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Cat: 94411589P


Table of Contents

I. GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................................................2
A. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................... 2
II. OPERATING MODE (S) ........................................................................................................................................2
A. EMERGENCY MODE ............................................................................................................................. 2
B. BLOCK LOAD CONTROL ........................................................................................................................ 2
III. FEATURES .............................................................................................................................................................3
A. LOAD BUS OPTIMIZATION ..................................................................................................................... 3
B. GENERATOR LOAD DEMAND CONTROL .................................................................................................. 5
C. TEST FACILITIES.................................................................................................................................. 6
1. ATS Load Test .........................................................................................................................................6
2. Generator No Load Test..........................................................................................................................6
3. Single Engine Test ..................................................................................................................................6
D. LOAD HAND – OFF – AUTO CONTROLS (NOT FOR ATS TESTING).............................................................. 7
IV. OPERATOR CONTROLS ...........................................................................................................................7
A. GENERATOR SECTION(S) ................................................................................................................... 10
1. Generator Control Switch (GCS).......................................................................................................... 10
2. Synchronizing Mode Switch (SMS)...................................................................................................... 11
3. Engine Malfunction Indication .............................................................................................................. 12
4. Generator PLC Failure .......................................................................................................................... 12
5. Bus Select (Swing Gen only) .................................................................................................................... 12
B. MASTER SECTION ............................................................................................................................. 13
1. Bus Alarm Reset .................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Alarm Silence......................................................................................................................................... 13
3. Priority # Load Shed Bypass/Reset...................................................................................................... 13
4. Load Demand Mode .............................................................................................................................. 13
5. System Test ........................................................................................................................................... 13
6. Bus Optimize.......................................................................................................................................... 13
7. Manual Parallel ...................................................................................................................................... 13
8. Bus Type Switch .................................................................................................................................... 14
9. Master Control Switch ........................................................................................................................... 14
10. Operator Interface Touch screen (OIT) ......................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX-1. FACTORY DEFAULT SETTINGS...................................................................................................... 14

DEFAULT RELAY SETTINGS LIST........................................................................................................................... 17

King Faisal
JOB 11589P

A. Equipment Description

This ASCO Series 7000 Digital Paralleling system is consists of (2) line ups –

1. 11589P Segregated Controls consisting of the following sections: (12) generator sections, (1) master
section and (2) aux sections.

2. 11589P1 MV Switchgear consisting of the following: (38) Sections, (4) Bus Segments, (3) Swing Gen
Bus Segments, (6) Tie Breakers, (28) Feeders and (3) Load Bank Breakers

This system is designed to start (12) 2500 kW engine-generator sets upon receipt of a signal that
emergency power is required from any of the 32 automatic transfer switches (ATS) or electrically
operated circuit breakers.


A. Emergency Mode

Whenever the individual engine generator control switches are placed in their automatic position, the
engine generator system is on standby in readiness for automatic starting and synchronization in the
event of a power failure signal.

In the event of a power failure, all generator(s) automatically start and come up to speed. The first
generator set to achieve 90% of nominal voltage and frequency shall be connected to the bus.
Electronic interlocks permit the connection of only one engine generator to the dead generator bus in
the event of simultaneous generator relay operation. Upon sensing the availability of emergency
power, the priority-1 load block will be allowed to transfer their loads to the emergency bus, through a
“permissive signal” to the automatic transfer switches (if equipped), subject to their individual Step
Add timers as detailed in section 0. Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference.. (Note: If priority 1
loads are not calling for an engine start because they have not lost normal power, a priority-pass
along feature will be activated. Generally, if no loads in any priority block are calling for an engine
start, all loads in lower priority blocks will be shifted up to a higher priority for block load add/shed
purposes.) The synchronizer will automatically adjust the frequency of the on-coming generator to
synchronize with the bus. When synchronism is achieved, the on-coming generator is paralleled to
the bus. When the second generator’s circuit breaker is closed the priority-2 load block will be
allowed to transfer their loads to the emergency bus. As each generator parallels to the bus, another
block of load is allowed to add, until all generators and all loads are online.

