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SED 361: Inclusive Lesson Plan: 100 pts.

Components Meets Expectations Proficient Needs Improvement Insufficient

Learning Objectives Objectives for focus Objectives for focus Objectives for focus Objectives are not
student(s) are the same student(s) are the same student(s) are not evident. (0-4 points).
or clearly connected to or connected to class connected to class
class learning learning objectives, and learning objectives,
objectives ​and​ are reflects the student’s and/or do not clearly
clearly and profile/needs. reflect the student’s
comprehensively (8-9 pts) profile/needs.
reflective of the (5-7 pts)
student’s profile/needs.
(10 pts)

Assessment Assessments are clearly Assessments are Assessments are Assessments are not
connected to the connected to the disconnected from the evident (5-7 points).
learning objectives and learning objectives and learning objectives and
teaching activities and teaching activities, and teaching activities, and
any adaptations for any adaptations for any adaptations for
focus student(s) are focus student(s) are focus student(s) are not
specifically and clearly articulated, hold the clearly articulated, do
articulated, hold the student to high not hold the student to
student to high expectations and are high expectations and
expectations and are broadly reflective of the are not reflective of the
highly reflective of the students’ profile/needs.

students’ profile/needs. (11-14 pts) students’ profile/needs.
(15 pts) (8-10 pts)

Differentiation/ Differentiation Differentiation is Differentiation is Differentiation is not

/teaching strategies are relevant, student disconnected from evident.
Teaching Strategies creative, relevant, specific and somewhat lesson content and/or (15-19 pts)
student specific and increases all student student needs
clearly improves all access to (20-23 pts)
student access to curriculum/content
curriculum/content (30 (24-29 pts)

Focus Student Adaptations are Adaptations are Adaptations are vague Adaptations are not
Adaptations thoughtfully created, relevant, specific to and/or not specific to evident. (15-19 pts)
specific to one or two focus students, focus student(s); not
focus students, clearly connected to their connected to their
connected to their needs/strengths and needs/strengths and
needs/strengths and somewhat increases separates students from
clearly improve focus access to their peers/content.
student access to curriculum/content. (20-23 pts)
curriculum/content. (30 (24-29 pts)

Reflection Rationales are Rationale clearly Rationale is broad and Rationale is not evident.
thoughtful, detailed, addresses instructional does not address focus (5-7 pts)
clearly address decisions connected to students; (8-10 pts)
instructional decisions the focus
connected to the focus students;(11-14 pts)
students, (15 pts)

UMF Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template

Name: Kellsie Britton Program: SMED Course: EDU 222/223 and SED 361

Lesson Topic / Title: B is for Budgeting

Lesson Date: LE 2 Lesson Length: 85 minutes Grade/Grade Range: 11-12

(Lesson # in your unit sequence)

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks that support learners in
reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards​ and desired understandings.​

Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

(Write learning objectives that are clear, attainable, measurable, observable and (In bulleted form, identify your reasoning or why you chose these objectives. How are they content, age
age/content appropriate. They may be from Stage 1 and/or they may be more detailed and lesson topic appropriate?)
ones specific to this lesson. They must align with targeted standards and conceptual
understandings. If you have any additional objectives for your focus students related to
I think LO1 is appropriate because in order to understand the purpose
IEP goals, you can include those here too.)
of a budget and what a budget actually is, it is important for students
LO1- I can identify key budgeting terms (budget; short, to be able to identify the key terms related to budgeting. This allows
medium, and term goals; fixed and variable expenses, students to gain some background knowledge and context in what
cash flow, cash flow statement, budget surplus and deficit, could be a foreign subject to them.
and emergency fund).
LO2 is appropriate because in order for students to create their own
LO2- I understand budgeting structures.
budget, they need to understand the structure and what one would
typically look like. Having structure in a budget can help students stay
LO3- I can create my own budget based on my fixed
earned income. on track and easily look back at it for future or current use.

I believe that LO3 should be a learning objective for this lesson

because having a budget and being able to create one increases
one's own financial literacy. It gets them thinking about necessities

and wants and how your fixed earnings can hinder what you buy. This
is a very useful skill to be able to create a budget because someday
their monthly earnings may change and they may need to revisit the
budget and make changes.

