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Department of Energy

Energy efficiency in the industry

Seminar report

Porte des postes interchange hub - city Lille

Academy year 2017/2018

Doc. Dr. Džana Kadrić Ime i prezime Br. indeksa

Sarajevo 03.09.2018 Ajša Hadžić 741/15463

Table des matières
Introduction note ................................................................................................................................... 3
I. Analysis of present state ................................................................................................................ 5
a. Walking ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Analytical accessibility grid .................................................................................................................... 5
Results of the questionnaire .................................................................................................................. 5
Similar case : Gare of Strasbourg ........................................................................................................... 8
Comparative study with Place de Republique ....................................................................................... 9
Comparative study with Place des Buisses ........................................................................................... 10

b. Cycling ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Analytical accessibility grid ................................................................................................................... 11
Results of the questionnaire ................................................................................................................. 12
Similar cases (Gare of Strasbourg) ........................................................................................................ 16
Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses ................................................................. 17

c. Cars ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Analytical accessibility grid ................................................................................................................... 18
Results of the questionnaire ................................................................................................................. 19
Similar cases .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses ................................................................. 22

d. Bus ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Analytical accessibility grid ................................................................................................................... 23
Results of the questionnaire ................................................................................................................. 24
Similar cases .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses ................................................................. 28

e. Subway ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Analytical accessibility grid ................................................................................................................... 29
Results of the questionnaire ................................................................................................................. 29
Similar cases .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses ................................................................. 32

II. Definition of short and long term stakes concerning .................................................................... 33

a. Walking ...................................................................................................................................... 33
SWOT .................................................................................................................................................... 33
Explanations .......................................................................................................................................... 33

b. Cycling ....................................................................................................................................... 34
SWOT .................................................................................................................................................... 34
Explanations .......................................................................................................................................... 34
c. Cars .......................................................................................................................... 35
SWOT .................................................................................................................................................... 35
Explanations .......................................................................................................................................... 35

d. Bus ............................................................................................................................................. 36
SWOT .................................................................................................................................................... 36
Explanations: ......................................................................................................................................... 36

e. Subway ...................................................................................................................................... 38
SWOT .................................................................................................................................................... 38
Explanations .......................................................................................................................................... 38

III. Programme and urban design plan : Walking ........................................................................... 39

a. Walking bridge or tunnel ........................................................................................................... 39
b. Elevators .................................................................................................................................... 41
c. Signalisation .............................................................................................................................. 42
d. Ticket machines ......................................................................................................................... 42
e. Urban design plan ..................................................................................................................... 44
IV. Bibliography............................................................................................................................... 45

Introduction note

The former bulwark Porte des Postes is a symbol of the lilloise expansion to the
neighborhood of Wazemmes, Moulins or Esquermes. It has been completely destroyed in
1930 after the bulwar were entirely destroyed.

Nowadays, the roundabout located in Portes des Postes is a major hub for the Traffic of
lille, Porte des Postes street, Metz boulevard as well as Faubourg des postes street meet
on this crossroads bringing many people from all around Lille together. Porte des Postes
also has a entrance ramp for the Highway A25 and is one of the most used exit from the
Lille outskirts.

The roundabout is a major concern for management of the lilloise metropolis. It is a true
multimodal hub, in addition of the boulevards or the highway and the outskirt, there are
several bus lines and the two subaway of Lille Gather in Porte des postes and the place is one
if the only two places where both of the subway gather.

Thus, the flow of people taking cars, bikes or busses is extremely dense. Moreover with the
project to build a TER and the Lillenium project this flux will exponentially grow in the years
to come because the final goal is to make Porte des Postes a new attractive entry in the city
for people coming by trains. It could be hard for bicycles and pedestrians to find a place in
this crowded, noisy and highly polluted area. We can wonder how it is possible to decongest
Portes des Postes and greatly improve this multimodality?

Indeed, the current state of the traffic is not really optimum, there are too much traffic jam
too often and the roundabout can be long to cross which is a source of annoyment for
pedestrians. Moreover, the bus stations are located on the roundabout which ca sometimes
make them badly interfere with cars by blocking them, making them a potential danger for
the circulation by hiding the visibility of cars and ooching the entrance and outlets of the cars.
To solve this question we will analyse each means of transport in Porte des Postes as well as
all the existing services, then we will compare these outputs with the railway station of
Strasbourg, the place of république and buisses in Lille to see what can be done to minimize
the issues created in Porte des Postes and how this solution could be implemented in our

Later, we will study how this solutions ay evolve with the SWOT analysis method by
identifying the different needs according to the different means of transport. Finally we will
especially study the issues for walking people considering the problem of the intermodality.