Upon sensing that normal utility power has been restored to acceptable limits, a sequence shall begin
to transfer the load back to the utility source. The re-transfer shall be initiated after the retransfer to
utility time delay has expired (adjustable at each ATS from 0 minute to 30 minutes) allowing an open
transition transfer return to utility. After all the transfer switches have re-transferred their loads to the
normal source, the generator circuit breakers are simultaneously opened and the engine generators
run for an adjustable no-load cool-down period of zero to thirty minutes; factory set at 5-minutes. The
controls are released and the generators placed in readiness for the next power failure.

B. Block Load Control

Each load has an adjustable priority setting, estimated KW value and step time delay associated with
it. As each block of load is allowed to transfer to emergency power, the individual loads will begin their
step time delay. As the time delay for each load completes, the load will receive a permissive signal

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JOB 11589P
to transfer to emergency power. If no delay is desired, the individual step times can be set to zero
seconds, and the loads will transfer immediately when the load block is permitted to transfer to

Note: Any automatic transfer switch without the 30B accessory (Load Shed) will automatically transfer
to emergency on its own regardless of the permissive signal. Typically, critical priority 1 loads will not
have a 30B accessory.

If a generator fails while operating in the automatic mode, it is disconnected from the bus and
shutdown. The appropriate Swing Generator will be called to start and synchronize to the bus segment
with the failure. Audible and visual alarms will be activated to indicate the condition. System loads
will not shed unless a bus overload or a bus under frequency occurs. This feature is referred to as

A push-button permits override of the load-shed circuits for supervised operation (one for each priority
except priority 1). Loads that have been block shed can be manually re-added using the priority-#
Load Shed Bypass/Reset push-button located on the Master control section. By pressing the Load
Shed Bypass/Reset push-button, the system will transfer the selected load block to the emergency
bus. By pressing the Load Shed Bypass/Reset push-button a second time, the ENTIRE selected load
block will shed. Indicating lights will annunciate the status of each Priority load block, indicating if it is
shed or manually bypassed. If the operator inadvertently bypasses the load shed and overloads the
Generator(s) resulting in a bus under-frequency, all manually bypassed loads will be automatically
shed along with blocks of load such that the remaining load blocks shall be one less than the number
of generators remaining on the bus. The “Bus Under Frequency” annunciator light will indicate this

If the online load exceeds 105% of rated generator capacity, unsupported loads (loads in priority
blocks greater than the number of generators online) will be step shed in reverse priority at one
second intervals. No loads in priority blocks equal to or less than the number of generators online will
be shed. (Ex. If you have two generators online, load blocks 1 and 2 will stay online, priority 3 and
above will be shed). The Bus Overload light will light to indicate that the bus is overloaded
automatically reset as the overload is corrected. When the online load no longer exceeds 105% of the
generator capacity, step shedding will cease, and the system will continue to power the loads that are
left online. Indicating lights will annunciate the status of each Priority load block, indicating if any
loads in that block are shed or if the load block is manually bypassed. If the operator bypasses the
load shed to bring those shed loads back online, and the online load exceeds 105% of capacity again,
the system will again step shed loads in reverse priority until the load no longer exceeds 105% of
capacity. This is done in an attempt to prevent an under frequency situation, thereby preventing the
entire load block from being shed.

III. Features

A. Load Bus Optimization

Each load should be programmed with a load priority value (field adjustable, accessible via the OIT on
the master section door). A load’s priority value is a 3-digit number. The most significant digit refers to
the load’s block priority value (i.e. 201 => priority 2 load block, whereas 118 => priority 1 load block).
The two lower significant digits refer to the load’s sub-priority value, or load step priority (i.e. 201 =>
priority 2 block, step 1; and 118 => priority 1 block, step 18). Valid priority values are 1 – 10 while
valid sub-priority values are 1 - 99. Therefore, valid three digit priority values are 101 - 1099. Note:
priority 1 loads (101 - 199) have insignificant sub-priority values since priority 1 loads are never
optimized, also 3 digit priority values of 200, 300 and 400, etc. are not valid priority numbers. However,
because of the dynamic nature of the adjustable load priorities, all loads, even priority 1 need to have
sub-priority step values.

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
Should a Priority Block fail to be added to the bus while operating in the Emergency Mode, loads may
be added manually by the operator as described above in section B. Block Load Control or
automatically through "Load Bus Optimization". Load Bus Optimization is provided to re-add shed
loads one at a time based on predetermined kW loading values up 95% (adjustable via OIT) of the
capacity of the on-line power. This percentage value is referred to as the Bus Optimization KW de-
rating value.

