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Chapter 9 and 10 Vocab US Government

Chapter 9

Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

 inherent powers-those claimed by the president that are not clearly expressed in the
 executive privilege the right to withhold from Congress or the courts information about
communications between the president and his or her advisers.
 Mandate- a message sent by the people in electing an official
 Impeach to formally accuse a public official of misconduct.

Academic Vocabulary

 contemporary- modern or current

 investigation- a search of facts and information

Lesson 2: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

 executive order- presidential directives that have the force of law without the approval
of Congress.
 Impound- refuse to spend
 Reprieve-postpones legal punishment
 Pardon-releases a person from legal punishment.
 Amnesty-a pardon for a group of people who have committed an offense against the

Academic Vocabulary

 fund the financial means to make something happen

Lesson 3: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

 civilian-not an active member of the military

 national security-safety of the country in general
 reauthorize- passed into law again
 military tribunal- specially created courts  to try suspected terrorists.
 Treaty-formal agreements between the governments of two or more countries. 
 executive agreement-pacts between the president and the head of a foreign

Academic Vocabulary
 deny- to forbid or not allow
 access- ability to view

Lesson 4: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

 Federal Reserve System= the seven members that direct the nation’s central banking
 Council of Economic Advisers- group created to study the economy and to advise the
president on domestic and international economic policies.
 political patronage-appointment to political office, rewards the people who have helped
get a president elected

Academic Vocabulary

 annual- once a year

 ensure- to guarantee

Chapter 10

Lesson 1: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

 landslide- a large majority of voices

Academic Vocabulary

 survey a study of public opinion

 generate- to create

Lesson 2: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary

 compensation- a salary
 presidential succession – the list and order of people in line to take over the position of
president should the president not be able to finish his term

Academic Vocabulary

 decline- to turn down

 successor- person who takes another’s place

Lesson 3: Vocabulary

Content Vocabulary
 elector-people who promise they will officially elect the president several weeks later.
 Electoral College name of US electors considered collectively
 winner-take-all system- candidate who receives most votes in a state gets that states
 political action committee (PAC)- an organization of supporters of a particular interest,
uses its influence to push for those interests
 Federal Election Commission (FEC)- an independent regulatory agency created by
Congress to enforce federal election laws.
 Primary-where members of the party go to the polls and vote on which candidate they
want to see earn their party’s nomination
 Caucus-where members of a political party gather together to discuss candidates and
select delegates to send to the national party convention, where they will also vote to
nominate a candidate.
 Convention- where loyal party members who have been chosen as delegates from each
state vote for the candidate supported by their state’s voters.
 third-party candidate- a candidate who does not represent the Democratic or
Republican party

Academic Vocabulary

 margin- the amount of difference

 media- news sources
 alternative- other option

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