cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰmɛnɪn] kunduthmenin eSdS06z,l, eSdS06z,l,

cause to fear! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GRD] [ɪɡrɪdɪtʰ] igridith lr@l9l0 lR@l9l0 cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰsɪn] kunduthsin eSdS0.l, eSdS0.l,

cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MRG] [mɑmrɑɡtʰɪ] mamragthi 6c6@cr0l 6c6@cR0l cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰme:n] kunduthmên eSdS06x, eSdS06x,

cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MRG] [ɑmrɑɡtʰɪ] amragthi c6@cr0l c6@cR0l cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰsʊn] kunduthsun eSdS0.S, eSdS0.S,

cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] samragthmayan .c6@cr06c;c, .c6@cR06c;c, cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰmɛnɪ] kunduthmeni eSdS06z,l eSdS06z,l

cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰɪjɑn] samragthiyan .c6@cr0l;c, .c6@cR0l;c, cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰsɪ] kunduthsi eSdS0.l eSdS0.l

cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰme:] kunduthmê eSdS06x eSdS06x
cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰmi:n] samragthmîn .c6@cr06", .c6@cR06",
cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰsʊ] kunduthsu eSdS0.S eSdS0.S
cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰi:n] samragthîn .c6@cr0", .c6@cR0",
cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰe:n] kunduthên eSdS0x, eSdS0x,
cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] samragthmaya .c6@cr06c;c .c6@cR06c;c cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰoːn] kunduthôn eSdS0n, eSdS0M,

.c6@cr0l;c .c6@cR0l;c cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰɑɪ] kunduthai eSdS0cl eSdS0cl
cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰɪjɑ] samragthiya
cause to feed [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KND] [kʊndʊtʰɑ] kundutha eSdS0c eSdS0c
cause to feast [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MRG] [sɑmrɑɡtʰmi:] samragthmî .c6@cr06" .c6@cR06"

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 335 The Dwarrow Scholar 336

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to feed! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KND] [ɪknɪdɪtʰi:] iknidithî le,l9l0" le,l9l0"
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰmɛnɪn] sultuthmenin .Sa8S06z,l, .Sa8S06z,l,
cause to feed! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KND] [ɪknɪdɪtʰ] iknidith le,l9l0 le,l9l0
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰsɪn] sultuthsin .Sa8S0.l, .Sa8S0.l,
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhF] [mɑkʰɑftʰɪ] makhafthi 6ceVc30l 6ctc30l

cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhF] [ɑkʰʌftʰɪ] akhafthi ceVc30l ctc30l cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰme:n] sultuthmên .Sa8S06x, .Sa8S06x,

cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [sɑkʰɑftʰmɑjɑn] sakhafthmayan .ceVc306c;c, .ctc306c;c, .Sa8S0.S, .Sa8S0.S,
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰsʊn] sultuthsun
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhF] [sɑkʰɑftʰɪjɑn] sakhafthiyan .ceVc30l;c, .ctc30l;c,
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰmɛnɪ] sultuthmeni .Sa8S06z,l .Sa8S06z,l
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [sɑkʰɑftʰmi:n] sakhafthmîn .ceVc306", .ctc306",
.ceVc30", .ctc30", cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰsɪ] sultuthsi .Sa8S0.l .Sa8S0.l
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhF] [sɑkʰɑftʰi:n] sakhafthîn
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [sɑkʰʌftʰmɑjɑ] sakhafthmaya .ceVc306c;c .ctc306c;c cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰme:] sultuthmê .Sa8S06x .Sa8S06x
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhF] [sɑkʰʌftʰɪjɑ] sakhafthiya .ceVc30l;c .ctc30l;c
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰsʊ] sultuthsu .Sa8S0.S .Sa8S0.S
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [sɑkʰʌftʰmi:] sakhafthmî .ceVc306" .ctc306" cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰe:n] sultuthên .Sa8S0x, .Sa8S0x,

.ceVc30l .ctc30l cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰoːn] sultuthôn .Sa8S0n, .Sa8S0M,
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhF] [sɑkʰʌftʰɪ] sakhafthi
8ceVc30l;c, 8ctc30l;c, cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰɑɪ] sultuthai .Sa8S0cl .Sa8S0cl
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhF] [tɑkʰɑftʰɪjɑn] takhafthiyan
8ceVc30", 8ctc30", cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰɑ] sultutha .Sa8S0c .Sa8S0c
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhF] [tɑkʰɑftʰi:n] takhafthîn
8ceVc30l;c 8ctc30l;c cause to feel hunger! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLT] [ɪslɪtɪtʰi:] islitithî l.al8l0" l.al8l0"
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhF] [tɑkʰʌftʰɪjɑ] takhafthiya
8ceVc30l 8ctc30l cause to feel hunger! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLT] [ɪslɪtɪtʰ] islitith l.al8l0 l.al8l0
cause to feel [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhF] [tɑkʰʌftʰɪ] takhafthi
eVc3c06v tc3c06v cause to feel! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhF] [ɪkʰfɪtʰi:] ikhfithî leV3l0" lt3l0"
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰmɑ:] khafathmâ
eVc3c06l tc3c06l cause to feel! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhF] [ɪkʰfi:tʰ] ikhfîth leV3"0 lt3"0
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰmɪ] khafathmi
eVc3c06z,l, tc3c06z,l, cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKhʔ] [mɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪ] mabkhi'thi 6c2eVlg0l 6c2tlg0l
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰmɛnɪn] khafathmenin
eVc3c0.l, tc3c0.l, cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKhʔ] [ɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪ] abkhi'thi c2eVlg0l c2tlg0l
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰsɪn] khafathsin
eVc3c06x, tc3c06x, cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔətʰmɑjɑn] sabkhi'thmayan .c2eVlg06c;c, .c2tlg06c;c,
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰme:n] khafathmên
eVc3c0.S, tc3c0.S, cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪjɑn] sabkhi'thiyan .c2eVlg0l;c, .c2tlg0l;c,
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰsʊn] khafathsun
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰmɛnɪ] khafathmeni eVc3c06z,l tc3c06z,l cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔətʰmi:n] sabkhi'thmîn .c2eVlg06", .c2tlg06",
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰsɪ] khafathsi eVc3c0.l tc3c0.l
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔtʰi:n] sabkhi'thîn .c2eVlg0", .c2tlg0",
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰme:] khafathmê eVc3c06x tc3c06x
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔətʰmɑjɑ] sabkhi'thmaya .c2eVlg06c;c .c2tlg06c;c
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰsʊ] khafathsu eVc3c0.S tc3c0.S

cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰe:n] khafathên eVc3c0x, tc3c0x, cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪjɑ] sabkhi'thiya .c2eVlg0l;c .c2tlg0l;c

cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhF] [kʰɑfɑtʰoːn] khafathôn eVc3c0n, tc3c0M,
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔətʰmi:] sabkhi'thmî .c2eVlg06" .c2tlg06"
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰɑɪ] khafathai eVc3c0cl tc3c0cl
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKhʔ] [sɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪ] sabkhi'thi .c2eVlg0l .c2tlg0l
cause to feel [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhF] [kʰʌfɑtʰɑ] khafatha eVc3c0c tc3c0c
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKhʔ] [tɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪjɑn] tabkhi'thiyan 8c2eVlg0l;c, 8c2tlg0l;c,
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLT] [mɑslɑt.tʰɪ] maslatthi 6c.ac80l 6c.ac80l
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKhʔ] [tɑbkʰɪʔtʰi:n] tabkhi'thîn 8c2eVlg0", 8c2tlg0",
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLT] [ʌslɑt.tʰɪ] aslatthi c.ac80l c.ac80l
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKhʔ] [tɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪjɑ] tabkhi'thiya 8c2eVlg0l;c 8c2tlg0l;c
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sɑslɑtətʰmɑjɑn] saslatthmayan .c.ac806c;c, .c.ac806c;c,
cause to fight [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKhʔ] [tɑbkʰɪʔtʰɪ] tabkhi'thi 8c2eVlg0l 8c2tlg0l

cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLT] [sɑslɑt.tʰɪjɑn] saslatthiyan .c.ac80l;c, .c.ac80l;c, cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰmɑ:] bukh'uthmâ 2SeVgS06v 2StgS06v

cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰmɪ] bukh'uthmi 2SeVgS06l 2StgS06l
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sɑslɑtətʰmi:n] saslatthmîn .c.ac806", .c.ac806",
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰmɛnɪn] bukh'uthmenin 2SeVgS06z,l, 2StgS06z,l,
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLT] [sɑslɑt.tʰi:n] saslatthîn .c.ac80", .c.ac80",
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰsɪn] bukh'uthsin 2SeVgS0.l, 2StgS0.l,
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sʌslɑtətʰmɑjɑ] saslatthmaya .c.ac806c;c .c.ac806c;c cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰme:n] bukh'uthmên 2SeVgS06x, 2StgS06x,

.c.ac80l;c .c.ac80l;c cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰsʊn] bukh'uthsun 2SeVgS0.S, 2StgS0.S,
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLT] [sʌslɑt.tʰɪjɑ] saslatthiya
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰmɛnɪ] bukh'uthmeni 2SeVgS06z,l 2StgS06z,l
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLT] [sʌslɑtətʰmi:] saslatthmî .c.ac806" .c.ac806"
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰsɪ] bukh'uthsi 2SeVgS0.l 2StgS0.l
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLT] [sʌslɑt.tʰɪ] saslatthi .c.ac80l .c.ac80l 2SeVgS06x 2StgS06x
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰme:] bukh'uthmê
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLT] [tɑslɑt.tʰɪjɑn] taslatthiyan 8c.ac80l;c, 8c.ac80l;c, 2SeVgS0.S 2StgS0.S
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰsʊ] bukh'uthsu
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLT] [tɑslɑt.tʰi:n] taslatthîn 8c.ac80", 8c.ac80", 2SeVgS0x, 2StgS0x,
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰe:n] bukh'uthên
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLT] [tʌslɑt.tʰɪjɑ] taslatthiya 8c.ac80l;c 8c.ac80l;c 2SeVgS0n, 2StgS0M,
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰoːn] bukh'uthôn
cause to feel hunger [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLT] [tʌslɑt.tʰɪ] taslatthi 8c.ac80l 8c.ac80l 2SeVgS0cl 2StgS0cl
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰɑɪ] bukh'uthai
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰmɑ:] sultuthmâ .Sa8S06v .Sa8S06v 2SeVgS0c 2StgS0c
cause to fight [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BKhʔ] [bʊkʰʔʊtʰɑ] bukh'utha
cause to feel hunger [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLT] [sʊltʊtʰmɪ] sultuthmi .Sa8S06l .Sa8S06l l2eVl0" l2tl0"
cause to fight! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BKhʔ] [ɪbkʰɪtʰi:] ibkhithî
cause to fight! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BKhʔ] [ɪbkʰɪʔɪtʰ] ibkhi'ith l2eVlgl0 l2tlgl0

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 337 The Dwarrow Scholar 338
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLM] [mɑslɑmtʰɪ] maslamthi 6c.ac60l 6c.ac60l cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰme:n] nattathmên ,c88c06x, ,c88c06x,

cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLM] [ʌslɑmtʰɪ] aslamthi c.ac60l c.ac60l cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰsʊn] nattathsun ,c88c0.S, ,c88c0.S,

cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sɑslɑmtʰmɑjɑn] saslamthmayan .c.ac606c;c, .c.ac606c;c, cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰmɛnɪ] nattathmeni ,c88c06z,l ,c88c06z,l

cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLM] [sɑslɑmtʰɪjɑn] saslamthiyan .c.ac60l;c, .c.ac60l;c, cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰsɪ] nattathsi ,c88c0.l ,c88c0.l

cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sɑslɑmtʰmi:n] saslamthmîn .c.ac606", .c.ac606",
cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰme:] nattathmê ,c88c06x ,c88c06x
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLM] [sɑslɑmtʰi:n] saslamthîn .c.ac60", .c.ac60",
cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰsʊ] nattathsu ,c88c0.S ,c88c0.S
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sʌslɑmtʰmɑjɑ] saslamthmaya .c.ac606c;c .c.ac606c;c
cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰe:n] nattathên ,c88c0x, ,c88c0x,
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLM] [sʌslɑmtʰɪjɑ] saslamthiya .c.ac60l;c .c.ac60l;c
cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰoːn] nattathôn ,c88c0n, ,c88c0M,
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sʌslɑmtʰmi:] saslamthmî .c.ac606" .c.ac606"
cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰɑɪ] nattathai ,c88c0cl ,c88c0cl
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLM] [sʌslɑmtʰɪ] saslamthi .c.ac60l .c.ac60l
cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰɑ] nattatha ,c88c0c ,c88c0c
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLM] [tɑslɑmtʰɪjɑn] taslamthiyan 8c.ac60l;c, 8c.ac60l;c,
cause to finalize! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NTT] [ɪntɪtɪtʰi:] intitithî l,8l8l0" l,8l8l0"
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLM] [tɑslɑmtʰi:n] taslamthîn 8c.ac60", 8c.ac60",
cause to finalize! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NTT] [ɪntɪtɪtʰ] intitith l,8l8l0 l,8l8l0
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLM] [tʌslɑmtʰɪjɑ] taslamthiya 8c.ac60l;c 8c.ac60l;c
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhH] [mɑmkʰɪhtʰɪ] mamkhihthi 6c6eVlf0l 6c6tlf0l
cause to fill [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLM] [tʌslɑmtʰɪ] taslamthi 8c.ac60l 8c.ac60l
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhH] [ɑmkʰɪhtʰɪ] amkhihthi c6eVlf0l c6tlf0l
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰmɑ:] salmathmâ .ca6c06v .ca6c06v
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰmɑjɑn] samkhihthmayan .c6eVlf06c;c, .c6tlf06c;c,
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰmɪ] salmathmi .ca6c06l .ca6c06l
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰɪjɑn] samkhihthiyan .c6eVlf0l;c, .c6tlf0l;c,
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪn] salmathmenin .ca6c06z,l, .ca6c06z,l,

cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰsɪn] salmathsin .ca6c0.l, .ca6c0.l, cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰmi:n] samkhihthmîn .c6eVlf06", .c6tlf06",

cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰme:n] salmathmên .ca6c06x, .ca6c06x, .c6eVlf0", .c6tlf0",
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰi:n] samkhihthîn
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰsʊn] salmathsun .ca6c0.S, .ca6c0.S,
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰmɑjɑ] samkhihthmaya .c6eVlf06c;c .c6tlf06c;c
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪ] salmathmeni .ca6c06z,l .ca6c06z,l
.ca6c0.l .ca6c0.l cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰɪjɑ] samkhihthiya .c6eVlf0l;c .c6tlf0l;c
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰsɪ] salmathsi
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰme:] salmathmê .ca6c06x .ca6c06x cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰmi:] samkhihthmî .c6eVlf06" .c6tlf06"
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰsʊ] salmathsu .ca6c0.S .ca6c0.S
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhH] [sɑmkʰɪhtʰɪ] samkhihthi .c6eVlf0l .c6tlf0l
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰe:n] salmathên .ca6c0x, .ca6c0x,
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhH] [tɑmkʰɪhtʰɪjɑn] tamkhihthiyan 8c6eVlf0l;c, 8c6tlf0l;c,
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰoːn] salmathôn .ca6c0n, .ca6c0M,
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhH] [tɑmkʰɪhtʰi:n] tamkhihthîn 8c6eVlf0", 8c6tlf0",
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰɑɪ] salmathai .ca6c0cl .ca6c0cl
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhH] [tɑmkʰɪhtʰɪjɑ] tamkhihthiya 8c6eVlf0l;c 8c6tlf0l;c
cause to fill [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [SLM] [sɑlmɑtʰɑ] salmatha .ca6c0c .ca6c0c
cause to find [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhH] [tɑmkʰɪhtʰɪ] tamkhihthi 8c6eVlf0l 8c6tlf0l
cause to fill! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [SLM] [ɪslɪmɪtʰi:] islimithî l.al6l0" l.al6l0"
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰmɑ:] makhhathmâ 6ceVfc06v 6ctfc06v
cause to fill! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [SLM] [ɪslɪmɪtʰ] islimith l.al6l0 l.al6l0
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰmɪ] makhhathmi 6ceVfc06l 6ctfc06l
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NTT] [mɑntɪt.tʰɪ] mantitthi 6c,8l80l 6c,8l80l
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰmɛnɪn] makhhathmenin 6ceVfc06z,l, 6ctfc06z,l,
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NTT] [ɑntɪt.tʰɪ] antitthi c,8l80l c,8l80l
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰsɪn] makhhathsin 6ceVfc0.l, 6ctfc0.l,
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [sɑntɪtətʰmɑjɑn] santitthmayan .c,8l806c;c, .c,8l806c;c, cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰme:n] makhhathmên 6ceVfc06x, 6ctfc06x,

