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GLIA 22:237–248 (1998)

Astrocytes Protect Neurons

From Neurotoxic Injury
by Serum Glutamate
Department of Neurobiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, Alabama

KEY WORDS cell culture; glia; fetal calf serum; fetal bovine serum; horse serum;
glutamate transport; neurotoxicity

ABSTRACT Serum is used widely for culturing neurons and glial cells, and is
thought to provide essential, albeit undefined, factors such as hormones, growth factors,
and trace elements that promote the growth of cells in vitro. Moreover, serum can have
profound effects on cell proliferation, differentiation, and cell morphology, and may even
influence cell fate decisions. Despite the overall growth-promoting influence of serum on
cell culture, frequent media changes have been shown to be detrimental to neuronal
cultures, significantly reducing the yield of viable neurons. The reason for this loss of
neurons by frequent media changes has been puzzling.
We demonstrate that bovine and horse sera, the most popular serum complements for
CNS cell culture, are a significant source for glutamate, supplying glutamate at
concentrations sufficient to kill primary cultured hippocampal neurons. By using the
bioluminescence detection method, we determined the glutamate concentration [Glu] in
several batches of fetal bovine (calf ) sera (FBS) to be close to 1 mM, and that of horse sera
to be ,0.3 mM. Thus 10% serum supplement to culture media results in [Glu] of 30–100
µM due to serum alone.
We subsequently produced glutamate depleted media (GDM) by using primary
cultures of hippocampal astrocytes to absorb glutamate from media containing 10% FBS.
Within 3 h, astrocytes reduced the [Glu] in the medium from ,90 µM to less than 1 µM.
Sister cultures of hippocampal neuron that underwent frequent media changes with
GDM or GDM 1 partial untreated media demonstrated that GDM significantly increase
neuronal survival (10-fold at 21 DIV). Subsequent exposure to glutamate provided by
either untreated serum or by equivalent doses of exogenous glutamate added to GDM led
to dose-dependent neuronal cell death. The relative sensitivity of hippocampal neurons
to glutamate increased with increasing culture age from initial ED50 values of . 100 µM
(, 6 DIV) to ,6 µM in cultures maintained for 3 weeks or longer. The relative sensitivity
to exogenous glutamate was at least 2-fold higher in neurons cultured in GDM than in
sister cultures maintained in media containing untreated serum. The death of neurons
exposed to untreated media was blocked by the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801.
These experiments suggest that the vulnerability of neurons to media changes can be
solely explained by excitotoxicity resulting from serum-borne glutamate. Moreover, we
propose that use of GDM may be advantageous for culturing hippocampal neurons and
may eliminate the possible selection for glutamate resistant neurons. The use of GDM
could be particularly important for studies of excitotoxicity; our study predicts that the

Contract grant sponsor: NIH; Contract grant numbers: R01 31234, P50 HD32901.
*Correspondence to: Dr. Harald Sontheimer, Department of Neurobiology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1719 6th Avenue South, CIRC 545,
Birmingham, AL 25294.
Received 4 March 1997; Accepted 16 August 1997

r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


ED50 for neuronal culture with regular serum will be artificially high and may not
adequately reflect the in vivo state. GLIA 22:237–248, 1998. r 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

