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I would like to live in Italy because the weather is beautiful.

there are four

seasons. The language has similar aspects to Spanish and is easy to
understand. it has many places to visit, for example; the colosseum in Rome, the
Vatican church, Venice and my favorite place the Rome stadium. I like to watch
Italian football and I am a fan of the Roma team and they also have a very nice
stadium. I would like to study a master's degree in telecommunications there.
Italy has the best gastronomy for me and I would study a cooking course there.
The culture of Italy is more relaxed and people y is more sociable and friendly.

I have a small family. I have two sisters and a brother. My mother works at home
sewing. My dad works with me in the business I have. I have a stationery. I am
studying at the EPN and right now I am graduating and going to visit my family
every weekend. I have a sister who got married and my other sister is studying.
My brother works in an automation company. on weekends we all spend at
home, at night we all watch movies together or it makes us talk. My family is like
all the families that you see from time to time, since we are all busy and we
spend only the weekend together.

Coronavirus changes have been different in my family. My mom works at home

sewing and has not had much work anymore. My brother works from home,
since I can't get to work. My dad and I cannot go to work in my business, I have a
shop and I design 3D figures. This emergency has complicated me since, since
you cannot work and you have debts. the changes due to this emergency have
been good because we all spend as a family and we all spend at home. in the
afternoons I play video games with my nephew. Sometimes we start watching
movies as a family or we start talking and we also take the time to fix the house
for everyone. we divide the cleaning tasks among everyone.

Familiares y Familiares
abuelos: los padres de tus padres
abuelo: el padre de tu padre / madre
abuela: la madre de tu padre / madre
nietos: los hijos de tus hijos
nieto: el hijo de uno de tus hijos
nieta: la hija de uno de tus hijos
bisabuelo: el padre de tu abuelo / abuela
bisabuela: la madre de tu abuelo / abuela

tío: el hermano (o cuñado) de su madre / padre

tía: la hermana (o cuñada) de su madre / padre
primo: el hijo de su tía / tío
sobrino: el hijo varón de su hermano / hermana
sobrina: la niña de su hermano / hermana

Los suegros
Los suegros son los miembros de la familia de su cónyuge (la persona con la que está
casado) o por matrimonio en su familia:

suegro: el padre de su cónyuge

suegra: la madre de su cónyuge 
yerno: el esposo de su hija
nuera: la esposa de su hijo
cuñado: el esposo de tu hermana 
cuñada: la esposa de tu hermano

Nota: Para referirnos a más de un cuñado o cuñada, etc., tenemos una S para la parte de
hermano / hermana.
por ejemplo, Mi hermano s -en la ley son divertidos. Mi hermana s -in-leyes están locos.

Relatives and Extended Family

grandparents: the parents of your parents
grandfather: the father of your father/mother
grandmother: the mother of your father/mother
grandchildren: the children of your children
grandson: the son of one of your children
granddaughter:the daughter of one of your children
great grandfather: the father of your grandfather/grandmother
great grandmother: the mother of your grandfather/grandmother

uncle: the brother (or brother-in-law) of your mother/father

aunt: the sister (or sister-in-law)of your mother/father
cousin: the child of your aunt/uncle
nephew: the male child of your brother/sister
niece: the female child of your brother/sister

The In-Laws
The in-laws are the members of the family of your spouse (the person you are married to) or
via a marriage in your family:

father-in-law: the father of your spouse

mother-in-law: the mother of your spouse 
son-in-law: the husband of your daughter
daughter-in-law: the wife of your son
brother-in-law: the husband of your sister 
sister-in-law: the wife of your brother

Note: To refer to more than one brother-in-law or sister-in-law etc. we has an S to the
brother/sister part.
e.g. My brothers-in-law are fun. My sisters-in-laws are crazy.

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