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Journal o f Chemical Ecology, Vol. 10, No.

3, 1984


(Salix SPP.), AND POPLAR (Populus SPP.)


~_epartment of Animal Physiology,

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden.

(Received February 18, 1983; revised June 22, 1983)

Abstract--Isoprenoids and phenolics, major metabolites of important

browse species, are reviewed in regard to concentrations, distribution within
tissues, and between species. Seasonal variation of specific substances and
changes with age of the plant are also considered. The distribution of
substances may affect food selection and feeding behavior of animals. Wild
mammalian herbivores tend to avoid plant parts rich in these substances, in
spite of high nutritional content of the plant tissue. Possible mechanisms for
defense by plants against depredation by mammalian herbivores are
discussed within the framework of the plants' biochemistry.
Key words--Betula, Salix, Populus, isoprenoids, phenols, mammals,
herbivores, ecology, defense.


Diet selection by herbivores may be limited by the biochemical characteristics

of both plants and animals. Plants may vary in mode of defense according to
succession, growth form, browsing pressure, etc., while animals may vary in
tolerance of secondary chemicals of a specific food plant (Freeland and
Janzen, 1974; Cates and Orians, 1976; Haukioja and Hakkala, 1975;
Maiorana, 1978). It is believed that herbivores in general select their food
plants according to protein, mineral, and energy content (Lindl6f et al., 1974;
Westoby, 1974; Marten, 1978; White, 1978; Ullrey et al., 1978; Mattsson,
1980; Belovsky, 1982). Recent studies show that food selection is more or less
influenced by plant secondary chemistry (Markham, 1971; Radwan, 1972;
Swain, 1977; McKey et al., 1978; Bryant and Kuropat, 1980; Bryant, 1981;
Picman, 1982; Radwan et al., 1982).

0098-0331/84/0300-0499503.50/09 1984PlenumPublishingCorporation

Woody plants such as birch (Betula spp.), willow (Salix spp.), and
poplars (Populus spp.) are important food species for wild herbivores in
boreal forests (Cederlund et al., 1980). Herbivores which make their living on
these plants are exposed to a great number of different plant substances.
Observations on the feeding behavior of hare (Lepus spp.) and moose (Alces
alces) show that their selection within and between these plants are not solely
explained by the nutritional content (Barikmo, 1976; Pehrson, 1981 ;Bryant,
1981; Hjeljord et al., 1982).
This paper discusses the distribution and biological activity of isopren-
oids and phenolics in the birch and willow families, because these chemical
classes are by weight the main secondary substances occurring in these species.
Substances belonging to these chemical classes can potentially be involved in
the plants' self-defense against herbivores.
Many terpenoids have an ecological function in acting as attractants for
insect pollinators, while others are involved in metabolic processes in plants.
Some terpenoids serve as a chemical defense against various plant antagonists
(Banthorpe and Charlwood, 1980). Mono- and sesquiterpenes in particular
have been shown to have feeding deterrent and toxic properties to insects
(Scholl et al., 1977; Rice et al., 1978; Langenheim etal., 1980). These chemical
groups also act as browsing deterrents to several mammalian herbivores such
as deer and squirrels (Radwan, 1972; Radwan and Ellis, 1975; Schwartz et
al., 1980a, b; Farentinos et al., 1981 ; Radwan et al., 1982; Picman et al., 1982).
Phenolic compounds are widely distributed, and all plants have a char-
acteristic phenolic pattern in their tissues (Wagner, 1979). In spite of this,
phenolics as a chemical group have not been extensively studied as to their
defensive properties (Levin, 1976). Most work so far has regarded the
function of tannins, proposed as a "quantitative defense" by Feeny (1976),
because of their ability to make complexes with protein and cellulose
(Harborne, 1979; Haslam, 1979). However, their function has recently been
questioned by Zucker (1983), who discusses tannin structure in relation to
biological activity.
Much less is known about the action of free phenolics and phenolic
glycosides. Many simpler phenolics exhibit considerable biological activity.
Some have antifungal and antibacterial properties (Swain, 1977), others act
as estrogens when ingested by mammals (Shutt, 1976; Berger et al., 1977;
Labov, 1977), and many make plants unpalatable (Markham, 1971 ; Oates et
al., 1977; McKey et al., 1978).