All of my students, including my focus learners Ian and Bowie, will be

able to meet these learning objectives by the end of the lesson
because the necessary supports will be universally and individually
put in place for each specific activity in order to best support my

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

(Identify the relevant content standards (CCSS, MLR, ISTE, other) and discipline specific (In bulleted form, why did you choose these standards?)
standards (mathematical practice, ELA literacy, anchor, cross-cutting, other). Align
objectives with content- and discipline-specific standards.)
I chose this standard because the whole lesson is about budgeting
Strand 4 Standard 1:​ ​ ​Identify and explain the process of and how to create a budget based on your income. This lesson will
budgeting based on calculated income. give my students the skills and knowledge they need in order to
understand what a budget is, how a budget works, and through this
they will be able to explain why their budget is the way it is.

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance and determines best supports for continued learner

Assessments Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

● In bulleted form, list at least one assessment for each instructional objective. ● In bulleted form that aligns with assessments on the left, state whether the assessment is formative
● At least one of these assessments should come from your Stage 2. or summative and what type of assessment it is: pre-, self-, peer- or teacher-.
● Put brief description of each formative and summative assessment for this lesson ● What are the differentiated ways students can demonstrate their understanding of the learning
here; full description in teaching & learning sequence. objectives?
● What accommodations, modifications, or extensions in assessment are you using? How does this
address your focus learners needs and strengths?
A1 - Budgeting Basics Plickers
● What data will be gathered (prior knowledge, skill level, potential misconception,...) and how will it
be used to give feedback to students and make decisions about further teaching?)

Where I ask 5 questions to get a brief and basic
​A1 Formative Pre-Assessment. This will provide me with an
understanding of where my students are in terms of
understanding of where all of my students are in the subject of
budgeting. I will be able to understand if my students know what a
budget is, if they have ever used/made one, if they have seen one
A2- Budgeting Vocabulary Quizlet/Multiple Choice used before at home, and what types of things they may think may
After going through a Quizlet Presentation on key belong in a budget. This will allow me to assess how comfortable they
Budgeting terms, I will hand out small vocabulary multiple are with the topic and then adjust what type of vocabulary lesson I
choice “quiz”, or offer an online version being sure to should give to my students.
explain that they can not look up the definitions, so my
students can match each word to the correct definition. I A2 Formative Teacher Assessment. After going through a mini
will collect this assessment to see how many they were lesson on budgeting vocabulary, I will assess my students by handing
out either a paper or give access to an electronic form where my
able to remember and reevaluate for a future vocabulary
students match the definition to the correct word. I will use the data
recap. from this in order to see which words need more of a recap in order to
increase their understanding of budgets and how they are
A3-Create Your Own Budget Project. structured/work. This meets LO1.
After teaching the lesson on budgeting, I will have my
students create a tentative budget that they will later revisit A3- Summative Teacher Assessment. Through whatever medium
later in the year. They will make sure to list important works best for my individual students (via paper, Google Apps,
expenses they may have and goals they want to meet another type of App, or something else they may be interested in
based on how much money they may or may not be using), they will be creating their own budget. I will then assess to see
how my students demonstrated the knowledge and skills learned from
making. I will be looking for key budgeting terms and a
the lesson on budgeting. They will demonstrate how a budget works,
relevant structure, but will offer multiple means for how the components of a budget, and budgeting vocabulary in their final
they wish to create it, whether using paper, Google Apps, product, meeting both LO2 and LO3.
a phone App, or something they bring with me.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives
of both the discipline and individual learner needs.

