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Final Research Paper: Social Media Marketing

Noelia Alanis

ORGL 4361 Capstone II

Dr. Patricia M. Blanco



In this paper I will be discussing the Human Relations Theory in its past and present research. I

will also be discussing the Bureaucratic Theory and how it has altered. I will also be describing

the Administrative Theory and how this theory has improved. I will also include how these three

theories are being used in organizations today. In addition, I will add the problem that I have

detected in the company that I am examining. I will also include the solution that I will propose

to my research. Moreover, I will incorporate my findings and commentaries regarding this

research and a summary to the closing statement that indicates my overall knowledge.

Human Relations Theory

In some point in their life, a worker has felt that he is not being appreciated by the

company that he works for. I would believe that many people would feel that they are taken for

granted and not being valued as part of the organizations whom they work for. Many would just

keep their employment because of a salary and not because they like their position and their

business’s ways of treating them. Businesses focus was to make a profits and sales and ignored

employees’ personal development and what their future would look like. Elton Mayo began to

realize that employee’s also formed part of the organizational structure and were not paying

attention to employees needs many negative feedbacks were being received. Many employees

disliked their position, had negative attitudes, high turnover, high absenteeism, and poor job

commitment. Workers need to feel a sense of motivation to be able to demonstrate their abilities

and interest in hand with commitment to their full potential. If there is never a motivation the

employee will never feel the need to strive for the best and extend their abilities to do better.

Employees attitudes towards their companies began to become important when organizations

started to notice that monetary compensation was not enough for employee satisfaction (Bendix

& Fisher,1949).

In the 1900’s Elton Mayo an organizational psychologist originated the human relations

movement. He was the one that noticed that workers behavior and satisfaction was related to the

ways that they were being treated in the workplace. Mayo’s visions were to have a "universal

cooperation" which he mentions that sometimes it is necessary to have a little conflict within the

process (Saracheck, 1968, p.2). Past research indicates the Mayo believed that “an omnipotent

state facing equally unreal aggregate of unrelated individuals” mayo insists that conflict,

competition and disagreement all are a “social disease” (Bendix & Fisher,1949, p. 2). In 1919

Mayo mentions that “spontaneous cooperation” is socially healthy and strictly pinpoints that can

only be found in middle ages (Bendix & Fisher,1949, p. 2).

Bureaucratic Theory

Max Weber was a German Sociologist and political economist. Weber wanted that

organizations could simulate a governmental system. He believed that a person that holds a

position for a business should bond with his duties and if he is released the duties should be

passed on to the next person in charge of the position. He believed that in authority related

issues, family is always the reason behind the decisions being made. He believed in the Legal-

Rational Approach which demonstrates clear rules and only business-related firing and hiring.

The three pure types of authority are rational grounds which rest on a belief of enacted rules and

these rules should issue command. Traditional grounds are bases on immemorial traditions and

those performing under them. Charismatic grounds are bases on devotional sanctity and which is

the character of each person. The main reason that employees were being hired or fired were due

to particularism. He believed that these non-organizational reasons like sex, race, and family

connections were the primary reason to particularism which we better know this as favoritism.

He called this traditional authority. Weber identifies this as a “functional frame of reference,” he

describes this as the way individual acts (Hilbert, 1987, p. 3). He also mentions that people act

for practical illustration and orientation and once that utility fades away, his cognitive values is

overvalued (Hilbert, 1987).

Administrative Theory

Henry Fayol was an engineer that witnessed the industrial revolution. He came up with

many ideas that could help management area and training. In 1916 he published a book of

General Industrial Management. His book is mainly composed of two sections where the first

section he describes the six main organizational activities which includes technical, financial,

commercial, security, accounting and managerial activities. He describes these “... to forecast

and plan, to organize, to command, to co-ordinate and to control. To foresee and provide means

examining the future and drawing up the plan of action. To organize means building up the dual

structure, material and human, of the undertaking. To command means maintaining activity

among the personnel. To co-ordinate means binding together, unifying and harmonizing all

activity and effort. To control means seeing that everything occurs in conformity with

established rule and expressed command” (Voxted, 2017, p. 3).

Fayol describes management into five sections which are planning, organizing, giving

orders, co-ordination and control. He indicates that the manager in charge of the company is he

who should pinpoint the plans that are going to initiate for the future and ways to manage

challenges. He describes the need of having resources and preparing employees for external

conditions. He also mentions that upgrades must be done when technological advances begin. He

mentions that many changes will occur, and everyone must be prepared for these challenges.

