The Healing Code Proposes A Revolutionary Concept of Health and Healing

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The Healing Code proposes a revolutionary

concept of health and healing: That the majority of

our physical symptoms, illness, and disease are
created through our emotions.

While the concept of healing your body through healing

your emotional pain is certainly not new (for
example, Louise Hay’s ‘You Can Heal Your Life’,
Bruce Lipton’s ‘The Biology of Belief‘, Dr. Lissa
Rankin’s ‘Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof that
You Can Heal Yourself‘ to name a few), the Healing
Code provides a simple yet powerful methodology that
has been used by many thousands of people worldwide
to heal their emotional pain and subsequently heal
themselves of illness and disease.

I first read The Healing Code (2010) by Dr Alexander

Loyd & Dr Ben Johnson (MD) in 2015. My sister put
me onto it after we’d been discussing how much painful
emotion I was feeling about a certain issue in my life.
She suggested I try the Healing Code, claiming that it
would resolve many things for me without me even
realizing it. I was a bit reluctant to read yet another self-
help book (I’ve read hundreds in my lifetime and I was
in the middle of a temporary self-imposed self-help
hiatus). But I was so feeling so miserable that I decided
to buy myself a copy.

While subtle at first, I’ve most definitely noticed a real

change in my mood, energy levels, and inner peace
since using The Healing Code. It’s as though a curtain
of fog, anxiety, and heaviness is slowly being lifted and
I’m starting to tap into my inner well of joy, optimism
and health again. I was so inspired by the changes I felt
compelled to share this with you all.

The book has a 4.5-star rating (out of 5) on Amazon out

of 1500 reviews, and while it’s received a decent amount
of backlash and criticism, this is counteracted by a
resounding amount of positive feedback and literally
hundreds of thousands of testimonials from people who
have healed significant issues in their life.

The Healing Code was created by a

doctor called Alex Loyd whose wife
suffered severe depression, to the point where she contemplated
suicide several times.
They tried dozens of different therapies, both conventional and alternative, and read a library full of self-help
books over ten excruciating years, but nothing seemed to create lasting change for her. In desperation one
day he sent a prayer out to the Universe to please help save his wife. That night, Alex had a dream about
certain hand positions that could direct healing energy to the body at the four main ‘healing gates’ of the
body. His dream showed him the steps of a healing process that would completely cure his wife’s clinical
depression, and as it turns out, has now helped people all around the world heal all kinds of physical
problems, sometimes even diseases as severe as cancer.

 Itsounds a bit ‘out there’, but the fact is it cured his wife of clinical
depression and has subsequently healed thousands of people from all kinds
of illnesses worldwide.
The Healing Code is a short healing practice that can be done by yourself, to yourself, in around six minutes,
three times a day. It involves saying a prayer/request and then directing the energy in your hands to the four
main healing gates of your body in a certain sequence (30 seconds on each healing gate), while focusing on
‘Truth Statements’. I’ll describe each of the three components of the methodology for you.

1. The Four Healing Gates

The four ‘healing gates’ of the body that Dr. Loyd was ‘shown’ correspond to the master control centres for
every cell in your body. For a short 8-minute demonstration on YouTube of the hand positions you can go
here. They appear to work like a hidden fuse box and when the correct switches are flipped on, they will
allow healing of almost anything. Directing energy at the healing gates, while focusing on truth statements,
removes stress in the body that had switched off the fuse switches. The four areas that are targeted by
holding the four specific hand positions are.

Bridge (between the eyes)

The pituitary gland (often referred to as the master gland because it controls the major endocrine processes
of the body) and the pineal gland.
The higher functioning left and right brain, the hypothalamus.

The reactive emotional brain, including the amygdala and the hippocampus, plus the spinal cord and the
central nervous system.

Adam’s apple 
The spinal cord and central nervous system, plus the thyroid.

These four centres cover the control centres for every system, organ and every cell of the body. When
directing energy towards these ‘gates’, healing energy flows from these centres to everywhere in the body.

