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Burggraf 1

Hayley Burggraf

Mrs. Gleason

Senior English

27 March 2019

There are more adoptees seeking health care in the world than there are in the general

population (Smith). Babies start bonding with their birth mothers when the baby is in utero and

that is why mornigside recovery says, "studies have shown that about 23-35% of young people in

treatment center are adopted, which is 17 times the norm." (“morningside recovery launches new

adoption”). Parents who have an adopted child need to be educated when looking for an adoption

competent therapist (Smith). Many adoptees are put on medication and not taken care of properly

and they go through a “rebound effect” which means their disruptive behaviour is not gone, it's

just delayed (Smith). Without treatment trauma can greatly impact the effects on children and

eventually he/she will not be capable of doing easy tasks he/she could accomplish in the past

(Smith). Because kids are adopted, adoptees are wounded. What should we do to help adoptees

with mental illness?

Adoption has been going on for many years but the first law in America was created in

1851, the law was called the “1851 Adoption of Children Act.” (“The Adoption History

Project”). The new law helped many people become a family, but it caused problems that new

parents were not educated about. The first cause is Attachment theory, this is a theory that

happens between 6-9 months of age that is when babies start using their parents as comforters

and they are not cared for correctly (Golding). The second cause is an unstable past, if a child is

adopted at an older age that means they have been through a lot more obstacles in life. The

effects of attachment theory, when babies are taken away from their birth mother causes a wound

to their psyche and it effects the child and how they view themselves in the world as they get

older (Williams 32). Scared and frightened, children who grow up in rough houses or in foster

care go into flight or fight mode way too often which causes many health problems later in life


Therapy, a great remedy for adoptees, is very credible. When adoptees regularly visit a

therapist it helps their mental health, physical health and family health. family therapy is great

for the whole fammily. Of course, some therapy is not effective and uses techniques that are not

humane. One therapy that generally does not have an effective outcome is attachment therapy

and during this treatment the therapist holds the child against their wishes (Mercer). Therapy is

only to be used if its validity is proven (Mercer).

Undoubtedly, therapists misdiagnose adoptees. Therapists incorrectly diagnose children;

then, continue to treat them. Children that are diagnosed incorrectly are given medication that

does not help, it just delays disruptive behavior (Smith). However, medication can help if it is

used correctly and the pros and cons are weighed (“evergreen psycho therapy”). medication

given to adoptees for the right diagnosis helps. Corrective attachment therapy is helpful to

children who have been maltreated and who had compromised attachment (“Evergreen Psycho


Granted, therapy is not a magic pill. Therapy does not immediately work it takes time for

wounds to be healed (Hicks). committing to therapy is the best thing for the adoptees. On the

other hand, finding a good therapist that works well with adoptees will benefit both the parents

and the kid (“child welfare”). Slowly, therapy helps kids overcome their forgotten past.

Successful therapy depends on the parents, committing to therapy, finding the right therapist, and

having an active role. (“Child welfare”).

In addition, finding the best adoption competent therapist is crucial. therapy is needed for

the adoptee to be successful. Finding the right therapist and commiting is the best option for

adoptees. Most important, adoption needs to be acknowledged. David Kirk says in his book

'shared fate' "The most healthy adoptive families are ones in which there is acknowledgement of

differences." ("Adoption and Family Therapy"). Adoption is a huge life event that not only

impacts the adoptee but also the birth parents, adoptive parents and new family memebrs

("Adoption and Family Therapy").

In conclusion, adoption competent therapy is the best solution for adoptees. I am lucky to

say that I have 3 younger siblings that are adopted, and I plan on being more involved in their

past life and making them feel like they are family. This relates to my solution because it targets

the psyche wounds that are created from adoption. People can help adoptees with their mental

health by listening to adoptees. I think every adopted child needs to be in health care.

Works cited
Adoption and Family Therapy. Document store. March 2019. store.ashx?

Burke, Nadine. How childhood trauma Affects Health Across a Lifetime.Ted Talk. Ted
September 2014, March 2019.

Child welfare. US department of health and human services. November 2018. Childwelfare

Evergree psycho therapy center. Treatment outcome research.

Golding, Kim. Nurturing attachments: supporting who are fostered or adopted. Jessica Kingsley

Hicks, Shannon. All about therapy for old adopted children. Feb 2017.

Mercer, Jean. attachment therapy using deliberate restraint: an object lesson on the
identification of unvalidated treatments.journal of child and adolescent psychiatric nursery, vol.
14, issue 3, 2007, https;//

Pr newswire, Morning side recovery launches new adoption treatment program. Prnewswire US.
12 March. 2013. Enscphost,
direct=true&db=nsh&an=201303120900pr. news.uspr.ny7479&site=ehost-live.

Smith, Abbie. Adoption competent therapy vs regular therapy; what is the difference? Post
adoption services.https.//

The Adoption history projet . people and organization. Viola wertheim bernard.

Williams, Mary. Adoption. Greenhaven press, 2006

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