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GASTROENTEROLOGY 2008;134:1741–1751

Evaluation and Management of End-Stage Liver Disease in Children

Mike A. Leonis William F. Balistreri

Pediatric Liver Care Center, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and Department of
Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio

End-stage liver disease in children presents a chal- and young infant makes this group of patients vulnerable
lenging array of medical and psychosocial problems to in utero insults, such as infectious agents (eg, cyto-
for the health care delivery team. Many of these prob- megalovirus, iron overload, and so on), as well as post-
lems are similar to those encountered by caregivers of natal insults, such as infectious (eg, bacterial sepsis) or
adults with end-stage liver disease, such as the devel- metabolic (eg, galactosemia, or parenteral nutrition–
opment of complications of cirrhosis, including as- induced cholestasis) insults. Additional important con-
cites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and esopha- tributors to morbidity in infants and children with end-
geal variceal hemorrhage. However, the natural stage liver disease include compromised nutritional sta-
history of disease progression in children and their tus during an especially vulnerable time period for
responses to medical therapy can differ significantly normal development, as well as significant extrahepatic
from that of their adult counterparts. Children with organ dysfunction, such as cardiac or renal disease in
end-stage liver disease are especially vulnerable to patients with Alagille syndrome, or significant cardiac,
nutritional compromise; if not effectively managed, muscular, and neuronal involvement in patients with
this can seriously impact long-term outcomes and mitochondrial or storage diseases. The pediatric popula-
survival both before and after liver transplantation. tion also is afflicted with a set of diseases with a natural
Moreover, close attention must be given to vaccina- history that is distinct from that of adults with end-stage
tion status and the clinical setting at which health liver disease, such as biliary atresia or one of the syn-
care is delivered to optimize outcomes and the deliv- dromes of progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis,
ery of high-quality pediatric health care. In this re- which can have an especially aggressive course, leading to
cirrhosis in the first several years of life.
view, we address important components of the eval-
Important features of the evaluation and management
uation and management of children with chronic
of children with end-stage liver disease are addressed in
end-stage liver disease.
this review, with the primary emphasis on those whose
end-stage liver disease is due to chronic liver disease.

S pecial consideration must be given to the evaluation

and management of infants and children with end-
stage liver disease, many of which are distinct from con-
Comprehensive reviews of end-stage liver disease in chil-
dren due to acute liver failure have recently been pub-
siderations applied to the adult population. The mantra
of pediatricians that “children are not little adults” is General Considerations
especially true for pediatric patients with end-stage liver
disease, for although they can progress to have “adult- The etiology of end-stage liver disease in children
varies with age of presentation (Table 1). For example,
like” complications, such as portal hypertension, ascites,
infants with biliary atresia who were diagnosed late in the
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and variceal bleeding,
course of the disease or underwent a Kasai portoenteros-
there are differences in the natural history of their dis-
ease, responses to medical therapy, and overall nutri-
tional and psychosocial needs that are distinct from Abbreviations used in this paper: PELD, Pediatric End-Stage Liver
those of their adult counterparts (Figure 1). © 2008 by the AGA Institute
The reasons for these differences in clinical features are 0016-5085/08/$34.00
numerous. Immature hepatic function in the newborn doi:10.1053/j.gastro.2008.02.029

