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National Achievement Survey

Class V
(Cycle 3)

A & N Islands
Subject wise Report
Learning Gaps in Language, Mathematics and Environmental Studies

Educational Survey Division

National Achievement Survey
Class V
(Cycle 3)

A & N Islands
Subject wise Report
Learning Gaps in Language, Mathematics and Environmental Studies

Core Writing Group

Prof. Sridhar Srivastava
Dr. Santosh Kumar
Dr. Manika Sharma

Educational Survey Division

Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016.


Preface .......................................................................................................................................... iii

Project Team ............................................................................................................................... iv

Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... v

Language (Reading Comprehension) .................................................................................. 1

Learning Gaps ................................................................................................................................... 2

What Students Can Do? ............................................................................................................. 11

Mathematics ................................................................................................................................... 13

Learning Gaps ................................................................................................................................ 15

What Students Can Do? ............................................................................................................ 37

Environmental Studies ............................................................................................................. 39

Learning Gaps ................................................................................................................................. 41

What Students Can Do? ............................................................................................................ 60

Sum Up .............................................................................................................................................. 62


Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), a flagship programme of the Government of India, provides a variety
of inputs designed to ensure access, equity and quality in elementary education. In order to
achieve aforesaid objectives, National Achievement Surveys (NAS) are carried out by National
Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) periodically. NCERT brings out technical
report related to NAS which provides status of health of the system, stating what students know
and can do in a specific content area and association of student’s learning achievement with
background of students, schools and teachers factors at national level. Besides, NCERT also
provides data of the NAS to states/UTs for preparing their state specific reports.

It has been observed that most of the States/UTs are not further analyzing the NAS data, the
results of which can be used by teachers and teacher educators during classroom teaching.
Keeping this in view the ESD, NCERT has moved a step ahead to guide States in analyzing the data
and giving an insight about utilization of NAS data. This report is a small effort to look into the
data of NAS with a purpose of making NAS data more relevant and usable for teachers and
classroom practitioners. This will assist in improving the quality of teaching by understanding the
type of difficulties faced by students of Class V in different subjects i.e.; Reading Comprehension,
Mathematics and Environmental Studies. This report summarizes the findings based on NAS Class
V (Cycle 3) regarding learning gaps and what students know at Class V level in states/UTs. This is
an effort to provide feedback for planning interventions at various levels of school education.

I am grateful to Prof. B.K. Tripathi, Director, NCERT for extending all encouragement to the
activities of NAS as-well-as to the efforts of making NAS outcomes more relevant towards
enhancing the quality of school education in the country.

I thank Dr. Santosh Kumar (Coordinator), Dr. Manika Sharma (Consultant) and Ms. Prerana
Waila (Computer Assistant) who worked hard in analyzing, interpreting the data and preparing
the report. Finally, I thank one and all who have contributed to this report in some or other way.

New Delhi (Sridhar Srivastava)

September, 2014 Professor and Head

Project Team

Dr. Sridhar Srivastava Professor & Head

Dr. Santosh Kumar Associate Professor

Dr. Manika Sharma Consultant

Mr. Rituraj Sharma Sr. Graphic Designer-cum-Visualizer

Ms. Prerana Waila Computer Assistant

Ms. Seema DTP Operator

Ms. Kamlesh Arya DTP Operator


With the enactment of ‘The Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education’ (RTE) Act 2009, government is Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan – towards
obligated in ensuring eight years of quality education for universal elementary education
all children in the age group 6-14 years. Over the past The 86th amendment to the Constitution
decade or so since the beginning of the Sarva Shiksha of India made free and compulsory
education for children aged 6-14 a
Abhiyan (SSA) programme, there has been a significant fundamental right. The government’s SSA
increase in the number of schools and in the enrolment of programme is providing support to
achieve this goal.
children in government schools, most notably a large
proportion of children from amongst Scheduled Castes, Spanning the whole country the
programme addresses the needs of nearly
Scheduled Tribes, Muslims and girls have joined the 200 million children. In areas with no or
schooling system. Most of these children are also first- inadequate schooling facilities, SSA is
generation learners, coupled with the fact that they also building new schools or improving
existing infrastructure. Teaching capacity
come from very impoverished socio-economic is being improved through recruitment
backgrounds, which present unique challenges for the and extensive teacher training and many
other inputs.
education system to adequately support the diverse
learning needs of students. While high enrolment and
diverse classrooms are a sign of healthy inclusion and participation in the education system, it is
equally important that all children receive a good quality education. One of the key indicators of
quality education is to understand whether children’s learning achievement is improving over
time in an equitable manner.

To monitor improvement in children’s learning levels and to periodically assess the health of
the government education system as a whole, the National Council of Educational Research and
Training (NCERT) has been periodically conducting National Achievement Surveys (NAS) since
2001, for Class III, V and VIII. The NAS report gives a national and state-level picture, rather than
scores for individual students, schools or districts.

The purpose of these assessments is to obtain an overall picture of what students in specific
classes know and can do and to use these findings to identify gaps and diagnose areas that need
improvement. This information can then be used to impact policies and interventions for
improving children’s learning under the SSA programme.

National Achievement Survey-Class V (Third Cycle)

The 2010/11 National Achievement Survey (NAS) of Class V students has been significantly
updated in line with international best practice in student assessment. Conducted by the National
Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), this marks the most comprehensive
educational assessment survey in India to date.

Between March and May 2010, the survey tested over one hundred thousand students in
language, mathematics and environmental studies. In addition, questionnaires were used to
collect information on schools, teachers, and pupils’ school experiences and home backgrounds.

Samples and participants

Cycle 3 of NAS Class V used tests and questionnaires to gather information from 122,543 students
in 6,602 schools across 31 states and union territories (UTs).

In each state and UT, the sample was generally selected in three stages. Firstly, districts were
selected based on the number of Class V students enrolled. Secondly, the requisite number of
schools was selected. Finally, the required number of Class V students in the school was selected
at random.

Class V tests

The Class V NAS differs from previous cycles of the survey

as it uses Item Response Theory (IRT) to place results on
What is IRT?
meaningful scales, which are independent of the
particular tests used. This method is in line with Item Response Theory, or IRT, uses a
international best practice. mathematical model to calculate the
probability that a student will respond
Previous Class V survey results were reported as the correctly to a specific test question, based
percentage of correct answers. This meant that results on the student’s level of ability and the
degree of difficulty of the question
were specific to that year’s test and could not be
compared to results from other tests or survey cycles. The
scales created using IRT, however, permit future
comparison in each subject.

For each of the three subjects, the Class V syllabus and textbooks from across the states were
used to develop assessment frameworks, which described the knowledge and skills to be covered
in the tests.

Once developed, the test booklets were translated into 15 regional languages. The tests were
then piloted in 21 states to assess how the items worked across the different languages.

Unlike previous surveys, this round of the Class V survey used three test booklets per subject
rather than one. This allowed assessment in greater depth. To enable comparison across all three
tests, a block of common questions or ‘anchor items’ were used in all booklets. In EVS and
Mathematics, 20 anchor items were used. In Language, 15 items of reading comprehension and 5
items of language elements were used as anchor items. Therefore, three common passages were
used in each booklet. And each booklet was having a new passage also. The structure of the
Mathematics and EVS booklet was as under:

In all the subjects, the concept/content areas were identified, which are as following:
Language Mathematics EVS
Language Elements Arithmetic Social Studies
Reading Comprehension Algebra Science
Writing Geometry -

Items in different subjects covered the following content areas:

Language Mathematics EVS
Vocabulary Operations Family & Environment
Tenses Geometry Food
Preposition Measurement Shelter
Linkers Number System Water
Locate information Travel
Grasp ideas/ Interpret - Real life
Infer/Evaluate -

About the Report
The performance of students in a state is compared with overall performance of students in the
nation (overall of 31 states/UTs). Besides, gender wise, area wise and category wise performance
of students in the state vis-à-vis nation (overall of 31 states/UTs) is also presented. An attempt has
also been made to do distracter analysis for each item to find out the learning gaps in each content
area. The purpose of distracter analysis is to know where students are doing mistakes and what
are their misconceptions. In this report mainly those items are reported where less than 50 per
cent students answered the items correctly. Besides, in most of the items where 25 per cent or
more students opted for an option which is not the correct answer, is also given to understand the
misconception. The reason for taking 25 per cent response as a base for such analysis, is that for
each item 4 options have been provided, therefore the chances for responding an item correctly is
25 per cent by guessing. Further, the report also shows what students can do in a specific content
area where 50 per cent and more students answered the items correctly.

Use of Analysis Results

The analysis output may be used for the following:

‫־‬ to understand the type of misconception of students in each content area/ concept/

‫־‬ to provide feedback to teachers, educationist, curriculum developers, textbook writers and
other stakeholders associated with the quality of education

‫־‬ to identify action points to include in teachers' training

‫־‬ to develop exemplar materials for use of teachers

‫־‬ to develop additional material for students' understanding and practicum

If the State Education Department/SCERT/SIEs take appropriate actions on the above stated
areas timely then it will definitely help in improving the quality of education imparted to students
as emphasized in RTE act 2009.

Need not to mention that this is an attempt made by NCERT to give an idea to use the
outcomes of NAS results. Besides, states/UTs are also advised to do further analysis to get more
concrete insight regarding learning gaps and misconceptions in different content areas taught at
primary level of school education. NCERT has already provided the data to states during the
training programme organised for ‘Report Writing’. The data of this survey can be made available
for states/UTs on request to NCERT.

Characteristics of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a group of islands in the Bay of Bengal and a Union Territory of India
with an area of 8,249 square kilometers. The total population of the UT is 3,79,944 as per census of India
2011, and the density of population is 46 per square kilometer. As compared to many other states of India,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands has a low GDP which amounts to 15,620 millions. The per capita income of
the UT is 74,340 (INR) 2010, as per the data provided by the state and compiled by the VMW Analytic
Services. The sex ratio in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is 878 females per 1000 males. The literacy rate is

In Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the enrolment in Class V in all schools is 7,561while in only
Government and Government aided schools, it is 6,471. The ratio of government schools and all schools is
0.86.The gross enrolment ratio (class 1-5) is 101.8. Andaman and Nicobar Islands used English as the
medium of instruction in the schools.

This report summarises the findings of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands under the National
Achievement Survey (NAS) of Class V students conducted in 2010 by the National Council of Educational
Research and Training (NCERT). It is based on information gathered through tests administered to a
sample comprising 2,461 students in 86 schools across 2 districts of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The
subjects covered Reading Comprehension, Mathematics and Environmental Studies (EVS).

Source: The District Information System for Education 2007–08.

Census of India 2011, Provisional Population Totals
Economic Survey 2010–2011, Government of India, Oxford University Press
Data exclusively compiled by the VMW Analytic Services and provided by the Federal State Governments.

(Reading Comprehension)
NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

 In Andaman & 54 55
47 47
Nicobar Islands, (28.6) (35.2) 41
(26.5) (25.9) 38
scores of students (33.2)
were lower than the Overall
overall national
average on all the
mental processes.

Locating information Grasp ideas/interpret Infer/evaluate

Locating Information Grasp ideas/interpret Infer/evaluate

State 49 41 42  On all the mental processes,

scores of both boys and girls

Overall 54 47 55 were lower than the overall
national average.
State 46 36 40  Performance of girls was higher

than their counterparts in

Overall 54 46 54 Reading Comprehension.