I. Analysis of present state

a. Walking
Analytical accessibility grid

At table below accessibility grid for walkers is shown. To Porte des Postes is possible to come
from Boulevard de Metz, Boulevard de Strasbourg, Boulevard Victor Hugo, Boulevard
Montebello, Rue des Postes and Rue du faubourd des Postes. Crossing the street is one of
important aspects for walkers and there is zebra at the beginning of every way, but no
signalization by color or a sound for walkers which can lead to difficulties while crossing the

Results of the questionnaire

Similar case : Gare of Strasbourg

We choose Gare du Strasbourg as referent case for improvement of our case. Gare du
Strasbourg is modern, good accessible, well lighted hub. Also with green area pleasant for
walking around. To entrance it’s easy to come since traffic is regulated by light signalization.

Comparative study with Place de Republique

From satelite view we see the difference between Place de la République and Porte des
Postes. Even the drivers drive much faster here, because it's close to highway there is no light
signalization so that is one of the the first problem to solve.

Comparative study with Place des Buisses

Modern view of Euralille makes walking around Place de Buisses more pleasant and safer
than Porte des Postes.

Blvrd de Metz Blvrd de Strasbourg Rue des Postes Blvrd Victor Hugo Blvrd Montebello Rue du faubourd des Postes Highway Roundabout

Cyclable roads only at the end of the road yes no yes yes yes no yes
Physically seperated from the cars way no no no no no no no yes
Physically separated from the walker way yes yes x yes yes yes x no
State of the Cyclable roads good good x good good good x good
yes (beige), not on all
Signalisation by colour no colour no x yes (green) yes (green) at the begenning x
the circle

accessibilityAnalytical grid
Signalisation by sign yes (only one side) yes x yes yes at the begenning x yes, same
Integrity car on it sometimes good x good good people walk on it x people walk on it

Cyclable Parking Good Bad Why

Presence of the V'lille station 1
Location of the V'Lille station red x next to a high school
Easy to access x by feet
at the other side of the
Car Park x
Busses Stations depends on the bus station

Subway x
High School x
Shops x
everyone know a V'lille station,
Easy to recognise x
but lack of a pannel
Car Park x
we do not know which exit is the
Signalisation Subway x
one to take
Busses Station depends of the bus station

Number or cycle parking 1

on the side of the centre of the
Location beige x
Disponibility x good on a workday
Easy to access x
Car Park x at the other side
Subway x
Proximity Busses Station depends on the bus station
High School x
Shops x
Easy to recognise x no signalisation
Car Park x hide by the busses
we do not know which exit is the
Signalisation Subway x
one to take
Busses Station x depends on the bus station

Presence of a secure cycle parking 1

Disponibility x Full most of the day
Location x closer to cars than busses
Car Park x
Subway x quite far from the exit
Proximity Busses Station x far
High School x at the other side
Shops x at the other side
Easy to recognise x lack of a great signalisation
Car Park x
Signalisation Subway x we do not now which exit to take

Busses Station x lack of a great signalisation


Results of the questionnaire


Similar cases (Gare of Strasbourg)

Porte des Postes Place de la Gare :Strasbourg

Cyclable Station 1 1
Secure cycle park 1 0
Cycle park 1 6
Cyclable ways (nbr/road) 6 on 7 3 on 5
On the road 5 on 6 1 on 3
Cyclable ways On the walk way 1 on 6 0
Secure 0 2 on 3
Subway / Tram cyclable park close
Bus Station close close
entry to the car park and bicyle

Proximity Car Park secure park

Shops yclable park + V'lill cyclable park
Railway station none close
Location of the Cyclable Station on a side in front of the Gare
Location of the Cyclable Park on a side everywhere

The area of the Gare of Strasbourg is a very well organized interchange area : there is plenty of
big cycle parks everywhere. There are some in front of the railway station, next to parking
entrance, bus stations and tram station. There is cyclable ways located in the middle of the
streets, next to car park, but is a better security than in Porte des Postes where they are really
on the street.