special challenge for those taking care of pediatric pa-

tients with chronic diseases because the psychosocial
dynamics of delivering clinical care to this patient pop-
ulation are unique from the adult experience. Specifically,
the parent, not the patient, is usually the principal deci-
sion maker partnering with the physician and other
health care providers. Moreover, most children do not
have the maturity or psychosocial resources to adequately
or, in the case of adolescents, independently address the
full complexities of their medical care.6 These deficiencies
may not be easily appreciated in an otherwise “normal-
appearing young adult,” and if not appropriately handled
by the health care delivery team, they can lead to poor
patient compliance with recommended treatment regi-
mens and poor clinical outcomes.7 To satisfactorily ad-
dress these concerns and optimize the child’s long-term
clinical outcome, the care of infants, children, and ado-
lescents with end-stage liver disease should be conducted
at a pediatric facility specifically designed to address the
needs of this distinct patient population with an inte-
Figure 1. Critical considerations for optimizing the clinical care and grated multidisciplinary approach (Figure 1).8
outcomes of children with end-stage liver disease. Critically ill children Several models have been proposed for the gradual
with end-stage liver disease have multiple complex medical issues that transitioning of patient care responsibilities from the
must be adequately addressed to achieve optimal healthy outcomes.
parent to the child, beginning in early childhood, to
allow for both independent management of care by late
adolescence and a healthier family environment through-
tomy that failed to reconstitute adequate biliary drainage out childhood.6 Factors that positively impact the tran-
can develop cholestatic cirrhosis within the first year of sitioning process and health-related quality of life in
life. Complications can include severe synthetic dysfunc- patients with chronic conditions include independent
tion along with complications of portal hypertension health care visits with pediatric caregivers in the absence
including ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, and of their parents, self-medication by the patient, gradual
variceal bleeding. In fact, biliary atresia is the most com- transfers between health care teams, and good commu-
mon indication for orthotopic liver transplantation in nication between pediatric and adult specialty providers.9
children, with the mean age of liver transplantation for
patients with biliary atresia being 11 months.3 Improved
survival without liver transplantation occurs when total
Table 1. Leading Etiologies of End-Stage Liver Disease in
serum bilirubin level is ⬍2 mg/dL at 3 months after
the Pediatric Population
portoenterostomy.4 Another factor that impacts survival
includes the surgical experience of the center at which the Infants
Biliary atresia
portoenterostomy is performed.5 Other conditions, such
Parenteral nutrition–induced cholestasis
as progressive intrahepatic cholestasis syndromes or ag- Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis syndromes
gressive presentations of ␣1-antitrypsin deficiency, can FIC 1 (ATP8B1) deficiency
have a similar natural history. BSEP (ABCB11) deficiency
Adolescents with unsuspected chronic autoimmune MDR3 (ABCB4) deficiency
hepatitis or Wilson’s disease can present with stigmata of Bile acid synthetic defects
Alagille syndrome
cirrhosis, such as ascites, jaundice, acute variceal bleed- Metabolic syndromes
ing, or mental status changes. In addition, it is not Tyrosinemia
uncommon for these disorders to present to a pediatric Urea cycle disorders
hepatologist following an urgent care visit wherein an Glycogen storage disease
incidental observation of elevated serum aminotransfer- Idiopathic neonatal hepatitis
Older children and adolescents
ase levels was noted in a mildly ill patient. Autoimmune hepatitis
A primary goal for the care of children with chronic Cryptogenic cirrhosis
diseases is the development of self-management skills Biliary atresia status post-Kasai
over the course of the patient’s childhood and adoles- ␣1-antitrypsin deficiency
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
cence to allow for optimal transitioning to an adult
Wilson’s disease
center of care in the early third decade of life. This is a

