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Things that I won’t be able to do or miss if those body parts in the

‘dislikes’ column are lost, destroyed, and severely injured.

 Nose- I hate my nose because its bridge isn’t as high as my

relatives’, also it’s kind of wide— not much, but still is, but
without this, I won’t be able to breathe as well as I breathe
right now. Nothing would warm, clean, and humidify the air that
I breathe. Another thing that I won’t be able to do without my
nose and the thing that I would miss, is smell. I will no longer
be able to smell my favorite food, my favorite scent, and my
favorite people.
 Lips- Without my lips, I won’t be able to eat because it’s the
one that holds the food that is about to get into my mouth.
Also, it allows me to chew with my mouth closed. It’s also what
I use to communicate; I won’t be able to talk without my lips
and most importantly, I won’t be able to smile— which what I
like to do most of the time.
 Lower Teeth- I hate my lower teeth because it is not aligned
like my upper teeth, but biting and chewing my favorite foods
would be impossible to do so without them.

 Arms- I don’t like my arms because they’re thin and small but
without these I won’t be able to carry things such as my books
which are very important, and my school bag, and I won’t be able
to carry my little nieces and nephews. Also, I won’t be able to
pull and push the door and other things needed to be pulled and
pushed. Lastly and more importantly, I won’t be able to hug my
love ones.
 Knees- My knees were included in the dislikes column because it
has a lot of scars and marks that I got when I was a kid. But
without them, I won’t be able to run or maybe join a color fun
run and I won’t be able to play those traditional Filipino
street games. And what I would miss the most if I lose my knees,
is walking.
 Hallux- I don’t like those big toes on my feet because they are
unusually big and they are slightly slanted which makes it look
not too good, but without them I won’t be able to wear my
favorite slippers and sandals.

I have realized that if those listed body parts in the ‘dislikes’

column were injured or permanently destroyed, it might have been
impossible to reach or make those achievements that I have
accomplished. For example, if my nose is no longer present, how am I
supposed to breathe well and live my life to the fullest?

It would also be impossible for me to reach my goals or dreams

without those body parts because every single one of them has its own
role and each role helps me in everything that I do or I would do.

September 17, 2017

Dear small body,

Hello there, my treasure. I’ve been with you for 17

years now and we always had that love-and-hate relationship.
I have not talked to you yet about some things you need to
know so here I am, writing a letter for you.

First and foremost, I am deeply sorry for not taking

care of you just like how you deserved to be taken care of.
I’m sorry for neglecting you, but expecting the most out of
you at the same time. I’m sorry for thinking you’re not
enough. I’m sorry you get hurt sometimes because of my
doings. I’m sorry if I hate you even when you fight so your
bones don’t break. I’m sorry I’ve left marks on you with
such terrible stories. I’m sorry I’ve scarred and bruised
you. I’m sorry if I sometimes tell you how you’re not
beautiful enough. I’m sorry if most of the time, I forget
how to love you.

I would like to thank you for not giving up on me, for

putting up with me and my unhealthy lifestyle. Thank you for
being strong enough. Thank you for giving me long arms that
able me to hug all of my siblings. Thank you for giving me
such clear eyes that lets me see everything so beautiful and
things that need to be appreciated. Thank you for giving me
a face that people recognizes. Thank you for helping me do
things I thought I never could do. Thank you for keeping me

alive. Thank you for giving me so much when I gave you so


Lastly, I want you to know how much I love you even

though I fail to show it sometimes. I didn’t know how did I
become so lucky to have you, but I thank God because He gave
me you. Doing what I love the most, achieving my goals, and
going to places I want to go to would not be possible
without you. I’ll continue to be more kind to you and I’ll
treat you just like how you deserve to be treated. I will
forever be grateful to be stuck with you. You and me, we’ll
make it through everything.

I love you.

With so much love,

Jamie ♡

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