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Open Subversion Repository

Access For OpenFOAM

Martin Beaudoin, Hydro Québec

Bernhard Gschaider, ICE Strömungforschung GmbH
Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd
Håkan Nilsson, Chalmers University of Technology

Second OpenFOAM Workshop, Zagreb, 7-9 June 2007

Outline of the presentation
¾ Why Version Control for source code ?
¾ What is Version Control
¾ What is Subversion?
¾ Why a Subversion site for OpenFOAM?
¾ Openfoam-extend on SourceForge
¾ Proposed structure for the svn archive
¾ Subversion basic working cycle
¾ Browsing the Subversion archive
¾ Conclusion

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Why Version Control for source code?
¾ Questions that are asked at every software project:
ƒ “Is the latest version in the Folder Devel or Debug?”
ƒ “Who copied an old version over my changes?”
ƒ “Who wrote that stuff? And what was he thinking?”
ƒ “Cool feature. Who wrote that? Me? When?”
ƒ “It worked 3 weeks ago. What changed in the meantime?”
ƒ “Could I have an up-to-date copy of the source code?”
ƒ “Someone found a bug in Release 10.4 of my software. My
new version 10.5 is not ready for release yet! Where is the
source code for version 10.4 again?”
ƒ “Who wants to merge versions?”

¾ Version Control tools can help here.

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
What is Version Control?
¾ Version control is the management of information
changes in respect of time.
¾ Version control organizes the work of multiple authors.
¾ Widely used in software development and engineering.
¾ Version control systems keep track of multiple versions
of multiples files of multiple projects.
¾ Many systems are available out there:
ƒ Microsoft SourceSafe
ƒ BitKeeper
ƒ Subversion
ƒ …

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
What is Subversion?
¾ The goal of the Subversion project is to build a version
control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS in
the open source community.
¾ A Subversion site :
ƒ Is a centralized repository for storing and sharing data (files,
source code, documents, etc).
ƒ Is built on a hierarchy of files and directories
ƒ Offers version control of files AND directories
ƒ Is a Client/Server system
ƒ Enables the collaborative editing and sharing of source code.
ƒ Is Operating System agnostic
ƒ Can store meta-data (key/value pairs) for files and directories
ƒ Is a replacement for the now aging CVS

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
What is Subversion?
¾ The advantages of Subversion versus CVS
ƒ Versioning of files, directories and symbolic links
– Creating, Renaming, Moving and Deleting
ƒ Atomic commits
ƒ Repository-wide version numbering
ƒ Efficient handling of binary files
ƒ Can be hosted over HTTP/HTTPS
ƒ SVN is faster than CVS
ƒ Cheap or lazy copy mechanism

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
What is Subversion?
¾ For more information:
ƒ Subversion home site:

ƒ On-line electronic book:

– Version Control with Subversion, Collins-Sussman,
Fitzpatrick, Pilato

ƒ On-line tutorials and training:

– Subtrain by POLARION:

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Why a Subversion site for OpenFOAM
¾ For the OpenFOAM users:
ƒ The patches and bug fixes are currently published over
the OpenFOAM discussion forum or mailing list:
– patching OpenFOAM source code is a do-it-yourself job in
between releases.
ƒ With version control, you can see where, when, and by
whom the OpenFOAM source code has been modified.
ƒ Some very interesting add-on packages are available on
a few external sites : a centralized access point would
be very convenient.
ƒ Experimental versions of OpenFOAM will be easier to
download and test.

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Why a Subversion site for OpenFOAM
¾ For the OpenFOAM developers:
ƒ We need a centralized archive for sharing source code
and facilitate collaboration.
ƒ We need incremental download of modified files instead
of downloading large monolithic tarballs (.tgz)
ƒ We need a powerful tool to detect and track source code
modifications from release to release.
ƒ “Unsupported” code can now have a home.

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Openfoam-extend on SourceForge
¾ A new project has been registered on SourceForge
for the OpenFOAM community: openfoam-extend
¾ SourceForge: more than just a Subversion archive
ƒ is by far the most popular site for
sharing source code over the Internet.
ƒ A project hosted on SourceForge also gets access to:
– Mailing lists for project users and administrators
– Tools for submitting bug reports, support requests, feature
requests, user-submitted patches.
– Forums
– Web based source code browsing

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Proposed structure for the svn archive

trunk/ Core/


ƒ Trunk: main line of development. “Work in progress”, so wear protective gear at all times
¾ Core : ƒ Structured like the original OpenFOAM distribution
ƒ Content: what currently is known as “Hrv’s development version”.
ƒ Permanent beta, with intermediate stable releases

¾ Forge: ƒ Assorted collection of utilities, libraries and other stuff OF-related.

ƒ Fulfill some quality standards.
ƒ Should provides test cases and documentation. Ideally version agnostic.

¾ Breeder: ƒ Things that are not ready to go to the Forge yet.

ƒ Where people can have a first go at the development.
ƒ Playground for starting collaborations and workgroups
ƒ Minimal or no test cases/documentation

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Proposed structure for the svn archive

tags/ Core/ Release_2007_06_10/
Forge/ Current/

ƒ Tags: snapshots of the trunk. Consistent, relatively bug-free: Releases

ƒ Core :
ƒ Release_YYYY_MM_DD, or whatever numbering
ƒ Forge: scheme that makes sense.
ƒ Breeder: ƒ Current : Always points to the latest stable released

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Proposed structure for the svn archive

branches/ OpenCFD_Release OpenFOAM_1.4



ƒ Branches: variations of the trunk

ƒ We need a place for an up-to-date patched version of OpenCFD releases
ƒ We need a convenient way to browse the source code and compare changes from release
to release
ƒ We need a place for “highly experimental” developments that will be merged into the trunk
when stable.

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Proposed structure for the svn archive

trunk/ Core/


tags/ Core/ Release_2007_06_10/
Forge/ Current/

branches/ OpenCFD_Release OpenFOAM_1.4



Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Subversion basic working cycle

From: “Subversion – Cheatsheet”, Subtrain, by Polarion

¾ A “Howto” guide will be made available to illustrate the most common

operations when working with the Subversion archive.

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Browsing the Subversion archive

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
Browsing the Subversion archive

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
¾ A new project has been registered on SourceForge
for the OpenFOAM community: openfoam-extend
¾ Subversion was chosen as the Version Control
¾ A repository structure is proposed.
¾ “Unsupported” code can now have a home.
¾ Come and share your OpenFOAM code with the
¾ Your comments will be appreciated.

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007
¾ Thank you for your attention!

Second OpenFOAM Workshop

Zagreb 7-
7-9 June 2007

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