INTRODUCTION the extracellular space (Kanai et al., 1993; Rothstein et

al., 1994). The importance of glial glutamate uptake in
Sera are frequently used as supplement for culturing the control of extracellular glutamate and therefore
neuronal and glial cells (Buchhalter and Dichter, 1992; protection of neurons from excitotoxic injury has been
Dichter, 1978; Juurlink and Hertz, 1992). The two most suggested for some time. A recent study (Rothstein et
commonly used are fetal bovine (calf ) and horse serum. al., 1996), using knockout mutants in which the astro-
Serum provides hormones, growth factors, and trace cytic glutamate transporter GLT-1 was selectively elimi-
elements that are generally beneficial for cell growth nated, provided strong experimental evidence that as-
and long-term cell survival. The exact composition of trocytic glutamate uptake is indeed essential for normal
most sera is an enigma and significant species-to- brain function.
species and batch-to-batch variations in the effective- Few studies have noticed the glutamate contamina-
ness of serum complements for cell culture are more tion in cell culture media or serum complements (Choi
than anecdotal (Bottenstein, 1992). et al., 1987; Cambier et al., 1995). One study reported
Serum supplement not only affects long-term sur- that glutamate may be derived from glutamine impuri-
vival and cell proliferation but also may cause signifi- ties in the medium (Driscoll et al., 1993) or due to the
cant phenotypic changes and can even determine cell neuronal conversion of glutamate from glutamine
fate. For example, glial precursor cells maintained in (Driscoll et al., 1993; Rosenberg, 1991). However, it has
horse serum will give rise to oligodendrocytes, whereas been documented that astrocytes promote neuronal
precursor cells exposed to fetal calf serum will develop survival in vitro and that astrocytes can protect neu-
into astrocytes (Miller and Raff, 1984; Raff et al., 1983; rons from excitotoxic cell death after exposure to gluta-
Raff, 1989). Withdrawal of serum from cortical astro- mate (Harris and Rosenberg, 1993; Rosenberg and
cytes leads to a reversible stellation of flat, type-1 like Aizenman, 1989).
astrocytes (Lascola and Kraig, 1996) and serum starva- The objectives of the present study were to character-
tion (0.1% FCS) reversibly inhibits the proliferation of ize glutamate contents in commonly used animal sera
cortical astrocytes (Langan et al., 1994). and study their potential neurotoxic effects on neuronal
While serum generally has beneficial effects on cell cultures. We demonstrate that the glutamate content in
growth, it has been documented that regular exchanges most sera is sufficient to cause significant neurotoxicity.
of media can be harmful to neuronal cultures (Rosen- This toxicity can be eliminated by exposure of media to
berg and Aizenman, 1989). It has been speculated that confluent astrocytes, which rapidly deplete glutamate
serum may contain factors that are toxic to neurons from the medium and reduce it from ,90 µM to , 1 µM
(Buchhalter and Dichter, 1992). To reduce this neurotox- within 3 h. Our results suggest that media-induced
icity, a number of investigators have experimented with neurotoxicity can be solely explained by the relatively
the use of serum-free defined media (Bottenstein, 1992; high glutamate content in most sera.
Driscoll et al., 1993) or have significantly reduced the
concentration at which serum is supplemented to me-
dia for neuronal cell cultures (Harris and Rosenberg, MATERIALS AND METHODS
1993; Rosenberg, 1991). Others have chosen either Materials
limited media changes or partial replacements (Buch-
halter and Dichter, 1992; Jahr and Stevens, 1987) or NAD(P)H:FMN oxidoreductase, glutamate dehydro-
chosen to eliminate media changes totally (Harris and genase were purchased from Boehringer Mannheim
Rosenberg, 1993; Rosenberg and Aizenman, 1989). (Indianapolis, IN) and Myristyl aldehyde was obtained
These approaches have been variably successful in from Aldrich (Milwaukee,WI). Cell culture supplies
enhancing neuronal survival. were mainly obtained from Becton Dickinson (Franklin
Glutamate is the principal excitatory neurotransmit- Lakes, NJ) and Corning (Corning, NY). Enzymes and
ter in the mammalian central nervous system. It is now chemicals were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co.
well established that elevated levels of glutamate can (St. Louis. MO) unless mentioned otherwise.
result in wide-spread neurotoxicity (Choi, 1988; Tho-
mas, 1995). As a consequence, extracellular glutamate
is maintained at concentrations of ,1 µM by the Cell Culture and Glutamate Depleted Media
combined re-uptake into neurons and glial cells alike
(Nicholls and Attwell, 1990). This is accomplished by Primary cultures of rat postnatal hippocampal astro-
several recently identified and cloned Na1-dependent cytes were prepared from Sprague-Dawley rat pups
co-transport systems in neurons and glia, which are (P1–P3), as we have previously described (Ye and
believed to operate in parallel to sequester glutamate Sontheimer, 1996). Confluent hippocampal astrocytes
and prevent excessive accumulations of glutamate in cultured in 75 cm2 flasks were utilized after 7–20 days
in vitro (DIV) for production of glutamate depleted Astrocytes used for production of GDM were .95%
