Class Layoutfixed

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Lizbeth Padilla

Alexa Ghasemi
Samuel Rafael
(​Total Value 50 pts)
1. ​Using the software of your choice, generate a detailed floor plan depicting how you would ​ideally
arrange/use a standard 30'x32' classroom space to provide for the comprehensive instructional needs of
grade level being taught. Include the following​: ​1 - doors and windows; 2 - student desks and chairs; 3 -
teacher's desk; 4 - blackboards and/or white boards; 5 - bulletin boards; 6 - sinks, drinking fountains,
and/or restrooms; 7 - computers; 8 - bookshelves and/or reading areas; 9 - equipment and supply
storage; 10 - student cubbies; 11 - other areas or items you describe below.​ (10 pts)
2. ​Select the ten (10) most significant elements you've incorporated in your design. Then for each element
you list explain how, why, and/or in what ways it works to facilitate the ability to learn with at least one
quote with proper citation from a reliable education article that supports the value of that element. (4 pts
each/40 pts total)

A. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.

One physical element we will incorporate in our classroom is the reading rug. Ideally, it includes
squares with different colors assigned to each student for their own personal space.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
The rug will allow for students to be more focused and engaged with the teacher and lesson on the
board because the teacher might have better classroom management due to close proximity, this
results in more efficient learning.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“Distraction in the classroom is a growing concern. Proximity control is the solution.” -Screen
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #2: “Creating and Maintaining Effective Environment for Student Learning.”
TPE Element #2: “Create learning environments that promote productive student learning.”
This fits into the strategy because it explains the importance of having an environment in which
the student feels safe. The reading rug helps the teacher to have more effective teaching/learning.

B. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.

One element we’ve incorporated into our classroom design is a Library Area.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
A library area will allow for students to have a quiet space for free time and enjoyment while other
students are still working. When students read, they expand their reading fluency and excel more
in their academics.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“By providing access to a rich classroom library, teachers promote greater amounts of reading,
increased reading frequency, and more diverse reading experiences among their students, thus
helping them to attain greater levels of reading achievement” (Scholastic).
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element #2: “Create learning environments (i.e., traditional, blended, and online) that promote
productive student learning”
Incorporating a student library meets the TPE because it helps encourage students to use their free
time to practice reading which will later help with fluency and comprehension.
C. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.
One element we’ve incorporated into our classroom design is Computer Desks.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
Incorporating computers into the classroom could benefit students because of the activities that are
designed for their skill level and can focus more on their own strengths and weaknesses.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“There are many benefits that come along with having computers in the classroom such as the
ability to provide more engaging activities for students, as well as allowing for the creation of
more individualized lessons” (
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #1: Engaging and Supporting all Students in Learning
Element #4: “Use a variety of developmentally and ability appropriate instructional strategies,
resources, and assistive technology”
Having computers goes with this TPE because it’s another form of curriculum based learning for
students. Using online activities helps match the student to their appropriate skill level and it
shows a developmental increase in individuals.
D. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.
An element we’ve incorporated into our classroom design is a rack for backpacks, sweaters, and
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
Having organized areas for student belongings allows for less distraction of items on or around
their desk. This way, students are more focused on the teacher, the lesson, and their classwork.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“DISTRACTIONS: The hodge podge of patterns and colors creates visual clutter. If you are
storing the items in your classroom, I would highly suggest finding a way to keep them hidden
during the day” (Clutter-Free Classroom).
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element #3: “Establish, maintain, and monitor inclusive learning environments that are physically,
mentally, intellectually, and emotionally healthy and safe to enable all students to learn.”
Organizing student belongings to ensure a safe classroom goes with this TPE because it is making
sure that their learning environment is safe. Not having to worry about safety concerns means that
teachers can focus on academics.

E. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.

We’ve incorporated a behavior chart in our classroom design.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
With the use of a behavior chart, students are able to behave better during instructional time. They
can monitor their own behavior by seeing where it is that they stand on the chart throughout the
day. This will impact their ability to learn because they will try their best to remain on the good
side, therefore, following procedures and instructions that are given because they know that if they
listen, they will stay at the top and be rewarded. It also sets clear expectations for the students.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“Our behavior charts are a great way to set clear expectations and reward your kid.” -Elisabeth
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
TPE Element #6: “Establish and maintain clear expectations for positive classroom behavior…”
This element fits with the strategy because through the use of a behavior chart, students are aware
of what is expected of them, in this case to behave properly. If students are aware of this, they will
help establish a positive classroom behavior, therefore, resulting in more engaged learning.

F. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.