With the Bus Optimization switch in the "on" position during emergency mode and with loads shed
(loads requiring power but are not connected to the emergency bus), after a stabilization time delay
(Bus Opt stable delay) the optimization feature is activated and a Bus Optimize Active light illuminates.
The Bus Optimize Active light flashes through the duration of the stabilization time delay (default 30
seconds, adjustable via OIT). At this time, the Bus Optimization loading control will determine if there
is enough room to add the next load by checking the pre-set Load Value (field adjustable, accessible
via the OIT) assigned to the first sub-priority within the highest priority block that is shed and compare
it to the excess generator bus capacity (also known as Headroom).

If it is determined that the load can be added without exceeding the Bus Optimization KW de-rating
value, the load is signaled to add. The real time kW output of the generator bus is constantly
measured and the next sub-priority load is evaluated. Loads are evaluated at a preset time interval
defined via the OIT (Bus Opt Step Time). When the bus has been loaded to a level such that the next
load would exceed the de-rating value, the Next Load Exceeds Headroom light will activate and load
adding will pause. The system will continuously monitor the generator load and evaluate if the next
load step can fit on the bus. If building load decreases and the next load can fit (for the duration of the
step time delay), the system will add it and continue the evaluation process until as many loads as
possible are added to the bus.

If the load has already been added, there is no reason to compare it to see if it will fit, the program will
skip to the next available load.

If the load is not calling for an engine start (load still fed from normal power), it will be skipped.

If at any time, the online load exceeds 105% of available rated capacity, the system will remove the
last load that was added. If the online load does not decrease to less than 105% of rated capacity,
loads will be shed one at a time, every second in reverse order until the overload is corrected or until
the number of load blocks online equals the number of generators online. Load blocks with associated
generators online will not be shed. The Bus Overload light will light to indicate that the bus is
overloaded automatically reset as the overload is corrected. In this event, the system will begin a 30
second overload stabilization delay time (fixed) before evaluating additional load to be added to the

If a generator fails, it will be removed from the bus. If the remaining loads online exceed 105% of the
remaining online generator capacity, the loads will step shed as described in the previous paragraph. If
the load does not exceed the online capacity, no loads will shed. The Bus Overload light will light to
indicate that the bus is overloaded automatically reset as the overload is corrected.

In the event of a bus Under-frequency, all optimized loads will be shed as well as any additional
unsupported blocks of load. Load blocks will be shed such that the remaining load blocks shall be one
less than the number of generators remaining on the bus. The “Bus Under Frequency” annunciator
light will indicate this condition.

No loads can be manually added while a bus under frequency alarm indication is active. The operator
must acknowledge the alarm by pressing the Alarm Reset pushbutton (provided bus under frequency is
still not active). After the operator acknowledges the alarm, the system will again be block loaded.
Each priority block for which there is a generator online will be added to the system, one load block per
generator online. While the load block is adding to the bus, if bus optimization is enabled, the bus
optimization will start adding loads after a bus optimization start time delay and in the same manner as
described previously for bus optimization in the preceding paragraphs.

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
If a load block is manually bypassed, all loads in that block will add, subject to their individual step
timers. If they were already optimized on, they will remain on. If the load block is then manually shed,
all loads in that load block will shed.

Once all loads in a priority load block have been added to the bus, the LOAD SHED light for the
associated priority will turn off.

B. Generator Load Demand Control

The Load Demand logic controls the number of generating sets to remove excess generator capacity
and add additional capacity when needed, thus keeping the optimum number of generators online at all
times. Generator load demand saves fuel and wear by running less generators at a more efficient load

Entering Load Demand Mode

After all generators sets have been paralleled to the bus and all loads connected that require power, a
stabilization time delay (0-300 seconds) factory sets at 30 seconds will be initiated while a Load
Demand Mode light flashes. At the expiration of the time delay period, the system will operate in load
demand mode at which time the mode light remains illuminated.