Multilevel and/or Multisensory Materials, Resources, and / or Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
Technology (In bulleted form, describe how these materials, resources, and technology are relevant, accurate,
(What teacher and student materials are necessary for this lesson to be implementation appropriate and accessible to the learners. Include how you addressed students with disabilities,
ready? In bulleted form, list handouts, types of manipulatives, varied texts, models etc. language needs or giftedness. Must address your two focus learners here.)
Describe how technology augments learning or assists in planning this lesson and what
specific technology is necessary for this lesson, when applicable.) The “B is for Budgeting” Video is a parody of a music video which has
Cinderella singing about being in her “Own Monthly Budget” because
● "B is for Budgeting"​ Video she is so upset about not being able to afford going to the ball. I
● Projector filmed myself lip syncing to this video and also added subtitles that
● My laptop are easy to read to support my focus students. Bowie is an auditory
● Phone learner and this song will hopefully help engage his interest in the
● White Board subject and Ian has a hearing disability but prefers visuals and is also
● Budgeting Quizlet an auditory learner, so this will also help Ian to learn about budgeting
● Budgeting puzzle in a new way.
● Budgeting multiple choice vocab quiz
● Paper I need the projector to be able to project my video, Quizlet
● Blank index cards presentation, puzzle instructions, and budgeting diagram. This helps
● Budgeting diagram so Ian can constantly see what we are doing on the board, and also
● FM system helps Bowie as this will be a reminder for him to stay on task, keep on
● Fidgets track, and also go back to the directions if necessary.
● Pre-recorded run through of vocabulary
● Teacher notes/Answer sheet I need a laptop to hook up to the projector. This also will hold all of
● Checklist the necessary documents and projects I need for the lesson.

Along with the laptop, I will need my phone to use for the Plicker
activity. This may also excite the students as you don’t see teachers
often use their phones, but I would be sure to explain how this is for
academic purposes.

I need the whiteboard in order to project the needed materials on the

front of the board so all of my students can see what we are doing.

This also aids both Ian and Bowie.

The Budgeting Quizlet provides a study tool for my students, and also
gives them access to a tool that they can use as a review before the
quiz. I will also use this in presentation style. Quizlet allows you to

Budgeting puzzle, with this I can differentiate it by putting images with

captions so Ian and Bowie can understand the task easier. This can
support Ian with a bodily kinesthetic learner opportunity as he will be
able to move pieces around and can have the option to sit or stand.
This will give him a chance to move around.

The Budgeting Multiple Choice Quiz can either be printed and

handed out via paper or I will give my students access to do it online
as well. This supports Ian who learns better via technology and also
Bowie who has a hard time writing and similar to Ian learns better
with simplified directions.

I need paper and index cards available if my students want materials

to hand write any notes. Index cards also allow students to draw
illustrations with vocab words to help them remember definitions. This
will help assist Ian as he is a visual learner as well.

The Budgeting Diagram is useful as a visual aid. This assists both Ian
and Bowie as the visual helps put an image to budgeting. This is also
helpful to all students in order to put a percentage to how much
wants, needs, and savings a standard budget should have based on
your income.

To accomodate my focus student, Ian, I will have the FM system all
ready and prepared to go before the start of class to accommodate
his needs due to his hearing disability.

At the front of my classroom I will have a bucket of fidgets in order to

support my students who are bodily kinesthetic learners, including Ian
who works easier with a fidget.

Before the lesson, I will have a Pre-recorded run through of

vocabulary as well as teacher notes and an answer sheet to all of the
activities in order to give to students who may want to use it as a
review. I would also provide these to Ian so he could have these as
extra supportive resources in and out of class.

For this lesson I will provide a checklist to my students that has a list
of the activities and what needs to be done for them. This will help
Bowie specifically because it will help him know what is happening
and what he will need to do for class, this will hopefully help decrease
some of his anxiety and adhere to his black and white and logic
based thinking.

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by using a variety of instructional approaches,
strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
(Include any documents associated with the plan: graphic organizers, sets of questions, sample problems, activity directions, content knowledge reference
notes, etc.)

Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
● Describe the plan and sequence of your lesson that is connected to the objectives. (In bulleted form, provide any additional information pertaining to your teaching and learning sequence
including details such as specific strategies or instructional formats used, instructional dialogue and
● Clearly identify timeframe.
potential teacher and student questions.)
● Describe the introduction (and hook) and closure of the lesson.
● What homework, if any, will students have following this lesson?
● Describe student groupings and room arrangement. ● The arrangement of the room allows all of my students to be
● Show where in the sequence technology is used to engage learners in meeting able to not only see each other but they will also be able to
learning objectives when appropriate. see me in the front of the room where the whiteboard is
● The sequence should include processes for monitoring student progress.
located. This will support Ian as he will be able to see
The room will be arranged so that there is a semi circle everyone’s lips, if he needs to lip read at all during class. This
formation of the desks, with spaces in between each desk, also supports Bowie because the arrangement of the desks
facing me and the whiteboard. When put into groups, students allows Bowie the needed space in order to help Bowie stay
will help each other to form roughly 5 desk groupings of 4 focused during the lesson.
desks. ● The agenda checklist will help all of my students stay on track
Class Introduction/Attendance (1-2 mins)
for class, but will support my focus learners as well.
Before starting the class, I will make sure the FM system,
fidget bucket, and projector are all ready to go. I will then ● FM system aids my focus learner, Ian to get the education he
take attendance to make sure all of my students are there needs.
and introduce the agenda for the day by handing one ● Fidgets aid Ian and other bodily kinesthetic learners.
around to all of my students in the form of a checklist. ● The budgeting video gives my students a hook into the lesson
Budgeting Introduction (10 mins) because it has their teacher in it being pretty humorous, aids
I will then begin my budgeting lesson by asking my musical learners. Also has subtitles to help give extra support
students to get out their Plicker cards, where I will present for Ian and other students.
the Plicker questions. After my students are done ● Plicker answers allow me to adjust my lesson and plan my
answering, I will play the “B if for Budgeting” video. During
focus points.
the video, I will review my students' responses to see
where I should take my lesson. After that I will go on to ● Diagram puts a graphic to the idea of budgeting, aids visual
define a budget and show the diagram explaining the learners.
percentages of categories that make up a budget. ● Quizlet presentations offer text-to-speech options.
Quizlet Presentation (15 mins) ● Index cards and paper offer a different option for the activities
Next, I will start by handing out paper and/or index cards that can also be done online (for students who focus more via
where I will then present the Quizlet vocabulary technology, such as Ian and Bowie)
presentation and start explaining the words in simpler ● Quiz allows me to see where my students are at in terms of

terms. My students then can have the opportunity to write the vocab so then I can later review if necessary.
down any connections they may create. ● Budgeting puzzles encourage socialization and group work,
Vocab Work (10 mins) allowing an increase of opportunity for both of my focus
Using their connections, I will allow them time to study the learners to try and build more connections among peers.
vocab, either using the Quizlet link, creating flashcards,
● The group roles allow both of my focus learners to either step
drawing images that correlate, partner or group study, or
outside of their comfort zones or to use their strengths. Ian
something else that works best for them. I will check in to
see how they are feeling with the vocab by asking “fist to likes to read and is also a hands on learner, so the role of
five” where they will show how comfortable they are. Material Manager, where he would be in charge of touching
Vocab “Quiz” (20 mins) and moving around the materials would be fit for him. To
I will then send them the “quiz” link or offer a paper challenge himself, the role of recorder may be one to help him
version, being sure to explain this is not graded. My with writing as this is an area he has trouble with. This role
students will then complete the quiz and I will collect the would also be a challenge for Bowie as well, but the role of
paper versions. Timekeeper would be a good fit for Bowie because knowing
Budgeting Puzzle (15 mins)
the time frames for activities, helps Bowie stay on task and
As I collect the paper quizzes, I will count students from
contribute his ideas. Presenter would also be a role that may
1-5, and put them in groups of 4 each. I will also have
each group self-assign group roles (presenter, time challenge Bowie, but with the help of the group sharing their
keeper, recorder, and material manager) as I pass around ideas together, the risk level would decrease.
envelopes with the puzzle and directions inside. I will ● Budgeting workshop allows my students to explore various
verbally explain the directions as well, and warn them that apps, websites, templates, formats, etc. that they find
I will be asking each group to share when done. Then interesting enough to use for their own budget. This also
each group will have time to complete their puzzle and provides time for them to ask questions that they may have, to
come up with their reasons as to why they put an object in discuss with peers, and for me to walk around and check-in
each category for about 10 minutes. I will then ask for
individually with my students.
each group to share aloud some of their responses for a
few minutes.
Budget Workshop (10 mins)
Now, that they understand the terms, structure, and
proportions of a budget, I will give my students time to find
a medium that works best for them to create their own
monthly budget. This time will allow them to ask any
questions they have for me, but will also allow them to

discuss with their fellow peers as this will be an organized
quiet workshop but discussion will be encouraged.
Assign Homework (1-2 mins)
I will then assign students to finish their budget for
homework so they are able to look at any documents they
may need at home. I will also have copies of my notes to
hand out to students, including both Ian and Bowie.