The genus Betula

In Scandinavia this genus has four species: dwarf birch (Betula nana L.),
common birch (B. pubescens Ehrh.), mountain birch (B. tourtuosa Led), and
silver birch (B. pendula Roth.). Their size ranges from small shrubs to
PALO 50|

medium-sized trees which prefer open habitats. They are associated with plant
communities characteristic of early successional stages (Olson, 1957; Lid,
1974; LeResche et al., 1974; Wolff, 1978). B. pendula and B, pubescens grow
fairly rapidly and their foliage can, within a few years, be out of reach of most
mammalian herbivores. The former species grows in dry habitats, while the
latter prefers a more moist soil. B. pendula differs morphologically from its
relatives in the occurrence of resin glands on twigs of young individuals. B.
pubescens has hairy twigs (Lid, 1974). These morphological characteristics
correspond to B. papyrifera and B. allegheniensis, respectively, in North
America (Mitchell, 1974).
Mono- and Sesquiterpenes (C~o-C~5 Compounds). Only small amounts
of these compounds are reported. Inki and Vais~iinen (1980) measured the
isoprenoid content of birch and found in leaves of B. pendula about 0.1%
dry matter, whereas B. pubescens has about twice that level. The isoprenoids
of the former species are mainly monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes occur
less often. In B. pubescens the chief compounds are sesquiterpenes; mono-
terpenes are rare. No seasonal variation was detected in these isoprenoids
(Inki and Vaisainen, 1980).
Interestingly, the mountain birch shows high levels before leaf burst
(7.9%) and a rapid decline during leaf development to about 0.3% in late July.
The only identified monoterpene ofB. alba (= pendula) leaves so far isolated
is hydroxylinalool glucopyranoside (Tschesche et al., 1974) (Figure 1). The
biological activity and function in the plant of this and related mono- and
sesquiterpenes are not known. However, studies on other plant genera show
that these isoprenoids have high biological activity to browsing animals
(Radwan and Ellis, 1975; Schwartz et al., 1980a, b).
Di- and Triterpenes (C2o-C3o Compounds). No reports on the occur-
rence of diterpenes in birch are available. Most of the work on birch
isoprenoid compounds is conducted on the distribution of triterpenoids. In
bark the most commonly occurring triterpenes are betulin and lupeol (Figure
1) (Hejno et al., 1965; Rimpler et al., 1966). These substances occur as
glycosides, e.g., saponins in plant tissues (Grunwald, 1980). Only small
amounts of these chemicals have been detected, and a concentration of about
0.6% is found in birch bark (Rimpler et al., 1966). Related compounds that
occur in small amounts are allobetulin and/3-sitosterol (Figure 1) (Hejno et
al., 1965; Rimpler et al., 1966). The latter compound is a precursor of saponin
synthesis (Grunwatd, 1980). Mentioned triterpenes have structural similari-
ties with mammalian and insect sex hormones, suggesting potential estrogenic
activity (Harborne, 1982). They have not yet been tested on mammalian
herbivores with regard to this effect. Reichardt (1981) isolated a triterpene
idenitfied as papyriferic acid (Figure 1) from current-year shoots of B.
papyrifera ssp. humilis. He proposes this compound to be an active
component of the herbivore deterrent extract of this species.

H ~ C2H5

Sitosterot ~ OH

R1 =CH3,R 2=CH3,R 3=CH3,R4=CH3;Lupeol

R1 =H,R2=H, R3=H,R4=CH2OH: BetuZi n

H y d r o x y l i n a l o o l p y r a n o s ide • acid
( B e t u l a l b u s ide)
FIG. 1. Examples of some isoprenoid structures identified in birch (from Hejno et al.,
1965; Tschesche et al., 1977; Reichard, 198 t).

