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What happened here?

-Oh! What happened here? I do not remember anything. Why am I next to the road and
my car is crashed? Did I kill someone at midnight? - Richard Rolins thought when he woke
-What happen in my mind? I feel like other person…Whose belong is this letter?

Hi Dare

I do not want to be with you. You are strange

and in some cases, you are like a monster.

I am exhausted and I don´t love you.


Richard Rolins started to cry when finished to read the letter but not for his situation, he
began to cry because he did not remember nothing.
-It is a dream? I only remember an awful argue and fight with the valet parking. Had he
given a pill and make me this? – Richard Rolins did not feel good, he felt some gloomy.
He decided to walk on the lonely road but at the same time, he heard some weird voices
that said his name and the name of a crag near from the road, “Scream’s crag”. He did not
understand but decided got to Scream’s crag and try to find some clues about his
While he was walking, the weird voices began to be louder and he decided to cover his
ears but the voices were in his mind not in the environment. Suddenly recognized the
voice of the valet parking that said, “Please don’t kill him”. Apparently, someone would
like to kill him, but who would like to kill him?
Richard Rolins did not know what happened there, he was falling in craziness. He did not
understand what happened the last night and the reasons of his feelings and emotions.
Finally, he arrived to the Scream’s crag and saw a horrible scene; his body was on the
grass with many stabs, his body was bleeding and near from his corpse was his ex-
girlfriend, Dania Crawling with a big knife and a little gun in her hands. When Richard
Rolins closed his eyes he remembered all and understood his situation, he was a ghost and
Dania had killed him after the dinner. While he was thinking, he heard a shooting and
open his eyes quickly but her ex-girlfriend was disappeared.
What happened there? I do not know but that is the information that the police officer,
Mark Toreno, gave me when my parents died.

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