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Health care workers

How to protect yourself from hazards?

Safety Attitudes

On the lookout for safety hazards and ways to correct. Keep alert. If you detect or see, you should take
immediate steps or notify supervisor.

Slips, Trips and Falls

Always look and take short slow steps. Be aware of wet or slippery floors, lose or torn carpet, cords,
poor lighting, trash or debris. Wear appropriate shoes with good traction and support.

Musculoskeletal Disorders, Back Safety and Safe Lifting Techniques

Stay physically fit and good posture. When moving or lifting patient use devices. Back straight and bend
at the knees. Keep patient or body close to body. Never lift a load higher than your waist.

Fire Safety

Fire prevention. Keep workplace free of trash, don’t overload electrical circuits, destroy and discard
damaged electrical cords, be cautious around O2, don’t allow sparks on areas with gases or O2, know
location of emergency exits and fire alarms, know how to operate fire extinguishers, check heat in door
before opening it.
Electrical Safety

Always check electrical cords for damage before using, never work around electricity when you or
surroundings are wet, report if you get shocked, keep cords away from water, follow manufacturers
instruction when using, don’t run cords through doors.

Hazardous Chemicals

Safety Data Sheet: how to dispose, what first aid, what substances not to combine. Know where to find
MSDS. Use appropriate PPE, safe work habits, emergency procedures.

Personal Protective Equipment

Discarded immediately after use. Don’t contaminate skin when taking off gloves. Wash hands after
removing gloves.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Exposure control plan. Hep B vaccine for everyone. Treat all medical waste as if it were contaminated.
Separate and label all medical waste at the source. Red/orange, biohazardous materials.


Do not bend, recap, sheer, or break needles. Place in shards container immediately.

Handling Medical Waste

Dispose in appropriate containers.

Good Housekeeping

Keep work area clean, exposure control plan, schedules for cleaning surfaces. Properly disinfected or
sterilized surfaces.

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