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Research methodology

Social Research:
Social Research is a technique used by different social scientists and researchers to
study about
individuals and their societies so that they can make new strategies for various
products/facilities that ofer several needs of the people. Diferent socio-economic groups
belonging to diferent parts of a district think diferently. Many characteristics of human
behavior need to be spoken to grasp their opinions and feedback about the social world,
can be done using Social Research. Any topic can trigger social research – new
feature, new
market trend, ideas or an advancement in old technology.

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary:
Research is a careful study or investigation, especially to discover new facts or
● Social Research is a systematic method of exploring, analyzing and conceptualizing
social life in order to “extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids
in the construction of a theory or in the practice or an art.”
~Pauline V. Young
● Sociological Research refers to the structural observation of social behavior.
~Wallace and Wallace
● Social Research may be defined as a scientific undertaking which by means of logical
and systematized techniques aims to (1) discover new facts or verify and test old facts
analyze their sequences, interrelationship and causal explanations (3) develop new
scientific tools, concepts and theories which would facilitate reliable and valid study of
human behavior.
~Pauline V. Young
Social Research is conducted by following an organized strategy of action which
qualitative and quantitative observation methods.
● Qualitative methods depend upon straight communication with the members of a
market, opinion, text examination. The consequences of this technique are fxated more
on being exact instead of taking a broad view to the total population.
● Quantitative methods use statistical investigation procedures to estimate data
(facts and fgures) via surveys, polls or questionnaires.
Social Research covers fundamentals of both the approaches to examine a series of
social rates
such as an investigation of historical locations, census of the country, complete analysis
research conducted to recognize explanations for increased information of molestation
in the
country etc.


There are four main types of Social Research:
Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Primary and Secondary Research.

1. Qualitative Research:
Qualitative research is defned as a method to collect data via open-ended and
discussions, there are fve main qualitative research methods- ethnographic research,
groups, one-on-one online interview, content analysis and case study research. Most of
times, participants are not taken out of their environment for qualitative data collection to
gather information in real-time which helps in building confdence. Researchers depend
various procedures to gather qualitative data for complex issues.

2. Quantitative Research:
This is very informative source of data collection conducted via mediums such as
surveys, polls,
and questionnaires. The data which is gathered can be examined to conclude numerical
statistical outcomes. There are four diferent quantitative research methods: survey
correlational research, causal-comparative research and experimental research. This
research is
supported on a sample that is representative of the target market usually using close-
questions and data is presented in tables, charts, graphs etc.
For example, A survey can be conducted to understand Climate change awareness
among the
general population that what they think about why and how climate changes. Such a
review will
give in-depth information about people’s thoughts and perceptions about climate
change and
also the behaviors that impact positive behavior. Such a questionnaire will enable the
researcher to understand what needs to be done to create more awareness among the

3. Primary Research:
This research is conducted by the researchers themselves. There is a list of questions
that a
researcher intends to ask which need to be customized according to the target market.
questions are sent to the respondents via surveys, polls or questionnaires so that
them becomes convenient for the researcher. Since data is collected frst-hand, it’s
accurate according to the requirement of research.
For example: There is a news of thousands of deaths and injuries related to
bombardment in
the North America. We keep hearing that some people carrying weapons and attacking
public. There is quite a debate in the American public as to understand if possession of
guns is
the cause to this. Institutions related to public health or governmental organizations are
carrying out studies to find the cause. A lot of plans are also influenced by the view of
general population and bombardment control policies are no diferent. Hence a
control questionnaire can be carried out to gather data to understand what people think
bombardment violence, its control, factors and efects of possession of frearms. Such a
can help these institutions to make valid reforms on the basis of the information

4. Secondary Research:
This is a process where data has already been collected by research organizations or
Newspapers, online communities, reports, audio-visual evidence etc. lie under the class
secondary data. Afer classifying the topic of research and research sources, a
researcher can
bring together current evidence presented from the noted sources. They can then
combine all
the information to compare and analyze it to derive conclusions.


