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GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.1 Hardening Soil (MMC Hardening)
 Improvement in additional parameters to simulate Shear and Compression hardening simultaneously
 Three types of Elastic modulus can be defined
 Shear hardening parameter can be calculated automatically and Preconsolidation is used for compression hardening behavior
 Reasonable and applicable model especially for soils such as sand, silt and OC Clay.

Shear Hardening : can be defined by Equivalent plastic strain related to the mobilized
shear resistance. When the soil is subject to shear hardening, solver recalculates
dilatancy angle. Shear yield surface can expand up to the Mohr-Coulomb failure
sin   sin   
 : Equivalent deviatoric plastic strain
2 p p
 : γp : Deviatoric plastic strain
sin   sin cv sin cv : Critical state friction angle
sin 
1  sin  sin cv

Compression Hardening : can be defined by pre-consolidation stress. Cap yield surface

expands as a function of the pre-consolidation stress
Pc : Pre-consolidation stress
  P m m m
Pc  pref   c 0
   v 
p Pc 0 : Pre-overburden pressure (or OCR)
  pref   
   : Cap hardening parameter

q q

p p
[Yield surface expansion, Hardening behavior]
GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.1 Hardening Soil (Review of model parameters)

Parameter Description Reference value (kN, m)

Soil stiffness and failure

E50ref Secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test Ei x (2 – Rf) /2 (Ei = Initial stiffness)

Eoedref Tangent stiffness for primary oedometer loading E50ref

Eurref Unload / reloading stiffness 3 x E50ref

0.5 ≤ m ≤ 1 (0.5 for hard soil,

m Power for stress-level dependency of stiffness
1 for soft soil)

C (Cinc) Effective cohesion (Increment of cohesion) Failure parameter as in MC model

φ Effective friction angle Failure parameter as in MC model

ψ Ultimate dilatancy angle 0≤ψ≤φ

Advanced parameters (Recommend to use Reference value)

Rf Failure Ratio (qf / qa) 0.9 (< 1)

Pref Reference pressure 100

KNC Ko for normal consolidation 1-sinφ (< 1)

Dilatancy cut-off

Porosity Initial void ratio -

Porosity(Max) Maximum void ratio Porosity < Porosity(Max)

Cap yield surface

When entering both parameters,

OCR / Pc Over Consolidation Ratio / Pre-overburden pressure
Pc has the priority of usage

α Cap Shape Factor (scale factor of preconsolidation stress) from KNC (Auto)

β Cap Hardening Parameter from Eoedref (Auto)

GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.1 Hardening Soil (Example : Validation of Hardening behavior)

Input value (kN, m)

E 50,000

c 30

φ 36

ψ 5 [MC model] [MMC model] [MMC with Hardening]

[MC model]
Input value (kN, m) [Vertical Displacement]

E50ref 25,000 H = 60m γ = 20kN/m3

Eoedref 25,000

Eurref 75,000

m 0.5

c 30

φ 36
[MC model] [MMC model] [MMC with Hardening]
ψ 5
[Horizontal Displacement]
Rf 0.9

Pref 100

KNC 0.5
[MMC model]
[1st Excavation]
Parameter Input value (kN, m)

Auto (Shear Hardening)

Pc 600 (OCR = 1)

α Auto (uncheck) [MC model] [MMC model] [MMC with Hardening]

β Auto (uncheck)
[Bending Moment of wall]
[MMC with Hardening]
GTSNX 2014
log  time 

1. Analysis
1.2 Soft Soil Creep (Secondary Consolidation)
 Based on the 1D – creep theory, an extension was made to a 3D- model.
 Stress-dependent stiffness ( Parameters can be estimated from Compression and Recompression index (Cc,Cs))
 Consider Secondary (time-dependent) consolidation and pre-consolidation stress
Primary Secondary
 Failure parameters as in Mohr-Coulomb model
 In case that time-dependent behavior is critical, this model is applicable to estimate the creep from FE analysis. strain

Parameter Description Reference value (kN, m)