Fayol also recommends that management organizes well and to indicate to the employees what

their duties are and set up a good competent authority to bring all these indications together. In

addition to the section of giving orders he says, “Authority is the right to give orders and the

power to exact obedience” (Voxted, 2017, p. 3). In order to give orders managers, must set a

good example and setting up meetings with other leaders to bind the business together. Co-

ordination includes to creating a working environment where all the leaders and employees are

working together to aim towards a main goal. The final recommendation of Fayol for

management is control which indicated the revision of management that all recommendations

and goals of the organization are being followed and structured accordingly (Voxted, 2017).

Modern Administrative Theory

Current research for Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol were the “general principles

of management” (Crainer, 2003, p. 2) are still the same as they were in past years. He mentions

that the universal characteristics of management were the division of work and responsibility. He

also mentions that that there should be discipline and unity of command. In addition, he

mentions that there should be general ad subordinate interests and a united direction with

stability between personnel. Changing events that are happening with management and

administration is technology. Many technological advances have changed the way that

management initiated yet they are still the same in its content. Many of the initial ways that these

theorists brought up to people were thinking of the organizations goals and focus which was to

generate profit and dependability. Many of these forms of management are still being used and

have not changed in structure (Crainer, 2003).

People have changed, market is changing and the way people think is also changing in

many ways to sell and promote their products and services, yet management remains clear and

respectable. “Should it be violated, authority is undermined, discipline is in jeopardy, order

disturbed and stability threatened. This rule seems fundamental to me and so I have given it the

rank of principle” (Voxted, 2017, p. 7). Most of the organization have not changed the way they

manage businesses and still appoint only one manager for every section of the company. “For

any action whatsoever, an employee should receive orders from one superior only” (Voxted,

2017, p. 7). It is the ideal thing to follow the lead of a single person of that are of the company

because this would cause a mixture of misunderstandings in the employee’s perspectives and

would affect their objectives and duties (Voxted, 2017).


Modern Human Relations Theory

Current research for Human Relations theory indicates that currently employees and

companies have created work group and teams. It also indicates that communication has

enhanced from back in time. Superior leadership has also increased its functioning ways. This

form allows employees to form part of the company by communicating what they feel and what

they think. They indicate that employees feel they are part of the company’s decision-making

process. Research indicates that employees feel that they motivated by leaders that can offer

mentorship and direction. Past employees never felt the need to help and guide their employees

because their focus was mainly in making more profit. Now companies focus on the human

behavior side and dynamics to ensure and successful workplace (Bendix & Fisher,1949).

Modern Bureaucratic Theory

Current research for Bureaucratic Theory indicates that the selection of personnel is equal

now and is not based on family relationships and is focused on rational approach. Particularism

is not seen much anymore to my opinion but is currently in every employment. I believe that

people that have the authority obviously choose to take their family and relatives into a position

that is being offered. I also believe that in many large and more professional organizations this is

no longer permitted. As I was doing an application, I was asked a question if I have any relative

working for the company. I think this is to inform the hiring employers if this application is

being made to help a family member. I do not believe that should be an issue and should be hired

accordingly using their qualifications and past experiences (Hilbert, 1987).

How are these theories being used today?


Most of these theories are used in most organizations today. Depending on the owner and

its beliefs he chooses a preferred method of working and running his business. Many large

corporations are mainly using the Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol and is the main form of

leading a business.

Jp Nails and Administrative Theory

With the advancing technology and social media users in today’s society, Jp Nails has not

yet taken advantage of this dominant of this marketing medium, therefore it is losing sales and

valuable market share to its competitors who are aggressively using social media marketing who

are successfully marketing their products and taking market share from Jp Nails. In the

Administrative Theory of Henry Fayol mentions that for the future there must be a plan of action

in which the company will use in case challenges. Planning is broken into three sections which

are having company resources. The second section is checking for the company surrounding and

all the conditions that might affect the company. The third section mentions that there will be

technological advances and changing market conditions in which the business must adapt to.

Many of these changes involve a great deal of social media marketing which is taking a great

number of customers that are searching for services online such as acrylic nails (Voxted, 2017).

Jp Nails concern

The salon had not realized that this demand was increasing daily. Many of the customers

that I personally know were communicating with other salons via social media. Many of the

salons were taking advantage that millions of people personally own a social media. Other salons

were posting pictures and offering new services and specials to the audience that are using social

media daily. The salon was trapped in a time where no social media was used as much and that

prevented the salon to gain customers via technology. In the Administrative Theory, Henry Fayol

mentions that technology cannot be reduced. Therefore, the businesses are responsible for

upgrading and getting involved with current conditions and developing trends to stay in the

market and continue to be a profitable business.