Removal of Generator Sets from the Bus

The number of generators a system requires at any time is defined as N. Load demand seeks to
remove the lowest priority generators (priority value set at OIT) that are in excess of N. When the
system is operating with more generators online than the system needs and the system load falls
below the drop out load value (default setting of 80% KW rating of N generators) a 20 second time
delay (field adjustable from 0 - 300 seconds) is initiated and a “Gen Stop TD Active” light start flashing.
If the load stays below the dropout value for the duration of the time delay, the generator(s) with the
lowest priority that are excess capacity will be taken offline. The engine(s) will run for their cool down
period, then shutdown.

Determining dropout value:

(KW Capacity of Online Generators – KW Capacity Value of Lowest Priority Generator Online) x (Drop
out %)

If while operating in the load demand mode, an engine-generator set malfunction occurs and the
generator goes offline, Load Demand mode will momentarily reset and all remaining generators will be
brought online.

If the online load exceeds 105%, load demand will be canceled and all generators will be started, loads
in blocks not equal to the number of generators online will be step shed based on priority, one every
second, until the system load falls to not more than 105%.

If the online load exceeds 120% of capacity, signals will be given to shed load such that the connected
priority blocks of load are reduced to equal the number of engine generator sets on line (only when
load demand mode is active). Load demand will be canceled and all generators will be started. When
the next set is paralleled to the bus, the shed load will be reconnected per block loading description
and all controls automatically reset. If the next generator does not come online, the system will not
automatically reset. The Bus Overload light will blink to indicate that the bus was overloaded and will
stay on solid (not blinking) if the bus remains overloaded.

Addition of Generator Sets from the Bus

If the bus KW (system load), is equal to or greater than the generator load demand pickup value for the
duration of the load demand start td (default 5 seconds), the controls will initiate the starting and
paralleling of the next set in sequence. If, during the time delay period, the online load exceeds 105%
of the online generator capacity (signifying bus overload), the time delay will be bypassed and all
generators will be immediately started and paralleled (load demand canceled). Any loads blocks not

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JOB 11589P
equal to the number of generators online will be shed. If the online load exceeds 105%, but does not
exceed 120%, loads in blocks not equal to the number of generators online will be step shed based on
priority, one every second, until the system load falls to not more than 105%.

*** Note – Please refer to SCADA for more information regarding conditions, modes and alarms as
each bus segment can operate in the above modes independently (Isolated Bus Mode) or together
(Common Bus Mode).

C. Test Facilities

1. ATS Load Test

Testing the system under load is recommended. Such testing not only qualifies the functional
operation of the system, but also provides a true test of the engine generators and their controls.
To provide for load test, each automatic transfer switch is furnished with a test switch that
simulates a normal source outage. This switch will initiate an automatic system operation similar
as a normal source outage would. The test will last for the duration of the retransfer time delay. If
the generators should fail and the ATS be shed from the emergency source, it will transfer back to
the good utility immediately.
a. ATS Load test with OIT
ATS Load test can be accomplished through the OIT system. The OIT provides a screen to
transfer the ATS to emergency power, retransfer the ATS back to normal power, and bypass
the time delay on retransfer to normal.

2. Generator No Load Test

A system test switch is mounted inside the master control cubicle to limit access to authorized
persons only. Operation of this switch will start and parallel all generators. However, unless a
normal source outage occurs during this mode of operation, the transfer switches will not transfer
its load to the emergency bus. To terminate this test, the system test switch is reset to initiate a
normal system shutdown sequence.

3. Single Engine Test

Each engine can be started for test purposes by placing its generator control switch to the off-line
position. In this mode, the generator circuit breaker will remain open. Should a normal source
outage occur during this mode of operation, the breaker will close and the remaining units will be
started. Upon restoration of normal power, the system will revert to single engine test mode until
the switch is returned to the AUTOMATIC position. For on-line test, placing of the generator
control switch to the on-line position will present a similar operation except that the generator
breaker will close when the generator achieves nominal voltage and frequency.

4. Generator Load Bank Test (Optional)

Testing the generator with load is recommended. Such testing not only provides a true test of the
generator but it also prevents accumulation of fuel sludge building up on the engine exhaust
system due to wet stacking of the engine (frequently running the engine without enough load). To
test the generator using the load bank, verify that all generators are offline. Next place the “Master
Control” switch in “Manual” (This will allow for manual closing). Turn on the system test switch
located in the master section or start the engine-generator manually using test online at the
generator control cubicle. The operator will also have to operate their load bank controller to add
load steps manually. In the event of a power outage the load bank breaker will trip upon entering
Emergency Mode.

