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Fecha de Inicio________________________ Fecha de entrega: ________________________ Grado:____9__

English worksheet



I walk I don’t walk Do I walk?
You walk You don’t walk Do you walk?
He walks* He doesn’t walk Does he walk?
She walks* She doesn’t walk Does she walk?
It walks* It doesn’t walk Does it walk?
We walk We don’t walk Do we walk?
You walk You don’t walk Do you walk?
They walk They don’t walk Do they walk?

Reglas para agregarle s,es o ies final a los verbos cuando se hable de terceras personas (he, she, it):

 a los verbos que terminan en s, ss, sh, ch o x se les agrega es. Ej. wash - washes My mother washes the dishes
after lunch.

 A los verbos que terminan en o se les agrega es. Ej. go – goes Tom goes to Cancun by plane.

 A los verbos terminados en y precedidos de consonante, se cambia la y por la i y se le agrega es. Ej. study –
studies NASA studies the global water cycle

 A todos los demás verbos solo se les agrega s final

Hello! My name’s Steve Mc Manaman. I come from Glasgow in

Steve from Glasgow Scotland, but now I live and work in London. I have a very small
flat near the centre. It looks very beautiful. I live there with two
friends, Boby Robson and Alex Brown. I am a waiter and I’m also a
drama student. I work part-time in an Italian restaurant. I eat Italian
food. I don’t drink beer. I don’t like it. I speak French, but I don’t
speak German. And I don’t play sports. I want to be an actor. My
roommate Alex plays sports every day, he wants to be an athlete,
but he doesn’t like acting. He says arts are for girls. His sister,
Susan, loves music, but she doesn’t love sports. Boby studies
business. He wants to be a businessman. He doesn’t like acting
too. What does he like then? I don’t know. Now tell me about
yourself; what do you want to be?
¿true or false?(falso o verdadero)
Escribe TRUE si es verdadero o False si es falso al frente de cada oración.

1. Steve lives in Manchester.

2. Steve wants to be an actor.
3. Alex doesn’t love sport.
4. Steve doesn’t know what Boby likes.

I. Read the text, underline all the verbs in the present, and classify them in this chart.(Lea el texto y
subraye los verbos en presente y clasifiquelos en esta tabla.)

Affirmative + Negative - Interrogative ?

I/ you/ we/ they

He/ She/ It

II. Elija la respuesta correcta.

Example:In the affirmative form, with the subject pronouns I, you, we and they, the verb changes/ doesn’t change.
In the affirmative form, with the subject pronouns he, she and it, the verb doesn’t change/ takes an “s”
In the negative form, with the subject pronouns I, you, we and they, we add don’t/ doesn’t before the verb.
In the negative form, with the subject pronouns he, she and it, we add don’t/ doesn’t before the verb.
In the interrogative form, with the subject pronouns he, she and it, we add doesn’t before/ after the subject.
In the interrogative form, with the pronouns I, you, we and they, we add don’t/ doesn’t before the subject.

III. Complete the chart with the correct form of verb “to come”

(complete la table con el verbo come)

Affirmative + Negative - Interrogative ?

I __________from Scotland I ____________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?

You ________from Scotland You ____________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?
We _________from Scotland We _____________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?
They _______from Scotland They ____________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?
He _________from Scotland He ______________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?
She ________from Scotland She _____________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?
It __________from Scotland. It _______________from Scotland ________________from Scotland?
Fecha: 18 de Marzo Version 01 Página 1 de 2

Evaluación de la guía propuesta

pregunta Explicación o porque de la respuesta

¿Pudo entender el tema? Si/No
¿Qué otro tipo de
actividades propone para
una siguiente guia?
¿Es clara la división de
los subtemas?

¿Cómo sentiste tu nivel

de desempeño frente a
las actividades
¿Qué dificultades
encontraste en el
momento del desarrollo?

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