.c,8l80l;c, .c,8l80l;c, cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰsʊn] makhhathsun 6ceVfc0.S, 6ctfc0.S,
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NTT] [sɑntɪt.tʰɪjɑn] santitthiyan
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰmɛnɪ] makhhathmeni 6ceVfc06z,l 6ctfc06z,l
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [sɑntɪtətʰmi:n] santitthmîn .c,8l806", .c,8l806",
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰsɪ] makhhathsi 6ceVfc0.l 6ctfc0.l
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NTT] [sɑntɪt.tʰi:n] santitthîn .c,8l80", .c,8l80", 6ceVfc06x 6ctfc06x
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰme:] makhhathmê
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [sɑntɪtətʰmɑjɑ] santitthmaya .c,8l806c;c .c,8l806c;c cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰsʊ] makhhathsu 6ceVfc0.S 6ctfc0.S

cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰe:n] makhhathên 6ceVfc0x, 6ctfc0x,
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NTT] [sɑntɪt.tʰɪjɑ] santitthiya .c,8l80l;c .c,8l80l;c
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰoːn] makhhathôn 6ceVfc0n, 6ctfc0M,
cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [sɑntɪtətʰmi:] santitthmî .c,8l806" .c,8l806"
cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰɑɪ] makhhathai 6ceVfc0cl 6ctfc0cl

cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NTT] [sɑntɪt.tʰɪ] santitthi .c,8l80l .c,8l80l cause to find [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhH] [mɑkʰhɑtʰɑ] makhhatha 6ceVfc0c 6ctfc0c

cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NTT] [tɑntɪt.tʰɪjɑn] tantitthiyan 8c,8l80l;c, 8c,8l80l;c, cause to find! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhH] [ɪmkʰɪhɪtʰi:] imkhihithî l6eVlfl0" l6tlfl0"

cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NTT] [tɑntɪt.tʰi:n] tantitthîn 8c,8l80", 8c,8l80", cause to find! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhH] [ɪmkʰɪhɪtʰ] imkhihith l6eVlfl0 l6tlfl0

cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NTT] [tɑntɪt.tʰɪjɑ] tantitthiya 8c,8l80l;c 8c,8l80l;c cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DG] [mɑdɪɡtʰɪ] madigthi 6c9lr0l 6c9lR0l

cause to finalize [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NTT] [tɑntɪt.tʰɪ] tantitthi 8c,8l80l 8c,8l80l cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DG] [ɑdɪɡtʰɪ] adigthi c9lr0l c9lR0l

cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰmɑ:] nattathmâ ,c88c06v ,c88c06v cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰmɑjɑn] sadigthmayan .c9lr06c;c, .c9lR06c;c,

cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰmɪ] nattathmi ,c88c06l ,c88c06l cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰɪjɑn] sadigthiyan .c9lr0l;c, .c9lR0l;c,

cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰmɛnɪn] nattathmenin ,c88c06z,l, ,c88c06z,l, cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰmi:n] sadigthmîn .c9lr06", .c9lR06",

cause to finalize [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NTT] [nɑt.tɑtʰsɪn] nattathsin ,c88c0.l, ,c88c0.l, cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰi:n] sadigthîn .c9lr0", .c9lR0",

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 339 The Dwarrow Scholar 340

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰmɑjɑ] sadigthmaya .c9lr06c;c .c9lR06c;c
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰme:] fardathmê 3c@9c06x 3c@9c06x
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰɪjɑ] sadigthiya .c9lr0l;c .c9lR0l;c
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰsʊ] fardathsu 3c@9c0.S 3c@9c0.S
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰmi:] sadigthmî .c9lr06" .c9lR06"
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰe:n] fardathên 3c@9c0x, 3c@9c0x,
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DG] [sɑdɪɡtʰɪ] sadigthi .c9lr0l .c9lR0l
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰoːn] fardathôn 3c@9c0n, 3c@9c0M,
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DG] [tɑdɪɡtʰɪjɑn] tadigthiyan 8c9lr0l;c, 8c9lR0l;c,
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰɑɪ] fardathai 3c@9c0cl 3c@9c0cl
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DG] [tɑdɪɡtʰi:n] tadigthîn 8c9lr0", 8c9lR0",
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰɑ] fardatha 3c@9c0c 3c@9c0c
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DG] [tɑdɪɡtʰɪjɑ] tadigthiya 8c9lr0l;c 8c9lR0l;c
cause to fit (suit, ready)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FRD] [ɪfrɪdɪtʰi:] ifridithî l3@l9l0" l3@l9l0"
cause to fish [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DG] [tɑdɪɡtʰɪ] tadigthi 8c9lr0l 8c9lR0l
cause to fit (suit, ready)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FRD] [ɪfrɪdɪtʰ] ifridith l3@l9l0 l3@l9l0
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰmɑ:] duguthmâ 9SrS06v 9SRS06v
cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShMZ] [mɑʃmɪztʰɪ] mashmizthi 6c%6lw0l 6c%6lD0l
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰmɪ] duguthmi 9SrS06l 9SRS06l
cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShMZ] [ʌʃmɪztʰɪ] ashmizthi c%6lw0l c%6lD0l
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰmɛnɪn] duguthmenin 9SrS06z,l, 9SRS06z,l,

cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰsɪn] duguthsin 9SrS0.l, 9SRS0.l, cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [sɑʃmɪztʰmɑjɑn] sashmizthmayan .c%6lw06c;c, .c%6lD06c;c,

cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰme:n] duguthmên 9SrS06x, 9SRS06x, .c%6lw0l;c, .c%6lD0l;c,
cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShMZ] [sɑʃmɪztʰɪjɑn] sashmizthiyan
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰsʊn] duguthsun 9SrS0.S, 9SRS0.S,
cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [sɑʃmɪztʰmi:n] sashmizthmîn .c%6lw06", .c%6lD06",
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰmɛnɪ] duguthmeni 9SrS06z,l 9SRS06z,l
9SrS0.l 9SRS0.l cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShMZ] [sɑʃmɪztʰi:n] sashmizthîn .c%6lw0", .c%6lD0",
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰsɪ] duguthsi
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰme:] duguthmê 9SrS06x 9SRS06x cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [sʌʃmɪztʰmɑjɑ] sashmizthmaya .c%6lw06c;c .c%6lD06c;c
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰsʊ] duguthsu 9SrS0.S 9SRS0.S
cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShMZ] [sʌʃmɪztʰɪjɑ] sashmizthiya .c%6lw0l;c .c%6lD0l;c
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰe:n] duguthên 9SrS0x, 9SRS0x,
cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [sʌʃmɪztʰmi:] sashmizthmî .c%6lw06" .c%6lD06"
cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰoːn] duguthôn 9SrS0n, 9SRS0M,

cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰɑɪ] duguthai 9SrS0cl 9SRS0cl cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShMZ] [sʌʃmɪztʰɪ] sashmizthi .c%6lw0l .c%6lD0l

cause to fish [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DG] [dʊɡʊtʰɑ] dugutha 9SrS0c 9SRS0c cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShMZ] [tɑʃmɪztʰɪjɑn] tashmizthiyan 8c%6lw0l;c, 8c%6lD0l;c,

cause to fish! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DG] [ɪdɡɪtʰi:] idgithî l9rl0" l9Rl0" cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShMZ] [tɑʃmɪztʰi:n] tashmizthîn 8c%6lw0", 8c%6lD0",

cause to fish! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DG] [ɪdɡi:tʰ] idgîth l9r"0 l9R"0 cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShMZ] [tʌʃmɪztʰɪjɑ] tashmizthiya 8c%6lw0l;c 8c%6lD0l;c

cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRD] [mɑfrɑdtʰɪ] mafradthi 6c3@c90l 6c3@c90l cause to flatter [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShMZ] [tʌʃmɪztʰɪ] tashmizthi 8c%6lw0l 8c%6lD0l

cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRD] [ʌfrɑdtʰɪ] afradthi c3@c90l c3@c90l cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰmɑ:] shumzuthmâ %S6wS06v %S6DS06v

cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰmɪ] shumzuthmi %S6wS06l %S6DS06l
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [sɑfrɑdtʰmɑjɑn] safradthmayan .c3@c906c;c, .c3@c906c;c,
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰmɛnɪn] shumzuthmenin %S6wS06z,l, %S6DS06z,l,
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRD] [sɑfrɑdtʰɪjɑn] safradthiyan .c3@c90l;c, .c3@c90l;c,
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰsɪn] shumzuthsin %S6wS0.l, %S6DS0.l,
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [sɑfrɑdtʰmi:n] safradthmîn .c3@c906", .c3@c906", cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰme:n] shumzuthmên %S6wS06x, %S6DS06x,

.c3@c90", .c3@c90", cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰsʊn] shumzuthsun %S6wS0.S, %S6DS0.S,
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRD] [sɑfrɑdtʰi:n] safradthîn
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰmɛnɪ] shumzuthmeni %S6wS06z,l %S6DS06z,l
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [sʌfrɑdtʰmɑjɑ] safradthmaya .c3@c906c;c .c3@c906c;c
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰsɪ] shumzuthsi %S6wS0.l %S6DS0.l
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRD] [sʌfrɑdtʰɪjɑ] safradthiya .c3@c90l;c .c3@c90l;c
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰme:] shumzuthmê %S6wS06x %S6DS06x
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [sʌfrɑdtʰmi:] safradthmî .c3@c906" .c3@c906"
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰsʊ] shumzuthsu %S6wS0.S %S6DS0.S
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FRD] [sʌfrɑdtʰɪ] safradthi .c3@c90l .c3@c90l %S6wS0x, %S6DS0x,
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰe:n] shumzuthên
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FRD] [tɑfrɑdtʰɪjɑn] tafradthiyan 8c3@c90l;c, 8c3@c90l;c, %S6wS0n, %S6DS0M,
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰoːn] shumzuthôn
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FRD] [tɑfrɑdtʰi:n] tafradthîn 8c3@c90", 8c3@c90", %S6wS0cl %S6DS0cl
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰɑɪ] shumzuthai
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FRD] [tʌfrɑdtʰɪjɑ] tafradthiya 8c3@c90l;c 8c3@c90l;c %S6wS0c %S6DS0c
cause to flatter [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ShMZ] [ʃʊmzʊtʰɑ] shumzutha
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FRD] [tʌfrɑdtʰɪ] tafradthi 8c3@c90l 8c3@c90l l%6lwl0" l%6lDl0"
cause to flatter! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ShMZ] [ɪʃmɪzɪtʰi:] ishmizithî
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰmɑ:] fardathmâ 3c@9c06v 3c@9c06v l%6lwl0 l%6lDl0
cause to flatter! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ShMZ] [ɪʃmɪzɪtʰ] ishmizith
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰmɪ] fardathmi 3c@9c06l 3c@9c06l 6cf@l.0l 6cf@l.0l
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRS] [mɑhrɪstʰɪ] mahristhi
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰmɛnɪn] fardathmenin 3c@9c06z,l, 3c@9c06z,l, cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRS] [ʌhrɪstʰɪ] ahristhi cf@l.0l cf@l.0l

cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [sɑhrɪstʰmɑjɑn] sahristhmayan .cf@l.06c;c, .cf@l.06c;c,
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰsɪn] fardathsin 3c@9c0.l, 3c@9c0.l,
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRS] [sɑhrɪstʰɪjɑn] sahristhiyan .cf@l.0l;c, .cf@l.0l;c,
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰme:n] fardathmên 3c@9c06x, 3c@9c06x,
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [sɑhrɪstʰmi:n] sahristhmîn .cf@l.06", .cf@l.06",
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰsʊn] fardathsun 3c@9c0.S, 3c@9c0.S,
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRS] [sɑhrɪstʰi:n] sahristhîn .cf@l.0", .cf@l.0",
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰmɛnɪ] fardathmeni 3c@9c06z,l 3c@9c06z,l
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [sʌhrɪstʰmɑjɑ] sahristhmaya .cf@l.06c;c .cf@l.06c;c
cause to fit (suit, ready) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FRD] [fɑrdɑtʰsɪ] fardathsi 3c@9c0.l 3c@9c0.l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 341 The Dwarrow Scholar 342
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRS] [sʌhrɪstʰɪjɑ] sahristhiya .cf@l.0l;c .cf@l.0l;c cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰɑɪ] 'unuthai gS,S0cl gS,S0cl

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰɑ] 'unutha gS,S0c gS,S0c
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [sʌhrɪstʰmi:] sahristhmî .cf@l.06" .cf@l.06"
cause to flow! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔN] [ɪʔnɪtʰi:] i'nithî lg,l0" lg,l0"
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRS] [sʌhrɪstʰɪ] sahristhi .cf@l.0l .cf@l.0l
cause to flow! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔN] [ɪʔni:tʰ] i'nîth lg,"0 lg,"0
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRS] [tɑhrɪstʰɪjɑn] tahristhiyan 8cf@l.0l;c, 8cf@l.0l;c,
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZNSh] [mɑznɪʃtʰɪ] maznishthi 6cw,l%0l 6cD,l%0l
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRS] [tɑhrɪstʰi:n] tahristhîn 8cf@l.0", 8cf@l.0",
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZNSh] [ʌznɪʃtʰɪ] aznishthi cw,l%0l cD,l%0l
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRS] [tʌhrɪstʰɪjɑ] tahristhiya 8cf@l.0l;c 8cf@l.0l;c
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [sɑznɪʃtʰmɑjɑn] saznishthmayan .cw,l%06c;c, .cD,l%06c;c,
cause to flicker [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRS] [tʌhrɪstʰɪ] tahristhi 8cf@l.0l 8cf@l.0l
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZNSh] [sɑznɪʃtʰɪjɑn] saznishthiyan .cw,l%0l;c, .cD,l%0l;c,
cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰmɑ:] hursuthmâ fS@.S06v fS@.S06v
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [sɑznɪʃtʰmi:n] saznishthmîn .cw,l%06", .cD,l%06",
cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰmɪ] hursuthmi fS@.S06l fS@.S06l
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZNSh] [sɑznɪʃtʰi:n] saznishthîn .cw,l%0", .cD,l%0",
cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰmɛnɪn] hursuthmenin fS@.S06z,l, fS@.S06z,l,
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [sʌznɪʃtʰmɑjɑ] saznishthmaya .cw,l%06c;c .cD,l%06c;c
cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰsɪn] hursuthsin fS@.S0.l, fS@.S0.l,
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZNSh] [sʌznɪʃtʰɪjɑ] saznishthiya .cw,l%0l;c .cD,l%0l;c
cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰme:n] hursuthmên fS@.S06x, fS@.S06x,
cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [sʌznɪʃtʰmi:] saznishthmî .cw,l%06" .cD,l%06"
cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰsʊn] hursuthsun fS@.S0.S, fS@.S0.S,