*** Note – Load Bank breakers are interlocked with generators. Each Load Bank breaker will be
blocked from closing if ANY generator is online.

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
D. Load Hand – Off – Auto controls (Not for ATS Testing)

The system is provided with (H-O-A controls) of the ATSs through the OIT. The individual loads can be
controlled from the switchgear. After logging in to the OIT, the operator can select the load to be
brought online and place it in the HAND position via the pushbutton on the OIT touch screen. When
placed in the HAND position, the load shed signal is removed and the load is allowed to transfer to
emergency power.

When the load is placed back into the AUTO position, the system will be allowed to control the load
normally for load adding and load shed controls.

Any load in the HAND position will be returned to AUTO at the end of Emergency Mode.

If a load is placed in the OFF position, it will NEVER be allowed to transfer to emergency. Any load
left in the OFF position will NOT automatically return to AUTO at the start of emergency mode. If the
system is running in emergency mode, placing a load in the OFF position will immediately shed it from
the emergency source. During any bus under frequency, any loads placed in HAND will be set back to
AUTO and will shed if the load does not have an automatic permissive signal as detailed in the load
control sections above.


Master Control Station

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Master Section Toggle Switches (Behind door)

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
Generator Control Station

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Swing Generator Control Station

A. Generator Section(s)
A Generator can be manually started and stopped via the Generator Control Switch and
Synchronizing Mode Switch on each of the Generator control doors.
The control switch functions are as follows:

1. Generator Control Switch (GCS)

LOCKOUT/RESET - When placed in this position, the Engine Generator set is locked out from
start operation. If the Engine Generator set was shut down due to an Engine malfunction, the
shutdown malfunction will be reset. If the Engine is running when the switch is moved to this
position, it shall be immediately shut down without a cool down period. If the Generator circuit
breaker was closed, it will immediately tripped open. A red flashing "Controls not in Automatic"
status light will indicate the switch is in this position.

OFF/COOL DOWN - If the Engine Generator is running and output circuit breaker is closed, when
the switch is placed in this position the circuit breaker will immediately trip open and the Engine
Generator set shall run for a cool down period as set by the cool-down timer in each Paralleling
Switchgear Generator Section. If the Engine is running and the output circuit breaker is not closed,
when the switch is placed in this position, the cool down timer is bypassed and the Engine is turned
off immediately. If the Generator controls are already receiving an automatic start signal from the
Master Controls or subsequently receives an automatic start signal, an alarm will sound and the
Generator is considered to be shut down and locked out. An Engine Generator set can not be

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JOB 11589P
started when the switch is in this position. A red flashing "Controls not in Automatic" status light
will indicate the switch is in this position.

AUTOMATIC - With the switch in this position, the Engine Generator set controls shall be in the
readiness for automatic operation upon receipt of an Automatic start signal from the master
controls. The Engine Generator will start and run, and the Generator circuit breaker will be closed
to the Generator Paralleling Bus. When an Automatic start signal from the master controls is
removed, the Generator circuit breaker will be tripped open and the Engine Generator will run for
cool down period.

TEST OFF-LINE - With the switch placed in this position, the Engine Generator set shall
immediately start and run. In this mode, the Generator circuit breaker will remain open and shall
not be connected to the Generator Paralleling Bus unless an Automatic start signal is received
from the master controls. If an Automatic start signal is received, automatic operation will be
initiated as described in "Automatic". If the Automatic start signal is removed, the Generator circuit
breaker will be tripped open but the Engine Generator will continue to run as long as TEST OFF-
LINE is selected.

TEST ON-LINE - When placed in this position, the Engine Generator set shall immediately start,
run and close the Generator circuit breaker to a de-energized Generator Paralleling Bus or
synchronize to and close to an energized bus according to the selected synchronizing mode. If an
Automatic start signal is received, the Generator circuit breaker will remain closed. If the
Automatic start signal is removed, the Generator circuit breaker will remain closed and the Engine
will continue to run as long as TEST ON-LINE is selected.