Strasbourg is a French city well know about it bicycle policy and they are taken in example
by all French cities.
Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses
Porte des Postes Place des Buisses Republique
V'Lille Station 1 1 1
Secure cycle park 1 0 0
Cycle park 1 5 4
Cyclable ways (nbr/road) 6 on 7 5 on 6 7 on 10
On the road 5 on 6 5 on 5 7 on 7
Cyclable ways
On the walk way 1 on 6 0 0
Secure cyclable way none none none
Subway cyclable park close close
Bus Station close close close
Proximity Car Park secure park far far
Shops cyclable park + V'lille cyclable park close
Railway station none close none
Location of the V'Lille Station on a side at the middle at the shop side
Location of the Cyclable Park on a side everywhere at two sides

The Place de la Republique and the Place des Buisses near the railway station of Lille-
Flandres are two other important interchange hub in the city of Lille.

Place des Buisses has the most areas to park a bicycle. It gives us an example on how what
we in order to improve the bicycle service with the multiplication of the bicycle park and
the location of them and of the V’lille station.

c. Cars
Analytical accessibility grid

Here are all the streets that have an access on the roundabout, all are crossed by
crosswalks and cycle tracks, most of them have bumper to slow down cars. The traffic is
very heavy on the roundabout, specially at the rush hours, where all the streets around
are saturated. This can be understandable because the roundabout is a converging point
off big avenues, very useful in Lille.

Rush hour vs Off-peak hour

Results of the questionnaire


In order :

• Rue des postes

• Boulevard Victor Hugo
• Boulevard de Montebello
• Boulevard de Strasbourg
• Rue du Faubourg des postes
• Ways in and out of the A25



Similar cases
If we compare with Strasbourg railway station arounds, which is a big multimodal hub,
traffic congestion is also important, little streets can be used to decongest the access of the
railway, but are ineffective because unused. No particular actions have been made to
improve the using of cars near the railway because it is not on the city policy.

Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses

At Republique, the "Boulevard de la liberté" has been transformed, now you can use it in
both sides, which have highly impacted the trafic of the arounds, improving it a way better.
At place des Buisses, the stake was more about reducing the car flow, which is a success too.

Cities policy nowadays are more about reducing the usage of car, so all the actions taken are
not centered on how to fluidize the car traffic but more on how to minimize the usage of
car, which can be also seen in Paris, where all the big avenues are restructured to improve
the cycling.

d. Bus

Analytical accessibility grid

Bus Direction Frenquency Disabled acces Waiting Time Bench Sheltered Destination Location Implantation
CIT1 yes yes yes yes Bd de Metz Nothing
Citadine de Lille 20min
CIT2 yes yes yes yes Bd Victor Hugo Nothing
11 FACHES Église / VENDEVILLE Hameau de L’Europe 30min yes yes yes South Bd Montebello Nothing
52 SECLIN Centre Hospitalier 15min yes yes yes South Rue des Postes Nothing
54 PÉRENCHIES Europe 15min yes North-West Bd de Metz Nothing
55 SECLIN Le Riez / TEMPLEMARS Parc d’Activités 15min yes yes yes South-East Bd Metz avancée
110 MERVILLE every 2 hours yes no no West Bd de Metz avancée

Results of the questionnaire

Similar cases

Let's compare Porte des Postes with the railway station of Strasbourg.

Pte Des Strassbourg

Bus Station 7 2
sheltered Bus yes yes
Displaid Time mostly yes
Avg Waiting 20min 12min

Because of the numerous tramway near Strasbourg railway station, there are only 2
available busses. However, the public transport to go to the railway station are very
efficient and the recent renovation of the railway station allows every means of transport
to greatly interact.

Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses

Pte Des Republique Flandre

Postes s
Bus Station 7 9 17
sheltered Bus yes yes yes
Displaid Time mostly no mostly
Avg Waiting 20min 15min 15min

e. Subway

Analytical accessibility grid

Blvrd de Metz Boulevard de Strasbourg Boulevard Victor Hugo Boulevard Montebello Rue des Postes Rue du faubourd des Postes

Elevator for disabled people yes yes no no no no

Visible entrance to subway yes yes yes yes yes yes
Crossing the street zebra zebra zebra zebra zebra zebra
Signalisation by sign no yes yes yes yes yes

Results of the questionnaire

For this question there was a mistake on the survey.