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰmɛnɪ] hursuthmeni fS@.S06z,l fS@.S06z,l cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZNSh] [sʌznɪʃtʰɪ] saznishthi .cw,l%0l .cD,l%0l

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰsɪ] hursuthsi fS@.S0.l fS@.S0.l cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZNSh] [tɑznɪʃtʰɪjɑn] taznishthiyan 8cw,l%0l;c, 8cD,l%0l;c,

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰme:] hursuthmê fS@.S06x fS@.S06x cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZNSh] [tɑznɪʃtʰi:n] taznishthîn 8cw,l%0", 8cD,l%0",

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰsʊ] hursuthsu fS@.S0.S fS@.S0.S cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZNSh] [tʌznɪʃtʰɪjɑ] taznishthiya 8cw,l%0l;c 8cD,l%0l;c

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰe:n] hursuthên fS@.S0x, fS@.S0x, cause to fly [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZNSh] [tʌznɪʃtʰɪ] taznishthi 8cw,l%0l 8cD,l%0l

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰoːn] hursuthôn fS@.S0n, fS@.S0M, cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰmɑ:] zunshuthmâ wS,%S06v DS,%S06v

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰɑɪ] hursuthai fS@.S0cl fS@.S0cl cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰmɪ] zunshuthmi wS,%S06l DS,%S06l

cause to flicker [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HRS] [hʊrsʊtʰɑ] hursutha fS@.S0c fS@.S0c cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰmɛnɪn] zunshuthmenin wS,%S06z,l, DS,%S06z,l,

cause to flicker! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HRS] [ɪhrɪsɪtʰi:] ihrisithî lf@l.l0" lf@l.l0" cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰsɪn] zunshuthsin wS,%S0.l, DS,%S0.l,

cause to flicker! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HRS] [ɪhrɪsɪtʰ] ihrisith lf@l.l0 lf@l.l0 cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰme:n] zunshuthmên wS,%S06x, DS,%S06x,

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔN] [mɑntʰɪ] manthi 6c,0l 6c,0l cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰsʊn] zunshuthsun wS,%S0.S, DS,%S0.S,

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔN] [ɑntʰɪ] anthi c,0l c,0l cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰmɛnɪ] zunshuthmeni wS,%S06z,l DS,%S06z,l

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [sɑntʰmɑjɑn] santhmayan .c,06c;c, .c,06c;c, cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰsɪ] zunshuthsi wS,%S0.l DS,%S0.l

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔN] [sɑntʰɪjɑn] santhiyan .c,0l;c, .c,0l;c, cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰme:] zunshuthmê wS,%S06x DS,%S06x

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [sɑntʰmi:n] santhmîn .c,06", .c,06", cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰsʊ] zunshuthsu wS,%S0.S DS,%S0.S

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔN] [sɑntʰi:n] santhîn .c,0", .c,0", cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰe:n] zunshuthên wS,%S0x, DS,%S0x,

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [sɑntʰmɑjɑ] santhmaya .c,06c;c .c,06c;c cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰoːn] zunshuthôn wS,%S0n, DS,%S0M,

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔN] [sɑntʰɪjɑ] santhiya .c,0l;c .c,0l;c cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰɑɪ] zunshuthai wS,%S0cl DS,%S0cl

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [sɑntʰmi:] santhmî .c,06" .c,06" cause to fly [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZNSh] [zʊnʃʊtʰɑ] zunshutha wS,%S0c DS,%S0c

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔN] [sɑntʰɪ] santhi .c,0l .c,0l cause to fly! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZNSh] [ɪznɪʃɪtʰi:] iznishithî lw,l%l0" lD,l%l0"

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔN] [tɑntʰɪjɑn] tanthiyan 8c,0l;c, 8c,0l;c, cause to fly! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZNSh] [ɪznɪʃɪtʰ] iznishith lw,l%l0 lD,l%l0

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔN] [tɑntʰi:n] tanthîn 8c,0", 8c,0", cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BL] [mɑbɑltʰɪ] mabalthi 6c2ca0l 6c2ca0l

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔN] [tɑntʰɪjɑ] tanthiya 8c,0l;c 8c,0l;c cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BL] [ɑbɑltʰɪ] abalthi c2ca0l c2ca0l

cause to flow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔN] [tɑntʰɪ] tanthi 8c,0l 8c,0l cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰmɑjɑn] sabalthmayan .c2ca06c;c, .c2ca06c;c,

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰmɑ:] 'unuthmâ gS,S06v gS,S06v cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰɪjɑn] sabalthiyan .c2ca0l;c, .c2ca0l;c,

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰmɪ] 'unuthmi gS,S06l gS,S06l cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰmi:n] sabalthmîn .c2ca06", .c2ca06",

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰmɛnɪn] 'unuthmenin gS,S06z,l, gS,S06z,l, cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰi:n] sabalthîn .c2ca0", .c2ca0",

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰsɪn] 'unuthsin gS,S0.l, gS,S0.l, cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰmɑjɑ] sabalthmaya .c2ca06c;c .c2ca06c;c

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰme:n] 'unuthmên gS,S06x, gS,S06x, cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰɪjɑ] sabalthiya .c2ca0l;c .c2ca0l;c

cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰsʊn] 'unuthsun gS,S0.S, gS,S0.S,
cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰmi:] sabalthmî .c2ca06" .c2ca06"
cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰmɛnɪ] 'unuthmeni gS,S06z,l gS,S06z,l
cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BL] [sɑbɑltʰɪ] sabalthi .c2ca0l .c2ca0l
cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰsɪ] 'unuthsi gS,S0.l gS,S0.l
cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BL] [tɑbɑltʰɪjɑn] tabalthiyan 8c2ca0l;c, 8c2ca0l;c,
cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰme:] 'unuthmê gS,S06x gS,S06x
cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BL] [tɑbɑltʰi:n] tabalthîn 8c2ca0", 8c2ca0",
cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰsʊ] 'unuthsu gS,S0.S gS,S0.S
cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BL] [tɑbɑltʰɪjɑ] tabalthiya 8c2ca0l;c 8c2ca0l;c
cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰe:n] 'unuthên gS,S0x, gS,S0x,
cause to focus [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BL] [tɑbɑltʰɪ] tabalthi 8c2ca0l 8c2ca0l
cause to flow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔN] [ʔʊnʊtʰoːn] 'unuthôn gS,S0n, gS,S0M,
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰmɑ:] belethmâ 2zaz06v 2zaz06v

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cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰmɪ] belethmi 2zaz06l 2zaz06l cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] sagjijthîn .crRlR0", .cR$l$0",

cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰmɛnɪn] belethmenin 2zaz06z,l, 2zaz06z,l,
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑ] sagjijthmaya .crRlR06c;c .cR$l$06c;c
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰsɪn] belethsin 2zaz0.l, 2zaz0.l,
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] sagjijthiya .crRlR0l;c .cR$l$0l;c
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰme:n] belethmên 2zaz06x, 2zaz06x,

cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰsʊn] belethsun 2zaz0.S, 2zaz0.S, cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰmi:] sagjijthmî .crRlR06" .cR$l$06"

cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰmɛnɪ] belethmeni 2zaz06z,l 2zaz06z,l .crRlR0l .cR$l$0l
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] sagjijthi
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰsɪ] belethsi 2zaz0.l 2zaz0.l 8crRlR0l;c, 8cR$l$0l;c,
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GJJ] [tɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] tagjijthiyan
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰme:] belethmê 2zaz06x 2zaz06x 8crRlR0", 8cR$l$0",
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GJJ] [tɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰi:n] tagjijthîn
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰsʊ] belethsu 2zaz0.S 2zaz0.S 8crRlR0l;c 8cR$l$0l;c
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GJJ] [tɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑ] tagjijthiya
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰe:n] belethên 2zaz0x, 2zaz0x, 8crRlR0l 8cR$l$0l
cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GJJ] [tɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] tagjijthi
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰoːn] belethôn 2zaz0n, 2zaz0M, rSRRS06v RS$$S06v
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰmɑ:] gujjuthmâ
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰɑɪ] belethai 2zaz0cl 2zaz0cl rSRRS06l RS$$S06l
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰmɪ] gujjuthmi
cause to focus [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BL] [bɛlɛtʰɑ] beletha 2zaz0c 2zaz0c rSRRS06z,l, RS$$S06z,l,
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰmɛnɪn] gujjuthmenin
cause to focus! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BL] [ɪblɪtʰi:] iblithî l2al0" l2al0" rSRRS0.l, RS$$S0.l,
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰsɪn] gujjuthsin
cause to focus! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BL] [ɪbli:tʰ] iblîth l2a"0 l2a"0 rSRRS06x, RS$$S06x,
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰme:n] gujjuthmên
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [YN] [mɑjɪntʰɪ] mayinthi 6c;l,0l 6c;l,0l rSRRS0.S, RS$$S0.S,
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰsʊn] gujjuthsun
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [YN] [ɑjɪntʰɪ] ayinthi c;l,0l c;l,0l rSRRS06z,l RS$$S06z,l
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰmɛnɪ] gujjuthmeni
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰmɑjɑn] sayinthmayan .c;l,06c;c, .c;l,06c;c, rSRRS0.l RS$$S0.l
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰsɪ] gujjuthsi
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰɪjɑn] sayinthiyan .c;l,0l;c, .c;l,0l;c, rSRRS06x RS$$S06x
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰme:] gujjuthmê
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰmi:n] sayinthmîn .c;l,06", .c;l,06", rSRRS0.S RS$$S0.S
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰsʊ] gujjuthsu
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰi:n] sayinthîn .c;l,0", .c;l,0", rSRRS0x, RS$$S0x,
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰe:n] gujjuthên
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰmɑjɑ] sayinthmaya .c;l,06c;c .c;l,06c;c rSRRS0n, RS$$S0M,
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰoːn] gujjuthôn
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰɪjɑ] sayinthiya .c;l,0l;c .c;l,0l;c rSRRS0cl RS$$S0cl
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰɑɪ] gujjuthai
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰmi:] sayinthmî .c;l,06" .c;l,06" rSRRS0c RS$$S0c
cause to follow [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GJJ] [ɡʊd͡ʒ.d͡ʒʊtʰɑ] gujjutha
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YN] [sɑjɪntʰɪ] sayinthi .c;l,0l .c;l,0l lrRlRl0" lR$l$l0"
cause to follow! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GJJ] [ɪɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒɪtʰi:] igjijithî
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YN] [tɑjɪntʰɪjɑn] tayinthiyan 8c;l,0l;c, 8c;l,0l;c, lrRlRl0 lR$l$l0
cause to follow! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GJJ] [ɪɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒɪtʰ] igjijith
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YN] [tɑjɪntʰi:n] tayinthîn 8c;l,0", 8c;l,0", 6ceV2l20l 6ct2l20l
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhBB] [mɑkʰbɪbtʰɪ] makhbibthi
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YN] [tɑjɪntʰɪjɑ] tayinthiya 8c;l,0l;c 8c;l,0l;c ceV2l20l ct2l20l
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhBB] [ɑkʰbɪbtʰɪ] akhbibthi
cause to fold [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YN] [tɑjɪntʰɪ] tayinthi 8c;l,0l 8c;l,0l .ceV2l206c;c, .ct2l206c;c,
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbətʰmɑjɑn] sakhbibthmayan
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰmɑ:] yanathmâ ;c,c06v ;c,c06v .ceV2l20l;c, .ct2l20l;c,
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbtʰɪjɑn] sakhbibthiyan
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰmɪ] yanathmi ;c,c06l ;c,c06l
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbətʰmi:n] sakhbibthmîn .ceV2l206", .ct2l206",
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰmɛnɪn] yanathmenin ;c,c06z,l, ;c,c06z,l,
;c,c0.l, ;c,c0.l, cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbtʰi:n] sakhbibthîn .ceV2l20", .ct2l20",
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰsɪn] yanathsin
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰme:n] yanathmên ;c,c06x, ;c,c06x, cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbətʰmɑjɑ] sakhbibthmaya .ceV2l206c;c .ct2l206c;c
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰsʊn] yanathsun ;c,c0.S, ;c,c0.S,
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbtʰɪjɑ] sakhbibthiya .ceV2l20l;c .ct2l20l;c
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰmɛnɪ] yanathmeni ;c,c06z,l ;c,c06z,l
cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbətʰmi:] sakhbibthmî .ceV2l206" .ct2l206"
cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰsɪ] yanathsi ;c,c0.l ;c,c0.l

cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰme:] yanathmê ;c,c06x ;c,c06x cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhBB] [sɑkʰbɪbtʰɪ] sakhbibthi .ceV2l20l .ct2l20l

cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰsʊ] yanathsu ;c,c0.S ;c,c0.S cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhBB] [tɑkʰbɪbtʰɪjɑn] takhbibthiyan 8ceV2l20l;c, 8ct2l20l;c,

cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰe:n] yanathên ;c,c0x, ;c,c0x, cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhBB] [tɑkʰbɪbtʰi:n] takhbibthîn 8ceV2l20", 8ct2l20",

cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰoːn] yanathôn ;c,c0n, ;c,c0M, cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhBB] [tɑkʰbɪbtʰɪjɑ] takhbibthiya 8ceV2l20l;c 8ct2l20l;c

cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰɑɪ] yanathai ;c,c0cl ;c,c0cl cause to forge [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhBB] [tɑkʰbɪbtʰɪ] takhbibthi 8ceV2l20l 8ct2l20l

cause to fold [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [YN] [jɑnɑtʰɑ] yanatha ;c,c0c ;c,c0c cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰmɑ:] khebbethmâ eVz22z06v tz22z06v

cause to fold! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [YN] [nɪtʰi:] nithî ,l0" ,l0" cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰmɪ] khebbethmi eVz22z06l tz22z06l

cause to fold! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [YN] [i:ni:tʰ] înîth ","0 ","0 cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰmɛnɪn] khebbethmenin eVz22z06z,l, tz22z06z,l,

cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GJJ] [mɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] magjijthi 6crRlR0l 6cR$l$0l cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰsɪn] khebbethsin eVz22z0.l, tz22z0.l,

cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GJJ] [ɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪ] agjijthi crRlR0l cR$l$0l cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰme:n] khebbethmên eVz22z06x, tz22z06x,

cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰmɑjɑn] sagjijthmayan .crRlR06c;c, .cR$l$06c;c, cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰsʊn] khebbethsun eVz22z0.S, tz22z0.S,

cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰɪjɑn] sagjijthiyan .crRlR0l;c, .cR$l$0l;c, cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰmɛnɪ] khebbethmeni eVz22z06z,l tz22z06z,l

cause to follow [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GJJ] [sɑɡd͡ʒɪd͡ʒtʰmi:n] sagjijthmîn .crRlR06", .cR$l$06", cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰsɪ] khebbethsi eVz22z0.l tz22z0.l

