Letter From Dr. Randall Todd

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Randall L.

Todd, DrPH
Reno, NV 89519

03 May 2020

To: Members of the Washoe County District Board of Health

Chair - John Novak, DMD, City of Sparks
Vice Chair - Michael D. Brown, City of Reno
Marsha Berkbigler, Washoe County Commissioner
Kristopher Dahir, Sparks City Councilman
Reka P. Danko, MD, District Board of Health Appointee
Oscar Delgado, Reno City Councilman
Tom Young, Washoe County Appointee

While this forced retirement affects me personally, my primary concern is for the citizens of
Washoe County for whom the Washoe County Health District (WCHD) is responsible. Having
said that, the health of this county’s citizenry ultimately affects others in the State of Nevada and
the populations of other states as well. This COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented and
far-reaching effects that take highly qualified public health professionals to tackle. Throughout
my career, I have always believed that the entire population is my patient.

I have lived my life by the maxim that “bad things persist when good people do nothing.” I am
not willing to have my 40-year career end under the cloud that Kevin Dick has caused. In my
opinion, he has been after my resignation since he became the Washoe County District Health
Officer (DHO). This is a position for which he is totally unqualified. He has a bachelor’s degree
in engineering, is certified as a Nevada Certified Environmental Manager with expertise in Air
Quality, and absolutely no public health experience. Even if Mr. Dick met the minimum
qualifications to be DHO, he still lacks the education, credentials, and public health experience
and working relationship with the public and the media. After yesterday’s article in the Reno
Gazette-Journal, I am going to write my side of the situation.

As far as I am aware, in the years since he became DHO, Mr. Dick has done nothing to warrant
the position of health officer. He has had no classes in public health, specifically in
epidemiology. He has not earned a master’s degree or any terminal degree, yet has been given
the authority to make appalling decisions.

I have an advanced degree in public health and, as stated previously, 40 years of experience in
1. a small public health department in Michigan (four years), 2. a large public health department
in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 10 years, 3. State Epidemiologist for the Nevada State Health
Division, 12 years, and 4. WCHD 14+ years.

It is unfortunate that Mr. Bob Lucey, County Commissioner, believes, and put in the Reno
Gazette-Journal yesterday, that the current staff, which is fairly new, has the experience and
expertise to handle a pandemic. It was also very short-sighted of Mr. Dick to put someone from
Environmental Health in charge of handling COVID-19. Environmental Health does not include
services or programs for a pandemic, as can be seen by the services listed on the WCHD

I have always maintained a good working relationship with the media in Washoe County, print,
radio, and television. Mr. Dick’s relationship with the media is lacking the level and competence
of an experienced public health professional, likely resulting from a deficient background in
public health and epidemiology. When he has been interviewed he looks like a “deer caught in
the headlights,” and has not been transparent with data. Answering reporters’ questions with “I
don’t have the data in front of me,” or “No comment” is code for “I do not know the answers
because I am not prepared,” or worse yet, “It is none of your business.” In these troubling times
with a worldwide pandemic, there is a great need for education of the public and transparency.

Over the seven years since Mr. Dick became DHO he has done nothing at all to support
Epidemiology and Public Health Preparedness (EPHP). He has made life difficult for me
personally and for the EPHP staff by crippling the programs, which are now desperately needed.
He took staff from EPHP, gave the position to nursing and the position was not filled in a timely
manner. He only recently returned an epidemiology position to EPHP. He did not value the need
for preparedness for biological/chemical warfare, disease investigation, and epidemiology,
which includes epidemics and pandemics.

I should have filed a grievance long ago and brought these issues to the attention of the Board
of Health. Now these issues need to be made known. I am also entertaining the possibility of
retaining legal counsel to prevent Mr. Dick from besmirching an exemplary 40-year career as a
public servant.

It is also an affront professionally and personally hurtful that, after this many years at WCHD, I
have had no recent communication from any member of the Board of Health. It appears Mr.
Dick had carte blanche to make this decision without giving me any opportunity to speak to the
Board of Health directly.


Randall L Todd, DrPH

Cc: Bob Lucey, Washoe County Board of Commissioners Chair

Mayor Hilary Schieve, City of Reno
Reno City Council Members (Devon Reese, Jenny Brekhus, Naomi Duerr, Oscar
Delgado, Bonnie Weber, Neoma Jardon)
Mayor Ron Smith, City of Sparks
Sparks City Council Members (Donald Abbott, Ed Lawson, Paul Anderson,
Charlene Bybee, Kristopher Dahir)
Tony Slonim, MD, President & CEO, Renown Regional Medical Center
Richard Bryan, Jr., MD, FACC. Chairman of the Board, Saint Mary’s Regional
Medical Center Administration
Helen Lidholm, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Nevada Medical Center
Governor Steve Sisolak. State of Nevada
Senators Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen
Representatives Dina Titus, Mark Amodei, Susie Lee, and Steven Horsford
Anjeanette Damon, Reno Gazette-Journal

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