Contrast The Use Between Past Simple and Past Continuous PDF

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5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous


Contrast the use between

Past Simple and Past Continuous
affirmative, negative and interrogative form

Presentation / Objective 1/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous

The past sentences are very important. Due to the fact, that they allow us to describe actions or past events in history.

The past simple describes actions that happened in a specific moment in the past. On the other hand, the past continuous
describes actions that were in progress in the past.

In this topic, you will learn the difference between the past simple and the past continuous in the affirmative, negative and
interrogative form, and describe actions that took place in your life. At the same time, you will be able to talk and write about
your last vacations and contrast finished actions, mention the actions that were in progress in an specific moment, and finally
mention those actions that were happening simultaneously.

 Swipe left or right  2/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous


At the end of this topic you will:

Use the past simple and past continuous, describing short stories about your last vacation, in order to give
information in the past and to talk about actions that were in progress. 3/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple
The past tenses are important because they describe actions that took place in our lives.

The past simple is used to talk about finished actions in the past.

I traveled to Cancun last summer.
I visited the National Anthropology Museum.

Affirmative 

Negative 

Interrogative 

Wh-questions 

Past Continuous  4/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous

The past continuous is used to describe an action in progress at a specific moment in the past, or to describe
those actions that were interrupted by a short action in the past.

I was watching the game last Saturday at ten o’clock.

A rmative Negative Interrogative Wh-questions

A rmative
For the past continuous (affirmative) we use:

I was watching the game

You were watching the game
He was watching the game
She was watching the game
It was watching the game
You were watching the game
We were watching the game
They were watching the game

Were is used for the plural pronouns and was is used for the singular pronouns. 5/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Simple or Past Continuous

We often use the past continuous and the past simple in the same sentence. The action in the past
simple is short and usually unexpected. It interrupts the “longer” action which is usually in a past
continuous form.
For example:

What were you doing when the plane landed?

I was looking in my bag for my passport when I heard a shout.

We jumped into a car that was waiting for the bus stop

I was watching TV while my wife was sleeping.

When we have a sentence in past simple and another in past continuous we often use when and while,
but we have to take into consideration the following rules.

  Rule Examples 6/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous

When I took the photo, the kids were

When When is followed by a sentence in past simple.
The kids were playing when I took
the photo.

While I was having dinner, my father

While is followed by a sentence in past
My father arrived while I was having
While I was watching TV my mother
was cooking.
While is also used when two actions are
happening simultaneously.
I was watching TV while my mother
was cooking.


Activity 1
Something to remember 7/17
5/3/2020 Contrast the use between Past Simple and Past Continuous

We really enjoy sharing our travelling experiences; we talk about

them with our family and friends.
Nowadays, this information can be read by people that we don’t even know. Due to the fact, that we post this
information on the web.

Read how Natasha and Bruno’s family spend the last vacations in the blog "My last vacation

Adam, R. (2007). Alpes [Photography].

Taken from

Activity 1


Activity 2 8/17

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