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Fatima Jinnah Women University


Dear respondents,

We the students of business research methods conducting research on “title of research “. Kindly fill
this questionnaire, it will take 5-10 minutes from your valuable time. Your responses would be
considered confidential. Thanking you

BBA students

Section-1 (demographic variables)

Gender Age Tenure Income level Qualification

monthly expenses
1. Male 1. 25-30 1. Less than 1 year 1. Less than 1. Bachelors
2. Female 2. 31-35 2. 1-5 years 20,000 2. Masters
3. 36-40 3. 6-10 2. 21,000- 3. Above
4. 41-45 4. 10 to above 25,000 masters
5. 45 to above 3. 26,000-
4. 31,000-
5. above
Sector Department Position

public 1. Engineering 1. Top management

private 2. Research and 2. Technical
development 3. Administration
3. Sales and
4. Technical
Section -2 (study variables)

Please tick appropriate box according to given scale:

Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly disagree

5 4 3 2 1

Code 5 4 3 2 1
 Team knowledge sharing (Matošková, et al 2018; Lei, et al 2019)
TKS 1 Proposals are collected in the company from other employees, clients,
partners and vendors and are used during decisions.

TKS 2 Employees are informed of the turnover, revenue, economic and

strategic issues in the company.
TKS 3 Any time a typical employee in our company has important work-related
information, he/she tries to pass it to those who could benefit from it.
TKS 4 A typical employee in our company provides others with feedback.

TKS 5 Employees are informed of the turnover, revenue, economic and

strategic issues in the company.
TKS 6 Proposals are collected in the company from other employees, clients,
partners and vendors and are used during decisions.
TKS 6 A typical employee in our company helps others to manage the
knowledge and skills needed for their work.
TKS 7 During decision making, e.g., about investment in a company, the
proposals of employees are taken into consideration.
TKS 8 A typical employee in our company shares knowledge acquired from
education or a development program with other members of the

TKS 9 A typical employee in our company regularly participates in seminars and

workshops to share knowledge and learn from others.
TKS 10 A typical employee of our company contributes through ideas and
inspiration to the knowledge archive of the company, e.g., the company
knowledge database.
TKS 11 A typical employee in our company is involved in the documentation of
important knowledge, e.g., elaborates instructions from the project and
knowledge about clients.
 Knowledge creation (Adeinat, Abdulfatah 2019)

KC 1
Organizations actively seeks information form-relevant external
sources; employees, students, consulting firms, third parties

KC 2 Organizations motivates employees to use external information

sources; employees, students, consulting firms, third parties
KC 3 Organizations ensures that there is quick information flow across
KC 4 Organizations holds regular cross-departmental meetings to exchange

KC 5 Employees are able to link existing information with any new

information received
KC 6 Organizations has mechanisms for creating new knowledge from existing
 Team collective efficacy (Lin, et al 2018)

TCE 1 Our team is confident in meeting the quality demands of the job.
TCE 2 Our team is confident in correcting the mistakes in our work.

TCE 3 Our team is confident in following all of the safety rules on the job.
TCE 4 Our team is confident in following all of the safety rules on the job.

TCE 5 Our team is confident in maintaining job performance.

TCE 6 Our team is confident in keeping up with the operational pace of my firm.

 Team performance (Korner, et al 2015; Bateman, et al 2002)

TP 1 Too little time and effort is devoted to developing a common understanding
of the task.
TP 2 Team members cannot adequately express their own point of
view to the other participants.

TP 3 Team members do not put enough effort into understanding the ways of
thinking or the procedures and methodologies of the other disciplines.

TP 4 Team members have different objectives regarding the accomplishment of

their tasks.
TP 5 The membership of the team can be readily identified

TP 6 There is a common sense of purpose for this team

TP 7 Members are clear about their roles within the team

TP 8 There is a effective communication in the team

TP 9 Individuals feel valued as member of the team

TP 10 Morale within the team is high

TP 11 There is effective and appropriate leadership within the team

Thank you for providing valuable response, if you have any query/question please contact at:

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