 Performance of both rural State 46 33 35

and urban students was

lower than the overall Overall 55 47 55
average score.
 Rural students achieved State 49 42 46

higher than their

counterparts on all the areas Overall 54 46 54
of Reading Comprehension.

Social Groups
State  Students from all the social

48 38 42
groups scored lower than the
Overall 56 49 56 overall national average.
State 48 39 47  ST category students scored

higher than SC students on all

Overall 55 47 55 the content areas.
State 50 42 36

Overall 51 45 54

State 38 34 31

Overall 53 45 54

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Learning Gaps: Items responded correctly by Less than 50% Students in Reading Comp.
Q.No. 20 : Identify the correct place name from those given in the notice
Read the following carefully. Then answer the Scale Score 279
questions that follow. For each question encircle the
Missing 4
number of the correct answer.
In which town is this cricket club located? Option - 1 18

1. Sadanand Option - 2 26

2. Mahatma Gandhi Option - 3 27

3. Rampur Option - 4 24
4. Uttar Pradesh Multi. Resp. 1

This question was based on a 'Notice' of Cricket Club in which students were asked to find out name of
the town in which cricket club was located. Only 27% students could locate the place name correctly.
About 26% students selected option 2, which is the name of the road instead of the town.

Q.No. 28 : Use information from a table to determine the frequency of an event

This is Rohit’s school time table. Use it to answer the questions given below it. Scale Score 244
Periods Missing 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Option - 1 20
Monday English Hindi Hindi Science Art Maths SUPW
Tuesday Hindi English Soc. Stu. Art Maths Science Phy. Edu. Option - 2 10
Wednesday Soc. Stu. English Hindi Phy. Edu. Science Maths Library Option - 3 15
Thursday Science Maths Hindi SUPW English Soc. Stu. Phy. Edu.
Option - 4 49
Friday Soc. Stu. Maths Science English Art Hindi Phy. Edu.
Multi. Resp. 2
Which subject does Rohit study for two periods together?
1. English
2. Science
3. Maths
4. Hindi

Q.No. 29 : Use information from a table to determine the frequency of an event

Which subject does Rohit have most often in a week? Scale Score 250

1. Hindi Missing 4
2. English Option - 1 39
3. Maths Option - 2 15
4. Social Studies
Option - 3 16

Option - 4 24

Multi. Resp. 1

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 30 : Use information from a table to determine the frequency of an event

How many art classes does Rohit have in a week? Scale Score 274

1. Two Missing 5

2. Three Option - 1 20

3. Four Option - 2 37
4. Five Option - 3 13
Option - 4 24
Multi. Resp. 1
Question no. 28, 29 and 30 were based on a school Time Table. Only 49%, 39% and 37% students
respectively could find out the frequency of events correctly.

Q.No. 49 : Recognize appropriate information about the action to be taken by a person

Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it. Scale Score 234
Millions of people in the world are blind. Formerly people thought that blind people could not do Missing 6
anything. But now a days many blind schools have been opened. All these facilities are available to the
blind for studying. Now many blind students are earning their livelihood after finishing their studies. Option - 1 40
Many blind people have become scholars in the world. Apart from this, the doctors are trying to prevent
blindness among children by providing appropriate medical care and prescribing nutritious diet. Option - 2 16
Today, many people donate their eyes. After their death, their eyes are transplanted in the blind
people’s eyes. Thus many blind persons are able to see. Option - 3 24

What can a doctor do to prevent blindness? Option - 4 13

1. Provide medical care. Multi. Resp. 1
2. Train blind people.
3. Provide nutritious diet.
4. Turn the blinds into scholars.

In this question students were supposed to locate the information about "what can a doctor do to
prevent blindness”. Only 40% students responded correctly, i.e. ‘provide medical care’. Besides, about
24% students selected the option 'provide nutritious diet', which is wrong option.


Q.No. 18 : Use information from a notice to conclude timing of an event
Read the following carefully. Then answer the questions that Scale Score 279
follow. For each question encircle the number of the correct
answer. Missing 5
Which of the following is true? Option - 1 24
1. The girls’ practice is earlier than the boys’ practice.
Option - 2 16
2. The girls’ practice is longer than the boys’ practice.
3. The boys and girls learn cricket on different days. Option - 3 28
4. The boys’ practice is on Sunday afternoon. Option - 4 26
Multi. Resp. 1

Only 24% students could conclude timing of an event from the given notice.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 19 : Use information from the notice to derive the duration of an event
For how long will the boys be taught cricket? Scale Score 252

1. thirty minutes Missing 4

2. one and a half hours
Option - 1 17
3. two hours
Option - 2 36
4. three hours
Option - 3 23

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. 1

This question was based on a 'Notice'. In the notice timing for learning cricket on Sunday for both
boys and girls were mentioned separately. About 36% students could find out correct answer.

Q.No. 22 : Identify relationship between an object and its characteristics

Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. For each question Scale Score 265
encircle the number of the correct answer.
Aam Panna is a cool drink mainly used in north India during summer. It is prepared using raw
Missing 4
mangoes, sugar and some spices like salt, black pepper, roasted cumin seed powder and mint leaves. It
quenches thirst and also prevents loss of salt and iron during summer due to excessive sweating. It is Option - 1 15
also a good source of vitamins B and C.
Aam Panna is easy to prepare. You boil some raw mangoes. Then peel, stone and pulp the mangoes Option - 2 24
with a spoon. Placing the pulp in a bowl, add water, sugar, salt, pepper and cumin seed powder. Also
add chopped mint leaves. Mix it thoroughly. Serve chilled with ice. Apart from being tasty, your Aam
Panna will also look good due to its refreshing light green colour. Option - 3 15

Aam Panna can be called a health drink because __________ Option - 4 41

1. it has a lot of spices. Multi. Resp. 1
2. it is tasty.
3. it is refreshing.
4. it contains iron and vitamins.
Only 41% students responded correctly, i.e., it contains iron and vitamins. However, about 24%
students gave the reason that Aam Panna can be called a health drink because it is tasty.

Q.No. 23 : Use information to draw simple conclusion about the usefulness of an object
Aam Panna is useful when a person suffers from __________ . Scale Score 246

1. high fever Missing 5

2. excessive cough
Option - 1 29
3. excessive sweating
Option - 2 12
4. intense headache
Option - 3 40

Option - 4 13

Multi. Resp. 1

About 40% students concluded that Aam Panna is useful when a person suffers from excessive sweating.
While 29% think that it is useful when a person suffers from high fever.
NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 24 : Determine the sequence of activities in a process

What do you do first to make Aam Panna? Scale Score 264

1. Peel the mangoes. Missing 5

2. Mix mint leaves. Option - 1 30

3. Boil some mangoes. Option - 2 13

4. Make a pulp of mangoes. Option - 3 34

Option - 4 17
Multi. Resp. 1
Only 34% students could give correct sequence of activities that would be followed for making 'Aam
Panna'. Further, about 30% students selected option 1, which is in wrong order.

Q.No. 25 : Identify relationship between an abstract idea and a concrete phenomenon

Aam Panna looks refreshing because ____________ Scale Score 285

1. it is made of raw mangoes. Missing 6

2. it is a light green colour. Option - 1 26

3. it contains salt and iron. Option - 2 36

4. it has roasted cumin seed powder. Option - 3 18
Option - 4 12
Multi. Resp. 1

Only 36% students responded correctly that it is a light green colour of Aam Panna which makes it look
refreshing. However, 26% students selected wrong option i.e., 'It is made of raw mangoes'.

Q.No. 33 : Use information in the story to grasp the problem

Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. For each question Scale Score 258
encircle the number of the correct answer.
King Rahugana was travelling in a palanquin. Four palanquin bearers were running with the Missing 7
palanquin on their shoulders. The journey was long and when they reached near a well, a bearer said,
“Your Highness, we are thirsty. We’ll have some water and be back soon.” Option - 1 15
One of the bearers was so tired that he could not take another step. He ran away from there. Now
only three bearers were left. The problem arose as to how the palanquin should be carried. Just then Option - 2 22
they saw Jadbharat coming their way. The king said, “Catch him! Make him carry the palanquin.”
Now Jadbharat started carrying the palanquin on his shoulder in place of the fourth bearer. The Option - 3 23
king continued with the journey. But he was not comfortable. Sometimes the king’s head would hit the
side of the palanquin, sometimes he would tumble from side to side. The king said angrily to the bearers,
“Walk properly.” All the three bearers pleaded, “Your Highness, we are walking properly, but this new Option - 4 32
person is not walking properly.”
The king scolded Jadbharat, “Why are you walking like a dead man?’ Jadbharat replied, “My dear Multi. Resp. 1
king, I am at least walking but what about you? You are making others carry you. A man is carried like
this only when he is dead.”
On hearing Jadbharat’s words, the king immediately got off the palanquin.
What problem came up in lifting the palanquin?
1. One of the poles broke.
2. The bearers were thirsty.
3. The road was bad.
4. One bearer had run away.
Only 32% students could grasp the correct problem, i.e., 'One bearer had run away'. Remaining
students could not do it.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 34 : Use information in the story to identify the cause of an event

Why did the king scold his bearers? Scale Score 259

1. The king could not look out of the palanquin. Missing 8

2. The king wanted to reach his destination soon. Option - 1 16
3. The king’s head was hitting the sides of the palanquin.
Option - 2 23
4. The bearers refused to carry the palanquin.
Option - 3 34

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 34% students could identify the right reason for scolding bearers. Remaining students did not go
through the passage carefully and selected the wrong options.

Q.No. 35 : Use information in the story to determine the cause of an event

Why was Jadbharat asked to lift the palanquin? Scale Score 255

1. Jadbharat was very strong. Missing 9

2. One bearer had run away. Option - 1 20
3. Only Jadbharat knew the road ahead.
Option - 2 31
4. The king liked Jadbharat.
Option - 3 20

Option - 4 19

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 31% students could determine the reason for lifting the palanquin.

Q.No. 44 : Identify relationship between a pronoun and the object/person

Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. For each question Scale Score 305
encircle the number of the correct answer.
Passage Missing 7
In ancient times books were written by hand. Most of the book making in those days was done by
monks. They used to sit in their small cells and make copies of books. Their fingers grew stiff and their Option - 1 29
eyes got tired, but still they worked far into the night.
Just think, how long do you take to write a page or even a line? You can now understand how much
Option - 2 28
patience and hard work went into the making of books.
After many years, a clever man in Belgium invented a printing press. With its help many copies of
books could now be made in very little time. In the last 500 years, many improvements have been made Option - 3 14
in book printing and today thousands and millions of books can be printed very easily.
Option - 4 22
“With its help ...............”. Here, ‘its’ refers to
Multi. Resp. 1
1. a clever man
2. the printing press
3. Belgium
4. a monk
Only 28% students could give correct reference. About 29% students understood wrong and referred
‘its’ as ‘a clever man'.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 47 : Use information in the text to identify the remedy of a problem

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Encircle the number Scale Score 293
of the correct answer.
Passage Missing 5
Millions of people in the world are blind. Formerly people thought that blind people could not do
anything. But now a days many blind schools have been opened. All these facilities are available to the
blind for studying. Now many blind students are earning their livelihood after finishing their studies. Option - 1 23
Many blind people have become scholars in the world. Apart from this, the doctors are trying to prevent
blindness among children by providing appropriate medical care and prescribing nutritious diet. Option - 2 32
Today, many people donate their eyes. After their death, their eyes are transplanted in the blind
people’s eyes. Thus many blind persons are able to see.
Option - 3 23
The blindness can be removed through
Option - 4 15
1. nutritious diet.
2. eye transplant. Multi. Resp. 2

3. higher education.
4. some training.
Only 32% students could identify correctly that blindness can be removed through eye transplant.

