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Suppression of wear in graphene polymer composites

Sashi S. Kandanur a, Mohammad A. Rafiee a, Fazel Yavari a, Michael Schrameyer a,

Zhong-Zhen Yu c, Thierry A. Blanchet a,*, Nikhil Koratkar a,b,*
Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180-3590, USA
State Key Laboratory of Organic-Inorganic Composites, College of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical
Technology, Beijing 100029, China


Article history: Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is one of the most widely used solid lubricants but suffers
Received 30 August 2011 from a high wear rate which limits its applications. Here we report four orders of magnitude
Accepted 21 October 2011 reduction in the steady state wear rate of PTFE due to graphene additives. The wear rate of
Available online xxxx unfilled PTFE was measured to be 0.4 · 10 mm3/N m which is reduced to 10 7
mm3/N m
by the incorporation of 10 wt% of graphene platelets. We also performed a head-to-head
comparison of wear rate with graphene and micro-graphite fillers at the same weight frac-
tions. In general, we find that graphene fillers gave 10–30 times lower wear rates than micro-
graphite at the same loading fraction. Scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated
noticeably smaller wear debris size in the case of graphene/PTFE composites indicating that
graphene additives are highly effective in regulating debris formation in PTFE leading to
reduced wear.
 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction from an extremely high wear rate that limits its use. While
the wear rate in PTFE at sufficiently slow sliding speeds is
Development of low-friction, wear-resistant surfaces is an quite low, Tanaka et al. [1] have shown that at each test tem-
important problem in tribology and surface engineering. perature a critical sliding speed existed beyond which the
While fluid film (hydrodynamic) lubrication is known to pro- PTFE wear rate sharply transitioned upward by at least an or-
vide the lowest friction coefficients, there are many practical der of magnitude. For example, when it is slid against stain-
situations where fluid lubrication is not feasible. For example, less steel at room temperature at speeds beyond 8 mm/s,
low temperatures can cause conventional liquid lubricants to PTFE begins wearing at a rate as high as 10 3 mm3/N m [2],
freeze, while high temperatures may cause them to degrade, with large plate-like wear debris hundreds of micrometers
or evaporate. When fluid lubrication is not practical, solid in in-plane dimensions and a few micrometers thick.
lubricants are often used. One of the most common solid Microparticle-filled PTFE has proven to be successful in
lubricants being utilized by industry is polytetrafluoroethyl- reducing the wear rates of PTFE by two to three orders of mag-
ene (PTFE) popularly called ‘‘Teflon’’ (its DuPont brand name). nitude [3–5]. The hypothesized roles of micro-scale fillers in the
PTFE is a thermoplastic material with wide ranging applica- wear reduction mechanism of PTFE composites, though many
tions in the aerospace, chemical-processing, medical, auto- and varied, can be broadly classified into two categories – one
motive and electronic industries. PTFE, while being capable in which the micro-fillers reduce wear by limiting the rates of
of providing low friction in dry sliding conditions, also suffers initial removal and transfer of material from the PTFE slider

* Corresponding authors at: Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th Street, Troy, NY
12180-3590, USA (N. Koratkar).
E-mail addresses: (T.A. Blanchet), (N. Koratkar).
0008-6223/$ - see front matter  2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Kandanur SS et al. Suppression of wear in graphene polymer composites. Carbon (2011), doi:10.1016/
2 CARBON x x x ( 2 0 1 1 ) x x x –x x x