Table 2. Factors Contributing to the PELD Scoring System Infants are especially prone to nutritional compromise
Factors, PELD scoring system10 due to poor caloric intake, given the high caloric nutri-
Age (mo, ⬍1 y) tional demands (100 –120 kcal · kg⫺1 · day⫺1) during their
Serum albumin level first year of life required for normal growth. Caloric
Serum total bilirubin level
intake can also be negatively impacted by decreased de-
International normalized ratio
Growth failure (ie, length/height Z score ⬍⫺2) sire of the infant to feed due to malaise derived from the
Clinical situations that allow for consideration of PELD exception disease state, early satiety from delayed gastric emptying,
points or elevated status on the transplant waiting list100 or debilitating gastroesophageal reflux due to the pres-
Acute liver failure (including acute decompensated Wilson’s ence of large-volume ascites or hepatosplenomegaly, lead-
Urea cycle disorder or other life-threatening metabolic diseases
ing to the clinical picture of functional gastric outlet
Hepatic tumor (eg, hepatoblastoma) obstruction.16
Chronic liver disease with Early life is a critical period for brain growth and
Recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding development. Thus, generalized malnutrition in children
Recurrent cholangitis
with end-stage liver disease can lead to compromised
Recurrent spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
Continued poor growth despite optimal nutritional intake brain growth and impairment of mental develop-
Renal compromise requiring dialysis ment.17,18 Malabsorption of fat-soluble vitamins and
Hepatopulmonary syndrome minerals will affect neurologic status, bone homeostasis,
NOTE. PELD score ⫽ 0.436 Age (⬍1 y) ⫺ 0.687 Loge Albumin ⫹ 0.48 and dental health. Moreover, chronic liver disease can
Loge Bilirubin ⫹ 1.857 Loge International Normalized Ratio ⫹ 0.667 lead to delayed puberty, and in adolescent girls, primary
Growth Failure. or secondary amenorrhea may occur.
Clinical recognition of malnutrition in infants and
children with end-stage liver disease relies on diligent
Nutritional Assessment and monitoring for multiple clinical manifestations, includ-
ing growth failure, muscle wasting, and motor develop-
Children with end-stage liver disease are at risk for mental delay. Signs of fat-soluble vitamin or essential
developing nutritional compromise, which can lead to fatty acid deficiencies, such as peeling skin rash, periph-
significant short-term and long-term morbidities and is a eral neuropathy, rickets/fractures, or bruising, are fre-
common indication leading to listing of pediatric pa- quently encountered if appropriate early intervention is
tients for orthotopic liver transplantation.3 Severely mal- not performed. The presence of fluid retention and or-
nourished infants with end-stage liver disease are at in- ganomegaly in the setting of a malnourished infant
creased risk for death while awaiting orthotopic liver
makes body weight an unsatisfactory marker of adequate
transplantation, for needing liver transplantation, and
nutrition and growth in this patient population. We
for poor outcome following liver transplantation.10 –12
prefer to track linear growth for long-term monitoring,
Failure to gain represents one of the strongest compo-
along with assessment of other anthropometric markers
nents of the Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD)
of body fat and protein reserves, such as triceps skinfold
scoring system currently in use for risk-based allocation
and midarm circumference.19
of liver donor organs to potential pediatric transplant
Aggressive treatment of nutritional failure must be
recipients.10 Factors comprising the PELD score in addi-
tion to growth failure are included in Table 2. initiated in patients with end-stage liver disease. All pa-
The etiology of failure to gain weight in children with tients will require increased caloric intake, which is usu-
end-stage liver disease is multifactorial, due to a combi- ally met in part by increasing their caloric intake to
nation of increased energy expenditure, malabsorption of 120%–150% of their estimated daily requirements.19 For-
macronutrients and micronutrients, perturbations in mulas containing medium-chain triglycerides are used to
physiologic anabolic signals, and decreased caloric in- maximize fat absorption in the setting of severe cholesta-
take. For example, infants and children with biliary atre- sis. Daily supplements of fat-soluble vitamins must be
sia have a 29% increase in resting energy expenditure given as well (see Wieman and Balistreri19). For those still
compared with healthy children, in addition to increased encountering inadequate growth, nasogastric enteral
energy losses in the form of fecal fat loss, and poor tube feedings should be initiated, either as a replacement
nitrogen balance despite increased protein intake for of or supplement to daytime bolus feeding. Continuous
age.11,13 Children with chronic liver disease also have nasogastric tube feeding may also be necessary for those
disturbances in the growth hormone axis, in particular patients experiencing regurgitation or volume intoler-
due to diminished production of liver-derived insulin- ance due to ascites or organomegaly. The development of
like growth factor I.14,15 Insulin-like growth factor I me- behavioral feeding problems in infants is not uncommon
diates the anabolic actions of growth hormone, and end- during this period but usually can be satisfactorily ad-
stage liver disease in children leads to a growth hormone– dressed with the help of intensive speech therapy and a
resistant state that negatively impacts growth. multidisciplinary approach.11

