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Sri Krishna College of Technology

School of Management

Unit 4

Sri Krishna College of Technology

School of Management
Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Name of the Faculty: KARTHIKEYAN N

Subject Code & Title:18PNC209 & FINANCIAL


Academic Year: 2018-2019

Class & Trimester: I year – 02 Trimester

Regulations: 2018

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Session No.- 1
• Topics to be covered:
• Capital Budgeting: Nature and Principles

• Learning Objectives
- Capital Budgeting meaning

- OBE- Remember and Understand

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Capital Budgeting- Meaning

Planning the For the purpose of

maximising the long
allocation of term profitability of the
available capital firm

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Capital Budgeting- Definition

• “The firm’s decision to invest its current funds more
efficiently in the long term assets in anticipation of an
expected flow of benefits over a series of time”

• “ The firm’s formal process for the acquisition and

investment of capital”

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Capital Budgeting

Identify are
Projects/ expecte
Analyse d to
Investment flow Budgeting
avenues over

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Returns should Capital

Capital flow over years Expenditure

• Buy/Invest
• Expenditure/Outlay Funds Requires
for allocation

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Features of Capital Budgeting

• Exchange of current funds for future benefits.

• Benefits will result for future periods.

• Funds are invested in long-term activities (Purchase of

FA, Expansion of business)

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Significance (or) Importance of Capital Budgeting

• Growth
• More Risky
• Huge Investments
• Irreversibility
• Effect on other projects
• Long term consequences
• Strategic Allocation may be made

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Capital Budgeting Process/Steps

Project Generation
Screening the available resources
Project Evaluation
Project Selection
Project Execution
Project Review

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Capital Budgeting -Principles

• Creative search for profitable opportunities

• Long range capital planning
• Short range capital planning
• Measurement of project work
• Screening and Selection
• Retirement and Disposal
• Forms and Procedures

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Classification of investment proposals/ Project Classification

• Mandatory Investments.
• Replacement Projects.
• Expansion Projects.
• Diversification Projects.
• Research and Development Projects

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Points to Ponder
• Planning the allocation of available capital
• For the purpose of maximising the long term profitability of the
• The firm’s formal process for the acquisition and investment of
• Exchange of current funds for future benefits

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Key words
• Planning
• Allocation
• Long term profitability
• Exchange
• future benefits

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Learning Outcomes
• At the end of the course, a student will able
• To remember capital budgeting concepts
• To understand the need of capital budgeting

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Topics to be covered in the next session

• Cash Flows- DCF Techniques
• Net Present Value
• Internal Rate of Return
• Profitability Index

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Session No.- 2
• Topics to be covered:
• Cash Flows- DCF Techniques
• Net Present Value
• Internal Rate of Return
• Profitability Index

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

• Learning Objectives
- Capital Budgeting DCF Techniques
- Which project should be accepted and rejected
based on techniques

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

OBE- Understand, Apply and Analyse

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Capital Budgeting

Traditional Modern Technique or

Technique or Non Discounting Technique
Net Internal
Present Rate of
ity Index
Pay Accounting Rate of Value Return
Back Return or Average
Period Rate of Return

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Net Present Value

• This method tells the real or actual value of an

investment as it takes time value into consideration.
• NPV= PV of CI – PV of CO
• Positive NPV – PV of CI > PV of CO
Negative NPV – PV of CI < PV of CO
• Accept / Reject Rule
Positive NPV = Accept
Negative NPV = Reject
(Usually higher NPV must be selected incase of positive NPV’s for two or more

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management
Profitability Index Method/ Benefit Cost Ratio
Method/Discounted Benefit Cost Ratio

• This method is used to Rank the projects.

• PI=PV of CI/ PV of CO

• Accept/ Reject Rule:

PI>1 = Accept
PI<1 = Reject

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Internal Rate of Return

• This method is used to find out the maximum ROI at
which funds are invested in a project
• IRR is the rate at which PV of CI = PV of CO ie. NPV will
be zero
• 𝐿𝐷𝐹% + [∆𝐷𝐹 ]

• Accept/ Reject Rule:

IRR>Cost of Capital = Accept
IRR<Cost of Capital = Reject

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Points to Ponder
• Net Present Value- This method tells the real or actual value of
an investment as it takes time value into consideration
• NPV= PV of CI – PV of CO
• Profitability Index Method- This method is used to Rank the
• PI=PV of CI/ PV of CO
• Internal Rate of Return-This method is used to find out the
maximum ROI at which funds are invested in a project
• IRR- PV of CI = PV of CO

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Key words
• Net Present Value
• Real or actual value
• Profitability Index Method
• Rank the projects
• Internal Rate of Return
• maximum ROI

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Learning Outcomes
• At the end of the course, a student will able
• To understand the DCF techniques
• To apply the DCF techniques to evaluate the
• To analyse which proposals to be selected and

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Topics to be covered in the next session

• Non Discounted Cash Flow Techniques
Pay Back and Accounting Rate of Return

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

29 Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Session No.- 3
• Topics to be covered:
• Cash Flows- Non-DCF Techniques
• Pay back Period
• Accounting/Average rate of Return

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

30 Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

• Learning Objectives
- Capital Budgeting techniques.
- Which project should be accepted and rejected based
on Non-DCF techniques

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

31 Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

- OBE- Understand, Apply and Analyse

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Pay Back Period

• Number of years required to recover the initial cash

outlay invested in a project
Initial Investment (or) Cash outflow
Annual Cash Inflow

• Accept/Reject Rule:
Shorter PBP – ACCEPT

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Accounting/ Average Rate of Return

• Returns that are expected from the projects invested.

(Profits received from the project)

• Accounting RoR = PADAT or Average Annual Profit

Original Investment
• Average RoR= PADAT or Average Annual Profit
Average Investment
• Higher RoR- Accept
Lower RoR- Reject

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Difference between NPV and IRR


Interest rate is known Interest rate is not known

This involved in computation of amount This attempts to find out the maximum
that can be invested in a given project so rate of interest at which funds are
that the anticipated earnings will be invested in the project. Earnings from the
sufficient to repay this amount with market projects in the form of cash flow will help
us to get back the funds already invested
It assumes that the cash inflows can be It also assumes that the cash inflows can
reinvested at the discounting rate in the be re invested at the discounting rate in
new projects the new projects
Re investment is assumed to be at the Reinvestment in funds is assumed to be
cut-off rate at the IRR
NPV= PV of CI – PV of CO 𝐿𝐷𝑃𝑉 − 𝑂𝐼
𝐿𝐷𝐹% + [∆𝐷𝐹 ]

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Points to Ponder
• Pay Back Period- Number of years required to recover the initial
cash outlay invested in a project
• Accounting/ Average Rate of Return- Returns that are expected
from the projects invested

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Key words
• Pay Back Period-
• Number of years required
• Accounting/ Average Rate of Return
• Returns

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Learning Outcomes
• At the end of the course, a student will able
• To understand the Non-DCF techniques
• To apply the Non-DCF techniques to evaluate the
• To analyse which proposals to be selected and

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

Sri Krishna College of Technology
School of Management

Topics to be covered in the next session

• Unit 5- Dividend

Karthikeyan N-Asst. Prof./ Som-SKCT

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