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Fausto Conter

Curriculum Vitae
W ORK EXPERIENCE - via Milano, 57
J ANUARY 2013 – N OVEMBER 2014 25038 – Rovato (BS) Italy
S.V.I., Uganda % +39 (334) 8977107
Senior volunteer )

Providing agricultural and agroforestry skills in primary

schools at the Napak district in Karamoja region for the E DUCATION
Servizio Volontario Internazionale NGO. The project is
funded by the CEI (Conferenza Episcopale Italiana). 2011 Autocad Inventor course
Autocad school, Brescia
J ANUARY 2011 – M AY 2012 2004 Advanced course of english
Trutorq Italia, Rovato Anglican Kenian School, Nairobi
After-sale service and maintainer 2001 Course on 3D programming
Assembly and automation of linear and heavy-duty ac- Technical school of Acer, Torino
tuators. Planning and drawing of samples on 3D cad.
1998 – 2000 Basic english course
Technical assistance for the after-sale departement.
English school, Rovato
F EBRUARY 2010 – A UGUST 2010 1995 – 1998 Technical drawing
S.V.I., Zambia Scuola arte e mestieri, Brescia
1st consultant
Providing agricultural and agroforestry skills at rural C OMMUNICATION SKILLS
community in Solwezi for the Servizio Volontario Inter-
nazionale NGO. I TALIAN Native speaker
E NGLISH Oral: good – Written: good
N OVEMBER 2004 – J UNE 2009
S.V.I., Uganda K ARIMOJONG Oral: good
Project Manager F RENCH Oral and written: basic
Providing agricultural and agroforestry skills at rural
community in Karamoja, northern Uganda, for the Servizio
Volontario Internazionale NGO. In the last year I have
collected and organized information for the SVI book I NTERMEDIATE Microsoft office, Open office,
African sprouts that speaks about the impact of agro- Windows, Linux
forestry in Karamoja in the last 10 years. The job con-
sisted mainly in sampling and handling GPS data. The B ASIC LEVEL Autocad, Autocad inventor
project has been financed by many donors such as FAO,

J UNE 2001 – A UGUST 2004

Metecnal S.R.L., Rovato
Technical quality control
Controlling part dimensions, here included programming
3D CNC control machine D.E.A. and drawing manage-
ment. Helped the emprise in getting the ISO 9002:1994

S EPTEMBER 2000 – M AY 2001

A MICA CHIPS s.r.l., Ospitaletto
Good preparation and packaging before the delivering of
food supplies for bars and restaurants.

S EPTEMBER 1995 – A UGUST 2000

Meccanica Artigiana S.R.L., Rovato
Precision mechanical workshop
Manufacturing parts on a metalwork lathe, here included
tools presetting and CNC programming.

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