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Teacher Candidate: ______________________ Date:_____friday________________

Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________Coop. Initials:______________

Group Size: ___________ Allotted Time: 70 Minutes Grade Level: __________

Subject or Topic: The Sun Section:_______________________

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

Standard: 4-P53-4 Apply Scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts
energy from one form to another.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

Through the construction and testing of a solar oven, students will understand the
importance of solar energy; and develop skills in teamwork, and communication; as well
as following instructions.

II. Assessment/Evaluation Plan

A. Formative
-Class discussion
B. Summative

III. Instructional Materials

-A sunny day, temperature above 70 degrees
-Pizza box (1 PER GROUP)
-Black construction paper (5 sheets per group)
-Aluminum foil ( 1 roll per group )
-Plastic wrap ( teacher distributed)
-Glue (1 per group)
-Tape(1 per group)
-Ruler, pen or pencil (some per group)
-Scissors (1 per group)
- Instructions/rubric sheet ( 1 per student )
-graham crackers (check allergies)
-chocolate (check allergies)
-Marshmallows (check allergies)

IV. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, new content)

A. Prerequisite Skills
-Students must know that the sun transmits light and heat, which are both forms
of energy.
-Heat is what bakes food

B. Key Vocabulary

Energy: ability to do work

Solar: from the sun

C. New Content

● Using the sun to bake

V. Implementation

A. Introduction (10 minutes)

● Start by asking the class what the weather is like out today.
● Have the class turn and talk to a partner about why it is bright and warm out today
(give about a minute or so)
● Take an answer from the students
● Talk about how the sun is hot and shines light which makes it warm and bright
● Tell the class to take out their energy journals and write” The Sun” on the next
line of the table of contents.
● Flip to the next open work page and have them label and date this page.
● Have them write the following in the book
○ Question: What makes the outside bright and warm out today?
○ Answer: (The sun is hot and shines light which makes it warm and bright
● Have them write their answer in their own words.
● Then tell the class that the sun is actually just a yellow dwarf star; a hot ball of
glowing gas
● Ask the students if they believe The suns rays can be turned into thermal energy
to cook food?
● Have them turn and talk to a partner.
● Ask for answers from the groups.
● Say that today we will be showing that the suns rays can in fact be used to cook

B. Development
● Break the students into groups (based on your class size)
● Hand out materials and instructions(with a rubric on the back)
● Walkthrough the directions once with the students and have your finished model
ready for them to look at.

● Go over the rubric with them so that each student knows what is expected of
● Make sure students know that you will be walking around and checking in if
anyone needs help.

C. Closure
● Once Finished creating ovens take ovens outside and use them to cook smores,
following instructions as well.
● While they bake Have students open their journals up and write a reflection about
the activity we did today. This reflection will be graded based on the rubric that
the were given with the instructions.
● Clean up outside and take class back to the classroom.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation
● For a student with a visual impairment, have them sit closer to the front of the
classroom so that they can see better. Or enlarged instructions. For students with
attention deficits or a specific learning disability, have another aid or volunteer
teacher with them.

VI. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives (Reflection on

students performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for students who
failed to meet acceptable level of achievement)

B. Personal Reflection(Question written before lesson is taught.)(Reflective answers to

questions recorded after lesson is taught.)

VII. Resources (APA Format)

Bellinghieri, C., & Gonzalez, L. (2018). Solar energy fun powered by the sun [PDF]. Flordia:
The Education Fund.

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