Q.No. 48 : Identify the causal relationship of two events

The blind can become scholars by Scale Score 292
1. taking nutritious diet. Missing 6
2. getting back their eyesight.
Option - 1 17
3. eye transplant.
Option - 2 16
4. studying hard.
Option - 3 22

Option - 4 38

Multi. Resp. 1

Out of the total students, about 38% responded correctly. However, remaining students opted the
wrong options.

Q.No. 50 : Grasp the relevant idea about the thinking of people from the text
What did people think about blinds in the past? Scale Score 279

1. There is no cure for blindness. Missing 6

2. Blind can get training.
Option - 1 25
3. Blind cannot do anything.
Option - 2 18
4. Blind can donate their eyes.
Option - 3 30

Option - 4 21

Multi. Resp. 1
Only 30% students could respond correctly, i.e. blind cannot do anything. However, more than half of
the students could not grasp the idea about thinking of people from the passage and selected other

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 17 : Use information from a notice to make a simple inference about the participation in a sport
Read the following carefully. Then answer the question that follows. Scale Score 231

Who are asked to come to the Cricket Club? Missing 3

1. boys only Option - 1 21

Option - 2 9
2. girls only
Option - 3 46
3. all students
Option - 4 20
4. students and their friends
Multi. Resp. 1

This question was based on ‘Notice’, in which students were asked to make a simple inference about
who were asked to come to the cricket club. About 46% students could infer correctly.

Q.No. 31 : Use information in a story to make a simple inference about the cause of an act
Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. For each question Scale Score 228
encircle the number of the correct answer.
Passage Missing 6
King Rahugana was travelling in a palanquin. Four palanquin bearers were running with the palanquin
on their shoulders. The journey was long and when they reached near a well, a bearer said, “Your Option - 1 22
Highness, we are thirsty. We’ll have some water and be back soon.”
One of the bearers was so tired that he could not take another step. He ran away from there. Now Option - 2 41
only three bearers were left. The problem arose as to how the palanquin should be carried. Just then they
saw Jadbharat coming their way. The king said, “Catch him! Make him carry the palanquin.” Option - 3 18
Now Jadbharat started carrying the palanquin on his shoulder in place of the fourth bearer. The king
continued with the journey. But he was not comfortable. Sometimes the king’s head would hit the side Option - 4 13
of the palanquin, sometimes he would tumble from side to side. The king said angrily to the bearers,
“Walk properly.” All the three bearers pleaded, “Your Highness, we are walking properly, but this new Multi. Resp. 1
person is not walking properly.”
The king scolded Jadbharat, “Why are you walking like a dead man?’ Jadbharat replied, “My dear
king, I am at least walking but what about you? You are making others carry you. A man is carried like
this only when he is dead.”
On hearing Jadbharat’s words, the king immediately got off the palanquin.
The bearers put down the palanquin near the well because ___________
1. the king wanted to rest.
2. they wanted to drink water.
3. the road ahead was very bad.
4. they didn’t want to go any further.
In this question students were asked about why the bearers put down the palanquin near the well.
About 41% students could infer that "they wanted to drink water".

Q.No. 32 : Use information in a story to make a simple inference about the cause of an act
One bearer left the palanquin and went away because he was Scale Score 231
Missing 6
1. very sleepy.
Option - 1 14
2. feeling hot .
Option - 2 16
3. very tired.
Option - 3 40
4. very hungry.
Option - 4 22
Multi. Resp. 1
This question was based on the given story in which students were asked the reason ‘why one bearer
left the palanquin?’ About 40% students could infer the correct reason.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 41 : Use information in the text to infer the cause of an event

Read the following passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. For each question Scale Score 242
encircle the number of the correct answer.
Passage Missing 6
In ancient times books were written by hand. Most of the book making in those days was done by
monks. They used to sit in their small cells and make copies of books. Their fingers grew stiff and their Option - 1 17
eyes got tired, but still they worked far into the night.
Just think, how long do you take to write a page or even a line? You can now understand how much
Option - 2 22
patience and hard work went into the making of books.
After many years, a clever man in Belgium invented a printing press. With its help many copies of
books could now be made in very little time. In the last 500 years, many improvements have been made in Option - 3 42
book printing and today thousands and millions of books can be printed very easily.
Option - 4 13
Why were there very few books in ancient times?
Multi. Resp. 1
1. Monks were too tired to write.
2. Books were only made in Belgium.
3. Books were written by hand.
4. People had no patience.
Only 42% students could infer the reason based on the passage.

Q.No. 42 : Make complex inference about the quality of persons from their activities
“Still they worked far into the night”. What quality of monks does this sentence show? Scale Score 249

1. carefulness Missing 7
2. hard work
Option - 1 20
3. cleverness
Option - 2 42
4. devotion to god
Option - 3 17

Option - 4 13

Multi. Resp. 1

Students were asked to infer the quality of the work of monks on the basis of the sentence. Only 42%
students could infer correct quality as 'Hard Work'.

Q.No. 43 : Make complex inference about the effect of an activity on concerned persons
The monks wrote for many hours. What was the effect on them? Scale Score 247

1. Their books were beautiful. Missing 7

2. They worked in the dark. Option - 1 21
3. They didn’t prepare any books.
Option - 2 15
4. Their fingers and eyes grew tired.
Option - 3 20

Option - 4 36

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 36% students could infer correctly i.e., 'Their fingers and eyes grew tired'.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 45 : Use information to identify the main theme and evaluate the title
Which of the following is the best title for this passage? Scale Score 313

1. Books, Our Friends Missing 8

2. Importance of Books Option - 1 27
3. Invention of the Printing Press Option - 2 23
4. Suffering of the Monks
Option - 3 23

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. 1

Students were asked to infer the best title for the passage. Only 23% could select the best title.
'Invention of the Printing Press'. However, about 27% students selected best title as ‘Books, Our
Friends '.

Q.No. 46 : Use information in the text to make inference about the cause of an act
Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it. Scale Score 247
Millions of people in the world are blind. Formerly people thought that blind people could not do Missing 7
anything. But now a days many blind schools have been opened. All these facilities are available to the
blind for studying. Now many blind students are earning their livelihood after finishing their studies. Option - 1 17
Many blind people have become scholars in the world. Apart from this, the doctors are trying to prevent
blindness among children by providing appropriate medical care and prescribing nutritious diet. Option - 2 25
Today, many people donate their eyes. After their death, their eyes are transplanted in the blind Option - 3 41
people’s eyes. Thus many blind persons are able to see.
Option - 4 9
Why do many people donate their eyes?
1. Their eyes are weak. Multi. Resp. 1

2. Blind people can become scholars.

3. Their eyes will enable a blind to see.
4. They want to become famous.

In this question students were asked to infer the reason for donating eyes. Only 41% students could
respond correctly that 'Their eyes will enable a blind to see'.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

What Students Can Do?

Items responded correctly by 50% and more Students in Reading Comprehension
Item Scale Mental Item %
No. Score Process Description Correct

Use information in a table to identify

26 203 70
phenomena occurring at a particular time
Use information in a table to identify the time
27 213 65
for a phenomenon

Recognize the text type as a notice from the

16 217 55
format and the content
Use information in the text to identify the
21 244 52
ingredients of an object

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Sample Items: Items responded correctly by 50% and more Students in Reading Comprehension
Q.No. 26 : Use information in a table to identify phenomena occurring at a particular time
This is Rohit’s school time table. Use it to answer the questions given below it. Scale Score 203
Periods Missing 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Monday English Hindi Hindi Science Art Maths SUPW
Option - 1 70

Tuesday Hindi English Soc. Stu. Art Maths Science Phy. Edu. Option - 2 6
Wednesday Soc. Stu. English Hindi Phy. Edu. Science Maths Library
Option - 3 10
Thursday Science Maths Hindi SUPW English Soc. Stu. Phy. Edu.
Friday Soc. Stu. Maths Science English Art Hindi Phy. Edu. Option - 4 10

What does Rohit learn in the sixth period on Wednesday? Multi. Resp. 2
1. Maths
2. Science
3. Social Studies
4. Hindi

About 70% students could identify subject taught to Rohit in the sixth period on Wednesday correctly from
the given table.


Q.No. 16 : Recognize the text type as a notice from the format and the content
Read the following carefully. Then answer the Scale Score 217
questions that follow. For each question encircle
the number of the correct answer. Missing 6

The above piece is___________. Option - 1 55

1. a notice Option - 2 17
2. a story
Option - 3 12
3. an order
Option - 4 9
4. an essay
Multi. Resp. 1

Only 55% students could interpret correctly that the given piece of information is a 'notice'.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report


NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

 In Andaman & Nicobar
Islands, scores of 54 52 51
students were lower (24.5) 44 (25.2) 41 (25.3) 39
(24.5) 37
than the overall (21.7) (22.5) (21.6)
average on all the Overall
content areas.

Operations Geometry Measurement Number System

Operations Geometry Measurement Number System

State 45 42 38 40
 On each content area, average scores of
both boys and girls were lower than

the overall average.

Overall 53 52 46 51
 Performance of girls was higher than
State 43 40 37 38 their counterparts on all the content

Overall 54 52 48 52

 On each content area, average State 39 35 33 33

scores of both rural and urban

students were lower than the Overall 52 51 46 50
overall average.
 Rural students achieved higher than State 47 45 40 43

their counterparts on all the content

areas of Mathematics. Overall 54 53 47 52

Social Groups

State 44 41 37 39  For all the social groups, average

scores on each content area were
55 54 48 53
lower than the overall average.
State 45 42 38 41  ST category students scored higher

than SC students on all the content
55 54 49 52
areas, except on ‘Measurement’.
State 47 44 38 39

Overall 51 48 42 47

State 45 38 38 36

Overall 52 51 46 50

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Learning Gaps: Items responded correctly by Less than 50% Students in Mathematics.
Q.No. 3 : Largest three digit number from given numbers
Renu has the following three number cards: Scale Score 262

Missing 3

Option - 1 10
Which is the largest 3-digit number she can make using all cards?
1. 578 Option - 2 13

2. 857 Option - 3 32
3. 875 Option - 4 42
4. 999 Multi. Resp. 1

Only 32% students could do this correctly. Surprisingly, 42% students selected the number 999 on the
basis of their memory that it is a largest three digit number. It indicates that those students could not
comprehend the question.

Q.No. 11 : Differentiating two numbers (4 digit) using the less than property of numbers
Which one of the following is true? Scale Score 247
1. 2095 is less than 2059 Missing 6
2. 2509 is less than 2059 Option - 1 11
3. 2002 is less than 2090
Option - 2 17
4. 2692 is less than 2629
Option - 3 42

Option - 4 23

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question students were supposed to use less than property of number (in four digit numbers).
About 42% students could use the property of numbers correctly.