media (GDM), in which [Glu] were typically , 1 µM. GFAP positive.
Briefly, media in the flasks was collected and replaced
by 30–40 ml fresh warmed media every 6–10 h Fresh
culture media was glutamine free Earle’s Minimum Quantitative Determination of Glutamate
Essential Medium (Gibco, Grand Island, NY), supple- Content in Sera and Media
mented with 10% FBS (Hyclone, Logan, UT), 20 mM
glucose, 10 U/ml penicillin, and 10 µg/ml streptomycin. We used the bioluminescence method for measuring
The GDM was filtered through 0.2 µm bottom top filter glutamate concentration [Glu] in solution as described
and either stored at 4°C and used within 2 weeks or by Fosse et al. (1986) with minor modifications. Briefly,
stored at 220°C for later usage. To eliminate possible the glutamate-specific reagent mixture contained potas-
temperature and pH differences, GDM was used after it sium phosphate 25 mM (pH 7.0), Triton X-100 40 µg/ml,
had been allowed to equilibrate CO2 and temperature dithiothreitol 100 µM, myristyl aldehyde 40 µM, b-
for 2 h in the incubator in a ventilated flask. NAD 2 mM, ADP 250 µM, FMN 2.5 µM, luciferase 40
Primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons were µg/ml, NAD(P)H:FMN oxidoreductase 400 mU/ml, and
prepared from E17–18 embryos removed from timed- glutamate dehydrogenase 0.5 mg/ml. All experiments
pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River Labora- were performed with a Monolight 2010 luminometer
tories, Wilmington, MA) narcotized by CO2 followed by (Analytical Luminescence Lab., Ann Arbor, MI).
cervical dislocation. Briefly, hippocampi were dissected The culture media samples (10% serum) were centri-
and freed of meninges under a low-power dissection fuged and diluted 1:20–100 with distilled water and
microscope. Harvested tissues were rotated 15 min at stored at 220°C until measurement. Original serum
37°C in pH 7.2 oxygenated enzyme solution containing samples were diluted 1:200–1,000 with distilled water.
20 units/ml papain (Worthington, Freehold, NJ) and (in Glutamate standards were prepared in distilled water
mM): NaCl 137, KCl 5.3, MgCl2 1, Glucose 25, HEPES and/or in 1:20–100 diluted GDM media. Each serum
10, and CaCl2 3, supplemented with 0.5 mM EDTA and sample was measured at least twice.
0.2 mg/ml L-cysteine. Tissues were then pelleted and
triturated with fire-polished Pasteur pipettes in GDM
supplemented with 1.5 mg/ml trypsin inhibitor and Time Lapse Video Microscopy
bovine serum albumin. Cell suspensions were centri-
fuged again and suspended with GDM and plated at a Neuronal cultures in 35 mm Petri dishes were placed
density of 0.5–1.0 3 105 cells/cm2 into 24 well-plates or in a Leiden chamber (Ince et al., 1983) maintained
35 mm Petri dishes (Corning, NY) previously coated within a micro-CO2-incubator (Nikon, Japan) mounted
with poly-ornithine and maintained in a 5% CO2/95% on top of a Nikon Diaphot microscope. Cells were
air-humidified incubator (Lab-Line, Melrose Park, IL). maintained in a humidified environment at 37°C, sup-
Culture media was changed 2 days after plating and plied with H2O saturated 5%/95% CO2/O2 mixture
subsequently every 4–5 days with GDM. This proce- through the gas duct of the chamber. To ensure that no
dure resulted in mixed cultures of neurons and glia. For significant evaporation of medium occurred throughout
comparison with previously published work, some cells these experiments, the osmolarity of the medium was
were cultured in 10% calf/horse serum (Gibco, Grand determined at various times throughout several experi-
Island, NY) and/or glutamate depleted calf/horse se- ments. Changes were always , 5% after 48 h. Cell
rum. images were obtained at 2003 magnification under
phase-contrast using a CCD camera (Edmund Scien-
tific Co., Barrington, NJ) and were captured at 1 s
Cell Identification intervals with a time-lapse VCR (Panasonic, Japan).
Images were digitized off-line from videotapes for analy-
Cultures were stained with antibodies recognizing sis and documentation, using a commercial frame-
either glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; Incstar, grabber (Intel, Santa Clara, CA) attached to a microcom-
Stillwater, MN) or neurofilament protein (Boehringer puter. Representative results are shown in Figures 3
Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) to confirm morphological and 6.
cell identification as astrocyte or neuron, respectively.
Cells cultured on glass coverslips were fixed for 10 min
in 4% ice-cold paraformadehyde and then washed in Neuronal Survival
PBS, followed by fixation in 70% ethanol at 4°C. Both
primary and secondary antibodies were prepared in a Hippocampal neurons could be readily distinguished
solution containing (w/w) NaCl 0.9%, glycine 2%, and from the bed-layer of astrocytes by their characteristic
(v/v) FBS 5% in Dulbecco’s PBS (Gibco, Grand Island, cell morphology. Neurons had phase bright, rounded-up
NY). Cells were incubated at 4°C for 24 h with primary cell bodies with few but long processes (see, for ex-
antibodies, and then coverslips were washed three ample, Figs. 3 and 6). In phase-contrast images, neuro-
times with D-PBS and incubated with FITC-conjugated nal cell bodies were usually surrounded by a halo. The
goat anti-rabbit antibody for 2 h at room temperature. length and the number of cell processes increased in the