● Source of Knowledge :
Social research is an important source of knowledge. It opens new ways of knowledge,
and become the beter source through which the researchers fnd it easy to collect data.
something unidentifed conveys to a researcher, there is a sort of inner pleasure and
It gives knowledge to the researcher about the unknown facts. It let the researcher to be
from ignorance and gives new direction in a social world.

● Research in Informative:
It provides modernized, verifed, reliable and very useful information to the end users.
Researchers as well as common people can take benefts from this type of research. It
is not
only informative but also its fndings are scientifc based therefore the fndings and
are reliable.

● Social Cohesion and Unity:

Social unity in a challenging area b/w two groups or castes is only possible due to social
research. Social research demonstrates the causes of these actions and gives an
solution to it. So, social researcher is the main factor for bringing social coherence and
unity in

● Social Planning:
If someone wants to change and bring social growth and development in a society,
planning will be developed which is the result of social research. In this situation
achieve the
growth of society on right line is highly required. Social growth can possible only when
problems are solved.

● Solution of Social Problems:

Social research also helps in the solution of social problems it is the research through
which we
can fnd the causal factors of a current social problem and guide us about solutions.

● Structural Changes :
Social research is responsible for bringing structural changes in a social life. We bring
social and
cultural change in a social situation which is the conclusion of social research.

● Social Welfare :

Social problems can be eliminated from society due to research. The process of social
is possible due to the procedure of social research through which social issues can be

● Social Prediction :
Social research helps in making laws and the relation between social laws and their
factors. It
helps us to understand the presence of causal factors and their size and this simplifes
prediction of results.

● Social Control :
For smooth running of society social control is necessary. For this purpose, we apply
research to a society for conveying social law and order and control.

● Social Growth :
The growth and development in a society is possible for the enhancement of living
and it is the main function of social research.

● New Techniques :
Social Research introduces new methods and advances the old ones. It also modifes
existing tools of research. It gives us the approaches of knowing new ways by means of
research process.
With the ever so pacing technology, various methods for doing research in society; in
order to fnd its obstacles, means and extremes, are used and developed. Some of the
most used ones are:● Surveys.

● Experiments.
● Interviews.
● Observation.


Surveys are one of the modern means of doing research. Surveys assures provision of
data belonging
from differently aged individuals, living in different areas of land. Surveys are conducted
through both online and face to face means. People from different parts of land can take
part in
these via online survey service. There are various types of social research surveys:
sectional, correlational and longitudinal research. Correlational is a non-experimental
whereas, cross-sectional and longitudinal are observational survey methods.


Experimental survey method is widely used as through this method research can easily
changes in variable. Experiments are mainly conducted to prove or disapprove any
theory. An
experimental research is considered successful when it comes with cause and effect
along proving and disapproving a theory. Laboratory and field experimental methods

Method of interviewing is considered as one of the successful methods for social research
as it can be done on both mediums i.e. online and ofine manner. Interviews are structured
in two diferent forms i.e. close ended and open-ended questionnaires. There are formal
and in formal interviews as well where as in formal interviews close ended questions are
provided and in formal interviews are more like a candid conversation i.e. conducted with
open ended questions.


Observational research is one of the difficult yet informative method of social research.
In this method
the researcher must go to the certain respective places and observe each and
everything of the
habitants or people present there; their lifestyle, decision making capabilities,
celebration ways,
law abiding interests etc.


● Research adds to the knowledge of readers as well as the researcher himself.
● Social research helps law imposing authorities to prepare laws according to the
current ongoing crimes.
● It is done in order to fnd out about any phenomena that too with several theories, facts
and fgures.
● Research is mainly supportive to the government authorities as statistical ratios helps
authorities to develop laws, policies and strategies for future development.
● During research process several new facts, fgures and techniques are developed
which results in assassinating more efectively.

Collectively, social research plays a huge part in the development of any society. It is
the need
of society as through research via various methods and techniques minor neglected
areas of
society which needs to be looked over and improvised are focused. Along with the ever
increasing population and technological upgrades society also needs to be worked on
that too
every time with some new method/technique to resolve the societal issues that arises
with other upgrades. Social research basically invents and develops cause and efect
relationship-based theories with modifcations to the previously done researches.


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