Q.No. 19 : Place value of a digit in given 6 digit number

The place value of five in the number 685300 is... Scale Score 224

1. five Missing 6
2. fifty Option - 1 10
3. five thousand Option - 2 9
4. five lakh
Option - 3 46

Option - 4 29

Multi. Resp. 1

About 46% students selected right response. It suggests that more than half of the students could not
understand the concept of place value of digits in a number.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 28 : Difference between two decimal numbers

What is the difference between 500.2 and 499.101? Scale Score 304
1. 1.099 Missing 6
2. 1.101
Option - 1 29
3. 1.109
4. 1.99 Option - 2 31

Option - 3 20

Option - 4 13

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 29% students computed difference between two decimal numbers correctly. More than half of the
students were not clear how to deal with decimal part of numbers.

Q.No. 33 : Using measure of unit as per suitability of situation

Which of the following units would be the best to measure the length of a school Scale Score 254
Missing 6
1. Millimetre
2. Centimetre Option - 1 15

3. Metre Option - 2 20
4. Kilometre Option - 3 36

Option - 4 22

Multi. Resp. 1

About 36% students could select suitable unit for measuring the length of school building correctly. The
remaining were not clear in selection of suitable unit.

Q.No. 41 : Number and its number name

Which of the following is three thousand thirty-three? Scale Score 216

1. 333 Missing 2

2. 3033 Option - 1 21

3. 3303 Option - 2 48

4. 30033 Option - 3 10

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. -

Out of the total students, about 48% responded correctly. The remaining were not clear in selection of
correct number.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 43 : Numbers in increasing and decreasing numbers

In which of the following, numbers are written in increasing order? Scale Score 242
1. 295, 297, 290 Missing 6
2. 351, 350, 356
Option - 1 9
3. 265, 267, 269
4. 789, 786, 780 Option - 2 14

Option - 3 43

Option - 4 26

Multi. Resp. 2

About 43% students could select the correct option in which numbers were arranged in increasing
order. It clearly indicates that more than half of the students were confused.

Q.No. 53 : Equivalent fractions

Which of the following is a pair of equivalent fractions? Scale Score 307
2 1 Missing 8
1. ,
9 9
Option - 1 15
3 15
2. ,
5 25 Option - 2 32

4 16 Option - 3 26
3. ,
7 49
Option - 4 18
3 8
4. , Multi. Resp.
8 3 1

Only 32% students could select the pair of equivalent fractions correctly.

Q.No. 61 : Recognising two digit number from given number

Which of the following is a 2-digit number? Scale Score 224

1. two thousand two Missing 2

2. one thousand two Option - 1 27

3. one hundred Option - 2 14

4. ninety nine Option - 3 13

Option - 4 44

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 44% students could respond correctly. Remaining students could not comprehend the question.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 63 : Equivalent and non equivalent fractions

Given below are 4 fractions. Three of them are equivalent to one another. Which of Scale Score 290
them is NOT equivalent to the other three?
Missing 8
1. Option - 1 17
3 Option - 2 21
5 Option - 3 35
21 Option - 4 18
Multi. Resp. 1
Only 18% of the students could respond correctly. Majority of students were not clear about equivalent
and non equivalent fractions. They (35%) selected option 3, which is a wrong answer.

Q.No. 73 : Uses more than a number to find value

Which number is 10 more than 5237? Scale Score 233

1. 5238 Missing 5
2. 5247 Option - 1 14
3. 5337
Option - 2 42
4. 6237
Option - 3 18

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. 1

Out of the total students, about 42% responded correctly. Remaining students could not understand that
they need to add 10 to the given number to get the required number.

Q.No. 2 : Part of a geometrical figure (rectangle)
Which of the following is NOT a side of rectangle ABCD? Scale Score 252

1. AD Missing 3
2. AC Option - 1 15
3. AB
Option - 2 41
4. BC
Option - 3 30

Option - 4 9

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 41% students could do this correctly. This indicates that about 59% students were not clear about
the sides of a geometrical figure.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 15 : Angle of specific measure (in a range)

In which clock, the indicated angle between the two hands is less than a right angle? Scale Score 237

Missing 3

Option - 1 9

Option - 2 15

Option - 3 24
1. (a)
Option - 4 47
2. (b)
Multi. Resp. 2
3. (c)
4. (d)
About 47% students could identify the angle of specific measure between the two hands of a clock
showing less than a right angle.

Q.No. 16 : Locating object which is interior to some and exterior to some

In the figure, given here, which letter is inside of the square and the circle but not Scale Score 265
inside the triangle?
Missing 4
1. B
Option - 1 30
2. C
3. D Option - 2 17

4. E Option - 3 29

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. 2

Only 30% students could locate object which is interior to some and exterior to some figures. Remaining
students could not understand the question and selected wrong options.

Q.No. 26 : Relationship between radius and diameter

In the circle, given here, O is the centre of the circle. If AB = 4cm, then OP is equal Scale Score 261
Missing 3
1. cm Option - 1 16
3 Option - 2 32
2. cm
4 Option - 3 18
3. 3 cm
Option - 4 30
4. 2 cm
Multi. Resp. 1

Only 30% students selected the correct option. However, more than half of the students could not
understand the relationship between radius and diameter.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 27 : Computation of diameter of a circle with given radius

The diameter of the circle given below is... Scale Score 260

Missing 3

1. 2 cm Option - 1 42
2. 4 cm Option - 2 32
3. 5 cm
Option - 3 10
4. 6 cm
Option - 4 12

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 32% students could compute the diameter of the circle. About 42% students selected option 1 i.e.
2cm which is the radius of the circle. It clearly indicates that about 68% students were not clear that
how to compute diameter if radius is given.

Q.No. 38 : Radius of a circle and relation thereof

In the figure, given here, the radius of the smaller circle is 3 cm. What is the radius of Scale Score 267
the larger circle having centre O?
Missing 6

Option - 1 38
1. 3 cm
Option - 2 30
2. 6 cm
Option - 3 10
3. 9 cm
4. 12 cm Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question two circles were given, one small and other large. The smaller circle was embedded in
the large circle. Only 30% students could do the same. The remaining students couldn't find out because
they were not clear about the relationship between radius and diameter.

Q.No. 48 : Smallest angle in the given angles

Which of the following angles is the smallest? Scale Score 257

Missing 2

Option - 1 36

Option - 2 29
1. A Option - 3 9
2. B
Option - 4 22
3. C
Multi. Resp. 1
4. D

Only 36% students selected the correct figure. While 29% students selected option 2. It suggests that
they could not understand the question.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 52 : Geometrical figures by its sides

Given below are some figures. How many of these have four sides only? Scale Score 235

Missing 4

Option - 1 6

Option - 2 44

1. one Option - 3 14
2. two Option - 4 31
3. three
Multi. Resp. 2
4. four

Only 44% students could recognise the number of geometrical figures having four sides.

Q.No. 58 : Computation of degree measure of an angle

What is the measure of half of a right-angle? Scale Score 250

1. 30° Missing 7
2. 45°
Option - 1 17
3. 50°
Option - 2 34
4. 180°
Option - 3 16

Option - 4 26

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 34% students could find degree measure of half of a right angle correctly.

Q.No. 68 : Triangles embedded in the figure

The total number of triangles in the figure, given here, is... Scale Score 318

Missing 3

Option - 1 23
1. three
2. four Option - 2 36

3. five Option - 3 22
4. nine Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 22% students could answer correctly. Further 36% students selected option 2, the reason for this
is that they have not included the triangle in which other triangles are embedded.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 72 : Dot inside/outside of a closed figure

How many dots lie inside the rectangle given here? Scale Score 223

1. 4 Missing 4
2. 5
Option - 1 13
3. 8
Option - 2 39
4. 9
Option - 3 9

Option - 4 34

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 39% students selected the correct answer. While 34% students opted option 4, it suggests that
they counted the total number of dots instead of those lying inside the rectangle.

Q.No. 78 : Computation area of a square of a given side

The area of a square with side 6 cm is... Scale Score 298

1. 6 sq cm Missing 6
2. 12 sq cm Option - 1 24
3. 24 sq cm
Option - 2 20
4. 36 sq cm
Option - 3 27

Option - 4 21

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 21% students could compute the area of a square with side 6 cm. However, about 27% students
calculated perimeter instead of area of the square.

Q.No. 6 : Computation of time period from given time points
Rajesh went to sleep at 10 p.m. and woke up at 6:30 a.m. next morning. How many Scale Score 248
hours did he sleep?
Missing 5
1. 16 Option - 1 16
1 Option - 2 15
2. 4
2 Option - 3 26
1 Option - 4 37
3. 6
Multi. Resp. 1
4. 8
Only 37% students could compute total time from starting point to end point of an activity.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 7 : Computation of area of a rectangle of given dimensions

What is the area of a rectangle of length 6 cm and breadth 4 cm? Scale Score 249

1. 10 sq cm Missing 4
2. 20 sq cm
Option - 1 26
3. 24 sq cm
Option - 2 12
4. 100 sq cm
Option - 3 45

Option - 4 11

Multi. Resp. 1

About 45% could compute area of a rectangle correctly. While 26% students simply added length and
breadth of the rectangle.

Q.No. 10 : Computation of value multiplying fractional numbers

1 Scale Score 278
For given rates of tomatoes and potatoes, what will be total cost of 2 kg of tomato
2 Missing 5
and 1 kg of potato? Option - 1 27
Option - 2 21
1. Rs 45.00
Option - 3 18
2. Rs 54.50
Option - 4 26
3. Rs 59.60
Multi. Resp. 3
4. Rs 64.50

Only 26% students could compute the total cost of the vegetables. However, about 27% students
computed cost of tomatoes only, they could not understand the question.

Q.No. 23 : Matching values given in two different measuring units

Which of the following is NOT correct? Scale Score 246

1 Missing 4
1. 2 m = 250 cm
Option - 1 10
2. 2 kg = 2500 g Option - 2 27
1 Option - 3 44
3. 2 hours = 130 minutes
2 Option - 4 14
1 Multi. Resp. 1
4. 2 rupees = 250 paise

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 24 : Matching values given in two different measuring units

Which of the following is NOT correct? Scale Score 274

1. 1.2 m = 120 cm Missing 4

2. 1.2 kg = 1200 g
Option - 1 11
3. 1.2 hours = 120 minutes
Option - 2 33
4. 1.2 rupees = 120 paise
Option - 3 35

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 44% students on question no. 23 and 35% students on question no. 24 could match value of one
large unit with smaller unit of the same one.

Q.No. 25 : Computation of length given in the different measurement scales/units

How many strips of length 30 cm each can be cut out of 6 m long strip? Scale Score 268

1. 6 Missing 6
2. 14 Option - 1 19
3. 18
Option - 2 12
4. 20
Option - 3 25

Option - 4 38

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question students were asked to cut a 6m long strip into strips of 30cm length and find out the
number of small strips. Only 38% students could respond correctly. It indicates that more than half of
the students have not understood the conversion of a larger unit into smaller unit of the length.

Q.No. 30 : Computation of time using time scale

A train leaves Ramnagar at 3:00 p.m. and reaches Karimnagar at 9:00 a.m. next day. Scale Score 283
The time taken by the train in the journey is...
Missing 4
1. 6 hrs.
Option - 1 21
2. 9 hrs.
3. 12 hrs. Option - 2 14

4. 18 hrs. Option - 3 34

Option - 4 26

Multi. Resp. 1

This question was a word problem based on departure and arrival of a train on a specified time. Only
26% could compute the total duration of the journey. Surprisingly, about 34% student simply added the
clock time of the departure and arrival of the train.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 37 : Reading time in a watch

The time by the clock given here is... Scale Score 227

1. 4 : 08 Missing 5
2. 4 : 40
Option - 1 13
3. 5 : 08
Option - 2 49
4. 5 : 40
Option - 3 15

Option - 4 17

Multi. Resp. -

Nearly half of the students selected the correct answer.

