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Healthy Habits

___ Go jogging for 5 minutes ___ Do 25 squats ___ Play catch with a friend for 10

___ Eat 2 apples in 1 day ___ Roller blade 10 minutes ___ Do 50 Star Jumps

___ Team Sport Game ___ Team Sport Practice ___ Swing on a swing set for 10 minutes

___ Ride your bike for 20 minutes ___ Give Mom or Dad a hug ___Say good morning to 10 different

___ Play with a Hula Hoop for 15 minutes ___ Play a tag game for 15 minutes ___ Do 50 jumping jacks

___ Walk or Run a mile ___ Help pick up stick from a yard ___ Jump as high as you can 10 times

___ Jump Rope for 5 Minutes ___ Shoot a basketball 15 minutes ___ Go for a walk with a family member

___ Dance for 10 Minutes ___ Go roller skating 20 minutes ___ Play with a toy with a friend

___ Clean your bedroom ___ Play catch with a ball 20 minutes ___ Make 20 basketball shots

___ Jump on a pogo stick 10 minutes ___ Do 20 curl-ups ___ Do a group run, walk, or bike

___ Dribble a soccer ball 10 Minutes ___ Eat a piece of fruit everyday ___ Do 20 push-ups

___ Bounce a ball 50 times ___ Practice juggling for 20 minutes ___ Stand and jump as far as you can 5

___ Hike up a hill 15 times ___ Run as fast as you can for 50 feet 5 ___ Ask mom or dad how their day went

___ Play kickball with friends ___ Walk like a seal for 20 feet 3 times ___ Stand/Reach your toes for 20
seconds 3 times

___ Try a sport you have not played ___ Play baseball/softball with a friend ___ Sit/Reach your toes for 20 seconds 3

___ Do 15 wall pushups ___ Do 15 standing squats 2 times ___ Eat carrots and broccoli in the same

___ Play a game from PE ___ Read a story before bed ___ Take your pet/dog for a walk

___ Do 20 curl-ups ___ Play in the yard for 30 minutes ___ Get 8 hours of sleep 2 nights in a row

___ Do book curls 20 times with each arm ___ Hop on 1 foot then the other 20 times ___ Balance on each foot for 20 seconds
3 times

___ Go to a park and play ___ Eat breakfast each day for a week ___ Skip aorund your home/outside 5

___ Walk like a crab 20 feet 2 times ___ Do 40 step-ups ___ Perform 20 mountain climbers

___Watch tv for 1 hour only in a day ___ Play football catch with a friend ___ Do something nice for your mom/dad

___ Bridge 10 seconds 2 times ___ Play a board game with your family ___ Your Choice: 

Activity Sheet Rules: 

1. This is strictly ​voluntary​. The activity is used to provide children with a way to keep track of the things they are doing that 
relate to healthy active living. 
2. After a child completes the activity, they will place an “X” on the line next to the activity. 

Parent/Guardian Signature

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