Hyperlink to Activity:
● "B is for Budgeting"​ Video
● Budgeting Quizlet
● Budgeting puzzle
● Budgeting multiple choice vocab quiz
● Budgeting diagram

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, modifications, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

accommodations) ● In bulleted form, discuss your reasoning for including specific activities or strategies.
● Describe how you met the needs of students who were missing prior knowledge ● Identify any misconceptions and how you are providing scaffolds and differentiated instruction.
needed for success in this lesson. ● Describe how your lesson shows implementation of Universal Design for Learning and how you
● Describe the adaptation/ scaffolding/ enriching/ extended learning needs of a specifically addressed your two focus learners needs. How did you
specific student based on their profile. Describe aspects of your lesson that
accommodated the needs of this student. ● Engage a range of learner preferences and abilities
● Plan for learner choice/ interest that results in variation of pace, process, product and/or
● Challenge students
For my first focus learner Bowie, who is a logical (black and white) and ● Incorporate Multiple Means of Representation (Strategies to Deliver Content)
musical learner, I handed out an agenda in the style of a checklist to ● Incorporate Multiple Means of Engagement (Strategies to Facilitate the Process of Learning)
help Bowie know where we are throughout the lesson, what needs to ● Incorporate Multiple Means of Expression (Strategies to Assess Student Learning)
● Consider the social and physical environment (i.e. room arrangement, positive/humanistic
be accomplished during each time frame, and clear directions. To behavior supports, use of space, facilitation of peer interaction)
adhere to his musical intelligence, I am showing the “B is for
Budgeting” video is a song parody explaining budgeting. To help Because Bowie has expressed interest in music through singing in
improve social interaction and connections between Bowie and his
classmates, the group puzzle creates a low risk environment for Bowie
chorus and playing an instrument in the band, his strength in musical
to participate in small groups of 4. As a way to accommodate his intelligence will help him understand budgeting in a different way.
needs that are on his IEP, I will have notes from the lesson available to The video will help support this. Bowi also thinks in black and white,
him, and will allow him more time on the quiz if needed. I will also which shows his strength in logical intelligence, and this is supported

through the use of a checklist, and the vocabulary multiple choice
create an example of a budget that will be like a guided note sheet for
him to create his own personal personal budget. because it is direct and to the point (match the word to the correct
definition). This will help Bowie not get overwhelmed due to not
For my other focus student Ian, who is a ​ bodily kinesthetic and
visual learner, I created the budgeting puzzle activity where he
knowing what the directions are, what he is doing, or what the
will be able to get up and move into groups and fidget around answer is because it will be there for him to visually see. And since
with the pieces of paper that have graphics attached with them. Bowie is always kind to his fellow classmates, but doesn’t seem to
A bucket of fidgets will also be available to help support him have any clear connections, the group activity will hopefully allow
throughout class. Copies of notes from the lesson will also be him to feel more comfortable with his peers. The workshop portion
provided, and I will have pre-recorded presentations about the and presentation allows Bowie to have his seating accommodations
vocab and budgeting to have available to him outside of class. in order to increase his focus and also gives him a break from
Quizlet also offers a text-to-speech option where he can hear socializing with his peers if needed. Bowie’s areas to improve are
the words being read aloud to him, supporting him and his reading and writing accommodations, and on his IEP he has
need due to his hearing impairment as well as struggles in accomodations where he must be given more time to complete
writing and reading. The visuals of the diagram and video will assignments, so extra time will also be provided. On his IEP, Bowie
help support Ian in his visual learning styles. The group activity also needs a copy of notes available in case he does not get
will also help create a low-risk environment for Ian to also help everything jot down, and this is where my notes for the lesson will be
socially with his classmates. The FM system supports his needs provided.
on his IEP, and he will be given extra time for the quiz and
budget homework assignment if needed. Since Ian is a bodily kinesthetic learner, the group activity and fidget tools will allow
him to move around. The fidget tools are also on his IEp along with ​facilitated
roles/scripted prompts whenever possible for partner and group work. I
have each group self-assign roles in order to encourage discussion amongst
peers, and the activity itself is low risk to increase involvement. The puzzle
will also have appropriate graphics for each item to provide another
perspective. The agenda will also be provided to his and the class on paper,
but I will also be sure to email him before class so he can prepare. The FM
system will be prepared before class to help accommodate his hearing
disability, where Ian will have the choice in order to pass the FM system to
his small group or not. The subtitles on the video will also aid this as well as
the speech-to-text/text-to-speech options on Quizlet. The multiple choice
“quiz” has the definitions straight from the quizlet, which allows familiarity