2. Synchronizing Mode Switch (SMS)

PERMISSIVE - With the switch in this position, the Automatic Synchronizer will not send
Raise/Lower speed signals to the governor. The Generator frequency will not be matched or
synchronize with the energized Bus. However, if the Generator output drifts into a phase
differential of less than ±5 electrical degrees, the synchronizer will initiate a signal to the controls to
close the Generator circuit breaker. This mode of operation can be used if a problem is detected
with the Automatic Synchronizer's Raise/Lower speed signals to the governor or the governor's
response to the signal. This mode gives a tighter window of acceptability than the Synchronizer
used in Manual Paralleling. If the slip frequency between the Generator and the Bus is to great, or
the Generator cannot remain in the acceptable phase window long enough, Manual Paralleling
may be necessary.

CHECK - With the switch in this position, the Automatic Synchronizer will send Raise/Lower speed
signals to the governor to control the Generators frequency which will match frequency, or
synchronize, with the energized Bus. The Generator will hold synchronism, or phase lock, with the
Bus but will not issue a signal to the controls to close the Generator circuit breaker. This mode is
used for calibration and troubleshooting of the Synchronizer and Speed Control system.

RUN - With the switch in this position the Automatic Synchronizer is fully automatic and will send
Raise/Lower speed signals to the governor to control the Generators frequency, or synchronize,
with the energized Bus. When the phase differential is less than ±5 electrical degrees, the
synchronizer will initiate a signal to the controls to close the Generator circuit breaker.

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JOB 11589P
OFF - With the switch in this position, the Automatic Synchronizer is turned off. The Automatic
Synchronizer should be turned to OFF while attempting to manually parallel the Generator to an
energized Bus. (See Manual Paralleling)

3. Engine Malfunction Indication

Upon initiation of a malfunction, the generator set will be removed from the bus and shutdown.

Among the shutdown and lockout provided are the following:

Engine Overcrank
Engine Low Water Temperature
Engine High Water Temperature Pre-Alarm
Engine High Water Temperature Shutdown
Engine Low Lube Oil Pressure Pre-Alarm
Engine Low Lube Oil Pressure Shutdown
Engine Overspeed
Reverse Power
Ground Fault Alarm
Low Fuel Day Tank (or Main Tank)
Engine Low Coolant Level
Control switch not in automatic position (Controls not in Auto)
High Battery Voltage
Low Battery Voltage
Battery Charger AC Failure
Remote Emergency Stop
Emergency Stop
Common Alarm
Air Shutdown Damper (If Equipped)
Generator Paralleling Circuit Breaker Trip (Over current)
PLC Stopped
Control Voltage Failure
Generator Controller Diagnostic Fault

Audible and visual alarm signals are activated for any of the above malfunctions.

Alarms need to be reset by pressing alarm reset push button on the generator control station.
Shutdowns are reset by placing the Generator Control Switch (GCS) to the lockout/reset position.

An audible alarm silence circuit is provided. The audible alarm silence is reset upon reset of the
malfunction or upon the occurrence of a malfunction after the alarm has been silenced. The
audible alarm will annunciate each malfunction and pre-alarm.

4. Generator PLC Failure

If a generator PLC failure occurs, controls are switched to the DSLC2. There will be limited control
and annunciation for that generator, but the generator will be able to come online when an auto
start occurs (with Generator control switch in Auto or Test Offline). Test Online operation will also
bring the generator online.

5. Bus Select (Swing Gen only)

This switch allows the operator to manually switch the DSLC bus sensing to the desired bus
segment for synchronization. However, this switch can be overridden by the Master PLC if needed
in case of a generator failure on an adjacent bus segment.

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B. Master Section

1. Bus Alarm Reset

The bus alarm reset push button is used to reset non-active systems alarms such as bus under
frequency, bus over frequency, bus under voltage, and bus over voltage.

2. Alarm Silence

This button will light red when an audible alarm horn is sounding. Pushing and releasing the button
will silence an audible alarm horn. When depressed, this button also serves as an alarm horn test

3. Priority # Load Shed Bypass/Reset

The priority load shed bypass/reset button is used to add or shed load that is in addition to the load
blocks that can currently be supported by the system (1 load block per generator online). If only a
single generator were to come online, pressing this button (for priority 2) will allow the priority 2
load block to be added to the bus. Pressing this button (for priority 2) again will shed the priority 2
load block.

4. Load Demand Mode

This switch will enable/disable/reset load demand functionality. If in load demand mode, if load
demand is disabled or reset, all previously shutdown generators will parallel again to the bus.