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 345 The Dwarrow Scholar 346
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cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰme:] khebbethmê eVz22z06x tz22z06x
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [sʌfkʰɑmtʰmi:] safkhamthmî .c3eVc606" .c3tc606"
cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰsʊ] khebbethsu eVz22z0.S tz22z0.S
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKhM] [sʌfkʰɑmtʰɪ] safkhamthi .c3eVc60l .c3tc60l
cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰe:n] khebbethên eVz22z0x, tz22z0x,
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKhM] [tɑfkʰɑmtʰɪjɑn] tafkhamthiyan 8c3eVc60l;c, 8c3tc60l;c,
cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰoːn] khebbethôn eVz22z0n, tz22z0M,
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKhM] [tɑfkʰɑmtʰi:n] tafkhamthîn 8c3eVc60", 8c3tc60",
cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰɑɪ] khebbethai eVz22z0cl tz22z0cl
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKhM] [tʌfkʰɑmtʰɪjɑ] tafkhamthiya 8c3eVc60l;c 8c3tc60l;c
cause to forge [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhBB] [kʰɛb.bɛtʰɑ] khebbetha eVz22z0c tz22z0c
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKhM] [tʌfkʰɑmtʰɪ] tafkhamthi 8c3eVc60l 8c3tc60l
cause to forge! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhBB] [ɪkʰbɪbɪtʰi:] ikhbibithî leV2l2l0" lt2l2l0"
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰmɑ:] fekhmethmâ 3zeV6z06v 3zt6z06v
cause to forge! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhBB] [ɪkʰbɪbɪtʰ] ikhbibith leV2l2l0 lt2l2l0
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰmɪ] fekhmethmi 3zeV6z06l 3zt6z06l
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [NThR] [mɑntʰɑrtʰɪ] mantharthi 6c,0c@0l 6c,0c@0l
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰmɛnɪn] fekhmethmenin 3zeV6z06z,l, 3zt6z06z,l,
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [NThR] [ɑntʰɑrtʰɪ] antharthi c,0c@0l c,0c@0l
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰsɪn] fekhmethsin 3zeV6z0.l, 3zt6z0.l,
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰmɑjɑn] santharthmayan .c,0c@06c;c, .c,0c@06c;c,
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰme:n] fekhmethmên 3zeV6z06x, 3zt6z06x,
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰɪjɑn] santharthiyan .c,0c@0l;c, .c,0c@0l;c,
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰsʊn] fekhmethsun 3zeV6z0.S, 3zt6z0.S,
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰmi:n] santharthmîn .c,0c@06", .c,0c@06",
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰmɛnɪ] fekhmethmeni 3zeV6z06z,l 3zt6z06z,l

cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰi:n] santharthîn .c,0c@0", .c,0c@0", cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰsɪ] fekhmethsi 3zeV6z0.l 3zt6z0.l

cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰme:] fekhmethmê 3zeV6z06x 3zt6z06x
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰmɑjɑ] santharthmaya .c,0c@06c;c .c,0c@06c;c
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰsʊ] fekhmethsu 3zeV6z0.S 3zt6z0.S
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰɪjɑ] santharthiya .c,0c@0l;c .c,0c@0l;c
cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰe:n] fekhmethên 3zeV6z0x, 3zt6z0x,
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰmi:] santharthmî .c,0c@06" .c,0c@06" cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰoːn] fekhmethôn 3zeV6z0n, 3zt6z0M,

.c,0c@0l .c,0c@0l cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰɑɪ] fekhmethai 3zeV6z0cl 3zt6z0cl
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NThR] [sɑntʰɑrtʰɪ] santharthi
8c,0c@0l;c, 8c,0c@0l;c, cause to fork [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKhM] [fɛkʰmɛtʰɑ] fekhmetha 3zeV6z0c 3zt6z0c
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NThR] [tɑntʰɑrtʰɪjɑn] tantharthiyan
8c,0c@0", 8c,0c@0", cause to fork! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKhM] [ɪfkʰɪmɪtʰi:] ifkhimithî l3eVl6l0" l3tl6l0"
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NThR] [tɑntʰɑrtʰi:n] tantharthîn
8c,0c@0l;c 8c,0c@0l;c cause to fork! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKhM] [ɪfkʰɪmɪtʰ] ifkhimith l3eVl6l0 l3tl6l0
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NThR] [tɑntʰɑrtʰɪjɑ] tantharthiya
8c,0c@0l 8c,0c@0l cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhM] [mɑmkʰɪmtʰɪ] mamkhimthi 6c6eVl60l 6c6tl60l
cause to forget [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NThR] [tɑntʰɑrtʰɪ] tantharthi
,S0@S06v ,S0@S06v cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhM] [ɑmkʰɪmtʰɪ] amkhimthi c6eVl60l c6tl60l
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰmɑ:] nuthruthmâ
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰmɪ] nuthruthmi ,S0@S06l ,S0@S06l cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c6eVl606c;c, .c6tl606c;c,
[sɑmkʰɪmtʰmɑjɑn] samkhimthmayan
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰmɛnɪn] nuthruthmenin ,S0@S06z,l, ,S0@S06z,l,
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhM] [sɑmkʰɪmtʰɪjɑn] samkhimthiyan .c6eVl60l;c, .c6tl60l;c,
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰsɪn] nuthruthsin ,S0@S0.l, ,S0@S0.l,

cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰme:n] nuthruthmên ,S0@S06x, ,S0@S06x, cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑmkʰɪmtʰmi:n] samkhimthmîn .c6eVl606", .c6tl606",
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰsʊn] nuthruthsun ,S0@S0.S, ,S0@S0.S, (contemptuous)] [MKhM]
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰmɛnɪ] nuthruthmeni ,S0@S06z,l ,S0@S06z,l cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhM] [sɑmkʰɪmtʰi:n] samkhimthîn .c6eVl60", .c6tl60",

cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰsɪ] nuthruthsi ,S0@S0.l ,S0@S0.l cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[sɑmkʰɪmtʰmɑjɑ] samkhimthmaya .c6eVl606c;c .c6tl606c;c
,S0@S06x ,S0@S06x (contemptuous)] [MKhM]
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰme:] nuthruthmê
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhM] [sɑmkʰɪmtʰɪjɑ] samkhimthiya .c6eVl60l;c .c6tl60l;c
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰsʊ] nuthruthsu ,S0@S0.S ,S0@S0.S cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑmkʰɪmtʰmi:] samkhimthmî .c6eVl606" .c6tl606"
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰe:n] nuthruthên ,S0@S0x, ,S0@S0x, (contemptuous)] [MKhM]
,S0@S0n, ,S0@S0M, cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhM] [sɑmkʰɪmtʰɪ] samkhimthi .c6eVl60l .c6tl60l
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰoːn] nuthruthôn
,S0@S0cl ,S0@S0cl cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhM] [tɑmkʰɪmtʰɪjɑn] tamkhimthiyan 8c6eVl60l;c, 8c6tl60l;c,
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰɑɪ] nuthruthai
,S0@S0c ,S0@S0c cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhM] [tɑmkʰɪmtʰi:n] tamkhimthîn 8c6eVl60", 8c6tl60",
cause to forget [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [NThR] [nʊtʰrʊtʰɑ] nuthrutha
l,0l@l0" l,0l@l0" cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhM] [tɑmkʰɪmtʰɪjɑ] tamkhimthiya 8c6eVl60l;c 8c6tl60l;c
cause to forget! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [NThR] [ɪntʰɪrɪtʰi:] inthirithî
cause to forget! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [NThR] [ɪntʰɪrɪtʰ] inthirith l,0l@l0 l,0l@l0 cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhM] [tɑmkʰɪmtʰɪ] tamkhimthi 8c6eVl60l 8c6tl60l
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKhM] [mɑfkʰɑmtʰɪ] mafkhamthi 6c3eVc60l 6c3tc60l
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰmɑ:] mekhmethmâ 6zeV6z06v 6zt6z06v
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKhM] [ʌfkʰɑmtʰɪ] afkhamthi c3eVc60l c3tc60l
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰmɪ] mekhmethmi 6zeV6z06l 6zt6z06l
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [sɑfkʰɑmtʰmɑjɑn] safkhamthmayan .c3eVc606c;c, .c3tc606c;c,
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6zeV6z06z,l, 6zt6z06z,l,
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKhM] [sɑfkʰɑmtʰɪjɑn] safkhamthiyan .c3eVc60l;c, .c3tc60l;c, [mɛkʰmɛtʰmɛnɪn] mekhmethmenin
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰsɪn] mekhmethsin 6zeV6z0.l, 6zt6z0.l,
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [sɑfkʰɑmtʰmi:n] safkhamthmîn .c3eVc606", .c3tc606",
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6zeV6z06x, 6zt6z06x,
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKhM] [sɑfkʰɑmtʰi:n] safkhamthîn .c3eVc60", .c3tc60", [mɛkʰmɛtʰme:n] mekhmethmên
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰsʊn] mekhmethsun 6zeV6z0.S, 6zt6z0.S,
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [FKhM] [sʌfkʰɑmtʰmɑjɑ] safkhamthmaya .c3eVc606c;c .c3tc606c;c
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 6zeV6z06z,l 6zt6z06z,l
cause to fork [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKhM] [sʌfkʰɑmtʰɪjɑ] safkhamthiya .c3eVc60l;c .c3tc60l;c [mɛkʰmɛtʰmɛnɪ] mekhmethmeni

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 347 The Dwarrow Scholar 348

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰsɪ] mekhmethsi 6zeV6z0.l 6zt6z0.l
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [sɑblɑbətʰmi:n] sablabthmîn .c2ac206", .c2ac206",
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful 6zeV6z06x 6zt6z06x
[mɛkʰmɛtʰme:] mekhmethmê cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLB] [sɑblɑbtʰi:n] sablabthîn .c2ac20", .c2ac20",
(contemptuous)] [MKhM]
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰsʊ] mekhmethsu 6zeV6z0.S 6zt6z0.S
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [sɑblɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sablabthmaya .c2ac206c;c .c2ac206c;c
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰe:n] mekhmethên 6zeV6z0x, 6zt6z0x,
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLB] [sɑblɑbtʰɪjɑ] sablabthiya .c2ac20l;c .c2ac20l;c
cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰoːn] mekhmethôn 6zeV6z0n, 6zt6z0M,

cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰɑɪ] mekhmethai 6zeV6z0cl 6zt6z0cl cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [sɑblɑbətʰmi:] sablabthmî .c2ac206" .c2ac206"

cause to form a barrier (at entrance) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKhM] [mɛkʰmɛtʰɑ] mekhmetha 6zeV6z0c 6zt6z0c cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLB] [sɑblɑbtʰɪ] sablabthi .c2ac20l .c2ac20l

cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLB] [tɑblɑbtʰɪjɑn] tablabthiyan 8c2ac20l;c, 8c2ac20l;c,
cause to form a barrier (at entrance)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKhM] [ɪmkʰɪmɪtʰi:] imkhimithî l6eVl6l0" l6tl6l0"
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLB] [tɑblɑbtʰi:n] tablabthîn 8c2ac20", 8c2ac20",
cause to form a barrier (at entrance)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKhM] [ɪmkʰɪmɪtʰ] imkhimith l6eVl6l0 l6tl6l0
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLB] [tɑblɑbtʰɪjɑ] tablabthiya 8c2ac20l;c 8c2ac20l;c
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HKT] [mɑhkɑt.tʰɪ] mahkatthi 6cfec80l 6cfec80l
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLB] [tɑblɑbtʰɪ] tablabthi 8c2ac20l 8c2ac20l
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HKT] [ʌhkɑt.tʰɪ] ahkatthi cfec80l cfec80l
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰmɑ:] belbethmâ 2za2z06v 2za2z06v
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [sɑhkɑtətʰmɑjɑn] sahkatthmayan .cfec806c;c, .cfec806c;c,
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰmɪ] belbethmi 2za2z06l 2za2z06l

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HKT] [sɑhkɑt.tʰɪjɑn] sahkatthiyan .cfec80l;c, .cfec80l;c,
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰmɛnɪn] belbethmenin 2za2z06z,l, 2za2z06z,l,

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [sɑhkɑtətʰmi:n] sahkatthmîn .cfec806", .cfec806",
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰsɪn] belbethsin 2za2z0.l, 2za2z0.l,

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HKT] [sɑhkɑt.tʰi:n] sahkatthîn .cfec80", .cfec80",
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰme:n] belbethmên 2za2z06x, 2za2z06x,

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [sʌhkɑtətʰmɑjɑ] sahkatthmaya .cfec806c;c .cfec806c;c
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰsʊn] belbethsun 2za2z0.S, 2za2z0.S,

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HKT] [sʌhkɑt.tʰɪjɑ] sahkatthiya .cfec80l;c .cfec80l;c
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰmɛnɪ] belbethmeni 2za2z06z,l 2za2z06z,l

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [sʌhkɑtətʰmi:] sahkatthmî .cfec806" .cfec806"
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰsɪ] belbethsi 2za2z0.l 2za2z0.l

cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HKT] [sʌhkɑt.tʰɪ] sahkatthi .cfec80l .cfec80l
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰme:] belbethmê 2za2z06x 2za2z06x
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HKT] [tɑhkɑt.tʰɪjɑn] tahkatthiyan 8cfec80l;c, 8cfec80l;c,
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰsʊ] belbethsu 2za2z0.S 2za2z0.S
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HKT] [tɑhkɑt.tʰi:n] tahkatthîn 8cfec80", 8cfec80",
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰe:n] belbethên 2za2z0x, 2za2z0x,
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HKT] [tʌhkɑt.tʰɪjɑ] tahkatthiya 8cfec80l;c 8cfec80l;c
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰoːn] belbethôn 2za2z0n, 2za2z0M,
cause to form an idea [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HKT] [tʌhkɑt.tʰɪ] tahkatthi 8cfec80l 8cfec80l
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰɑɪ] belbethai 2za2z0cl 2za2z0cl
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰmɑ:] huktuthmâ fSe8S06v fSe8S06v
cause to form crystals [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BLB] [bɛlbɛtʰɑ] belbetha 2za2z0c 2za2z0c
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰmɪ] huktuthmi fSe8S06l fSe8S06l
cause to form crystals! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BLB] [ɪblɪbɪtʰi:] iblibithî l2al2l0" l2al2l0"
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰmɛnɪn] huktuthmenin fSe8S06z,l, fSe8S06z,l,
cause to form crystals! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BLB] [ɪblɪbɪtʰ] iblibith l2al2l0 l2al2l0

cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰsɪn] huktuthsin fSe8S0.l, fSe8S0.l, cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MLS] [mɑmlɑstʰɪ] mamlasthi 6c6ac.0l 6c6ac.0l

cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MLS] [ɑmlʌstʰɪ] amlasthi c6ac.0l c6ac.0l
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰme:n] huktuthmên fSe8S06x, fSe8S06x,

cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [sɑmlɑstʰmɑjɑn] samlasthmayan .c6ac.06c;c, .c6ac.06c;c,
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰsʊn] huktuthsun fSe8S0.S, fSe8S0.S,

cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MLS] [sɑmlɑstʰɪjɑn] samlasthiyan .c6ac.0l;c, .c6ac.0l;c,
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰmɛnɪ] huktuthmeni fSe8S06z,l fSe8S06z,l

cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [sɑmlɑstʰmi:n] samlasthmîn .c6ac.06", .c6ac.06",
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰsɪ] huktuthsi fSe8S0.l fSe8S0.l

cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MLS] [sɑmlɑstʰi:n] samlasthîn .c6ac.0", .c6ac.0",
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰme:] huktuthmê fSe8S06x fSe8S06x

cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [sɑmlʌstʰmɑjɑ] samlasthmaya .c6ac.06c;c .c6ac.06c;c
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰsʊ] huktuthsu fSe8S0.S fSe8S0.S

cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰe:n] huktuthên fSe8S0x, fSe8S0x, cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MLS] [sɑmlʌstʰɪjɑ] samlasthiya .c6ac.0l;c .c6ac.0l;c

cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰoːn] huktuthôn fSe8S0n, fSe8S0M,
cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [sɑmlʌstʰmi:] samlasthmî .c6ac.06" .c6ac.06"
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰɑɪ] huktuthai fSe8S0cl fSe8S0cl
cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MLS] [sɑmlʌstʰɪ] samlasthi .c6ac.0l .c6ac.0l
cause to form an idea [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HKT] [hʊktʊtʰɑ] huktutha fSe8S0c fSe8S0c
cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MLS] [tɑmlɑstʰɪjɑn] tamlasthiyan 8c6ac.0l;c, 8c6ac.0l;c,
cause to form an idea! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HKT] [ɪhkɪtɪtʰi:] ihkitithî lfel8l0" lfel8l0"
cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MLS] [tɑmlɑstʰi:n] tamlasthîn 8c6ac.0", 8c6ac.0",
cause to form an idea! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HKT] [ɪhkɪtɪtʰ] ihkitith lfel8l0 lfel8l0
cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MLS] [tɑmlʌstʰɪjɑ] tamlasthiya 8c6ac.0l;c 8c6ac.0l;c
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BLB] [mɑblɑbtʰɪ] mablabthi 6c2ac20l 6c2ac20l
cause to form mist [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MLS] [tɑmlʌstʰɪ] tamlasthi 8c6ac.0l 8c6ac.0l
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BLB] [ɑblɑbtʰɪ] ablabthi c2ac20l c2ac20l
cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰmɑ:] mulsuthmâ 6Sa.S06v 6Sa.S06v
cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BLB] [sɑblɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sablabthmayan .c2ac206c;c, .c2ac206c;c,
cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰmɪ] mulsuthmi 6Sa.S06l 6Sa.S06l

cause to form crystals [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BLB] [sɑblɑbtʰɪjɑn] sablabthiyan .c2ac20l;c, .c2ac20l;c, cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰmɛnɪn] mulsuthmenin 6Sa.S06z,l, 6Sa.S06z,l,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰsɪn] mulsuthsin 6Sa.S0.l, 6Sa.S0.l, cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰɪjɑn] sakhtirthiyan .ceV8l@0l;c, .ct8l@0l;c,

