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VERIFICATON STATEMENT Thereby vert that this report was wtten by Sti SVAWRAH BINT Bd (soceres tone) {and all information regarding his company and the projecs involved are NOT confidential. | kuaneswnes E2MUMALAY | sevice ReLABreITy ENSINEER SuPowER MDLAYSIA Cm) SON Or = Saco ” WEEK NO: 11-12 [RIEFDESCRBTION OF DALY ACTIVITIES | 1. ate £403 celPromance Reon wns | 2 ew RR Dees and ante he datas i 3. tate cetacean sree eaten ee 4. Join Reliabitty Lab weekly meeting 5: Presa nltuutes capone Pl Tet &: RimineSentovonted poe : a aba a eras nepo EP aR I } | 2. Review ACL, RBT DE report and update the database 3 tate cal Greceinten Messen {pertained cogent Test some at | eee 5. lun Semi-Automated Pull Test and manual pull test | ! 6. Join Reliability Lab weekly meeting 7 Snyresenaton st == meen | i = |e [— uses | areeonenbe tin | Suedtunasesiveant | sontimsanaitac | cmap cn seat | gates | water | SER | GEESE [eee aye fe SE | perpen | amreraae| fompetomeca= | 5 5 SSeopianeca | PME cegientsramata | “SEcancract | wegaionscsan |S a oe — = ican | rte | Scuatneaet | Crema | Sommeamem | =" | =i ee Tae A Taam Aiea wa apa 73 prc oat Compa SeparinrsSissure Xam fal ows KLANESWARIEZNOMALAL (SENIOR RELIABILITY ENGINEER] sae ERE ‘L0G BOOK WEEK NO: 13-14 wencno| pare BRIEF DESCRENTION OF DALY AroVTIES 4 Guide now intern to make Fa 3 Cell Performance Report wari 2. Golde ew eto re cL RET DE ‘apr and pit | the daabese 413, | syaran-is74s3 | 5 Hake Cll characteraton Measurement | 4 foe atest wes esting | | ‘5. Prepare half taminated coupoa for Pull Test | | & RuntheSembactomated pte | “L. Guide new intera to make Fab 3 Cel Performance Repot wwe 2. Gale new intro rovew Ack, RT Drape and ute | | ‘the database os |, Mate cet Chraceiaton Mewsrement “ '6/4148-20/4/48| Prepare half laminated coupon for Pull Test sample | i 5. Ransom Automata Pulte od marl ul et | & mmretoaty nt weeth meeine 4 abe presentation with ont company Hat eat oe a tae es ass, a ice nes "omnew aa ss eae ee ee tepianma| Smenagmemt | anngtetinanioe | “rrrueem sam | smertotemmce | ¥ = | oe | oo Toumemtamme | Fe pauzasa | Pater | mig acon camiisrs | 65 - “cme | arate “urea Tina Ae fecal Fa Fox and tomate ie Ulery Wah in Bee “Company Spere Sates &vampe ‘Ras & Dagan: KURANESWARI EZROMALA (SEMOI AALINBLITY ENGINEER Das p0fufaet se ee

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