first 2 weeks in vitro. Neurons older than 2 weeks TABLE 1. Glutamate concentration in commercial sera
frequently associated in groups and their processes Serum typea and source Lot number [Glutamate] µM
intertwined in a net-like fashion (see Figs. 3 and 6).
FBS (Hyclone) 11112526 891.9
Astrocytes in these mixed cultures, by contrast, were FBS (Hyclone) AFB4919 830.1
mainly flat and non-process bearing. We confirmed our FBS (Hyclone) AFC 4965 853.2
FBS (Hyclone) 11152508 808.2
morphological identification of neurons on sister cul- FBS (Hyclone) 11112589 874.6
tures in which we stained cells with anti-neurofilament FCS (Atlanta) 4000C 1195.7
antibodies. FBS (Summit) 21L12 1067.5
HS (Hyclone) 21S12171 434.4
To compare the toxicity of serum-glutamate, exog- HS (Gibco) 32K1563 309.7
enous glutamate and GDM, viable neurons were counted HS (Gibco) 40P9062 315.2
in 6–10 random fields per well under 1603magnifica- HS (Gibco) 46K6762 290.2
HS (Sigma) 24H0982 273.7
tion in each condition. Experiments were carried out HS (Gibco) 33P4333 319.1
simultaneously on cultures from the same preparation HS (Equitech) SE30-215 359.4
BCS (Hyclone) 21S2595 316.8
plated at the same density in 24-well plate. Each CS (Gibco) 39N0942 202.6
treatment group consisted of a minimum of two wells aFBS, fetal bovine serum; FCS, fetal calf serum; HS, horse serum; BCS, bovine
(2–6). Culture media was changed to new GDM (0.5 ml calf serum; CS, calf serum. Average: FBS(FCS): 931.6 6 58.9 µM, n 5 7; HS:
per well) supplemented with defined [Glu] either from 328.8 6 21.9 µM, n 5 7.
serum or from glutamate stock. Cell counts were ob-
tained 24–48 h after glutamate treatment; at this time,
the neuronal degeneration was readily visible. Trypan obtain culture medium in which glutamate was de-
blue excluded, process-bearing neurons are considered pleted by uptake into astrocytes. In a recent develop-
as viable. mental study we showed that the relative rate of
glutamate uptake in hippocampal astrocytes varies as a
function of pre- and post-natal development (unpub-
RESULTS lished data) and that these differences persisted even if
Sera Used as Culture Supplement Contains cells were cultured for several weeks. Specifically we
Glutamate at High Concentrations found that hippocampal astrocytes obtained from post-
natal 2–7 days pups had the highest glutamate uptake
Most investigators who culture CNS neurons supple- capability. Consequently we used confluent cultures of
ment their culture medium with 5–20% serum, most P2 hippocampal astrocytes grown in 75 mm2 flasks for
commonly 10% (v/v), and use either fetal calf (bovine) or 1–3 weeks to obtain glutamate depleted medium. To
horse serum. By using the bioluminescence assay (Fosse determine the rate of glutamate depletion from the
et al., 1986), which allows the reliable detection of medium, 30 ml fresh medium containing 10% FBS
sub-µM concentrations of glutamate, we determined (Hyclone, Logan, UT) was applied to two flasks, and
the free [Glu] in several samples of sera from various subsequently 0.1 ml media was sampled for glutamate
batches obtained from Hyclone (Logan, UT), Gibco content after various time periods ranging from 5 min
(Grand Island, NY), Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, to 10 h. The resulting [Glu] were plotted as a function of
MO), Atlanta Biological (Norcross, GA), Summit Bio- time after addition of media to the flask (Fig. 1). [Glu] in
technology (Ft. Collins, CO), and Equitech-Bio (Ingram, the medium showed a rapid initial decline, and within
TX). Thus, we determined glutamate concentration in 30 min, concentrations dropped from 85 µM to 20 µM.
seven different fetal bovine (calf ) sera (FBS) and seven After 2–3 h, [Glu] reached values below 1 µM. By
different horse sera (HS). [Glu] in these sera are listed contrast, the [Glu] of media maintained in cell free
in Table 1. Mean [Glu] (6SE) were FBS (931.6 6 58.9 flasks under otherwise identical conditions did not
µM), n57 batches, ranging from 808.2 µM to 1195.7 µM change after this period and remain unchanged even
and HS (328.8621.9µM), n57 batches, ranging from after 2 days, the longest time tested. By using this
273.7 µM to 434.4 µM. For each batch, measurements procedure, we effectively used astrocytes to produce
were obtained at least in duplicates. Interestingly, glutamate-depleted media (GDM).
[Glu] were consistently higher in fetal bovine (calf ) To ensure that the time-course of this glutamate
serum than in horse serum and calf serum. depletion was reproducible and a reliable means to
produce GDM, we studied repeated applications of
glutamate in the same cell preparation. As described
Serum Glutamate Can Be Effectively Depleted above, the initial glutamate challenge came from serum-
by Cultured Astrocytes containing medium. The two subsequent challenges
(Fig. 2, arrows) used exogenous glutamate from stock
It is well established that astrocytes possess effective solutions. As illustrated in Figure 2, glutamate deple-
transport mechanisms for the uptake of glutamate from tion was highly reproducible. At the time points indi-
the extracellular space (Rothstein et al., 1996). Most of cated by arrows, 0.27 ml of a 10 mM glutamate stock
this transport occurs through a Na1-dependent co- solution were applied to the glutamate depleted flask
transporter (Kanai et al., 1993). We thus set out to followed by a 10 s mixture. The media was immediately