5. System Test

This switch will start/stop no-load system test mode.

6. Bus Optimize

This switch will enable/disable bus optimization mode.

7. Manual Parallel

The system includes a Manual Paralleling feature. This mode would be necessary only if the
automatic means of synchronizing a Generator to an energized bus is not functioning properly.
Optimum conditions for manual paralleling would be for the generator to have a slightly faster
frequency than the Bus (approximately 60.10 Hz).

The Generator that will be paralleled to the Bus should have its Synchronizing Mode Switch turned
to OFF. This disables the Raise/Lower speed signals that are sent to the governor. The Generator
to be paralleled should be selected on the Synchronizer Switch on the Master Control section
door. When the Generator is out of phase with the Bus, the Manual Parallel Push-button and the
Synchroscope`s indicator will be outside the approximate 11-To-1 o'clock window. When the
Generator voltage phase differential is less than +/-15 electrical degrees; the Synchroscope
indicating voltage phase within the window; the Manual Parallel Push-button will not be

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illuminated. If the Generator frequency is greater than the Bus, the Synchroscope indicator will
rotate in the Fast direction. If the Generator frequency is less than the Bus, the Synchroscope
indicator will rotate in the Slow direction. When the Synchroscope and Manual Parallel light
indicate that the Generator is in phase with the Bus, the Manual Parallel push-button should be
pushed. The push-button allows the Sync. Check device (25C) to close the Generator output
circuit breaker. Neither the push-button nor the Sync. Check device can individually close the
selected Generator output circuit breaker.

8. Bus Type Switch

This feature allows the operator to choose between allowing the system to operate in “Isolated
Bus” or “Common Bus” mode. The difference being that in Isolated Bus mode each of the (4) bus
segments will operate independently of each other and the system will not close the tie breakers
unless a generator failure occurs. When the switch is placed in Common Bus mode the system
will attempt to close each tie breaker until there is a single bus.

9. Master Control Switch

This switch will dictate how the system will respond. When the operator places the switch in
“Manual” mode the system will freeze and not allow for any automatic response. In this mode the
operator has the ability to control any of the circuit breakers via the control switch located on the
controls. Hard-wired interlocks are in place to prevent multiple sources from being paralleled.
When the operator places the switch in “Auto” mode the system will respond automatically.

a. Hard-Wired Interlocks

Interlocks prevent inadvertent paralleling of two or more sources out of phase. The first
step the operator must take to manually close any circuit breaker is to first place the
“Master Control” switch in the Manual position.

Currently there are no interlocks in place to prevent the closure of a feeder circuit
breaker. Tie breakers and Load Bank breakers are interlocked with the generators.
Manual closure of these breakers will be prevented if ANY generator is online.

10. Operator Interface Touch screen (OIT)

A OIT operator interface panel is accessible via the master control section door. This operator
interface allows for ATS monitoring/load testing, priority settings, time delay settings and system
monitoring features.


The following is a table of all the parameters, which can be changed via the operator interface:

Label Description Range
Load Demand TD Load Demand Stabilization Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 30 sec
2nd Start TD Start Pri. 2 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
2nd Stop TD Stop Pri. 2 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
3rd Start TD Start Pri. 3 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
3rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 3 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
4rd Start TD Start Pri. 4 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
4rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 4 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
5nd Start TD Start Pri. 5 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
5nd Stop TD Stop Pri. 5 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
6rd Start TD Start Pri. 6 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
6rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 6 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
7rd Start TD Start Pri. 7 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
7rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 7 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
8rd Start TD Start Pri. 8 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
8rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 8 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
9rd Start TD Start Pri. 9 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
9rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 9 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
10nd Start TD Start Pri. 10 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
10nd Stop TD Stop Pri. 10 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
11rd Start TD Start Pri. 11 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
11rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 11 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec
12rd Start TD Start Pri. 12 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec
12rd Stop TD Stop Pri. 12 EG Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 20 sec

Bus Op Start TD Bus Optimization Start Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 40 sec
Bus Op Step TD Bus Optimization Step Time Delay (0 - 1800 sec) 5 sec

Generator 1 Pri. Generator 1 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 1