Orthotopic liver transplantation may be the only op- ification of risk is present for patients who have been
tion for correcting malnutrition in this patient popula- exposed to cytomegalovirus before transplantation.32
tion, and good catch-up growth may be achieved in the
majority of survivors, although posttransplant growth
Management of Complications of
failure can still occur in 15% of patients.19,20 Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension
Portal hypertension leads to a wide variety of
Maximizing Childhood Vaccinations complications with significant morbidity and mortality
Infants and children have immature immune sys- in infants and children with end-stage liver disease.33
tems and limited immunity to most infectious patho- Complications of portal hypertension in children are
gens. Those patients with chronic progressive liver dis- similar to those found in adults and include the devel-
ease are especially vulnerable to infection due to viral and opment of gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage, ascites,
bacterial infectious agents. Therefore, careful attention spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hypersplenism, and he-
must be given to ensure that all infants and children with patic encephalopathy. Moreover, recent studies have
progressive chronic liver disease receive all of the recom- shown that children with portal hypertension due to
mended routine childhood vaccinations, including vacci- extrahepatic portal vein obstruction can develop cogni-
nations against hepatitis A and B.21 For those infants and tive disabilities impacting measures of sustained alert-
children approaching consideration for listing for ortho- ness and focal attention, although most patients func-
topic liver transplantation, an accelerated vaccination tion normally in other neuropsychiatric domains, raising
schedule should be used to maximize the development of the question of whether similar disabilities occur in chil-
immunity before immunosuppression following trans- dren with intrinsic liver disease.34
plantation.22 In addition, vaccination of liver transplant Forty percent of children with biliary atresia who have
candidates using attenuated live viruses, such as the vari- transplant-free survival at 5 years of life have experienced
cella, mumps/measles/rubella, or some influenza vac- new-onset esophageal variceal hemorrhage.35 Despite
cines, needs to be timed carefully given the limited avail- this, children with biliary atresia and new onset of esoph-
ability of safety data when used in the posttransplant ageal variceal hemorrhage have a 5-year transplant-free
patient population. Indeed, although there are reports of survival rate exceeding 50%, which is significantly better
the safe administration of the varicella and mumps/ than the 17% 5-year survival rate of adults with cirrhosis
measles/rubella vaccinations in small numbers of pediat- and the onset of esophageal variceal hemorrhage.35,36
Higher total serum bilirubin levels are also associated
ric liver transplant recipients, current recommendations
with much poorer survival in patients with biliary atresia
are to avoid the administration of live virus vaccines in
and new-onset esophageal variceal hemorrhage.35 Al-
immunosuppressed solid organ transplant recipients un-
though this information on risk factors associated with
til further conclusive safety studies in larger number of
poor outcome in patients with biliary atresia is certainly
patients are performed.23–26 This is the current practice at
helpful, an evidence-based approach to the management
our institution as well.
of the child with complications of portal hypertension,
Children with functional asplenia due to portal hyper-
due either to intrinsic liver disease or extrahepatic portal
tension are vulnerable to bacterial infections, especially
vein obstruction, is important to consider despite the
from encapsulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneu-
inherent difficulties in performing such studies.37
moniae or Neisseria meningitides. Vaccination against these
organisms should be performed at their earliest approved
ages, which is 2 years of age for both the quadrivalent Management of Gastroesophageal
meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) and meningo- Varices and Variceal Hemorrhage
coccal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4) and 6 weeks of Guidelines for the management of gastroesopha-
age for pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.27–29 geal varices and variceal hemorrhage in adults have re-
Complete avoidance of exposure to common viral re- cently been published, based on a substantial body of
spiratory and gastrointestinal pathogens is not practical. published clinical research.38 A similar body of literature
In fact, for those children who will ultimately need or- is not available to guide pediatricians in the management
thotopic liver transplantation, pretransplant exposure to of complications of portal hypertension in children. Cau-
select viral pathogens may lessen the morbidity associ- tion needs to be exercised before directly extrapolating
ated with posttransplant exposure and/or reactivation of the results obtained in adults to the clinical management
virus in a now immunocompromised host. For example, of children. To illustrate the point, the use of nonselec-
children exposed to Epstein–Barr virus before orthotopic tive ␤-adrenergic blockade (eg, propranolol) in adults
liver transplantation are at a reduced risk for developing with portal hypertension reduces the frequency of esoph-
complications of posttransplant lymphoproliferative dis- ageal variceal bleeding episodes and improves long-term
ease compared with children who were Epstein–Barr virus survival.38–40 Either propranolol or nadolol may be used,
naïve at the time of transplantation.30,31 A similar strat- with the goal of a reduction in heart rate by 25% from