Fig. 1. Depletion of serum glutamate by astrocytes. Culture media Fig. 2. Glutamate depletion is reproducible and independent of
(30 ml) containing 10% fetal bovine serum was added into two 75 cm2 glutamate source. Ten percent FBS media (30 ml) was applied to a
flasks containing confluent hippocampal astrocytes from P2 rats. flask of confluent P2 astrocytes. Subsequently, two additional applica-
Samples of media (0.1 ml) were taken at the time points indicated and tions were made (arrows) from a stock glutamate solution (0.27 ml 3
the glutamate content determined. [Glutamate] dropped below 1 µM 10 mM) at 6 h and 12.5 h, respectively. Astrocytes depleted exogenous
within 2–3 h. The inset of Figure 1 expands the part of the curve glutamate in the same manner as serum glutamate.
(. 1 h) that corresponds to the most physiologically relevant gluta-
mate concentrations (mean 6 SD, representative of seven experi-
ments). No [Glutamate] changes were observed in cell free control
flasks. growing on a bed-layer of astrocytes for 14 days in the
presence of GDM are visible in Figure 3A. This culture
was monitored in the time-lapse system for 25 h
sampled and the concentration-time curve was plotted. without any noticeable neuronal damage (Fig. 3B).
The time course for depletion of subsequent addition of Media was then replaced with fresh GDM (2.5 ml) for
exogenous glutamate was actually identical to the another 24 h (Fig. 3C,D), still without any signs of
initial depletion of serum-borne glutamate. These data neurotoxicity. Subsequently, the media was switched to
demonstrate that production of GDM by astrocytic 2.5 ml untreated 10% FBS media (UM) (previously
culture occurs in a reliable and stereotypic manner. maintained in the incubator over 2 h to equilibrate pH
Moreover, a time period of 2–3 h was sufficient for and temperature). As visible in Figure 3E, 5 min after
absorbing essentially all glutamate supplied to the this media change, some morphological changes were
media by a 10% serum complement. Considering the already visible in the neuronal soma (arrows). These
variants in astrocytic glutamate uptake capacity and changes, indicative of neuronal swelling, become more
possible heterogeneity in [Glu] within a flask (which noticeable over the subsequent hour of incubation (Fig.
may have escaped our sampling procedure), we usually 3F), and most neurons showed pronounced swelling
used 6–10 h intervals for harvesting GDM. and a diminishing number of processes. These signs of
neuronal damage progressed (Fig. 3G) with longer-
term exposure (8 h) and almost all neurons had com-
Effects of Serum Glutamate and pletely disintegrated and disappeared by 24 h (Fig. 3H).
Neuronal Survival In contrast to neurons, we did not observe changes in
the viability of the bed-layer astrocytes under the same
We used time-lapse video microscopy whereby im- experimental conditions.
ages were captured once every second to assess chronic In order to further characterize the difference be-
and acute effects of serum glutamate on neuronal tween GDM and untreated media (UM) on neuronal
morphology and survival. For these experiments we viability, the noncompetitive NMDA receptor antago-
started out by culturing mixed neuronal/glial cultures nist MK801 was utilized (Fig. 4). A plate of 18 DIV
in GDM. Several representative hippocampal neurons mixed cultures similar to those shown in Figure 3 was

