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c: 6829997422 | e: |LinkedIn:

Sk ills
• Microsoft Office Proficiency • Qualitative Data Analysis
• Public Speaking • Survey Design
• Creating Weekly Schedules • Readability Assessment
• Skilled in SPSS Software

Educ atio n

Bac he l o r o f S c i e nc e i n Pu bl i c He al t h / M ay 20 20 / G PA : 3 .7 5
University of Texas at Arlington


o Alternative Breaks
o Mavericks for Public Health
o Leadership Honors Program

Profe ssi onal Expe rien ce

G e r i atr i c Pr ac ti c e L e a de r s hi p Ins ti tu te
Student Intern / December 2019 – May 2020
• Qualitative Data Analysis
• Readability Assessment over health information materials

S tar W ar s D ai l y
Secretary / January 2015 – Present
• Create Strategies to boost engagement for the brand
• Communicated with company owner to discuss future collaborations

Abercr ombi e & Fit ch

Br an d Re pr e s e nta ti ve / Fe br u ar y 2 01 5 - 2 0 1 7
• Performed customer transactions
• Maintained presentation standards of company

K e y Ho l de r /Ma na ge r / J anu ar y 2 0 18 - A u gu s t 2 01 9
• Leading a team of associates
• Proposed customer feedback system and boosted customer service satisfaction by 20%
Service Experie nc e

U ni ve r s i ty o f T e xas at A r l i ngto n A l te r nati ve Br e aks / A pr i l 2 0 19 – Jan uar y 20 20

• Site leader and organizer of an ocean and nature conservation trip to Homestead, Fl.

N o r th T e xas Po i s o n Ce n te r / A pr i l 20 1 9
• Presented information regarding poison control to assigned community outreach centers

Car l s b ad C ave r ns ’ N a ti o nal Par k / M ar c h 2 01 9

• Aided in the cleanup and restoration of various parts of the park

Fo r t Wo r th Bl ue Zo ne s / N o ve m be r 20 18
• Engaged with community members and greeted people into event center

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