Signal Generation Using MatLab

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Signal Generation Using MatLab Without Using the Library Function

For a given signal

Where A=3 and To=4,

Mathematical Derivation.(show your work)

1. Write the mathematical expression

2. Write the equivalent expression for the signal in part 1 in term of Fourier series in all the
three forms i.e. trigonometric, harmonic and exponential.

Matlab Simulation

3. Use each of mathematical expressions derived in part 2 (trigonometric, harmonic and

exponential) to plot the signal with MatLab.
4. Plot the signal in part 3 with the number of harmonics 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100
respectively. Write your observation on the shape of the signal with the change in number
of harmonics.
5. Run the codes of part 4 for the time step size 0.01, 0.1, 0.5 respectively. Write your
observation and analysis on computational time.
6. Plot the line spectra of the signal and relate it with the constituent frequencies.
Report Format

1. Title page
As per HCT report format standards
Use 12 points, Time New Roman Normal fonts for the body of the report, and 14 points,
Time New Roman
Bold fonts for all section heads; and double spacing.
2. Content Page
As per HCT report format standards
3. Introduction
Mention the purpose of the project and its important to the course. Briefly sum up the
theme of the project.
4. Project Objective
Simply state the objective of this project
5. Methodology
Mention the main steps you are to use in the carrying out the projects
6. Main Body of the Report
This section comprises of the actual work carried out by the students, in the order of the
tasks required by the project. A well-documented MatLab codes Must be included with
the plots.
7. Results and Discussion
Report your work and results from steps 5. State your observation and analysis.
8. Conclusion
Present your conclusions based on your analysis.
9. References
List any materials you used.

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