baseline, or to 55– 60 beats/min.40 Currently, ␤-adrener- ligation for bleeding from esophageal varices in children
gic blockade is recommended for both primary and sec- with extrahepatic portal venous obstruction showed that
ondary prophylaxis of variceal hemorrhage in adults with ligation therapy led to significantly less recurrent bleed-
portal hypertension based on randomized, controlled, ing and less major and minor complications.46 The op-
prospective clinical trials.38 timal interval for performing endoscopic variceal ligation
A small retrospective analysis of the use of propranolol sessions has not been adequately studied in children.
in the prevention of portal hypertensive hemorrhage in Sclerotherapy is often the only practical method for
children showed that ␤-adrenergic blockade was effective variceal obliteration in an infant, given size limitations
in reducing further variceal bleeding.41 Of the 21 children with respect to the esophageal banding apparatus and
included in this study, 13 were older than 10 years and 19 concern of entrapment of the full thickness of the esoph-
had cirrhosis as the etiology for their portal hyperten- ageal wall by the rubber band in the young child, causing
sion. Only 4 patients had an episode of gastrointestinal ischemic necrosis and perforation.
bleeding before therapy with propranolol was initiated; In patients who have recurrent variceal bleeding de-
therefore, propranolol was used for primary prophylaxis spite pharmacologic and endoscopic therapy, a portosys-
of hemorrhage for the majority of patients. Adverse ef- temic shunt, preferably a distal splenorenal shunt, may
fects of propranolol therapy were reported to be minimal, be of benefit. The transjugular intrahepatic portosys-
causing dizziness in 2 patients and bradycardia in 3 temic shunt procedure has been used to prevent rebleed-
patients, and did not lead to discontinuation of therapy, ing in children, and the Meso-Rex bypass procedure has
and all responded to changing to a long-acting prepara- been successfully performed in those children whose por-
tion of propranolol or switching to atenolol. tal hypertension is due to extrahepatic portal vein ob-
However, the use of propranolol in children for pri- struction, although proceeding with this latter procedure
mary prophylaxis against hemorrhage from gastroesoph- is dependent on favorable vascular anatomy.47 The re-
ageal varices is controversial and may be associated with sults of portosystemic shunt procedures in children are
an increased risk of deleterious side effects in young different depending on the etiology of the patient’s por-
children, given their relative intolerance to the dosage tal hypertension, with a higher risk of rebleeding and
required to achieve the recommended 25% reduction in mortality found in patients with intrahepatic disease
heart rate.37,42 Infants and young children are dependent compared with those with extrahepatic disease.48,49
on maintaining an adequate heart rate to maintain ade-
quate cardiac output; thus, their relative intolerance to Emergency Therapy for Variceal
␤-adrenergic blockade may be due to this dependency. Bleeding
Moreover, ␤-blockade may inhibit the usual compensa- Emergency management of acute variceal bleed-
tory increase in heart rate should a child experience a ing in children is similar to that of adults, with similar
severe acute variceal hemorrhage, thereby exposing them pharmacologic, endoscopic, and surgical options avail-
to a higher risk of developing hemodynamically signifi- able. Initial management involves stabilization of the
cant hypotension. Based on expert opinion, the use of patient with the careful administration of crystalloid or
nonselective ␤-adrenergic blockade in children for prep- red blood cells to avoid rapidly filling the intravascular
rimary prophylaxis of esophageal variceal bleeding space. If ongoing variceal bleeding is suspected following
should only be undertaken in the context of a clinical initial attempts to stabilize the patient, the next ap-
study.37 For primary or secondary prophylaxis, there are proach usually involves the use of continuous intrave-
insufficient data to recommend the use of ␤-adrenergic nous octreotide (1–2 ␮g · kg⫺1 · h⫺1) in an attempt to
blockade in children; however, cautious use may be con- lower splanchnic vascular tone, thereby decreasing portal
sidered as it relates to risk reduction in bleeding. Again, venous pressure.50 Octreotide is generally well tolerated
intervention should preferably be performed in the con- in sick infants and children, although safety and efficacy
text of a structured prospective clinical study.37 studies are needed.50 –52 Approximately 30% of pediatric
Sclerotherapy has been shown in a randomized, con- patients will have persistent hemorrhage despite conser-
trolled, prospective clinical trial to be effective for elimi- vative management and the use of octreotide,50 and these
nating esophageal varices in children and reducing the patients, if hemodynamically stable, will often undergo
incidence of subsequent bleeding episodes. This has been endoscopic evaluation for a source of bleeding. Com-
confirmed in other noncontrolled studies.43 No study has pared with sclerotherapy, endoscopic variceal band liga-
shown a survival benefit in children. Moreover, a high tion is the preferred approach in this scenario because it
incidence of major complications of endoscopic sclero- is easier and safer to perform in a potentially obscured
therapy has been reported in children, including bleeding field. For severe, uncontrollable variceal bleeding, place-
before obliteration, esophageal ulceration, perforation, ment of a Sengstaken–Blakemore tube, designed to bal-
and stricture formation.44,45 loon tamponade gastroesophageal variceal bleeding, may
A randomized prospective clinical trial comparing en- be helpful. Use of the Sengstaken–Blakemore tube, while
doscopic injection sclerotherapy with endoscopic variceal effective in controlling bleeding, is associated with a high

