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Introduction to Clinical Team Manual

The most interesting man in the

Dad… (the most interesting man in the
Team Building
 Mentor and showcase strengths
 Look at the good traits in each other even when we
don’t see eye to eye
 Identify positive qualities
 What do you admire about the person sitting next to
What does it mean to be a
 Leader
 Mentor
 Role Model (that is, lead by example with attention to
ethics as well as evidence based practice)
 Others?
What would your students say
about you?
Agreed Upon Team Guidelines
 Originally adopted for the 1994-95 academic year
 Compiled as a team at a retreat for team building
 Expresses working guidelines in a positive and
productive manner
What does it mean to be a
 Doing more homework than your students!
Ideas from John Spencer: What does it
mean to be a great teacher?
 “A love for students: Not a sappy love. Not a ‘I feel bad
for them so I will expect less’ kind of love, but a real
love. A rugged love. An ‘I love you enough that I won't
let you do that to yourself’ kind of love.”
 “A love for the content: A good teacher not only knows
the content, but understands how it relates to life.
Sometimes this is a playful geekiness. It's the science
teacher that still gets overwhelmed by the beauty of
the natural world or the math teacher who still gets
giddy over how math solves problems in life.”
What does this have to do with
 What do you love about dental hygiene?

 What do you love about teaching?

 Teaching provides the opportunity for continuous

learning and growth.
John’s thoughts continued…
 “An understanding of motivation: This is the sense of
nuance in understanding why intrinsic motivation
works, but also understanding the complexity of what
drives us to do what we do. It's the ability to see
behaviors and habits alongside deep human drives.”
 Isn’t this what we do as dental hygienists with our
patients as well?
Others (paraphrased):
 Classroom Leadership: create an environment of trust.
 Execution: take caution that the “urgent” does not
crowd out the important.
 Personalization: relate to and listen to your students,
while maintaining leadership; guiding students
toward what “matters”.
 Feedback: attempt to provide feedback that allows
student to internalize their own learning (a tough
 Humility: apologize when you “screw up”. Give the
STUDENT credit when you succeed!
Survey from OIT students
 A good way to assess our own history and motivation
to continue teaching
 What qualities or characteristics do you think it’s
important for an educator to have? (SHARE!)
Goal of creating a Clinical Team
 Creating an educational philosophy
 Team communication
 Team calibration (being on the “same page”)
 Accountability and responsibility
 Continuous quality improvement

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