We’ve incorporated shelves for daily student materials in our classroom design.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
These shelves will have the materials that students need throughout their school day, such as
pencils, sharpeners, erasers, books, scissors, paper, colors, etc. This will help with maintaining
order in the classroom as students know where everything is located and could easily be found.
Everything will be organized and the classroom will have less interruptions or wasted time on
finding materials. It will impact ability to learn as it will help use time wisely and spend more time
on the lessons being taught, allowing for students to gain more knowledge about the important
things rather than looking around for a pencil, etc.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” -Benjamin Franklin
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #4: “Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students”
TPE Element #4: “Plan, design, implement and monitor instruction, making effective use of
instructional time to maximize learning opportunities…” This element fits with the strategy
because as mentioned before, with the use of organization and planning, there is less time to be
wasted trying to find materials and such. Time will be better spent on instructional activities and
this will help students gain more knowledge during class time.

G. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.

We’ve incorporated group seating pods in our classroom design.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be specific
and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
Group seating pods allow for students to work with other students. This seating arrangement also
allows for students to easily find partners and to compare and share ideas with one another. This
will impact ability to learn because students can learn from each other but also they practice
solving problems on their own before asking the teacher. Additionally, group seating pods help
ability to learn because it creates a more personal experience showing the students that they got
what it takes to complete tasks, it lets them analyze their own level of comprehension.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“​Shared knowledge on group work increases individual knowledge.” -TesolClass
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE #2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
TPE Element #2: “Create learning environments that promote productive student learning,
encourage positive interactions among students…” This element fits with the strategy because
though the use of grouping pods, students are able to interact with one another and discuss
academic work, therefore resulting in productive student learning. Students work together and
learn from one another and can help each other understand material more easily.
H. 1) Detail one physicical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.
One physical element incorporated into the classroom layout is the teachers desk.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact ability to learn? Be specific and
provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
The teacher’s desk is in a safe area where I can model a clean and efficient work space for the students.
They will see an organized area where I could work but would most often use as a space for storage
around the desk and could also be a place where I take a mini-break while the students work during
individual work time.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“It is very important that the teacher’s desk is a safe zone and conveys a degree of openness so that
students feel comfortable asking for help”
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE 6 Developing as a Professional Educator.
TPE 6.6 “Demonstrate professional responsibility for all aspects of student learning and classroom
management.” This meets the TPE because the teacher’s desk allows management and also responsibility
as I would be able to work from here and can still keep an eye on the students as they work individually.

I. 1) Detail one physical element you’ve incorporated in your classroom design.

This element is the Whiteboard. The whiteboard is an area where I will do the majority of whole class
teaching. It will also display the daily schedule and this is an area the students will freely have access to if
any further clarification on any lesson is needed.
2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be
specific and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
This will have a direct effect on the students because lessons will be taught using the whiteboard and will
be left up for all students to see and engage with as they see freely. This will be a medium for them to
share ideas with not only myself but to the whole class. This promotes group unity, self esteem and
content knowledge.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“​Whiteboards are an essential classroom tool that allows teachers to accommodate students of all learning
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE 2 “Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning”
Element 4 “Know how to access resources to support students..” This TPE fits because the whiteboard
can serve as a resource that helps all students to be engaged and more comfortable in the classroom. The
students will be able to interact directly with the material and the whiteboard helps with reaching a
broader audience, in this case students who have different learning styles.

J.​ 1) Detail one physical element you've incorporated in your classroom design.
This element will be the group table.
T2) What effect will this element have on students, and how will it impact their ability to learn? Be
specific and provide a concrete measurable positive impact on learning.
This is an area where I will hold meetings with the children to go over some of their work and seek extra
help if needed. It is far away enough to not be a distraction to the other students who may be doing work,
but close enough to oversee all children. It is also a good spot for any Teachers Assistant to sit at so
children can freely walk over and seek help if permitted. They can work on reading, math and science.
This is also the space where parents teacher conferences will be held.
3) Support your reasoning with a quote properly cited from the text or other academic resource.
“Kidney, horseshoe, and crescent-shaped tables allow students and instructors to sit close to one another,
making them ideal for small-group learning”
4) Describe how the element you've incorporated meets one TPE. Identify the TPE number and heading.
Also include the exact citation, in quotes, from the specific section of the TPE to which you're referring
and how the strategy meets that TPE. Provide the number, heading, and exact quote of one TPE this
strategy meets.
TPE 6 Developing as a Professional Educator.
TPE 6.5 “Demonstrate how and when to involve other adults and to communicate effectively with peers
and colleagues” This TPE fits because as mentioned, the group table will be for students but also for TA’s
or any additional aid that we could have in the classroom. Allowing for other colleagues to help during
class time when needed.

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