Monocyclic Phenols (C6 Compounds). Few investigations on simpler

phenolics are reported. Pawlowska (1980a) found caffeic, gallic, and chloro-
genie acids in leaves of B. pendula. The ecological function of these acids
remains to be tested. Caffeic acid is reported to have antivitamin activity
(Reese, 1979). High concentrations of chlorogenic acid are positively
correlated with the food preferrence of deer (Tucker et al., 1976). Santamore
and Vettel (1978) investigated the distribution of the phenol rhododendrin
(Figure 2) in birch and its significance to prevent attack by the bronze birch
borer (Agrilus anxius). They found no correlation between the attack and the
rhododendrin content. The concentration of the compound in bark ranges
from 0.1% to 0.3% dry weight (Klischies and Zenk, 1978).
Flavonoids and Tannins (C6C3C6)n.Buds of birch secrete a lipophilic coat
consisting of terpenoids and phenolics. Characteristic phenolic compounds
are the methyl derivatives of kaempferol, quercitin, apigenin, and naringenin
(Pawlowska, 1980a, b; Wollenweber, 1975, 1977). Methylethers and some 20
unidentified flavonoids also occur in trace amounts (Tissot and Egger, 1972;
Gibbs, 1974; Wollenweber, 1975, 1977). The flavonoids of different birch
species are listed in Table 1.
Morino (1979) studied the influence of environmental factors on the
flavonoid production of B. alba. She found that these compounds reach their
PALO 503

HO~ - ~ H 2 - C H 2 - C H - C H 3

Rhododendr in

R3 0
HO~~-C H2-CH2-O-Gly
RI=H,~ = H,R3= OH,~=H:Apigenin Hydroxyprop i ophenone
FIG. 2. Examples of major phenolicstructures found in tissues of birch species (From
Tissut and Egger, 1972; Tschesche et al., 1972; Wollenweber, 1977).

highest concentrations in young leaves, followed by a decline which parallels

leaf maturation. She also showed that stress on the plant by UV light at high
altitudes increases flavonoid production. Pawlowska (1976) noticed diurnal
variations in flavonal glycoside concentration of B. humilis, Highest concen-
trations occurred in midday. Gibbs (1974) reported the occurrence of
protocatechuic acid and syringic acids. Nowak (1966) mentioned that bark of
B. lenta, a birch species native to southern Canada, is very rich in
methylasaticylaldehydeand aromatic alcohols. This gives the bark very high
antiseptic properties.
Birch bark is reported to contain only small amounts of tannins (Rowe
and Conner, 1979). For example, B. papyrifera and B. allegheniensis contain
about 1.5% on average, according to these authors. Others have detected
seasonal variations in the tannin content. The maximum tannin content of B.
pendula bark was observed in September (5.77-6.17%) and the lowest during
winter (4.11-4.75%). Apart from seasonal dynamies, individual variability in
tannin content under the same ecological conditions was also observed
(Chernyaeva et al., 1982).
Quantitative Measurements. Few investigations have been published
regarding amounts and quantitative variations of specific compounds in
birch. However, some data exist on measurements of total phenolics.
Leaves of B. tourtuosa just emerging showed a concentration of total
phenolics of 7% dry weight. Autumn leaves (September) have a maximum of
approximately 15% (Haukioja and Niem~il~, 1976; Haukioja et al., 1978).
Palo et al. (]983b) measured total phenolies of water-acetone extracts of
twigs from B. pendula. The highest amounts were found in winter twigs (3%).
As the leaf starts to develop in the middle of May, the phenolic content of the
twigs with leaves declines rapidly to a concentration about 0.9% in late June.
No qualitative changes between free phenolic compounds seem to occur during


Flavonoid Betula
Compound pubescens B. pendula B. nana B. nigra B. ermanii

Kaempferol +b + + (+) +
3-Me (+) (+) - - (+)
7-Me + + + + +
4-Me + + + - +
3,4-Me + + (+) + +
3,7-Me - - - + -
7,4-Me + (+) + + +
Kaempferol-6-OH . . . . .
6,4-Me + + + - +
3,6,4-Me + + + - +
6,7,4-Me - - - + -
Quercetin - + - - +
7-Me (+) - - - +
3-Me + + + + +
7,3-Me + . . . . .
Apigenin + + - (-) +
7-Me + + - - -
4-Me + + + - +
7,4-Me + + - - +
Scoutellarein-6,4-Me + + + + +
Rhamnocitrin - - - (-) -
Ermanin - - - (-) -
Isorhamnetin - - - (-) -
Dachypodol - - - (-) -
Retusin - - - (-) -
Combretol - - - (-) -
Luteolin . . . . .
Myricetin - - - (-) -
7-Me . . . . +
4-Me . . . . +
7,4-Me . . . . +
Chrysin . . . . .
Galagnin . . . . .
Pinocembrin . . . .

