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My Website: https://juliaschultz376.wixsite.



1. SAMR –
S: Answering the questions on the computer substitutes for writing them on a piece of paper.
A: Students must respond to their classmates response on certain questions I have for the lesson.
M & R: Students must create a video to submit at the end of the lesson covering the topic.
2. Rationale and Standards:

ISTE Standards:
Digital citizen- teaching them how to be safe and responsible while creating their work to publish on the website.
Innovative designer- students have to create a video discussing the content, the more creative they are the better!
Creative communicator- students must submit their responses to certain questions
Global collaborator- students must comment on their fellow classmate’s posts with educational responses that
contribute to the topic.

Describe the web-based lesson you intend to develop, and explain how it enhances the learning of students in a way
not possible without technology integration.
-The lesson I will be developing is over the U.S. presidents. By using the webtools, students will learn way more
from watching actual videos of the presidents, search for more info about the major tasks certain presidents
achieved, and at the end they must create a video as one of the presidents describing what they did while they were
in office.

3. Website Sources: Identify at least 4 webtools or websites you intend to have your students visit and use,
explaining their value.
- & are
videos for the children to watch that gives students a brief description about presidents and the order of them.
- game for children to play and sort presidents in to similar
categories based on facts about their time as president.
- students must use this discussion board to post their response to
questions and reply to at least 2 other students.
- fun quiz to go over at the end of the lesson
- students will use flipgrid to upload their videos at the end of the
lesson. Students will enter their own personal ID to access the flipgrid. On my website, I included one code for you to

How might preparing a web-based activity address student learning in way that might not be possible with in-class
activities alone?
-It allows them to explore independently with tools that provide more information from your typical standard
of teaching. It also allows students to collaborate in new ways
Describe and explain how students complete the lesson.
-Students will follow the website to locate tools that will help them learn about the US presidents. They will
start by watching the videos to get an understanding of what the president does and facts on past presidents.
They will then continue their learning by playing the interactive game that makes them organize the
presidents into specific categories. They will know some of the information from the videos. Some of the
information will be new to them, but they are always allowed to google to find the answers to the questions.
After learning about the presidents, students will then go to the discussion board to answer the questions.
They must reply to 2 or more classmates. After they completed their comments, they will be taken to a quiz.
This quiz is not taken for a grade, but will be helpful for them to see what they know and learn more about the
presidents. Once all the content is covered, students will need to create a video as their favorite US president.
They will talk about who they are and the major contributions or events that happened when they were
president. Once completed they will upload to flipgrid.

Reflect on the development of your web based lesson project, did you achieve your desired outcome? Explain why you
feel you achieved the level you did in the SAMR model, and what your next steps would be to move beyond to the next
-Yes I believe I did achieve my desired outcomes. By using many different tools, students are learning and
completing their work in new ways! I feel like as the students moved along the lesson they moved up to a new level of the
SAMR model.

How does your project connect with the concepts and ideas we have been reading and discussing regarding teaching and
learning with technology?

-It connects to what we have been learning because I am using the technology to enhance my students learning. It
is engaging them because it is an interactive lesson. They must use many different tools, just like we have, to expand their
learning. We also have talked in this classroom about collaborating. I tried to incorporate that as well in my lesson plan by
requiring students to respond to classmates.

In what ways was your project different from traditional instructional practices, and in what ways did it enhance them?

-My project was different from traditional practices because I didn’t make students read from a book and simply
answer questions about what they just read. I tried to give them a base line of information and encouraged them to search
for more information in order to answer questions and make their finale video project.

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