rate of rebleeding when the tube is removed, a risk of small retrospective study of 12 episodes of spontaneous
aspiration pneumonia when the tube is in place, and the bacterial peritonitis in 11 children, symptoms encoun-
need for sedation when used in children. Rather, use of tered were similar to those found in adults, including
the Sengstaken–Blakemore tube is more often reserved increased abdominal distention, fever, abdominal pain,
for bridging the patient to a more definitive surgical or vomiting, diarrhea, and encephalopathy. Most had re-
interventional radiologic procedure to address their por- bound tenderness, and all had reduced bowel sounds.54
tal hypertension, such as an emergent portosystemic Infants with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis can
shunt surgery or the transjugular intrahepatic portosys- present with poor feeding behavior and lethargy. As in
temic shunt procedure. The transjugular intrahepatic adults, however, infants and children with ascites can be
portosystemic shunt procedure has been successfully per- asymptomatic at presentation or present with subtle
formed in children as small as 14 kg, although special findings such as a sudden increase in abdominal disten-
technical modifications must be used. The risk of shunt tion or elevated peripheral white blood cell count. Given
occlusion relegates its application to those expected to the lack of reliable signs or symptoms for the presence of
soon undergo orthotopic liver transplantation.53 spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, the policy at our insti-
tution is to perform a diagnostic paracentesis whenever a
Management of Ascites patient presents with new-onset ascites.
Biologic determinants predisposing to the develop-
Children, and especially infants, are vulnerable to
ment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in children
the complications of ascites. Firstly, the development of
have not been established. In adults with advanced liver
tense ascites, which is fairly common in infants with
disease and ascites who developed spontaneous bacterial
end-stage liver disease, may lead to clinically significant
peritonitis, there are conflicting data as to whether low
extrahepatic organ dysfunction, including compromise
serum complement factors C3 and C4 correlate with the
of gastrointestinal, renal, and pulmonary function. This
development of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.55 How-
alone can lead to severe morbidity and even mortality in
ever, in children, low serum levels of complement factors
the fragile infant, specifically the development of debili-
C3 and C4 were found in the majority (⬎89%) of patients
tating nutritional compromise in the setting of ascites-
at the time of diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial perito-
induced gastric outlet obstruction or compromised pul-
nitis, compared with only 8 of 59 children (14%) with
monary function exacerbated by an acute viral respiratory
cirrhosis without spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.54
illness. In situations where medically nonresponsive tense
This observation raises the question of whether the de-
ascites leads to severe extrahepatic organ dysfunction,
velopment of complement deficiency in children with
therapeutic abdominal paracentesis may lead to improve-
cirrhosis predisposes them to the development of spon-
ment in the patient’s overall clinical status, although
taneous bacterial peritonitis.
unfortunately it is often of short-term benefit. It is our
Several pediatric studies have been performed evaluat-
opinion that therapeutic abdominal paracentesis should
ing the organisms isolated from ascitic fluid of children
be used cautiously given the significant risk of procedure-
with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and liver disease.
related complications such as hypotension secondary to
In 2 studies, the most frequent organisms isolated in-
large shifts of intravascular volume following the proce-
clude Streptococcus pneumoniae and other gram-positive
dure or bacterial peritonitis.
cocci from the majority of cultures, followed by gram-
On the other hand, it is often difficult to completely
negative enteric flora.54,56 In a third study, the spectrum
resolve all ascites with diuretic management without gen-
of isolated bacterial organisms is more similar to that
erating unacceptable levels of hyponatremia or other elec-
found in ascites from adults with spontaneous bacterial
trolyte imbalances or compromising intravascular hydra-
peritonitis, with the most common organisms isolated
tion status; therefore, a mild to moderate amount of ascites
is often tolerated. In addition, tolerating a modest amount being gram-negative enteric bacteria and less commonly
of ascites, as long as extrahepatic organ function is not streptococcal and staphylococcal species.57,58
compromised, is somewhat desired if the patient is to be Treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis should
considered for orthotopic liver transplantation to allow for be with broad-spectrum antibiotics until specific culture
room for donor transplant organs and subsequent ease of and sensitivity results are available. Cefotaxime (180
fascial and skin closure with minimal intra-abdominal com- mg · kg⫺1 · day⫺1 divided 3 times daily) is the antibiotic
pression and compromise of donor organ vascular flow. of choice in most pediatric patients, because it effectively
covers the most common organisms. In addition, given
the high rate of recurrence of spontaneous bacterial peri-
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis tonitis, it is important to verify that children have been
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a common immunized with the pneumococcal antigen vaccine and
occurrence in children with cirrhosis and ascites; how- that they receive prophylactic antibiotics. In adults, se-
ever, data regarding the incidence of spontaneous bacte- lective decontamination of the gut with the fluoroquin-
rial peritonitis in children have not been reported. In one olone norfloxacin leads to a substantial reduction of

recurrence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis over a lized by colonizing bacteria in the colon to produce a
6-month period following their first episode, as well as a variety of small molecular organic acids that lower the
reduction in all infections upon hospitalization for man- colonic stool pH, thereby trapping diffusible ammonia as
agement of ascites, including spontaneous bacterial peri- ammonium ion in the fecal stream.70 Lactulose is used as
tonitis.59,60 Given the concern of long-term fluoroquino- the mainstay therapy for pediatric patients with hepatic
lone use in infants and young children due to safety encephalopathy and elevated serum ammonia levels. This
concerns regarding possible quinolone-induced arthral- strategy is based on results from clinical trials in adults,
gia or cartilage toxicity, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole given that there are no studies evaluating the effective-
has been advocated for use in children because it has ness of lactulose (or neomycin) for the prevention of
similar efficacy as fluoroquinolones in the prevention of hepatic encephalopathy in infants or children with cir-
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in adults.61,62 rhosis or portal hypertension.37,71