a f r o m W o l l e n w e b e r ( 1975, 1976, 1977).

o+ m a i n c o m p o n e n t , ( + ) m i n o r part, ( - ) t r a c e a m o u n t s , - not detected.

that time (K. Sunnerheim and T. Palo, unpublished observations). Win-

ter twigs of mature growth forms of B. p u b e s c e n s in the middle of Sweden
showed a concentration of about 2% (Palo et al., 1983a).
The production of phenolies is s h o w n to be induced by herbivore attack.
Haukioja ( 1980, 1982) and Niem~il~i et al (1979) demonstrated that attack of
the autumn moth (Oporinia autumnata) on mountain birch leaves increased
PALO 505

the phenolic production of leaves up to three years after the attack. Bergstr6m
and Danell (personal communication) report, on the other hand, that B. pen-
dula responds to simulated browsing by lowering its phenolic content in shoots
produced the year after browsing. No large differences were observed for B.
pubescens. However, looking at the water-acetone-soluble fraction, the
extractable dry matter is reduced by browsing, but the phenolic content of
that fraction is increased at a level of 50% of the annual shoot browsed. The
two birches respond quite differently to browsing. B. pubescens increases its
production of phenolics while B. pendula lowers its phenolic concentration.

The Family Salicaceae

The family has only two genera in Scandinavia, Salix spp. and Populus
spp. The genus Salix consists of 44 specimens and many hybrids. They range
from low shrubs to small trees. A characteristic of most species is their rapid
growth rate. However, large variations exist in the life forms of this genus.
The sexes are separated on different plants. They are the only tree species in
Scandinavian boreal forests which are insect pollinated.
During the 1960s, intense studies were carried out on the distribution and
identification of phenolic glycosides of the family. Phenolics are so far the
only chemical class of secondary substances reported to occur within the
family. Quantitative amounts and types of phenolics in European species were
investigated by Thieme (1964a-c, 1965a-d, 1967, 1971) and Thieme and
Benecke (1967, 1969a,b, 1970, 1971) and in North American species by Pearl
and Darling ( 1967, 1968a-c, 1970, 1971). Analytical methods are described by
Steele and Bolan (1969, 1972).
Distribution o f Phenolic Glycosides in Different Tissues o f Salix spp.
Table 2 gives a summary of phenolic glycosides in bark and leaves of different
species as reported by Thieme and coworkers. The characteristic chemical
marker of the whole family is salicin (Figure 3). This component is found in the
bark of all species in the family, but often in small amounts and never as the
main glycoside (Thieme, 1965a-d; Jaggi and Haslam, t969). Some of the
glycosides have herbivore-deterrent properties. Markham (1971) observed
that some species of Salix spp. exhibited a strong natural resistance to attack
by opossum (Didelphis sp.). It was established that high levels of salicin
derivatives are correlated with both high relative bitterness and unpalatability
to opossum.
Another characteristic compound is salicortin in bark (Figure 3)
(Dytkowska, 1967). This substance is present in all species but S. cinerea, S.
fragilis and S. triandra (Thieme, 1965a-d).
In bark of S. caprea, S. cinerea, and S. viminalis the main substances are
picein and triandrin. They occur in quantity in several other Salix species but
are not the main substances. Bark generally shows higher phenolic concentra-

Glycoside h

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total (%)

Salix alba Bark + 2+ . . . . (+) + . . . . . . 2.7

Leaf No phenolic glycosides
S. aurita Bark + + - - - + - - - (+) - 0.7
Leaf No phenolic glycosides
S. caprea Bark + (+) . . . . . 4+ -- 2+ - - - 4.2
Leaf No phenolic glycosides
S. cinerea Bark + . . . . 2+ - 2+ - - + - - 3.3
Leaf No phenolic glycosides
S. fragilis Bark + . . . . . + + - + - - 4.9
Leaf + 2+ . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9
S. myrsinfolia Bark + + - - 4+ 2+ . . . . . . . 6.9
Leaf 3+ 3+ . . . . . . . . . . 5.8
S. pentandra Bark + + - - + + . . . . 2.5
Leaf 2+ 2+ . . . . . . . . . 2.8 O
S. purpurea Bark 2+ 5+ 2+ - - (+) . . . . . . 11.1
Leaf 3+ 3+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5
S. repens Bark + 3+ 2+ - - (+) . . . . . . . 4.8
Leaf 3+ 3+ . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.4
S. lriandra Bark (+) (+) 2+ . . . . (+) 4- . . . . . 1.6
Leaf - - + . . . . . . . . 0.2
S. viminatis Bark (+) (+) - - 54- - - (+) - 6~8
Leaf No phenolic glycosides