Fig. 3. Time lapse microscopy recordings of neurons before and morphology changes; F: 67 min after; G: about 8 h after; H: 24 h after).
after exposure to GDM and regular 10% FBS media. A,B: A 14 DIV No neurotoxicity was observed while cells were maintained in GDM,
culture was maintained under time-lapse observation in GDM for 24 but cells rapidly died after exposure to serum-containing media (E–H).
h; C,D: Fresh GDM was applied for another 24 h; E–H: 10% FBS A–H: Scale bar: 100 µm.
media was added (E: 5 min after, arrows point to neurons with visible

Fig. 4. MK-801 protects against neurotoxicity from media changes.

An 18 DIV culture received either no media exchange (control) or
complete media exchange by glutamate depleted media (GDM), un- Fig. 5. Serum glutamate toxicity is indistinguishable from toxicity
treated media (UM), or UM 1 5 µM MK801 (mean 6 SE, three wells by exogenous glutamate. Sister cultures of neurons (20 DIV) received
per group, fields520). MK801 protection suggests an NMDA receptor- glutamate either from serum or from glutamate stock solution.
mediated neurotoxicity. ***P,0.001, ANOVA. Neurotoxicity was determined 24 h after receiving glutamate at the
concentrations indicated. With increasing [Glu], viable neuronal cell
counts declined. Glutamate from these two sources were equally toxic.
switched to either GDM, UM, or UM 1 MK801 (5 µM) ED50 5 10 µM. Mean 6 SE, fields 5 14–16.
and cell viability determined 24 h later. Neurons that
received a GDM media change did not differ from
non-media changed control as assessed by morphologi- tial serum supplement. To better compare our studies
cal evidence of damage (see above). However, almost all to those published, we examined the effects of partial
neurons that received untreated media died. Those that media changes on mixed hippocampal culture. We used
receive MK801 simultaneously with untreated media partial media changes ranging from 25 to 75% and
completely escaped from the toxic effect of untreated included cultures maintained for 1–3 weeks in these
media. This demonstrates that in untreated media studies. Not unexpectedly, time-lapse microscopy re-
glutamate is the primary toxic factor and that neurotox- vealed that neuronal survival was dependent on the
icity is mediated by MK801-sensitive NMDA receptors. quantity of glutamate delivered by the media ex-
To more quantitatively compare the effect of the changes. A representative example of a 21 DIV culture
serum-born glutamate and exogenous glutamate, we that received 30 µM serum-born glutamate due to a
established glutamate toxicity dose-response curves on partial media change is shown in Figure 6. Twenty-four
sister cultures treated with known concentrations of hours later (Fig. 6B), most neurons in the field disinte-
either serum glutamate or stock glutamate. A represen- grated but at least one survived (arrow). Some viable
tative example obtained from neurons maintained in neurons were also found in other areas on the same
culture for 20 days in GDM is shown in Figure 5. dish (Fig. 6C,D, different fields from Fig. 6A,B). Cells
Increasing glutamate concentrations resulted in the that disintegrated in response to glutamate challenges
dose-dependent killing of neurons without any notice- (Fig. 6B) typically had complicated networks of pro-
able difference between serum glutamate and exog- cesses, while those that were more glutamate resistant
enous glutamate. These results further suggest that had relatively simple processes and fewer contacts to
serum-born glutamate is the principal neurotoxic factor adjacent cells. Interestingly, the extent to which media
in serum containing media. changes affected neuronal survival also varied with
Partial media change and/or reduced percentage culture age with young cultures being less sensitive to
serum supplement have been frequently used in main- media changes than older cultures. Figure 7 summa-
taining neuronal culture (Black et al., 1995; Buchhalter rizes data from cultures of different age that received
and Dichter, 1992; Jahr and Stevens, 1987; Juurlink either GDM or partial media changes (70% GDM 1 30%
and Hertz, 1993). Based on our data (above), we would UM) every 3 days after plating. Neuronal number in
expect that the efficacy of this approach is due to cultures receiving partial media changes were signifi-
reduced concentrations of glutamate delivered by par- cantly lower than those receiving GDM only. Most

Fig. 6. Serum glutamate selectively eliminates subpopulation of neurons (C,D) found in the same dish after 24 h glutamate exposure
neurons. A: A 21 DIV culture 2 min prior to 30 µM glutamate from showed less elaborate processes and appeared to make fewer contacts
serum; B: 24 hours later, the soma and processes of most neurons were with each other.
disintegrated; the arrow points to an intact neuron. The few surviving

notably, at 21 DIV, glutamate from partial UM (30%) glutamate susceptibility with ED50 values of 30 µM. We
was sufficient to kill the majority of neurons, whereas observed a shift in the glutamate toxicity dose-response
cultures received GDM had 10-fold more viable neu- curve towards higher [Glu] with cultures that received
rons. either partial UM (GDM 1 30% UM) or added gluta-
mate in media changes (GDM 1 25 µM glutamate). The
latter two conditions did not differ and both had ED50
Cells Cultured in Serum Show Higher ED50 values close to 60 µM, twice the value observed for
Values for Glutamate Than Cells Cultured GDM cultures.
in Glutamate Depleted Medium In our glutamate analysis we found that horse or calf
serum, used by some investigators for culturing neu-
Since we found that even the glutamate content
rons (Black et al., 1995; Choi et al., 1987; Rosenberg
delivered by partial media changes was sufficient to kill
and Aizenman, 1989; Yool et al., 1988), contains signifi-
neurons in culture, we must assume that media changes
cantly lower [Glu] than fetal calf serum (Table 1),
eliminate subpopulations of neurons and consequently
lead to the selection of neurons that show increased suggesting that these sera may be a less toxic culture
tolerance to glutamate. Therefore, we would expect the supplement. To test whether cell viability and subse-
apparent ED50 values for glutamate toxicity deter- quent susceptibility to glutamate is enhanced if cells
mined in such cultures should differ from those ob- are cultured in these sera, we compared relative gluta-
tained in cultures maintained in GDM. We thus deter- mate toxicity in sister cultures after they had been
mined the relative toxicity of glutamate in 16 DIV sister maintained for 22 DIV in media supplemented with
cultures that were either maintained in GDM through- either glutamate depleted calf serum (CSGDM) or
out, or that received 70% GDM 1 30% UM, or GDM untreated calf serum (CSM). Neurons maintained in
125 µM stock glutamate every 3 days starting at 5 DIV untreated calf serum showed significantly higher ED50
(Fig. 8a). GDM-treated cultures showed the highest values for glutamate than cells maintained in gluta-
ED50 values around 6 µM. Similar developmental
changes in the susceptibility of neurons to glutamate
have been documented for other preparation (Mattson
et al., 1991a,b; Choi et al., 1987).