Using your own hands to direct energy for healing is not a new concept, it is indeed what underlies all
‘alternative’ healing techniques such as Reiki, Tai Chi, Qi-Gong, acupuncture, emotional freedom
techniques (EFT) etc., which all aim to harmonise and correct destructive energy patterns within the body.

The Healing Code appears to heal the destructive energy frequencies,

thereby healing both emotional and physical issues. While I have to admit I
was a little skeptical at first, using these hand positions while focusing on my
truth statements has given me noticeable improvements in my own mood,
health, and vitality.

2. Truth Statements
Truth Statements are sentences you say out loud to yourself, or listen to as a recording (I recorded mine as
voice memos on my iPhone), that heal the areas of life where you feel emotional pain or trauma. The Truth
Statements break through what he calls ‘three inhibitors to healing’:

1) Unforgiveness
2) Harmful actions (things you keep doing even though you know they’re bad for you)
3) Negative beliefs.

As Dr. Loyd says “These three issues must be addressed and removed from your heart if permanent healing
is to take place. If they remain, they will block or inhibit your heart’s ability to heal the rest of the issues in
your life”. You can use the truth statements they provide to heal these areas, or you can make your own truth
statements that feel more resonant and relevant (I have used a mix of my own and theirs). You can get a
copy of their example truth statements on their website by following this link here.

There are also 9 virtues that need to be instilled in your heart to enable healing in all areas of your life, which
he calls The Core Healing System:

1) Love 3) Peace 5) Kindness

2) Joy 4) Patience 6) Goodnessb
7) Trust 9) Self-control
8) Humility

So in total there are 12 ‘healing code categories’. To find out which areas are the best ones for you to focus
on, you can use their HEART ISSUES FINDER, which is a questionnaire that helps you pinpoint the
emotional issues that are biggest in your life at the moment. You can work your way through all of the
virtues eventually, but they recommend starting with the most difficult ones.

3. The Opening Prayer/Request

This is the prayer that you use to open your healing session. If the word ‘God’ doesn’t feel appropriate for
you, you can insert whatever name you choose for the Universal force or energy that connects all of us. It
does require that you believe (at least partly) that there is an unseen field or higher power that we can tap
into for healing. Some other names people use are Spirit, Source, the One, the Divine, for

“I pray that all known and unknown negative images, unhealthy beliefs, destructive
cellular memories and all physical issues related to _______________________ [your
problem or illness] be found, opened and healed by filling me with the light, life and
love of God. I also pray that the effectiveness of this healing be increased by 100 times
or more.” 

 Asking to increase the effectiveness of the healing by 100 times is telling the body to make healing a
priority. The whole premise underlying the Code is that our physical symptoms and illnesses are caused by
what they call the ‘issues of the heart’; emotional pain that we carry with us because of negative experiences
we have endured in our life. Each time we experience something negative, we create a picture in our mind of
that experience, or a ‘destructive memory picture’. These destructive images create stress in the body. Stress
puts the body into ‘fight or flight’, a physiological response that puts all bodily systems on high alert, which
is a necessary response to save our lives in emergencies but should not be maintained for long periods of

The problem is that the average person in today’s society stays in fight or flight for long periods of time.
When that happens, there is one inevitable result; eventually, something breaks down and shows up as a
symptom. I can personally vouch for the terrible effects stress have had on my body. In my twenties, I
gradually developed chronic fatigue syndrome (where you get overtaken by viruses and experience complete
adrenal exhaustion, among other symptoms) due to the high level of chronic stress present in all areas of my
life at the time.

When we develop too many symptoms on a prolonged basis, the symptoms

develop into disease, which is simply where the weak link in the chain broke
under the pressure called stress.
To help you understand their process, I put together a graphic that helps to summarise and explain how the
healing code works.

Emotional Pain and Stress

The codes appear to heal all problems – relationships, mental health, career, performance issues etc. –
because they propose that all of these problems have the same source: stress caused by emotional pain in our
lives, that led to destructive cellular memories in our unconscious minds. Up until recently, it has been very
difficult to heal the emotional issues in our heart for three reasons:

1. People don’t generally want to admit they have them;

2. If they have emotional pain, they don’t want to talk about it, and;
3. We haven’t had a way to effectively deal with emotional pain on a medical level.