Hepatic Encephalopathy Hepatopulmonary Syndrome and

Although less common than that reported in Portopulmonary Hypertension
adult studies, hepatic encephalopathy can develop in Pediatric patients with end-stage liver disease can
pediatric patients with either acute liver failure or develop secondary complications of hepatopulmonary
chronic end-stage liver disease. Two thirds of infants and syndrome or portopulmonary hypertension. Although
children presenting with acute liver failure develop he- standard criteria for diagnosing these syndromes in chil-
patic encephalopathy during their first week following dren have not been defined, recent reports suggest that
initial presentation.1 The incidence of hepatic encepha- both syndromes can negatively impact pretransplant and
lopathy in infants and children with chronic end-stage peritransplant morbidity and mortality in children (re-
liver disease has not been studied. viewed by Whitworth and Sokol72). Hepatopulmonary
In children, the development of early grades of acute syndrome is defined by the clinical triad of a chronic liver
and chronic hepatic encephalopathy can be difficult to disorder, intrapulmonary vascular dilatation, and altered
assess, given the relative psychological immaturity of gas exchange resulting in hypoxemia on room air. Hepa-
infants and young children compared with adults. Many topulmonary syndrome is associated with a poor prog-
of the symptoms of early grades of hepatic encephalop- nosis in adult patients with end-stage liver disease.73–75
athy, such as irritability, inconsolable crying, and inat- With respect to the reported experience in children, 9%
tention to task, are relatively nonspecific findings for of 48 children undergoing orthotopic liver transplanta-
moderate to severely ill infants and children in general, tion at a single pediatric liver transplant center were
and thus it is often difficult to determine if a newly diagnosed with hepatopulmonary syndrome.76 At a sec-
presenting patient is in the early stages of hepatic en- ond pediatric liver transplant center, hepatopulmonary
cephalopathy. In addition, children with chronic end- syndrome was diagnosed in 6% of 114 patients who had
stage liver disease with portal hypertension may develop undergone transplantation and was more commonly ob-
minimal hepatic encephalopathy, leading to subtle im- served in patients with polysplenia and an interrupted
pairment of cognitive function, specifically in areas af- inferior vena cava (4 out of 7 patients had hepatopulmo-
fecting memory and attention span.34,63 These impair- nary syndrome) compared with age-matched controls (0
ments may affect learning capacity but otherwise allow out of 38 patients).77 Of the 7 children with hepatopul-
them to maintain a high level of daily functioning. monary syndrome in this second study, all had correction
In infants and children, protein intake should not be of their oxygen saturation by 6 months posttransplanta-
restricted to the point of causing growth failure or com- tion and 1-year posttransplant survival was 100%.77 In
promising overall nutritional status, and a target range of addition, hepatopulmonary syndrome can occur at an
2–3 g · kg⫺1 · day⫺1 is often required to minimize exces- early age and has been reported in a 4-year-old boy with
sive ammonia production.19,64 Of note, intense supple- a type I Abernethy malformation (ie, anomalous diver-
mental enteral feeding with branched-chain amino acids sion of the portal vein into the inferior vena cava, bypass-
in children with advanced cirrhosis and malnutrition ing the liver) and a 2-year-old boy with biliary atresia.78,79
leads to improvement of anthropometric indices without Children with hepatopulmonary syndrome have lower
generating clinically obvious encephalopathy.64 total bilirubin levels compared with age-matched con-
Oral antibiotics and synthetic disaccharides have been trols, and cirrhosis may or may not be present.77
shown to be effective in minimizing ammonia produc- Portopulmonary syndrome is defined as pulmonary
tion in adult patients with hepatic encephalopathy.65– 67 arterial hypertension (pulmonary artery pressure ⬎25
Neomycin has been used in children to suppress ammo- mm Hg) associated with severe liver disease or portal
nia-forming bacteria in the gut; however, it must be used hypertension. When left untreated, portopulmonary hy-
cautiously, because long-term use of this agent has been pertension leads to high mortality in adults and chil-
associated with deafness and renal toxicity.68,69 Lactulose dren.80 – 82 Symptoms of portopulmonary hypertension,
and lactitol are synthetic disaccharides that are metabo- including dyspnea and syncope, should prompt an eval-