Most laboratories that study neurons in culture rely

on the use of sera from either bovine (calf ) or horse to
supply growth factors and trace elements that benefit
cell growth in vitro. However, frequent media changes
containing serum have been shown to be detrimental to
neuronal growth and cell viability. We determined the
glutamate content in sera from the most commonly
used sera for neuronal and glial cell cultures and
assayed several batches of bovine (calf ) and horse
serum from different sources. We found that [Glu] were
remarkable high, ranging from 273.7 µM to 1195.7 µM,
concentrations that would be expected to be neurotoxic
if used as a 10% media supplement. Indeed, our own
assessment of the viability of hippocampal neurons
Fig. 7. Partial media changes lead to lower neuron yields than suggested that these serum-glutamate concentrations
GDM. Sister cultures at the same density received GDM or partial were highly toxic and resulted in significant loss of
untreated media (70% GDM 1 30% UM) every 3 days after 5 DIV.
Groups receiving GDM 1 UM had fewer viable neurons. (Mean 6 SE,
neurons. As shown by others before (Choi et al., 1987;
neurons counted from 11–13 random fields.) *P,0.05, **P,0.01, Oka et al., 1993), the survival of astrocytes that are also
***P,0.001, Student’s t-test for GDM vs. GDM 1 UM. present in our cultures was not affected by serum-
glutamate. Since astrocytes are capable of sequestering
extracellular glutamate by Na1-dependent uptake, we
mate depleted calf serum (Fig. 8b). Similar results were explored their use as ‘‘glutamate sponges’’ to absorb
obtained with horse serum (data not shown). serum-glutamate and thus detoxify the serum. We
achieved this by using astrocyte cultures exposed to
serum-containing medium for several hours, resulting
Susceptibility to Glutamate-Neurotoxicity in a highly stereotypic depletion of serum-borne gluta-
Increases With Development In Vitro mate to levels less than 1 µM, a concentration similar to
that reported for CSF (Nicholls and Attwell, 1990).
In our time-lapse studies, we consistently observed Interestingly, 3 h exposures of 10% serum contained in
that older cultures were more sensitive to glutamate 40 ml media to confluent astrocytes in a 75 mm2 flasks
than younger cultures. To determine whether pro- was sufficient to reduce glutamate from ,90 µM
longed culturing makes neurons more susceptible to to , 1 µM.
neurotoxic injury, we used sister cultures from the We since cultured hippocampal neurons in GDM and
same preparation and repeated the glutamate toxicity found excellent long-term survival, despite frequent
experiments described above on cultures ranging from media changes. Moreover, subsequent treatment of
6 to 42 DIV and obtained complete dose-response hippocampal cultures with defined [Glu] from either a
curves for glutamate induced cell death. For each age stock solution or serum-glutamate resulted in marked
group, we determined the relative ED50 value for and concentration dependent neuronal death. The rela-
glutamate and plotted these values as a function of in tive sensitivity of these neurons to glutamate was
vitro age (Fig. 9). These data clearly suggest a develop- dependent on their in vitro age, with ED50 values of
mental change in the sensitivity to glutamate such that about 6 µM for long-term cultures (. 28 DIV) and ED50
neurons are much less susceptible to glutamate- values of . 16 µM for cells , 14 DIV.
induced cell death during the first week after plating A large body of literature now supports the notion
but become highly susceptible in long-term cultures. that most CNS neurons are highly sensitive to gluta-
Indeed, during the first 4 days in culture, neurons mate with low µM concentrations being sufficient to kill
consistently were resistant to serum-borne glutamate. most neurons (Choi et al., 1987; Choi, 1988; Michaels
Exposure of these immature neurons to 10% serum and Rothman, 1990). It is well established that CSF
media or equal concentrations of glutamate (e.g., 80– [Glu] in the healthy brain is maintained close to 1 µM
100 µM) did not significantly damage these cells (data (Nicholls and Attwell, 1990). Moreover, much of the
not shown). The ED50 values rapidly declines in the control of extracellular glutamate is attributed to glial
second week in vitro, and after 3 weeks or longer, most rather than neuronal uptake. It is thus not surprising
cells were highly susceptible to glutamate with mean that in vitro, astrocytes would reduce glutamate to

