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Vol.30 1023SwanRoacl,youngstown,N.y. 14174-0167 Spring,1989

called to be priests
of the High Priest
the great and glorious King
Jesusthe Lord.
Called ro serve
srengrhen o
Wounded healers
and Eucharisr.
A privilege -
"Do this in memory of me."

M.Kosek,CRSP Fr.Augusto
M.Pucci, CRSP
4, 1989 Ordained:
April8, 1939
Father Kosek
Fat.her Pucci
still wer fifty years
on anointed hands but ...
"a thousand years
called by rhe Lord
Church and Congregarion are as yesf.erday"
to My Body
Word and My Blood
given for you
to those hungry' Word proclaimed
for the Word] Life
and Bread of Life simple
we ask one rhing of you, honesI
onlv one.
lead us ro Jesus eloquent
"Well done
and help us ro see
good and faithful servanr',.
Jesusin our midst.

Fr. Bianco,
FatherAugustoM. Pucci,CRSP,
Pastorof SaintJamesParish,Oak- Fr, Pucci,
ville. 0ntario,celebratedhis 50th
Anniversaryof Ordinationto the Fr. Boudreau
HolyPriesthood on April 8, 1989.
Saint JamesParishhonoredtheir
belovedpastoron Sunday, April 16,
with a Massof Thanksgiving and a
Tonnos,D.D.,Bishopof Hamilton,
was the homilist. Concelebrants
JamesM.Boudreau, CRSP, Parochial
Vicarof St.JamesParish,Barnabite
FathersfromCanada andtheUnited
States,andpriestsofthe Diocese of
Father Pucci, son of the late
GeneralLuigi and MatildeTriulzi
Pucci,wasbornin Turin,ItalY,on
January 21,1916.ThefamilYmoved
to Genoa, the birthplaceof Christo-
pherColumbus, andYoungAugusto
was enrolledin the Vittorino de
FeltreInstitute,underthe direction Fr. Bianco,BishopTonnos,Fr. Pucci,Fr. Boudreau
of the BarnabiteFathers. At the
tenderage ofelevenyears' heentered sciences. of bricks and mortarbut thoseof
the BarnabiteMinor Seminaryin In 1955,FatherPucci,likeColum- livingstones.Hisgoalhasbeenthe
Genoa. One of his teacherswas bus. discovered America. He was creationof a ChristianCommunitY
FatherIdelfonsoClerici,Superior assigned to the newBarnabite Com- andSaintJamesParishis proofthat
General of theBarnabite Orderfrom munityin Buffalo.Hewasappointed this goalhasbeenachieved. Hehas
193?-1952.It was under Father Pro-Provincial the followingyear. saidso oftenthat "the sacraments
Clerici'sguidancethat he entered Hesewedas Chaplainat Columbus arenot an endin themselves but a
the BarnabiteNovitiatein Monza, Hospital,Children'sHospital,and tool towardthe goal of humanre-
nearMilan,in 1931.He madehis SistersHospital,in Buffalo, demption". As a Ministerof the
FirstProfession ofVowson Septem- FatherPucci launcheda fund- Wordand of the Eucharist,Father
ber 1?,1932.He thenwentto the raisingcampaign for the Barnabite Puccieloquently proclaims thegoal
Collegio Alla Querce, Florence, and FathersSeminary on the groundsof of all thosewhofollowthe Lord.
receivedthe degreeof Bachelorof OurLadyof FatimaShrinein 1957. Duringhis tenureas Pastor,Fr.
Arts.HemadehissolemnProfession BishopBurke,IateBishopof Buffalo, Puccihasinfluencedseveralvoca-
of Vowsin 1936in the Barnabite dedicated thenewseminaryon SePt- tionsto thepriesthood andreligious
Church of Saint AnthonY Zaccanain ember 17. 1961. Iife from 0akville. They includeFr.
Rome.HestudiedtheologY for four In the'fallof 1964,FatherPucci PaulM. Keeling,the first Canadian
yearsat theBarnabite International wasappointed Pastorof SaintJames Barnabite in thehistoryoftheOrder,
Seminary in Rome and was ordained Parish.Oakville. He has been in and Fr. Louis M. Lenssen.
to the Holy Priesthood bY Cardinal for
Oakvilie twenty-five years. During The Barnabite Fathersaffection-
Tragliain SaintJohnLateranBasil- his tenure,a newrectoryhasbeen atelyreferto FatherPuccias their
ica. completed, Recently,a beautiful "Patriarch".Thewit andwisdomof
Followinghis ordination,Father additionwasaddedto the church thisvenerable manareaninspiration
Pucci was assigned to Genoa as a building, including a magnificent to us all,
teacher at hisalmamaterandin the little chapelfor the celebration of Congratulations, FatherPucci.
Minor Seminary. He obtained gradu; dailyMass. "Ad multos felicissimos et fruct-
ate degrees in chemistryand natural Hisaccomplishments arenot those uosissimos annos!"

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