uation for portopulmonary hypertension; however, these patients with end-stage liver disease, such as patients with
findings can be subtle and overlooked. Thus, any patient Alagille syndrome or hereditary tyrosinemia.
with end-stage liver disease or portal hypertension should Osteoporosis is frequent in adult patients with cirrho-
be evaluated by echocardiography and cardiology evalu- sis, leading to spinal fractures that contribute to signifi-
ation, especially those who are being evaluated for liver cant patient morbidity. For example, in primary biliary
transplantation.82 cirrhosis, the bone mineral density of women patients is
Early liver transplantation is crucial in children with lower than that in age-matched controls before liver
portopulmonary hypertension caused by end-stage liver transplantation.90 Moreover, adults who have undergone
disease due to its high morbidity and mortality; however, orthotopic liver transplantation have abnormally low
successful liver transplantation has been performed in bone mineral density that is difficult to rectify posttrans-
children with severe portopulmonary hypertension.83,84 plantation.91 Infants and children with chronic choles-
Given the high morbidity and mortality associated with tatic liver disease also can develop significant osteoporo-
these syndromes, patients on the liver transplant waiting sis and long-bone or vertebral body fractures.92,93 The
list in the United States who have developed hepatopul- pathogenesis of osteoporosis in this setting is unclear but
monary syndrome are eligible for increased PELD/Model may relate to altered vitamin D metabolism, osteoclast
for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) scoring on this basis and osteoblast function, or vitamin K–mediated carbox-
alone. Additional clinical indications for petitioning for ylation of bone proteins such as osteocalcin.94,95
PELD exception points are noted in Table 2. Also noted earlier, subtle deficiencies in cognitive func-
tion can occur in pediatric patients with cirrhosis and long-
standing portosystemic shunting, although many patients
Assessing Additional Extrahepatic have normal cognitive function. Given the long-term impli-
Organ Function cations of even subtly compromised cognitive function, this
With the option of orthotopic liver transplanta- topic must remain an active area of future research.
tion, pediatric patients with end-stage liver disease can
enjoy a good, long-term quality of life. Thus, it would Psychosocial and Ethical
behoove caregivers to focus special attention on all ex- Considerations
trahepatic organ functions, including cognitive and psy- The complexity and burden of medical manage-
chosocial function, that may be secondarily impacted by ment of infants and children with end-stage liver disease
the liver disease affecting the child. Moreover, given the present an enormous emotional, psychosocial, and finan-
high representation of metabolic and syndromic etiolo- cial stress on patients and their family unit. Parents often
gies in pediatric patients with end-stage liver disease, it are overwhelmed with the fear that their child may die or
would not be surprising to find a high incidence of that they “caused” their child’s disease (eg, if the child’s
extrahepatic organ involvement, outside of those systems end-stage liver disease is due to a genetically determined
affected by the complications of portal hypertension pre- metabolic syndrome, or autoimmune hepatitis within a
viously described.85 family with a predisposition for autoimmune disorders).
Carefully assessing renal function in pediatric patients Most families struggle with the demands of frequent
with end-stage liver disease is important for 2 main reasons. doctor’s visits, the pain and prospects of unexpected
Firstly, 30%–50% of pediatric liver transplant recipients de- complications associated with multiple medical proce-
velop renal dysfunction within 7–10 years posttransplanta- dures, including frequent intravenous line starts and
tion, likely secondary to long-term exposure to calcineurin blood draws, and the disruption that all of this entails
inhibitors, which are nephrotoxic.86,87 Thus, if significant with respect to the parents’ capacity to maintain their
renal insufficiency is encountered in those patients being employment, health insurance (if present), and a satisfac-
considered as candidates for orthotopic liver transplanta- tory home environment for the rest of their family mem-
tion, appropriate planning for the use of renal-sparing im- bers.96 Even with early involvement of social and financial
munosuppression protocols should be done during the services, the quality of life for these families all too
peritransplant and posttransplant periods. Moreover, in the commonly deteriorates significantly, which further exac-
pretransplant period, therapeutic maneuvers to preserve re- erbates the prospects for delivering quality care to this
nal functional capacity should be used, such as avoiding vulnerable patient population.
aminoglycosides and other nephrotoxic agents whenever Unfortunately, the demands of providing adequate
possible. Secondly, hepatorenal syndrome has been ob- health care to children with end-stage liver disease often
served in children and adolescents with end-stage liver dis- outstrip the capacity of the immediate family resources.
ease.88,89 Primary screening tests for assessing renal function When this happens, social services must be involved to
in patients with end-stage liver disease include routine uri- optimize provision of unmet psychosocial and financial
nalysis, a measured glomerular filtration rate, and urine needs to minimize further negative repercussions for the
electrolyte and blood pressure measurements. Finally, in- child. Transportation, housing, and financial arrange-
trinsic renal disease can develop in some groups of pediatric ments can often be made to meet the family’s immediate

care-related needs. Sometimes even this is not sufficient, disease progression and effective treatment strategies to
and in select cases, the child may need to be placed in help this vulnerable patient population.
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