Similar cases

Satellite view Elipse Circle

Center Modern Not that pleasant
Green area At the entrance In the middle
Place to shop Yes No

We choose Gare du Strasbourg as referent case for improvement of our case. Gare du
Strasbourg is modern, good accessible, well lighted hub. Entrance to the metro station is
easy and it is regulated by light signalisation. Also Gare du Strasbourg offers more places for
shopping and food.

Comparative study with Republique and Place des Buisses

Porte de Postes place de Republique Place des Buisses

Satelite view Circle Rectangle Triangle
V'Lille station 1 1 1

Elevator for yes yes yes

the disabled
Location Not that pleasant Very beautiful Modern
Connected yes no yes
with both
metro lines
Railway no no close
Metro station yes yes yes
easily noticed

From the satelite view we can see the diferences between the location of Porte de Postes metro station
and place de Republique and Place de Buisses. Second and third are placed in more urban parts of Lille
and offer more activites . Benefit of the Porte de Postes is that is connected with both metro lines while
place de Republique is not.

II. Definition of short and long term stakes concerning

For those parts we will diffenciate :

- The accessibility (A)
- The quality of services (Q)
- The insertion in its urban environment (I)

a. Walking


Sign signalization and zebra for crossing (A) No light or sound signalization (A)

Good condition of pedestrians (Q) No way out to future commercial (I)

Adequate bike lanes, physically separated (Q) No place to sit, small green area (I)

Bridge improvements (A) Organizing traffic during building and
3D zebra, people being able to turn on green renovation (Q)
lights (A)

Commercial centre, modern look (I)


This is SWOT analyze for walking if we take in account accessibility, services and insertion. As
we can see weakness gave us inspiration for new opportunities such as building a bridge,
commercial center and improving crossing the street. As this place is connection to a many
ways before starting the building and renovation traffic has to be well planned in order not to
make crowds.

b. Cycling


Cyclable way all around the roundabout (A) Cyclable ways are not secure (Q)
Cycle park (A)
V’Lille station (A) Only 1 V’lille station not well located : at one
side of the roundabout (A + Q)
Cyclable ways on almost every entry ways (I)
Only a few cycle park at one side of the
Cycle way is marqued (Q) roundabout (A + Q)
Secure cycle park (Q)

There is room to expand the secure cycle park People and cars on the different cyclable ways
(Q) (A)

Secured cyclable ways (I + Q) Safety of user is threaten by cars (Q)

There is room for multiplying the cycle parks

and V’Lille station everywhere around the
roundabout (I)


As we saw previously with the help of the Analysis grid and the survey, we saw that thee
accessibility of the site is granted by the presence of V’Lille station, secure bicycle park and
other cycle park. But the fact is that there is not enough of them, or they are not very well
located in the area.
The conditions of the many cyclable ways could be improved in the way of security.

c. Cars


Bumpers (I) Polluting (Q)
Parking (A) Noisy (Q)
Can have accidents(Q)
Hard to engage in (A)

Car sharing place (I+A) City policy (I)


The big default of the round-about is the bus stopping, that impact on users visibility and
can be dangerous because it can cut conduct lines for cars.

Also, the well-being of car traffic is linked with the city policy, which can decide if they
want to reduce the usage of car or not.


d. Bus


Disabled access (Q) Long waiting time (Q)
Cost advantages (Q) No selling point outside (Q)
Displayed time (Q)
Benches (Q) It can be long to reach the bus station because
Sheltered station (Q) of the roundabout (A)

Lots of bus station (A) Hard for the busses to re-engage on the
Easily noticed (A) roads (I)
Location of bus station can block the cars
Good visibility of the busses station (I) (I)
Easier the installation for disabled people (Q) Works have to be well planned so that the
Easier the purchase of tickets (Q) circulation of cars, bus is still possible during
the works (A)
Make the accessibility for the bus easier and
quicker (A)

Enhance the insertion of the busses in the

traffic (I)

Quality of services

The current quality of services in Porte des Postes is satisfying; there are lots of bus station
that are well equipped and that give much information on the waiting time, the direction
and more. However, the busses come every 20 minutes, for people that may use the bus to
commit to work it is too long and not enough fluid. At last, an installation to sell ticket could
be great to make people save time and money. Currently, to buy ticket one should go either
on the busses where tickets are nearly twice the price or in a subway station which takes a
lot of time because Porte des Postes is big and crowded.