~ F r o m T h i e m e ( 1 9 6 5 a - c , 1971 ).
I . s a l i c i n , 2. s a l i c o r t i n , 3. s a l i r e p o s i d e , 4. t r e m u l a c i n , 6. p i c e i n , 7. g r a n d i d e n t a n i n , 8. t r i a n d r i n , 9. t r e m u l o i d i n , 10. f r a g i l i n , 11. t r i c h o c a r p i n ,
12. v i m a t i n , 13. n i g r a c i n , 14. i s o l a r i c i r e s i n o g l y c o s i d e , 15. k a f f e i c a c i d g l y c o s i d e , 16. l-p-coumarylglycoside.
'(+) < 0.1%, + = 0.1-1%~2+= 1-2%, 3+= 2-4%, 4+= 4-6%, 5+ = 6%.
PALO 507

cH2ORI' I -~~
O-C .......
, - o H
H -~-OH I I HO- - H
HO-C-H 0 0 H-~-OH
' 1 I HO-~- ' H
CH20H CH20-
Ri =H:Sal i c i n Sal i repos i de
R1= -C// \~>:Salicori:in


0 ~ 0 ~ _ .OH

I sosal i purpos i d e F ~ O H
l tJ

OH 0
R1=OH,R2=H,R3=H :Luteolin
RI=OMe,R2=H,R3=OH : Isorhamnet in
FIG. 3. Structural formulas for some phenolic constituents in Salix and Populus
species (From Thieme, 1967; Thieme and Benecke, 1971; Harborne, 1979).

tion and higher glycoside diversity than leaves (Table 2). Many species do not
have any phenolic glycosides in the leaves. In leaves where glycosides occur,
salicin and salicortin are most common. In S. triandra these two are replaced
by the u n c o m m o n glycoside salidroside (Thieme, 1965).
Differences between Sexes in Phenolic Production. The chemistry of
Salix is made more complex by the fact that female and male plants are
different individuals. This is shown in the different chemistry of the two sexes

(Thieme, 1965c). Table 3 gives the characteristic glycosides in bark of

different sexes.
Generally female plants show higher concentrations of phenolic glyco-
sides in bark than males, and only S. alba shows the reverse. The largest
difference in concentration is observed in S. caprea, whose females have
almost twice the male level. In S. purpurea and S. triandra about equal
amounts occur in the two sexes.
The leaves of female plants also generally have higher amounts of
glycosides than males. The quantities range from 0.15 and 0.23% (male and
female) in S. triandra to 6.39 and 7.48% in S. repens. The only tissue in which
the female plant has lower amounts of phenolics is in the reproductive organs
(Thieme, 1965c).
Flavonoids and tannins o f Salix. All species show the presence of fla-
vonol glycosides, e.g., quercetin derivatives (Jaggi and Haslam, 1969; Thieme,
1969; Zucker, 1982).
Jarrett and Williams (1967) described differing flavonoid patterns in
bark compared to leaves in S. purpurea. In young bark the flavonoid
isosalipurposide predominates, while in older bark naringenin is predominant
(Figure 3). Leaves show a different flavonoid pattern and luteolin dominates
together with small amounts of eriodyctiol-7-gly. Kompantsev and Gaidash
(1980) report that the flavonoid fraction of S. alba x babylonica leaves
amounts to 3.5% of dry weight. The dominating compounds were luteolin and
isorhamnetin (Figure 3).
Vinkurov (1979) isolated pyrocatechol, naringenin, and chalconarin-
genin from bark of S. rubra and S. acutifolia.
Salix species contain high amounts of leucoanthocyanidins (cyanidin
and delphinidin) as well as catechin and gallocatechin (Jaggi and Haslam,
1969; Binns et al., 1968). There are conflicting reports on the occurrence of
anthocyanidins in S. triandra. Jaggi and Haslam (1969) say that no such
compounds occur in this species, while Bridle et al. (1970) report their
presence. In view of the large differences in chemistry with age and sex of the
genus, perhaps their plant material is not comparable.
Distribution o f Phenolic Glycosides within Populus spp. Most Populus
species are fairly large, rapidly growing trees. About 30 species are common
in the northern temperate zone. Populus tremula is the only representative of
this genus native to boreal forests in Scandinavia. Several related species in
North America have a fairly large distribution (Mitchell, 1974). A common
characteristic of the genus is the rapid dispersal by root suckers and a high
regrowth capacity after browsing (Wolff, 1978).
The genus is chemically characterized by the occurrence of the phenolic
glycosides salireposide and tremulacin (Figure 3). These two substances are
only lacking in P. nigra bark (Kinsley and Pearl, 1967; Pearl and Darling,