Q.No. 40 : Computation of difference in weights and expression greater than

The weight of mangoes is 2 kg 600 g and apples is 1 kg 450 g. The weight of mangoes Scale Score 271
is greater than that of apples by...
Missing 6
1. 150 g
Option - 1 14
2. 1 kg 150 g
3. 1 kg 200 g Option - 2 31

4. 4 kg 50 g Option - 3 30

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. 1

This question was a word problem based on measurement of weights of objects and comparing them.
Only 31% students could compute and answer correctly.

Q.No. 47 : Computation of time after a given time period

A four-hour movie ended at 7:15 p.m. At what time did it begin? Scale Score 266
1. 11 : 15 p.m. Missing 5
2. 4 : 00 p.m.
Option - 1 29
3. 3 : 15 p.m.
Option - 2 25
4. 3 : 15 a.m.
Option - 3 28

Option - 4 12

Multi. Resp. -

In this item, students were asked to compute starting time of a movie of four hour duration which ended
at 7:15 p.m. Only 28% students could compute the starting time of the movie.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 50 : Computation of least fractional value

1 1 3 Scale Score 422
Ram spends of his salary in paying fee, of it in paying house rent and of it in
2 5 10 Missing 7
purchasing grocery. In which item does he spend the least?
Option - 1 20
1. Paying house rent
2. Paying fees Option - 2 25

3. Purchasing grocery Option - 3 30

4. Equal in all the three Option - 4 19

Multi. Resp. 1

This was a word problem, in which expenditure incurred on various stages were indicated in fractions.
Students were asked to compute on which item the person spent the least. Only 20% students could
compute the right value. Instead of this about 30% students selected the fraction which is having largest

Q.No. 57 : Conversion of different units of time

How many hours make 3600 minutes? Scale Score 260

1. 60 Missing 7
2. 150 Option - 1 25
3. 300
Option - 2 14
4. 600
Option - 3 18

Option - 4 36

Multi. Resp. 1

Nearly one fourth of the students could compute correctly hours from 3600 minutes. However, 36%
students selected option 4, i.e., 600, which is a wrong answer. The reason for opting 600 might be that
they divided 3600 minutes by 6 instead of 60.

Q.No. 60 : Difference of two numbers expressed in different units

In the following question, which number will be in the ? Scale Score 289

1 km – 1 m = m Missing 9
1. 0 Option - 1 19
2. 99
Option - 2 24
3. 990
Option - 3 18
4. 999
Option - 4 29

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 29% students could subtract 1m from 1km correctly. Majority of students were not able to subtract
a small unit from large unit of the distance.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 66 : Computation of number given in less than expression

Gaurav collected 422 marbles. His brother collected 100 marbles less than him. How Scale Score 232
many marbles did his brother collect? Missing 4
1. 312 Option - 1 6
2. 322 Option - 2 44
3. 512
Option - 3 12
4. 522
Option - 4 33

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 44% students could do this correctly. While 33% students selected option 4, they simply added the
number of marbles instead of subtracting.

Q.No. 67 : Perimeter of a given square

What is the perimeter of a square of side 3 cm? Scale Score 266
1. 6 cm Missing 6
2. 9 cm
Option - 1 24
3. 12 cm
Option - 2 18
4. 1 m 2 cm
Option - 3 38

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. -

Only 38% students could compute the perimeter of the square correctly. Remaining students were not
clear about the perimeter of a square.

Q.No. 70 : Sum of decimal number (more than these items)

Jacob spent Rs 14.95 for a notebook, Rs 1.25 for an eraser and Rs 3.50 for a Scale Score 229
pencil. In all, how much did he spend?
Missing 5
1. Rs 18.70
Option - 1 16
2. Rs 19.00
Option - 2 15
3. Rs 19.70
4. Rs 54.50 Option - 3 40

Option - 4 24

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 40% of students could compute correctly.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 77 : Computation of value using different units of time

Ganesh sleeps 8 hours a day. How many hours does he sleep in a week? Scale Score 239

1. 64 Missing 7
2. 56
Option - 1 17
3. 48
Option - 2 32
4. 40
Option - 3 23

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. 2

About 32% students selected the correct response. Remaining students could not understand the

Q.No. 80 : Perimeter of a given figure

In the figure given here, there are four equal squares each of perimeter 24 cm, joined Scale Score 321
together. What is the perimeter of the shaded part of the figure?
Missing 7

Option - 1 19

Option - 2 16

Option - 3 32
1. 36 cm
2. 42 cm Option - 4 26

3. 48 cm Multi. Resp. -
4. 60 cm
Only 32% students could compute perimeter of the shaded part of the figure showing four equal squares
joined together. Remaining students were not clear how to compute perimeter of joined squares.

Q.No. 4 : Computation of remainder after division
When 5205 is divided by 9, the remainder is... Scale Score 252

1. one Missing 7
2. two
Option - 1 8
3. three
Option - 2 14
4. five
Option - 3 35

Option - 4 36

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 35% students could do correctly. While 36% students were not able to compute the remainder
correctly and selected option 4.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 5 : Difference of two (four digit numbers) with carry

8501 Scale Score 258

– 7510 Missing 4
? Option - 1 6
1. 891 Option - 2 25
2. 991
Option - 3 46
3. 1011
Option - 4 20
4. 1091
Multi. Resp. -

Nearly one fourth of the students could do correctly. Surprisingly 75% students were not clear about the
concept of Carry.

Q.No. 9 : Smallest number divisible by two given number

Which smallest 3-digit number is exactly divisible by both 5 and 6? Scale Score 292

1. 150 Missing 5
2. 120 Option - 1 17
3. 105
Option - 2 25
4. 102
Option - 3 16

Option - 4 36

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question three digit numbers were given. Students were asked to identify a number out of the
given numbers which is divisible by both 5 and 6. Only 25% students could identify the correct number.
Surprisingly, about 36% students simply selected the smallest 3-digit number out of the given numbers.

Q.No. 12 : Computation of difference of two (4 digit numbers) with borrowing

9607 – 8268 is equal to... Scale Score 239

1. 1461 Missing 6
2. 1449 Option - 1 18
3. 1439
Option - 2 21
4. 1339
Option - 3 17

Option - 4 37

Multi. Resp. 1

About 37% students could compute the difference of given numbers correctly. It indicates that more
than half of the students were not much familiar with the concept of borrowing.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 20 : Computation of difference of two numbers with property of borrowing in simple format
1200 Scale Score 237

– 972 Missing 5
? Option - 1 14
1. 338 Option - 2 18
2. 238
Option - 3 24
3. 328
Option - 4 39
4. 228
Multi. Resp. 1

In this question a 3 digit number was to be subtracted from a 4 digit number by borrowing. Only 39%
students could compute correctly.

Q.No. 22 : Difference between two numbers with carry (5/6 digit numbers)
The difference between 939852 and 43234 is... Scale Score 258

1. 507512 Missing 4
2. 896618 Option - 1 13
3. 896628
Option - 2 30
4. 983086
Option - 3 18

Option - 4 35

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 30% students could find out the correct answer. However, 35% students simply added the
numbers instead of subtracting.

Q.No. 29 : Simple multiplication of numbers

In the following question, which number will be in the ? Scale Score 227

24 Missing 5
× Option - 1 22

Option - 2 14
Option - 3 9

1. 16 Option - 4 49
2. 11 Multi. Resp. 1
3. 7
4. 6
Nearly half of the students could find out the correct answer.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 34 : Computation of value using information given in chart form

1 Scale Score 261
The following chart shows the price of some vegetables. Rabiya wants 2 kg
2 Missing 8
tomatoes. How much she will pay?
Option - 1 22
Rate List
Items Price in Rs (Per kg) Option - 2 33
Tomatoes 14
Option - 3 20
Potatoes 20
Onions 10 Option - 4 17
1. Rs 50
Multi. Resp. 1
2. Rs 35
3. Rs 34
4. Rs 30
Only 33% students could compute the required value. Remaining students could not interpret the
information given in the chart.

Q.No. 35 : Recognising the appropriate operation in given situation

Aditya made 56 laddoos. He put equal number of laddoos on 8 plates. Which of the Scale Score 254
following shows the number of laddoos on each plate?
Missing 8
1. 56 + 8
Option - 1 23
2. 56 – 8
Option - 2 15
3. 56 ÷ 8
4. 56 × 8 Option - 3 37

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. 1

About 37% students could recognise the appropriate operation (division) for putting objects in equal

Q.No. 36 : Relationship between two measures of time

Number of hours in a week is... Scale Score 244

1. 72 Missing 9
2. 84 Option - 1 20
3. 144
Option - 2 18
4. 168
Option - 3 19

Option - 4 35

Multi. Resp. -

Only 35% students could recognise the appropriate answer.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 39 : Computation of divisor using dividend, remainder and relationship

Scale Score 277
If ÷ 25 = 9, then the number in the will be...
1. 34 Missing 8

25 Option - 1 14
Option - 2 28
3. Option - 3 18
4. 225 Option - 4 31

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 31% students could find out correct answer. More than half of the students selected wrong options
out of confusion.

Q.No. 45 : Computation of how much a number is greater/smaller than other

How much greater is 555 than 198? Scale Score 261
1. 357 Missing 5
2. 358
Option - 1 27
3. 367
Option - 2 15
4. 753
Option - 3 13

Option - 4 39

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question students were asked to compute that 555 is how much greater than 198. Only 27%
students could do correctly. Surprisingly about 39% students added both digits.

Q.No. 49 : Computation of difference in place values digits of number are interchanged

The digits 3 and 4 of the number 354 are inter-changed to form a new number. What is Scale Score 280
the difference between the new number and the original number?
Missing 6
1. 99
Option - 1 28
2. 101
3. 109 Option - 2 19
4. 199 Option - 3 16

Option - 4 31

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 28% students could compute difference correctly. Remaining could not find out the difference
between the original number and the new number formed after interchanging the digits.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 54 : Computation of multiplicative sum of two numbers

90 × 305 = ? Scale Score 240
1. 3150 Missing 7
2. 7470
Option - 1 20
3. 27450
Option - 2 13
4. 270450
Option - 3 40

Option - 4 19

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question students were required to multiply a two digit number with a three digit number. Only
40% students could do correctly.

Q.No. 55 : Denominator of equivalent fraction

3 9 Scale Score 276
If  , then the number in the will be...
8 Missing 9
1. 8
Option - 1 21
2. 12
Option - 2 19
3. 14
4. 24 Option - 3 18

Option - 4 33

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 33% students responded correctly. More than half of the students could not select the appropriate
denominator to make the two fractions equivalent.