Like for the quality of services it should be noticed the numerous bus station, these stations
are also very visible especially for the line 11, 52 and CIT2 which are located in the middle of
the streets. However, it can be difficult for disabled people to access the station, because
Porte des Postes is a crowded environment with a huge roundabout on the center, it can take
much time to access some stations and can discouraged people to use this service.

Effective solutions could really turn Portes des Postes from a crowded and messy place to a
more fluid environment where the different means of transport do not badly interfere and
have enough place.

The master of work should pay attention to the organization of the works. Because Porte des
Postes gather lots of public transport, people and cars, if works take too long or are not well
planned it will turn Porte des Postes a no-go zone in term of accessibility and future
equipment or services would take lots of time to be used.


The bus stations are well inserted in Porte des Postes, stations are easily noticeable and do
not block the cars circulation. However, if stations themselves do not interfere with traffic
and are easily accessible for pedestrians, bus can really block the arrival of car or at least make
the traffic slower. When busses go on after they stop on a station they badly interfere with
cars making the traffic slower. So, enhance the insertion of the busses could both easier he
car traffic and speed up the busses.

e. Subway


Disabled Access (A) No time schedule for the next metro (Q)
Elevator for disabled People (A)

Cost advantages (Q)

Easily noticed (I)

Connected with 4 metro stations (I)

Easier the installation for disabled people (A) Work has to be well planned so that people
have normal access to the metro (A)
Modern look (Q)


This is SWOT analyze for subway if we take in account accessibility, services and insertion.
Porte de postes metro station is only connection point between the two metro lines and four
metro stations. As we can see metro station is already accessible to the disabled people, but
adding two more elevators will make it more efficient and give more modern look. Important
thing is that all work has to be done in order that people have normal access to the metro, so
that they are not late for work, school,etc.

III. Programme and urban design plan : Walking

In this part we will focus on how we can improve the walkability and the accessibility in
the Porte des Post hub.

We do the programme in a form of a Gantt planning and we ad the estimated general

budget and the actors we supposed.

a. Walking bridge or tunnel

One of the solution could be the reduction of the traffic in order to give more walkable space
to the people like in the case of Strasbourg.

But we are in an interchange hub which connect the city to an important highway. So that
we did not wanted to reduce the speed of a traffic that is already important.

That is why we chose to make a system of a walkable bridge or a tunnel which can connect
two sides of the roundabout. We found it right to try to connect the side of the car park to
the other side. Maybe people who come from the highway will park their car and cross the
area to take a bike, shopping or even the school.

In another way, when you come from rue des Postes wanting to go to the future commercial
zone you must go on the opposite. Because Porte des Postes gather lots of people, cars,
busses and more it can be annoying to go all the way. An easy solution could be to create a
bridge, above or under, the roundabout.

Moreover, the well of lights of the subway station does not fit the landscape and this bridge
could create new possibilities in term of architecture and could make Porte des Postes a
more attractive place.

In the next photos it is shown the look of the future tunnel, that will help people to go from
one side of the „Porte de Postes“ to another.

b. Elevators

We wanted to increase the accessibility for disable people, with implementing more
elevators to go underground. There is already 2 or 3 of them, but like the people on the
survey we made, we are trying to make an effort in favor of this population in order to
increase their capacity to use the hub easily.

c. Signalisation

The part of signalization comport 3 specific improvements:

- The transformation of the classic zebras into 3D zebras : this is a way to reduce car
speed and increase the safety of walkers
- Switch the walkable and the cyclable area. When people walk they are used to take
the shortest path. With the switch of the walk way and the cyclable way we hope
that they will be more respected.
- Ad visual and big signalization panel next to the different transport solutions. We
saw previously that people can feel lost in this important area and it will be a way
to help them and to make them gain some time

d. Ticket machines

Currently, buying tickets is possible in subway stations, in the busses or in point of sales.

However, buying bus ticket directly in the bus cost barely twice the price than buying them
in the subway station, going down in the subway is long and not obviously easy and there
is not always a point of sales near and opened.

In Republique beaux arts as well as in Lille Flandres, there simply are some automates to
buy bus ticket, making them cheaper and making it easier for bus driver that must take
care of the clients.

e. Urban design plan

Legend: 3D zebras, Lightandsoundsignalisation elevator , bench

IV. Bibliography
All the files I used in bibliography was the given documents.


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