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total (%)

S. alba d + 2+ . . . . (+) + . . . . . 2.71

+ . . . . (+) + . . . . . 1.66
9 +
_ m

S. caprea d + (+) . . . . . 3+ . . . . . . 2.24

9 + (+) . . . . . 4+ . . . . . 4.28
_ m

S. cinerea d + (+) - - - 2+ - + - - - + - 2.74

w m

9 + (+) - - - 2+ - 2+ - - - + -- 3.33
S. p u r p u r e a o d 2+ 5+ 2+ - - - + . . . . . . 11.17
9 2+ 5+ 2+ - - - + . . . . . . . t1.I3
_ m

s, repens d + 3+ 2+ - - - (+) . . . . . . 3.91

9 + 3+ 2+ - - - (+) . . . . . . . 4.80
S, triandra d (+) - (+) 2+ - - {+) + . . . . . 1.68
* (+) - (+) + (+) 2+ . . . . . 1.53

, From Thmme (1965c).
For concentrations and compounds see T a b l e 2.


1968a-c, 1971; Thieme and Benecke, 1970). However, salireposide is also

found in Salix species, but so far only in S. purpurea and S. repens (Thieme,
1967, 1969). As opposed to Salix spp. there are no glycosides, triandrins,
vimalins, or salidrosides in the bark of Populus (Thieme, 1967) (Table 4).
Differences in phenolic production among tissues and even within the
same tissue are reported. Pearl and Darling (1968b) inform us that the nature
of individual chemical components varies far more in twig bark than in trunk
bark. In general, the twig bark has a much richer concentration of
components but a narrower spectrum of substances than trunk bark. As an
example, the concentration oftrichoearpin in twig bark of P. balsam~era was
twice as high as in trunk bark, while salicin content was seven times as great in
the twig bark (Pearl and Darling, 1968b).
Zucker (1982) reports that individual leaves of P. angustifolia do not
have the same concentration of phenolics. He studied the infestation of a
leaf-galling insect and showed it colonized the largest leaves with the lowest
phenol concentration. He reported that the characteristic glycosides of the
genus also occur in this species.
Klimzak et al. (1972) investigated the free phenolic acids in P. tremula.
They found chlorogenic acid in bark and chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic, and
p-coumaric acids were present in buds.
Flavonoids and Tannins ofPopulus spp. Buds of Populus secrete an oil
containing the flavonols chrysin, galagnin, pinocembrin, and quercetin
derivatives (Figure 3 and Table 5). Most flavanones and flavonols are
methylated (Thieme, 1969; Wollenweber, 1975b; Thamas et al., 1979).
Methylation makes the molecule more lipophilic (Harborne, 1979, 1980).
Thamas et al. (1979) found 19 spots of unidentified flavonoids on thin-layer
chromatography of P. tremuloides buds. He also reported that the concentra-
tion of flavonoids in buds amounted to 8.1% of dry matter. No studies seem to
have been made on the occurrence of tannins in Populus species.
Changes in Chemistry with Season and Age of Salix and Populus.
Seasonal changes in phenolic production are common in both Salix and
Populus species. The concentration of phenolic glycosides in bark generally
increases towards the winter, with the highest values during winter dormancy.
The lowest values occur in September-October (Thieme, 1965d). In buds, on
the other hand, the highest concentrations are found in late May just prior to
leaf burst. As the leaves mature, the phenolic concentration declines
continuously until September (Thieme, 1965d; Pearl and Darling, 1968a,b;
Thieme and Benecke, 1971).
The substances also show diurnal variation, with higher values in early
morning, decreasing during the day. In S. fragilis and S. purpurea the
glycoside concentration decreases 20% and 40%, respectively, during the day
(Thieme, 1965d).