Soil stiffness and failure
λ Swelling index Cc / 2.303 / (1 + e)
Cs / 2.303 / (1 + e)
κ Compression index
(Cc / 5 for a rough estimation)
μ Creep index Cc / 20 for a rough estimation
c Cohesion Failure parameter as in MC model
φ Friction angle Failure parameter as in MC model
ψ Dilatancy angle 0
Advanced parameters (Recommend to use Reference value)
KNC Ko for normal consolidation 1-sinφ (< 1)
Cap yield surface
When entering both parameters,
OCR / Pc Over Consolidation Ratio / Pre-overburden pressure
Pc has the priority of usage
α Cap Shape Factor (scale factor of preconsolidation stress) from KNC (Auto)
GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.2 Soft Soil Creep (Example : Validation of Creep behavior)

Parameter Reference value (kN, m)

λ 0.313
κ 0.063
M 1.113
OCR 2.05
α Auto

[MCC model]
[Embankment with Time]
Parameter Reference value (kN, m)
λ 0.313
κ 0.063
μ 0.01
c 10
φ 28
ψ 0
KNC 0.5
OCR 2.05
α Auto (uncheck)

[Soft Soil Creep model] [Result comparison : Secondary consolidation]

GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.3 Hardening Soil with small strain stiffness

 Hardening Soil model with small-strain stiffness

In recent years, due to advances in electronic instrumentation, it has been possible to measure the
behavior of soils more accurately. In particular, it has been found that soils undergo a large and rapid
change in stiffness when initially subjected to relatively small changes in strain. Many of the constitutive
models in existence could not account for such behavior and this, consequently, led to further
developments. One of the earliest models developed specifically to deal with the concept of small strain
behavior was that described by Jardine et al. (1986).

Comparison with the ranges for typical geotechnical problems and different tests
GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.3 Hardening Soil with small strain stiffness
 Double hardening model (Shear and Compression hardening simultaneously)
 Three types of Elastic modulus can be defined
 Modified Hardin-Drnevich relationship for stiffness degradation with strain
 Hysteretic behavior of material in loading-unloading cycle (masing’s rule)

Shear Hardening :
Hyperbolic relation between axial strain and deviatoric stress qa : asymptotic shear strength
Plastic straining due to deviatoric loading Ei : initial stiffness
2qa 1   2  2 1   2   ps
fs    ps  0 : effective plastic deviatoric strain
Ei qa  1   2  Eur

Compression Hardening : q2 1  1 3  sin 

q : 1    1  2   3 ,  
Plastic straining due to compression fc   p2  p p2    3  sin 
 2
 : controlling cap surface
p p : pre-consolidation stress
q q

p p
[Yield surface expansion, Hardening behavior]
Gs 1
Modified Hardin-Drnevich : can be used to define small-strain stiffness at static 
G0 
analysis 1  0.385
 0.7
Hysteretic behavior of material in loading-unloading cycle:
The stiffness regains a maximum recoverable value when the direction of loading is
Masing’s rule:
The shear modulus in unloading is equal to the initial tangent modulus for initial
loading curve
The shape of the unloading and reloadingg curves is equal to initial loading curve,
but twice its size
GTSNX 2014

1. Analysis
1.3 Hardening Soil with small strain stiffness (Review of model parameters)

Parameter Description Reference value (kN, m)

Soil stiffness and failure

E50ref Secant stiffness in standard drained triaxial test Ei x (2 – Rf) /2 (Ei = Initial stiffness)

Eoedref Tangent stiffness for primary oedometer loading E50ref

Eurref Unload / reloading stiffness 3 x E50ref

0.5 ≤ m ≤ 1 (0.5 for hard soil,

m Power for stress-level dependency of stiffness
1 for soft soil)

C Effective cohesion Failure parameter as in MC model

φ Effective friction angle Failure parameter as in MC model

ψ Effective dilatancy angle 0≤ψ≤φ

Advanced parameters (Recommend to use Reference value)

Failure ratio Failure Ratio (qf / qa) 0.9 (< 1)

Pref Reference pressure 100

K0NC Ko for normal consolidation 1-sinφ (< 1)

Tensile strength Cut off value for tensile hydrostatic pressure -

Small strain stiffness

Threshold Shear strain at which shear modulus has decayed  0.7 

2C 1  cos 2    '1 1  K0  sin 2 
Shear strain to 70% of initial shear stiffness (G0ref) 9G0 

G0ref Shear modulus at small strain G0ref  33

 2.97  e  2
1 e

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