and will be offered either on the laptop or paper, to support his strength in
technology. The workshop time will allow me to check in one-on-one to
make sure he is on track and to answer any questions he and my other
students may have. The budget project may also be done on the computer
to accommodate his needs. My teacher notes for the lesson will also be
provided along with extra time for assignments and homework if needed.

S​ tudent Profiles for Practicum Lesson Plans
Focus Student #1: Case Study Student​ ​Include a link to your Case Study profile for Dr. Kate to review when providing feedback for the lesson

Focus Student # 2: Michael

Disability Label/s: ​Specific Learning Disability in Reading and Writing; Other Health Impairment (anxiety and ADHD)
Special Education Services Provided under IEP

Present Levels of Performance (PLOP)

Michael benefits from a structured classroom environment and clear expectations. He benefits from a seat near preferred peers, to minimize
anxiety. The use of structured templates or visual organizers helps Michael so he feels more confident in completing work. Positive
Reinforcement from teachers and peers is beneficial for Michael’s anxiety. Non-verbal cues are significantly more effective than verbal cues,
because he does not feel embarrassed or targeted (i.e. a simple touch on the shoulder often works best to get Michael back on task. He is very
good at picking up gestural cues and will redirect quickly.)

Subject Specific Information

Reading: ​Michael's reading performance ranges two to three grade levels below his current grade level. Michael has difficulty recalling
information he has read and can have difficulty locating information within the text to answer questions. He benefits from speech to text and
audit texts when reading grade level texts and during class discussion of texts, he adds excellent insight.
​Writing: ​Michael's written expression skills are estimated to fall one to two grade levels below his current grade. He benefits from prompts and
scaffolded organizers to support his writing. His ideas are often concrete. He has difficulty spelling and frequently leaves out ending
punctuation marks. Handwriting is legible but his writing is much stronger when provided a word processor. He often enables text to speech to
read his writing back to him, helping him to create more complete and clear work.
Math: ​Michaels's math performance is on grade level. His computational and mathematical reasoning skills are strong. He enjoys working with
partners and groups, and benefits when he can explain mathematical concepts to a peer. He benefits from directions read aloud (peer, or text to

Accommodations & Modifications

· ​Extended time on classwork, homework and tests
· Language in directions simplified, when needed

· Word processing and text to speech for writing
· Audio texts and speech to text for reading

Focus Student # 3: Ian

Disability Label/s​ : Hearing Impairment; ADHD; Anxiety
Special Education Services Provided under IEP

Present Levels of Performance (PLOP)

Ian likes to read and demonstrates strength in reading. He is a bodily kinesthetic learner and enjoys physical activities such as basketball
and football. He learns best in the classroom with hands-on and exploratory activities. Ian requires access to a FM system to help aid his
unilateral profound hearing loss in his left ear and hearing sensitivity in his right ear. All teachers who are directing academic instruction are to
use the FM system.
I​an’s hyperactivity impacts his ability to attend to tasks throughout the school day. He benefits from movement breaks, sensory
objects/fidgets, and providing clear agendas/expectations for his day. The agenda is typically emailed to him so he can access it on his phone. He
performs within the average range in reading and math.
Ian is an excellent student and well-liked by adults. But he needs support to engage with peers, as his anxiety, stemming from his
hearing impairment and attention difficulties, has significantly impacted his peer relationships. He does not initiate conversation. Ian benefits
from partner and group activities, particularly with structure. He benefits from clear roles in his partner and group work, and peers must be
instructed to speak slowly and clearly.