G L Y C O S I D Eb

Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 t2 13 14 15 t6 Total (%)

Populus tremula bark + 2+ + -- 2+ - (+) . . . . . . . . (+) 3.4

leaf + + . . . . . . . . . (+) . . . . . . . . 2.2
P. tremuloides bark + 3+ + - 4+ - (+) . . . . . . . . (+) 10.0
leaf 2+ 2+ - -- 3+ - - - (+) . . . . . . . . . 7.0
P. alba bark + 2+ (+) - (+) - (+) . . . . . . (+) - - 2.3
leaf 2+ 2+ - - (+) - (+) - (+) . . . . . (+) - - 2.5
P. nigra bark + + . . . . . . . . . . + (+) -- - 1.3
lea[' (+) (+) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (+) (+) (+) - 0.02
P. trichocarpa bark 3+ 5+ + - 5+ . . . . (+) - 2+ . . . . 23.0
leaf 3+ 5+ + -- (+) . . . . . . . . 3+ . . . . 16.0
P. candicans bark 3+ 5+ 2+ . . . . . . . . 3+ . . . . 19.5
leaf 2+ 4+ (+) . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . 8.0

T h i e m e ( 1967, 1969, 1971 ).

~F r o m
For concentrations and compound see T a b l e 2.


Compound P. tremula P. tremuloides P. candicans

Kaempferol - - -

3-Me - - -

7-Me - - -

4-Me + - -

3,4-Me - -
3,7-Me - - -
7,4-Me - - -
Quercetin - + -
7-Me - - -

3-Me - - +

7,3-Me - - -

Apigenin - - -
4-Me + - -

Luteolin - - +

Myricetin - - +

7-Me - - +

Chrysin + + -

Galagnin + - -
Pinocembrin + + -

~ Wollenweber (1975), Thamas et al. (1979), and Thieme (1969).

For explanatmn of sagns see Table 1.

The production of phenolics by the plant changes as it ages (Thieme,

1965c,d). Thus in S. caprea the levels of salicin and salicortin decrease with
tree age, whereas the production of triandrin increases. In this species the
overall phenol concentration increases with higher age, but the chemical
diversity narrows (Thieme, 1965c,d; Thieme and Benecke, 1971). A similar
pattern is also shown for S. viminalis and S. cinerea. When the latter species is
young, triandrin is the main glycoside; picein dominates in older trees. In
years 1 and 2 triandrin makes up 80% of the phenolics, decreasing to 9% in
year 3 and 7% in year 4. Picein shows the reverse pattern (Thieme, 1965c,d).
Some species show a decline in total concentration of phenolic glycosides
with age. Examples are S. purpurea and Populus candicans.


We can conclude that the woody boreal plants discussed in this paper
appear to distribute the largest amount of substances into tissues which make
a large contribution to plant fitness (photosynthesis and growth). High
concentrations of specific substances occur, for example, in current-year
PALO 513

