Light at The End of The Tunnel Artist Statement

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Joseph Cavero

Artist Statement

Light at the end of the Tunnel is a social practice piece with a mission to spread

positivity to my community during the Covid-19 pandemic. I decided to give my project

this name because everyone is going through a dark time at the moment, and once we

all get through this it will be a learning opportunity. People will learn to not take things

for granted and learn to enjoy every single moment of life. I'm the type of person that

wants to help others before helping myself. We are making this project during a tough

time with the CoronaVirus. It seems like a dark time and I want to spread motivation

around my town. Before being assigned this project I got really inspired motivational

quotes. So for my project I decided to incorporate that. For my project I wanted to share

motivational quotes with my community to lift their spirits. At first I drove around town to

see what places many people walk by, so they could see it. The 3 places I chose to

place the motivational quotes was an elementary school, a street by my house, and a

street heading towards the park. I chose to install my work on the fence of an

elementary school, a tree on a street heading towards the park, and a tree by my

house. After deciding the places, I started gathering up quotes and wrote them on index

cards. I picked 15 quotes that either fit with the circumstances now or some that just

give you a positive mind set. Since I have 3 locations I put 5 index cards at each

location. I put holes in each card and used smaller ribbon strings to hang them

everywhere. If people want to rip a motivational card off they can. My goal for this
project is to spread positivity through this tough time. The more people I can get to

change their mindset from a negative to a positive mindset, is what will make this work

successful. A challenge for me is not knowing the impact that the project has. But, my

hope is for this work to lift up the spirits of my neighbors during this difficult time. The

one awkward apart about the project about this was when people would ask what I was

doing. I had to explain the project and they thought it was a good idea. They did bring

up the fact that it looked like something suspicious was happening however. I was

motivated through my experience of living through quarantine and and having the desire

to help others. I knew for me it was a rough time, and at points I wanted positive things

to get me through this time. Because of this I knew others felt the way I felt, so I wanted

to spread motivation and positivity throughout my community.

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