to the counter-surface [2,4–7], and the other in which micro- thermal exfoliation and reduction of graphite oxide
fillers reduce wear by limiting the rates of detachment of the (Supplementary Section). In this method, graphite oxide is
transferred material from the counter-surface [8,9]. The subjected to a thermal shock (rapid rate of heating
hypothesized mechanisms [2,6,7] that seem to capture most 2000 C/min) which exfoliates and reduces the graphite
experimental observations belong to first category and claim oxide into GPL [22,23]. Fig. 1 shows a transmission electron
that micro-fillers reduce wear by regulating the debris size. microscopy (TEM) image of a graphene platelet manufactured
Several of these mechanisms in turn suggest that smaller by this process. The platelets are several micrometers in
sub-micrometer and nano-scale fillers, would lack the size in-plane dimensions and are comprised of 3–4 graphene
scale necessary to interfere with the crack propagation step sheets (inset in Fig. 1) within each platelet. The total platelet
associated with the debris generation process in PTFE, and thickness is less than 2 nm. The rough, wrinkled surface
would therefore be ineffective in reducing wear. However, in texture of the GPL, which may enable strong mechanical
the last decade, several nano-scale fillers have been found to interlocking and enhanced load transfer with polymer chains
effect dramatic reductions in PTFE wear [10], decreasing in is also visible in the TEM image. Commercially prepared
some instances the wear rate to hitherto unachieved 10 micro-scale graphite ( 325 mesh powder, size <44 lm) was
mm3/N m levels [11]. Nano-scale fillers have been thought also tested as a control filler material to enable comparative
to reduce wear by a number of mechanisms, including: pre- studies with GPL–PTFE composites. GPL–PTFE composites
venting frictional destruction of PTFE banded structure [10], with filler contents of 0.02, 0.05, 0.12, 0.32, 0.8, 2, 5 and
enhancing transfer film-countersurface adhesion [10,12], or 10 wt%, and graphite–PTFE composites with filler contents
inducing changes to the PTFE matrix structure that are more of 2 and 10 wt%, were prepared for wear testing. The methods
wear-resistant [13–15]. However, a comprehensive under- used for composite preparation are provided in the Supple-
standing of the mechanism of low wear of these nano-compos- mentary Section. Fig. 2 shows a typical scanning electron
ites has not yet been fully developed. microscopy (SEM) image of the freeze-fractured surface of
While nano-fillers such as carbon nanotubes, alumina and the 2 wt% GPL–PTFE composite. There is no indication of large
zinc oxide nanoparticles have been studied for wear reduction, agglomeration of the graphene platelets. High resolution SEM
so far there is no report in the literature on the use of graphene (inset in Fig. 2) shows individual GPL fillers embedded in the
as a wear suppressant additive in polymers. Graphene is a two- PTFE matrix; the wrinkled surface texture of the GPL is clearly
dimensional sheet of sp2 bonded carbon atoms arranged in a discernable in the inset image.
hexagonal lattice. Both individual graphene sheets and graph- A multi-station high-throughput tribometer [15] was em-
ene platelets (i.e. few-layered graphene) show enormous ployed for wear testing in a reciprocating pin-on-flat configu-
potential as fillers for composite applications. In fact, several ration in ambient air at room temperature. The composite
studies with graphene have reported significant increase in was milled into 10 mm long pins with a 4 mm · 4 mm
Young’s modulus, tensile strength, fracture toughness, and fa- square cross-section that served as the contact surface during
tigue resistance of polymers at one to two orders of magnitude wear testing. Stainless steel 304 flats, finished by polishing
lower weight fraction than other competing nano-fillers such with 0.3 lm alumina in distilled water on cloth wheel and
as nano-particles, nano-clays and carbon nanotubes [16–21]. subsequently cleaned ultrasonically in a methanol bath, were
Graphene is intriguing from the point of view of wear suppres- used as countersurfaces. The average roughness of the pol-
sion since it has in-plane dimensions of the order of several mi- ished steel were in the range Ra = 0.015–0.03 lm. The design
crons coupled with nano-meter scale sheet thickness. The
microscale dimensions of the graphene sheets might enable
it to effectively interfere with the debris generation processes
in polymers, while the nano-meter scale thickness, low density
and the planar geometry of graphene generates a huge interfa-
cial contact area with a very large number density of graphene
sheets in the polymer matrix. Moreover, sliding of individual
graphene planes within few-layered graphene platelets might
further enhance the lubrication effect. In this paper, we report
the ability of graphene platelets to drastically reduce wear rates
in PTFE to as low as 10 7 mm3/N m which is four orders of
magnitude lower than in baseline PTFE. The excellent wear
suppression performance of graphene additives coupled with
their potentially low production cost (top down synthesis by
exfoliation of graphite) makes this technology very promising
for industrial scale applications.
Fig. 1 – Transmission electron micrograph (TEM) of a typical
graphene platelet deposited on a TEM grid [16,23]. The
2. Materials and experimental protocol platelet is several micrometers in in-plane dimensions
(scale bar is 0.5 lm). Inset shows a high resolution TEM
PTFE granular resin with a typical particle size of 30 lm image of the edge of the platelet indicating that the
(Dupont 7C) was used as the matrix material in this study. platelet thickness is less than 2 nm. The platelet is
The graphene platelets (GPL) were obtained by the one-step comprised of 3–4 individual graphene sheets.

