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Tunak Consults
Tunde Akanni




Alausa mini market is located in Alausa Ikeja, and it is surrounded by the all the state
ministries with the Ministry of Lands and Housing located directly in front of the gate. The
primary purpose of the market is to meet the needs of the staffs of the ministry surrounding
it, by providing goods and services such as; meals, stationeries, snacks, drinks, call centres
but to mention a few. A security house and twenty-five shops were built for this purpose.

Adeshina restaurant is a well renowned restaurant in Alausa mini market, and has been in
existence since inception of the mini market itself. This proposal illustrates the current
method of running the restaurant, its shortcomings, and then postulates a more viable and
lasting solution.

The restaurant is located in a prime location in the market; it’s located right in front of the
main gate of the market (shop 17) which in turn gives the restaurant high publicity and
proximity, hence making it one of the most popular shops in the market.

Its popularity however, is not only due to its location but also to the delicious delicacies,
varying products and services that are being sold in the shop, little wonder it quickly became
a one-stop shop for visitors and staffs of the Ministries that surrounds it.

Adeshina restaurant is not just any restaurant, its unique focus of food preparation with a
universal appeal and high quality gives them the edge over their competitors, by giving
customers a feeling of exclusivity, prestige, and of course an air of superiority. This fulfils not
only the needs of the elite and senior staff but also people who will not normally buy our
products, yet are challenged with the need to feel better than they usually are.


Their vision is to meet the everyday feeding needs of their customers and to keep them as
satisfied as possible which in turn makes them keep coming back for more. They do this by
creating ingenious ways of service delivery, maintenance of high cooking standards and a
strict adherence to all relevant laws.

Adeshina restaurant has been around for quite some time, and depends on its culinary skills,
expertise and experience in making the best of the best delicacies for its customers in a
serene and conducive environment.


1. To be a household name when it comes to delicious meals in the mini market and
2. To be number one in service delivery in the market.
3. Expansion of the current premises of the restaurant.

Core Values

The core values of Adeshina restaurant include the following:

 Adeshina restaurant operates in accordance with the highest standards in all

relationships with customers, suppliers, environment, and the community.
 Adeshina restaurant also ensures that they operate in accordance to all relevant
regulations on food production and handling in the state.

Target Market

Adeshina restaurant’s target market ranges from the young, middle aged and the elderly,
basically everyone that has the need to eat. Their ideal customers however are, the middle
aged and the youths, as they are the people that work in the surrounding ministries and
offices, customers can be single or married, male or female.


Adeshina restaurant as earlier stated, began about the same time the market begun and has
since had only one owner Madam Adeyinka (a.k.a Alhaja) who has currently gone into
retirement leaving the day to day running of this great restaurant to her children and
sometimes grandchildren, while she gets either a monthly report or a quarterly summary.

The restaurant currently has a staff of four (4) namely;

1. The Manager: He / She is more or less the shop manager as he doesn’t own the
restaurant but merely has a stake (child or grandchild) in the restaurant, hence he
can be called a stakeholder or shareholder as the case refers.
His /Her duties are the following;
i. Maintain proper inventory of the restaurant (stock taking)
ii. In charge of the purchase of stock from either the market or from suppliers

iii. In charge of the recruitment and evaluation of manpower.
iv. Receives cash from customers when they are through with their meals.
v. Gives account either on a monthly or quarterly basis of the total sales record
to the owner.

2. The Head Cook/Chef: She is usually the most qualified and most experienced cook
amongst the staff and usually commands a high sense of respect from the remaining
staff. Her duties are as follows;
i. Supervise the cooking of the meals.
ii. Definitely helps out with the cooking of meals especially the technical ones
(that is the special delicacies)
iii. Takes charge of the restaurant whenever the shop manager is out or on
leave, she is basically the next in command after the shop manager.