Subject Specific Information

Writing: ​When measured on the WIAT-III, Ian performed below average range on subsets that measured written expression. Overall,
his writing skills are far less developed than others his age. He prefers to write on his computer; explaining that his handwriting is not very good
and he finds it easier to type his thoughts. He can benefits from sentence starters/prompts and structured outlines.
Speech/Language: ​Ian has some difficulty with oral language skills, compared to same-age peers without hearing impairments. He is
anxious about the way his speech may sound to others and prefers not to read aloud or give presentations without accommodations such as
visual or sound supports.
​Other​: Ian performs on grade level or above in most other subjects (e.g. ELA/reading, social studies, math, science) when provided with
the appropriate supports.

· ​FM System in all classes
· ​Teacher notes
· ​Access to sensory supports/fidgets
· ​Oral presentations pre-recorded /additional use of visuals or media
· ​ Facilitated roles/scripted prompts whenever possible for partner and group work

Focus Student #4: Kayla

Disability label/s: ​Visual Impairment including Blindness and Other Health Impairment (physical disabilities undisclosed by parent)
Accommodations provided under 504 plan

Present Levels of Performance:

Kayla performs on or above grade level in all content areas when provided appropriate accommodations under her 504 Plan. She has had many
health issues and surgeries in her lifetime due to her physical disabilities. Because of her experiences she is interested in working in the medical
field or working as an advocate for individuals with disabilities. She often presents about disability awareness and advocacy in her community,
and has presented in her school too. Currently, child development, math, and science are her favorite subjects. Kayla is conscientious and
invested in her education. Given extended time, she will complete all of her assignments with high scores.

· ​Service animal
· ​Speech to text available for any written work (she prefers Dragon)
· ​Digital texts available for all content areas
· ​Text read (texts to speech, aide, teacher, or peer)
· ​Large print as necessary
· ​Digital assignment book allowed
· ​JoinME synced between teacher smartboard and her iPad in all classes
· ​Additional minutes between classes for transition
· ​Extended time on classwork, homework, tests
· ​Preferential seating

Focus Student #5: Alana
Disability Label/s: ​Multiple disabilities: intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, speech and language impairment
Special Education Services Provided under IEP

Present Levels of Performance (PLOP)

Alana benefits from visual and auditory directions. She works best with familiar people. She understands both verbal and visual information.
Alana responds to questions using eye gaze and/or hand selection. She also communicates through facial expression and body movements, and
she can select choices on her iPad using her Big Red Switch.
Alana does not have behaviors of concern, she is cooperative and patient. If she is unable to respond, then fatigue is typically the reason. We are
working on getting Alana to express preferences and advocate for herself more fully. She is very social and enthusiastic about learning. She loves
to be surrounded by friends. Alana has not demonstrated an ability to decode. Therefore, her preferred mode of access to texts is through
listening. She responds consistently to yes/no questions, and has demonstrated the ability to recognize numbers. She enjoys technology, is a
Beavers fan, loves music and enjoys adaptive skiing.

Alana’s IEP team has determined the following overarching IEP goals for her this year:
• increasing self-initiated communication with peers, general educators, and the public, which includes
expressing her preferences and needs, making requests, and responding to questions
• Increasing comprehension of vocabulary associated with instructional units/topics on grade level
• synthesizing information from each curricular topic into 5 - 10 big ideas
• Increasing her access to and use of a computer-generated voice output device
• Reaching and grasping, assisting in movements guided by others, and moving her legs purposefully
• Using eye gaze to consistently select and make choices


● frequent breaks and snacks to help maintain energy required for learning
● Access to her iPad for communication support at all times
● modified work for all curricular units to address 5-10 essential ideas decided upon by team in advance

● pre-programmed phrases into her iPad that connect to units and lessons
● pre-programmed phrases into her iPad for social interaction
● Texts and directions read aloud
● adjustments to physical surroundings or environmental conditions to accommodate her wheelchair and communication device (ipad and
● Teach all educators to ask yes/no questions and use the iPad Proloquo2Go App to select the Y/N option to assess understanding
● Promote positive interdependence between Alana and her peers - teaching peers to interpret eye-point responses or facial expressions,
and how to program her iPad so that she can utilize simple voice output during any group work or presentation to share information
● Use of adapted texts
● digital texts with text to speech options


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