Generator 2 Pri. Generator 2 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 2
Generator 3 Pri. Generator 3 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 3
Generator 4 Pri. Generator 4 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 4
Generator 5 Pri. Generator 5 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 5
Generator 6 Pri. Generator 6 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 6
Generator 7 Pri. Generator 7 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 7
Generator 8 Pri. Generator 8 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 8
Generator 9 Pri. Generator 9 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 9
Generator 10 Pri. Generator 10 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 10
Generator 11 Pri. Generator 11 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 11
Generator 12 Pri. Generator 12 Load Demand Pri. # (1-12) 12

ATS-1 ATS-1 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX

ATS-2 ATS-2 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-4 ATS-4 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-4 ATS-4 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-5 ATS-5 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-6 ATS-6 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-7 ATS-7 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-8 ATS-8 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-9 ATS-9 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-10 ATS-10 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-11 ATS-11 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-12 ATS-12 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-14 ATS-14 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-14 ATS-14 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-15 ATS-15 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-16 ATS-16 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-17 ATS-17 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-18 ATS-18 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
ATS-19 ATS-19 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-20 ATS-20 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-21 ATS-21 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-22 ATS-22 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-24 ATS-24 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-24 ATS-24 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-25 ATS-25 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-26 ATS-26 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-27 ATS-27 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-28 ATS-28 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-29 ATS-29 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-30 ATS-30 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-31 ATS-31 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX
ATS-32 ATS-32 Load Add/Shed Pri. # (101 - XXX) XXX

ATS-1 ATS-1 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0

ATS-2 ATS-2 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-3 ATS-3 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-3 ATS-3 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-5 ATS-5 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-6 ATS-6 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-7 ATS-7 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-8 ATS-8 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-9 ATS-9 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-10 ATS-10 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-11 ATS-11 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-12 ATS-12 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-13 ATS-13 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-13 ATS-13 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-15 ATS-15 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-16 ATS-16 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-17 ATS-17 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-18 ATS-18 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-19 ATS-19 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-20 ATS-20 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-21 ATS-21 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-22 ATS-22 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-23 ATS-23 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-23 ATS-23 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-25 ATS-25 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-26 ATS-26 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-27 ATS-27 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-28 ATS-28 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-29 ATS-29 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-30 ATS-30 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-31 ATS-31 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0
ATS-32 ATS-32 Step TD (0 - 1800) 0

ATS-1 ATS-1 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X

ATS-2 ATS-2 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-3 ATS-3 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-3 ATS-3 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-5 ATS-5 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-6 ATS-6 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-7 ATS-7 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
ATS-8 ATS-8 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-9 ATS-9 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-10 ATS-10 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-11 ATS-11 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-12 ATS-12 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-13 ATS-13 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-13 ATS-13 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-15 ATS-15 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-16 ATS-16 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-17 ATS-17 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-18 ATS-18 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-19 ATS-19 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-20 ATS-20 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-21 ATS-21 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-22 ATS-22 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-23 ATS-23 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-23 ATS-23 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-25 ATS-25 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-26 ATS-26 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-27 ATS-27 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-28 ATS-28 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-29 ATS-29 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-30 ATS-30 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-31 ATS-31 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
ATS-32 ATS-32 Typical kW Rating (1 - 1000) X
TD = Time Delay sec = Seconds Pri. = Priority

Default Relay Settings List

SR750 (aux 3 contact) – All Utility Mains (for Source Availability)

Bus Under Voltage
Set to Control
Relay 3 Activates on condition (this relay is wired into the ASCO PLC)
Pickup: 0.90xVT
Time Delay: 0.0s
Phases: any one
Minimum Operating Voltage: 0.0xVT
Set Relay to Normally Energized

Bus Over Voltage

Set to Control
Relay 3 Activates on condition (this relay is wired into the ASCO PLC)
Pickup: 1.10xVT
Time Delay: 10.0s
Phases: any one

Bus Under/Over Frequency (for Load Shed and Bus Optimization)

Note: the factory settings are the minimum setting on this device and need to be set in the field per the
coordination study.

Under: Set 58hz; Diff 0 hz.

Over: Set 62hz; Diff 0 hz.

Bus Under/Over Voltage (for annunciation only)

Note: the factory settings are the minimum setting on this device and need to be set in the field per the
coordination study.

King Faisal
JOB 11589P
Under: Set 75%volts; Diff 1% volts.
Over: Set 100% volts; Diff 1% volts.

King Faisal
JOB 11589P

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