Please cite this article in press as: Kandanur SS et al. Suppression of wear in graphene polymer composites. Carbon (2011), doi:10.1016/
CARBON xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 2 – Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of a

freeze-fractured 2 wt% graphene platelet–PTFE composite.
Inset shows the wavy edges of graphene platelets within
the matrix. There is no indication of large agglomeration of
the graphene platelets from the SEM images.

of the pin holder and the countersurface flat holder of the

multi-station tribometer has been previously described in de-
tail elsewhere [15]. For the wear tests in this study normal
load, corresponding contact pressure, sliding speed, and Fig. 3 – (a) Wear volume as a function of sliding distance for
reciprocating stoke length were 50 N, 3.125 MPa, 0.1 m/s and unfilled PTFE and for PTFE with varying contents (wt%) of
40.5 mm, respectively. Sliding was stopped periodically and graphene platelet filler. (b) The wear volume-sliding
mass loss-based wear measurements of the composite pins distance records for the slow wearing 2%, 5% and 10%
were made. The mass losses were converted to wear volumes composites. The steady-state behavior for each composite is
using the composite densities. Plots of wear volume as a func- indicated by a trendline, the slope of which was used to
tion of sliding distance were obtained for each pin and sliding compute the steady-state wear rate for the composite. The
for each pin was conducted for a duration long enough to en- uncertainty in the wear volume measurements was
able identification of a steady-state region in which wear vol- ±0.05 mm3.
ume increased approximately linearly with sliding distance.
The slope of the identified steady-state wear volume-sliding of their extremely slow wear rates. The response of these
distance behavior was calculated using linear regression highly wear-resistant 2, 5 and 10 wt% composites are more
and was divided by the 50 N normal load to obtain steady- clearly visible in Fig. 3b that is obtained by expanding the
state wear rates (units of mm3/N m). For each pin, a 95% con- scale of the wear volume axis from Fig. 3a. It is clear from
fidence interval was determined on the steady-state wear rate Fig. 3b that even the low wear 2, 5 and 10 wt% composites ini-
estimate from the linear regression. tially show a transient higher wear rate behavior, during
which they accumulate a few mm3 of wear volume, before
3. Results and discussion they transition to a lower steady-state wear behavior that is
indicated with the help of trendlines. The transition from
The wear volume-sliding distance records for unfilled PTFE transient behavior to steady-state behavior for the compos-
and PTFE filled with varying amounts of graphene are shown ites in Fig. 3b seems to occur within the first 7–15 km of
in Fig. 3a. Unfilled PTFE wears rapidly, accumulating 33 mm3 sliding.
of worn volume after a mere 1.5 km of sliding. It is clear that The results of Fig. 3a and b are summarized in Fig. 4 which
the 0.02, 0.05 and 0.12 wt% GPL composites also show rapid shows a plot of steady-state wear rates as a function of the GPL
wear behavior, with their data points crowding near the verti- content. While no reduction from the 0.4 · 10 3 mm3/N m
cal axis similar to those of unfilled PTFE. The effectiveness of steady-state wear rate of unfilled PTFE was observed in the
the GPL as a potential wear suppressant is first seen in the 0.02, 0.05 and 0.12 wt% composites, significant decreases were
0.32 wt% composite which wears more gradually than unfilled observed thereafter, with the 0.32 wt% composite displaying a
PTFE, needing 20 km of sliding before accumulating as much 0.3 · 10 4 mm3/N m wear rate. The steady-state wear rates
wear volume as unfilled PTFE did after 1.5 km. Further continue to decrease with further increasing filler contents
improvement in wear resistance is witnessed for the 0.8 and and the exceptional wear suppressing ability of GPL is clear
2 wt% composites, with the former accumulating only in the 10 wt% composite that displays an extremely low 10
12 mm3 in wear volume after 26 km of sliding and the lat- mm3/N m wear rate. The results suggest that even lower
ter losing 4 mm3 after 51 km of sliding. This trend of in- wear rates can be attained at graphene contents greater than
crease in wear resistance with increasing filler contents those studied here, since a monotonic decrease continues
continued for the 5 and 10 wt% composites with their data with no minimum observed up to 10% loading (see Fig. 4).
points crowding near the horizontal axis as a consequence The linearity of this decrease on the displayed