Q.No. 56 : Computation of time after a given time period

What will be the correct time exactly 75 minutes after 2:00 p.m.? Scale Score 271
1. 2 : 45 p.m. Missing 8
2. 2 : 75 p.m.
Option - 1 8
3. 3 : 15 p.m.
Option - 2 41
4. 3 : 45 p.m.
Option - 3 28

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question students were asked to compute the time exactly 75 minutes after 2:00 p.m. Only 28%
students could do correctly. About 41% students selected the option 2:75 p.m. It indicates that they are
not clear about addition of minutes in the given hours.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 59 : Average of given data

The rainfall in a town in five consecutive months was recorded as 2 cm, 5 cm, 11 cm, Scale Score 275
8 cm and 4 cm respectively. The average rainfall in the town was
Missing 8
1. 2 cm
Option - 1 11
2. 5 cm
3. 6 cm Option - 2 19
4. 11 cm Option - 3 28

Option - 4 34

Multi. Resp. 2

Only 28% students could compute the average of the given digits. While about 34% students selected
the highest number as average of all given numbers.

Q.No. 65 : Relationship between divisor and dividend

If 654 ÷ 6 = , then the number in the will be... Scale Score 278
1. 19 Missing 5
2. 100
Option - 1 32
3. 109
Option - 2 10
4. 648
Option - 3 29

Option - 4 22

Multi. Resp. 2

Only 29% students could answer correctly. About 32% students were confused and opted the wrong
option 1.

Q.No. 69 : Computation of value given in different units

Five jugs full of water are required to fill up a bucket. If a tank needs 15 bucket full Scale Score 229
of water to fill it up, total jugs of water required to fill up the tank.
Missing 4
1. 15
Option - 1 14
2. 20
3. 50 Option - 2 20
4. 75 Option - 3 13

Option - 4 48

Multi. Resp. -

Nearly half of the students could answer correctly. However, remaining students could not compute.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 74 : Sum of a simple multiplication of numbers

5 Scale Score 261
If  , then the number in the is...
6 24 Missing 9
1. 5 Option - 1 19
2. 18
Option - 2 17
3. 20
Option - 3 31
4. 23
Option - 4 23

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 31% students could compute correctly.

Q.No. 75 : Sum of the fractional number with different denominator

2 3 Scale Score 325
 is equal to...
3 5 Missing 9
2+3 Option - 1 20
3 5
Option - 2 22
2 3  3 5
2. Option - 3 26
3 5
2+3 Option - 4 21
35 Multi. Resp. 2
2 5  3 3
3 5
Only 21% students could do this correctly. Majority of students were not clear about the method of
finding the sum of fractions.

Q.No. 76 : Days in week after days interval

If today is Tuesday, which day will be 10th day after today? Scale Score 257

1. Thursday Missing 5
2. Friday Option - 1 15
3. Saturday
Option - 2 39
4. Tuesday
Option - 3 25

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. 1

In this question students were asked the day after 10 days from today (Tuesday). Only 39% students
could compute correctly. While remaining students could not compute the day correctly that will be
after 10 days from Tuesday.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 79 : Using fundamental operation in conditional situation

There are 250 rooms in a hostel. Students are staying in 225 rooms. How many rooms Scale Score 271
are vacant if the warden is staying in 2 rooms?
Missing 7
1. 21
Option - 1 10
2. 23
3. 25 Option - 2 28

4. 27 Option - 3 35

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 28% students could compute correctly. However, about 35% students selected option 3, i.e.; 25
without subtracting the number of rooms occupied by the warden.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

What Students Can Do?

Items responded correctly by 50% and more Students in Mathematics
Item Scale Item %
Content Area
No. Score Description Correct

1 241 Place value of a digit in the given number 51

Computation of difference of place value of a digit

17 245 51
in a given number

Matching two values given in different measuring

18 205 60
units (length)
31 211 Number name of a given number 56

51 210 Smallest four digit number 55

71 223 Place value of the number 50

8 179 Sides of a given geometrical figure 72

14 168 Geometry Figure of a triangle 80

42 208 Recognising geometrical figures 60

Matching the value represented in different

13 224 53
measuring units (capacity)
46 214 Reading the time in a clock 54

21 192 Sum of two digits with carry 70

Number System
44 184 Sum of two four digit numbers 72

64 228 Simple multiplication sum in simple format 57

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Sample Items: Items responded correctly by 50% and more Students in Mathematics.
Q.No. 14 : Figure of a triangle
Which of the following figures is a triangle? Scale Score 168

Missing 2

1. Option - 1 6

Option - 2 7

2. Option - 3 4

Option - 4 80
3. Multi. Resp. 1


About 80% students could recognize triangle out of the given figures.

Q.No. 44 : Sum of two four digit numbers
Scale Score 184
Missing 3
+ 2699
? Option - 1 6

Option - 2 72
1. 9799
Option - 3 7
2. 9709
3. 9699 Option - 4 11

4. 9609 Multi. Resp. 1

About 72% students could do the sum of two four digit numbers correctly.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Science (EVS)

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

 In Andaman & 58 50 58 64
Nicobar Islands, (23.4) (21.4) 49
(33.7) 43 (27.4)
44 44
(26.6) (32.4) (29.8) 37
scores of students (23.4) (26.8) (24.9)
were lower than
the overall
average on all the State
content areas.
Family and Food Shelter Water Travel Real Life

Family &
Food Shelter Water Travel Real Life

State 51 43 44 60 44 38  On each content area, average

scores of both boys and girls were

Overall 57 49 58 64 49 44 lower than the overall average.
 Performance of girls was at par with
State 49 39 41 55 44 37 boys on the content area of ‘Travel’,

however, their performance was

Overall 58 48 58 64 49 43 higher than boys on all the other
content areas.

 On each content area, average scores of State 46 39 38 53 39 33

both rural and urban students were

lower than the overall average. Overall 57 47 56 64 49 43
 Rural students achieved higher than
their counterparts on all the content State 52 43 46 60 47 40

areas of EVS.
Overall 58 49 59 63 49 44

Social Groups
 For all the social groups, average

State 50 42 43 58 44 38
scores on each content area were
Overall 59 50 58 65 50 45 lower than the overall average,
except for ST category students on
State 52 42 47 60 46 37
the content area ‘Real Life’.

Overall 58 51 60 64 50 45  ST category students scored

State 52 38 46 61 49 43 higher than SC students on all the
content areas.

Overall 58 45 58 64 50 41

State 39 35 34 45 34 31

Overall 55 49 57 62 48 43

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Learning Gaps: Items responded correctly by Less than 50% Students in EVS.
Q.No. 11 : Relating characteristics of plants with their habitat
Which of the following plants grows naturally in the desert? Scale Score 235

1. lotus Missing 2
2. cactus Option - 1 23
3. marigold Option - 2 43
4. deodar
Option - 3 19

Option - 4 13

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 43% students answered correctly i.e. cactus. Nearly 23% students responded ‘Lotus’ which is
wrong answer. It states that students do not know about the desert and type of plants that grow in

Q.No. 26 : Importance of team work

A team can show better results if its members Scale Score 251

1. are worried about results. Missing 3

2. show the team spirit. Option - 1 15
3. play for themselves. Option - 2 44
4. criticise each other.
Option - 3 25

Option - 4 13

Multi. Resp. -

In this question students were asked about importance of team work. About 44% students responded

Q.No. 27 : Stages of seed germination

Look at the pictures below. Scale Score 264

Missing 2

Option - 1 13

Option - 2 25

Which order shows the germination of a seed? Option - 3 19

1. D, B, A, C Option - 4 40
2. C, A, B, D Multi. Resp. 1
3. D, B, C, A
4. C, B, A, D
About 40% students could identify the figures (pictures) related to seed germination in correct order.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 33 : Edible part of carrot

Which part of the carrot plant is eaten? Scale Score 256

1. flower Missing 2
2. leaves
Option - 1 17
3. stem
Option - 2 19
4. root
Option - 3 21

Option - 4 41

Multi. Resp. -

Out of the total about 41% of students know that root is edible part of carrot. Further, about 21%
students understand that 'stem' is edible part of carrot.

Q.No. 34 : Relation between the weather and breathe air

The air coming out of your mouth is felt hottest in ____________. Scale Score 273
1. summer Missing 3
2. winter
Option - 1 40
3. the rainy season
Option - 2 30
4. spring
Option - 3 16

Option - 4 11

Multi. Resp. 1

About 30% students could relate that air coming out of our mouth is felt hottest in winter. While 40%
students had opted first option as summer.

Q.No. 36 : Measuring instruments used to see small organism

Which of the following instrument is used best to see very small organisms? Scale Score 264

Missing 2

Option - 1 20

Option - 2 16
1. A Option - 3 44
2. B
Option - 4 18
3. C
Multi. Resp. 1
4. D
Only 44% students could identify correctly that microscope is used to see very small organisms among
other instruments. However 20% students were confused and they opted magnifying lens for seeing
very small organism. The reason may be, they have not seen microscope. Besides, they have observed
use of magnifying glass in their real life by their grandparents.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 40 : Effects of cutting down of trees

Rapidly cutting down many trees in a forest leads to ____________. Scale Score 249

1. increase in soil erosion Missing 4

2. increase in wild life population Option - 1 24
3. increase in rainfall Option - 2 27
4. increase in soil fertility
Option - 3 28

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. -

Only 24% students know that rapidly cutting down many trees in the forest leads to increase in soil
erosion. While 28% think that it leads to increase in rainfall.

Q.No. 43 : Process of breathing

During breathing when we inhale air our chest ____________. Scale Score 284

1. contracts Missing 2
2. expands Option - 1 20
3. vibrates Option - 2 33
4. heats up
Option - 3 23

Option - 4 22

Multi. Resp. -

This question is related with students’ knowledge about process of breathing. Only 33% students know
that during breathing when we inhale air our chest expands.

Q.No. 45 : Relationship in family tree

Direction: Family tree of Meena is shown below. Based on the figure answer the Scale Score 240
questions 45, 46 and 47.
Missing 1
Option - 1 20
Option - 2 42
Option - 3 18
Option - 4 19
Rakesh gets married. What will be the relation of his wife with Meena?
Multi. Resp. -
1. sister
2. sister-in-law
3. mother
4. daughter-in-law
This question was based on given family tree figure. About 42% students could find out the correct

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 46 : Establishing relationships on the basis of family tree

Rakesh and his wife are blessed with a son. What will be the son’s relationship with Scale Score 234
Missing 2
1. grandson
2. son Option - 1 42

3. brother Option - 2 20
4. brother-in-law Option - 3 21

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. -

This question was based on given family tree figure. Only 42% students could find out the correct

Q.No. 47 : Critical analysis of the family tree

Rakesh is transferred to some other place and lives like a nuclear family. Now how Scale Score 250
many members are staying in Meena’s family?
Missing 4
1. 4
Option - 1 36
2. 5
3. 6 Option - 2 33
4. 7 Option - 3 13

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. -

This question was based on given family tree figure. In this question students were asked to find out
total family members. About 36% students could find out the correct members of the family.

Q.No. 58 : Edible part of sweet potato

Which part of the sweet potato plant is eaten? Scale Score 291
1. root Missing 3
2. stem
Option - 1 40
3. leaves
Option - 2 14
4. fruit
Option - 3 12

Option - 4 31

Multi. Resp. -

About 40% students identified that root of the sweet potato plant is eaten. But 31% students know that
fruit of sweet potato plant is eaten.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 64 : Importance of wild animals in eco system

Wild animals should be protected because ____________. Scale Score 269
1. they are an important part of the eco system Missing 1
2. they live in forests
Option - 1 27
3. children love them
Option - 2 39
4. they do not need houses to live in
Option - 3 17

Option - 4 15

Multi. Resp. -

Only 27% students could explain that wild animals are important part of eco system and should be
protected. Surprisingly 39% students understood that wild animals should be protected because they
live in forests.