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰme:n] mulsuthmên 6Sa.S06x, 6Sa.S06x, cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰmi:n] sakhtirthmîn .ceV8l@06", .ct8l@06",

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰsʊn] mulsuthsun 6Sa.S0.S, 6Sa.S0.S, cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰi:n] sakhtirthîn .ceV8l@0", .ct8l@0",

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰmɛnɪ] mulsuthmeni 6Sa.S06z,l 6Sa.S06z,l cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰmɑjɑ] sakhtirthmaya .ceV8l@06c;c .ct8l@06c;c

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰsɪ] mulsuthsi 6Sa.S0.l 6Sa.S0.l cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰɪjɑ] sakhtirthiya .ceV8l@0l;c .ct8l@0l;c

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰme:] mulsuthmê 6Sa.S06x 6Sa.S06x cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰmi:] sakhtirthmî .ceV8l@06" .ct8l@06"

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰsʊ] mulsuthsu 6Sa.S0.S 6Sa.S0.S cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰɪ] sakhtirthi .ceV8l@0l .ct8l@0l

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰe:n] mulsuthên 6Sa.S0x, 6Sa.S0x, cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhTR] [tɑkʰtɪrtʰɪjɑn] takhtirthiyan 8ceV8l@0l;c, 8ct8l@0l;c,

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰoːn] mulsuthôn 6Sa.S0n, 6Sa.S0M, cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhTR] [tɑkʰtɪrtʰi:n] takhtirthîn 8ceV8l@0", 8ct8l@0",

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰɑɪ] mulsuthai 6Sa.S0cl 6Sa.S0cl cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhTR] [tɑkʰtɪrtʰɪjɑ] takhtirthiya 8ceV8l@0l;c 8ct8l@0l;c

cause to form mist [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MLS] [mʊlsʊtʰɑ] mulsutha 6Sa.S0c 6Sa.S0c cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhTR] [tɑkʰtɪrtʰɪ] takhtirthi 8ceV8l@0l 8ct8l@0l

cause to form mist! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MLS] [ɪmlɪsɪtʰi:] imlisithî l6al.l0" l6al.l0" cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰmɑ:] khetrethmâ eVz8@z06v tz8@z06v

cause to form mist! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MLS] [ɪmlɪsɪtʰ] imlisith l6al.l0 l6al.l0 cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰmɪ] khetrethmi eVz8@z06l tz8@z06l

cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GThL] [mɑɡtʰɑltʰɪ] magthalthi 6cr0ca0l 6cR0ca0l cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰmɛnɪn] khetrethmenin eVz8@z06z,l, tz8@z06z,l,

cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GThL] [ɑɡtʰɑltʰɪ] agthalthi cr0ca0l cR0ca0l cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰsɪn] khetrethsin eVz8@z0.l, tz8@z0.l,

cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰmɑjɑn] sagthalthmayan .cr0ca06c;c, .cR0ca06c;c, cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰme:n] khetrethmên eVz8@z06x, tz8@z06x,

cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰɪjɑn] sagthalthiyan .cr0ca0l;c, .cR0ca0l;c, cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰsʊn] khetrethsun eVz8@z0.S, tz8@z0.S,

cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰmɛnɪ] khetrethmeni eVz8@z06z,l tz8@z06z,l
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰmi:n] sagthalthmîn .cr0ca06", .cR0ca06",
cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰsɪ] khetrethsi eVz8@z0.l tz8@z0.l
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰi:n] sagthalthîn .cr0ca0", .cR0ca0",
cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰme:] khetrethmê eVz8@z06x tz8@z06x
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰmɑjɑ] sagthalthmaya .cr0ca06c;c .cR0ca06c;c
cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰsʊ] khetrethsu eVz8@z0.S tz8@z0.S
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰɪjɑ] sagthalthiya .cr0ca0l;c .cR0ca0l;c
cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰe:n] khetrethên eVz8@z0x, tz8@z0x,
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰmi:] sagthalthmî .cr0ca06" .cR0ca06" cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰoːn] khetrethôn eVz8@z0n, tz8@z0M,

.cr0ca0l .cR0ca0l cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰɑɪ] khetrethai eVz8@z0cl tz8@z0cl
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GThL] [sɑɡtʰɑltʰɪ] sagthalthi
8cr0ca0l;c, 8cR0ca0l;c, cause to found [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhTR] [kʰɛtrɛtʰɑ] khetretha eVz8@z0c tz8@z0c
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GThL] [tɑɡtʰɑltʰɪjɑn] tagthalthiyan
8cr0ca0", 8cR0ca0", cause to found! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɪrɪtʰi:] ikhtirithî leV8l@l0" lt8l@l0"
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GThL] [tɑɡtʰɑltʰi:n] tagthalthîn
8cr0ca0l;c 8cR0ca0l;c cause to found! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhTR] [ɪkʰtɪrɪtʰ] ikhtirith leV8l@l0 lt8l@l0
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GThL] [tɑɡtʰɑltʰɪjɑ] tagthalthiya
8cr0ca0l 8cR0ca0l cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KFK] [mɑkfɑktʰɪ] makfakthi 6ce3ce0l 6ce3ce0l
cause to fortify [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GThL] [tɑɡtʰɑltʰɪ] tagthalthi
rS0aS06v RS0aS06v cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KFK] [ɑkfɑktʰɪ] akfakthi ce3ce0l ce3ce0l
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰmɑ:] guthluthmâ
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰmɪ] guthluthmi rS0aS06l RS0aS06l cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [sɑkfɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sakfakthmayan .ce3ce06c;c, .ce3ce06c;c,
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰmɛnɪn] guthluthmenin rS0aS06z,l, RS0aS06z,l,
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KFK] [sɑkfɑktʰɪjɑn] sakfakthiyan .ce3ce0l;c, .ce3ce0l;c,
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰsɪn] guthluthsin rS0aS0.l, RS0aS0.l,
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [sɑkfɑkətʰmi:n] sakfakthmîn .ce3ce06", .ce3ce06",
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰme:n] guthluthmên rS0aS06x, RS0aS06x,

cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰsʊn] guthluthsun rS0aS0.S, RS0aS0.S, cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KFK] [sɑkfɑktʰi:n] sakfakthîn .ce3ce0", .ce3ce0",

cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰmɛnɪ] guthluthmeni rS0aS06z,l RS0aS06z,l
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [sɑkfɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sakfakthmaya .ce3ce06c;c .ce3ce06c;c
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰsɪ] guthluthsi rS0aS0.l RS0aS0.l
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KFK] [sɑkfɑktʰɪjɑ] sakfakthiya .ce3ce0l;c .ce3ce0l;c
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰme:] guthluthmê rS0aS06x RS0aS06x
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [sɑkfɑkətʰmi:] sakfakthmî .ce3ce06" .ce3ce06"
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰsʊ] guthluthsu rS0aS0.S RS0aS0.S
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KFK] [sɑkfɑktʰɪ] sakfakthi .ce3ce0l .ce3ce0l
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰe:n] guthluthên rS0aS0x, RS0aS0x,
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KFK] [tɑkfɑktʰɪjɑn] takfakthiyan 8ce3ce0l;c, 8ce3ce0l;c,
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰoːn] guthluthôn rS0aS0n, RS0aS0M,
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KFK] [tɑkfɑktʰi:n] takfakthîn 8ce3ce0", 8ce3ce0",
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰɑɪ] guthluthai rS0aS0cl RS0aS0cl
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KFK] [tɑkfɑktʰɪjɑ] takfakthiya 8ce3ce0l;c 8ce3ce0l;c
cause to fortify [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GThL] [ɡʊtʰlʊtʰɑ] guthlutha rS0aS0c RS0aS0c
cause to fragment [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KFK] [tɑkfɑktʰɪ] takfakthi 8ce3ce0l 8ce3ce0l
cause to fortify! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GThL] [ɪɡtʰɪlɪtʰi:] igthilithî lr0lal0" lR0lal0"
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰmɑ:] kefkethmâ ez3ez06v ez3ez06v
cause to fortify! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GThL] [ɪɡtʰɪlɪtʰ] igthilith lr0lal0 lR0lal0
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰmɪ] kefkethmi ez3ez06l ez3ez06l
cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhTR] [mɑkʰtɪrtʰɪ] makhtirthi 6ceV8l@0l 6ct8l@0l
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰmɛnɪn] kefkethmenin ez3ez06z,l, ez3ez06z,l,
cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhTR] [ɑkʰtɪrtʰɪ] akhtirthi ceV8l@0l ct8l@0l
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰsɪn] kefkethsin ez3ez0.l, ez3ez0.l,
cause to found [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhTR] [sɑkʰtɪrtʰmɑjɑn] sakhtirthmayan .ceV8l@06c;c, .ct8l@06c;c,

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLL] [ɑklɑltʰɪ] aklalthi ceaca0l ceaca0l
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰme:n] kefkethmên ez3ez06x, ez3ez06x,
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰmɑjɑn] saklalthmayan .ceaca06c;c, .ceaca06c;c,
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰsʊn] kefkethsun ez3ez0.S, ez3ez0.S,
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰɪjɑn] saklalthiyan .ceaca0l;c, .ceaca0l;c,
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰmɛnɪ] kefkethmeni ez3ez06z,l ez3ez06z,l cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰmi:n] saklalthmîn .ceaca06", .ceaca06",

ez3ez0.l ez3ez0.l cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰi:n] saklalthîn .ceaca0", .ceaca0",
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰsɪ] kefkethsi
ez3ez06x ez3ez06x cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰmɑjɑ] saklalthmaya .ceaca06c;c .ceaca06c;c
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰme:] kefkethmê
ez3ez0.S ez3ez0.S cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰɪjɑ] saklalthiya .ceaca0l;c .ceaca0l;c
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰsʊ] kefkethsu
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰe:n] kefkethên ez3ez0x, ez3ez0x, cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰmi:] saklalthmî .ceaca06" .ceaca06"
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰoːn] kefkethôn ez3ez0n, ez3ez0M,
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLL] [sɑklɑltʰɪ] saklalthi .ceaca0l .ceaca0l
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰɑɪ] kefkethai ez3ez0cl ez3ez0cl
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLL] [tɑklɑltʰɪjɑn] taklalthiyan 8ceaca0l;c, 8ceaca0l;c,
cause to fragment [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KFK] [kɛfkɛtʰɑ] kefketha ez3ez0c ez3ez0c
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLL] [tɑklɑltʰi:n] taklalthîn 8ceaca0", 8ceaca0",
cause to fragment! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KFK] [ɪkfɪkɪtʰi:] ikfikithî le3lel0" le3lel0"
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLL] [tɑklɑltʰɪjɑ] taklalthiya 8ceaca0l;c 8ceaca0l;c
cause to fragment! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KFK] [ɪkfɪkɪtʰ] ikfikith le3lel0 le3lel0
cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLL] [tɑklɑltʰɪ] taklalthi 8ceaca0l 8ceaca0l
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [HBK] [mɑhbɑktʰɪ] mahbakthi 6cf2ce0l 6cf2ce0l
cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰmɑ:] kellethmâ ezaaz06v ezaaz06v
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [HBK] [ʌhbɑktʰɪ] ahbakthi cf2ce0l cf2ce0l
cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰmɪ] kellethmi ezaaz06l ezaaz06l
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf2ce06c;c, .cf2ce06c;c,
[sɑhbɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sahbakthmayan cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰmɛnɪn] kellethmenin ezaaz06z,l, ezaaz06z,l,
.cf2ce0l;c, .cf2ce0l;c, cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰsɪn] kellethsin ezaaz0.l, ezaaz0.l,
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HBK] [sɑhbɑktʰɪjɑn] sahbakthiyan
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰme:n] kellethmên ezaaz06x, ezaaz06x,
[sɑhbɑkətʰmi:n] sahbakthmîn .cf2ce06", .cf2ce06",
[HBK] cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰsʊn] kellethsun ezaaz0.S, ezaaz0.S,
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HBK] [sɑhbɑktʰi:n] sahbakthîn .cf2ce0", .cf2ce0", ezaaz06z,l ezaaz06z,l
cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰmɛnɪ] kellethmeni
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf2ce06c;c .cf2ce06c;c cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰsɪ] kellethsi ezaaz0.l ezaaz0.l
[sʌhbɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sahbakthmaya
cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰme:] kellethmê ezaaz06x ezaaz06x
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HBK] [sʌhbɑktʰɪjɑ] sahbakthiya .cf2ce0l;c .cf2ce0l;c
cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰsʊ] kellethsu ezaaz0.S ezaaz0.S
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cf2ce06" .cf2ce06"
[sʌhbɑkətʰmi:] sahbakthmî cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰe:n] kellethên ezaaz0x, ezaaz0x,
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HBK] [sʌhbɑktʰɪ] sahbakthi .cf2ce0l .cf2ce0l cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰoːn] kellethôn ezaaz0n, ezaaz0M,

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HBK] [tɑhbɑktʰɪjɑn] tahbakthiyan 8cf2ce0l;c, 8cf2ce0l;c, cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰɑɪ] kellethai ezaaz0cl ezaaz0cl

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HBK] [tɑhbɑktʰi:n] tahbakthîn 8cf2ce0", 8cf2ce0", cause to freeze [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KLL] [kɛl.lɛtʰɑ] kelletha ezaaz0c ezaaz0c

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HBK] [tʌhbɑktʰɪjɑ] tahbakthiya 8cf2ce0l;c 8cf2ce0l;c cause to freeze! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KLL] [ɪklɪlɪtʰi:] iklilithî lealal0" lealal0"

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HBK] [tʌhbɑktʰɪ] tahbakthi 8cf2ce0l 8cf2ce0l cause to freeze! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KLL] [ɪklɪlɪtʰ] iklilith lealal0 lealal0

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰmɑ:] habkathmâ fc2ec06v fc2ec06v cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRK] [mɑkʰrɑktʰɪ] makhrakthi 6ceV@ce0l 6ct@ce0l

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰmɪ] habkathmi fc2ec06l fc2ec06l cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRK] [ɑkʰrɑktʰɪ] akhrakthi ceV@ce0l ct@ce0l

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰmɛnɪn] habkathmenin fc2ec06z,l, fc2ec06z,l, cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑkətʰmɑjɑn] sakhrakthmayan .ceV@ce06c;c, .ct@ce06c;c,

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰsɪn] habkathsin fc2ec0.l, fc2ec0.l, cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑktʰɪjɑn] sakhrakthiyan .ceV@ce0l;c, .ct@ce0l;c,

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰme:n] habkathmên fc2ec06x, fc2ec06x, cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑkətʰmi:n] sakhrakthmîn .ceV@ce06", .ct@ce06",