3. Other chefs: These are other cooks hired by the restaurant to help out in the
preparation of meals, their numbers varies (it usually depends on the pressing need
of the restaurant), and it’s determined by the shop manager (currently they have
ONE). Their duties are as follows:
i. They prepare the meals that are to be served.
ii. They help out from time to time in taking the orders of customers and serving
the meals to them (waiters)

4. Waiters: They can be either male or females and they are hired basically to wait on
customers (currently they have ONE). Their duties are as follows;
i. Taking orders of customers and making sure they are served right and on
ii. Also they keep the restaurant spotless meaning that they clean the
restaurant before and after the day’s work.

Above are the current members of staff of the restaurant and their job description, which
they seldom stick to, deviating from it every once in a while giving little or no room for
innovation and or development, hence the reason for this proposal.


The limitations of this mode of running the restaurant are manifest and include the

1. Pilfering by members of staff.

2. Indiscipline of staff.
3. Nonchalant attitude of staff.

The above are the major limitations of this mode of administration, and have been a
lingering problem for a couple of years now.


Due to the limitations listed above the following are my recommendations;


For a small business such as Adeshina Restaurant, adequate stock taking is a major
tool for business growth and subsequent expansion. It was observed that adequate
stock taking is not being carried out adequately; hence there is no written record of
stock present in the restaurant or of that in the store, the whole restaurant has been
thus far run on assumptions.
I therefore recommend that, daily comprehensive stock taking to be carried out
(most preferably written): knowing the number of goods present in the restaurant,
its price, its expiry date if any, condition of these goods, number of goods sold per
day etc. This I believe will go a long way in moving the restaurant forward as the rate
of pilfering by members of staff would reduce significantly.


The management at Adeshina restaurant, often tend to “muddle” up the cash gotten
from sales of different products, hence they often are under the illusion that they are
making profit due to the “large” amount of cash they receive from customers, and if
they are not careful there is a relatively high tendency that they close shop in no
distant time.
I therefore recommend the setting up of a profit and loss account which will indicate
the following:
i. The kind/type of goods purchased from the market, their numbers
and prices.
ii. The kind/type of product/meal sold in the restaurant per day, their
numbers and prices.

iii. Then comparing the two listed above to know how much profit or loss
was made on a particular product/meal per day

This will enable the management know what products or meals attract higher profit,
sell more, or generate losses.

During the short period with which I studied the situation at Adeshina restaurant, I
found out that customers, and all members of staff (Manager inclusive) are not
accountable. Meaning that the customers are trying to outsmart the staff, the
members of staff are trying to outsmart the manager, and the manager also has an
attitude of “it's the family business I can take any amount needed mum won’t
mind/know” this is a very serious and tricky situation, as one will never know how
much exactly is being made in the restaurant on a daily basis, especially with this
mode of operation.
Hence I recommend that, the mode of payment of bills be changed completely so
that every customer pays before service meaning; immediately a customer makes an
order, he is given his bill (on a piece of paper (ticket) that is to be generated
specifically for that purpose, with serial numbers if possible) and he pays his bill
alongside the ticket to the cashier/manager. These tickets will be collated at the end
of each day, compared with the total sales for the day and also included in a bi—
weekly report to the owner. Also, a reorientation of members of staff addressing the
bad attitude they have towards work, and asking them to desist from such attitude
else they will be shown the way out! (Making them understand that this is a business
and no one is indispensable no matter who they are)
This I believe will go a long way in curbing indiscipline and lackadaisical attitude
amongst members of staff.

Motivation is an essential key to a fruitful business venture. Hence, to move the
restaurant forward, members of staff needs to be adequately motivated. This
motivation doesn’t necessarily mean increment in salary/wages, but also in the way
members of staffs are treated; for example if they are treated as thieves, they will
act as such (the fact that one doesn’t treat them as thieves doesn’t mean that one
shouldn’t be vigilant).
In addition, integrity, ingenuity, and dedication of workers should be rewarded/
acknowledged from time to time, as this will help boost workers morale, encourage
diligence and make the work place lively.


It is expedient that sentiments are put aside and these recommendations carried out as
quickly and efficiently as possible, so as to avoid eventual winding up of the business.

I believe that with these recommendations of mine, Adeshina Restaurant will not only be
revitalised but will soon become a household name in Lagos and Nigeria at large.

Thank you very much.

Tunde Akanni.
Tunak Consults.

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