Q.No. 70 : Importance of forest in human life

Read statements A, B and C about forests. Scale Score 338
A. Forests provide us medicines, herbs and bamboos. Missing 3
B. Forests help in maintaining our climate.
Option - 1 26
C. Forests provide us foods.
Option - 2 17
Which statements are true?
1. A and B only Option - 3 18

2. A and C only Option - 4 35

3. B and C only
Multi. Resp. 2
4. A, B and C
Given all the three statements were indicating the importance of forests. Only 35% students could select
the right combination of the statements. While 26% students selected option 1, they think that ‘Forests
provide us food’ is not the right statement.

Q.No. 72 : Animals give birth to babies

Which group of animals give birth to babies? Scale Score 225
1. lizard, snake, crocodile Missing 2
2. mosquito, honey bee, house fly
Option - 1 16
3. cow, rabbit, whale
Option - 2 19
4. ostrich, hen, crow
Option - 3 49

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. -

Nearly half of the students could identify the group of animals that give birth to babies.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 78 : Interpreting the data given in the graph

Direction : Look at the graph and answer the question. Scale Score 253

1000 Missing 2
What is the rate of heartbeat of a mouse?

Heartbeat per minute

Option - 1 16
1. 80 beats per minute 600
2. 150 beats per minute 400 Option - 2 12

3. 500 beats per minute 200

Option - 3 43
4. 1000 beats per minute
Elephant Mouse Dog Squirrel Option - 4 26
Rates of heartbeats of different animals
Multi. Resp. -

Only 43% students could interpret the information given in the graph related with the rate of heartbeat
of mouse.

Q.No. 79 : Trends of growth

Direction : Use the information in the table to answer questions 79 and 80. Scale Score 246
How much does the plant grow each day? Missing 2
Day Heights of the plant (cm)
1. 0.5 cm Day 1 0.5
Option - 1 37
2. 1.0 cm Day 2 1.0
Day 3 1.5 Option - 2 18
3. 1.5 cm
Day 4 2.0
4. 2.0 cm Option - 3 19
Day 5 2.5
Option - 4 24

Multi. Resp. -

About 37% students could read the data in the given table and find out the trend of growth in plant.

Q.No. 80 : Trends of growth

What will be the height of the plant on day 6 if it continues to grow in the same way? Scale Score 254
1. 4.5 cm Missing 2
2. 4.0 cm
Option - 1 20
3. 3.5 cm
Option - 2 17
4. 3.0 cm
Option - 3 19

Option - 4 41

Multi. Resp. -

Only 41% students could predict the growth of the plant on a specific day on the basis of data provided
in the table.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 12 : Vitamins and their deficiency causing diseases
Night-blindness is due to the deficiency of ____________. Scale Score 249
1. proteins Missing 2
2. vitamin C
Option - 1 19
3. vitamin A
Option - 2 20
4. carbohydrates
Option - 3 39

Option - 4 19

Multi. Resp. -

Only 39% students know that deficiency of vitamin A causes night blindness. However, 20% students
have misconception that night blindness is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C.

Q.No. 21 : Effect of food items on health

Which of the following food items help in keeping our gums healthy? Scale Score 290
1. sweets Missing 2
2. nuts
Option - 1 12
3. oranges
Option - 2 35
4. chocolates
Option - 3 39

Option - 4 12

Multi. Resp. -

Only 39% students have responded correctly that oranges help in keeping our gums healthy. While
35% students have wrong information that nuts keeps our gums healthy.

Q.No. 22 : Different types of clothes and their properties

While cooking food in the kitchen, it is safer to wear _______________. Scale Score 228
1. silk clothes Missing 3
2. nylon clothes
Option - 1 17
3. terricot clothes
Option - 2 14
4. cotton clothes
Option - 3 20

Option - 4 46

Multi. Resp. -

About 46% students could respond correctly that cotton clothes are safer to wear while cooking food in
the kitchen.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 35 : Process of preservation of pickles

Pickles can be preserved using ____________. Scale Score 250
1. salt Missing 2
2. garam masala
Option - 1 46
3. aniseed (saunf)
Option - 2 22
4. garlic
Option - 3 13

Option - 4 17

Multi. Resp. -

Only 46% students know that pickles can be preserved using salt. However, 22% students have wrong
information that pickles can be preserved using ‘garam masala’.

Q.No. 41 : Components of food /diet and their functions

Which of the following promotes body-building and growth? Scale Score 290
1. carbohydrates Missing 2
2. fats
Option - 1 26
3. proteins
Option - 2 19
4. minerals
Option - 3 39

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. -

About 39% students have knowledge that proteins promote body building and growth. But 26%
students have said that body building and growth was promoted by carbohydrates.

Q.No. 48 : Energy giving nutrient

Which one of the following are energy giving nutrients? Scale Score 333

1. carbohydrates Missing 2
2. minerals Option - 1 25
3. proteins
Option - 2 19
4. vitamins
Option - 3 21

Option - 4 31

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 25% students are aware that carbohydrates are energy giving nutrients. While 31% students
have misconception that 'Vitamins' are energy giving nutrients.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 52 : Deficiency disease due to lack of iron

Lack of iron in human body causes ____________. Scale Score 270
1. anaemia Missing 2
2. malaria
Option - 1 41
3. rickets
Option - 2 21
4. night blindness
Option - 3 20

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. -

About 41% students have responded correctly that lack of iron in human body causes anemia. But 21%
students have wrong information that malaria is caused due to lack of iron.

Q.No. 62 : Areas of tongue for different taste

Which part of the tongue senses sweetness? Scale Score 289
1. A Missing -
2. B
Option - 1 37
3. C
Option - 2 23
4. D
Option - 3 21

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. -

In this question a figure indicating different areas of a child's tongue was shown. Students were asked to
identify the area of tongue which senses sweetness. Only 37% students could identify correctly.

Q.No. 76 : Animal source of food

Asha has a meal of bread, milk and egg. Which foods are from animals? Scale Score 237
1. bread and eggs Missing 2
2. milk and bread
Option - 1 11
3. milk and egg
Option - 2 20
4. bread, milk and egg
Option - 3 46

Option - 4 22

Multi. Resp. -

Only 46% students are aware that both milk and egg are obtained from animals.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 24 : House roofs in different geographical conditions
Houses in areas of heavy rainfall should have ____________. Scale Score 240
1. flat roofs Missing 2
2. mud roofs
Option - 1 22
3. sloping roofs
Option - 2 20
4. thatched roofs
Option - 3 42

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 42% students know that houses in areas of heavy rainfall should have sloping roofs.

Q.No. 28 : Problems of population explosion

The problems of unemployment and housing in India are mainly because of Scale Score 240
1. information explosion. Missing 2
2. technological advancement.
Option - 1 17
3. knowledge development.
Option - 2 17
4. population explosion.
Option - 3 27

Option - 4 38

Multi. Resp. -

In this question students were asked the main reason of the problem of unemployment and housing in
India. About 38% could respond correctly, i.e., population explosion. However, 27% students
responded 'knowledge development’ is the main reason.

Q.No. 32 : Reason for construction of Dams

Dams are constructed mainly for ____________. Scale Score 251
1. shifting the surrounding villages Missing 3
2. tourism purposes
Option - 1 20
3. producing electricity and for irrigation
Option - 2 20
4. making fish ponds
Option - 3 35

Option - 4 23

Multi. Resp. -

Only 35% students explained that dams are constructed mainly for producing electricity and for
irrigation. While 23% students have misconception that dams can also be constructed for making fish

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 9 : Interpreting the information given in the graph
Direction: Renu’s classmates measured rainfall for a week. Based on the chart please Scale Score 249
answer question.
Missing 2
What was the rainfall on
Wednesday? Option - 1 35

1. 8 mm Option - 2 37

2. 7 mm Option - 3 15

3. 5 mm Option - 4 10
4. 4 mm Multi. Resp. -

About 37% students could answer correctly. Remaining students could not interpret the information
given in the graph correctly.

Q.No. 30 : Cause and effect relationship between climatic conditions and evaporation
Look at the pictures. The same amount of water is put in each glass and each bowl. Scale Score 250
They are left in the sun or the shade. After five hours which will have lost most water?
Missing 1

Option - 1 20

Option - 2 49
1. A Option - 3 17
2. B
Option - 4 12
3. C
Multi. Resp. 1
4. D
This question is based on pictures showing climate and containers having equal amount of water.
Nearly half of the students could establish relationship between size of container and climate conditions
with respect to evaporation of water correctly.

Q.No. 67 : Suitable conditions for breeding of mosquitoes

Mosquito can breed most easily in ____________. Scale Score 218

1. water collected in pits Missing 1

2. pond with fish in it Option - 1 49
3. clean and covered tanks
Option - 2 19
4. water flowing in rivers
Option - 3 14

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. -

In this question students were asked about the best condition for breeding of mosquitoes. Nearly half of
the students know that water collected in pits is suitable for breeding of mosquitoes. It indicates, either
the students could not understand the question or they have misconception.
NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 75 : Benefits of boiling water

People boil water to make it fit for drinking because boiling removes _______. Scale Score 220
1. germs and bacteria Missing 2
2. dissolved salt
Option - 1 43
3. suspended particles
Option - 2 24
4. minerals
Option - 3 13

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. -

About 43% students could respond to this item correctly.

Q.No. 4 : Sources of energy and their uses
Which source of energy does NOT pollute our environment when we use it to Scale Score 218
produce heat?
Missing 2
1. petrol
Option - 1 18
2. sun light
3. wood Option - 2 48

4. coal Option - 3 17

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. -

In this question student were asked 'which source of energy does not pollute our environment when we
use it to produce heat'. Only 48% students responded correctly i.e. sunlight.

Q.No. 15 : Forms of energy with their relevance to home

Which of the following forms of energy is NOT commonly used at home? Scale Score 262
1. wind Missing 2
2. nuclear
Option - 1 25
3. heat
Option - 2 31
4. electrical
Option - 3 21

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. 1

Out of the total students only 31% students know that nuclear energy is not commonly used at home.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 37 : Least polluting mode of transportation

Which one of these modes of travelling does NOT cause pollution in the Scale Score 252
Missing 4
1. travelling in an aeroplane
2. sailing in a motor boat Option - 1 24

3. driving a car Option - 2 19

4. riding a bicycle Option - 3 20

Option - 4 34

Multi. Resp. -

Out of total students only 34% students know that Riding a bicycle does not cause pollution in the
surroundings. However, 24% students think that aero plane does not cause pollution.

Q.No. 44 : Sources of energy and their by product

Which one of the following sources of energy produces carbon dioxide? Scale Score 296
1. solar energy Missing 3
2. energy from coal
Option - 1 27
3. wind energy
Option - 2 31
4. hydrothermal energy
Option - 3 25

Option - 4 15

Multi. Resp. -

Only 31% students know that carbon dioxide gas is produced by coal. While 27% students responded as
‘solar energy’.

Q.No. 57 : Importance of historical monuments

Which is a wrong practice when we visit historical monuments? Scale Score 261

1. taking photographs Missing 3

2. singing and dancing in the premises Option - 1 18
3. writing our names on its walls Option - 2 21
4. throwing garbage into the dustbins
Option - 3 41

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. -

Only 41% of students know that writing names on the walls of historical monuments is a wrong

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 65 : Least polluting fuel

When burning, which of the following causes least air pollution? Scale Score 277

1. petrol Missing 1

2. biogas Option - 1 28

3. wood Option - 2 33
4. coal Option - 3 20

Option - 4 18

Multi. Resp. -

This question aims at identifying least polluting fuel on the basis of their combustion. About one third
students could answer correctly that on burning biogas causes least air pollution as compared to
petrol, wood and coal. However, 28 % students think that on burning petrol causes least pollution.

