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Actividad de aprendizaje 16

Evidencia 8: Virtual session “Using modals and signals to prevent”

Para seguir instrucciones en inglés, hay que saber leerlas e interpretarlas. Con
mayor razón si se tratan de aspectos referentes a la seguridad de una empresa. El
uso de los verbos modales en este idioma ayuda a identificar la relevancia de la
obligatoriedad o permisibilidad de una norma, y por lo tanto, permite que los
lectores de habla inglesa comprendan y apliquen las normas establecidas.

Por ello para reforzar lo mencionado, realice lo siguiente:

1. Lea la porción del documento “General Security and Safety Rules” que
encuentra a continuación:

How to prepare for the work to be undertaken

Basic security rules

Parking areas, access times and other practical arrangements must be

determined with the EIB link person and specified in the technical staff
access request. Upon arrival at the site, each worker will receive an access
badge in exchange for proof of identity. Each time they enter or leave the
site, they and their equipment will have to pass through security checks,
e.g. security doors, scanners. Any information received, whether directly or
not, shall be strictly confidential. Any supplies and other items made
available by the EIB shall remain the property of the EIB and must be
returned to it upon completion of the work.

Basic safety rules

External companies must apply general health and safety principles.
Systematic risk analyses and measures favoring collective protection over
individual protection, for instance, shall be required. All staff must be
qualified for the tasks to be carried out, be medically fit and have up-to-date
training. Employees assigned to high-risk tasks must be medically fit for the
risk(s) involved and, where applicable (electrician, forklift truck operator,
cherry picker operator, etc.), in possession of written authorization from
their employer. Any lending of equipment must be subject to a prior written
procedure between the various parties concerned.

2. Conteste las siguientes preguntas de comprensión:

a. What will each worker receive upon arrival at the site?

___ You will receive an access badge in exchange for proof of

b. What does each worker have to do when they enter or leave the site?
_____ they and their teams must go through security controls, p. security doors,

c. What shall happen to any information received?

____ It will be strictly confidential. All supplies and other items made available by
the EIB will remain the property of the EIB and will be returned upon completion of
the work.

d. What do external companies must do?

they must apply general health and safety principles.

e. Write two basic safety rules.

 All personnel must be qualified for the tasks that will be carried out, be in
good physical shape and have an updated training.
 Employees assigned to high-risk tasks must be medically fit for the risks
involved and, where appropriate (electrician, forklift operator, cherry picker
operator, etc.), in possession of a written authorization from their

3. Basado en la lectura y teniendo en cuenta lo realizado en la Evidencia 4: Blog

“Companies and their signals” perteneciente a esta guía de aprendizaje,
proponga un diálogo donde se presenten varios personajes y se utilicen los
verbos modales en inglés, sobre las advertencias y precauciones que se deben
good afternoon as everyone knows my
name is erika
considerar para advertir peligros en la empresa. El diálogo debe silvatener
cordinator of health
and security of
tres personajes y cada uno debe tener por lo menos 3 intervenciones. the company, we give
home to our monthly meeting in our
copasst committee. we'll return some
topics treated in previous meetings.

i want the cordinador de logistica,

camilo, to indicate that it is safety at

good afternoon, safety at work is: the set of

measures, technical educativas, medical and
psychological, which are employ adas to
prevent accidents,eliminate unsafe
environmental conditions and to instructor
convince people about the need to implement
techniques preventive

very well camilo, thanks for your contribution!

alejandra, i want you to indicate me, that it is an
unsafe act, please
good afternoon unsafe act:violation of the procedure
accepted as seguro, that is, leaveto use personal protective
equipment, distractor converse during the service; smoke in
prohibited area, lubricate or clean moving machinery, among

can anyone give me an

example of static risk?
forward camilo

walking on a damp floor (wet tile), because of the

risk of

who can indicate the classification

of risks?
physical, chemical,
electrical, biological,
physical, psychosocial,

perfect alejandra.

who can tell me what color in the

diamond NFPA704 indicates the
in that rhombus the white color is who
initiates us the risk

forward Alejandra

who can tell me what epp

means ?

are the acronyms of personal protection elements

very well camilo, i see that they are very attentive
with our training. it is important that our committee
identifies the risks we can have in our company, to
avoid an incident or an accident at work.


8. Participe en la sesión virtual asociada a esta evidencia, exponiendo el diálogo

que planteó anteriormente.

Tenga presente que el instructor es el encargado de crear y de habilitar esta

sesión en línea.

Desarrolle la evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Pasos para enviar la evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de esta evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de

aprendizaje con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las evidencias
propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.
Criterios de evaluación
Plantea y responde preguntas sobre sí mismo.

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