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A full derivation of this transformation is provided in

Appendix A for reference.

B. Frequency Domain ABC-Stationary DQ Transfonnation
Lqde(t)] = synchronous DQ frame time varying quantities. of a Current Regulator
Note also the reverse transformation of To complete the formal theoretical developmenf a
frequency domain transformation from the ABC to the
(4) stationary DQ frame can also be derived as follows:
In control system terms, Figure 1 can be described as a two Equations (1). (2) are linear time invariant transformations
input variable control system with a frequency domain between the ABC and stationary DQ frames, under the
transfer function of assumption that the ABC frame is balanced so that line
v, (SI= HI I (s)x E , (SI+ HI2 ( S ) X E d(4 (5)
currents and phase voltages sum to zero. Hence by the
linearity property of Laplace transforms,
Vd(4 = H2 I (4. E, (SI+ H22 ( 4 X E d (4
where E,(s) and E d ( s ) are the current errors in the LqdS (41 = [Cl[I,(Sll (8)
Using ( 5 ) for the stationary DQ frame and substituting
frequency domain.
from (8) gives:
Note that this general form of controller allows cross
coupling between the control variables through the off-
diagonal terms H,,(s) and H,,(s), as shown in Figure 2. kqdSGI1 =h,dS G ~ l b q d S ( ~ ~ l (9)
Equation (5) can be transformed into time varying terms h q d S G)1[cl[Eub
+ [Cl[V,b( S I ] = (41
by recognising that multiplication in the frequency domain is Left multiplying (9) by [Cr' gives:
equivalent to convolution in the time domain, viz:
~ , ( ~ ) = ~ l l ( ~ ) ~ ~ , ( t ) + ~ I 2 ( t ) ~ ~ d ( ~ ) Pub (41= [cl-'[H,dS (dl [CI[Eob(4 (10)

Vd (4= h2, ( t ) @e, (t>+h22 ( t b ed (4 (6) Hence the frequency domain transformations between the
ABC and stationary DQ frames become:
where 8 = convolution operation.
More usefully, substituting from (3) and (4) into (3,and [Hob (41= [cl-'b , d S (dl [cl (1 1)
after some manipulation, a general frequency domain form of
regulator transformation from the stationary frame to the (12)
synchronous frame, and vice versa, can be derived as:

A. Single Phase Implementation

For a DC control system, the standard control network is a
PI compensator, which has an s-plane transfer function of

This transfer function would also typically be used in a

synchronous frame current regulation system.
for controllers which have no cross coupling and equal direct For an equivalent single phase stationary frame AC current
path coefficients, ie. H,,(s) = H2(s), HI2(s)= H,,(s) = 0. regulator, (13) can be transformed using the first term of (7b)
to create a control network which achieves the same DC
control response centred around the target AC control
frequency, ie.

=K, +-
s2 + W O 2
Equation (14) can immediately be seen to be a resonant
controller which achieves infinite gain (and hence zero error
as a zero order system is assumed) at the resonant frequency.
Such a system cannot of course be realised in a physical filter
Figure 2: Frequency domain representation of general cross coupled DQ network, but a practical alternative is given by:
axis current regulator.


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