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I have just completed my advertisements for Full Swing Entertainment. I thoroughly enjoyed
working with a company on a product for their business, it was one of my first
advertisements for a company and I think all things considered it went well.

I started by gathering the clips and images that I had collected over the past year of the
business as this advertisement was to be a promotional video for 2020. I then started with
what videos I would like to mimic in my own style and decided to use my own
advertisement technique as what I have seen similar to in my lifetime. I feel as though my
preproduction was very thorough and discussed well with the company in which I worked

For sound on my short 30 second advertisement I opted to use a very happy, well known
song which I thought worked well with the video in captivating the feelings of the audience.
The other advertisement I went with generic, fun sound which boosted the mood of the
advertisement to be able to entice the audience into creating a perfect day with the help of
Full Swing Entertainment. As there was no dialogue I felt no need to make sure that the
sound quality on the clips themselves were of a high standard.


Above are screenshots on which I edited my advertisement. I feel as though I could have
created a better product if I had of used Final Cut Pro instead of iMovie which has not as
good editing tools. I feel as though with better footage I could have produced a better
submission of work to the company however the company was happy with it.

Audience Response:
The audience in which I had review my advertisements before submission I got very good
feedback from and felt positive in the progress I had made. Below are the audience
response sheets:
In conclusion, I am quite happy with the product I produced, I realise myself that there
should have been more links to the influencer to this advertisement and I lacked techniques
however I am confident that I done my best with my tools and skills which I have. There
were some errors when filming such as SD cards becoming full on days filming and I had to
choose to either delete footage or give up filming on those days as I only have one SD card,
however I felt as though I coped well with the events that went wrong and addressed them
with as much confidence as I could. There are things I would change about the
advertisement as I would make it look much more professional and get better quality
footage. Overall, I am quite happy that the advertisement has been well received and that
the company has uploaded to their website and Facebook pages.

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