Fig. 8. Serum-glutamate in the culture media reduces glutamate higher levels (cells counted from 12–16 random fields). B: Glutamate
sensitivity. A: The glutamate dose-toxicity relationship of 16 DIV dose-toxicity curve of 22 DIV hippocampal neurons cultured in 10%
hippocampal neurons that had been cultured (changing media every 3 calf serum media (CSM) or glutamate depleted calf serum media
days) either in GDM, 70% GDM 1 30% untreated media (UM) or (CSGDM) with an ED50 around 60 µM and 30 µM, respectively. Data
GDM 1 25µM glutamate illustrates that prior exposure to glutamate were expressed as Mean 6 SE, fields515–18. *P,0.05, ** P,0.01,
reduces its neurotoxic effect. Serum-born glutamate or exogenous ***P,0.001. Comparisons were made between groups exposed to
glutamate were equally effective in producing a shift of the curve to same [Glu]. A, ANOVA; B, Student’s t-test.

concentrations comparable to that in CSF. However, in

the brain, the extracellular space is very small compris-
ing , 20% of the total volume. By comparison, in our in
vitro situation where extracellular volume is much
greater than the cell volume, it is remarkable that
astrocytes were able to continually sequester large
amounts of glutamate in a matter of hours. The ‘‘spong-
ing’’ of glutamate from the media is likely to be compan-
ioned by the cytoplasmic conversion of glutamate to
glutamine, a-ketoglutarate and other metabolites (Hertz
and Schousboe, 1986).
The beneficial role of astrocytes to neuronal cultures
has been known for some time. Rosenberg et al. (1989)
determined that the neuronal susceptibility to gluta-
mate-toxicity differed depending on the presence or
absence of glial cells. They determined an ED50 values
for glutamate in 3–5-week-old astrocyte-rich neuronal
cultures (ED50 194 6 43 µM) that is much higher than
the results of present study. These astrocyte-rich neuro-
nal cultures received three media changes per week
with medium containing 10% calf serum. It is interest-
ing to note that horse serum and calf serum contains
Fig. 9. Vulnerability of neurons to glutamate increases with in vitro
several fold lower glutamate and may thus be a better
age. Relative toxicity of glutamate was assessed in sister cultures of supplement than fetal bovine (calf ) serum. Indeed, a
neurons from the same preparation maintained in vitro for the times number of labs utilized horse serum instead of fetal calf
indicated. The ED50 for glutamate toxicity was determined for each
age group and plotted as a function of in vitro age. Vulnerability to (bovine) serum for maintaining neuronal cultures (Choi
glutamate developed in the first 20 DIV. et al., 1987; Black et al., 1995; Morioka et al., 1995;
Reif, 1993; Yool et al., 1988). When we repeated experi- concentrations similar to that in cerebro-spinal fluid. If
ments in which we cultured hippocampal astrocytes in grown in GDM, neuronal survival was much enhanced
either GDM or calf serum, we found that neurons and and promoted establishment of complex processes. In
glial cells fed with calf serum established different addition, cells exhibited a much higher sensitivity to
morphology from those fed by GDM. In phase-images, exogenous glutamate. Such cultures may be more repre-
neurons in GDM showed more elaborate processes and sentative of neurons in vivo and may provide an
appeared to float on the astrocytic bed-layer. By compari- alternative model for future neurotoxicity studies.
son, neurons grown in CSM stayed individual, had
shorter process, and integrated much more in the
astrocyte layer (data not shown). Harris and Rosenberg
(1993) established mixed culture in calf serum and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
suggested that astrocytes may cover synapses, thereby
protecting them from media or glutamate exposure; We thank Dr. Michael J. Friedlander, Felecia Hester,
thus those tighter association of astrocytes and neurons and Carolyn D. Gancayco in the Department of Neuro-
could have accounted for the high apparent resistant of biology for their help with bioluminescence measure-
those neurons to glutamate. However, in addition, our ments of glutamate.
data (Fig. 8b) would suggest the involvement of selec-
tion for more glutamate tolerant neurons by the re-
peated exposure to untreated calf serum, which will
eliminate those neurons that are more sensitive to
glutamate. Similarly, positive selection for more gluta-
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