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Subject: History/Mythology

Grade/Age Level: 4th-5th Grade

Lesson Topic: Greek and Roman History- Brief Introduction

Learning Goal(s):

-Identify Greek and Roman Deities.

-Learn stories from each culture.

How will technology play a role in meeting the learning goals?

-Students will scan QR codes with a device to access the material.

Materials Needed for Lesson (tech and non-tech)

-Device to scan codes.
-Poster with codes.
-Notebooks to take notes about the information presented on the posters.
What do you need to do to get the technology ready? (setting up accounts, differentiating, etc.)
-Find devices to scan QR codes (possibly downloading an APP).
-Download Metaverse APP.
-Make sure all devices are charged.
How is the Tool Being Integrated? How will you assess the activities happening through the tool?
X Monitoring/observations
X Individual
X Formative assessment
X Pairs
X Informal assessment
☐Summative assessment
What features of the technology tool
have elements of engagement? Can the technology allow students to focus on the assignment/learning with less distraction (Time on
Answer the Triple E Engagement Task)?
questions concerning how technology ☐No X Somewhat ☐Yes
can bring about co-use, time-on-task
learning and focus on the learning goals Can the technology motivate students to begin the learning process?

☐No ☐Somewhat X Yes

Can the technology cause a shift in behavior, from more passive to active social learners (co-use)?
☐No ☐Somewhat X Yes

Which teaching moves could be X Guided practice ☐Purposeful partnering

integrated to aid technology in helping
X Modeling thinking X Gradual release of learning
students engage in the learning goals?
X Modeling navigation of the tool ☐Create a mentor text
☐Software tour X Share-aloud
X I do, we do, you do ☐Turn and talk
X Teacher monitoring ☐Switcheroo
☐Student self-reflective monitoring ☐Other Click or tap here to enter text.
☐Co-use or co-engagement
What features of the technology tool
include elements to enhance student Can the technology allow students to develop or demonstrate a more sophisticated understanding of the
learning? learning goals (possibly use higher-order thinking skills)?
Answer the Triple E Enhancement
questions concerning how technology ☐No X Somewhat ☐Yes
can bring about learning
supports/scaffolds, higher-order thinking, Can the technology create or provide supports (scaffolds) to make it easier to understand concepts or
and value-added over traditional tools. ideas (possibly differentiate or personalize)?

☐No ☐Somewhat X Yes

Can the technology create paths for students to demonstrate their understanding of the learning goals in
ways they could not do with traditional tools?

☐No X Somewhat ☐Yes

Which teaching moves could be X Active listening ☐Questioning practices

integrated to aid technology in
☐Switcheroo ☐Predicting
enhancing the learning goals?
X Self-reflective practices ☐Differentiation
☐Visible thinking routines ☐Personalization
☐Graphic organizers X Share-aloud
X Visual representations of learning ☐Other Click or tap here to enter text.
X Reflective notebooks
☐Anticipation guides
How does the technology extend the
learning goals? Can the technology create opportunities for the students to learn outside the typical school day?
Answer the Triple E Extend questions ☐No ☐Somewhat X Yes
concerning how technology can bring
about learning that connects to everyday Can the technology create a bridge between school learning and everyday life (authentic experiences)?
life, allows learners to continue to learn ☐No X Somewhat ☐Yes
24/7 and helps them develop soft skills.
Can the technology allow students to build authentic life skills, which they can use in their everyday
life (soft skills)?
☐No ☐Somewhat X Yes
Which teaching moves could be X Real world issues X Student’s investigate and direct their own
integrated to aid technology in
☐Partner with real world organizations project
extending the learning goals?
X Connect with authentic experts ☐Role playing
☐Engage students in authentic discourse with X Use authentic tools that are prominent in
others everyday life
☐Pen Pals ☐OtherClick or tap here to enter text.
UDL Guidelines (select all that apply)

Provide multiple means of Engagement Provide multiple means of Representation Provide multiple means of Action &
Affective Networks Recognition Networks Expression
The “WHY” of Learning The “WHAT” of Learning Strategic Networks
The “HOW” of Learning
Provide options for Recruiting Interest (7) Provide options for Perception (1)
X Optimize individual choice and autonomy X Offer ways of customizing the display of Provide options for Physical Action (4)
(7.1) information (1.1) X Vary the methods for response and
X Optimize relevance, value, and authenticity X Offer alternatives for auditory information navigation (4.1)
(7.2) (1.2) X Optimize access to tools and assistive
☐Minimize threats and distractions (7.3) X Offer alternatives for visual information technologies (4.2)
Provide options for Sustaining Effort & Provide options for Expression &
Persistence (8) Provide options for Language & Symbols (2) Communication (5)
X Heighten salience of goals and objectives ☐Clarify vocabulary and symbols (2.1) ☐Use multiple media for communication (5.1)
(8.1) ☐Clarify syntax and structure (2.2) X Use multiple tools for construction and
X Vary demands and resources to optimize ☐Support decoding of text, mathematical composition (5.2)
challenge (8.2) notation, and symbols (2.3) ☐Build fluencies with graduated levels of
☐Foster collaboration and community (8.3) ☐Promote understanding across languages support for
(2.4) practice and performance (5.3)
☐Increase mastery-oriented feedback (8.4) X Illustrate through multiple media (2.5)
Provide options for Executive Functions (6)
Provide options for Self-Regulation (9) Provide options for Comprehension (3) ☐Guide appropriate goal-setting (6.1)
☐Promote expectations and beliefs that X Activate or supply background knowledge ☐Support planning and strategy development
optimize motivation (9.1) (3.1) (6.2)
☐Facilitate personal coping skills and ☐Highlight patterns, critical features, big X Facilitate managing information and
strategies (9.2) ideas, resources (6.3)
X Develop self-assessment and reflection (9.3) and relationships (3.2) ☐Enhance capacity for monitoring progress
☐Guide information processing and (6.4)
visualization (3.3)
☐Maximize transfer and generalization (3.4)
Triple E Framework by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

UDL Guidelines from

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