shoots and buds. The predominant chemical class seems to be phenolics of

varying structure, perhaps because they are readily metabolized into
polyphenols and tannins or catabolized into simpler constituents by the plant
(McKey, 1979; Vickery and Vickery, 1981).
The plant accumulates large quantities of compounds during winter
dormancy, with a rapid decline during time of growth. This pattern leads to
the question of why, if secondary chemicals in these woody plants serve as
defense substances, do they accumulate during times when most herbi-
vores and pathogens are absent? One explanation would be that the sub-
stances act as growth inhibitors during winter or serve as a nutritional
storage. However, these explanations are not satisfactory because of the high
biological activity and toxicity observed in both plants and animals by the
compounds (e.g., phenols) (Harborne, 1982). The compounds are mostly
coupled to a sugar to prevent autotoxicity. Without excluding multiple
functions of these plant substances, one major function appears to be to
protect the plant against depredation (Janzen, 1981; Harborne, 1982). The
external tissues of plants are the first to come into contact with herbivores and
pathogens. High concentrations in peripheral tissues are therefore likely
(McKey, 1979).
The very short vegetation period in northern latitudes probably makes
the insect and pathogen pressure less important than browsing by vertebrates
(Bryant and Kuropat, 1980). Vertebrate browsing has a great impact on the
plant during winter (Danell, 1983). This could be the reason why the plant
allocates large amounts of resources into substances in apical parts during
winter. Furthermore, the plant may not be able to defend itself during time of
rapid growth, which results in seasonal changes in quantity and biological
activity of substances (Palo et al., 1983b). Moreover, mere growing perhaps
helps the plant to escape in time and space, diminishing its apparancy to
herbivores (Feeny, 1976). During summer, the diversity of different plants
potentially available to herbivores is much larger than during winter,
decreasing the overall browsing pressure. In such circumstances the need for a
chemical defense would be lessened.
The preference of mammalian herbivores for mature growth forms over
juvenile plants may be related to plant chemistry (Bryant, 1981; Pehrson,
1981). In young Salix and Populus species salicin derivatives make the plant
taste bitter and hence repellent to herbivores (Markham, 1971). The shift of
phenolic production in mature willow perhaps shows that damage on a full
grown plant is of less importance than on a juvenile, making the need for an
effective defense less acute.
Leaves of young birch have long been used as a drug in folk medicine
because of its powerful diuretic effects (Nowak, 1966; Rowe and Conner,
1979). Mountain hares (Lepus timidus) showed high sodium losses via urine

when fed on 1.5-mm winter twigs of birch (Pehrson, 1981, 1983). The animals
also lost body weight rapidly and did not survive many days on this diet.
Bryant ( 1981 ) indicated that resin from B. papyrifera is repellent to browsing
by snowshoe hare (L. americanus). He also showed the existence of species-
dependent resins which differ in biological activity. Furthermore, Bryant
( 1981) and Pehrson (1981) independently noted that mature growth forms of
birch are more preferred than juveniles or root suckers, also indicating an
age-related change in quality in birch. Hjeljord et al. (1982) recorded
differences in digestibility of organic matter by moose between B. pendula and
B. pubescens, the latter being more digestible (21.1% vs. 24.2%). The chemical
basis for these observations is not well known. The snowshoe hare-repellent
resin consists, according to Reichardt (1981), principally of isoprenoids.
However, in Scandinavian species phenolics may be of importance as
antinutritional agents in mountain hares and ruminants (Palo et al., 1983a,b).
The substances of birch may interfere with the metabolism in animals. In
the hare, for instance, sodium metabolism is disturbed (Pehrson, 1981).

Urinary phenols ~ Betuia pubescens

ug/mg urine d m
S a l i x caprea




20 liiiiiiiil iii~ii~::::',



Twi 9 diame•
FxG. 4. Amounts (+_SD) of urinary phenols excreted by hares fed on winter twigs of
different diameters. (Palo, unpublished results.)
P ALO 515

S o d i u m is regarded as a limiting mineral for boreal herbivores (Botkin

et al., 1973; Belovky, 1978; Seastedt and Crossley, 1981). Plant substan-
ces that interfere with mineral metabolism are p r o b a b l y an effective de-
fense against browsing by m a m m a l i a n herbivores. The general deterrent
properties that have been s h o w n by Bryant (1981) in the snowshoe hare by
Alaska birch, m a y be explained by the resin content of the latter.
Differences in production of phenols between sexes of willow species m a y
well display different investments into defense. Danell et al. (1983) noted that
voles, feeding on bark, prefer male plants over female plants. This behavior
perhaps is a result of higher defensive investment in female plants.
Most willow species are preferred to birch species by herbivores
( S o u t h w o o d , 1961; Lindl6fet al., 1974; Wolff, 1978; Pease et al,, 1979). This
behavior by the vertebrate herbivore m a y be related to differences in defensive
tactics by these plants or to a higher capability by the herbivores to detoxify
and excrete willow secondary metabolites. Hares fed on different twig
diameters o f birch and willow exhibited h i g h e r phenolic excretion on birch
diet than on willow diet, independent of the diameter of the twigs (Palo et al.,
1983a) (Figure 4). This observation m a y indicate a higher physiological cost
associated with c o n s u m p t i o n of birch t h a n willow. Hypothetically, this could
be a reason for selective feeding by the herbivores on these plants.


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