Jp Nails resolutions

The proposed solution that I recommend is to integrate marketing efforts, create a

schedule and create amazing content available to customers using social media while connecting

with the community. Integrate marketing efforts by checking and analyzing where customers

spend time in and directly applying it to that area. Stay alert for the type of audience that you are

targeting and give the type of content that they want to see and keep insisting with that content

and posting regularly. The idea is to never give up and to never get discouraged of posting with

no positive feedback. Commit to the people and get involved with the people that are becoming

your followers and regular customer. Have conversations regarding their vising and maybe

comment about their visit and ask them if we could do anything better next time. Promote your

services both online and offline. This will help you build a bond with customers and encourage

them to follow and feel free to comment in your social media page. Both forms of

communication will eventually gain customers and attract customers online as well (Members

integrated into our latest marketing efforts, 2020).

The second section proposed solution is to create a schedule. "Essential part" (Fisher &

Staplin, 2013, p. 2) is to distribute specific times of the day to social media marketing. For

example, spend the first 10 minutes of the day to answer any questions and feedback from the

customers that are trying to contact the business through this means. I would recommend

interacting with them and answer questions, and schedule appointments, comment, interact, and

add more images and content available for the customers to view. By creating a schedule this

will be easier in time to get used to the schedule in the long run and continue to do it regularly.

Make sure to continue to practice this daily and continue to online market and update your

activities each day (Fisher & Staplin, 2013).

The third section of my proposal is to create content. Once you have noticed who your

target audience is and what they are expecting keep impressing them with pictures and videos.

People are expecting to see new images and new material that are being introduced to the

business in order to get them excited to come for a visit. Posting images of the work that we offer

and new designs that we have is the best choice to offer amazing content. Conversations are also

included with this content since you will try and continue to build bonds with the customers.

Building loyal followers and customers we have to offer them the resources that they are looking

for and meet their expectations (Wang, Ahmed, Deng & Wang, 2019).


In this artifact I have learned a variety of ways that business apply management in their

work environment. I analyzed and compared the Human Relations Theory by Elton Mayo with

the Bureaucratic Theory by Max Weber and Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol. I applied the

best fitting theory to the business that I work for to find a solution to the mention setback. I

applied the Administrative Theory by Henri Fayol to my artifact and found that it was very

helpful and adequate for my selected problem and solution. I found a variety of great techniques

that would help my chosen business increase its profits by using social media marketing more

often. I also found that by using online and offline communication with customers enhances the

word of mouth recommendations from customers. These proposed solutions will help the

business increase popularity both online and offline. In addition, I found that maintaining social

media pages updated will keep the customers interested with the services offered and excited

about new materials introduced to return for services. “The plan of action facilitates the

utilization of the firm’s resources and the choice of best methods to use for attaining the

objective” (Voxted, 2017, p. 3). With all my research I would guarantee an escalating amount of

customer walk-ins and appointments and a great money-making profession and a blessed

business full of happy hard-working employees and satisfied customers.



Bernard Sarachek. (1968). Elton Mayo’s Social Psychology and Human Relations. The Academy

of Management Journal, 11(2), 189.

Crainer, S. (2003). One Hundred Years of Management. Business Strategy Review, 14(2), 41–


Hilbert, R. (1987). Bureaucracy as Belief, Rationalization as Repair: Max Weber in a Post-

Functionalist Age. Sociological Theory, 5(1), 70-86. doi:10.2307/201996

Lane Fisher, Max Staplin. Planning Ahead: Creating and Enforcing Mandatory Development

Schedules in Area Development, Area Representative, and Master Franchise

Relationships. Franchise Law Journal. 2013;33(1):49. https://search-ebscohost-

direct=true&db=edsjsr&AN=edsjsr.24236248&site=eds-live&scope=site. Accessed May

3, 2020.

Members integrated into our latest marketing efforts: We have been attending HFMA live events

and capturing photos and videos of members in action. (2020). Hfm (Healthcare

Financial Management), 74(4), 10.

Reinhard Bendix, & Lloyd H. Fisher. (1949). The Perspectives of Elton Mayo. The Review of

Economics and Statistics, 31(4), 312. https://doi-

Voxted, S. (2017). 100 years of Henri Fayol. Management Revue, 28(2), 256–274. https://doi-

Yong Wang, Shamim Chowdhury Ahmed, Shejun Deng, & Haizhong Wang. (2019). Success of

Social Media Marketing Efforts in Retaining Sustainable Online Consumers: An

Empirical Analysis on the Online Fashion Retail Market. Sustainability, 11(13), 3596.

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