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Education History

By: Astrid Sanchez

•Pa rt of Pres ident
•U.S. Supreme Court
Johnson's great society
rejects the seperate but •U.S. l os es s pace ra ce
progra m, act a llocated
equal doctrine used a ga inst Russians a fter Elementary
Brown VS. the since 1850 National l a unch of Sputnik funds a ccording to
and number of poor children
Board of •The supreme courts Defense •U.S. Offi ce of Education Secondary i n s chool district
Education of decision did not bring an Education Act s ponsored research and
•Amended i n 1968 wi th
immediate end to i nnovation i n math, Education Act
Topeka 1954 segregated school
of 1958 Ti tle VII to provide to
s ci ence, and foreign 1965 l ow-income children "Of
turning some districts l a nguages
l i mited English-speaking
into battlegrounds
a bi lity"
" No person in the •Extended greater
United States shall, on education
the basis, be excluded opportunities to
Education for all •National debate on
from participating in, be children with A Nation at Risk: how to improve the
denied the benefits of, handicapped disabilities quality of schools
The Imperative
Title IX 1975 or be the subjected to Children Act •Specifies extensive due
discrimination under
for Educational •Response included
(Public Law 94- process procedures to proposals for
any education program guarantee that children Reform 1983
14) 1975 curriculum reform
or activity receiving with special needs will
federal financial receive free,
assistance" appropriate education

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