Q.No. 7 : Neighboring country of India
Which one of these is our neighbouring country? Scale Score 250

1. Bhutan Missing 1
2. Iran Option - 1 36
3. U.S.A. Option - 2 12
4. Australia
Option - 3 31

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. -

Only 36% students know that Bhutan is our neighboring country. Further, about 31% selected USA as
neighboring country of India.

Q.No. 10 : Interpreting the graph

A flag is tied to a bamboo to measure the wind strength as shown below. Scale Score 272

Missing 2
Option - 1 7
Option - 2 38
Choose the correct order that shows the wind strength from the strongest to the
weakest. Option - 3 43

1. 3, 4, 2, 1 Option - 4 10
2. 3, 4, 1, 2 Multi. Resp. -
3. 3, 1, 4, 2
4. 3, 2, 1, 4
About 38% students could give correct order of flag showing the wind strength from the strongest to
the weakest.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 16 : Phenomena of lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse occurs when Scale Score 351
1. the sun is between the moon and the earth. Missing 3
2. the moon is between the sun and the earth. Option - 1 21
3. the earth is between the sun and the moon. Option - 2 27
4. the Jupiter is between the sun and the moon.
Option - 3 31
Option - 4 18
Multi. Resp. 1

Only 31% students know that lunar eclipse occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon.
About 27% students understand that lunar eclipse occurs when 'the moon is between the sun and the

Q.No. 23 : Measuring apparatus with the quantity of water

Which of these is the best used to measure 5 milliliters of water? Scale Score 333

Missing 2
Option - 1 22
Option - 2 14
Option - 3 32
1. A
Option - 4 30
2. B
Multi. Resp. 1
3. C
4. D
Only 22% students could relate that spoon is best used to measure 5 milliliter of water. Majority of the
students were not clear about measuring apparatus and as a result they (32%) have selected bucket
for measuring 5 milliliter of water.

Q.No. 29 : Relationship between motion and gravity

Which one of the following motions is only due to gravity? Scale Score 242

1. A train going up to a hill. Missing 2

2. A train coming down a hill.
Option - 1 16
3. A mango falling freely from a tree.
Option - 2 21
4. A football rolling on a plain ground.
Option - 3 41

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. -

About 41% students know that a mango falls freely from a tree due to gravity. Others are not clear
they think that a train going up to a hill or coming down a hill or a football rolling on a plain ground is
due to gravity.
NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 31 : Neighboring country of India

Which one of these is NOT our neighbouring country? Scale Score 260

1. Pakistan Missing 2
2. China
Option - 1 28
3. Nepal
Option - 2 21
4. Iran
Option - 3 16

Option - 4 33

Multi. Resp. -

Only 33% students identified that Iran is not our neighbouring country. While 28% students have
wrong information that Pakistan is not a neighbouring country of India.

Q.No. 39 : Co-relating properties of oil with water

Oil is spread on stagnant water to _________________. Scale Score 272

1. kill fishes Missing 3

2. kill mosquito larvae
Option - 1 18
3. remove smell
Option - 2 44
4. make water layer shining
Option - 3 16

Option - 4 19

Multi. Resp. -

About 44% students know that oil is spread on stagnant water to kill mosquito larvae.

Q.No. 49 : Effect of exhaled air on mirror

A part of the mirror clouds up when you breathe on it because of ____________. Scale Score 302
1. water vapour from your breath Missing 3
2. carbon dioxide from your breath
Option - 1 28
3. oxygen from your breath
Option - 2 26
4. nitrogen around you
Option - 3 26

Option - 4 16

Multi. Resp. -

About 28% students know that it is the water vapour that clouds the mirror when we breathe on it.
However, 26% students think that it is because of carbon dioxide and same percentage of students (i.e.;
26%) think that it is because of oxygen from our breath.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 56 : Dissolving property of kerosene

Ramesh uses kerosene oil to clean paint from his hand instead of water Scale Score 237
because ____________.
Missing 3
1. kerosene is soft
Option - 1 19
2. kerosene smells good
3. the paint dissolves in kerosene Option - 2 19

4. kerosene is easily available Option - 3 45

Option - 4 14

Multi. Resp. -

In this question students have to give reason that why a person uses kerosene oil to clean paint from his
hand instead of water? Only 45% gave the correct reason, i.e. the paint dissolves in kerosene. Others
were not clear about the dissolving property of kerosene.

Q.No. 59 : Locating Jim Corbett Park in the map

Direction: Use the information in the map to Scale Score 241
answer the question.
Missing 2
In which part of India does the Jim Corbett Park
lie? Option - 1 12

1. the eastern part Option - 2 45

2. the northern part Option - 3 15
3. the southern part
Option - 4 25
4. the western part
Multi. Resp. 1

About 45% students could locate the Jim Corbett park in the map.

Q.No. 60 : Locating Kaziranga Sanctuary in the map

Scale Score 238
Direction: Use the information in the map to answer the question.
In which part of India does the Kaziranga Missing 3
sanctuary lie?
Option - 1 49
1. the eastern part
Option - 2 20
2. the northern part
3. the southern part Option - 3 16

4. the western part Option - 4 11

Multi. Resp. 1

Nearly half of the students could locate Kaziranga Sanctuary in the given map.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 66 : Instrument for measuring temperature

Rahim pours hot water in one vessel and cold water in another vessel. Which of the Scale Score 263
following instruments will he use to compare the temperature of the water?
Missing 3
1. barometer
2. thermometer Option - 1 21

3. voltmeter Option - 2 33
4. hygrometer Option - 3 23

Option - 4 20

Multi. Resp. -

Only 33% students are aware that thermometer is used to measure the temperature of water.
Remaining are confused they think that barometer, voltmeter or hygrometer may be used for
measuring temperature of water.

Q.No. 69 : Direction in the map

Which is the direction shown by B? Scale Score 263
1. east Missing 2
2. north
Option - 1 43
3. south
Option - 2 15
4. west
Option - 3 17

Option - 4 23

Multi. Resp. 1

Only 43% students were able to find the right direction of the point marked in the given map.
Remaining were not able to find out the correct direction.

Q.No. 73 : Temperature measuring instrument

What does a doctor use to measure the body temperature? Scale Score 245
1. stethoscope Missing 2
2. stopwatch
Option - 1 19
3. lactometer
Option - 2 15
4. thermometer
Option - 3 22

Option - 4 41

Multi. Resp. -

Only 41% know that thermometer is used for measuring the body temperature. While about 22% think
that lactometer is used for measuring the body temperature.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Q.No. 74 : Water absorbing substances

Which of the substances given below does NOT absorb water? Scale Score 245

Missing 3

Option - 1 19

Option - 2 14

Option - 3 45
1. A
2. B Option - 4 19

3. C Multi. Resp. -
4. D
Only 45% students know that glass does not absorb water. Remaining students are not clear they think
chalk, cotton and sponge also do not absorb water.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

What Students Can Do?

Items responded correctly by 50% and more Students in EVS
Item Scale Content Item %
No. Score Area Description Correct
2 184 Habits and habitats of animals. 68

3 182 Classifying animals in different groups. 69

5 211 Egg laying animals. 65

18 197 Role of different parts of the plant. 61

19 185 Footprints of birds. 80

50 225 Family and Interpret the graph 51

51 209 Environment National game of India. 71

53 228 Animals and their habitat. 62

61 172 Flying birds and their features. 77

63 203 Function of nose 55

71 225 Functions of roots 50

77 214 Breathing in different conditions 58
1 230 Food Richest source of iron 53

14 215 Shelter Finding solution in the given situation. 50

6 218 Features of aquatic animals. 51

8 211 Interpreting the information given in the graph. 67

13 185 Mode of transmission of diseases. 75

20 231 Water Sources of water and their usage 60
38 215 Usage of water 51

42 201 Animals and their habitat. 56

55 199 Properties of solutes and solvents. 62

17 264 Different fuels with their properties 51

25 238 Travel Interrelate the thing around the earth 56

54 213 Means of transportation causing pollution. 58

68 224 Real life Direction in the map. 66

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Sample Items: Items responded correctly by 50% and more Students in EVS.
Q.No. 19 : Footprints of birds
Which is the footprint of a bird? Scale Score 185

Missing 1

Option - 1 5

Option - 2 9

1. A Option - 3 6
2. B Option - 4 80
3. C
Multi. Resp. -
4. D
About 80% students could identify the footprints of a bird from the given set of pictures.

Q.No. 13 : Mode of transmission of diseases
Which of the following diseases is spread by mosquitoes? Scale Score 185

1. pneumonia Missing 1
2. diarrhoea Option - 1 6
3. cholera
Option - 2 9
4. malaria
Option - 3 9

Option - 4 75

Multi. Resp. -

Data indicates that 75% students know that malaria is spread by mosquitoes.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS Subject wise Report

Sum up
Language (Reading Comprehension)

Overall, it may be concluded that the teachers need to work with their students to develop their
competence in reading at different levels. This can be done by presenting the students with unseen
texts of different varieties and asking them to read, understand and answer the given questions. The
problems in reading occur due to the fact that most of the language testing in our country is text book
based and only tests recall of information from the seen texts. As a result, students have no
opportunity to negotiate the unseen texts on their own. If they are made to read different kinds of
reading texts often during an academic session, they would certainly be able to perform better on
reading comprehension.


It could be concluded from the given results that students are lagging behind in some specific areas of
mathematics. In those areas it is advisable that teachers should identify the steps where students do
not understand the concept behind the problem or doing silly mistakes. Therefore, there is need of re
teaching and more practice in those areas. Besides some activities may also be organized so that they
may be able to overcome such type of problems. Moreover, in some areas students are doing well
upto some extent but there is still a need of mastery of these concepts.

Environmental Studies (EVS)

Data presented in the report reveals that in most of the content areas of Environmental Studies, some
concepts are not well understood by the students. In these content areas, less than half of the
students are responding correctly. There is a need to probe in these content areas and understand
how well these may be explained or learning experience may be provided so that students do not face
any problem in dealing with such type of questions.

Besides, the output of the study may also be included in teachers training (pre and in service)
programme to improve pedagogy aspect of teaching reading comprehension, mathematics and
environmental studies so that teachers use innovative methodology for motivating students during
teaching learning process.

NAS :: Class V (Cycle 3) DAMAN AND DIU Subject wise Report

The performance of students in a state is compared with overall
performance of students in the nation (overall of 31 states/UTs) on
the basis of gender, area and category. Besides, distracter analysis
is also presented for items to find out the learning gaps in each
subject content area. For this purpose such items were considered
for analysis where less than 50% students answered the item
correctly. The purpose of distracter analysis is to know where
students are doing mistakes and what are their misconceptions. The
report also shows what students can do in a specific content area by
analysing where 50% or more students answered item correctly.

The data from this survey will provide feedback to policy makers,
curriculum specialists, researchers and most importantly school
principals and teachers a 'snapshot' of where students are lagging
behind in content areas of a subject tested in a particular class.

Educational Survey Division

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