Please cite this article in press as: Kandanur SS et al. Suppression of wear in graphene polymer composites. Carbon (2011), doi:10.1016/
4 CARBON x x x ( 2 0 1 1 ) x x x –x x x

countersurface of the rapidly wearing unfilled PTFE (Fig. 5a).

Noticeably smaller wear debris, generally much less than
100 lm in dimensions, is seen on the countersurface of the
low wear rate 10 wt% GPL–PTFE composite along the edges of
the wear track (running along the left side of Fig. 5b). Fig. 5c
and d presents the wear surfaces of the unfilled and graph-
ene-filled PTFE. Atop the otherwise smooth wear surface of
the unfilled PTFE, the large plate-like debris are again seen
(Fig. 5c), either in the process of detachment or as back-trans-
ferred debris cycling in attachment to the countersurface then
returning to the polymer surface until eventual ejection from
Fig. 4 – Steady-state wear rate as a function of filler content the contact. The wear surface of the graphene-filled PTFE dis-
for graphene platelet–PTFE composites. The wear rate of played a ‘mudflat cracking’ appearance, as also reported by
unfilled PTFE is indicated by the broken line. Error bars for Burris et al. [25] for comparably wear-resistant PTFE when filled
the data points are indicated in the plot. The wear rate is with 80 nm alpha-phase alumina particles. These mudflat
found to decrease with approximately the square of the surface regions are of approximate 10 lm scale and, as also
graphene platelet content. The monotonic decrease reported for the wear-resistant alumina-filled PTFE nanocom-
continues with no minimum observed for up to 10 wt% of posites [25], these regions appear to be secured into place by
graphene loading. PTFE fibrils which span the shallow cracks separating them.
As discussed previously, unfilled PTFE has been known to
log–log axes is particularly notable, indicating a wear rate wear by ejecting large plate-like debris hundreds of microme-
which decreases with approximately the square of the graph- ters in in-plane dimensions and a few micrometers in thick-
ene content. The wear suppressing ability of graphene addi- ness. A popular model for PTFE wear suggests that wear
tives compares favorably with that of carbon nanotubes occurs as a result of propagation at a depth of few micrometers
which have also been reported [24] to reduce wear rates in of sub-surface cracks parallel to the sliding surface, with debris
PTFE by 2 orders of magnitude to 10 5 mm3/N m. formation occurring when these cracks eventually connect
Fig. 5 compares the wear debris present by the sides of the with the surface. Micro-scale fillers, by virtue of their size, are
wear tracks on the countersurfaces of the high wear rate able to interfere with such debris formation phenomena [2]
unfilled PTFE and the extremely low wear rate 10 wt% GPL/PTFE as matrix wear exposes them to the sliding surface, where they
composite. Large plate-like wear debris, hundreds of microme- accumulate yet still extend many micrometers back into the
ters in in-plane dimensions, is seen throughout over the subsurface, and have been found to reduce wear by 2–3 orders

Fig. 5 – (a) Scanning electron micrograph of the countersurface of unfilled PTFE showing wear debris hundreds of
micrometers in in-plane dimensions. (b) The countersurface of the low wear rate 10% graphene platelet–PTFE showing wear
debris that is finer compared to that generated by the rapidly wearing unfilled PTFE. (c) Wear surface of unfilled PTFE showing
large plate-like debris on the surface. (d) Corresponding wear surface of the 10% graphene platelet–PTFE composite
displaying wear-resistant ‘mudflat’ features.