Emotional pain is stored in your cellular memory, which is memory stored in your
cells – all of your cells. For many years, scientists believed that memories were
stored in the brain. However, we now know that memory is stored all through our
body, which explains why organ transplant recipients sometimes start taking on
thoughts, feelings, dreams and personality traits of the organ donor.

 To have permanent, long-term healing, we need to heal destructive

cellular memories.

We all have memories in our lives that are full of feelings like anger, sadness, fear,
confusion, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness… the list is endless.
You know how when you recall a certain situation in life that was very painful, you
can actually feel it in your body? You bring the image to mind, and immediately
you can feel the effects in your body, the anger, rage, betrayal or other heavy
feelings. We can often feel them as a physical sensation. That’s because recalling the ‘destructive cellular
memory’ has immediate physical effects on the body.
Trying to find ways to ‘cope’ with these negative memories only makes things worse. Suppressing our
destructive cellular memories requires a huge amount of energy, and it’s constant. What is desperately
needed, and (the authors claim) will change the face of health forever, is a way to heal the destructive
cellular memories as opposed to merely coping with them and trying to suppress them. Once you’ve healed
the memory, you will not feel the negative beliefs associated with the memory, your body will not be sent
into fight or flight mode, and you will feel greater levels of inner peace and improved health.

The whole book is based on two propositions:

1. To heal your problems you have to heal the stress. Stress is defined as “any situation that makes you
feel frustrated, angry or anxious. What is stressful to one person is not necessarily stressful to
another”. Any time we’re feeling strong negative emotions, our body goes into fight or flight mode;
2. To heal the stress you have to heal your destructive cellular memories, which are the images stored in
your unconscious mind from emotional pain that generate negative emotions and hence, stress.

So how do you do the Healing Code?

To start the Healing Code process, you bring to mind an issue that you’re
struggling with. This could be ‘my migraines’ or ‘my relationship with
my mother’ or ‘I’m constantly being over-looked at work’, for example.
While holding this issue in mind, you then say the opening prayer out
loud. You then let go of the problem, and start to focus on your truth
statements out loud or listen to your recording, while using the hand
positions they show you in the book, spending thirty seconds on each
healing gate, for a total of six minutes. While doing the Healing Code, I
can literally feel my energy lightening and lifting.

The truth statements are so powerful because we

often know the truth in our heart the first time we
hear or see it. It resonates and uplifts us and we feel
it to the deepest core of who we are.
 That’s because we have a mechanism inside of us called our
‘conscience’, whose sole purpose is to help us find these truths. When there are too many lies in the heart
related to a given subject, the voice of the conscience is drowned out, or at least confused, by competing and
disagreeing voices. The key is clearing out these misunderstandings of the heart, and that can be done by
reciting the ‘truth’ out loud.

If you’re also intrigued by the potential and possibility of the Healing Code, I urge you to get your hands on
a copy of the book and start implementing the simple methodology. Enjoy the power and beauty of the truth
statements – the ‘honeycomb, sweet and comforting to the soul’ that can be felt as you relax into your
meditation. And let me know how you go. I would love to know if you feel a positive shift, as I have done.

In service to helping you live your brightest life,

Katie De Jong, Ph.D

Global Career Coach for Thriving Professionals
Inspired Careers International

As an interesting side note on cancer, the co-author of the book Dr Ben Johnson has spent his career
specialising in cancer research and treatment. In his opinions, cancer is caused by four issues:

1. Emotional issues
2. Heavy metals
3. Acid pH/oxygen deprivation
4. Viruses

There are increasingly effective medical techniques to deal with issues 2, 3 and 4 in the conventional
medical system. However what has been lacking is a way to deal with emotional pain. Could it be possible
that this simple methodology for healing emotional pain could be part of the answer to dealing with this? I
pray so.

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