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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sultan Kudarat
Bambad, Isulan, Sultan Kudarat

Division of Polynomials
Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan
Mathematics 10
August 7, 2019

Content Standard (1st Quarter)

Demonstrates understanding of the key concepts of sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations.
Performance Standard (1st Quarter)
Is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
Learning Competencies (1st Quarter)
 Performs division of polynomials using long division and synthetic division. (M10AL-Ig-1)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) describe algebraic expressions that are polynomials and those that are not
b) divide a polynomial by another polynomial using the synthetic method; and
c) solve problems involving polynomial expressions using synthetic method through
independent or cooperative learning.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Division of Polynomials
Reference: Mathematics Grade 10 Learner’s Material First Edition, 2015 pages 60-61
Time Frame: 60 minutes
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Laptop and chalk

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Setting of Standards
B. Lesson Proper
 Pre-developmental Activity
1. Review
2. Drill
3. Motivation
 Developmental Activity
1. Presentation (Lecture/Discussion)
A polynomial expression P(x) is an expression of the form
a n x n +an−1 x n−1 + an−2 x n−2 +…+a z x+ a0 , an ≠0
Where the nonnegative integer n is called the degree of the polynomial
and coefficient a 0 , a1 , … ,a n are real numbers.
The terms of a polynomial may be written in any order. However,
we often follow the convention of writing the terms in decreasing powers
of the variable x. In this case, the polynomial expression is said to be in
standard form.
Examples of Polynomial Expression:
1. 9 x 3+ x2 + x−1
2. 12 m3 y 4 +12 m2 y 3 +3 m y 2
3. x 2+ 3 x −44
4. m 3 +m 2−36 m+42
5. 3 k 2 −18 k−46
There is a shorter procedure when a polynomial is to be divided by a
binomial of the form (x-r). This method is called synthetic division. In
this procedure, we write only the coefficients.
The steps in using synthetic division are as follows:
1. Arrange the coefficients of P(x) in descending powers of x, placing
0s for the missing terms. The leading coefficient of P(x) becomes
the first entry of the third row.
2. Place the value of r in the upper left corner.
3. The first number in the second row is the product of r and the
number in the third row of the preceding column. The second
number in the third row is the sum of the two numbers above it.
4. Repeat the procedure described in step 3 until the last number in
the third row is obtained.
5. Write the quotient. Note that the degree of Q(x) is one less than
the degree of P(x). The entries in the third row give the coefficient
of Q(x) and the remainder R.
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
 Post-developmental Activity
1. Practice and Drill
A. Solve the following using synthetic division.
1. ( 5 x 2−17 x−15 ) ÷ ( x−4 )
2. ( 6 x 3−16 x 2 +17 x−6 ) ÷ ( x−2 )
3. ( 2 x 4 + x 3−19 x 2+18 x +5 ) ÷ ( x −5 )
2. Generalization
The shorter procedure when a polynomial is to be divided by a binomial of
the form (x-r) is called synthetic division. In this procedure, we write only
the coefficients.

IV. Evaluation
A. Perform the indicated operation using synthetic division.
1. ( x ¿¿ 2+2 x−36)÷( x−5)¿
2. ( p2 +7 p+7 ) ÷ ( p+4 )
3. ( x 2 +3 x−44 ) ÷ ( x−6 )
4. ( m3 +m2−36 m+42 ) ÷ ( m+ 7 )
V. Assignment
A. Use synthetic division to solve the following.
1. ( 4 x 3+50 x 2 +105 x+56 ) ÷ ( x +10 )
2. (b 3+13 b 2+ 42 b+54) ÷(b+ 9)


Subject Teacher

Master Teacher II


Secondary School Principal I

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