Please cite this article in press as: Kandanur SS et al. Suppression of wear in graphene polymer composites. Carbon (2011), doi:10.1016/
CARBON xxx (2011) xxx–xxx 5

of magnitude [26]. Our results indicate that graphene platelets, graphite–PTFE microcomposite lost as much as 25 mm3 of
with their micro-scale in-plane dimensions and large aspect wear volume after 23 km of sliding and registered a stea-
ratio are well suited to interfering with debris formation in dy-state wear rate as high as 2 · 10 5 mm3/N m, while the
PTFE. This is evidenced by the noticeably smaller wear debris 2 wt% GPL–PTFE composite lost only a few cubic millimeters
size demonstrated in Fig. 5. Moreover the nanoscale thickness of wear volume after comparable sliding distances and dis-
of these sheets implies that at a given weight fraction of addi- played a steady-state wear rate 30 times lower. Even when
tives the number density of graphene platelets in the matrix far the graphite filler content was increased to 10 wt%, the wear
exceeds that of conventional micro-fillers. This will cause sub- rate of the graphite–PTFE composite never reached the low
surface matrix cracks to be deflected through a tortuous path 10 7 mm3/N m levels of the 5 and 10 wt% GPL–PTFE compos-
by the high aspect ratio, two-dimensional graphene platelets. ites. In fact, the 2.9 · 10 6 mm3/N m wear rate of the 10 wt%
The aspect ratio of a 2D sheet such as graphene is the ratio of graphite–PTFE microcomposite was higher than even that of
the length or width of the sheet divided by the sheet thickness the 2 wt% GPL–PTFE composite.
which is estimated as 1000 for our graphene platelets [16,17].
In fact, efficient deflection of matrix cracks by such high aspect
4. Conclusions
ratio graphene platelets has been shown to cause dramatic
improvements in fracture toughness and fatigue performance To conclude, graphene platelets served as excellent wear
in graphene-epoxy composites [16,17] and more recently in reducers when incorporated as fillers in a PTFE matrix. The
graphene-ceramic composites [27]. For these reasons graphene otherwise high 0.4 · 10 3 mm3/N m steady-state wear rates
platelets are expected to outperform micro-scale fillers in reg- of PTFE were found to decrease 10-fold and 50-fold upon
ulating the debris size. Indeed the impressive 10-fold and the inclusion of merely 0.32 and 0.8 wt%, respectively, of
50-fold wear rate reductions seen for the 0.32% and the 0.8% graphene platelets. More dramatic 1700-fold and 4000-fold
composites are vastly superior to those seen in traditional PTFE decreases in wear rates were observed when the filler content
micro-composites with comparable filler contents. Further, was increased to 5 and 10 wt%, respectively, The wear-resis-
traditional PTFE micro-composites have not been known to tant graphene platelet–PTFE composites generated debris that
achieve even at significantly higher filler contents the extre- was much finer compared to the large plate-like debris gener-
mely low 3 · 10 7 mm3/N m wear rates exhibited by 5 wt% ated by unfilled PTFE. Graphene platelets were significantly
graphene platelet–PTFE composites. For example, 0.32, more effective in PTFE composite wear reduction than con-
0.8 wt% of 1 lm alumina–PTFE microcomposites were seen to ventional micro-scale graphite with even the 10 wt% graph-
exhibit wear rates as high as that of unfilled PTFE and even ite–PTFE micro-composites being unable to achieve low
when the micro-alumina filler content was increased to 10 7 mm3/N m wear rates displayed by the graphene plate-
5 wt%, the wear rate decreased to only to 10 5 mm3/N m level let–PTFE composites.
[15] as opposed to the more dramatic wear reductions dis-
played by the 5 wt% GPL–PTFE composite.
To illustrate the wear superiority of the GPL composite
over conventional micro-composites, we show a head-to-
N.K. acknowledges funding support from the US Office of Na-
head comparison (Fig. 6) of wear rate with graphene and mi-
val Research (Award N000140910928) and the US National Sci-
cro-graphite fillers at the same weight fractions. The 2 wt%
ence Foundation (Award: 0900188).

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,

in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2011.10.038.


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Please cite this article in press as: Kandanur SS et al. Suppression of wear in graphene polymer composites. Carbon (2011), doi:10.1016/

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