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰsʊn] habkathsun fc2ec0.S, fc2ec0.S, cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑktʰi:n] sakhrakthîn .ceV@ce0", .ct@ce0",
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] fc2ec06z,l fc2ec06z,l .ceV@ce06c;c .ct@ce06c;c
[hɑbkɑtʰmɛnɪ] habkathmeni cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑkətʰmɑjɑ] sakhrakthmaya
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰsɪ] habkathsi fc2ec0.l fc2ec0.l cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑktʰɪjɑ] sakhrakthiya .ceV@ce0l;c .ct@ce0l;c
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] fc2ec06x fc2ec06x .ceV@ce06" .ct@ce06"
[hɑbkɑtʰme:] habkathmê cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑkətʰmi:] sakhrakthmî
cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰsʊ] habkathsu fc2ec0.S fc2ec0.S cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRK] [sɑkʰrɑktʰɪ] sakhrakthi .ceV@ce0l .ct@ce0l

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰe:n] habkathên fc2ec0x, fc2ec0x, cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRK] [tɑkʰrɑktʰɪjɑn] takhrakthiyan 8ceV@ce0l;c, 8ct@ce0l;c,

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰoːn] habkathôn fc2ec0n, fc2ec0M, cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRK] [tɑkʰrɑktʰi:n] takhrakthîn 8ceV@ce0", 8ct@ce0",

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰɑɪ] habkathai fc2ec0cl fc2ec0cl cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRK] [tɑkʰrɑktʰɪjɑ] takhrakthiya 8ceV@ce0l;c 8ct@ce0l;c

cause to free (cause to liberate) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [HBK] [hɑbkɑtʰɑ] habkatha fc2ec0c fc2ec0c cause to frighten [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRK] [tɑkʰrɑktʰɪ] takhrakthi 8ceV@ce0l 8ct@ce0l

cause to free (cause to liberate)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [HBK] [ɪhbɪkɪtʰi:] ihbikithî lf2lel0" lf2lel0" cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰmɑ:] kharkathmâ eVc@ec06v tc@ec06v

cause to free (cause to liberate)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [HBK] [ɪhbɪkɪtʰ] ihbikith lf2lel0 lf2lel0 cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰmɪ] kharkathmi eVc@ec06l tc@ec06l

cause to freeze [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KLL] [mɑklɑltʰɪ] maklalthi 6ceaca0l 6ceaca0l cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰmɛnɪn] kharkathmenin eVc@ec06z,l, tc@ec06z,l,

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰsɪn] kharkathsin eVc@ec0.l, tc@ec0.l, cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰi:n] sagfarthîn .cr3c@0", .cR3c@0",

cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰmɑjɑ] sagfarthmaya .cr3c@06c;c .cR3c@06c;c
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰme:n] kharkathmên eVc@ec06x, tc@ec06x,
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰɪjɑ] sagfarthiya .cr3c@0l;c .cR3c@0l;c
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰsʊn] kharkathsun eVc@ec0.S, tc@ec0.S,
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰmi:] sagfarthmî .cr3c@06" .cR3c@06"
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰmɛnɪ] kharkathmeni eVc@ec06z,l tc@ec06z,l
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰɪ] sagfarthi .cr3c@0l .cR3c@0l
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰsɪ] kharkathsi eVc@ec0.l tc@ec0.l
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GFR] [tɑɡfɑrtʰɪjɑn] tagfarthiyan 8cr3c@0l;c, 8cR3c@0l;c,
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰme:] kharkathmê eVc@ec06x tc@ec06x cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GFR] [tɑɡfɑrtʰi:n] tagfarthîn 8cr3c@0", 8cR3c@0",

eVc@ec0.S tc@ec0.S cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GFR] [tɑɡfɑrtʰɪjɑ] tagfarthiya 8cr3c@0l;c 8cR3c@0l;c
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰsʊ] kharkathsu
eVc@ec0x, tc@ec0x, cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GFR] [tɑɡfɑrtʰɪ] tagfarthi 8cr3c@0l 8cR3c@0l
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰe:n] kharkathên
eVc@ec0n, tc@ec0M, cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰmɑ:] gufruthmâ rS3@S06v RS3@S06v
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰoːn] kharkathôn
eVc@ec0cl tc@ec0cl cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰmɪ] gufruthmi rS3@S06l RS3@S06l
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰɑɪ] kharkathai
eVc@ec0c tc@ec0c cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰmɛnɪn] gufruthmenin rS3@S06z,l, RS3@S06z,l,
cause to frighten [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhRK] [kʰɑrkɑtʰɑ] kharkatha
leV@lel0" lt@lel0" cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰsɪn] gufruthsin rS3@S0.l, RS3@S0.l,
cause to frighten! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhRK] [ɪkʰrɪkɪtʰi:] ikhrikithî
leV@lel0 lt@lel0 cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰme:n] gufruthmên rS3@S06x, RS3@S06x,
cause to frighten! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhRK] [ɪkʰrɪkɪtʰ] ikhrikith
6ce@c20l 6ce@c20l cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰsʊn] gufruthsun rS3@S0.S, RS3@S0.S,
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRB] [mɑkrɑbtʰɪ] makrabthi
ce@c20l ce@c20l cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰmɛnɪ] gufruthmeni rS3@S06z,l RS3@S06z,l
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRB] [ɑkrɑbtʰɪ] akrabthi
.ce@c206c;c, .ce@c206c;c, cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰsɪ] gufruthsi rS3@S0.l RS3@S0.l
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbətʰmɑjɑn] sakrabthmayan
.ce@c20l;c, .ce@c20l;c, cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰme:] gufruthmê rS3@S06x RS3@S06x
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbtʰɪjɑn] sakrabthiyan
.ce@c206", .ce@c206", cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰsʊ] gufruthsu rS3@S0.S RS3@S0.S
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbətʰmi:n] sakrabthmîn
.ce@c20", .ce@c20", cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰe:n] gufruthên rS3@S0x, RS3@S0x,
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbtʰi:n] sakrabthîn
.ce@c206c;c .ce@c206c;c cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰoːn] gufruthôn rS3@S0n, RS3@S0M,
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbətʰmɑjɑ] sakrabthmaya
.ce@c20l;c .ce@c20l;c cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰɑɪ] gufruthai rS3@S0cl RS3@S0cl
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbtʰɪjɑ] sakrabthiya
.ce@c206" .ce@c206" cause to fume [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [GFR] [ɡʊfrʊtʰɑ] gufrutha rS3@S0c RS3@S0c
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbətʰmi:] sakrabthmî
.ce@c20l .ce@c20l cause to fume! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [GFR] [ɪɡfɪrɪtʰi:] igfirithî lr3l@l0" lR3l@l0"
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRB] [sɑkrɑbtʰɪ] sakrabthi
8ce@c20l;c, 8ce@c20l;c, cause to fume! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [GFR] [ɪɡfɪrɪtʰ] igfirith lr3l@l0 lR3l@l0
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRB] [tɑkrɑbtʰɪjɑn] takrabthiyan
8ce@c20", 8ce@c20", cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BZN] [mɑbzɪntʰɪ] mabzinthi 6c2wl,0l 6c2Dl,0l
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRB] [tɑkrɑbtʰi:n] takrabthîn
8ce@c20l;c 8ce@c20l;c cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BZN] [ɑbzɪntʰɪ] abzinthi c2wl,0l c2Dl,0l
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRB] [tɑkrɑbtʰɪjɑ] takrabthiya
8ce@c20l 8ce@c20l cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰmɑjɑn] sabzinthmayan .c2wl,06c;c, .c2Dl,06c;c,
cause to fry [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRB] [tɑkrɑbtʰɪ] takrabthi
ez@2z06v ez@2z06v cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰɪjɑn] sabzinthiyan .c2wl,0l;c, .c2Dl,0l;c,
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰmɑ:] kerbethmâ
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰmɪ] kerbethmi ez@2z06l ez@2z06l cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰmi:n] sabzinthmîn .c2wl,06", .c2Dl,06",
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰmɛnɪn] kerbethmenin ez@2z06z,l, ez@2z06z,l,
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰi:n] sabzinthîn .c2wl,0", .c2Dl,0",
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰsɪn] kerbethsin ez@2z0.l, ez@2z0.l,
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰmɑjɑ] sabzinthmaya .c2wl,06c;c .c2Dl,06c;c
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰme:n] kerbethmên ez@2z06x, ez@2z06x,

cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰsʊn] kerbethsun ez@2z0.S, ez@2z0.S, cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰɪjɑ] sabzinthiya .c2wl,0l;c .c2Dl,0l;c

cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰmɛnɪ] kerbethmeni ez@2z06z,l ez@2z06z,l
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰmi:] sabzinthmî .c2wl,06" .c2Dl,06"
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰsɪ] kerbethsi ez@2z0.l ez@2z0.l
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BZN] [sɑbzɪntʰɪ] sabzinthi .c2wl,0l .c2Dl,0l
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰme:] kerbethmê ez@2z06x ez@2z06x
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BZN] [tɑbzɪntʰɪjɑn] tabzinthiyan 8c2wl,0l;c, 8c2Dl,0l;c,
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰsʊ] kerbethsu ez@2z0.S ez@2z0.S
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BZN] [tɑbzɪntʰi:n] tabzinthîn 8c2wl,0", 8c2Dl,0",
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰe:n] kerbethên ez@2z0x, ez@2z0x,
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BZN] [tɑbzɪntʰɪjɑ] tabzinthiya 8c2wl,0l;c 8c2Dl,0l;c
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰoːn] kerbethôn ez@2z0n, ez@2z0M,
cause to garden [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BZN] [tɑbzɪntʰɪ] tabzinthi 8c2wl,0l 8c2Dl,0l
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰɑɪ] kerbethai ez@2z0cl ez@2z0cl
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰmɑ:] buznuthmâ 2Sw,S06v 2SD,S06v
cause to fry [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KRB] [kɛrbɛtʰɑ] kerbetha ez@2z0c ez@2z0c
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰmɪ] buznuthmi 2Sw,S06l 2SD,S06l
cause to fry! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KRB] [ɪkrɪbɪtʰi:] ikribithî le@l2l0" le@l2l0"
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰmɛnɪn] buznuthmenin 2Sw,S06z,l, 2SD,S06z,l,
cause to fry! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KRB] [ɪkrɪbɪtʰ] ikribith le@l2l0 le@l2l0
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰsɪn] buznuthsin 2Sw,S0.l, 2SD,S0.l,
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [GFR] [mɑɡfɑrtʰɪ] magfarthi 6cr3c@0l 6cR3c@0l
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰme:n] buznuthmên 2Sw,S06x, 2SD,S06x,
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [GFR] [ɑɡfɑrtʰɪ] agfarthi cr3c@0l cR3c@0l
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰsʊn] buznuthsun 2Sw,S0.S, 2SD,S0.S,
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰmɑjɑn] sagfarthmayan .cr3c@06c;c, .cR3c@06c;c,
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰmɛnɪ] buznuthmeni 2Sw,S06z,l 2SD,S06z,l
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰɪjɑn] sagfarthiyan .cr3c@0l;c, .cR3c@0l;c,
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰsɪ] buznuthsi 2Sw,S0.l 2SD,S0.l
cause to fume [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [GFR] [sɑɡfɑrtʰmi:n] sagfarthmîn .cr3c@06", .cR3c@06",

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 355 The Dwarrow Scholar 356

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

2Sw,S06x 2SD,S06x
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .c3eVc206c;c .c3tc206c;c
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰme:] buznuthmê [sʌfkʰɑbətʰmɑjɑ] safkhabthmaya
(contemptuous)] [FKhB]
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰsʊ] buznuthsu 2Sw,S0.S 2SD,S0.S cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKhB] [sʌfkʰɑbtʰɪjɑ] safkhabthiya .c3eVc20l;c .c3tc20l;c

cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰe:n] buznuthên 2Sw,S0x, 2SD,S0x, cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sʌfkʰɑbətʰmi:] safkhabthmî .c3eVc206" .c3tc206"
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰoːn] buznuthôn 2Sw,S0n, 2SD,S0M, (contemptuous)] [FKhB]
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKhB] [sʌfkʰɑbtʰɪ] safkhabthi .c3eVc20l .c3tc20l
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰɑɪ] buznuthai 2Sw,S0cl 2SD,S0cl
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKhB] [tɑfkʰɑbtʰɪjɑn] tafkhabthiyan 8c3eVc20l;c, 8c3tc20l;c,
cause to garden [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BZN] [bʊznʊtʰɑ] buznutha 2Sw,S0c 2SD,S0c
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKhB] [tɑfkʰɑbtʰi:n] tafkhabthîn 8c3eVc20", 8c3tc20",
cause to garden! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BZN] [ɪbzɪnɪtʰi:] ibzinithî l2wl,l0" l2Dl,l0"
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKhB] [tʌfkʰɑbtʰɪjɑ] tafkhabthiya 8c3eVc20l;c 8c3tc20l;c
cause to garden! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BZN] [ɪbzɪnɪtʰ] ibzinith l2wl,l0 l2Dl,l0

cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DH] [mɑdɑhtʰɪ] madahthi 6c9cf0l 6c9cf0l cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKhB] [tʌfkʰɑbtʰɪ] tafkhabthi 8c3eVc20l 8c3tc20l

cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DH] [ɑdʌhtʰɪ] adahthi c9cf0l c9cf0l 3zeV2z06v 3zt2z06v
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰmɑ:] fekhbethmâ
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [sɑdɑhtʰmɑjɑn] sadahthmayan .c9cf06c;c, .c9cf06c;c, cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰmɪ] fekhbethmi 3zeV2z06l 3zt2z06l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 3zeV2z06z,l, 3zt2z06z,l,
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DH] [sɑdɑhtʰɪjɑn] sadahthiyan .c9cf0l;c, .c9cf0l;c, [fɛkʰbɛtʰmɛnɪn] fekhbethmenin
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [sɑdɑhtʰmi:n] sadahthmîn .c9cf06", .c9cf06", cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰsɪn] fekhbethsin 3zeV2z0.l, 3zt2z0.l,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 3zeV2z06x, 3zt2z06x,
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DH] [sɑdɑhtʰi:n] sadahthîn .c9cf0", .c9cf0", [fɛkʰbɛtʰme:n] fekhbethmên
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [sɑdʌhtʰmɑjɑ] sadahthmaya .c9cf06c;c .c9cf06c;c cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰsʊn] fekhbethsun 3zeV2z0.S, 3zt2z0.S,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 3zeV2z06z,l 3zt2z06z,l
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DH] [sɑdʌhtʰɪjɑ] sadahthiya .c9cf0l;c .c9cf0l;c [fɛkʰbɛtʰmɛnɪ] fekhbethmeni
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [sɑdʌhtʰmi:] sadahthmî .c9cf06" .c9cf06" cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰsɪ] fekhbethsi 3zeV2z0.l 3zt2z0.l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful 3zeV2z06x 3zt2z06x
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DH] [sɑdʌhtʰɪ] sadahthi .c9cf0l .c9cf0l [fɛkʰbɛtʰme:] fekhbethmê
(contemptuous)] [FKhB]
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DH] [tɑdɑhtʰɪjɑn] tadahthiyan 8c9cf0l;c, 8c9cf0l;c, 3zeV2z0.S 3zt2z0.S
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰsʊ] fekhbethsu
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DH] [tɑdɑhtʰi:n] tadahthîn 8c9cf0", 8c9cf0", 3zeV2z0x, 3zt2z0x,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰe:n] fekhbethên
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DH] [tɑdʌhtʰɪjɑ] tadahthiya 8c9cf0l;c 8c9cf0l;c 3zeV2z0n, 3zt2z0M,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰoːn] fekhbethôn
cause to garrison [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DH] [tɑdʌhtʰɪ] tadahthi 8c9cf0l 8c9cf0l 3zeV2z0cl 3zt2z0cl
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰɑɪ] fekhbethai
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰmɑ:] duhuthmâ 9SfS06v 9SfS06v 3zeV2z0c 3zt2z0c
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [FKhB] [fɛkʰbɛtʰɑ] fekhbetha
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰmɪ] duhuthmi 9SfS06l 9SfS06l l3eVl2l0" l3tl2l0"
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [FKhB] [ɪfkʰɪbɪtʰi:] ifkhibithî
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰmɛnɪn] duhuthmenin 9SfS06z,l, 9SfS06z,l, l3eVl2l0 l3tl2l0
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [FKhB] [ɪfkʰɪbɪtʰ] ifkhibith
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰsɪn] duhuthsin 9SfS0.l, 9SfS0.l, 6c28c%0l 6c28c%0l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [BTSh] [mɑbtɑʃtʰɪ] mabtashthi
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰme:n] duhuthmên 9SfS06x, 9SfS06x, c28c%0l c28c%0l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [BTSh] [ɑbtʌʃtʰɪ] abtashthi
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰsʊn] duhuthsun 9SfS0.S, 9SfS0.S, cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful
[sɑbtɑʃtʰmɑjɑn] sabtashthmayan .c28c%06c;c, .c28c%06c;c,
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰmɛnɪ] duhuthmeni 9SfS06z,l 9SfS06z,l (contemptuous)] [BTSh]
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰsɪ] duhuthsi 9SfS0.l 9SfS0.l cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BTSh] [sɑbtɑʃtʰɪjɑn] sabtashthiyan .c28c%0l;c, .c28c%0l;c,

cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰme:] duhuthmê 9SfS06x 9SfS06x cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful
[sɑbtɑʃtʰmi:n] sabtashthmîn .c28c%06", .c28c%06",
(contemptuous)] [BTSh]
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰsʊ] duhuthsu 9SfS0.S 9SfS0.S
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BTSh] [sɑbtɑʃtʰi:n] sabtashthîn .c28c%0", .c28c%0",
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰe:n] duhuthên 9SfS0x, 9SfS0x,

cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰoːn] duhuthôn 9SfS0n, 9SfS0M, cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[sɑbtʌʃtʰmɑjɑ] sabtashthmaya .c28c%06c;c .c28c%06c;c
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰɑɪ] duhuthai 9SfS0cl 9SfS0cl (contemptuous)] [BTSh]
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BTSh] [sɑbtʌʃtʰɪjɑ] sabtashthiya .c28c%0l;c .c28c%0l;c
cause to garrison [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DH] [dʊhʊtʰɑ] duhutha 9SfS0c 9SfS0c
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .c28c%06" .c28c%06"
cause to garrison! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DH] [ɪdʰɪtʰi:] idhithî l!l0" l!l0" [sɑbtʌʃtʰmi:] sabtashthmî
(contemptuous)] [BTSh]
cause to garrison! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DH] [ɪdʰi:tʰ] idhîth l!"0 l!"0 .c28c%0l .c28c%0l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BTSh] [sɑbtʌʃtʰɪ] sabtashthi
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [FKhB] [mɑfkʰɑbtʰɪ] mafkhabthi 6c3eVc20l 6c3tc20l 8c28c%0l;c, 8c28c%0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BTSh] [tɑbtɑʃtʰɪjɑn] tabtashthiyan
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [FKhB] [ʌfkʰɑbtʰɪ] afkhabthi c3eVc20l c3tc20l 8c28c%0", 8c28c%0",
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BTSh] [tɑbtɑʃtʰi:n] tabtashthîn
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .c3eVc206c;c, .c3tc206c;c, cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BTSh] [tɑbtʌʃtʰɪjɑ] tabtashthiya 8c28c%0l;c 8c28c%0l;c
[sɑfkʰɑbətʰmɑjɑn] safkhabthmayan
(contemptuous)] [FKhB]
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [FKhB] [sɑfkʰɑbtʰɪjɑn] safkhabthiyan .c3eVc20l;c, .c3tc20l;c, cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BTSh] [tɑbtʌʃtʰɪ] tabtashthi 8c28c%0l 8c28c%0l

cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c3eVc206", .c3tc206", cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰmɑ:] betshethmâ 2z8.fz06v 2zCfz06v
[sɑfkʰɑbətʰmi:n] safkhabthmîn
(contemptuous)] [FKhB]
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰmɪ] betshethmi 2z8.fz06l 2zCfz06l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [FKhB] [sɑfkʰɑbtʰi:n] safkhabthîn .c3eVc20", .c3tc20",
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2z8.fz06z,l, 2zCfz06z,l,
[bɛtshɛtʰmɛnɪn] betshethmenin

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---
The Dwarrow Scholar 357 The Dwarrow Scholar 358
English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰsɪn] betshethsin 2z8.fz0.l, 2zCfz0.l,
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰɑ] khedmetha eVz96z0c tz96z0c
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 2z8.fz06x, 2zCfz06x,
[bɛtshɛtʰme:n] betshethmên cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhDM] [ɪkʰdɪmɪtʰi:] ikhdimithî leV9l6l0" lt9l6l0"
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰsʊn] betshethsun 2z8.fz0.S, 2zCfz0.S, cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhDM] [ɪkʰdɪmɪtʰ] ikhdimith leV9l6l0 lt9l6l0
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DHN] [mɑdʰɑntʰɪ] madhanthi 6c!c,0l 6c!c,0l
[bɛtshɛtʰmɛnɪ] betshethmeni 2z8.fz06z,l 2zCfz06z,l
(contemptuous)] [BTSh] cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DHN] [ɑdʰɑntʰɪ] adhanthi c!c,0l c!c,0l
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰsɪ] betshethsi 2z8.fz0.l 2zCfz0.l
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c!c,06c;c, .c!c,06c;c,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful [sɑdʰɑntʰmɑjɑn] sadhanthmayan
[bɛtshɛtʰme:] betshethmê 2z8.fz06x 2zCfz06x [DHN]
(contemptuous)] [BTSh] cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DHN] [sɑdʰɑntʰɪjɑn] sadhanthiyan .c!c,0l;c, .c!c,0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰsʊ] betshethsu 2z8.fz0.S 2zCfz0.S
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful .c!c,06", .c!c,06",
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰe:n] betshethên 2z8.fz0x, 2zCfz0x, [sɑdʰɑntʰmi:n] sadhanthmîn
(contemptuous)] [DHN]
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰoːn] betshethôn 2z8.fz0n, 2zCfz0M, cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DHN] [sɑdʰɑntʰi:n] sadhanthîn .c!c,0", .c!c,0",

cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰɑɪ] betshethai 2z8.fz0cl 2zCfz0cl cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful
[sɑdʰɑntʰmɑjɑ] sadhanthmaya .c!c,06c;c .c!c,06c;c
(contemptuous)] [DHN]
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [BTSh] [bɛtshɛtʰɑ] betshetha 2z8.fz0c 2zCfz0c
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DHN] [sɑdʰɑntʰɪjɑ] sadhanthiya .c!c,0l;c .c!c,0l;c

cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [BTSh] [ɪbtɪʃɪtʰi:] ibtishithî l28l%l0" l28l%l0" cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful
[sɑdʰɑntʰmi:] sadhanthmî .c!c,06" .c!c,06"
cause to gather (dig for) ancient silver! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [BTSh] [ɪbtɪʃɪtʰ] ibtishith l28l%l0 l28l%l0 (contemptuous)] [DHN]
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DHN] [sɑdʰɑntʰɪ] sadhanthi .c!c,0l .c!c,0l
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhDM] [mɑkʰdɑmtʰɪ] makhdamthi 6ceV9c60l 6ct9c60l
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DHN] [tɑdʰɑntʰɪjɑn] tadhanthiyan 8c!c,0l;c, 8c!c,0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhDM] [ɑkʰdɑmtʰɪ] akhdamthi ceV9c60l ct9c60l
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DHN] [tɑdʰɑntʰi:n] tadhanthîn 8c!c,0", 8c!c,0",
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful .ceV9c606c;c, .ct9c606c;c,
[sɑkʰdɑmtʰmɑjɑn] sakhdamthmayan cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DHN] [tɑdʰɑntʰɪjɑ] tadhanthiya 8c!c,0l;c 8c!c,0l;c
(contemptuous)] [KhDM]
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhDM] [sɑkʰdɑmtʰɪjɑn] sakhdamthiyan .ceV9c60l;c, .ct9c60l;c, cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DHN] [tɑdʰɑntʰɪ] tadhanthi 8c!c,0l 8c!c,0l

cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰmɑ:] dehnethmâ 9zf,z06v 9zf,z06v
[sɑkʰdɑmtʰmi:n] sakhdamthmîn .ceV9c606", .ct9c606",
(contemptuous)] [KhDM] cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰmɪ] dehnethmi 9zf,z06l 9zf,z06l
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhDM] [sɑkʰdɑmtʰi:n] sakhdamthîn .ceV9c60", .ct9c60", cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[dɛhnɛtʰmɛnɪn] dehnethmenin 9zf,z06z,l, 9zf,z06z,l,
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful .ceV9c606c;c .ct9c606c;c
[sɑkʰdɑmtʰmɑjɑ] sakhdamthmaya cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰsɪn] dehnethsin 9zf,z0.l, 9zf,z0.l,
(contemptuous)] [KhDM]
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhDM] [sɑkʰdɑmtʰɪjɑ] sakhdamthiya .ceV9c60l;c .ct9c60l;c cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 9zf,z06x, 9zf,z06x,
[dɛhnɛtʰme:n] dehnethmên
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .ceV9c606" .ct9c606"
[sɑkʰdɑmtʰmi:] sakhdamthmî cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰsʊn] dehnethsun 9zf,z0.S, 9zf,z0.S,
(contemptuous)] [KhDM]
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhDM] [sɑkʰdɑmtʰɪ] sakhdamthi .ceV9c60l .ct9c60l cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 9zf,z06z,l 9zf,z06z,l
[dɛhnɛtʰmɛnɪ] dehnethmeni
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhDM] [tɑkʰdɑmtʰɪjɑn] takhdamthiyan 8ceV9c60l;c, 8ct9c60l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰsɪ] dehnethsi 9zf,z0.l 9zf,z0.l
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhDM] [tɑkʰdɑmtʰi:n] takhdamthîn 8ceV9c60", 8ct9c60",
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 9zf,z06x 9zf,z06x
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhDM] [tɑkʰdɑmtʰɪjɑ] takhdamthiya 8ceV9c60l;c 8ct9c60l;c [dɛhnɛtʰme:] dehnethmê
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰsʊ] dehnethsu 9zf,z0.S 9zf,z0.S
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhDM] [tɑkʰdɑmtʰɪ] takhdamthi 8ceV9c60l 8ct9c60l
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰe:n] dehnethên 9zf,z0x, 9zf,z0x,
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰmɑ:] khedmethmâ eVz96z06v tz96z06v
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰoːn] dehnethôn 9zf,z0n, 9zf,z0M,
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰmɪ] khedmethmi eVz96z06l tz96z06l
cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰɑɪ] dehnethai 9zf,z0cl 9zf,z0cl
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVz96z06z,l, tz96z06z,l,
[kʰɛdmɛtʰmɛnɪn] khedmethmenin cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DHN] [dɛhnɛtʰɑ] dehnetha 9zf,z0c 9zf,z0c
eVz96z0.l, tz96z0.l, cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DHN] [ɪdʰɪnɪtʰi:] idhinithî l!l,l0" l!l,l0"
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰsɪn] khedmethsin
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to gather (dig for) dwarf-iron! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DHN] [ɪdʰɪnɪtʰ] idhinith l!l,l0 l!l,l0
[kʰɛdmɛtʰme:n] khedmethmên eVz96z06x, tz96z06x,
[KhDM] cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [JBSh] [mɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰɪ] majbashthi 6cR2c%0l 6c$2c%0l
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰsʊn] khedmethsun eVz96z0.S, tz96z0.S, cR2c%0l c$2c%0l
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [JBSh] [ʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰɪ] ajbashthi
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] eVz96z06z,l tz96z06z,l cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[kʰɛdmɛtʰmɛnɪ] khedmethmeni [sɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰmɑjɑn] sajbashthmayan .cR2c%06c;c, .c$2c%06c;c,
[KhDM] [JBSh]
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰsɪ] khedmethsi eVz96z0.l tz96z0.l .cR2c%0l;c, .c$2c%0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [JBSh] [sɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰɪjɑn] sajbashthiyan
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful eVz96z06x tz96z06x cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[kʰɛdmɛtʰme:] khedmethmê [sɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰmi:n] sajbashthmîn .cR2c%06", .c$2c%06",
(contemptuous)] [KhDM] [JBSh]
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰsʊ] khedmethsu eVz96z0.S tz96z0.S .cR2c%0", .c$2c%0",
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [JBSh] [sɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰi:n] sajbashthîn
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰe:n] khedmethên eVz96z0x, tz96z0x, cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰmɑjɑ] sajbashthmaya .cR2c%06c;c .c$2c%06c;c
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰoːn] khedmethôn eVz96z0n, tz96z0M, [JBSh]
eVz96z0cl tz96z0cl cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [JBSh] [sʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰɪjɑ] sajbashthiya .cR2c%0l;c .c$2c%0l;c
cause to gather (dig for) barrow-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhDM] [kʰɛdmɛtʰɑɪ] khedmethai
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful .cR2c%06" .c$2c%06"
[sʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰmi:] sajbashthmî
(contemptuous)] [JBSh]

--- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven --- --- By The Dwarrow Scholar - Your source for all things Dwarven ---

The Dwarrow Scholar 359 The Dwarrow Scholar 360

English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [JBSh] [sʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰɪ] sajbashthi .cR2c%0l .c$2c%0l cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[dɛfnɛtʰme:] defnethmê 9z3,z06x 9z3,z06x
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [JBSh] [tɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰɪjɑn] tajbashthiyan 8cR2c%0l;c, 8c$2c%0l;c, [DFN]
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰsʊ] defnethsu 9z3,z0.S 9z3,z0.S
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [JBSh] [tɑd͡ʒbɑʃtʰi:n] tajbashthîn 8cR2c%0", 8c$2c%0",
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰe:n] defnethên 9z3,z0x, 9z3,z0x,
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [JBSh] [tʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰɪjɑ] tajbashthiya 8cR2c%0l;c 8c$2c%0l;c
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰoːn] defnethôn 9z3,z0n, 9z3,z0M,
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [JBSh] [tʌd͡ʒbʌʃtʰɪ] tajbashthi 8cR2c%0l 8c$2c%0l
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰɑɪ] defnethai 9z3,z0cl 9z3,z0cl
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰmɑ:] jebshethmâ Rz2%z06v $z2%z06v
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰɑ] defnetha 9z3,z0c 9z3,z0c
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰmɪ] jebshethmi Rz2%z06l $z2%z06l
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [DFN] [ɪdfɪnɪtʰi:] idfinithî l93l,l0" l93l,l0"
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] Rz2%z06z,l, $z2%z06z,l,
[d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰmɛnɪn] jebshethmenin cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [DFN] [ɪdfɪnɪtʰ] idfinith l93l,l0 l93l,l0
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰsɪn] jebshethsin Rz2%z0.l, $z2%z0.l, cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKL] [mɑmkɑltʰɪ] mamkalthi 6c6eca0l 6c6eca0l
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKL] [ɑmkɑltʰɪ] amkalthi c6eca0l c6eca0l
[d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰme:n] jebshethmên Rz2%z06x, $z2%z06x,
[JBSh] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmkɑltʰmɑjɑn] samkalthmayan .c6eca06c;c, .c6eca06c;c,
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰsʊn] jebshethsun Rz2%z0.S, $z2%z0.S, [MKL]
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKL] [sɑmkɑltʰɪjɑn] samkalthiyan .c6eca0l;c, .c6eca0l;c,
[d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰmɛnɪ] jebshethmeni Rz2%z06z,l $z2%z06z,l
[JBSh] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmkɑltʰmi:n] samkalthmîn .c6eca06", .c6eca06",
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰsɪ] jebshethsi Rz2%z0.l $z2%z0.l [MKL]
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKL] [sɑmkɑltʰi:n] samkalthîn .c6eca0", .c6eca0",
[d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰme:] jebshethmê Rz2%z06x $z2%z06x
[JBSh] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmkɑltʰmɑjɑ] samkalthmaya .c6eca06c;c .c6eca06c;c
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰsʊ] jebshethsu Rz2%z0.S $z2%z0.S [MKL]
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰe:n] jebshethên Rz2%z0x, $z2%z0x, cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKL] [sɑmkɑltʰɪjɑ] samkalthiya .c6eca0l;c .c6eca0l;c

cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰoːn] jebshethôn Rz2%z0n, $z2%z0M, cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑmkɑltʰmi:] samkalthmî .c6eca06" .c6eca06"
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰɑɪ] jebshethai Rz2%z0cl $z2%z0cl [MKL]
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKL] [sɑmkɑltʰɪ] samkalthi .c6eca0l .c6eca0l
cause to gather (dig for) platinum [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [JBSh] [d͡ʒɛbʃɛtʰɑ] jebshetha Rz2%z0c $z2%z0c
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKL] [tɑmkɑltʰɪjɑn] tamkalthiyan 8c6eca0l;c, 8c6eca0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) platinum! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [JBSh] [ɪd͡ʒbɪʃɪtʰi:] ijbishithî lR2l%l0" l$2l%l0"
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKL] [tɑmkɑltʰi:n] tamkalthîn 8c6eca0", 8c6eca0",
cause to gather (dig for) platinum! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [JBSh] [ɪd͡ʒbɪʃɪtʰ] ijbishith lR2l%l0 l$2l%l0
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKL] [tɑmkɑltʰɪjɑ] tamkalthiya 8c6eca0l;c 8c6eca0l;c
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [DFN] [mɑdfɪntʰɪ] madfinthi 6c93l,0l 6c93l,0l
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKL] [tɑmkɑltʰɪ] tamkalthi 8c6eca0l 8c6eca0l
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [DFN] [ɑdfɪntʰɪ] adfinthi c93l,0l c93l,0l
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰmɑ:] meklethmâ 6zeaz06v 6zeaz06v
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c93l,06c;c, .c93l,06c;c,
[sɑdfɪntʰmɑjɑn] sadfinthmayan cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰmɪ] meklethmi 6zeaz06l 6zeaz06l
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DFN] [sɑdfɪntʰɪjɑn] sadfinthiyan .c93l,0l;c, .c93l,0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰmɛnɪn] meklethmenin 6zeaz06z,l, 6zeaz06z,l,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c93l,06", .c93l,06",
[sɑdfɪntʰmi:n] sadfinthmîn cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰsɪn] meklethsin 6zeaz0.l, 6zeaz0.l,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DFN] [sɑdfɪntʰi:n] sadfinthîn .c93l,0", .c93l,0",
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰme:n] meklethmên 6zeaz06x, 6zeaz06x,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .c93l,06c;c .c93l,06c;c
[sɑdfɪntʰmɑjɑ] sadfinthmaya cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰsʊn] meklethsun 6zeaz0.S, 6zeaz0.S,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DFN] [sɑdfɪntʰɪjɑ] sadfinthiya .c93l,0l;c .c93l,0l;c cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[mɛklɛtʰmɛnɪ] meklethmeni 6zeaz06z,l 6zeaz06z,l
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful [MKL]
[sɑdfɪntʰmi:] sadfinthmî .c93l,06" .c93l,06"
(contemptuous)] [DFN] cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰsɪ] meklethsi 6zeaz0.l 6zeaz0.l

cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [DFN] [sɑdfɪntʰɪ] sadfinthi .c93l,0l .c93l,0l cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[mɛklɛtʰme:] meklethmê 6zeaz06x 6zeaz06x
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [DFN] [tɑdfɪntʰɪjɑn] tadfinthiyan 8c93l,0l;c, 8c93l,0l;c, [MKL]
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰsʊ] meklethsu 6zeaz0.S 6zeaz0.S
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [DFN] [tɑdfɪntʰi:n] tadfinthîn 8c93l,0", 8c93l,0",
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰe:n] meklethên 6zeaz0x, 6zeaz0x,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [DFN] [tɑdfɪntʰɪjɑ] tadfinthiya 8c93l,0l;c 8c93l,0l;c
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰoːn] meklethôn 6zeaz0n, 6zeaz0M,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [DFN] [tɑdfɪntʰɪ] tadfinthi 8c93l,0l 8c93l,0l
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰɑɪ] meklethai 6zeaz0cl 6zeaz0cl
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰmɑ:] defnethmâ 9z3,z06v 9z3,z06v
cause to gather (dig for) copper [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [MKL] [mɛklɛtʰɑ] mekletha 6zeaz0c 6zeaz0c
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰmɪ] defnethmi 9z3,z06l 9z3,z06l
cause to gather (dig for) copper! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [MKL] [ɪmkɪlɪtʰi:] imkilithî l6elal0" l6elal0"
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] 9z3,z06z,l, 9z3,z06z,l,
[dɛfnɛtʰmɛnɪn] defnethmenin cause to gather (dig for) copper! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [MKL] [ɪmkɪlɪtʰ] imkilith l6elal0 l6elal0
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰsɪn] defnethsin 9z3,z0.l, 9z3,z0.l, cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZML] [mɑzmɑltʰɪ] mazmalthi 6cw6ca0l 6cD6ca0l
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZML] [ʌzmɑltʰɪ] azmalthi cw6ca0l cD6ca0l
[dɛfnɛtʰme:n] defnethmên 9z3,z06x, 9z3,z06x,
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [sɑzmɑltʰmɑjɑn] sazmalthmayan .cw6ca06c;c, .cD6ca06c;c,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰsʊn] defnethsun 9z3,z0.S, 9z3,z0.S,
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZML] [sɑzmɑltʰɪjɑn] sazmalthiyan .cw6ca0l;c, .cD6ca0l;c,
[dɛfnɛtʰmɛnɪ] defnethmeni 9z3,z06z,l 9z3,z06z,l
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [sɑzmɑltʰmi:n] sazmalthmîn .cw6ca06", .cD6ca06",
cause to gather (dig for) rich-iron [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [DFN] [dɛfnɛtʰsɪ] defnethsi 9z3,z0.l 9z3,z0.l

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZML] [sɑzmɑltʰi:n] sazmalthîn .cw6ca0", .cD6ca0",
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰme:n] khalmathmên eVca6c06x, tca6c06x,

cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [sʌzmɑltʰmɑjɑ] sazmalthmaya .cw6ca06c;c .cD6ca06c;c
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰsʊn] khalmathsun eVca6c0.S, tca6c0.S,

cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZML] [sʌzmɑltʰɪjɑ] sazmalthiya .cw6ca0l;c .cD6ca0l;c
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪ] khalmathmeni eVca6c06z,l tca6c06z,l
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cw6ca06" .cD6ca06"
[sʌzmɑltʰmi:] sazmalthmî cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰsɪ] khalmathsi eVca6c0.l tca6c0.l
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZML] [sʌzmɑltʰɪ] sazmalthi .cw6ca0l .cD6ca0l
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰme:] khalmathmê eVca6c06x tca6c06x
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZML] [tɑzmɑltʰɪjɑn] tazmalthiyan 8cw6ca0l;c, 8cD6ca0l;c,
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰsʊ] khalmathsu eVca6c0.S tca6c0.S
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZML] [tɑzmɑltʰi:n] tazmalthîn 8cw6ca0", 8cD6ca0",
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰe:n] khalmathên eVca6c0x, tca6c0x,
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZML] [tʌzmɑltʰɪjɑ] tazmalthiya 8cw6ca0l;c 8cD6ca0l;c
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰoːn] khalmathôn eVca6c0n, tca6c0M,
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZML] [tʌzmɑltʰɪ] tazmalthi 8cw6ca0l 8cD6ca0l
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰɑɪ] khalmathai eVca6c0cl tca6c0cl
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰmɑ:] zemlethmâ wz6az06v Dz6az06v
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰɑ] khalmatha eVca6c0c tca6c0c
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰmɪ] zemlethmi wz6az06l Dz6az06l
cause to gather riches! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [KhLM] [ɪkʰlɪmɪtʰi:] ikhlimithî leVal6l0" ltal6l0"
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰmɛnɪn] zemlethmenin wz6az06z,l, Dz6az06z,l,
cause to gather riches! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [KhLM] [ɪkʰlɪmɪtʰ] ikhlimith leVal6l0 ltal6l0

cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰsɪn] zemlethsin wz6az0.l, Dz6az0.l, cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔZG] [mɑʔzɑɡtʰɪ] ma'zagthi 6cgwcr0l 6cgDcR0l

cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔZG] [ɑʔzɑɡtʰɪ] a'zagthi cgwcr0l cgDcR0l
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰme:n] zemlethmên wz6az06x, Dz6az06x,
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cgwcr06c;c, .cgDcR06c;c,
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰsʊn] zemlethsun wz6az0.S, Dz6az0.S, [sɑʔzɑɡtʰmɑjɑn] sa'zagthmayan
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔZG] [sɑʔzɑɡtʰɪjɑn] sa'zagthiyan .cgwcr0l;c, .cgDcR0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰmɛnɪ] zemlethmeni wz6az06z,l Dz6az06z,l
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cgwcr06", .cgDcR06",
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰsɪ] zemlethsi wz6az0.l Dz6az0.l [sɑʔzɑɡtʰmi:n] sa'zagthmîn
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔZG] [sɑʔzɑɡtʰi:n] sa'zagthîn .cgwcr0", .cgDcR0",
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰme:] zemlethmê wz6az06x Dz6az06x
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] .cgwcr06c;c .cgDcR06c;c
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰsʊ] zemlethsu wz6az0.S Dz6az0.S [sɑʔzɑɡtʰmɑjɑ] sa'zagthmaya
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰe:n] zemlethên wz6az0x, Dz6az0x, cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔZG] [sɑʔzɑɡtʰɪjɑ] sa'zagthiya .cgwcr0l;c .cgDcR0l;c

cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰoːn] zemlethôn wz6az0n, Dz6az0M, cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[sɑʔzɑɡtʰmi:] sa'zagthmî .cgwcr06" .cgDcR06"
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰɑɪ] zemlethai wz6az0cl Dz6az0cl [ʔZG]
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔZG] [sɑʔzɑɡtʰɪ] sa'zagthi .cgwcr0l .cgDcR0l
cause to gather (dig for) tin [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ZML] [zɛmlɛtʰɑ] zemletha wz6az0c Dz6az0c
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔZG] [tɑʔzɑɡtʰɪjɑn] ta'zagthiyan 8cgwcr0l;c, 8cgDcR0l;c,
cause to gather (dig for) tin! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ZML] [ɪzmɪlɪtʰi:] izmilithî lw6lal0" lD6lal0"
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔZG] [tɑʔzɑɡtʰi:n] ta'zagthîn 8cgwcr0", 8cgDcR0",
cause to gather (dig for) tin! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ZML] [ɪzmɪlɪtʰ] izmilith lw6lal0 lD6lal0
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔZG] [tɑʔzɑɡtʰɪjɑ] ta'zagthiya 8cgwcr0l;c 8cgDcR0l;c
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhLM] [mɑkʰlɪmtʰɪ] makhlimthi 6ceVal60l 6ctal60l
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔZG] [tɑʔzɑɡtʰɪ] ta'zagthi 8cgwcr0l 8cgDcR0l
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhLM] [ɑkʰlɪmtʰɪ] akhlimthi ceVal60l ctal60l
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰmɑ:] 'uzguthmâ gSwrS06v gSDRS06v
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰmɑjɑn] sakhlimthmayan .ceVal606c;c, .ctal606c;c,
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰmɪ] 'uzguthmi gSwrS06l gSDRS06l

cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰɪjɑn] sakhlimthiyan .ceVal60l;c, .ctal60l;c,
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰmɛnɪn] 'uzguthmenin gSwrS06z,l, gSDRS06z,l,

cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰmi:n] sakhlimthmîn .ceVal606", .ctal606",
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰsɪn] 'uzguthsin gSwrS0.l, gSDRS0.l,

cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰi:n] sakhlimthîn .ceVal60", .ctal60",
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰme:n] 'uzguthmên gSwrS06x, gSDRS06x,

cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰmɑjɑ] sakhlimthmaya .ceVal606c;c .ctal606c;c
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural masculine formal] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰsʊn] 'uzguthsun gSwrS0.S, gSDRS0.S,

cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰɪjɑ] sakhlimthiya .ceVal60l;c .ctal60l;c cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[ʔʊzɡʊtʰmɛnɪ] 'uzguthmeni gSwrS06z,l gSDRS06z,l
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰmi:] sakhlimthmî .ceVal606" .ctal606"
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular feminine] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰsɪ] 'uzguthsi gSwrS0.l gSDRS0.l

cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [KhLM] [sɑkʰlɪmtʰɪ] sakhlimthi .ceVal60l .ctal60l cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine disrespectful (contemptuous)]
[ʔʊzɡʊtʰme:] 'uzguthmê gSwrS06x gSDRS06x
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [KhLM] [tɑkʰlɪmtʰɪjɑn] takhlimthiyan 8ceVal60l;c, 8ctal60l;c, [ʔZG]
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person singular masculine] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰsʊ] 'uzguthsu gSwrS0.S gSDRS0.S
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [KhLM] [tɑkʰlɪmtʰi:n] takhlimthîn 8ceVal60", 8ctal60",
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural feminine] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰe:n] 'uzguthên gSwrS0x, gSDRS0x,
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [KhLM] [tɑkʰlɪmtʰɪjɑ] takhlimthiya 8ceVal60l;c 8ctal60l;c
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person plural masculine] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰoːn] 'uzguthôn gSwrS0n, gSDRS0M,
cause to gather riches [Causative Imperfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [KhLM] [tɑkʰlɪmtʰɪ] takhlimthi 8ceVal60l 8ctal60l
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular feminine] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰɑɪ] 'uzguthai gSwrS0cl gSDRS0cl
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰmɑ:] khalmathmâ eVca6c06v tca6c06v
cause to gaze at (cause to stare) [Causative Perfect Form / 3rd person singular masculine/neuter] [ʔZG] [ʔʊzɡʊtʰɑ] 'uzgutha gSwrS0c gSDRS0c
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person singular] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰmɪ] khalmathmi eVca6c06l tca6c06l
cause to gaze at (cause to stare)! [Causative Imperative Plural Form / General Imperative] [ʔZG] [ɪʔzɪɡɪtʰi:] i'zigithî lgwlrl0" lgDlRl0"
cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine disrespectful (contemptuous)] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰmɛnɪn] khalmathmenin eVca6c06z,l, tca6c06z,l,
cause to gaze at (cause to stare)! [Causative Imperative Singular Form / General Imperative] [ʔZG] [ɪʔzɪɡɪtʰ] i'zigith lgwlrl0 lgDlRl0

cause to gather riches [Causative Perfect Form / 2nd person plural feminine formal] [KhLM] [kʰɑlmɑtʰsɪn] khalmathsin eVca6c0.l, tca6c0.l, cause to gesture [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person plural] [ShMK] [mɑʃmɪktʰɪ] mashmikthi 6c%6le0l 6c%6le0l

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English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary English / Neo-Khuzdul Dictionary

cause to gesture [Causative Imperfect Form / 1st person singular] [ShMK] [ʌʃmɪktʰɪ] ashmikthi c%6le0l c%6le0l cause to get out (cause to scram) [Causative Perfect Form / 1st person plural] [YM] [jʊmʊtʰmɑ:] yumuthmâ ;S6S06v ;S6S06v

cause to get out (cause to

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