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Antkowiak’s Super Second Grade

Issue # 25 January 27th-31st Room 203

From the Teacher up for an item or two. We also need more vol-
unteers for the valentines day dance to keep
This week your student the rabid squirrels away
will begin learning about from the doors of the gym-
the many shapes in the nasium. Also please be
world. Please send your aware that there is a dress
student to school with code for this dance. Please
an everyday item that is refrain from sending your
the shape that they are child to the dance with a
assigned. This will be JoJo Siwa bow and heels
happening Tuesday, due to safety reasons.
February fourth. If your student does not Lastly, please keep your student reading for
bring in an item they will not be able to twenty minutes everyday. This helps them in
participate in the activity. the long run. We have many students falling
I will be sending home the sign up for behind because their reading log is not fin-
the valentine’s day party. Please sign ished.

Day Lunch
This Week in Class they are as-
signed to. Mon Roasted Chicken with mashed potatoes,
This week students used This will bring green beans and dinner roll
multiple versions of tech- what they are learning
nology to find out more about and the holiday to- Tues Tacos with rice and beans

about the animals they gether. We also learned

chose to write an informa- about clouds in science Wed Pasta with red sauce, alfredo or butter and
tional essay about. Stu- and different cultures in garlic bread

dents also started to learn social studies. In math

how to write in cursive this week every student Thurs Chicken tenders with green beans and tator
and how to read it as well. accomplished their goa
Students will write a val- that was previously set Fri Pizza with mixed veggies and a cupcake
entine to the friend for them.

This Weeks Shooting Star Any Questions or Concerns?

Noah Molly Antkowiak

White Phone number : (978)-876-7192 EXT: 203215

Remind: 123-4321

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